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Diocese of Missouri THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Journal of the 168" Convention November 16-17, 2007 University of Missouri - Rolla ‘Table of Contents ‘Section 1 Bishops of Miso ns sv : Officers of the Dioceses vo Stall of the Ofics of the Bishop Cominitees & Boutds. ‘Organizations & Insitutions Parishes and Missions... Convoeations| Clergy Canoncally Resident in the Diocese Clergy Licensed to Offciate (Clergy By Order of Precedence. Delegates & Alternate Delegates Rules of Oner.. Order of Busines Minutes of the 167th Convention, Appendices Appendices ! & 2 - Resoltions from this & previous Conventions. “Appendix 3 ~ Bishop's Adds. ‘Appendix 4 ~ Bishop's Official Acts ‘Appendix 5 - Report ofthe Standing Committe “Appendix 6- Report of the Diocesan Council and the... ‘Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri Appendix 7 - Annval Report: Offices ofthe Bishop .cssesnnnnnnnnne 8 Report ofthe Administrative Cluster Report ofthe Commenications Officer Report ofthe Supporting Congregations Closter Report ofthe Making Disciples Cluster Appendix 8 Report of the Commission on the Ministyaannsnanearn 6 Appendix 9 Report ofthe Registrar and Archivist... cB “Appendix 10 - Report ofthe Companion Diocese of Committee 62 “Appendix 11 ~ Episcopal City Mission se . “Appendix 12 ~ Report of Paseo Con Cristo 2007. Appendix 13 - Jerusalem Seeds “Appendix 14 ~ Report ofthe Community Section ‘Audited Financial Statements ‘Operating Account Financial Report Assessments and Pledges Budgee Approved by Convention, Section 3 ‘Parochial Report Statistics BISHOPS OF MISSOURI Diocese organized Nov. 6, 1841 “Missionary Bishop, the Re. Rev. Jackson Kemper, DD, LLD Born December 24, 1789 ‘Consecrated Missionary Bishop September 25, 1835 "Translated to Wisconsin in 1854 Died May 24,1870 First Bishop ‘The Re. Rev. Cicero Stephens Hawks, DD Born May 26, 1812 Consecrated October 20, 1884 ied Apel 18, 1868 Second Bishop “The Re. Rev. Charles Frankdin Robertson, DD, STD, LLD Boon March 2, 1835, Consecrated October 25, 1868 ‘Died May 1, 1886 ‘Third Bishop “The Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, DD, STD, DCL, LLD Born January 26, 1837 Consecrated Missionary Bishop May 1, 1867 lected Bishop of Missouri August 9, 1886 ‘Suvceeded as Presiding Bishop September 7, 1903 Died April 17, 1923 Fourth Bishop “The Re. Rev. Frederick Foote Johnson, DD Born April 23, 1866 Consecrated November 2, 1905, Bishop of South Dakota, 1905-1911 Bishop Condjutor of Missouri 1912-1923 ‘Succeeded as Bishop of Missouri April 17, 1923, Retired November 8, 1933, Disd May 9, 1043, Fifth Bishop ‘The Re Rey. William Scarlett, DD, LD Born October 3, 1883 Consecrated May 6, 1930 Bishop Coadjucor 1930-1933 ‘Succeeded as Bishop of Missouri Novernber 8, 1933, ‘Retired Noveraber 1, 1952 ‘Died March 28,1973 Sixth Bishop ‘The Re. Rev. Arthur Carl Lichtenberger, DD, STD, LLD, LHD, DCL, JCD Born Janvary 8, 1900 Consecrated Apri 5, 1951 Bishop Coadjator 1951-1952 Succeeded as Bishop of Missouri, Novernber 1, 1952 lected Presiding Bishop October 11,1958 Assumed Duties of Presiding Bishop November 15, 1958 ‘Resigned as Bishop of Missouri May 15, 1959 Retired as Presiding Bishop October 12, 1964 Died Seprember 3, 1968 Seventh Bishop ‘The Rt. Rev. George Leslie Cadigan, DD Boon Apsil 12, 1910 Consecrated Apri 16, 1959 ‘Succeeded as Bishop of Missouri May 15, 1959 ‘Retired April 16, 1975 Eighth Bishop ‘The Re, Rev. William Augustus Jones Jr, DD Born Janvary 24, 1927 CConsccrated Bishop of Missouri May 3, 1975, Retired January 21, 1993 [Ninth Bishop ‘The Re. Rev. Hays Hamilton Rockwell, DD Born August 17, 1936 Consecrated March 2, 1991 Bishop Coadjutor 1991-1993 Succeeded as Bishop of Missouri January 21, 1993 Retired June 6, 2002 ‘Tenth Bishop "The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, DD Born January 29,1955 Consecrsted March 6, 2002 Bishop Condjetor March 6-June 6, 2002 ‘Succeeded as Bishop of Missouri June 6, 2002 OFFICERS OF THE DIOCESE. Bishop "The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith 1210 Locust St ‘St Louis, MO 63103 (G14 231-1220 Chancellor ‘Mr. Harold R. Burroughs Vice Chancellor ‘The Hon. Jean C. Hamilton ‘Treasurer Mr. Jere F. Birdsong, ‘Chancellor Emeritus Mr Edwin 8. Fryer Sceretary of Convention. ‘The Rev. Dr, Peter Van Homme STAFF OF THE OFFICES OF THE BISHOP ‘The Re. Rev. George Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missour ‘The Rev. E, Daniel Smith, Canon to the Ordinary ‘The Rev. Ralph MeMichael, Canon Theologian "The Ven. Robert Franken, Archdeacon and Adm) ‘Sandra Coburn, Direcear of Communications ‘Heidi Clark, Ditector of Christan Formation Desiree Vilioeco, Financial Officer Eanily Peach, Director of Ministry Development Susan Rebkopf, Archivist and Registrar Susan Wegner, Executive Assistant tothe Bishop Cory Hoehn, Administrative Assistant to the Canon Theologian Robin Weisenborn, Administrative Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary ‘Tracy Grigsby, Receptionist COMMITTEES AND BOARDS: Standing Committee (Lerms are tthe Convention indicated) 168th Convention (2007) ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Van Horne, president ‘The Rev. Brooke Myers Mr. James Rode 169% Convention (2008) ‘The Rev. Dr, Jacob Owensby Mr. Clark Davis, vice president ‘The Rev. Jason Samvel 170th Convention (2009) “The Rev, Warren Crows Mr. Matthew Owings Ms, Cassie Bekhard,seeretary 171% Convention (2010) Ms. Jeanette Huey Mrs Jane Klieve ‘The Rev. Tamsen Whistler ‘Trustees of the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri (COEDMO) "The Rt. Rev. Geonge Wayne Smith, president Mentors ofthe Discs Counc serve as tastes Diocesan Council ‘The Re. Rev. George Wayne Smith, chair ‘Mr, Harald R. Burroughs, chancellor, ex offs ‘Mr, fore E Birdsong, tearorer,eoffie (tron cotinine to Cention x the yar indicated) “Members elected at-large Bishop’s Appointces ‘Mr. Harry Goff 2007) ‘Mars, Susan Schetter (2007) ‘Ms. Dana Hoachins (2007) Mr. Hank Johnson 2008) ‘Mrs, D'Arey Flsperman (2008) ‘The Rev. Bmily Alice Mellott 2009) ‘Mr. Titus O. Oljide 2008) Dr. Margaret H. Cooper 2009) Convocation Representatives Kemper Meer IV ‘Mr. Robert Daniels (2007) ‘Mr, Mare Vanacht (2008) “The Rev. Pat Gienn (2009) ‘The Rev. John B. Musgrave (2009) Metro It South "The Rew, Anne H. Kelsey (2007) “The Rev. G. Edward Bowen (2007) (Ms. Midge Smith (2009), ‘Mr. Larry Hamilton (2008) ‘Metro I Dr. Harey Richter 2009) ‘Mr. John Martin 2007) Wer “The Rev, Beverly Van Hlorn (2008) "The Rev. Seamus Doyle Commit Lay Credentials and Admission es ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Van Home, Chair ‘Mr. Harold R, Burroughs Committee on the Dispatch of Business ‘Mr. Harold R. Burroughs, Chair “The Ven. Robert Franken, e officio ‘Committee on Constitution and Canons ‘The Hoon. Jean C. Hamilton, Chait The Rew. Susan Skinner Mr. Harold R. Burroughs Mr. Jamieson Spencer Mr. Ronald Jones ‘The Rev. Dr. Richard B. Tudor “The Rev, James H. Pardy ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Van Home Ms. Theodora Rendlen ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Van Home ‘The Honorable Mary Russell ‘The Ven. Robert Franken, x fio Committee on Resolutions Mrs, Katny Dyer, Chair “The Rev. Teresa Mithen ‘Mrs, Carolyn Daniels ‘The Rev. Dr. Lydia Agnew Speller ‘The Rev. Renee Fenner ‘The Rev. Robert Towner ‘Ms, Ann Hogan, Committee on Nominations and Flection Procedure ‘The Reverend Anne Kelsey, Chair ‘The Rev. Beverly Van Home Me. Hatry Gof ‘Mr. Raymond W. Peters ‘The Rev. Dr. Warren Crews ‘Ms Midge Smith ‘Mr. James Markham Commission on Ministry ‘The Rev. Jacob Owensby, Chair ‘Mr. Rory Walsh ‘The Rev. Amy Corewright ‘The Rev. Susan Bartlett Dr. Riek Comer ‘Mr. Carl Muench ‘The Ree. Dr, John B, Musgrave ‘Mr. Joseph Adams ‘Ms. Sylvia Thomas ‘Ms Anne Hogan ‘The Ree. Melanie Barbarito ‘The Rev. Teresa Mithen ‘The Very Rev. Ronald H. Clingenpee! “The Rev: Marylen Seansbery Dr. James Hood ical Coure ‘The Rew. Andrew Archie ‘The Rev. Dr. Lydia Agnew Speller ‘Mz. Cad Muench ‘Ms. Virginia Russell Rowe ‘The Rev, Jack Fleming ‘The Rev. Harvel L Sanders Dr. Harry Richter Deputies to the 76" General Convention (2009) “The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpeel ‘Mr. Michael Clark ‘The Rev. John Flemming ‘Mr. Joseph Kloecker ‘The Rev. Dr. Lydia Spller ‘Mrs. Kathryn Dyer ‘The Rev. Dr. Jacob Owensby Ms, Jeannette Huey ‘Alternate Deputies to the 76 General Convention (2009) ‘The Rev. Emily Mellott Me. Don Fisher ‘The Rev. Tamsen Whistler ‘Mrs. Margie Bowman "The Rev. Melanie Barbarito ‘The Rey. Jason Samuel ORGANIZATIONS & INSTITUTIONS IN ‘THE DIOCESE ‘The Chapter of Christ C deal ‘The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, Bishop Elected by the Cathedral Congregation ‘The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpeel, Dean ‘Mr. Robert Rhoads, Senior Warden ‘The Rev. Canon Susan Nanny, Asitant Dean ‘Mr. Thomas Manche, junior Warden ‘The Rev. Renee Fenner, Canon ‘Mr. Daniel Linc, ‘Treasurer “The Rev. Suzanne Wolfenbarger, Deacon ‘Mrs. Urlene Branch ‘The Rev. Dr. John W. Kilgore, Canon Minor Mr. Chris Breeze ‘Mr, Harold Burroughs, Chancellor ‘Mr. Michael Craeord ‘Mr. Jere Birdsong, Treasurer of the Diocese Mr. Thom Gross ‘Mr. Stephen Hale Plated by Diesen Canvention ‘Ms. Carolyn Herman “The Rev, Catherine R. Hillguist ‘Mrs, Renee Hirshfield ‘The Rew. Dr. Carol Wesley ‘Mrs, Lorraine Kee ‘The Rev. Doris West ‘Ms. Betsy Kirchoff Mr. James Berger ‘Ms. Laura Lambrix ‘Mr. Michael Crawford Mr. Edward Mehler ‘Mr, Raymond Peters IL ‘Mrs, Adele T. Moore “The Rev, Robert R, Rhodes St. Luke's Episcopal-Presbyterian Hospital ‘Mr. Gary Olson, President & Chief Executive Officer ‘The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, Board Member Pastoral Care and the Clinical Pastoral Education Program ‘The Rev. Renita Heinal, Director ‘The Rev. Mari Chollet, Associate Director ‘St, Andrew's Resources for Seniors ‘Ms. Mary Alice Ryan, President “The Rt. Rev. Geonge Wayne Smith, Board Member ‘Mr. John R. Barsant, Jy Chair ‘The boo inlades representative ofthe Episrpal Dine of Misourt and of the Presiytery of Giddinge-Lovjay Preshyterin Church, USA) Episcopal City Mission “The Re Rev. George Wayne Sth Bishop of Miso, Presdene ‘Ms. Mary Kay Dighy, Executive Director ‘The Rev. Larry Hooper ‘Mr. Rober Falk, Fis Vice President Mr. Ron Jones and Chaie ‘Mr, Mack Jordan ‘Ms, Sally Sandy, Second Vice-Chair ‘Ms. Mary Jane Kuhn Ms J lin See Mr. David Lemkemeier ‘Me Fores itaroy, Ea Treasurer faureen Manget (Me Steve Barney Linear “The Rev. Dr. Jacob Owensby Ms Gegbal “The Rev. Michael P.G.G. Randolph “The Rev. Jack Fleming ‘Mr. Dick Summers Ms Jeanie Frazee Me Ron Tompkins ‘The Rev. Dan Handschy ‘Trustees of the University of the South, "The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, e officio ‘Mr. Kisby Coulson 2007) ‘Mr. Jaha Solomon (2008) ‘The Rev. Llewellyn M. Heigham (2009) Grace Hill Settlement House & Neighborhood Services ‘Dr. Theresa Mayberry, Chief Executive Officer ‘Mr. Norman W. Drey,Jty Chair Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Center Dr. Allan Freeman, Chief Executive Officer Dr Yolete Brown, Medical Director ‘Ms. Jean Fraze, chair Episcopal Church Women ‘Mrs. Debra Smith ex officio ‘Mrs. Karen Bir, President ‘Mrs, Carolyn Daniels, Treasurer Dr. Margaret Cooper, UTO Coordinator ‘Mrs. Marguerite Bowman, Church Periodical Club Parishes All Saints’ Church, St. Louis Calvary Charch, Cofumbin Calvary Church, Louisiana Christ Chueh, Cape Girardeau (Christ Chureb, Rolla ‘Christ Church Cathedral, St.Louis ‘Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton ‘Church of the Advent, Crestwood ‘Church of the Good Shepherd, “Tenen & Country Church of the Holy Communion, University City ‘Church of the Holy Gross, Poplar Bluff Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves Grace Chueh, Jefferson City Grace Chure, Kirkwood St. Barnabae Church, Flovisant St John's Church, Eois (Prairieville) Se John’s Chore, St. Loais Se Luke's Church, Manchester St. Mark’s Church, St. Louis St. Martin's Church, Bilisille St Matthew's Church, Warson Woods ‘St. Matthew's Church, Mexico St. Paul's Chureh, Carondelet Se Paul's Chureh, Palmyra St Paul's, Church, Sikeston St. Peter’ Chureh, Ladue St. Stephen's Chureh, Ferguson Se. Timothy's Church, Creve Coeur “Trinity Church, Hannibal ‘Trinity Church Se. Charles ‘Trinity Church, St. Louis 13" Church, Farmington ‘Church of the Ascension, Northwoods ‘Church of St John & St James, Sullivan ‘Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis Grace Church, Clarke Se Alban’s Church, Fulton Se Francis’ Church, Eureka Se Luke 8 St, Johns Church, Caruthorville Se Mark's Church, Portland Se. Paul's Church, Ironton Se Thomas’ Chueh forthe Deaf, ‘Kirkvoos! ‘Trinity Church, De Soro ‘Trinity Church, Keksille “Trinity Chueh St. James Convocations West Metro IL Calvary Church, Columbia All Saints" Church, St. Louis (Grace Charch, Jefferson City ‘Christ Choreh Cathedral, St. Loni St Alban's Choreh, Fulton ‘Church of the Ascension, Northwoods Se. Matthew's Chureh, Mexico (Church ofthe Holy Communion, Se. Mark's Chur, Porthnd University City . Kisksile (Church of Se Michael Se. George, Chiyton Kemper ‘St John’s Church, St. Louis Grace Church, Clarksville ‘St Stephen's Church, St. Louis Calvary Church, Louisiana ‘Trinity Chureh, St. Louis Church ofthe Transfiguration, ake St.Louis Metro IIL Se. Barnabas’ Church, Florissant ‘Church of the Advent, Crestwood! St John’s Church, (Eoia) Grace Church, Kirkwood Se. Paul's Church, Palmyra ‘St. Matthew's Church, Warson Woods Se, Stephen's Chutch, Ferguson St Mark’ Church, St Loais ‘Trinity Church, Hannibal ‘St Paul's Church, Carondelet ‘Trinity Church, St. Charles Se Thomas’ Church forthe Deaf, Kirkwood South Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves All Saints! Church, Farmington ‘Trinity Chureh, De Sow (Christ Chureh, Cape Girardeau Charch of the Holy Cross, Metro 1V Poplar Butt (Christ Church, Rolla Se. Lal's & St John’s Church, Church ofthe Good Shepherd, ‘Caruthersville “Town & Country St. Paul's Church, Ironton Church of St John & St. James, Sullivan St. Paul's Church, Sikeston Sc Francs’ Church, Wildwood Se Luke's Church, Manchester Se Martin's Church, Flisville Se Peter's Church, Ladue Se. Timothy's Chareh, Creve Coeur -10- LIST OF CLERGY As of November 16, 2007 Canonical resident and eligi o seat, voice and vote (on acardance with Tite I, Article I, Section 4) ‘Smith, George Wayne Archie, Andeew J Baker, William A, Jr Barbarito, Melanie R. Barber, J. Steph: Barnet, Thomas C. Balt, Susan M. Benko, Andrew G. Benko, Hope Tinsley Blewets, Heather B. Blewett, Michael E. Bowden, G. Edward Caldwell, Wallace F. ‘Chambers, Joseph M.C. ‘Cholet, Mariclea J.T. Glingenpeet, Ronald H, Gob, Christina Rich ortright, Amy Chambers Crews, Warren E, Davenport, Creal K. avis, Emily Hillguist, Dinnington, Michael G. Fsbenshade, Bamell T. Fenner, Renee Fleming, John C Franken Robert Anton Glenn, Pavia F Hiandschy, Danie Hardwick, Linda Comets Heigham, Lieellyn MJ. Hillguisty Catherine Hooper, arty D. The, Morgan KC. Kander, Jy Lee, J. Kelsey, Anne H. Kilgore, John W. Kinman, Michael D. Labatt, Walter B, Bishop, Offices ofthe Bishop, St.Louis Rector, Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton Associate Recto, Trinity Church, St. Lou's ‘Viesr, St. Franes' Church, Eureka ‘Vicar, Trinity Church, Se James ‘Non-Parochial, Kickwood Descon, Christ Church, Rolla (Chaplain, Episcopal Campus Ministry at ‘Washingeon University, St Louis Assistant Rector, Emmanuel Chutch, Webster Groves Assisant Rector, Church of St Michael & St. George, Clayton Assiseant Recor, Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton Rector, Holy Cross Church, Poplar Bluff Viear, Trinity Chueh Kirksville Chaplain, Episcopal Campus Ministry in Columbia, Columbia Associate Director of Pastoral Care, St. Lake's Hospital, Chesterfield eat, Christ Church Cathedeal, St. Louis ‘Rector, St, Matthew's Church, Mexico Associate Rector, Calvary Church, Columbia Retired, Glendale Non-Parochal, Kirksville (Curate, Grace Church and Vicar, St. Thomas’ Church for the Deaf, Kirkevood Priestin-Charge, Church ofthe Ascension, Northwoods ‘Descon, St. Mark's Chutch, St. Louis ‘Canon Pastor, Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis Rector, St, Timothy's Chureh, Creve Coeur Archdeacon, Offices ofthe Bi Rector, Calvary Chureh, Lou Rector, Church ofthe Advent, St. Louis Non-Parochial, Rolla Priest-in-Charge, St. Paul's Church, St: Louis ‘Vicar, St. Paul's Church, Ironton Interim Pastor, Christ Church, Rolla Priestin-Charge, Trinity Chutch, Hannibal & St. Pauls Church, Palmyra Assisting Priest, S, Peter's Church, Ladue Rector, Trinity Church, St. Louis Canon Minor, Christ Check Cathedral, St. Louis Non-Parochial, St. Louis Associate Reetor, Grace Church, Kikwood Lawler, Steven W. Laley, William T- ‘McMichael, Raph N, Je Melloct, Emily A Mitchell, Dawn-Vietoria Mithen, Teresa K. ‘Molegoda, N. Shara Musgrave, John B. ‘Myers, Brooke ‘Nanny, Susan K. ‘Naylor, Susan R ONeil, Janet A. ‘Onme-Rogers, Chases A, Owensby, Jacob W. Park, Howard F, Pees, Patricia A ardy, James H. yron, W. Nathaniel Roeger, Wiliam D. Samuel, Jason W. ‘Serkssyian, Sabi K. ‘Skinner, Susan C. ‘Sluss, Mark D. ‘Smith, E. Daniel Speller, Lydia Agnew ‘Stansbery, Marylen W. ‘Towner, Robert A. Tudor, Richard B. Van Horne, Beverly D. ‘Van Horne, Peter E- Washington, Emery, St Weaver, Sally . Wesley, Carol A. Westfall, Doris A ‘Wheeler, John Michae! ‘Whistler, Tamsen B, Wilse, Roderic D. ‘Wolfenbarger, M. Suranne Zacher, Allan N. Rector, St, Stephen's Church, Ferguson Rector, St Luke's Church, Manchester Canon Theologian, Offices ofthe Bishop, St. Louis Assistant to the Rector, St. Peter's Church, Ladue ‘Non-Parochial, North Reading, Massachusets Rector St. John's Church, St. Louis Rector, Grace Church, Jefferson City Priestin-Charge, Church of the Good Shepherd, Town and Connery Rector, Church of the Holy Communion, University City Assistane Dean, Christ Church Cathedral, St.Louis Pastoral Associate, Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves Deacon, St. Timothy's Church, Creve Coeur ‘Chaplain, St. Lake's Hospital, Chesterfield Rector, Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves Assisting Priest, Church ofthe Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis Descon, Trinity Church, St. James Rector, St, Pete's Church, Ladue Assiseant Rector, Church of the Advent, Crestvood Retired, Hannibal Viear, Church ofthe Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis Arabic Minister, Church ofthe Good Shepherd, Town and Country Interim Associate Rector, St, Martin's Church, Ellisville Deacon, Christ Church Cathedral, St, Louis ‘Canon to the Ordinary, Offices of the Bishop, St.Louis ‘Rector, St Mark's Church, St. Louis Deacon, St. Mark's Chutch, St. Louis Rector, Christ Church, Cape Girardeau Restor, St. Barnabas’ Church, Florissant Priest-in-Charge, Trinity Chureh, De Soro ‘Vics, All Saints’ Chureh, Farmington Retired, St Louis Pastoral Awociate, St. Martin's Church, Elie ‘Priest-in-Charge, Chureh of St John and St. James, Sullivan Rector, St. Matthew's Church, Warson Woods “Associate Rector, Church of St, Michael & St, George, Clayton Recr, Teinisy Church, Su Chsles Priest Associate, Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves Deacon, Christ Church Cathedral, St.Louis Assisting Priest, St, Peter's Church, Ladue Clergy canonically rsiens wt seat and voce only, nat required fora quorum. Allen, J.C. Michael Allen, Prisella ‘Ash, Richard H Baler, Richard Blair, john K. Bowen, Elizabeth Cassell, Jonnie L- Danforth, John C. Eastes, Suzanne H. Fly, David Heathooek, J. Edwin Knudsen, Richard Landbrook, Helen C. MeCreight, Douglas G. “Morris, Charles H, Noel, Virginia L. Dlatzenburg, George S. Raske, I. Keich Senders, Harvel R. Scharon-Glaser, Anne S. Sart, Clifford E. J. Steidemann, Arthur R. Stuart, Calvin B, J. ‘Vandivort, Paul M Wiliams, Patricia 8 Jones, William A, Jr Rockwell, Hays H. Benson, David H. Blessing, Kamila Bruns, Thomes C. ‘Cadigen, C. Richard! ‘Campbell, . Alan Cart, Joseph W. Cherbonnies, Edmond L, Erdman, Jonathan M. Gindrod, Robert HL. Homp, Gary D. ‘MacArthur, RobereS “Metzger, ames P. Moore, Edward FIT (Clergy Living in Missou Retired St. Louis Retired, Se. Louis Retired, Mexico Retired, Se. Louis Non-Parockil, St L Deacon, St. Charles Non-Parochial, Grandview Retired, St. Louis Retired, Ballwin Retired, St. Louis Retired, Chesterfield Retired, Uni Retired St. Louis Retired, St. Louis Retired, St. Charles Retired, Ellisville Retired, St. Charles Non-Psrochil, Webster Groves ‘Retired, Jefferson City Retired, St- Louis Retired, St. Louis Retired, St. Louis Retired, St Louis, Retired, Des Peres Retired, Cape Girardeas (Clergy Living Outside Misourt Retired, Kennett Square, PA Retired, West Kingston, RE Retired, Inver Grove Heights, MN Non-Parechial, Mars, PA Retired, Se Resred, De So, TX. Retired, Helotes, TX Redred, Ft. Myers, FL Retired, Hartford, CT Non-Patochal, New York, NY Retired, Plaine, IL ‘Non-Parochil, Tamarac, FL Retired, Center Sandwich, NH. Retired, Cincinnati, OH Retired, Cypress, TX one “Morley, Anthony I. Nabe, Clyde M, Peabody, William N. Smith, Brian E. Tomas, Bemardo D. ‘Valantass, Richard Weissman, Stephen E. Wilkinson, Donald C. Yerkes, Kenneth Retired, Minneapolis, MIN Retired, St. Petersburg, FL Retired, Sunapee, NH Non-Parochial, St Augustine, FL Retired, Miami, FL Non-Parochial, Decatur, GA Reaired, Asheville, NC Retired, San Antonio, TX Revered, Philadel (Clergy Licensed to Offcat inthe Diacese of Missouri Bergmann, J- Stephen (Ohio) (Clark, James Le (Central/Southern Ilinos, ELCA) Coupland, Geoffrey D. ‘Southwest Florida) Crawford, Susan K. (West Tennessee) Dunn, John R. (Niagara, Canada) Dokola, Stephen Dokolo (Lui, Sudan) Factor, Beverly (Los Angeles) Good, John M. (Eastern Michigan) Hoffman, Arnold R. (Springield) Lawrence, John E. (Rhode Island) ‘MeCain, Fleather M. (North Carolina) Randolph, Michael