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Benjamin Mao

Articles #7
1. In U.S. should send troops to quell Ukraine crisis (April 15, 2014), James
Jeffrey argues for U.S intervention in the Ukraine crisis. He claims that economic
sanctions alone wont stop Putin from invading Ukraine. Europe relies too much on
Russian oil to apply meaningful sanctions, he said. Only a NATO force stationed on
Russias borders will keep Putin in line as he will finally see that the U.S is serious about
defending its allies.
Sending troops to Ukraine would only heighten tensions between the U.S and
Russia. If Russia sees the troops on the ground as a provocation, one bullet fired
is all it takes to ignite a war of unimaginable destruction.

2. In Police Unit That Spied on Muslims Is Disbanded (April 15, 2014), Matt
Apunzzo and Joseph Goldstein reported on the end of a New York City spying program
aimed at Muslims. The program was designed to identify locations were would- be
terrorists could hide. However, many Muslims complained about the violation of their
civil rights in the process. William J. Bratton, the NYPDs new commissioner, said the
closure of the program could close the rift between the minority community and the
police department.
After 9/11, many Americans viewed Muslims as suspicious people plotting to
undermine the government. The closure of the spying program could ease fears of
Muslim terrorists in this country.
Benjamin Mao

3. In The Kansas killings: Will every crime be a hate crime someday? (April 15,
2014), Michael McGough voices concern that every crime will soon be categorized as a
hate crime. The recent killings of 3 Christians by Frazier Glenn Cross, a known anti-
Semitic, highlight the need for Hate Crime Law reform. The Matthew Shepard and James
Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 criminalizes willfully causing bodily injury
because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person.
The act ironically prioritizes some groups over others and so the list of groups protected
will inevitably grow as more groups clamor for protection. Pretty soon, all crimes will be
considered hate crimes because all groups will be on the list.
Although Hate Crime Legislation is a necessary tool in the fight against
discrimination, categorizing every crime as a hate crime would go too far. Any
charge relating to racial prejudice could potentially add years to a jail sentence.

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