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How can there be malice in genuine love? But, yes, I do areciate their concern !or me,
and I sincerely and yet humbly as" #od to bless them$ I %ust love those "ids, genuinely
love them$ It is sad how many times, actually in this world, real love is hardly ever "now,
neither e&ressed$ Because, how can they e&ress something they do not even "now? I
%ust than" #od, my sweet and living 'esus !or showing me what genuine, sincere love is$
( )*+, hardly ever "nown, e&ressed and digni!ied in this world o! !allen beings$
-hat do eole "now about love?
)ove !or many eole, or let.s ma"e it a little e&aggerated / but true 0, love !or almost all
humanity is a mere gushy !eeling o! e&citement, hearts beating !ast when we are with
eole we admire or when we see them1 a mere !eeling o! longing2ness1 !iery, imetuous
!eeling, li"ened to !irewor"s, that long be!ore you "new it, it.s gone$
3o wonder, many eole nowadays, esecially the youngs, who are yet immature !or
such so called )*+,, only !ind heartbro"enness, ain and sorrow, when in !act, love is
made to give %oy, security and eace$ 3o wonder why this world is !illed with miserable
4)ove is atient and "ind1 love does not envy or boast1 it is not arrogant or rude$ It does
not insist on its own way1 it is not irritable or resent!ul1 it does not re%oice at wrongdoing,
but re%oices with the truth$ )ove bears all things, believes all things, hoes all things,
endures all things$5
But what is )*+,, really?
)et.s begin with this$$$
4)ove is atient$$$5
6h, oh$ 7or the !irst, let.s call them 8uali!ications, I bet almost everyone o! us would get a
very low score$$$ 9:; maybe or even worse$$$ ,ven lower$
Imagine there is long line %ust to reach the tic"et booth$$$ -hat do we usually do? -hat
do we !eel? *r that you arrived at the canteen seeing a very long line be!ore you ever
reach the counter, you, being so hungry not eating brea"!ast? *r that your !riend as"ed
you to wait !or him at the corner o! the street that you may go to school together, and he
didn.t show u on time$$$ 30 minutes had assed and he hasn.t arrived$$$ -hat do you
usually !eel? *r that your wi!e "ees nagging you when you go home late$$$$ *r that your
husband !orgot your anniversary? *r that your student or atient or son or daughter or
anybody else, disresects you, is rude to you, comes late !or school, not do his
assignments, not ta"e his meds, do comletely stuid things %ust to annoy you$
<imle$$$ -e lose atience and argue with anyone in return$ =ou argue with the security,
or with the eole in line1 you either leave your !riend or wait !or him but de!initely !ry
him with harsh words as soon as he arrives1 or that you.d raise your voice or even worse,
li!t a hand against your wi!e? *r maybe, not tal" to your husband or nag him, to not
reare his clothes or meals, or worse even not allow him to enter into the door? *r
in!lict them with rude discilinary actions, shout at them, or even hurt them$ *r as a
teacher, as I am, sea" rude words to them, beat them or disregard them$$$ *r as one time
I did, erase them !rom my class records$
*ouch$$$ >hese are li"e bullets directly iercing our hearts$
I, mysel!, am guilty$
But it says, )*+, is atient$ I "nows how to wait !or his time, his recious moment o!
getting his tic"et, or receiving his meals$

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