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Welcome to the Invertebrate Paleontology Tutorial
Web Site
This web site was created to be a companion to the laboratory for GLY 363 -
Invertebrate Paleontology. It is designed to provide the student enrolled in GLY
363 with an additional resource for reviewing laboratory materials. It is set up in
a format which parallels the laboratory handouts. Most of the images contained
within the web site are taken directly from specimens that are found on display
for study in the paleontology laboratory.
Taphonomy & Preservation
Protista, Eubacteria, & Porifera
Cephalopoda, Gastropoda & other
Bivalve Molluscs
Miscellaneous Fossil Groups
Trace Fossils
Geologic Time Scale
Links to other Paleontology Pages on the WWW

As fossils are the preserved remains of ancient organisms or their traces, understanding the process
From Eldredge (1991)
of preservation, and more importantly, being able to recognize and identify fossil remains after their
discovery is an integral part of paleobiology. Protective cover (sediments) and stabilizing chemical
environments are of prime importance in the preservation of once living organisms. Due to the
process of aerobic decay and physical/chemical destruction, most animals leave no evidence of their
In order to make a correct interpretation of taphonomic processes and mode of preservation, it is
often necessary to have a prior knowledge of the structural features or morphology of original
skeleton in addition to knowing its original mineralogical composition. This limitation should
diminish as you become familiar with the various fossil groups throughout the semester.
Taphonomy is the study of what happens to an organism after its death and until its discovery as a
fossil. This includes decomposition, post-mortem transport, burial, compaction, and other chemical,
biologic, or physical activity which afects the remains of the organism. Being able to recognize
taphonomic processes that have taken place can often lead to a better understanding of
paleoenvironments and even life-history of the once-living organism.
In addition, understanding which taphonomic processes a fossil occurrence has undergone, and to
what degree, may have implication on interpreting the signifcance of the fossil deposit and clearer
understanding of the biases in the sample.
An outline of the pathways afecting the preservation of once living organisms can be found
in Figure 1 below. As discussed below, this encompasses both the processes
of biostratinomy and diagenesis.
Figure 1- The feld of Taphonomy as it relates to steps in transformation from living
organisms to fossils.
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
Processes that occur between the death of an organism and its subsequent burial in the sediment are
termed biostratinomy. Generally, this includes the decomposition and scavenging of the animal's
soft parts, and at least some amount of post-mortem transport. Such things as the amount of shell
breakage and the concentration of shells in layers often indicate the level of water energy and post-
mortem transport. For example, the shell-hash or coquina has experienced a signifcant amount
of shell breakage and probably post-mortem transport suggesting deposition in high energy
environments; whereas, the articulated plant remains are intact suggesting little or no post-
mortem transport and deposition in a very low energy and oxygen-free environment. InTable
1 below are various taphonomic indicators and their environmental implications.
The physical and/or chemical efects after burial are called diagenesis. This is the realm in which
dissolution, replacement, or recrystallization of original shell material occurs, as can the formation of
molds and casts. A more detailed description of diagenesis with regards to fossil preservation in the
next section.
Table 1
Summary of Taphonomic Indicators and TheirPaleoenvironmental Implications
The wearing-down of skeletons owing to diferential movement with respect to
sediments is an indicator of environmental energy. Signifcant abrasion is most
commonly found on skeletal material collected from beaches, or areas of strong
currents or wave action.
Multi-element skeletons are soon disarticulated after death. Articulated
skeletons, then, indicate rapid burial or otherwise removing the skeleton from
the efects of energy of the original environment.
Bioerosion encompasses the many diferent corrosive processes by organisms.
The most pervasive causes of degradation are boring and grazing. Bioerosion
erases information from the fossil record, but it also leaves identifable traces
made by organisms on remaining hard skeletons or surfaces. Therefore, trace
fossils produced by bioerosion add information on the diversity of ancient
Skeletal remains commonly are in equilibrium with surrounding waters, but
changes in chemical conditions can cause skeletons to dissolve. Dissolution
represents fuctuation in temperature, pH or pCO2 in calcium carbonate
skeletons. Siliceous skeletons also can dissolve because normal sea water is
usually undersaturated with respect to silica.
Broken edges of skeletons become rounded owing to dissolution and/or
abrasion of exposed surfaces. Processes that control edge rounding probably
include a combination of dissolution, abrasion, and bioerosion. Rounding gives
an estimate of time since breakage.
The growth of hard skeleton substrates by other organisms is a common
occurrence. Besides indicating exposure of the skeleton above the sediment-
water interface, encrustation can specify a particular environment. Diferent
patterns of encrustation, as well as diferent biota, occur in diferent
Breakage of skeletons is usually an indication of high energy resulting from
wave action or current energy. Fragmentation also can be caused by other
organisms through either predation or scavenging.
After death, skeletal remains are moved by the transporting medium and
oriented relative to their hydrodynamic properties. Fossil skeletons in life
position indicate rapid burial, attachment to a frm substrate, or death of in-
place infauna. Hard parts tend to orient long-axis parallel to unidirectional fow
in current-dominated areas and perpendicular to wave crests on wave-
dominated bottoms.
After death and if not rapidly buried, a skeleton behaves as a sedimentary
particle and is moved and sorted with respect to the carrying capacity of the
fow of currents, waves, or tides. Size can, therefore, be an efective indicator of
fow capacity in a hydraulic or wind-driven system.
From McRoberts (1998)

This form of preservation is rare in most of the geologic column, but becomes more frequent in
younger sedimentary rocks. Types of unaltered preservation where even the soft body parts are
preserved include: (i) mummifcation, (ii) encasement in tar, (iii) encasement in amber, (iv)
encasement in sediment, and (v) freezing. More frequently, however, only the hard skeletal material
is preserved after removal of soft body parts.
Examples of unaltered preservation include the skeleton of a horseshoe crab, whose shell is
composed of interlocking plates and jointed appendages which quickly disarticulate after death;
cockle bivalved molluscs, whose outer-most shell layer has been removed by abrasion, yet the
original shell material of the inner layers remains; an ammonoid from the Cretaceous period in
which you should note the pearly luster which is original aragonite shell material; and an insect
encased in amber .
This general class of preservation entails making "replicas" of the skeletal hard parts of organisms. In
general, a mold is an impression in the sediment of a skeleton or shell. Once encased in lithifed
sediment, the dissolution of skeletal material leaves behind the impression or mold of original
skeletal form. Thus, a mold is a "mirror image" of the original skeleton. An internal mold (sometimes
called a steinkern) is the impression of the inside surface of skeletal hard parts. An external mold is
the impression of the outside surface of skeleton or bone. An example of both types of molds can be
seen in this image of a trilobite .
A cast is formed by the flling-in of a mold. It is thus a true replica (not a "mirror image") of the
original skeleton or shell. By this defnition, the cast one gets for a broken limb is not really a cast at
all but an external mold.
A graphical representation of the formation of casts and molds is provided in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2 - Diferent diagenetic processes leading to diferent preservational styles in
skeletal materials.
* Note that molds are produced directly as imprints of the shell and casts are produced from molds.
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
This common form of preservation involves chemical and/or physical alteration or replacement of
original skeletal material. To properly identify replacement and recrystallization, one must know
what the original constituents of the organism's skeleton were. These are provided in Figure
1.3. Replacement occurs often by the flling in (by various minerals) of the void space after
dissolution of original skeletal material. Sometimes, the replacement occurs on a molecule by
molecule basis. Common replacement minerals that you should be able to recognize include Silica
(SiO2) as shown in the coral, and Pyrite (FeS2) shown in the ammonoid.
Recrystallization involves the physical re-arrangement of crystalline structure of skeletal material.
This is a common phenomenon in shells which were originally aragonite and/or calcite (both forms
of calcium carbonate- CaCO3). Examples, both of which are now calcite, include a gastropod which
was originally aragonite and a brachiopod which was originally calcite.
As organic remains decompose in sediments, volatile constituents such as oxygen, hydrogen, and
nitrogen are slowly lost to the surrounding sediments frequently leaving behind a carbon flm. This
process is carbonization (or sometimes called distillation), and occurs most frequently in oxygen
defcient, organic-rich environments such as basinal black shales, and coal swamps. The carbon flms
often show exquisite details of plants and soft-body parts of animals not readily preserved, and can
often be recognized by a dark gray or black flm with a metallic sheen such as these fern-like fossil
Permineralization involves the flling-in of pore and/or void spaces in shell or bone by secondary
mineral matter in solution. With permineralization, the tiny pore spaces in the fossil are flled and the
original skeletal material is still retained. However, it is often common for other types of preservation
(e.g. replacement) to occur during and/or after permineralization. Because of its porous nature, bone
and wood is especially prone to permineralization.
From Stanley (1993)
Fossil organisms within the Kingdom Protista represent the earliest life forms known. These
organisms are characterized by a single-celled body plan and are contrasted to members of
the Kingdom Eubacteria (green and blue-green algae) by having a nucleus. This lab concentrates on
the protist phylaForaminifera and Diatoms because many of their constituents have mineralized
skeletons and an extensive fossil record. Because of their wide-spread distribution and rapid
evolutionary rates, many of the protists are excellent index fossils used in biostratigraphic studies.
During this lab you will become familiar with the morphologic features and be able to identify each
of the groups listed below, in addition to knowing their geologic ages.
The recepatulitids are included here because they are now believed to belong to the Chlorophyta or
green algae within the simply organized Kingdom Eubacteria even though they were once thought
to be related to sponges.
Kingdom Eubacteria (Precambrian - Recent)
group "stromatolites" (Archaen - Recent)
Kingdom Protista (Precambrian - Recent)
group "receptaculitids" (Ordovician - Devonian)
Phylm Granuloreticulosa
Class Foraminifera (Cambrian - Recent)
gro! "fusulinids"(Late Paleozoic)
group "nummulitids"(Early Cenozoic)
"planktonic forams" ( Cretaceous-Rec.)
Phylm Acrtinopoda
Class Radiolaria (Cambrian - Recent)
Phylum Chrysophyta
"diatoms" (Cretaceous - Recent)

