Deccan Herald

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Dry weather prevailed over
the State. Minimum tempera-
tures changed little over the
They were below normal at
many places over South Inte-
prevail over the State.
Farmers Weather Bulletin
for Karnataka: Forecast
valid until the morning of
December 27: Mainly dry
weather would prevail over
all the districts of Coastal
Karnataka, North Interior
Karnataka and South Interior
Outlook for subsequent two
days: No significant change is
expected over the State.
rior Karnataka; at a few places
over Coastal Karnataka and
remained normal over North
Interior Karnataka.
Chamarajanagar has
recorded the lowest minimum
temperature of 11.7 deg C in
the plains of the State.
Forecast valid until the
morning of December 27:
Mainly dry weather would
uy two! Get three free!
Shop for Rs 3,000 and
take home a free toast-
er! Buy a flat-screen televi-
sion and get a washing ma-
chine free! Order a cake with
us and get party snacks free!
EMI facilities on branded
clothes, shoes accessories!
Conditions Apply!
The air is filled with a
sense of enthusiasm and fer-
vour gently coaxing people
into the spending mode.
Jingles! Hoardings! Video
clips! Print ads! Pamphlets!
Advertisements of every sort
are being featured across the
country in every possible
Recession and GDP (gross
domestic product) seem to
take a back seat even as they
herald the festive season.
The Christmas spirit has set
It is now that even
Scrooges relax their tight
fists and display uncharacter-
istic generosity. Thanks to
the spirit of Christmas!
Give a creative gift
this season
However, if you want to
give a unique gift this season
you could make it creative,
trendy and useful if you only
gave it a little thought about
it, for gifts are symbolic of
your love, hope and trust to-
wards the recipient of your
According to the Bible, the
Magi or Wise Men, followed
the guiding star and found
the newborn baby Christ in
the manger who they fore-
saw would eventually be-
come the King of the Jews.
It is said that they present-
ed him with gold, frankin-
cense and myrrh symbolic of
kingship, asceticism and suf-
Though the gifts appeared
to be ambiguous, the spirit
behind them made them spe-
cial and futuristic. They her-
alded joy, hope and peace
the hallmarks of a well-
meaning gift.
They wrapped up the
essence of Jesus Christ and
his personality.
If you want your gift to
make the right impact, you
could give potted plants or
seeds of flowering plants and
vegetables and spread the
green wordaround.
Or, you could use your
skills in arts and crafts to cre-
ate a beautiful gift or a greet-
ing card for them. Just in
case you are not the arty sort,
you could write a sincere
handwritten appreciative
note punctuating it with
some heartfelt gratitude if
you think he or she deserves
it apart from any other item
you think your recipient may
It is quite possible that
some people who are reading
this piece may find the sug-
gestions a trifle old-fashioned
in spirit.
But one should remember
that the Christmas spirit is
around two millennia old but
the mystique of the Gift of
the Magihas not lost its
Merry Christmas
Agumbe 29 --- 00
Bangalore 26 16 00
Bellary 29 15 00
Chamarajanagar 28 12 00
Chikmagalur 27 13 00
Chitradurga 28 13 00
Davangere 29 13 00
Hassan 29 11 00
Mysore 27 19 00
Madikeri 25 11 00
Kolar 27 13 00
Stations Max Min Rain
Belgaum 25 17 00
Bijapur 27 13 00
Dharwad 27 13 00
Haveri 29 14 00
Gulbarga 30 18 00
Raichur 29 19 00
Honnavar 34 20 00
Karwar 35 20 00
Shirali 34 19 00
Mangalore 35 21 00
Stations Max Min Rain
New Delhi 20 07 00
Kolkata 27 16 00
Mumbai 33 22 00
Chennai 29 21 Tr
Pune 28 11 00
Hyderabad 26 16 00
Trivandrum 34 24 00
Rainfall measured in mm,
temperature in Celsius.
12 DECCAN HERALD Thursday, December 26, 2013
Mar 22 - Apr 20
Partner or spouse brings
luck your way. Career looks
good, much financial gain
Col: Pumpkin, No: 6
Apr 21-May 21
A day for belt-tightening
and caution about invest-
ments and expenditures. A
new romance or a revital-
ization of a current one
likely today.
Col: Ivory, No: 7
May 22-June 21
Family interests prosper to-
day. Home entertaining and
romance are delightful!
Col: Cream, No: 5
June 22-July 23
Romance will be on your
mind and chances for ideal
connections possible today.
Wait a little for that lucky
Col: Blue, No: 5
July 24-Aug 21
Partnerships favoured. The
moon makes you mellow.
Not the day to give someone
false hopes.