P.G.G. ‘Gouthemn Ohio) Reid-Lery, Schelly (Maryland) Spratt, George C. (Kansas) Pastoral Assistant, St, Peter's Chueh, Ladue Retired, St. Louis Interim Pastor, All Saints’ Chareh, St, Louis Interim Pastor, St Martin's Church, Flisville Interim Pastor, Grice Church, Kirkwood Non-Parochial, St. Louis ‘Non-Parochial Herculaneum, Retired, Florissant Supply Priest, Se. Paul's Church, Sikeston Interim Pastor, Calvary Church, Columbia Church Planter, Columbia Associate Rector, Trinity Church, St. Louis Deacon, ‘Trinity Church, St. James Supply Priest, St. Albans, Fulton and St. Mark’, Pordand 4 2007 LIST OF CLERGY 168" Diocesan Annual Convention Canonically Resident in the Diocese of Missouri (In Order of Precedence) {IC - Consecrated; O ~ Ordained Deacon in Misr R~ Received into Misouri from other Diocese] Smith, George Wayne ‘Jones, William A, Jr. Rockwell, Hays H. Seeidemann, Arthur R Carlo, Joseph W. Park, Howard F. IL Cadigan, C. Richard Danforth, John C. Baker, Richard H. Stuart, Cavin B,J. Morris, Charles Hi Benson, David H. Sanders, Harvel R. Tomas, Bemardo D. ‘Vandivort, acl M. Peabody, William N, Wilkinson, Donald C. Ash, Richard 1, Knudsen, Richard A, (Cherbonnier, Edmund L. Baker, William A, J. Allen, Jty Gooke Michael lattenburg, George 8. Davis, Fred R. Scharon-Glaser, Anne S Higham, Llewellyn M, Je Grindrod, Robert Ham Fly, David Kerrigan Skinner, Susan C. Washington, Emery, Se Wilts, Roderie D. Ladbrook, Helen C. Whistler, Tamsen E. Galbraith, Charles M. Noe, Virginia L. ‘Yerkes, Kenneth B. Bruns, Thomas C. Roeger, William D, ‘McCreight, Dough G. Crews, Warren E. Barnet, Thomas C. Heihcoek J. Edwin ‘March 2, 2002 ~ Bishop ‘May 3, 1975 ~ Retired Bishop ‘Match 2, 1991 —Resired Bishop Juve 1, 1952 - Retired September 14, 1960 Retired June 16, 1962 ~ Retired Jamvary 4, 1963 ~ Retieed September 15, 1963 — Retired June 25, 1964 Retired ‘Tune 25, 1964 Retired “August 1, 1965 ~ Retired September 1, 1965 — Retired June 25, 1966~ Retired “April 3, 1968 ~ Retired Jane 22, 1968 ~ Retired ‘March 25, 1969 ~Retired ‘January 19, 1972 — Retired ‘September 1, 1972 ~Retired November, 11,1973 = Retired April 24, 1974'— Retired Deacon January 14, 1976 — Retired Jone 1, 1976 ~ Retired ‘August 20, 1976~ Retired February 23, 1978 ~ Suspended August 27, 1978 — Retired Joly 13, 1980 ~ Resired “August 15, 1980 ~ Retired September 1, 1981 ~ Retired February 1, 1982 ~ Retired September 1, 1983 — Retired September 1, 1983 ~ Retired June 15, 1984 — Retired June 15, 1984 ‘September 25, 1984 — Retired October 2, 1984 Retired June 15, 1985 ~ Retired ‘December 5, 1985 — Retired April 15, 1986 Retired Jane 20, 1986 — Retired “August 15, 1986 ~ Retired September 7, 1986 —Non-Parochial December 8, 1986— Retired (Campbell, Claude Alan Allen, Priscilla Lawler, Steven W. Tudor, Richard B. -Metager, James P. ‘Maciithar, Rober S, ‘Nanay, Susan K. ‘Wiliams, Patricia S. Mooce, Edward F. 11 astes, Suzanne H. Nabe, Clyde M, ‘Handschy, Daniel. ‘Valantasis, Richard Speer, Lydia Agnew Nowlin, B.Gary ‘Weissman, Stephen F. ‘LaBate, Walter B. Reske, L. Keith Kinman, Michael D. Pyron, W. Nathaniel Laley, William’T. ‘Morley, Anthony J Samuel, Jason W Purdy, James Hrghes Stansbery, Marylen W. Cassell, Jonnie L, ‘Zacher, Allan N. Fleming, John Charles Doyle, Ralph Thomas Hooper, Larry D. Archie, Andrew J Blair, John Kenneth Bowden, George Faward ‘Miehell, Dawn-Vietoria ‘Towner, Robert Arthut Hillgist, Catherine Rinke Smart, Clifford F. Calaell, Wallace F. Blessing, Kamila Hamp, Gary D. Barbarto, Melanie Repko Sarkisian, Sabi K. Franken, Robert Anton MeMichael, Ralph N, Je ‘Van Home, Peter F. Blewett, Heather B. Blewett, Michael Elvyn February 26, 1987 — Non-Parochial January 1, 1989 — Retired February 2, 1989 April 24, 1989 November 7, 1989 ~ Retired November 30, 1989 —Retred April 5, 1990 May 5, 1990 ~ Retired May 5, 1990 — Retired Jone 25, 1994- Retired September 15, 1992 — Retired November 13, 1992 ‘March 19, 1993 ~ Non-Parochial August 26, 1993 September 1, 1993 —Non-Parochial November 10, 993 ~Retred October 3, 1994 ~ Retired November, 1995 ~ Non-Parochial July 27, 1996 - Non-Parochial ‘September 1, 1996 ~Retred ‘October 3, 1996 May 9, 1997 ~ Retired November 19, 1997, ‘March 1, 1998 April 30, 1998 ~ Deacon July 21, 1998 ~ Non-Parochial July 16, 1999— Retired ‘March 25, 1999 Febrany 18, 2000 Suspended February 28, 2000, Mareh 31, 2000 September 28, 2000 —Non-Parochial ‘November 14,2000 January 10, 2001 ~ Non-Parochial January 15, 2001 February 5, 2001 ‘May 4, 2001 ~ Retired Jone 1, 2001 June 19, 2001-Non-Perochial September 1, 2001 ~ Non-Parochiel September 1, 2001 September 12, 2001 September 14, 2001 ~ Deacon October 11,2001 October 12,2001 anuary 10,2002 “Tenuary 10, 2002 -16- Kelsey, Anne H, ‘Glingenpeel, Ronald H. ‘Myers, Brooke “Hanleick, Linda A, Smith, F. Daniel Wesley, Carol Ann Kilgore, Jobn William Owensby, Jacob W. “Erdman, Jonathan Mark ‘Mithen, Teresa Kathryn Naylor, Susan Rice ‘Musgrave, John B. ‘Westll, Boris A Weaver, Sally Sykes Kanzler, Jay Lee, Jr Fenner, Renee Lynete ‘Van Horne, Beverly Dew Bardest, Susan Mansfield Benko, Hope Tinsley (Chambers, Joseph Michael Davenport, Carrol Kimsey Pets, Patricia Ann Beno, Andrew Grayson Mellott, Emily Alice ‘Onme-Rogers, Charles Arthur Cabs, Chsistina Rich ‘Wolfenbarger, Mary Sveanne Conright, Amy Ethel Marie Barber, James Stephen ‘Sinih, Brian Biot ‘Glenn, Paricis Foster Cholles, Masclea Joaguim Treiber Esbenshade, Burnell True Sluss, Mark Doane Dunnington, Michsel Gerard ‘Wheeler, John Michael Ibe, Morgen Kelecht Chidl ONeil Janet Anne Molegoda, Niranjan Shariya Bowen, Flizabeth Anne -0- ‘0. January 14,2002 “Apail 1, 2002 October 16,2002 caber 28, 2002 - Non-Parochial December 31,2002 ‘March 28, 2003 ‘March 28, 2003, Jone 10, 2003 ‘Deceimher 19,2003 =Non-Parochial December 19, 2003 Jone 3,2008-Dencon July 6, 2008 December 22,200 December 22,2004 December 22,2004 December 22, 2008 December 2, 2008 ‘November 18, 2005 - Deacon December 21, 2005 December 21, 2005 December 21,2005 ‘March 1, 2006 ~ Deacon ‘March 10,2006 ‘May 3, 2006 ‘May 31, 2006 -Non- ‘May 31, 2006 September 5, 2006 ~ Deacon November 21, 2005 December 20,2006 ‘December 20, 006 -Non-Parochil December 20, 2006 December 20, 2006 ‘December 20, 2006 ~Non-Perochiol February 7,2007 - Deacon ‘February 7, 2007 ~ Deacon ‘March 1, 2007 ‘March 27, 2007 ‘April 25, 2007 ‘May 17, 2007 - Deacon, October 1, 2007 October 23, 2007 ~ Deacon ial Delegates to the 168% Convention Alternate Delegates or sted in tales (Christ Choreh, Cape Girardeau ‘Mr. Doug Dickerson ‘Ms. Judy Johnson ‘Mrs, Heather Dickerson ‘Grice Church, Clarkswile ‘Ms. Gay Reed ‘Mrs, Paine Gsinom Calvary Church, Columbia ‘Mr. Resell Bryfogle ‘Mrs. Laura Bullion Mrs. ery Litton Ms, Diana Townsend ‘Mrs. Dale Veorhusen ‘Ms. Tams Wilson-Setser Mr. David Allen ‘Mr: Dale Veerbuson ‘Trinity Church, DeSoto ‘Mr, Timothy Feldges ‘Ms Barkan Pott All Saints’ Choreh, Farmington ‘Ms, Carolyn Gordon Mrs. Lian Ifrig Mr. Bred Van Zee ‘St Alban's Church, Fulton ‘Mr. Whit McCoslsie ‘Trinity Church, Hannibal ‘MBs. Theodora Rendlen ‘Ms. Dana Hoschins ‘St. Paul’s Church, Ironton ‘Mr, Daniel Roberts (Mr. Dawid Hillgist ‘Trinity Church, Kitksville Ms. Natalie Alesander Mr. Cole Woodeax -18- (Church of he Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis ‘Mrs, Judy Kirby. ‘Ms, Karen Madde ‘Ms, Kathleen Donovan ‘Mr. Jonathon Sanders ‘Ms, Betzy Jakab ‘Mr. Litann Bachomeyer ‘Si, Matthew's Church, Mexico ‘Mrs, Carol Bramon ‘Ms, Fran Whitehead ‘St. Paul's Church, Palmyra ‘Mr. Herbert Luceke (Church of the Holy Cross, Poplar BlafF ‘Mrs. Barbara Pinkerton ‘Ms Jolie Bhooad ‘St. Mark's Church, Portland ‘Ms. Tins Dillon ‘Mex Jean Blackburn ‘Mr. Lawrence George ‘Mrs. Marsha Ray. ‘Ms. Christian Leonard ‘Me Jorn Aronson ‘Trinity Church, Se. Charles (Mrs. eis Wright Ms. Marge Heim Mr. Rober Bron ‘Ms, Debra Bricker iit ‘Mis, Glenda Barber ‘Ms, Sharon Dols Me Jenna Corn-MacPherson St Paul's ston ‘Mr, Cael Muench Mr. Swayne Byrd Chureh James, Sullivan ‘Ms, Shirley Schmide All Saints? Church, St. Louis ‘Mrs. Naney Hamilton ‘Mr. Stanley Johnson ‘Mrs. Marion Robinson ‘Mrs. Mabel Winston ‘Chuise Church Cathedral, St. Louis ‘Mr. Michael Clark ‘Mr. Ron Freiwald ‘Mr. Todd Eller ‘Mr. James Berger ‘Mr. Onvin Dieckmeyer ‘Ms Joan Pree Mb: Ties Oljide St Iohn's Choreh, St. Louis ‘Mr. Henry Taber Mr. Bryan Cather Ma Ale Ballack St. Mark's Church, St. Louis ‘Ms, Barbara Mace Mrs, Marguerite Bowman ‘Ms, Jeanete Sellers ‘Me Tyan Heritage ‘St Paul's Church, St Louis ‘Mr. John Martin ‘Me Kristin Zope ‘Thomas Church forthe Deaf, Kiekwood ‘Mr. William Sheldon ‘Mr. David Early ‘Trinity Chaech, St La Mr. Harry Leip (Ms. Lisa Carpenter ‘Ms. Ron’Tompkins Mr Mathew Orvingr -v. Church of St, Michael & St. George, Clayton ‘Ms. Jeanette Huey ‘Ms. Tammy King ‘Mr. Wayne Norwood ‘Mr. Richard Steeinger (Church ofthe Advent, Crestwood Mr. Richard Glode ‘Mr. David Johnston ‘Ms. Claudia Svoboda ‘Mrs, Rene Sanders St.Timothy’s Church, Creve Cocur ‘Mr, Gary Stansbery ‘Mr. Jim Moses ‘Mr. Michael MeDowell ‘Mrs. Ruth Ann Stross ‘Mrs. Rita Podolsky ‘Mr. Mare Vanacht Mrs. Vigna Cempbtell ‘Mrs Lynn Whittington Mrs. Madeline Zvikebnaier ‘St Martin's Church, Creve Coeur ‘Ms. Carole Clary Mey, D'Arey Eiperman ‘St, Stephen's Church, Ferguson ‘Ms. Donna Paige ‘Ms. Nancy Wood ‘Ms. Alexis Bendickson ‘Mr. Richard Bryne, J St Bannahas’ Chatch, Florissant ‘Mr. David Sindair ‘Mrs. Karen Birr (Mr. Harry Goff Mrs Diana Hoare Gr (Mrs. Christie Boyle ‘Mrs. Florence Hoey Mr. James Krak Mis: Margaret Reed St. Peters Church, Ladue ‘Ms. Ann Babington Mr. Frederick Hermann, J. Mr, Joseph Kloecker, J Mrs: Martha Mandry Mrs Janice Craig ‘Mrs, Cavoline Holke Mr. David Muay Mr-‘Thomae Whitener Mrs, Lindsay Galose Ms, Sarah Partlow ‘Mr, PhilipSewell ‘StLake’s Church, Manchester Ms, Diane Sehie ‘Mr. Bruce Ward ‘Ms, Sarah Anderson (Church of he Ascension, Northwoods VEE. Lester Bond Me. Marjorie Sith Church, er “Town & Country Ms, Bridges Bvers Ms. Bery Bowersox: ‘Ms, Carie Kennedy 2. ‘Ms. Manyaret Harum ‘Mr. Rady Nickens ‘Ms. Claudia Moran ‘Me Chritie Moco ‘Mr. Jasph Adome ‘Mrs: Alma Sbuler ‘St Matthew's Church, Warson Woods ‘Mr. Jack Allen ‘Mrs Lynette Ballard ‘Mrs. Naney Moore ‘Mrs. Margeret DeYoung Me. Rady Wale ‘Mr. Jim MeGivney ‘Mr. Robert Shite ‘Mr. Jim Groetich ‘St. Francis Church, Eureka ‘Mr. Kevin Sele (Mr. A.J. Barbarito ‘Mr, Jabnatbon Boker RULES OF ORDER “Adopted by the 168th Convention: 1. The Presiding Office shall appoine members of Permanent Com! Convention. iees areach Meeting of 2. ll resolutions from the floor shall be reduced to writing, presented tothe Secretary, and read to ‘Gonvenion. A resolu finn dhe flour that isnot part of «committe report may be introduced only a the time indicated inthe Order of Business, All resolution fom the floor, whether or not a part of a comittee report, afer receiving ashore explanation from the presenter, must receive 22/3, -najvity vote of Convention before it may be considered by Convention, 3. When any member speaks to Convention, he shall address himself tothe Presiding Officer, state hhisname and church, and confine himself tothe point in debate. 4.Amember other than the Chairman of the Committee whose report is under consideration, shall not speak more than twice in the same debate, aor longer than five minutes ata time, without leave of the House 5. Any member of che Hoase may cal for vote by hands or standing vote. Every member who may ‘bein the House when such a vote is called shall be counted unless he/she be excused by Convention. 6, When a question has once been determined it shall stand as che judgment of the House, end shall ‘not again be drawn into debate except on motion of reconsideration which must be made by 2 ‘member who had previously vored in the majority. 7. All questions of parliamentary law nor resolved by reference tothe Canons or these General Rules shall be decided under Rober’s Rules of Order. 8, All questions of order shall be decided in the fist instance by the Presiding Olficer, without debate; sm appeal may be made to Convention by any member. 9.-The reports ofall Committees shall be in writing, and shall be received withoot motion for acceptance, unless recommitted by a vote ofthe House. All reports recommending or requ action or expression of opinion by the House shall be accompanied by a resolution forthe action of the Hlouse thereon All nasal reports shall be recived and filed by the Secretary as presented before or doring Convention, and may be called upon motion tobe read and considered at any time daring Convention, 10. "The names of movers of resolutions shall appear inthe minutes of Convention. 11, All motions and resolutions requiring reference shall be referred, so faras possible, to the Permanent Committes of Convention, ome 12, Exceptin cases where majority vote is required, all elections shall be by Preferential Aggregate Transfer Ballo 4) Bach elector shall mark his or her ballot by numbering the names ofall the candidates for ‘each office in onder of preference, with the prefered name being numbered 1, The elector shall not give more than one number to any name, nor shall any name be left unnumbered. ‘Any ballot which does not comply with the directions given in this section will be invalid snd will not be counted. 'b) The persons appointed by the Presiding Officer to conduct the election shall count each valid ballot by sssigning to each candidate that candidate's rank-ordered number on the allo. ‘9 The candidates shall then be ranked according to the respective ums oftheir rank ‘ordered numbers, beginning with the lowest sum, and the candidate or candidates with the lowest sams shall be elected, acording tothe number of vacancies tobe filled ‘d) In case ofa tie in which one or more candidates must be selected, that candidate or ‘candidates withthe highest namber of first-place ballot shall be elected and ifthe tied ‘candidates have the same numberof frst place ballots, then the candidate or candidates having the highest numberof second place ballots shail be elected, and so forth; and ifthe tied candidates have the same numberof ballos at every rank, then the candidate or candidaves tobe elected shall be chosen by the tass ofa coin. 13. The Presiding Officer may, having left the chair enter into the debate on any question, but shall rot then resume the chair until the mai motion under consideration has been disposed of 14, Once the Order of Busines has been approved it may not be altered except by 2/3 majority vote ‘of Convention, provided that the Presiding Office may reorder agenda tems at anytime, 168th Convention of the EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF MISSOURI Havener Center at the University of Missouri ~ Rolla FRIDAY, NOV. 16, 2007 11:00 am ~ 5:00pm Registration of Delegates ‘Main 2nd Floor Hall 1:00 pm 280 pn Penaty Sesion 1 SePat's Ballroom 280pm—245pm Break ‘Miner Lounge 2:45 pn — 3:50 pm Budget Hearings ‘SePat's Ballroom 3:30 pr.—345 pm Break Miner Lounge 34S pm — 4:45 pm Resolutions/Constiations & Canons Hearing/Intraduetion of Nominees ‘Pats Ballroom, 445 pm ~ 530 pm Transition to Christ Church, Rolla 5:30 pm ~6:30 pm Convention Eucharist Christ Church, Rolla {630 pm ~ 7.00 pm Reception Christ Church, Rolla 7.00 pm 7:30 pm Transition back to Havener Center 730 pm--9:00 pm Banguer St Pat's Ballroom 9.00pm 9:15 pm Compline Sea's Ballroom ‘SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17,2007 $00 am~ 130 pn Registration of Delegates ‘Main 2nd Floor Hall £30 am ~ 10:15 am Plenary Session I Se Pat’ Balloo 10.15 am 1045 am Break ‘Miner Lounge 10645 mn ~ 12.40 po Plenary Sesion IL Se Pat's Ballroom 12.00 pm = 100 pm Tnch ‘Miner Lounge 1:00 pa. ~3.00 pn Plenary Session IV Sea's Ballroom 53:00 pm Adjournment “2. ‘Minutes of the 168th Convention ‘of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ‘The Havener Center at the University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri ‘November 16-17, 2007 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 2007 1:00 pm.~2:30 pam. Plenary Session T Se. Pat's Ballroom ‘At 1.0 pam, having been informed that a quoram was present, Bishop George Wayne Smith declared thatthe 168th Meeting of Convention ofthe Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri ‘was now in session, Bishop Smith ed the Convention in an Opening Prayer. Bishop Smith appointed the Rev. Dr, Peter Van Horne asthe Secretary of Convention and appointed Harold R. Burroughs, Chancellor ofthe Diocese, to serve as Parliamentary Advisor to the Chair Report of the Commit 1c on Lay Credentials and Admission of New Parishes Dr. Van Horne moved to give seat and voice tothe following represemttives rom Campus ‘Ministries and for Clergy no Canonialy ened wo sea and vice at Convention. Cle ‘ThelR.seephenJ. Bergan Pastoral nian, St Peters Ghrch Ladue ‘The Rev. Geol. Coupland veri Pastor, All Sains Chute, Se Lous ‘The Rev. Sosinke Cretord Interim Pastor, St Martin's Church Elle ‘The Rev. John R. Dene Interim Pastor, Grace Choreh, Kikvood ‘The Rev. Stephen Dokolo Student at Eden Seminary rom Diocese of Li "Episcopal Church ofthe Sudan “The Res, Bovely Factor Non-Parochal, Hereuneum “TheRew. Arnold R-Hoffann Supply ren Se Pl’ Church, Skeston ‘The Rex. Joh E. Lawrence Inner Pastor, Calvary Church, Colombia ‘TheRen- Teather M, McCain Church Planer, Columbia “The Ret. Schelly Reid-Levy Deacon, Trinity Chueh, St. James Campus Ministry Me Mele ianakoplon Univesity of Missouri - Columbia ‘Campus Ministry Represenative Ma. Erin Barska ‘Weshingtan University Campus Minsty Representative “The Bishop recognized Dr. Van Home forthe purpose of making amin egading the satus of Se Augostnes Church, St Louis nd St Peter ® Church, Bonne Tere. Dr. Van Hore noted that Bien Cnet Push Mion my mae hanes Por -Minson; or dole by ising its pertons completely, wit the approval the Bishops maeiatfSamendcn in ke coexc ofr Canon tht bevel levine 4 WHEREAS, the Bishop's Committee ofthe Mision, St. Pete's Episcopal Church, Bonne ‘Terre, Missouri, has voted to dissolve by closing its operations completely; and WHEREAS, the Vestry ofthe Parish, St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, St.Louis, ‘Missouri, has woted to dissolve by closing its operations complete WHEREAS, the Bishop has approved the dissolution ofboth churches. NOW, THEREFORE, BEIT RESOLVED BY ‘THE 168" MEETING OF CONVENTION OF THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF MISSOURI: I, ‘That the Mission, St Peter's Episcopal Church, Bonne Terre, be and itis hereby dissolved; and Tl, ‘That the Parish, St Augustine's Episcopal Church, St.Louis, be and tis hereby isslveds and TT, | Thee the Chanedlor nd ater arpa ozs nd agents ofthe Diocese be nd they are hereby authorized and directed to take whatever ocher and Further actions they may ‘deem necessary or desirable in ord to catry ont into effect both the sprit and leer ofthe foregoing resolution, “The motion was approved by a majority wore. Adoption of the Rules of Order Hone mond hat he Hele of Onl prined in the Comention Delegate Bolt be death Rule of Ore forte 168 Convention, The moon wa Seon nd approved ‘unanimously, Recognition of the 168th Convention Committees shop Sa ecopnized thse nid who were apoimed list year eo the Commies evng is 168" Convention. Lay Credentials and Admission of New Parishes ‘The Rev. Dr Peter Van Homne, Chair [Mr, Harold R, Burroughs Dispatch of Business Me. Harold R. Burcoughs, Chair ‘The Rew. Dr. Peter Van Home ‘The Vea, Robert Franken, x ffco Constitution and Canons ‘The Foon. Jean C. Hamilton, Chair ‘The Rev. James H. Purdy Mr. Harold R. Burroughs ‘The Rev. Dr Peter Van Horne ‘Mr. Ronald Jones ‘Ms. Theodora Rendlen ‘The Flonorable Mary Russell ‘Mr. Jamieson Spencer ‘The Rer. Richard B. Tudor ‘The Ven, Robert Franken, ex ofice -35- Resolutions ‘Mrs, Kathy Dyer, Chair ‘Mrs. Carolyn Daniels ‘The Rew. Renee Fenner ‘Ms. Ann Hogan “The Rev, Teresa Mithen ‘The Rev. Dr Lydia Agnew Speller The Rev. Robert Towner Introduction of New Clergy and Clergy in New Cures and Acknowledgment of Clergy Who Have Retired or Died [Newly Ordained Clergy. “The Rev. Amber Stanliffe Evans “The Rev. Chis Cobb ‘The Rew. Chuck Orme-Rogers ‘The Rew. Burnell Esbenshade ‘The Rew. Matk Sloss ‘The Rev, Jan O'Neil The Rew Pat Glenn ‘The Rev. Mari Chollet ‘The Rew. Emily Hillguise Davis ‘The Rev. Thomas Heard ‘The Rew. Brian Smith “The Rev J. Stephen Barber “The Rev. Flizabeth Bowen Clergy New to the Diocese ‘The Rev. Geoffrey Coupland “The Rev. Ssan Graword ‘The Rev. John Dunn ‘The Rev. Shatiya Molegoda Clergy in New Cures ‘The Rev. Steve Barber The Rev. Andrew Benko ‘The Rev. Mari Chollet “The Rev. Michael Dunsington ‘The Rev. Burnell Esbenshade ‘The Rev. Pat Glenn ‘The Rev, Walter LaBatt ‘The Rev. Schelly Reid-Levy ‘The Rev. Susan Naylor ‘The Rew: Mark Sluss “The Rew. Sasie Skinner ‘The Rev. Sally Weaver ‘The Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis ‘Ordained to the Priesthood on December 2, 2005, ‘Ordsined to the Priesthood on December 9, 2006, Ordained tothe Priesthood on January 6, 2007 ‘Ondained to the Diaconate on February 7,2007 Ordained to the Diaconate on February 7, 2007 Ordained to the Diaconate on May 17, 2007 Ordained tothe Priesthood on June 23, 2007 Ordsined tothe Priesthood on June 29, 2007 Ordained tothe Priesthood on June 29, 2007 Ordained tothe Priesthood on June 29, 2007 Ordained to the Priesthood! on June 29, 2007 Ordained to the Priesthood on July 7, 2007 Ordained to the Diaconate on October 23, 2007 Interim Pastor, All Sains’, Diocese of SW Hotida Interim Pastor, Grace, Jefferson City, Diocese of “Tennessee Interim Pastor, Grace, Kirkwood, Diooese of Niagara Rector, Grace, Jefferson City, Diocese of Massachusets ‘Vicar, Trinity, St James Chaplain, ECM, Washington Univesity Asst. Director, St. Luke's Hospital, Pastoral Care Priest in Charge, Ascension Deacon, St. Mark's, St. Louis Rector, Calvary, Louisiana im Pastor, Grace, Kiekwood Pastoral Associate, Emmanvel Deacon, Christ Church Cathedeal Interim Asst. Rector, St. Martin’, Elsie Assisting Priest, St. Marti’ Elise