Kingdom Eubacteria
Stromatolites are organically produced sedimentary structures and are amongst the oldest fossils
known on Earth (they occur in Archean rocks 3.5 b.y. old!). they are made by cyanobacteria (often
erroneously called blue-green algae, however, because the cells are prokaryotic, they should not
be confused with true algae which are eukaryotes. Stomatolites are without skeletons (they are
layers of sediment), and difer from some similar-looking sponges that have a mineralized skelton.
Kingdom Protista
Receptaculitids are a type of Dasycladacean green algae (Phylum Chlorophyta). They are
characterized by thick calcareous sheets, plates, or sometimes as balls or discs that are perforated by
numerous holes arranged in an orderly (usually spiral) fashion. The holes are in fact external
molds of the plant's soft stems and not body fossils at all.
Foraminifera are the most common and geologically most important of the fossil protozoans. The
name translates to pore-bearing and refers to the numerous perforations (foramina) in the skeleton
walls. It is through the foramina that the organism extends its pseudopod or protoplasm.
Today, nearly all forams live in marine environments and are either bottom dwellers (benthonic) or
foat in the water column (planktic). Forams are characterized by multi-chambered tests which are
built by addition of new chambers during life. Chambers are separated by partitions called septa
(singular = septum), whose exterior expressions are termed sutures. Composition of the tests are
either calcite (CaCO3) or agglutinated (cemented foreign particles, e.g., sand or silt grains).
The classifcation of Foraminifera is based on (i) test microstructure, (ii) test symmetry, and (iii)
aperture type.
Test Composition and Microstructure
Agglutinated (sometimes called arenaceous). These tests are composed of grains or fragments of
foreign material cemented by the organism and commonly have a sugary appearance.
Occasionally grains of quartz and/or shell fragments can be seen.
Calcareous tests can either be hyaline which can be distinguished by their glassy appearance or
porcelainous which are usually white or opaque in color and resembles china or porcelain.
Test symmetry
1. Uniserial. Chambers are added in a straight or curvilinear series. (see Figure 1 below)
2. Biserial. Chambers are added in an alternating fashion.
3. Triserial. Chambers are added every 120
in a spiral fashion.
4. Planispiral. Chambers are added around the periphery and are coiled in a single plane. Planispiral
tests are evolute when all previous chambers are visible, and are involute when only the last spiral or
whorl is visible.
5. Trochospiral. Chambers are added around the periphery, but each new chamber is slightly ofset
so that a very low spire or cone results. The central part of the disc on the side of the aperture is
called the umbilicus.
Figre 1 - Foraminifera Test Morphology
From #oardman et al (198$)
During life, forams are either benthonic of planktic, relying on their pseudopodia for both
locomotion and creating water currents for food gathering.
Benthic forms inhabiting shallow to deep water environments can be recognized by their larger size,
thick heavily ornamented walls, and less "globular" shape.
Planktic forams are recognized by their thin, and often perforated, tests and globular infated
chambers. You should be able to recognize the diference between the two types of forams.
Larger Foraminifera
Several times during the history of Foraminifera, tests many times larger than you have been seen
until now have evolved. Although large tests are known from several foraminiferal families, only two,
the fusulinids (Family Fusulinidae) and nummulitids (Family Nummulitidae) are considered below.
The nummulitids existed during the Early Cenozoic and are famous for their abundance in
limestones from which the Great Pyramids of Egypt built. Their tests are planispiral and involute,
and unlike the fusulinids, are coiled around the short axis. Examine this specimen from Egypt.
The fusulinids were important benthic constituents of Late Paleozoic shallow seas. The tests of
fusulinids are involute and planispirally coiled about the long axis. The test walls of fusulinids are
multi-layered in contrast to the microgranular tests of other forams. An individual fusulinid can be
seen in this image. A good example of a fusulinid limestone can be seen in this image.
Radiolarians are heterotroph protozoans which thrive in the upper layers of the seas. The
protoplasm of radiolarians is surrounded by a test commonly composed of an intricate lattice work of
opaline silica (there are minor groups which construct their tests of strontium sulfate a silica
enriched with organic material). Like the foraminifera, radiolarians have pseudopodia which
protrude through the porous tests to aid in locomotion and food gathering. The tests of radiolarians
exhibit great morphologic diversity, but they are typically characterized by radial or spherical
symmetry. Examine this microscope image.
Diatoms are a kind of microscopic golden-brown algae that secrete siliceous tests (sometimes called
frustules) consisting of two overlapping halves or valves that ft together. The walls of the tests are
ornamented by pores, grooves, and ridges.
Diatoms occur in two basic forms: (i) the centric type in which the test has radial symmetry, and (ii)
the pennate type in which the test is elongate and has bilateral symmetry. An example of both types
can be seen in this microscope image.
The centric type are planktic and predominantly marine, whereas the pennate type are mostly
benthic and occur in fresh, brackish, and shallow marine environments. Sometimes diatoms form a
rock called diatomite, which is composed entirely of diatoms. Diatomite often forms by a diatom
"bloom" in nutrient-rich fresh-water lakes.

Sponges, stromatoporoids, and archaeocyathids are included in this part because individual
members within each group share, at least partially, similar skeletal features and symmetry leading
some workers consider them all as being members of the same phylum. All are benthic, sessile,
suspension-feeders which inhabited a wide variety of exclusively marine environments throughout
much of the Phanerozoic.
Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongea (Cambrian - Recent
Class Hexactinellida (Cambrian - Recent)
Class Calcarea (Cambrian - Recent)
"Class Stromatoporoida" (Ordovician - ?Recent)
Phylum Archaeocyatha (Cambrian)

Figre % - Basic Sponge Morphology
From #oardman et al (198$)
The poriferans (sponges) are characterized by cell groups that are independent of each other and
have the ability to change their function during their life cycle. The skeletons of sponges can be
composed of an organic substance called spongin (the stuf of an ordinary bath sponge), or they may
have calcareous or siliceous skeletons composed of chambers, or more commonly rod-like branched
elements called spicules. After death, spicules are scattered across the sea foor and may be found as
disarticulated microfossils.
Large spicules (visible to the unaided eye) are termed megalascleres, whereas small ones are called
microscleres. Spicules have four basic symmetries: (i) monaxon, (ii) triaxon, (iii) tetraxon, and (iv)
polyaxon. Examine Figure 2 below. Together the spicular symmetry and mineral composition serve
as the primary basis in poriferan classifcation.
Figre % - Nomenclature of Common Megascleres & Microscleres in Fossil and Modern
Modified from #oardman et al (198$)
Class Demospongea
Sponges with skeletons of spongin, spongin and siliceous spicules, or a skeleton of fused opaline
silica. When present, spicules are commonly monaxon, tetraxon, or polyaxon, but never triaxon. Here
is an example of a modern demosponge with spongin. Here is a good example of a fossil
demosponge. Note in this specimen the canals in the siliceous walls.
Class Hexactinellida (previously Hyalospongae)
Sponges with siliceous spicules that are usually triaxons and commonly fused to form a net or box-
like pattern. They are often called glass sponges. For a recent example of a glass sponge, view this
image. Compare it with Hydnoceras from the Devonian of New York.
Class Calcarea
Sponges that have calcareous spicules as in Astaeospongia (the disc shaped fossil in the following
image) or more commonly, non-spicular porous chambers (the other three fossils in the image).
When spicules are present, they are not fused and are typically monaxons and/or tetraxons.
"Class Stromatoporoida"
Although some texts treats this group as a member of the demospongea, some paleontologists
consider stromatoporoids not as true sponges, but belonging to their own phylum. The middle road
is taken in this course, treating the stromatoperoids as a separate class within the Porifera. The sheet-
like or hemispherical skeletons of stromatoporoids are of two types. The frst type have small
mounds called mamelons from which canals called astorhizae radiate. This group has horizontal
partitions called laminae and vertical partitions called pillars. The space between the laminae and
pillars is called the gallery. Compare the image with the accompanying fgure below.
Figre 3 - Stromatoporoid Morphology
From #oardman et al (198$)
The second type of stromatoporoid is similar to the frst in having laminae and possibly pillars, yet it
lacks the astorhizae and mamelons. This form is quite similar to algal stromatolites, but difer in
possessing a true calcareous skeleton. Stromatoporoids such as these are quite common from the
Silurian and Devonian shallow-water carbonates of central New York and also the Canadian Rockies
where they often built reefs.
The Archaeocyathids are predominantly an Early Cambrian phylum with no living representatives.
They generally have skeletons that formed a porous calcareous cup or cone that resembles later
Paleozoic corals. In fact, the archaeocyathids where the reef builders of the Early-Middle Cambrian.
The cone-shaped skeletons are commonly constructed of two perforate walls separated by radially
arranged vertical blades called septa. As shown in the accompanying fgure, the skeletons of
archaeocyathids come in two varieties: (i) regulars that have both septa and tabulae but lack
dissepiments (small curved plates), and (ii) irregulars that lack septa, but have dissepiments and rod-
like bars similar to sponge spicules. This similarity has led some to believe that archaeocyathids
belong with the Phylum Porifera. See the diagram below for a representation of an archaeocyathid.
Figre & - Archaeocyathid Morphology
From #oardman et al (198$)
From Eldredge (1991)
The phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterata in some texts) includes both solitary and colonial organisms that
have radial and/or bilateral symmetry. Typical cnidarians alternate each generation between a fxed
polyp stage and a free living medusoid stage. Most cnidarians are considered carnivores because of
their ability to actually catch food with their stinging cells called nematocysts. Some groups,
particularly the reef-corals employ photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae) within their tissues in a
symbiotic relationship to aid in supplying food needed for their rapid growth.
The cnidarian classes Anthozoa (corals) and Hydrozoa have calcifed skeletons of aragonite and
calcite and a good fossil record, whereas the long fossil record of the class Scyphozoa (jelly fsh) is
comprised mostly of molds and casts. Class Octocorallia is not well represented in the fossil record
because of its poorly calcifed skeletons. The general form of coral colonies may be quite similar in
unrelated anthozoans (e.g., some colonial Tabulates and Scleractinians) because form represents a
basic response to long-term environmental conditions (i.e., limiting factors such as light, turbidity,
and especially wave and current energy).
The frst part of the lab introduces you to the taxonomy of the Cnidarians and their geologic ranges.
The second part concentrates on aspects of coral morphology, coloniality, and integration that are
used to deduce ancient environments
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa (Precambrian-Recent)
Order Tabulata (Ordovician-Permian)
Order Rugosa (Ordovician-Permian)
Order Scleractinia (Triassic-Recent)
Subclass Octocorallia (Precambrian-Recent)
Class Hydrozoa (Precambrian-Recent)
Class Scyphozoa (Precambrian-Recent)

Geologically the anthozoans are the most important of the cnidarians because their polyps often
produce calcitized skeletons that are readily preserved as fossils. They can be either solitary or
colonial. Common forms of anthozoans include corals, sea-anemones, and sea-pens. Anthozoans
difer from other Cnidaria in that they have no medusoid stage. They are exclusively marine and
occur at various depths from shallow to deep water.
Morphologic Terms (see accompanying fgures)
Calyx: the bowl-shaped depression or "seat" in which the living polyp resides.
Corallite: the skeleton produced by one polyp, which may or may not be part of a colony
Epitheca: the outermost skeletal layer of a corallite which sometimes shows growth lines.
Tabula (plural tabulae): a horizontal partition (or foor) dividing the corallite skeleton.
Septum (plural septa): vertical blade or partition within the calyx of a corallite that are normally
radially arranged.
Dissepiment: small curved plate in a corallite near the tabulae that is convex inward and upwards.
Mural pores: the small holes in the epitheca of some tabulate corals.
Columella: an axial rod in a corallite usually formed by the fusion of two or more septa that typically
forms a topographic prominence in the central part of the calyx.
The exclusively colonial Tabulate corals occur only in the Paleozoic. Their calcite skeletons typically
have a lateral wall (epitheca) that separates each rather small corallite. Each of the corallites typically
have a tabula that serve as the foor for the polyp. Septa in tabulate corals are either absent or
inconspicuous. Although their growth forms vary, they often occur in "honeycomb" or chain-like
Figure 1 - Tabulate Morphology
From McRoberts (1998)
See examples: Favosites which has well developed tabula, and which has well developed
mural pores; and Haylisites.
Figure 2 - Rugosan Morphology
From McRoberts (1998)
The Paleozoic rugosan corals can be either solitary or colonial. Although they may have originally
had aragonitic skeletons, all are now calcite. Rugosa corals are distinguished from the other Paleozoic
group, the Tabulata, by having dissepiments and well developed septa in addition to the tabulae. As
shown in the accompanying fgure (Figure 3.1), rugosan corals have six primary septa and new septa
are added in only four of the resulting six spaces with none added in the remaining two spaces. This
septal arrangement is well illustrated in the external mold where the septa are preserved as gaps.
For examples of solitary forms which typically exhibit a cone or horn morphology (hence the
informal name "horn corals") examine these specimens, - and This specimen has excellent
dissepiments visible where the epitheca is worn-away. For examples of colonial rugosans view
this specimen.
Figure 3 - Septal Growth Patterns
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
Scleractinian corals (including all modern coral species) can be either colonial or solitary. Their
originally aragonitic skeletons have dissepiments, tabulae, and septa just as in the Paleozoic
rugosans. Although there are superfcial similarities, scleractinian corals difer from rugosa corals by
their skeletal mineralogy and by their method of septal insertion during growth. Scleractinian corals
also have six primary septa, but in contrast to rugosa corals, subsequent septa are added in all six of
the resulting spaces. An important distinction between the two orders is that for the Scleractinia the
septa are inserted between every two pre-existing septa in later growth stages. Good examples
showing corallites and septal arrangement in a colonial form can be seen in this specimen. See
also the colonial specimens, - - - noting the diferent growth morphologies. This
specimen is a solitary coral collected from deep water; note its similarity to some of the solitary
rugosans seen earlier.
Although octocorals are very abundant in modern oceans, they do not have a good fossil record at all
because of their lightly calcitized skeletons. Among the more common octocorals are sea whips and
sea fans such as shown by these specimens. - - Other groups of octocorals have even a
poorer fossil record because they have only calcitic spicules or non-calcifed skeletons. One of the
latter group are the sea-pens which have soft, feather-like skeletons.
Hydrozoans are a diverse group of cnidarians that inhabit a variety of marine and fresh-water
environments. The more important groups (in terms of paleontology) construct their skeletons of
calcite. These critters can sometimes superfcially resemble corals in skeletal morphology and growth
habits, or they can also occur as encrusting sheets or erect blades. Some hydrozoa such as the fre
coral Millipora have thick calcareous lamellar skeletons with vertical tubes and cross partitions.
Scyphozoa (jelly fsh) only occur in marine environments. The are typifed by a reduced polyp stage
and an extended free-swimming medusae stage. As one might imagine, fossil scyphozoans are rarely
preserved as fossils; yet surprisingly they are probably represented in the famous Ediacara fauna of
the Precambrian. Almost all fossil remains of scyphozoans occur as molds and less commonly casts.
Some workers would place the Conularia as a Subclass of the Scyphozoa.

