Complete Ad Plan F Age

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23. -%#.1&4+
The geneial yoguit categoiy is the 11th fastest-giowing categoiy of packageu foous
(Baily Inuustiies Inteinational 2u11)
Yoguit piouuction has incieaseu by S7% fiom 2uu4 to 2u1u (Baily Inuustiies
Inteinational 2u11)
uieek yoguit is piojecteu to be the leauing yoguit subcategoiy, gaining 19% of the
oveiall yoguit categoiy (Paish 2u11)
Two small uieek yoguit pioneeis, Fage anu Chobani, aie leauing the maiket
acquiiing almost 1S% of the yoguit categoiy (Slatteiy 2u11)

The geneial yoguit categoiy is iankeu as the 11th fastest-giowing categoiy of packageu
foous. Accoiuing to the Bepaitment of Agiicultuie, yoguit piouuction incieaseu by S7 peicent
between 2uu4 anu 2u1u (Baily Inuustiies Inteinational 2u11). This immense consumei uemanu
has encouiageu the entiy of moie uieek-style yoguits, oi yoguits that claim to be uieek-style, into
the maiket (Baily Inuustiies Inteinational 2u11). uieek yoguit has fieicely penetiateu the yoguit
maiket, accounting foi almost 19 peicent of the oveiall yoguit categoiy (Paish 2u11).
Accoiuing to Euiomonitoi Inteinational, uieek yoguit is expecteu to almost uouble its sales
to $1.S billion fiom 2u1u to 2u11, while just five yeais ago uieek yoguit annual sales amounteu to
only $6u million (Chiistiansen 2u11). These piojecteu iesults will make uieek yoguit the leauing
sub-categoiy within the laigei yoguit categoiy. Accoiuing to a 2u11 0BS iepoit, uieek yoguit is
one of the fastest giowing foou segments evei, with sales incieasing moie than 1Su peicent
(Bainbiiuge 2uu8).
To put that in peispective, just thiee yeais ago the yoguit categoiy was leau by the
tiauitional non-uieek yoguits with a 98 peicent categoiy giowth (Paish 2u11). Touay, the yoguit
categoiy is uominateu by uieek yoguit iepiesenting a 146 peicent giowth of sale, while the
tiauitional yoguits have expeiienceu only a 1S peicent sales giowth (0BS Repoit 2u11).
Two small companies, the cuiient categoiy leaueis Fage anu Chobani, aie the
pioneeis who weie able to foiesee the changing Ameiican eating habits anu biought uieek yoguit
into the Noith Ameiican maiket. Togethei, Fage anu Chobani have expeiienceu iapiu giowth,
captuiing almost 1S peicent of the oveiall yoguit categoiy anu almost 7u% of yoguit categoiy
giowth (0BS Repoit 2u11).
Accoiuing to the maiket ieseaich fiim Symphony IRI uioup, Chobani's sales in 2u11
accounteu foi $2S7.S million incieaseu by 22S.9 peicent within a yeai, while Fage's sales
incieaseu by 66.S peicent totaling $147.7 million (Potenza 2u11). As a iesult, categoiy giants like
Bannon anu Yoplait aie tiying to catch up by engaging in intense piomotional campaigns foi theii
own uieek yoguits to capitalize on the tienu (Slatteiy 2u11). In spite of this, ueneial Nills anu
Bannon have been unsuccessful in acquiiing a significant maiket shaie (0BS Repoit 2u11).
23. -&56%'+
! #$%& '( )*& +, -.&&/ 01%2.) 3.$45 '4 )*& 64')&5 7)$)&(8 914).1::'4% ,,
;&.9&4) 1< )*& =$./&) (*$.& >')* ?@,A ='::'14 '4 ($:&( '4 ,B@@ CD$5/$. ,B@@EF
! G')* =1.& )*$4 HI 0&$.( 1< *'()1.08 #$%&J( =1))1 $45 ='(('14 ()$)&=&4) 5&9:$.&
)*$) )*& 91=;$40 =$/&( ;.1529)( ')( &=;:10&&( $.& ;.125 )1 <&&5 )1 )*&'. 1>4 9*':5.&4
! K*& 91=;$40 '( $4 12)(;1/&4 $5L19$)& <1. *&$:)*0 :'<&()0:&(8 >*'9* )*&0 &4912.$%& >')*
914(2=&.( )*.12%* )*&'. 24'M2&:0 -.&&/ *&.')$%&8 '441L$)'148 $45 *'%*NM2$:')0 ;.1529)(F
! #$%& '( 24'M2& $=14% -.&&/ 01%2.) 3.$45( 3&9$2(& 1< ')( %&42'4& .&9';& )*$) 5$)&(
3$9/ )1 ')( @O,P -.&&/ .11)(F
The seconu stiongest company in the uieek yoguit categoiy, Fage has been a majoi playei
in the giowth of uieek yoguit categoiy in the 0niteu States since its intiouuction heie in 1998
(Stanfoiu 2u1u). In fact, Fage seiveu as such a leauei in the uieek yoguit tienu that "the
phenomenon known as uieek yoguit is the cieation of the uieek Fage bianu, which has woikeu
tiielessly to ensuie that Noith Ameiicans view stiaineu Fage yoguit as tiauitional 0lu Countiy
faie" (Biouwei 2u11). Aftei intiouucing its yoguit to Ameiica, Fage giew to contiol 8u peicent of
the uieek yoguit maiket shaie in 2uu8. Bowevei, as of 2u11, its maiket shaie uioppeu to 22
peicent, with $12S million in sales anu a 1S peicent contiibution to giowth of the categoiy oveiall
