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Module I
Introduction to International Business Nature & Dimension of International business
Environment of International Business Economical, Political, Demographical, Global,
Social, ultural, !echnological, "egal Entr# strategies for International Business$
Module II
Process of Globali%ation Globali%ations of Indian Business &!', (egional bloc)
International commodit# agreement Global !rade Global Suppl# hain and "ogistics
*anagement Investment Environment$
Module III
International Economic Institutions I*+, &orld Ban), ,N!D, ,NID' -sian
Development Ban), . International !rade centre +oreign E/change *ar)et *echanism
Determinants of E/change rate$
Module IV
E/port and Import Procedure "icensing & 0oint ventures . International Investment +DI
Production lin)ages, +oreign Investment in India, ross Border +ore/ reserve 'ver vie1 of
urrenc# E/change and (is) *anagement$
Module V
Social responsibilit# of business, ountr# Evaluation & Selection International -sset
Protection, +oreign !rade Polic#, Social issues in International Business, "abour issues,
Environmental issues$
2$ Dr$+rancis herruniIam, International Business Environment, 3imala#a
Publishing 3ouse
4$ Sh#am Shu)la, International Business, E/cel Boo), Ne1 Delhi
5$ (a)esh *ohan 0oshi, International Business, '/ford ,niversit# Press, Ne1
Module I
Introduction Ethics and moralit#, Ethics and la1, Ethics and ethos, Business Ethics, oncepts,
Importance and benefits, Ethical theories, 6alues and its relevance in *anagement, 6alues for
*anagers, Ethics in Business and Indian 6alue s#stem, 6arious approaches to ethics.Indian
Module II
Ethical orporate Behavior, its Development, Ethical leadership 1ith e/amples, Ethical Decision
*a)ing, &or) ethics7 nature and scope, Ethical issues at 1or)place, Ethics and cultural issues,
Environmental Ethics, Ethical dilemma, ethical displacement$
Module III
Ethics in +unctional -reas7 'perations, *ar)eting, +inance, 3( & I$ !echnolog#, (ecent
challenges in ethics, Ethics in different countries$
Module IV
orporate Governance, orporate Governance initiatives in India and abroad$ orporate
Governance failures 1ith e/amples, General ethical issues and the court verdicts in the domain
of business ethics, obligation to sta)eholders$
Module V
S( and its significance in Business, social audit Ethical Issues.orruption, . 1histle blo1ing. secrets, IP rights, 3arassment & Discrimination$
2$ *anisha Pali1al,$ Business Ethics Ne1age International press$ Ne1 Delhi$
4$ Pat#ric) 0$ -$ & 8uinn 0$ +$ Management Ethics, (esponse Publishing, Ne1 Delhi$
5$ Sherle)ar, Ethics in Management, 3imala#a Publishing, Ne1 Delhi$
Module !" Introduction to onsumer Behaviour7 Nature and Importance of onsumer
Behaviour, -pplication of onsumer Behaviour in *ar)eting . +actors influencing onsumer
Behaviour . onsumer (esearch Process . *odels of B . Nicosia, 3o1ard & Sheth, Engel.
9ollat Blac)1ell *odels . "evels of onsumer Decision *a)ing . EPS,"PS,((B$
Module II" Individual Determinants of onsumer Behaviour7 *otivation7Needs:*otives &
Goals, D#namic Nature of *otivation, -rousal of *otives$ Personalit#7 Nature, !heories, Self
concept, Ps#chographic and "ife St#le . Perception7 Process, onsumer Imager#, Perceived (is)
. "earning7 Principles, !heories . -ttitude7 Structural *odel of -ttitude, -ttitude formation &
Module III" Group Determinants of B7 (eference Group Influence7 !#pes of onsumer
(elevant Groups, +actors affecting Group Influence, -pplication of (eference Group oncept .
