Vintage Airplane - Mar 1989

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We have a local airport in North

Carolina with a 3,000- by 200-foot
grass runway. The airport has a restau-
rant known as the Airport Drive-Inn.
On any given Saturday with good
weather, there will be as many as 50
aircraft landing at lunchtime. Everyone
will be wandering around visiting with
each other, taking buddy rides and hav-
ing a good time.
Amazing to me is how all of this
activity takes place without a control
tower. Airplanes land and take off in
an orderly and safe fashion.
It is at this same restaurant that the
hard core meets at night, drinks coffee,
reads Trade-A-Plane and talks
airplanes . One night everyone agreed
that what we needed was a Cub. Ace ,
my partner in several aircraft, took the
lead. We found a Cub in Minnesota
that we could buy for $5,000 (you can
tell this was a few years ago).
Everyone agreed, for the sum of $500
each, it could be ours. That's right, ten
partners. On the phone, the owner ag-
reed to deliver his prize the following
week-end. On Sunday afternoon, we
saw a red-and-cream J-3 arrive from
the northwest. The airplane was no
trophy winner, but it was a good fly-
able Cub.
With the business taken care of, the
man from Minnesota bought himself a
$300 car, threw in his sleeping bag and
headed home. The locals spent the bal-
2 MARCH 1989
by Espie "Butch" Joyce
ance of the day taking tums flying the Cub.
Over the years, this airplane has "be-
longed" to approximately 30 people -
only a few of the original partners re-
main involved. I am proud to be one
of them. The Cub has been responsible
for many people being able to solo and
go on to further their aviation careers.
One of these people is now flying a
King Air 200.
During this time period, we had to
rebuild the red Cub. This project lasted
about a year with everyone pulling his
weight and having a good time. The
project provided a good amount of fel-
lowship and the result of our labor was
lasting friendship and a trophy-win-
ning Cub.
As far as I am concerned, the red
Cub will be around for a long time .
My daughter, Sarah keeps measuring
her legs each week to see if she can
reach the rudder pedals yet. I have a
feeling that it will not be long before
I'm in trouble.
I wonder if William Piper had any
idea that his airplanes built in the I 940s
would still be flying today, giving so
much joy to so many . Our little "Cub
Club" is a perfect example. Two of
our group are discussing taking the
Cub to the EAA Sun 'n Fun Fly-W at
Lakeland, Florida. Thoughts of ~ u
flying bring me around to spring and
the beginning of many good flying
I would like to encourage everyone
to attend the EAA Sun 'n Fun Fly-in
at Lakeland. The dates are April 9 to
April 15. This is a great event, very
well managed with a lot of sunshine
and warm temperatures.
Billy Henderson, the ramrod of Sun
'n Fun has written me with the follow-
ing information: This year, for the first
time, there will be three evening air-
shows in addition to the daily shows .
The evening shows will be Wednes-
day, Thursday and Friday. The An-
tique/Classic Headquarters -will be
moved to a more prominent area facing
the flight line. The A/C parking area
has been reworked for better drainage.
There will be an additional parking lot
and also a new building will be in
place. The Sun 'n Fun Aviation Foun-
dation will have permanent displays set
up. There's a lot happening in Lake-
land. You will really enjoy this kick-
off to the summer fly-ins.
At the February board meeting of
the Antique/Classic directors, we
began laying the groundwork for EAA
Oshkosh '89 activities. Any input from
the membership is welcome so send
me any ideas that you may have . We'll
be finalizing our activities at the May
Let's all pull together in the same
direction for the good of aviation . Join
us and have it all.
Tom Poberezny
MarkPhel ps
GeorgeA Hardie,Jr.
Carol Krone
President VIcePresident
Esple"Butch"Joyce M.C."Kelly" VIets
604- Hwy.Street RI.2, Box128
Madison,NC27025 Lyndon,KS66451
919/427-0216 913/828-3518
Secretary Treasurer
GeorgeS.York E.E."Buck" Hilbert
181SlobodaAve. P.O. Box424
Manstleld,OH44906 Union, IL 60180
419/529-4378 815/923-4591
RobertC."Bob"Brauer JohnS.Copeland
9345S.Hoyne 9JoanneDrive
Chicago,IL60620 Westborough,MA01581
3121779-2105 508/366-7245
Phil ipCoulson WilliamA Eickhoff
28415SpringbrookDr. 41515thAve, N.E.
Lawton,MI49065 St.Petersburg,FL33704
616/624-6490 813/823-2339
ChartesHarris StanGomoll
3933SOuthPeoria 104290thLane,NE
P.O.Box904038 Minneapolis,MN55434
Tulsa,OK74105 6121784-1172
RobertD." Bob"Lumley
DaleA Gustafson N104W20387
7724ShadyHillDrive WillowCreekRd
Indianapolis,IN46278 Colgate,WI53107
317/293-4430 4141255-6832
ArthurR.Morgan GeneMorrts
3744North51stBlvd 115CSteveCourt,RR2
Milwaukee,WI53216 Roanoke,TX76262
4141442-3631 817/491-9110
DanielNeuman S.H.'Wes"Schmid
1521BemeCircleW. 2359LeteberAvenue
Minneapolis,MN55421 Wauwatosa,WI 53213
6121571-0893 4141771-1545
7200 5.E. 85th Lane
Ocala, FL 32672
JohnA Fogerty StevenC.Nessa
RR 2, Box70 2009HighlandAve.
Roberts,WI54023 AlbertLea,MN56007
7151425-2455peterHawks 507/373-1674
Sky WayBId, Suite 204
655 Sky Way
sanCarlos, CA94070

MARCH 1989 Vol. 17. No.3
Copyright'"1989 bythe EMAntiquel Classic Division, Inc.All ri ghtsreserved.
2 StraightandLevellbyEspie"Butch"Joyce
4 A/C News/compiledbyMarkPhelps
5 VintageLiteraturelbyDennisParks
7 LetterstotheEditor
10 TimeCapsulelbyMarkPhelps
12 C-2Restoration:AJournal- Part2
Iby GeorgeQuast
18 SpecialDeliverylbyAndrewKi ng
25 PassItToBuck/byE.E. "Buck"Hi lbert
28 PlanesandPeople/PublicityCommittee
29 WelcomeNewMembers
30 Members'ProjectslbyNormPetersen
31 VintageTrader
35 MysteryPlanelbyGeorgeHardi eJr.
FRONT COVER ..."WHIZBANG" is thegivennameot Paul Neuman's
mint J-3 Cub based at Belz Airport in Blisstield, Michigan. Paul D.
oldstudent pilot, Stanberyot Toledo,Ohio.
(Photo byPaul Neuman)
BACKCOVER...Noexplanationis necessarytor this1930sphototrom
SHOPPE and logosof!heEAAAVIATION FOUNDATION,INC.and EAAULTRAliGHTCONVENTIONare trademarksof!heaboveassociations and!heirusebyanyperson other
than!heabove associalionsisslrdfyprohibited.
Editorial Policy:Readers are encouraged 10 stories and photographs.Policyopinions expressed"articles are solely!hoseof !he authors.Responsibility for accuracy in
reporting rests entirelywith !hecontributor.Materialshould be sent10:Editor,The VINTAGEAIRPLANE,Willman Airlield,3000 PobereznyRd., 0sN<0sh,WI 54003-3086.Phone:
TheVINTAGEAIRPLANE(ISSN 009t-6943) published andowned exclusivelyby EAAAntiquelClassicDivision,Inc.,of!heExperimentalAircraftAssociation,Inc. and published
al WillmanAirfield,3000PobereznyRd., Oshkosh,WI549()3.3086.SecondClassPostagepaid atOshkosh,WI54901 andadditionalmaiingoffICes. Membershipralesfor
EAAAntiquelClassicDivision.Inc.are $18.00forcunenl EAA for 12monlhperiodofwhich$12.00 for !hepublicalionofTheVINTAGE AIRPLANE.MerOOersNp open
to allwho are imerestedin avialion.
ADVERTISING - AntiquelClassic Division does not guaranteeor endorseany proOOct oHered Ihrough oor advertising.Weinviteconslructive critcism and welcomeany reportof
inferior obtainedIhrooghoor SO tha1 corrective measures can be taken.
POSTMASTER:Sendaddress changesto EAA AntiqueIClassicDivision,Inc., IMttman Airfield,3000 PobereznyRd., Willman Aifield,Oshkosh.WI 54903-3086.
EAA staff member Tracy Johnson
has the EAA Air Adventure Museum's
Monocoupe looking good. She re-
MAY 6-7 - Winchester, Virginia.
cently fini shed covering and painting
EAA Chapter 186 Spring Fly-in at air-
the fuselage and the wings are almost
port. Trophies for winning show plan-
ready for silver. EAA staff member
es . Pancake breakfast Sunday. Conces-
Bruce Jovaag disassembled the engine
sions. Apple Blossom Festival down-
and preserved its entire insides before
town. All welcome. Contact George
Compiled by Mark Phelps
reassembling it and painting the ex-
Lutz at 7031256-7873.
terior. It's ready to go back on the
airplane. The cream and red
MAY 21 - Benton Harbor, Michi- CHAPTER #1 HOSTS AT SUN 'N
Monocoupe is really beginning to
gan. Third annual Fly-in breakfast , FUN
shape up and EAA Director of Aircraft
warbirds, boat show, classic car show The EAA Antique/Classic Division
Maintenance, Daryl Lenz says that ,
and trophies for aircraft. Sponsored by Headquarters at the Sun ' n Fun EAA
"Tracy deserves a lot of the credit for
EAA Chapter 585, A VSA T Aviation Fly-in will be located, as usual , in the
it. "
and Twin Cities Airport . Contact Al
Classic aircraft parking area . Your
little wood house in the Antique/
Todd, PO Box 61, Stevensville,
hosts will be the Antique/Classic Michigan, 49127 Telephone 616/429-
Chapter #1 , also known as the Florida
In its annual review of the state of
Sport Aviation Antique and Classic
Association, which is based at Lake-
the industry, the General Aviation
MAY 26 - 28 - Afton, Oklahoma.
Manufacturers Association reported
The Third annual Twin Bonanza As-
you to come by and visit awhile. We
land . We would like to invite all of
that the average age of a single-engine
sociation convention at the Shangri La
piston airplane is 22 years. The spread
Resort. Contact Richard Ward, Twin
tivities. So check with us upon arrival
are planning some interesting ac-
of numbers indicates that more older
Bonanza Association , 19684
for the activities schedule. We'll save
airplanes are being restored and stay-
Lakeshore Drive, Three Rivers , Michi-
ing on the books longer while fewer
gan 49093 Telephone 616/279-2540. you a seat on the porch swing where
new ones are being built - a surprise
you can enjoy that wonderful Florida
to no one. That means that antique and
JUNE 23 - 25 - Pauls Valley , Ok- sunshine. - Sandy McKenzie, Presi-
classic aircraft are making up an in-
lahoma. Greater OKC Chapter of AAA dent.
creasingly larger percentage of the
Fly-in. Great facility for Fly-in and
general aviation fleet. More and more
camping. Close to motel s. Contact
potential aircraft owners are discover-
Harry Hanna at 405/946-4026 , or Bud
GRAM ing that a classic airplane is a relatively
Sutton at 405/392-5608.
Scholarships and awards ranging
inexpensive route to aircraft ownership
from $200 to full degree programs are
with the added benefit of the satisfac-
JUNE 22 - 25 - Mount Vernon,
offered through the EAA Aviation
tion in owning such a piece of aviation
Ohio. 30th Annual Waco Reunion.
Foundation. The goal of the EAA Avi- history .
