ENGLISH - Radio Rebel Script - Dubbing

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Radio Rebel

(Gabe: singing)
Gavin: Hey sorry guys I was thinking
Gabe: (guy stops playing and singing) What are you doing?
Gavin: Sorry, but I think we can do better than this We actually say so!ething to our
!usic so!ething !eaning"ul, relatable I was thinking
Gabe: Ga#, uh, $ you don%t stop at the !iddle o" the song !an &k , and ' our "ans don%t
want a !essage they want party, you want !eaning"ul go write a poe! Stick with what%s
working, right
Boys from the band: (up)
Gavin: Since when do our "ans deter!ine what we play?
Gabe: It%s purse o" "a!e, !y "riend $,',*
Gavin: +%!on !en now that we got a "ollowing, I think we could "inally a""ord to take
so!e risks and e,press oursel#es creati#ely
Gabe: -egati#e, we%re gi#ing the! what they want, no !ore no less k
Gavin: &k
Gabe: G%s "or li"e
Gavin: Sure G%s "or li"e
Boys from the band: (+lap hands)
Gabe: .hat a boy ok /ro! the top boys
01SI+ 234(I-G
Radio rebel: I" you don%t go to 3incoln bay high, you !issed out on a rock star day I%#e
ne#er seen so !any people dancing So !y listeners at Hoo#er high were so inspired with
what went down at 3incoln bay, they had a "ull on "lash !ob at lunch today, ugh, it rocks,
you guys totally need to post the #ideo on !y webpage stat I heard a !athlete and water
polo tea! at enson high 6ust "or! a pops non pops alliance club, you guys are !y heroes,
when I got a call today this guy who graduated "ro! high school '7 years ago, he said this
show inspired hi! to stand up to his boss and get the raise he deser#ed, see what I !ean its
ne#er too late to !ake a di""erence guys
01SI+ 234(I-G
Audrey: (girl running) .ara, huh, I ha#e news,(whispering) but we can%t talk here
e,cuse !e, could you gi#e us a !inute
Janitor: 1gh, 8ut this is !y o""ice
(door closes)
Audrey: So, guess who got no!inated "or pro! 9ueen?
Tara: Stacey?
Audrey: you did)) well not you, radio rebel
Tara: .his is horrible, no point o" radio rebel is 6ust unani!ous re!e!ber, what will
happen i" she wins, who%s gonna go up there and accept the crown I could get e,pelled
I ha#e to push o"" this
Audrey: are you cra:y, you can%t 9uit now
(door opens)
Audrey: not now, 0r 0argowsky
Janitor: but I need the broo!
(;oor closes again)
Tara: Huh, 4udrey I can%t do this any!ore
Audrey: (ou can
Tara: I can%t
Audrey: (ou can
Tara: I can%t
Audrey: (ou can
(;oor opens again)
Tara and Audrey: -&. -&W))
Janitor: 8ut I need the dust pan too
Tara: Here
(door closes again)
Audrey: (ou%re a hero to people, and that%s why they no!inated you, you can%t turn your
back on the! now this is your ti!e to shine
Tara: 8ut what i" I don%t want to shine, what i" shining isn%t really !y thing
Audrey: 4s your 8//.3<W<, I%! legally obligated to !ake sure you do the show, huh,
e#en i" I ha#e to drag you there (s!iling) huh
(8ell rings)
Gavin: Hey .ara, we got another de!o on the way "or radio rebel
Tara: &h, ssuurre ssshheess ttalk toooo yyyoouu (boy "ro! the back: yo, Ga#in you rock
Gabe: +le#er, new "riends with the girl%s dad around the sla! I like the way you think bro
Gavin: Her na!e is .ara
Gabe: Who cares
Gavin: 4nd actually really nice
Gabe: Woah,, wait,not, you%re not like into her or anything, are you? cause that would not
be good "or business
Gavin: What do you !ean?