Colonial coral growth habits and integration levels
The morphology of coral colonies can be grouped into three broad categories: (i) encrusting forms
which are often sheet-like such as this specimen. (ii) massive forms which are domal or
hemispherical such as in specimen. (iii) erect forms which are branching or palmate such as this
specimen You should return to the coral specimens in the frst part of the lab making sure you
can place each into one of the three morphologic groups.
Colonial corals nearly always show some level of integration between individual coralites. Such
integration is usually refected in the coral's skeleton by the degree of spetal sharing ranging from
completely isolated corallites to those where individual corallite cannot be recognized.
Figure 4 - Colonial Cnidarian Integration Types
From McRoberts (1998)
You should return to the specimens of the earlier part of the lab and make sure you can identify the
integration types depicted in Figure above. You should fnd, for example, that this specimen, is
cateniform, this specimen, is cerioid, and this specimen, is meanderoid.
It is important to know that diferent integration levels were dominant during diferent periods of
geologic time. In fact, given a large enough sample, a rough estimate of gelogic age can be obtained
on the relative proportions of various integration levels.
Corals occur as framework organisms in reef environments and as important constituents in level-
bottom communities. As a group they are very sensitive to physical and chemical conditions such as
fuctuating sea level, turbidity, and salinity. Of all of these factors which may result in difering
growth morphology, the overall shape of coral colonies is most responsive to water (= wave +
current) energy. However, it should be noted that the morphologic response is quite diferent when a
coral is in a reef setting or in a level bottom setting.
From McRoberts (1998)
Although quite diverse in large-scale morphology and facies relations, reef systems generally
conform to the scheme depicted in the accompanying fgure . Note that the reef proper (the organic
build-up) is quite restricted in size compared to the reef system as a whole. In reef settings, the
degree of branching in colonial corals can generally be correlated with water energy. Thus high
energy often results in erect, branching and palmate forms, whereas lower water energy levels are
generally sites where the encrusting and/or massive forms predominate.
The opposite is generally true for level-bottom settings such as is often found in the Devonian of
central New York. Here, greater water energy usually results in encrusting and/or massive
morphologies. This is in contrast to lower water energy level bottom environments where branching
and ramose morphologies (albeit more delicate than in reefs) predominate.
From Eldredge (1991)
The Bryozoa (moss animals) are a geologically important group of small animals; some that
superfcially resemble corals. All bryozoans are colonial and most are marine. Bryozoans are most
abundant in temperate-tropical waters that are not too turbid. They require a hard or frm substrate
on to which the attach to or encrust, and clear agitated water from which they obtain their
suspended food.
Enclosed within a skeleton of calcite, bryozoans have a sac-like coelomate body with a well defned
mouth, anus, and other specialized organs. One such organ is the lophophore (a ciliated structure
used in food gathering) that is attached to tentacles that surround the mouth (see Figure 1 below).
The lophophore is a structure shared by the phylum Brachiopoda leading some to construct the
Phylum (or Superphylum) Lophophorata to include both brachiopods and bryozoans. The
classifcation follows your text in treating the Bryozoa and Brachiopoda as separate phyla.
Figure 1 - Section of a Bryozoan Feeding Zooid
From #oardman et al (198$)
Phylum Bryozoa
Class Stenolaemata (Ordovician-Recent)
Order Trepostomata (Ordovician-Triassic)
Order Fenestrata (Ordovician-Permian)
Order Cyclostomata (Ordovician-Recent)
Class Gymnolaemata (Ordovician-Recent)
Order Cheilostomata (Jurassic-Recent)

Morphologic Terms (see Figures 1 & 2)
Zooid: Individual animal or member in a bryozoan colony.
Zooaria: The colony of bryozoan animals.
Zooecia (Zooecium singular): Living chambers constructed by a colony of zooids. The zooecium is
the living chamber constructed by one individual.
Autopore: Zooecium for the feeding zooid called autozooid which is usually the largest of the
various zooecia.
Ancestrula: The ancestral founding zooecium from which other zooecia in the colony bud.
Diaphragm: A partition in a tubular zooecium, transverse to tube length similar to the tabulae in
some corals.
Aperture: The opening through which the living animal could extend from its zooecium.
Operculum: Small disk-like cover or lid of an aperture, commonly found in cheilostomes.
Frontal: In zooecia with considerable wall area exposed at the colony surface, a frontal is the exposed
part of any one zooecium.
Immature and Mature regions: In trepostome bryozoans, the distal or last formed (most recently
grown) end of a zooecium has close-spaced diaphragms and is called the immature area. The
proximal end (oldest part) of the zooecium has few diaphragms and is called the mature region.
Figure 2 - Section of a Colonial Bryozoan Zooecia
From #oardman et al (198$)
General Morphology and Ecology
As bryozoan individuals are quite small, they are commonly observed under the microscope from
longitudinal or transverse thin-sections. A longitudinal orientation is parallel to zooecium wall,
whereas a transverse section is perpendicular to apertural face.
Bryozoans come in a variety of colonial growth habits that can easily be observed without thin-
sections. Like corals, the growth habit of bryozoans can be classifed as encrusting, - massive
or domal, or erect. - Generally speaking, byozoan growth-habits are a function of water
energy similar to corals which lived in level-bottom communities; encrusting and massive forms are
found in high-energy environments whereas delicate branching and erect forms lived in quite
General Information
Division of bryozoan groups is based on surfcial morphology, extra-zooidal structures, colonial
growth habits, zooid morphology, presence of specialized zooids (e.g., maternal zooids), and internal
structures of the zooecium. In order to help in identifcation, it may help to know that colonial
bryozoans come in two basic types:
1. Those with tightly packed zooecia which share zooecium walls, they have multiple pores and a
well defned mature and immature region such as in the trepostomes, cyclostomes, and the
2. Those with moderately to loosely packed zooecia usually encrusting one-zooecium-thick, and
commonly with frontal walls as typifed by the Cheilostomes

Phylum Bryozoa
Class Stenolaemata (Ordovician-Recent)
Order Trepostomata (Ordovician-Triassic)
Order Fenestrata (Ordovician-Permian)
Order Cyclostomata (Ordovician-Recent)
Class Gymnolaemata (Ordovician-Recent)
Order Cheilostomata (Jurassic-Recent)
Trepostomes are characterized by long-curved zooecia separated by thin walls. Each zooecium has
mature and immature regions. Apertures of autopores are typically polygonal. Trepostomes can be
diferentiated from similar-looking cryptostomes by the thinner walls between their zooecia. The
specimens are erect forms, whereas these specimens are massive.
Cyclostomes are characterized by zooecia that are simple tubes which lack partitions (diaphragms)
and have rounded apertures. and well defned mature and immature regions. Most cyclostomes are
encrusting forms such as the example provided. , and some, like this small fgured specimen
encrusting a Devonian nautiloid cephalopod, can be quite small and very loosly arranged creeping
Fenestrates are characterized by their zooaria morphology which form a mesh or net-like shape with
zooecia-bearing rods and open window-like regions called fenstrules. Most fenestrates have
considerable extra-zooid skeleton material which is necessary for support. This order is typifed by
erect, delicate morphology such as those seen in these specimens. Note, however, that some
fenestrates have considerable extra-zooidal material such Archimedes which is an axial rod that
supports the net-like zooecia.
Cheilostomes are characterized by their loosely packed colonies of box or cofn-shaped zooecium.
Many have round apertures and large frontal areas on which brood pouches which house the
maternal zooids can often be observed. .
& other Molluscs

From Eldredge (1991)

Molluscs are greatly varied in both morphology and life habits. They include familiar living forms
such as clams, snails, the octopus, and squids. Several groups have great economic importance such
as oysters and the blue mussels, and some groups such as garden slugs and the zebra mussel can be
bothersome pests. In this laboratory you will become familiar with several of the molluscan groups,
of which the cephalopods and gastropods are geologically the most important.
Most molluscs are mobile marine creatures, although some have invaded terrestrial environments.
Molluscs have an external shell (single or bivalved) enclosing the mantle and visceral mass, a
muscular foot which aids in attachment and/or locomotion, and a radula. The radula is not known
from the bivalves (a group covered in the next lab), but is presumed to have been primitive in the
bivalve ancestor.
Phylum Mollusca (Precambrian-Recent)
Class Monoplacophora (Cambrian-Recent)
Class Amphineura (U. Cambrian-Recent)
Class Schaphopoda (Ordovician-Recent)
Class Gastropoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Prosobranchia (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Archaeogastropoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Mesogastropoda (Ordovician-Recent)
Order Neogastropoda (Cretaceous-Recent)
Subclass Opisthobranchia (Carboniferous-Recent)
Subclass Pulmonata (Carboniferous-Recent)
Class Cephalopoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Coleoidea (Devonian-Recent)
Subclass Nautiloidea (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Ammonoidea (Devonian-Cretaceous)

The organ system of monoplacophorans are arranged in a series and are segmented (or
pseudosegmented) leaving paired muscle scars on the shell interior. Some investigators suggest that
a Paleozoic and early Mesozoic group called the Some fossils typically classed as bellerophons (here
treated as gastropods), may have an untorted body plan. This has been deduced from the
arrangement of muscle scars on the interior of the univalve bellerophons. Most other bellerophons,
however, do exhibit torsion and should rightly be classifed as true gastropods. Apart from the
bellerophons (no muscle scars can be observed in our specimens) we have no monoplacophoran
Amphineura (Polyplacophora of some texts and commonly referred to as the Chitons) are
characterized by an elongated body with a head and bilateral symmetry. Polyplacophorans possess a
radula. The soft bodies of polyplacophorans are surrounded by a muscular mantle girdle (cuticle)
which has aragonitic spicules. Above the mantle cuticle, polyplacophorans have a dorsal shell made
up of eight articulated plates or valves. Some recent examples of polyplacophorans are provided
Scaphopods (commonly called tusk shells for obvious reasons) are a relatively minor class of marine
molluscs. They can actively trap food particles within the sediment by use of their specialized
tentacles. Scaphopods are characterized by a small univalved shell that is open at both ends. The
larger anterior end is permanently embedded in the sediment. The smaller posterior end is opens
near the sediment-water interface. See the examples of Recent and fossil Dentalium.