Wynkoop Airport. Make your reserva-
ation Scholarship Program is to en- tions at the Curtis Motor Hotel, just
courage, recognize and support excel- one mile from the airport, 1-800-828-
lence in students pursuing knowl edge 7847 , or (in Ohio) 1-800-634-6835.
of the technologies and skills of avia- CLARENCE CLARK, 1904 - 1988 There will be no Waco fly-in at Hamil-
tion. Annual scholarships provide out- Clarence Clark, Travel Air test pilot ton this year. For more information,
standing individual s demonstrating fi- of the late 1920s, died in Bartlesville, contact National Waco Club, 700 Hill
nancial need with assistance to ac- Oklahoma on December 31, 1988. He Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio 45015 .
complish their aviation goals. Appli- was 84. As production test pilot, he
cants should be well-rounded individu- flew virtually every Travel Air that left JUNE 24 - 25 - Orange Mas-
als involved in school and community Walter Beech's factory from 1925 until sachusetts. EAA Chapter 726 New En-
activities as well as aviation. The 1930. These included the Mystery Ship gland Fly-in and antique engine show.
academic records of applicants should racers, Dole Race-winner, Woo/aroc Two runways, 5,000- by 150-feet,
verify their ability to successfully com- and the prototype Staggerwing. After trophies, flea market and food . War-
plete the educational activit y for which leaving Travel Air, Clark became a birds welcome. Contact Joe Smolen,
the scholarship is requested . Applica- corporate pilot for Phillips Petroleum, 413/498-2266.
tions for the 1989 EAA Scholarship flying company airplanes from Ford
program must be completed and sub- Trimotors to Falcon jets. Although he OCTOBER 5-8 - Pauls Valley, Ok-
mitted by May I. All application mate- suffered a stroke some time before his lahoma. International Cessna 120-140
rials must also be received at EAA by death, Clarence still attended QB Association Fly-in Convention. Fifty
May I. For application materials and meetings in Tulsa on a regular basis miles south of Oklahoma City on J-35.
further information , please contact and former editor of VINTAGE Fly-outs, games and fun for all . Close
EAA Education Director, Chuck Lar- AIRPLANE Gene Chase reports that he to motels and shopping mall . Excellent
sen at EAA Headquarters, 414/426- spoke with Clarence at such a meeting camping facilities on field. Contact
4800. on December 2 . Bud Sutton at 405/392-5608 .
4 MARCH 1989
Sixty Years Ago
The Technical Literatureof1929
()uring 1929 the American aviation
industry experienced the most stupen-
dous period of growth in its history.
More than 180 new aircraft received
type certificates during the year. Pro-
duction in American aircraft plants
reached the highest peak in its history
with over 6,000 aircraft produced.
This represented a production increase
of51 percent more than the previous
year. All together over half a billion
dollarswas invested in an industrythat
employed more than 100,000 people.
On the technical side, the year also
saw the introduction of the then so
airliners doubled, tripled and even
quadrupled from those in general use
on the airlines.Foursuch aircraftwere
type certificated in 1929; the Boeing
80-A (18 passengers); Keystone Patri-
cian (18 passengers); the Fokker F-32
(30 passengers); and the Consolidated
Commodore (22 passengers).
Consolidated was also in the fore-
front ofanother design trend with the
development in 1929 of the Fleetster
which had an all-metal monocoque
fusleage andaHornetengineequipped
with a NACA low-drag cowling. The
Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competi-
tion for foolproof aircraft stimulated
attention to the use of slots, spoilers
and flaps. And on the otherend ofthe
performance spectrum the Travel Air
Mystery Ship flew at over240mph at
the National Air Races.
The National Advisory Committee
on Aeronautics (the predecessor to
NASA) turned out more than 100 Re-
ports, Technical notes, and Technical
Memorandum during 1929. It was an
era of important research and one of
the mostfar reaching was the work re-
ported in Report #313 and Report
#314- "Dragandcoolingwithvarious
forms ofcowling for a Whirlwind ra-
dial air-cooled engine."
This was the research authored by
Fred Weickthat developed the NACA
cowl. Thetestsexaminedmanyengine
cowl designs, the best of which en-
closed the entireengine. This arrange-
ment showed a drag reduction of 60
percent over that ofan uncowled en-
gine. This was quite an improvement
when research showed that an un-
cowled J-5 Whirlwind tripled the drag
ofan averagesizedcabinfuselagewith
a rounded nose.
Another report covered speed and
deceleration trials of the USS Los
Angeles . It seems the airship did not
perform as reported during the original
Zeppelin trials in Germany so tests
were carried out to establish accurate
A water recovery system had been
added to the engine nacelles by the
U.S. Navy and that appeared to ac-
countfor mostofthediscrepancy. Top
speed during the tests was recorded at
68 knots and the coefficiency ofdrag
at .0245 which seems quite amazing
for something ofits size. In compari-
son the Sikorsky XP-41 of 1938 was
listed as having a coefficiency ofdrag
of .027.
Otherreports on theLos Angeles in-
cluded pressure distribution tests and
stress & strength tests. Also appearing
during the year was part VI ofthe fa-
mous series "Aerodynamic Charac-
teristics ofAirfoils."
Technical Notes during the year in-
cluded studies dealing with boundary
layer control. Some reports were:
"Wind-tunnel tests on airfoil boundary
slot" and "Experiments with a wing
model from which the boundary is re-
moved by suction.
Other new developments under
study during the year were: cantilever
wings; metal construction; seaplane
floats; and the use ofwheel brakes.
Another source oftechnical studies
ciety of Automotive Engineers whose
reports where printed in the annual
Transactions volume. Many well
known aeronautical engineers be-
longed to the society. In 1929 William
B. Stout was Vice President for Avia-
tion Engineering. Other members at
this time included Virginius Clark and
James H. (Dutch) Kindelberger.
"Spinning Characteristics of
Airplanes" by Dr. Michael Watter a
Airplane in a Normal and a Flat Spin
Scale in Inches
design engineer with Chance Vought.
In the report the author discussed the
causes and nature of spinning airplanes
and measures of prevention.
In his conclusion he stated "I believe
that we do not possess definite data
which would enable us to design
airplanes incapable of dangerous spins;
nor do we know of any means which
would assure a certain recovery."
In another report Lt. Carl B. Harper
of the US Navy reported on spin recov-
ery tests on naval aircraft equipped
with Handley Page automatic slots. He
emphasized the importance of such
studies as spins were responsible for
45 percent of fatal airplane accidents
in the Navy during the preceeding five
In a test with a Vought Corsair,
when the slots were unlocked in a spin,
the one on the low wing opened with
a bang and brought the plane out of the
spin in half a tum .
Another design trend in 1929 was
.....---- a t ~
represented by the four papers about
the development of variable pitch pro-
pellers. The authors stated that the use
of variable pitch was becoming a
necessity with the higher horsepower
engines being developed. They also
felt that extensive use of the controlla-
ble-pitch propeller was inevitable in
the next few years . They also predicted
the use of a power control lever com-
bining the throttle and pitch controls.
These and thousands of other reports
are part of the technical heritage pre-
served in the EAA Aviation Founda-
tion Library.
The Army Air Corps was also doing
aviation research and during 1929 pro-
duced 15 technical reports . One of the
reports was related to the spin testing
carried out by the Navy lIsing slots and
reported by the SAE. This was a report
by the Airplane Branch called "Re-
sume of Investigations made on Hand-
ley Page slots and flaps."
The report presented the summary
of the very favorable results of the tests
in a way that would allow the applica-
tion of the technology to the practical
design of slotted wings.
Testing was conducted in the air and
in wind tunnels. In one series of wind
tunnel tests the coefficient of lift on an
airfoil went from .00282 with the slots
closed to .00602 with the slots open.
Another study on wing flutter was
carried out at MIT's four-foot wind
tunnel. The goal was to determine what
conditions caused destructive oscilla-
tions in internally braced wings . This
was important because of the increas-
ing use of cantilever monoplanes. No
solution, either analytical or experi-
mental, existed.
The results of the tests were not
promising. "Practical design methods
to preclude wing flutter requires a
knowledge of at least the trends of the
principal components of this law. At-
tempts have been made to express the
law mathematically, but the results of
these attempts promise little in practi-
cal solution of the design problem."
Another report available during
1929 was an analysis of aircraft acci-
dents in the Air Corps. Some of the
conclusions were that mechanical fail-
ures were among the least important
causes of accidents. Pilot errors consti-
tuted the major cause of fatal accidents
and the introduction of the parachute
had considerable effect in reduction of
fatalities .
There was also a marked relation-
ship between number of hours flown
and the accident rate of pilots. The ac-
cident rate was half as great for pilots
who fly more than 50 to 100 hours an-
nually as for those who fly less than
50 hours. Since 1920 fatal spins due to
pilot error were shown to be much
more prevalent than any other kind of
fatal accident.
Handley-Page Slot
6 MARCH 1989
DearPaul Poberezny,
This is the location ofthe final rest-
ing place of one of the pilots of the
Gee Bee racers who was killed in a
crash of the plane on a timed speed
trial in 1931. The mausoleum is lo-
cated in Newton, Illinois' cemetery
and the marble plate seals the vault of
Lowell R. Bayles. I was a sophomore
in high school in Oblong, Illinois, 15
miles away, at the time of Lowell's
death. Four friends and I played
hookeytoattendthefuneral. Wecould
not even find room in the church and
we all stood in the vestibule to beable
to hear the memorial service. A re-
markably large group of friends and
relatives attended the funeral service.
and also arrived late - we admitted
we skipped school (as he well knew).
I hope this will help preserve a bit of
aviation history ofthe Gee Bee racers
and the Granville brothers.
Joe Wood (EAA 27075)
Robinson, Illinois
Dear Joe,
Thanks very much for your letter and
photos . As a young man, I also envied
those who raced all those fine
airplanes and it certainly added to my
enthusiasm and gave me so much sup-
port for the little that we've been able
to accomplish today.
Again, thank you.
Dear Editors,
Leon WeIchel's Moth on the back
cover ofthe January, 1989 issue is a
DH 82aTigerMoth,notaGipsyMoth.
Theengineis aGipsy Major. The unit
markings on Leon's plane reflect this
aircraft's history in the RAAF. It does
present an interesting contrast with
JamesFowler(EAA70114, A/C2293)
Houston, Texas
Dear Mark Phelps,
VINTAGE AIRPLANE just seems to
be getting betterand betterall the time
with tales offixing and flying ourold
airplanes, and going back in time with
pictures and stories of the men and
machinesofyesteryear. Keepit up and
maybe one day we can join the An-
tique/Classic Division and take Sport
Aviation as an option?
Reading Norm Petersen's "A Mid-
winterFly-inFestival"(January, 1989)
put me in mind ofthe winterof 1977/
78 in Iowa, my first in very cold
weather with an old T-Craft . After
many starting problems, I was told by
an old-timerhow to make a pre-heater
using carexhaust. I did and it worked
great. Thepictureshowsthe samepre-
heater, airplane and car in 1989. I
don't use the heater as much now in
Kansas as I did that cold winter in
Iowa,butit seemstohaveheldupwell
and was easyand inexpensiveto make
so I thought I would pass it along to
this Is a Tiger Moth ... This Is a Tiger Moth . . . This a Tiger Moth . . . This Is ...
Red hot. Heating up a red Taylorcraft with a red VW Karmann Ghia.
The flex tubing is two lengths of
home dryerexhaust-vent tubing avail-
able in the home section of most dis-
count stores and the hook-up to the
car's exhaust pipes is nothing more
thanaslip-on madefrom heating-stove
vent pipe and sheet metal and a bit of
duct tape here and there. The VW has
dual exhausts so I had to put in a Y
that normally wouldn't be needed.
My Taylorcraft , NC44493 isa J946
BCI2D-1 (outstanding in type, EAA
Oshkosh '88- Ed.)and my Karmann
Ghia is a 1971 convertible. Both are
restored in theiroriginal red and black
colors and were not painted to match
each other.
