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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
Past & Possible
Answer Key
Section 0
Introduction to Unit Systems
Quiz 1
1. A. couomb (C)
2. D. vot (V)
3. C. maxwe/gbert
4. A. gbert/maxwe
5. A. |oue/second
6. A. gauss/oersted
7. B. ampere (A)
8. C. gauss
9. B. weber
10. B. m
11. A. couomb/Vot
12. D. weber/m
13. B. vot-second
14. D. m
15. B. henry/meter
16. D. weber/ampere-turn
17. A. m
18. D. weber/ampere
19. B. weber
20. C. m
21. B. gauss
22. D. m
23. A. Weber/m
24. A. m
25. A. weber/m
26. D. oersted
27. B. m
28. C. ampere-turn/m
29. D. ampere-turn
30. C. |oue (|)
31. A. kgs

32. A. maxwe
33. A. gbert
34. B. ampere-turn/weber
Section 1
Electricity & Magnetism
Quiz 2
1. B. Amperes Law
2. C. J x =
3. B. remanence
4. B. Remanent nducton
5. C. odestone
6. B. Ampere's aw
7. C. ferrtes
8. B. ux
9. D. Vaence
10. B. A force set up when current
ows through a conductor
11. B. Gbert
12. B. Cure temperature
13. A. 0.01257
14. C. 50,000 G
15. B. damagnetc
16. B. ampere
17. A. sma and postve
18. B. Lke poes repe, unke poes
19. A. soft magnetc materas
20. A. The magnetc north poe
21. C. ferromagnetsm
22. B. newton per couomb
23. C. 2,000 G
24. D. ncke, cobat and stee
25. D. Core oss
26. B. 6.2410
eementary charges
27. B. Amperes Law
28. B. hgh permeabty but ow
29. A. Copper
30. D. soft ron
31. C. magnetc ed
32. D. magnetzed
33. C. eectromagnetc radaton
34. B. dea nductance
35. B. Cure temperature
36. D. trboeectrc ehect
37. B. magnetc nducton
38. A. ux densty
39. C. (a) Mnmum
(b) mnmum
40. C. North to South
41. D. ferrmagnetsm
42. C. arge and postve
43. B. Lenzs aw
44. D. Resdua
45. A. nearty
46. C. In nverse proporton to the
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Powerfu Revew Center 1
square of the dstance
47. C. 78.5% ncke and 21.5% ron
48. D. Bsmuth
49. C. eectrc motor
50. A. n a drecton determned by the
eft hand rue
51. C. 180
52. C. Matter
53. B. (a) 90 (b) 270
54. C. magnetc ux
55. B. Conductance
56. A. 10,000 G
57. D. The conductvty of a matera
for magnetc nes of force
58. C. attract each other
59. B. B

60. B. |ames Cerk Maxwe
61. B. Ward Boye and George Smth
62. D. permanent magnets, memory
devces, and magnetc recordng
63. A. 0
64. B. Chromum
65. B. Copper
66. B.
67. C. Keeper
68. C. magnetomotve force
69. B. current
70. B. weber
71. B.

72. A. Amperes aw
73. D. Mchae Faraday
74. A. magnetsm
75. C. Buck Converter
76. C. Coercve force
77. C. arge and postve
78. A. sma and postve
79. B.
7 1
4 x 10 Hm

80. D. antferromagnetsm
81. D. A tte greater than 1
82. C. sghty greater than 1
83. A. Fyback Transformer
84. D. Frngng Feds
85. B. compound
86. D. magnetzaton
87. A. paramagnetc
88. A. 7999
89. C. 1 C
90. D. Lorentz force aw
91. A. Coercvty
92. C. retentvty
93. C. Ampere-turns per meter
94. D. tny moecuar magnets
95. B. Damagnetc
96. A. Ne temperature
97. A. Gauss's aw
98. B. ux
99. B. Cure temperature
100.A. eakage ux
Section 1
Electricity & Magnetism
Quiz 3
1. D. Coercvty
2. C. hgh remanence and hgh
3. B. soft magnetc materas
4. D. ar cooed
5. A. amorphous
6. B. Magnetc nducton
7. D. ow permeabty
8. D.

9. A. hysteress
10. B. coemcent of coupng for
tghty couped s zero
11. A. magnetc ne of force
12. A. Remanence
13. C. 8.854 10
14. A. magnetc ed ntensty
15. B. damagnetsm
16. B. sma and negatve
17. D. Zero
18. B. Couombs rst aw
19. A. Faradays aw
20. D. ferromagnetc
21. B. current magnetc ed and
drecton of force on a
22. B. nduced
23. C. ed ux
24. B. Motor acton
25. B. current nduced nto the
26. B. Couombs second aw
27. B. It s perpendcuar to and equa
aong a parts of the
28. A. Energy
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 6-3
Te !utor
Engr. |ason M. Ampooquo
Youngest Professona Eectroncs Engneer (PECE)
Presdent, Powerfu Revew Center
Desgn Consutant
MSECE Ma|or n DSP-De La Sae Unversty (unts earned)
BSECE-Centra Coeges of the Phppnes, 2000
HR Reyes Schoar
Coach, IECEP Ouzzers
Champon: 1. ECE Ouz Show (1999)
2. 1
Bran Encounter (1998)
3. Physcs Ouz Show (1996)
4. Mathematcs Wzard (1996)
5. Inter Engneerng Ouz Show (1995)
Batte of the Bran Schoo Representatve (RPN-9)
and 20
IECEP Ouz Show
1. Eectroncs Engneerng SUPERBook
EST Revew Drector
Resource Speaker, Varous Topcs n Communcatons
In-house revewer, Varous Coeges and Unverstes
Sought after revewer n Communcatons Engneerng
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO 6-"
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29. D. A of the above
30. B. 4.9 N
31. A. current ow
32. D. Hysteress oss
33. A. copper, manganese and ncke
34. A. (a) Concentrc crces
(b) Perpendcuar
35. C. core
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
36. D. Because separate nes of
magnetc force nk and
combne ther ehects
37. B. Magnetc nducton
38. D. drecton of force on conductor
39. B. 1,600 At
40. B. mutua nductance and sef
nductance of the two cos
41. D. ux and current ow
42. D. A force set up when current
ow through a conductor
43. A. t does not ahect the constant
drect current
44. C. Traves from north to south
through the surroundng
medum of a bar magnet
45. C. t aways opposes the cause
producng t
46. D. a of these
47. A. The ux densty, whch exst n
the ron core when the magnetc
ed ntensty s reduced to zero
48. D. ferromagnetc
49. C. core saturaton
50. B. Weber theory
51. D. demagnetzng metac part
52. B. Lenz's
53. D. A of the above
54. C. 63% of ts na steady state
55. C. Keeper
56. A.

57. B. 4,000
58. B. touchng each other
59. B. resdua magnetsm
60. B. odestone
61. B. reuctance
62. D. a of these
63. A. (a) 16 (b) 8
64. A. (a) Magnetc ux, north to south,
(b) Current
65. D.
66. C. weber
67. B. hysteress oss
68. A. s one of attracton for the same
drecton of current ow
69. B. 10 Gb/cm
70. B. reuctance
71. D. amount of current
72. A. paramagnetc materas
73. C. 3300 couombs
74. C. Neutron
75. B. potenta ed
76. B. Lght energy s emtted
77. C.
1 2
78. C. resdua magnetsm
79. C. ow permeabty
80. C. reuctance
81. C.
82. C.
83. C. eft-hand rue
84. A.
| / m / s
85. D. 500 G
86. C. usng gran-orented scon
87. B. damagnetc
88. C. superconductvty
89. D. eectron
90. A. decrease by a factor of four
91. D. Retentvty
92. C. Photons
93. C. n specc shes or orbts
94. D. Euectc aoy
95. D. Any of the above
96. D. centrfuga
97. B. carbon
98. B. hysteress
99. D. The eectron w |ump to an
orbt further from the nuceus
100.C. Seebeck
Section 1
Electricity & Magnetism
Quiz #
1. D. eectrcty
2. C. Eectromagnetc nducton
3. D. magnetc susceptbty
4. A. Fux
5. D. matter
6. B. Cure temperature
7. C. Amperes aw
8. A. magnetc poe
9. C. Resdua nducton
10. A. 5000
11. D. damagnetc
12. A. supermaoy
13. A. Gaussmeter
14. C. magnetsm
15. B. sem-conductor
16. B. Lenzs aw
17. B. Boost Converter
18. D. 210
19. A. oersteds
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20. D. A and B
21. C. The phenomenon where RF
current ows n a thnner ayer
of the conductor cose to the
surface, as frequency ncreases
22. B. Ar gap
23. C. near to one end of a magnet
24. B. ferrtes
25. C. ux densty
26. C. ncreasng the resstance of
magnetc medum
27. A. Aumnum
28. B. Coercvty
29. A. paramagnetsm
30. A. dynamc eectrcty
31. A. 0.5 Gauss
32. A. vot ampere
33. C. Photons
34. D. neutron
35. D. photons
36. D. Lenz aw
37. C. At/Wb
38. D. repeed
39. D. transformer acton
40. B. couombs
41. D. ha ehect
42. A. ron
43. D. carbon
44. A. ux nes
45. C. magnetc ux
46. C. reuctance
47. D. a of these
48. D. eement
49. D. a of these
50. D. tesa
51. D. a of these
52. C. mxture
53. A. damagnetc
54. A. ncreases
55. C. doman
56. C. thrust
57. B. 200 At
58. D. A of the above
59. C. drecty proportona
60. B. magnetc nes of force
61. A. can ad or oppose each other
62. D. 166 |oues
63. D. A of the above
64. B. 100 watts
65. C. the recproca of the resstance
66. B. cannot enter
67. D. paramagnetc
68. D. eement
69. C. hysteress
70. C. compound
71. D. eement
72. D. degaussng
73. B. Eectron
74. A. atom
75. D. Proton
76. C. Ha Ehect Transducer
77. D. t has an ntrnsc coercvty
greater than or equa to about
300 oersteds
78. B. Ionzed
79. D. permeabty
80. C. The number of free eectrons
81. D. Intensty of magnetzaton
82. B. Negatve
83. D. an atom wth unbaanced
84. C. Frcton between two nsuators
85. C. 2 A
86. B. ed ntensty
87. A. Postve
88. A. hydrogen
89. A. Unke charges attract each
other, ke charges repe each
90. A. one
91. D. Each of the above
92. D. movng ether the magnet or
the co
93. C. eectrophoress
94. A. magnetomotve force
95. A. Enterng negatve charge,
eavng postve charge
96. B. atoms
97. A. Hgh-dety speakers
98. A. Reuctance
99. D. Both A and B above
100.C. magnetc ed
Section 2
%esistor & %esistance &asic
Quiz "
1. A. 1.59 x 10
2. D.
3. C. temperature
4. D. 3.6 ohms +/-10%
5. A.
1 2 3
G G G + +
6. A. R1
7. D. conductance
8. B. The resstance vaue changes
wth age
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
9. B. s the nverse of the tota crcut
10. C. heatng, magnetc, and eectrc
11. D. force ed
12. C. s equay apped to a branch
13. B. The nature of the matera of
the conductor ony
14. D. 4700 ohms + 5%
15. B. 2.24 x 10
16. C. Typca power ratng of a
carbon-composton resstor
ranged from 0.125 W to 2 W
17. C. Potentometer
18. A. rst dgt
19. D. ts ength ncreases
20. D. a of these
21. B. beeder resstor
22. B. 1%
23. B. 3.4 ohms +/-2%
24. B. (a) Two (b) three
25. A. The resstance of the conductor
s the hndrance by whch the
conductor opposes the ow of
26. B. 20%
27. B. temperature coemcent
28. D. Toerance
29. C. Resstance of a conductor whch
has a ength of 1 m and
cross-secton of 1 m
at 25C *
30. A. red, red, red
31. D. 0.001 nch
32. C. Yeow
33. D. The ehectve resstance s
34. C. ncreases
35. D. The square of current
36. C. A recproca reatonshp
37. D. 1.68 x 10
38. D. By the wattage ratng
39. C. 22,000 ohms + 10%
40. C. 3 V
41. A. Drecty to the conductve paths
of a crcut board
42. A. s aways constant
43. A. 1:4
44. B. Rheostat
45. C. 4.2 |oues per caores
46. B. The temperature shoud reman
47. C. postve, negatve
48. D. Transstors
49. C. 20%
50. C. product of ther R vaues
dvded by the sum of the two
51. C. the mutpers
52. C. ncrease n resstance per ohm
per degree centgrade
53. D. Surface mount resstors
54. D. Rheostat
55. B. hgh n both drectons unt a
votage threshod eve s
reached, then resstance s
ow n both drectons
56. D. R4
57. C. decreases
58. D. Carbon
59. B. Potentometer
60. C. of nteratomc coson
61. A. near
62. A. Cross-sectona area s
decreased, ength s ncreased
63. C. 4
64. D. 19 kohms + 20%
65. A. 0.1 W
66. D. ether A or B
67. A. Zero
68. A. 25%
69. C. 3:1
70. C. 6
71. A. 3
72. C. mutturn varabe
73. D. Negatve
74. B. A votage source and a
75. D. Carbon composton resstor
76. A. 2
77. C. 12 V
78. B. 2.65 x 10
79. A. the resstance of the heater
co s more than that of the
suppy wres
80. C. Red, back, god
81. D. wre-wound resstors
82. C. 88 k
83. D. Current ncreases
84. D. Aumnum
85. A. Varstor
86. A. a coumn of mercury
87. B. thermstor
88. A. Copper
89. A. 4800 ohms 10%
90. C. 10.6 x 10
91. B. the temperature shoud reman
92. D. semconductor
93. C. ehect produced
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94. C. Wrewound resstor
95. B. Second dgt of the vaue
96. C. votage
97. B. resstances
98. C. Votage dvders
99. A. ndvdua, combnatons of
100.D. Short
Section 3
Inductor & Inductance &asic
Quiz 6
1. B. the ow of current
2. B. 0.0133 seconds
3. C. 63% of ts na steady state
4. C. Hgh permeabty and ow
5. A. an open crcut
6. D. s unchanged at t = 0
7. D. 4.2 H
8. B. 12.5 H
9. C.
10. A. Increases nductance
11. B. mutua nductance and sef
nductance of the two cos
12. D. By core type
13. B. current
14. A. soft ron
15. A. ncreases nductance
16. D. drecton of force on conductor
17. C. 12 ohms
18. A.

