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Submitted by: Mohd.Avesh
Roll No: 0131PG036
Post Graduate Diploma i Maa!emet

Organization: Project Gi!e
Care "oice In!ia Mr Aja# Tongar
'( Mohd.Avesh( )bs id. 0131PG036 *erti+y that the partial +ul+illmet o+
the re,uiremets +or "PGDM& etitled -PROMOTIONAL
TECHINIQUES T&e Care "oice In!ia is doe by me ad it is a
autheti* .or/ *arried out by me i( Delhi.
0he period +or .hi*h he .as o traii! .as +or ei!ht .ee/s. Mohd.Avesh
1erti+ied that the Pro2e*t "PGDM& etitled PROMOTIONAL
TECHINIQUES T&e Care "oice In!ia3 doe by Mohd.Avesh )bs id:
0131p!036( is *ompleted uder my !uida*e.
Pro+. 4emat 5ai
)ra 6usiess S*hool
Se*tor 7(
Ne. Delhi$110088

' e9press my si*ere !ratitude to my *ompay !uide Mr A2ay 0o!ar( +or
his able !uida*e( *otiuous support ad *ooperatio throu!hout my
pro2e*t( .ithout .hi*h the preset .or/ .ould ot have bee possible.
' .ould also li/e to tha/ my +a*ulty member Pro+. 4emat 5ai o+ )RA
6:S'N)SS S14;;< ")6S& +or the *ostat support ad help i the
su**ess+ul *ompletio o+ my pro2e*t.
Also( ' am tha/+ul to the people .ho have dire*tly ad idire*tly !ave
their *otiued !uida*e ad ivaluable e*oura!emet.

'( Mohd.Avesh( studet o+ PGDM +rom )RA 6:S'N)SS S14;;< hereby
de*lare that ' have *ompleted this pro2e*t o =1osumer Per*eptio o
health servi*es3 i the a*ademi* year #013$1%.
0he i+ormatio submitted is true ad ori!ial to the best o+ my
0he aim o+ this dissertatio is to evaluate the impa*t o+ bradi! o health
*are ad *ustomer satis+a*tio>retetio. 0he dissertatio *omme*es by
e9plaii! the meai! ad evolutio o+ health *are ad it also sheds li!ht
upo the !ro.i! importat +or the idustry.
?urthermore( the *o*ept o+ brad has bee hi!hli!hted ad its relatio
ad releva*e pertaii! to the 4)A<04 1AR). 0he *o*ept o+ bradi!
based upo various other +a*tors has bee dis*ussed as .ell. 0he various
health *are mar/eti! strate!ies have bee stated ad dis*ussed i order to
uderstad the i*reasi! importa*e o+ bradi! ad to study the impa*t
that brads have o a *ustomer.
A literature revie. based o se*odary resear*h has bee uderta/e i
order to aaly@e the various approa*hes to.ards bradi! o+ health *are
0he positioi! ad di++eretiatio o+ servi*es have bee studied ad
e9plaied throu!h various e9amples i order to uderstad the impa*t
a**urately. 'ssues *o*eri! the bradi! pro*ess o+ health *are has bee
dis*ussed. 0he semioti* theory about ho. *osumers asso*iate produ*ts
ad servi*es to persoalities or vis$a$versa has bee hi!hli!hted.
0he importa*e o+ advertisi! ad ho. various media *haels have
evolved .ith time so as to impa*t the *osumerAs de*isio pro*ess is oe
o+ the /ey +idi!s. ?ra*hisi! has bee de+ied ad e9plaied as a
area o+ *ost redu*tio( moreover( the various +a*tors ivolved i
+ra*hisi! have also bee listed.
't is *o*luded that *ustomer satis+a*tio ad retetio have bee a !reat
area o+ *o*er +or may health *are ad it has bee *o*luded that
employee satis+a*tio is oe the /ey elemets i *reati! *osiste*y o+
this pro*ess. 1ustomer loyalty is the /ey to hi!h pro+it mar!i ratios ad
.hy the health *are eed to retai the *ustomerAs has bee e9plaied i
the dissertatio.
0A6<) ;? 1;N0)N0S
14AP0)R B 1
'N0R;D:10';N 0; 0;P'1
PR;M;0';NA< 0)14'N'C:)S
14AP0)R B#
PR;?'<) ;? 1;MPANE
04) 1;N1)P0 ;? S)RD'1)S
P;S'0';N'NG AND D'??)R)N0'A0';N ;? S)RD'1)S
1:S0;M)R N))DS
R;<) ;? M)D'A
14AP0)R %
1:S0;M)R SA0'S?A10';N F R)0)N0';N
1:S0;M)R SA0'S?A10';N
R)<A0';N 6)0G))N )MP<;E)) AND G:)S0 SA0'S?A10';N
1:S0;M)R R)0)N0';N
Start to e9perie*e 0he 1areDoi*e o your smart phoe or tablet: +id
hospitals( do*tors ad treatmets that suit you best( re*ord ad revie.
your health 2ourey $ hospitals ad do*tors you have visited( treatmets
you have ta/e or have uder!oe $ ad share your e9perie*e .ith others.
0ha/s to reliable revie.s *omi! +rom peopleAs real e9perie*es( you
.ill be able to ma/e better health de*isios +or yoursel+ ad your beloved
0he 1areDoi*e is +ree o+ *har!e +or all patiets.
0he 1areDoi*e is the +irst dedi*ated revie.$based so*ial plat+orm that
empo.ers patiets to ma/e better health*are de*isios. 0he 1areDoi*e
provides also valuable iput to health*are pro+essioals ad *ompaies to
liste to the patiet e9perie*e. 't eables them to *otiuously improve
upo their servi*es ad treatmets. ' tur( they *a +id value i esuri!
they provide the best( positive e9perie*e to their most importat
sta/eholder B the patiet.
0he 1areDoi*e is a Sha!hai$based start$up. 't is the +irst dedi*ated
revie.$based so*ial plat+orm that eables patiet to ma/e better health*are
de*isios( ad health*are pro+essioals to improve patietAs e9perie*e.
0he idividual patiet *a thus( +rom a listi! o+ hospitals( do*tor ad
treatmet( share their health*are e9perie*e by posti! revie.s( i order to
provide isi!hts to other patiets. So 0he 1areDoi*e provides a plat+orm
to assist i+ormed de*isios based o idividual eeds as .ell as iput to
do*tors ad health*are *ompaies to !et +eedba*/ +rom the patiet.
0he 1areDoi*e is the +irst revie.$based so*ial plat+orm that empo.ers
patiets to ma/e better health*are de*isios( ad health*are providers ad
*ompaies to eha*e patietsH positive e9perie*e. 't ta/es +eedba*/ +rom
patiets or users ad that +eedba*/ *a be use+ul +or 4ospitals( Do*tors
ad Pharma*euti*al idustries. 0hey ited to provide better health*are
servi*es to patiets a+ter aalysi! the revie.s.
0he idividual patiet *a thus( +rom a listi! o+ hospitals( do*tor ad
treatmet( share their health*are e9perie*e by posti! revie.s( i order to
provide isi!hts to other patiets. So 0he 1areDoi*e provides a plat+orm
to assist i+ormed de*isios based o idividual eeds as .ell as iput to
do*tors ad health*are *ompaies to !et +eedba*/ +rom the patiet.
0he 1areDoi*e *a *ooperate .ith may players o+ health*are mar/et
si*e .e do provide a ui,ue plat+orm to eable e!a!emet o+
pro+essioals to.ards patiets throu!h iovative .ays( su*h as listei!
to patietsA e9perie*e ad improvi! upo its servi*es or treatmets
0he 1areDoi*e is a start$up +ouded i #013 i 1hia. 0he +irst mobile
appli*atio .as lau*hed i De*ember #013 i Sha!hai ad o. i 'dia.
0he 1areDoi*e is the +irst revie.$based so*ial plat+orm that empo.ers
patiets to ma/e better health*are de*isios( ad health*are providers ad
*ompaies to eha*e patietsH positive e9perie*e.
?rom a *omprehesive listi! o+ hospitals( do*tors ad treatmets(
patiets *a voi*e their true health*are e9perie*e by posti! revie.s
based o their medi*al visit( providi! valuable isi!hts that *a be shared
.ith other patiets uder!oi! a similar health 2ourey. 1reated .ith the
patiet e9perie*e i mid( 0he 1areDoi*e provides a ope( trusted ad
reliable plat+orm to ma/e i+ormed de*isios based o idividual
health*are eeds +or a healthier *ommuity. Revie. is ot a e. thi!.
Most o+ us al.ays use revie.s be+ore usi! ay produ*t or servi*es.
0he 1areDoi*e also provides valuable iput to do*tors( hospitals ad
health*are *ompaies to liste to the patiet e9perie*e. 0hey *a
*otiuously improve upo their servi*es ad treatmets.
0he 1are Doi*e believes that health is a 2ourey that .e ta/e to!ether.
Gith our +amily( +rieds( people li/e us ad pro+essioals( .e should be
empo.ered to hadle health *halle!es ad move +or.ard to build a
healthier +uture

0he 1are Doi*e is a so*ial .eb plat+orm that empo.ers ea*h o+ us $ people
ad so*iety $ to +a*e to!ether health *halle!es ad !et alo! li+eHs 2ourey
.ith *o+ide*e by eabli! to vie.( e9press ad e9*ha!e ideas o
medi*al optios throu!h a e9teded reliable et.or/.
6uildi! 0he 1are Doi*e to be a pla*e .here merit prevails ad huma
values are ot.
. 0he 4)A<04 1AR) is a *lassi* mature mar/et. 1ompaies +a*e sti++
*ompetitio ad lo. pro+it mar!is. Give the latter( *ompaies *ould
e9pad ad !ro. throu!h a*,uisitios rather tha throu!h buildi! e.
uits. Ma/i! a*,uisitios !ives *ompaies a lar!er reveue base over
.hi*h to spread *osts( ad it also !ives them more levera!e .ith suppliers
to /eep *osts do.. ;e o+ the !reatest *halle!es +a*i! health *are
today is the ever$!ro.i! volume ad pa*e o+ *ompetitio. 1ompetitio
has had ma2or impli*atios +or the *ustomer( providi!:
i*reased *hoi*eI !reater value +or moeyI ad
au!meted level o+ servi*e. Additioally( there is little to disti!uish oe
health *are produ*ts ad servi*es +rom aother. 0hus it has be*ome
imperative +or health *are to !ai a *ompetitive advata!e.
0here are t.o strate!ies most *ommoly used by 4ealth *are maa!ers i
order to !ai a *ompetitive advata!eI they are:
<o.$*ost leadership throu!h pri*e dis*outi!( ad
Developi! *ustomer loyalty by providi! ui,ue bee+its to *ustomers.
4ealth *are that attempt to improve their mar/et share by dis*outi!
pri*e( ho.ever( ru the serious ris/ o+ havi! a e!ative impa*t o the
health *are medium B ad lo!$term pro+itability. As a result( it is ,uality
o+ servi*e rather tha pri*e that has be*ome the /ey to a health *are ability
to di++eretiate itsel+ +rom its *ompetitors ad to !ai *ustomer loyalty.
Numerous e9amples illustrate that it is importat that the 4)A<04 1AR)
develop *ustomer loyalty( as opposed to relyi! solely o pri*i!
strate!ies. -Resear*hers have sho. that a % per*et i*rease i *ustomer
loyalty *a produ*e a pro+it i*rease o+ #% per*et to J% per*et.3
4e*e( a dedi*ated +o*us o *ustomer loyalty is li/ely to be*ome a
e*essary prere,uisite +or the +uture survival o+ health *are.