Thank you,
John McDonald (EAA 122351, AIC
Windom, Kansas
Dear Mr. Phelps,
I have just read your article, "An
Airplane Named Davi s" (December
1988) and it brought to mindmanyex-
citing days when I flew a Davis 0 -1
and also an E-2 Cub. In 1938 I was a
hot pilot with three hours' solo in an
E-2 Taylor Cub owned by H. Weir
Cook, whom the Indianapolis airport
was namedafter. Cookwasinthe94th
World WarI.
After three hours' solo I bought a
1935 Rearwin Sportster with a 70-hp
LeBlond, a tailskid and no brakes.
Cook taught us to spin and to enjoy it,
so we really got the feel of the
airplanes. Spinning was just a part of
our daily fun. A hangar friend, Bus
Wilbert , said Icould fly hi sDavisD-J
any time I wanted because it had a
hp LeBlond). The airplane had a bad
reputation locally withsuchcomments
as "the lastsix fellows who flew it had
slightly damaged it in one way or
We were flying out ofa grass field
- HoosierAirport on the westsideof
Indianapolis. It was my intent to taxi
to see ifI felt good about handling it.
However, after a few attempts, I hit a
bump and was unsuccessful in getting
the airplane down again. I finally ran
outoffield andhadtokeepgoing. Be-
fore I knew it, I was up and flying.
Since I did not know its landing
characteristics , I flew the airplane
across town toStoutField,avery large
grass field, and madea high-speedap-
proach and let it slow down a few in-
ches offthe ground until I could land
Walter Best aloft In Davis NC 532K.
8 MARCH 1989
it. Then,by recognizingthe feel ofthe
airplane after a few practice landings,
I flew it back home and was a hero
among my peers. This airplane had no
airspeed indicator.
One day I was challenged to fly the
airplane and loop it. I borrowed a
parachute and went to 3,000 feet and
started. The airplane tucked up so
quickly Ithoughtwhy notspin it going
up, for I figured it would eventually
fall intoaregularspin. WhenIsnapped
it going straight up, things happened
it went. I immediately found myselfin
aslow-turning flat spin.Toretrieve it,
Ipushedthestickforward andopposite
rudder- nothinghappened. Itriedev-
erything possible that I could think of
with the stick and ailerons. I was too
green to know that I should bailout.
As alastresort ,Iopenedthethrottle
wide with the stick straight forward.
prop blast caught the rudder and
elevator, the nose went down slowly
and I made a recovery at 800 feet. It
shook me up some, but by the time I
got it back to the field, I was calm
enough to receive the congratulations
ofmy peers who thought that I was a
hot pilot. That day, though, I almost
bought the farm.
the engine was so light the plane was
very tailheavy. Wehad to use the trim
tab in the full forward position and I
believe the horizontal stabilizer actu-
ally was in a lift condition. IfI would
chop the power while flying slowly,
the nose would slowly rise until it fell
offtoward a spin. If Iwas goingquite
fast and letgoofthecontrols, it would
try to tuck under toward an outside
Previous to this when I would spin
the plane, it would slow up, lose aile-
ron control, then I would kick rudder
and move into a spin, but without a
noticeable break - just a gradual
transition into a spin. Then the nose
would slowly come up (while in the
spin) and I could move the controls
forward and back; I could control the
nose-down angle ofthe spin and still
be spinning. On the recovery, the
airplane just slowed down in the tum
and woulddiveoutbutwith no notice-
able break in orout.
Outside of those experiences,
thoroughly enjoyed flying the wonder-
ful little airplane. The landings were
docile; but without an airspeed indi-
cator, you were flying it by the seatof
your pants. While sitting behind the
wing in an open cockpit, you had the
tain. You had very good visibility and
it felt like you were observing the
airplane. As you can see from the
photographs of the old Davis, the
wheels had small, high pressure tires
with large diameter.
Walter E. Best (EAA 2499)
Indianapolis, Indiana
The airplane in Walter's pictures, NC
532K isnow owned by Cole Palen and
is one of the few Davises currently fly-
ing. It can be seen in action at Cole' s
"Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome" in
Rhinebeck, New York . - MP
Walter's company donated all the locks in EM's Oshkosh Museum and Headquarters buildings, including the new Eagle Hangar.
The Tilne Capsule by Mark Phelps
The Condor was the last of the large biplanes
used on airline service in the United States.
Transameri can Airlines ordered the first ofche
15-passenger ships for its "Valley Route" -
Chicago to New York in fi ve hours, 50 minuccs
for $47.50. Eastern Air Transport also ordered
fi ve of the GR-1820-powered biplanes for its
New York to Miami run (/2 hours). "Sleep-
ers" became popular when E.A. T. onicial
Eddie Rickenbacker earned distinction as the
first passenger to undress and go to bed in an
American airplane. The Army watched closely
when the Condor underwent certification test-
ing resulting in the deli very of two military
( YC-30) Condors to the Army Air Corps in
May 1933. This is apparently one of them.
Can anyone explain che Capitol building logo
on the fuselage?
The de Havilland is unquestionably the
airplane chac taught the British Empire to fl y.
Designed and developed in 1925, the Moth
was the first widely produced trainer/
sportplane to combine safety ofoperation and
alTordability in a delightfully responsive and
fun-to-fly package. Tn 1928, the Moth Aircraft
Corp. was established and began building
airplanes in Lowell, Massachusetts under
license from de Ha villand in England. The
first 85-hp Gipsy-powered Moth rolled out in
early summer of 1929 and by year's end, more
than 120 had been built - a remarkable
achievement. Fly-away-factory price was
$4,500. NC 566K was ordered without che
"a utomatic slots," a $240 option. The com-
pany was later absorbed by the sprawling
Curtiss-Wright empire and the airplane was
produced through 193 1.
A 12 page illustrated catalog of the over 1 ,000 negatives in the Radtke Collection is now available from the EAA Foundation Archives for
$3.00 postpaid. Write: EM Aviation Foundation Library, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065 or call 1-800-843-3612.
10 MARCH 1989
Radtke Collection #1015
When J acobs introduced its 225-hp, seven-cylinder L-4 engine in 1934, Waco bolted one to the
front ofa UKC to create the YKG. For the next three yea rs, the airplane continued co shed such
unnecessary features as wheel pants, bumped cowls and rear cabin windows, lowering its asking
price and boosting its utility as a working a;'plane. Waco's "Custom Cabill "jobs got the attrntion
but the "Standard Cabin" YKC and YKC-S were getting the job done - on EDO 38-3430 floats
as weJl as unpanted wheels. Several of the marc spartan cabin biplanes foulld their way to the
Canadian bush, American seacoast and oll e as far away as Johannesburg, South Africa.
Radtke Coll ection # 579
Race #14, NR 84Y was the third raci ng airplane built by Perry Hansen, a machini st from
Lansing, Mi chi gan. He built and fl ew hi s first racing ship, " Baby Bull et" (a modified Hea th ) in
1931, before he had his pilot li cense. With Art Davis a nd Walt er Bagni ck at the controls, Baby
Bullet II raced with great success behind a 39-hp Continental A-40 in 1932. Ba by Bull et I II ,
Race #14 hit the circui t in 1934. With Art Davis again at the controls, Race #14 placed second
and third at the Nati onal Air Races behind Steve Wittman who won both races. Bill Kysor lOok
second in the other race in the Ras mussen Special. In this photo, Hansen' s racer is parked beside
a fire truck and three ambulances - note the sign " I NVALID COACH" in one car' s rear window.
Radtke Collection # 398
Jimmy Doolittle, traveling man.
Augie Wegner and gave me the address
of the Antique Airfield in Ottumwa,
Iowa. Clifford said there was a C-2
there and he would send a few photos
of C-2s that he had.
Part 2
by George Quast (EAA 123836, Ale 8885)
January 19, 1983
I sent off a check for membership
dues to the Aeronca Club, which
brought a letter and material from
Augie Wegner on January 23. Augie
remembered seeing NC 10303 at Dawn
Patrols (flight breakfasts) in Michi gan
during the early 1960s . He took a pic-
ture of it on July 8, 1962 at Chesaning,
Michigan and met Les Steen who pi-
loted the C-2 . Augie had heard that it
was later located in Hutchinson, Min-
nesota and wrote to Noel Allard and
Forrest Lovley to see if they had any
news of the C-2. Augie gave me the
address of Historical Aviation, Eagan,
Minnesota. From that address I could
order Jay P. Spenser's book, THE
AERONCA C-2 which contained de-
tails on the restoration and history of
the National Air and Space Museum's
C-2 and is published by the Smithso-
nian Institution Press. Augie men-
tioned John Houser' s name and his ad-
dress was on the Aeronca membership
roster. The roster was sent along with
the Aeronca Newsletter from June
1982, January 1983 and Aeronca Club
Publications sheet.
January 28, 1983
Clifford Hatz sent a letter and told
me about Spenser' s book, mentioned
This photo was taken In 1961 by former pilot of the C-2, Les Steen. The airplane was owned
by Doug McClure at the time.
12 MARCH 1989
January 31, 1983
My father died on this date. I be-
came the owner of NC 10303 . He left
me knowing that the plane was in good
hands and that I was discovering
friendships with quality people, a
group he too had discovered during hi s
February 16, 1983
I had sent a letter to the Antique
Airplane Association and received a
reply on this date . I am not a member
of the AAA and was told they didn't
have the manpower to handle all the
outside inquiries for help. An invita-
tion to join the AAA was extended to
me . Also on this date, I ordered
Spenser's book from Historic Avia-
tion. This book became our reference
and technical manual. More than 60
pictures of C-2s and C-3s could be
found in it with the book divided into
three main sections: I. Origins of the
C-2; 2. Development of the C-2 and
the C-3; and 3. Restoration of the first
production Aeronca. The book was
personally signed by Jay Spenser. It
begins with the following words from
an early Aeronca advertisement;
" 'Last year was epochal in the air-
craft industry,' the Aeronca advertise-
ment of 1930 went . 'lt saw the opening
of the great private owner market
through the introduction of the first
practical light airplane ... the now fa-
mous Aeronca C-2.'
"The diminutive C-2 did indeed
open an enormous, previously untap-
ped market , winning enthusiastic ac-
ceptance during the latter half of 1930
despite the spreading depression . It
was the first American airplane to be
affordable, economical, and produced
in quantity. In addition, it was easy to
fly, required little maintenance for its
simple structure or reliable engine,
and was devoid of nasty habits to
spring on the inexperienced pilot.
"The advertisement quoted above is
wrong only in that the Aeronca C-2 is
not famous, for today it is aLL but for-
gotten. Neither sleek nor fast , it was
not a plane to capture the imagination .
It won no air races although it set a
number of records, and was so small
as to look like an overgrown model
"The significance of the C-2 lies not
in what it did but in what it was; this
aircraft marks the emergence of gen-
eral aviation in the United States."
This book was our how-to manual
and as I read through the pages, I dis-
covered how special NC 10303 really
I received the Aeronca book and
showed it to a high school friend who
happened to stop out at the municipal
airport . His name is Ed Connelly and
Eddie is a Gulfstream G-III pilot em-
ployed by Cargill Inc. , a company that
deals in ag products . It just so hap-
pened that Ed's next flight was to
Washington D.C. and he planned on
stopping at the Smithsonian. He took
the book and I asked him to take a
picture of the Smithsonian's C-2 for
me. I waited to see the photos, only to
be told that the C-2 was not at the main
museum but was at the storage facility
at Silver Hill, Maryland. Ed was going
back to the D.C. area in a few weeks
with his wife, Betsy and he has already
made arrangements to go this time to
Silver Hill.