Curate, Grace, Kirkwood, ‘and Vien, St, Thomas Church of The Deaf 16. ‘The Rev. John Blair ‘Chaplain, Christian Northeast Hospital ‘The Rev. Carrol Davenport ‘Chaplain, Hospice of Northeast Missou ‘The Rev. Larry Hooper Interim Rector 2t Christ Church (Rolla) Clergy in New Cures (out ofthe Diocese of Missouri) ‘The Rev. Thomas Heard Rector, St, John’s, Mobile, AL) ‘The Rev. Brian Smith Ascisant Rector, Trinity, St. Augustine, FL. ‘The Rev. Joan Vetter Recto, St, Michael & All Angels, Portland, OR ‘The Rev. Grog Hin Rector, St, Jude's, Nicsvilla, FL "The Rev. Amber Stanciffe Beans Asst. Rector, Church ofthe Epiphany, San Carlos, CA ‘The Rev. Jack Rogers Rector, St, Mary's, Dyersburg, TN Retirements ‘The Rev. Dr. Warren Crews Emmanuel, Webster Groves ‘The Rev. Ed Heatheock ‘St. Luke's Hospital ‘The Rev, Helen Luubrook ‘St Martin's, Flsile Other Transitions ‘The Rev. Larry Hooper Resigned from St. Martin's Elise ‘The Rev. Stephen Dokolo Faden student, from the Diocese of Lai ‘Mr. Michael Hardwick. ‘Voluntary Renunciation of Orders Died ‘The Rev. Charles Galbraith Died May 24,2007 Introduction of the Rev. Heather McCain ‘The Bishop called on the Rev. Canon E, Daniel Smith to introduce our new missioner for Columbia, Missouri, che Rev, Heather McCain. ‘The Rev. Ms. MeCain was greeted by the members of the Convention Tntooduction of the Right Rev. Don E. Johason, Bishop of West Tennessee, as Chaplain of Convention [Bishop Smith introduced the Right Reverend Don F. Johnson, Bishop of West Tennessee who will serves Chaplain ofthe Convention, and explained his duties during our gathering. Report of the Committee on Nominations and Election Procedure Bishop Smith recognized the Rev. Anne Kelsey, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, St.Louis and Chair ofthe Committee on Nominations and Flection Procedure. ‘The Rev. Ms. Kelsey and the ‘Committee gave their report and introduced nominees for elective pesitions. ‘Standing Committe (2 lay and 1 clergy for 4 year terms) La: No nominations Clergy: The Rev. Catherine R. Hillqust~ St. Paul's Church, Ironton ‘The Ree. Sally Weaver ~ Se. Martin's Chueh, Elisville ome Diacosan Council lay for 3 year terms) Don Esbenshacle ~ St Mark's Chureh, St, Louis James D, Wagner ~ Church of the Advent, Crestwood (to be withdrawn) Cathesral Chapter (t clergy and L lay for 3 yea terms from congregations outside of St. Louis City ‘or County). ‘The Committee received no nominations General Convention (1 lay and clergy) Lay: ‘Margie Bowman ~ St. Mark’s Church, St Louis ‘Michael Clark ~ Christ Church Cathedral, St. Lous ‘Kathyn A. Dyer~ St. Timochy’s, Creve Coeur Jeanette R Huey ~Chorch of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton Jay Kloccker~ St. Peter's Church, Ladue ‘The Rev. Melanie Barbarito ~Se. Francis’ Chureh, Eureka ‘The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpecl ~ Christ Church Cathedral, St, Louis ‘The Rev. John C. Gack) Fleming - St. Timothy's Church, Creve Coeus) ‘The Rev. Fmily A. Mellote— St Peter’s Church, Ladue “The Rev. Dr Jacob Jake) Owensby ~ Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves ‘The Rev. Jason Same ~ Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis ‘The Rev. Dr Lytia Agnew Spelier~ St. Mark’s Church, St. Louis “The Res. Tamsen F. Whistler ~Trinity Church, St, Carles "The following were nominated by petition and will be added to the ballot: Mer. Donald W. Fisher Lay Deputy, General Convention “The Rev. Joseph Chambers Clergy, Standing Committee ‘The Rev. Stephen Laweler (Clergy, Cathedral Chapter Mr, Stephen Robin Lay, Cathedtal Chapter ‘Ms. Marsha Ray Lay, Standing Committee ‘Mr. Donald WFisher Lay Deputy, General Convention ‘Nomination and Election of a Trustee forthe University of the South. “The Chait entertained « motion from the floor to nominate Mrs. Kiby Colson, Church of St. “Michael & St. George, to serve a three-year term as a Trustee for che University ofthe South. The ‘motion was seconded, snd Ms, Kisby was unanimously elected Mr John Solomon ‘Teem expires with 170th Convention “Term expres with 169th Convention ‘The Re, Rev. Dr. George Wayne Smith Boffo -28- First Report of the Resolutions Committee Bishop Smith recognized Mrs. Kathy Dyer, St. Timothy's, Creve Coeur and Chair of the Resolutions Committee, for courtesy resolutions. Ms. Dyer moved resolutions remembering veterans of the Armed Forces with gratitude and prayer, gave thanks for the ministries of retired bishops William Jones and Hays Rockwell, sent our greetings to onr Companion Diocese of Lu recognized the presence of the Rev. Stephen Dokolo among ws, and sent our greetings tothe residing Bishop, the Most Reverend Katharine Jeffers Schori. The resolutions were approved swith applavse. Budget Vignette - St. Francis Episcopal Church ~ Eureka Bishop Smith called on the Rev. Emily Mello for a bref presentation concerning St, Francis Church, Eureka, as an aspect ofthe proposed Diocesan budget for 2008. Report of the Standing Commitee Bishop Snithrecognine the Rev. Dr. Peter Van Horne, President ofthe Standing Commitee and Vicar of All Saints Episcopal Church, Farmington for the Standing Commie's epor 9 Convention. (Append 5) Report of the Diocesan Council ‘The Bishop recognized the Rev. Anne Kelsey, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in St. Lois and Vice President of Diocesan Catnil, for the Council’ report to Convention. (Appendix 6) Report of the Diocesan Council's “Making All Things New" Task Force Bishop called on Mr. Robert Daniels, Transfigoation, Lake St. Louis and Chair ofthe Diocesan ‘Council's “Making All Things New" Task Force fora report on its recommendations to Council, Report on All Saints’ Church, Farmington ‘The Chair recognized The Rev. Canon E. Daniel Smith, Canon tothe Ordinary fora report on construction ofa new church building for All Suins! Chereh, Farrington, resentation of the Operating Budget Overview "The Chair called on Mr, Jere Birdsong, Treasurer ofthe Diocese, for an overview of the proposed 2008 budget Close of Plenary Session T Bishop Smith announced the conclusion ofthe First Plenary Sesion and recessed the meeting of, (Convention until 830 am. on Saturday, November 17, 2007, "The schedule for the remainder of the days as fllows: 2:30-2:45 pam, Break ‘Minor Lounge 2:45-3:30 pum, Badger Hearing St Pat's Ballroom 3:30-3:45 pam, Break inor Lounge 3:45-4:45 pum. Open Meetings Se Pat's Ballroom AL Resolutions Commitee B. Constitution & Canons Committee CC. ntrodetions of Nominees 29. 485.5:80 ppm. Transition to Christ Church 5:30-6:30 pm. Convention Eucharist (Chist Church {6:30-7:00 prm. Reception (Chit Chareh 7:00-7:30 pan. Transition back to Havener Center 730-9:00 pam. Banquet ‘St Pat's Ballroom 9,00.9415 ppm. Compline Se Pats Ballroom SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2007 Gall to Order Plenary Seosion IZ ‘There being s quorum present, Bishop Smith reconvened the 168" Meeting of Convention ofthe Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri ar 8:30 am. “The Re. Rev, Don E. Johason, Chaplain of Convention, led the Convention in prayer. Explanation of Voting System Bishop Smith called on the Rev. Anne Kelsey, Rector of Trinity Bpiscopal Church, St.Louis, and the Chair ofthe Comittee on Nominations and Election Procedare, to explain the Preferential Aggregate Transl Ballocing System and to oversee the balloting. After voting concluded, the Bishop declared the balloting closed. Report of the Resolutions Committee: Consideration of Resolutions A-168, B-168, C-168, D-168, F168, “The Bishop Chair recognized Mrs, Kethy Dyer, t, Timothy's Church, Creve Coeur, and Chair of the Committee on Resolutions, forthe report of the Resolutions that Committee. Resolution A-168 Minimum Clergy Compensation ‘Submitted on behalf of the Diocesan Counc ‘Mrs, Dyer moved the adoption of Resolution A-168: |, BE IP RESOLVED that this 168th Convention ofthe Episcopal Diocese off ‘the annual standard base compensation fr full-time clergy in 2008 as follows ‘CASH SALARY $37,100 HOUSING ALLOWANCE $13,365 [Phe actual compensation should he determined by Resolution ofthe Vestry/Bishop's Committee, in consulation withthe clergy] 2, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Church Pension Fund assessment wil be pid by the congregations 3, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $50,000 group lif willbe paid by the congregation; 4, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that medical coverage for clergy and eligible dependents, willbe paid by the congregation; 30 5. BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED thet a standard of ten days per calendar year and $500 willbe provided for continuing education, 6, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that the standard auc allowance will be $2,000 per year and 7, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that all parishes and missions encourage ther full-time clergy to set aside two days each week for personal time. “The resolution was approved by a majority vote ‘Resolution B-168: Call for a Moratorium for the Death Penalty in Submitted by Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Missouri Diocese Chapter ‘Mis, Dyer moved adoption of Resolusion B-168 1, BEIT RESOLVED that this 168th Convention ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missoni calls on the governor and our state representatives and the President of the United States and out representitives in Cangrest to enact and adopt legislation imposing a moratoriam ‘on executions at least until this state and the nation implement polices and procedures whiehs ‘Insure chat death penalty cases are administered fairly and impartially, n accordance with basie due process ‘+ Minimize the isk tha innocent persons may be executed and + Prevent the execution of persons with meatal retardation and persons who ate under the age of eighteen at the time oftheir offense. 2, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies ofthis resolation shall be forwarded to the ‘governor and our state representatives and the President ofthe United States and our representatives in Congress. ‘The resolution was approved by a majority vote. Resolution C-168: Convocation System, Submitted by Metro IM Convocation _Mrs. Dyer moved the adaption of Resolution C-168 1. BEIT RESOLVED that this 168th Convention of the Diocese of Missouri request the Diocesan Council to conduct a comprehensive review of the current goals and structure of the convocation system and make recommendations to better enhance the goals of ‘communication and information sharing, and to deepen a sense of Christian fellowship, among clergy and lity both in the convocations and inthe diocese; ae 2. BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that the various convocations be requested to participate in this eviews 3. BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that Diocesan Couneil be requested to consider what Jnuman and fiscal resourees might be necessary to enable the eonvocations ta best Fall their assigned fanetions and, 4. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Diocesan Couneil be requested to report to the 162%h Convention ofthe Diocese of Missouri the seul of is seview an seuvuumenlations regarding these matters. “The resolution was approved by a majority vote Resolution D-168: Disabilities Submitted by the Vestry of Se, Mark’s/Metso TI ‘Mrs, Dyer moved the adoption of Resolution D-168 1, BE TT RESOLVED that this 168th Convention ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missour aifem Resolution C-030 of General Convention 2000 Resolved, That the 73rd General Convention adopt the “National Couneil of Churches Policy Statement on Disabilities, che Body of Chris, and the ‘Wheleness of Society"; nd be it further Resolved, Tha every diocese study this document and implement is points in thet ile and encourage a diocesan-wide stdy ofthe NCC Policy Statement "Disabilities, the Body ‘of Christ and the Wholeness of Society"; 2, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that this convention encourages a renewed awareness of ‘the nee for fll inclusion of people with disbilities; 3. BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that this convention requests every congregation to study the isse ofthe fll inclusion of people with disabilities, and 4, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that diocesan services be held in settings which allow for independent participation by people with visual, heating and physical disabilities and that ioeesan committees should meetin setings which accommodate the needs of distbled committee members. “The resolution was approved by @ unanimous vote F-168: Department of Peace and Nonviolence Submited by Rossel P,Breyogle, Je, Calvary/Columbia ‘Mrs. Dyer moved the adoption of Resolution F-168. <2 1, BETE RESOLVED that this 168th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri calls on the United States Congress to enact and adopt legislation inorder to create "Department of Peace anc Nonviolence” (FLR. 808). This Department would be headed by Secretary of Pesce and Nonviolence, appointed by the President of the United States with the advice and eonsent of the Senate and serving a en year term. ‘The mission ofthis ‘department would be to: ‘hold peace as an organizing principle + endeavor to promote justice nd democratic principles to expand human rights and * develop policies that promote national and international conflict prevention, nonviolent intervention, mediation, poacafl resolution of confit, and structured mediation of conflict 2, BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution shall be forwarded to the President of the United States and our representatives in Congress, along with members of the following Congressional commirees: House Oversight and Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procarement House Foreign Afairs House Judiciary ons Edueation and Labor, Subeommitte on Rarly Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education ‘After discussion the monion was defeated. Reports Received by Title Bishop Smith accepted the following reports by tte: Making Diseples Cluster Report Supporting Congregations Cluster Report CCommunieations Cluster Report Administrative Cluster Report ‘Missioner to Jerusalem Report Commission on Ministzy Report asoo Con Cristo Report Se Lake's Hospital Report University ofthe South Diocesan Archives (Report of the Registrar) ‘Episcopal City Mission ‘Ghave Hill Neighborhoud Services ‘StAndrew's Resourees for Seniors Budget Vignette - St. John’s Church ~ Tower Grove, St Louis Bishop Smith called on The Rev. Enily Mello fora brief presentation on St. John's Church, ‘Tower Grove, St Louis, as an aspect ofthe proposed Diocesan budget for 2008, Close Plenary Session IT Bishop Smith recessed the meeting of Convention until 1045 a.m. Be Plenary Session IIL St. Pat's Ballcoom ‘There being a quorum present, Bishop Smith reconvened the 168* Meeting of Convention ofthe Episcopal Chueh inthe Diocese of Missouri at 10:45 a.m. Bishop's Address ‘Bishop Smith gave his Address to the Convention and it was received ‘of Convention. applause by she members Budget Vignette ~ Church of the Ascension, Northwoods ‘The Rev. Emily Mellot offered s presentation regarding the Church ofthe Ascension, Northwoods, asan aspect ofthe proposed Diocesan budget for 2008 Report of the Companion Diocese Committee ‘Arthe request of Bishop Smith, the Rev. Susan Naylor, Emmanvel Chorch, and members of the ‘Companion Diocose Commitice presented a report on che work with our Companion Diocese of La Report of the Committee on Constitution & Canons ‘The Chair recognized the Fon. Jean C. Hamilton, Church of St. Michael & Se. George, Clayton, and Chair ofthe Comittee on Constitution and Canons, forthe report ofthe Commitee. Resolution E-168: Prohibition on Proxy Voting. Submitted by the Very Rev. Ronald H, Clingenpeel, Dean, Christ Church Cathedral Judge Hamilton introduced Resolution E-168, RESOLVED, That the following addition be made to Canon TIL4 ofthe Canons ofthe Diocese of Missouri Sec. 4: Voting by proxy shall not be allowed in the Convention ofthe Diocese of. “Missouri, any ofthe bodies of that convention, or the Sending Committee. No parish vestry, mision bishop's committee or annual meeting ofa congregation shall, allow voting by proxy. Aer discussion the resolution wis withdrawn with a recommendation that congregations amend their bylaws as need. Resolution G-168 Episcopal Campus Ministries: Representation at Convention Submitted by the Rev. Andrew Benko [Jge Hamilton introduced Resolution G-168. Each Campus Ministry of this Diocese with a fall-time chaplain, and any other Campus “Ministries ofthe Diocese designated by the Bishop and Standing Commitee shall be “entitled to be represented by one Lay Delegate, selected from among the student ‘communicants ofthat ministry. Such Campus Ministries shall be allowed additional, ‘Delegates inthe sme manner set forth in Article TI, Section 6, subsection 2, for Parishes and Missions. After discussion, the resolution was amended as fellows: Sec, 13, Bach campus ministry of this Diocese witha full-time chaplain and each other campus rninistry ofthe Diocese recognized by the Bishop and Standing Commitee shal be entitled to bbe represented in Convention by one representative who shall have seat, voie and vote in Convention, Each sach representative shall be appointed on an annual basis by the Bishop after consultation withthe Bishop's clergy presence in that community of fth “The resolution as amended was approved by 2 majority vote, Because this isan amendment tothe Constitution of the Digces, it requires an affirmative vote of the 169% Convention. 1-168 Amendment to Article IL. of the Constitution regarding designation of Convention time and place Submitted by the Committee on the Dispatch of Business RESOLVED that Article IV.1 of the Constitation ofthe Episcopal Church in the Diocese of “Missouri be amended in is entirety to read as follows ‘Article TI] Annual Meeting of Convention "The Convention of the Church inthis Diocese shall assemble annually. The 169ch annval ‘meeting of Convention shall designate the time and place for the 170" and 171* annual meetings of Convention. ‘The 170! annnal meeting of Convention and each annual meeting, ‘of Convention thereafer shall designate che time and place for the second soceeeding annual ‘meeting of Convention. “The Eeclesistcal Authority of the Dioesse may, however, change the time or phice, ot hoth, upon at least ten days notice tothe Senior Warten of every aris, the Bishop's Warden of every Mission and every Clerical Member of Convention. After discussion the resolution was approved by a unanimous vote, Beeawse this san amendment uo the Constitution ofthe Diocese it requires an affirmative vote ofthe 169° Convention. ‘Resolution I-168: Amendment to Seetion 1 of Canon IV.16 Rega “Menger of Congregations Submitted by Harold R. Burroughs, Chancellor 1g Dissolution or Judge Hamilton introduced Resolution 1-168, RESOLVED, That Section of Canon IV.16 ofthe Canons ofthe Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri he amended in is entirety to read as follows ose ‘Canon IV.16 Dissolution or Merger of Congregations Section 1, A Pavsh may merge with another Parish or Mission or dissolve by closing its ‘operations completely only with che approval of the Bishop and by resolution of Diocesan Council. A Mission may merge witha Parish or another Mission oF dissolve by closing its ‘operations completely only with the approval ofthe Bishop. ‘The Chancellor presented the rationale for this proposed amendment. After discussion, the resolution to amend Canon TV.16 was defeated Introduction of the Executive Director of Episcopal City Mission [shop Smith introdaced Ms. Mary Kay Dighy, Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton as the new executive director of Episcopal City Mission. Report from the Diocesan Investment Trust Bishop Smith recognized Mr Jerry Cooper, Emmanuel Church, Webster Groves and Cheir ofthe ‘Trustees of the Digcesan Investment Trast for a report onthe DIT's operations, Further Courtesy Resolutions from the Resolutions Committee: Mrs. Kathy Dyer [Mis Dyer presented resoloions concerning the opening and closing of churches, congratulating the Church ofthe Advent, Crestwood, on thei SO anniversary, congratulating St. Barnabas’ Church, Florissant on thei 3 aniversary, and expressing grade forthe timely issuance of Convention Journal. The resolutions were approved with applause Noonday Prayers [Bishop Johnson led the Convention in Noonday Prayers. Close Plenary Session IIL Bishop Smith recessed the meeting of Convention until 1:00 pam. Plenary Session 1V “There being a quorum present, Bishop Smith reconvened the 168! Meeting of Convention of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri ‘The Chair called upon The Rt. Rev. Don F, Johnson to lea the Convention in prayer. Budget Vignette - Church of the Good Shepherd, Town & Country Bishop Smith called on the Rev. Emily Mellot for a brief presentation eegarding the Church ofthe Good Shepherd, an aspect of the proposed Diocesan budget for 2008. Further Report from the Committee on Nominations and Election Procedures: Election Results ‘The Rev. Anne Kelsey, Chait ofthe Cor ‘on the results of the elections. ittee on Nominations and Plection Procedure, reported -36- Bected tothe Cathedtal Chapeer: ‘Mr, Stephen Robin ‘The Rev. Steven Lawler lected Deputies to General Convention: “Lay Deputy ‘Michael Clark Joseph, Kloecker Katheym Dyer Jeanneute Huey Lay Delegate Alternate Don Fisher Margie Bowman (Clergy Deputy ‘The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpeel ‘The Rev. John Flemming ‘The Rev. De. Lydia Speier ‘The Rev. Dr. Jacob Owensby ‘Clergy Deputy Altersate ‘The Rev. Emily Mellor ‘The Rev, Tamsen Whistler ‘The Rev. Melanie Barbarto ‘The Rev. Jason Samvel lected to Diocesan Council Don Eshenshade lected to Standing Committee: ‘The Rev. Catherine