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May 20,2014
Hon. Frank Oberle
Minister of Aboriginal Relations
Aboriginal Relations
420 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
Phone: 780422-4144
Fax: 780 644-8389
Minister Oberle,
I write to you today in follow up to our previous correspondence with your predecessor, Aboriginal
Relations Minister Robin Campbell and to address a number of concerns relating to the actions of the
Alberta government against the Lubicon Lake Nation including: Alberta's consultation and
accommodation policies, a"federally endorsed' so-called election inFebruary 2013, and its detrimental
effects on Lubicon economy, community, and the social fabric of our nation. The lubicon Lake Nation
remains a sovereign nation with the sole authority to enter into negotiations regarding our lands and
resources in a Nation to Nation context with the Crown. This authority cannot be transferred or assigned
without the consent of the Lubicon Lake Nation citizens in accordance with our laws, traditions and
customs. We are quite confident you are aware of the boundaries of Lubicon Lake Nation territory which
includes lands agreed upon in the Grimshaw Accord 1988.
As you are well aware, the Lubicon Lake Nation has previously expressed our disagreement with
Alberta's policies and implementation of its' duty to consult and accommodate the Lubicon Lake Nation
with regards to industrial development on Lubicon lands. We would also like to take this opportunity to
advise you of a serious intellectual property issue. It appears that the Government of Alberta is
advertising through its Consultation Contacts list, an entity which closely resembles or is intended to
misrepresent itself as the Government of the Lubicon lake Nation. The Lubicon Lake Nation is an
existing and registered public authority as recognized by the Government of Canada. Registration
documentation identifying our trademark is attached to this communication. The Government of
Alberta Consultation Contacts listing identifies a "tubicon Lake Band", with a contact of Wayne Auger
and a mailing address in St. Isidore, Alberta. There is no person named Wayne Auger employed by the
Lubicon Lake Nation and our mailing address remains unchanged from our Peace River post box. It is our
belief that this listing has been created in order to improperly redirect industry proponents away from
the Government of the Lubicon Lake Nation by representing another entity with a name designed to
confuse or closely represent our trademark. We request that this listing be edited or removed without
delay in order to remedy this situation.
780) 629-394 1'1:.!t (780) 629-3939 FAX 1'. . Box 6731 Pl:.ACE R1VER. AB 1'851S5
Your predecessor has also communicated to us and made reference to an entity he calls the "Lubicon
Lake Band", which we understand to be a fraudulent creation by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Canada (AAND-C). This is clearly yet another attempt to undermine the lawful government
of the Lubicon Lake Nation. As you stated publicly, AAND-C "endorsed" a fraudulent election which was
held outside of our communities, outside of our laws, without the involvement of our people or our
government. As you also mentioned, AAND-C and the Province have gone on to recognize the results of
this charade as some form of valid government. The Lubicon community has and will continue to contest
the validity ofthis process and its results, as previously indicated in over 100 letters from the community
to Minister Valcourt in March 2013, publicly denouncing the validity of those results and finally with the
Government of the Lubicon Lake Nation calling another election in accordance with our laws which was
held on May 30, 2013. This fraudulent interference by Canada into the governance of the Lubicon Lake
Nation is also currently before the courts referenced in a widely publicized court action taken by the
Lubicon Lake Nation against Alberta and Canada, filed in the Court of Queen's Bench in Calgary in J une,
To be clear, the Lubicon Lake Nation and its people are not represented in any form by any other entity
than the Government ofthe Lubicon Lake Nation as elected in accordance with The Government of the
Lubicon Lake People on May 30, 2013. The Government of the Lubicon Lake People is a document which
contains the partial codification of the laws that have governed our people since time immemorial;
which were approved during a General Assembly of the Lubicon Lake Nation in 1988. These laws have
not been changed or altered and continue to dictate our governance structure in accordance with our
inherent and aboriginal right to self-determination as protected by international law and the Canadian
Constitution. We believe you are aware of the results of the Lubicon Lake Nation General Election held
on May 30,2013, however, in the event you are unclear who our duly elected representatives are, a
copy ofthe ChiefElectoral Officer's report, supervised and authored by Loretta Pete Lambert, who also
acts as Chief Electoral Officer for the Assembly of First Nations, is attached to this communication.
Despite the large volume of revenue generated by resource industries in the Lubicon Lake Nation
territory, our people and communities remain well below the poverty line in some of the poorest
housing conditions in the country. It should be noted that new housing and renovations have rarely
been provided by AAND-C to the Lubicon Lake Nation. These are all ongoing issues which we have
previously made both you and your predecessor aware of. We have learned from our citizens, who have
been approached with offers of new homes, that new housing is being installed in our community in
some form. However, those Lubicon citizens indicate that they are being asked to align their political
beliefs with a 'band' and 'chief they do not recognize. These actions show that the provision of new
housing is less about addressing Lubicon needs, and more about furthering a federal political position
interfering with the self-determination ofthe Lubicon Lake Nation by bribing our citizens with housing
benefits that have been improperly withheld for decades. The Government of the Lubicon Lake Nation
wishes to discuss with you, what level of involvement your department has in these activities.
Over the last 20 years, the Lubicon Lake Nation has attempted to build a modern economy by serving
parts of the oil and gas industry within our territory. We experienced moderate success despite an often
unwilling industry. Our office has been made aware of specific messaging coming from your department
and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources (AESRD)to industry operators in our area,
specifically directing them to withhold contracts and employment from Lubicon Lake Nation contractors.
