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by Bob Lickteig
Through this February issue of THE
would like to report on the status of your
EAA Antique/Classic Division and the
events with which we were involved in
1987 will be remembered as the year
the press attacked the airlines. Of
course, they made it look like all the
problems were generated by general
aviation. Congress, the press, FAA,
DOT, OMB and the traveling public all
were pointing fingers at one or more
segments of aviation. It reminded me of
a Chinese firedrill - everyone running
helter skelter. So far, few constructive
changes have been made.
Lest we forget, 1987 was the year the
FAA announced its 40-point proposal ,
super TCA's and other alarming restric-
tions that were planned. Through the
efforts of EAA's Headquarters staff, the
EAA divisions and all EAA members, I
am pleased to report that sufficient
comments were generated so that
these new restrictions are still in the
planning stage.
I dislike starting a Division report by
detailing the problems that may affect
our type of flying, but that's the way it
is. These problems illustrate the impor-
tance of keeping our guard up and re-
sponding when asked to by our Head-
quarters staff. This is the only way we
will preserve our right to use the vast
oceans of air.
In 1987 your EAA Antique/Classic Di-
vision experienced growth in all areas.
Compared to past performances, it was
our most succesful year.
EAA Antique/Classic Division mem-
bership now stands at an all-time high.
In September we attained a member-
ship number that was one of this presi-
dent's goals. An example of this
The State ofthe EAA Antique/
Classic Division
showed up in THE VINTAGE
AIRPLANE recently when it became
necessary to use two pages to list the
names of our new members. Thanks
and welcome aboard to all our new
members. We will continue to launch
additional new recruiting programs for
In 1987 our association with the vari-
ous aircraft Type Clubs was expanded,
and our enlarged Type Club Headquar-
ters tent at EAA Oshkosh '87 was again
overflowing with Type Clubs participat-
ing. A recent national aviation publica-
tion listed 64 organized Type Clubs, 47
of which qualify under the EAA Antique/
Classic Division criteria. This alliance
will be expanded in 1988 along with ad-
ditional Type Club reports that will be
published in our magazine.
In 1987 the EAAlAvemco connection
was established. Regardless of what
you may have heard in the past, Av-
emco is interested in insuring Antique/
Classic aircraft. From the comments I
have heard to date, Avemco has come
up with very realistic coverage and
reasonable rates. This relationship will
be continued in 1988.
This past year our Antique/Classic
Chapters have complied with and oper-
ated within the guidelines established
by EAA Headquarters. I look forward to
all of our Chapters flourishing and sup-
porting the grass roots of sport aviation
at the local level. We wi ll continue our
effort to establish additional new Chap-
ters throughout 1988.
In 1987 our Antique/Classic library of
technical material received additional
one-of-a-kind publications. It now
stands as the leading source for refer-
ence data. A few examples have been
published in THE VINTAGE
AIRPLANE, and you will see more of
this in 1988.
The increase in membership and
sales of EAA Antique/Classic Division
merchandise has placed your Division
in a strong financial position. This will
allow us to increase and launch new
programs and services for our member-
ship in 1988.
Oshkosh '87 - EAA's 35th Interna-
tional Convention was the most suc-
cessful to date. The EAA Antique/
Classic Division played a major part and
contributed to this overall success. The
old Red Barn - now officially called
EAA Antique/Classic Headquarters -
was a beehive of activities throughout
the week. The addition of our Volunteer
Center building gave all of our
hardworking volunteers a place to relax
and enjoy a cool drink during their short
breaks from the hectic pace throughout
the day. All of our group events, the
number of Antique/Classic aircraft re-
gistered, the Type Clubs, the action
around our Interview Circle, the home-
coming of previous Antique/Classic
champions and the anniJal Antique/
Classic Parade of Flight all made for an
exciting and interesting Convention. At
EAA Oshkosh '88 you can expect more
of the same plus additional activities
now in the planning stage.
In 1987 we witnessed a record
number of new restorations arrive at
Oshkosh and other EAA fly-ins. This in-
crease was due to our devoted indi-
vidual members and the encourage-
ment and information they receive from
the Type Clubs. We look for this to con-
tinue throughout the New Year.
I must again congratulate our editorial
staff for our excellent monthly magazine
we all realize that this is the only inter-
national publication devoted strictly to
Antique/Classic aircraft and our related
The EAA Antique/Classic Division
has attained the leadership in organiza-
tions representing our era of aviation.
We do not take leadership lightly as with
it comes the responsibility to EAA head-
quarters, to our membership and to the
spectator public. We will not lose this
cherished position.
In closing your Division report for
1987, I wish to thank the EAA Head-
quarters staff, your Antique/Classic Di-
vision officers, directors and advisors
and all the various committee chairmen,
co-chairmen and volunteers for making
this successful report possible.
So much for history. We now look
ahead to 1988 with new challenges and
problems. I wish to say ''for the record"
that your officers, directors and advisors
have every intention of printing a report
of another successful year in February
of 1989.
We're better together. Welcome
aboard - join us and you have it all!.
Tom Poberezny
Norman Petersen
GeorgeA.Hardie, Jr.
Dennis Parks
Carol Krone
Jim Koepnick
Carl Schuppel
President VicePresident
R.J.Lickteig M.C."Kelly"Viets
1718Lakewood RI. 2, Box128
AlbertLea,MN56007 Lyndon,KS66451
507/373-2922 913/828-3518
Secretary Treasurer
RonaldFritz E.E."Buck"Hilbert
15401 SpartaAvenue P.O.Box145
KentCity,MI49330 Union,IL60180
616/678-5012 815/923-4591
JohnS.Copeland PhilipCoulson
9JoanneDrive 28415SpringbrookDr.
Westborough,MA01581 Lawlon,MI49065
617/366-7245 616/624-6490
Wi lliamA.Eickhoff StanGomoll
41515thAve.,N.E. 104290thLane,NE
SI.Petersburg,FL33704 Minneapolis,MN55434
813/823-2339 6121784-1172
DaleA.Gustafson EspieM.Joyce,Jr.
7724ShadyHillDrive Box468
Indianapolis,IN46278 Madison,NC27025
317/293-4430 919/427-0216
ArthurR.Morgan GeneMorris
3744North51stBlvd. 115CSteveCourt,R.R.2
Milwaukee,WI53216 Roanoke,TX76262
414/442-3631 817/491-9110
DanielNeuman RayOlcott
1521 BerneCircleW. 104Bainbridge
Minneapolis,MN55421 Nokomis,FL34275
6121571-0893 813/488-8791
S.H." Wes"Schmid GeorgeS.York
2359LefeberAvenue 181SlobodaAve.
Wauwatosa,WI53213 Mansfield,OH44906
4141771-1545 419/529-4378
7200 S.E. 85th Lane
Ocala, FL 32672
RobertC." Bob"Brauer JohnA.Fogerty
9345S. Hoyne RR2,Box70
Chicago,IL60620 Roberts,WI54023
3121779-2105 715/425-2455

FEBRUARY1988 Vol. 16, No.2
Copyright"' 1988by the EAA Antique/Classic Division,Inc. All rights reserved.

2 StraightandLevel/byBobLickteig
,'"' ,.....-
' ,i.I; . ..
4 AlCNews/byNormPetersen

5 VintageLiterature/byDennisParks
6 NorthwestAirwaysStinsonFlies
9 Members'Projects/byNormPetersen

10 TimeCapsule/byJackCox
, .
12 AeroncaC-21byDaleWolford
-' , ..
/ I
_4','! I,}

I 1
;;, ! ,
15 TypeClubActivities/byNormPetersen
16 OwenStlegelmeier's1948Meyers
18 StinsonSR-5onEdoFloats
22 WelcomeNewMembers ....
23 MysteryPlane/byGeorgeA. Hardie,Jr.
24 WildernessAdventure/byMonicaTalo
Page 12
26 VintageSeaplanes/byNormPetersen
26 CalendarofEvents
27 LetterstotheEditor
29 VintageTrader
FRONT COVER ...Painted in original colors of NorthwestAirways,
Inc" thebeautifulblackandgoldStinson"Jr.-S", NC443G,restoredby Page24
Captain Dan Neuman (EAA 871,NC 325) is photographed overthe
winterlandscapeof Minnesota.
(Photo courtesy of NorthwestAirlines,Inc.)
BACKCOVER ...Awinterscenefrom 50yearsago!Thisrare photo
taken by the Janesville Daily Gazette (Janesville, Wisconsin) shows
high school student (11th grade) Pat Packard(EAA5926) (yes,folks,
the same gentleman who designs EAA Air Adventure Museum
exhibits!)checkingthecableand bungeecord attachmenton aHeath
wooden ski installation on an earlyJ-3 Cub owned by the Janesville
Flying Service.The man on the rear cable is Fred Meacham,alocal
farmer. (Photo courtesyArt Hodge Estate)
trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly
EditorialPolicy:Readersareencouragedto submitstoriesand photographs.Policyopinionsexpressedinartictesare
solelythoseoftheauthors. Responsibilityfor accuracyin reporting restsentirelywith thecontributor. Materialshould
be sent to: Editor,The VINTAGE AIRPLANE,Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh,WI 54903-3086. Phone:414/426-4800.
The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division.
Inc.of the Experimental Aircraft Association,Inc.and ispublished monthly at Wittman Airfield,Oshkosh.WI 54903-
3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for
EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is
for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation.
ADVERTISING- Antique/ClassicDivisiondoes not guaranteeorendorse anyproductofferedthroughouradvertis-
ing.Weinviteconstructivecriticism and welcomeanyreportof inferiormerchandiseobtainedthroughouradvertising
so that corrective measurescan be taken.
RobertD. " Bob"Lumley StevenC.Nesse
Nl04W20387 2009HighlandAve.
WillowCreekRoad AlbertLea,MN56007
Colgate,WI53017 507/373-1674
Compiled by Norm Petersen
In accordance with the EAA Antique/
Classic Division's bylaws, the terms of
six Directors, the President and Secret-
ary will expire at the Division's Annual
Business Meeting at Oshkosh, Wiscon-
sin on Friday, August 5, 1988.
Nominations for any elective office
(including the six elective Directors, the
President and Secretary) can only be
made on official nomination forms
which may be obtained from EAA Head-
quarters (contact Mrs. Carol Blake).
Each nomination form must contain
a minimum of ten (10) signatures of
EAA Antique/Classic Division mem-
bers in good standing, together with
their membership number and expira-
tion date. The nominating petition
shall contain a brief resume of the
nominee's experience and back-
ground and shall be accompanied by a
recent photo. To be eligible for nomina-
tion, a candidate must be a member in
good standing.