Phylum Mollusca (Precambrian-Recent)
Class Gastropoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Prosobranchia (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Archaeogastropoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Mesogastropoda (Ordovician-Recent)
Order Neogastropoda (Cretaceous-Recent)
Subclass Opisthobranchia (Carboniferous-Recent)
Subclass Pulmonata (Carboniferous-Recent)

Gastropods, including such common forms such as snails, slugs, and whelks, occupy both marine
and non-marine environments. Although many gastropods are herbivorous grazers, several groups
are active carnivores able to drill through the skeleton of the luckless victim.
Most of the gastropods are classifed on the characteristics the gill structures and other soft-bodied
features. Few distinguishing characters of the univalved shell are used in classifcation as many are
the result of convergent evolution. Although the diferences in the shell form may be difcult to
recognize, diferent morphologic groups can generally can be diferentiated on characteristics of
ornamentation, shell shape, and aperture. The shell of many gastropods can either be external or,
less commonly, internal. The diference can often be deduced by the luster of shell material and
the presence of other features such as deviations of a structural shell form.
Gastropods are radulate organisms with a torted body (e.g., the body is rotated 180 so that the anus
is above the head. Gastropods typically have a helical coiled univalved shell whose opening
(aperture) may be closed by an operculum. Another feature which is useful in discriminating
among groups is the structure called the selenizone which can be expressed as either a series of holes
as in Haliotis, or as a groove along the periphery which is often seen as a sharp bend in the
growth lines of the shell. Other features such as ribs or the siphonal canal may also be important.
Although the shape of gastropods can be described in terms such as "high-spired", "low-spired", or
"cap-shaped", many of the shape characteristics can easily be described mathematically by four
parameters S, W, T, and D.
Figure 1 - Gastropod Coiling Parameters
S sha!e of generating cr'e (loosely defined as the ratio bet(een a!eratre height and (idth)
distance of generating cr'e from the a)is of rotation
W rate of e)!ansion of generating cr'e
T rate of translation along the coiling a)is
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
Subclass Prosbranchia
The distinguishing shell feature among prosobranch gastropods is that they are all either cap-shaped
or they are helically coiled.
Order Archaeogastropoda. Many archaeogastropods have an identifable selenizone (except for
some trochids) in addition to an operculum. The shell of archaeogastropods can be either internal or
external. This group is exclusively marine. Most are turbinoform, but others may be high
spired, cap-like as in recent limpets, or other shapes. Many of the cap-like archaeogastropods
have a small hole in the apex of the cap which is a modifed selenizone. The selenizone of other
species of archaeogastropods may be a series of holes such as in Haliotis. As mentioned earlier,
the group of involute univalves with a selenizone called bellerophons, (especially those with
unpaired muscle scars), may be regarded as Archaeogastropods. Examples of bellerophons are
Order Mesogastropoda Mesogastropods do not have a selenizone. Their shell can be either
internal, which commonly have a slit like aperture, or external, in which round or ovid
apertures are common, some of which have a lip. A very common group includes the turritellids,
a high-spired group typical of post-Jurassic. Another common example of mesogastropods are the
slipper shells, belonging to the genus Crepidula. Other forms, such as the flter feeder
Vermicularia, often become uncoiled (or vary coiling parameters) during ontogeny. Of special
note is the common low spired Polynices, who is an active carnivore who drilled holes in the shells of
other molluscs.
Order Neogastropoda Neogastropods do not posses a selenizone, yet they typically have a
siphonal notch or canal and elongated and non-circular, and commonly slit-like, apertures. Typical
examples of this group occur in the common whelks and others with strong ornamentation. -
Although other forms such as Conus are also quite common.
Subclass Pulmonata
Pulmonates can have an external or internal shell, or the shell may be absent (e.g. terrestrial slugs).
Many pulmonates are terrestrial or live in lacustrine environments. The pulmonates can typically be
recognized by their often thin shells and distinct shell morphology which is typically conispiral and
rather bulbous. Furthermore, many pulmonates have a well defned aperture lip as in Helix. Here
are several other examples.
Subclass Opisthobranchia
Most Opisthobranch gastropods are marine plankton and lack a mineralized skeleton. Members that
do have a skeleton, including the pteropoda, are usually small and either cone-like or variable shaped
because their shell is interior. There are no examples of pteropods and other opisthobranchs in the
Phylum Mollusca (Precambrian-Recent)
Class Cephalopoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Coleoidea (Devonian-Recent)
Subclass Nautiloidea (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Ammonoidea (Devonian-Cretaceous)

The cephalopods are a class of mobile mollusks, most of which are nektic or nekto-benthic.
Cephalopods have a bilaterally symmetrical body, a prominent head, and a modifed foot in the form
of tentacles. Although during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, cephalopods achieved great diversity and
abundance in marine habitats, only two genera possessing skeletons are known today. See the
example of a Nautilus. Superfcially the shell or conch of cephalopods resemble gastropods;
however, most cephalopods coil in a plane, whereas gastropods are helicoiled. Furthermore, in
cephalopods with an external conch, the coiled shell is chambered.
Cephalopod Morphology
Some morphologic terms you should become familiar with are given below.
Phragmocone or conch: the external chambered shell.
Septum (plural septa): an internal partition which separates the chambers.
Living chamber: the space between the aperture and the last septum.
Siphuncle: the tube connecting the living chamber with all previous chambers. The siphuncle is the
plane of bilateral symmetry. See the example of the siphuncle on the Recent Nautilus.
Suture: the outer edge of the septum (or juncture of septum with shell wall) which usually is
expressed in outer wall of shell. The suture can be relatively straight as in Nautilus. or futed with
saddles and lobes, saddles are convex toward the direction of growth whereas lobes are concave.
(See fgure under subclass Ammonoidea).
Ribs: thickenings of external shell that may not be coincident with sutures.
Keel: thickening along the outer (venter) margin.
Shape of External Shells
Several diferent shapes are common among fossil and extinct cephalopods. These include orthoconic
or straight, brevicone, evolute planispiral, involute planispiral, or heteromorphic.
Morphology of Internal Shells
By defnition, internal shells were surrounded by fesh during their development. Thus, they are
commonly solid plates or nearly solid. Some terms that apply to internal shells include the
phragmocone - the conical cavity in the anterior end of a belemnoid; and the rostrum - the part of a
belemnoid enclosing the phragmocone and extending posterior of it. The rostrum is solid calcite
composed of radially arranged fbers exhibiting concentric growth bands.
Nonskeletal hardparts
A variety of non skeletal hard parts may be associated with cephalopods including Aptychi, which
may serve as an operculum. Cephalopods may also have a beak and radula to aid in obtaining
The Coleoids are perhaps the most familiar cephalopod mollusks including as they do the octopods
and squids. Coleoids are characterized either by an internal skeleton or by lacking a skeleton
altogether. The internal shell of coleoids is almost exclusively straight (=orthoconic), although a few
groups have a coiled shell. Others have a more complicated pattern such as in the cuttlebone. The
internal skeleton may consist of two parts, the outer rostrum and inner phragmocone as typifed in
the belemenites an order of squid-like animals which produced cigar shaped rostrum which has a
conical depression at one end and a central cone-like phragmocone which is rarely found.
As with the ammonoids (see below), the nautiliods are an important group of cephalopods with an
external shell. However, unlike the ammonoids, the nautiloids have living representatives in the
genus Nautilus. Nautiloid shells are external and are characterized by either straight or slightly
wavy sutures. Nautiloid shells are either orthoconic, or they are coiled, such as the Recent
Nautilus; see also the fossil examples. The siphuncle may be small or large, but is typically
centrally located.
This is a very important extinct group of cephalopods which includes all forms with an external shell
with futed septa. Most are planispiral, but some may be heteromorphic (= not planispiral which can
include orthoconic or a variety of shapes). The siphuncles are generally small and ventral in position.
Division within the ammonoids is based upon the grades of suture futing. There are three grades
you will need to know which are illustrated and described below:
Figure 2 - Ammonoid Suture Patterns
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
Goniatite suture. Saddles and lobes are present. The goniatite suture is characterized by undivided
rounded saddles and undivided angular lobes. Ammonoids with this type of suture are called
Ceratite suture. Saddles are undivided whereas the lobes are divided. Ammonoids with this type of
suture are called ceratites.
Ammonite suture. Both the saddles and lobes are divided. Ammonoids with this type of suture are
called ammonites. Although many of the ammonites are coiled, there are many genera such as
Baculites, which is heteromorphic and encompasses a variety of coiling shapes.
This laboratory discusses two classes of molluscs: the bivalves and rostroconchs; of which the
bivalves have the most robust fossil record. Although these two groups have species that are far too
long-ranging for precise stratigraphic correlation and zonation, their morphologic attributes are very
diagnostic of their diverse life-habits and paleoecology. As such, this laboratory deals with a
minimum of classifcation (only to class level) and concentrates more on paleoecology.
Like other molluscs, these two classes have a feshy mantle encasing the visceral mass and a
muscular foot. Unlike gastropods and cephalopods, bivalves secrete two shells rather than one.
Additionally, bivalves have lost the radula, which is presumed to be a primitive feature among all
mollusks. The Rostroconchs are similar in many regards to bivalves, especially in their hypothesized
soft parts, a signifcant diference is that the shell is pseudobivalved.
Phylum Mollusca
Class Rostroconchia (Cambrian-Permian)
Class Bivalvia (Cambrian-Recent)
Subclass Paleotaxodonta
Subclass Isoflibranchia
Subclass Pteriomorphia
Subclass Herteroconchia
Subclass Anomaldesmata

Rostrochonchs are a relatively minor Paleozoic group which may have an important phylogenetic
position within the phylum Mollusca. Some authors suggest that rostroconchs evolved from an early
monoplacophoran ancestor and gave rise to both bivalves and scaphopods, leaving the cephalopods
and gastropods as descendants from a separate monoplacophoran stock.
Although they may have an internal anatomy similar to bivalves, rostroconchs are characterized by a
single, pseudobivalved shell which encloses the mantle and muscular foot. The anterior part of shell
has a gape from which the foot could probably emerge and an elongated tube on the posterior end
called the rostrum which may have aided in water fltration. Although only one example is provided
from the laboratory, please examine the illustration below.
Figure 1 - General Rostrochonch Morphology
From McRoberts (1998)
Bivalves, sometimes called Pelecypods (meaning axe foot) or, in older literature, referred to as
Lamellibranchs, are a very diverse and abundant group of molluscs which inhabit a variety of
marine and non-marine environments. Their long geologic history and variety of forms have made
them the popular subjects of many evolutionary and functional morphological studies.
For those who work on modern bivalves, often the characters such as the gill structure and even color
patterns have taken prominence in classifcation. However, for those working on only the preserved
hard parts of fossils, usually features such as diferences in teeth provide the classifcation scheme.
Unfortunately, because bivalves have many morphologic features with adaptive value, many of these
features have arisen more than once. As a result, it is often difcult to erect a classifcation that
refects an evolutionary history. The classifcation scheme given above (which you are not responsible
for) is derived in part from your text and is an attempt to incorporate both hard and soft part
The shell of bivalve molluscs is characterized by two calcareous halves, called valves, which can be
composed of either calcite and/or aragonite. Some groups, such as the oysters, are exclusively
calcitic, while others, such as the pterioids, have an aragonitic inner layer. The outermost layer of
the bivalve shell, called the periostracum, is composed of a horny organic substance which in the
example is the darker material only on the external part of the shell.
The beak is located in the dorsal region of bivalves. The byssus or foot protrudes from the anterior of
the shell, while the posterior the shell is the region of siphon protrusion (at least in some bivalves).
The plane between the two valves (or commissural plane) is the plane of symmetry which separates
the left from right valve. Note there is not an upper and lower valve (as in brachiopods) because most
bivalves are oriented with their commissure plane vertical. Although this symmetry is retained in
most bivalves, the symmetry is secondarily lost in others. Note that in one of the specimens, there
is close to a plane of symmetry within the valves. This asymmetry corresponds to the living habit
of the beasts, and those who have lost their original bilateral symmetry between the valves
commonly live with their plane of commisure not perpendicular to the sediment surface.
Left or right valves can be determined by viewing the posterior end (as shown in the fgure below).
Figure 2 - Determination of Left and Right Valve