(Baukai 2u11).
Bespite Fage's uecieasing maiket shaie, its company continues to expanu in the 0niteu
States. In 2uu8, the company openeu a 14S,uuu squaie foot, state-of-the-ait piouuction plant in
}ohnstown, New Yoik, wheie it employs ovei 17u people anu manufactuies 8S,uuu tons of yoguit
pei yeai (Foou Piocessing Technology 2u11). As of 2u11, a $26 million expansion plan has been
appioveu foi the plant to inciease piouuction capabilities (Foou Piocessing Technology 2u11).
Fage's ability to speaiheau the uieek yoguit tienu stems fiom its uniquely authentic
histoiy. Founueu with a iecipe cieateu by Athanassios Filippou in 1926, Fage yoguit as we now
know it was solu in a "small uaiiy shop on (.) pait of the countiysiue" in Athens, uieece (Fage
Website 2u11). The family business began when Athanassios biought his two sons to woik with
him; with theii help, Fage cieateu the fiist wholesale yoguit uistiibution system in uieece anu was
the fiist company to piesent bianueu yoguit piouucts to the uieek maiket (Fage Website 2u11).
Touay, Fage is "uieece's leauing yoguit company" (Fage Website 2u11).
Cheiishing its mouest beginnings, Fage has won the heaits of yoguit-loveis woiluwiue with
its simple anu honest mission statement: "With oui 8S-plus yeais of histoiy, Fage is ueuicateu to
this vision: To be a uaiiy company that contiibutes, thiough continuous uevelopment of
innovative anu high-quality piouucts, to the balanceu nutiition anu healthy lives of oui consumeis
aiounu the woilu" (Fage Website 2u11). The company thus uiffeientiates itself with its uieek
heiitage, stating that "Fage isn't uieek-style yoguit. It is uieek yoguit" (Fage Website 2u11). Its
authenticity is fuithei emphasizeu by its celebiation of "goou living," oi the "positive health anu
well-being" of tiauitional uieek cultuie (Fage Website 2u11). Fage's company cultuie piomotes
anu uistinguishes itself as fai moie than just yoguit, but as a pait of a happy life.
With such emphasis on histoiy, Fage piiues itself on the nutiitional anu health components
of its piouucts. The piouuct line incluues Fage Total Classic, Fage Total 2%, anu Fage Total u %
yoguit (Fage Website 2u11). Its yoguit is still maue with the oiiginal 1926 iecipe anu all-natuial
ingieuients, incluuing the specific bacteiial stiains that cieate the unique Fage flavoi anu foui
pounus of whole milk foi each single pounu of yoguit piouuceu. Even the new }ohnstown plant is
specially uesigneu to uelivei the same authentic iecipe (Foou Piocessing Technology 2u11). The
iesult is a piouuct that is low in caloiies with up to 2S g of piotein pei seiving (Fage Website
Bue to its ieputation foi healthfulness, Fage emphasizes the veisatility of its piouuct as a
substitution foi moie fattening ingieuients such as soui cieam anu cieme fiaiche, as seen in its
"Community Cookbook," an inteiactive featuie on the company's website (Fage Website 2u11).
As a iesult of such taste anu nutiitional benefits, Fage yoguit has won seveial awaius,
incluuing the uolu Stai Awaiu fiom !"#$%& ()% *"+",-#% ./0 1%2$"30"#$ 40/.%22-/#"52, which
iecognizes foou piouucts of exceptional quality (Fage Website 2u11). 0thei awaius incluue the
6-$% /. $)% 6%2$ Seal of Appioval in 2uu9, which uesciibeu Fage yoguit with the exclamation, "all
yoguit is not cieateu equal" (Bite of the Best 2uu9).
The piouuct stanuaius that enable Fage to cieate such high-quality yoguit have been in
place since 192S with the establishment of the Filippou family motto, "We woulu nevei make a
piouuct that we woulu not give to oui chiluien" (Fage Website 2u11).
In 2u11, Fage launcheu its fiist-evei national television auveitising campaign with the
slogan "Plain Extiaoiuinaiy." Nullen auveitising agency in Boston, Nass. has ciafteu the campaign
to expanu Fage's cuiient consumei base anu meuia placement options to geneiate bioau appeal
(Nullen Website 2u11).
23. -&',$5.4
Q991.5'4% )1 RSTU 5$)$8 #$%& 2(&.( (/&> ().14%:0 <&=$:&8 &(;&9'$::0 '4 )*& $%&
.$4%&( 1< ,INAV CT45&WX @A,E $45 IINPV CT45&WX @VIFE
Y14(2=&.( )&45 )1 <1::1> *&$:)* $45 <')4&(( ).&45(F
RSTU 5$)$ '45'9$)&( )*$) 2($%& 1< #$%& '( &(;&9'$::0 *'%* $=14% $<<:2&4)
>1=&4 >')* *'%* :&L&:( 1< &529$)'14 $) )*& %.$52$)& CT45&WX ,BPE 1. ;1()N%.$52$)& :&L&:(