Col: Turquoise, No: 5
Aug 22-Sep 21
Don't let your partner put
you down. A weekend get-
away will prove to be en-
Col: Cream, No: 9
Sep 22-Oct 23
You are handling discreet
information well. But your
charming ways need to be
toned down.
Col: Chrome, No: 2
Oct 24-Nov 21
In an intense mood you are
not easy to understand and
loved ones may find it
Col: Green, No: 4
Nov 22-Dec 21
Your energy levels are high
and you may end up with
too much work.
Col: Orange, No: 1
Dec 22 - Jan 20
Time to tighten up your
purse strings. Try to keep in
touch with a friend or an as-
sociate abroad today. A dif-
ficult colleague will thaw
Col: Peach, No: 7
Jan 21 - Feb 19
Fast-moving Mercury puts
emphasis on communica-
tion today take time to
communicate to your signif-
icant other.
Col: Yellow, No: 5
Feb 20-Mar 21
You want to keep your af-
fairs confidential but Venus
lends you charm and you at-
tract attention.
Col: Blue, No: 6
December 26, 2013
Comics Crossword Challenge 9224
Hagar The Horrible
Moose And Molly
1 Vote in (5)
6 Closes (5)
9 Art of paper
folding (7)
10 Untidy (5)
11 Egg-shaped
12 Ski slope (5)
13 Reveal, dis-
close (3,4)
15 Thick mist
17 Yes votes
18 Great fear
19 Scrumpy,
say (5)
20 Exciting
event (6)
22 Petty lies (4)
24 Transgres-
sion (3)
25 Thins down
26 Boy's name
27 Pacific, say
28 In abeyance,
pending (2,3)
29 Fabric, cloth
30 Javelin (5)
31 Antelope (5)
2 Room for ma-
noeuvre (6)
3 World or uni-
verse (6)
4 Attempt (3)
5 Once more
6 Stifle (7)
7 Bee structure
8 Skin decora-
tion (6)
12 Danger (5)
13 Continues
14 To pine (5)
16 Twelve
dozen (5)
18 Lukewarm
19 Mrs Mop (7)
21 Minor diffi-
culty, informal-
ly (6)
22 Ship's
smokestack (6)
23 Signal fire
25 Grubby (5)
26 Info (4)
28 Spanish cry
2 Like singular goods from the
fair trade centre (6)
3 Overlook Goering's endless
misguidedness (6)
4 Driving place (3)
5 Drink out on the street (5)
6 Something to eye darkly? (7)
7 Not far from the main channel
8 Pull up, when permitted, by
the throat (6)
12 Women make me sad (5)
13 Where saints even go around
town (5)
14 Written by some arty pedants?
15 Grass snake possibly (5)
16 Scoffed in school, we hear (5)
18 Passed information about
faint-hearted Victor (5)
19 Such bacon would suit a dissi-
pated rake in a piggy place (7)
21 Aren't they instrumental in
providing pop music? (6)
22 About half an hour to find a
new name for fertiliser (6)
23 Loaned one pound for seed (6)
25 Scams current in central
Dorset (5)
26 City seen travelling north from
Spain? (4)
28 Rock bottom? (3)
1 Mad to upset it, you'll agree (5)
6 A diminutive flier (5)
9 Flowery name for a gentleman
10 It takes more than one to make
a cake (5)
11 Something fishy in the balance
12 The equitable way to go (5)
13 Beg for a bunfight at the end of
the garden (7)
15 Tour the diocese (3)
17 A blemish to the viewer? (4)
18 Like the Isis, a local river (6)
19 It's awfully good to be in the
briny and get brown (5)
20 They happen to be key open-
ings (6)
22 Prepare a meal for a man (4)
24 Look sleepy, yet show willing
25 Like a faulty photo of a tanker
in turbulence out East? (7)
26 A change of pace and a bit of
fun for a nut (5)
27 A main form of obsession (5)
28 But on Tyneside It means a
sandwich (5)
29 Obviously an active leader (7)
30 Where good whisky is avail-
able for a song? (5)
31 Did business in timber and
central heating (5)
ACROSS: 3, Clamp 8, Bat-on 10, Error 11,
Reb 12, Maori 13, T-rash-ed 15, Tom-E-s
18, Ten(rev) 19, Torero 21, Keratin 22, A-
jar 23, Sewn 24, Heck-led 26, C-h-afes 29,
LAD31, Hiker 32, Departs 34, Nomad (Da-
mon) 35, Tar 36, Verdi 37, Megan 38, S-
DOWN: 1, Car-Ry. 2, Mobster 4, L-O-ad 5,
Merton 6, Prior 7, Poker 9, Tea 12, Men-
aces 14, He-R16, Me-Ted 17, Sound 19,
Tickled 20, March 21, Kayak 23, S-Ed-ated
24, Hero-ic 25, Lap 27, Hired 28, Fe-N-ds
30, Straw32, Dawn 33, Rag.