The two halves of the bivalve shell are usually joined at the dorsal margin by a ligament which acts as
a spring. The ligament may be internal, as in oysters, mussels, or scallops. Some internal ones consist
of horizontal or vertical bands which sit in grooves. Other ligaments may be external. The
hinge margin may also be occupied by a series of teeth and sockets collectively referred to as
dentition (see below). The opening and closing of the shell are controlled by adductor muscles
(which oppose the force of the ligament) that often leave physical scars on the valve interior (see
below). Other muscles that leave scars include the pallial muscles which attach the mantle to the
shell, in addition to smaller ones that control the siphons, foot, and/or byssus. General terms that
you will need to know are given in the next section.
General Morphology
Beak: The region of initial growth of shell. The beak can be curved to either the anterior or, less
commonly, the posterior. The general region of the beak is often called the umbone.
Auricle: A wing-like protrusion along the dorsal margin, this can be either anterior and/or posterior
of the beak. See the wing-like projection in the examples.
Byssal notch: Anterior depression below the auricle from which the byssal threads emerge. Such a
notch can be viewed directly beneath the anterior auricle in this example.
Escutcheon: A small curved area on the dorsal margin posterior to the beak. Both valves must be
joined to view the escutcheon.
Lunule: A small curved area on the dorsal margin anterior to the beak.
Equivalved: Both valves being equal in size and shape.
Inequivalved: Two valves of unequal size and shape.
Equilateral: An individual valve that is symmetrical along its mid-line as in most brachiopods.
Inequilateral: Valves that are not symmetrical along their mid-line as is the case for most bivalve
Dentition and Ligaments
Cardinal teeth: The teeth immediately below the beak (see Figure 3 below).
Lateral teeth: The teeth extending laterally from the beak.
Edentulous space: Hinge region lacking teeth, usually present between the cardinal and lateral teeth.
Resilifer: A small depression along the hinge plate which holds an internal ligament; may be a single
pit or consist of multiple pits.
Taxodont dentition: A series of small parallel to sub parallel teeth which are perpendicular to hinge
Heterodont dentition: having cardinal teeth and lateral teeth either in front and/or behind beak.
Desmodont dentition: having an internal ligament and a chondrophore, but usually lacking well
defned teeth.
Schizodont dentition: having prominent bifurcating or diverging teeth.
Figure 3 - Bivalve Dentition

Pallial line: Line of mantle attachment (see Figure 4 below).
Pallial sinus: An indentation in the posterior part of the pallial line where the siphons can be
Dimyrian: A valve having two adductor muscle scars; one anterior and one posterior.
Isomyrian: A dimyrian shell where two adductor scars generally equal in size.
Anisomyrian: Dimyrian shell where the two adductors are of unequal size; usually the posterior scar
is the larger of the two.
Monomyrian: A shell having only one adductor scar; which is usually a centrally positioned
posterior adductor scar.
Figure 4 - Interior Shell Markings

Most bivalves are flter feeders, trapping suspended food particles as water passes through their gills.
Only two groups, the nuculoids and cryptodonts, actively feed on organic material within the
sediment and are thus true deposit feeders. Taxodont dentition is characteristic of deposit feeders.
Relations to Substrate
Bivalves have a variety of morphologic features that can be related to their particular life habit or
mode of attachment to the substrate. We will examine several.
Burrowing: Shells are usually equivalved and isomyrian (or anisomyrian) with a distinct
pallial line. They include: the nuculoid burrowing deposit feeders, the shallow burrowing
non-siphonate forms lacking a pallial sinus, and deep burrowing siphonate forms identifed
by a distinct pallial sinus.
Boring: Shells are usually thick, equivalved, and cylindrical in cross section. Some forms are
moderately ornamented with ridges and stout spines whereas others such as the "ship
worms" are tubular in form.
Semi Infaunal
Byssally attached (endobyssate). Similar to many epifaunal byssate forms (see below), yet
maximum shell width (infation) is at mid-line of shell cross-section. Some forms can be
elongated and fan-like with a reduced anterior area. Examples include pen shells, and the
mussel-like modiolids, and some ark shells. The depth to which the bivalves are partially
buried can often be deduced by looking for encrusting organisms that may have attached
themselves above the sediment-water interface.
Byssally attached (epibyssate). Shells can be either equivalved or inequivalved depending on
their orientation to substrate during life. Usually, all epibyssate forms have a reduced anterior
region. Some groups, such as the blue mussels, are similar to endobyssate forms except the
maximum infation is below the mid-line of the valves cross-section. Other forms may have a
byssal notch and/or a well defned auricle, or, as in the case of some arks, have a gape
along the ventral margin.
Reclining. Shells are commonly inequivalved with a larger lower (usually the left) valve which
is more infated or convex while the upper valve may be planar. Some also exhibit spines,
especially on the lower valve, to aid in stabilization in soft substrates in a manner similar to
some brachiopods. Many have a small attachment area at beak where earliest growth stages
were cemented. The giant clam Tridacna, who has photosymbionts similar to
hermatypic scleractinian corals, is a recliner even though it had a functional byssus during its
earliest juvenile stages.
Swimming. Shells are usually equilateral but not equivalved. The lower (usually the left) valve
is usually slightly larger. Swimming forms are typifed by having a greater umbonal angle
(greater than 105) than similar-looking epibyssate forms. Furthermore, swimming forms
typically have a single (monomyrian), large, centrally located adductor muscle.
Cementing. Shells are commonly inequivalved with the lower (usually left) valve assuming
the form of the object to which it is cementing, a condition called xenomorphism. In such
cases, both valves are usually highly variable in shape, as in the common oysters and other
forms as well. Some groups such as the Cretaceous rudists could reach very large sizes
and were able to form reefs mimicking corals in both morphology and ecology.
From Eldredge (1991)
The phylum Echinodermata consists of several types of complex organisms which show a general
pentameral symmetry and have a well developed water vascular system. Echinoderms are also
characterized by their mesodermal skeleton. Echinoderms occur in a variety of morphologies
including free-living forms such as starfsh and sand dollars as well stalked forms such as sea lilies
which are attached to the sea foor.
The frst part of the lab will concentrate on the stalked echinoderms also called pelmatozoans.
Pelmatozoans are exclusively marine and live in a variety of habitats of normal salinity. They are all
flter-feeders. As a group, the pelmatozoans have been quite abundant in the geologic past especially
the Paleozoic, yet since the close of the Mesozoic they have mainly relegated to deep-water, cryptic
The second part of this lab will concentrate on the very diverse non-stalked echinoderms belonging
to the subphyla Asterozoa and Echinozoa, and collectively referred to as free-living echinoderms.
Similar to the pelmatozoans, the free-living echinoderms all have a mesodermal skeleton comprised
of calcite plates and a complex water-vascular system including tube-feed. Unlike the pelmatozoans,
the groups of this lab are quite abundant in the modern seas, occupying a large number
environments by an equally large number of life-habits. Because of their abundance and diversity, the
echinozoans will be the largest part of the lab.
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Phylum Echinodermata (Precambrian -Recent)
Subphylum Crinozoa (Cambrian-Recent)
Class Crinoidea (Cambrian-Recent)
Subphylum Blastozoa (Cambrian-Permian)
Class Blastoidea (Silurian-Permian)
Class Rhombifera (Ordovician-Devonian)
Subphylum Asterozoa (Ordovician-Recent)
Class Asteroidea (Ordovician - Recent)
Class Ophiuroidea (Ordovician - Recent)
Subphylum Echinozoa (Precambrian?, Camb-Rec.)
Class Echinoidea (Ordovician - Recent)
Class Edioasteroidea (Cambrian-Carboniferous)

In general, the pelmatozoan skeleton can be dived into two main parts: The stem and the calyx. The
stalk or stem is composed of numerous disks called columnals which have a central hole called
the lumen. Stems are often secured to the substrate by means of a holdfast or root system. The
calyx (sometimes called theca), a cup-like structure as shown in these specimens, which may or
may not support a variety of arms. As outlined below, the calyx is usually composed of a number
of diferent kinds of plates, grooves, and pores; some of which are quite specialized
Appendage and Calyx Morphology
Ambulacral groove: one of the 5 radially arranged regions specialized for food gathering.
Brachial plates: arm plates; several diferent types depending on position relative to arm branch e.g.,
primibrachials and secundibrachials. See these fossil specimens.
Brachioles: small erect food gathering appendages surrounding the edge of the ambulacrual area in
Pinnules: small linear hair-like branches that may occur on each arm plate and also aid in food
Basal plates: the circlet of plates below and of-set to, and joining, the radial plates.
Infrabasal plates: secondary plates below basals.
Radial plates: below lowest brachial and above basal plates where ray terminates.
Interray plates: plates that are added between rays.
Lancet: ambulacral plate of blastoid, usually site of brachiole attachment.
Deltoid: small triangular or rhombahedral plate above the radial plates in blastoids.
Pores: openings for tube feet.
Tegmen: Part of calyx occasionally with plates that resides above the attachment points of arms.
Sometimes elevated into a anal pyramid.
Ray: trace of plates from arm through calyx; there are usually fve (or multiples thereof) rays in
pelmatozoans; ray terminates with radial plates (note the larger arrows in the fgure below).
Figure 1 - Pelmatazoan Plate Arrangements
Modified from McRoberts (1991)
Phylum Echinodermata (Precambrian -Recent)
Subphylum Crinozoa (Cambrian-Recent)
Class Crinoidea (Cambrian-Recent)
Subphylum Blastozoa (Cambrian-Permian)
Class Blastoidea (Silurian-Permian)
Class Rhombifera (Ordovician-Devonian)

Subphylum Crinozoa and Class Crinoidea
Most crinoids consist of a calyx with arms supported by a stem. The arrangement of arms and plates
are the main criteria for subclass and lower division. The arms can be single or branched, and may be
constructed of a single series of brachials (uniserial) or composed of an alternating series of
brachials (biserial), and may also support pinnules.
The normal arrangement of plates consist of brachials, radials, and basals. They can be dicyclic
(having infrabasals) as in the example or monocyclic (without infrabasals) as in the example.
Crinoids can be divided into 4 subclasses: the Inadunates, Camerates, Flexibles, and Articulates (see
your text book), only the articulates survive to the Recent. For an example of how large crinoids can
be, look at this specimen.
Subphylum Blastozoa
The two blasotzoan classes which are of importance include the Blastoidea and Rhombifera (=
cystoids of some workers). Other blastozoan classes with a fossil record include the Diploporata, and
Eocrinoidea. Together, all blastozoans have hydrospires, small folds under the lancet plates. The
diferences between each class is based primarily upon the pore and plate arrangement.
Class Blastoidea
Blastoids were attached by a stem to their substrate. The calyx of most species consists of 13 main
plates: 5 deltoids, 5 radials, and 3 basals. Pores are restricted to the 5 ambulacral areas covered by
lancet plates. The margins of the lancets were lined with brachioles. The mouth is centrally located
on the top of the calyx (note Blastoids do not have a tegmen) and is surrounded by smaller holes for
water vascular control called spiracles.
Figre % - Blastoid and &hom'iferoid Morphology
From McRoberts (1998)
Class Rhombiferia
The Rhombifereans on the other hand have an irregular calyx with irregular shaped plates. The pores
are not restricted to the ambulacral areas, but are commonly distributed over the calyx in
rhombahedral patterns ("Rhomb pores") which overlaps two adjacent plates.