19. C. 0.25 second

20. B. touchng each other
21. D. a of these
22. D. a of these
23. A. Lenz's aw
24. D. Changes n current
25. C. connected wth many ndvdua
current paths
26. B. coemcent of coupng for
tghty couped co s zero
27. C. Magnetc ux
28. C. ux nkage
29. D. the tme constant
30. D. a of these
31. B. The magnetc ux rato nkng
the cos
32. C. usng gran-orented scon
33. B. 0.1 mcroseconds
34. A. Because a nductors have
resstance whch dsspates
35. D. 13.5%
36. D. Resonant frequency
37. D. Conductor tensty
38. B. 4
39. A. soenod
40. C. conductvty
41. D. 314 ohms
42. D. Lenz aw
43. C. t aways opposes the cause
producng t
44. A. An ac crcut
45. C. 4.48 H
46. D. tends to oppose changes n
47. D. a of these
48. A. magnetc ux densty
49. D. Hysteress oss
50. C. core saturaton
51. D. Whenever the ux of one
nductor causes an emf to be
nduced n another nductor
52. C. exponenta aw
53. B. 1990 kHz, 2010 kHz
54. C. Fux nkage
55. D. 63.2%
56. A. Faradays aw
57. B. current, magnetc ed and
drecton of force on a
58. B. 5
59. C. 33.333 mH
60. B. 90 degrees
61. A. be doubed
62. C.
63. D. A of the above
64. B. tends to oppose the decay of
co current
65. A. Counter eectromotve force
66. D. Zero
67. B. 109 ohms
68. D. ux and current ow
69. C. Increases nductance
70. A. t does not ahect the constant
drect current
71. B. 300 mH
72. D. maxmum
73. D. Opposes change n current
74. D. A of the above
75. D. ve tme constants must have
76. A. 2.0 henres
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
77. B. Inerta
78. D. 94 ohms
79. B. Eectromotve
80. A. zero
81. A. 0.0015 sec
82. C. It opposes ether a rse or a fa
n current
83. B. The eft-hand rue for
84. A. Torod
85. D. conductor
86. A. doubes the reactance
87. C. The coapsng magnetc ed
88. B. Leadng the current by 90
89. D. Large dameter cos have more
wre and thus more ux
90. C. 4
91. A. (a) Decrease
(b) by 1/2
92. D.

93. D.
94. D. 18.1 H
95. D. 0.98 H
96. C. nductance characterzes the
magnetc propertes of a co
whch are sgncant for the
vaue of sef-nduce votage
generated due to current
change n the co
97. A. magnetc ed ntensty
98. A. They are dsodged from orbt
99. C. Mutua nductance
100.D. To support the wndngs
Section #
(a)acitor & (a)acitance &asic
Quiz $
1. B. E0
2. A. 7U0
3. A. 7O0
4. A. 7C0
5. A. 7C0
6. C. E0/7
7. C. U0/7
8. C. V0/7
9. D. poarty
10. A. chp
11. D. two pates separated by a
12. A. RC
13. C. when the capactor s fuy
14. D. capactance
15. B. poarzed
16. A. Deectrc hysteress
17. C. eectrc ed around the
18. C. dry
19. C. Eastance
20. B. workng votage
21. D. meta pates
22. C. eectroytc
23. D. opposes a change n votage
24. B. couomb per vot
25. C. 33 pF
26. C. deectrc
27. C. eakage resstance
28. A. zero
29. C. dc votage
30. B. capactance s nversey
proportona to the dstance
between the pates
31. C. 4372 pcofarad
32. D. a of these
33. D. a of these
34. A. 0.50 F
35. D. Leads the votage by 90
36. B. to brng postve charge of one
couomb from nnty to that
37. C. Deectrc-eakage
38. A. 0.2 sec
39. C. Newtons aw of gravtaton
40. B. They w dstort n the
opposte drecton
41. B. bock dc and pass ac
42. D. 10.0 pcofarad
43. D. Straght nes
44. B. conductor
45. D. Both A and C
46. C. dstance between the pates,
deectrc and thckness of
the pates
47. C. Capactor
48. B. ar capactor
49. C. 550 vots
50. C. 3 kV
51. B. Deectrc-hysteress
52. C. zero
53. B. Pates
54. A. Reactance
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55. A. eads the apped votage by 90
56. D. pcofarads
57. A. 3 farads
58. B. reduces
59. C. 8
60. C. postve
61. C. cuts the reactance n haf
62. D. Decreases
63. D. A capactor
64. C. Vacuum, ar
65. A. Deectrc
66. B. ncreasng the area of pates
67. B. 2.76 pF
68. A. Tank crcut
69. A. 34 pF
70. D. ooks ke an open crcut
71. C. Bock DC and pass AC current
72. B. the equaton for capactve
73. B.
8.854 x 10

74. B. P-L network

75. A. crysta
76. A. Both cause the storage of energy
77. C. 7.12 MHz
78. D. eectrostatc ed
79. A. Approxmatey 1
80. C. Ewad Georg von Kest
81. C. (a) Attracts them to the
postve charges
(b) Dstorts ther orbts
82. B. an nsuator between two meta
pates n a capactor
83. B. By ther deectrc materas
84. A. O
85. C. workng votage
86. D. Thckness of the pates
87. C. 10 F
88. B. Eastance
89. B. The pates are moved coser
90. A. (a) Gycerne, (b) Pure water
91. D. hgh capactance and ow
nsuaton resstance
92. D. Stores eectrca energy
93. A. 200 vots
94. D. Vacuum
95. D. 9.55 ohms
96. C. 1
97. B. reduce the workng votage
98. C. mca
99. D. force
100.B. Ward Boye and George Smth
Section "
Trans*ormer +undamentals
Quiz ,
1. A. The transfer of energy from
one crcut to another through
eectromagnetc acton
2. D. ow ron-oss
3. C. Ar core transformer
4. B. the same
5. B. prmary wndng
6. C. 100 watts
7. C. turn rato
8. A. varabe transformer
9. B. One
10. D. A magnetc shed
11. A. extract mosture of the ar
12. D. Ar, soft ron, and stee
13. A. Per unt mpedance
14. C. hoow-core
15. A. Same at a eves
16. A. Exctng current
17. B. Hgh votage wndng of sma
ratng transformer
18. C. the sef-nduced emf
19. A. 12 V
20. C. Mutua nducton
21. A. prmary emf
22. B. eakage ux
23. D. 500 watts
24. D. eakage ux
25. C. near fu oad
26. A. ncrease output power
27. B. 300
28. B. Usng magnetc core of ow
29. C. The secondary nduced emf
30. D. red and yeow
31. C. The drecton of turns of wre
on the prmary and secondary
32. B. mutua nductance,
33. A. the turn rato s equa to 1
34. C. The sze of the transformer w
35. A. The secondary nduced emf
36. C. the turn rato s greater than 1
37. D. Both A and B
38. B. magnetc crcut
39. A. As ow as possbe
40. A. vot-amps
41. B. the number of secondary turns
dvded by the prmary turns
42. A. a step-down transformer
43. D. a of these
44. D. 90 to 98%
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
45. B. 180
out of phase n a
46. D. a of these
47. C. opposte to the turns rato
48. A. 60 VAC
49. B. Prmary current s sma
50. B. the turn rato s ess than 1
51. B. 60 vot-amps
52. B. ncrease the output votage
53. D. kVA
54. C. nsuaton and coong
55. D. Ar core transformer
56. B. k ne votage rato =
57. D. step-down type
58. C. Is ess than the resstance of ts
hgh votage sde
59. D. Decreasng the thckness of
60. D. dvded, mutped, the square of
the turns rato
61. C. Decrease the reuctance of the
magnetc path
62. A. save power
63. A. 40.7 V
64. B. 23 V
65. C. power, power
66. C. O-coong
67. C. votage
68. C. P
69. A. 1 to 3%
70. A. autotransformer
71. A. Eddy currents heat up the
meta parts
72. D. Isoaton transformer
73. D. Wthout changng power,
frequency or shape
74. C. The prmary s connected to the
source: the secondary s
connected to the oad
75. A. It has ony one wndng
76. D. A hgh-votage transformer has
more nsuaton between the
ayers of wndngs than does a
ow-votage transformer
77. A.
78. C. contnuty
79. B. Power transformer
80. A. 100 V
81. C. Ar core
82. C. A step-down transformer
83. C.
84. C. Secondary wndng
85. A. autotransformer
86. A. Not change
87. B. nductor
88. B. Decreases the weght per kVA
89. C. 999.9 V
90. A. about the same
91. C. exctaton
92. C. The ux nkage between the
two wndngs
93. B. ow votage sde
94. B. Its vaue cannot be stepped up
or down by transformer
95. B. ncreased nductve reactance
96. A. Source current
97. C. Lenzs aw
98. B. Eddy
99. A. autotransformer
100.D. Low reactance
Section 6
(ells & &atteries
Quiz '
1. B. 96, 485 Couombs/moe
2. A. Avogadro's number tmes the
eectron charge
3. B. the ce votage tmes the
number of moes of eectrons
transferred tmes the Faraday
4. C. Faraday constant
5. C. anode, cathode, eectroyte
6. D. a of these
7. A. Znc contaner
8. D. more stabe n ther output
9. A. appyng a reverse votage
10. D. a of these
11. C. In a refrgerated space
12. C. Both A and B above
13. D. a of these
14. D. tota votage ncreases
15. A. It has a very stabe output
16. D. Connectng the anode and
cathode together wthout a
17. B. the current ncreases; the
votage ncreases
18. B. rst n seres, then n parae
19. B. 1500 hours
20. A. 8
21. A. 468 x 10
eectrons per
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22. D. Two eectrodes of the same
meta provde the hghest
votage output
23. A. Laws of eectroyss
24. D. A the above
25. B. Akane ce
26. B. Secondary
27. C. oca acton
28. C. Dschargng the ces
29. D. A of the above
30. B. Lthum organc
31. D. prevents or sows down oca
32. D. A of the above
33. C. Emergency equpment batteres
34. B. Eectroyte
35. B. Specc gravty
36. A. Sver-cadmum
37. A. 1
38. C. I, II, and III
39. B. types of pates and eectroyte
40. D. The secondary ce can be
recharged by passng current
through t n the proper
41. B. amagamatng the eectrode
wth mercury
42. B. Check the technca manua for
nformaton on the specc
type of battery
43. C. Sver-znc ce
44. C. Enough so the oat w rse
wthout enterng the sucton
45. D. ncrease n current capacty
46. D. chemca acton to eectrca
47. B. 8.4 V
48. B. chemca means
49. B. 6
50. B. oca acton and poarzaton
51. B. 1270
52. C. Fresh water
53. C. 1.5 V
54. B. Prmary
55. B. Magnesum ce
56. A. Dsted water
57. B. Sver-znc
58. D.