0here is so mu*h that has bee read( said ad .ritte about 6rads $ A
brad is li/e a huma bei! ad passes throu!h su**essive sta!es( ri!ht
+rom its birth( ! maturity ad a!i!. A brad is li/e a baby .he it
is bor. ' its li+e*y*le it !ro.s ad ma/es +rieds .ith people ad the
bod ad the real test o+ its +riedship lies i the loyalty o+ its +rieds
"*ustomers& .ho sti*/ by it throu!h the hi!hs ad lo.s o+ the brad.
' payi! very hi!h pri*es +or *ompaies .ith brads( buyers are a*tually
pur*hasi! a positio i the mids o+ potetial *ustomers( be it i the
stalls or i the royal *ir*le. A.areess( ima!e trust ad reputatio all
paista/i!ly a*,uired over the years( are the best !uaratees o+ +uture
eari!s. 0hese 2usti+y the hi!h pri*es paid. 0he value o+ a brad lies i its
*apa*ity to !eerate su*h *ash +lo.s.
?or the potetial *ustomer( a brad is a ladmar/( li/e moey( it +a*ilitates
trade. ?a*ed .ith a multitude o+ silet or hard$to$readA produ*ts( .hose
per+orma*e *aot be assessed at +irst !la*e *ustomers are *o+used.
6rads ad pri*es ma/e produ*ts easier to KreadA removi! u*ertaity.
6rads ideti+y( !uaratee( stru*ture ad stabili@e supply. 0hey dra. their
value +rom their *apa*ity to redu*e ris/ ad u*ertaity. ' a .orld i
.hi*h everythi! is *ha!i! brads possess a rare ,uality o+ stability.
6rads are the real *apital o+ busiess. A brad is ot a produ*t: it is the
produ*tAs sour*e( its meai! ad its dire*tio ad it de+ies its idetity i
time ad spa*e.. Real brad maa!emet( ho.ever( be!is mu*h earlier
.ith a strate!y ad a *osistet( ite!rated visio. 'ts *etral *o*ept is
brad idetity( ot brad ima!e. 0his idetity must be de+ied ad
maa!ed. 't is the heart o+ brad maa!emet. 't *alls +or e. meas o+
thou!ht o+ thou!ht ad ivesti!atio.
0o study the impa*t o+ bradi! o health *are ad *ustomer
satis+a*tio>retetio. 0he mai purpose o+ the pro2e*t is to aaly@e the
importa*e o+ bradi! i todayAs .orld espe*ially i the health *are
se*tor +urthermore( hi!hli!hti! the /ey elemets o+ brad that impa*t the
health *are. 1ustomer satis+a*tio ad retetio have *ostatly played a
importat role +or shapi! the ima!e o+ 4)A<04 1AR) i order to
provide the se*tor popularity throu!h various aspe*ts( oe o+ them bei!
0here are may de+iitios o+ perso$*etred "patiet$or *liet$*etred&
health *are i the literature. 0he Di*toria Departmet o+ 4uma Servi*es
"#003& de+ies perso$*etred *are as Ktreatmet ad *are provided by
health servi*es LthatM pla*es the perso at the *etre o+ their o. *are ad
*osiders the eeds o+ the older persoAs *areersA. 0he mai +eatures o+
perso$*etred health *are derived +rom the literature *a be e*ompassed
.ithi the *o*ept o+ partership. 0he overridi! messa!e is that perso$
*etred *are is about a *ollaborative ad respe*t+ul partership
the servi*e provider ad user. 0he servi*e provider respe*ts the
*otributio the servi*e user *a ma/e to their o. health( su*h as their
values( !oals( past e9perie*e( ad /o.led!e o+ their o. health eeds(
ad the servi*e user respe*ts the *otributio the servi*e provider *a
ma/e( i*ludi! their pro+essioal e9pertise ad /o.led!e( i+ormatio
about the optios available to the servi*e user( ad their values ad
e9perie*e. 6oth the servi*e provider ad servi*e user are importat as
people .ithi the partership( either is iter*ha!eable ad the
e9perie*es o+ oe *aot be !eerali@ed to aother.0he +ollo.i!
pri*iples o+ perso$*etred *are( are all e*ompassed .ithi the *o*ept
o+ partership:
1. Getti! to /o. the patiet or *liet as a perso "holisti* approa*h as
.ell as idividual approa*h&
#. Shari! o+ ad resposibility "patiet or *liet as e9pert i their
o. health( shari! o+ de*isio ma/i!( i+ormatio( the idea o+ *ommo
3. A**essibility ad +le9ibility "o+ servi*e provider as a perso ad o+ the
servi*es provided& 1oordiatio ad ite!ratio "*osideratio o+ the
.hole e9perie*e +rom the poit o+ vie. o+ the servi*e user& 4avi! a
eviromet that is *odu*ive to perso$*etred *are "supportive o+ sta++
.or/i! i a perso$*etred .ay ad easy +or servi*e
users to avi!ate&.
' order to a**omplish the ob2e*tives o+ the study( it is essetial to
arti*ulate the maer i .hi*h it is to be *odu*ted( i.e.( the resear*h
pro*ess is to be *arried$out i a *ertai +rame .or/. 0he Resear*h
Methodolo!y( .hi*h +ollo.s( is the ba*/boe o+ the study.
0ype o+ Resear*h: 0he pro2e*t used the se*odary data to study the brad$
related issues i 4)A<04 1AR).
Data 1olle*tio Approa*h: 0he pla/ o .hi*h the edi+i*e o+ a study rests
is i+ormatio. 0he data *otaied here i has bee obtaied +rom
se*odary sour*es o+ data. 0he vie.s o+ various e9perts i the idustry
have bee re+erred to +or the purpose o+ dissertatio.
Se*odary Data: Already published data +ormed the starti! poit o+ the
0he dissertatio *overs all aspe*ts o+ 6rads i re+ere*e to 4)A<04
1AR). A si*ere attempt has bee made to *over all brad$related issues
i 4)A<04 1AR).
14AP0)R 0G;
0his *hapter e9plais the *o*ept o+ servi*es. 't deals .ith positioi! ad
di++eretiatio o+ servi*es. 0he purpose o+ this *hapter is to is to ideti+y
the eed +or positioi! ad di++eretiatio o+ 4ealth *are. 0his .ill
provide a basi* i+ormatio o .hy this is importat +or health *are.
0o de+ie servi*e as oly relati! to servi*e idustries is *learly
i*orre*t. 0oday there is a i*reasi! tred to attempt to di++eretiate
produ*t by servi*e elemets. "See +i!ure 1 i Appedi*es&
:derstadi! the positio o+ a parti*ular servi*e o ea*h *otiuum( ad
the positio o+ *ompetitors( is a importat step to.ards +idi! possible
sour*es o+ *ompetitive advata!e. "See +i!ure # i Appedi*es&
0he positioi! o+ a health *areis a very importat aspe*t +or the
mar/eters si*e it helps them to re*o!i@e the *ompoet *hara*teristi* o+
the servi*es the *ustomers eed. 1ombii! a aalysis o+ *ustomer eeds
o a se!met$by$se!met basis .ith a uderstadi! o+ *ompetitive
o++eri!s eables the mar/eter to ideti+y opportuities +or servi! a
parti*ular se!metAs eeds better tha ayoe else. '+ o++eri! su*h a
servi*e is see as *ompatible .ith the or!ai@atioAs resour*es ad value(
the the +irm should be able to develop a pro+itable i*he +or itsel+ i the
4ere .e have to uderstad that the buyers have di++eret eeds ad he*e
they are attra*ted to di++eret o++ers. 't is there+ore( importat to sele*t
disti!uishi! *hara*teristi*s( .hi*h satis+y the +ollo.i! *riteria.
'mporta*e B the di++ere*e is hi!hly valued to a su++i*ietly lar!e mar/et.
Disti*tiveess$ the di++ere*e is disti*tly superior to other o++eri!s(
.hi*h are available.
1ommui*ability B it is possible to *ommui*ate the di++ere*e i a
simple ad stro! .ay.
Superiority B the di++ere*e is ot easily *opied by *ompetitors.
A++ordability B the tar!et *ustomer .ill be ad is .illi! to pay +or the
di++ere*e. Ay additioal *ost o+ the disti!uishi! *hara*teristi*"s& .ill
be per*eived as su++i*ietly valuable to *ompesate +or ay additioal
Pro+itability B the *ompay .ill a*hieved additioal pro+its as a result o+
itrodu*i! the di++ere*e
14AP0)R 04R))
A 1;MPR)4)NS'D) APPR;A14
As e9plaied above( does thro. li!ht o ho. to build a servi*e brad. 6ut
it does ot su!!est a *omprehesive approa*h +or bradi! servi*es. 0his
paper proposes to preset su*h a approa*h by applyi! brad idetity
+rame.or/ to the e*oomi* *lassi+i*atio o+ three types o+ !oods ad the
8Ps o+ servi*es.
6rad idetity +rame.or/ proposes +our elemets uder .hi*h a idetity
is typi*ally developed +or a brad. 0hese are:
6rad as produ*tI
6rad as or!ai@atioI
6rad as persoI ad
6rad as symbol.
6rad as produ*t is about the produ*t related attributes o+ the brad. 0his
dimesio deals .ith the ta!ible ad the ita!ible aspe*ts o+ the produ*t
ad the maer i .hi*h the *ustomer relates to it. 6rad as or!ai@atio
deals .ith the or!ai@atioHs iovatio( *osumer *o*er et*.( .hi*h are
importat +or buildi! stro! brads. 6rad as perso deals .ith the
persoality aspe*ts o+ the brad. 0his tells us .hat happes to the brad
.he it is *overted to a perso by edo.i! it .ith so*ial( demo!raphi*
ad psy*ho!raphi* values. ?ially brad as symbol deals .ith the
symboli* aspe*ts o+ the brad li/e visual ima!ery( lo!o( brad herita!e
et*. Ay !ive brad *a be des*ribed i terms o+ these +our elemets.
0his basi* +rame.or/ has bee e9teded i this paper to brad a servi*e.
6radi! is a e++e*tive mar/eti! strate!y tool that has bee used .ith
+re,uet su**ess i the past. 0oday( bradi! is e9perie*i! a e.
popularity resulti! +rom e.( iovative appli*atios. Althou!h there
have bee ista*es .here bradi! has bee less tha su**ess+ul(
mar/eters are be!ii! to +id the appropriate appli*atios i a !ive
setti!. 'ssues ad problems *o*eri! bradi! strate!y today i*lude
the sele*tio o+ a brad ame. 0his +udametal issue .ill impa*t o the
su**ess o+ a bradi! strate!y. ;*e a ame is sele*ted( mar/eters have to
*hoose the advertisi! strate!y to support ad *ommui*ate the ame.
?ially( /eepi! the brad i a stro! positio is a *riti*al *o*er. Ne.
areas o+ bradi! i*lude *orporate( idustrial( ad servi*e bradi!.
0hese otraditioal bradi! eviromets are be*omi! the +uture +or
mar/eters usi! bradi! strate!y. 0o add to the e. bradi! areas( there
are e. bradi! te*hi,ues. 0hese te*hi,ues i*lude brad e9tesios
ad i!rediet bradi!. Ne. strate!ies( te*hi,ues( ad areas +or
bradi! have to be maa!ed. 0he or!ai@atio must support ad ideti+y
.ith the strate!y. 0he !oals( ob2e*tives( ad missio o+ ay or!ai@atio
should be i lie .ith the bradi! strate!y employed.
6rad ami!
Perhaps the most +udametal problem re!ardi! the issue o+ bradi! is
.hat ame to use. 6erry et al. "17JJ& !o as +ar as to say that a .ell$*hose
ame *a !ive a *ompay a mar/eti! ed!e over *omparable *ompetitors.
0hey *o*ede that a ame may ot ma/e or brea/ a *ompay but it may be
a /ey +a*tor i its su**ess or +ailure. Poits out that the poit o+ a ame is
to have *osumers li/ it to ,uality.