Phylum Echinodermata (Precambrian -Recent)
Subphylum Asterozoa (Ordovician-Recent)
Class Asteroidea (Ordovician - Recent)
Class Ophiuroidea (Ordovician - Recent)
Subphylum Echinozoa (Precambrian?, Camb-Rec.)
Class Echinoidea (Ordovician - Recent)
Class Edioasteroidea (Cambrian-Carboniferous)

Free-Living Echinoderm Morphological Terms
The terms below are pertinent to most all of free-living echinoderms and even to stalked
pelmatozoans. See the attached fgures to make sure you can identify each structure as well as know
its function.
Ambulacra: one of the fve rays of an echinoderm which support the tube feet; in echinoids it is
usually covered with numerous ambulacral plates.
Interambulacra: region between ambulacral regions.
Apical system: the circlet of 10 plates surrounding the anal system (see periproct).
Madreporite: a modifed opening which commonly has several openings which serve to regulate
water pressure.
Periproct: anal opening, usually on the aboral (anti oral) side.
Aristotle's lantern: the mouth, jaw, and teeth parts of an echinoid made up of 40 diferent skeletal
Spine: rod or club-like structure used in locomotion and/or defense.
Tubercle: attachment structure (usually a knob) to receive a spine.
This Subphylum includes the star shaped, mobile benthic echinoderms. The subphylum has two
major groups: asteroids and ophiuroids based on the presence or absence of a central disc.
The Asteroids, or starfsh, have thick, hollow arms with prominent ambulacral grooves extending to
the tips of the arms on the ventral side. In life, the grooves were lined with the tube feet. The mouth
is located on the ventral (under) side, and the anus, when present, is located on the ventral side next
to the madreporite (see above for a defnition). See the Recent example, making sure you can
recognize the ambulacral grooves.
The Ophiuroids, or brittle stars, are characterized by whip-like arms made of articulated plates. The
plates resemble tiny vertebrae. Ophiuroids have a mouth centrally located on the ventral surface but
lack an anus. They do, however, have a madreporite on the dorsal surface. Additionally, ophiuroids
have ambulacra on the ventral side leading towards the mouth. See the examples, making sure
you can recognize the ambulacral regions of each appendage.
You will be responsible for three classes of echinozoans: echinoids, holothurians, and edioasteroids.
Echinozoans occupy a variety of infaunal and epifaunal environments, yet like their pelmatozoan
relatives, they are stenohyaline and require normal marine salinities.
Echinoids, including sea urchins and sand dollars, generally have skeletons which are sub-spherical,
hear-shaped, or disk-shaped. Like the crinoid calyx, they are composed of a mosaic of plates; unlike
the crinoids, they are covered by spines. These are tiny bristles in some, but can be quite large in
others. The spines generally detach from the main skeleton after death, because they are held to it
only by non-mineralized ligaments. There are no arms, and the ambulacral areas (where the
perforated plates are found) stretch from pole to pole. Echinoids can be further divided into two
groups which you will be responsible.
Regular Echinoids
Regular echinoids have fve-fold radial symmetry; mouth and periproct at opposite poles (oral and
apical sides). Plates in interambulacral areas have well defned tubercles. See the example and the
plate arrangement, tubercles, spines, thickness of test, mouth and periproct, symmetry, and
especially make sure you can identify the ambulacral vs. interambulacral regions. Regular echinoids
are mostly epifaunal mobile grazers that sometimes occur in rocky subtidal and intertidal
Figre 3 - %chinoid Morphology
From McRoberts (1998)
Irregular Echinoids
Irregular echinoids have bilateral symmetry; mouth toward anterior on ventral side, and periproct in
posterior interambulacral area. Petals are conspicuous dorsal parts of ambulacral areas characterized
by slit-like pores. Note that the anterior petal (ambulacral region) is cut by the plane of bilateral
symmetry. Examine these examples - for things such as lack of symmetry, thickness of test,
petals, mouth, and position of periproct.
Irregular echinoids occur primarily in infaunal environments. The depths at which individuals lived
can sometimes be deduced by their external morphology.
Edioasteroids have a globular or discoid skeleton composed of many small interlocking plates. The
upper surface contains fve radiating ambulacra covered with even smaller plates. The fve radial
ambulacra may be straight or arranged in a spiral pattern. The mouth is centrally located next to a
small hydropore. The anus usually occurs on the same side as the mouth, but within an
interambulacral region. Commonly, the outer margin is comprised of a ring of more tightly
interlocking plates. See the specimen encrusting the strophomenid brachiopod.
From Eldredge (1991)
Arthropods are the most diverse phylum today and probably also in the geologic past. They are a
highly specialized group which are characterized by their bilaterally symmetrical body, paired
appendages and a chitinous (calcite in some groups) exoskeleton. As the exoskeleton once produced
remains inert, arthropods must periodically shed their exoskeleton during molting and re-precipitate
a larger one in order to accommodate their larger size.
Many arthropods may be familiar to you such as crabs, lobsters, barnacles, and insects, yet the fossil
record of the phylum is dominated by few groups, particularly the trilobites, and to a lesser extent
the eurypterids, and ostracodes. The trilobites in particular are unparalleled for their biostratigraphic
utility for Cambrian and Ordovician and to a lesser extent Devonian sediments. Conversely, the
eurypterids and ostracodes are more useful in determining ancient environments at least during mid
to latter Paleozoic times.
Phylum Arthropoda (Precambrian-Recent)
Superclass Trilobitomorpha (Cambrian-Permian)
Class Trilobita (Cambrian-Permian)
Order Polymerida (Cambrian-Permain)
Order Agnostida (Cambrian-Ordovician)
Superclass Crustacea (?Precamb., Cambrian-Recent)
Class Ostracoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Superclass Chelicerata (Cambrian-Recent)
Class Merostomata (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Xiphosurida (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Eurypterida (Ordovician-Permain)

General Morphology
Like other arthropods, trilobitomorphs are characterized by numerous jointed and paired
appendages. The calcitic and/or chitinous exoskeleton of trilobites consists of three lobes: a central
axial lobe, and two lateral pleural lobes (see Figure 1 below). As shown in Figure 1, the exoskeleton of
trilobites can be divided lengthwise into three regions: a fused head segment called a cephalon; a
fused tail segment called a pygidium which sometimes bears spines, but is normally completely
fused with a smooth margin; and a mid region or thorax consisting of numerous segments. Re-
examine the previous images and be sure that you can recognize these morphologic features on a
single specimen.
The cephalon also contains several unique features. The glabella is the extension of the axial lobe into
the cephalic region and is often ornamented with furrows and ridges. Lateral to the glabella are the
eyes which can be either of compound or single lens type. Forward of the glabella is the frontal area,
a relatively fat region which sometimes bears pits. The terminal margin of the cephalic segment may
be ornamented with genal spines.
Figure 1 - General Trilobite Morphology
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
During molting, many trilobites split their exoskeleton along facial sutures which separates the fxed
cheek from the free cheek. Depending on their position relative to the genal angle, these sutures can
be of four types: (see Figure 2 below) opisthoparian terminating behind the genal
angle, proparian terminating forward of the genal angle, gonatoparian dissecting the genal angle,
and marginal along the cephalic margin.
Figure 2 - Trilobite Facial Suture Types
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
Paleoecology and Life Habits
Before any attempt at a paleoecologic or life-habit interpretation is made one must frst recognize the
nature of the fossil sample. As mentioned earlier, all arthropods periodically molt their exoskeleton
to accommodate for larger size; as such, one individual may produce many molts or instars (or
sometimes called exuvea). To determine if a trilobite fossil is a molt or body fossil see if the suture is
split and the free cheeks are missing. If so, the fossil may be interpreted as a molt. If the suture is
intact and there is no evidence of splitting, the fossil may be interpreted as a body fossil. Examine
this image and see if you can identify it as a molt or a body fossil.
Trilobites are very common in marine limestones and shales of the early Paleozoic, especially from
the Cambrian Period. Most trilobites were epifaunal crawlers. Although they occupy a wide variety
of exclusively marine habitats, specifc life habits are difcult to discern by morphology alone.
Nonetheless, several aspects of trilobite morphology can indeed provide some clue as to the life habit
or activity. Examples include the elongated cephalic shield of the example which may have aided in
ploughing through sediments. Although most trilobites are considered to have been benthic, the
small size and non-descript morphology of agnostid trilobites suggests that these (along with some
others) may have been nektonic or nekto-benthic. Enrolling of trilobites may certainly have been a
defensive mechanism.
According to some texts, trilobites are considered to have phylum status and are divided into eight
Orders. A less radical classifcation which is used here (and in other texts) treats trilobites as a
Superclass or Class with two orders: the Polymerida and the Agnostida. The Polymerida are by far
the most diverse of the two in regards to species diversity and also morphologic and ecologic types.
The Polymerids can be identifed by their larger size, a well defned cephalic region with eyes and
facial sutures, and a large number of thoraxic segments. An easier way to identify Polymerids is
by default; if its not a agnostid (easy to identify) then it's a Polymerid. All of the images you have
seen thus far are Polymerids, here is another example from this diverse group.
Agnostid trilobites are easily recognizable by their small size, few thoraxic segments (usually around
two), and a cephalon without eyes which is superfcially similar in morphology to the pygidium.
Furthermore, agnostids lack facial sutures.
Phylum Arthropoda (Precambrian-Recent)
Superclass Crustacea (?Precamb., Cambrian-Recent)
Class Ostracoda (Cambrian-Recent)
Superclass Chelicerata (Cambrian-Recent)
Class Merostomata (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Xiphosurida (Cambrian-Recent)
Order Eurypterida (Ordovician-Permain)

Superclass CRUSTACEA
Crustaceans are a diverse group of Arthropods that include familiar forms such as barnacles,
crabs, and shrimp. They occur in a wide variety of marine and fresh-water habitats from the deep
sea to ephemeral lakes and streams. Apart from the ostracodes (see below) and barnacles which have
a calcite exoskeleton, most crustaceans have a limited fossil record. Crustaceans are characterized by
having two pairs of antennae and gills and additional biramus appendages.
Although ostracodes are a minor zoological group, they are often found as fossils in large numbers.
Although they occur in a variety of normal marine to freshwater environments, they typically
characterize physically stressed environments such as hypersaline or brackish habitats. Ostracode
species are often long-lived limiting the usefulness in biostratigraphy.
Ostracodes have a bivalved carapace enclosing the body which is usually calcifed. Similar to
pelecypod bivalves, the left and right valves of ostracodes are joined on the dorsal margin by a
fexible ligament. The interior of the ostracode valve often supports muscle attachment scars which
are of two types: (i) the centrally located adductor muscle scars, and (ii) the dorsally located operator
muscle scars. The operator muscles control the various appendages of the ostracode animal. The
exterior of an ostracode valve may be smooth or ornamented with various spines, knobs, or pits.
Apart from the diferences outlined above, ostracodes difer from bivalves in that they, the
ostracodes, are usually smaller and do not have growth lines in their shell (recall arthropods secrete
their exoskeleton at once and not by incremental growth).
The Cheilicerata include all arthropods with pincer-like chelicerae which aid in food gathering
and/or locomotion and uniramus appendages. Common chelicerate organisms that are still with us
include scorpions, horseshoe crabs, and spiders.
Merostomes are a numerically minor group both today and in the geologic past. Although only three
living genera are known today, all belonging to the horseshoe crabs, the merostomes were only
moderately diverse during the Early Paleozoic due to the abundance of eurypterid forms. The
skeleton of merostomes is characterized by three main regions: (i) the prosoma which is a fused
cephalon and thorax combined, (ii) the opisthosoma which incorporates the abdomen and (iii) the
tail spine called the telson. A unifying character among cheliceratids, all merostomes have two
prosomal (preoral) pincer-like appendages called chelicerae for gathering and crushing food. The
prosoma also have up to fve pairs of walking legs behind the chelicerae. Two orders you should
know are the Eurypterida and Xiphosurida
The eurypterids include small to large-sized merostomes with a scorpion-like exoskeleton (see Figure
3 below). Although they occur in a variety of normal marine to freshwater environments, they, like
the ostracodes, are known from physically stressed environments such as hypersaline or brackish
habitats. The eurypterids were especially common during the Silurian period and were known to
occur in great numbers from the nearby Manlius Syracuse Formations.
Figure 3 - General Eurypterid Morphology
From McRoberts (1998)
Eurypterids have two pairs of eyes on the prosoma: the smaller, centrally located ocelli, and (ii) the
larger lateral compound eyes. The telson are often found as disarticulated remains. The eurypterids
have one pair of large appendages which served as swimming paddles behind the uniramus walking
legs. The prosomal appendages can clearly be seen on the following image. Examine closely this well
preserved, and rather complete specimen.
The xiphosurids are characterized by a relatively large prosoma and partially fused opisthosoma.
Although the common horseshoe crab Limulus is a typical Recent example, representatives are
known as far back as the Cambrian. The xiphosurids have apparently always been confned to near-
shore marine environments. Like the eurypterids, xiphosurids have two sets of eyes: a compound
pair and smaller ocelli.
Very rarely, other non calcitized arthropods are preserved as fossils. The hexapods (including the
insects), which are the most diverse superclass of any phylum, very rarely are fossilized due to their
delicate exoskeleton.
Miscellaneous Fossil Groups

