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The Engineering Miracle in the Number 19

Dr. Zaid Kasim Mohammad Ghazzawi



Allah (God) mentions the number 19 in the Quran in chapter 74 of chapter 30 which
states: (Over it are nineteen), such that this verse comes to defend Prophet Mohammad
against the accusation and lies that people said about Him and the main one was that
they accused him that He authored the Quran indicating that He is not a Prophet. It will
be shown in this article how Allah (God) teaches us a scientific way to defend Prophet
Mohammad and prove that the Quran is from Allah (God) and not the authorship of
Mohammad peace be upon Him.

Allah (God) states the main accusation against Prophet Mohammad and how to prove its
falsehood in The Quran in Chapter 74 Verses 25-31:

("This is nothing but the word of a human being!" * I will cast him into Hell-fire * And
what will make you know what Hell-fire is? * It spares not, nor does it leave * Burning
and blackening the skins * Over it are nineteen (30) And Allah (God) has set none but
angels as guardians of the Fire, and Allah (God) has fixed number (19) only as a trial for
the disbelievers, in order that the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) may
arrive at a certainty and that the believers may increase in Faith and that no doubt may
be left for the people of the Scripture and the believers, and that those in whose hearts
is a disease and the disbelievers may say: "What Allah (God) intends by this example ?"
Thus Allah (God) leads astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none can
know the soldiers of your Lord but He. And this is nothing else than a reminder to

Such that Allah (God) states here that those who accuse Prophet Mohammad that He
authored the Quran will be placed into The Hellfire, and one main characteristic of this
Hellfire is that it has nineteen (19) angles over it supervising the punishment of people.

And Allah (God) also informs us that this number 19 of the angles will accomplish the
following tasks:


A test for the disbelievers: Which means that when the disbelievers see the

miracle in the number 19 would they believe in Allah (God) or not?


The Jews and Christians would be certain:

Such that when Jews and

Christians see the miracle in the number 19 then would they be certain that the
Quran in from Allah (God) and that Prophet Mohammad is His messenger?


The believers would increase in faith: And when the believers see the

miracle in the number 19 then they would increase in faith.

So the question now arises as to how this number 19 would accomplish all of the above
stated tasks?

The Engineering Miracle in the Number 19:

Since Allah (God) informs us that number 19 would accomplish all of the above tasks
then Allah (God) should place a very great sign in this number. This research shows
some aspects of this miracle in the number 19. Such that if we ponder upon the number
19 from a mathematical and geometrical point of views we learn that this number can
be represented by 19 spheres and the most stable configuration for these spheres is a
hexagonal pattern as shown in figure 1.

Figure (1): Number 19 representation from a mathematical point of view.

If we think about the engineering design that Allah (God) created matter and energy
upon we find that He created everything based on a hexagonal shape. If we look at the
design of Allah (God) for the habitation of bees we see the hexagonal shape on which
Allah (God) designed creation upon (as shown in figure (2)). And we also notice a
perfect match between the representation of number 19 from a mathematical point of
view and the pattern on which Allah (God) created creation upon.

Figure (2): Hexagonal design of a bee hive.

Thus Allah (God) teaches us that the best way to build structures is to arrange the basic
units comprising it in a hexagonal pattern like the geometrical shape of the number 19.
Such that for example if we want to build a house from boards as the ones shown in
figure (3) then the design that we learn from the Quran is to build the house by
arranging these boards in a hexagonal shape as shown in figure (4).

Figure (3): Boards comprising a house.

Figure (4): Optimal arrangement for boards to build a structure.

I made a study to investigate the resistance of the design shown in figure (4) to lateral
displacements like those generated when an earthquake occurs. Since the devastating
effect of an earthquake results from lateral displacements on the walls of a structure.
The study involved building a model shown in figure (5) where 1000 N force is applied
on the horizontal wall to generate a lateral displacement like the one produced in an

Figure (5): Placing forces and fixation on the model taken from the number 19.

The results I concentrate on are the overall displacement and stresses within the model,
where figures (6) and (7) show these results within the model.

Figure (6): Overall displacements generated within the model.

Figure (7): Overall state of stress within the model.

If we compare the results shown in figures (6) and (7) with the results obtained from
the current design of buildings where T-sections are used to erect rooms in a house
(shown in figures (8) and (9)).

Figure (8): Overall displacement in a model based on the current design of walls in a building.

Figure (9): Overall state of stress in a model based on the current design of walls in a building.

Table (1) shows a comparison between the results for the current design for buildings
and the design based on the number 19 as learned from the Quran.

Table (1): Comparison between the overall displacement and stress for two designs.

We find by pondering upon the results showed in table (1) that there is a significant
reduction in the overall displacement and stress in a design based on the number 19
compared to the current design for buildings. The reduction in displacements means an
increased stability for the structure under lateral loading and the reduction in stresses
indicates an increased strength in the structure.

So we see how Allah (God) out of His mercy teaches us how to design a structure that
can resist earthquakes as proven from the results of this study. We also understand now
why bee hives remain stable and strong under the effect of large vibrations generated
from the bees surrounding the hive.

The Sign in The Number 19:

As shown in this article the number 19 accomplishes the following tasks:


A test for the disbelievers: After a disbeliever sees this sign in the number 19

and how Allah (God) designed all of His creation based on this number then this
is a test for him whether he will believe or not in Allah (God)?


The Jews and Christians would be certain: When the Jews and Christians

see this great sign in the number 19, will they believe that the Quran is from
Allah (God) and that Prophet Mohammad is His messenger or not?


The believers would increase in faith: The sign in the number 19 increases

the believers in faith and gives them ways to call people to Allah (God) by
showing them this sign.

We notice brothers and sisters the knowledge that we can learn by pondering upon the
Quran and the creation of Allah (God), and how one verse of the Quran contains all of
this knowledge. We need to show this miracle to people and to call them to the path of
Allah (God). We also notice how Allah (God) wants the believer to be the teacher of
others but because the majority of Muslims deserted the Quran they find themselves in
the bad situation they are in.

Zaid Kasim Mohammad Ghazzawi

Website: www.quran-miracle.com

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