Actions taken by the Government of Alberta through its Aboriginal Relations, Environment and
Sustainable Resources, and Energy departments have decimated the local economy of our communities
and made a large portion of the Lubicon Lake Nation population who were gainfully employed through
those efforts, welfare dependant or otherwise unemployed, destroying over two decades of hard won
economic growth in the Lubicon Lake Nation community. We would very much like to discuss those
actions and the resulting effects on our community with you in detail at a face to face meeting.
We remain the sole holders of unextinguished Aboriginal Rights and Title to our land and resources and
wish to advise you, again, that we are not represented in any matter by the so-called "Lubicon Lake
Band", fraudulently created by AAND-C and referred to by your predecessor. Indian Band #453 is only a
creation of the Crown by Order in Council in 1973. It has no ability to hold Aboriginal Title or Aboriginal
Rights as they are vested in the collectivity of the Nation. This includes matters of consultation and
accommodation in accordance with the honor of the Crown as required by Canadian law, as well as the
principles of free prior and informed consent as required by the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous people which should be afforded to us, as lawful representatives of the Lubicon
Lake Nation. We trust that the Lubicon Lake Nation representatives will be added to the provincial listing
of Consultation Contacts for industry without delay. In order to assist with this, a copy of the Lubicon
Lake Nation Consultation Contacts is also attached to this communication.
Finally, given the desperate state of our community as a result of these issues, the Government of the
Lubicon Lake Nation feels a meeting with you personally should occur to address these outstanding
concerns. We would like to request a meeting between yourself and Chief Ominayak and the Lubicon
Lake Nation Council at the Lubicon Lake Nation Administration Office in Little Buffalo at your earliest
convenience. Please contact our office at (780) 629-3945 or myself directly at (780) 625-2576 or via
email to to arrange a mutually convenient time for such a meeting.
CC: J ames Anaya, United Nations;
World Council of Churches;
Dr. Nourredine Amir, United Nations;
Hon. Bernard Valcourt (Minister, AANDC);
J ames O'Reilly (O'Reilly et Associes);
Carolyn Bennett, MP (AANDC Critic, Liberal);
Reeve &Council, Northern Sunrise County
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Dave Hancock (Premier, Alberta);
J ustin Trudeau, MP (Liberal Leader);
J ean Crowder, MP (AANDC Critic, NDP);
Thomas Mulcair, MP (Opposition);
Terry Munro (Munro &Associates Inc.);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Of f i ce de l a pr opr l et e
Int el l ect uel l e
du canada
Un organisme
d'lnd~sbie Canada
Canadi an
Int el l ect ual Pr oper t y
Of f Ice
An Agency of
Industry Canada
Il estpar lapresente certifieque, dans le
J ournal desmarques decommerce date
du26decembre 2012, leregistraire des
marques decommerce a
donne, envertu du sous-alinea
9(1)(n)(iii) delaLoi sur les
marques de commerce, un
avispublic d'adoption et emploi
au Canadapar l'autorite
publique identifiee
ci-dessous delamarque
reproduite ci-apres commemarque
officielle pour desmarchandises et services.
Thisistocertify that intheTrade-marks
J ournal datedDecember 26,2012,
theRegistrar of Trade-marks
gavepublic noticeunder
subparagraph 9(1)(n)(iii)
of theTrade-marks Act
of theadoption and
useinCanadaby the
public authority identified
below of themark shown
below asanofficial
mark for wares andservices.
Numero dedossier
Autorite publique
Public Authority
Lubicon LakeNation
Registraire des marque. de commerce
Registrar ofTrade-marks
(CIPO 196) 11-10
oPlC Cl PO
FILE No.l No DOSSIER 920 865
Subpar agr aph 9(1)(n)(i i I)
07 j anv/Jan 2011
26 dec/Dec 2012
Lubicon LakeNation
P.O. Box 6731
Peace River
Act i on
correspondence created/correspondance creee
correspondence created/correspondance creee
correspondence created/correspondance creee
correspondence created/correspondance creee
accepted for publication/acceptee pour publication
extracted for advertisement/extrait pour publication
Dat e
2011103/16 Avis dereception 1Filing Notice
2011/04104 2011/10/04
2011109/09 2012/04/04 Extension of time
2012/03123 2012/10/04 Extension of time
2012/12/21 Vo1.59 Issue30352012/12/26
2012/12/26 Vo1.59 Issue3035
BF Comment s/Comment ai r es
28 oec/oec 2012
J F -93 -94 Page 1
The Chief Electoral Officer was appointed on April 27, 2013 for the purpose of
conducting the 2013 Lubicon Lake Nation General Election in accordance with the
custom code of the Lubicon Lake Nation. Upon discussion about the previous issues
relating to the election, the Chief Electoral Officer requested the use of legal counsel to
ensure not only preparation but supervision of the election to ensure all issues of voter
eligibility were prepared for.
As required by the Lubicon Lake Government document, at least 20 clear days are
required for the call of the Election. Therefore on May 8, 2012, the Chief and Council
declared an election as per the requirement. Also as per the requirement of section of
the Government, the Notice for the Lubicon Lake Nation General Election was posted
on May 8, 2013. The notice is attached as Appendix A.
Upon appointment, a legal analysis of all available EO reports and any pertinent case
lawthat would have applicability in the 2013 Election was done. Two issues were
isolated as critical:
1. the eligibility of voters regarding residency on Lubicon Lake Traditional
territory and
2. the procedure to be used in the possibility that at least 10 eligible electors
call for a secret ballot. .
