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A plotter is a computer printing device for printing vector graphics.

In the past, plotters were

widely used in applications such as computer-aided design, though they have generally been
replaced with wide-format conventional printers. It is now commonplace to refer to such wide-
format printers as "plotters," even though they technically aren't.
Pen plotters print by moving a pen or other instrument across the surface of a piece of paper. This
means that plotters are restricted to line art, rather than raster graphics as with other printers. Pen
plotters can draw comple line art, including tet, but do so slowly because of the mechanical
movement of the pens. They are often incapable of efficiently creating a solid region of color, but
can hatch an area by drawing a number of close, regular lines.
Plotters offered the fastest way to efficiently produce very large drawings or color high-
resolution vector-based artwor! when computer memory was very epensive and processor
power was very limited, and other types of printers had limited graphic output capabilities.
Pen plotters have essentially become obsolete, and have been replaced by large-format in!"et
printers and #$% toner based printers. &uch devices may still understand vector languages
originally designed for plotter use, because in many uses, they offer a more efficient alternative
to raster data.
'utting plotter !nives cut into a piece of material (paper, mylar or vinyl) that is lying on the flat
surface area of the plotter. It is achieved because the cutting plotter is connected to a computer,
which is e*uipped with speciali+ed cutting design or drawing computer software programs.
Those computer software programs are responsible for sending the necessary cutting dimensions
or designs in order to command the cutting !nife to produce the correct pro"ect cutting needs.
Microforms are any forms, either films or paper, containing microreproductions of documents
for transmission, storage, reading, and printing. /icroform images are commonly reduced to
about one twenty-fifth of the original document si+e. 0or special purposes, greater optical
reductions may be used.
All microform images may be provided as positives or negatives, more often the latter.
Three formats are common1 microfilm (reels), aperture cards and microfiche (flat sheets).
Microcards, a format no longer produced, were similar to microfiche, but printed on cardboard
rather than photographic film.
&ystems that mount microfilm images in punched cards have been widely used for archival
storage of engineering information.
0or eample, when airlines demand archival engineering drawings to support purchased
e*uipment (in case the vendor goes out of business, for eample), they normally specified punch-
card-mounted microfilm with an industry-standard indeing system punched into the card. This
permits automated reproduction, as well as permitting mechanical card-sorting e*uipment to sort
and select microfilm drawings.
Aperture card mounted microfilm is roughly 23 of the si+e and space of conventional paper or
vellum engineering drawings. &ome military contracts around -456 began to specify digital
storage of engineering and maintenance data because the epenses were even lower than
microfilm, but these programs are now finding it difficult to purchase new readers for the old
/icrofilm first saw military use during the 0ranco-Prussian 7ar of -58698-. %uring the &iege of
Paris, the only way for the provincial government in Tours to communicate with Paris was by
pigeon post. As the pigeons could not carry paper dispatches, the Tours government turned to
microfilm. :sing a microphotography unit evacuated from Paris before the siege, cler!s in Tours
photographed paper dispatches and compressed them to microfilm, which were carried by
homing pigeons into Paris and pro"ected by magic lantern while cler!s copied the dispatches
onto paper.
#ibraries began using microfilm in the mid-;6th century as a preservation strategy for
deteriorating newspaper collections. <oo!s and newspapers that were deemed in danger of decay
could be preserved on film and thus access and use could be increased. /icrofilming was also a
space-saving measure. In his -4=> boo!, ?The &cholar and the 0uture of the @esearch #ibrary,A
0remont @ider calculated that research libraries were doubling in space every siteen years. Bis
suggested solution was microfilming, specifically with his invention, the microcard. Cnce items
were put onto film, they could be removed from circulation and additional shelf space would be
made available for rapidly epanding collections. The microcard was superseded by microfiche.
<y the -4D6s, microfilming had become standard policy.
Eisa and Fational 'ity use microfilm( roll microfilm and fiche) to store ban! statements,
financial records storage, personal records storage, records management storage, legal records
storage, and produce microfilm, from digital records, that is placed into storage.
