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ISSUE: Universities should require every student to

take a variety of courses outside the student's field of


The general character of the traditional education system - specifically in the
developing countries is not very morally ameliorating. From the primary level
of education, the schools project the issues of the students as immature and
impose whatever old and book-oriented curriculum they can teach. So it
becomes a habit of the student mass to accept these illogical lattices of our
education system and move on with the flow. These somewhat enthusiastic
students then proceeds to the graduation level by selecting their own domain
of interest. But in the end, they circumvent around the same situation.
Gradually the bright minds are lost with repeated failures and loss of interest.
So being an institution with specialized courses, the University should give the
liberty to the students to opt for a different course. It may be completely
different from what they are pursuing in the graduation. This helps the student
to judge if the path of his domain and path of his interest cross. For Example,
VIT University a leading technical institution in India gives the students a
freedom to select their departmental electives and institute electives as per
their choice and can select which subject they want to read on which semester
irrespective of your present background. These kinds of flexibility promote the
health of a student mind and facilitate them to pursue further studies
regarding their areas of interest.
Students of this generation are very much multi-faceted. If a university keeps
the mind of a student bound within its domain, it may kill or fade the other
better or brighter qualities the student have. So it is the duty of the university
to culture different facets of a student by judging them bit by bit. For example,
a student who is average in his engineering related study but is a very
competent orator and debater. If the university doesnt care about his extra-
curricular skill development, his qualities will be lost with time. It is very
important for a student also to take the lead and be active regarding the
participation but the same reciprocation should be there from the other side
as well.
Lastly, the subject you love cannot be always completely different from what
you are studying. For many people, it may match. So the university without any
dubiety should allow a student to pursue a subject different from his branch
but related to his field of study. That helps the student to develop inter-
domain skills and knowledge about the subject. Like for example, an engineer
during his bachelor studies has been allowed to pursue courses from other
branches of engineering as per his will. When the same engineer goes to a
power plant, he would be contributing more as he will be having more
theoretical and practical knowledge related to different subjects of engineering
than many of his colleagues. This will help to widespread the pool of
knowledge and will help the student in his career on the long run.
This way of education can also be detrimental in its own way. If a student gets
moved by some external constituents and selects a wrong subject of interest, it
may in the end abate the focus of his mainstream career. So it is the duty of
the university to look after the students interest and guide them properly
regarding the decisions they are taking. All in all, it is absolutely mandatory to
allow students taking up courses away or completely different from the
mainstream course. This freedom will only help the universities not only by
producing better students but also a better individual who can contribute
more efficiently in his domain.

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