R nr
59. C. Buckng
60. D. ncrease the current capacty
61. D. Termnas shoud be
connected together before
transportng a battery
62. C. Fush wth fresh water
63. B. A carbon znc ce has
unmted shef fe
64. C. ncrease votage output
65. B. Ce
66. D. It converts the produced
hydrogen nto water
67. D. Current ncreases
68. B. Manganese doxde
69. A. 6.85 hours
70. D. can be recharged
71. B. 200 hr
72. A.
R +
73. D. Prmary ce
74. B. ead, ead peroxde and dute
suphurc acd
75. C. The NCd ce s prmary type
76. A. t s rechargeabe
77. D. Battery charge
78. D. short tme and can be
79. C. Dry ce
80. A. 15 amperes
81. C. chargng an accumuator
82. C. Increases votage suppy
83. C. the termna votage and
strength of the eectroyte
84. C. Seenum ces
85. A. 1.15
86. C. Sef dscharge
87. C. Norma
88. D. ncke cadmum batteres
89. D. Type D
90. A. Decrease the chargng rate
91. C. suphurc acd to water
92. B. Prmary ces
93. B. Steady gassng
94. B. 1866
95. D. the area of the pates
96. A. 8
97. C. 6 amperes for 10 hours
98. B. Negatve and postve ons
99. A. keep the eectroyte eve ow
100.D. 4.2 V
Section $
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
-( Electrical (once)ts
Quiz 10
1. B. attracton, negatve
2. D. Mechanca
3. D. arger than the argest resstor
4. B. t s not possbe to dsconnect
the power
5. A. Shorted fuse
6. D. Zero current through t
7. D. Fve
8. C. a person to seze the ne and
not be abe to et go
9. D. (a) Decreases
(b) ncreases
10. A. the heart to go nto braton
11. C. Trp free
12. D. Armature
13. B. pastc
14. C. The armature resstance
15. B. aumnum
16. B. A burnshng too
17. B. A sma nterna resstance
18. C. ET = ER1 = ER2 ... = ERn.
19. D. energzed
20. D. (a) Decreases
(b) ncreases
21. B. scon
22. C. PT
23. C. Pace your nger on the cover
and fee the reay contact
24. C. greater than the argest
25. D. zero temperature coemcent
26. B. Locked-out
27. D. An amount determned by the
combned resstance of the
remanng branches
28. D. votage, resstance and current
29. B. Is constant
30. B. The current of the source
31. C. nductor
32. D. capactor
33. B. fuse
34. B. Rheostat
35. D. (a) Increase
(b) decrease
36. C. votage dvder
37. C. Mcroswtch
38. C. stabty
39. B. Zero votage across t
40. C. A ght swtch
41. B. a short crcut
42. D. Togge
43. B. from, nto
44. B. Is constant
45. D. Maxmum
46. B. An gnton swtch on a motor
47. B. The current w drop to 10% of
ts orgna vaue
48. A. A mutcontact swtch
49. D. unahected
50. D. Less than 10 ohm
51. C. add
52. D. ground between two of the
dvdng resstors
53. C. troubeshootng
54. A. ess than
55. C. grounded
56. D. dvde watts by 746
57. C. Yeow
58. B. 3
59. B. Second approxmaton
60. D. Locked-n
61. B. Couomb's
62. B. votage
63. D. Maxmum
64. D. The eectron theory
65. C. (a) Decrease
(b) ncrease
66. A. ogca, systematc
67. B. Innte nterna resstance
68. D. resstve
69. C. sgna tracng
70. C. A co attracts a soft ron core
when current ows n the co
71. C. desoderng
72. D. Two
73. D. A starter for a motor vehce
74. B. R2 has opened
75. B. Power
76. D. R2 has shorted
77. D. current
78. A. Three
79. B. current probe
80. A. Momentary
81. D. R3 has opened
82. A. It s eavng a |uncton
83. A. Idea approxmaton
84. A. BTU
85. A. as few
86. D. everywhere the same
87. A. addton
88. B. Votage drop
89. C. 50%
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90. A. amperage
91. B. Equvaent resstor
92. C. tmes
93. C. oder
94. A. Equa
95. D. A and C
96. C. To soate a fauty crcut
wthout ahectng other crcuts
97. C. Be sure to "tag out" the
fusehoder when you remove
the fuse
98. D. A arge nterna resstance
99. D. Nontrp free
100.C. A pont bender
Section $
-( Electrical (once)ts
Quiz 11
1. C. The equvaent resstance s
smaer than 4 k
2. C. A recproca reatonshp
3. C. ess than the smaest
4. B. The resstance vaue changes
wth age
5. C. equa to the sum of the
ndvdua resstances
6. C. decrease, ncrease
7. C. Wrewound resstor
8. D. 7.07 V
9. D. The power eve s quadruped
10. A. A of the ponts on a votage
node are at the same potenta
11. B. 4
12. A. 58.1 Vp
13. B. Sze
14. B. at the source wth tota current
15. C. The maxmum current that w
ow through a fuse wthout
openng the fuse
16. B. The current doubes
17. B. uses current owng through ts
co to actuate eectrc contacts
18. D. addng
19. B. Secure the crcut mmedatey
by removng power at the
nearest swtch
20. C. resstve
21. D. branch
22. C. ohm
23. C. To ad|ust the power eve of a
24. C. s the same for every resstor n
the crcut, regardess of the
seecton of resstor vaues
25. C. Drect short
26. D. The maxmum votage across
a fuse that w not |ump the
open fuse
27. B. transmssve and reectve
28. C. +15 V, -9 V
29. B. A votage source
30. D. parae bock
31. D. Aumnum
32. B. the rate energy s used over
33. D. 41 Vp
34. B. conductors
35. A. Copper
36. D. undergoes an eectrca
change n response to a
physca change
37. D. rotary
38. A. Cross-sectona area s
decreased, ength s
39. C. smaer than the smaest
40. A. parae wth each other
41. A. Zero
42. B. P1820.5
43. A. 3 V
44. B. (a) Two (b) three
45. D. the argest resstor
46. B. (a) Increases
(b) decreases
47. A. heat
48. D. no branches exst
49. B. RT
50. B. 7.46 kWh
51. D. Eectrc charge
52. D. A votmeter check of the fuse
53. B. 0 V
54. D. a of the above
55. A. Eectrc potenta
56. D. Hgh resstance
57. B. ow-votage drect current
58. B. Use an ohmmeter and pace a
resstor n seres wth the
59. A. ncrease, ncrease
60. D. 5.7 , 27.7 W
61. D. Eectrc current
62. C. A fusepuer
63. C. eectrc charge
64. B. Put the fuse back n the crcut
65. B. couomb
66. A. Wam Gbert
67. D. tngng sensaton
68. C. 15 V
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
69. D. Negatve
70. A. Can't et go
71. A. Negatve
72. C. debraton
73. C. summed together to nd ET
74. C. dvde the tota of R1 tmes R2
by the tota of R1 pus R2
75. B. IV, II, III, I
76. A. can be dherent for each
77. A. (a) Equas
(b) dvdes
78. C. s the same for every resstor n
the crcut, regardess of the
seecton of resstor vaues
79. D. Input power votage
80. B. the argest amount of current
81. B. Open
82. B. 1286 mW
83. C. 831 mW
84. D. (a) Becomes nnte
(b) Decreases to zero
85. B. Ventrcuar braton
86. B. Excessve current
87. B. 2400 mW
88. A. Fuses and crcut breakers
89. C. Stephen Gray
90. D. mascuar nhbton
91. A. Abnorma heatng
92. C. t s the sum of the branch
93. D. In seres
94. B. 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 ... + 1/Rn
95. C. Zero nterna resstance
96. D. Eectrons movng from
negatve to postve
97. A. ess than any resstor
98. C. The current s cut n haf
99. C. There s an error and you
shoud recheck your
100.D. Current ncreases
Section ,
Electrical .a/s & Teorems
Quiz 12
1. A. around any cosed path equas
2. D. enterng and eavng any pont
equas zero
3. D. Peter ehect
4. A. node
5. B. Davsson-Germer experment
6. D. Faraday's aw
7. B. Thevenzng the crcut
8. C. Nortons
9. B. Thvenns
10. A. Stefan-Botzmann aw
11. A. the superposton
12. C. Mmans theorem
13. A. Faraday's aw
14. C. AC as we as DC crcuts
15. B. Ther nterna mpedance
16. D. A of the above
17. C. a 1.33-mA source and a 3-k
resstance n parae
18. A. Stokes' aw
19. B. Fermat's prncpe
20. C. AC as we as DC crcuts
21. A. short RL, determne IL, make
22. B. Interna conductance
23. C. changes by the recproca rato
24. B. a 15.3-V source n seres wth a
5.1-k resstance
25. B. changes by the same rato
26. C. Loop
27. C. mutpe current and/or votage
28. D. current source and a shunt
29. B. Has zero nterna resstance
30. D. A and C are correct
31. A. Idea current source
32. B. Batera network
33. C. Current source s a passve
34. C. Nortonzng the crcut
35. D. A of the above
36. B. |oue's aw
37. D. Both A and B
38. B. Lapace
39. D. an open crcut
40. D. Idea votage source s one
whose nterna conductance
s zero
41. C. Neumans aw
42. D. Norton's theorem
43. D. Law of eectrostatc attracton
44. C. Ampere's aw
45. C. BCS (Bardeen, Cooper,
Schreher) theory
46. D. Bot-Savart aw
47. B. Mmans theorem
48. D. Chd's aw
49. C. Heater co
50. B. emf E1 and nterna mpedance
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51. C. a short crcut
52. B. A ndependent votage
sources are short crcuted and
a ndependent current sources
are open crcuted
53. A. Faraday's rst aw of
eectromagnetc nducton
54. B. Thevenn equvaent resstance
s cacuated when a votage
sources are open crcuted
55. D. sum of the tota currents
owng out of a |uncton equas
the sum of the tota currents
owng nto that |uncton
56. D. current
57. C. emcency s 100%
58. A. Nortons equvaent s the
votage equvaent of the
59. A. emcency s greater than 50%
60. C. To nd dc eve n a network
that has both sources
61. D. Innty
62. B. Faraday's second aw of
eectromagnetc nducton
63. B. A constant current source and
mpedance n parae
64. A. 10 sec, 0.985 V
65. A. Eth

= InZth = InZn
66. C. 69.3 ms
67. C. short a votage and current
68. C. Both A and B
69. C. open RL, determne VL, make
70. A. Nortons theorem
71. A. votage source and a seres
72. C. Sources
73. C. Faraday's thrd aw of
eectromagnetc nducton
74. D. Must be equa to oad
75. B. Reduced by 1/3
76. B.
77. A. Lnear responses ony
78. D. Ohms aw
79. D. |acob's aw
80. C. Ampere's aw
81. B. -9 V
82. C. Krchhoh's current aw
83. A. Gausss aw
84. A. Generators are not present
85. D. Amperes aw
86. B. Brewster's aw
87. C. Couomb's rst aw
88. B. Faradays aw
89. C. Couomb's second aw
90. C. Mchae Faraday
91. B. Thevenn's theorem
92. B. Grosh's aw
93. A. Passve network ony
94. A. Krchhoh's votage aw
95. A. ndvdua, combnatons of
96. B. Rayegh's aw
97. D. A or B
98. A. Its zero nterna mpedance
99. A. Faraday's rst aw of
100.B. Faraday's second aw of
Section 10
!( Electrical (once)ts
Quiz 13
1. D. e2 ags e1 by
2. A. The votage or current
assocated wth the resstve
3. D. nstantaneous vaue
4. B. 1500 VAR
5. B. The votage or current
assocated wth the reactve
6. D. 1
7. C. kVAR
8. D. It s equvaent to a pure
9. D. 1
10. A. 74.317.77
11. B. AC s reversng drecton
12. A. perod
13. D. 1400 tmes
14. B. frequency
15. D. 12 V
16. A. Reducton n power osses
17. A. frequency
18. C. 400 watts
19. B. hgh power factor
20. C. one haf the resstance of one
21. A. Ehectve vaue
22. B. resstance
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
23. B. preventng short crcut
between two conductng wres
24. C. 0.6
25. D. be decreased
26. B. rectanguar form
27. D. Vot-couomb
28. B. poarty, drecton
29. D. pusatng drect current
30. C. speed, drecton
31. B. cosne
32. B. 1.414
33. A. 90 degrees out of
34. D. perod
35. B. rms vaue/average vaue
36. B. nnty
37. A. Seres
38. D. equa mpedance
39. B. Square wave
40. D. equa to generators nterna
41. B. Zero
42. B. |2
43. C. never
44. C. Zero
45. B. 2.5 ohms
46. D. Resstance to mpedance
47. D. 2.5 ohms
48. A. rms
49. B. Crcut-contro devces
50. B. Sne
51. B. 19.98 V
52. A. -1
53. C. bas
54. B. Unty
55. C. aong the surface
56. D. 90sn((t-71.5)
57. D. Resonant
58. B. purey resstve
59. C. current vares drecty as the
votage and nversey as the
60. C. Draw more current
61. C. 34.98 V
62. D. Waveength
63. B. current ags votage
64. D. coupng
65. B. dherence between the two
66. A. frequency
67. A. Open crcut
68. B. Actve current to ne current
69. C. 66.6 ohms
70. D. Watts to vot ampere
71. C. 200 V
72. D. Increase two-fod
73. C. 100 V, 100 Hz
74. D. 550 ohms
75. C. Aways eadng
76. B. resstance
77. C. Breakdown votage
78. B. ncreases, decreases
79. B. rea power
80. B. s the square root of a negatve
81. D. 5.455 A
82. D. compex number
83. A. Fuse
84. B. countercockwse 90
85. A. 3.50 hp
86. B. Impedance to resstance
87. A. 360 degrees
88. B. postve temperature
89. A. Ehectve vaue
90. B. pezoeectrc, pezoeectrc
91. C. n
92. A. The swtch contacts return to
ther norma rest poston
93. D. reactve
94. C. true
95. D. 1.25 watts
96. C. Votage dvder
97. D. 42.4sn(50t)
98. D. 2238 watts
99. D. nnte
100.B. A connecton pont between
two or more conductors
Section 10
!( Electrical (once)ts
Quiz 1#
1. C. 180
2. B. 2.51 ms
3. B. Resstance
4. D. the votage s the same n
vaue and phase throughout the
5. C. One crcuar m
6. D. 2 watts
7. A. y = b
8. A. zero
9. B. One wre s at ground votage;
the votage on the other wre
goes aternatey postve and
negatve (compared to
10. D. y = b
11. D. Reactve power
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12. A. There are three AC votages,
phased 120 degrees apart on
three or four wres
13. A. It woud doube
14. A. Vdc = 5.3 V, Vrms = 8.39 V
15. B. 14.5 mA
16. B. To decrease the reactve power
17. A. 39067 ohms
18. B. 25,300 ohms
19. D. 8,301 ohms
20. B. f = np
21. B. 72.0 vots
22. C. Load
23. D. s n phase wth
24. B. AC can be ready stepped up or
25. C. arger than R
26. D. V
27. C. 0 V
28. A. the votage eads the current by
90 degrees
29. B. Appcaton to AC crcut havng
ts mpedance used n pace of
30. C. Touchng a hgh votage wth
one hand, and "ground" wth
the other
31. A. dc to ac
32. C. turn on and oh 120 tmes per
33. D. 0.25 ohms
34. A. peak vaue
35. D. spectrum anayzer
36. D. A nodes n the crcut
37. D. A or B
38. A. 0 vots
39. A. rppe
40. A. average
41. B. Ehectve current
42. A. |oue
43. D. A resstor paced n seres wth
the oad
44. C. 240 cyces
45. C. amptude and drecton
46. D. Potenta energy
47. D. current ow
48. A. reactve power
49. B. 1.92 O
50. A. Never mx vaues
51. C. rato
52. C. Togge swtch
53. C. R, XL
54. A. Two
55. C. s n phase wth
56. A. A votage that opposes the
apped EMF
57. D. A magnetc ed
58. B. 40 ohms
59. D. s n phase wth
60. C. Amptude versus tme
61. D. The rms votage s aways
greater than the average votage
62. C. eads
63. B. Two
64. D. s n phase wth
65. D. Peak vaue
66. A. smaer
67. A. Excessve heat condton
68. D. ncreases, decreases
69. C. Instantaneous vaue
70. C. swtch
71. A. the resstor s open or the
capactor s shorted
72. D. Sne waves n phase
73. C. purey resstve
74. D. the magnetc ed, the co,
the sp rngs
75. A. the ehectve vaue
76. C. tranguar waves use
out-of-phase harmoncs
77. D. Vot ampere
78. A. mutpes of the fundamenta
79. B. ehectve vaue
80. D. 1.11
81. D. the resstance vaue
82. D. a of these
83. A. Decreased
84. B. the mpedance s more
85. A. 1.274 A
86. A. ehectve vaue
87. C. 54.9 ohms
88. C. 660 watts
89. B. near
90. C. 6.95 A
91. B. Lnear crcut
92. C. 141.4 ohms
93. C. current ow
94. A. peak to peak vaue
95. C. 0 out of phase
96. A. 6.5 A
97. D. ags votage by 90
98. B. Ehectve votage
99. C. Resstors dsspate energy as
heat, capactors store energy
n an eectrc ed, and nductors
store energy n a magnetc
100.D. 187 ohms
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
Section 11
%.( (ircuits & %esonance
Quiz 1"
1. A. 0.136
2. D. a of these
3. B. equa
4. A. Current hgh, mpedance ow
5. C. nductor, resstor
6. B. the votage ags the current by
90 degrees
7. C. When the nductve and
capactve reactances are equa
8. A. 478 kHz
9. C. XC vares nversey wth
10. C. at the resonant frequency
11. B.