The ;6-- :G census data will be stored on microfilms due to lac! of storage space.
,citation needed.
The medium has numerous advantages1
It enables libraries to greatly epand access to collections without putting rare, fragile, or
valuable items at ris! of theft or damage.
It is compact, with far smaller storage costs than paper documents. Formally 45 document si+e
pages fit on one fiche, reducing to about 6.;>3 original material. 7hen compared to filing paper,
microforms can reduce space storage re*uirements by up to 4>3.
It is cheaper to distribute than paper copy. /ost microfiche services get a bul! discount on
reproduction rights, and have lower reproduction and carriage costs than a comparable amount of
printed paper.
It is a stable archival form when properly processed and stored. Preservation standard microfilms
use the silver halide process, creating silver images in hard gelatin emulsion on a polyester base. 7ith
appropriate storage conditions, this film has a life epectancy of >66 years.
:nfortunately, in
tropical climates with high humidity, fungus eats the gelatin used to bind the silver halide. Thus,
dia+o-based systems with lower archival lives (;6 years) which have polyester or epoy surfaces are
&ince it is analog (an actual image of the original data), it is easy to view. :nli!e digital media,
the format re*uires no software to decode the data stored thereon. It is instantly comprehensible to
persons literate in the languageH the only e*uipment that is needed is a simple magnifying glass. This
eliminates the problem of software obsolescence.
It is virtually impossible to mutilate. :sers cannot tear pages from or deface microforms.
It has low intrinsic value and does not attract thieves. 0ew heavily-used microform collections
suffer any losses due to theft.
Prints from microfilm are accepted in legal proceedings as substitutes for original documents.
The principal disadvantage of microforms is that the image is (usually) too small to read with the
na!ed eye. #ibraries must use either special readers that pro"ect full-si+e images on a ground-glass or
frosted acrylic screen or a modern EiewerI&canner which converts the image from analog to digital
-see section below on %igital 'onversion.
@eader machines used to view microfilm are often difficult to use, re*uiring users to carefully
wind and rewind until they have arrived at the point where the data they are loo!ing for is stored.
Photographic illustrations reproduce poorly in microform format, with loss of clarity and
halftones. Bowever the latest electronic digital viewerIscanners have the ability to scan in gray shade
which greatly increases the *uality of photographs, but they still can not duplicate the nuances of true
gray shade photographs -due to the inherent bi-tonal nature of microfilm.
@eader-printers are not always available, limiting the user's ability to ma!e copies for their own
purposes. 'onventional photocopy machines cannot be used.
'olor microform is etremely epensive, thus discouraging most libraries supplying color films.
'olor photographic dyes also tend to degrade over the long term. This results in the loss of
information, as color materials are usually photographed using blac! and white film.
7hen stored in the highest-density drawers, it is easy to misfile a fiche, which is thereafter
unavailable. As a result, some libraries store microfiche in a restricted area and retrieve it on demand.
&ome fiche services use lower-density drawers with labeled poc!ets for each card.
#i!e all analog media formats, microfiche is lac!ing in features en"oyed by users of digital media.
Analog copies degrade with each generation, while digital copies have much higher copying fidelity.
%igital data can also be indeed and searched easily.
@eading microfilms on a machine for some time may cause headache andIor eyestrain.
Readers and printers
%es!top readers are boes with a translucent screen at the front on to which is pro"ected an
image from a microform. They have suitable fittings for whatever microform is in use. They may
offer a choice of magnifications. They usually have motors to advance and rewind film. 7hen
coding blips are recorded on the film a reader is used that can read the blips to find any re*uired
Portable readers are plastic devices that fold for carryingH when open they pro"ect an image from
microfiche on to a reflective screen. 0or eample, with /. de &aint @at, Atherton &eidell
developed a simple, inepensive (J;.66 in -4>6), monocular microfilm viewing device, !nown
as the "&eidell viewer," that was sold during the -4=6s and -4>6s.