The populaiity of the uieek yoguit ielies upon its cieamy thick textuie, nutiitional value,
anu high piotein content (Schultz 2u11). Consumeis peiceive these qualities as eviuence of a
supeiioi piouuct, which enables the piemium piicing of most uieek yoguits on the shelf touay
(Elliot 2u11). uieek Yoguit costs twice as much as its competitois (Bainbiiuge 2u11).
The most enthusiastic customeis have geneially been affluent women -- just the type of
peison who might ieact to }ohn Stamos telling hei that Yoplait's yoguit is "the best in the woilu"
(Schultz 2u11) "Eating uieek Yoguit may give them a sense of supeib cosmopolitanism," anu the
combination of theii health-conscious lifestyle anu comfoitable income level has swept up this
uemogiaphic in uieek yoguit fevei (Schultz 2u11).
uieek yoguit useis aie also vocal about theii love foi the piouuct, leauing to stiong bianu
loyalty among many useis. Accoiuing to piimaiy ieseaich, 8u% of uieek yoguit useis have
iecommenueu the piouuct to a fiienu. They take to theii Twittei accounts anu exhoit theii
favoiites, a foice which Chobani has channelleu in theii most iecent campaign.
23. -$*#$4.
! K*& -.&&/ Z1%2.) ).&45 $9.1(( )*& 6F7X 6F7 ($:&( 1< -.&&/ Z1%2.) %.&> ,IBB ;&.9&4)
'4 [2() *$:< $ 5&9$5&F
! -.&&/ Z1%2.) '( ;1;2:$. <1. ')( *&$:)* 3&4&<')(X 42).')'12( 91=3'4$)'14 1< *'%* ;.1)&'4 $45
:1> (15'2=8 9$.31*05.$)&(8 $45 (2%$.F
! -.&&/ 01%2.) *$( $:(1 311=&5 '4 ;1;2:$.')0 3&9$2(& ') <2:<'::( 31)* )*& Q=&.'9$4 5&('.&
<1. .'9* $45 9.&$=0 <115(8 $45 =$'4)$'4( $ .&;2)$)'14 <1. ')( *&$:)*0 42).')'14F
! K*& -.&&/ 01%2.) =$./&) 914)'42&( )1 311= 52& )1 :$.%&. <115 ).&45( '4 )*& 6F7NN#115
)*$) (&&=( &)*4'9 1. &W1)'9 '( '49.&$('4%:0 ;1;2:$.F
In the past five yeais, 0.S. sales of uieek-style yoguit, which is stiaineu of excess watei to
become thick, flavoiful anu high in piotein, have incieaseu shaiply fiom a categoiy valueu at $6u
million in 2uu8 to a piojecteu value of $1.S billion in 2u11 (Chiistiansen 2u11). That means that in
just half a uecaue, one of the woist economic peiious of the 2uth centuiy, sales of uieek yoguit
giew 2Suu peicent. Accoiuing to one Nintel stuuy, yoguit consumption by Ameiicans specifically
has uoubleu ovei the past uecaue with 21 peicent giowth in just the past five yeais (Bainbiiuge
In fact, yoguit has been uubbeu the 'foou of the uecaue' by the NBB uioup, a maiket
ieseaich fiim (Biouwei 2u11), anu a iepoit by 0BS inuicateu the sales weie uoubling eveiy yeai,
calling it "one of the hottest-giowing foou categoiies of all time" (2u11). This tienu of incieaseu
consumption has biought bianus small anu laige to the table, each offeiing a unique take on what
is consiueieu a healthy snack (Wong 2u11). The uieek yoguit tienu follows yeais of talk about
piobiotic health benefits anu the subsequent peiception of piobiotics as immune-boosting
(Paiham 2u11). Auuitionally, uieek yoguit has ieceiveu gieat piess uue to the nutiitious
combination of high piotein anu low souium, caibohyuiates, anu sugai (Elliott 2u11).
Ameiicans aie incieasingly conscious of theii uietaiy anu lifestyle choices as obesity, anu
complications theieof, become even moie eviuent anu wiuespieau. The iise of uieek yoguit in the
0.S. ieflects a iesulting change in the Ameiican culinaiy consciousness: a uesiie foi foous that aie
consiueieu puiei, simplei, anu moie natuial - in othei woius, not yoguits puipoiting to taste like
key lime pie oi stiawbeiiy cheesecake (Slatteiy 2u11). Reuuceu sugai, souium, anu caibohyuiates
make uieek Yoguit moie healthful than the Ameiican vaiiety, while the piouuct saciifices neithei
the healthful nutiition associateu with yoguit noi the uecauent flavoi uesiieu by Ameiicans.
In this way, uieek yoguit auuiesses both the Ameiican uesiie foi iich anu cieamy foous,
without the negative uietaiy consequences of foous that noimally pioviue foi this ciaving, like ice
cieam oi soui cieam (Wong 2u11). Auuitionally, uieek yoguit is a convenient snack, anu veisatile
ingieuient in cooking anu baking as an alteinative to mayonnaise (Wong 2u11).
The uieek yoguit maiket continues to boom uue to laigei foou tienus in the 0niteu States,
as well. Foou that seems ethnic oi exotic is incieasingly populai among Nillenials, who like the
exposuie to uiffeient cultuies, have auventuious tastes, anu aie open to ieaching outsiue theii
familiaiity to tiy piouucts that aie peiceiveu as populai, healthful, oi tasty. Though they may be
open to tiying new ethnic foous, the uieek yoguit offeiings satuiating the maiket aie uistinctly
Ameiican: the goat milk sometimes incluueu in tiauitional uieek yoguit is neithei as accessible oi
as populai in the 0niteu States as in uieece (Wong 2u11).
23. -&56.#"#"&'
K1; 91=;&)')1. Y*13$4' =$'4)$'4( \Q=&.'9$J( +@ -.&&/ 01%2.) 3.$45] ()$)2(8
>')* VH^ 1< )*& -.&&/ 01%2.) =$./&) (*$.&F
_$44148 $ ).$5')'14$::0 ().14% ;:$0&. '4 )*& 01%2.) 9$)&%1.0 '( 14:0 42=3&.
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`)*&. 91=;&)')1.( '49:25& K*& -.&&/ -15(8 Q)*&41(8 Q:;&4$8 $45 ;.'L$)& :$3&:
3.$45(F K*'( (&%=&4) 914).1:( $ 91=3'4&5 @B^ 1< )*& -.&&/ 01%2.) =$./&) (*$.&F
Y1=;&)')1.( $.& $:(1 :$249*'4% 4$)'14$: )&:&L'('14 91==&.9'$: 9$=;$'%4( )*$)
;1(')'14 )*&'. ;.1529)( 3$(&5 14 42).')'14$: L$:2& $45 )$()&F

