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Observer: Date: Teacher: Subject:

Evidence of an Effective Instruction Delivery Sequence-A Lesson Observation Frae!or" by Diana #ro!nin$ %ri$ht
Principle: Highly Effective Teachers deliver observably well-structured lessons and assessments that accommodate diverse learners in alignment with the following
lesson structure. High outcomes occur when lessons repeatedly follow this framewor. !se the guide below to analy"e the lesson you have #ust delivered. This guide
may be used for wal-through observation and mentor- instructional coaching observations.
&rior to instruction
Delivery &hases-&hase I
I-Do-'(re() I-Do-'(re() I-Do-'(re() I-Do-'(re()
$eviewed previous lesson%
reviewed the standard and
stated relationship of this
lesson to previous learning.
$eviewed relevant homewor
and relevant previous
Evidence of daily& weely and
monthly reviews shown
where relevant.
$eviewed prere'uisite sills
and nowledge for the lesson
Evidence of differentiation
for diverse learners
Checked for background
knowledge and
understanding of pre-
requisite skills.
Explicitly pre-taught terms
and concepts.
Checked mastery of previous
lesson, the foundation for this
Assured attention from all
prior to beginning.
Instructional Delivery
be$innin$ &hase: The
Lesson &resentation-&hase
'direct instruction)
'direct instruction)
'direct instruction)
'direct instruction)
*+ALIT, I-DI.ATO/S (tated lesson goals or
provided an outline.
)ade sure students were
aware of the conte*t of the
lesson: how the lesson was
related to the standard& the
unit and the learning
outcomes desired.
Presented new material in
small steps.
)odeled procedures
repeatedly as needed.
*+ALIT, I-DI.ATO/S Provided e*amples and non-
)ay use graphic organi"ers&
advance organi"ers
+ontinuously checed for
engagement through choral
responding& every pupil
responding& physical actions
,touch-point-whisper to
partner& etc.-
(upported attention through
positive statements& points&
Evidence of differentiation
for diverse learners
sed techniques to cue
students to notice critical
aspects of the model.
sed clear language,
avoiding digressions
Continuously checked for
student understanding.
!tudents restate or
summari"e often.
#ained all students full
attention and clearly modeled
skills and concepts.
Evidence of differentiation
for diverse learners
Assured concepts are
understood through multiple
repetitions of definitions.
$requently used visuals
matched with written and
spoken words, %&ear it, see
it, say it, write it'
(odeled thinking as well as a
skills-used %think out aloud'
as skill or concept is taught.
(ay have asked specific
students to play a leader role
to achieve engagement.
Evidence of an Effective Instruction Delivery Sequence-A Lesson Observation Frae!or" by Diana #ro!nin$ %ri$ht
Instructional Delivery
0iddle &hase: focused on
$uided &ractice !ith
corrections and Feedbac"
&hase III
'$uided (ractice)
'$uided (ractice)
'$uided (ractice)
'$uided (ractice)
(pent significant time on
guided group practice.
!sed a high fre'uency of
.ll students responded ,to
teacher& to each other- and
received feedbac.
.chieved a high success rate
+ontinued practice until
students were fluent.
Provided process feedbac
when answers are correct but
Provided sustaining feedbac&
clues& or re-teaching when
answers were incorrect
$e-taught material when
Evidence of differentiation
for diverse Learners
!tructured %)hinking )ime'
was given before asking for a
sed many choral response
techniques to assure active
sed many partner response
techniques to assure active
*rovided more correction and
Evidence of differentiation
for diverse Learners
+emodeled, gave many
(ay have used Clo"e reading
,teacher reads, pauses and
students choral respond next
Continuously clarified
concepts with multiple
sed %think, write, pair,
share' techniques, with
learners matched in
supportive dyads
Instructional Delivery End
&hase: Inde(endent
&ractice &hase I1
,ou Do
's"ill fluency (ractice)
,ou Do
's"ill fluency (ractice)
,ou Do
's"ill fluency (ractice)
,ou Do
's"ill fluency (ractice)
*+ALIT, I-DI.ATO/S (tudents received an
overview and/or help during
initial steps.
Practice continued until
students were automatic
,where relevant-.
Teacher provided active
supervision ,where possible-.
(tudents briefly summari"ed
what they learned& what
further practice they need.
Evidence of Differentiation
for Diverse Learners
+outines were used to
provide help for slower
Alternate activities for high
achievers were used when
rapid fluency was shown.
Assured individuals received
ample practice.
Coached students to apply
strategy previously taught.
Evidence of Differentiation
for Diverse Learners
*rovided cue cards for
students outlining procedures
to apply to practice.
.ata collected and recorded
for who needs more or
different practice activities
following the lesson.
(ay have used alternate
practice activities at different
levels of complexity/ all in
alignment with standard
Assured adequate
reinforcement for all, with
frequent checks and
encouragement for diverse

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