Gabe: We ha#e "ans now, dedicated "ollowers, those are the kind o" people that you should
be spending ti!e with
Gavin: (ou don%t e#en know her
Gabe: &k) I don%t need to and neither do you .hink o" the band !an, think like a rock star
(tapped the shoulder)
Audrey: Why did we ha#e to park so "ar away?
Tara: 8ecause, we can%t risk anyone recogni:ing the car or us, wig !e
Larry: 1h, this card board is in"la!ing !y ansi ti""any alioghera
Barry: Will you concentrate
Larry: Why do you always get the cool stu""?
Barry: Shh, shh, "ocus
Larry: 3aughing
Barry: .his location is co!pro!ised, let%s !o#e
Larry: steady, hop, hop, hop, !y binoculars
Barry: "ocus 3arry, co!e on)
Larry: &k, got the!, ok go
Both: wind it wind it, woah))
Tara: this is where the !agic happens
Audrey: ohh so cool
DJ Cami Q: is this the "a!ous 4udrey Schar!a?
DJ: (laughing) nice to !eet you
Audrey: nice to !eet you too
(;oor opens)
Step dad: could you girls e,cuse us "or a !o!ent
(;oor close)
Tara: look, i" this is about 4udrey being here, she%s the only person that I told, and I totally
I trust her
Step dad: no, this is not about 4udrey this is about you 2rincipal 0arino called, the
lunchti!e party that was a !istake She wants to e,pel radio rebel as soon as she "inds out
who she is
Tara: well as long as she doesn%t know that its !e we shouldn%t ha#e a proble!
Step dad: well I can%t take that chance though can I?
Tara: what do you !ean?
Step dad: I !ay run S340 /0 but I a! your step "ather "irst 4nd that%s un"ortunate but
this is going too "ar
Tara: (es it has too "ar to stop now, look this is bigger than sla! or !oreno or e#en !e,
I can%t turn !y back on the thousands o" people "inding to "eel like they ha#e the #oice, and
I a! not going back to the shy in#isible girl who is a"raid to e#en speak, look I know that
it%s risky but I a! not going to back down
Step dad: you know, I think that%s the !ost that I heard tara say at $ ti!e
Tara: (s!ile)
Step dad: (ou%re on in ' !ins, (door opens) Goodluck kid
Radio rebel: a lot o" you wanna know who I a! 0oreno: here we go c%!on, c%!on
Rr: I get that, it would be easier i" you could see !y "ace, that%s the thing, guys its not
about !e it%s about you, so you don%t need to know !y na!e (ou wanna know who I a!,
"or so!ebody who%s tired o" being a"raid I know how it could hold you back, so say it out
loud >ust say what you%re a"raid o"call in I dare youI guess e#eryones too a"raid
to say what they are a"raid o", !aybe this song will inspire you
(?nock on the window)
D: lines $ through '7
(sound e""ect)
Rr: (ou%re on with radio rebel)
Larry: one ti!e I actually swallowed a tiny piece o" tin "oils now I%! a"raid to stand to
close to !icrowa#es or e,plode
!ootball player"#aller$: I%! a"raid o" getting cut "ro! the "ootball tea!
Barry: I%! a"raid that larry !ight be losing it
%athlete"#aller$: i! a"raid I%ll always be single integer
Caller" boy$: i! a"raid o" power outages
Gavin: I%! a"raid to do !y own thing
Rr: I was too
Gavin: Was? So what changed?
Rr: I guess I started doing this show, and reali:ed you%re not as alone as you "eelyou
can re!e!ber that, it would be easier to take a risk, do your own thing
Gavin: yeahthanks
Rr: We%re gonna take so!e !ore calls in a !inutein the !eanti!e you%re gonna
seriously dig this ne,t song
(0usic 2laying)
Audrey: Heywhere are you going?
Tara: >ust so!ewhere to ;o So!ething
Audrey: I%! a"raid o" hyenas(whoooh)
Tara: I%! a"raid to show people the real !e
(;elilah knocks on the door)
Delilah: (e,cited) congratulations
Tara: what?