Nominating petitions must be submit-
ted to the Chairman of the Nominating
Committee, c/o EAA Headquarters, no
later than the end of the sixth month
prior to the annual business meeting
(February 29) . Voting instructions and
the official ballot will be published in the
June 1988 issue of THE VINTAGE
. SUN 'N FUN 1988
A very hearty 'welcome" is extended
to all Antique/Classic members for this
year's Sun 'n Fun Fly-In at Lakeland,
Florida on April 10-16, 1988. (The Fly-in
has been moved from March to April in
hopes of improving the weather.)
Much planning and thought has gone
into the special needs of antique and
classic airplane owners and as always
the Antique/Classic headquarters build-
ing will be the center of "Southern hos-
pitality." The Florida Sport Aviation An-
tique and Classic Association (EAA NC
Chapter No. 1) has even added a few
conveniences to make your stay more
During the Convention, a grass run-
way will be available for use by antique
and classic airplanes. Special proce-
dures for arrival and departure are re-
quired. Contact Sun 'n Fun, P. O. Box
6750, Lakeland, Florida 33807 (813/
644-2431) .
You will be able to register your
airplane, pick up judging forms, show
plane wings (one pair per owner) and
"DO NOT TOUCH " information cards all
in one place. Pioneer Participant
Plaques will also be given to all attend-
ing aircraft dating 1936 and older. Past
Grand Champion aircraft will be given
a special place to park, and owners will
receive special identification.
Please make your motel reservations
as soon as possible as accommoda-
tions are somewhat limited. NC even-
ing activities are planned again this year
- check with NC Headquarters per-
sonnel for information.
Your Antique/Classic Coordinator is
Rod Spanier, 6502 Jamestown Avenue,
Lakeland, FL 33801 . For assistance,
write or call him at 813/665-5572.
Rooms are available from Friday,
April 8th through Sunday, April 17th at
the Holiday Inn Central in Lakeland.
Room rate per night is $44.94 for single
or double. One night deposit per form
is required. Please complete the reser-
vation form shown below as accurately
as possible and mail with your deposit
of $44.94 per room prior to April 1,
1988. Make your check payable to the
Holiday Inn. Mail your completed forms
to: Rod and Sandy Spanier, 502 James-
town Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33801 ,
The International Cessna 170 As-
sociation has a new address and phone
number - P. O. Box 1667, Lebanon,
MO 65536, phone 417/532-4847.
The following rather clever ad was
placed in the EAA Chapter 10 Newslet-
ter: For sale - Pietenpol with Ford "A"
engine. Experience 1930's flying on
regular gasoline at J. C. Whitney prices.
Contact LeRoy at 918 ---.
From the Bucker Club Newsletter -
Bad news comes in twos - pain and
suffering, hunger and thirst, fear and
trembling, and parts and labor!
MELBA BEARD, 1907-1987
Well-known antique airplane en-
thusiast Melba Beard of Scottsdale,
Arizona died on November 14, 1987 in
Fresno, California. Melba learned to fly
at Long Beach, California in 1929 from
AI Ebrite in an OX-5 International. After
gaining her rating, her soon-to-be hus-
band, William Beard, bought her a
Warner-powered Bird (NC324N) and
gave it to her for a wedding present.
They flew this airplane on their honey-
moon. Among the credits Melba won in
this plane were the Amelia Earhart
Trophy in 1935 and the Women's
Amatuer Aerobatic Trophy the same
year. At one time, the Bird was
loaned to the University of California for
wind tunnel testing of control systems.
The plane was sold in 1941 when Melba
and Bill moved to Arizona. In the mid-
50's, she bought a "Bird" on the east
coast and flew it across the nation to its
new home in Arizona.
Melba was an active AAA member
and was devoted to the "Bird" aircraft,
having owned several different ones
and was in constant attendance at West
Coast fly-ins for the past 35 years. Con-
dolences are extended to her family and
her many friends in the aviation world .
_________________ Antique & Classic Division # :
Address: _________________ Antique & Classic Chapter # :
________ _____ ______ EAA#:
City, State, Zip:
Area Code & Phone #:
_____________ # of Rooms : (1 bed) ___ (2 beds)
Check In Date: Check Out Date: Deposit Total: $ ______ _
Check __ Visa __ Mastercard __American Express ___ Expiration Date:
_______________ Signature:
Credit Card # :
by Dennis Parks
EAA Aviation Foundation
Library/Archives Director
SLIPSTREAM--The stream 01 air driven alt by the propell er.
401 Beckel Bldg., Dayton, Ohio
Entered as second-class matter August 20, 1923, at the Post Office at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879
One Year, U. S., $2.00; Canada, $2.25; Foreign, $3.00. Postage Prepaid.
Cartoon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ 8
Is Dayton Loosing Confidence in Aviat ion? _________________________________ I)
The Awakening of Commericial Aviation _____________________________________ 13
Work on New Dayton Air Post Starts Soon ________________________________ 15
Making Flying Safe. (By H . A. Brllno) ____________________________________ 17
The Curtiss Carrier Pigeon Airplane ________________________________________ 21
How the Fairfield Air Depot was Retained. (By Morris D. R icr) ___________ 23
McCook Fie ld Accompl ishments of Past Year. _________________ __________ _ _
______________________________ (By Major J. F. Cllrr),. Comma nding Ofliccr ) 27
Concerning 1925 Air Mee t s _______________________________ __ ________________ 33
Miscell aneous Air News _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ __ ___ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 40
Published from 1919 to 1928
SLIPSTREAM seems to be an anomaly
among surviving aviation magazines. In
the mid to late 1920's according to re-
cords, SLIPSTREAM's circulation was
the highest among aviation magazines.
Its circulation almost surpassed both
bined. It had a circulation in 1925 of
9,000 copies per issue compared to
7,000 for AERO DIGEST and 3,000 for
But where are they now? There are
many copies of its competitors on the
market and in libraries, but few issues
of SLIPSTREAMseem to be out there.
The EM Aviation Foundation's Boe-
ing Aeronautical Library has but one
copy - February 1925. That copy is
courtesy of Steve Wittman, who appa-
rently got tired of hearing my "We don't
even have ONE copy in the library."
Published monthly by Slipstream
Publishing Company of Dayton, Ohio
SLIPSTREAM stated of itself in an ad ;
"Born in Dayton at the most important
U.S. Government Air Experimental Sta-
tion six years ago Slipstream estab-
lished there a unique and intimate con-
tact with both the civil and military
phases of aeronautical development
which places it in the foreground of au-
thority and prestige."
SLIPSTREAM deserves to be well-
known because of its series of articles
on lightplane design. This series was
done in 1924-25 by Ivan Driggs, of
Driggs Dart fame, titled "The Light
This was a five-part series covering
the history, theoretical and practical de-
sign of lightplanes. This series was later
reprinted by NACA as Technical
Memorandum Nos. 311 and 326.
Containing 40 pages in the February
1925 issue it was about the same size
as the weekly published A VIA TlON and
smaller than the monthly published
AERO DIGEST. All of the contents of
the issue dealt with aviation in the
United States.
There were six full-page ads in the
issue. They were from Johnson
Airplane and Supply Company, Curtiss,
Dayton Wire Wheel Company, Stout
Metal Airplane Company, Wright En-
gines and Valspar.
The February 1925 issue provided
special coverage of the approval of the
move of U.S. Air Service's Engineering
Division McCook Field of Dayton, Ohio
to a new location east of the city on land
provided by the local subscription of
$400,000 to purchase the land.
The fight to keep McCook Field at
Dayton was headed by Frederick B.
Patterson head of National Cash Regis-
ter Company and President of the Na-
tional Aeronautics Association.
In one of the swiftest money-raising
campaigns ever conducted, the commu-
nity in 36 hours pledged the necessary
funds. It was estimated that the cost of
moving and new construction would ex-
ceed four million dollars.
The February issue had an article
covering accomplishments at McCook
Field for the previous year.
"During 1924 more than 25 new ex-
perimental airplanes of various types
were built by the industry for test at the
division. Only one type of airplane, an
observation type, was designed and
constructed by the division. This project
was carried on for the purpose of
exemplifying certain new ideas in de-
sign and metal construction for use as
a basis in judging future development
of a similar type.
"The most remarkable advance in
airplane development during the year
has been in performance, particularly
as typified in the exceptional high speed
and maneuvering of the Boeing and
Curtiss pursuits, both of which have
been placed in production. No other na-
tion has anything comparable with
"Production has been directed princi-
pally toward the rehabilitation of the pre-
sent standard observation plane, the
DH-4B. Many of these airplanes are
being entirely rebuilt to incorporate
metal fuselage and improved equip-
"The drop-forged aluminum alloy pro-
peller has come into favor, due to the
marked increase in performance result-
ing from its use. Its adaptability is excel-
lent in that the same propeller can be
used on different airplanes ranging in
(Continued on Page 8)
New Travel Airplane
Welded Steel Fmel.go . 11 Sfcel
Control s, Iml C' pcndcl1t Acti on
of Ail (" To ns, c hangeabl e Stahil-
izc r, easy tK Ct'SS to passenger
com panmCTH, W t,1I upholste red
and S p r i n g C ushi oned Scat s.
Dan Neuman's Stinson Junior "S" Recreates History
The airplane that graces the cover of
this month's magazine, a Stinson Junior
"S", is most unique in that it is painted
in the exact colors of a similar Stinson
used by Northwest Airways, Inc.,
forerunner of Northwest Airlines, to
carry mail and passengers between
Minneapolis and Chicago in 1930-31 .
The man behind this beautiful resto-
ration is Captain Daniel F. Neuman
(EAA 871 , AlC 325) , retired Northwest
Airlines pilot and dedicated antiquer,
who lives at 1521 Berne Circle West,
Minneapolis, MN 55421. His base of op-
erations for his extensive antique
airplane work is Anoka County Airport
on the north side of Minneapolis and
by Norm Petersen
goes under the name of Midwest Avia-
Having grown up in Detroit in the
''teens and twenties," young Dan
Neuman soloed in an OX-5 powered
KR-34 in 1931. He later worked at the
Stinson factory at Wayne, Michigan,
gaining a rare insight and knowledge
for working on Stinson airplanes today!
Dan earned his A&P rating in high
school over 50 years ago and he also
has the coveted Inspection Authoriza-
tion (IA).
The history of our cover airplane,
Stinson Junior "S," NC443G, SIN 8069,
begins in 1931 when it was sold new to
the Kansas Pipeline and Gas Company.
After some 12 years, it was sold to WaI-
ter Shedel of Greeley, Colorado in
1943. From there, the Stinson was sold
to Blaine S. Osburn of Sanish, N.D. in
1948. Ten years later, the Junior "S"
was sold to veteran EAAer and noted
antiquer Charlie Klessig of Galesburg,
North Dakota.
Charlie modified the airplane for crop
spraying and used the Stinson for such
purposes in 1960 and '61 . He then re-
stored the Stinson to normal category
and added a tow hook for towing glid-
ers. (This tow hook is still installed and
operable today!)