Fillqust ‘Mrs. Marsha Ray ‘The Rev. Joseph Chambers Adoption of the Operating Budget “The Chair recognized Mr. Jerre Birdsong, Treasurer ofthe Diocese and a member of Christ Church Cathedral, Mr, Birdsong moved adoption ofthe 2008 Budget for the Diocese. After discussion the motion was approved by a majority vote. Farther Courtesy Resolutions from the Resolutions Committee Mrs. Dyer offered courtesy resolutions expressing gratitude to Bishop Johnson for serving as our {Chaplain daring dhe Conveation so Disko Sih fr his leadership id ministry, to Chrise Church, Rolla, for their exceptional hospitality, and to the University of Missouri-Rolla and the staff of the Hiavener Center for their hospitality and efficiency. ‘The resolutions were approved with applause ‘Scleetion ofthe Site for the 16th Convention Bishop Smith entertained a motion to sot November 21 and 22, 2008, asthe dates and Crist CChureh Cathedral asthe site fr the 16 Convention. ‘The motion was seconded and approved. Appointment of Committees for the 169th Convention Bishop Smith Bishop Smith made the following appointments for the 169* meeting of the Convention: Lay Credentials and Admission of New Parishes ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Vin Hore, Chair ‘Mr, Harold R. Burroughs Dispatch of Business (Mr. Harold R. Burroughs, Chair ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Vin Hore ‘The Rev. Canon E. Daniel Smith, e ofc Constitution and Canons ‘The Foon Jean C. Hamilton, Chair ‘The Rev, James H. Purdy ‘Mr, Harold R. Burroughs ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Van Horne ‘Mr, Ronald Jones Ms. Theodora Rendlen ‘The Honorable Mary Russell Mr. Jamieson Spencer ‘The Rev. Canon E. Daniel Smith ex offn The Rev. Dr. Richard B. Tudor Resolutions ‘Mis. Carolyn Daniels ‘The Rev. Dr. Lyla Agnew Speer ‘Mrs, Kathy Byes, Chair ‘The Rev. Robert Towner ‘Ms. Ann Hogan ‘The Rev. Teresa Mithen ‘The Rev. Renee Fenner [Affirmation of Bishop's Appointments to the Diocesan Commission on Ministry Bishap Smith nominated the following persons to serve on the Diocesan Commission on Ministry: For four year terms: "The Rew. John B. Musgrave (2011) ‘The Rev: Amy Cortwright 2010) ‘Mr. Ellioe MeKee (2011) For unespited one year term: "The Rew. Mark Sluss 2010) Continuing members ae: ‘The Rev. Melanie Barbrito (2008) De. James Hood 2008) “Me Roxy Walsh (2008) “The Very ev. Kona 11. Chngenpel (2008) ‘Me Carl Muench 2009) “The Rev. Sosan Bartlett (2009) ‘The Rew. Jacob Oxrensby (2009) Ms. Aun Hogan 2010) “The Rev. Maryen tansbery 2010) ‘The Rev. Teresa Mithen 2010) ‘Mr. Joep Ada 2010) ‘Ms Barra Pot (2009) Teas moved, seconded and approved to afiem these nominations. Announcement of Bishop's Appointments to the Board of Examining Chaplains Bishop Smith appointed the following persons to serve on the Board of Examining Chaplains: For four yea terms ‘The Rev. Dr. Lydia Agnew Speller 2011) ‘Ms. Janet Thompson (2011) For unexpired one year terms ‘The Rev. Mari Chollet (2008) ‘Continuing members are “The Rev. Susan Naylor Dr, Hal Parker Ms. Kathy Rogers ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter Van Horne ‘The Rew. Tamsen Whistler Affirmation of Bishop's Appointments to the Committee oa Nominations and Election Procedures Bishop Smith nominated the following persons co serve a three-year term on the Committee on ‘Nominations and Flection Procedure. [Nominations and Election Procedure: ‘The Rev. Fmily Mellose (2010) ‘Ms. Lisa Fox 2010) Continuing members are Raymond W. Peters (St. Peters - Ladue) (2009) ‘Ms. Midge Smith (St. Stephen’s~St Louis) (2009) ‘Mr. James Markham (2008) ‘The Rev. Beverly Van Horne (2008) ‘The Rev. Dr. Warren Crews (2008) Tewas moved, seconded and approved to affizm the Bishop's nominations. Election of Bishop's Nominees to the Beelesiastical Court (Canon V5, Ses, 2~ The Beetiastcal Cant shall) be ltd by the Carentan of te Diz upon ‘nomination ofthe Bich...) “The Bishop sad the following persons continue to serve on the FBeclesiseal Court, lov bee elected by «prior Conventions Me. Carl Muench ‘The Rev. Jack Fleming Dr. Harry Richter ‘The Rev. Dr, Lydia Agnew Spaller (Ms. Virginia Russell Rowe ‘The Rev. Harvel L. Sanders ‘The Rev. Andrew Archie -39- Gall for Adjournment “There being no further business to come before the Convention, the Bishop declared that the 168th, “Mesting of Convention ofthe Episcopal Chureh in the Diocese of Missour is adjourned. Respoctlly submitted, ‘The Rev. Dr. Peter F. Van Home Convention Secretary APPENDIX NO. 1 RESOLUTIONS APPROVED BY THE 167 CONVENTION RESOLUTION SUBJECT ACTION PAGE A168 ‘Minimum Clergy Compensation passed 30 B168 Call foe « Moratorium for the pased 31 Death Penaley in Missous C168 Convocation System pased 31 De168 Disabilities pased 32 E-168 Prohibition on Proxy Voting withdrawn 34 F168 Department of Peace andNon-Violence filed 32 Program Budget pased = 37 Amendments to the Constitution and Canons ofthe Diocese G68 Campus Ministries: Representation at ‘Convention amended/passed” 34 1-168 Designation of Convention time and place passed” 35 1168 Dissolution and Merger of Congregations defeated 35 * repuire affirmative vote of the 169° Convention APPENDIX NO. 2 Resolutions from Previous Conventions 167% (Nov. 10-11, 2006) [A Clergy Compensation Teaching of Inteligent Design in Puble Schools Youth Ministries nitive D Recovery Sunday Amendments tothe Diocesan Canons Concerning Diocesan Council Members Chaiyng the Use of Making All Things New Monies L Representation a Diocesan Convention M Coreeting Amendmene to Arce TIL3, Sesion 9 — IN Payment of Assessments and Congregetional Representations at Convention 166¢h (Now. 18-19, 2005) A Clergy Compensation increased Media Coverage of Global Crises D Recycling of Convention Materials F Balancing the State Budget by Abandoning the Poor F Call fora Moratorium on the Death Penaly in Missouri G Structured Conversations on the Windsor Report a HL Relationship with the Diocese of Lai 1 Formula for Assessment of Congregations for Support of the Diocese J Continuing Support for the Millennium Development Goals L* Formula for Determining Representation at Convention M* Cleaning up Language in Constitution [N? Linking of Payment of Assessment to Representation * First reading 165th (Nov. 19-20, 2004) A Standard base compensation for clergy 18 Representation by the congregations to Diocesan Convention C Year ofthe Baptismal Covenant 1D Exploration of the role ofthe Church in marriage Db Study of role of clergy as agents ofthe state E Study & review of the budgeting & assessment processes of the Diocese G Episeopal City Mission Sunday H Development of diocesan strategic direction 1 Support ofthe Church of the Good Shepherd J The dissolution of St. Barnabas’ Church, Moberly K Adding Bishop James Holly to Church Calendar 164th (Nov. 21-22, 2003) A Grantavailability| B Diocesan scheduling C Episcopal City Mission Sunday 1D Global Reconciliation and 0.7 percent giving for international development E Holy habits F Developing a ministry of advocacy for youth G Standard compensation for clergy 163rd (Nov. 22-23, 2002) [A Standaed compensation for clergy B Opposition to war against Iraq Location of Diocessn Convention D Urban missioner 162nd (Nov. 16-17, 2001) ‘A Standard compensation for clergy D Lay delegate representation at diocesan Convention EE Safe spaces for sexual minorities FA study of ways to increase participation of youth and young adults in Episcopal Church ‘government G Excension of Companion Diocese agreement 161s¢ (Nov. 17-18, 2000) A Standard compensation for clergy BB Recognition of the work of food ministries “2. ‘C Support of General Convention Resolution on the 20/20: A Clear Vision evangelism D Urban Mission Commission E Snudy of availabilty of affordable health care Fa Continuing education for clergy Fb Sabbatieals for clergy GA study ofthe structure ofthe Diocese H Suppor for universal health care 1 Opposition to he death penalty J Format for the 162nd Convention Approval of the merger of St. John’s, Sullivan, and St. James, St Clair 160th (Nov. 19-21, 1999) Standard compensation for clergy B Sabbatical, extended study leave ‘C Continuing education for clergy and lay professionals D Urban churches, E Encouragement of young adult participation in the lif, liturgy, and leadership ofthe Church F Resolution to the 73ed General Convention regarding maternity/paternity leave for clergy and lay G Time of Convention forthe 161st Annual Meeting HL Evaluation and recommendation for a model for the 159th (Nov. 20-21, 1998) {A Standard compensation forelergy B Timing of annual Convention C Pall participation of all in oar common life D Names of new parishes and missions E Mutual ministry F Broadening aceess to lay Eucharistic ministries G Trustees to the University of the South H Support for congregations and their health ministries, 1 Grimes of bias and ignorance 158th (Nov. 20-22, 1997) A Minimum compensation for clergy 'B Capital punishment CDeceney principles D St. Louis Urban Partnership E Increasing the diversity of participation in the Episcopal Church G Information on candidates in diocesan elections 157th (Nov. 19-21, 1996) A Minimum compensation for clergy B Forms for blessing committed relationships G Amendment to the national Canons 8 APPENDIX NO. 3 ‘BISHOP'S ADDRESS- 168" ANNUAL CONVENTION Grace to you, and pene, from Gor our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ "Today Linyite you ta come along with me on an important journey. One that believe defines who awe ae, what we are to he about, and where we are going, inthis time and forall time. ‘This journey i not jst a new one; ts beginnings lie in our deepest memories of what it means to be ‘oar spivitual ancestry is that ofthe missionaries. Our forebears in fith include the likes of Patrick of ‘Wales, who carried the gospel to Ireland, They include Aidan and Tilda, who established a tnissionary outpost in the north of England. There are Angustine of Canterbury, a missionary to England, and Boniface, a missionary from England; Thomas Bray, who organized the mission from England! to these shores the many English press and even more numerous Scottish priests who left ‘heir country to solidify the workin colonial Noreh America; Kenneth and Bileen Fraser, Settsh laypeople, who in 1920 took the gospel of Jess to our brothers and sisters in Lui. Thave stood at their Frasers’ graves, dug into che red ela die of Southern Sudan, graves and dire which I recogni asholy ground. TThave sto countless times at the grave of Jackson Kemper, the missionary who carried the gospel into our own part ofthe world. Thae tomb of his set in the black sil of southern Wisconsin, is holy ground, All these, our ancestors in fth, have let usa precious legacy, a spiritual genome, if you ill, We have suppressed that legacy-and in this address wil give you some deals about how it happened. But the bottom line is this I want this missionary legacy back! In 1835, ‘The General Convention of the Episcopal Church made an audacious and unheardof move. By at of Convention, the bishops and deputies re-imagined the Charch, and gave ita new name to wear alongside the old one. The Episcopal Church, they decided, would also become The Domestic nd Foreign Missionary Sociey ofthe Protestant Bpiscopal Chueh in the United States of Ameria. ‘They also decided thatthe membership of this Missionary Society would include every icopalian, There were plenty of independent missionary societies around, but no Church had even made ich a bold move as this one, and it planted in our Church an idea too aften forgotten: “The Church's work is thae of mission. So to complete the new, missionary way of being the Church imagined by the 1835 General Convention, the Bishops decided to elect new sort of bishop, a missionary bishop, a bishop who would have to invent diocese a bishop to pnt the Chnrch in new places. They elected Jackson “Kemper who cane to Missouri. Ours was his rst misionary charge. The very presence ofthe Episcopal Church in this diocese, in this state, inthis middle pare of the American continent, came ahout heeause Episcopalians dreamed a new way of thinking about themselves. And they chose ‘someone jas fentess enough to act on those dreams. ‘The station for the mission of the Church proved hard duving Bishop Kemper’ years in Missouri When he arrived In 1836, St. Louis hd yet to recover its population lost during the 1832 cholera ‘epidemic. Kemper’s second year in Missouri, 1837, was the year of a nation-wide banking crisis and financial pane, which left Missourians essentially without any cash. Deployment was the bane of his ‘existence, because clergy would not leave the tidewater ease forthe disease-rdden valleys of the ‘Mississippi and Missouri. The climate was not atactive--too hot in summer and too cold “Kemper one special dream for Missouri struggled from the outset and then filed, Kemper College, place for lemming in the West, a place for prospective clergy to learn in Missouri, never ‘quite caught on and was forced tp close in 1846, Money was the issue, Add to all eis~the hard living frontier culture was not exaetly friendly tothe Chureh, "The challenges we face should not surprise ns, because any mission worth undertaking is typically faughe with dfficltes. And we do have ours. Lee me name some of these difficulties. ‘We too fae financial challenges, bur they are challenges which co not have to be our undoing. Diocesan Counc tthe strong encouragement from the Convocation has put before yous balanced budget, bua budge tha comes with a cost. Support to congregations slower in this ‘badge, and a staf position (or postions) will ave tobe eliminated. There is also the reality that this balanced budget depends on you, the congregations, meeting the assessment that is yours, the delegates, to decide, Let me say thatthe system for diocesan support in Missour isan assessment. It is not voluntary. Its an assessed amount, and my expectation is that the parishes and missions ‘commit to thatamount, and pay it Even so, the financial challenges we fae are manageable. ‘We continae to deal with strns inthe Anglican Commanion, and, realistically, Tstill do not expect these strains co resolve any time soon, Te may well be that these Communion struggles wil be ‘generational in naare. It may also be that a deepening understanding of life as experienced by the faithfl gay men and lesbians among us wil ikewise require a generation. Reaistieally, I expect these matters tobe before me for the rest of my episcopacy. am not bereft by that realization; T remain hopefl. (More about hope later.) Another matter: We fice the challenges of ie ina Diacese where growth i essentially lat, and in an Episcopal Church whose life one statistician has eseribed as being in "systemic decline.” That decline didnot begin inthe aftermath of General ‘Convention 2003 andthe ensuing conflicts the roots go much deeper. Average Sunday attendance in the Diocese of Missouri deopped thirey-even percent in the 1990s, The seeds of decline, says this same statistician, were in place no later than the 1950s and perhaps as early a erly asthe 1930s. ‘The current sat ofthe Episcopal Church has been mlti-generationa in the making. Deep-rooted decline has obscuted our missionary legacy. ‘With the are of decline o longa part of our lve, some ofthe basic practices of the faith will now seem lost tous. Planting 2 new church, for example, used tobe fundamental. Bishop Kemper's times ‘were dificol, remember, but the church count during his four years in Missouri went from one, ‘when he arrived in 1837, osx, on his departure in 1841, And those six churehes organized into diocese that same year. Planting & new church is much rarer in these times, more daring riskier, but s0 necessary for ou life. The first concrete step toward a new church i Columbia began the frst Gay ofthis month, when Heather McCain began her ministry among us. Ivisa step toward recovery ‘of practice chatted tobe fundamental. I rejoice in this new beginning, ‘So what ro da? When systemic decline is face of ou life, when basic disciplines have to be reestablished--vhat rode? Let me name some things which are not options, although they are very real temptations Inertia is not an opsion, although it wil akvays set the path of leat resistance, a natural tendency whenever there is decline. Playing the victim is not an option, as if there is no power avallle ur reside ft uf desl or a if the events ofthis General Convention or that ‘iceting ofthe House of Bishops keep congregations from thriving. Isolation is not an option, although whenever the times ten challenging, the temptation arises for people and communities to build firewalls around themselves, Let us admit that congregationalism and the failure of collegiality ace realities among. us. “Movementand activity are necessary to our lif; inertia is death, We infact have:no power in ‘ourselves to help ourselves, as tha great Prayer Book collect so aptly puts it, but bythe breath ofthe Holy Spirit, we are by no means powerless eftas helpless vetims. We mnst claim the power available to's, fr the asking. The trath that we are Christ's body together means tha stronger ‘connections-vwithin our parishes, within this Diocese, within the Episcopal Church, within the 45. Anglican Communion, within the whole church eatholie~ become ll the more necessary. There are ‘no Firewalls inthe body of Christ. Theleve it racial given the challenges facing ws, that we recover our missionary DNA. I right here in our genetic makeup All we have to do is wake it up. For decades we have allowed other layers to cover over, suppress this hase strand. We are hers ofthe missionaries! We are people with ‘mission, the mission that Paul poetically describes in 2 Corinthian 5: “God wes in Chris, reconciling the world to himself.” We, che body of Christ, are to continue as agents ofthat reconciliation, Ts the course of six years of conversation with you, exchange of emails, revision of thoughts, parish visitations, and no small smmount of prayer-L belive I ean state sucsinely wht God is asking from 1 in this place, at this ime. We are to be about the work of Making diiples Building eongregaions or the life of the world “Three interconnecting phrases to describe God's mission in our life together. First, making dseples Jesus didnot gather around himself a group of admirers, and stil les did he imagine a school for book-learnng only. Fis life was set inthe midst of those who would follow him-followers, not admires. They would lern to do what he dd they would infact do greater things than he did, or a he told them, Disciples were to keep everything tat Jesus taught them, and ot, inchnding and especially the great “do tis" Jesus gave them, on the night he was handed over to suffering and death, Christian education, reduced to facts and knowledge only, wil always remain inadequate. Christian education has discipleship sits end and meaning, or else it lapses into that ‘mos tenacious of ancient heresies, gnosis, the idea tha knowledge saves us In his final words in ‘Matthews gospel, Christ Jesus, risen from the dead, did not say to the apostles, “Have a seminar about me." He ssid instead, “Go int all the world, and make disciples.” Followers. Doers. Activists. ‘The church's ancient eatechetcal method, the very life of Christian in the fist centuries, armed ‘our usual pedagogy on its head. We typically Iearn about something, then doit. The ancients sid: Experience frst. Then reflec, So, for example, they inchuded Christian acts of mercy as pat ofthe process that made disciples. You lenened toe a Christian by working in the ancient words version ‘of soup kitchen, This was the classtoom: you solidified your learning, ater, by reflecting on what you did and leaning what sexipture and wadicion had to say about that experience. Notice chat the method of lerning did not stop with eypeience; that's where i began. But the Church's works of ‘merey were fandamental, They gave the Church its eredibiltyin the world, they expressed the ‘Chureh's inner life and parpose~and they were the elasroom for making Christians. Mission, for ts ca be x all fur dniplship, and I believe that we needa lot more schooling. With thi in ‘mind, next yea Iwill lead 2 Diocese-wide mission trip to New Orleans, where there sa world of Inuc,& vem for ws not only to make a difference—but to be shaped more adequately into followers ‘of Jesus, I want every congregation to be represented, fori is important tht we engage mission in ‘ommnity. This wor is doable, but may be jost audacious enough to get us ouside ourselves. I ‘alive that an experience chee, St in such obvious desolation, might open our eyes to see more cleatly the urgeney of Goss mission close to home, in such places asthe stretches of the Ozarks not {ar from here, and great urban desert that parts of St. Louis has become. If we have eyes to see ‘We must keep our eyes on mission's fr horizon also, and Lui Diocese in Southern Sudan must continue a8 venue for our work, for Christ as come zo preach peace to those who are far off as ‘well sto those who are near. eis en important venve precisely because itis so far off, so dificult to _get to, Weedo need more people From Missouri in Lai, so we en gather up the stories, and hear how that experience leaves people knowing tha they can never be the same afterward, We need our friends in Lui to come here, to hear fist hand ther stores, We will ear discipleship in this exchange, Being in relationship with Lai, where life so haed and God isso good, will shape us more adequately into the disciple Jesus has in mind. Lui isnova burden; Lat is gift. ‘We nced a breadth of experience anda depth of reflection, having been steeped in the tradition With ths, che Diocese of Missouri could become a sititwal community with a global impact. T dream of sucha thing used to sy that one ofthe purposes ofthe Diocese of Missouri layin "supporting congregations Nota bed purpose, but I think that phrase i too passive