From Eldredge (1991)
This laboratory considers several diferent fossil groups who's biologic afnities to other modern
groups is in doubt. Most of these fossil groups occur as Paleozoic plankton, and their utility
(especially the graptolites and conodonts) are in their biostratigraphic resolution which is on the
order of 2.5 MY or less.
Phylum Hemichordata
Class Graptolithina (Cambrian - Pennslyvianian)
Order Dendroidea (Cambrian - Pennslyvianian)
Order Graptoloidea (Ordovician - Devonian)
Phylum uncertain
Conodontomorphia (Cambrian - Triassic)
Hyolithia (Cambrian - Permian)
Tentaculitida (Ordovician - Devonian)
Conularia (Cambrian-Triassic)

The graptolites are considered by many to belong to the phylum Hemicordata, the phylum which
also includes the Recent Rhabdopluerids. Assignment to the Hemichordata is based upon the
presence of stolon, a small tube similar to a notochord in chordates which transverses the length of
the noncolonial forms and connects the individuals of the colonial forms. Graptolites are exclusively
colonial organisms in which each individual is called a zooid. The zooids may serve diferent
functions with regards to reproduction and feeding.
Graptolite Morphology
Graptolite morphology is highly varied. Two basic morphologies include the dendroid type and
graptoloid type. Both types consist of small conical cups called thecae in which each zooid is housed
and is arranged along a linear series. Each linear series of connected thecae forms a stipe. Together,
the skeleton comprising the stipe and thecae is called the rhabdosome. The frst or initial theca from
which all others bud is called the sicula. The dendroid graptolites are constructed by numerous
branching stipes which are sometimes connected by rod-like structures called dissepiments. The
graptoloid type consists of one to four stipes and are characterized by small thread-like structure
connected to the sicula called the nema. See the excellent example showing this morphology in three
dimensions (12.1).
Graptolite Classifcation
Classifcation of graptolites is based on many characters such as the number of stipes, arrangement
and orientation of thecae and any specilazed structures. For the Dendroids (12.2-12.4) classifcation
is based upon branching arrangement and colony morphology. For the Graptoloids, the rhabdosome
may take on a number of diferent morphologies. Pendant forms are the most primitive where the
stipes hang downward from the nema such as Didymograptus (12.5). Horizontal forms such as
Monograptus (12.6) are when the stapes stick laterally away from the nema. Reclining forms such as
Dicellograptus (12.7) are more advanced and are characterized by the stipes reclined upwards from
the nema. The reclining condition may be taken to the extreme in the Scandent form where two or
more stipes may fuse to produce biserial or tetraserial rhabdosomes with the theca pointing upwards
(12.8). You should examine the additional graptolites provided (12.9-12.14) and make sure you
can identify all the morphologic features discussed above.
Graptolite Paleoecology
Graptolites are exclusively marine organisms which occurred from the Middle Cambrian through
Upper Carboniferous. They are particulary abundant and are excellent biostratigraphic indices of the
Ordovician and Silurian. Although they occur in a variety of lithofacies suggesting a pelagic
planktonic life-mode, they are most commonly found in deep water black shale facies. In these
environments, graptolites are preserved as compressed thin carbon flms.
Conodonts are small microfossils made of calcium phosphate which usually occur as disarticulated
elements scattered throughout sedimentary rocks of the Paleozoic and early Mesozoic. Because they
are found as disassociated elements, and are all extinct their taxonomic afnity is in question; yet
they may belong to extinct group of organisms similar to some chordate bearing worms. Individual
conodont elements belong to natural groupings called assemblages which are often found together.
Conodont Morphology
The individual elements are composed from a variety of small cones, bars, and blades or platforms
some of which bear small teeth-like structures called denticles. Generally, conodonts can be grouped
into three main morphotypes that are listed below (see also accompanying fgure) and can be found
on the slide (12.13).
Coniform elements: consist of a single cone or cusp which has a small basal cavity. (12.15)
Ramiform elements: consist of bars with a central cusp and denticles extending on either side
of cusp. Usually, a basal cavity can be recognized. (12.16)
Pectiniform elements: includes diverse forms bearing a platform, and numerous denticles,
one of which may be an anterior cusp. Usually, a basal cavity can be recognized. (12.17 and
Conodont Paleoecology
Conodonts are exclusivly marine and have been recovered from a variety of paleonvironments. Their
presence in near shore to relatively deep environments suggests that they were pelagic (either nektic
or planktic). Other examples of conodonts can be found in the additional slide (12.19).
Although there is some controversy in regards to the systematic position of the conularids, most
workers today place them with the scyphozoan cnidarians rather than the molluscs. The exoskeleton
of conularids is composed of chitin and in outline is pyramidal with four sides. The exterior surfaces
of conularids normally have fnely spaced longitudinal ribs. The interior of conularids may have
thickenings or septa developed. In life, conularids lived attached apical end down to the substrate. A
couple of examples are provided (12.20).
It is uncertain as to what phylum the hyoliths belong. Until recently they have been classifed as
mollusks or worms, some prefer toconsider them as a separate phylum, and your text chose to ignore
the group altogether. Hyoliths have a bilaterally symmetrical exoskeleton composed of a tapering
conical (or pyramid) conch which is closed at one end (posterior) and has an open end (anterior)
which may be closed by an operculum. In cross section, the cone of hyoliths may be either triangular
or semicircular. The skeleton of hyoliths is composed of calcium carbonate. One group of hyoliths has
two anterior bar-like protrusions called helens. Several examples are provided (12.21).
Tentaculitids are a group of small animals which lived in a conical shaped exoskeleton composed of
calcium carbonate. Like the hyoliths, they have been variously classifed as mollusks or worms;
unfortunately little is known about this extinct group which may belong to its own phylum. The
exoskeleton of the tentaculitids may be relatively smooth as in the genus Styliolina (12.22) or may
have regularly spaced ribs or ridges as in the genus Tentaculites (12.23-12.25)

Trace Fossils
Trace fossils (also called ichnofossils or lebenspuren) are the evidence of animal's activity. Unlike
molds and casts which are evidence or replicas of skeletal remains or body impressions, trace fossils
are sedimentologic or lithologic disturbance from an animal's (or plant's) activity such as resting,
locomotion, or feeding.
The utility in trace fossils comes not from their biostratigraphic value, but instead their use in the
interpretation of paleoenvironments. All too often, the organism that produced the trace is unknown.
Given that trace fossils refect activity, many diferent organisms doing the same thing can produce
similar traces. Likewise, an organism engaged in diferent activity can leave more than one trace.
Resting & Hiding Traces
Dwelling Traces
Locomotive Traces
Feeding Traces
Scoyenia Ichnofacies
Trypanites Ichnofacies
Skolithos Ichnofacies
Cruziana Ichnofacies
Zoophycos Ichnofacies
Nereites Ichnofacies

Bioturbation and Ichnofabric
Bioturbation can be defned as the disturbance of sediments due to biologic activity. An important
component in understanding the activity of ancient organisms is an estimation of trace fossil
abundance which in turn may ofer clues as to the environment during deposition of the sediments
(see Fig. 13.1). For example, in paleoenvironments that were unfavorable to trace-making organisms,
the original sedimentary bedding or laminations will be left intact (see 13.1). As
paleoenvironmental conditions improve, bioturbation activity increases leaving the original
laminations disturbed (e.g. 13.2) to the point at which no primary bedding is observable (e.g. 13.3).
Morphology of Ichnofossils
The morphology of trace fossils can be described with respect to their position relative to their
original depositional surface. Please see Figure 13.2 below and aquatint yourself with the various
terms applied to trace fossil morphologies.
Activity Traces
Locomotive Traces (Repichnia): usually straight or slightly curved trails in addition to tracks and
trackways. See the tracks (13.4 and 13.5) and horizontal burrows called Planolites (13.6).
Resting and Hiding Traces (Cubichnia): characterized by the fllings of shallow excavations that
mimic the morphology of the trace maker. See Rusophycus (13.7) for an example. Given the size and
shape of the example (13.7), what organism do you think may have made it?
Dwelling Traces (Domichnia): this group includes burrows, borings, or other excavations. They can
be vertical unbranched cylinders or U-shaped. See Skolithos (13.8) for a vertically oriented tubular
burrow and the larger burrows (13.9 and 13.10) made by shrimps and borings ( 13.11) made by
Recent pholad bivalves.
Feeding Traces (Fodinichnia): Includes the burrows of sediment feeders usually with a distinct three-
dimensional morphology. They may be dendritic or multibranched or dendritic and take on other
geometric patterns. See Zoophycos or Taonorus 13.12 to 13.14. Note on these traces the U-shaped
backfll is called sprieten. Other feeding traces include Thalassanoides (13.17) and Ophiomorpha
(13.18) which consists of large vertical and horizontal branching tubes.
Additionally, trace fossils inductive of feeding behavior (and diet) include predatory borings (e.g.
13.17 and 13.18) and fossilized excrement (called coprolites). Smaller fecal pellets (microcoprolites)
are a common constituent in many sediments. See example 13.19 for examples of Triassic
microcorprolites that were probably deposited by anomurian crustaceans (shrimps and crabs).
Grazing Traces (Pascichnia): Generally grazing burrows are two-dimensional features which occur
along bedding surfaces as a spiral, S-shaped series of curves, or other geometric pattern. Grazing
organisms are efcient feeders. Rarely do grazing burrows cross paths. No examples, sorry.
Paleoecology and Ichnofacies
An ichnofacies is a recurring assemblage of one or more ichnofossils which are characteristic of a
particular environment. Trace fossils within a given inchnofacies often have similar morphologies
which is presumably due to a similar activities of the fossil organisms which made them. Ones you
will be responsible include:
Scoyenia Ichnofacies: These are nonmarine trace fossils that mainly include foot prints, trails, and
trackways which were originally made in moist sediments.
Trypanites Ichnofacies: The Trypanites ichnofacies is characterized by mostly dwelling borings into
lithifed sediments in the intertidal to shallow subtidal zone.
Skolithos Ichnofacies: Sometimes grouped together with the Glossifungites ichnofacies, the
Skolithos ichnofacies occurs in soft or frm (but not lithifed) within the intertidal or shallow subtidal
zone. The Skolithos ichnofacies is characterized by vertical dwelling burrows and tubes (some which
may be U-shaped) that can extend many centimeters into the sediment.
Cruziana Ichnofacies: The Cruziana ichnofacies are characterized by simple locomotion traces with
some U-shaped dwelling and shallow resting and hiding traces. The Cruziana ichnofacies is common
in middle to outer shelf clastic settings.
Zoophycos Ichnofacies: The Zoophycos ichnofacies commonly contain three-dimensional feeding
traces which were constructed by a variety of organisms in often poorly sorted and unlithifed
sediments. The Zoophycos ichnofacies is common below wave base in clastic shelf environments.
Nereites Ichnofacies: The Nereites Ichnofacies is characterized by an abundance of grazing traces
and occasional three-dimensional feeding traces. The Nerites ichnofacies is occurs in deep-water
(typically bathyal or abyssal) environments often is sediments interpreted as low-oxygen.
Geologic Time Scale
Modified from McRoberts (1998)
Glossary of Invertebrate Paleontology Terms
From the list belo(* select the letter that corres!onds to the first letter of the (ord that yo (ish to loo+ for,
A B C % F $ ( " ) * ! M N # + , & S T - . W / 0 1
abdomen - Region of the body furthest from the mouth. In insects, the third body
region behind the head and thorax.