In 1975, Dan Neuman purchased the
Stinson from Charlie Klessig and flew it
After releasing the "suitcase" type latch, the left cowl is opened to reveal the back side of the Lycoming R-6S0 engine. Note very
sanitary workmanship, so typical of Dan Neuman.
Side view of the Stinson Junior " S" shows the Northwest Airways, Inc. logo, the airmail contract number (A.M.9) and the familiar
Stinson logo on the fin. Auto in the background (1942 Ford) is part of the CAF display.
to Minneapolis to rebuild. The registra-
tion was NC12162, the original factory
number from 1931 . With the full bles-
sing of the public relations department
of Northwest Airlines, the Stinson would
be restored in the colors of NC443H, an
original Stinson SM-2AB of Northwest.
As the "N" number was unavailable (it
was on a Cessna 320), the number
NC443G was chosen.
The Stinson was completely disman-
tled and the basic airframe proved to be
in excellent shape. With every1hing
cleaned and inspected, the rebuild
began. Dan recovered the entire
airplane with Grade A cotton, his spec-
ialty. The build-up was done with nitrate
and butyrate dope with the final colors
done in automotive enamel. The origi-
nal Stinson black and gold color
scheme was spiced up with the colorful
Northwest Airways logo and the U.S.
Mail emblems on the fuselage and wings.
Even the wheel hubcaps are done in
white with a blue border and a red cen-
ter as per original.
The engine, a Lycoming R-680, was
pretty tired when Dan bought the
airplane so after flying it for a short time,
a newly overhauled Lycoming R-680
B4D of 225 hp was installed. It was an
engine that Dan had overhauled and
had "just laying around"! The Hamilton
ground adjustable prop was polished
and installed with the red, white and
blue tips for good visibility.
With an empty weight of 2172 Ibs.
and a gross weight of 3265 Ibs., the
Junior "S" has a useful load of 1 093 Ibs.
and can carry four adults in luxurious
comfort. The wings span 42 ft , 1 inch,
so you need a bit more than a 40 ft.
door on your hangar! Fuel capacity is
51 gallons and at 13.8 gph cruise, the
normal range is abut 3-1 /2 hours or 350
miles (at 100 mph). And you probably
won't meet your twin on the parking
ramp as there are only 12 Junior "S"
aircraft on the FAA register, and this is
the only one in Northwest Airways liv-
Capt. Dan Neuman is pictured in front of the restored Stinson during a Northwest Airlines retired employees party at Fleming Field,
South St. Paul , in September of 1983. Note wind generator mounted on left wing strut. Aircraft in left background is a Vultee BT-13.
On the wide open plains of North Dakota, Capt. Dan Neuman
runs up the Stinson Junior "S" at Charlie Klessig's field on the
day he purchased the aircraft in November, 1975. Note original
"N" number, N12162, on the side of the fuselage and the speed-
ring cowling which Dan still has but is not installed.
The restored Stinson Junior "S" is taxied out for takeoff on
September 24, 1983, res pendent in its Northwest Airways, Inc.
colors. Main gear tires are 8:50 x 10.
Dan has flown the Stinson to numer-
ous aviation functions including the 50th
and 60th anniversary celebrations of
Northwest Airlines. In addition, Dan's son,
Capt. Dan Neuman, Jr. has a WACO
"ASO" biplane decked out in Northwest
Airways colors that has participated in
many of the same celebrations.
In May, 1987 Dan flew the Stinson to
his old home town of Detroit in connec-
tion with tile inaugural flight of North-
west Airlines' Detroit-Tokyo Boeing 747
service. The beautifully printed program
for the inauguration says about the air-
craft on display: "A Stinson 'Junior', pur-
chased by Northwest in 1930, is on dis-
play adjacent to the Boeing 747 christ-
ened The City of Detroit.' Designed and
built by Eddie Stinson, the Stinson
'Junior' carried three passengers and
had a range of 600 miles. As one of
Northwest's first aircraft, the Detroit-
made single engine plane ferried pas-
sengers and mail between Minneapolis-
St. Paul and Chicago, with intermediate
stops in LaCrosse and Milwaukee."
Dan Neuman, having worked on Stin-
sons at the factory in 1938, admits to
having a soft spot in his heart for these
rugged aircraft and at present is busily
engaged in the total restoration of a
Stinson SR-10"Gullwing." You can rest
assured it will be another masterpiece
in the same league as the Stinson
Junior "S", the Curtiss IN-4 "Jenny" on
the EAA Air Adventure Museum floor,
the Buhl LA-1 "Pup" hanging from the
EAA Museum ceiling, the WACO 10
(Siemens Halske powered) hanging in
the Minneapolis Airport Terminal Build-
ing and a couple of upcoming restora-
To say that Dan Neuman is a dedi-
cated antique airplane enthusiast would
be the understatement of the year! We
feel he should be in line for a "second
wind" award, the kind given to retirees
who take up a full-time occupation in a
new field which they happen to enjoy!
This is Dan Neuman, a gentleman in
every sense of the word. e
It can be seen in examining this issue is it that you offer most of the credit to the

of SLIPSTREAM that at this time the Stout design?
(Continued from Page 5)
military and air mail service were the "The WACO has a great appeal and
speeds from 90 to 140 mph by merely major markets for aircraft. is greatly admired by those who are
changing the blade setting." Among the letters to the editor was looking for the practical, but the Stout
Besides covering activities at one headed, "Noted Member of New Air Pullman only strikes them as a white
McCook, an article, "The Awakening of Firms Sends Editor Cordial Letter." This elephant (and is less graceful in appear-
Commercial Aviation" covered some of was a letter from Alfred Verville an- ance)."
the recent civil activities. nouncing the establishment of a new Among the annoucements given was
"Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Com- aircraft plant in Detroit. "I will attempt to a display ad for the "New Travel"
pany, Inc., a firm which has never di- get you information for a story about our airplane by Travel Air of Wichita and
verted much attention to the commer- company in the near future. We have the news that ''The Lawson firm recently
cial demand announce that they will not definitely decided just what plane secured Walter H. Barling, designer of
soon come out with a light plane using we will build at this time." the famous Barling Bomber, as Chief
an OX standard motor. In addition to Another letter berated the relative Engineer. Mr. Barling accompanied
this they have just offered for approval coverage given the new Stout and the Alfred Lawson to Dayton, where, in an
the new 'Carrier Pigeon' ship popularly new Waco cabin (ModeI8?). "I am very interview with a representative of
designated as the first 'Aerial Truck,' much enjoying SLIPSTREAM . . . But I SLIPSTREAM, it was disclosed that the
and designed particularly for use in the cannot restrain the impulse to offer a Lawson firm was very desirous of locat-
Air Mail Service. little criticism of your comment on ing a factory in Dayton for turning out
"The Loening Aeronautical Engineer- airplanes in the February issue. Your both military and commercial aircraft."
ing Corporation of New York City, re- remarks are not unfavorable for the It appears that SLIPSTREAM would
cently came out with their novel amphi- WACO cabin job, but you go into end- be a very good source of information,
bian plane which they likewise hope to less detail in your praise of the Stout especially for the 1919-1927 time
have used in the Air Mail Service. It has 'Air Pullman.' period when there was not much cover-
proven remarkably seaworthy even in "Since the WACO carries the same age for the emerging aviation industry.
rough sea water, while it can be landed number of passengers, uses but half Do any of our readers out there have
with safety on the most difficult fields. the horsepower, takes off in half the dis- copies of SLIPSTREAM? Would you be
"The Lincoln Standard Aircraft Corpo- tance, climbs twice as fast, has double willing to donate copies or loan for
ration of Lincoln, Nebraska has re- the maneuverability and lands in half photocopying?
ported a rush of orders on their passen- the space, uses little more than half the If you can help out, please contact
ger carrying ships. Ray Page, president housing space, costs probably one- Dennis Parks, EAA Aviation Founda-
of the firm recently left on an advertising third as much to build and has a fine- tion, Boeing Aeronautical Library,
and demonstrating tour in one of their ness of perfection, both inside and out, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-
new LS-5 ships." that the Stout has not approached why 3065.e
by Norm Petersen
1943 Cessna T-50, N60453, SIN 5199, owned by Otto F. Stender (EAA 295383), RR #1, Box 193, Walcott, IA 52n3. He reports the T-50
is covered with Ceconite and has the standard 245 Jacobs engines with zero-time Hamilton Standard props. The aircraft is based at
Otto' s 2600' airstrip W-NW of Davenport, IA.
"I had a difficult time getting my leg out
of the cockpit'" writes Dr. Ed Garber, Jr.
(EAA 38078, AlC 162) of 1641 Owen Drive,
Fayetteville, NC 28304, in response to the
picture of "Chuck in Parasol" on the back
cover of VINTAGE. "He is in a Heath
Super Parasol and appears to be happy,"
says Dr. Garber. This photo shows me in
my V Model Heath with a Continental A40.
Dr. Garber's original Heath Super Parasol
is now In the Virginia Aviation Museum in
Kevin T. Kennelly (EAA 163680, AlC 9050)
of 2325 Elm St., Denver, CO 80207 is pic-
tured under a beautiful sky next to his
1946 Temco GC-1B "Swift" which he has
named "Barecat". Kevin rescued the
Swift from a junkyard in May of 1981 and
spent six months making her airworthy,
stripping paint and polishing. It had a
stock 125 Continental with a Cessna 170
cowling and engine mount which he
found out was not strictly legal! He was
persuaded to convert to the Continental
10-360 (210 horses) and is very glad he
did. It is FAST! Other mods will have to
wait until Kevin completes a Howard
DGA-15 rebuild which he hopes to fly to
Oshkosh '88.
The Time Cap_s_u_'_e______By_J_aC_k_co_x_
Photographs are time capsules ... a fleeting instant frozen forever . .. preserved for future generations to use as a peephole to
the past. The EAA Foundation has thousands of negatives that have been donated by photographers . . . or their estates . . . who
attended great events of the 1930s like the Cleveland Air Races or simply haunted their local airports to photograph the airplanes
passing through. These priceless peeks at aviation's Golden Age deserve to be seen . .. and we intend to present a few of them each
month in this new feature. Any additional light readers can shed on any of the aircraft is welcomed. This month's photos are from the
Schrade Radtke Collection.
The one and only Waco ZVN-7, the prototype
of the tri-geared UN" model Wacos. Intro-
duced at the 1937 National Air Races at
Cleveland, it was used by the company for
test work and then dismantled on July 24,
1939. The 1938 production N models were
the ZVN-8 and AVN-8. NC17731 (Ser. No.
4675) shown here was Cadmium White with
Havana Brown trim and Berry Red pin strip-
ing. It was powered with a 185 hp Jacobs
L-5. Note the pointed nose gear wheel pant.
The -8s had a foreshortened pant.