for what we need to be about. "Supporting ‘congregations sounds lke they need propping up. They may need support, trae enough; but the ‘etter metaphor is hae of building-up, or perhaps rebuilding if that be the need. Ephesians describes the Spirits work as “equipping the saint fr the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” ‘We can provide resources for this building, resources for small communities (where twenty people make a vital witness) esonrees for bg places (who might in turn re-imagine themselves a5 resources for the restof the Diocese). Resources, when pooled together, can make it posible todo such an unlikely thing as building fom the ground up a brand new congregation in Columbia. Resources, ‘when pooled, become hy grace more than the sum ofthe individual part. Thave std cis befor, bu it bears repeating: The primary expression ofthe life ofthis Diocese ‘occur in the forty-six congregations around the eastern half of Missouri. The Diocese isnot the third floor ofthe Bishop Tuatle building, on Twelfth and Locust in St, Lous. Ieis not "the Diocese, they; it is “the Dioeese, we.” ‘Wedo notlive nto ourselves alone, bue we live unto the Lord, to paraphrase Paulin Romans 14 ‘We live with 2 purpose beyond ourselves; we live for the sake of God! mission, which is the ‘reconciliation ofthe world to God, The third phrase ofthis mission statement which I put before you is inchpin, because all we do muse be for the life ofthis world which Christ is making new. In Joh chapter 6, Jesus identifies himself as the souree forthe life of the world, "The bread that Iwill ‘give forthe lfe of che wool ie my flesh.” The holy meal ofthe Euchariscis not given forthe sake of ‘ur ives alone; is forthe life of the world The Eucharist s ous, not fo solace only not for pardon only. The Eucharist not just aboue usand ovr private anguish and need, To become a "Eucharist Christian isto ive fr the ife of the world, Is forthe world’s life that we must make disciples and build congregations. Unless we see that, we will maintain Church in its institutional life-and not mach more ‘Making Dixpes Daikting Congregations For the hifeof the world “This mission statement will set the direction fora season of visionary planning, a participatory process chat will conclude no later than convention a year hence. [have retained the services ofa splendid consultant, Mr. David Manting, an Episcopalian with broad experience in working on such projects, both in the Episoapal Church and beyond, He and I are hard at work planning forthe process, This isthe right ime for such work co begin, and Iam thrilled at the prospects of what les head. I want co reclaim that missionary legacy! “at conclude with a word of hope, as hinted earlier have learned in the course of my days, to be a hopefal person. Hope isnot the same as optimism. Hope is nor the claim that every litle thing will, be al right. Hope, in my experienc, is away of being open to the farure and whatever les init “Hope becomes possible for the Christin, insofar as we see and know chat furare belongs to God, and in that fare lives Crist Jess, The future may he hard, or ic may be easy faith teaches us to ‘embrace the farure, come what may, because God is there ‘Sometimes, we get glimpse of what canbe, and that glimpse can redeem the present. Moses, ‘remember, never set fot in Canaan's land, the promised country of the Isaclites. God did not psi it, Du Manes soul on top of Mount Nebo, just tothe east ofthe River Jordan, and gazed ino the rich land, the holy land. He never se foot there, but he got to see it~and seeing it was insite you to stand with me where Moses stood. I want you to see what might be. Tinvite you to imagine how we might so live together--Making Disciples, Building Congregations, For the life of the world, Take these words back home with you. Tell them to your congregations. [know that you ‘will make some kind of report tomorrow. Say these words when you do. Measure the life of your ‘vn pashes against these words, And lear to hape. Imagine what life together, shaped by these words, might look ike. Jackson Kempers body lies beneath an enormous slab of red granite, simple indesign but weighty. Insribed onto its fce are the dates of his birth and of his death. On one side ‘of the slab it reads "First Misionary Bishop ofthe American Church’; on the other, “First Bishop ‘of the Diocese of Wisconsin.” The words that left me ave-struc, every time, are chose inseribed at the head ofthis piece of stone: "Here rests in hope the body of Jackson Kemper. To live is Christ To die is gain.” He faced hard times, and then he would live to face some more. Some of what he did worked, and some did not, He was always hopefil, open tothe furure—even the fature thats ‘urs in death, He did not always succeed, but he never gave up. Thisis what ic means olive in hope. Indeed: ta live is Christ, die is gain. [Dear fiends, stand with me, at eis point in nr journey. Savor the life-changing hope that ean be ‘urs, together as disciples ofthe living Cheis, for the life of the world APPENDIX/NO. ¢ BISHOP'S OFFICIAL ACTS - 2007 Ordained to the Diaconate “The Rev. Burnell Trae Esbenshade, Permanent Deacon, February 7,2007, Christ Church (Cathedral, by the Re. Rev. George Wayne Smith “The Rev. Mark Duane Sh Permanent Deacon, February 7, 2007, Christ Church Cathedeal, by the Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith ‘The Rev. Janet Anne O'Neil, Permanent Deacon, May 17, 2007, St. Timothy’ Church, Creve ‘Coeur, by the Rt. Rev, George Wayne Smith “The Rev, Elizabeth Anne Bowen, Permanent Deacon, October 23,2007, Trinity Church, St. Charles, by the Re. Rev. George Wayne Smith ‘The Rev. Marshall Eugene Crossnoe, Transitional Deacon, December 21, 2007, Christ Church ‘Cathedral, by the Rt Rev. George Wayne Smith “The Rev. Robert Leo Payton, ty Transitional Deacon, December 21, 2007, Christ Church ‘Cathedral by the Re Rev. George Wayne Smith "The Rev, Rebecea Louise Ragland, Transitional Deacon, December 21, 2007, Christ Church, ‘Cathedtal by the Rt. Rev, George Wayne Smith "The Rev. Hope Virginia Welles, Transitional Deacon, December 21,2007, Christ Church ‘Cathedral, by the Re. Rev. George Wayne Sinith ‘Ordained w the Priesthood “The Rev. Chasles Arthur Orme-Rogers, January 6, 2007, Grace Church, Kirkwood, by the Re. Rev. George Wayne Sinith “The Rev, Ptscia Fostr Glenn, June 23, 2007, Calvary Church, Columbia, bby the Re, Rev. George Wayne Smith ‘The Rev. Mariclea Joaquim Treiber Chollet, Jane 9, 2007, Christ Church Cathedral, by the Re, Rev. George Wayne Smith ‘The Rev. Emily Hillqust Davi, Jane 9, 2007, Christ Church Cathedral, by the Rt Rev, George Wayne Smith “The Res, Thomas Kirby Heard, June 29, 2007, Christ Church Cathedral, by the Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith "The Rev, Brian Eliot Smith, June 29, 2007, Christ Church Cathedtal, by the Re. Rev. George Wayne Smith ‘The Rev. James Stephen Barber, July 7,2007, Trinity Church, St James, by the Re, Rev. George Wayne Smith ‘Admitted Candidates for Holy Onters: “Marshall Eugene Crossnoe ~ September 6, 2007 Robert Lee Peyton, Jr = Sepeember , 2007 Jt Johnson ~ March 28, 2007 etic DimissoryIsueland Accepted “The Rev. Amber Stancliff Evans, March 26, 2007, tothe Diocese of California “The Rev, Thomas Kirby Heard, Avgust 1, 2007, to the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast “The Rev. Robert Richard Rhodes, January 25, 2007, to the Diocese of Louisiana a9. [Leiters Dimissory Received and Assepted ‘The Rev. Michael Gerard Dunnington, March 1, 2007, from the Diovese of North Caroling ‘The Rev. Morgan Kelechi Chidi Ibe, Apel 20, 2007, from the Diocese of Egha, Nigeria “The Rev. Heather M. McCain, November 28, 2007, from the Diocese of North Carolina ‘The Rev. Niranjani Shasiya Molegoda, October 1, 2007, from the Diocese of Massachusetts “The Rev. John Michael Wheeler, March 27, 2007, from the Diocese of Teras “The Rev. Chases Milan Galbcaith May 24,2007, Lhombole, Tennessee Renuncations ‘The Rev. Michael Eugene Hardwick, July 17,2007, St. Louis Confirmations sess Received from other communions. Reaffirmations... Baptists oo Celebrations of New Ministries. Consents to Marry after Divorce. Consents to Election ofa Bishop/Bishop Coadjutot nose 1 Consents to Election of a Sutragan Bishop Consents to Ordination and Consecration of Bishop.snv 12 ‘Consents to the Resignation of a Bishop... fe (Clergy Livensed to Offieiate in the Diocese vee BL (Clergy Licensed to officiate on Special Occasions ..nssnsnnonn 5 Lay Worship Leaders Fcensed ...eonn 201 Tay Preachers ieensed essen 20 Lay Eucharistic Ministers Licensed Pov 39) Lay Eucharistic Visitors icensed. Penn BB -50- APPENDIXNO. 5 REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE Ecclesiastical and Canonical Actions January through December 2007 Gonsented to Election ofa Bishop: Sutfragan Bishop, Diocese of Alabama — 4/24/07 Bishop Condyutor, Diocese of Maine 6/26/07 Suffragan Bishop, Diocese of Dallas 12/1107 Consented tothe Ordination and fon of Bis “The Rev, Mark J. Lawrence, Bishop, Diocese of South Carolina ~ 1/23/07" ‘The Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop Coadjutor, Diocese of Hawaii ~ 1/23/07 ‘The Res. Dabney T. Smith, Bishop Coadjutor, Diocese of Southwest lord 1/23/07 “The Rev. Thomas F. Bredenthal, Bishop, Diocese of Southern Ohio ~ 1/23/07 ‘The Rev. Shannon Johnston, Bishop Cosdjutor, Diocese of Viginia 3/27/07 ‘The Rev, Laura Abrens, Saffrygan Bishop, Diocese of Connecticut ~ 5/22/07 “The Rev. Edward Joseph Konieerny, Bishop, Diocese of Oklahoma 6/26/07 ‘The Rev. Sean Walter Rowe, Bishop, Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania 6/26/07 “The Rev. Gregory H. Rickl, Bishop, Diocese of Olympia ~ 6/26/07 “The Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves, Bishop, Diocese of Fl Camino Real - 8/28/07 “The Rev. MarkJ. Lawrence, Bishop, Diocese of South Carolina ~ 10/23/07" ‘The Rev. John McKee Sloan, Suffragan Bishop, Diocese of Alabama ~ 11/17/07 “The Rev. Dan Thomas Edwards, Bishop, Diocese af Nevada — 11/17/07 CInsficen consents by Standing Commitee eve reseed felling the fist elesin. Dicezn Stoning Committees were asked for cnsentt0 Ondain and Canserte the Rew. Mr. Lawrence agen alsin a second lection) Commended to th Ontineion wo the Priesthor ‘The Res. Jtnes Stephen Barber ~ 3/27/07 “The Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis 3/27/07 ‘The Rev. Mariclea Joaquim Triber Chollet ~ 3/27/07 ‘The Res. Patric Foster Glenn ~ 3/27/07 ‘The Res. Thomas Kieby Heard ~3/27/07 “The Rev. Brian Blot Smith — 3/27/07 ‘Commended o the Bishop for Ordination to the Diaconate: Janet Ann O'Neil ~ 3/27/07 lizabeth Anne Bowen ~ 8/28/07 ‘Marshall Eugene Crossnow ~ 10/23/07 Robert Lee Payton, Jr. 10/23/07 “Hope Virginia Wells ~ 10/23/07 Rebecea Louise Ragland ~ 10/23/07 ste ‘Commended tothe Bishop for Admission asa Candidate: Robert Lee Payton Je. ~ 8/28/07 ‘Marshall Eugene Crossnoe ~ 8/28/07 11 By-Law Revi (Christ Church, Rolla ~2/27/07 (Church ofthe Transfiguration, Lake St, Louis ~ 24/07 Approved Personnel Policies; ‘Chiareh of the Transfiguration, Lake St, Louis — 4/24/07 Canonical Requirements: Approved request from St. Matthew's Church, Warson Woods to enter into a lease agreement with Gateway Music LLC to provide space for music lessons ~ 5/22/07 Approved request from Church of the Advent, Crestwood to make ¢ loan ton individual inthe amount of $9,500, - 5/22/07 Approved a request from St Lake's Church, Manchester to demolish the rental property on the Chureh’s property 6/2607 Approved building plan for All Saints’ Church, Farm Approved the request of St, Martin's Church, Ellisille for permission to sell property at 1149 Field ‘Avenue and 1155 Feld Avenue, under the condition chet sles contracts wil be submited to ‘Standing Committee for review and approval 8/28/07 Approved the alienation ofthe former Prince of Peace property a 8446 New Halls Ferry Road, St. Loni by transferring the property ta Heavenly Bread MB Chureh in “sis” condition - 9/25/07 Reaffirmed approval given eletronially for St. Martin's Church, Ellisville, to recast their loan with Reliance Bank forthe last 3 months of 2007~ 10/23/07 Approved the request o transfer oversight of St. Vincent’s-in-the-Vinyur St. Genevieve from All Saints’ Church, Farmington tothe Bishop of Missouri ~ 10/23/07 Approved the request of St. Pete's Church, Ladue foraToan not to exceed a principal amount of '$310,000, «eu sate of 5% por anu fora term of 15 yess from the Keon E- Whito and Alina ‘Mayland White Memorial Trust ~ 10/23/07 Approved the request of St. Martin's Church, Flisileco renew their loan with Reliance Bank — Raver Forgave the White Fund loan for the Church of the Good Shepherd, Town and Country in the amount of SE17,525.32 — 12/11/07 232 Advice and Consent CConsented tothe request of Bishop Smith to accept the renunciation ofthe ordained ministry by the Rev. Michael Hardwick ~ 6/26/07 Other Actions Blcted Clare Davis as president of Standing Comite ~ 11/17/07 APPENDIXNO. 6 REPORT OF THE DIOCESAN COUNCIL AND THE CORPORATION OF THE DIOCESE OF MISSOURI ‘The responsibilty of Diocesan Councils outlined in the Canons ofthe Chur anon TIL6 Diocesin Council Section 2: Diocesan Council shall pln, develop, review and evaluate nnvely the programs ofthe Diocese and make written recommendations eancerning them tothe annual meeting of Convention. ‘Council hears report fom Making Disciples, Supporting Congregations, and Administration. ‘The ‘reaurer presents the curren financial pierre, and Bishop Smith shares insights from his work from around the Diocese of Missouri, in the national chureh, and also in che wider communion. Individval eonvocations submit written minetes or accounts of their metro meetings, and council members elected from convoeations share concerns and activities from around the diocese. “Two thousand-seven was hig year for Diocesan Council. Ie was the first year that Council metas COEDMO (Corporation ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri). Legal matters regarding propercy as well as grant requests and budgetary concerns took tp a substantial proportion of our ime. Coxeil was particularly concerned that the projected budget deficit far 2006 was $388,000, which was $87,000 more than projected by ne 2006 Convention. OF great concern isthe fat that over fifty percent of parishes and missions in the diocese do not meet their assessment, and that a majority of them do not pledge atthe minimum level of 125 %. + Approved the logo, ne and cover design forthe new diocesan publication. Iwas carsied witha few dissenting vores. + Granted St John's, St. Louis, $6,000 from the New Venture in Community Ministries Fund assed subject to unanimous consent of all remaining Couneil members. (No quorum due to bad weather) ++ Received a request from the vestry and members of St, Augustine's Church, St. Louis to close, ++ Amended the Articles of incorporation of COEDMO to comply with the eonstiational and ‘canonical changes specified bythe 2006 Diocesan Convention. Unanimous. ++ Amended the by-laws of CORDMO forthe same reason, Unanimous 4 Amended the Diocesan Investment Trustas requested by the DIT, and changed the mumber of trustees, Unanimous 4+ Adopted draft documents giving Robert Franken authority to negotiate a cost sharing. agreement between COEDMO and the Cathedral, Unanimous. “33. “+ Moved to forgive All Saint's Church, St.Louis their outstanding 2005 pledge. Unanimous. + Approved the bylaw changes requested by St. Luke's Hospital. Passed unanimously. + Approved the final transaction for the purchase of land in Farrington, Passed unanimously. 1 Approved « mil year bdget amendment, cresting 2 Communications department. {Adopted a Conic of Imerest statement was by voice vote. + Approved the sale ofthe Moberly propery for $33,500 to Robert and Chery Johnson by voice + Authorized transfer of the property at 8449 Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis to Heavenly Bread MB. ‘Church for $10.00 Pased hy voice vote + Authorized Robert Franken or Dan Smith to negotiate the sale ofthe propety at 7039 Bruno, S Lois (St. Augustine's). Any contact forthe sale mus be made subject final approval by the ‘Trustees of COEDMO, Passed by vice vote. + Authorized the expenditure of $1,000,000 forthe construction ofa new facility forthe congregation of All Saints Church, Farmington. + Authorized expenditure of $1,200,000 for purchase of property in Eureka forthe mission congregation of St. Francis Church. ++ Approved a logo fr the diocese, Passed with few dissenting votes ++ Approved the agreement benween COFDMO and Ciurist Church Catheral for cost sharing the recent move ofthe offices of the Bishop tothe third flor of he Tut Building + Accepted the reporof the 2006 ait by Schmersahl Treloar and Co, Passe without dissent. ++ Adopted the budget for 2008; adjustments and cuts were made, including a grant to St. Timothy’s ‘Church, Greve Coeur and arehuetion in the Seek budget, The Bishop -was asked by Connell to reduce staff costs for 2008 by $96 500, + Approved a diocesan wide Fund raising eampaign by Christ Church Cathedral to raise $75,000 for new chairs. Passed with hearty fervor, without dissent. [give most heartfelt thanks and gratirude to those members of Couneil whose terms ae ending, ‘The Rev. Ned Bowen, Robert Daniels, Harry Goff, Dana Hoouchins and Susan Schetter have made significant contributions to our work together this Year. A special note of thanks goes o the Coun ‘working group of Bob Daniels, Midge Smith, Mare Vanacht, the Rev. Beverly Van Homme, and the Rev. John Musgrave for their assistance with the New Venture in Community Ministry fund, [Ichas been a privilege and an honor to serve the Diocese of Missouri for which Iam deeply sratefil Respectfully submited, ‘The Rev. Anne I. Kelscy Viee-chair, Diocesan Counell 54 APPENDIX.NO. 7 ANNUAL REPORT: OFFICES OF THE BISHOP Report of the Administrative Cluster [As the year of 2007 opened the Aduinistrative Custer was responsible forthe areas of communication, archives, fimince, property, legal, personnel, and governance, (One of the fst projets eke on was te ines which had been conducted snd presented in 200. With the reconfiguration ofthe communication fanetion we sw the departure of Rober: Brown and the arrival of Sanda Coburn. After a complete REP (Request For Proposal) proses, Fister-Lauberth was selected s the graphic design fiem t0 design anew logo, new magazine seyle publication, and new weekly email publication called for in the audit, Tewas a longer process than anticipated but logo was selected anda new publication designed and named, Seek. With chese pieces underway, the Communications function was spun off ina its orm cluster housing bath archives andthe receptionist. In the area of Finance and working with the Trustees of the Diocesan Investment Tras, saft assisted in the implementation of a new trust dacament, created new accountability systems for our ‘congregations who participate, and transitioned the fund from one custodian to another (more information en be found in the DIT report). Working with new anditor, selected by the Finance Committee, on an REP issued by staff, we took on the daunting task of clarifying the multitude of trust accounts chat were so difficult to understand. The resulting simplified Financial statements ‘make it far simpler to determine the restriction on certain fands and flexibility of other funds. AS function of the reorganization, Ms Desiree Viliocco position was re-tiled, Finance Officer. "The single largest project inthe area of property came about with the decison to relocate the Cffces ofthe Bishop from the Sth and 6th floor ofthe Bishop Tutle Mermoral Building (BTM) to the recently vacated 3rd floor. One ofthe first pieces ofthis involved carfying the relationship ‘beeween the Cathedral andthe Diocese, and determining the ownership ofthe BTM. The BTM is actually owned jointly between the two entities through the Bishop Tuttle Memorial Endowment Fund, The discovery of joint ownership and joint responsibilty provided the bass fora newly clarified and documented agreement forthe care of the BTM. The redesigned ypace was designed by Arcturs, a St. Louis based architectoral frm and constructed by Kuhn Construction. The newly designed space has enhanced the ability of staf to work together and have the space necessary to do ‘hei jobs wel ‘One ofthe se benefits ofthe office move was the ability to mave the Archives, which had been stored in crowded rented space, bck to the BTM building. The archives wore placed into the ‘environmentally controlled space on the th floor of the BTM. Ts the hoped that soon the ‘Archives wil be abe to accommodate researchers and other interested persons to come up and view some of the records ofthe oldest diocese west ofthe Mississippi ‘During 2007, the Diocese received an offer to sell All Sane’s, Farmington for a significant amount ‘of money. A numberof years ago when Highway 67 was turned into a freeway through Farmington, ‘this mission congregation found themselves on the wrong side ofthe highway. Along with the sae, oss \we negotiated the right to lease back che building for $1 per month until a new building could be built, subject to a time limit, Working with the lossl congregation, new land was focated and purchased. A conceptal plan fora new-stae ining was purchased from a Virginia architect who hhad designed ior the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. We contacted with Arctais to turn that conceptual design into a madel that coold be used in Farmington and elsewhere in the Diocese. The project has been bid and after fll bidding process, bya unanimous vote Kun Construction was awarded the contract. Construction should sar any day and should be completed in the spring. Aiee the failure of Taylor Morley to clase on the Thompson property, and with their help a new ‘bayer forthe property was located and the property was placed under contract for more than the cotiginal sale price to Taylor Morley. The property has subsequently closed and the net proceeds ‘deposited into the permanently resuicted Thompson Trust (Other property matters included: «The final se of the Des Peres property which had been sold on a lease purchase agreement 2 numberof years ago. = Te Halls Ferry property was severely damage bya fire and after a settlement with Church Tnsurance and an evaluation of is worth che property was donated tothe tenets ofthe building who took iin an “2s is" condition. «An extensive earch for land in the Bureka area which could be purchased so thatthe congregation ‘oul build in che forure. ‘The final lean-out and sale of the building we owned in Moberly. “The closing ofthe building on Bruno Street, St Louis and the preparation to sel the property, ‘The continued listing of che St, Claire church building and related rectory. “The continued rental ofthe Park Avenue property and working with the City on the reconfiguration of roads and property surrounding that facility. In the area of egal we continued workin clarifying the property owned by the diocese and insuring correct tls. We worked to carfy the Donaléson Trust which was sill inthe name ofthe mission ‘congregation of St Stephen's. That trust has been clarified to be the property ofthe Diocese with similar permanent restrictions, The Diocese continues tobe the defendantin one lawsuit which has ‘now reached the depesition stage and we would hope to have tha concluded inthe firs alf of 2008 In the area of governance, this cluster provided the sppor to a reconfigured Diocesen Connell ‘which now inclndes the function of Trustes of the Corporation, Besidesall the logistic suppor for the meetings, we report onthe work we are doing, briefing information on item they need to decide, and work with them on ereating the annval budget. Finally, che last quarter of the year has seen the transition of administrative funetions from the Archdescons office to the Canon to the Ordinary’s offic, with the Archdeacon continuing t0 ‘complete various projects which were underway. Ic is hoped that this reorganization ~ the ‘culmination of over two years of work ereating new accountability ‘ystems, clarifying financials, and eveating a healthy work environment wl llow fora more eost ‘effective system without scrfcing significantly the suppart of our people and the congregations in whieh they worship. 