The analysis is attached as Appendix B.
The two issues were not raised at the meeting. The Membership Clerk had prepared
two lists: the band membership list and the voter eligibility list.
Security was at the main doors to ensure that eligible voting members were only
allowed to enter the poll with the exception of some witnesses. The witnesses were
asked to sit at a table located in the front.
1. Pr eambl e:
Margaret Whitehead the Membership Clerk provided a map of the Lubicon Lake
Traditional Territory, a band list and an eligible voters' list. Such items are the property
of the First Nation and are not public documents.
The Chief Electoral Officer introduced herself and her legal counsel, Donald E Worme.
Loretta J Pete Lambert is from the Little Pine Cree Nation and Donald E Worme is from
the Kakacatoose First Nation, both in Saskatchewan. Loretta has at least 10years of
experience in the conducting of band custom and Indian Act elections. Mr. Worme has
at least 15years of experience providing legal counsel for electoral officers.
Loretta expressed her sincere thanks for the opportunity to be in the community to have
entrusted upon her the role as Chief Electoral Officer. The experience of executing a
traditional election is a truly humbling and honoring experience.
She asked Douglas Auger to come forward to sing a prayer song to start the meeting.
Douglas sang the song and the meeting started.
She then asked the incumbent Chief Bernard Ominayak to address the eligible voters
and witnesses (the non-voting and non-band members). Chief Ominayak spoke of the
sanctity of the leadership selection process and how such can be accomplished through
good acts and words. He asked that the membership present keep that in mind in this
Following the Chiefs words, Electoral Officer repeated the words both in Cree and in
English. The Electoral Officer states that she is honored to come and work for the
Lubicon Cree people and that this process of leadership selection is a traditional and
respectful process. She acknowledges that this nation is not a treaty band. From
reading the other reports from the previous Electoral Officers, there are certain
processes that need to be answered. Electoral Officer asks is there anyone here that
cannot vote or should not vote? Some raised their hands. They were asked to come sit
at the front side table. The Electoral Officer explained the process of the nomination and
the election.
The Electoral Officer raised the question of what will the process be if there is a tie for
the last position for councilor? Upon a brief reflection, the Electoral Officer decided that
the issue would be dealt with if it rises. Chief Bernard Ominayak agreed and then voters
concurred that the issue will be decided if it should rise.
Then the electoral officer introduced the counters. One of the counters identified is Don
E. Worme. He is legal counsel for the Electoral Officer. The others are local non-voting
individuals: Garrett Tomlinson and Elvis Whitefish, a nonmember. Each has a counting
mechanism that they will use for that purpose.
The meeting then proceeded to the Chief Nomination process. The Electoral-Officer
asked for nominations for chief.
8tephanie Laboucan
Martha Whitehead
Bernard Ominayak
the nomination.
The Electoral Officers called for more nominations. Three calls were made then the
Electoral Officer asked for a motion to cease nominations for chief candidates.
Brian Laboucan moves that nominations for Chief cease.
Margaret Whitehead seconds that motion.
73 electors in favor of the motion. Carried.
Electoral Officer publically announces that the Chief for the next ensuing term is
Bernard Ominayak.
The Electoral Officer calls for nomination for the position of councilor.
1. Alma Laboucan nominates
Yolanda Nahachick seconds
Brian Earl Laboucan
the nomination.
Electoral Officer asks if Bryan accepts his nomination.
Bryan Earl Laboucan accepts his nomination.
Electoral Officer asks Brian to speak. Bryan is thankful for his nomination and
indicates that he will do his best for the work ahead.
Call for other nominations.
2. Yolanda Nahachick nominates
Marina Noskey seconds
George Henry Whitehead
the. nomination
Electoral Officer asks if George accepts his nomination.
George Henry Whitehead accepts his nomination.
Call for other nominations.
3. Marcia Nahachick nominates
Waiter Whitehead seconds
Dwight Gladue
the nomination
Electoral Officer asks if Dwight accepts his nomination.
Dwight Gladue accepts his nomination.
Call for other nominations.
4. Rosanna Sawan
Alma Laboucan
Dwight Sawan
the nomination.
Electoral Officer asks if Dwight accepts his nomination.
Dwight Sawan accepts his nomination.
Call for other nominations.
5. Carla Laboucan
Rosie Whitehead
Larry Ominayak
the nomination
Electoral Officer asks if Larry Ominayak accepts his nomination.
Larry Ominayak accepts his nomination.
6. Linda Ominayak
Larry Ominayak
Alphonse Ominayak
the nomination
Electoral Officer asks if Alphonse Ominayak accepts his nomination.
Alphonse Ominayak accepts his nomination.
Electoral Officer recognizes that she did not offer the candidates to speak to the
electors after their nominations like she offered the first nominee. The other candidates
felt that they did not have to address the electors.
7. Alma Whitehead nominates
Winnie Whitehead seconds
Mark Laboucan
the nomination
Electoral Officer asks if Mark Loubacan accepts his nomination
Mark Loubican accepts his nomination.
Electoral Officer asks if Mark would like to address audience.
The Electoral Officer called for more nominations. Three calls were made. Electoral
Officer asked for a motion to have nominations cease for the Councillor positions.
Mot i on t o Cease Nomi nat i ons
Brian Laboucan moves that the nomination for the Councillor position cease.
George Whitehead seconds the nomination.
The Electoral Officer asked for a show of hands to support the motion. Motion carried.