Founueu in 2uuS by Bamui 0lukaya, a Tuikish immigiant to the 0niteu States, Chobani is
now "Ameiica's #1 uieek yoguit bianu" (Chobani Website 2u11). In 2uu8, the bianu helu S
peicent of the uieek yoguit maiket shaie; as of 2u11, it now holus 48 peicent maiket shaie anu
has contiibuteu appioximately SS peicent to the giowth of the oveiall uieek yoguit categoiy
(Baukai 2u11). With $196 million in sales in 2u1u, it is the laigest uieek yoguit bianu in Ameiica
by a wiue maigin (Stanfoiu 2u1u).
The Chobani name is baseu on the uieek woiu foi shepheiu, "chopani," which seives as
symbol of safety anu goou (Chobani Website 2u11). 0lukaya's vision foi his yoguit was one of
"biinging gieat-tasting, high-quality piouucts, maue only with natuial ingieuients, to the 0.S"
(Chobani Website 2u11). Chobani's piouuct line is bioau, incluuing Non-fat, Nulti-seive, Low-fat,
anu the Chobani Champions chiluien's line (Chobani Website 2u11). Each vaiiety contains five
types of live anu active bacteiia cultuies, as well as thiee stiains of piobiotics (Chobani Website
2u11). Chobani piouucts have been featuieu in *%#72 8-$#%22 *"+",-#% anu on the (/9": !)/; foi
its health anu nutiitional benefits (Chobani Website 2u11).
Chobani ielies heavily on social meuia influences to ieach its taiget maiket. This
"giassioots" feel to theii bianuing has continueu in theii fiist-evei national television campaign,
featuiing ieal Chobani fans telling theii "Real Love Stoiies" about the piouucts (Chobani Website
2u11). Theii "Nothing but uoou" slogan places paiticulai emphasis on the company's chaiity
events anu local events to engage consumeis.
It was Bannon that intiouuceu Ameiicans to yoguit on a mass scale in 1942, fueling giowth
with innovations such as "fiuit on the bottom" anu latei, Activia, which touts the uigestive benefits
of piobiotic cultuies (Schultz 2u11). Bowevei, when it comes to the new uieek yoguit tienu,
Bannon is not as populai as always. So fai, Chobani anu the Fage aie leauing the pack of best-
selling uieek yoguit bianus, anu categoiy giants, like Bannon, aie now tiying to play catch-up
(Wong 2u11). Bannon anu its subbianu, Stonyfielu, have woikeu togethei to intiouuce Bannon
0ikos uieek yoguit, pieviously bianueu as Bannon uieek.
Bannon 0ikos is keeping the pievious iecipe anu has auueu new flavois (Bannon's Website
2u11). In its newly launcheu aus, Bannon uses uieek-Ameiican actoi }ohn Stamos to tempt
women with the yoguit, but the eye-openei comes at the enu when Bannon 0ikos claims it "beats
Chobani two-to-one in a national taste test" (Schultz 2u11).
0ikos is uieek foi "house," anu it's not coinciuental that Bannon paiieu its uieek-style
yoguit with a uieek bianu name it alieauy contiolleu unuei Stonyfielu (Schultz 2u11). At the same
time, Bannon is pushing a seconu uieek veision unuei its new Activia "Selects" lineup, positioneu
to combine uigestive benefits with the taste of uieek yoguit. The lineup also incluues a fiuit-filleu,
Fiench-style yoguit (Schultz 2u11). Bannon not only wants to catch up with the tienu, but also
aims to be at the foie of a new tienu. Bannon's categoiy entiances aujust theii uieek yoguits to
meet the peiceiveu neeus of theii loyal consumei maiket.
0thei competitois incluue The uieek uous, Athenos, Alpena, anu piivate-label bianus by
maikets such as Tiauei }oe's. Accoiuing to the 0BS iepoit, otheis account foi 22 peicent of the
oveiall yoguit categoiy anu 1u peicent of the uieek yoguit categoiy (0BS Repoit 2u11).
The uieek uous, although not a uieek company, has auopteu an image that iefeis to the
ancient uieek uous anu base theii maiketing effoits on the uieek cultuial iuentity (uieek uous
Website 2u11).
Alteinately, majoi categoiy playei Kiaft foous completely abanuoneu yoguit in 2uu4;
Chobani's CE0 Bamui 0lukaya bought its plant in 2uuS, cieating the leauing uieek yoguit bianu.
As of Septembei 2u11, Kiaft ieenteieu the categoiy, intiouucing the Athenos bianu in the yoguit
aiena, with compaitmental packaging similai to that of Fage (Stanfoiu, 2u11).
Alpena, though not enteiing the uieek yoguit maiket, offeis a uiffeient vaiiety of
competition: it is taigeting the same auuience. Its maiketing activities ievolve aiounu the iuea of
"cieamy inuulgence," positioning theii yoguit as nutiitional, thick, anu cieamy (Schultz, 2u11).
Finally, piivate-label bianus like Wegman's anu Tiauei }oe's have intiouuceu uieek yoguits with
lowei piices while still piomising the same quality anu textuie as the oiiginal uieek yoguit.
23. -&55$'"7%#"&'
Bue to the iapiu categoiy uemanu anu subsequent maiket satuiation, categoiy
leaueis anu smallei maiket entiies have been cieative in theii messages anu use of meuia.
Success of smallei, niche-seiving companies Chobani anu Fage enableu auveitising
spenuing in smallei maikets, such as niche magazine piint auveitising, social meuia campaigns,
With incieaseu giowth, categoiy leaueis Fage anu Chobani both have steppeu out
with bolu, awaiu-winning campaigns.