256 Report of the Communications Officer |As Communications Officer, following the guidelines of lst year’s communications audit, T ‘managed the development and implementation of new, steamlined graphic standards, including 3 new st of logos, stationary, nd business materials; managed the development and implementation ofa new website and ermsled newslewer (Seek and the creation and distribution of our new Diocesan Publication Seek Magarine—utiizing the professional services of Fister-Lauberth Inc. and Websanity LLC—both contracted by Robert Franken, Diocesan Administrator. As of Octahor, 2007, Snean Reh Diocesan Archivist and Registrar. and Tracy Grigsby. ‘Administrative Assstane and Receptionist became emplayees under the Communications Cluster, [Ms. Rebkopf hs setup the Diocesan Resource Center on the Sixth Floor of the Turtle Building where al of the Diocese’ and Christ Church Cathedeal's archives and libraries are maintained and researched by our parishioners. _Ms. Grigsby has performed all of che administrative support functions for Robert Franken, while Also attending ta other office support functions suchas maintaining equipment, ordering supplies, freeting and accommodating guest to the Diocese; and mail services. {All of wsin the Communications Cluster emain committed to our mission of Making Dinpes Building Congregtins fer te Lif ofthe World co the bes of our abilities.) Report of the Supporting Congregations Cluster “The objective sstement ofthe Supporting Congregations cluster within the Offices of the Bishop reads: We endeavor to serve at a resource to our congregations and develo lay and ondained leadership, We socomplsh this through prosctivly empowering individuals and church systems providing hest practices from across the Church; and creating efficient and effective mechanism ‘which ministry ean thrive. ‘The easter, made up af Canon Dan Smith, Ms. Emily Peach and supported by Ms, Robin Weisenbor, uses this objective statement to keep us focused on the priorities of our work, (Our work generally falls nto the following categories: search processes, trainings and evens, consulting, professional collaborations and supervising the grant awards from the program buelget to congregations and to individuals in terms of continuing education, 2007 has foune! us busy inal of | these ares. Daring the course of2007 we made calls to or consulted with over thre fourths of our congregations. This work aided strategic planning processes, searches, leadership development, ‘confit resolution, clergy transitions congregational growth and development, 2007 would be called a year of transitions for many ofthe congregations in the diocese. During the ‘course ofthe year we have worked with five fll-timeinterims in various congregations and are ‘curently helping one congregation cll an interim pastor. We have helped succesflly cll ‘chaplains tothe campus ministries at Washington University and the University of Missouri as wel ‘as rectors to Grace Chureh in Jefferson City and Se. Matthew's Church in Warson Woods. Te is hoped that Calvary in Columb wil calla new rector shortly after che fist ofthe year. “57 In alton to securing fl-time priestly leadership inthe above congregation, Ms, Peach has facltated the cll of local press to Calvary Church in Louisiana, St. Matthew's Church in Meio, And Trinity Church in St, James. St. Paul's Church in Sikeston is begining the conversation ‘regarding local ministry discernment. Ms, Peich is flitting conversations between St. Alban's ‘Church in Fulton and St. Mark's Church in Portland and a bi-vocational priest eo become priestin- ‘charge there. Atlong last St. Thomas Charch forthe Deaf has called 2 new via. ‘Ahighlight ofthe year was the work to find and calla church planter for Columbia. At this year’s ‘convention Bishop Smith will introduce the Rev. Heather McCain who has been called to this ‘important work. Study is underway in South, St. Charles and Lincoln Counties to determine where the next church plant should be developed. ‘During the course ofthe year this custer was responsible for the Leadership Conference in March featating a keynote address by Mary MacGregor from the Diocese of Texas, We have also sponsored the all Clergy Conference and helped staff the Diocesan Discernment Conference. A significant portion of our time went into locating property for the new All Saints, Farmington site and property for future use by St, Francis, Bure. In addition groundbreaking forthe new All Saints building was held November 1. ‘As pare oftheir ongoing work Canon Smith and Ms, Peach both consulted with peers ofa regular basis. A portion of this eonsuleation requires travel. During the year one or the ther or both attended various Diocesan Deployment Officers meetings and Congregational Development (Officers meetings. Ms, Peach continued her work with the national Board for Church Deployment. ‘Canon Smich asisted inthe final reading and editing ofthe new Vestry Resource Guide and in the role out of the new Safeguarding God's People training material, He also taught at the dengy conference inthe Diocese of Texas and did a consultation forthe Diocese ofthe Rio Grande. Ms, Peach continues to provide the primary staf sopport tothe Commission on Ministry and to the people who are in the ordination process, including fifteen ordinations. AS a past ofthis work Ms, Peach and Canon Smith held a nomher of workshops with individuals to work on their own deployment discernment, Canon Smith continues to provide the primary staff support to the Standing Committee and has added staffing the Diocesan Couneil/CORDMO to his portfolio. Report of the Making Disciples Cluster Episcopal School for Ministry (ESM) “The School has enjoyed another yea of “Making Disciples o Jesus forthe Mins ofthe Church” ehroogh its thee programs: Congregational Development, Theologel Formation, and Evchariic Discpteship. "This was the fist year forthe Eucharistic Discipleship rogram, which scompdaed of nine two-year sessions tught once « month in thre locxtions: St. Lui, Jefierson City, snd Cape Girardeau, The School his been developing a strong sense of being a community of fth, so cat srudents and graduates can bes serve the renewal oftheir congregitions. Starting in Janary ashore Course in the bases ofthe Chis ith an life wil be offered eis called "Thinking abou the Box and it comprised of thre ewohour sesions following the Eucharist and funch on the Saturday thatthe Schol meets. Taught by Dean MeMichae, this couse can be 58 for those adults preparing for baptism, confirmation, or reception, or for thoxe who wish to deepen their ith. ‘Making Disciples Conference ‘On September 14-15, ESM sponsored its second annual Making Disciples Conference. The speaker 1was the renowned New Testament teacher and scholar Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson of Emory ‘University, He gave three addresses on the theme “Follow Me: the New Testament and the Demands of Diseipleship.” Over a hundred people attended these very engaging presentations, ve wil be offered on our website Stewardship "The Diocese of Missouri willbe bocome a member of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship TENS), which will provide all of our congregations vital resources for their stewardship ministries. ‘Also, we willbe publicizing and encouraging anyone involved in stewardship to attend the upcoming ‘Leadership Conference sponsored by TENS and the Stewardship Office of the Episcopal Church t0 ‘be held on April 11-12, 2008 in Kansas City, Missou Christin Formation Day: Teacher Training, Fall 2007 ‘The Diocesan Christian Formation day this year had 75 individuals fom across the diocese focusing ‘onthe bases for Christan Edeators and Clergy inthe congregations. Thanks to St, Martin's Episcopal Church in Elsie, and Ms. Terri Garbo, Director of Christan Formation, for hosting ‘The gathering of clergy andl educators called "Church School Leaders” has lot of input in how this ‘event goes each year, They also brought-in Kathleen Capeara fora Godly Pay training in April of this year, which generated new Godly Phy classes and teachers in three of ur congregations. Diocesan Commission for Youth Ministries ‘The Diocesan Commission for Youth Ministries met roglasly throughout the year. The chair was the Rev. Mark Sluss. They helped organize the Camp Phoenix Reunion in the winter, long with the 30-Hour Feinine hosted by Advent- Crestwood. Following another wonderfal Camp Phoenix ‘Season, they organized a Sleyzone event with St. Timothy's Creve Coeur, attended by some 5D youth, The DCYM also made the decision to host their own website until the presence on the ‘iocesan site comes together. They hear from the Flappening planning committee and do what they ‘canto promote those vents. They sso provided leadership and fanding for che Biking for Lai ‘event, hosted by Trinity St. Charles, The overnight at the Cathedral October 26th waste final ‘event for youth forthe year ‘Camp Phoenix: Tes another smashing season at Camp Phoenia! The facility was near capacity, and the board is tying to figure ont what eo do next year T's good problem to have! West Missouri has asked to bring a busload and we sil need to recruit mare young adult leaders. We send out thanks, agin to Bob Daniels and Charlie Caspar, who make i all happen. Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse ight PCSA training events were held in 2007 throughout the diocese. The diocesan new policies around PCSA are in the final phase of being updated and approved for distribution throughout the diocese, 9. ‘Worship for all God's Children Saturday, March Ist 208. We are happy tobe in partnership with St. Peter's Episcopal Church in ‘Ladue, and with the Ecumenical Leadership group, to bring the Rev. Caroline Fairless to our diocese! She isthe founder of Children ar Worship: Congregations in Bloom, and will offer a day of teaching and workshops, encouraging us to create welcoming liturgical space and language forall sho gather. More information is coming soon, and is also available from Heidi Clark at helark@ This is an event thats not tobe missed! Clergy and Christian Educators are expecially encouraged to attend Happening #56 October 12-14, Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City, MO [A group of youth and adults from the Diocese of Missouri shown above) participated in the Diocese of West Missouri's Happening #56 weekend on October 12-14, It was a wonder ‘weekend for everyone involved, God's presence ws fel by ll, and we are already hard at work getting ready for Happening #1, here 2t home. We thank everyone who supported and prayed for us ‘daring the event — we felt your love ‘Our group was made up ofa diverse group from around the Diocest, with eight parishes being represented: St. Timothy’, Creve Coe Grace Jefferson City All Saints, St. Louiss "Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis; Holy Commonion, University City; Grace, Kirkwood St John's, St Loni, and St, Main’, Elisvlle Happening ia weekend event for high school students and those adults who work with them, The weekend is led by a staff made up of former Happeners, both youth and adults, Happening provides the opportanityto learn more about your faith and relationship with God ina safe and loving environment, all while meeting new friends and having great time. Sounds prety good, huh? am excited to announce that Fappening is coming to the Diocese of Missouri ‘The group above is svorking to plan Happening #1 for oar youth and adults of the Diocese. Watch fr all Happening ‘related news a our new website beginning a the end of October: “Mark your calendars “Happening #, March 7-9, 2008, Se. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Creve Coeur All questions and comments can be directed t: Jonelle Joyner Diocese of Missouri Happening Coordinator Jonelle@MoHappening org (s0-s94-3922 60 APPENDIX NO. 8 REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON MINISTRY “The Commission on Ministry is charged with identifying and training people for baptized and ordained ministry. In 2007, asin previous years, we have spent mach of our time in discernment ‘with persons who believe they ae called tothe priesthood orto the dizconate and formulating recommendations forthe bishop. (Our guiding prinipl ie tha all Christians are called to ministry through the waters of Baptism. Accordingly, we ether recommend postulancy or we offer guidance in pursuing and deepening baptismal ministries, “There are currently four Postulants an four Candidates for the priesthood. One person is 2 Postulant forthe diaconate. One person isa Candidate forthe diaconate. [Bight persons were ordained tothe priesthood: Steve Barber, Mari Chollet, Chris Cob, Emily Davis, Pit Glenn, Tom Heard, Chuck Orme-Rogers, and Brian Smith Four persons were ordained deacon: Betty Bowen, Butnell Esbenshade, Jan O'Neil, and Mark Sls, ‘The members ofthe Commission in 2007 are: Me. Joseph Adams, ‘The Rev. Melanie Barbaico, ‘The Rev, Susin Bartlet, The Very Rev. Ronald Clingenpeel, The Rev. Amy Coreight, Ms, Ann Hogan, Dr James Hood, The Rev. Teresa Mithen, Me. Cael Muench, The Rev. John Musgeave, ‘Ms. Barbara Pot, Ms, Sylvia Thomas, and Ms, Rory Welsh, APPENDIX NO. 9 REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR AND ARCHIVIST “The Archives is the repository forall the historical records ofthe Diocese, The collection includes a library of more than 200 values, document and photogeaph collections and a large collection of three-dimensional items, primarily memorials tems, from closed churches ~ plaques, processional and altar crosses, alms basins, chalices,patens, and at present, five stained gloss windows. For the pase 14 yours large portion of the ibany and most ofthe archival record ofthe Diocese have been stored frst at Mercantile Library, and chen in space leased from St.Louis Univesity. In 2007, with the move of the Ofies ofthe Bishop o the third foor of Bishop Tuule Memorial, space ‘became available on the sixth floor, and in September we moved mare than 400 baxes of books, documents and photographs, along with shelving and fariture back to the Cathedral. While i will take some time to unpack and get organized, I'm looking forward to welcoming researchers and. visitors to our new Library and Archives locaton, ‘Our mostinteresting eequisiton this year was 2 collection of material donated by the Rev, and Mrs. Charles Masti, Father Mastin is direct descendent of Bishop Robertson, second Bishop of “61 “Missouri, One of the most interesting items in this collection isthe scraphook kept by Bishop Robertson during his rip to Lambeth Conference in 1878. We also received a lovely leather- covered lap desk that belonged t Bishop Robertson's wife, Rebecea Duane Robertson, With the closing of St. Augustine's Church, St, Louis, and St Peter's Church, Bonne Terre, their records have been taken jto the Archives. And, as usual, Ihave accepted files from the Oifices of the Bishop that are no lnger need in ative ies. ‘The microfilming project was restarted this year and te first project wasto film mimates of Diocesan Counei from 1923 through 1964, ‘The next project wil be Sanding Committee minutes, beginning in 1841, and Parochial Trust Fund minutes bagianing in 1879. Funds from the Rehkopf ‘Memorial Fund are being used for this project. I attended the Nstional Bpiscopal Historians andl Archivists Conference in Williamsburg, Vinginia in June, Along with a wide variety of presentations, che Conference inched services a both Bruton Parish and the Wren Chapel on the amps of William and Mary. Lynn Wohelber, archivist for the Diocese af Pittsburgh, and Ted the Conference Workshop on Archival Procedures for Congregations. Tcontinge to receive requests for lotters of transfer from closed churches, an for birth, marriage “and burial records as family genealogy becomes a more popular pastime for many. And, of eourse,T fam always happy when I cin provide information relating to the history of the Diocese and the many ‘congregations and institutions that have been part ofthe Diocese during the past 167 years. IF your congregation is neating an anniversary, please remember that your Archvis/Registrar and the Diocesan Archives ae available for asstance and research. Susan G, Rehkopf, Archivist APPENDIXNO. 10 REPORT OF THE COMPANION DIOCESE COMMITTEE, Deacon Susan Naylor, Chair “The Ven. Robert Anton Franken Diocese of Li has 7 Archdesconries, covers $25 sq miles, encompasses some 75,000 people, and is £8,500 miles away from St Lois “The ase 18 months? * Given bicycles to their clergy and are exploring other transportation options + We sent overa nurse missionary to be in their midst for 6 months and we have had a number of ‘teams travel to Sudan and provide educational opportanities and sharing of ideas in shore term ‘mission trips * We have brought to the Diocese Bishop Bullen anda companion priest to preach and teach on regular basis, <0. + We provided the Diocese of Lai with satellite telephones and installed a satellite emul system t0 allow ther to commsicste with us and besween themselves and others = We are funding their basi administrative cots (or which they have no other souree), Bishop. through Thompson money, tothe eune of $30K/yr. «= Weare helping them (a we speak) move their offices from Nairobi, where they fed during the wat back to Lai = We have provided clergy shirts, ltargicl vestments, and Eucharistic vessels from our abundance, ‘We have provided advanced education ‘9 Chancellors xan through secondary school in Ugandl for lst 2 years (02 persons in seminary in Nairobi (half way through), ‘I person through mechanics college completed), ‘01 person in seminary here t Eden through a scholarship, and ‘4 women just starting college in Nairobi his al “We asist them in capacity building and building aecountabilty systems + And, we ave drilled our firs three deep water wells ‘Cathedral grounds 6 Lunjen Seool ‘© Amadi Junction [Neils that we have agreed to try and help with + Wells ‘odriling an addition 10-welln the next couple of yeas at $16,000 per wel ‘0 Would love to drill 3 or 5 in 2008 in remote villages ~ need commitments by ently December 2007 + Transporation ‘0 good all wheel drive vehicle. ‘o motoreycles, ‘o money to service their vehicles and fix things as they brea ‘© tools to set up a real mechanics shop (they now havea certified mechani) ‘+ Edocation = ‘0 We have promised to try and assist them by easing the money to pay an additional 6 ‘teachers inthe Diocesan School which serves over 500 children from Ist through 8* grade, ‘We have just received ou first commitment for | teacher for 1 year from ane of our congregations ‘0 Money for school clothes and basic supplies + Women’s projeess— ‘o The Mathers Union has asked ws to help them buy grinding mill © help them fund their women's ieracy project, * Communications ~ ‘o continue to provide and upgrade ther bility to communicate with exch other and with us * Construction ‘o build a new Bishop's residence (ast was destroyed in the wat), ‘oa permanent administrative office structure, ‘a guest house for visitors, and ‘oa mechanics shop “6. Current Situation: + Commanication systems ae down, ‘9 Computer is broken ~ won't stay powered ‘Phone is not working «+ Hospital is being run in joint venture between Southern Government and Diocese ‘0 Government doctor present but need surgeons 6 Diocese to appoint Hospital Administrator and! Government appoints the Asistant Administrator «Rishon is mtly moved back to Lui Sudan Project Coordinator: ‘The Ven. Robert Anton Franken ‘Lam planning a trp to Lai he first evo weeks of December. ‘+ My lat day with the Office ofthe Bishop will be 31 December, 2008 “Current plan is for me to continue in this role on a pro bono basis with the Bishop's office covering my expenses Susan Naylor (snaylor@emmanuelepiscopal. org) ‘+ Flosted “Mission trip in reverse” for dozens of Sudanese and American participants at the American Friends ofthe Bpiscopal Church in Sudan Conference in April of this year. ‘Funded the publication of several hundred (800) Moru-English Dictionaries for the Literacy Project «+ Provided spetkers for several presentations on Lui to churches and other groups across the Diocese and beyond + Arranged for Fr. Stephen Dokolo to be present at several churches and groups around the Diocese and beyond. * Provided for socal and culeural exchange opportunites for Fr. Stephen while hes staying among * Currently engaging in long term planning for fore mission tips, funding and grant ‘opportunities between our companion diocese. * Prodiced wo informational DVDs on Lui APPENDIX NO. 11 REPORT OF THE EPISCOPAL CITY MISSION Overview Episcopal City Mission's mission is “chaplainey providing support, hope, and healing to children in detention.” Episcopal City Mision currently provides chaplain co 3 juvenile centers in the St. Louis metropolitan ates: St. Louis City Detention, St. Lonis County Detention, and Lakeside ‘Center. Episcopal City Mission isthe only funded Episcopal chaplaincy program to children detention in the United States, an it provides pastoral care to approximately 3,500 youngsters each yea, Maty Kay Digby became the Executive Director on September 17,2007. Prior to this ‘position, she vas at the Skandalris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at Washington University ‘where she worked with non-profit entrepreneurs. 