Radtke Collection #1022
The beautiful red and black Hall Bulldog is one of the most admired racers of the 1930s ... despite the fact that it was only raced once,
finished a disappointing sixth behind Jimmy Doolittle in the Gee Bee R-1 and was dismantled shortly afterwards. Designed by Bob Hall
and piloted by him in the 1932 Thompson Trophy race, Bulldog was financed by Mrs. Marion Guggenheim. Unfortunately, it was much
too slow as a racer, but modelers still love it for its graceful gull wing, aggressive stance and stunning paint scheme. Radtke Collection #960
When introduced in 1934, the 9-place Northrop Delta was a very advanced airplane. Its all-metal, multi-cellular, stressed skin construction
... pioneered by Jack Northrop on his earlier Alpha ... was state of the art and features included electric flaps, electric starter, hydraulic
brakes, controllable propeller, the latest radio equipment, nav and landing lights - all as standard equipment. Powered with a 735 hp
Wright Cyclone, the Delta had an advertised top speed of 219 mph and a 75% cruise of 200 mph at 8000 feet. The performance came at
a price, however - 37,500 1934 dollars, which in buying power is the equivalent of nearly half a million 1988 dollars. Seven Delta 1-Ds
were built, two of which were for a Swedish airline. The rest were purchased by U.S. oil companies and wealthy individuals for high
speed transportation. The Delta pictured here is NC14267, Serial Number 42. Does anyone know who it belonged to ... and what
ultimately happened to it? Just one Northrop Delta remains on FAA's books today - NC13777 (Ser. No. 28), which is registered to Richard
M. Davis of Shawnee Mission, KS. Radtke Collection #818
The manufacturers of the larger, more expensive Iightplanes would have had a tough time making it through the Great Depression had
it not been for the oil companies ... such as Kendall Refining which owned this 1934 Stinson SR-5. NC13868 apparently bought the
farm somewhere along the way because that N number is on a Cessna 172M today. Radtke Collection #940
Story and photos by Dale Wolford
(EAA 10957, Ale 836)
443 TR 1500, R. 2
Ashland, OH 44805
The Aeronca story has been told
numerous times and was covered in de-
tail by Paul Matt in his historical aviation
albums. Aeronca's C-2 airplane was the
first production light plane in the United
States. The detailed story of how an in-
formal partnership of three young men
in Dayton grew into a company which
produced thousands of airplanes is also
covered in Jay Spencer's book Aeronca
C-2: The Story of the Flying Bath- Tub.
My interest in Aeronca C-2/C-3
airplanes goes back to early boyhood.
I can clearly recall that one time on a
weekly shopping trip, my father stopped
the car alongside a sod field which was
the forerunner of Mansfield Lahm Air-
port. There were large biplanes tied
down facing a fence. They could have
been Waco's, Travel-Air's or some
other two wingers of that era. In recall ,
the third and farthest airplane is like a
color photograph. It was yellow and
b l a ~ I could look right into the cockpit
where the brave man sat. I now know
that it had to have been an Aeronca
C-3. No other airplane had such a dis-
tinctive profile. To the big plane pilots
of that era they were distinctive, border-
ing on ugly. I have also heard they were
sometimes as welcome at airports as
ultralights at O'Hare.
Ugly or not, they got a generation of
aviation-hungry youth in the air. Many
pilots in the Big War received their flight
12 FEBRUARY 1988
instruction from veteran pilots ten years
their senior, who built up flying time and
ratings in these early Aeroncas.
In 1977 I purchased a 1935 Aeronca
C-3 "Fatback" that had been converted
to a "Collegian" open cockpit. The
airplane had been converted to a Con-
tinental 65 and was licensed experi-
mental. I bought the airplane from Ron
Boice in Farmington, New Mexico. The
one week spent in barnstorming that
airplane back to Ohio was truly a time
warp experience. It was a real fun
airplane, though. With the more power-
ful engine I was able to share the ex-
perience, giving rides to a lot of friends
aged from six to seventy-six. Also, with
the more reliable engine I never had
any bad experiences. Bad moments
spent in any particular airplane are
not particularly conducive to fond mem-
ories I have nothing but good ones
of that C-3. When I parted with her, I
assumed my early Aeronca days were
In 1981 , Brian Van Wagnen in
Jackson, Michigan called George York
(EAA 11310). He wanted to sell his col-
lection of C-2 parts. I had no particular
interest in a C-2 except as they related
to the development of the C-3. Single
place airplanes are too limited. You
can't share the fun with anyone else. A
deal was struck and George, Jim Gor-
man (EM 29182) and myself were in
the early Aeronca business. There was,
however, a slight difference between
what we thought we bought, and what
we got. The value items were a fuse-
lage, tail feathers and five engines. A
fire-damaged C-3 "Master" fuselage
and rotted right wing that came with the
deal were not even good reference ma-
terial. Three of the engines were 26
horsepower E-107s which would really
make nice wall decorations. One en-
gine, an E113-C had promise.
We looked at this pile of parts for two
years and finally concluded there was
only one honorable way out. We would
pretend this was just what we always
wanted and go ahead and restore or
build it. So this is the story of how an
informal partnership of three older men,
helped by many others, preserved what
three young men in Dayton had started.
The paperwork that came with the
"pile" covered C-2 (S.N. A-66) N10300.
The "N" number had been allowed to
lapse so we didn't even have a good
number. It now graces the side of a
Cessna 150 in the Indianapolis area.
But you know, there are still some
people in Oklahoma City who are in-
terested in airplanes. A sympathetic old
timer in the records section located an
open, authentic C-2 number (N10304)
that was originally issued to Serial A-70.
For five dollars we could have it. With
an authentic number, the project was
really off and rolling.
Wings and ailerons were a major
challenge. It took a year of spare time
just to build the wings. For those who
have not seen an uncovered C-21C-3
wing, a brief description is in order. It
has the conventional two wood spars of
the period. There conventionality ends.
The inner bay is braced with an
aluminum compression tube. This is fol-
lowed outboard by four bays of double
piano wire bracing, both top and bottom
of the spars. The bracing is made up
from piano wire by forming eyelets on
each end. These are secured by solder-
ing wire sleeves over the shank of each
eye. Right out of the Wright brothers
homebuilding manual! There are liter-
ally hundreds of aluminum clamp
plates, threaded rods, and fittings. Six-
teen turnbuckles in each panel make
trammeling very interesting. To assure
that the project qualified as a restora-
tion, we did use three old fittings. Every-
thing else is new. Our only deviation
from the original was substitution of 1/16"
plywood rib gussets for electric insulat-
ing fish paper.
I have discussed this Aeronca wing
with other C-2/C-3 restorers. We sus-
pect that the wing was a design evolu-
tion from Roche's glider experiments at
McCook Field in 1923. The McCook
GL-2 glider used wings from a IN-4
Jenny Biplane. When Roche designed
the pre-C-2 prototype for power, he
probably combined the proven Jenny
wing bracing with the then-modern
Clark "Y" airfoil.
The secret to flying on low power is
a high aspect ratio lightly loaded wing.
The double internal bracing gave the
torsional stiffness needed for a thin, ex-
ternally wire-braced monoplane. When
they built the prototype, production and
labor costs weren't a consideration. I'll
bet they looked at that wing with regret
later after it was approved and in pro-
duction. Even if labor rates were only
30 cents per hour, the fact they could
sell the airplane for $1245 and still stay
in business is just short of unbelievable.
The E113C engine was built up for
us by Bernie Hogan in Hamilton, Ohio.
He converted the engine to a Bendix
impulse magneto for easier starting and
reliability. This has been done before
on C-3s and we did not give it any
thought. Later when we tried getting the
magneto into the narrower C-2 engine
mount, we had a real problem. This was
one of the down times. We finally got it
in, but if we ever have to any work on
the mag, the engine will have to come
John Houser at Aeronca was a con-
stant source of answers and drawings
as new questions arose. John felt that
the racing sulky wheels on the Smithso-
nian C-2 were too large and that they
overly accentuated the narrow thin
gear. Several early references gave the
tire size as 20 x 2. Scaling factory out-
line drawings seemed to confirm John's
One day while walking through the
factory, I noticed one of our in-plant
tricycles. Knowing how our plant
maintenance people overload these
tricycles with tools and castings, I felt
the wheels would be adequate for the
job. The wheel size was 20 x 2. With
heavy spokes and a rugged hub, they
Part of the "crew" involved in the restoration included (from left) Jim Gorman, Burrell
Sparks, Jerry Shasky, Jay Markel and Elmer Wilson. Note original Aeronca logo on fin.
certainly looked rugged enough for a
700 lb. airplane. Upon closer inspection
the ball bearings could be replaced with
bronze bushings for the 1" axle. A call
to the manufacturer in Dayton turned
up the fact that "A long time ago we
furnished wheels of that type to
Aeronca." By chance we turned up the
probable source for the original C-2 wire
wheels. Wire wheels were discontinued
on the C-2. Most C-2s, including this
one, were converted to a wide tripod
gear in the field.
We admittedly had reservations
about using these wheels. During the
rebuild, knowing and well-intentioned
old-timers warned that they were weak
and would fold in a ground loop. This is
probably true. However, after watching
the gear in action during tail-up, high-
speed taxi runs on sod; the wheel
strength is reassuring. They are really
stronger than they first appear. We will
continue to treat them with respect by
doing our best to avoid dropping it in or
allowing a ground swing to develop.
The C-2 was not priced with an air
speed as standard. Factory brochures
listed both Pitot and Johnson vane type
as options. Not wanting to place four
years work in the slightest jeopardy, I
kept looking for a light weight solution.
At Oshkosh I discovered a small ul-
tralight Venturi-type airspeed made by
"Winter" in Germany. It is a beautiful lit-
tie instrument. We mounted it with a
strap clamp to the top longeron in an
inconspicuous location. The Venturi it-
Questions have been raised regarding the color scheme as most C-2's were solid orange
in front of cockpit. The group wanted something different and a friend donated an
original 1930 factory brochure which gave an original paint scheme different from most
self is mounted on top of the cabane
out of the prop wash.
In flight it turns out that sight and
sound are more than adequate indi-
cators of what is going on in the air
speed department. As it turned out, no
one on their first flight is using the
airspeed. Due to a recent discovery we
are going to leave the Venturi on for
authenticity. We were surprised when
we came across a clear photo of the
three original builders with their 1926
prototype. There on top of the cabane
they had installed a Venturi of almost
identical size to the one I picked up at
This C-2 left the factory at Cincinnati
Lunken on June 26, 1930. The first
owner was a J. D. Rodeheaver in
Jacksonville, Florida. Rodeheaver was
with Tropical Airways who were state
distributors for Waco, Fairchild and
Aeronca airplanes. Harold Culp pur-
chased the airplane in 1932 for $350
from Tropical Airways. We have a photo
of Culp in the airplane taken in 1934.