One spring-like day in March, the
hangar bums stripped all the fabric off
the fuselage and wings. I didn't know
they had done it and when I first saw
what was left of the plane it looked
like the buzzards had picked the car-
cass clean.
The project made the Mailbag news
in the April issue of the Aeronca Club
Newsletter .
May 13, 1983
I wrote to Jay Spenser at the Smith-
sonian Institution and six days later I
had a letter back from him. I was told
to contact John Houser, Aeronca Inc .
and George Hardie Jr. of EAA. Jay
said he would provide whatever help
he could to assist in the process.
May 24, 1983
After a long wait, Fred Heidecker,
local auto body man, sandblasted the
steel frame . It was inspected and five
feet of the rear longeron was replaced
because of accumulating moisture to-
ward the tail over the years of sitti ng
idle. We followed the restorer's treat-
ment of the fuselage written in
Spenser's book:
"The tubular steel frame was then
inspected for cracks, rusted areas and
other damage before being covered
with zinc chromate primer and epoxy
paint. Colors used were gray from the
tail to the cockpit and black from there
to the firewall .
"An interesting part of the treatment
of the fuselage framework called for
the drilling of a drain hole at a low
point in the steel tubing. This hole was
capped before hot linseed oil was
poured into another hole at the highest
point of the forward end of the struc-
ture . The course of the oil could be
followed by feeling the heat with the
fingertips and when the entire struc-
ture was filled, it was allowed to sit
for five minutes before the cap was re-
moved. When the oil drained away,
the holes were sealed and the restorers
were left with a frame which could not
erode internally."
Upon inspection of the tubular steel
frame, small dings and dents were
found. A small plate on the lower right
side of the cockpit had the characters
A-69 stamped into it. This was the se-
rial number plate. Each of the dents ,
I'm sure, had a story in the history of
the C-2.
June 13, 1983
I registered the C-2 with the Min-
nesota Commissioner of Transporta-
tion as a Pioneer Aircraft and then put
the project aside because of summer
work. Jim and the airport vigilantes
kept reminding me through the sum-
mer that there was work to be done on
the C-2. With the growing season
slowing down in September, I began
writing to C-2 and C-3 Aeronca own-
~ T - r v ot
We usedthis bookbyJaySpenserasourguidefortheproject.
Fred Heidecker sandblasting the fuselage.
ers, their names and addresses taken
from the Aeronca Club roster. [ asked
about ailerons and any other informa-
tion that might shed light on the pro-
September 21, 1983
[ wrote ot Owen Elliot in Corpus
Christi, Texas. He's restoring a C-2.
September 22, 1983
I wrote to the following people:
Richard Frye - Elderton, Pennsylvania
Ted Giltner - Shillington, Pennsyl-
Clifford Hatz - Gleason, Wisconsin
Chris Murray - Tempe, Arizona
Erwin C. Eshelman - Kettering, Ohio
E.E. "Buck" Hilbert - Union, Illinois
Les Steen - Lansing, Michigan
September 29, 1983
Les Steen, former pilot of NC 10303
sent a reply along with a black-and-
white photo of the C-2 taken in the
warm weather months of 1961 when it
was owned by Dave McClure. I was
told by Augie Wegner that Les might
have owned the airplane, but it was
actually owned by Roy Oberg, a friend
of Les. The plane having been rebuilt
by Doug McClure first, sold to Roy
Oberg and then to Vince Burke. The
papers found in the aircraft storage
compartment would verify all of this.
Chris Murray sent a letter along with
a list of registered C-2 and C-3 owners
as of 1982 . He used this list to locate
parts for a pre-war Chief and he gave
Joe Qualls of Phoenix, Arizona; and
John Houser.
Jim covered and painted the tail
feathers. Colors were chosen from
Spenser's Aeronca C-2 book cover and
pictures taken of the Smithsonian's C-
2 by Ed Connelly. Stits fabric and
Ditzler paint products were used, the
paint bought locally from Forbes's
Auto Store . I relied on Jim's experi-
ence working with these products and
I think he himself was anxious to get
started because I certainly didn't know
what, where or how to do it.
I enlisted master woodworker,
Louie Zumach to make me a pair of
spruce stringers, copied from an old
pair taken off the fuselage on either
side of the cockpit. One of the old
stringers had been broken and Louie
made an exact copy. Payment was
made to Louie by horse-trading a few
railroad ties that I had. The rest of the
woodwork in the plane was in excellent
condition and I cleaned it with good
old soap, water and a new coat of spar
varnish .
The pace of the project started to
pick up .
October 3, 1983
I wrote letters to the following:
Bill Stratton - San Antonio, Texas
Mallory Harwell - Memphis, Indiana
Harry Marsh - San Mateo, California
I received letters from Erwin Eshel-
man, Buck Hilbert and John Houser.
Erwin sent an early Aeronca decal
that he sells and asked if I was restor-
ing NC-567V, serial number 18, a C-2
he once owned. The color scheme was
different on his decal than that of the
decal pictured on the cover of
Spenser's book. Spenser wrote:
"Care of the most exacting and
painstaking nature was taken by the
National Air and Space Museum
curators to ascertain the exact colors
and markings the restored aircraft
should bear. Aeronca employees, avia-
tion enthusiasts and historians - even
designer Jean Roche himself - contri-
buted to this effort. One example of the
me additional names of people to write:
The C-2 stripped of wings, tail, engine and fabric. Wings are hanging on the north wall
Hugh Chester of Hastings, Minnesota; of the hangar.
14 MARCH 1989
difficulties this task entailed was accu-
rately reproducing the colorful Aeronca
' wing' emblem on the tail of the C-2.
Several versions of various colors and
sizes were used in the early years ofthe
company's history, and determining
the authentic configuration required
a considerable effort by the museum
curators and John Houser, service
engineer of Aeronca Inc ."
When I first received Erwin's decal ,
and after reading what effort was taken
by the Smithsonian, I thought that this
part of the project was taken care of.
Erwin had done all the work! Wrong
again, George. There was some confu-
sion somewhere because the tail decal
and the picture of the company' s
"wing" emblem didn't match.
Buck Hilbert sent a photocopy of an
early Aeronca C-2, along with the
names of Augie Wegner, Erwin Eshel-
man and John Houser. Buck was very
curious about the C-2, where it had
been, what engine (26-hp E-I 07 or 36-
hp E-113) was used and he told me of
his C-3, NC 13556.
John Houser's letter directed me to
write Russ Borton of Jackson , Michi-
gan, for a source of new ailerons and
that I could buy miscellaneous draw-
ings from Aeronca Inc. John sent the
drawings to me which were made up
of blueprints; copies of seat and back
5372; floorboard 5376; crash pad for
eight-gallon tank 5264; covered assem.
baggage compartment 5377; and picto-
rial of dash and carburetor.
October 13, 1983
I paid for the blueprint copies from
Using an iron to smooth out any wrinkles in the fabric.
Aeronca Inc. and brought home two
more letters from the post office that
morning. Mallory Harwell sent me a
photo of his C-3 with 65-hp Continen-
tal engine and Bill Stratton told me to
contact his mechanic/partner, Hardy
Cannon. Going to the post office mail
box each day was like Christmas morn-
ing with all the excitement of unopened
gifts . I never knew what to expect. In
each day's mail there might be some-
thing new, a photo, information or
someone new to write to about the C-2.
More and more people were now get-
ting involved, people from all over the
United States. Most were very happy
to help me in any way they could. I
knew now, I wasn't doing this project
October 17, 1983
Dan Yeager of Rapid City, South
Dakota wrote and told me of his C-3
in Brookings, South Dakota - a plane
his daughter, Pat Cidsness fl ies. He
also mentioned Augie Wegner.
October 18, 1983
Perry Roberts of Billings, Montana,
sent a photo of his C-2 which was later
donated to the Air Power Museum in
Blakesburg, Iowa.
October 21, 1983
Russ Borton wrote saying that he did
make new aileron skins for the EAA's
C-3, but just doesn't have the time to
make any more. Maybe later.
October 22, 1983
Jim Wechman sewing the Stits fabric to the tail's steel frame. Special day. Erwin Eshelman called
Fuselage and wing ot a C-2 once owned by Perry Roberts ot Billings, Montana. This C-2
was donated to the Air Power Museum in Blakesburg, Iowa.
me from his son's home in the Twin
Cities asking if he could come and see
the C-2. At 3:35 in the afternoon, he
arrived with his wife , son and daugh-
ter-in-Iaw. All five of us went to the
airport and eyeballed the project.
Erwin helped me identify the wooden
F1ottorp propeller and told me some
early stories of his C-2 and C-3 . For a
little guy, he sure had a lot of stories
in him. They headed back to the Cities
much too soon.
Hardy Cannon from San Antonio,
mechanic/partner of Bill Stratton and a
retired school teacher sent at letter tel-
ling me that he was spending his time
rebuilding a small fleet of Aeroncas.
He had two 1935 Aeronca C-3 Mas-
ters, one 1934 Collegian and one 1930
C-2, serial number 30. He had parts
for seven E-113 engines and three
props. I also learned from the pictures
that he sent along that he was the bald-
headed guy.
I had written back to Buck Hilbert
thanking him for the information he
sent me and I received another letter
from him on this date. He started his
letter with the following:
"Dear George,
Nice to know /' m not corresponding
with a 'kook!' At least I know now that
you are for-real and have a decided
interest in actually restoring your C-2 .
I spend so much time spinning my
trying to help people only to find they
have nothing on their minds except a
pen pal relationship."
Buck asked more questions, sent
photos of his C-3, one photo of the C-3
under the wing of a DC-IO taken at
Chicago's O'Hare Field, and offered
his help if I'd tell him exactly what I
October 26, 1983
Les Steen sent a photo of his award-
winning C-3 and talked about C-2 in-
struments and tail decals.
For some time now, I had asked
people about old altimeters that would
have belonged in the C-2. The panel
of my C-2 was complete with the ex-
ception of a modern sensitive altimeter
being carved into place where an old
altimeter once was. Back in Sep-
tember, when metal parts of the plane
were being cleaned, I thought about
how I'd like to find an old altimeter
that belonged in the metal dash .
Joe Qualls, of Qualls Aviation in
Phoenix, Arizona, sent a letter and told
me about some problems with the E-
113 engine. Engines with open rockers
or Warner heads were suspect. He was
working on a method of repairing E-
l13A, Band C crankshafts. Joe sold
his aileron jigs and C-3s to Bill Strat-
Finally the busy month ended with
local Hutchinson pilot Jerry Hintz giv-
ing me a copy of the AOPA Pilot
magazine, October 1983 issue with its
cover story all about Aeroncas. The
story by J. Jefferson Miller was titled,
AERONCA, They called it the Champ
wheels, or maybe flapping my wings
Mallory Harwell trom Memphis, Tennessee and his 65-hp-Continental-powered C-3.
16 MARCH 1989
and they were right." Miller relates
some early Aeronca history:
"The history of that success and
eventual failure began in the spring of
1929 with the formation of the Aero-
nautical Corporation of America,
Aeronca for short. The name signified
nothing more than the willingness of
four Cincinnati investors (including
Senator Robert A. Taft, son of the the
former President William Howard
Taft) to put money behind an airplane
design , for the corporation as yet had
no airplane to sell.
"Enter Jean Roche, a man with a
simple dream and an airplane with
which to pursue it. He had a vision of
Americans by the thousands flying in
a light-weight, low-powered, inexpen-
sive, easy to fly airplane. A not too
startling concept today, but in an era
when flying was almost the exclusive
preserve of the military, the air-mail
pilots and the extremely well to do, it
was revolutionary thinking.
"Roche's airplane was a squat, little
398-pound machine called the C -2. It
seated one and was powered by a 30-
hp, two-cylinder, single-ignition
Morehouse-designed engine that was
produced by Aeronca. The C-2 design
employed a Clark Y airfoil that had
been developed the year before at the
Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology.