2007 Events (Oar first event of the New Year honoring Rockwell Sociery members was held in January athe home of James Huma, We take this ime to express our geatimde to our most generous donors, ‘Dating this Sunday afternoon we ask the guests to selec, from among numerous pices of artwork created by the children in detention, the signature piece we will sein the materials promoting that ‘year’s “Moment in Time” event, New Episcopal City Mission Board members were elected at the fsnnual meeting on February 7. The snnval meeting was followed by the annval Board retreat on February 17, The strategic plan was finalized this year and the Board is working diligently to {Implement ic by early 2008. The Board now consist of 4 committees: Chaplain Suppor, Finance, ‘Marketing, and Development. In response to Resolution G-165, passed atthe 165th Convention of the Diocese, congregations ‘observed Fpiscopal City Mission Sunday on February 18. The resolution, calling forthe observance ‘of Episcopal City Mission Sunday each year on the lst Sunday afte che Epiphany (or the nearest ‘Sunday thatthe congregation's calendar allows), provides the Diocese and its congregations the ‘opportunity annually to give thanks for eis unique ministry to at-risk children, In 2007 Episcopal City Mission held 2 special events to heighten awareness of our mission and to raise funds. On June 22, the Summer Solstice party took place onthe lawn of Emmanuel Church in Webster Groves. On September 13, "Moment in Time IV" was held at che Coronado Ballroom. We were honored to have Churches also host events that benefited Episeopal ity Mission. On May 15, the Church of the Advent continued their tradition of holding a golf tournament on Episcopal City Mission's behalf, We are grateful forthe ongoing fundraising support from the Church of the Advent. St. ‘Martin's Church in Ellisville also held an event on October 13 that benefited Episcopal City ‘Mission and another charity. ‘Awtendees atthe Sep 13th “Moment Time IV” enjoyed 2 wonderful evening filled with inspiration, laughter, and good food, Rev. Mpho Tusa gave a passionate speech about what she experienced when she visited the City Detention Center. The audience was visibly moved by her ‘words The "Moment in Time” award went to Sister Gabriel Mary Hloare who has been a volunteer teaching et for the past 28 yeas at St, Louis City Detention. The Humane Society received the “Tope and Healing” award, which recognizes an organization whose work with at-risk young people is in concert with Episcopal City Mission's purpose. ‘They tach ebout love and caring through the sinimals they bring to the center. ‘The Chaplains "Throughout 2007 Episcopal City Mission was served by its 3 chaplains. Chaplain Mickey Hassler at St. Lous City Detention and Chaplain Jl Jennings 2 St. Louis County Detention continue serving $0 hours» week. Chapt Dieta Wine seives 20 hours a week at Lakeside Center As always, the programs offered atthe centers ae designed by the chaplains both to meet the specific nec of the children at that center and to best uilize the chaplains’ gilts. Worship, groups ‘on grief and loss, and the “ministry of presence” are provided by our chaplains atall 3 centers. ‘Chaplain Jolie Jennings applies her musical and arsti abilities to offer programs such as “Heart, “Hands, snd Scissor," using craft projects to enkance self esteem. Chaplain Mickey Hassler coordinates the Reading is Fundamental program tha often provides toa child the first book he or she has ever owned. Chaplain Dietra Wise has instiuted “Faith Dance” at Lakeside Center, which incorporates rhythm and movement in praise ofthe Almighty. Finances “The Rockevell Society, begun in 2003 to honor donors who give annual gifts of $1,000 and the Senior Rockwell Society honors donors who give annual gifs of $2,000 or more to Episcopal City ‘Mission. Episcopal City Mission is thankfol for the more than 45 Rockwell Society members who contribute annually piscopal Cty Mision’ budget for 2007 was $280,500. Te projected income for 2007 is proportioned a flows: Tncame source Percentage of 2007 total budget Individuals (in congregations) 35% Foundations 20%, Diocese of Missour 16% Episcopal churches 1% Fundeaising events 13% Investment income 5% “The Diocese of Missouri is being asked to support Episcopal City Mission with $40,000 in 2008, the same amount that was provided in 2007, APPENDIX NO. 12 REPORT OF PASEO CON CRISTO 2007 Gateway Paseo Con Cristo, multi denominational Cutsillo method group, held two sveekends in the past year, and we have ewo planned for next year. The 2008 dates are SPRING: April 3-6 and FALL: October 9-12. These two events will be held ae Todd Hall in linois. Along. with the weekend experience, which takes a participant toa differnt level in his/her spiritual journey, there are monthly gatherings we call “Ulereyas" to keep our walk with Crise fresh and a live The "Ulereys™ i open to anyone who would like to attend, Watch your local balltin to see ‘when an Ulkreya willbe held ae your Church, Weel, there are many small groups from our ‘community who meet to pray and reflect. on God's presence in their lives and we ell these “Group Reunions” which ae also open to any one who would ike to attend, Contact: ‘The Rev, De, Warren Crews, 314 961 2393, ‘Mr. Fim Dale, 636 225 0049 ‘Mr. Tom Hudson, 314 725 5020 ‘Mr. Greg Wilsey 314 921 7804 ‘Ms. Diane Willi, 314 962 741 APPENDIX NO. 13 JERUSALEM SEEDS: Greetings and Blessings from Jerusalem. {As I lookback on this year, Ihave mixed feelings about many things “The siuuntion at St, George's College Jerusalem, where Thave served as Warden forthe past oro years, is generally good. People seem to be less afraid and more willing to come tothe Foly and this yea. If there are no cancellations, we will ave received 316 pilgrims atthe College ~ = one mote than last year, We have also taken eae of many piri groups this year, not to take a ourse, but to use ou lovely fclties. Lam grateful when we are fl, cause that means our Staff continue twhave jobs and can support ther families inthis land where the unemployment rae iss high 2s 70 percent in some places. ‘But we have all known great sadness, Every one ofthe College staf, from the Dean to the gardeners, has had a personal raged =~ parents and in-laws, daughters, grandchildren, children and Sisters have die this year In addon, many family members ar ill with cancer and kidney disease, Giabetes, heart and blood pressure problems, too. I know families have health issues, but the dlifieuly fr me i these problems ontop ofthe challenges of day-to-day life here, Samer is one of ‘our gardeners, His father-in-law died alone of eaneer about two weeks ago. He was alone because ‘no one from his fimily was allowed 2 permit to enter Jerusalem from the West Bank to be with him in his final day, “The painfol politcal situation continues a tha fr so many years. A Middle Katern Peace Conference son the agenda in a few weeks. There have been such conferences before and there will be again. People here don't get 100 excited about them. They wonder if thisone will aetally tke place, and if it does what i nyehing, wil be the resalt Life goes on amidst checkpoints, more Settlements, the divisive Separation Wall, unemployment, honse demolitions, entry permis and pain and suffering. “The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle Fast installed a new Bishop inthe spring. The Rt. Rev. Sukeil Dawani, a Palestinian from Ramallah, is now living in St. George's Cathedral Close with his wife and family and is already making changes. He is considered to be a man of great ‘compassion and leadership nd is working to bring together the five countries that comprise the Diocese: Plestine Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. His lock is diminishing, the number of Christians inthe Midale Bast continues to decline, but he is committed to do what he canto bring Christians tothe Holy Land. Tain amazed at some ofthe day to day challenges involved in caring forthe people who come here ~ = this year we have deale with mice inthe buildings, chicken pox, serious fod allergies, high temperatures, new employees and cranky guests. We are updating the College databese, 0 Ihave spent quite bt of time impeoving my computer skills, treasure the ime spend withthe people {rom all over the world who come to St. George's to explore their ath and 0 lean more about thei religion and themselves, And I bless the time Ispend with my Palestinian farsily ~~ the staff at 61 ‘the College - who have been so kind and generous in welcoming me into their hearts and homes. have been tothe States twice this year to visit my family, including my new grandson, Carson, who ‘vas one in September. He is walking nd starting to alk, and I hope he wil recognize me when I go toc him for Christmas, Tom well and continve tobe grtefl forthe time Ihave here in Jerusalem. And, as alas, I thank. you for your prayets and support - I couldn't be here and do the things Ido without them lease take care and keep us in your prayers as you are in ours. Kathi MeDonald, Warden ‘St, George's College Jerusalem Missioner, Chest Chrch Cathedral, St. Louis APPENDIX NO. 14 REPORT OF THE COMMUNITY OF HOPE, ‘What is The Community of Hope? “The Community of Hope is a Christian community of lay chaplains united in prayer, shaped by enedietine spirituality and equipped for pastoral care ministry. The program weleomes Episcopalians and members of ther Christian denominations to its training and ministry. Lay chaplains are taught a ministry of presence, to bring comfort and healing to those in need. They embrace a rleof life which includes daly spvitaal reading and preyer, weekly worship, monthly Circle of Gare meetings and scheduled quarterly half day retreats known a5 "a Monastery Without ‘Walls, aswell a an srmoa oll day reeest “The Community of Hope currently has training centers at The Church of St Michael and St. George and Christ Church Cathedral. Over iffy ly chaplains have been trained, representing seven scopal parishes an several other denominations. ‘These pastoral caregivers are curently serving their own churches as Eucharist Visitors and parish visitors tothe ill and shut in, They aso serve at: Ministry in mental health setings, Parish pastoral cate calls an lay, Pucharstic ministry, Parish ‘maintenance, Drop-in Center for alcoholics, Parish retil, Homeless food programs, Homeless ‘chanel services Homeless ID programs, Bible study with pregnant ceenagers, House church ‘organizations Ministry in senior centers, Ministry in the Cancer Center, and Hospice Ministry ‘The Community of Hope in the Diocese “The Diocesin Advisory Committee coordinates COH activites, including plans to expand Training Centers in the diocese. Dave Malek, parishioner at Christ Church Cathedral, has been appointed by the bishop to be the Diocesan Coordinator for ths ministry. You may contact Dave at, D=malek® shoglobal net or (314) 580-5000. “The Community of Hope Internationsl (COHD) Anew structure, The Community of Hope International, was formed in June 2005 to facilitate and ‘administrate COH outside the Diocese of Texas. There are now over 90 centers nationwide with 39 in the Diocese of Texas (where COHT started in 1996). Mary Bredenberg, (marybre@swbellnet) serves on the COHI Board as one of nine Regional Representatives. Her role is to support existing ‘centers and help star new center, including the Dioceses of Missouri, West Missoori, and Kansas ‘Yon can link ta the Community of Hope International website va Section 2 Audited Financial Statements Operating Account Financial Report Assessments and Pledges Budget Approved by Convention CORPORATION OF THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF MISSOURI DIBA DIOCESE OF MISSOURI FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND 2006 ‘AND INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ‘bia Diocese of Missouri CONTENTS, Page INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ..csernnvnees rT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ‘Statements of Financial Postion an = 2 Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets. 3 Statements of Cash FLOWS en 4 [Notes to Financial Statement. nsennnnnnani semanas 510 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Independent Auditors’ Report on Supplemental Informatio... n Schedule of Net Assets Unrestricted Funds Schedule of Net Assets —Temporarly Restricted Funds... Schedule of Net Assets Permanently Restricted Funds... Be SCHMERSAHL TRELOAR & Co. Sertined Public Accountants Independent Audliors* Report Board of Directors ‘Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ibia Diooese of Missouri St Louis, Missour We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of the Cozporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missour ba Diocese of Missour the “Diocese") as of December 31,2007 and 2006, and the related statements of activities and changes in net asets and cash flows forthe years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Diocese’s management ‘Our responsibility isto express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of Ameri, Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable ‘assurance about whether the financial statements ate free ffom material misstatement. An audit inchudes examining, on test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and dsclosuresin the financial satements, An audit also includes assessing the ascounting principles used and significant estimates sade by management, as wel as evaluating the overall nancial statement presentation. Weblieve ‘our audit provides a reasoneble basis for our opinion 1s our opinion, the financial statements refered to sbove present fusy, in all material respects the financial postion of Corporation of the Episeapal Diocese of Missour bia Diocese of Missouri as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, andthe changes in its net assts and its cash flows forthe years, then ended in conformity with accounting prineiples generally accepted in the United States of America Ab ment Trclem + Co,0€ September 3, 2008 (314) 966-2727 + fx (914) 906-5468 +9560 5, Geyer Ra, Sue 200 «St Lovis, MO 63127 + emai: stepatBstepa com FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Corporation ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri Aiba Diocese of Missouri ‘STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASSETS December 31, 2007 2006 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and eash equivalents 8 874484 $205,210 Receivables 226,248 630,571 ‘Total Curent Assets 1,100,732 835,781 LAND AND BUILDINGS, st cost Land 705,169 208,000 Buildings and furnishings 3,289,757 3,280,757 Office equipment 82,076 72,654 Leasehold improvements 268,834 : Construction in progress 138,681 : 4484517 3.570411 ‘Accumulated deprecation 2,995,243 2/916,037 ‘Total Land and Buildings, net 1480274 654,374 NOTES RECEIVABLE 5,036,423, 5,038,959 INVESTMENTS: 41,195,769 _ 32,992,116 Total Assets $48,822,198 $39,451,230 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS (CURRENT LIABILITIES ‘Accounts payable and accrued expenses Sar $237,923 ‘Custodial funds 435,785, 466,292 “Total Current Lisbiities 627.166, ais ‘NET ASSETS Unrestricted 7,420,700 6,651,143 ‘Temporarily estricted 2,882,934 2,706,653, Permanently restricted S7897,308 —_201380,219 “Total Net Assets 4gigsox2 —_ 38,747,015 ‘Total Lisbilties and Net Assets $43,822,198 $39,451,230 ‘See accompanying notes to financial statements @ Corporation of the Episcopal Diooese of Missouri ‘alba Diocese of Missouth STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES. For the Year Ended December 31,2007 ‘Temporarily Permanently Unesticted Resticted Restricted __Total REVENUE Contributions Parishes and missions siogg7 $= S = $1,089,879 rogram and property income 128,770 : : 128,70, Casualty gain : : E : Gain on sale of propenty 1,418,522 = 735970 9,154,492 Dividend and interest income 1.278857 120,104 537,528 1,936,489) Investment gains 147312 __ 171,993 __228681 __'s47,986 ‘Total Revenue 4023340 __ 292,007 __8,502,179 _ 12,817,616 [NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS, 115,816 (_115,816) - E EXPENSES Program Services ‘Making disciples 412842 . . 412.842 ‘Supporting congregations 1,088,737 : = 1,088,737 ‘The Episcopate 927,013 2 ; 927,013 ‘Communications 208,207 208,207 ‘Total Program Expenses 2,636,799 : = 2,636,799 Administrative Expenses 732,800 732,500 Total Expenses 3,369,599 3,369,509, (Change in Net Assets 769557 176.281 8,502,179 9,488,017 [NET ASSETS, Beginning of year 651,143 __ 2,706,653 _ 29,389,219 _ 38,747,015 NET ASSETS, End of year $7,420,700 $ 2,882,934 $ 37,891,398 $48,195,032 ‘See accompanying notes to financial statements o For the Vear Ended Devember 31,2006 “Temporarily Permaneatly Unrestricted Restricted Restricted ‘Total S$ 949,927 $9613 $ = $959,540 161,519 5 : 161,519 294,982 : 7 294,982 450,000 : : 680,000 8740385 64314 «489367 1,477,716 208,587 __ 202178 _ 1,352,143 _ 1,762,878 330,020 __276,105 __1,841,510 _5,256.635 83,203 (_ $3,203) 5 - 382,391 : : 382,391 846,677 : : 846,677 786,820 7 : 786,820 170,904 : 170,904 2,186,792 : ~ 2,186,792 528,199 528,199 2,714,991 2.714.991 507232 192,902 1,841,510 2,541,644 613.911 _ 2,513,751 __ 27,547,709 _ 36,205,371 $6,651,143 § 2,706,653 $ 29380219 § 38,747,015 See accompanying notes to financial statements @ Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ‘lb/a Diocese of Missouri ‘STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS ‘oars Ended December 31, 2007 2006, ‘CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ‘Change in net assets S9445017 $2,541,648 ‘Adjustments to reconcile change in net asses to net change {nea an cass equivalents from operating ativitiee: ‘Gain on sale of properties (9,184,492) : Depreciation 79,206 0976 ad debt 117525 : Realized snd unrealized gains on investments (83,430) (1,762,878) ‘inerease) decrease in assets: ‘Accounts receivable Increase (decrease) in liabilities: 404,323, (288,061) ‘Accounts payable (46802) (79,71) Custodial funds 30,547) 106,420) [Net Change in Cash and Cash “Equivalents fom Operating Activities 384,100 375.550 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Issuance of notes receivable (210,000) (420,000) Payments received on notes receivable 95,011 108,459 Purchase of investments, net 7,840,223) (246,606) Proceeds from sale of properties 9.154492 5 Purchase of fixed assets 914,105) (58,838) ‘Net Change in Cash and Cash ‘Puivalente from Investing Activities 285,174 616985) INET CHANGE IN CASH "AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 669,274 (2414835) ‘CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, Beginning of year 205,210 46,645 ‘CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, End of year S_s74a4 $205,210 ‘SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION Cash paid daring the year for Interest a ‘See accompanying notes to financial statements o Corporation ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri iba Diooese of Missouri NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31,2007 and 2006 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Organization Organized in 1841, the Diocese of Missouri a not-for-profit organization, comprised of fxty- fiveBpiseopal congregations in the asters half Missouri The Bishop ste president, Ciel Executive Officer and celesastialsuthority of the Diocese. ‘The Episcopal Church inthis Diocese acknowledges it allegiance tothe Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of ‘America and submits to the authority ofthe General Convention. Part of the worldwide ‘Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church seeks ofall Cans's Mission of redemption ‘trough ative participation inthe work through Christin the Church. Financial Statement Presentation ‘The Diocese reports its information regarding financial position and activities according to three clases of net assets depending upon the existence or nature of any donor.imposed restrictions. ‘The following is a description ofthese clases of ne assets: ‘Unrestricted ~ Those resources over which the Diocesehasdiseretionar contol. Desigstod mounts represent those resources