From FAA records the airplane passed
through several owners in Northeast
Florida between 1935 and 1945. The
airplane was damaged in 1941 in St.
Augustine and then stored throughout
the war. Harold Culp purchased the re-
mains in 1948 and ultimately sold it to
Brian Van-Wagnen in 1969.
After we bought the airplane I attemp-
ted to contact Mr. Culp by writing to sev-
eral previous addresses. I shouldn't
have given up when I did. In a chance
conversation with Bob Rust, a C-2 re-
storer in Fayetteville, Georgia, he gave
me Harold's current address. He said
Harold was still active but currently in-
terested in antique automobiles. My let-
ter was answered by his daughter who
said he died suddenly in December,
1986. She could not add anything
further to the background story. Hope-
fully, someone reading this account
may be able to add details to fill in the
missing spaces.
Burrell Sparks (EAA 2753), our Chap-
ter 148 president, made the first flight
on September 29th at Mansfeld Lahm
Airport. Burrell elected to use hard sur-
face rather than sod. The only problems
were a forward pressure required on the
stick and ineffective "Wells Lamont"
leather glove brakes. Due to the narrow
tread and free swivel tailwheel it is al-
most impossible to make a downwind
turn to clear the runway. In crosswnd
conditions you soon learn to make any
taxi turns upwind to initiate the swing.
With all the area of the slab-sided fuse-
lage, you could earn your seaplane rat-
ing on dry land.
Flying the C-2 comes as natural as
riding a bicycle. With power the tai l
comes up immediately and there is
plenty of rudder control. I never used a
rudder bar before, but this is no problem
either. There is so much rudder author-
ity that very little rudder is required. It
levitates off in about 200 feet and then
takes forever to get to the end of a 7,000
foot runway. The next impressions in
order are: Gee, it's nOisy! What a spec-
tacular view! Where did that oil on my
left shoulder come from?
To onlookers, the C-2 appears to be
reluctant to return to earth. Due to
ground effect, it just doesn't want to set-
tle that last foot. When it does, it seems
you are just moving at a fast jog.
To date, five people have flown it.
With only one exception, no one else
took the time to look at the airspeed on
their first flight. For the one who did, it
was inoperative when a spider web
blocked the Venturi.
We are already laying plans for fly-ins
next summer. The next Aeronca Fly-In
at Middletown, Ohio on June 10-12 is a
must. We are also hoping that it's not
too windy for the "Parade of Flight" at
Oshkosh '88. We would surely like to
see the Oshkosh crowd from the
panoramic perch of the C-2, as she flies
slowly toward Baslers .
On the last nice weekend in October, Jim Gorman pulls in close for a portrait with the newly restored Aeronca C-2, NC10304.
Sharp-eyed readers will note the tiny airspeed venturi on top of the king post. The color scheme of yellow with orange accent stripe
and black pinstripe is most unique.
14 FEBRUARY 1988
~ I ~ y p ClubActivities
Compiled by Norm Petersen
The newsletter of the Ercoupe Own-
ers Club is called "Coupe Capers" and
is edited by Skip Carden. The current
issue is Volume 16, No.6.
One member writes that he has flown
415-C 85 hp Ercoupes for over some
700 hours on auto fuel including flights
to 14,000 feet and at 102 degrees F.
He has never, repeat never, had the
least indication of fuel feeding problems
or any engine problems with that kind
of flying.
He says, "If you people continue to
blame every difficulty you have on auto
fuel , then you're going to see the day
when big daddy, FAA, will step in and
again put us all back on aviation fuel
(thus doubling our fuel cost) for no
sound reason at all. They are just wait-
ing for enough of these complaints, then
you will ruin it for us aiL"
The member goes on to explain the
aircraft fuel pump used in Ercoupes was
pumping auto fuel for years before they
were put in aircraft. "So the pump had
years of proven dependability before we
got it. Perhaps the cam that drives your
pump could be worn so badly that you
are not getting full stroke on your pump
"Perhaps you should check your fuel
line routing to be sure it is as your ser-
vice manual calls for. There are literally
hundreds of us out there who use auto
fuel without problems so find your prob-
lem somewhere else. Then you can fly,
knowing you've found the real problem!"
Another member goes on to explain
how he finally cured his fuel system
problem. The pump would not fill the
header tank and he was on his second
fuel pump and third mechanic when a
visitor from Wisconsin with an Ercoupe
suggested the mechanic should care-
fully check the fuel pump fitting which
has a small orifice between the hose
and the threaded end. The elbow was
plugg!ild with the remains of a bee!
There has been no fuel problems since
according to the member.
Information on the Ercoupe Owners
Club is available from National Ercoupe
Headquarters, 3557 Roxboro Road, P.
O. Box 15388, Durham, NC 27704.
The quarterly publication of the Vin-
tage Sailplane Association, Inc. , the
"Bungee Cord", is edited by Jan Scott
of Lovettsville, Virginia and is presently
in its 13th year! The group specializes
in gliders and sailplanes of years ago
and has picked up quite a following,
especially in recent years.
The 1987 winter issue of "Bungee
Cord" contains a unique history of Ale-
xander Schleicher and his German
sailplane factory. Born in 1901 in Pop-
penhausen, Germany, Schleicher
began his sailplane career in 1926 with
his first "Hols der Tuefel" which com-
peted for the first time in 1927. From
this humble beginning, the Schleicher
firm grew over the years with many dif-
ferent and improved sailplanes. The
WW II years merely accelerated the
building of sailplanes as they were used
extensively in training the German
Following the war, aircraft building
was not allowed until 1951 when the
Schleicher firm once again went into
production of sailplanes (they made fur-
niture in the years previous). The two-
place sailplane in wood and steel was
very prevalant during the '50s and '60s
along with the many forms of high per-
formance sailplanes of composite and
high tech materials.
Alexander Schleicher died in 1968,
however his firm has lived on and is
today in the forefront of sailplane man-
ufacture, worldwide.
Information on the Vintage Sailplane
Association, Inc. may be had by writing
the group at: Bungee Cord, Scott Air-
park, Lovettsville, VA 22080. Annual
membership dues are $10 for an indi-
vidual, $15 for a family and $25 for a
A National Waco Club member, 84-
year-old Ray Vaughn, is hoping to re-
create some history in a replica airplane
he has been patiently building over the
past eight years. Using a few printed
specifications, some photos and a good
memory, Ray is re-creating a biplane
known as the WACO Model 4, built in
1921 by Clayton Brukner and Elwood
"Sam" Junkin at the Weaver Aircraft
Company of Lorain, Ohio. This was the
first passenger-carrying biplane built by
the founders of WACO and was de-
signed to carry three passengers in the
front cockpit and the pilot in the rear
Ray's project is powered by a 60-
year-old Curtiss OX-5 engine of 90 hp
turning a 50-year-old propeller. The rest
of the replica is new and built by the
same methods and with the same type
of materials used in the original WACO
Model 4. The 28-foot wings and the tail
assembly are aircraft-doped linen over
wood ribs and spars. The fuselage is
wood framed and covered with plywood
and much of the wire rigging is hand
wrapped and soldered, as are control
To date, the basic airframe is com-
plete and covered and the wings and
tail surfaces have been assembled to
the fuselage. The OX-5 engine has
been mounted and the landing gear has
been installed. If everything works out
as planned, the WACO Model 4 should
be ready for flight in 1988. Ray Vaughn's
craftsmanship is something to behold
and must be seen to be appreciated.
Incidentally, when Ray updates his
pilot's license and physical exam, he
plans on a third class medical instead
of the second class he has carried for
his commercial license for so many,
many years. Learning to fly fresh out of
high school, Ray spent a lifetime in avi-
ation as an airport operator and instruc-
tor, including training Naval cadets how
to fly in WW II and multitudes of stu-
dents on the "G. I. Bill" after the big war.
Information on the National Waco
Club may be obtained by writing: Na-
tional Waco Club, 700 Hill Avenue,
Hamilton, OH 45015.

DeVEJ2 eStLEBEirnElEt'1- .
1948 MEYERS 145, SIN 203
Story and photos by Owen Stiegel-
(EAA65885, Ale580)
P. O. Box804
Berea, OH 44017
Before starting the history ofthis air-
craft, I think proper credit should be
given to "Pard" Beaumont Divers, who
was the actual craftsman who built the
aircraft from scratch and, as most
condition. "Pard" still operates Tecum-
seh Aviation in the old Meyers plantat
AI MeyersFieldinTecumseh,Michigan.
He is truly "one ofthe good guys."
In thesame leaguewould be Meyers
Company test pilot Ray Betzoldt (EAA
173524)whose delicate''touch'' helped
to fine tune the 145 model to where it
is adelightto fly.
Myaircraft,N34360,SI N 203,started
its illustriouscareerasthe last ofthree
successive prototypes, each using
parts from the preceding one! SIN 201
was the first and was powered with a
125hp engine.Itwasabad designand
ledtotheredesignedSI N 202,with bet-
ter lines and more strength, but still
powered with the 125 hp engine.
The story as Iremember it is that AI
Meyers was out doing a spin test at
10,000 feet one day.He got into aflat
spin and couldn't recover,so he pulled
the handleforthespin chuteto deploy.
The handleturned outto be the wrong
one and he jettisonedthedoorinstead!
For what reason Idon't know,he then
bailed out and neverdeployedthe spin
The empty aircraft spun in from ap-
proximately10,000feet and was exten-
sively damaged. But to attest to the
strength ofthe basicdesign, the center
section cabin section and starboard
landing gearwere usedwith littlerepair
on SI N 203! These old scars are still
evidenton thecentersectionwhereold
members were cut out and new sec-
SI N 203 was then constructed and
used to further certification with the
newlyavailable 145 hp Continental en-
gine.The ship was used in all the spin
No type certificate was ever issued for
the Meyers 145, but each aircraft as it
was finished was individually certifi-
cated. SI N 203, however, had paved
the way for this to happen.
AI Meyers flew No. 203 as his per-
sonal ship until 1953 when he ran it
16 FEBRUARY 1988
"01' Joe Kool" himself, Owen Stiegelmeier pauses for his picture after fueling the
Meyers 145 at the hometown pump. Open door isone oftwothat hingeforward for
entrance. Small "N"numberlooksespeciallyniceonthisaircraft.
through an I.RAN.thatturned it intoa
duplicateofthelast145- SI N 222.He
then sold itasthe200'swerestartedin
designandAI neededcashandtimefor
the new model.
SI N 203thenwentthrough asucces-
in the hands of Curly Broyles in Tul-
lahoma,Tennessee.He flew the pants
offit and everyonein northernTennes-
see knew Curly and his Meyers. As a
wayoftesting its value,Curly put it up
for sale at a ridiculously high price and
Tom Sigmond from Palo Alto, CA
bought it before Curly knew what hap-
pened! Curly later remarked he had
Tom Sigmond spent a great deal of
time and money getting a one-time
S.T.C. to repower the aircraft with a
Continental10-360of210hp. Tom'sre-
Pictured in front ofthe EAA Aviation Foundation's Meyers OTW which Buck Hilbert
company test pilot; Darrel Rohrbach, OTW model builder extraordinaire and Wayne
Seagraves, OTW craftsman attheMeyersfactory.