)arly i the period o+ bradi!( produ*ts .ere !ive disti*tive ames to
di++eretiate them. 0hese .ere usually the last ames o+ the ivetor(
+ouder or ivestor. 4o.ever( today the tred is to.ard more des*riptive
0hey su!!est a ame should have +our *hara*teristi*s( i*ludi!
disti*tiveess( releva*e( memo ability( ad +le9ibility. All produ*ts
should avoid !eeri* soudi! ames ad should *ovey the esse*e o+
the produ*t throu!h idire*t *ootatios. Names should be simple( brie+(
ad easy to proou*e ad read. 0hey should ot rely o *uteess or
!immi*/s ad should be broad eou!h to *ha!e over time. 0he use o+
!eo!raphi* re+ere*es ad purely des*riptive terms are ot re*ommeded.
)++e*tive !raphi*s ad lo!os are re*ommeded( ho.ever( to support the
Nami! !uidelies are help+ul ad e++e*tive
0hese ami! !uidelies are help+ul ad e++e*tive. 4o.ever( there are
e9*eptios to these rules that have bee su**ess+ul. 0he poit is( it is
easier to be su**ess+ul i bradi! i+ the produ*t does ot have to
over*ome the disadvata!e o+ a bad ame.

R;<) ;? M)D'A 'N 4)A<04 1AR)
0he media is a importat ally i ay publi* health situatio. 't serves the
role o+ bei! a sour*e o+ *orre*t i+ormatio as .ell as a advo*ate +or
*orre*t health behaviors. 6ut be+ore the media *a ta/e o that role( it
eeds to uderstad the virus( the issues surroudi! it( poli*y ad
pra*ti*es( ad +ially( re*ommeded *orre*t behaviors.3
0he lo*al ad iteratioal media play a vital role as the li/
health .or/ers ad the lar!er publi*. 4ealth authorities edu*ate ad
etrust the media .ith essetial health i+ormatio( .hi*h is the relayed
to the publi* i readily a**essible +ormats throu!h a variety o+ media
*haels. ?or ista*e( i order to dissemiate i+ormatio about the
avia i+lue@a to the .ider publi*( the 'ND'AN Govermet tas/ed the
A*ademy +or )du*atioal Developmet .ith the resposibility o+
developi! a traii! pro!ram to help the lo*al media uderstad the
*omple9ity o+ this disease so that they .ould be able to report about it
0he mass media helps health .or/ers e9pad their audie*e rea*h( .hi*h
is *ru*ial *osideri! the +a*t that +a*e$to$+a*e *haels o+ *ommui*atio
o+te re,uire too may huma resour*es ad rea*h oly a small umber o+
people i lar!e( uderserved rural areas. 0he mass media provides a
importat li/ the rural residets ad vital health i+ormatio.
0he mass media( i the +orm o+ the radio ad televisio( are a e++e*tive
.ay to persuade tar!et audie*es to adopt e. behaviors( or to remid
them o+ *riti*al i+ormatio. 6esides i+ormi! the publi* about e.
diseases ad .here to see/ help( they *a also /eep the publi* updated
about immui@atio *ampai!s. 0he mass media *a rural
populatios to +i!ht ma2or *auses o+ i+at mortality su*h as diarrheal
dehydratio ad diseases .hi*h *a be preveted throu!h va**iatio(
i+orm lar!e umbers o+ people o+ seasoal or daily variatios +or su*h
a*tivities as a immui@atio *ampai! or availability o+ a e. produ*t or
servi*e( tea*h e. health s/ills su*h as ho. to mi9 oral rehydratio
solutio( promote e. health behaviors su*h as ta/i! iverme*ti o*e a
year( motivate ad ho* or or!ai@ed listei! !roups( ad i*rease
*ommuity a**epta*e o+ health .or/ers.3
=0he ba*/boe o+ our mass media pro!ram is the O% se*od promotioal
spot. Ghy start .ith spotsP 6e*ause they are ,ui*/ ad easy to produ*e
ad broad*ast. ' the same spirit .e ma/e lo. *ost tools( su*h as the
!a@ety( a**essible to lar!e umbers o+ +amilies( .e broad*ast do@es o+
spots o over te +m statios every day( day i ad day out. Gith the spots
.or/i! +or us( .e developed short rural radio pro!rams by re*ordi!
lo*al s/its ad brie+ itervie.s .ith parets. syer!y
t.o *ommui*atio *haels is a*hieved .he villa!e s/its are
broad*asti! o lo*al radio statios.3
' pla*es .here radios are still popular( they *a be used( .ith !reat
su**ess( as health *ommui*atio tools. Not oly are they *heaper ad
more readily available i rural areas( their pro!rams *a also be adapted to
suit lo*al eeds i terms o+ la!ua!e( *ulture ad values. ' 'dia( radio
spots or advertisemets are used to *ombat malaria.
As 'teret a**ess *otiues to e9pad( it .ill i*reasi!ly serve as a ri*h
health resour*e i eviromets that la*/ health e9pertise. Re!ardless o+
lo*atio( the 'teret allo.s people to !ai a**ess to a .ide array o+
health$related i+ormatio +rom .orld.ide at a mouse *li*/. 0he lo*al
*yber *a+Q may eve be!i to serve as a health i+ormatio hub. Si*e the
'teret tras*eds !eo!raphi*al barriers( there is plety o+ potetial +or
.ebsites to provide a valuable sour*e o+ health i+ormatio( thus
eha*i! health ad .ellbei! +or people i developi! *outries.
4o.ever( there is oe importat *aveat. As the amout o+ i+ormatio
!ro.s at a upre*edeted rate( so does the amout o+ +alse ad
potetially harm+ul i+ormatio. Misi+ormatio( either due to ia**urate
i+ormatio( misleadi! i+ormatio or misiterpretatio o+ health
i+ormatio( *a have potetially dire *ose,ue*es( tri!!eri! mass
pai*s( misleadi! ui+ormed poli*y$ma/ers et*.
As patiet e *ome So*ial Media +or 4ealth*are *osumer As use o+ so*ial
media be*omes e*essary So*ial media has varyi! de+iitiosI the
simplest is 1otet +or the people( by the people. Re+erral Maa!emet
usi! so*ial media So*ial media is available i multiple +orms +or varyi!
ed$use( but .ith the same itet o+ shari! user !eerated Re+erral
maa!emet is the bi!!est *otet .ith the user *ommuities. ?a*e boo/(
0.itter( part o+ our health*are value *hai. <i/ed '( Eou 0ube( RSS et*.(
the list is edless. Gith o re+erral maa!emet 0he iroads ito
health*are are bei! made re*etly. system a patiet has to ,ueue up Geb
ad may more servi*es are ad !o throu!h the etire helpi! people
*ollaborate ad *oe*t( .ith a simple motto( re!istratio pro*ess at the
re+erred to help solve their medi*al problems ad levera!i! hospitals
"State ru a!e*ies&te*holo!y to provide better *oe*t ad *are . 0his
has *aused e9*essive patiet So*ial media is ot a e9tesio o+ the
.ebsite or olie loads at the distri*t level hospitals. Prese*eI itAs a
itera*tio ad dis*ussio ot 2ust the prese*e. A re+erral maa!emet
system based o so*ial media pri*iples the relatioship Do*tors
ad patiets have bee .here everyoe parti*ipates *a help solve this
problem. Persoal( but .ith !lobali@atio ad urbai@atio the *oe*t is
bei! lost( ad so*ial media *a restore it. 4ealth #.04ealth #.0 is a term
*oied to ite!rate health*are( .eb#.0ad e health. 4ealth #.0 +o*uses *ollaboratio patiets( do*tors( !overmet a!e*ies et*.
Developed atios have ta/e a hu!e leap i health #.0spa*e .ith *are
*oordiatio( 4ealth '+ormatio e9*ha!es( )le*troi* Medi*al Re*ords
et* .'dia .ith its ui,ue demo!raphi*s ad health*are delivery system
*a levera!e the 4ealth #.0 +eatures o+ *ollaboratio. So*ial media is
meat +or *ollaboratio ad ma/i! audie*e parti*ipatory( 4ealth #.0
does the same.
't +ollo.s that employmet o+ mass media to dissemiate health e.s "or
other matters& has( i e++e*t( redu*ed the .orldHs si@e. 0he value o+ health
e.s is related to .hat !ets reported ad ho. it !ets reported. 0he e.s
media are a importat sour*e o+ i+ormatio about health ad medi*al
therapies( ad there is .idespread iterest i the ,uality o+ reporti!.
Previous studies have ideti+ied ia**urate *overa!e o+ published
s*ieti+i* papers( overstatemet o+ adverse e++e*ts or ris/s( ad evide*e
o+ sesatioalism. 0he media *a also have a positive publi* health role(
as they did i *ommui*ati! simple .ari!s about the *oe*tio ReyeHs sydrome ad the use o+ aspiri i *hildre. Despite the
potetial o+ e.s media to per+orm valuable health$edu*atio +u*tios(
that media stories about medi*atios *otiue to be i*omplete i their
*overa!e o+ bee+its( ris/s( ad *osts o+ dru!s( as .ell as i reporti!
+ia*ial ties *lii*al trial ivesti!ators ad pharma*euti*al
0he mass media are *apable o+ +a*ilitati! short$term( itermediate$term(
ad lo!$term e++e*ts o audie*es. Short$term ob2e*tives i*lude
e9posi! audie*es to health *o*eptsI *reati! a.areess ad /o.led!eI
alteri! outdated or i*orre*t /o.led!eI ad eha*i! audie*e re*all o+
parti*ular advertisemets or publi* servi*e aou*emets( promotios( or
pro!ram ames. 'termediate$term ob2e*tives i*lude all o+ the above( as
.ell as *ha!es i attitudes( behaviors( ad per*eptios o+ so*ial orms.
?ially( lo!$term ob2e*tives i*orporate all o+ the a+oremetioed tas/s(
i additio to +o*used restru*turi! o+ per*eived so*ial orms( ad
maitea*e o+ behavior *ha!e. )vide*e o+ a*hievi! these three tiers
o+ ob2e*tives is use+ul i evaluati! the e++e*tiveess o+ mass media.
Mass media per+orms three /ey +u*tios: edu*ati!( shapi! publi*
relatios( ad advo*ati! +or a parti*ular poli*y or poit o+ vie.. As
edu*atio tools( media ot oly impart /o.led!e( but *a be part o+
lar!er e++orts to promote a*tios havi! so*ial utility. As publi* relatios
tools( media assist or!ai@atios i a*hievi! *redibility ad respe*t
amo! publi* health opiio leaders( sta/eholders( ad other !ate/eepers.
?ially( as advo*a*y tools( mass media assist leaders i setti! a poli*y
a!eda( shapi! debates about *otroversial issues( ad !aii! support
+or parti*ular vie.poits.
0elevisio is a medium +or appeali! to mass audie*esRit
rea*hes people re!ardless o+ a!e( se9( i*ome( or edu*atioal level. '
additio( televisio o++ers si!ht ad soud( ad it ma/es dramati* ad
li+eli/e represetatios o+ people ad produ*ts. ?o*used 0D *overa!e o+
publi* health has bee lar!ely limited to *rises. 4o.ever( +or audie*es o+
the late 17%0s( the 1760s( ad the 1780s( televisio preseted or rei+or*ed
*ertai health messa!es throu!h produ*t mar/eti!. Some o+ these
messa!es .ere related to toothpaste( had soaps( multiple vitamis(
+orti+ied brea/+ast *ereals( ad other items.
Publi* health authorities have e9pressed *o*er about the idire*t
i+lue*e o+ televisio i promoti! +alse orms about a*ts o+ viole*e(
dri/i!( smo/i!( ad se9ual behavior. A hypotheti*al e,uatio +or
vie.ers mi!ht be: dri/i! plus smo/i! e,uals se9 ad a !ood time. Sa+e
se9 pra*ti*es are rarely portrayed o televisio. A additioal publi*
health *o*er is that 0D vie.i! promotes sedetariess i a populatio
already /o. +or its multiple ris/ +a*tors +or *ardiovas*ular disease ad
other *hroi* illesses.