+amil#7 +unctions of +amil#, +amil# Decision *a)ing, +amil# "ife #cle . 'pinion "eadership
and Personal Influence . Diffusion of Innovation7 -doption process, Diffusion process$
Module IV" Environmental Influences on B7 Social lass, "ife St#le Profile of Social lass
-pplication to B, Social lass *obilit# . ulture7 *eaning, haracteristics, +actors affecting
ulture, (ole of ustoms, 6alues and Beliefs in onsumer Behaviour, Sub.culture7 *eaning,
Sub.culture Division and onsumption Pattern in India, !#pes of Sub.cultures, rosscultural
onsumer -nal#sis7 Similarities and Differences among People, ross.cultural *ar)eting
Problems in India, Strategies to 'vercome ross.cultural Problems$
Module V" 'rganisation and onsumers7 +actors Influencing 'rganisational Bu#ing Behaviour
onsumer and *ar)eter . *ar)eting ommunication and Persuasion, Developing Persuasive
ommunication *ar)et (egulation ustomer Dissatisfactions onsumer Protection -ct$
2$ David "$ "oudon and -lbert 0 Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour, !ata *cGra1
4$ "eon G$Schiffman and "eslie "asar 9anu), Consumer Behaviour, Pearson
Education, India$
Module !" Introduction, Definition, Need, (elevance and Scope of *ar)eting (esearch, !#pes
of (esearch . 8ualitative and 8uantitative (esearch, Steps in (esearch Proposal, "imitations
ost & !ime onstraints, Industrial 6ersus onsumer *ar)eting (esearch, Ethical Issues in
*ar)eting (esearch$ *ar)eting (esearch 'rgani%ations in India, (ole of Information in
*ar)eting (esearch, ,se of Internet in *ar)eting (esearch$
Module II" *ar)eting (esearch Process, (esearch Problem Identification, (esearch 'b;ectives,
"iterature (evie1, Identification of 6ariables, 3#pothesis +ormulation, (esearch Design$
Module III" Sources of Data, Population and Sampling +rame, Sampling oncepts and
*ethods, ,nits of Stud#, *easurement Scales, *ethods of Data ollection, Data ollection
!ools, 8uestionnaire Design, Intervie1 !echni<ues, Surve# *ethods$
Module IV" oding and !abulation of Data, Data Presentation, Data -nal#sis !echni<ues,
3#pothesis !esting, -pplication of Soft1are Pac)ages for Data -nal#sis, (eport &riting and
(eport Presentation7 Steps in (eport &riting, Documentation and (eferencing, Interpretation of
*( (eports$ ase Studies in *ar)eting (esearch$
Module V" -pplications of *ar)eting (esearch in Business7 *ar)et Segmentation Studies,
*ar)et Potential Studies, Ne1 Product (esearch, Brand Positioning (esearch, Brand Perception
(esearch, Brand E<uit# (esearch, -dvertising (esearch, onsumer Behaviour (esearch, Pricing
(esearch, Distribution Effectiveness Studies, Effectiveness of Promotions, ustomer Satisfaction
and Perception Studies$
2$ G$$Beri, Market Research, Pearson Education, Ne1 Delhi$
4$ Naresh 9$ *alhotra, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, !*3, Ne1
=$ ooper & Schindler, *ar)eting (esearch, oncept & ases$ !ata *cGra1 3ill,
Module !" Introduction to Sales *anagement7 Definition and *eaning Sales 6s *ar)eting,
Scope of Sales *anagement 'b;ectives & +unctions of Sales Department !heories of Sales .
Bu#er Seller D#ads -idas !heor# >(ight Set of ircumstances? !heor# Bu#ing +ormula
!heor# Behavioural E<uations !heor#, Sales +orecasting *ethods Sales Planning and
ontrol7 Goal Setting, Performance *easurement, Diagnosis and orrective -ctions$
Module II" Sales 'rgani%ation and Developing the Sales +orce7 Sales Department 'rgani%ation
Sales *anagement Structure Sales *anagement Positions (ole and +unctions of Sales
*anager Inter Department (elations haracteristics of a Successful Salesman$ (ecruiting,
Selection and !raining of Sales +orce . &or) -ssignment to Sales Personnel (outing and
Scheduling of Sales +orce 'b;ectives of Sales 8uotas !#pes of 8uotas 8uota Setting and
-dministration oncept, 'b;ectives and Procedure of Setting Sales !erritories$

Module III" *otivation, ompensation to Sales +orce and ontrolling Personal Selling7
*otivating the Sales !eam7 *otivation Programs, *onetar# and Non.monetar# ompensation,
Evaluation of Sales +orce . ontrolling of Sales +orce Sales (ecords and (eporting S#stems
ontrolling of E/penses Sales Budget Sales -udit$ Personal Selling Salesmanship
Process . Preparation, Prospecting, Pre.-pproach, Sales Presentation, losing of Sales *odes
of Sales Presentation Sales (esistance 'b;ections and 'bstacles Bu#er Dissonance
(educing Bu#er Dissonance$
Module IV" Distribution hannels7 Ph#sical Distribution . Definition, Importance Participants
in Ph#sical Distribution Process . *ar)eting hannels Definition and Importance . Different
+orms of hannels . +unctions of *ar)eting hannels ,nconventional hannels . hannels for
onsumer Goods, Industrial Goods and Services Integrated *ar)eting hannels 3ori%ontal,
6ertical, *ulti hannel *ar)eting S#stems hannel Selection Process and riteria, hannel
onflicts and (esolution . hannel Effectiveness Evaluation . International *ar)eting hannels$
Module V" Suppl# hain *anagement7 Suppl# hain *anagement oncept Significance
omponents . "ogistics Planning, 'rder Processing *aterial 3andling !ransportation
Insurance . &arehousing Inventor# *anagement (everse "ogistics$