A microfilm printer contains a erographic copying process, li!e a photocopier. The image to be
printed is pro"ected with synchronised movement on to the drum. These devices offer either
small image preview for the operator or full si+e image preview, when it is called a reader
printer. /icroform printers can accept positive or negative films and positive or negative images
on paper. Few machines allow the user to scan a microform image and save it as a digital file
-see the section below on %igital conversion.
/icrofilm roll
Aperture card with hollerith info
A duped "ac!et fiche
0lat film
-6> -=5 mm flat film is used for micro images of very large engineering drawings. These may
carry a title photographed or written along one edge. Typical reduction is about ;6, representing a
drawing that is ;.66 ;.56 metres, that is 84 --6 in. These films are stored as microfiche.
-D mm or 2> mm film to motion picture standard is used, usually unperforated. @oll microfilm is
stored on open reels or put into cassettes. The standard lengths for using roll film is 26.=5 m (-66
ft)for 2>mm rolls, and -66 ft, -26 ft and ;-> feet for -Dmm rolls. Cne roll of 2> mm film may
carry D66 images of large engineering drawings or 566 images of broadsheet newspaper pages. -D
mm film may carry ;,=66 images of letter si+ed images as a single stream of micro images along
the film set so that lines of tet are parallel to the sides of the film or -6,666 small documents,
perhaps che*ues or betting slips, with both sides of the originals set side by side on the film.
Aperture cards
Aperture cards are Bollerith cards into which a hole has been cut. A 2> mm microfilm chip is
mounted in the hole inside of a clear plastic sleeve, or secured over the aperture by an adhesive
tape. They are used for engineering drawings, for all engineering disciplines. There are libraries
of these containing over 2 million cards. Aperture cards may be stored in drawers or in
freestanding rotary units.
A microfiche is a flat film -6> -=5 mm in si+e, that is I&C AD. It carries a matri of micro
images. All microfiche are read with tet parallel to the long side of the fiche. 0rames may be
landscape or portrait. Along the top of the fiche a title may be recorded for visual identification.
The most commonly used format is a portrait image of about -6 -= mm. Cffice si+e papers or
maga+ine pages re*uire a reduction of ;= or ;>. /icrofiche are stored in open top envelopes
which are put in drawers or boes as file cards, or fitted into poc!ets in purpose made boo!s.
(also 'ultramicrofiche') is an eceptionally compact version of a microfiche or microfilm, storing
analog data at much higher densities. :ltrafiche can be created directly from computers using
appropriate peripherals. They are typically used for storing data gathered from etremely data-
intensive operations such as remote sensing.
Image creation
To create microform media, a planetary camera is mounted with the vertical ais above a copy
that is stationary during eposure. Bigh volume output is possible with a rotary camera which
moves the copy smoothly through the camera to epose film which moves with the reduced
image. Alternatively, it may be produced by computers, i.e. 'C/ (computer output microfilm).
Formally microfilming uses high resolution panchromatic monochrome stoc!. Positive color
film giving good reproduction and high resolution can also be used. @oll film is provided -D, 2>
and -6> mm wide in lengths of 26 metres (-66 ft) and longer, and is usually unperforated. @oll
film is developed, fied and washed by continuous processors.
&heet film is supplied in I&C AD si+e. This is either processed by hand or using a dental K-ray
processor. 'amera film is supplied ready mounted in aperture cards. Aperture cards are
developed, fied and washed immediately after eposure by e*uipment fitted to the camera.
$arly cut sheet microforms and microfilms (to the -426s) were printed on nitrate film, which
poses high ris!s to their holding institutions, as nitrate film is eplosive and flammable. 0rom the
late -426s to the -456s, microfilms were usually printed on a cellulose acetate base, which is
prone to tears, vinegar syndrome, and redo blemishes. Einegar syndrome is the result of
chemical decay and produces "buc!ling and shrin!ing, embrittlement, and bubbling".
blemishes are yellow, orange or red spots ->9->6 micrometres in diameter created by oidative
attac!s on the film, and are largely due to poor storage conditions.
