Proper Guideline For Expats Criminal Law in Singapore

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Proper Guideline for Expats: Criminal law in
Jul 19th 2014 at 2:34 AM
With Asia being the safest and lowest tax rated region with exceptionally good living
standard, it is of no wonder that expats around the globe have favored Singapore for
years. Renowned for its utter professional platform and the safest south East Asian
region, Singapore criminal law have confronted various expats with harsh penalties
as they landed up on the wrong side of the Law. Its certainly important to keep in mind
that Singapore is also one conservative country with relatively strict rules to follow.
It is comparatively uncommon to get arrested and detained for something that various
expats may think as a relatively minor offence in comparison with their home country.
Various questions that an expat could really face are as mention:

What are the real penalties and consequences of being charged?
Will it directly affect my working visa in long run?
Is it possible to travel if when my passport is detained?
When the right is time to inform my employer of any certain circumstances
Am I in breach of any certain employment contract terms and conditions?
When is the right time to engage a lawyer?

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In case you are mercilessly charged by the police, it means you have to apply for urgent
leave to attend interviews at the police station. The very first arrest warrant shall lead to
a 48 hours of total detention with no proper access to any counsel or telephones. One
can make it difficult if found disappeared and may risk their life and job in that case.

Your passport is all likely to be retained by the police for pending the outcome of the
investigations. As soon as one is charged, visa is directly affected in case your
employment pass is due to expire. A white pass is then issued which can be successfully
renewed on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Various frequent visits to the police station
and the ICA have to be made in order to have your visa renewed.
One can easily travel abroad but the police will release the passport when the bail
conditions are imposed. Theres particularly no requirement to directly inform your
Employers in that case as until you are going to be charged in court and be plead guilty
to the offence. In such a case, one is supposed to ask their employer to successfully
provide a testimonial letter to be attached to the Plea of Mitigation. Its important to
engage a lawyer as soon as possible if you are aware of all your rights in Singapore.

Article Source: -

Vendela Jar is an expert writer having vast experience about the Law industry.
Currently, she is writing on various topics like criminal law Singapore and Criminal
Lawyer in Singapore.
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