Unanimous support. '
The Electoral Officer set a 15 minute break.
The electors assembled again in the room and all non-voting individuals were asked to
come to the front of the room. The counters enumerated the electors and found that
there were 78 eligible voters. The Electoral Officer explained that the individuals who
have been nominated will now be chosen by show of hands by the voters as per the
Custom of the Lubicon Lake Cree Nation
The names of the nominated candidates were called in order as they were nominated.
The counters if they did not synchronize their numbers were asked to count again.
Br i an Ear l Laboucan 70
Geor ge Henr y Whi t ehead 35
Dwi ght Gl adue 76
Dwi ght Sawan 71
Lar r y Omi nayak 65
Al phonse Omi nayak 57
Mar k Laboucan 46
Based on the results of the top votes received, the following were publically declared as
councilors for the Lubicon Lake First Nation for the next ensuring 5 year term:
Bryan Earl Laboucan
Dwight Sawan
Alphonse Ominayak
Dwight Gladue
Larry Ominayak
The Electoral Officer then requested Douglas Auger to come and sing an Honor Song to
the Chief and council.
After the song, electors came to shake the new leaders hands.
The election was complete.
The Statement of Results were sent to the Minister of Indian Affairs, Bernard Valcourt
and the Acting Regional Director General for Alberta on J une 4, 2013.
This report is submitted this 4th day of J une, 2013,
Loretta J Pete Lambert
Ber nar d Omi nayak Acclaimed
Br i an Ear l Laboucan 70
Geor ge Henr y Whi t ehead 35
Dwi ght Gl adue 76
Dwi ght Sawan 71
Lar r y Omi nayak 65
Al phonse Omi nayak 57
Mar k Laboucan 46
........ ,=~~~
Garrett Tomlinson, EMT - Communications / Industry liaison
(780) 629-3945 Office, (780) 618-3794 Direct
Tom Day -Industry Liaison
(780) 618-5478 Direct
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB T8S 1SS
Bryan Laboucan =Industrv Portfolio
Dwight Gladue - Industry Portfolio
Cynthia Tomlinson, B.A. - Advisor, lands &Negotiations
._ ._ ._ .._ --_ ._ _ ._ - -:,).
1 1
Industry liaisons to facilitate with Proponents, Council(s), and
interested Lubicon citizenship and community members
Garrett Tomlinson, EMT - Industry / Communications Liaison
Tom Day -Industry Liaison
(nm) 629-3945TEl (700) 629-'9~9 FAX P;U Box 6731PUCl! RlVlll, AB T8S1S)
J imSisson
AI Regional Director General
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
630 Canada Place 9700 J asper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta TSJ 4G2
Telephone; 780-495-2835
Fax: 780-495-4088
March 13, 2013
Mr. Sisson..
We are aware that a gathering purporting to be an 'election' was held for Lublcon Lake Nation on Feb 15, 2013 in
Cadotte Lake that chose a group of people to act as leaders of our Nation. We are also aware that you and your
government have recognized this group as the leaders of Lubicon Lake Nation.
This gathering was called by a society that does not have the authority to call an election for the Lubicon Lake
Nation. It was held in a different community, without the proper membership list, a Lublcon custom code or
mejoritv of Lubicon people. Rather, this group was chosen by Individuals who do not live in our community. This
gathering also chose a group, Billy J oe Laboucan, Brlan Laboucan, Cheryl Laboucan(McMann), Irene Laboucan, J oe
Auger and Mike Ominayak to act as representatives of our nation. This group also sits on the very society that .
called the 'election' who are employed by the third party. This is an obvious conflict of Interest that will only
benefit of your government.
We do not recognize Billy J oe Laboucan and his group as representatives for the Lublcon Lake Nation. They do not
-speak for us and more Importantly, they do not have our support. We do not believe that this group will act in the
best interests of our community as only one of them actually lives in Little Buffalo.
We have a government in place, our representatives are Chief Bernard Ominayak, and Council members are
Waiter Whitehead, Alphonse Ominayak, George Whitehead, Bryan Laboucan, Dwight Gladue, Larry Ominayak and
J ordie Sawan. This is our Chief and Council and they will continue to represent our nation In all capacities.
As the youth of Little Buffalo, we will nottolerate any more interference from your government in our community.
";1.AI\IJ ~~ __-
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t.~d/<AI /i{~
Council Member
/for .
Lubicon Lake Nation Youth Council
l ubi con Yout h Names
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P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J irn Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
,; t? I v I kz{;fi//mt l/ -:) ~C c I 8'J 0~.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Sincerely, ffftuLik~)dltru{Cu,'-)
Lt 5.5 0< 00 I '73ClL \
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
-------- - - - -
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
l(lA OA6
Telephone: 613-9929650
Fax: 61.3-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and deportment. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
L/l" .', '.:.('~,.;2j DC r
.) .:-5 C .'-'
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
._ ------_ ._ -------
PD. Box673J . Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
T~Sl S5
fl~bruary 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Maore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
F2X; 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I amwritif\g today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
Cl fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes, This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and wefollow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to aprevious dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
.'f(~c\ - C' \' /)
"A.,_ _ \_ \--< r~= ] _..< V, v q
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General -- AAND-C
1',0, Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. lames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
1 . l /
Sincerely, J l' i I J ... 6" .{f, I
,/ I II /
' "';;" .4(;
1:t.'7/ " ,,/v VJ A', '\,Y e.,,"-
CC: J irn Sisson A/R.egional Director General ._.AAND-C
p.a. Box6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Maore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
KIA 0(,6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a,deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
fI fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appomted "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the l.ubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
rniSGlITiage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
2nd W'" follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND ..C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the "fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
f,overnrnent and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
. (* -t/l~';
CC: .Iirn Slsson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. 60)'.6731 Stn. Main
Pe< Ke Hiver, AB
Febnmry 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 6139929650
h1X: 613--9929868
! am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected achief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are asovereign Nation! we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as aresult of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
oeoole who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
governMf'nt and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
f,GV0n1< l11C1::and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
j look forward to your prompt and positive response.
