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Whereas, The United States Federal Govemment has been irresponsible with the funds of its citizens over many years
and has now accumulated a current debt in excess of $9 trillion dollars, and

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has irresponsibly added an additional approximate $2 trillion of
unfunded liabilities and debt in Fiscal 2007 per recent Govemment Accounting Office reports, and

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has an unfunded total future liability of approximately $53 trillion per
recent Govemment Accounting Office reports as of the end of Fiscal 2007, and

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has used accounting practices that obscure t hs deficit spending from
the American people including but nut limitedto of&- w m n t spending with i n m e designated for trust funds, and

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has failed to provide for the necessary funding of its future obligations
including Social Security, Medicare. Mediiid, Federal Pensions, etc., and

Whereas this debt and future unfunded obligations of the United States Federal Government imperils the important offices
and programs funded by this government and

Whereas this debt and future unfunded obligations of the United States Federal Government imperils the value of wr
national currency and the stability of our national economy,


RESOLVED, that the United States Federal Govemrnent must change accounting systems to current General Accapted
Accounting pradices (GAAP) appropriate for a government entity that accounts for future obligations and current
spending on an actuarial basis, and

RESOLVED, that the United States Federal Government must communicate accurately each and every year within 90
days of the close of the F i a l accounting period all accumulated debts of this govemment and an accurate projection of
all future obligations of t
hsgovernment and any current gap in fundlng of these obligations and that an accurate and plain
language summary of this report be mailed to each and every househoid in theUnited States that had filed an US Income
Tax return in the current year, and

RESOLVED, That the United States Federal Govemrnent be a u d i annually by a non-governmental, impartial and
independent accounting firm to validate that the obligations, debt and current fiscal standing of this govemment is
correctly reported to the tax payen of the United States, and

RESOLVED, That until the United States Federal Government can meet is obligations without increase of the national
debt any new program or funding increase must be offset with tax revenues or spending reductions per the Pay-as-you-
Go (Pay-Go) rules according to me 'Budget Enforcement Act of 1994" and &at this act be reinstated at once.

AdoptedlNot Adopted by Precinct ,Senate District -

(circle one)
SubmiW by David W. Crump, Pct 3SS,Senate Oist 25, &

Federal fiscal information cited can be found at www.GAO.aov

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