A more +o*used *overa!e o+ health matters o**urred i the 1770s as a
result o+ t.o evets:
"1& A e9pasio o+ =health se!mets= o e.s broad*asts( .hi*h
i*luded the hiri! o+ =health= reporters( ad
"#& 0he e9pasio ad .ider distributio o+ *able televisio ad satellite
systems. 0elevisio *overa!e o+ health issues reveals some o+ the
mediumHs .ea/esses as a edu*ator( ho.ever. 4ealth se!mets
i*orporated ito e.s broad*asts are typi*ally oe to three miutes i
le!thRthe *osumer re*eives oly a brie+ report or =soud bite(= .hile
the broad*aster remais *ostraied by the +a*t that vie.ers e9pe*t the
medium to be both visual ad etertaii!. ?ortuately( .ith the advet
ad maturatio o+ 1A0D( more sele*ted audie*e tar!eti! has be*ome
possible. 0he 4ealth Net.or/ is dedi*ated etirely to health matters( .hile
other *able et.or/s "e.!.( Dis*overy 1hael& devote si!i+i*at amouts
o+ broad*ast time to health. 0his arro.*asti! allo.s the medium to
rea*h parti*ular mar/et se!mets. 4o.ever( the proli+eratio o+ *able
*haels de*reases the volume o+ vie.ers +or a !ive *hael at ay poit
i time. Althou!h 0D has the potetial to deliver messa!es about
4'D>A'DS "huma immuode+i*ie*y virus>a*,uired immuode+i*ie*y
sydrome&( smo/i!( *ardiovas*ular disease( *a*er( ad so o( televised
messa!es have the *hara*teristi* o+ lo. audie*e ivolvemet. 0he mai
*osumer e++e*t o+ messa!es o**urs throu!h repetitio ad brad
+amiliarity. Most health messa!es do ot have the e9posure level that
brads o+ toothpaste( soap( or atiperspirat re*eive( +or publi* health
!roups rarely *a sustai the *ost o+ televisio( thereby limiti! their
messa!eHs peetratio.
?or all its potetial stre!ths( 0D su++ers may short*omi!s. 0he *ost o+
pla*i! health messa!es o 0D is hi!h( ot oly be*ause o+ the e9pese o+
pur*hasi! airtime( but be*ause o+ produ*tio time +or PSA *reatio.
0elevised messa!es are +leeti!Rairi! i most ista*es +or oly 1% to
30 se*ods. 6el*h ad 6el*h poit out that +or 13 to 18 miutes o+ every
hour vie.ers are bombarded .ith messa!es( *reati! a *lutter that ma/es
retetio di++i*ult.
Radio also rea*hes mass ad diverse audie*es. 0he spe*iali@atio o+ radio
statios by listeer a!e( taste( ad eve !eder permits more sele*tivity i
rea*hi! audie*e se!mets. Si*e pla*emet ad produ*tio *osts are
less +or radio tha +or 0D( radio is able to *ovey publi* health messa!es
i !reater detail. 0hus( radio is sometimes *osidered to be more e++i*iet.
Radio re,uires some.hat !reater audie*e ivolvemet tha televisio(
*reati! the eed +or more metal ima!ery( or .hat 6el*h ad 6el*h *all
=ima!e tras+er.= 6e*ause o+ this( radio *a rei+or*e *omplemetary
messa!es portrayed i parallel +ashio o 0D. 4o.ever( the lar!e umber
o+ radio statios may +ra!met the audie*e +or health messa!e delivery.
Radio health messa!e *ampai!s have bee e++e*tive i developi!
*outries( espe*ially .he *ombied .ith posters ad other mass media.
A+ter spedi! resour*es o ami! a produ*t( it is imperative to support
it throu!h advertisi! ad *ommui*atio. ?or a produ*t to su**eed( the
brad must dedi*ate more resour*es to promoti! it throu!h
advertisi!. A de+iitio +rom the 'stitute o+ Pra*titioers i Advertisi!
is: -Advertisi! presets the most persuasive possible selli! messa!e to
the ri!ht prospe*ts +or the produ*t or servi*e at the lo.est possible *ost.
Advertisi! .or/s be*ause the messa!e that is *reated is tras+erred to the
re*eiver i a +ormat that has shared meai!.3
Advertisi! should be thou!ht o+ as a ivestmet i the brad it is
promoti!. 5ust as a *ompay .ould ivest i te*holo!y ad iovatio(
it must also ivest i advertisi! ad promotio i+ it is to su**eed
Advertisi!( mar/eti! ad promotio
6rads that o++er *osumers a *osistet ad messa!e ad re!ularly
updated produ*t .ill lead their idustries. 4e !oes o to say that
*ompaies( .hi*h believe i outstadi! advertisi!( are those .hi*h .ill
build leadership brads. 0he *ommitmet to the bradHs su**ess is
e*ompassed i its advertisi!. ' the i*reasi!ly *ompetitive
mar/etpla*e( advertisi!( mar/eti!( ad promotio may be the oly
thi!s that di++eretiate e9tremely similar produ*ts .
0he added value o+ advertisi!
Advertisi! helps !eerate a.areess o+ the brad propositio ad
e9presses the brad persoality to a tar!et audie*e +or miimum *ost.
0his a.areess may be eeded to:
<au*h a e. brad o the mar/et. 0his .ill e9press the brad persoality
to the tar!eted audie*e.
Revitali@e a brad that is losi! mar/et share.
Prote*t a brad a!aist a *ompetitorAs brad advertisi! e++orts.
Su!!est e. .ays a brad mi!ht +it .ith a e. tar!et *ustomerAs eeds
ad desires.

;*e a brad has su**ess+ully etered the mar/etpla*e ad has a*hieved
status as a leadi! brad( mar/eters must be *o*ered .ith /eepi! it
there. Poits out that stro! brad *aot rest o their laurels ad brad
o.ers must *ostatly revie. the appeal o+ their brads to esure that
they remai *otemporary ad relevat. Althou!h it has bee su!!ested
that /illi! a brad leader is di++i*ult .hi*h e!le*t their brads( i*rease
the ris/.
Mar/et resear*h should be used to moitor *osumers( *ompetitio( ad
*ha!es i the eviromet that may a++e*t a *ompayHs brad. 0his !ives
the *ompay the advata!e o+ /o.i! ho. its brad *ompares .ith the
*ompetitios ad ho. it +its ito the bi! pi*ture.
0he e. 6radi! 0e*hi,ues i*lude *orporate( idustrial( ad servi*e
or!ai@atios as e. +orums. )arlier it .as thou!ht to be ot *odu*ive
+or these areas but this has *ha!ed over the years.
Studies sho. there is a stro!( positive *orrelatio *orporate
reputatio $ or *orporate brad a.areess $ ad the level o+ supportive
*ustomer a*tio
0here is little doubt that *orporatios are be!ii! to reali@e that
bradi! has may positive bee+its +or them. ' +a*t( it has bee
su!!ested that *orporate bradi! may be the oly e. area +or su**ess+ul
brad buildi! i the +uture.
'dustrial bradi! is also be!ii! to re*eive attetio as a e++e*tive
mar/eti! method. 0here is a !ro.i! belie+ that brads do have value i
idustrial mar/ets. 'dustrial produ*ts do ot ted to vary so the best .ay
to di++eretiate may be throu!h bradi!. 't is a!reed amo!st busiess
that a e++e*tive ame .ill ot result i lo!$term idustrial mar/eti!
per+orma*e .ithout a e++e*tive produ*t o++eri!. 4o.ever( they do
uderstad that o*e a idustrial brad satis+ies a or!ai@atio( it is
possible to be*ome a permaet supplier.
' their e9tesive study *o*luded that idustrial *ompaies value ad use
brad ame .idely. 0he mau+a*turers o+ idustrial produ*ts +eel brad
ames ad brad ami! are importat be*ause they eha*e their su**ess
ad be*ome ma2or assets to the *ompay. ?ially( by ot developi!
e++e*tive brad ames( a *ompay sub2e*ts itsel+ to ue*essary ris/s by
!ivi! a ed!e to the *ompetitors. 't is this type o+ ris/ that eeds to be
6radi! strate!ies are bei! adopted by may servi*e or!ai@atios. 0he
Servi*e 1ompay ames its brad uder the ame o+ the *ompay ad
most o+ its o++eri!s are !rouped to!ether by *osumers as oe produ*t.
0hus( servi*es must .or/ to *reate the proper ima!e o+ their brad ad
thereby( esure that *ustomers see/ them as the best *hoi*e.
0he pro*ess o+ *reati! a brad ima!e ivolves !etti! *ustomers to /o.
that the brad e9ists. ;*e a brad has bee separated +rom the *ro.d( it
is easier to develop its ima!e. 0he bradi! pro*ess itsel+ may be the
starti! poit +or produ*t di++eretiatio.
May brads are similar. 6rad leaders are o+te *lose to bei! ideti*al.
0he ima!e a top brad develops may be the oly .ay +or the *osumers to
tell the di++ere*e. 0he di++ere*e .ill e9ist primarily i the mid o+ the
*osumer. 0he *osumer .ill per*eive oe brad as more desirable tha
its *ompetitorHs ad pur*hase it based o those per*eptios. ' his arti*le(
1ompaies must maa!e the ima!e ad idetity o+ a brad ad tie it to the
total busiess strate!y. )a*h or!ai@atio must de*ide ho. bradi! +its
ito its !eeral strate!y be*ause oe strate!y does ot .or/ +or all. Some
brad maa!ers a!ree that the most e++e*tive .ay to use bradi! is by
mat*hi! spe*iali@ed produ*ts .ith spe*iali@ed mar/ets but this
philosophy has its e9*eptios. 0he poit is( busiess strate!y ad brad
strate!y should be relevat to the !oals o+ the or!ai@atio. Althou!h there
are spe*i+i* dire*tios +or mat*hi! a brad .ith a *ertai strate!y( the
idividual operatios must *reate a ui,ue strate!y that .or/s +or them.
0he dimesio( brad as perso( reveals .hat happes to the brad .he
it is !ive huma ,ualities ad made a perso. 't is also *alled brad
persoality.. 0hus brad persoality e*ompasses su*h *hara*teristi*s as
!eder( a!e( ad so*io$e*oomi* *lass as .ell as *lassi* huma
persoality traits su*h as .armth( *o*er ad setimetality. 0he huma
aspe*ts o+ the brad are dis*ussed belo. uder the headi!s role( role
e9pe*tatio( persoi+i*atio( attitude ad relatioship .ith the *ustomer.
0he attitude o+ a sear*h !ood provider is +u*tioal( be*ause the a*tivity is
routie trouble$shooti!. ' most e9perie*e !oods( the servi*e is dire*ted
at people( .hile i *rede*e !oods. 't is o+te dire*ted at the thi!s people
possess. 0here+ore e9perie*e !oods have a immediate eed to =deli!ht=
*ustomers. ; the other had( a la.suit or a isura*e *laim *aot be
settled immediately.
Ghe demo!raphi* *hara*teristi*s are read ito a sear*h !ood( it *a be
ima!ied as a =+riedly you! ma=. A e9perie*e !ood li/e a health *are
or a amusemet par/ *a be visuali@ed as =avu*ular= ad middle$a!ed.
A *rede*e !ood by *otrast is li/e a !rayi! =+ather$+i!ure= to .hom oe
loo/s up +or advi*e.