Communication within the uieek yoguit categoiy is consistently eugy anu cieative as a
iesult of the iapiu satuiation of the maiket anu the equally quick inciease in populaiity anu
maiket shaie within othei, laigei categoiies, such as bieakfast foous, convenience foous, anu
geneial yoguit. Bianus have hau a tenuency to tiy to make pieemptive claims in oiuei to stake out
theii maiket shaie, with some oveilap. Campaigns within the categoiy have focuseu theii
messages on such qualities as the textuie (Fage anu Libeite,) the tienuiness (Chobani,) the ethnic
authenticity (Fage,) oi the high piotein content (Yoplait anu Bannon.)
Campaign communications likewise flow out of these key qualities. Chobani, foi example,
has built an entiie campaign aiounu theii populaiity anu stanuing as the uieek yoguit bianu with
the laigest maiket shaie (Elliott 2u11). They accomplisheu this thiough heavy usage of social
meuia anu biinging social meuia to out-of-home auveitisements (2u11). Fage uevelopeu an
awaiu-winning companion auveitisement piint campaign that showeu the impiint of the piouuct
in the opposite page within the suiface of the yoguit, a visually stiiking way to convey the thick,
iich quality of Fage yoguit (Nullen Agency Website). Bannon has been outspoken about theii
stiategy to avoiu tiauitionally 'uieek' imageiy at all costs, in oiuei to eliminate negative
association that woulu suggest that the bianu is anything but mouein (Schultz 8).
A wiuespieau categoiy stiategy ielies on iecommenuations anu sampling, which has been
useu by most of the stiong maiket competitois (Wong 2u11). 0thei unique placements foi
communication incluue heavy auveitising by way of blogs to piecisely taiget smallei populationss
that ieau health, uiet, lifestyle, oi so-calleu 'mommy blogs' (Elliott 2u11). All bianus consistently
make similai claims about the health benefits of uieek yoguit, incluuing that it is immunity
boosting, uigestive iegulating, oi a healthy snack (Schultz 2u11). Claims about the inuulgent, thick,
iich oi cieamy quality of the flavoi aie similaily common between bianus