L/53000 900~ ,
CC; J im Sisson A/f~egional Director General - AANDC
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. lames Maore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon l.ake Nation. I have been made aware of
;:;fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected Cl chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
, look forward to your prompt and positive response.
,. il.:''1oc!/ 2.01
_/: )" j ,.,l , .
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
Alma Freda t.aboucan
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Pf~i.lCeRiver, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
I< :J .AOA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Larne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result: of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Further, it was less than a month ago that Prime Minister Stephen Harper fired Senator Patrick Brazeau from the
Conservatives for sexual assault, so why has AAND-C hand picked a rapist as for us as Council. Thanks, but no
thanks, you can keep Mike Ominayak to yourself. I have girls of my own to think of. We also don't need a "dope-
head" for Chief, is this your way of getting rid of our people once and for all?
llook forward to your prompt and positive response.
/rL-I >; .:? t\C-\I : : ) .-::?) C\ )
l '.... ~_.JLI c~." '_ ...>
CC: J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J irn Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.G. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
~ax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Maore,
! am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
iJ fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded by AAND-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitatcr" named Lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected achief and four councillors for the l.ubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Orninayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
i:;ovem< lnCt~and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Sincerely, --)
,.. -:-7.. ,I
'-~7I/1t.(..7 " -
~ v 7 /'1
CC: J lrn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
I<lA OA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as Cl deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to Cl previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J irn 5isson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
erl"seQ II<'1._ .h.t.... \;:x.)l\"C(U,y-J
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
1 am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANOC interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND( and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O.Box67315tn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2.013
Hon. BernardValcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen ofthe Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
Cl fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon lake Nation government,
was not attended by lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J imSissonA/Regional Director General - AAND-C
iLe~J Qr Wh\lkheCl~d.
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Bernarq, Valcoun(
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even five in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of MND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
_ :ne'; ::.J \ alA,t\ ~+ ("t \r:: (/\(J .
P.O.B 67315tn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today as adeeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded by MND-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Coundl who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are asovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J imSissonA/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
~"~L!l9.lcLY.:gJ Q1lr1@'p"iJ J :tgh,_ @
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facliitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND~C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
.:J Cnr:~'\ Whwk"d
P.D. Box673 Stn. Mam
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
bernard.Valcou n ~1)pailgc.Cq
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
Cl fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected achief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are asovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of MND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
~a;.~~ l~
cc: J imSissonA/Regional Director General- AAND-C
-=:DeAI'D v:J hMb-.d
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by MND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of MND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
-- -----------
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Pe,1(e River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Maore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
1<1A OAG
Telephone: 613992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
i am writing today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to Cl previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the v ast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positiv e response.
CC: .lim Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the tubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AJ \ND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
~(\J I(Cu-."---0 Lkv');.--
LIt ~3 0c)3~'C) 101
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AANO-C
---- ---- --- ------ -- ------_ ._ -
r.o. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. lames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
;';:? r: : : )
Sincerely, A~'8J ; 4? ':hc::..e:; :; ~L.-; ; tt--.~~
cc: J im 5isson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O.Box6731Stn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. J amesMoore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-9929650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the tubicon lake Nation. [have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded byMND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called by the lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected achief andfour councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriageof justice but an outrage. We are asovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognizethe result of any election not hefdin accordance with our customand laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J imSissonA/Regional Director General-AAND-C
P,O, Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. lames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon l.ake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through lim 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Orninayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
r.o. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River. AB
February 20. 2013
Hon. J ames Maore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the lubicon lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lublcon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected Cl chief and four councillors for the Lubicon lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facllitator" named Larne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J irn Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not herd in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
SinCereIY'.It:J : .. ,/,~ -/'// /7
= >:
'15366 '3 ye; tJ/
cc: J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im 5isson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J irn Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws,
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
1< 1A OA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "faciiitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominavak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citiz.enship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
&d~~1L .. -
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only il
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that 'i'our department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
- I (, ~ -I J '
: =: K..Q.VlG.VC;10 /V(~e.u1(.,.
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware or
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only Cl
miscarriage of justice but an outrage, We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own taws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happilv. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to Cl previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANDCand should be respected by your
government and department, I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response,
/\ (,I!
I I I, ;!
,. .1 I / : ,,-,'I
! : i ~/ ~('. I
1 )" t: ; .
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
l 0' !,lit)52 )tYlCV) CU .... / (,~i (
r I
P,O, Box 6731 Stn, Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Va\court,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon l.ake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named l.orne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held i n accordance with our custom and taws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
:fU ti/z ,
(::'rA~''v '\CG C; k/ (
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Mcore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting]
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Deaf Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made ;:;V",:;h~!,il
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Partv IVlanagernern
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the lubicon lake Nation government',
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, anD
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not onIv .;,
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditl;);-:;C
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Orninayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected bi/Y0i./,
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop intertering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws,
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
~/lJ ~
cc: J lrn Sisson A/Hegional Director General _.AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax; 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 51ssonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Sincerely, \.."'{t~/~
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
hUJ \a$ A.1..(% t Q. S'(o.