The wings were made of wooden ribs
and spars covered in cottonfabric. The
wing leading edge was formed by a
thin sheet of shaped aluminum. Flying
wires ran to the wing from a kingpost
on the C-2 with three longerons in the
Ed Connelly took this photo of the Smithsonian's C-2 at the National Air and Space
Museum's Silver Hill storage facility.
fuselage instead of four, giving the
airplane its 'razorback' appearance.
Many subsequent Aeronca designs, in-
cluding the Champ, retained the dis-
tinctive three-longeron aft construc-
tion, using wooden stringers to square
up the fuselage.
"Roche sold the design to Aeronca
for 220 shares ofstock in the company.
A total of 164 C-2s were produced."
November 3, 1983
Jay Spenser wrote and told me that
he ordered a C-2 decal photographed
in color, taken from the Smithsonian's
aircraft, and this decal was considered
quite accurate. He also gave me the
name of a decal company, National
Decal Corporation in Philadelphia.
They did the decal work and might still
have the pattern.
The fuselage had been covered, with
new stringers in place, using Stits fab-
ric, sprayed with butyrate dope and
then Ditzler 1980 sealer.
November 7, 1983
It wouldn't be fair to Buck Hilbert
to say that he sent a "letter" on this
date. It was more of a novel, describ-
ing aileron gap-seals, characteristics of
the E-113 engine, engine starting pro-
cedure, source of propellers and that
he was looking for aileron drawings
and an engine manual to send me. En-
gine starting and running as told by
"My starting procedure is no differ-
ent than with any other engine. The
NAS-2 carb has no accelerator pump
so I close the throttle, pull the prop
through until she sounds good and
squishy and dribbles out the drain,
turn switch on and it goes. It idles at
about 450 rpm and has the usual flat
spot accelerating through 900 to 1,000
rpm. Nothin' to it. Cruise is about
2,250 to 2,350. You can cruise at less
if you so desire, but mine is smoothest
at or above 2,250."
The best part of his letter was the
P.S., "You just keep working on this
project - gotta fly it again. Over to
you, Buck."
The bald-headed man is Hardy Cannon of San Antonio, Texas. He and Bill Stratton own
To be continued ...
several Aeroncas including (I. to r.) C-2, C-3 and L-3 fuselages.
A Ferry Trip Across The USA
In The Prototype Timm Collegiate
by AndrewKing
(EAA 275985, Ale10739)
I was in Californiato pick up a 1928
Timm Collegiate, the prototype ofsix
builtandoneoftworemaining. Al Stix
B.C. Reed and they asked me if I
wanted to bring it back toCreveCoeur
Airport near St. Louis for them. They
didn'thavetoasktwice. I'dneverbeen
to California before, or Arizona or
New Mexico for that matter, and
jumped at the chance to see it all from
an open cockpit.
B.C. picked me up from the airport
limoandIdiscovered whatan interest-
ing person he is. He learned to fly in
the LosAngelesareain the 1930s,flew
18 MARCH 1989
B-17s during the warand a wide vari-
ety ofother airplanes then and since.
It's always fascinating to meet some-
body who combines enthusiasm for
aviation history with some first-hand
knowledge ofit, and enthusiastic is a
good word for him in general.
He took me to Brownsville, in the
hills on the east side of the valley,
where he and his wife live next to a
privateairstrip. ThereIwasintroduced
tion and silver color reminded me of
the Ryan M-Is that Pacific AirTrans-
port flew up and down the west coast
in the 1920s. They were the forerun-
ners ofthe "SpiritofSt. Louis." B.C.
told me that Lindbergh, who had been
given his first airplane ride by Otto
Timm, had flown this very airplane
when it was new in 1928.
I decided to fly it oncebefore it got
most anxious moments of the whole
trip. I was blinded by the setting SUII
just as the tail came up and for a few
seconds I wasn't sure which direction
I was headed. It was a harrowing ex-
perience butImade it into the airafter
a few swerves and flew around until
the sun was definitely down before
The next day dawned cold and clear
and I strapped my bags into the front
seat and took off into the crisp morning
air. I wasn't about to take a northern
route at that time of year but instead
intended to fly south to Santa Paula the
first day, and then east from there. A
quick flight brought me to Marysville
where I filled the fuel tank, and then
continued south and a little west across
the broad valley of central California
that seemed to be full of green
emergency landing fields until I
noticed the sun glinting off of them
and realized that they were mostly
flooded. My route took me west of
Sacramento and south of San Jose
along the Pacific coast with the ocean
stretching forever to my right and vari-
ous mountain ranges rising around me.
I stopped at Byron, King City , and San
Luis Obispo.
The Timm is not the nicest flying
airplane I've ever flown, heavy on the
controls and it sinks with the power off
as bad or worse than anything else I've
flown. The 220 Continental pulls it
along at about 85 mph at 1,850 rpm
and my first calculations showed it to
be burning 16 gph, too much, which
forced me to plan my legs at less than
two hours.
The airplane has one characteristic
that was alarming at first-any little
ripple in the air causes it to shake its
tail from side to side, a little like a dog
drying itself off. The oscillations are
small but rapid and noticeable. At first
when it happened I would look back,
expecting to see something shaking, or
maybe gremlins standing on the
stabilizer and banging on the rudder,
but if they were there they ducked out
of sight before I could tum around.
Each time I landed I looked for loose
struts or attachments but couldn't find
anything wrong so kept going.
Late in the afternoon I landed at
Santa Paula where a small and know-
ledgeable crowd was attracted to this
unique airplane and after I showed
them how stiff the rudder was it wasn't
long before we were pulling off inspec-
tion plates and lubricating the whole
system right up to the front rudder bar.
What a helpful group, and sure enough
the ground handling was noticeably
improved. We put the Timm into Chub
and Betty Trainor's hangar next to their
Howard DGA-II, hoping some speed
might rub off, and I spent a very enjoy-
able night at their house .
I would've liked to spend a week or
more at Santa Paula but once I get
going on a trip I like to keep moving
so the next morning I took off again,
followed for a few miles by Chub and
Betty and Steve Pfister in Steve's
Cessna 170. The people in St. Louis
had horror stories about the infamous
Banning Pass and its winds but the
pilots at Santa Paula told me to forget
about flying through the L.A. basin to
Banning and instead to fly through the
Soledad Pass which opens out into the
desert south of Lancaster. The Mojave
was a spectacular sight as were the San
Gabriel Mountains which towered
majestically to my right. It was colder
than one usually imagines a desert to
be and I was glad that I was wearing
[ landed at Hesperia but there was
no fuel available so I jumped back into
the airplane and flew a few miles north
to Apple Valley where I not only got
fueled but also warnings of very strong
turbulence in the direction I was going.
I took off anyway, figuring that I could
tum around if it got too bad, but it
turned out to be only moderate turbu-
lence that was more tiring than worri-
Twenty-nine Palms was my next
stop and between there and Blythe was
th? most desolate scenery of the whole
trip, with no roads or power lines or
anything else to follow for a long time.
I watched my shadow skating along the
sagebrush, wondered if it was waking
up any rattlesnakes and thought about
how long a walk it would be if I had
20 MARCH 1989
Sunny Santa Paula, an aviation Shangri La.
Stiff rudder cables are lubricated stern-to-stem in Betty and Chub Trainor's hangar.
(I. to r.) Steve Pfister, Betty and Chub Trainor.
to land down there. I had a small sur-
vival kit but didn't relish the thought
of having to use it, however before an
hour had gone by 1- IO came into view
and led me to Blythe. I didn't know it
at the time but later found out that NC
337 had been a cropduster at that air-
port in the 1940s.
My plan was to fly from Blythe to
Phoenix-Goodyear Airport just west of
Phoenix because that is where the only
other surviving Collegiate is hangared.
I called the tower at Goodyear to let
them know I was coming. I talked to
a very courteous controller who asked
me to land at Buckeye, which is about
15 miles from Goodyear and to call
them again so they'd have a better idea
of my arrival time. I agreed but was a
little worried since there was a head-
wind and I wasn't sure that I'd be able
to make it before sunset. Many phone
calls had been made to try to locate
Keith Skeers, the owner of the other
Timm, and with the help of the An-
tique Airplane Association we had fi-
nally found Floyd Newton, who had
helped restore the other airplane and
had done most of the flying . Floyd was
waiting for me that evening so I really
wanted to get to Goodyear by dark.
A couple of miles from Blythe was
the Colorado River and then Arizona
with more beautiful mountains. I
stayed fairly close to the interstate and
an hour and a half later was circling
the runway at Buckeye which was per-
fectly perpendicular to the wind. I
didn't have much time or choice so I
lined up and landed with the wind from
my right. I experienced severe tail-
wheel shimmy on touchdown until the
tailwheel kicked out of its steering de-
tent and only coarse use of rudder and
brake prevented a groundloop.
Upon shutdown the usual crowd
started to gather but I only had time to
run to the phone for a quick call to the
tower at Goodyear again before hurry-
ing back into the air and quickly
traversing the few miles to my destina-
tion, landing just as the sun touched
the horizon. The Timm spent the night
in a big hangar while I spent the night
in a big hotel and the next morning with
the help of Floyd and Keith and some
of their friends we effected the reunion
of two airplanes that hadn' t been on
the same airport in 60 years .
We also uncovered some more clues
but no answers to the tail-shaking
phenomenon. Floyd told me that their
airplane did the same thing and the first
thing we noticed when we put the two
airplanes together was that '337 has a
much taller fin and rudder than '279V.
Otto Timm had kept the prototype after
selling the others and had modified it
from its original configuration, most
noticeably in landing gear and tail
shape, so that it now exists in its final
evolution, perhaps circa 1931. We can
only theorize that Timm stretched the
fin and rudder in an unsuccessful at-
tempt to cure the occasional and un-
explainable tail-shaking.
The Colorado River between struts.
At Goodyear Airport Just before sunset.
We took a bunch of pictures with
the airplanes posed in several different
ways and even had a visit by an F-16
from nearby Luke AFB whose pilot
shot several approaches and no doubt
wondered what those two odd-looking
airplanes were. Finally it was time to
leave and I called the tower again, this
time to be met by a controller who was
much less friendly than the one on the
day before-in fact downright un-
friendly. I arranged for light signals,
then said good-bye to Floyd and Keith
and took off into the the blue Arizona
sky on the only leg of the flight for
which I didn't need long underwear.
The two new owners of the Timm
were flying out to Tucson to meet me
that day and I landed at A vra Valley
Airport northwest of the city, where a
variety of sport aviation activities take
place and where AI Stix' son Albert
works . That was the end of the first
part of the long journey.
A few minutes after I landed at A vra
Valley AI and John and their wives
drove up, eagerly inspected their new
acquisition and taxied it around a little.
About that time a familiar looking
Piper Pacer appeared overhead and we
knew that AI Lowe had arrived. AI is
a retired Learjet pilot who had flown
down from St. Louis in his Pacer just
for the adventure of accompanying me
the rest of the way back. We spent the
weekend in the Tucson area, visiting
the tourist spots and learning the true
meaning of "purple mountain' s
majesty" at sundown. I polished off a
32-ounce steak at Lil Abners and had
ice cream for dessert. I even learned
the pronunciation of "saguaro" (sa-
W AH-roh), the type of cactus found in
the area.
I! was a great weekend but a lot of
flying was still ahead so early on Mon-
day morning AI helped me get going
and a few minutes later climbed into
the Pacer to give chase. This was the
beginning of a leap-frogging process
where I would take off and start to-
wards the next destination while AI
would wait a few minutes, take off,
pass me in the faster Pacer, and arrive
well ahead of me at the next airport.