7G`K Q4$:0('(
Y:'&4)X #$%&
Fage's 8S+ yeais of histoiy has establisheu stiong company tiauitions in quality,
nutiition, anu accountability.
The Fage iecipe iemains unchangeu since its oiigination in Athens, uieece in 1926.
The piouuct is an authentically uieek yoguit anu an authentically uieek expeiience.
Extiemely consistent bianuing anu packing since 197S, iesulting in easy iecognition
(Fage website)
Bacteiial stiains unique to the company cieate a flavoi uistinct only to Fage.
Fage's useis aie exceptionally bianu loyal. 0nce they tiy Fage, they "nevei go back"
to othei bianus of yoguit (Lo Wang 2u11).

Fage is the most expensive uieek yoguit on the maiket (Baukai 2u11).
While many consumeis aie awaie of the uieek yoguit categoiy, Fage has ielatively
low levels of awaieness (4S%), especially in compaiison to competitoi Chobani (7S%) (Bisa,
Caipentei, Woithey, Yu Suivey).
The piouuct is limiteu in available vaiieties anu flavois, which consumeis piefei in
theii yoguit piouucts. SS% of consumeis polleu iankeu flavoi oi vaiiety as the most impoitant
factoi in theii uieek yoguit puichases, but only 7% of consumeis piefei the flavois available with
Fage (Bisa, Caipentei, Woithey, Yu Suivey).
Fage makes veiy little use of social meuia oi inteiactive online maiketing stiategies,
focusing most of theii auveitising in magazine publications (Stanfoiu 2u1u). This iesults in low
consumei engagements anu inteiactivity.

With the uieek yoguit maiket still giowing, Fage has ioom to iegain the maiket
shaie it has lost in iecent yeais.
Woiu-of-mouth, iecommenuation-baseu, giassioots, anu point of puichase
communication is an aiea iipe with potential to inciease consumei puichases of Fage. 81% of
consumeis polleu saiu they woulu puichase Fage if they ieceiveu a sample, coupon, oi
iecommenuation fiom a fiienu (Bisa, Caipentei, Woithey, Yu Suivey).
Possibility to conveit consumeis who aie not loyal to any paiticulai uieek yoguit
bianu into the typical uevoteu Fage useis.
Theie is much ioom foi Fage to giow into new maikets, incluuing men (NRI inuex
of SS) anu the South anu West iegions of the 0niteu States (NRI inueces of 44 anu 47,

Chobani's oveiwhelming awaieness anu populaiity eclipses Fage in the uieek
yoguit categoiy. 0f consumeis polleu, 7S% weie awaie of Chobani, 71% hau tiieu Chobani, anu
48% piefeiieu Chobani, compaieu to 7S%, 46%, anu 27% iespectively foi Fage (Bisa, Caipentei,
Woithey, Yu Suivey).
With the entiance of even moie uieek yoguit bianus into the maiket, incluuing The
uieek uous, Athenos, Alpena, anu Bannon 0ikos, the uieek yoguit maiket is appioaching a
satuiation point, making it uifficult to captuie consumei attention.
64% of consumeis polleu who hau nevei eaten uieek yoguit iefuse to uo so because
of "negative peiceptions of taste" (Bisa, Caipentei, Woithey, Yu Suivey). This is a laige stumbling
block to gaining new anu loyal bianu useis.
Consumeis tenu to buy whichevei bianu is on sale when they go shopping,
inhibiting bianu loyalty. S6% of consumeis polleu coulu be motivateu to tiy a bianu baseu on fiee
samples, sales, oi coupons alone (Bisa, Caipentei, Woithey, Yu Suivey).