P,O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only Cl
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Sincerely, /' r: < -.:
Lj53r5D J J 7
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
~Y' //17 0 Cou_ rh ~dL~
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
8erQ.9.rd. Yi!lS:0uII@QlJ J gc.P
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
l.uxlcl eD ~{ CDtl..1.r~OJ ....~
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February' 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J lm5isson A/Regional Director General- AANO-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
'0' uoj
~)J 1J O I
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
~BunClxd Sy Q(Yl.L~f~/G
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
BernCl re!. \jaICDU rt@.J 2.illJ
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected Cl chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only Cl
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominavak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was,largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.G. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affair:.; through J jm Sisson and is not onlv a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majoruv or (J Uf LllILC:::IIJ lllp II'l >n tl _ . "-" , " _ _.~!_ I-.., .h~~"""hM !'If
"~~t>I- ~~,~ w!"'!"'",c(')cllv :ltt('mrinothe fraudulent election held up byAANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop mtertermg III vu r
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
,~~e{~\e. L0b(:~\,jCCvr\--
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
.- / f c..----Z
,. .J J
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
ffiu.s. mo(m~.. @Q!liLgh. Cq
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND ..C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
t : ,L 'VVV'v0---
/ ) .
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we 'have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominavak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number 01'
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J lm Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAilJ DC
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation 'government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
c\0r~V\ \f)~:b--1
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992 ..9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND ..C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
'-l. I . 1" .. 1 /
Y fM Jb {).fJ.4tUUJV
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through Cl Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named torne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominavak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868 rn 00re@ p;:lJ iE.~.,~2..
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J irn 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AANO-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
DearMr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
aopointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation gov ernment,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
arid we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Orninavak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created 8S Cl result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution W(1S affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO( and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
govern,mce and do not recognize t.he result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2.013
Hon. lames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 61.3-9929868
Dear Mr. Maore,
J am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
Cl fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected Cl chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are Cl sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. J demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J lrn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 5731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
Sincer,ely, t,
, ! '~i/ .." " .;.-')
\LQ)..,cl. ~.': ': : <.-.: : : )i) c~~..~._
cc: J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.D. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
~:ebruary 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
!<lA OA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am wrlttng today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "tacllltatcr" named,Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon l.ake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. '''le are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolutlon was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im SisSQr1 A/Regional Director Genera! -- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6"731Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AANO-C
P,O, Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
LL'j 300 l3S0f.J
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 20lS
Hon. Bernard Va\court
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Bernard.Valcou[!@J l81"lm;ca
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O.Box67315tn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. J amesMoore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded by AAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "fadlitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called bythe Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected achief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live ln our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriageof justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we haveour own laws, customs and traditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up byAAND-Cand should be respected byyour
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our customand laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J imSissonA/Regional Director General - AANO-C
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
!2.."rnal:Q,}(aIcoud.@.J ?3..rL gc.Cq
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2Q13 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by MND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
.Df1~l'(\ Lf-IDjCAl\)
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
1/uJ -014 .L-4k VL(()~
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. lames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Orninavak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AANO-C
----- -
P.O. Box 6731Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
;-1 5S DC) U 2. .-ort
cc: J im Sisson AjRegional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Aff< 1irs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax; 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to < 1 previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolunon W(1S affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held upby AAND-( and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im 5isson A!Regional Director General- AANDC
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
I<lA OA.6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
ThiS fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
arid we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
", ,1 _
.\ S-) 1 I; "i--l-:1i< (:.,-, (\' ' \' ..-'/J. / i
--r-<:'\..... ..x.... v - <; "I V .J \
1. .,-:~~: C>C~) .-: ~: ~~-: ~~I t: I
.. - cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND ..C
1'.0. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River. AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
1< 1A OA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613992-9868
Dear Mr. Maore,
! am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
Cl fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Larne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected Cl chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
Februarv 20, 2013
Hon. Iamas Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
I< lA OA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware at
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government.
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in aLII'
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not onlv ::1
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws,
Further, it was less than a month ago that Prime Minister Stephen Harper fired Senator Patrick Brazeau trorn the
Conservatives for sexual assault, so why has AAND-C hand picked a rapist as for us as Council. Thanks, but no
thanks, you can keep Mike Ominayak to yourself. I have girls of my own to thinkof. We also don't need a "dope-
head" for Chief, is this your way of getting rid of our people once and for all?
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
l(lA OAG
Telephone: 613-992-9650
FE1X: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Maore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent elect.ion held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through Cl Third Party Management
appointed "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J lrn Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to Cl previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
P.D. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Oear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
--------------- - -- - --------
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
,.1/ pVc I d~Cc; v l/\-
qs- J 0 0 0 ?70 /
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - MNO-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
};<~bru;)ry20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moon?
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moon?,
i arn 'J vriting today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made. aware of
afraudulent election held on Februar-y 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
anpointed "facllltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
1.\135 not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, W"J S not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have. elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and Wf: follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief 8ernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
<..-15306 .35'-{0/
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAr"J O-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J arnes Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
l<lA OA6
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANDC and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
~50CJ/5/ (')/
,.. 'l;~',:.. ,,~,_ ... ,~;..:~. ....1l ! .