1 R
12. B. 63%
13. C. 100 -37 V
14. D. 47.3 kHz
15. C. wde bandwdth
16. B. resstance, mpedance
17. B. resonance
18. B. 1
19. D. 10.1 MHz
20. A. 200 V
21. A. haved
22. C. the votage across L and
C >apped votage
23. D. 0.027 F
24. B. maxmum, mnmum
25. B. 50 kHz
26. B. The matchng network can
cance the reactve part of an
mpedance and change the
vaue of the resstve part of an
27. C. tota crcut votage
28. C. current, tota votage
29. D. 1868 ohms
30. C. 0, 1
31. B. 10.3 MHz
32. B.
( )

2 LC
33. B. apparent
34. B. seconds
35. A. 14.5 MHz
36. D. nductve
37. D. A of the above
38. C. Wattes, non-productve power
39. C.

2 1
1 0
40. D. maxmum
41. A. mnmum
42. C. resstve
43. D. decrease n bandwdth n
seres crcut and
decrease n parae
44. C. 3.56 MHz
45. D. seres crcut s capactve and
parae crcut s nductve
46. B. decreases
47. B. VR, VL
48. B. Determned soey by the dc
49. C. maxmum n seres crcut and
mnmum n parae crcut
50. D. The current crcuatng n the
parae eements s at a
51. A. mnmum
52. B. arctan XL/R
53. D. changes n stored energy n
nductance and capactance
54. D. Resonance
55. C. maxmum
56. C. negatve, postve
57. D. hgh resonant frequency
58. B. The frequency at whch
capactve reactance equas
nductve reactances
59. B. eads , between 0 and 90
60. C. 1536 ohms
61. D. nductve
62. A. ags
63. C. Tank crcut
64. D. maxmum, unty
65. D.
( ) +
66. C. capactve
67. C. Hgher
68. A. votage, resstor votage
69. B. 18.9 kHz
70. D. resstance, mpedance
71. B. 57,019 ohms
72. B. nductve votage, tota votage
73. C. 23.7 MHz
74. C.

1 1 R
2 LC L
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75. C. 16.5 kHz
76. B. Decreased capactance
77. C. mpedance, resstance
78. C. 14.5 MHz
79. C. XL-XC
80. D. The resonant frequency cannot
be easy changed
81. B. eads , between 0 and 90
82. C. greater accuracy and stabty
83. A. down, mpedance
84. A. 144 seconds
85. D.
1 L
1 L
86. C. capactve
87. B. 18.4 MHz
88. A. 29.1 MHz
89. D. a of these
90. B. decreases
91. A. ags, 90
92. A. nductor votage eads current
93. B. ags
94. C. t s at a maxmum
95. C. 5 V
96. A. aways, resonant, XL=XC
97. D. power factor
98. B. 90 degrees out of
99. A.

2 LC
100.C. eads votage by 90
Section 12
!( & -( 0enerators
Quiz 16
1. C. Fux and speed
2. B. pusatng dc
3. C. Prme mover
4. D. Both A and B
5. C. Interpoes and compensatng
6. C. desgn of the armature wndng
7. B. Lamnatng the ron n the core
8. B. speed
9. B. Dynamotor
10. B.
a a
11. B. nterpoes
12. D. I, II, and III
13. D. 0.100
14. C. t reverses the drecton of
current ow
15. D. By varyng the votage apped
to the eectromagnetc ed cos
16. D. Both A and B
17. C. dynamo
18. D. Hppoyte Px
19. B. Separatey excted generator
20. A. reatve moton between the
ed and the armature cos
21. C. When there s mproper
22. C. seres, seres
23. C. the drecton of the end
24. B. the rated-oad votage s
greater than the no-oad votage
25. A. resutant ptch
26. B. The commutator
27. A. to ncrease the speed of
28. A. 1% reguaton
29. B. eectrc charge
30. C. Hysteress oss
31. A. votage over a narrow oad
32. D. Serve as power amper
33. C. sef excted
34. C. the rated-oad votage s ess
than the no-oad votage
35. D. A or C
36. A. Armature reacton
37. C.
of conductors
of poes
38. D. Mutpe co armature
39. B. ong shunt
40. B. Compound-wound
41. D. copper oss
42. D. Eementary generator
43. B. 100%
44. B.

45. D. Fux nes are not beng cut
46. C. rate of change of ux s
47. D. Seres-wound
48. B. wndng ptch
49. B. Mut poe generator
50. C. sef excted generator
51. D. Hgh-current
52. B. parae wth the ed
53. B. Fed exctaton
54. C. ow votage, hgh current
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
55. C. Aternatng current
56. D. remans the same
57. A. The output votage vares as
the oad current vares
58. B. commutator
59. D. Rotatng ed and rotatng
60. A. Sef excted generator
61. D. 85-95%
62. D. Drecton of current ow
63. B. demagnetzng ehect of
armature reacton
64. C. Lap-wound
65. B. shunt generator
66. A. Shunt-wound
67. B. shunt generator
68. D. Armature reacton
69. D. Both B and C
70. C. The armature
71. D. Aternator
72. A. Votage reguaton
73. B. 0%
74. B. usng commutator wth arge
number of segments
75. B. Fux and speed
76. B. magnetc neutra axs (MNA)
77. B. Parae
78. C. saturaton of ron
79. B. heat-treated scon stee
80. C. compound generators
81. A. Lap-wound and Wave- wound
82. C. aternator
83. A. the rated oad votage s the
same as the no-oad votage
84. C. neutraze cross-ed of
armature reacton and obtan
dea commutaton
85. C. provde dc ed exctaton
86. D. Left-hand rue
87. C. 90
88. D. Ampdyne
89. A. reduce eddy current oss
90. D. Sp rngs
91. A. crowded, weaken
92. B. Motor reacton
93. C. shunt generator
94. C. Parae operaton
95. C. Magnetc nducton
96. B.
AT =ZI x

97. C. Sp rngs
98. B. current whch s gettng reversed
99. B. Prme mover
100.C. brush oss
Section 13
!( & -( Motors
Quiz 1$
1. B. A wre wth a current exerts a
force when n the presence of
a magnetc ed
2. A. Constant speed
3. D. Armature reacton
4. C. Drecton of ux north to south
5. B. 6
6. C. 90
7. A. Drum wound armature
8. D. An nterna sef-generated
votage, proportona to
speed, that subtracts from
the apped
9. C. Unversa
10. A. Votage reguaton
11. C. Hgh no-oad speed, hgh sta
12. A. To mt armature current
13. A. Motor
14. C. seres motor
15. C. 600 rpm
16. D. Can use sp rngs n pace of
17. C. 2
18. A. The poarty of armature
current and drecton of magnetc
19. B. f ' Sf =
20. A. Motor s drven wth votage dc
votage. As the votage s
ncreased, the torque
21. B.
22. A. The armature and the ed
23. C. Increased ed votage
24. B. Snge-phase nducton
25. B. Increases the torque and
decreases the current due to
ncrease mpedance
26. B. The motor s drven wth
repettve puses. As the
puse wdth ncreases,
the torque
ncreases (the frequency stays
the same)
27. D. Synchronous
28. B.
120f '
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29. A. the ange between the rotatng
stator ux and rotor poes
30. B. Generator acton
31. A. Reverse the poarty of the
motor wres
32. A. the force requred to acceerate
the rotor to the synchronous
speed n an nstant s absent
33. A. Motor set
34. B. The mechanca devce the
motor moves
35. C. It aows a dc motor to be
powered by an ac power source
36. B. A shunt motor mantans a
more constant speed under
varyng oad condtons than a
seres motor
37. C. Rotor runs at a speed whch s
aways esser than the speed of
the stator ed
38. A. remove the stator wndng and
turn t around
39. C. 75
40. A.
%sp x 100%