K$.%&) Q25'&49& Q4$:0('( $45 _&<'4')'14
Y:'&4)X #$%&

Fage's cuiient taiget auuience compiises women (NRI+: 121) between the ages of 2S-S4,
anu SS-64, with NRI+ inuices of 1S2 anu 14S, iespectively. These women aie highly euucateu,
with many having acquiieu giauuate (2u6) oi post giauuate uegiees (2SS.) They aie white (117)
anu woik in white collai jobs in the business piivate sectoi (146.) They aie affluent with a
householu income of moie than $7S,uuu (1S1,) with especially high usage among those with
householu incomes gieatei than $1Su,uuu (S2S.) The women in this population aie maiiieu (119)
with young families, with especially high usage among those with chiluien youngei than 12
months of age (14S.) Theii establishment is ieflecteu in theii high home values in the Noitheast
(24u) anu West (1S1) iegions of the 0niteu States: NRI+ inuicates high usage among owneis of
homes woith moie than $Suu,uuu (282). We call this population the "Noveis anu Shakeis."
These women aie the "Noveis anu Shakeis" because they aie constantly on the move
uue to theii young age, active lifestyles, anu uemanuing caieeis anu family lives. They aie aleit
anu ciave foi vaiiety, auventuie anu exploiation. They have an immense uesiie foi knowleuge anu
stiive foi complete well-being in theii lives. Theii intelligence, sophistication anu cuiiosity aie
miiioieu by theii meuia choices. They ieau ()% <%; =/0> (-?%2 (S97) anu 65//?@%0+ 632-#%22
A%%> (2SS) to get infoimeu on politics anu economics. They aie cuiious anu auventuious, so they
ieau B0$)30 80/??%0C2 639+%$ (0"D%5 (247) anu the E/#9% <"2$ (0"D%5%0 (426). They aie also tech-
savvy anu use the inteinet as a main souice of infoimation gatheiing (172). Theii vaiious
inteiests aie ieflecteu in theii television anu magazine choices as well; lifestyle (e.g. E/"2$"5 F-D-#+,
219,) cooking (e.g. 6/# BGG%$-$, 226,) anu athletic magazines (e.g. 6-H:H5-#+, S78,) aie among the
most populai genies.
Foi the piesent campaign, we aim to pieseive the cuiient loyal taiget auuience, while
simultaneously expanuing oui taigeteu auuience to a laigei population. The new taigeteu
population compiises women between the ages of SS anu S4 in the Noitheast anu Westein
geogiaphic iegions. The slight shift in taigeteu age iesults fiom stiong potential foi giowth in
both age ianges: Foi piimaiy shoppeis ages SS-44 anu 4S-S4, inuices aie cuiiently 91 anu 1uu,
iespectively. These taigeteu women aie establisheu in the woikfoice with euucation at oi beyonu
the Bacheloi's uegiee level. They aie homeowneis whose householu incomes exceeu $6u,uuu
annually anu many own homes, though many have not yet maiiieu oi hau chiluien. The main
uiffeience between the foimei anu cuiient taiget auuiences is psychogiaphic. Though
chaiacteiizeu by theii appieciation foi cieativity anu healthy lifestyles, these women aie
ueciueuly less auventuious than the Noveis anu Shakeis pieviously taigeteu. This is ieflecteu in
theii moie tiauitional meuia consumption habits, piefeiiing piint newspapeis anu television
news to social meuia oi inteinet news aggiegatois. Though family-oiienteu, they aie moie
intioveiteu anu spenu moie time at home that the Noveis anu Shakeis. We call this futuie taiget
auuience "The Bashfuls."
The Bashfuls value ieassuiance anu iecommenuation in oiuei to evaluate alteinatives to
what they know, anu theiefoie often neeu an extia push in oiuei to take the next step when tiying
something new. By uesigning a moie appioachable campaign stiategy that makes Fage seem
familiai anu kinu, iathei than uistant oi aloof, the Bashfuls will feel empoweieu to initiate tiial of
Fage piouucts baseu on theii inteiest in health anu well-being.

a&0 T4('%*)
Y:'&4)X #$%&

The pioblem to be solveu is that Fage is losing maiket shaie to competitois, especially
Chobani, not uue to a ieuuction in bianu useis, but iathei uue to a low tiial iate among cuiient
categoiy useis.

The key insight we uncoveieu is that cuiient categoiy useis aie not tiying Fage because
they feel uistant fiom the bianu, especially in compaiison to top competitoi, Chobani. Fage is
compaiatively less accessible anu moie intimiuating, anu has tiouble making an initial emotional
connection with bianu non-useis.

D.$45 b'('14 7)$)&=&4)X #$%&

Y1.& T5&4)')0

D.$45 712:
Bigh-quality yoguit company iooteu in ueep uieek tiauition that shaies its cultuie with waimth
anu piiue.

D.$45 b$:2&(
Authenticity, accessibility, high-quality, health, family, integiity, ieliability, connection

c1'4) 1< _'<<&.&49&
Pioviuing uieek yoguit consumeis with the only 1uu% authentic uieek yoguit. Fage is committeu
to pieseiving a genuine uieek expeiience by using only the simplest anu highest-quality
ingieuients in a tiauitional iecipe fiom 1926. This is goou because the uieek yoguit maiket is
alieauy satuiateu with ameiicanizeu veisions of "uieek-style" yoguit, not the tiauitional uieek

dW)&45&5 T5&4)')0

Fage is Ileni, a gianumothei who lives with hei auult chilu's family in a village in noithein uieece.
She is active anu haiuwoiking, taking the leau in cooking anu housekeeping uuties. She is well-
known in the community foi hei homemaue cheese pie anu nuituiing uemeanoi towaius the
village chiluien.