0lat film
The simplest microfilm camera that is still in use is a rail mounted structure at the top of which is
a bellows camera for -6> -=5 mm film. A frame or copy board holds the original drawing
vertical. The camera has a hori+ontal ais which passes through the center of the copy. The
structure may be moved hori+ontally on rails.
In a dar!room a single film may be inserted into a dar! slide or the camera may be fitted with a
roll film holder which after an eposure advances the film into a bo and cuts the frame off the
roll for processing as a single film.
@oll film
0or engineering drawings a freestanding open steel structure is often provided. A camera may be
moved vertically on a trac!. %rawings are placed on a large table for filming, with centres under
the lens. 0ied lights illuminate the copy. These cameras are often over 4 metres (-6 feet) high.
These cameras accept roll film stoc! of 2> or -D mm.
0or office documents a similar design may be used but bench standing. This is a smaller version
of the camera described above. These are provided either with the choice of -D or 2> mm film or
accepting -D mm film only. Fon ad"ustable versions of the office camera are provided. These
have a rigid frame or an enveloping bo that holds a camera at a fied position over a copy
board. If this is to wor! at more than one reduction ratio there are a choice of lenses.
&ome cameras epose a pattern of light, referred to as blips, to digitally identify each ad"acent
frame. This pattern is copied whenever the film is copied for searching.
0low roll film cameras
A camera is built into a bo. In some versions this is for bench top use, other versions are
portable. The operator maintains a stac! of material to be filmed in a tray, the camera
automatically ta!es one document after another for advancement through the machine. The
camera lens sees the documents as they pass a slot. 0ilm behind the lens advances eactly with
the image.
&pecial purpose flow cameras film both sides of documents, putting both images side by side on
-D mm film. These cameras are used to record che*ues and betting slips.
/icrofiche camera
All microfiche cameras are planetary with a step and repeat mechanism to advance the film after
each eposure. The simpler versions use a dar! slide loaded by the operator in a dar! roomH after
eposure the film is individually processed, which may be by hand or using a dental K-ray
processor. 'ameras for high output are loaded with a roll of -6> mm film. The eposed film is
developed as a rollH this is sometimes cut to individual fiche after processing or !ept in roll form
for duplication.
'omputer Cutput /icrofilm
$*uipment is available that accepts a data stream from a mainframe computer. This eposes film
to produce images as if the stream had been sent to a line printer and the listing had been
microfilmed. <ecause of the source one run may represent many thousands of pages.
7ithin the e*uipment character images are made by a light sourceH this is the negative of tet on
paper. 'C/ is sometimes processed normally. Cther applications re*uire that image appears as a
conventional negativeH the film is then reversal processed. This outputs either -D mm film or
fiche pages on a -6> mm roll.
<ecause listing characters are a simple design, a reduction ratio of >6 gives good *uality and puts
about 266 pages on a microfiche. A microfilm plotter, sometimes called an aperture card plotter,
accepts a stream that might be sent to a computer pen plotter. It produces corresponding frames
of microfilm. These produce microfilm as 2> or -D mm film or aperture cards.
All regular microfilm copying involves contact eposure under pressure. Then the film is
processed to provide a permanent image. Band copying of a single fiche or aperture card
involves eposure over a light bo and then individually processing the film. @oll films are
contact eposed via motor, either round a glass cylinder or through a vacuum, under a controlled
light source. Processing may be in the same machine or separately.
&ilver halide film is a slow version of camera film with a robust top coat. It is suitable for prints
or for use as an intermediate from which further prints may be produced. The result is a negative
copy. Preservation standards re*uire a master negative, a duplicate negative, and a service copy
(positive). /aster negatives are !ept in deep storage, and duplicate negatives are used to create
service copies, which are the copies available to researchers. This multi-generational structure
ensures the preservation of the master negative.
%ia+o-sensitised film for dye coupling in ammonia gives blue or blac! dye positive copies. The
blac! image film can be used for further copying.
