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CASE STUDY: Ponds White Beauty Facewash

Campaign: Reveal the best in you

Client: Ponds White Beauty Facewash
Background: The !i"st Ponds #"oduct was c"eated in $%&'( since then the b"and has !lou"ished as
Unileve"s !i!th )ost #"o!itable Pe"sonal ca"e #"o#e"ty *lobally+ Ponds C"ea) was invented in the United
States as a )edicine by scientist The"on T+ Pond in $%&'+ With a #"esence in ove" ,' count"ies( Ponds is
a na)e synony)ous with s-in ca"e !o" al)ost a centu"y now+ .t has #assionately led the way in
unde"standin* a wo)ans s-in ca"e and beauty needs+ .t has cut ac"oss a*e *"ou#s and s-in ca"e
"e/ui"e)ents+ But the scena"io was chan*in* !o" the 0whitenin* #"oducts+ An indust"y that once was
associated with Fai" and 1ovely and 2icco( now included inte"national heavywei*hts li-e Dove( 3ivea(
14"eal( 5a"nie"( 3uet"o*ena and E)a)i( with )o"e 6oinin* the) eve"y yea"+ Ponds was *ettin* lost in
the battle+ Face wash is a cate*o"y whe"e constant bu77 o" chatte" value o! the b"and d"ives sales and
Ponds !ace wash in the yea" o! 89$8 had nothin* new to o!!e"+
The Challenge: 1ost in the delu*e o! b"ands and adve"tisin*( Ponds !ound it ha"d to discove" and
connect to its ta"*et audience+ The challen*e was to c"eate a bu77 a)on*st the youn* colle*e *oin* *i"ls
!o" a #onds !ace wash va"iant+ The t"aditional )edia a##"oach was not cuttin* ice with this T5+ The
e:istin* T2C co))unicated the !unctional #"o#osition o! 0Reveal you" natu"al !ai" s-in and hence lac-ed
the youth!ul e!!e"vescence+ .t "eali7ed that the"e was a need to b"in* the bu77 bac- to the b"and+ They
tu"ned the b"and #"o#osition into a ca)#ai*n idea( which also ca#tu"ed the talent needed a)on*st the
ta"*et *"ou#+
The Execution: Ponds decided to tie u# with the Bollywood )ovie ;Student o! the Yea"< = >a"an ?oha"s
)ost antici#ated launch o! the th"ee !"eshest !aces in .ndian cine)a+ These !"esh !aces beca)e the
#"os#ective cove"t !aces o! the b"and and in tu"n could lend the tal-@ ability to the b"and+
3ow( the b"and could tal- about its new #"o#osition o! 0Reveal the best in you th"ou*h these A To@be@
su#e"sta"s+ >nowin* the T5s vo"acious a##etite !o" )ulti@)edia( an inte*"ated )edia st"ate*y was
devised + Each )ediu) )ani!ested the )essa*e 0Reveal the best in you = and in a )anne" which would
a##eal to the T5+ The A 0b"and@#"ota*onists en*a*ed with the b"and T5( tal-ed the b"and lin*o )a-in*
;Ponds Facewash< the )ost tal-ed about Facewash b"and+
Di*ital and )obile we"e co"e to the en*a*e)ent desi*n o! the ca)#ai*n+ The hoo- was the o##o"tunity to
inte"act with these !"esh !aces and hence consu)e"s we"e o!!e"ed )ulti#le o##o"tunities unde" the co"e
the)e+ An .2RS was #"o)oted as a call !o" ent"y by Alia Bhatt he"sel! and live web han*out with the sta"s
!u"the" added to the en*a*e)ent value !o" #e"!ect social inte"action+ The)atic B"anded content was
de#loyed on BT2 as 0Date o! the yea"+
T2C@ Two co@b"anded T2Cs we"e c"eated( one with Call Fo" Ent"y CCFED and one without call !o" ent"y+
Both the T2Cs we"e c"eated with Alia Bhatt de#ictin* how ;Ponds White Beauty Facewash< hel#s he"
"eveal the best in he" eve"yday li!e whethe" it is attendin* a #a"ty o" #"e##in* !o" a date+ The CFE T2C
ends with Alia as-in* the T5 to call and win a chance to *o on a date with 2a"un Dhawan and Siddha"th
Balhot"a by answe"in* A si)#le /uestions+
DTH: Tata S-y was chosen as the DTE #a"tne" since its #enet"ation in )et"os is e:t"e)ely hi*h
co)#a"ed to Dish T2 F Ai"tel DTE !o" ai"in* the call !o" ent"y co@b"anded T2C !o" a #e"iod o! ten days+
Cine)a = The co@b"anded T2C Cwithout the call !o" ent"yD was ai"ed ac"oss cine)a halls in hi*h #"io"ity
)a"-ets to !u"the" establish the b"and connect+
Digital: The"e was a si)ultaneous call !o" ent"y on the Ponds .ndia Faceboo- website alon* with the T2
le*+ The b"and also *ave its Faceboo- !ans a chance to inte"act with the cast via a ;live han*out<+
B"anded content@ Two luc-y *i"ls won the chance to *o on a date with debutants 2a"un Dhawan and
Siddha"th Balhot"a+ Alia Bhatt hel#ed the *i"ls *et all dec-ed u# !o" the ;date<+ This ai"ed on BT2 as
;Date o! the yea"< vi*nettes !o" the wee- a!te" the "elease o! the !il)+
Results: Within A wee-s( the .2RS *a"ne"ed "es#onse !"o) al)ost %+, lac *i"ls ac"oss di!!e"ent )a"-ets+
The B"and Tal-ability sco"es )oved !"o) &G to ,,+
B"and Awa"eness sco"es )oved !"o) GA to G%+
The"e we"e ' +, lac views on Youtube within 8 wee-s+
4ve" A$(999 RS2Ps !o" the live webchat Hhan*out and ove" $9(999 live /uestions "e*iste"ed via b"ands
Faceboo- and Twitte" assets+
The activity "eceived $A99I ent"ies

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