Delilah: (ou%re pro! 9ueen no!inations it%s on the school website, and I a! so e,cited
Tara: but what about principal 0oreno!o! i" radio rebel wins and I con"ess !y identity,
I could get e,pelled
Delilah: I don%t care about principal 0oreno, honey people no!inated you "or pro! 9ueen
because you inspire the! (hhhuhhh) you standing up "or your belie"s that%s all I care about
Tara& I don%t think I%! going to pro!
Delilah: 3et !e rephrase thatall I care about is you standing up "or your belie"s and
pro!, you ha#e to go its pro!
Tara: (ou
%om: -o no
Tara: 8ut i" I ha#e
%om: you ha#e to
Tara: 0o!
%om: 4hh(eah&k you%re going to pro! (giggles)
%oreno: .his is your principal there has been so!e contro#ersy about the identity o" radio
rebel and there is nothing !ore distracting than contro#ersy, now I ga#e her the chance to
do the right thing and turn hersel" in, but she chose to hide a#oiding the conse9uences o"
her insubordination Well she can%t hide "ore#er which is why until radio rebel%s identity is
re#ealed I%! cancelling the pro!
<#eryone "ro! the roo!: what? What? What? -o way
%oreno: "or e#eryone
Sta#y: she can%t do this
'im: she can do whate#er she wants she%s like the principal
%oreno: now do you think you%re "a#oritis! at 3incoln bay
Sta#y: -ot 0orenoradio "e#il she%s destroying e#erything why should we ha#e our pro!
taken away that so she can !ake a point
(!usic plays)
Tara: this is badthis is really really bad
(veryone: sa#e our pro!
Sta#y: pro! is a right o" cashes? I" radio rebel is really all about the people then she
re#eal her identity and gi#e us our pro! backwoooohhh
Tara: how are we gonna get in there? (Whispered to d6 ca!i how?)
Reporter: who do you bla!e "or your pro! being cancelled?
Audrey: look e#erybody its radio rebel
(<#eryone shouting)
Tara and Audrey: let%s gogo go go go
Sta#y: show us who you are radio rebelwho is it I can%t see
Tara and Audrey: ohhhhurryget inside
DJ: are we li#e?
Rr: hey out there in radio landa lot%s happened since we last hangout huh 3et !e know
what you guys think, call !e, te,t !e, scroll on !y wall, don%t be shy
'im: (angry) do you know how !any drea!s you crushed by cancelling pro!?
Caller")$: I agree with the last caller, I 6ust got on a date and now its o#er
Caller")$: (angry) .his is the last ti!e I%! listening to youe#er
Caller")$: (angry)Who do you think you are
Caller"b$:(ou disappointed e#eryone
;o you e#en care about e#eryone but yoursel"?
'im: do you know how !any drea!s you crushed
I thought you%re on !y side
'im: (angry) drea! crusher ;rea! crusher
(ou ruined e#erything
Rr: ok, you guys are being honest about how you "eel, (sigh), you%re on line '
Gavin: I%#e always liked you radio rebel,
Audrey: (whispering) Ga#in
Gavin: your playlist truly rocks, but
Rr: go ahead, let it out
Gavin: it%s 6ust, there%s a girl I was hoping to i!press that night
Audrey: (whispering) Stacy
Rr: sorry about that
Gavin: yeah!e too (beep)
Rr: wow, guess you guys are pretty upset, I%ll 6ust play so!e !usic, this ne,t song is "or you
guys, thanks "or being honest with !e, and sorry to let you down (!usic plays)
Step dad: you 6ust na!e !e, don%t "eel uh, you%re co!in% up, it doesn%t take away the good
things you%#e done as radio rebel
Tara: did you hear the!? .hey hate !e, you ruined the pro!I "eel horrible
DJ: you didn%t ruin it, that principal did
Tara: I knew she was angry, I didn%t know she was gonna do so!ething like this
DJ: !an that 0oreno is such a backwards thinker
Tara: backwardsthat%s brilliant
DJ: what?