Eesicular film is sensitised with a dia+o dye, which after eposure is developed by heat. 7here
light has come to the film remains clear, in the areas under the dar! image the dia+o compound is
destroyed *uic!ly, releasing millions of minute bubbles of nitrogen into the film. This produces
an image that diffuses light. It produces a good blac! appearance in a reader, but it cannot be
used for further copying.
/odern microfilming standards re*uire that a master set of films be produced and set aside for
safe storage, used only to ma!e service copies. 7hen service copies get lost or damaged, another
set can be produced from the masters, thus reducing the image degradation that results from
ma!ing copies of copies.
Format conversion
These conversions may be applied to camera output or to release copies. &ingle microfiche are
cut from rolls of -6> mm film. A bench top device is available that enables an operator to cut
eposed frames of roll film and fit these into ready made aperture cards.
Transparent "ac!ets are made A> si+e each with D poc!ets into which strips of -D mm film may
be inserted (or fewer poc!ets for 2> mm strips), so creating microfiche "ac!ets or "ac!eted
microfiche. $*uipment allows an operator to insert strips from a roll of film. This is particularly
useful as frames may be added to a fiche at any time. The poc!ets are made using a thin film so
that duplicates may be made from the assembled fiche.
Digital conversion
Another type of conversion is microform to digital. This is done using an optical scanner that
pro"ects the film onto a ''% array and captures it in a raw digital format. :ntil recently, since
the different types of microform are dissimilar in shape and si+e, the scanners were usually able
to handle only one type of microform at a time. There are some scanners that have the possibility
of swapping modules for the different microform types and the latest viewerIscanner can accept
any microform (roll, fiche, opa*ue cards, fiche,andIor aperture cards). &oftware (normally on the
scanner itself, but more recently in an attached P') is then used to convert the raw capture into a
standard image format for archival.
The physical condition of microfilm greatly impacts the *uality of the digiti+ed copy. /icrofilm
with a cellulose acetate base (popular through the -486s) is fre*uently sub"ect to vinegar
syndrome, redo blemishes, and tears, and even preservation standard silver halide film on a
polyester base can be sub"ect to silvering and degradation of the emulsionLall issues which
affect the *uality of the scanned image.
%igiti+ing microfilm can be inepensive when automated scanners are employed. The :tah
%igital Fewspapers Program has found that, with automated e*uipment, scanning can be
performed at J6.-> per page. @ecent additions to the digital scanner field have brought the cost
of scanning down substantially so that when large pro"ects are scanned (millions of pages) the
price per scan can be pennies.
/odern microform scanners utili+e 5 bit gray shade scanning arrays and are thus able to provide
*uite high *uality scans in a wealth of different digital formats (''ITT Mroup IE which is
compressed blac! N white -bitonal, OPM or OP$M which is gray or color compression, bitmaps
which are not compressed, or a number of other (some proprietary) formats such as P%0, #P7,
MI0, etc.). These modern scanners are also able to scan at "Archival" resolution up to D66 dpi.
0or the resulting files to be useful, they must be organi+ed in some way. This can be
accomplished in a variety of different ways, dependent on the source media and the desired
usage. In this regard, aperture cards with Bollerith information are probably the easiest since
image data can be etracted from the card itself if the scanner supports it. &ome types of
microfilm will contain a counter net to the images, these can be referenced to an already
eisting database. Cther microfilm reels will have a 'blip' system1 small mar!s net to the images
of varying lengths used to indicate document hierarchy (longest1 root, long1 branch, short1 leaf).
If the scanner is able to capture and process these then the image files can be arranged in the
same manner. Cptical character recognition (C'@) is also fre*uently employed to provide
automated full-tet searchable files. 'ommon issues that affect the accuracy of C'@ applied to
scanned images of microfilm include unusual fonts, faded printing, shaded bac!grounds,
fragmented letters, s!ewed tet, curved lines and bleed through on the originals.
0or film types with no distinguishing mar!s, or when C'@ is impossible (handwriting, layout
issues, degraded tet), the data must be entered in manuallyH a very time consuming process.