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
T85J .55
February 20, 2013
Hon. lames Maare
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern D evelopment (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
afr.audulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AANO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General- AANO-C
r -
.C (CUlA,--_ lUrvuncvl (J ..j(
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main f
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANDC interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and departn;ent. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:lim Sisson A/Regional Director General- AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 5tn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20. 2013
Hon. J ames Moore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 61.3-992-9650
r:ax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2G B spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "tacilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
rasolutlon was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
!look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Sincerely, i~ ~
..~I Q(.'
r'~\i'Y \~ /
~6e.vJ 0~n
/. ...
cc: .IimSisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
P;Q.Box67315tn, Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20; 2013
Hon. BernardValcourt
Min}ster, Aborjginat Affairs Northern Developrnent .
House.of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819997-0002
Fax: 819..:953-4941
-." -.~"
Dear Mr. Valeourt,
I am writing today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made awareof
afrcaudulentelectionheld on February15;2013 spearheaded byAAND~Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facllltator". named LomeTemes. Thls.election was not call~dby the Lublcon LakeNation government,
was not attended by LubiconLake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community atanother First
Nation, was not sanctioned byour Elders-Council who form anintegral part ofourgovernance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief andfour councillors for the Lubicon LakeNationwho don't even live in our
communltvl .
This fraudulentelection hasbeenreportedlvrecognlzed by Aboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
rniscarriageof justice 'but an outrage. We area sovereign Nation, we haveour own laws, customs andtraditions
andwe follow themhappily. Our Government led byChief Bernard Ominavak 'Hasformed through custom
resolutlontoa prevJ ousdisputethatwasJ argely created asa.result of AAND.Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our.citizenship inwrltlngwhlch far outweighs the number of
P!'lpplewho.supposedly attended the.fraudulentelecticn heldup by AAND-Ca~d should be respected byyour
governmentand department. I demand that your department andyour government stop interfering in our
governance-anddo not recognize the r~sultof any.electlon notheld in accordance with our customand laws.
, .
llcok forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J imSissonA/Regional Director Gen~ral-MND~C
P.O.Box6731Stn. Main
Februarv 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valccurt
Mi~ister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: .819~997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwritingtoday asadeeply concerned and angry citizen of the LubieonLake Nation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held onJ ebruary 15, 2013spearheaded by AAND~Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facllltator' named tome Ternes. This election was not called bythe Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was'not sanctioned by our jders'Councilwho form anintegral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected achiefandfour councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has beenreportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
mlscarriageofjustlce outrage; We are asovereign Nation, we haveour own laws, customs andtraditions
and we followthemhappily.Ouf ChiefBernardOminayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
reschrtlonwas.afflrmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship inwriting which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up byAANDC and should be respected byyour
government and department. I demand,thatyour department and your government stop interfering in our
governanceand do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J imSissonA/RegionalDirectorGeneraL - AAND-C
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. \ have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the lubicon lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lublcon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through lim Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follOW them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-( and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General-AAND-C
:J )\}:.?\% ~'\'\--AIk(t--'--
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20,2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named lome Ternes. This election was not called by the lubicon lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon lake Nation who don't even live In our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we foHow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Omina.yak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference, That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
f look forward to your prompt and positive response.
j)# ; :--c
CC: J imSisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
d)~oo ,~~
P.O.~l Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lame Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through lim Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J imSisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
=.o. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. J ames Maore
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development (Acting)
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-992 ..9650
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Moore,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
Cl fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Larne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to Cl previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any. election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J irn Sisson A/Regional Director General ,- AAND-C
Uci,SSr't Uw""fe<K
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20; 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February is, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "facilltator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outslde our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and isnot only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief 6ernard Ominayak formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as aresult of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize theresult of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
flook forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J imSisson A/Regional Director General-AAND-C
-- -- --- -- ------
Lee. k-bo..&~
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Vakourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Cornrnons .
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by MND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AANO-C
-l>J (lU Ion ~~~l
P.O. BO~l Stn. MalO
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Vatcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANO-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facllltaror" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the lubicon Lake Nation government.
was not attended by Lubicon lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
community I
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through nm 5isson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AANO-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC: J imSisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
",': ..
P~aceRiver; AB:'
, .:
February 20,2013
. '.
Mil)ister,A~orlginC!IAffairs Northern Development
House of Cornmons
.. ' .", ":
.Ottawa, Ontari()
Fa~: 81Q,9S34941.
J amwriting today as.adeeplv concerned andangrv citizen of the Lubicon Lake-Nation. I have beenmade aware of
aJ raudu!ent'~I~~ti9n hel< ;l(>n:February~5,2013spearhe~ded byAANO-Cth~ougha Third Party'Management
apPolnted';facilitatcil1/namedlo~neT~rnes.Tl)is~l~ction was.not called bythe Lubicon LakeNation government,
v.;~snotatt~n9,~dby L.1,J ~icOn.Lake Nation resi~entcitiZen's: was held.outslde our cdmmuniW at another First
Natlon, was o9tsa/lctionedbyour EldersiCounciLwhoform,an integral part of our governance structure, and
pJ rportstohcwe elected a chief'urcou~cillorsfor the Lubicon LakeNationwho don't even live in our
cC;l..mmunityl. .'
. .