He got to do a lot more hangar flying
and looking than I did as generally I
just took enough time to gas up and get
going again. Most of the time I never
saw him en route since he flew at a
higher altitude although one time he
pulled alongside and took some great
pictures of the Timm with the moun-
tains of eastern Arizona in the back-
First stop out of A vra Valley was
22 MARCH 1989
Two Timms with an F-16 flying top cover.
Birds of a feather.
otto Tlmm's efforts to smooth out the tall-shake apparently included extending the vertical
fin and rudder on the prototype (Ieff) which he kept.
Willcox and then we went on to Dem-
ing, New Mexico which a sign on the
outside of the office proclaimed to be
'The home of pure water and fast
ducks." Deming was the highest eleva-
tion I landed at, 4,309 feet and perfor-
mance decreased noticably. North of
EI Paso I flew over a breathtaking
mountain range on the way to Fabens,
Texas where there was a Lockheed 12
in the hangar and an Avro Anson sit-
ting outside with all of its fabric gone.
After leaving Fabens I flew along
the Rio Grande for a few minutes look-
ing across into Mexico, and then fol-
lowed the highway to Van Hom. The
mountains of west Texas were gradu-
ally replaced by flatlands dotted with
ranches and oil wells, and at Monahans
we decided that we'd be able to fly one
more leg before darkness set in. At the
end of a long day of flying we landed
at the old Air Force Base at Big Spring
where a Citation pilot gave us a ride to
a motel and offered to pick us up in
the morning.
At dawn the next day we awoke to
find the countryside blanketed with fog
but once we were at the airport a call
to Flight Service gave us a prediction
that the fog would bum off by 10
o'clock, and the Citation pilot took off.
At \0:00 another call found the predic-
tion moved back to noon and the fog
lifted just enough thereafter for a twin
to land carrying Senator Phil Grahm
on a campaign trip. The senator's arri-
val broke the monotony for a few min-
utes and he shook our hands as he
passed through the office, unaware that
we were both from out of state. At
noon the weather briefer said that the
fog was sure to be gone by two o'clock
and around three it finally disappeared.
We knew that we couldn't get far
that day but after sitting around the air-
port for so long we had to get some-
where and decided that Sweetwater
was next. I left first and 20 miles from
Sweetwater flew under an overcast that
got lower and lower until finally, only
seven miles out, I had to tum around
and find an alternate. I'd been follow-
ing the interstate and just after I turned
back Al went past and turned to follow
me. We landed at Colorado City where
the airport was deserted, and decided
that since we had a south wind we'd
go north, to Snyder, which was one of
the friendliest stops we made. Both
airplanes were put into a big old hangar
and that night over dinner Al and I de-
bated whether we were engaged in a
saga or an epic.
The next day we stopped in Breck-
enridge with its abundant warbirds
Small airpl ane, big rocks.
A view of the Ti mm, from the Timm.
Deming, New Mexico. The sign reads, "Elevati on, 4,309 feet. Home of pure water and fast
Bill Hill's hangar/house at Justin Time Airport, Justin, Texas.
and then continued eastward towards
Justin-Time Airfield north of Fort
Worth, only to run into clouds again
on the way. I dropped lower and lower,
eventually flying at only a few hundred
feet above the ground, searching care-
fully ahead, and finally spotting AI's
Pacer on the ground before seeing the
airport. With some relief, I set the
Timm down on the wide, grass run-
Justin-Time is a private airport with
houses and hangars along one side , and
AI's friend Bill Hill lives there, he not
only put both airplanes in his hangar
but also loaned us his pickup truck for
transportation. The airport is near the
town of Justin and was "just in time"
for us as the weather worsened after
our arrival and the next day was the
only one we spent without flying. It
was snowing and blowing. Instead we
drove around visiting all the interesting
little airports we could find, and there
are a lot of them around Fort Worth.
On Friday it was still around freez-
ing but the wind had calmed down and
the sky was clear so we made our way
into Oklahoma, landing at Durant.
McAlister (where the state police were
driving by the airport when I landed
and came over to see the strange-look-
ing airplane), and Muskogee, ending
the day in the southwest comer of Mis-
souri at Neosho.
It was a little colder the next day but
home was just across the state and off
we went. We made a special stop at
Marshfield to visit Ernie Seiler and his
wife-they'd run the airport at
Springfield years before when Al was
a kid and ran away from home. He'd
ended up at their house and they took
him for a couple of weeks before send-
ing him home. That started a lifetime
friendship . As we expected, they got a
kick out of our visit.
Lebanon was our final stop for gas
and a call to Creve Coeur to let them
know that we were almost there . The
last hour of the trip was really cold but
I circled over our home base a few
times before landing, finding it hard to
believe that the odyssey was finally
over. It had been 10 days, 2,400 miles,
28 flying hours, 29 stops, and a lot of
sights seen and people met. The Timm
burned over 400 gallons of fuel (and a
few of oil) on the trip, never skipped
a beat, and baffled almost everybody
who saw it. The cockpit of an open
parasol must surely be one of the best
places from which to see America (or
any country), providing a panoramic
view of what passes below, especially
at 85 mph and 1,000 or 2,000 feet
above the ground .
Lebanon, Missouri. Almost home.
24 MARCH 1989
An information exchange column with input from readers.
(EM21, Ale5)
P.O. Box 424
Union, IL 60180
Dear Buck,
I read yourcolumn each month as a
member ofthe association. You do a
fine job. I have recently purchased a
re-coverafterspending 14yearsinSin-
gapore. Itis a wood wing and tail air-
craft and has some glue joints letting
go although there is no rotting ofthe
I guess what I need from you and
would liketo seein yourcolumnis one
ofthe old-time restorers telling us be-
ginners how to go about re-gluing
plywood-covered surfaces that have
small areas that need to be re-attached
but don't need to be tom down com-
Are there any good books on the
subject ofrestoring wood aircraft (not
building it the first time)? Howdo you
restore the protecting finish on areas
not covered with fabric, such as the
area where the hinge penetrates to at-
tach the elevator to the horizontal
stabilizer. IcouldgoonbutIthinkyou
get the idea.
We beginners need someone to tell
us how to do all the little things in
restoring, not just pictures of the
finished aircraft.
IenjoyyourtypeofYFR flying, but
not necessarily for long trips. My 182
with autopilotandcoupledloran is still
the best for that , but for after supper
enjoyment ,Istill likemyT-Craftbest.
Happy Holidays,
James List (EAA 1609)
Tel. 7121727-3379
Right on Jim! Maybe some of our
especially those wood-willies out
Overto you,
Weare beginning to get thosecards
and letters, gang. I am most apprecia-
tive ofthem and the fact that you are
deriving some benefitand maybealit-
tle pleasure from thecolumn.We need
that input and we'll help any way we
can with your problem, if you have
I've had a couple ofcalls thi s week
from people who just wanted to talk,
and also a couple more from people
with questions about something that
was buggingthem. Iwas real happy to
have beenableto suggestasolution to
their problems. I ain't much ofan in-
novator but I sure do like talking with
each and every one of you. I'm also
more than a little overwhelmed at all
the Christmas and Yuletide greetings
that I received from you as well.
I have forsaken the air for adriving
trip down the WestCoast from Seattle
to San Diego. Dorothy and I took a
holiday break, though,and went home
to the Funny Farm for Christmas.
We 've returned to SFO which was as
far as we had gotten in two weeks be-
fore coming back. This all started as
an off-shoot ofan invitation from the
Museum of Flight at Boeing Field in
Seattle, to lecture on the Swallow.
Therearesomeofyou, Iknow,who
haven't heard of the Swallow. Well,
there are times when I wish I'd never
heard ofit either. But it is an airplane
that Dario Toffenetti and I found in a
commercial trucking garage in
Chicagoandlearnedlaterit wasindeed
significant. We restored it and used it
to commemorate United Airlines' fif-
tieth anniversary by re-enacting the
first flight of Varney Airlines . Fifty
years later , to the minute, we carried
the same amount of mail over the same
route on April 6, 1976. The Swallow
and I then went off on a nationwide
tour - a once-in-a-lifetime experi-
ence. The old mail plane that started
the first permanently scheduled airmail
service with Varney (it later merged
with National, Boeing and Pacific to
become United Airlines), flew as a liv-
ing tribute to the pioneers who built
the wonderful transportation system
we enjoy today . I flew it more than
700 hours and carried more than 3,000
people in the front seat to experience
the thrill of an open cockpit. Swallow
and I were more or less married for
eight years, and then we both retired.
Me to the Funny Farm and Swallow to
the Boeing Museum.
It took me a while to rationalize it,
but that's where Swallow belongs -
in the great Northwest where it all
started. Right there in the Museum of
Flight next to the Boeing 80A at the
head of the Air Mail exhibit. It's there
where people who love and enjoy the
history of flight can see and appreciate
it. It's there with Dick McWhorter's
Stearman mail plane and among its
own. Those are the early machines that
proved it could be done - that paved
the way . It's an eternal tribute to those
people who made it happen, who
started with little more than an idea
and, amid skepticism and ridicule,
made it happen. And that's what I told
them in my lecture.
I was a bit reluctant to see Swallow.
I must admit there were a few minutes
when I first walked up to her in her
place of honor, that I was afraid. Af-
raid she'd tum her nose up at me, af-
raid I would cry. Really, I was afraid
I would fall apart . I almost did, but
then, as I looked at the scratch there,
and the dent in her leading edge out
near the right tip, and the marks the
barbed wire left in the prop blade, the
memories came flooding back. We
looked at one another and smiled, the
Swallow's place of honor.
On tour in 1976. Over 700 hours and more than 3,000 passengers.
26 MARCH 1989
way only two who share so many sec-
rets and adventures can smile. There
were many good times as well as trying
times. Like the reception we got in
Japan, and the thoughts of all the
friends we had made and all the old-
time aviators we had smoked out of
the woods and given rides to. Oh, we
had a lot to remember - and we did.
I lectured that evening and I'm af-
raid I did it badly. I had SO much to
tell them. So many things to say about
the Swallow and how she brought old
men back into their teens again and
about how much all the United Airlines
people loved her. It all ran together
and I felt at times I wasn't making
sense. I hope they'll invite me back,
and I can tell them again about Captain
Leon Cuddeback, Frank Rose and
some of those other people they call
air mail pioneers. I promise I'll do a
better job.
Anyway, we bought an old Cadillac
Eldorado in Seattle and started driving.
We haven't seen too much other than
foggy coastline through Washington
and Oregon, but we're in the San Fran-
cisco Bay area now and its going to be
much sunnier and warmer as we head
toward San Diego. I plan to look up
some of our guys along the way and
spend more than one evening making
airplane talk. I'll let you know how it
Here's a subject that is the cause of
much embarrassment and consterna-
tion - fuel exhaustion. I have a news-
paper clipping sent by a member from
Indianapolis, Indiana. The picture
shows a Piper Archer standing on its
nose in a grove of trees. The right wing
is lying inverted on the ground in front
of the camera and there are pieces scat-
tered about. The headline reads, "Fam-
ily of four O.K. after rented plane
crashes." The cause of the crash was
fuel exhaustion.
Outstanding in the text is the pilot's
statement, " ' .. . the gauges lied!' " With
more than a quarter tank showing on
the gauge, the aircraft ran out of fuel.
Fuel gauges are reference only items
and are so susceptible to error that I'd
much rather use my watch. The Varga
Kachina is a prime example. We oper-
ate seven Varga 2150s and 2180s here
as part of our Illinois Wing Civil Air
Patrol fleet. When we check out a new
pilot, the first thing we tell him is that
there used to be eight, but one was
totalled when it ran out of gas and
crashed. Standard procedure is to ig-
nore the fuel gauges, and they are
placarded to that effect - now.
