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Officer Candidate School (OCS) Phase I

An intense program of instruction that provides USAC Officer Candidates with an

introduction to basic military subjects and leadership fundamentals, including t
raining in military drill and ceremonies, customs and courtesies, inspections, l
eadership, communication skills and standards of conduct for commissioned office
rs. OCS Phase I is required for commissioning in the USAC Officers Corps. To gra
duate from OCS Phase I, the candidate must pass personnel and room inspections,
demonstrate proficiency in military drill and ceremonies, receive favorable peer
and Cadre leadership evaluations, and pass the OCS Proficiency Examination. Fai
lure to pass all criteria for graduation from OCS Phase I will result in ineligi
bility for OCS Phase II. Graduates of OCS Phase I are awarded the Army Cadets Se
rvice Ribbon. Completion of USAC OCS does not constitute any formal status with
the U.S. Army whatsoever.
Officer Candidate School (OCS) Phase III
An intense program of instruction which provides graduates of OCS Phase I and OC
S Phase II with an advanced introduction to military subjects and leadership, in
cluding leadership tools and techniques, troop leading procedures, communication
skills and standards of conduct for commissioned officers. USAC specific traini
ng will include management procedures, training techniques and internal communic
ations. OCS Phase III is required for commissioning in the USAC Officers Corps.
To graduate from OCS Phase III, the candidate must pass personnel and room inspe
ctions, demonstrate proficiency in military drill and ceremonies, receive favora
ble peer and Cadre leadership evaluations and pass the OCS Proficiency Examinati
on. Failure to pass all criteria for graduation from OCS Phase III will result i
n ineligibility for commissioning with USAC. Completion of USAC OCS does not con
stitute any formal status with the U.S. Army whatsoever.
Direct Commission Course (DCC)
An intense program of instruction which provides Direct Commission Officers (typ
ically those who previously held federal commissions, had previous service as a
senior division ROTC Cadet/Midshipman or federal service academy Cadet/Midshipma
n, or who are being commissioned in the USAC due to professional qualifications,
such as licensed attorneys, medical professionals and chaplains) with an introd
uction to basic and advanced military subjects and leadership fundamentals, incl
uding training in military drill and ceremonies, customs and courtesies, inspect
ions, leadership, troop leading procedures, communication skills and standards o
f conduct for commissioned officers. USAC specific training will include USAC of
ficer professional development system, new unit formation and management procedu
res, unit administration, training techniques and internal communications. DCC i
s required for commissioning in the USAC Officers Corps. To graduate from DCC, t
he candidate must pass personnel and room inspections, demonstrate proficiency i
n military drill and ceremonies, receive favorable peer and Cadre leadership eva
luations, and pass the OCS Proficiency Examination. Failure to pass all criteria
for graduation from DCC will result in ineligibility to be commissioned. Gradua
tes of DCC are awarded the Army Cadets Service Ribbon Completion of USAC DCC doe
s not constitute any formal status with the U.S. Army whatsoever..

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