A Fresh Perspective On Matrix Converters

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March 31, 2014

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A Fresh Perspective on Matrix Converters http://www.designworldonline.com/a-fresh-perspective-on-matrix-converters/
1 de 3 31/03/2014 13:57
#o"e + Design Worl Articles + A ,resh Perspecti-e on Matri. Con-erters
A ,resh Perspecti-e on Matri. Con-erters
%o-e"/er 4, 2010 Design Worl Sta00 1 0 Co""ents
By Jun Kang Ph. D., Chief Engineer, Yaskawa America, Inc., Drives and M!in Div., "aukegan, I##
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Matrix converters are a reliable way of handling variable voltage and variable frequency drives.
Matrix converters are direct ac to ac power converters with motoring and regenerative power flow capability. They are ideal for
applications that need extensive braking power or where power supply harmonics can create problems such as in hospitals,
schools, and office buildings. Other applications include cranes, elevators, and escalators that start and stop frequently and
centrifuges (with inherent regeneration) that decelerate high inertia loads when stopping.
Increasingly, more people have become familiar with matrix converters since their launch about 30 years ago, but many still do
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A Fresh Perspective on Matrix Converters http://www.designworldonline.com/a-fresh-perspective-on-matrix-converters/
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