Care9: &an!:ing o9 ;#<=o:ic a;>ect;
Si*e ita!ibles are more proou*ed i servi*es( bradi! them
ivolves *are+ul hadli! o+ symboli* aspe*ts. :der the headi! =6rad
as symbol=. Several *aveats have to be metioed be+ore .e loo/ at the
items uder this headi!. 0here are several .ays o+ bradi! a produ*t or
a servi*e ad the outlie provided here is 2ust oe o+ the several
possibilities. ?or ista*e( several *ompaies have used ita!ibles to
brad sear*h !oods( thou!h the predomiat aspe*t o+ a durable is the
ta!ibles it o++ers. 0he thrust re*ommeded +or bradi! i this arti*le(
there+ore( +lo.s +rom the properties e9hibited by the three types o+ !oods.
6ut there mi!ht be other e++e*tive .ays o+ bradi!. ?urther( the
illustratios provided here +or bradi! are styli@ed ad are meat +or
demostratio. 0hey should ot be see as ideally re+le*ti! symbolism i
A more detailed des*riptio o+ .hat a symbol stads +or. =A symbol *a
provide *ohesio ad stru*ture to a idetity( ma/i! it easier to a*hieve
re*o!itio ad re*all=. Symbols *a be aythi! that represets the
A ta!lie
A *hara*ter
A visual metaphor
A lo!o
A *olor
A !esture
A musi*al ote
A pa*/a!e
A pro!ram
Aother +orm o+ symbol that is very popular these days is Semioti*s.
-Semioti*s *a be de+ied as the theories re!ardi! symbolism ad ho.
people !lea meai! +rom .ords( souds ad pi*tures.3 Semioti*s is said
to be oe o+ the most importat *haels o+ media as it is a medium
throu!h .hi*h *osumers relate to a parti*ular produ*t( servi*e(
persoality( et*.
?ood brads ad health *are brads are the most *ommo si! system that
is adopted by media to impa*t the *osumerAs mid ad de*isio o+ dii!
Pro2e*tive te*hi,ues help us uderstad the idea behid a brad. Su*h
te*hi,ues *overt a brad ito a ad2e*tive( or a aimal( or a emotio
or a perso. A sear*h !ood should be hady ad depedable( ad +u*tio
.ithout brea/do.s. 0he ad2e*tives that probably best +it a sear*h !ood
li/e a .ashi! ma*hie are =use+ul= or =*oveiet=. ; the other had(
the des*riptive ad2e*tives +or a e9perie*e !ood are =lively= ad
=vibrat= A typi*al symbol or lo!o +or su*h a servi*e .ould be =a smili!
+a*e=. 0he brad ame +or a e9perie*e !ood *ould be =?u$ad$?roli*=
or =Dreams :limited=. As opposed to this( a *rede*e !ood is =deep= ad
=.ise=. 0hus a typi*al lo!o +or su*h a servi*e .ould be. A typi*al brad
ame( say( +or a *osultat is probably =Syer!y= or =Gestalt= to re+le*t
the values that !o .ith the servi*e.
0he slo!a +or a sear*h !ood .ould be =o$stop per+orma*e= to re+le*t
*oveie*e ad ease$o+$use o+ the produ*t. ; the other had( a
e9perie*e !ood should have a more eti*i! slo!a "e.!. =1ome(
dis*over=&. 1rede*e !oods should have slo!as that re+le*t a hi!h de!ree
o+ *ompete*e "e.!. 0he =1omplete Solutio= people&.
A sear*h !ood .ill probably sposor a *hat sho. that su!!ests remedies
+or household problems. 0his is i lie .ith .hat the sear*h !ood itsel+
stads +or( amely( problem solvi!. A e9perie*e !ood should sposor
a evet that is ideti+ied .ith *elebratio o+ li+e. ; the other had( a
*rede*e !ood may li/e to sposor a evet that is *erebral
4ealth *are all possess ,uality +eatures that *a be developed ito stro!
*ompoets o+ a brad. 0he more s/illed you are at re*o!i@i! those
+eatures ad developi! them ito value$added *ompoets( the stro!er
your brad .ill be*ome. 6uildi! your health *are ito a brad that is
istatly re*o!i@able to the *ustomer( you must +o*us both o the iteral
ad e9teral *osumer eeds.
0here are three /ey areas that must be addressed .he you are developi!
your *o*ept ito a stro! brad. 0hose areas are as +ollo.s: +irst( your
*urret operatio ad your *urret visio o+ it( i*ludi! type o+ servi*e(
meu ad your pa*/a!i! ad de*or. Se*od( *osumer resear*h ad
treds i ot oly your *urret mar/et se!met but also the idustry as a
.hole. 0hird( spe*i+i* demo!raphi* mar/et resear*hI aroud ea*h uit ad
i your re!io you must /o. your *osumer. May health *are *o*epts
e2oy .idespread re*o!itio but have di++i*ulty i respodi! to rapid
*ha!es i the mar/etpla*e( mostly be*ause o+ ri!id stadards i servi*e(
e,uipmet ad mid$set. 1learly( bradi! is a sub2e*t that eeds to be
addressed as part o+ the strate!i* plai! pro*ess i your or!ai@atio.
Steppi! ba*/ ad loo/i! +rom outside the bo9 *a *learly !ive you a
vie. to +uture su**ess( assisti! you i buildi! your health *are or *hai
ito a brad istatly re*o!i@ed +or ,uality( *osiste*y ad value.
0he 4)A<04 1AR) has traditioally adhered to the true etrepreeurial
spirit o+ pro+it ma/i! i a +le9ible( urestri*ted busiess eviromet
idustry ad de*lii! ! rate( has shi+ted *ompetitio to.ards a
battle +or mar/et share.
0he lar!e umber o+ *ompetitors( di++i*ulty i establishi! di++eretiatio(
*ost i e. build( reovatio o+ physi*al stru*tures( plus hi!h +i9ed *osts(
.ill *otiue to itesi+y *ompetitio .ithi the idustry. Adapti! to the
e. rules o+ the !lobal mar/etpla*e( health *are operators are developi!
e. strate!ies +or su**ess. Some o+ these strate!ies i*lude the +ollo.i!:
May health *are +irmsA primary ! strate!ies are very similar:
! ad ,uality o+ produ*ts ad servi*es supported by te*holo!y
appear to be the most +avored approa*hes. appears to be maily
based aroud +ra*hisi! ad maa!emet servi*e *otra*ts( .ith some
asset a*,uiri! a*tivity by a umber o+ +irms.
Strate!i* allia*es !ive health *are *hais the *ha*e to e9pad rapidly by
2oii! +or*es .ith aother health *are *hai>other produ*ts. 0his
parti*ular strate!y ta/es may +orms( +rom 2oit mar/eti! to *ommo
reservatios system. 6y usi! a *ommo ame( or oe o+ the parterAs
ames( it is possible to double a health *are *ompayAs port+olio
' esse*e( a di++eretiatio strate!y is oe i .hi*h the +irm:
;++ers per*eived added value over the *ompetitio at a similar or
some.hat hi!her pri*eI or
;++ers .hat the *ustomer believes is a better produ*t at the same pri*eI or
Gais eha*ed mar!is by sli!htly hi!her pri*i!( so that it a*hieves
hi!her mar/et share ad there+ore hi!her volume.
Su*h approa*hes are li/ely to be su**ess+ul i+ the +irm *a *learly ideti+y
.ho the *ustomer is ad .hat the *ustomerAs eeds ad values are. Also(
the +irm must uderstad .hat is valued by the *ustomer( a ma2or
di++eretiati! +a*tor is the maa!erAs ability to stay *lose eou!h to the
mar/et to sese ad respod to *ustomer tastes ad values. 4o.ever( over
time( *ustomer values *ha!e ad there+ore the basis +or di++eretiatio
eeds to *ha!e .ith them. A +irm +ollo.i! a di++eretiati! strate!y
may there+ore have to revie. *otiually the basis +or di++eretiatio ad
/eep *ha!i! its strate!y.
't is possible to *ombie di++eretiatio ad pri*e strate!ies. 4ere the
su**ess o+ the strate!y depeds o the ability both to uderstad ad to
deliver a!aist *ustomer eeds .hile also havi! a *ost base that permits pri*es that are di++i*ult to iitiate.
Sometimes it is the ita!ible aspe*ts o+ strate!y that su!!est that value
should ot 2ust be related to the produ*ed ad te*holo!y. Servi*e( i
terms o+ delivery or a+ter$sales servi*e( li/ed to a uderstadi! o+
*ustomer eeds ad values *a be oe meas o+ di++eretiatio. 4e*e
di++eretiatio *a be a*hieved ot 2ust by oe elemet o+ the value *hai
but by multiple li/a!es .ith all elemets o+ the value *hai. '+ these
li/a!es *a be established( a sustaiable basis +or di++eretiatio *a be
+oud. ?or ista*e( a ,uality ima!e( sta++ traii!( i+ormatio systems(
ad *otrol o+ suppliers .ill all *otribute to a strate!y o+ di++eretiatio
ad the li/a!es .ithi the value *hai.
Aother approa*h to di++eretiatio ad improved *ompetitive stadi! is
to build i*hi! *osts .ithi the strate!y "*hi! *osts .ill be
i*urred i+ the *ustomer believes there is a a*tual or per*eived *ost i*hi! +rom oe produ*t to aother&. '+ there are a*tual or per*eived*hi! *osts( the +irm may a*hieve a di++eretiated positio i the
mar/et. 't is there+ore importat +or maa!ers to *osider ot oly their
o. value *hai but the value *hai o+ others( su*h as buyers ad
suppliers( ad they there+ore eed to *osider the li/a!es ad
.ithi value *hai i order to provide a *ompetitive advata!e +or the
A umber o+ alterative strate!i* dire*tios +or the +irm *a be determied
ad set .ithi the *ote9t o+ produ*t ad mar/et *hoi*es( .hi*h i may
*ases .ill be related to the evirometal opportuities +or ! that are
available to the +irm. 4o.ever( strate!i* dire*tio *a *o*er ot oly
! but also *osolidatio ad e++i*ie*y. ?our mai alterative
dire*tios +or developmet *a be ideti+ied. *osolidatio ad mar/et peetratioI
Produ*t developmetI
Diversi+i*atio 1osolidatio ad Mar/et Peetratio either *ompletely or partially( may be the most sesible
*ourse +or a +irm to ta/e. ?or ista*e( de*lii! per+orma*e may be a
opportuity +or +rom some a*tivities .ithi the +irm as a
.hole i order to raise +uds or *ut losses ad allo. the +irm to
*osolidate or !ro. i other areas.
1osolidatio su!!ests *ha!es i the .ay that a +irm operates( althou!h
the ra!e +or produ*ts mar/ets may remai u*ha!ed. 0he +irm may
*hoose to maitai mar/et share by !ro.i! .ith the mar/et ad so
maitai a *ompetitive *ost stru*ture i relatio to the *ompetitio. As a
produ*t moves ito the mature state o+ its li+e *y*le the +irm may *hoose
to i*rease its mar/eti! a*tivity i order to hi!hli!ht perhaps more
ita!ible aspe*ts o+ the produ*t or servi*e. ),ually it may see/ to
improve its *ost stru*ture throu!h produ*tivity !ais or hi!her *apital
0he strate!y o+ mar/et peetratio may eable the +irm to !ai mar/et
share but .ill be depedet o the ature o+ the mar/et ad the positio o+
the *ompetitio. 0he releva*e o+ this approa*h .ill deped o .hether
the overall mar/et is !ro.i!( is stati* or is i de*lie. ?or ista*e( i
stati* mar/ets the e9perie*e *urve su!!ests that mar/et peetratio .ould
be di++i*ult( as the advata!eous *ost stru*ture o+ mar/et leaders .ould
ormally prevet the i*ursio o+ *ompetitors .ith mar/et share.
4o.ever( this .ould ot prevet +irms +rom adopti! the mar/et
peetratio strate!y i mature mar/ets i+ they *hose some +rom o+
*ollaboratio .ith other +irms.