Thisfraudulent:election has beenreportedly-recognized byAborigiflalAffairst~rough J irnSissonand is notonly a outrage: VVeare a'sovereign Nation/we haveour own laws/customs andtraditions'
alldwef611()wth~nfhappily. 'our;Goyernmeot le~by;Chief Bernard Omi,..aYClk was formed through custom
resolutlon-to.a.prevlous 'dispute that ~asl~r~eiy created-as aresult of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
re~plution,was.:affirmed bythe-vast maJ ority of our cltizenshipinwritingwhich far outweighs the.number of
p~Qpl.ewhosupposedlv attenqedth~fraUdUlentelection held up byAAND-Cand should be respected by your
&o:it~rOlllentanddepart.rnent. Idernalldthat vour department,and your government stop interferi~g in our not recognize the'result i:>fanyelectionnot held in accordance.with our customand laws.
,.-, " ' '. -, .,",'>'. .' " , ' . !
.l.look forward toyour prornpt-andposltlverespcnse.
, .. , ' ;" :-, ',.: .'
.. ~.+,
.. } ~ "";: ': .
q;:J lrnSlsson A/RegionaIDirectorGenera~..,.MND-C:'
..'.' "
C,L~~\ ~\'-n;~
P.O. Box 6731 Stn. Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valtourt, writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubic.on Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AANDC through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
CC:J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box6731Stn. Main
PeaceRiver. AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. BernardValcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded byAAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called bythe Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are asovereign Nation, we haveour own laws, customs andtraditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up byAAND-Cand should be respected byyour
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our customand laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Cristin Gladue
CC:J imSissonA/Regional Director General - AAND-C
p.a. Box 6731 Stn, Main
Peace River, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I am writing today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon Lake Nation. I have been made aware of
a fraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-C through a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon Lake Nation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to have elected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon Lake Nation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J im Sisson and is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
Floreen Gladue
cc: J im Sisson A/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O.Box67315tn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February 20, 2013
Hon. BernardValcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
ernard.V~k.~arl.gc.< &
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February IS, 2013spearheaded byAAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called by the Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected byyour
government and department. Idemand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our customand laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
J aniceFriedel
CC:J im5issonA/Regional Director General - AAND-C
P.O.Box67315tn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. BernardValcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
11~n.ggLV.E.l<:Q..LJ 1:t.@.lLc.ul:.R~ ..Ccl
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asadeeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded byMND-C through aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called by the Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Eldeg' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and ~ councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriageof justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we haveour own laws, customs and traditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led byChief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created asa result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up byAAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governanceand do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our customand laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im5issonA/Regional Director General - AANO-C
p.a. Box6731Stn. Main
peaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. BernardValcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-992-9868
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013spearheaded byAAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named LorneTernes. This election was not called bythe Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elder,s'Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and Wcouncillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriageof justice but an outrage. We area sovereign Nation, we haveour own laws, customs and traditions
andwe follow them happily. Our Government led byChief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-Cinterference. That governance
resolution was.affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up byAAND-Cand should be respected byyour
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governanceand do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J im5issonA/Regional Director General - AAND-C
/ ) . A. _ .
~'Tl ~Ll1)Sv " V
P.O.Box6731Stn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
rei: 819997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
!It:!llS!!.9.cY ~ll:"Q.h!IL@12.~Lr:LKC-,~.l
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-Cthrough a Third Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called bythe Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon Lake Nation resident citizens, was held outside our community ut another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized by Aboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Orninavak was formed through custom
resolution to Cl previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number 01'
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by MNO-C and should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
Ilook forward to your prompt and positive response.
&4VVZ.... 7/ 70r1L/...u~/\l
cC: J imSissonA/Regional Director General- AANO-C
----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~. - - - - - -
~~l\a,\ Wl.T-"~}\t.~"d
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
!i~J J lill".tl:.Y'gK9U rt@ Pd.!UC" C Cl
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today asa deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilttator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
Thisfraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only Cl
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own. laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of MND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed by the vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by MND-C and should be respected by voue
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J irnSissonA/Regional Director General - AAND-C
J )r-~I\Dw~hoc"d
p.a. Box67315tn. Main
PeaceRiver, AB
February20, 2013
Hon. Bernard Valcourt
Minister, Aboriginal Affairs Northern Development
Houseof Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: B19-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941
Dear Mr. Valcourt,
I amwriting today as a deeply concerned and angry citizen of the Lubicon LakeNation. I have been made aware of
afraudulent election held on February 15, 2013 spearheaded by AAND-Cthrough aThird Party Management
appointed "facilitator" named Lorne Ternes. This election was not called by the Lubicon LakeNation government,
was not attended by Lubicon LakeNation resident citizens, was held outside our community at another First
Nation, was not sanctioned by our Elders' Council who form an integral part of our governance structure, and
purports to haveelected a chief and four councillors for the Lubicon LakeNation who don't even live in our
This fraudulent election has been reportedly recognized byAboriginal Affairs through J imSissonand is not only a
miscarriage of justice but an outrage. We are a sovereign Nation, we have our own laws, customs and traditions
and we follow them happily. Our Government led by Chief Bernard Ominayak was formed through custom
resolution to a previous dispute that was largely created as a result of AAND-C interference. That governance
resolution was affirmed bythe vast majority of our citizenship in writing which far outweighs the number of
people who supposedly attended the fraudulent election held up by AAND-Cand should be respected by your
government and department. I demand that your department and your government stop interfering in our
governance and do not recognize the result of any election not held in accordance with our custom and laws.
I look forward to your prompt and positive response.
cc: J imSissonA/Regional Director General- AAND-C

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