Owen's prettydaughter, Amie, poses in front ofthe 145 at itshomefield, Columbus
Station Airport, justsouthwestofCleveland. Airplane "looksfast", juststandingstill!
With camera around the neck and his Meyers hat in place, Owen Stiegelmeierposes
by his Meyers 145 at the Meyers Fly-In on July 3, 1986 in Tecumseh, MI. Note dual
landinglightswhich retractwiththegear.
the thrill offlying aP-51 at PiperArrow
costs.Hedid amostprofessionaljobin
the installation with no corners cut so
that the powerplant looks like afactory
designed installation.
Ibought the ship from Tom when he
got the bug for a bigger and better
machine. HeboughtaMeyers2000but
still misses his old 145! I flew the
airplanefrom 1979to 1985with alotof
good memoriesand then had hercom-
pletely rebuilt from the ground up by
Griffing Flying Service in Sandusky,
Ohio. They did an outstanding job,
doingsuchthings as sandblastingallof
the chromoly tubing and then sloshing
with oil, sealingand primingwith epoxy
primerand finally, apolyurethanefinish
coat. Thetubingfinish looksbetterthan
most modern aircraft exteriors.Alot of
structuredskinwith attendantfasteners
was also replaced. The Meyers was
then paintedbyDaveHallofWestPenn
Aircraft in Wheelir)g, West Virginia.
The aircraft now flies like ajewel. It
is one of those kind of airplanes that
justfeels good to be controlling.
The only bad habit it has is the stiff
die set spring loaded landing gear. Oil
it, but never really functioned the way
they should,so landing is aprocess of
gettingtangentto the earth at the least
possibleangle and getting all the flying
done before the wheels touch! If you
smile from earto ear when you pull up
to the pumps! The biggestthrill of all is
to take offat 2800 rpm continuous, get
the gear up and climb at a high angle
until you are out of sight. It really feels
The following is a brief summary on
SI N 203 - last prototype and first
Total built- 20 - SI N 203/222
Total leftflying - 12
Total remaining - 17
First production built SI N 2031
Last production built SI N 2221
Last built- experimentalversion with
Lycoming 0-540and wetwingsby
Ralph Haven, Bryan, Ohio.
Presentperformance of N34360:
Top speed 198 mph true
188 indicated at sea level
Landing speed 65 mph
Stall dirty 48 mph
Stall clean 60 mph
Rate ofclimb 1800fpm
Ceiling 18,000ft.
Engine Continental 10-360C-210 hp
Wing span 30'0"
Length 21' 10"
Gross weight 2150 Ibs.
Empty weight 1437Ibs.
Seating capacity 2
Fuelcapacity 49gals.- 100octane.
1935 Stinson SR-5E mounted on EClo 38-3430 floats is shown about 1954 with original
U.S. registration, N14154. Note ADF loop antenna on cabin roof.
by Norm Petersen
1981 photo shows the Stinson in white and turquoise trim paint scheme with Canadian
registration. C-FMXH. Aircraft had been converted to 300 hp Lycoming by this time.
18 FEBRUARY 1988
Photos courtesy Don Nelson
1655 Boblett Street
Blaine, Washington 98230
A small , four-line ad in Trade-A-Plane
listing a 1935 Stinson SR-5E on floats
caught this author's attention and led to
this very neat picture story on the over-
haul of a rare airplane. The FAA register
only lists three Stinson SR-5E as being
This particular SR-5E began life in
1935 as NC14154, SIN 9256-A, pow-
ered by a 215 hp Lycoming R-680. The
Edo 38-3430 floats were built in 1948
according to the data plates. The first
photo we have of the two together is
about 1954. In 1962, the floats were re-
turned to Edo for rebuild and the Stin-
son ended up in Canada as C-FMXH
where it did yeoman service as a typical
"bush" plane. Much of the time was
flown in missionary service.
In 1980, Don Nelson of Blaine, Wash-
ington purchased the floatplane which
was flown in Canada for a while before
being brought into the U.S. for rebuild
in 1982. The Canadian reg istration was
cancelled and it was registered as
The fuselage with metal covering on the forward half, is stripped
October, 1982, the Stinson SR-SE was landed on the grass at the and readied for the new paint job. Fabric tested good, so it was
Blaine, WA airport and transported to the hangar by a forklift. not replaced.
Mounted on a clever wheeled dolly, the fuselage is painted and the many small parts are added before final assembly. Round cowling
without "bumps" is used with 300 hp engine and is not original. Paint scheme is tastefully done.
In the shop, the fuselage is mated with the floats and all six streamlined wires are "tuned" up. Workmanship is first class.
N141WC in the U.S. (The original uN"
number of NC14154 was not available.)
The Stinson was disassembled,
cleaned and repainted with automotive
enamel. The white overall scheme was
accented with metall ic brown trim and
dark metallic brown pinstripe. The over-
all scheme is very becoming , especially
with the small numbers on the rudder.
The floats were carefully checked
and the only problem found was a cor-
roded spreader bar. A new one was
secured from Edo (along with a bill for
$1 ,ODD!) and installed. The floats were
cleaned and painted silver and mated
Early Sunday morning, the Stinson is transported on a flatbed trailer right past city hall!
Note the sign says, "No Trucks" - it doesn't say, "No Airplanes"!
Mounted on a launching dolly, the Stinson Is run up to check the Lycoming and make sure all is ready for launching. Don Nelson' s
son mans the fire extinguisher.
In the bright sunshine, the Stinson cuts a pretty picture as it taxies by with the big Lycoming ticking over. The certified gross weight
on these floats is 3610 Ibs.
20 FEBRUARY 1988
Carefully tied to the dock, the refurbished Stinson with new "N" number, N141WC, is
readied for flight. Beside company logo (Robbins & Nelson Construction) and Stinson
logo, nickname of "Monster Pigeon" is added to the fin.
once again with the 1935 airplane.
With the large plane and floats all
gleaming in their new coats of paint, the
aircraft was placed sideways on a low-
boy trailer and carefully hauled to the
water's edge. The engine was checked
and before long the pretty water bird
was once again ready for flight.
Don reports the "old girl" flies very
nicely and can haul a good load if there
is a good chunk of water from which to
take off. (It's no Super Cub on take off!)
The dual water rudders are quite effec-
tive in all but the toughest crosswinds.
The large, flat side of the fuselage
makes downwind turns difficult at times,
but this is something you learn to live
with. The engine is a 300 hp. R-680
Lycoming that's STC'd and with a con-
trollable propeller, there is adequate
power for floats.
Just think,. Don admits to five fly-in
fishing trips to Canada in 1987! Some
guys have all the fun!
With the flaps in the first position, the SR-5E climbs on the step and gets ready to lift into the air. Float pilots enjoy finding the "sweet
spot" where the minimum drag of the floats meets the maximum lift of the wing and the airplane lifts from the water. A "delicate touch"
on the controls is a real asset at this point!
This is what a 1935 Stinson SR-5E looks like as it taxies directly at you on floats. Note wide cabin and landing gear "stubs" used for
mounting the wing struts and the float struts. This rugged design has stood up for over fifty years!
The following is a listing of new members who have joined the EM Antique/Classic Division(through November 16,"1987).we
are honored to welcome them into the organization whose members' common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding issues
of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain additional listings of new members.
Jewett, Gleason, W.
Kingsland, Texas
Soares, Jim E.
Belgrade, Montana
Diamante, Giovanni
Roma, Italy
Teichman, Bebe
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Chapman, B. Wayne
South Burlington, Vermont
Madden, William E.
San Francisco, California
Jensen, Willis A.
Mount Shasta, California
Galtens, Edward W.
North Olmsted, Ohio
Jessen, Gary J.
Shelton, Washington
Blauman, Bruce B.
Mercer Island, Washington
Smith, Richard Glen
Eagle, Idaho
Mackentepe, Bert
Vinemont, Alabama
Groom, Ian Allen
Bethesda, Maryland
Pue, Harold R.
Bandera, Texas
Sellers, Sandra
Red Creek, New York
Ayres, Michael D.
Newark, New York
Hitchman, Nigel Mark
Colomiers, France
Gregory, Marion F.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Green Jr., J. L.
Greenville, Texas
Tedhams, Milton E.
Alma, Michigan
Baber, Thomas P.
Grapevine, Texas
Huffman, Paul W.
Decatur, Tennessee
Fisk, Jr., Wallace K.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Williams, R. Douglass
Moreland, Georgia
Bradburn, Tony
Nicholasville, Kentucky
Vancil, James H.
Lancaster, California
De Masl, P. Joseph
Danville, Vermont
Tennstedt, Charles R.
Daytona Beach, Florida
Merolla, Mike E.
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Tietmeyer, Clarence W.
Grover, Colorado
Lucas, Kurt
Culver, Indiana
Rogers, William Britton
Palmdale, California
Woerner, Don
Laurel, Michigan
Watts, Glen
Sulphur, Louisiana
Wilson, Gary
Vienna, Virginia
Greene, Clement Dean
Dearborn, Michigan
Sisson, Charles S.
Cranston, Rhode Island
Hatch, Fletcher A.
Summerfield, North Carolina
Erickson, Paul M.
Corte Madera, California
Roberts, James C.
Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
Grunberg, Henry B.
Scarsdale, New York
Van Vuuren, Lukas
Pictoria, South Africa
McCool, Robert F.
Bellflower, California
Brown, Phil
Novato, California
'Haggard, Harrison
Palos Verdes Estates, California
Simonds, David J.
Santa Rosa, California
Galley Jr., Cyrus
Rock Island, Illinois
Bomgaars, Merlin J.
Hemet, California
Lewin, Derek J.
Boulder, Colorado
Sleznikow, Larry
Greenwood, Wisconsin
Carlstrom, Donald R.
Rockford, Illinois
Baldwin, Kevin E.
Amston, Connecticut
Keenum, Michael E.
Palos Park, Illinois
Greener, Ralph T.
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Gregory II, Edgar W.
Springfield, Virginia
FOlliS, Don
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Lilly, Merle J.
Sarasota, Florida
Jones, A. P.
Issaquah, Washington
Hall III, James E.
Raeford, North Carolina
Cox, Lawrence O.
Diamond City, Arizona
Jerabek, William
Denmark, Wisconsin
Smith, Glenn E.
Orange Park, Florida
Lewis, Marshall E.
Seattle, Washington
Brodeur, Bob
Thompson, Connecticut
Heberer, Craig Scott
Menlo Park, California
Walker, Mark C.