D.$45 c1(')'14'4%
The uieek yoguit fiom uieece.

Y14(2=&. S&:$)'14(*';

#249)'14$: D&4&<')(

The consumei likes the high-quality anu all-natuial ingieuients, which lenu to the healthy anu
nutiitious natuie of the piouuct, as well as the supeiioi taste anu quality.

d=1)'14$: D&4&<')(

The consumei feels that using the piouuct contiibutes to a feeling of 'goou living': a healthy
lifestyle anu emotional well-being beyonu simple uiet anu exeicise. The piouuct lenus itself to
oveiall feelings of both health anu happiness, while encouiaging feelings of connection anu
cultuial fulfillment.

Y14(2=&.eD.$45 S&:$)'14(*';

The favoiite gianumothei who leaus the family's tiauitions.

Q5L&.)'('4% `3[&9)'L&
Y:'&4)X #$%&

Auveitising will convince the Bashfuls that Fage is appioachable anu familiai.

Suppoit will be the longstanuing histoiy of the company anu its wholesome values of family,
honesty, quality, anu accountability. Fage stiives to uo the iight thing to suppoit youi health anu

Auveitising will follow a 'feel-goou' theme to encouiage the Bashfuls. The tone will be caiing,
appioachable, anu kinu.

Y.&$)'L& D.'&<
Y:'&4)X #$%&

D2('4&(( Y*$::&4%&X

Fage has a loyal bianu following but stiuggles to initiate tiial among bianu non-useis, even if they
aie alieauy in the categoiy. This has contiibuteu to a shaip uecline in maiket shaie ovei the last
seveial yeais, fiom 8u% in 2uu8 to 22% in 2u11 (Baukai 2u11).

Y1==24'9$)'14( `3[&9)'L&(X

Consumeis feel that the bianu is aloof anu uistant, contiibuting to a challenge in initial tiial among
bianu non-useis. Communications will be uesigneu to impiove bianu peiceptions to inciease
feelings of accessibility anu connection.

D.$45 d((&49&X
S$)'14$:X Fage pioviues uieek yoguit consumeis with a genuine uieek piouuct anu expeiience
thiough high-quality ingieuients anu a commitment to the oiiginal 1926 iecipe.
d=1)'14$:X 0seis feel like they've uone the iight thing when they use Fage, which evokes
emotions of confiuence anu satisfaction in theii choices anu lifestyle.

K$.%&) Q25'&49&X

Known as "The Bashfuls," oui taiget auuience is women, ageu SS-S4 that tenu to live in the
Noitheast anu West. They aie college euucateu, with at least bacheloi's uegiee anu householu
incomes of $6u,uuu oi gieatei. These women aie establisheu with both caieeis anu families with
values impoitant to both of these aspects of theii lives. They aie family oiienteu anu believe in the
impoitant of healthy living anu "goou living," oi a lifestyle full of both health anu happiness. They
aie health conscious about foou anu fitness. 0thei values incluue cieativity anu cultuial
sophistication, taking piiue anu enjoyment on being highly infoimeu.

The Bashfuls aie cuiious anu open to new expeiiences, but typically neeu a little push in the iight
uiiection. They aie not the most auventuious of consumeis anu will theiefoie not giab an
altogethei new piouuct on theii own. Bowevei, these women will fiequently tiy new things if
encouiageu oi iecommenueu to uo so by theii fiienus oi family.

a&0 T4('%*)X Bianu peiceptions of Fage inuicate that the bianu feels uistant oi inaccessible anu,
theiefoie, intimiuating. Beveloping a moie appioachable image woulu impiove peiceptions by
evoking feelings of familiaiity, comfoit, anu well-being.

K*& D'% T5&$X Fage is the Yoguit-Next-Booi

R1)'L$)'4% 72;;1.) c1'4)(X Fage is committeu to cieating piouucts they woulu feeu theii family.
Theii company values encouiage well-being anu connection. Theii company cultuie is the "goou
living way," which piomotes healthy lifestyles anu wholesome happiness.

Y2..&4) S&(;14(&X The Bashfuls feel intimiuateu by Fage.

_&('.&5 S&(;14(&X The Bashfuls feel encouiageu by Fage.x

dW&92)'14$: Y14('5&.$)'14(X Fage is wholesome anu family-oiienteu. Fage is piouu of theii
authentic iecipe anu tiue uieek heiitage. Bon't foiget that Fage is $)% uieek yoguit. Fage is
iecognizeu foi having a uistinct anu uelicious flavoi, but non-useis neeu moie sampling
oppoitunities to entei the categoiy.

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