ACROSS: 3, Keeps 8, Sober 10, Riser 11,
Lav 12, Lever 13, Fatigue 15, Fed up 18,
Our 19, Tenure 21, Butcher 22, Owls 23,
Mean 24, Reacted 26, Eraser 29, Hid 31,
Natal 32, Recital 34, Paper 35, Cur 36, Lim-
it 37, Cabin 38, Debts.
DOWN: 1, Solar 2, Devious 4, Epee 5, Pre-
fer 6, Siren 7, Femur 9, Bat 12, Lurcher 14,
Gut 16, Duped 17, Penny 19, Teacher 20,
Doyen 21, Bleat 23, Medical 24, Relate 25,
Tic 27, Ratio 28, Sapid 30, Paris 32, Rest
33, Tub.
Watch: Garv - Pride And Honour
at 20.00 hrs on Star Gold
NEW DELHI, PTI: Job seek-
ers can look forward to a
prosperous new year as
more than 8.5 lakh new jobs
are expected across various
sectors, including FMCG and
healthcare, says a survey.
Coming against the back-
drop of uncertain economic
conditions, the projected num-
ber of new jobs in 2014 is high-
er than the estimated 7.9 lakh
employment opportunities cre-
ated this year, according to the
survey by recruitment plat-
The findings are based on a
study conducted among more
than 5,600 firms across 12 in-
dustry sectors.
All the opportunities have
been projected in for the or-
ganised sector, it added.
Besides fast moving con-
sumer goods (FMCG) sector,
more jobs are expected in
healthcare, IT, retail and hos-
pitality sectors.
Last calendar year was not
good either for job seekers or
for employers due to uncertain
and fluctuated economical and
political conditions. 2014 is
coming with positive vibes for
job-seekers and expected to
create 8.5 lakh new jobs in dif-
ferent sectors, MyHiring- CEO Rajesh Kumar
Finding employees who
have employability or job readi-
ness skills that help fit into and
remain in the work environ-
ment is a real problem and
threatening to growth. These
issues need to be addressed on
priority,he added.
MyHiringClub.coms survey
showed that FMCG would lead
the chart and is expected to
generate 1.5 lakh new jobs, fol-
lowed by healthcare (1.33 lakh),
IT and ITeS (1.21 lakh), retail
(86,700) and hospitality
Banking and financial serv-
ices (61,400), manufacturing
and engineering (51,500), ed-
ucation, training and consul-
tancy (42,900), media and en-
tertainment (42,800) and real
estate (38,700) are also expect-
ed to create job opportunities.
Another HR expert Prachi
Kumari, Director at Sat-n-
Merc Manpower Consultant
said, Recruitment activity in
2013 went slow beyond our ex-
pectation across every levels,
majorly recruitments were
done only to replace major
Coming year 2014 seems
very promising. To increase
their revenue, companies need
to feel the long time vacant po-
sitions and also they have to
create more jobs as compared
to 2013. Overall, the worst con-
dition is over for the job market
and we are entering in a zone
of another two years of positive
growth if not more,she added.
Job hopes to brighten in 2014
FMCG to lead, followed by healthcare, IT/ITeS and retail sectors
Corp and Panasonic Corp,
Japan's two largest
consumer electronics com-
panies, said on Wednesday
that they will end joint
development of organic
light emitting diode (OLED)
television screens, a thinner
and brighter type of
next-generation display
in which Korean rivals have
a head-start.
The two companies, which
have been scaling back their
TV operations after chalking
up heavy losses in recent years,
will instead focus their efforts
on conventional liquid crystal
display screens for so-called 4K
ultra high-definition televisions
which have shown greater
promise, company spokesmen
Sony and Panasonic formed
the OLED alliance in June last
year with the goal of develop-
ing mass-production technol-
ogy by the end of 2013. Doubts
had mounted over the partner-
ship's prospects, however, as it
became clear it would miss its
OLED panels, while used in
smartphones and tablets by
Samsung Electronics Co, are
still considered prohibitively
expensive for larger sizes used
in televisions.
They have not delivered the
growth originally envisioned
by the Japanese companies
and are unlikely to be commer-
cially viable in the near future,
the spokesmen said.
Both companies displayed
56-inch OLED televisions at
this year's CES electronics
show in January. The spokes-
men said they would continue
independent efforts to develop
OLED technology.
LG Electronics Inc, consid-
ered the front-runner in OLED
televisions, has models on the
market but they are significant-
ly more expensive than com-
parable LCD televisions and
have yet to achieve significant
sales. Samsung also markets
OLED televisions, which offer
higher resolution and use less
power than LCD panels.
Sony, Panasonic decide to end
joint OLED TV development

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