Tara: backwardsbackwards
Tara: huh I thought they%d be gone by nowthis goes "or a pro"essional
Sand*i#h man: so!ebody ordered the ladies subtacular????hello?
Tara: Hi could you 6ust stay here
S%: uh, do you want e,tra !arinara
Audrey: oohh, that would be aweso!e, and "ocusing, I a! a hyena
Tara: you see those girls out there, we wanna get out o" here without any o" the! seeing us
S%: you can count on !e
Sta#y& I%! 6ust sad the world would be depri#ed to be in !y pro! dress, it%s a strapless
nu!ber, it%s oh so chick, it%s a turkey on ride
S%: hello Seattle
Reporter: you had a call on radio rebel
S%: yes I would, you%re listening to the ;> dancing sandwich that turned into spinning at
the "unky roo!
.he sandwich can dance
(es it%s the dancing sandwich
'im: wooh, wee, hoo
Barry: could you get back down you%re ruining our co#er larry
Larry: I can%t go back in there, I "elt this hu!an hand
Barry: that was !y hand larry
Larry: wooahh
DJ: good !orning 3incoln bay high school, this is +a!i A, "ro! S340 /0, bringing you
a special !essage "ro!
Rr: radio rebel here, and you guys really unleash your "ury about the pro! dra!a, and I
want you to know you%#e totally been hurt, cancelling pro! was !onu!entally un"air, but
bla!ing 0oreno isn%t gonna sol#e anything, I wanna do so!ething about it and so do
S340, which is why we%re gi#ing you all what you want, your pro! back
(veryone: woohhooo
Rr: S340 /0 is throwing it%s "irst e#er 0&@2 that%s pro! spelled backwards cause we%re
turning pro! upside down, take it to a "ree and e#eryone is in#ited, so don%t worry about
"inding a date or spending your college sa#ing "or a dress and a tu, and a li!o, 6ust co!e
as you are, cause that%s when we like it
+%: (angry) gotcha
Sta#y: it%s 6ust ridiculous, !orp? Who e#er heard o" a !orp?
Gavin: that%s the whole point, I think, to do so!ething totally di""erent, it could be great
Sta#y: you know Ga#in, I thought you would ha#e been !ore upset about pro! being
cancelled, considering we were going together
Gavin: well, yeah, but we can still go to !orp right?
Sta#y: it%s not the sa!e, I !ean no li!os, no dresses, what is the point?
Gavin: to co!e as you are, be yoursel"
Sta#y: what about pro! king and 9ueen? 2eople were no!inated, so!ebody has to be
crowned, it%s like law
Tara: why don%t you call radio rebel and tell her that, I%! sure she%d lo#e to hear "ro! her
nu!ber $ "an
Gavin: ha
Sta#y: we need to rehearse, I%! not gonna "ail this assign!ent because you two ha#e :ero
work ethic, h!!h
(8ell rings)
Gavin: I think we%re in trouble
(8oth s!iled)
RR: so I%#e been getting a billion 9uestions about the !orp, which rules Bco: you%ll "eel
stoke to go, which is the whole point right, a party where e#eryone "eels like royalty 8ut
then again you should crown a !orp king and 9ueen, I !ean a"ter all people were
no!inated, look i" that is what you guys want that%s what we%ll do !orp is all yours, so
!ake sure to #ote "or your "a#orite !orp king and 9ueen, !ake your #oices heard
especially !y nu!ber $ "an
(0usic plays)
Sta#y: hi, is .ara ho!e
%om: 4hh, sorry sweetie she%s not here
Sta#y: h!!, I%! in her <nglish class, we%re supposed to study tonight ;o you know where
she is?
%om: a"raid not, I%! 6ust here trying this new e,peri!ental cuticle re6u#enation techni9ue,
do you wanna try?