tha! the Diocese has so aside fo a patcular purpose. ‘Temporarily Restricted ~ Those resources subject o donor-imposed estrctions that willbe Satisfied by actions ofthe Diocese or the passage ofime. Permanently Resrieted ~ Those resources subject to donot-imposed restrictions that willbe ‘maintained permanenllyby the Diocese. The donors of thse resources permit the Diocese 0 use al or pat ofthe incom earned, including capital appreciation, on relate investments for ‘unrestricted or temporarily restricted purposes. Investments Iavestments, which include those that belong to the Diocese as well as those held on behalf of others, are sated st year-end market values, The realized and unrealized gains o losses on investments have been reflected in the Statement of Activities, except for those realized on custial ase eld on behalf f others. (See Note F). Use of Estimates ‘The preparation of financial statement in conformity with accounting principles pene scaeped inthe United States of Americareqires management tomake estimates and assumptions ha affect ‘cers ported amounis and disclosures. Actual results could dir fom those estimates. (Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, the Diocese considers all highly liquid investments purchased with a maturity date of three months or less to be cash equivalents. © ‘Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri “bia Diocese of Missouri NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ‘December 31, 2007 and 2005 (Continued) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Land and Buildings Management has recorded the investment in and and buildings a estimated orginal ooet and slates equipment at cost. Depreciation s computed on straight-line basis over the estimated, useful ives ofthe respective assets. The Diocese ha ultimate ownership ofall property in the Diocese; therefore if a large majority ofthe members of congregation choose to leave the Diocese, ownership of th property would revert back to the Diocese. Income Taxes ‘The Diocese qualifies as a not-for-profit religious organization under Intemal Revenue Code Section 501(€)(3) and asa non-private foundation under Section 509(a)(3) of the Code and, therefore, is exempt from federal, state, and local income taxes. Redlassification ‘Certain items inthe 2006 financial statements have been reclassified to conform tothe 2007 resentation, INVESTMENTS Investments are summarized as follows as of December 31, 2007 2006: ‘Money market accounts S1a71771 8 2,531,806 Corporate stocks 1074,101 11,254,751 Corporate bonds 3015,607 6,326,226 Foreign equities "736.214 98,971 Managed equity funds 6441,179 2,235,391 Managed bond funds 4796799 "381,264 US. Government obligations 2635399 726,511 Diocesan Investment Trust ‘of the Diocese of Missoui Fixed income fand 4864248 3,160,560 Equity fund 6554851 _ 6.206,629 ‘otal Investments $41,195,769 $32,922,116 o Corporation ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ‘Wha Diocese of Missouri NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ‘December 31, 2007 and 2006 (Continued) B, INVESTMENTS (Continued) “The amounts reported as investment guns (osss) in the accompanying finncil statements are result ofthe following: 8). Thedlfferencein the marke values of investments on hand at thebeginning ofthe year as compared tothe end ofthe yea. 'b) The difference between the proceeds of sale of investments and the related market values of those investments at Desember 31 ofthe previous yar. ©) Thedifference betwen the cos of investments purchased during the yearand related natket value of those investments at December 31, or between the proceeds ofthe se of those investments if sold during the respective year. Realized and unrealized gains and losses on the underlying investments remain inthe trusts pursuant tothe terms ofthe rusts and as such are reflected as permanent restricted within the financial statements ©. CONCENTRATIONS OF CREDIT AND MARKET RISK Financial instruments that potentially subject the Diovest to concentrations of credit and ‘market risk consist principally of cash and investments. The Diocese places substantially all Of its cash with major financial institutions whose accounts are insured by the Fedral Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC") up to $100,000. The Diocese maintsins cas ‘deposits in bank accounts which at times may exceed the Federally insured limits of upto $100,000. The Diocese has not experienced any Toss in uch aecaunts and believesit isnot ‘exposed to any significant credit risk on cash. “The Diocese has significant amount of investments that aresubject tomarket risk. Market sia is the possibilty that future changes in market price may make @ financial instrument less valuable. D, RETIREMENT PLANS “The Diocese has adopted a 403(0) defined contribution plan frit non-leray employees and 4a defined benefit church pension fund for its clergy employees. For the non-clergy ‘employees, the Diocese contributes 10% of the participant's salary to the plan if the ‘participant has atleast one year of service and is 21 years of age or older. For the lesey employees, the Diocese contributes 18% ofthe participant's salary othe pension fund ifthe participant is 21 years of age or older. During 2007 and 2006, the total amount of retirement Expense was $109,661 and $94,293, respectively. o Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri bia Diocese of Missourt NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 and 2005, (Continued) NOTES RECEIVABLE. [Notes receivable from patishes and missions for loans from the Kelton £. White and Alma ‘Mayland White Loan Fund (“Kelton White Loan Fund”), with interest ranging fom 49% 10 5%, ‘duet various dates though 2031 and secured by thechurchpropeties, consist ofthe following: Receivable at December 31, 2007 2006 (Christ Church Cathedral, St, Louis $976,351 $ 976,351 Christ Episcopal Church, Rolla, 936,742 948,633 Si, Timothy's, Creve Coeur 789,489 806,063, ‘Churei of the Holy Communion To2s4 741,302 ‘Mission Church ofthe Transfiguration Lake St, Louis 596062 603,536 ‘Tinty, St. Charles 477729 493.681 Grace Episcopal Church, Kirkwood 315407 322,336, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Town & Country - 117,525 ‘rinty, Jefferson County 16,794 St. Matthew's, Warson Woods 7395 St Peter's Ladue 210,000 Total $5,036,423 $5,038,959 ‘The notes receivable amounts are expected to be collected as follows: Year Ending Amount 2008 amar 2009 13715 2010 Piste 2olt 148,285 2012 155,779, ‘Thereafter 4326245 $5,036.23 In December31, 2007 and 2006 The Kelton White (permanently restricted) Loan Fund owed ‘the unrestricted funds of the Diocese $615,021, and, $1,234,175, respectively, © Corporation ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri Jo ue ‘Sous spd pan asec on SSL TV SUPE om ON TL pans UE OK vous psn pe SB oT Fog gE PS LL TELSETS aL pong Baio may 9 py SISSSV.15N onde mou suey pang “yy spuny ato a7 0 pastas s os920%¢] a ‘S258 9u asqp uo paren suoNOANSaS 20a yom spumy spuds 22001 ap sy “posodwi sey s0U0p ay HORN agodnd renprapr ‘ufoeds a oj SoruoU asap puods Su0 Kou: ‘e000%c tp uonaio} “Sumy Su suo 9s pads eu 959001(| 3, “SUoNSINSA 30 suOMpUoD paso {orm stojeuop Jo yosar ap axe saere ot, “ose Jo asa001 doosidaip Jo HASSE ou paunsoséysodao: oy Te NOfea PAIS SSE EMOSSIp JO 2529010 BP most so 2s2201c jsdoosid ap Jo uoes0d0> sv seney sn 0 sat ooo pamjounooy puny RuKOpLS SOuRSSY HI 2UL-2uoDH pompunody puny AyEHoHRa UPD “EL pong mung S007 VA a= ve pnsuoy Ane Aa) of SOREN AN SLESS¥ LN, amma oo Pompey on ou NaN rR pep enti sss ‘a -smueg wo Sra MOK we6sc tapas worpeace sustst's Ha peng wT HN HOHE ww "soprano se or eedan woop mame i nan FS Se PN, pomrascoySapny anus on pt Pte pepe nod Sig any Sota yng on apy pes an 4,0 pours pe Pans ped ows sono or Ra cna oss anes Sods vad SL TV AUN bo Pus ey ImUNGpUN oS aT amet raver stoies eon issu sey 2 0 {WaT HOU HENS d= puny nog PD aa -sping ws dous Ad PRE moaMOp SHRRITY HH tay Spm wang sen ‘SLSSSY LN suey pug {Oss JO 9899010 BAL nosy yo a5201¢ rose a Jo wopesodo> DIOCESAN INVESTMENT TRUST (OF THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF MISSOURI FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ‘AND. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2007 AND 2006 Diocesan Investment Trust ‘of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri CONTENTS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Statements of Financial Postion. Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets [Notes to Financial Statements SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Schedule of Congregational Holdings. Be ScHMERSAHL TreLoar & Co. Certiied Pubire Accountants Independent Auditors? Report Bourd of Directors Diocesan Investment Trust ofthe Epissopal Diocese of Missouri St Louis, Missouri We have audited the accompanying statements of financial postion ofthe Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri (the “Trust” as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 and the elated statements of activites and changes in net assets forthe years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibilty ofthe Trust's management. Que responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our ait. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United Stites of America, Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are fe of material misstatement An auit includes examining, on a test bass, evidence supporting the amounts and dislosures in the financial statements, An audit also incudes assessing the secounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as Well as evaluating the overall financial statement Dreseniation, We believe our adits provide a reasonable basis for ou opinion, {In our opinion, the financial statements referred to ebove present fanly, in all material respects, ‘he financial position ofthe Diocesan Investment Trust ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ss of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the changes in its net asels forthe years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generelly accepted in the United States of America, Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying supplemental information on pages 7 end 8 is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required pat of the basi financial sistements of the Trust. Such information, which ie the responsibility of the Trte ‘management, hes been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fly stated, in all material respects, i relation tothe basi financial statements taken as a whale A bvvcall Wocleree on fe May 30, 2008 (614) 966.2727 + fx (214) 966.6404» 260 S. Goyer Ra, Suto 200 + Louis, MO 83127 emit scpetbstepa com FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ‘STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION Bont Fund. 1 ASSETS Investment securities at market value $ 12,621,233 $ 10,341,390 $ 22,962,623 (Cash and eash equivalents Ta 40j6t1 88004 Interest and dividends receivable 37,461 13 37.634 Tota Assets 12,706,117 10,382,174 23,088,291 LIABILITIES Fees payable 16st 2.853 4.504 NET ASSETS $12,704,466 $10,373 $ 28.083,787 December 31, 2006 Bond Equity Fund Total ASSETS: Investment securities at market value —-$ 10,539,474 $9,986,245 § 20,525,719 Cash and cash equivalents ‘569,107 103,114 672221 Interest and dividends receivable 91,231 22.661 113,892 “Total Assets 11,199812 10,112,000, 21,311,882 LIABILITIES ee payable 1474 14,933, 29,407 NEP ASSETS $11,185,338 $10,097,087 $21,262,425 ‘See accompanying notes to nancial statements @ Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS, INVESTMENT INCOME Interest and dividend income Custodial fees Investment Advisory Services Investment Income, net [NET GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS Realized gain (oss) from securities transactions ‘Unrealized gain (loss) [Net Gain (Loss) on Investments Change in Net Assets ‘Resulting from Operations DISTRIBUTIONS AND REDEMPTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS. ‘TRANSFERS Change Ia Net Assets [NET ASSETS, Bepiming of Year ‘NET ASSETS, End of Year Bond Fund 713,258 (19844) 45,035) 650379 (230913) 153,528 77389 372,992 (1,245,599) 2,051,735 140,000 1,519,128 11,185,338 $12,704,466 Equity Bund 8 120,734 C1413) 37,762) 68,837 3,251,423 21000,961 1.250.462, 1319299 (s37682) 40gi7 140,000) 282,234 10,097,087 $.10379321 ‘See accompanying notes to financial statements @ ‘Year Ended December 31, 2007 Total $835,992 C 33979) (82,797 719.216 3,020,508 (1887.33) 1.173.075, 1,892,291 ( 2183,281) 2,092,352 1,801,362 21.282425, $23,083,787 ‘Year Ended Decomber 31,2006 Bond Equity Pund, Fund ‘Total S$ s14856 $133,746 648,602 (18301) C1824) 36,547) 53,10) (43.492) (__ 97.252 (2,798 72,008 514,803 5639 940,137 945,76 B27 (1,052,514 (1,009,237) 28.916 92,377) 63.461) ant (20,369) 451,342 (579999) (694,883) (1,274,882) 949,497 1,617,159 2,566,656 1,610,600 (_1,610,600) 2451809 (708,693) 1,743,116 8,733,529 __10,805,780 _19,539,309 $.11185338 $10,097,087 $ 21,282,425 ‘See accompanying notes to financial statements @ Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 and 2006 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Organization Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri (the “Trust”) was organized on April 15.1959, under the las ofthe State of Missouri by a trust agreement ‘The Trust wes eolablshed to invest funds in vasious marketable securities forthe Diocese ‘of Missouri ~ The Episcapal Church (te “Diocese”) and its parishes, missions, and other ‘organizations formed under the Diocese. ‘The Trust is held in one or more common, Funds, as determined by the Trustees, and is managed by professional investment managers, who are subject to the Trustets" investment policies. “Shares” ae purchased andlor redeemed in such numbers asthe parishes, missions, and other organizations, in their diseretion, may determine Investments Marketable securities are purchased and maintained in two separate funds (bond and equity funds) as applicable, Investments are caried at market value which is the last reported closing bid price on the last day ofthe year. The difference between cost and imarket value fs reflested as unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments. The Trust records investment transactions onthe setlement dat. Realized gains (losses) from such transactions are determined for financial reporting ‘purposes onthe identified cost basis, Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend {ite, Interest income is recognized on the accrual basis, Premiums and discounts, if any, ‘on det instruments purchased are amortized over the lives of the respective securities. Income Taxes Pursuant to the terms of the Trust documents and the requisite qualifications of its pertcipans, the Trust is covered by the group exemption ftom federal income taxes Inder Section 501(@)3) provided to the Diocese of Missouri ~The Episcopal Church by the Internal Revenue Service on February 24, 1971. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes has been made in the accompanying financial statements ‘Une of Ratimates ‘The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepled in the United States of America requires management to make fstimates and assumptions that affet certain reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates o Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri "NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, ‘December 31,2007 and 2006 Continued) DISTRIBUTIONS OF INCOME AND REDEMPTIONS ‘The Trust agreement requires tha the net operating income and net realized capital gains Gf any) of the Trust, ss well as proceeds from the sale, redemption, or maturity of securities (tothe extn! thatthe proceeds are not weed to redeem interets) be oredite to {rust participants monthly as eash or addtional investments. The agreement also requires the Trust to redeem interests tendered for redemption on the fifth day following the end ‘of the month ata price determined to be the net asset value ofeach interest as of the last Gey of the month. The net asset value ofeach interest shall be determined by ascertaining the market value of the fund on the last day of the month allocated by each pro-rata ‘investment share outstanding on the date of determination INVESTMENTS Investments at December 31, 2007 were comprised ofthe following Uncelized Apes cost epreiatar) Bond Fund sian szsm9sn $80 equity Fund 1341390 “10s0383___ (16783 ‘Total Ivestnens sm9003 23081106 __ (18.489 ‘Ne investment income at December 31, 2007 consis ofthe flowing Bond auity Fund Find ‘Tosa Interest ond vidend income ——-$718258 «§ 120734 S435 992 Custodial ees, CR) CIs) (33979 Investment Advisory Services (45,035) (37,762) (82,797) Realized gain (loss) (230,915) 3,251,423, 3,020,508 Unreaized ein oss) 155082000961) —_¢ 1.847.433) ‘TaualNet Investment Income $572,992 81319299 $1,892.91 Investments at December 31,2006 were comprised ofthe following: Unrealized Fair Market, Appreciation Value Cost ___ Depreciation ond Fund siosi9ar4 — s10649721 110.247) quit Fund 95862453 anos “19394197 “otal Ivesents sqos2s719__ $18,796,769 __s1.728,950 © Diocesan Investment Trust ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri [NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2007 and 2006 (Continued) INVESTMENTS (Continued) "Netinvestment income at December 31, 2006 consists ofthe following: Bond Bauity Fund in Total Interestand dividend income «$514,856 «$133,746 648,602 Custodial fees| C1R301) C8246) (36547) Investment Advisory Services (53,760) (43492) (97.252), Realized gain (Loss) 5,639 940,137 945,776 Unrealized gain (loss) 2a27__(.1032'514) (1.009287) ‘Total Net Investment Income $4717 ($20,369) $451,342 FEES AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS WITH AFFILIATES Prior to October 2007, the Trust paid a net principal fee, an activity fee, and an issue maintenance fee to Commerce Bank for custodial services. During October 2007, the “Tus switched investment custodians from Commerce Bank to TIAA-CREF, to whom ‘custody fees ate paid. The accrued fees charged to the Bond Fund and tothe Equity Fund are reflected as a reduction of market value. CONCENTRATIONS OF CREDIT AND MARKET RISK Financial instruments thet potentially subject the Trust to concentrations of credit and market risk consist prinlpally of eash and investmenis, The Trust has significant amounts of investments thet are subjest to marke risk. Market risk i the possibility that future changes in market price may make a financial instrument less valuable, Bond Fund investments at Devember 31, 2007 of 12,621,233 (with a cost basis of $12,377,953) consist principally of Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund. Equity Fund investments at December 31, 2007 consist of $10,341,390 of TIAA-CREF Institutional Social Choice Fund #1834 with a cost bass of $10,503,153, © SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Diocesan Investment Trust of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri ‘SCHEDULE OF CONGREGATIONAL HOLDINGS December 31, 2007 Bond Fund uity Fund VeShares Market “9oShares Markee Held Valve Held Vale ‘Ascension Parish Memorial Endowment O4si% —«§ 57307—2s54% $268 Bishop - Bedel Bequest 0.000% = 0.000% : Bishop - Bishop Tule Trust 0.000% = 0.000% 7 Bishop - Frances Philip Fund 0.000% = 0.00% : Bishop - Grote Lessey 0.000% = 0.00% a Bishop - Louis Wolman Fund 08em% = 107674 2832% 26,886 Bishop -Permaneat Fund 0.170% 21,880 0.505% S230 Bishop - Reserve Fund (Relavesten!) 0.000% = 0.000% . Bishop ~St. Marys Building Fund Reinvest) 0.000% = 0.000% : Bishop Lichtenberger 0.012% Lssé 037% Bishop Permanently Restricted Funds 0.387% ans 1.158% Calvary Bpiscopel Building Trost Fund 0.223% 28286 0329% ‘Calvary Episcopal Church 0.000% = 012% (Calvary Episcopel Continuing Education Find 0.225% 28553 0.000% Calvary Episcopal Foundation Trust Fund 0.333% s3iso4s2% Calvary Episcopal Stapol Tust Fund 0.330% anit 002% 52082 Christ AnhurLichenberger Endowment Fa 1.109% 40819 —ag10% 22597 ‘Chat Chaprr Funds 1198% 151796 1.25i% 29853 ‘Christ Tre Funds 38896% 4942188 13552% 1.406951 ‘Christ Chureh-Rolla Endowment (Relieves) 0.427% 5420 0723% 15078 Diocesan White Loan Investment Acct 738% 932356 0.000%, : Diocese - Aged & Infirmed Clergy Fund 181% 230187 9.288% 963,781 Diocese - Aged & Infimed Invested Income 0.000% = 0.000% : Diocese - Agnes & Grace Muller Trust 0.434% 557 0331% sss Diocese - Al Saints of Farmington ogre = 11088 .167% 12H Diocese -Cadigan Fellowship 0.191% 24282 1.080% T1246 Dice - Campus Ministry Fund osrin = t234té 2.901% BLS Diocese-Church Endowment Assistance Fund 1.737% © 20710 «4.736% 491.720 Diocese -Coedno Unresictd Fund Dosis 265.730 5.938% 6.496: Diocese - Donaldson Endowment La9i% = 240320 0.71% 4,112 052 Diocese -Donaldion Endowment Inv Income 0.299% 38010 024% 85878 Diocese - Ellen D. Haris Trust, ‘000% = 0.000% - Diocese - Episcopal Women Endowment Fund 0.083% 674 0303% sian Diocese - Future Bishop Transition Fa 1% M273 0297% 30,798 Diocese - Faare Mission Fund lori 1,363,818 1.188% 123,008, Diocese - Git Friendly Society ‘.00086 = 0.000% : o Diocesan Investment Trust ofthe Episcopal Diocese of Missousi SCHEDULE OF CONGREGATIONAL HOLDINGS December 31, 2007 Bond Fund Equity Fund Shares Market “Se Shares Market Hold Valve Held Value Diocese - New Ministes for Least 274% MEAD «6.199% Gt STR Diocese - New Ministries on Campus 270% M8469 6.199% «G3 78 Diocese - New Witness Fund 285% —362KBS BHI «619.267 Diocese - Ringo Estate (Unvestited) 0.000% = 0.000% 5 Diocese St. Francis Fpiscopal Church 0.000% = 0.961% 6302 Diocese St. Pau Ionton 0.085% 10855 0.063% 6501 Diocese - St. Stephen's Clergy Housing ‘0.000% = 0.900% 5 Diocese - Support of Episcopate 0.000% = 0.000% : Diocese - Theologial Edveation Fund 047% coal 032% tones Diocese - Thompson Invested Income 0.002% 14405939 61527 Diocese - William A. Jones Jt. 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