How do we tell how much fuel we
have? Well, the preflight inspection in-
cludes a look down into the tank
through the filler hole. If you can see
metal, you have less than a half a tank
and you call the fuel truck . If you see
fuel, you can safely assume you have
half tanks and using the mental arith-
metic necessary to figure how much
time is in your tank, you have about
an hour and 45 minutes . Better make
it an hour and a half and then you're
sure to have your legal VFR reserve. I
quote from the FAR 91:22, "No person
may begin flight in an airplane under
VFR unless (considering wind and
forecast weather conditions) there is
enough fuel to fly to the first point of
intended landing and, assuming nor-
mal cruise speed -
(I) during the day, to fly after that for
at least 30 minutes; or
(2) at night, to fly after that for at least
45 minutes."
I'd suggest a review of the IFR por-
tion of the FAR as well. With the en-
forcement activity and the newer big-
ger penalties for violation, it's down-
right dumb to trifle with the embarrass-
ment and paperwork that could become
involved - if you're still here to face
Over to you,
Here's some more incoming mail:
Just finished reading your article on
hand-propping in the December issue
of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Super arti-
cle. You're doing an excellent job.
Hope this finds you and yours healthy
and happy.
Cliff Tomas
Madison, Wisconsin
Hi Bucko,
How you doin? - Certainly enjoy
your articles in VINTAGE AIRPLANE.
Are you and I the only ones who enjoy
the freedom of finger-on-the-sectional,
look-out-the-window VFR anymore?
Sometimes it seems that way. Hope
you keep on talking about it. I think
all the young pilots today should have
a good dose of this kind of navigation.
They'd have a much better sense of
orientation over the face of the earth
than they get from staring at gauges,
and who knows - they might find out
why we old guys are so enamoured
with aviation! The article on propping
(December, 1988) was required read-
ing for the last two youngsters in the
house - great stuff.
Hope to see you around the patch
somewhere next summer.
Best regards,
Roy Redman
Fairbault, Minnesota
Dear Buck,
I am about to embark on the com-
plete restoration of a 1933 Fairchild
22C7B. The aircraft is complete but
disassembled. I have the instrument
panel but no instruments . In my travels
I was able to locate an 1932 airspeed
indicator and a 1930s altimeter. Both
instruments are in need of overhaul and
white facing. I am trying to locate an
instrument shop that will overhaul an-
tique instruments and design custom
white facing silk screens. I am getting
the cold shoulder from all the local
"spam-can" shops; if it didn' t appear
in a Cessna, Beechcraft of Piper they
do not want to hear about it. Any infor-
mation you might have for solving this
dilemma would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Paul Redlich
Stars and Bars Aircraft
8 Tudor Place
Farmingdale, New York
Try John Wolf and Company, 4741
Sherwin Road, Willoughby , Ohio
44094. Telephone 216/942-0083 -
Over to you ,
by Deborah Schroeder
Ron Scottlives on agrass stripcalled
Air Troy Estates near EastTroy, Wis-
consin and has been coming to the an-
nual EAA Convention since 1960. He
has keptverybusythereactingascom-
munications chairman since 1970. He
municati ons and about 90 percent are
repeaters who help out every year.
Afterall these years and the sugges-
tion offriends, Ron finally entered an
airplane for show for the first time, his
1953 PA22Tripacer.TheTripacerhad
belonged to a good friend whom Ron
razzed about selli ng it since he (the
friend) had a nicehomebuilt. Sincethe
homebuilt wouldn't carry hi s fami ly,
he held onto the Tripacer. Eventuall y
he did sell it to a third party and Ron
laterboughtit from thisinterimowner.
Ron's custom restoration includes
an authenticcolorscheme,Sacramento
green and Tucson cream. Although he
did most of the restoration himself,
Ron givescreditfortheenginetoDave
Hedgecock's A&P students at Black-
hawk Tech in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Complete restoration of the Tripacer
took a period ofseveral years but the
main restoration was completed in
about six to seven months from
November 1984 to June 1985. This
was not Ron's first effort, healso built
"01' Ironsides," a metal airplane.
Ron was influenced by flying at a
very early age. He had his first flight
before he was even born, and his sec-
ond at age seven in an Aeronca Defen-
der. His fat her was active in the Civil
AirPatrol. Parents must be very cauti-
ous. What they do to their children at
an early age can have an effect on the
rest oftheir lives.
The Antique/Classic Press Commit-
tee owes its success to the participation
of the committee's volunteer interview-
ers. The committee apologizes to these
interviewers for the articles that ap-
without their bylines. EM members
should thank interviewers Sharron
Mitchell, Carl Pederson, Deb
Schroeder and photographer George
Rodenback for their interview articles
which help to tell the EMfamity about
its individual members. Members of
the Antique/Classic Division wishing
to do interviews at EM Oshkosh '89
are welcome to join the press team by
contacting Larry D'Attilio at 414/784-
03 18 .
26 MARCH 1969
Planes& People
By volunteers of the Antique/Classic
Press CommiHee
Larry O'AHilio and Pamela Foard,
(EM 150262, AlC 8265)
1820 N. 166th St.
Brookfield, WI 53005
Ron Scott's Piper Pacer is a 1953 PA-22-135. Colors are Sacramento Green and Tucson
(I. to r.) Daughter, Robin Dums, wife Lois Scott and daughter Tracey Scott.
The following is apartial listing of new members who have joined the EAA Antique/Classic Division (through September 18,
1988). We are honored to welcome them into the organization whose members' common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding
issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain additional listings of new members.
Logsdon, Duane E.
Alva, Oklahoma
Lovenberg, Ronald G.
Howell, New Jersey
Lucas, Forrest
Plentywood, Montana
Masters, Bill E.
Rochester. New York
Mather, Robert A.
Ponce Inlet. Florida
May, ThomasA.
San Diego, California
Markle, Indiana
McDermott, H.C.
Boca Raton, Florida
McKenzie, Sandy
Obrien, Florida
Merkle, Ralph E.
Orlando, Florida
Miller, Devery S.
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey
Miller, Jerry A.
Conyers, Georgia
Minor, George L.
SI. James, Missouri
Motsinger, Xen
Cayce, South Carolina
Noack, Mary
Camarillo, California
Nugent, Stephen
Durham, New Hampshire
O'Brien, JohnD.
West Newton, Pennsylvania
Ormosen,Sharon Lee
Yuba City, California
Othnin-Girard, Roland
Sevres, France
Patterson, Donald E.
Plymouth, Minnesota
Penrod, Byron
Brazil, Indiana
Pesch, NormJ.
Miami , Florida
Phillpotts, Andrew D.
Auckland, New Zealand
Praker, RobertM.
Scottsdale, AZ
Pross, Susan
Merzalben. WestGermany
Riggs, Donald L.
Asbury, New Jersey
Riley, George
Bartlett, Illinois
Ripley, Peter M.
Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
Roberts, David
Mentor, Ohio
Rossides, Jim
Claverack, New York
Roth, Geoffrey
Sedona, Arizona
Rowe, Tom L.
Rock Island, Illinois
Russell, EdJ.
Tustin, California
Ryan, ArthurH.
Farmington, Michigan
Scotia, New York
Sadler, William E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Sentell, Michael
Maryville, Tennessee
Serviss, Cheryl
Arroyo Grande, California
Lititz, Pennsylvania
ShortWing PiperClub
Halstead, Kansas
Sitta, C. Donald
Farmington. New Mexico
Smith, Brian
Ripon, California
Smith, LeonardC.
EI Toro, California
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Smith, RichardC.
Wichita, Kansas
Southard, RonnieL.
Milford, Delaware
Sowell, Patricia B.
Statesboro, Georgia
Sponseller, RobertD.
Shelby, Ohio
Stone, Charles A.
Danbury, Connecticut
Swanson, Harold
North Branch, Minnesota
Switzer, David N.
Cocoa, Florida
Sylvain, Gagniere
Mauguio, France
Thibault, Bill
Newport Beach, California
Thrasher, John
Cumberland, Maryland
Tippit, Larry
Cumby, Texas
Birmingham, Alabama
Tye Jr., Reuben D.
Arlington, Texas
Wall, RandallJ.
Ava, Illinois
Watson, William F.
Tulsa. Oklahoma
Welch, David
Venice, Florida
Wolter, Charles E.
Niles, Michigan
Wrench, David F.
Mountain View, California
Wright, George F.
Coldfield, England
WunderUn, James
Milwaukee, Wi sconsin
Wustrack, Frank
Oostburg, Wisconsin
Wutzen, James
Kirkland, Washington
Yearout, Michael
Breckenridge, Colorado
Zimmer, William J.
Venice, Florida
by Norm Petersen
This modified Piper J-3 Cub, N3556K, SIN
22247, is the pride & joy of Ron Swanson
(EM 187331, AlC 7090) of Juneau, Alaska.
Mounted on Edo 1400 floats with dual rud-
ders, the Cub sports an 0 -200 Continental
engine, 24 gal. wing tanks, digital voltage
indicator, NavComm, ADF, intercom, Loran
and a King depth sounder. With no electri -
cal system, a battery under the seat runs
the equipment and is charged by a solar
charger in the skylight. Due to salt water
use, every possible use of stainless steel is
employed. Ron replaced the lower longe-
rons and then gave the entire fuselage
five coats of epoxy primer followed by a
coat of Aerothane. Ron has flown the Cub
over Canada, Alaska and the U.S. and re-
ports, '1he Cub is for fun, keeps me out of
trouble and I couldn't imagine life without
This very pretty Stinson 108-2, N9754K, SIN
108-2754, belongs to Walter Hankinson
(EM 279854, AlC 11908) of Shiloh, N.J. Neat
paint job is set off by polished spiMer and
original factory wheel pants.
30 MARCH 1989
Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet...
25e perword,20 word minimum.Send yourad to
The Vintage Trader, Wittman Airfield
Oshkosh,WI 54903-2591.
(2)C-3AeroncaRazorbacks,1931 and 1934.Pack-
age includes extra engine and spares. Fuselage,
wing sparsandex1raprops.Museumquality!$30,000
firm' Hisso 180-hp Model "E". 0 SMOH with prop
and huband stacks.Bestofferover$10,000.1936
Porterfield 35-70, the lowest time Ant ique ever!
Less than 200 hrs. TTA & E. 20 hourson engine.
$12,500. No tire kickers,collect calls or pen pals,
please! E.E."Buck" Hilbert ,P.O. Box 424,Union,
POBERPIXIE- VWpoweredparasol- unlimited
in low-cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for
the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to
beat 3
/2 gph at cruise setting.15 large instruction
sheets. Plans- $60.00. InfoPack- $5.00.Send
check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC.,
Box462,HalesCorners,WI 53130.414/529-2609.
ACRO SPORT- Single place biplane capableof
unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to
follow plans includes nearly 100 isometrical draw
ings, photos and exploded views. Complete parts
and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans
plus 139 page Builders Manual - $60.00. Info
Pack- $5.00. SuperAcroSportWing Drawing-
$15.00. The Technique of Aircraft Building -
$12.00 plus$2.50postage. Send checkormoney
order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales
Corners,WI 53130.414/529-2609.
spinnerto the tail wheel. Air SalvageofArkansas,
Rt. I,Box8020,Mena,AR71953,phone5011394-
suit your design, any size, shape, colors. Five
patch minimum. Free random sample and
brochure. Hein Specialties, 4202P North Drake,
Chicago,IL 60618-1113.(c-2/89)
Warner 145Oil CoolerRadiator, usedbutnodam
age, $75.00. WW II Curtiss P-40 radio, needs
cleaning, not operating, $75.00. WW II "Gibson
Girl " emergency radio. One broken gear. Corro-
sion. $50.00. Mechanical brakes for Bendix
for winding up hand inertia starters on radial en-
gines. Operates on 110 V. AC or DC. Portable.