Sta#y: no, thanks 1hh, do you know when .ara !ay be back?
%om: sorry sweetie I don%t, I%ll tell her you stopped by
Sta#y: h!!
%om: tataaa
(8ell rings)
Gavin: (whispering) she%s dressed as a !an, she%s notion is start to be seen
Tara: yeah
Sta#y: I a! so parched, what I want to gi#e her s!oothie right now, how bout you Ga#in,
are you ready "or a break?
Gavin: sure .ara do you want anything?
Tara: no, I%! "ine, thank you though
Sta#y: so .ara, I%! ha#ing a party at !y place tonight, and in the spirit o" radio rebel I%!
in#iting e#eryone, e#en ci#ilians like yoursel"
Tara: 4ah, gee thanks but I ha#e plans
Sta#y: really? Sa!e plans as last night, I went by your house, I could ha#e sworn that you
said Wednesday was your !andatory "a!ily dinner night, but your !o! ha#e no idea
where you were, strange huh
Tara: uhh, I was, ahh library
Sta#y: you were ahh library, sure you were, there%s no way that you were say ;> your radio
show at that ti!e
Tara: no, why would you think that
Sta#y: @adio rebel !entioned her nu!ber $ "an last night, that%s what you called !e
Tara: !ust be a coincidence
Sta#y: Sa#e it))) I%! watching you .ara 1hhuh
Tara: I" you think that I%! radio rebel, why don%t you 6ust tell principal 0oreno, she
already thinks you%re per"ect
Sta#y: 8ecause I need proo", and tonight I will get it, i" you don%t show up at !y party
tonight we%ll both know why
Tara: why do you e#en care?
Sta#y: I%ll tell you why, #otes, people are going to elect her !orp 9ueen because they
wanna "ind out who she is, but i" they already know, they%ll #ote "or the girl who truly
deser#es it, !e .his little ;> act is co!ing to an end, soonyou are !y hero, what do
you think ga#in, should we take it "ro! the top
Gavin: yeah
Sta#y: the thing about your character
(!usic plays)
Barry: woohhooo, a party during radio rebel%s broadcast is brilliant, (clap) tonight the
!ystery ends, whoe#er doesn%t show up is
Larry: hey
Barry: hey, why were you 6ust now
Larry: parking
Barry: uhh, you sure you aren%t setting up a broadcast station, "ro! a re!ote satellite
Larry: you%re accusing !e being radio rebel, well I%#e been helping you search "or her the
whole ti!e and two I%! a guy
Barry: hhahhaa per"ect co#er larry, i" that is your real na!e
Sta#y: who are you? I don%t know you
,e#-bra#e )irl: ohh, we%re biology partners, I%#e gone a school with you since "irst grade
Sta#y: I didn%t ask "or your li"e story, thanks "or co!ing, ha#e "un
'im: one !inute till C
Sta#y: h!! and who isn%t here
Sta#y and 'im: e,actly
Tara: Hi here I a!
Sta#y: h!!, so I see, but I%! still watching you(whispered to ki!) go and see her so!e
watcher go"aster
Announ#er: co!ing to you only on S340 /0, Seattle%s hottest ;> it%s radio rebel
RR: this is radio rebel, co!ing at you li#e "ro! S340 /0 .onight it%s all about you, lines
are open you know the nu!ber
Sta#y: I%! calling into the show
RR: don%t be shy, we wanna hear what are you
Audrey: how are you here and there?
RR: you%re on with radio rebel
Stacy: do you know you%re a hippocrate
RR: hi, what%s your na!e caller?
Sta#y: sa#e it (ou say you%re all about the people but !orp is all about you, now you get
to lobby "or !ore 9ueen #otes on the radio e#ery night, not "air .he other !orp
9ueen should get e9ual air ti!e, !eaning !e
%om: uhh, play play track $D
RR: I totally hear you
Sta#y: you hear !e, I don%t think you do
%om: track ''
Rr: say what you wanna say
Stacy: I think you%re using subli!inal brain washing to get people to #ote "or you, so I%!
gonna take this opputunity to ask the school to #ote "or !e, stacy "or !orp 9ueen
%om: ok play play E7 ne,t
Rr: hi, what%s your na!e caller?