41. A. Temporary connectng the
motor wres to a resstor for
42. B. ncreases to 2x the orgna
43. B. Inducton motor
44. B. Nkoa Tesa
45. B. both suppy votage and
frequency smutaneousy
46. A. Decreases wth ncrease n oad
47. B. Has no brushes; power s
eectroncay swtched to the
ed cos
48. A. The "norma" force pressng the
materas together
49. C. The synchronous speed
50. C. The number of poes and the
speed of rotaton
51. B. 5
52. A. The armature speeds out of
53. B. two
54. C. 1800
55. D. hot-wre reay
56. B. The ob|ect w acceerate at a
constant rate
57. B.
58. C. How much "twstng force" s
beng apped
59. C. The tota amount of energy
remans the same
60. A. Steady oad, hgh torque
61. B. Rotatng magnetc ed
62. D. The system s underdamped
63. D. A of the above
64. A. It s vbrated at a frequency at
ts resonate frequency
65. C. The rotor by shftng ts phase
backward causes motor to
take more current
66. B. Shaft
67. A. It causes the speed to
68. B. Very sma startng torque
69. A. 300 rpm
70. B. Sower than the synchronous
71. D. To dsconnect the power
comng from one rotatng shaft to
another shaft
72. A. In the drecton of rotaton
73. C. The AC goes to the rotor and
sets up a "rotatng ed". The
stator gets power for ts
magnetc ed through
74. B. Sp rngs
75. C. armature current
76. A. To provde some phase shft for
the start wndng, so the
motor can start
77. D. 8 poes
78. C. It decreases
79. C. It s sef-startng
80. A. Sp rng
81. B. By reversng ether the
armature connectons or the
ed connectons
82. B. Runs wthout any "sp"
83. C. It can run on AC or DC
84. B. Synchronous motor
85. D. The START button seas on a
reay that coses the motor
contacts, the STOP
button breaks the sea and
de-actvates the reay
86. A. Unversa motors
87. B. To vary the frequency and
votage n a coordnated
88. A. The motor stops
89. B. An actuator that creates a
force by the prncpe of
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
advancng a "nut" on a
rotatng threaded shaft
90. D. Rotor speed s ether ess or
more than synchronous speed
91. A. 59.5%
92. A. The eectrc s sower and
weaker than the hydrauc
93. B. An eectro-magnetc powered
short-stroke near actuator
94. A. Seres motor
95. D. apped votage
96. D. Sequentay energzed
97. A. the motor w stop
98. D. Prme mover
99. D. Rotatng-ed
100.D. Zero
Section 1
Semiconductor 1ysics
Quiz 1,
1. D. Gaum
2. D. Zero
3. C. The characterstc curve graph
of the dode
4. D. An nsuator
5. D. negatve to postve
6. D. Increasng battery votage
7. D. Eectron
8. A. the dopng eve
9. B. Eectrons
10. B. 1N563
11. C. Therma energy
12. B. The dhuson of eectrons and
hoes movng across the |uncton
nto the two materas
13. D. Scon and germanum
14. B. +1
15. A. depeton regon
16. C. unpoar
17. A. Troubeshootng
18. D. reverse |uncton breakdown
19. A. neary
20. A. Forward
21. A. negatve on
22. B. conducton eectrons
23. D. Ma|orty
24. C. Extrnsc
25. A. mnorty carrers that are
thermay produced
26. D. answer A, B and C
27. D. The eectrons w tend to
move towards the
postve termna and
the hoes towards the negatve
28. C. Atoms
29. B. the boundary of a p-type and
n-type matera
30. D. Crysta
31. A. therma runaway
32. B. Crysta
33. C. Insuator
34. C. an eectron fas nto a hoe
35. A. When reverse bas exceeds the
mtng vaue
36. D. answer A, B and C
37. A. It s shorted
38. D. 50 V
39. B. Forbdden band
40. D. answer B or C
41. D. Eectrons
42. A. Covaent bond
43. A. The separaton between the
conducton and vaence
44. B. Pentavaent
45. A. ma|orty carrers
46. C. (a) Semconductor
(b) Vaence band
47. C. reverse-based, breakdown
48. D. answers A, B and C
49. A. protons and eectrons
50. A. A few free eectrons and hoes
51. D. Eectron
52. B. Increases
53. C. free eectron current and hoe
54. B. Rght
55. B. vaence eectrons, hoe, hoe
56. A. 1
57. A. ma|orty, p-type, hoes
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58. A. basng
59. C. 8
60. A. Neutra
61. C. n the most dstant orbt from
the nuceus
62. A. atoms, symmetrca pattern,
63. B. Recombnaton
64. C. a vaence eectron breaks away
from the atom
65. B. 0.7 V
66. A. acceptor atoms
67. D. A of the above
68. B. vaence band, atom
69. B. 0.82 eV
70. B. ncrease n eve
71. D. 0.265 eV
72. A. band gap
73. B. Barrer potenta
74. D. hoes
75. A. Aoy |uncton
76. B. eght vaence eectrons
because a are wth other
77. B. Peak forward current
78. C. It s the pont at whch
rectcaton takes pace
79. A. 0
80. B. ncrease
81. C. N-type ony
82. D. answer B and C
83. A. 0
84. A. a dc votage s apped to
contro the operaton of a
85. B. 0.23 ohm
86. C. Opto eectroncs
87. A. Load resstance s ow
88. B. a unque type of atom
89. C. mnorty
90. A. Hoe
91. D. answer A and C
92. D. mnorty
93. A. avaanche
94. D. Eectrons are drawn to the grd
and do not reach the pate
95. D. must be greater than 0.7 V
96. B. neutra
97. D. none of these
98. D. 0.265 eV
99. D. P type
100.D. A dynamc eectrca check wth a
dode test set
Section 1
Semiconductor 1ysics
Quiz 1'
1. B. dopng
2. D. No hoes or free eectrons
3. C. shes, eectrons
4. D. a p-type semconductor
5. A. Postve ons
6. C. Coson
7. C. 3
8. A. scon
9. D. p-type, 3
10. C. Reverse current
11. C. conducts current
12. C. Ionzaton
13. D. extrnsc
14. A. the dode barrer potenta
15. B. ma|orty
16. D. Breakdown votage
17. B. donor atoms
18. C. Surface-eakage current
19. A. ncrease the number of free
20. C. 0.7 V
21. C. covaent bond
22. B. eectron and proton
23. C. may not be equa to the
number of protons
24. D. Zero
25. B. eectron-hoe par
26. D. a of these
27. B. 0.82 eV
28. A. postve, negatvey,
29. D. Postve charges
30. C. vaence band, vaence
31. D. P-type matera
32. A. I and IV ony
33. C. donor atoms
34. D. 4.3 V
35. A. conducton
36. B. ntrnsc
37. A. 0.555 eV
38. C. 0.7 V
39. B. Depeton regon
40. A. Very sma
41. B. an equa number of mobe
and onc charges
42. B. Becomes arger
43. B. Ionzaton
44. D. the depeton regon
45. C. 0.335 eV
46. C. Semconductor
47. D. The depeton ayer
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
48. A. barrer potenta
49. B. eectrons, nuceus
50. C. a negatve votage source
connected to N-matera
51. C. protons and neutrons
52. A. 1,800 tmes
53. C. pentavaent materas
54. D. 5
55. B. Because they pass AC and
bock DC
56. A. Eectron
57. D. protons, atomc number
58. C. Reverse current
59. B. The breakng of covaent bonds
60. D. answer B and C
61. A. dopng
62. C. changng AC to DC
63. B. mnorty, n-type, hoes
64. C. Intrnsc
65. C. energy
66. A. V-I characterstc curve
67. C. Recombnaton
68. A. proton and neutrons
69. A. 1 watt of ess
70. A. 32
71. B. n-type, 5
72. C. onzaton
73. A. Acceptor atoms
74. B. hoes
75. B. Eectron
76. D. neutrons, eectrons, and
77. D. proton
78. D. free
79. B. conducton band
80. C. n-type
81. C. Lght emttng dode
82. B. therma energy
83. D. a of these
84. A. Sod state devce
85. C. More than 1 bon
86. D. (a) 300:1 (b) 10:1
87. C. the current s produced by both
hoes and eectrons
88. D. ma|orty, n-type, free eectrons
89. B. Rght
90. C. Vaence band
91. D. god
92. B. there s very sma current due
to mnorty carrers
93. A. Equas the number of hoes
94. B. Photoconducton
95. C. both eectrons and hoes
96. C. Ony those produced by
therma energy
97. C. mnorty, p-type, free eectrons
98. C. Recter
99. D. Trvaent
100.A. 2.63 W
Section 2
-iode (ircuits !))lications
Quiz 20
1. D. s ntended to operate n
reverse bas
2. A. Decrease
3. B. Wthn 1%
4. D. Answer A and B
5. C. there s an open dode
6. C. The recter w conduct
durng both haves of the
nput cyce
7. D. It s approxmatey constant
8. D. A of the above
9. B. more postve than the anode
10. A. Haf wave rected sgna
11. B. It s a constant-votage
12. A. Towards the cathode
13. B. I, III and V
14. B. The |uncton temperature
15. B. Schottky dode
16. C. 180
17. B. One
18. B. zener breakdown
19. B. IR LED
20. B. Has a constant votage n the
breakdown regon
21. B. Rectcaton
22. B. 3 V
23. B. Percent of reguaton
24. B. That the dodes w conduct
durng both haves of the
nput cyce
25. C. 10 O
26. A. 60 cps
27. A. I, II and III
28. A. 0.094
29. D. varabe capactor
30. A. Sma
31. D. Votage reguator
32. B. It w ncrease
33. A. 20 O
34. A. 420
35. B. 0%
36. C. Increases
37. D. the outermost she
38. D. 0%
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39. C. Zener resstance
40. B. a varabe capactance that
depends on reverse votage
41. D. FWR
42. C. Avaanche breakdown
43. D. 100 V
44. B. when the P matera s
connected to the postve sde
of the power suppy and the N
matera s connected to the
negatve sde of the power
45. C. Votage reguator
46. D. A of the above
47. A. 2.4 vots to 200 vots
48. D. Brdge and Center-tapped
49. C. Dode characterstc
50. B. Optocouper
51. D. Tunne dode
52. B. , one
53. A. emts ght when
54. C. Operatng n the breakdown
55. C. Current reguaton
56. A. Seres current
57. D. Forward bas
58. A. produces ght wth onger
59. D. a shorted dode
60. A. |uncton and pont contact
61. D. Breakdown votage
62. D. 91%
63. C. To protect the reay from hgh
votage transents when
magnetc ed coapses
64. C. An acton where the mnorty
carrers tunne across the
|uncton to form the current
that occurs at breakdown
65. A. Decreases
66. B. A shunt reguator
67. A. , peak output votage
68. D. Forward bas
69. C. usng a center-tapped
transformer, a fu-wave brdge
recter, and a center tapped
oad resstor
70. C. camper
71. A. Zener acts ke a short crcut
72. B. The votage across the dode
remans amost constant after
73. B. decrease wth ght ntensty
when forward-based
74. B. Stays the same
75. B. 0.82 %
76. A. tunne dode
77. B. The energy dherence across
the forbdden gap
78. A. (a) Narrow (b) wde
79. C. Load current
80. C. the axa ead
81. D. decrease
82. A. 0.7 V
83. B. 1,000:10,000,000
84. D. reverse bas breakdown mode
85. C. I, III, IV, and V
86. C. It decreases
87. D. Charge storage
88. D. n seres wth both the nput
and the oad
89. A. Decreases
90. A. amost maxmum vaue
91. C. Maxmum zener current
92. B. I, II and IV
93. B. maxmum power dsspaton
94. D. As a tunng devce
95. D. A segments must be on
96. C. t provdes a hgh degree of
eectrca soaton
97. D. a of these
98. A. ne reguaton
99. B. PIV
100.B. oad reguaton
Section 2
-iode (ircuits !))lications
Quiz 21
1. C. 180 degrees
2. D. 63.7 V
3. C. 180
4. A. A zener dode
5. A. connectng an opposte
temperature coemcent dode
n seres wth forward basng
6. A. 60 Hz
7. D. tunne dode
8. C. twce the peak output votage
9. B. PIN dode
10. D. 35.4 V
11. D. a of these
12. C. as an RF detector
13. B. Fu-wave sgna
14. A. when t s forward based
15. B. a seres resstor
16. C. 14.1 V
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
17. C. Its nterna capactance vares
wth the apped votage
18. B. 9.3 V
19. C. Maxmum and mnmum nput
votage, mnmum output
current and maxmum output
20. D. a of these
21. D. 1.7 vots and 20 mA
22. A. capactor, reverse based,
varabe resstor, forward
23. B. Coson
24. D. 47.8 V
25. C. A constant votage under
condtons of varyng current
26. D. a of these
27. A. Maxmum reverse current and
28. C. 28.3 V
29. B. Idea
30. D. a of these
31. C. 1.5 V
32. D. a of these
33. A. 33%
34. C. ne or nput and oad reguaton
35. B. twce
36. C. Rectcaton
37. C. photovotac
38. C. II, III, and IV
39. B. 120 H
40. A. photoconductve
41. D. 360 degrees
42. C. 62.5 V
43. A. p-type, ntrnsc, n-type
44. C. 19.8 V
45. C. 200 V
46. C. negatve
47. C. s smpe and nexpensve to
48. A. Dode resstance s ether very
ow or very hgh on ether
49. D. a of these
50. D. Forward bas
51. B. 60 Hz
52. D. Pont contact
53. A. Decreases
54. A. 28.3 V
55. D. beeder
56. B. Reverse-based
57. B. hot-carrer dodes
58. D. Rppe factor
59. C. 120 Hz
60. C. the peak vaue of the rected
61. A. Low power consumpton and
ong fe
62. C. reverse-breakdown votage
63. A. 0.005
64. B. Recter
65. D. A or C
66. A. Haf-wave recter
67. D. dode
68. B. Increases
69. A. One
70. D. a of these
71. C. Varactor dode
72. D. I, III, and IV
73. B. 5.0 V
74. A. Decreases
75. A. Most postve
76. C. Brdge recter
77. B. ncreases
78. D. As a VHF and UHF mxers and
79. A. Haf-wave recter
80. A. Votage reguator
81. D. changes n output votage and
nput votage
82. B. Lght waves
83. D. 41.7 mV
84. A. a sma vaue seres resstor
85. B. changes n oad current and
output votage
86. C. thermstor
87. C. 4 A
88. B. 2
89. A. 0.7 V
90. C. Brdge recter
91. C. 28.3 V
92. C. Votage controed capactor
93. C. 32.4 V
94. C. Peak nverse votage
95. C. shorted
96. A. Crcut w stop rectfyng
97. C. Increase
98. C. Contros gan
99. D. a haf-wave rected votage
100.B. An ohmmeter test across a
dode shows ow resstance n
one poarty and hgh
resstance n the opposte
Section 3
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Transistor (ircuits +undamentals
Quiz 22
1. C. 2.1 mV/C
2. B. I, III, and IV
3. C. 3
4. D. the coupng capactors
5. B. Beta
6. D. amper appcatons
7. C. Frequency mutpers
8. A. Cass A ampers
9. A. O-pont on a transstor coector
10. A. Input votage
11. C. RF votage amper
12. A. Beta ncreases
13. C. Beow saturaton and above
14. C. An rf votage amper
15. A. unty-gan frequency
16. A. The amount of tme (n reaton
to the nput sgna) that current
ows n the output crcut
17. C. To estabsh a proper stabe dc
operatng pont
18. C. No current ows from emtter
to coector
19. B. 0.4 A
20. D. It decreases
21. A. very ow
22. B. Common coector
23. B. the transstor may be drven
nto saturaton
24. B. Smaer than the output current
25. A. 0.96
26. D. thn, ghty doped
27. B. To transfer energy from one
stage to another
28. D. A of the above
29. B. RC
30. D. 8.75 MO
31. B. An area of ow charge densty
around the P-n |uncton
32. D. Match the compensatng dodes
33. C. very ow
34. D. Resstor
35. B. Cass B
36. C. Cass A
37. B. It ncreases
38. B. Dherent from the dc oad ne
39. C. Base current bas or xed bas
40. D. 5 V
41. B. To provde maxmum
mpedance at a gven
42. A. 10
43. C. The output mpedance of
crcut number one
shoud be equa to
the nput mpedance of crcut
number two
44. B. Emtter to coector
45. A. Lower than
46. D. PNP transstor
47. D. Push-pu
48. A. 2N
49. A. 5 mV
50. D. sghty ess than a cass B
51. D. Poarty of source votage
52. A. C
53. A. common-emtter
54. B. Cass B
55. C. Functon and frequency
56. C. C
57. B. Votage dvder bas
58. A. dgta swtchng appcatons
59. C. An overcouped transformer
60. A. actng ke a forward based
61. C. The rato of output quantty to
nput quantty of an amper
62. C. The dherence between the
hghest and owest frequency
shown on a frequency-
response curve
63. A. apha
64. D. 8.33 O
65. B. Increase
66. D. Hoe current n the emtter
67. A. Narrowband
68. B. coector
69. D. the sgna has a 180 phase
shft from nput to output
70. C. That frequency at whch the
grounded emtter current gan
has decreased to 0.7 of that
obtanabe at 1 kHz n a
71. C. cut-oh
72. C. Sma sgna
73. A. Cass A
74. D. method of coupng
75. D. At the center of the ac oad
76. A. Optmum
77. D. A of the above
78. C. Cass AB
79. D. Common base
80. B. 0 Hz
81. B. ookng them up n a transstor
parts manua
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
82. B. Gan
83. B. tuned ampers to produce a
snusoda output
84. A. 50
85. A. I, III and IV
86. A. Charge storage
87. A. Decrease
88. A. the votage gan w decrease
89. C. Tuned RF ampers
90. D. Hum n the crcut
91. C. the nterna transstor
92. A. gan
93. A. Output s represent for ess
than 180 degrees of the nput
sgna cyce
94. A. actng ke a forward based
95. A. The coector current at ts
maxmum vaue
96. C. Bpoar
97. A. a swtch
98. A. Ampfy weak sgnas
99. C. coupng capactor
100.C. decreases
Section 3
Transistor (ircuits +undamentals
Quiz 23
1. C. I, II, and V
2. C. 0.7 V
3. A. the mdrange gan
4. A. 30 mA
5. B. 125 C
6. B. seres peakng desgn
7. D. 100 kHz to 30,000 MHz
8. A. dcRE
9. A. Base bas
10. B. Reverse bas
11. C. 6800 Hz
12. D. Hgh when cppng occurs
13. C. When the base s set to about
0.7 V, causng the base current
to start owng
14. C. PNP transstor
15. A. 0
16. D. Coector feedback bas
17. C. remans constant wth
18. B. h parameters
19. C. votage dvder
20. B. - 6 dB/decade
21. A. A oosey couped transformer
22. B. oadne
23. A. 48.2 dB
24. C. current
25. A. 16.5 kO
26. D. Input mpedance of second
27. B. Transstor
28. B. I, II, and III
29. B. 20 Hz to 20 kHz
30. B. saturates on negatve haf-
31. B. pastc matera
32. B. I, II, and III
33. A. The coupng and bypass
34. A. Cass C
35. A. a narrower bandwdth
36. D. Gate
37. B. 220
38. A. The coupng and bypass
39. B. current ow
40. B. Very ow resstance
41. A. RIN(base) > 10 R2
42. B. Cut-oh
43. B. 7.5
44. C. < +/- 0.1 V throughout the
actve range of the transstor whch
may change base current by a
factor of 10 or more
45. C. common-coector
46. A. An audo power amper
47. C. compementary symmetry
48. C. Large
49. D. Emtter
50. C. Larger
51. A. equa to the current n the bas
resstors and dodes
52. D. an area of ow charge densty
around p-n |uncton
53. C. C
54. D. a of these
55. A. coector-base, reverse bas
56. C. A parae LC network
57. A. The change of the coector
current wth respect to base
58. B. Vary the capactance
59. A. Decrease
60. D. Cass D
61. B. Usng rf transformers
62. B. Low
63. A. dgta swtchng appcatons
64. B. no current ows from emtter
to coector
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65. D. The coupng of a porton of the
output sgna to the nput of
the crcut
66. C. Common base
67. C. Transformer
68. B. quescent current
69. C. Crossover dstorton
70. A. (a) Low (b) hgh
71. A. one-haf the peak oad current
72. C. 4 A
73. C. 800 kohm
74. B. Common coector
75. B. Is usuay sma enough to
76. B. 12 W
77. C. base
78. A. To provde sgnas of usabe
79. C. Crossover dstorton
80. D. Lnear regon
81. B. 2.25 V
82. A. can be essentay ndependent
of DC
83. B. AC coupng
84. B. 2VCEO
85. D. 50
86. B. 0.7 V
87. B. forward-reverse
88. B. Cass B
89. B. Bypass capactor
90. B. A swampng resstor n parae
wth the tuned crcut
91. A. Output s present more than
180 degrees but ess than 360
degrees of the sgna nput
92. D. mnmum
93. B. actng ke a reverse based
94. B.