A +irm may de*ide to the sear*h +or alteratives that build upo the
*ompayAs preset /o.led!e ad s/ills. 0his may be a viable *hoi*e( ad
su*h as approa*h *a be des*ribed as produ*t developmet. ?irms eed to
+ollo. the *ha!i! eeds o+ their *ustomers by a poli*y o+ *otiually
itrodu*i! e. produ*t lies. 0here has bee a tred to.ards te*holo!y
tras+er ad *ollaborative vetures +or produ*t developmet.
1oversio o+ older health *are $ ito e*oomy properties that have the
brad ame o+ .ell$/o. *hais( to adapt to shi+ti! demad i mar/ets
.here primary sites are hard to +id.
N)G PR;D:10 D)D)<;PM)N0:
0he most pro+itable *ompaies .ill be those that *reate ad domiate e.
mar/ets( loo/i! +or opportuities +urther to e9ploit /ey s/ills ad
*ompete*ies. 0hey .ill ta/e measured ris/s( iovate ad lau*h e.
produ*ts ad servi*es.
Ne. produ*ts are also eeded to repla*e e9isti! oes at appropriate
sta!es i the li+e*y*le ad as additioal produ*ts to +oster ! Ghere
e. produ*ts are additioal to those that the *ompay already mar/ets(
rather tha repla*emets( there should be a aalysis o+ .here syer!y
mi!ht be obtaied. Ne. produ*ts .ill be aimed at !eerati! e. reveue(
ad they may boost the sales o+ e9isti! produ*ts i+ they stre!the the
overall lie or mi9. ?or e9ample: seasoal pa*/a!es.
0he term Kdiversi+i*atio3 *a be used to ideti+y a situatio .he a
idustry *osolidates ad be*omes mature( most o+ the survivi! +irms
have rea*hed the limits o+ ! usi! verti*al ad hori@otal !
1o*etri* "Related& diversi+i*atio is developmet beyod the preset
produ*t ad mar/et but still .ithi the broad *o+ies o+ the idustry
.ithi .hi*h the +irm operates. ?or e9ampleI a hotel opei! a +ast +ood
2oit *hai( et*.
1o!lomerate ":related& diversi+i*atio is developmet beyod the
preset idustry ito produ*ts ad mar/ets that at +a*e value may bear o
*lear relatioship to the preset produ*t or mar/et.
0his *hapter deals .ith the eed +or *ustomer satis+a*tio ad retetio
+or the 4)A<04 1AR). 0he *hapter also hi!hli!hts the importa*e o+
employee satis+a*tio.
KSatis+a*tio is de+ied as a post *osumptio evaluatio that the *hose
alterative is *osistet .ith prior belie+s ad e9pe*tatios ".ith respe*t
to it&. Dissatis+a*tio( o+ *ourse( is the out*ome .he this *o+irmatio
does ot ta/e pla*e
1osumer satis+a*tio is the out*ome .he e9pe*tatios are mat*hed by
servi*e e9perie*e( *oversely( dissatis+a*tio o**urs .he there is a
mismat*h ad e9pe*tatios are ot +ul+illed by the servi*e delivered.
' pri*iple( a or!ai@atio *a i*rease its turover i t.o .ays:
'*rease sales to e9isti! *ustomers: ' order +or the or!ai@atio to do
this( the *ustomers eed to be satis+ied ad still .at to buy more produ*ts
ad servi*es +rom the or!ai@atio.
Gi e. *ustomers: ' order to the or!ai@atio to do this( the e.
*ustomers eed to +orm a positive impressio o+ the or!ai@atio. 0his
impressio may be +ormed either throu!h mar/eti! ad sales iitiatives
or be*ause satis+ied *ustomers spea/ +avorably o+ the or!ai@atioAs
produ*ts( servi*es( ad sta++.
1ustomer satis+a*tio is *ru*ial to the or!ai@atioAs +uture( be*ause:
Satis+ied *ustomers *ome ba*/. Dissatis+ied *ustomers do ot *ome ba*/.
Satis+ied *ustomers are o+te -!ood.ill3 ambassadors ad help the
or!ai@atio to .i more *ustomers. Dissatis+ied *ustomers share their
dissatis+a*tio .ith ayoe .ho .ill liste ad i the pro*ess !ive the
or!ai@atio a bad reputatio.
Satis+ied *ustomers are usually prepared to buy e. produ*ts> servi*es
+rom the or!ai@atio. Dissatis+ied *ustomers rarely retur as *ustomers.
Potetial *ustomers are more i*lied to liste to e9isti! ad previous
*ustomers tha to the or!ai@atioAs mar/eti! *ampai!s. 0he
-i+ormatio servi*e3 provided by dissatis+ied *ustomers *a spoil the
e++e*t o+ eve the most mar/eti! *ampai!s.
Satis+ied *ustomers are a sour*e o+ ispiratio to the or!ai@atio ad
*otribute to !ivi! the employees i*reased 2ob satis+a*tio.
't is very importat +or a or!ai@atio to satis+y the eeds ad
e9pe*tatios o+ their *ustomers. 0he or!ai@atio should deliver ,uality
produ*ts ad servi*es to their *ustomers i order to ma9imi@e the repeat
*lietele. Strate!i*ally( they should try to provide all the servi*es ad
produ*ts i the same .ay( .hi*h they promised duri! the *ampai!s ad
1ustomer satis+a*tio has emer!ed as a importat *ompoet i the
bottom$lie su**ess o+ servi*e busiesses. Satis+yi! *ustomers is
espe*ially importat be*ause it e*oura!es repeat busiess ad +osters
.ord$o+$mouth advertisi!.
)mployees +eel !ood .he they +eel that they are ivolved i de*isio
ma/i!( re*eive ade,uate traii!( ad are re*o!i@ed +or their
*otributios. )mpo.ermet is re*o!i@ed as a importat tool +or
improvi! employee morale ad per+orma*e.
Pay ad bee+its are a stro! *osideratio i employee satis+a*tio( ad
most employees +eel that they are uderpaid +or the 2ob they do re!ardless
o+ their *ompesatio. Pay ad bee+its( ho.ever( are oly oe +a*tor
amo! may. 0hat the abse*e o+ those e*oomi* +a*tors .ill lead to
dis*otet( but their prese*e .ill ot add to lo!$term satis+a*tio. ;
the other had( 2ob$eri*hmet +a*tors( su*h as re*o!i@i! *otributios(
employee ivolvemet i de*isio ma/i!( ad maa!emet /eepi! the
lies o+ *ommui*atio ope( *otiue to be importat +a*tors i
employee satis+a*tio.
; the other had the !uests +eel stro!ly about the treatmet they re*eive
+rom the hotelAs employees( ad !uests are happier i+ employees respod
to *ustomer idividual eeds. Ge *a thus *o*lude that a happy
employee does i+lue*e the !uestAs attitude to.ards the hotel ad thereby
i*reasi! *ustomer loyalty.
:i,ue produ*t or te*holo!y
)9isti! *ustomer base
A**ess to +udi!
A**ess to iovative '0 resour*es
1a *ha!e dire*tio ,ui*/ly i+ our mar/eti! is ot .or/i!. "?le9ibility&
Able to !ive really !ood *ustomer *are( as the *urret small amout o+
.or/ meas .e have plety o+ time to devote to *ustomers.
Poor olie prese*e
<o. *ustomer retetio
1ash +lo. .ill be ureliable i the early sta!es
1ompay has o mar/et prese*e or reputatio
?avorable e*oomi* eviromet "i.e. re*essio li+ti!&
Ne. te*holo!y available
De*rease i *ompetitio
)*oomi* *oditios
'*reasi! *ompetitio
1ha!es i !overmet poli*y
First Name,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Last Name,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Gender, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy), , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Email, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Mobile, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Doctor Name,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Doctor locality,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Doctor Speciality,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , ,
1) Communication skills,
Explains clearly,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
Listens patiently,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent

Friendly nature,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
Humane behavior
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
2) Technical competences
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
Thorough examination,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
Accurate diagnosis,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent

Follow-up availability,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
3) Successful management of my health concern,
Treatment success,
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
4) Price,
Consultation price (Rupees),
b. Adequate
c. Satisfactory
d. Good
e. Excellent
5) Consultation duration,
Consultation duration,
a. 0-100
b. 101-200
c. 201-300
d. 301-500
e. 501 or more

0he basi* *hara*teristi*s o+ servi*es are ita!ibility( iseparability(
variability ad perish ability. :li/e( physi*al produ*ts( servi*es *aot be
see( tasted( +elt( hurt or smelled be+ore they are pur*hased.
6uyers loo/ +or ta!ible evide*e that .ill provide ad *o+ide*e about
the servi*es. <i/e oe *a loo/ +or ui+orms o+ a employee .hile
eteri! a hotel to uderstad that the hotel is pro+essioally maa!ed.
4otels o the other had *a par/ lu9ury automobiles i the +rot to
istat deliver a messa!e +or ,uality ad up s*ale servi*es.
;e o+ the /ey +a*tors +or health *areAs mar/eti! pro*ess is to satis+y
*ustomerAs eeds by meas o+ produ*t they serve. 4ealth *are a*ross the
!lobe *a be developed ito stro! *ompoets o+ a brad. 't is i this
*ha!i! s*eario a*ross the !lobe that 4ealth *are o.ers must +eel the
eed +or bradi! their 4ealth *are. 0his .ill help their health *are to tur
ito a brad that is istatly re*o!i@able to the *ustomer( ad thus they
eed to +o*us both o the iteral ad e9teral *osumer eeds. 0he /ey
*ompoet o+ bradi! lies ot i the pur*hase or additio o+ a produ*tI
rather it lies i the e++e*tive usa!e o+ the o+ the brad .ithi your
May health *are *o*epts e2oy .idespread re*o!itio but have
di++i*ulty i respodi! to rapid *ha!es i the mar/etpla*e( mostly
be*ause o+ ri!id stadards i servi*e( e,uipmet ad mid$set. 1learly(
bradi! is a sub2e*t that eeds to be addressed as part o+ the strate!i*
plai! pro*ess i the 4)A<04 1AR). Steppi! ba*/ ad loo/i! +rom
outside the bo9 *a *learly !ive 4ealth *are o.ers a vie. to +uture
su**ess( assisti! them i buildi! their health *are or *hai ito a brad
istatly re*o!i@ed +or ,uality( *osiste*y ad value.
0o put ito a utshell( the +uture o+ brad *reatio( developmet ad
maa!emet should re+le*t emer!i! busiess models o+ the /ey mar/ets
o+ a restaurat. 0his .ill esure that the health *are *a ma9imi@e its
pro+it ratio ad miimi@e the ris/s atta*hed to it. 'trodu*tio o+ e.
te*holo!y as .ell as ideti+i*atio o+ *ultural ad so*ial eeds .ill result
i optimi@i! *ustomer satis+a*tio ad loyalty. Moreover the latest brad
maa!emet tools *reate multisesorial brad e9perie*es based o
various *haels o+ media.
;e o+ the /ey e++e*ts o+ !lobali@atio is the i*rease i produ*t
availability ad providi! the *ustomer .ith a *hoi*e. 4o.ever this is
*ombied .ith the i*rease i *ommui*atio *haels developed by
busiesses. 0he brad has be*ome i*reasi!ly importat as media has
*reated lot o+ a.areess amo!st the *ustomer.
6rads are *osidered importat be*ause they a*t as the *ommui*atio
tool i*reasi!ly !lobally separated busiesses ad *osumers. A
brad is said to be the aura that surrouds a produ*t or servi*e that
e!eders the o+ *ommui*ati! the bee+its ad di++eretiates at
the same time +rom its *ompetitors to provide the *osumer .ith the best
May pro*esses *a *reate brad ame but it is essetial that the *hose
ame +eel ri!ht as .ell as bei! stru*turally *orre*t. 0he brad propositio
*a be a *ombiatio o+ the ratioale ad emotioal bee+its tar!eti!