Sta#y: you already asked !e that
%om: I said play E7
DJ: you said $E
%om: play **
Rr: thanks "or calling
Sta#y: I%! not done with you, sorry but we can%t all be winners, and I%! gonna win, despite
the "act that I don%t ha#e an entire radio station ca!paigning "or !e which really !akes
!e the underdog and you know you won%t win this
Tara: pick up, pick up
DJ: it%s .ara
Tara: catch !e into the show
Sta#y: why so 9uiet? ;oes the truth hurts?
RR: you wanna know the truth?
(so!eone knocking) (b) stop locking the bathroo!
Sta#y: what was that?
RR: ahh, I knocked o#er !y chair because I wanted to get close to the "ights to hear hu!an
Sta#y: oh I can hear you clearly, I can hear you #ery clearly, I can hear you so clearly
radio rebel that we can be in the sa!e building
RR: sa!e building? What are you cra:y? 4re you here at S340 Stacy? I don%t see you, or
!aybe you%re hiding so!ewhere
Rr: I%! 6ust a little worried about you stacy, I%! a"raid that i" I pick you up "or !orp 9ueen
your "ragile ego won%t be able to sur#i#e
(<#eryone laughing)
Boy: can you hand !e !y 6acket?
Sta#y: what was that?
Rr: I%! sorry what?
Sta#y: Who was that?
RR: that was !y sound guy, we 6ust got a brand new de!o today called !y 6acket, !ake a
plan "or you
Sta#y: I ha#e a better idea, why don%t you co!e "orward and stop hiding like a coward
RR: would a coward be a"raid to go up against you as !orp 9ueen? +o:% I%! not I%ll see
you there and you%ll see that I%! not a"raid o" anything, thanks "or calling
Sta#y: What are you doing in !y bedroo!?
Tara: I was trying to "ind the bathroo!, you%re house is so
Sta#y: What are you really doing in here?
Tara: 3ooking at your photos, re!e!ber you used to dress like that e#eryday in 'nd grade,
I always re!e!ber being the last
Sta#y: &" what? <#eryone !aking "un o" !e
.ara: no, how con"ident were you being yoursel", I didn%t know people !ake "un o" you,
doesn%t "eel so good does it?
Sta#y: I don%t need a lesson in !anners "ro! you, now get out o" !y roo!
(8and playing)
Audrey: that was a!a:ing, she was "reaked out
Audrey: and Ga#in 6ust s!iled at you
Tara: &hh, I think it was !ore o" that general s!ile
Audrey: it see!ed pretty speci"ic to !e
Larry and Barry: hey
Tara: hey
Barry: cannot wait "or this
Gabe: we%re the g%s and this is we so "ine
(veryone: woohhh
(Gabe singing)
Sta#y: I can%t belie#e there are so !any nonFpops in !y backyard
'im: "eels like they are !ultiplying, like cockroaches hangers
Sta#y: ahhh, oohhhare you kidding !e
Audrey: I didn%t do anything, you bu!ped into !e
Sta#y: co!e to !y house and you spill a drink on !e, this cause a "ortune
Tara: it was an accident stacy, 4udrey would ne#er do so!ething like that on purpose
unlike so!e people
Sta#y: do you know what your proble! is?
Tara: you know what, I don%t care what you think !y proble! is, gi#e it to yoursel"
Sta#y: huh, I need a new out"it, ki! let%s go
Audrey: thanks "or that, look how radio rebel is rubbing on you up too
Sta#y: she%s playing us, I know it, now we 6ust need to pro#e it
Tara: hey, ok, you can do it, 6ust go o#er there
Gavin: hey
Tara: hhh

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