95. A. IB > IC(sat)/DC
96. A. Cass A
97. A. not ahected the coector
98. A. Forward-based
99. D. a of these
100.D. Both A and B
Section 3
Transistor (ircuits +undamentals
Quiz 2#
1. A. Ampcaton
2. B. Cass B
3. B. I, II, and III
4. B. RC
5. D. rght at cutoh
6. C. Has an AC votage
7. C. Common coector
8. D. Equa zero
9. C. cass B ampers
10. B. 98%
11. C. Transformer
12. A. fu 360 of the nput cyce
13. C. In order to produce an output
that s a repca of the nput
14. C. 14.14 V
15. A. negatve on emtter, postve
on base, postve on coector
16. B. The nput sgna remans
unchanged and the output
sgna s controed by the nput
17. D. Shockey
18. D. answer B and C
19. B. mpedance matchng
20. C. 60 V
21. C. II, III, and IV
22. D. IC and VCE
23. C. Emtter bas
24. C. heat snks
25. C. Negatve feedback
26. D. two stages of CC
27. B. VGS
28. B. PNP transstor
29. A. Stabzes votage gan
30. B. zero
31. A. Emtter-foower
32. B. Base, coector and emtter
33. D. greater than casses A, B, or
34. A. Cutoh
35. C. Has ower nput resstance
36. A. Fow nto the coector
37. A. to mantan a constant votage
across the emtter resstor
38. D. answer A and B
39. B. current, votage
40. A. The base current s ehectvey
amped to become the
coector current
41. D. Usuay destructve
42. C. a very sma percentage of the
nput cyce
43. D. Cut-oh
44. A. Cass A
45. D. 30 V
46. C. Negatve
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
47. B. actng ke a reverse based
48. C. Cass A amper
49. C. totem-poe
50. C. uses ony a sma porton of ts
oad ne
51. D. Unmportant
52. A. Excessve power
53. C. enhancng the probabty that
eectrons w be swept across t
nto the coector
54. B. actng ke a reverse based
55. B. Neutrazaton
56. A. common-emtter
57. D. Increases the overa gan
58. A. 500 mW
59. D. The na stage n an audo
60. B. Reduces dstorton
61. A. AC
62. A. Cass A
63. A. Transformer coupng
64. A. Hgher gan
65. B. No current ow from emtter to
66. D. actng ke a forward based
67. D. Transformer
68. B. Lnear and Cutoh regon
69. C. t produces hgh eakage
70. B. The presence of capactance
both externa and nterna
71. A. A
72. D. postve wth respect to the
73. B. RC
74. D. current gan
75. C. 78.5 percent
76. A. Impedance
77. D. answer A and C
78. A. Very ow
79. D. answer A and C
80. C. Coector current pus base
81. B. The reatonshp of the
component to the output sgna
82. D. megger
83. D. Is usuay ess than the oad
84. A. Capactance
85. C. s 5.3 mA
86. B. Emtter feedback resstance
87. D. A step-down transformer
88. B. IC(sat)
89. A. Inductors
90. A. based on the prncpe of
negatve feedback
91. A. Transformer coupng
92. B. At the center of the oadne
and cutoh respectvey
93. A. Fewer parts are used
94. B. the votage gan
95. B. Dependent on re'
96. C. P-type coector, N-type base,
P-type emtter
97. D. AC coector resstance
98. B. VCE(cut oh) and IC(sat)
99. B. Hoes
100.B. Coector current to base
Section #
+ield E2ect Transistors 3+ET4
Quiz 2"
1. C. postve VGS(th), negatve VGS(th)
2. B. Dua gate MOSFET
3. A. The gate votage contros the
dran current
4. B. The transstor tsef may
dsspate up to 100 W of
energy (but ths
number may have to be de-rated)
5. A. pnch-oh and breakdown
6. D. Gate-source cutoh votage
7. A. |ust beow the saturaton pont
8. C. An unbypassed resstance
between source and ground
9. A. 2.34 V
10. B. B|T emtter foower and
MOSFET source foower
11. D. a of these
12. C. Resstor
13. D. common-dran amper
14. A. Gate matera
15. A. 1.89 V
16. D. Dran current for zero gate
17. A. The gate of MOSFET s
nsuated from the channe by
an SO2 ayer, whereas the
gate and channe n a |FET s
separated by a pn |uncton
18. D. Zener
19. A. Fed ehect transstor
20. C. current and power gan
21. A. 35
22. A. hgh nput mpedance
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23. C. N-channe FET
24. C. Nonnear
27. C. - VGS(oh) <VGS<0V
28. C. IDSS
29. C. a VGS greater than the
threshod vaue, VGS(th)
30. A. 25 vots
31. B. 11.4
32. C. II, III and IV
33. A. negatve on the gate wth
respect to the source
34. A. Sma
35. A. Zero postvey to cutoh
36. C. capactve
37. D. a current source between dran
and source termnas
38. A. Large votage gan
39. B. negatve VGS, postve VGS
40. C. 48.78 MO
41. B. Scon doxde
42. B. FET
43. D. 15 mA
44. A. Shrnks
45. A. Zero negatvey to cutoh
46. B. I, III and IV
47. C. FET
48. C. usng a transstor tester that
works n an operatng crcut
49. C. the enhancement mode
50. A. 200 ohm
51. B. Transconductance (gm) and the
dran resstance (Rd)
52. D. s + 4 V
53. D. Output current
54. B. 0.86
55. D. P-channe FET
56. A. ID to the square of a term
contanng VGS
57. C. the gate-to-source bas votage
59. B. gate s a bar not an arrow
60. D. I, II and III
61. B. aways sghty ess than 1
62. C. the votage gan w decreases
63. C. measurng nnte resstance n
both drectons
64. D. depeton
65. C. Threshod votage
66. D. the nput resstance s the
recproca of gm
67. A. CS amper
68. D. Greater than VGS(th)
69. A. I, II and IV
70. B. dran, gate, source
71. C. square-aw devce
72. B. the |FET has a pn |uncton
73. C. A passve oad
74. D. postve VGS, negatve VGS
75. B. postve on the gate wth
respect to the source
76. C. gate
77. C. 4.5
78. B. An actve oad
79. D. VGS=0
80. D. much ower nput resstance
81. B. the maxmum possbe dran
82. D. a of these
83. C. the source and the substrate
84. C. A passve oad
85. C. One charge carrer devce
86. B. 1000 MO
87. D. Compementary MOS
88. D. Due to reverse-based
gate-to-source |uncton
89. D. ID(on)
90. C. Greater than VGS(th)
91. D. The transconductance (gm)
92. B. VDD
93. A. Two-termna devce
94. A. dran and source
95. B. Gate-to-source
96. A. competey cosed by the
depeton regon
98. C. the gate-to-source pn |uncton
99. C. 180
100.B. Vp
Section "
+eed5ac6 7et/or6s &
Quiz 26
1. B. Opposes the nput sgna
2. A. The resstance of the co and
3. C. a phase shft around the
feedback oop of 0
4. D. Coptts oscator
5. C. oscator
6. A. Zero
7. C. greater than 1
8. D. Negatve
9. D. Crysta oscator
10. C. types of LC oscators
11. A. Amost equa
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
12. A. Pused oscator
13. B. Neutrazaton
14. C. May equa to 1
15. D. Phase-ocked-oop
16. A. postve feedback
17. C. Capactor
18. B. Shorted feedback resstor
19. A. Fewer parts are used
20. C. Fter crcut
21. B. Dherenta votage gan of
the op amp
22. B. a VCO
23. D. Astabe
24. C. An overcouped transformer
25. C. Audo oscators
26. D. Ideay zero
27. B. a gan of 1 around the feedback
28. B. The sze and thckness of the
crysta matera
29. B. A swampng resstor n parae
wth the tuned crcut
30. B. Snusoda oscator
31. C. stabty
32. B. Current-to-votage converter
33. C. ncreases
34. C. In basng crcuts DC negatve
feedback s provded whe
ampers empoy AC negatve
35. D. It must have a postve
feedback sumcent to
overcome osses
36. A. the chargng and dschargng of
a capactor
37. A. LC, RC or crysta
38. D. An eectrca votage w appear
across the X axs
39. D. A step-down transformer
40. B. Dstorton
41. A. three RC crcuts
42. D. a of these
43. D. Due to seres resonance
44. B. 1
45. D. A resstor IC combnaton
46. B. Three ead or ag crcuts
47. B. To provde maxmum
mpedance at a gven
48. B. RC tme constant
49. B. A network consstng of one
nductor and two capactors or
two nductances and one
50. A. Notch ter
51. A. no stabe states
52. B. Very sma
53. B. mutpcaton
54. C. The pezoeectrc ehect
55. B. Causes saturaton and cut-
56. C. Dampng
57. A. Decreases
58. D. a of these
59. A. A oosey couped transformer
60. B. Transformer coupng
61. D. Hgh power ratng
62. D. a ead-ag crcut
63. C. reaxaton oscators
64. D. Output votage to nput
65. B. Frequency cut-oh
66. B. Two resstors
67. B. Usng rf transformers
68. D. 0.02
69. C. tmng crcuts
70. A. Coupng
71. C. A vrtua ground
72. D. Transformer
73. C. Hartey
74. C. 141,000 Hz
75. B. Through the feedback
76. A. sne waves
77. D. 360 degrees
78. C. Coptts
79. B. perod
80. C. Ideay zero
81. B. t requres no nput sgna
82. D. 555
83. C. The dherence between the
hghest and owest frequency
shown on a
frequency-response curve
84. D. Power bandwdth
85. D. Negatve
86. D. 10% to 90% of maxmum
87. A. Postve feedback
88. C. Negatve
89. B. Nose votage n resstors
90. B. Vary the capactance
91. A. At ow frequences
92. C. votage-controed
93. C. Between 0 and -90 degrees
94. A. Optmum
95. B. Lead crcut
96. C. Negatve
97. A. Between 0 and +90 degrees
98. C. A parae LC network
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99. D. 4.08 MHz
100.D. Hgh
Section 6
8)erational !m)li9ers 38)-!m)s4
Quiz 2$
1. C. Two tmes ether coector
2. A. nnte
3. C. 200 mvots
4. B. Zero
5. A. 0
6. B. Summng amper
7. C. 10
to 10
8. A. Dherence between two base
9. C. Astabe mut-vbrators
10. B. Sum of two emtter currents
11. C. the gan s 2
12. C. II, III, and IV
13. C. An output error votage usuay
14. A. 10
15. A. summng of sgnas occurs at
ony the nvertng nput
16. B. Dherence n coector resstors
17. D. 0
18. B. I, II, and III
19. C. Both nputs
20. D. dherenta
21. A. I, II, and IV
22. C. operatona transconductance
23. B. Smaer than votage gan
24. D. a of these
25. C. Megaohms
26. A. Dh amp
27. D. a bas current
28. B. I, II, and III
29. A. votage-to-current amper
30. D. sew rate
31. B. Current source
32. A. Very hgh output power
33. A. CMRR
34. C. The same
35. C. the transconductance and the
oad resstor
36. C. Produces an output votage
that s the sum of the nput
37. C. a square waveform
38. B. Often expressed n decbes
39. B. e
40. B. Av = -Rf/R
41. D. three op-amps and seven
42. C. Dherenta nput and
snge-ended output
43. D. a ramp
44. D. Ampes the dherence
between two nput votages
45. C. crosses zero
46. A. Less than the nput bas
47. C. 100
48. D. answer A and C
49. B. Input ohset votage
50. B. has two trgger ponts
51. D. Mnmum bandwdth
52. C. each proportona to the
weght of ts nput
53. D. Compensatng capactance
54. D. the unty-gan frequency
55. C. 2
56. A. 100 kHz
57. B. 0.67 V/s
58. B. Cosed-oop votage gan
59. B. ncreases the nput mpedance
and the bandwdth
60. B. nvertng mode
61. C. stays the same
62. A. Dstorton occurs
63. D. a of these
64. B. ntegrator
65. C. mts the output eves
66. B. Peak vaue decreases
67. B. settng the votage gan
68. C. Hartey
69. B. Peak vaue ncreases
70. C. 3
71. B. capactor
72. A. Sew-rate dstorton occurs
73. A. hgh-nose envronments
74. D. the fracton of the output
sgna that s fed back to the nput
75. B. the ogarthmc characterstcs
of a pn |uncton
76. C. Maxmum postve or negatve
77. D. Both B and C
78. A. 2 mcrovots
79. A. resstor
80. C. 5 V peak-to-peak (180-degree
phase shft)
81. C. nput, output, and power
82. C. The feedback resstance
dvded by the nput resstance
83. B. 9 kHz
84. A. A hgh-gan, drect-couped
dherenta amper whose
characterstcs are determned
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
by components externa to the
85. B. transformers
86. C. Large cosed-oop nput
87. B. 1000
88. D. votage comparator
89. A. 20 transstors and 11 resstors
90. D. A Wheatstone brdge
91. C. output, nput
92. B. Two or more nput sgnas
93. C. +10 V
94. B. Op amp does not go nto
95. D. A of the above
96. B. Mnmum
97. B. 100 to 1000
98. B. One suppy votage
99. C. The potenta between the
amper nput termnas of the
op-amp n a cosed-oop
100.C. Votage-to-current converter
Section $
&asic +ilter 7et/or6s
Quiz 2,
1. C. Transton
2. D. ro-oh rate
3. B. Geometrc average of the
cutoh frequences