Used. Still works. A rare item. $500 Wind
generator,newwood propeller 15 inch. Usedvery
little. Good armature. 13 volts, 33 amp. ready to
use. $500.00 Combination electric, hand inertia
starters for radial engines. Two are hand inertia
only. $50.00 each. Bendix Stromberg carburetors
for radial engines. ThreeR-7A,oneR-7.Used,not
broken. $75.00 each. Two ski pedestals of cast
aluminum. 725 Ibs.perski. Mfg'd.byHeath,years
propeller. 90 hp FloUorp design 7845-47. 19425.
Length 78- 114. $500.00. Paragon propeller for ro-
tary engine.Wood,white oak.Six bolt,length 8ft.
1 inch. Pre-WW I. Used, tips nicked. Being re-
paired. Original $800.00. Picture of any item on
request. All prices F.O.B. Can ship UPS, parcel
post. Write: Oldtimer, P. O. Box 1237, Yelm, WA
98597. (3-1)
For Sale - Cessna baffles, Continental engine
No. 0555174-7-9-8new.Stromberg NA-S3-Al ex-
cellent. New Continental 0300D oil sump in box
No. 530763A1. New Continental ring sent 5 over
No. 638111000.Goodyearbrakelinings,sendpart
no. 1940 J-3 excellent. In box 6948 McCauley C-
150. Paul Lambarth,2624 Hartman Road,Saline,
same as model 2000. Completely rebuilt to new
condition.Tireis goodcondition,$160.00.NoPer-
sonalChecks.UPSpaidon allitems. Bokodi,820
N.Cline,Griffith,IN 46319. (3-1)
Marvel ScheblerCarb- MA3 for A65-75 Conti-
nental- $300.00. BendixmagsSF4R-8, SF4L-8for
65 hp., Eiseman LA4 for 85 hp. $75.00 for each.
Cessna 140 stainless exhaust and heat muffs .
$200.00.Taylorcraft tail surfaces. Complete set 5
- $375.00.315/363-4915. (3-t)
Saveyourmagazines?- Aclipallowsyou to file
out punching holes. For more information and a
FREE sample, send 50 cents in stamps to: Lee
Sherry,Dept. VA, 711 Ninth Avenue,SW., Puyal-
lup,WA98371 , 206/845-4209. (3-1)
Fifty yards 60" Grade "An fabric - $250.00.
Three rolls 2 inch and one roll 3inch pinked tape.
$100.00. Evenings,205/347-2887. (3-1)
Wanted: Eclipse Aviation Generator, Div.Bendix,
for Warner 165 hp engine. Generator type: 300,
model I,15 volt, 15amp. (orgreater),styleA,with
flexible drive.Call Gerry, 508/238-1111. (4-3)
In search of - engine repair parts for Aeronca
E-113.Jones,131 S.WestStreet,Doylestown,PA
18901,215/340-9760 or215/340-9133. (3-1)
Wanted - Air Associates 12 volt wind generator
forthe1940StinsonModell0which Iamrestoring.
Tom Julian, 118 Wilder St. , Niceville, FL 32578,
904/678-3357 after5p.m. (3-1)
Wanted-forSIN30002,1953C180- (I)-glove
108-hp Lycoming 0-235-C2C engine. 1,985
hoursTTon 2,400-hourTBO.Logsavailable.Cur-
rentlyflyingona1973GrummanAA1-B. Magsand
harness not included. $2,500. Contact Mark
160 hp Gnome - extra cylinders and prop hub;
remarkable inside (run once) . Missing push rods.
Rusty casing, in original crate. 215/340-9760 or
HaveWeGotA PartforYou!20yearsaccumula-
tion of parts for all types of aircraft - antiques,
classics,homebuilts,warbirds. Everythingfromthe
32MARCH 1989
Inkrenderings- ofyourrestoredclassic,warbird
or homebuilt. Firstqualityprecisionwork. Concep-
tual rendering,drafting also available. Wizard De-
sign & Engineering Co., Route I, Box 738, lin-
wood, NC 27299, 704/956-2800. (3-1)
FOR SALE- Yellow-taggedrear accessorycase
for 0-320A or B model , with oil pump. $250.00.
Trim crank handlesforJ-3- J-5and others. Brand
new,paintedOliveDrab,$6.00each. 3for$14.00.
Two Bendix mags. SF4LN8, one with gear drive.
$125.00 for both. One Bendix mag SF4R-8 with
drive, $65.00. All mags need overhaul. Marvel-
Schebler MA-3-SPA carburetor needs throttle
lever, complete, probablyneedsoverhaul. Nodata
plate, $225.00. Parts for Marvel MA-3-SPA car-
buretor.Newidleneedle,PartNo.43-564- $15.00.
New throttle shaft with bushings,Part No. 13-949
- $20.00. Newneedleand seats, PartNo.233-615
- $30.00. Scott 6-inch tailwheel model 3000 -
boxdoor0713003-1 ;(3)-radiocovers0713003-24.
Red Hamilton, 5713 Gibbons Drive, Carmichael ,
CA 95608, 916/481-2407. (3-1)
Wanted: Front and rearwind screens to complete
Tiger Moth rebuild. Complete, or parts okay. Call
406/587-0614 or write P.O. Box 1147,Bozeman,
MT59771. (3-1)
ers - Drills - Fasteners - Accessories - Tool Kits.
Everything for the kit builder - 96-page catalog
available. $2.00 (refundablewith first order).U. S.
Industrial Tool & Supply Company, 15159 Cleat
Street, Plymouth, MI 48170. Call toll-free 1-800-
Custom quality at economical prices.
Cushion upholstery sets
Wall panel sets
Carpet sets
Baggage compartment sets
Firewall covers
Seat slings
Recover envelopes and dopes
Free catalog of complete product line.
Fabric Selection Guide showing actual sample colors and
styles of materials: $3.00.
ai"';;-RODUCTS, INC.
259 Lower Morrisville Rd., Dept. VA
Fallsington, PA 19054 (215) 295-4115

l1li;': HERE'S WHYI * Proven Durability on Thousands of Aircraft
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Fabric on Aircraft, Not Brittle Automotive Finishes, Modified Short Life
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* Will Not Support Combustion. * Lightest Covering Approved

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Considering Years of Troubl. Free Service. * Easy Repairability.
* No False or Misleading Advertising Claims.

Aviation Foundation. Befora Making Expensive Mistakes, See This
or Beta, $49.95. Also Direct from EAA (1-800-843-3612), and from
Stlls Distributors. PAL, PAL-M, PAL-N & SECAM also Available.
Very Smooth 1.7 oz. Patented Polester Fabric Developed
l1li;': Especially for Aircraft Covering. * Poly-Fiber Manual with
Detailed Instructions for Fabric Covering and Painting Aircraft
for Corrosion Control. *Latest Catalog and Distributor List.
P.O. Box 3084-V, Riverside, CA 92519
Phone (714) 684-4280 l1li;':

The fabulous times of Turner, Doolittle, Wedell
and Wittman recreated as never before in this
600-page two-volume series. Printed on high grade
paper with sharp, clear photo reproduction. Official
race results 1927 through 1939 - more than 1,000
photos - 3-view drawings - scores of articles about
people and planes that recapture the glory, the drama,
the excitement of air racing during the golden years.
Vol. I (no. 21-14452) and Vol. II (no. 21-14451)
are sold for $14.95 each, with postage charges of
$2.40 for one volume and $3.65 for two volumes.
Send your check or money order to: EM Aviation
Foundation, Attn: Dept. MO, Wittman Airfield,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, 414/426-4800. Outside
Wisconsin, phone 1-800-843-3612.
"The OdysseyofAmelia Earhart"-
aviation's greatest achievements -
the non-stop, non-refueled flight
aroundtheworld byVoyager- and
revealing tapetakesyou behindthe
it-yourself high tech" accomplish-
ment. VHS 21-36421; Beta 21-36422;
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companion video by T. C. Brennan. Eyewitness
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triguing,astoryyouwon'tsoonforget.Video/ book
conbinationsentin a special.convenient.hand-
some packagefor easy access orstoring. VHS
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Leam the secrets ofthe experts with
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more. Anotherin EAA's continuing
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Floatplaneflying atits best!An in-
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ting propertakeoffandlandingpro-
cedures for variable water surface
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I write:EAACatalogSales,WittmanField,Oshkosh,WI54903-3086. I
Interviews with aviation pioneers, restorers,pilots.
L_______ _______..J
rarevisualtreats! VHS 21-36471;Beta21-36472.
This month's Mystery Plane bears a
marked resemblance to the Lockheed
"Sirius" floatplane used by the
Lindberghs on their survey fli ghts in
the 1930's. The photo was submitted
by Peter M. Bowers of Seattle, Wash-
ington, date and location not given.
Answers will be published in the June,
1989 issue of THE VINTAGE
AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is
April 10, 1989.
The Mystery Plane for December ,
1988 brought a record number of an-
swers. According to information re-
ceived from the operator of Jane's
Field, Anoka, Minnesota where the
photo was taken, the airplane is a
Hunting Percival Pembroke C Mark I.
Gerry Norberg of Winnipeg, Man-
itoba , Canada gave a detailed reply:
"The aircraft depicted is a Hunting
Percival P66 Pembroke. This aircraft
was designed in Great Britain in the
mid 1950s. It was originally designed
to be used as a light military transport
and communications aircraft holding
eight people. Several subsequent mod-
els were built with Plexiglas nose and
provisions for photo survey work . ..
"Since the aircraft shown does not
have the transparent nose and is not in
military markings, it can be argued it
is actually a Hunting Percival Presi-
dent, which was a development of the
Pembroke for the civilian market. The
President was displayed for the first
time in 1956. The Pembroke and Pres-
ident both used the Alvis Leonides Mk.
12701 9-cylinder radial engine of 540/
560 hp. "
David Simmons of Denver, Col-
orado added this:
"The aircraft shown may be an ex-
Belgian aircraft. It appears to have a
similar paint scheme as an ex-Belgian
Air Force aircraft which was based in
the Denver area a few years ago. Be-
sides the RAF and Belgium, the air-
craft was built for Finland, the Sudan ,
Sweden and West Germany. I don ' t
know the total production, but RAF
production was only 52 aircraft."
And from Charley Gay, Tunkhan-
nock, Pennsylvania:
"The answer to the Mystery Plane in
the December issue of THE VINTAGE
by George Hardie Jr.
AIRPLANE is a Hunting Pembroke. I
am 14 years old and live on an airport
my parents own and operate called
Skyhaven Airport in Tunkhannock,
Pennsylvania. Fourteen Pembrokes
were stored fifteen miles from our air-
port . The airplanes arrived after flying
over Belgium to northeastern Pennsyl-
vania. I have been attending and enjoy-
ing Oshkosh Conventions since 1978."
Unfortunately we do not have space
for details from the many other an-
swers received. Others replying were:
Peter M. Bowers, Seattle, W A; Brooks
W. Lovelace, Jr., Albany , GA; Char-
ley Hayes, Park Forest, IL; Ian A. Cal-
vert, Alexandria, V A; D. Kenney,
Stonington, CT; J. B. Hyde, Alameda,
CA; Jim Hansen, Aromas , CA; Dave
Lindauer , Dallas , TX; Wayne Van
Valkenburgh , Jasper , GA; Norman F.
McGowin , Jr., Chapman, AL; Franci s
W. Taylor , Woodward, IA; James B.
Zazas, Carthage, NC; John Carter,
Bradenton , FL.
References: British Civil Aircraft,
1919-1959, Vol. 2
Mac Donald Aircraft Handbook,
Aircraft Of the World, 1955
Janes All the World' s Aircraft ,
Hunting Percival Pembroke

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