Corona Del Mar, California
Mages, James G.
Jordan, Minnesota
Bigham Jr., Edward T.
Weston, Massachusetts
Bogue, Calvin A.
Stonington, Connecticut
Norris, William J.
Canovanas, Puerto Rico
22 FEBRUARY 1988
by George A. Hardie, Jr.
This standard type biplane of the
early 1920s was offered by a manufac-
turer still prominent in the aviation in-
dustry today. The photo is from the EAA
collection, date and location unknown.
Answers will be published in the May,
1988 issue of THE VINTAGE
AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is
March 10, 1988.
The Mystery Plane in the November,
1987 issue of THE VINTAGE AIR-
PLANE is a Harper. Harold E. Mc-
Fetrich of Salem, Ohio writes:
"The Harper was built by Jack Harper
at Five Points Airport where they were
manufactured in a former dance halll
roller rink turned factory. I used to fly
into this North-South strip in my
Aeronca C-3 and talk to Mr. Harper
when he was working on a later model
which was also full cantilever but had
side-by-side seating for two persons. At
least one of his aircraft was Salmson
John W. Grega of Bedford, Ohio
"The Harper monoplane was built in
1931 in Bedford and was powered by a
Szekeley 3-cylinder engine of 35 hp
which had a bad habit of loosening the
cylinder hold-down bolts. Many forced
landings later the factory devised a fix
which consisted of attaching a 1/8 inch
cable to the heads and with one
turnbuckle the whole business was
tightened down!! Presto! No more loose
"Getting back to the Harper mono-
plane, the factory produced three air-
planes and then disappeared from
the scene, those being Depression
years. There was one in existence up
to 1967 in pretty bad shape. I did have
some photos and letters which I had
collected over the years. These were
donated to the Bedford Historical Soci-
ety, which are the only information they
have acquired on the Harper Aircraft
Richard E. Gates of Sheboygan, Wis-
consin writes:
"Jack Harper moved from town to
town in Ohio, settling at one time in Bed-
ford, another in Elyria, trying to find
backing and, of course, money. An
amusing incident occurred when he
was at Elyria. At that time he had rented
an abandoned factory next to the New
York Central tracks and coal dock off
Abbey Road. There was a cinder drive
between the tracks and the building
which he used for a take off and landing
strip. He started to give flight instruction
and also had a ground school. This was
to help make money to build Harper
"About this time Elyria was to cele-
brate a centennial so it was decided to
show the 'Elyria-built' airplane to the city
residents. It was to be placed in the city
park alongside other products built in
the city.
"The airplane was tied down with the
tail facing Broad Street, next to the
brass cannon. However, a short time
before it was taken to the park someone
nosed the plane over and broke the
prop. Harper, with no time and little
money, went to Cleveland airport to bor-
row a prop for the show. The only one
available was a pusher version from a
Curtiss-Wright Junior. It was felt that no
one would know the difference!
"The city park was completely deco-
rated with bunting and Japanese lan-
terns all stretched overhead on cables.
Late one evening a group of the Harper
people who had been visiting the local
tavern drinking large quantities of 'root
beer' decided to start the Szekely en-
gine and make a bit of noise in the
sleeping town. As you might have
guessed, the airplane being a 'tai l drag-
ger' was at just the right angle for the
pusher prop blast to blow most of the
bunting and lanterns all over the down-
town area, making a real mess. We do
not recall what happened to the Harper
outfit from that time on."
Foster Lane in his book titled, Log
Book relates his experiences as test
pilot for the Harper Company. He con-
firms the "quick fix" made to the Szekely
three cylinder engine. Lane was to be-
come the sales manager for the com-
pany, to receive a commission on each
plane sold as soon as the business
materialized. His book, still available, is
worth reading fbr his other experiences
in his long career in aviation.
Other correct answers to the
November Mystery Plane were sent in
by Ken Hoyt, Monroe, Michigan; Roy
Oberg, Rockford, Michigan; and John
and Tony Morozowsky, Zanesville,
Storyand photoscourtesy
68 CambridgeStreet
Thompson, Manitoba
Canada R8N OH2
Being born and raised north of the
Sweden, my husband, Sven Talo (EAA
110842), didn't think it was such a big
transition to move to Thompson,Man-
itoba, Canada in 1972. However, the
blackflies and mosquitoeswerejustas
bloodthirsty as ever! You also learn to
leave mittens and warm jackets handy
throughout the summer, especially in
June when we still occasionally get
The vast wilderness that surrounds
the city of Kiruna, Sweden and the city
of Thompson, Manitoba is awonderful
asset to adventuresome people who
live in both places. Please remember,
north of the Arctic Circle there is only
one hour of daylight in the middle of
winter.On the other hand, in summer,
thesun neversetscompletely!Thewin-
ters in Manitoba are not as cold, but
apart from that, things are much the
same as Sweden.
When my husband Sven announced
in 1973thathewantedtoearnhispilot's
license, it didn't come as a complete
surprise,as hewasanaircraftengineer
(mechanic) in the Swedish Air Force
took up gliding.
be a good idea to take the training in
his own airplane. So before long, we
were looking for atrainer- a Cessna
150- which becameourfirstairplane.
What apride and joy!
With hisPrivatePilot licensein hand,
Svennow neededalargerplane,sooff
he went to trade up! (Sound familiar?)
And would you believe - four more
trades before we made the decision to
build ourown airplane!
Considerable time was spent study-
ing all the availableaviationmagazines
and homebuilt aircraft before the deci-
sion was made to build Burt Rutan's
"VariViggen." So now, money orders
and building plans changed hands.
Before long, anotherquestion arose.
Where to build? We lived in a rented
townhouse, there was only one option,
the living room! This was the moment
This 1978 Piper Super Cub on CAP 2000 floats was totally rebuilt in ten months and
muchofthattimewas spentwaitingforparts! NoteEAA stickeron cowl.
to me! Out goes the furniture, in goes
the plywood, steel tubing and assorted
partsand pieces. And all mysparetime
ing, painting and endless amounts of
time spent cleaning - since the room
had wall-to-wall carpet! And if that
wasn't enough, the bills and freight
anyonegray hair!
All of a sudden, we were moving to
flew the plane while I drove the truck,
pullingthehomebuilton thetrailer.This
proved to be quite an experience,but I
made it, despite anearnervous break-
downon reachingtheGrandPrairieAir-
port, butagoodnights'restrestoredmy
We bought a quarter section of land
about an hour's drive from town and
promptly began building an air strip. A
well was dug, power was installed, a
we builtahangar!The VariViggen was
forth to work. Some eight monthswent
extremelywindyconditions, awindgust
caught the Taylorcraft and stood it on
its nose for just an instant - before it
tipped overon its back!
Extensive damage was inflicted to
ourbird so we nowhad anotherproject
on our hands. Again long hours were
applied to the rebuild and when the T-
Craftlooked likenew, we sold her!One
year in Alberta had gone by, so we
ourVariViggen on the trailer.
Although we had owned several
cross country airplanes and had
traveled throughout Canada and the
U.S., our return to Thompson brought
the urge to fly "bush." In due time, we
bought a Republic Seabee, but after a
year she proved too expensive and
cumbersome to operate.
APiper SuperCubthathadbeen to-
talled and only the name tag seemed
intact was purchased and we attacked
the rebuild with new enthusiasm. Ten
months later, she flew like a dream!
Originally, we were going to sell it, but
the Cub proved to be such a nice flying
airplane that we sold the Seabee in-
Floats and skis were purchased for
the Super Cub and we were now ready
for the wilderness - summer or winter.
While all this was going on, the VariVig-
gen had still not flown , although it was
just about completed. With the interest
on the wane, we decided to sell the pro-
ject to another local pilot.
About this time, we had the great for-
tune to acquire a permit to build a cabin
at a beautiful trout lake 75 miles north
of Thompson . The cabin was built and
we now had a lovely place to spend our
weekends - weather permitting! Last
fall, a bear ripped off the door and half
of one wall before he ate all of our
supplies! The door was repaired, only
to discover a neat, round hole in it when
we came up in the winter. This time it
was a wolverine. He (or she) finished
off what the bear had missed!
The door was once again repaired,
however when we arrived for the first
time in the summer, the hole was there
again! Our previous visitor, the wol -
verine, had been back again . This time
he (or she) was really disturbed at not
finding anything to eat, so he settled for
toothpaste and soap, knocked over ev-
erything and broke most of the dishes.
Perhaps we should just leave the door
open for wildlife so they can feel prop-
erly welcomed.
In January, 1986, Sven started to de-
sign again and we were back in the
"building mode" again! His ability as a
mechanical designer by trade is a defi-
nite asset. We call our new airplane a
"Super Pacer." It started out as a Piper
PA-20, however, the fuselage has been
widened and stretched in length. It has
Super Cub wings and large control sur-
faces. The engine is a Lycoming 10-360
of 200 hp. which really makes it per-
The empty weight is 1097 and the
gross is 2550 for a useful load of 1450
Ibs. The "Super Pacer" is mounted on
CAP 2000 floats in summer and
Airglass 3000 skis in the winter. The
airplane was finished in only seven
months and has proven to be an out-
standing performer - unsurpassed for
"bush" work.
So after 14 years and 11 airplanes,
what comes next? Maybe a helicopter!
We already have Rotorways Exec build-
ing plans and their informative vid-
Throughout the past fourteen years,
aviation has taught us many things, in-
cluding how to live on the brink of star-
vation in order to buy airplane parts. It
has also enabled us to meet many won-
derful people, such as our trip to Osh-
kosh '86 which has resulted in many
lasting friendships. And now aviation is
making it possible for us to enjoy the
beautiful peace and solitude of the
northern Canadian wilderness .
Working on fitting the wing struts to the Super Pacer 200 outside our home. The aircraft
was completed in the driveway and then lifted on a flatbed and hauled to the river. It
was test flown on floats and the rest of the test time was flown on skis.
1986 "Super Pacer" 200 mounted on CAP 2000 floats nestles against the dock on the
Burntwood River which flows through the outskirts of town. Note flaps in the down
position and what appears to be all-plastic doors that swing up against the wing, sea-
plane style.
by Norman Petersen
A pair of "Geese" over New Zealand. McKinnon Turbo Goose ZK-ERX and standard
Goose DQ-FDQ (now ZK-ENY) flying over Mangere Bridge, Manukau Harbour, Auckland,
New Zealand. These aircraft are part of Sea Bee Air's fleet of amphibious Grummans
serving the Hauraki Gulf from Auckland.
This 1956 Champion 7FC, N9056B, SIN 7FC-144, is used for seaplane instruction and
ratings by Bill Mavencamp, Sr. and his three instructors at Wright Aero Service, Inc.,
Box 240, Maple Lake, MN 55358. Mounted on Edo 88-1650 floats, the Champ was con-
verted to a 115 hp Lycoming by Wiley Hautala of Ely, MN. Besides Issuing over 150
seaplane ratings to pilots from as far away as New York, the Mavencamp family (Bill,
Sr. and Jr.) host the monthly meetings of EAA Chapter 878 at the Maple Lake Airport.