4. B. second-order ters
5. D. greater than
6. C. a snge RC crcut
7. C. Notch ter
8. D. answer A and C
9. A. Votage gan
10. C. greater than crtca frequency of
the hgh-pass ter
11. C. the same gan at a
12. D. Staggered center frequences
and O's
13. D. answer B and C
14. B. Inverse Chebyshev
15. D. Dvded by the K vaues
16. B. a summng amper and two
17. C. Eptc
18. B. butterworth
19. D. Besse
20. A. ncreases
21. D. 13
22. A. the negatve feedback crcut
23. C. 0 degrees to -360 degrees
24. A. two crtca frequences
25. D. 360 dB per decade
Section ,
Microelectronics & I( +a5rications
Quiz 2'
1. D. hybrd
2. C. ncreases
3. C. ess than 180 nterconnected
4. B. Prnted crcut board (PCB)
5. B. ess than 1500 nterconnected
6. D. Eptaxa
7. D. more than 15,000
8. A. Integrated crcut (IC)
9. D. a of these
10. A. Sze
11. B. L shaped eads
12. C. VLSI
13. A. | shaped eads
14. D. Wafer
15. D. a of these
16. C. Eptaxa
17. D. a of these
18. B. cordwood
19. A. Inductors
20. D. encapsuated
21. D. Monothc
22. B. Integrated crcut
23. C. Isoaton
24. C. scon chps
25. B. Mnature eectroncs
26. C. Resstors and capactors
27. B. Use of transstor wth narrow
28. C. Transstors and vacuum tubes
29. C. Prnted crcut board
30. C. 2,000
31. B. Mcrocrcut modue
32. D. very arge-scae ntegraton
33. C. Actve
34. C. A computer
35. A. Oxdzng
36. D. wafer mask
37. B. Ceramc
38. B. Fm IC
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39. A. (a) 2 nches (b) 0.01 to 0.02
40. C. Monothc
41. D. Monothc
42. C. Screenng
43. A. Oxde
44. B. (a) Dhused (b) eptaxa
45. A. Isoaton
46. C. Photo etchng
47. B. Thn-m
48. D. Each of the above
49. D. Vacuum evaporaton
50. A. Hybrd IC
51. C. Desgn exbty
52. B. Mcrocrcut
53. B. For ease of handng
54. D. a of these
55. A. ICs usuay combne severa
functons nto one package
56. B. Sze
57. C. a DIP
58. A. never on together
59. D. compementary pars
60. B. Bast furnace
61. C. propagaton deay
62. D. negatve votage operaton, hgh
speed, and hgh power
63. C. Vacuum evaporaton
64. A. ow power consumpton and
very hgh nose mmunty
65. B. eve-shfter or transator
66. A. hgh nput mpedance and ow
output mpedance
67. B. System packagng
68. C. both the votages and the
69. A. Cordwood modue
70. B. SMT
71. C. thousands of basc ogc gates
and advanced sequenta ogc
72. B. PLD
73. C. Beam-ead chp
74. A. the PLA has a programmabe OR
pane and a programmabe
AND pane, whe the PAL
ony has a
programmabe AND pane
75. C. DIP pastcs
76. B. PAL (Programmabe Array Logc)
77. C. Bondng wres
78. A. a goba nterconnecton matrx
79. D. Wafer
80. C. t cannot be reprogrammed
Section '
Instrumentations & (ontrols
Quiz 30
1. C. Ha
2. A. The smaest change n apped
stmuus that w ndcate a
detectabe change n
3. A. In seres
4. C. Never appy power to the
crcut when measurng votage wth
the meter
5. C. Zener
6. B. Fu-scae deecton
7. A. Votmeter senstvty
8. A. Energy
9. A. Ohms/Vot
10. C. cpper
11. C. Par of headphones
12. A. Its cabraton
13. C. In seres wth the oad
14. A. Hay brdge
15. A. rppe
16. B. Move sowy
17. C. Less than meter resstance
18. B. reguaton
19. B. Determnaton of the proper
20. B. Its readng w not change
21. B. 150 mV
22. B. ammeter shunt
23. C. Brakng acton on a meter
24. C. Abty to measure wde range
of votages and resstances
25. B. Ammeter senstvty
26. B. In DC crcuts ony
27. C. In parae wth the oad
28. A. ammeter
29. C. D Arsonva
30. D. Accuracy casses 1, 1.5, 2.5
and 5
31. A. Hgh votage
32. A. A shunt resstance n parae
wth the meter
33. B. resstance
34. C. Degree to whch repeatabty
contnues to reman wth
specc mts
35. D. Hgh votage measurement
36. D. The maxmum error n
senstvty dspayed by a pen
37. B. A and B ony
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
38. B. Shunt resstors n parae wth
the meter movement
39. A. parae
40. B. Lnear scae
41. A. Out-of-crcut meter
42. D. Ehectve
43. A. Crcut contnuty
44. A. X s more senstve
45. A. Has nnte hgh resstance
46. C. energy
47. A. Bypass the current
48. B. To montor crcut operaton
49. B. Hotwre and thermocoupe
50. B. Insuaton resstance
51. C. mutpy the desred vaue by
the known vaue, then dvde ths
product by ther dherence
52. A. By ensurng that the meter
resstance s ow compared to
crcut resstance
53. D. Anaog meters
54. C. Movng-co meter
55. D. tota current s mutped by
the rato of the other branch
resstor, dvded by the sum of
the branch resstances
56. D. Aumnum
57. D. A of the above
58. B. 2
59. B. ground
60. D. Votmeter, current meter and
61. B. Camp probe
62. B. Never
63. D. baanced
64. D. Kevn-doube brdge
65. D. Increase the votage range
66. B. A resstor n seres wth the
meter movement
67. C. mutpy the desred vaue by
the known vaue, then dvde
ths product by ther dherence
68. A. Anderson brdge
69. B. Ohmmeter
70. D. power suppy beeder
71. D. Hgh resstance
72. B. The hghest range and then
ncrease the range
73. B. 0 V
74. B. The nteracton of magnetc
75. C. zero ohms
76. B. Smoothng the oscatons of
the ponter
77. D. nnte
78. B. It acts as a resstances n
seres and owers the crcut current
79. C. how much the meter w
change the crcut condtons
80. D. A of these
81. A. A recter
82. D. add the capabty of readng
AC currents
83. A. To determne the reason a
crcut s not functonng
84. A. Megohmmeter
85. A. 14 V
86. D. Low deecton ndcaton
87. C. DC as we as AC votage
88. A. 5,000
89. A. The scaes of the meters
90. B. The dherence between two
neary equa resstances
91. A. ower than the crcut votage
92. D. Hdden behnd the ponter
93. D. Capactance and ts power
94. B. 3
95. A. In seres wth the oad
96. A. ed ehect transstors
97. C. The md-scae porton
98. D. Current n the co connected
across the measurement
99. A. ower, ower
100.A. Pont more to magnetc north
Section 10
Instrumentations & (ontrols
Quiz 31
1. D. 30 A
2. D. votages
3. B. The owest amount of current
for fu-scae deecton ndcaton
4. A. Readng errors due to ncned
observaton are emnated by
removng paraax between the
ponter and ts mage n the
5. A. 0
6. C. To ad n reducng paraax
7. B. 0.5 A
8. A. Average
9. D. an ac sgna source
10. B. Current
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11. B. 2.4 V, 4 kHz
12. A. Md-scae porton
13. D. A of the above
14. C. The smaest sgna that resuts
n a detectabe output
15. A. An ac/dc swtch
16. A. Ha Ehect
17. B. A hgh resstance s connected n
18. C. Hook-on votameter
19. B. 0.3 vot peak-to-peak
20. D. Permanent-magnet movng
21. A. The nterna resstance of
ammeters shoud be
very sma and that of
votmeters shoud very sma
22. D. a of these
23. C. Votage
24. B. Get an nstrument wth a hgher
nterna resstance
25. A. hgh accuracy of measurements
26. D. Eectrodynamc
27. A. A nonnear scae
28. C. connected n parae wth the
component removed from the
29. B. The zero pont s corrected wth
the hep of ths contro
30. C. Contnuty
31. D. a of these
32. B. Loadng
33. B. observe poarty
34. B. To contro the ponter movement
35. B. Range resstors
36. A. zero deecton
37. C. Eddy-current dampng
38. D. Votmeter
39. C. ohmmeter testng
40. D. A co of hgh nductance
41. D. a of these
42. D. It decreases
43. B. 1
44. C. Power
45. A. ohms
46. A. Hgher than
47. D. DC ammeter
48. D. resouton
49. A. n parae wth the crcut
50. A. the hghest range
51. C. screen, deecton pates and
eectron gun
52. B. owest poston to |ust see the
53. A. n phase
54. B. Persona safety
55. C. The aumnum frame
56. D. A of these
57. D. A of these
58. D. It s smaer and shows a
smped readout
59. D. A ogc probe
60. D. The hgh and ow ogc states
61. D. A ogc probe
62. A. Attenuate the transmtter
output gong to the
spectrum anayzer
63. C. a oopng pattern wth 3 oops
horzontay and 2 oops
64. D. It gves an ndcaton of the
resonant frequency of a
nearby crcut
65. B. Power couped from an
oscator causes a decrease
n metered current
66. B. Tme base accuracy, speed of
the ogc and tme base stabty
67. A. Frequency
68. D. Amptude
69. B. A devce used to produce a
hghy accurate reference frequency
70. A. As oosey as possbe
71. C. The speed at whch a
transcever swtches
from transmt to receve
when beng used for packet rado
72. A. Accuracy and nearty of the
tme base and the nearty and
bandwdth of the deecton
73. B. Cabraton, mechanca
toerance and co
74. D. By ncreasng the horzonta
sweep rate and the vertca
amper frequency
75. B. In parae wth the crcut
76. A. In seres wth the crcut
77. C. By addng resstance n seres
wth the meter, between the
meter and the
crcut under test
78. A. Resstance s added n seres
wth the meter
79. D. By addng resstance n
parae wth the
80. D. Votage, current and resstance
81. B. It woud probaby destroy the
meter crcutry
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
82. C. It woud probaby destroy the
meter crcutry
83. A. Forward and reected power
84. C. Measurng votage when usng
the ohms settng
85. C. A sgna generator
86. A. An oscoscope
87. D. An oscoscope desgned around
dgta technoogy rather than
anaog technoogy
88. D. To dentfy an noperatve stage
n a recever
89. D. By varyng eectromagnetc eds
90. D. The ength of tme the mage
remans on the screen after the
beam s turned oh
91. A. The mage sze w decrease and
the tube w produce X-rays
92. B. The anode votage
93. C. It sampes an anaog sgna and
passes t n stages from the nput
to the output
94. A. It stores photogenerated charges
as sgnas correspondng to pxes
95. B. a dspay that uses a crystane
qud to change the way ght s
96. C. Eectrostatc
97. C. It can be used as an
anaog-to-dgta converter
98. A. Oscoscope
99. C. Boometer
100.D. Empoy shunt resstor across
Section 10
Transducers & Tyristors
Quiz 32
1. D. To protect the drve from hgh
votage transent surges
2. C. A swtch
3. B. Latchng
4. B. Load current can ow n both
drectons under contro of one
5. D. answer A and B
6. A. Gate and anode
7. D. To contro the power to an AC
8. B. Ads the orgna change
9. B. Thermocoupe
10. A. Reports when each sot passes
the photo detector
11. A. Gate, anode 1 and anode 2
12. D. answer A and C
13. A. Transstors
14. C. Report near poston
15. A. The |uncton dode
16. D. t has two gate termnas
17. C. Two-termna b-drectona
18. C. Breakover
19. B. Hodng current
20. B. When a thn wre s stretched,
ts resstance goes up
21. B. Trgger current
22. B. the devce w turn oh when
the anode current fas beow ths
23. B. Low-current drop out
24. C. The sensor generates a
votage when n the presence of a
magnetc ed
25. D. Inverse parae connected
SCRs wth common gate
26. C. trggered on and oh by the
gate-to-anode votage
27. A. A votage proportona to
temperature s generated at
the |uncton of two dssmar
28. B. Anode, cathode and gate
29. A. Hodng current
30. D. dacs and tracs
31. B. The pressure at the bottom s
proportona the qud depth
32. B. Scon controed recter
33. B. Three externa eads
34. A. ke a b-drectona SCR
35. C. When ud goes through a
restrcton the pressure drops
proportona to the ow
36. B. A gate trgger
37. D. batera conducton
38. D. Servo
39. C. LASCR
40. C. Hgh-current devces
41. C. the forward-breakover votage
42. A. Conductng and
43. B. hodng current
44. A. Crowbar
45. D. ether B or C
46. A. Current can ow ether way, f
the forward breakover votage
s exceeded
47. B. Fase trggerng
48. B. n the oh state
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49. D. The dherence between the
measured pressure and
ambent pressure
50. D. Current mtng
51. B. drecty proportona to ght
52. C. 8 V
53. D. Lght