*osumer desires. 0he brad persoality is *osidered as a visual idetity
used to best e9press the bee+its pertaii! to a brad. 6rad 'ma!ery as
.ell as *ollateral *a be matured throu!h various parts o+ oes *ultural
herita!e( s*ie*e( politi*s( et*.
Moreover it is essetial that a brad strate!y +its ito the *orporate
strate!y as both strate!ies !o had i had.
Advertisi! has bee hi!hli!hted as oe o+ the /ey areas i i*reasi!
a.areess ad e*oura!i! iterest ad potetial sales i the brad. 0.o$
.ay *ommui*atio pro*esses eed to be developi! +or the *reatio o+
su**ess+ul brads. Semioti* aalysis has proved to be a ri*h resour*e +or
symboli* brad ima!ery.
0he 'teret ad di!ital televisio are also the *ompoets( .hi*h have
resulted i providi! the *ustomer .ith the /o.led!e o+ brads.
't has bee +oud that *ustomer satis+a*tio ad retetio are the
bu@@.ord i the 4)A<04 1AR) ad health *are *hais must ma/e e++orts
to maitai *ustomer loyalty due to the i*reasi! *ompetitio i the
se*tor. 4e*e it *a be ri!htly said that the impa*t o+ bradi! o health
*are has !eerated immese amout o+ *lietele +or the health *are. 0he
*o+orma*e to hi!h level o+ stadards i the idustry have lured the
*ustomer to.ards itsel+.
4)A<04 1AR) i 'dia ad a*ross the !lobe eeds to !ive a !reater i$
depth thou!ht to bradi! their produ*ts ad servi*es to reap the bee+its
o+ *ha!i! *ustomer eeds.
0he 4)A<04 1AR) as a .hole must uderstad the importa*e o+
1ustomer Satis+a*tio ad <oyalty ad ma/e all e++orts to retai
4ealth *are must be !ive a hi!her ratio o+ importa*e as +uture treds
si!i+y that the metioed se*tor .ill be a *ash *o. +or the ivestors.
'ovatio is also proposed as a /ey to su**ess i the 4)A<04 1AR)
*urretly ad also +or the +uture as *ompetitio is !ro.i! rapidly. So( it
.ill be a !ood idea to establish theme health *are .ith variety o+ *uisies.
)mphasi@i! o areas li/e Semioti*s .ould result i !eerati! brad
re*o!itio ad a.areess. 0his .ould be a help+ul tool i order to impa*t
the *osumerAs mid. Media is the re*ommeded *hael throu!h .hi*h
the impa*t *a be pro+oud.
Advertisi! *osts should be miimi@ed as they a**out +or early 10
per*et o+ a busiesses pro+it. 0he best .ay to miimi@e advertisi! *osts
is +ra*hisi! moreover( M*DoaldAs has e9paded its operatios all over
the .orld throu!h this medium.
)suri! e9*eptioal !uest *are by ea*h ad every employee should be the
orm. 0o esure this( +latter stru*tures are re*ommeded to stimulate
*ommui*atio pro*ess ad *lose .or/i! as a team.
Sta++ levels must be o++ered better pay pa*/a!es si*e they are the oes i
dire*t *ota*t .ith your *ustomers. 1ompetitive pay pa*/a!es .ill also
help i retetio o+ sta++ ad better servi*es to the *ustomers.
) employees( e*oura!e ad $support them i their de*isios to
build *o+ide*e. 0his .ill lead to better *ustomer servi*e at !uest *ota*t
;utsour*i! optios should be *osidered seriously( ad i as may
servi*es as possible. 0his .ill de+iitely payroll *osts ad may also
improve e++i*ie*y o+ operatios.
0he dissertatio is based o the use o+ se*odary data. 't !ives us a birds
eye vie. o+ the 4)A<04 1AR) ad thus *aot be !eerali@ed +or the
overall bee+its o+ 6radi! o the 4)A<04 1AR).
0ime .as a bi!!est *ostrait but all e++orts .ere made by me to *olle*t
all the relevat i+ormatio +or the dissertatio.
Nhuraa R. F Ravi*hadra A.N. Strate!i* Mar/eti! Maa!emet:
1o*epts ad 1lass "177%&( Global 6usiess Press( Ne. Delhi.
Rei*h A.S.( Mar/eti! Maa!emet +or the 4)A<04 1AR) 'dustry: A
Strate!i* Approa*h "1778&( 5oh Giley F Sos '*.( Ne. Eor/.
Porter( M.). 1ompetitive Strate!y. 0e*hi,ues +or ad aaly@i!
idustries ad *ompetitors "17J0&( Ne. Eor/( ?ree Press( pp. J7( 1O7.
Notler Philip( Mar/eti! Maa!emet( 11th ed. #003( )!le.ood 1li++s(
N5: Preti*e 4all( Ne. Delhi.
Pear*e( 5. '' ad Robiso( R.6. 5r.( ?ormulatio ad 'mplemetatio o+
*ompetitive strate!y( Oth )d. "17J7&( 4ome.ood( '<: 'r.i.
Rei*h A.S. "177O& "a& 1omprehesive Strate!i* Plai! as a *apstoe
*ourse i 4)A<04 1AR) edu*atio 14R') 4)A<04 1AR) ad 0ourism
)du*ator( pp. 68$80.
Roberts( 5oh( Mar/eti! +or the 4)A<04 1AR) 'dustry( 1773( 4odder
Stou!hto( <odo.
Geare. NeilI 4)A<04 1AR) Mar/eti!( #001( Global 6oo/s D
Subs*riptio Servi*es( Ne. Delhi.
Notler( ad Ma/es( Mar/eti! +or 4)A<04 1AR) ad 0ourism(
#003( Preti*e$ 4all 'teratioal( :SA.
No.les( 0imI 1orporate Strate!y +or 4)A<04 1AR)( 1776( <o!ma
1ompay <imited )!lad.
;lse( 0eare ad Gommesso( Servi*e ,uality i 4)A<04 1AR)
or!ai@atios( 1776( 1arsell( Ne. Eor/.
Notas ad 5aya.ardeaI Pro+itable +ood ad bevera!e maa!emet( 177O(
4odder ad Stoyhto( <odo.
<o*/.ood( 6a/er ad GhillyerI Cuality Maa!emet i 4)A<04 1AR)(
6est Pra*ti*e i a*tio( 1776( 1addell( Ne. Eor/.
Dibb( Sim/im( Pride ad ?errell( Mar/eti!( 1o*epts ad Strate!ies(
#001( 4ou!hto Mi++li( Ne. Eor/.
Aa/er( D.( 1776( 6uildi! Stro! 6rads( 0he ?ree Press( Ne. Eor/( NE.
Aa/er( D.( 5oa*himstahler( ).( #000( 6rad <eadership( 0he ?ree Press(
Ne. Eor/( NE.
6ayus( 6.<.( 17JJ( =A**elerati! the durable repla*emet *y*le .ith
mar/eti! mi9 variables=( 0he 5oural o+ Produ*t 'ovatio
Maa!emet( %( #16$#6.
6ayus( 6.<.( Gupta( S.( 177#( =A empiri*al aalysis o+ *osumer durable
repla*emet itetios=( 'teratioal 5oural o+ Resear*h i Mar/eti!(
7( #%8$68.
6erry( <.<.( 1777( Dis*overi! the Soul o+ Servi*e: 0he Nie Drivers o+
Sustaiable 6usiess Su**ess( 0he ?ree Press( Ne. Eor/( NE.
6erry( <.<.( Parasurama( A.( 1771( Mar/eti! Servi*es: 1ompeti!
0hrou!h Cuality( 0he ?ree Press( Ne. Eor/( NE.
6erry( <.<.( Seithaml( D.A.( Parasurama( A.( 1770( =?ive imperatives +or
improvi! servi*e ,uality=( Sloa Maa!emet Revie.( #7( #7$3J.
6ooms( 6.4.( 6iter( M.5.( 17J1( =Mar/eti! stru*tures ad or!ai@atioal
stru*tures o+ servi*e +irms=( Doelly( 5.4.( Geor!e( G.R.( Mar/eti! o+
Servi*es( Ameri*a Mar/eti! Asso*iatio( 1hi*a!o( '<( O8$%1.
6ouldi!( G.( <ee( ).( Staeli( R.( 177O( =Masteri! the mi9: do
advertisi!( promotio ad sales +or*e a*tivities lead to di++eretiatio=(
5oural o+ Mar/eti! Resear*h( 31( 1%7$8#.
1arl@o( 5.( 17J8( Momets o+ 0ruth( 6alli!er( Ne. Eor/( NE.
1arma( 5.( #000( =1osumer per*eptios o+ servi*e ,uality: a
assessmet o+ S)RDC:A< dimesios=( 5oural o+ Retaili!( 66( 1( 33.
1ave( M.( 17J%( =Mar/et models ad *osumer prote*tio=( 5oural o+
1osumer Poli*y( J( 33O$%0.
1hase( R.6.( 17J1( =0he *ustomer *ota*t approa*h to servi*es: theoreti*al
bases ad pra*ti*al e9tesios=( ;peratios Resear*h( #7( O( 67J$806.
1hoi( 1.5.( S*arpa( 1.( 177O( =A ote o small versus lar!e or!ai@atios=(
5oural o+ )*oomi* 6ehavior F ;r!ai@atio( #O( #17$#O.
1ollis( 5.1.( Porras( 5.'.( 177O( 6uilt to <ast $ Su**ess+ul 4abits o+
Disioary 1ompaies( 4arper 1ollis( Ne. Eor/( NE.
Darby( M.R.( Nari( ).( 1783( =?ree *ompetitio ad the optimal amout
o+ +raud=( 5oural o+ <a. ad )*oomi*s( 16( 68$J6.
Davis( G.( 17J7( =)abli! is as importat as empo.eri!: a *ase +or
e9teded servi*e bluepriti!=( Servi*e )9*elle*e: Mar/eti!Hs 'mpa*t o
Per+orma*e( )i!hth Aual Servi*es Mar/eti! 1o+ere*e( AMA(
1hi*a!o( '<.
De 1haratoy( <.( M*Doald( M.( 177J( 1reati! 6rads(
6utter.orth$4eiema( ;9+ord.
Dobree( 5.( Pa!e( A.S.( 1770( =:leashi! the o+ servi*e brads i
the 1770s=( Maa!emet De*isio( #J( 1O$#J.
)/elud( R.6.( Mi9o( ?.G.( Ressler( R.G.( 177%( =Advertisi! ad
i+ormatio: a empiri*al study o+ sear*h( e9perie*e ad *rede*e
!oods=( 5oural o+ )*oomi* Studies( ##( 33$O3.
)mos( G.( 1778( =1rede*e !oods ad +raudulet e9perts=( 0he Rad
5oural o+ )*oomi*s( #J( 108$17.
)!el( 5.?.( 6la*/.ell( R.D.( Miiard( P.G.( 177O( 1osumer 6ehavior( Jth
ed.( Dryde Press( ?ort Gorth( 0T.
?o!arty( 0.5.( #000( =So*iali@atio ad or!ai@atioal out*omes i lar!e
publi* a**outi! +irms=( 5oural o+ Maa!erial 'ssues( 1#( 13$33.
Gale( 6.0.( 177O( Maa!i! 1ustomer Dalue( 0he ?ree Press( Ne. Eor/(
GrUroos( 1.( 17J3( Strate!i* Maa!emet ad Mar/eti! i the Servi*e
Se*tor( Mar/eti! S*ie*e 'stitute( 1ambrid!e( MA.
GrUroos( 1.( 1770( Servi*e Maa!emet ad Mar/eti!: Maa!i! the
Momets o+ 0ruth( <e9i!to 6oo/s( <e9i!to( MA.