2$ !apan 9$ Panda, Sunil Sahadev Sales And Distriution Management '/ford
Publishing, India
4$ Still, undiff, Govoni Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies ! Cases
Prentice 3all, India$
5$ -nderson (, "ro#essional Sales Management Engle1ood liff, Ne1 0erse#,
Prentice 3all, India$
Module !" Introduction to Services *ar)eting7 Services *ar)eting haracteristics
lassification of services (ole of services in econom# +actors stimulating the transformation
of service econom# Gro1th of services in Indian econom# Differences bet1een Goods and
Services *ar)eting$
Module II" ustomer Behaviour & Strategic Issues7 ustomer decision ma)ing ustomer
e/pectations and perceptions omponents of customer e/pectations Service encounters
3igh contact services and "o1 contact services *ar)et segmentation and !argeting
Positioning and differentiation of services *anaging demand and capacit#$
Module III" Services and the *ar)eting *i/7 !raditional mar)eting mi/ applied to services
Inade<uac# of =Ps Developing service concepts Service Product Development Branding of
services Pricing of services Educating customers and Promoting services *anaging People
for service advantage . Difference bet1een mediocrit# and success Process in services, Service
Blueprinting rafting the service environment Services cape Ph#sical Evidence$
Module IV" *anaging (elationships and Service 8ualit#" (elationship *ar)eting and Building
lo#alt# -chieving Service (ecover# Service <ualit# and its significance *easuring service
<ualit# Service <ualit# gap model SE(68,-" Strategies for improving service <ualit#
*onitoring service <ualit#$
Module V" *ar)eting Services Specific Industries7 !ourism, !ravel & !ransportation Services
*ar)eting *ar)eting of +inancial Services7 Ban)ing, Insurance, *utual +unds
ommunication and Information Services7 !elecom, ourier *edia Services Professional
Services *ar)eting7 3ealthcare, onsultanc#, Information !echnolog#, -dvertising *ar)eting
of Educational Services harities *ar)eting$
2$ hristopher "oveloc), 0ochen &irt%, 0a#anta hatter;ee Services Marketing:
"eople$ %echnolog&, Strateg&, Pearson, Ne1 Delhi$
4$ 3elen &oodruff, Services Marketing, "ongmen Group, Ne1 Delhi$
5$ -drian Pa#ne, %he Essence o# Services Marketing, Prentice 3all, India
Module ! Evolution of ommercial Ban)s.Ban)ing S#stem.Structure of ommercial Ban).(BI
(ole & functions. *ethod of redit ontrol.. Ban)ing (egulation -! (ecent trends in Indian
Ban)ing Sector$
Module II +unctions of ommercial Ban)s. -genc# Services General utilit# services.redit
reation. Ban)erustomer (elationship.Ban)ers as a trustee & an -gent.-ppropriation of
Pa#ment. (ight of "ien &Set off Garnishee 'rder."a1 of "imitation$
Module III Ban)ing !echnolog#@ Electronic Ban)ing.ore Ban)ing Distribution hannels.
(emittance +acilities &learing S#stem.'nline Ban)ing. Electronic +und !ransfer S#stem.
(!GS, S&I+!$
Module IV Evaluating Ban)ing Performance ('E *odel. -*E" (ating.G--P Probabilit#
-nal#sis. Balance Score ard.-sset "iabilit# *anagement. NP-. B-SE" Norms$
Module V International Ban)ing. !#pes.'ffshore Ban)ing. Ban) for International Settlement
ABISB."ondon Inter Ban) 'ffered (ate A"IB'(B Ban) -ccounts. N'S!(',6'S!(',"'(',
Indian (upee & +oreign urrenc# -ccounts. ECI* Ban) +acilities to E/porters & Importers$
2$ IIB& +, Central Bank Management, *c*illan Publishers$
4$ Institute of Ban)ing & +inance, "rinciples and "ractice o# Banking, *c*illan
publishers, Ne1 Delhi$
5$ *uraleedharan D, Modern Banking'%heor& and "ractice(, P3I "earning Pvt$ "td$
=$ She)har 9 & "e)shm# She)ar, Banking %heor& and "ractice,, 6i)as
Publication 3ouse, Ne1 Delhi$
Module ! 'vervie1 of +inancial services sector haracteristics of +inancial services role of
financial services sector in the Econom# Institutional +rame1or) of Indian financial s#stem.
(ole and +unctions of NB+s, (BI guidelines on NB+s$
Module II *erchant ban)ing7 functions of merchant ban)ers SEBI guidelines on merchant
ban)ers$ "easing.!#pes7 3ire purchase$
Module III +actoring7 concept, mechanism, t#pes of factoring, benefits and functions of
factoring factoring 6s +orfeiting, +actoring 6s Bills Discounting +actoring@ International and
Indian scenario$ Depositories mechanism and functions credit cards and retail financing$
Module IV *utual funds7 concept functions t#pes of funds constitution of mutual funds
SEBI regulation of -*s Evaluating mutual fund performance$ -sset securitisation$
Module V redit rating7 features and advantages credit rating process$ 6enture capital7
meaning origin and gro1th of venture capital stages of venture capital financing venture
capital industr# in India$
2$ Shanmugham (, )inancial Services, &ile# India Pvt$ "td$, Ne1 Delhi, 4D2D$
4$ 9han *$E$, )inancial Service, !ata *cGra1 3ill Publication "imited, Ne1
5$ Bhole "$* and 0itendra *aha)ud,, )inancial Institutions and Markets: Structure,*ro+th and
Innovations, !ata *cGra1 3ill Publication "imited, Ne1 Delhi$
=$ Dr$ (oshna 6arghese & Dr$ 9$ Sreeranganadhan, Corporate Disclosure & Indian Companies,
Serals Publications, Ne1 Delhi$

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