54. B. three pn |unctons
55. D. anode, reversng poarty
56. D. Bdrectona devce
57. B. Breakover votage
58. A. t has a gate termna
59. C. A postve votage on the gate
swtches the SCR nto
conducton mode, but the gate
cannot be used to turn t oh
60. C. A postve votage on the gate
swtches the SCR nto
conducton mode, but the gate
cannot be used to turn t oh
61. C. Lght actvated SCR
62. B. breakover votage
63. A. Votage gradent
64. D. Latch
65. D. Dgta dspays
66. A. Breakover
67. C. show hgh resstance n both
68. C. show hgh resstance n both
69. C. 2.5 V
70. B. 0.7 V
71. A. SCS
72. C. Low-current drop out
73. C. capactance
74. B. Fase trggerng
75. A. dV/dt
76. C. pnpn dode
77. B. Transducers
78. A. Hgh frequences
79. B. Postve feedback
80. A. Degeneratve or negatve
Section 11
+undamentals o* %o5otics
Quiz 33
1. D. 60 degrees
2. C. Leon Fourcaut
3. B. Uses a permanent magnet for
the rotor
4. C. The torque requred to rotate
the shaft when t s stopped
wth power oh
5. C. Has ony two separate wndng
6. B. Has four ed cos, each co s
energzed separatey
7. A. Frequency and nducton
8. A. When ad|acent co ed cos
are energzed at the same
tme, causng the rotor to agn
between the ed cos
9. D. Pneumatc and |onted arm
10. B. Uses a toothed ron whee for
the rotor
11. D. Combnes the features of the
permanent magnet and
varabe reuctance
stepper motors
12. C. Be abe to reverse poarty to
the same cos n sequence
13. B. Send the votage to each
ndvdua ed co n
14. D. Open-oop
15. D. A contro system where
feedback s not used
16. A. A contro system that has a
feedback oop
17. B. Tme ag
18. A. A number whch descrbes the
behavor of a devce (output
dvded by the nput)
19. D. 0.005V/rpm
20. B. Any contro system that uses a
dgta crcut (such as a
mcroprocessor) for the
21. A. A contro system used n
ndustry to oversee the makng
of a unform product
22. D. A process that has a dened
seres of tasks
23. C. A cosed-oop contro system
that physcay moves
24. A. Dherenta synchro
25. A. A system for automatcay
machnng parts on athes and
mng machnes
26. D. A smpe robot that moves
parts from one pace to
another, over and over
27. D. Wed nterva
28. A. Front-pane mkng
29. B. pezoeectrc ehect
30. A. W re|ect frequences beow
the cutoh frequency
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
31. B. A, B and C
32. B. The nformaton s conveyed by
current (to avod votage drop
33. A. When equpment s grounded
at dherent paces, whch may
cause a arge current n the
34. D. Stabzed
35. D. A the sheds and equpment
are connected to ground at the
same pace
36. C. Precesson
37. C. 9.56 V
38. A. Has one set of contacts, that
set has three termnas
39. B. 6 mA
40. D. By magnetc coupng from the
41. A. A statc ud under pressure w
exert the same pressure on a
the vesse was
42. C. Two meshed gears rotate n
housng. Fud s moved n the
space between the teeth
43. A. Artcuated arm and cyndrca
44. A. The pump s on the whoe tme.
Unneeded ud crcuates
through a pressure reguator
back to the ud tank
45. C. Drects ud to ether sde of the
pston, and aows for the ud
on the other sde of the pston
to return to the tank
46. B. Uses compressed ar that s
exhausted to the atmosphere
after use
47. C. A, B and C
48. C. The controer tres to mantan
some process at a speced
vaue by contnuousy sampng
the output wth a sensor and
usng ths nformaton to make
49. B. drop tme
50. D. Contro transformer
51. B. The controer mantans the
output between two eves by
turnng the actuator on when
the output gets too ow and
turnng t oh when the output
gets too hgh
52. A. The controer drves the output
up f t gets too ow, and drves
t down f t gets too hgh
53. C. Servo
54. D. proportona to the dherence
between the actua poston
and the set-pont
55. C. Gyroscope
56. A. When the error s sma, the
restorng force from the
controer s sma
57. D. Poston servo
58. C. Emnates steady-state-error
59. A. Great force capacty handng
heavy oads
60. C. Makes the system respond
61. C. Hydrauc
62. A. A proportona controer wth
some ntegra and dherenta
contro added
63. C. Servo system
64. C. An unstabe contro system
may go nto oscatons
65. C. It aways has a nothng
66. B. Open when the reay s not
67. A. Intrnscay safe ammabe
envronment such as pantng
68. C. Each "rung" s a crcut, whch
connects across the power
69. D. Hydrauc
70. C. A sef-contaned,
71. D. A secton of memory where
each bt corresponds to state
of an actua physca swtch
72. B. Each rung contros a possbe
acton; f the rung goes TRUE,
the acton s taken
73. A. An nstructon that goes TRUE
when t's correspondng
rea-word swtch coses
74. D. Tr-speed synchro system
75. D. Goes TRUE after a speced
tme has eapsed
76. C. Contros a sequence of on-oh
77. B. Heat sub-nterva
78. C. Connect sensors and actuators
to the PLC
79. B. A dgta controer speccay
but to contro mut-axs
80. A. arm manager
81. D. Dexterty
82. C. equaty constrant
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83. C. nequaty constrant
84. C. Repeatabty
85. B. end-ehector
86. A. rst arm
87. B. Ptch
88. C. Ro
89. B. Servo contro
90. D. Yaw
91. C. Accuracy
92. B. Contnuous-path programs
93. A. Arc wedng
94. D. Base
95. C. Robot Axs
96. C. Artca Integence
97. C. Pneumatc
98. D. CAD
99. B. CAM
100.A. Degrees of Freedom
101.A. Fexbty
102. A. Fexbty
103. B. Force sensor
104. A. Manpuator
105. B. Oh-Lne Programmng
106. A. On-Lne Programmng
107. C. Pck and Pace robot
108. D. Pont-To-Pont moton
109.B. Reabty
110. D. Resover
111. D. Robot
112. C. Shouder
113. C. Stepper Motor
114.D. Sequenta, Trackng,
Regstraton, Informatona
115.A. Pont-to-pont
116. B. Tachometer
117. D. Tacte sensor
118. D. Too center pont (TCP)
119. A. Degree of mobty
120. A. Teachng
121. A. Pneumatc and |onted-arm
122. D. Touch sensor
123. D. Touch sensor
124. C. Work Ce
125. B. Work Enveope
Section 12
(om)uter +undamentals
Quiz 3#
1. C. nstructon set
3. B. Parae port
4. C. A oop program
5. C. A mcroprocessor s |ust the
processor, the
s the name of the an IC that
contans the mcroprocessor
and other supportng crcuts,
ncudng memory and I/O
6. C. 0101 0110 0111
7. C. usng the formua 2
n = number of nputs
8. C. Agorthm
9. D. a of these
10. A. one
11. A. rst an AND gate then an
12. D. a of these
13. C. 1, 1, 1, 0
14. B. Program
15. A. rst an OR gate then an
16. C. none of the nputs are an one
17. A. ALU
18. B. 0, 1, 1, 0
19. D. a of these
20. A. reduce compcated ogc
expressons to smpest form
21. A. Wam Oughtred
22. D. a of these
23. D. a of these
24. A. OR expresson
25. A. pus (+)
26. C. A p-op
27. B. Two
28. B. A bstabe mutvbrator
29. D. a of these
30. D. It produces a ogc "0" at ts
output ony when a nputs
are ogc "1"
31. D. a of these
32. B. Coossus
33. D. a of these
34. D. a of these
35. C. the snge data nput
36. D. a of these
37. D. Output devce(s)
38. B. It produces a ogc "1" at ts
output ony f a nputs are
ogc "1"
39. A. CPU
40. C. shft regsters both store data
and change ts format
41. A. CPU
42. D. a of these
43. D. a of these
44. B. Even when power s not
apped to the memory
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Self-Sufficient Guide to ECE by JASON AMPOLOQUIO
45. A. produce a coded output sgna
46. A. Fp-op
47. C. 8 or 16 nput nes are
connected ndvduay to 1
output ne
48. D. byte
49. A. Number of States = 2
n = number of p-ops
50. A. It produces a ogc "1" at ts
output f any nput s or a
nputs are ogc "1"
51. B. a decoder crcut
52. A. |ohn Van Neumann
53. D. a of these
54. B. Hackers
55. C. nput, output, contro, memory
and ALU
56. D. ROM
57. B. the nstructon regster stores
the nstructon whch the
decoder converts to a contro
58. C. the program counter steps to
the next nstructon usng the
address regster to keep track
59. A. PROMs
60. B. number of bts n the address
61. C. 65,536 ocatons
62. A. nvertng buher
63. A. stores the address of the
nstructon beng fetched from
64. A. stores the memory ocaton of
data stored to be next worked
65. B. machne anguage
66. D. a of these
67. B. store
68. B. add, subtract ncrement or
decrement data
69. C. contro nput and output
70. A. desgn engneer
71. C. synthess
72. B. mnterm
73. A. data processng
74. C. 6
75. A. Assocatve
76. B. hardware
77. C. 16
78. D. Database
79. A. prmtve
80. B. VHDL
81. B. Operatng system
82. C. archtecture
83. C. bt
84. B. decoder
85. C. bnary coded decma
86. B. process
87. D. demutpexer
88. A. rppe bankng
89. A. 1's compement
90. C. excess-3 code
91. A. Gray code
92. C. 2 snge bts and one carry bt
93. C. generate
94. A. the output O s ACTIVE
95. B. sequenta
96. D. port map
97. B. hod tme
98. C. recovery tme
99. D. Output Logc Macroce
100.C. 16
Section 12
(om)uter +undamentals
Quiz 3"
1. D. ook-up tabe
2. C. carry chans
3. D. 32
4. D. termna count
5. B. 9
6. B. 9
7. B. 2n
8. B. Moore machne
9. D. enumerated type
10. C. the output was prevousy 1,
and | = 1
11. B. 5
12. D. Both coumn and row decoders
13. A. fan-out
14. A. VOH - VIH
15. D. a of these
16. A. Fowchart
17. B. compare two numbers
18. C. 1 f both nputs are the same
19. B. AND gate
20. A. CMOS
21. C. open coector
22. D. oatng
23. B. settng tme
24. D. dgta
25. A. LSB
26. D. nonmonotonc error
27. B. aasng
28. B. 1024
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29. B. Moore's Law
30. A. address mutpexng
31. D. Frst In Frst Out (FIFO)
32. C. bus contenton
33. C. 139
34. A. Computer teracy
35. D. Data s stored n 8-bt groups,
where each group has an
36. A. The processor can read and
wrte to RAM, t can read but
not wrte to ROM
37. A. Fetchng and executng the
nstructons one by one
38. B. 2.66 V
39. D. 10011101
40. B. mutpcaton
41. D. mutpcaton
42. A. commutatve aw
43. C. assocatve aw
44. A. subtracton and dvson
45. C. 42
46. A. 69EC
47. A. 0 V
48. C. AND
49. D. vncuum
50. D. NOR gate
51. C. NOT
52. B. 2
53. C. propagaton deay
54. B. gtch
55. C. a system n whch a ow votage
represents ogc HIGH
56. D. the fracton of the perod that
the sgna s n the HIGH state
57. B. the 50% pont of the rsng
edge to the 50% pont of the
fang edge
58. A. MSB
59. C. 36A
60. D. A bank aarm w trgger when
any of the teers hts a panc
61. A. an LED
62. B. computer program
63. B. NOR gate
64. D. ow
65. A. OR
66. D. over 10,000 gates per package
67. D. TTL
68. C. A & B & C
69. C. data bus
70. D. Macro-nstructon
71. A. accumuator
72. C. port
73. A. adds a postve ohset to the
nput sgna
74. D. Compatbty
75. B. bootstrap oader
76. C. macro
77. B. abe
78. D. ndustry standard archtecture
79. C. 5 vots
80. C. Magnetc bubbe
81. C. converts 4 bt-bnary nto
decma number
82. A. are smar to encoders but
carry data from many nputs to
1 output
83. A. A hgh-ogc state
84. A. 2.0 to 5.5 vots
85. C. 0.0 to 0.8 vots
86. D. Dherenta output
87. C. The nput swtchng threshod
s about one-haf the power
suppy votage
88. B. Two
89. D. It aternates between two
unstabe states
90. A. It swtches momentary to the
opposte bnary state and
then returns after a set tme to
ts orgna state
91. D. Hardware
92. C. It produces a ogc "0" at ts
output f any nput s or a
nputs are ogc "1"
93. C. A st of nput combnatons
and ther correspondng outputs
that characterze the functon
of a dgta devce
94. D. A hgh eve
95. A. A ow eve
96. D. It dvdes an HF sgna so a
ow-frequency counter can
dspay the operatng
97. B. 10
98. A. It produces one output puse
for every ten nput puses
99. C. Two p-ops
100.C. Machne anguage

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