ambulacra - Row of tube feet of an echinoderm.

anus - End of the digestive tract, or gut, through which waste products of digestion are
excreted, as distinct from the mouth.
benthic - Organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean are called benthic organisms.
They are not free-foating like pelagic organisms are.

biramous - Arthropod appendages that are biramous have two branches, an outer
branch and an inner branch. These branches may have separate functions; in
crustaceans, for instance, the inner branch of a leg is used for walking, while the outer
branch may be paddle-shaped or feathery and often functions as a gill. Contrast with

blood - Fluid which circulates throughout the body, distributing nutrients, and oxygen
as well in many animals.

book lung - A set of soft overlapping faps, covered up by a plate on the abdomen,
through which oxygen is taken up and carbon dioxide given of. Characteristic of many
terrestrial arachnids such as scorpions and spiders.

brain - Collection of nerve cells usually located at the anterior end of an animal, when
present at all. The nerves coordinate information gathered by sense organs, locomotion,
and most internal body activities.
cephalon - In trilobites, the head shield bearing the eyes, antennae, and mouth. More

chaetae - Stif bristles characteristic of annelids.

chela - The claw of an arthropod.

chelicera - The frst pair of appendages of a chelicerate arthropod. Originally a short
clawed appendage, the chelicerae of many arachnids are highly modifed for feeding; in
spiders, for instance, they are modifed into poisonous fangs.

clitellum - In annelids, a swelling of the body towards the head of the animal, where
the gonads are located. Both oligochaetes and leeches have a clitellum.

cnidocyst - The "stinging cell" of a cnidarian.

coelom - Fluid-flled cavity within the body of an animal; usually refers to a cavity
lined with specialized tissue peritoneum in which the gut is suspended. The structure
and development of the coelom is an important character for recognizing major groups
of animals.

compound eye - Found in many but not all arthropods, a compound eye is composed
of a large number of small, closely packed simple eyes (ommatidia), each with its own
lens and nerve receptors.

cuticle - In animals, a multilayered, extracellular, external body covering, usually
composed of fbrous molecules such as chitin or collagen, and sometimes strengthened
by the deposition of minerals such as calcium carbonate.
ectoderm - The outer basic layer of tissue in those animals with true tissues. In
vertebrates, for instance, the embryonic ectoderm diferentiates into the skin and also
the nervous system.

endoderm - The innermost basic layer of tissue in those animals with true tissues.
Forms the gut and its derivatives: in vertebrates, these include the liver, trachea, and

epidermis - The outermost layer of skin.

epithelium - Layer of cells which lines a body cavity; cells may be ciliated or unciliated,
and may be squamous (fat, scale-shaped), cuboidal (cube-shaped), or columnar
(column-shaped). Your stomach and cheeks are lined with epithelium.

esophagus - That portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach.
gastrodermis - In cnidarians, the endodermis which lines the gut cavity. The term is
often used instead of endodermis since cnidarians only have two tissue layers instead
of three.

gill - In aquatic animals, highly vascularized tissues with large surface area; these are
extended out of the body and into the surrounding water for gas exchange.

gill arches - Stifenings which support the fesh between the gill slits of chordates. In
most vertebrates, the frst gill arches have been modifed to form the jaw, and in
tetrapods, the inner ear bones.

gill slit - A slitlike or porelike opening connecting the pharynx of a chordate with the
outside of the body. Gill slits may contain the gills and be used for gas exchange, as in
most fsh, but may also be used for flter-feeding, or may be highly modifed in land-
dwelling vertebrates.

gnathobase - The expanded and hardened base of the appendage of many arthropods,
notably trilobites, crustaceans, and marine cheliceramorphs. Used to macerate food
items before ingestion.

gut (enteron) - Body cavity formed between the mouth and anus in which food is
digested and nutrients absorbed; it consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, intestine, and anus, though some animals do not have all these regions.
head - That part of the body at the "front" end, where the brain, mouth, and most
sensory organs are located.

heart - Muscular pump which circulates the blood.
intestine - The portion of the digestive tract between the stomach and anus; it is the
region where most of the nutrients and absorbed.
jaw - Often loosely applied to any movable, toothed structures at or near the mouth of
an animal, such as the scolecodonts of annelids. In vertebrates, the jaw is derived from
the frst gill arch.

jointed - When stif body parts are connected by a soft fexible region, the body is said
to be jointed.
librigenae - The "free cheeks"; separate, detachable portions of the trilobite cephalon.

lophophore - Complex ring of hollow tentacles used a feeding organ. The tentacles are
covered by cilia, which generate a current to bring food particles into the mouth. The
structure is only found in the brachiopods, phoronids, and bryozoans.
mesoderm - In animals with three tissue layers (i.e. all except sponges and cnidarians),
the middle layer of tissue, between the ectoderm and the endoderm. In vertebrates, for
instance, the mesoderm forms the skeleton, muscles, heart, spleen, and many other
internal organs.

mesogloea - Jellylike material between the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm of
cnidarians. May be very thin or may form a thick layer (as in many jellyfsh)

mouth - Front opening of the digestive tract, into which food is taken for digestion. In
fatworms, the mouth is the only opening into the digestive cavity, and is located on the
"belly" of the worm.

mucus - Sticky secretion used variously for locomotion, lubication, or protection from
foreign particles.

muscle - Bundle of contractile cells which allow animals to move. Muscles must act
against a skeleton to efect movement.

myotome - Segment of the body formed by a region of muscle. The myotomes are an
important feature for recognizing early chordates.
nematocyst - Older name for a cnidocyst.

neuron - A specialized cell that can react to stimuli and transmit impulses. A neuron
consists of a body which contains the nucleus; dendrites, which are short branches of
the body that receive incoming impulses; and a long axon which carries impulses away
from the body and to the next neuron.

nerve - A bundle of neurons, or nerve cells. More properly, it is a bundle of axons.

nerve cord - Primary bundle of nerves in chordates, which connects the brain to the
major muscles and organs of the body.

notochord - Characteristic of chordates, the notochord is a stif rod of tissue along the
back of the body. In vertebrates, the backbone is deposited around the notochord and
nerve cord.
organ - Collection of tissues which performs a particular function or set of functions in
an animal's body. The heart, brain, and skin are three organs found in most animals.
Organs are composed of tissues, and may be organized into larger organ systems.

operculum - Small disk-like cover or lid of an aperture, commonly found in

organ system - Collection of organs which have related roles in an organism's
functioning. The nervous system, vascular system, and muscle system are all organ

osculum - The main opening through which fltered water is discharged. Found in
papilla(e) - Cellular outgrowths. These look like little bumps or fngers on the surface
of cells.

parapodia - A sort of "false foot" formed by extension of the body cavity. Polychaetes
and some insect larvae have parapodia in addition to their legs, and these provide extra
help in locomotion.

pedipalps - The second pair of appendages of cheliceromorphs. In many arachnids,
such as spiders, the pedipalps are enlarged in the male and used for copulation.

pharyngeal slits - Characteristic of chordates, pharyngeal slits are openings through
which water is taken into the pharynx, or throat. In primitive chordates the pharyngeal
slits are used to strain water and flter out food particles; in fshes they are modifed for
respiration. Most terrestrial vertebrates have pharyngeal slits only in the embryonic

pharynx - Cavity in the digestive tract just past the mouth itself. May be muscularized
for sucking or swallowing in various animals.

pleurae - In trilobites and other arthropods, pleurae are elongated fat outgrowths from
each body segment, that overlie and protect the appendages.

pore - Any opening into or through a tissue or body structure.

proboscis - Elongated organ, usually associated with the mouth. The proboscis is an
important feeding appendage in echiurans.

pygidium - In trilobites, the posterior division of the body, formed by fusion of the
telson with one or more posterior pleurae.
segmentation - In many animals, the body is divided into repeated subunits called
segments, such as those in centipedes, insects, and annelids. Segmentation is the state
of having or developing a body plan in this way.

septum - Partition which divides up a larger region into smaller ones, such as in the
central body cavity of some anthozoa.

siphon - Opening in molluscs or in urochordates which draws water into the body
cavity. In many molluscs, the siphon may be used to expel water forcibly, providing a
means of propulsion.

skeleton - Support structure in animals, against which the force of muscles acts.
Vertebrates have a skeleton of bone or cartilage; arthropods have one made of chitin;
while many other invertebrates use a hydrostatic skeleton, which is merely an
incompressible fuid-flled region of their body.

spicule - Crystalline or mineral deposits found in sponges, sea cucumbers, or
urochordates. They are structural components in many sponges, and may serve a
protective function in other organisms.

spiracle - In insects and some other terrestrial arthropods, a small opening through
which air is taken into the tracheae. Insects have several spiracles, arranged along the
sides of the abdomen.

spongocoel - Central body cavity of sponges.
telson - The last segment of the abdomen in many arthropods. May be fat and
paddlelike, buttonlike, or long and spiny, as in the horseshoe crabs.

tentacles - Appendages which are fexible, because they have no rigid skeleton.
Cnidarians and molluscs are two kinds of orgnaisms which may have tentacles.

thorax - In insects, the second body region, between the head and thorax. It is the
region where the legs and wings are attached.

tissue - A group of cells with a specifc function in the body of an organism. Lung
tissue, vascular tissues, and muscle tissue are all kinds of tissues found in some
animals. Tissues are usually composed of nearly identical cells, and are often organized
into larger units called organs.

tracheae - Internal tubes through which air is taken for respiration. Vertebrates with
lungs have a single trachea carrying air to the lungs, while insects and some other land-
living arthropods have a complex network of tracheae carrying air from the spiracles to
all parts of the body.

tube feet - Extensions of the water-vascular system of echinoderms, protruding from
the body and often ending in suckers. May be used for locomotion and/or for
maintaining a tight grip on prey or on the bottom.

tubercle - Any small rounded protrusion. In pycnogonids and some cheliceramorph
arthropods, the central eyes are carried on a tubercle.
uniramious - Among arthropods, uniramous refers to appendages that have only one
branch. Insects, centipedes and millipedes, and their relatives are uniramous
arthropods; land-living chelicerates such as scorpions, spiders, and mites are also
uniramous but probably descended from ancestors with biramous appendages.
Contrast with biramous.
vascular - Refers to a network of tubes which distribute nutrients and remove wates
from the tissues of the body. Large multicellular animals must rely on a vascular
system to keep their cells nourished and alive.

vertebra - A component of the vertebral column, or backbone, found in vertebrates.
zooaria - The colony of bryozoan animals.

zooecia (zooecium singular) - Bryozoan living chambers constructed by a colony of
zooids. The zooecium is he living chamber constructed by one bryozoan individual.

zooid - Individual animal or member in a bryozoan colony.

zooxanthellae - Symbiotic dinofagellates in the genus Symbiodinium that live in the
tissues of a number of marine invertebrates and protists, notably in many
foraminiferans, cnidarians, and some mollusks.

Boardman, Richard S., Cheetham, Alan H. & Rowell, Albert J. (1987). Fossil Invertebrates. Blackwell
Scientifc Publications. Palo Alto, California.
Clarkson, E. N. K. (1986). Invertebrate Paleontology and Evolution. Allen & Unwin Ltd. London.
Eldredge, Niles. (1991). Fossils:The Evolution and Extinction of Species. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New
McRoberts, Christopher. (1998). Laboratory Notes. Invertebrate Paleontology. State University of New
York, College at Cortland.
Stanley, Steven M. (1993). Exploring Earth and Life Through Time. W. H. Freeman and Company. New
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