5oes( M.A.( Suh( 5.( #000( =0rasa*tio$spe*i+i* satis+a*tio ad overall
satis+a*tio: a empiri*al aalysis=( 0he 5oural o+ Servi*es Mar/eti!(
1O( #( 1O8$%7.
Nap+erer( 5.N.( 177#( Strate!i* 6rad Maa!emet( 0he ?ree Press( Ne.
Eor/( NE.
Neaveey( S.M.( 177%( =1ustomer*hi! behavior i servi*e
idustries: a e9ploratory study=( 5oural o+ Mar/eti!( 81$J#.
<arso( R.1.( 17J8( =Perspe*tives o ,ueues: so*ial 2usti*e ad
psy*holo!y o+ ,ueui!=( ;peratios Resear*h( J7%$70%.
<evy( M.( 1776( =1urret a**outs ad ba/ed beas: traslati! ?M1G
mar/eti! pri*iples to the +ia*ial se*tor=( 0he 5oural o+ 6rad
Maa!emet( O( 7%$7.
<ove( 5.?.( 177%( Ma*DoaldHs $ 6ehid the Ar*hes( 6atam 6oo/s( Ne.
Eor/( NE.
<ovelo*/( 1.( 177#( Maa!i! Servi*es $ Mar/eti!( ;peratios ad
4uma Resour*es( #d ed.( Preti*e$4all( )!le.ood 1li++s( N5.
Maister( D.4.( 17JO( =0he psy*holo!y o+ .aiti! i lies=( <ovelo*/( 1.(
Maa!i! Servi*es $ Mar/eti!( ;peratios ad 4uma Resour*es(
Preti*e$4all( )!le.ood 1li++s( N5.
Martilla( 5.A.( 5ames( 5.1.( 1788( ='mporta*e$per+orma*e aalysis=(
5oural o+ Mar/eti!( 88$7.
Nelso( P.( 1780( ='+ormatio ad *osumer behavior=( 0he 5oural o+
Politi*al )*oomy( #0( 311$#7.
Nelso( P.( 178O( =Advertisi! as i+ormatio=( 0he 5oural o+ Politi*al
)*oomy( J#( 8#7.
;/visit( S.( Sha.( 5.5.( 17J7( =Servi*e mar/eti!: ima!e( bradi!( ad
*ompetitio=( 6usiess 4ori@os( 13$J.
Parasurama( A.( Seithaml( D.A.( 6erry( <.<.( 1771( =Re+iemet ad
reassessmet o+ the S)RDC:A< s*ale=( 5oural o+ Retaili!( 68( O( O#0$
Parasurama( A.( Seithaml( D.A.( 6erry( <.<.( 177O( =Alterative s*ales +or
measuri! servi*e ,uality: a *omparative assessmet based o
psy*hometri* ad dia!osti* *riteria=( 5oural o+ Retaili!( 8( 3( #01$30.
Parasurama( A.( Seithaml( D.A.( 6erry( <.<.( 17JJ( =S)RDC:A<: a
multiple item s*ale +or measuri! *osumer per*eptios o+ servi*e
,uality=( 5oural o+ Retaili!( 6O( 1( 1#$O0.
Par/er( P.( 177#( =Pri*e elasti*ity dyami*s over the adoptio li+e *y*le=(
5oural o+ Mar/eti! Resear*h( #7( 3%J$68.
Sauser( <.D.( #000( =0he 1PA pro+essio: respodi! to a *ha!i!
eviromet=( S.A.M. Adva*ed Maa!emet 5oural( 6%( 36$O0.
S*hlesi!er( <.A.( 4es/ett( 5.<.( 1771( =6rea/i! the *y*le o+ +ailure i
servi*es=( Sloa Maa!emet Revie.( 18$#J.
Si( <.E.M( 0se( A.1.6( #000( =4o. does mar/eti! e++e*tiveess mediate
the e++e*t o+ or!ai@atioal *ulture o busiess per+orma*eP 0he *ase o+
servi*e +irms=( 0he 5oural o+ Servi*es Mar/eti!( 1O( O F %( #7%.
Spre!( R.A.( Ma*/oy( R.D.( 1776( =A empiri*al e9amiatio o+ a model
o+ per*eived ,uality ad satis+a*tio=( 5oural o+ Retaili!( 8#( #01$1O.
Gri!ht( S.( #000( =Mass *ustomi@atio *ould be the /ey to !etti! our
idustry ba*/ o tra*/=( Apparel 'dustry Ma!a@ie( 61( 10O.
Gy*/o++( D.D.( 1771( =Ne. tools +or a*hievi! servi*e ,uality=(
<ovelo*/( 1.( Maa!i! Servi*es $ Mar/eti!( ;peratios ad 4uma
Resour*es( Preti*e$4all( )!le.ood 1li++s( N5.
Seithaml( D.A.( 17J#( =0he a*,uisitio( meai! ad use o+ pri*e
i+ormatio by *osumers o+ pro+essioal servi*es=( 6ush( R.( 4ut( S.(
Mar/eti! 0heory: Philosophy o+ S*ie*e Perspe*tives( Ameri*a
Maa!emet Asso*iatio( 1hi*a!o( '<( #38$O1.
Seithaml( D.A.( 6iter( M.5.( 1776( Servi*es Mar/eti!( M*Gra.$4ill(
6itra( G.R.( 4oe*h( 5.( 1770( =0he humai@atio o+ servi*e: respe*t at the
momet o+ truth=( Sloa Maa!emet Revie.( J7$76.
Ni!ma$6ruda!e( 5.( 17JO( =0he A61s o+ servi*e system bluepriti!=(
<ovelo*/( 1.<.( Maa!i! Servi*es( 76$10#.
Notler( P.( #000( Mar/eti! Maa!emet( 10th ed.( Preti*e$4all o+ 'dia(
Ne. Delhi.
Seithaml( D.A.( 17JJ( =1osumer per*eptios o+ pri*e( ,uality ad value:
a meas$ed model ad sythesis o+ evide*e o+ pro+essioal servi*es=(
5oural o+ Mar/eti!( %#( #$##.
)ll.ood( '( #00#( 0he )ssetial 6rad 6oo/( Se*od )ditio( No!a Pa!e(
0emporal( P( 1777( 6radi! i Asia(Giley F Sos( Ne. Eor/.
5oes( 5. P( 177J( GhatAs i a 6rad( 0ata M*Gra. 4ill Publishi!( Ne.
Gheele <. 0 F 4u!er D 5( #003( Strate!i* maa!emet ad 6usiess
poli*y( )i!ht )ditio( Pearso )du*atio( Delhi.
0rade 2ourals F ma!a@ies:
4otelier ad *aterer
?4RA' ma!a@ie
1orell 4otel ad 4ealth *areadmiistratio Cuarterly
5oural o+ Mar/eti!
6usiess Gee/ Ma!a@ie
'dia 5oural o+ Mar/eti!
?i!ure 1: 0he ita!ibility ad ta!ibility *otiuum
________ Baby- sitting
________ Education
________ Legal Service
________ Air travel
________ Fast food
________ Cosmetics
________ Health care
________ Clothing
________ Sugar
?i!ure #: Sour*es ;+ 1ompetitive Advata!e
Heterogeneity Inseparability
?i!ure 3: Mar/eti! ;rietatio i the 4)A<04 1AR) busiess
Resear*h Mi9 Plai!
Long-ter< >ro9it;
0able: strate!ies ad *ompetitive methods strate!ies 1ompetitive methods
5oit vetures
Strate!i* allia*es
Maa!emet *otra*ts
A*,uisitio o+ small +irms
0e*holo!y$based systems
6rad developmet
Produ*t ,uality
Sophisti*ated pri*i!
Global mar/eti! ad advertisi!
Sour*e: 0ravel F 0ourism Aalyst( No.3( 1773( 0he )*oomist
itelli!e*e :it "No.les 0imI 1776&
0able: 1hara*teristi*s o+ iteratioal +ra*hisi! *ited i the literature
Advata!es Su!!ested by "Amo!st others&
<o.$ris/( lo.$*ost etry mode 6roo/e "17J6&I Gotber! "17J7&
Ability to develop e. ad distat
iteratioal mar/ets( relatively
,ui*/ly ad o a lar!er s*ale tha
other.ise possible
Root "17J8&I ou! et al. "17J7&I
6radley "1771&
:si! hi!hly motivated busiess
*ota*ts .ith lo*al mar/et
/o.led!e ad e9perie*e
Root "17J8&I Gober! "17J7&I
6radley "1771&
1reati! additioal turover .ith
small ivestmets i( p.!.
persoel( *apital outlays(
produ*tio ad distributio
Eou! et al. "17J7&I 6radley "1771&
<a*/ o+ +ull *otrol over
+ra*hiseeAs operatios
Root "17J8&I Gotber! "17J7&I Eou!
et al. "17J7&
<imitatios o +ra*hisorAs pro+it Root "17J8&I Gotber! "17J7&
1osts i prote*ti! !ood.ill ad
Gotber! "17J7&
Dis*losi! iteral busiess se*rets
ad /o.led!e may *reate potetial
+uture *ompetitor
Root "17J8&I Gotber! "17J7&I Eou!
et al. "17J7&
?'G:R) 1: 04) 'N0ANG'6'<'0E AND 0ANG'6'<'0E 1;N0'N::M
________ Baby- sitting
________ Education
________ Legal Service
________ Air travel
________ Fast food
________ Cosmetics
________ Health care
________ Clothing
________ Sugar
?'G:R) #: S;:R1)S ;? 1;MP)0'0'D) ADDAN0AG)
Heterogeneity Inseparability

Long-ter< >ro9it;
Resear*h Mi9 Plai!

Determiats o+
Pri*e )lasti*ity i a
Pri*e elasti*ity
Sorce: 4orna: o9 Mar@eting1 Ao:B561 noB ,1 4:# CDD,
0able: Avera!e Pri*e )lasti*ities by 1outry: <o. Support ;++eri!
Asia Pa*i+i* )urope North Ameri*a
Dariable 5apa Nore
Pri*e elasti*ity $.0#
umber o+
1otra*ts per
*ustomer used
to *al*ulate
1riti*ality O.00
umber o+
*otra*t held
Sample Si@e
"umber o+
6J 36 37 10O 6# 3J 161
Note: 0he table sho.s avera!e pri*e elasti*ities a*ross *ustomers( .ith
stadard deviatios i paretheses. Pri*e elasti*ities are measured su*h
that a e!ative value implies "relative& pri*e sesitivity ad a positive
value implies "relative& pri*e isesitivity. 0he table also sho.s
des*riptive statisti*s +or sele*ted other variables( su*h as umber o+
*otra*ts held. 0he *ustomerAs sel+$report o+ *riti*ality is measured o a
+ive$poit s*ale( .here % V hi!hly *riti*al systems.
0able: Avera!e Pri*e )lasti*ities by 1outry: 4i!h$Support ;++eri!
Asia Pa*i+i* )urope North Ameri*a
Dariable 5apa Nore
Pri*e elasti*ity .1#
umber o+
1otra*ts per
*ustomer used
to *al*ulate
1riti*ality O.0%
umber o+
*otra*t held
Sample Si@e
"umber o+
3J 88 OO %3 3O N.A. 173
Note: N.A. V ot appli*able. 0he table sho.s avera!e pri*e elasti*ities
a*ross *ustomers( .ith stadard deviatios i paretheses. Pri*e
elasti*ities are measured su*h that a e!ative value implies "relative& pri*e
sesitivity ad a positive value implies "relative& pri*e isesitivity. 0he
table also sho.s des*riptive statisti*s +or sele*ted other variables( su*h as
umber o+ *otra*ts held. 0he *ustomerAs sel+$report o+ *riti*ality is
measured o a +ive$poit s*ale( .here % V hi!hly *riti*al systems.

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