4th Annual Montana Aviation Conference and
Trade Show at the Billings Plaza Holiday Inn.
Contact: Montana Aeronautics Division, P.O.
Box 5178, Helena, Montana 59604, 406/444-
annual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In at Lakeland
Municipal Airport. Contact: Sun 'n Fun Head-
quarters, 3838 Dranefieid Road, P.O. Box 6750,
Lakeland, FL 33807, phone 813/644-2431 .
APRIL 16-17 - WASHINGTON, DC - 8th Annual
Air and Space Museum Tour - Garber facility.
Dinner speaker of note. Limited to 200. Con-
tact: Chapter 4 Museum Tour, 2602 Elnora
Street, Wheaton, MD 20902, 301 /942-3309.
24th West Coast Antique Fly-In and Air Show
at Watsonville Airport. Contact: Watsonville
Chamber of Commerce, 4081724-3849.
Annual National Biplane Fly-in at Frank Phillips
Field, featuring a first-ever - Concours de Ele-
gance! Be part of the largest gathering of bip-
lanes since WW II. Modern factory type aircraft
invited and welcomed. Sponsored by the Na-
tional Biplane Association (NBA) and the
Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce. Contact :
Charles W. Harris, Chairman, 9181742-7311 ,
or Mary Jones, Executive Director, 918/299-
2532. Address inquiries on NBA membership
to NBA, Hangar 5, 4-J Aviation, Jones-River-
side Airport, Tulsa, OK 74132.
241 Breakfast at DeKalb-Taylor Municipal Air-
port from 7 a.m. to noon. Contact: Jerry Thorn-
hill , 3121683-2781 .
- Aerospace America 1988 Air Show and
Trade Exposition. Contact: Tom Jones, Air
Show Director 405/681-3000.
SORT, OKLAHOMA - International Bird Dog
Association annual meeting and fly-in at
Golden Falcon Airpark, Grand Lake Vacation
Resort. Contact: Phil Phillips, 505/897-4174.
JUNE 2326 - HAMILTON, OHIO - 29th Annual
National Waco Reunion. Contact : National
Waco Club. 700 Hill Avenue, Hamilton, OH
JULY 1722 - FAIRBANKS, ALASKA - Interna-
tional Cessna 170 Association Convention at
Fairbanks International Airport. Convention
site: Sophie Station Motel. Contact: Convention
Chairmen, Rick and Cheryl Schikora, 1919 Lat-
hrop, Drawer 17, Fairbanks, AK 99701 , 9071
456-1566 (work) , or 907/488-1724 (home) . Re-
member the time difference.
JULY 2122 - DAYTON, OHIO - Dayton Air and
Trade Show at Dayton International Airport.
Contact: Rajean Campbell , 513/898-5901 .
- 36th annual International EAA Convention
and Sport Aviation Exhibition at Wittman Field.
Contact: John Burton, EAA Headquarters,
Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
26 FEBRUARY 1988
Letters TO The
" j
Dear Mr.Chase,
Thank you for the November 1987 issue
of The Vintage Airplane and the excellent
article regarding our 20th anniversary con-
We very much appreciate the time,effort
and spacethat is devoted to numeroustype
club activities in your magazine.
Again,thank you for yoursupport.
Most sincerely,
Cliff R. Sones
Administrator, America Bonanza Society
P.O. Box 12888
Wichita, KS 67277
Dear Gene,
Many thanks for the complimentary copy
1987,carrying ourClubinformationin ''Type
Club Activities. "
The issue, as usual ,is one of yourtypical
magnificent and informative publications.
Was particularly pleased to see the story
on pages 10-12on GipsyMoth DH60M, CF-
In return, thought you might like to have
enclosed foryourown files, as it carriesour
Canadian Moth List and DH Types.
Mostcordially yours,
R. de Havilland "Ted"Leonard
Director, The De Havilland Moth Club of
305 Old Homestead Road
Keswick,Ontario L4P 1 E6
After reading a couple of articles in the
December 1987 issue of The Vintage
Airplane, Istartedskimmingthepicturesand
had a very pleasant and surprising experi-
refurbished; it getssidetracked alot in favor
of other considerations.Ihave always liked
Wacos,and apictureofonewill immediately
catch my eye. As Iwas looking at the pic-
tures of M.H."Curly" Havelaar's QCF-2 on
page 7, I saw the picture of the three men
standing beside the airplane. My wife was
washing thedinnerdishes atthe time, and I
said to her, "You know how I've always
talked about Freddie Lund that I used to
know so well back in 1930 and '31 till his
death- and alwaystriedtodescribehim to
you? Well ,here's apicture of aperson that
looks just like him!"Then Iread the caption
underthe pictureand realized it was Freddie
Lund, so I could finally show my wife what
he looked like. It was really a great feeling
to see his face again.
Freddieused to base attheOmaha,Neb-
raska airport when he wasn't out flying
someplace, and I became a good friend of
his,eventhough Iwasonly11 yearsold and
he was about 35.
The first time I ever saw Freddie I was
riding my bicycle to the airport and had al-
most reached it. Iwas at the airport winter,
summer,spring,fall, fog, rainorsnow- any
time Iwasn'tgoingtoschoolorhomesleep-
ing. And on this day as I watched, here
comes this beautiful red, white and blue
WacoTaperwing atabout25 feetabovethe
trees. It was in the traffic pattern and I
(Continuedon Page 28)
Dear Norm,
This Stinson,a1947108-2,was intended
as aparts plane for my KR 2project.
I found it in an old hangar ready to fall
down four years ago. I kept it in my sights
until Ipurchased it in Octoberof 1987.
Iwas told by local pilots and mechanics
that it was totaled. I found out differently
when my Dad and Istartedgoingthroughit.
MyDad isaStinsonloverfrom wayback, as
he used to own one when Iwas akid.
Surprisinglyenough itisnotgoingtoneed
as much work as wethought. In 1978itwas
fabric,new interiorand paint,too.
did the work then it was turned over to the
owner. He wrecked it on his first take off,
bending thepropin asnowbankandtearing
off the left gear. It was taken to the hangar
for storage and nottouched until Ibought it
nine years later.
So begins another project of rebuilding
Stinson N9835K. I'll keep you EAA'ers in-
formed of my progress.
James Evans
Lander, Wyoming 82520

For the
pon/h& tcrISIIII
UPF-7, Beechcrafts, Rawdon R-1 s, Dal
Specials and Travelairs to mention a few.
Letters To The EditoLcr:,!B
Dutch was killed in a Cessna Airmaster in



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(Continued from Page 27)
stopped and watched it till it was rolling on
the ground, and then I rode on to the hangar.
Freddie had just gotten his Waco back
from the factory after it had had a mishap (it
landed on top of an Eaglerock that was ready
for take off) . The pilot of the Eaglerock was
Fred Height who flew with Clyde Ice, and the
two airplanes ended up in a ball. Freddie
had taken his Waco back to the factory for
I have many precious memories of Freddie
Lund. Being around him was a privilege be-
cause he was a kind and caring person, al-
ways ready to answer the questions of a kid
utterly smitten with flying and willing to do
anything just to be around the airplanes.
Watching him do aerobatics used to leave
me awestruck. He was so smooth! Other
friends of mine who flew with him said that
when he did a slow roll the nose of his
airplane performed flawlessly.
Aerobatics were different in those days of
the early '30s, you know; there were no in-
verted fuel systems yet , and in those
airplanes Freddie was an unquestioned
champion. He was my idol in acrobatics, and
I always compared al/ other acrobatic pilots
to him.
Freddie did other things, too. I remember
his hopping passengers at a little air show
at Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1931 . For $5.00 he
would take off, climb to about 1,000 AGL, do
a slow roll, make a turn and come back in
and land. He did this all day. Late that after-
noon as we watched we saw something fall
out of the airplane; it was his wallet. We
watched it all the way to ground, noting
where it went down, and then several of us
scoured the impact area until we finally found
it and could return it to him intact.
That same day, Freddie's Waco lost the
air out of one of its gear struts. There were
many cars around, of course, and they car-
ried hand pumps, so we borrowed a pump,
lifted up the wing and held it while someone
pumped up the strut.
Freddie's airplane had very large fillets
where the lower wings attached to the fuse-
lage, and when he was hauling passengers
the ticket taker had to watch the passengers'
feet to insure they didn't step on that fillet
when they climbed up to the cockpit.
As well as being a friend and hero to me,
Freddie Lund was the first and best aerobatic
pilot I ever knew, although some that I knew
later were very close. The next one I found,
who was both friend and pilot, was Alanson
Gregg "Dutch" Rawdon of Wichita, Kansas.
Like Freddie, Dutch lived in airplanes day
and night. I knew Dutch from 1940 to 1942
and I was flying by that time. Although Dutch
had no inverted system, same as Freddie,
he could do just about anything in a standard
Continental 50 J-3, and he taught me a lot
about how to perform the same maneuvers.
Dutch flew all types of airplanes - Waco
1942. The thought at the time was that a
prop blade had come off the wind-driven
generator just outside the cabin and killed the
person doing the flying. Dutch presumably
had been asleep in the right-hand seat, and
couldn't wake up quickly enough to save the
airplane after the pilot was killed by the
generator prop. The airplane was heavily
loaded at the time and made a very steep
pull-up, it went into a spin from which it never
recovered . This was told to me by Herb Raw-
don, Dutch's brother. I was around the Raw-
don hangar in Wichita a great deal between
1940 and 1948 and knew all three Rawdon
The next acrobatic pilot who touched my
heart was Harold Krier when he was flying
his Great Lakes. I really loved to watch him
The pilot who does my type of acrobatic
flying now is one whom I have watched for
many years and I would like to go to his
school to ride with him just once. He is
Duane Cole. His flying is smooth and pre-
cise, which is what I like in aerobatics. Any-
body can manhandle an airplane, but it takes
an artist to put it through precision paces
Robert P. Laible
(EAA 219, NC 401)
5503 NW Fox Run Drive
Parkville, MO 64152
28 FEBRUARY 1988
Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet...
25e per word,20 word minimum. Sendyourad to
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For sale: Parting out Piper Tri-Pacer N1725A.
Metalized wings, fuselage, rudder, rear lift strut,
msl parts;$950.00takesall. JamesLaMalfa,3390
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1936J-2TAYLOR(PIPER)- Excellentcondition.
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VoltforWARNER 125-145Engines;Fewleft.Best
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tion of parts for all types of aircraft - antiques,
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1022or501 /394-2342. (3-2/579111 )
Wanted: Good AeroncaC2orC3, anyrebuildable
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30 FEBRUARY 1988
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