A microfilm display device is responsive to a film address signal and controlled by a
microprocessor to locate a desired film and select a film image for display on a cathode-ray
terminal. The film image is converted to a video signal for display on the terminal. The video
signal is used for fine positioning of the raster on a flying spot scanner which illuminates the
#raphics ta$let
A graphics ta$let (or digiti%er, digiti%ing ta$let, graphics pad, drawing ta$let) is a computer
input device that enables a user to hand-draw images and graphics, similar to the way a person
draws images with a pencil and paper. These tablets may also be used to capture data or
handwritten signatures. It can also be used to trace an image from a piece of paper which is taped
or otherwise secured to the surface. 'apturing data in this way, either by tracing or entering the
corners of linear poly-lines or shapes is called digiti+ing.
A graphics tablet (also called pen pad or digiti+er) consists of a flat surface upon which the user
may "draw" or trace an image using an attached stylus, a pen-li!e drawing apparatus. The image
generally does not appear on the tablet itself but, rather, is displayed on the computer monitor.
&ome tablets, however, come as a functioning secondary computer screen that you can interact
with images directly by using the stylus.
&ome tablets are intended as a general replacement for a mouse as the primary pointing and
navigation device for des!top computers.
There have been many attempts to categori+e the technologies that have been used for graphics
tablets, some of which are listed below1
Passive tablets
Passive tablets, most notably those by 7acom, ma!e use of electromagnetic induction
technology, where the hori+ontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and
receiving coils (as opposed to the wires of the @AF% Tablet which only transmit). The tablet
generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by the #' circuit in the stylus. The wires
in the tablet then change to a receiving mode and read the signal generated by the stylus. /odern
arrangements also provide pressure sensitivity and one or more switches (similar to the buttons
on a mouse), with the electronics for this information present in the stylus itself, not the tablet. Cn
older tablets, changing the pressure on the stylus nib or pressing a switch changed the properties
of the #' circuit, affecting the signal generated by the pen, which modern ones often encode into
the signal as a digital data stream. <y using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to sense the
stylus position without the stylus having to even touch the surface, and powering the pen with this
signal means that devices used with the tablet never need batteries. Activslate >6, the model used
with Promethean #td white boards, also uses a hybrid of this technology.
Active tablets
Active tablets differ in that the stylus used contains self-powered electronics that generate and
transmit a signal to the tablet. These styli rely on an internal battery rather than the tablet for their
power, resulting in a bul!ier stylus. $liminating the need to power the pen means that such tablets
may listen for pen signals constantly, as they do not have to alternate between transmit and
receive modes, which can result in less "itter.
Cptical tablets
Cptical tablets operate by a very small digital camera in the stylus, and then doing pattern
matching on the image of the paper. The most successful eample is the technology developed by
Acoustic tablets
$arly models were described as spar! tabletsLa small sound generator was mounted in the
stylus, and the acoustic signal pic!ed up by two microphones placed near the writing surface.
&ome modern designs are able to read positions in three dimensions.
$lectromagnetic tablets
7acom's are one eample of a graphics tablet that wor!s by generating and detecting an
electromagnetic signal1 in the 7acom design, the signal is generated by the pen, and detected by a
grid of wires in the tablet. Cther designs such as those by Pencept generate a signal in the grid of
wires in the tablet, and detect it in the pen.
'apacitive tablets
These tablets have also been designed to use an electrostatic or capacitive signal. &criptel's
designs are one eample of a high-performance tablet detecting an electrostatic signal. :nli!e the
type of capacitive design used for touchscreens, the &criptel design is able to detect the position
of the pen while it is in proimity to, or hovering above, the tablet. /any multi-touch tablets use
capacitive sensing.
0or all these technologies, the tablet can use the received signal to also determine the distance of
the stylus from the surface of the tablet, the tilt (angle from vertical) of the stylus, and other
information in addition to the hori+ontal and vertical positions.
'ompared to touch-sensitive touchscreens, a graphics tablet generally offers much higher
precision, the ability to trac! an ob"ect which is not touching the tablet, and can gather much
more information about the stylus, but is typically more epensive, and can only be used with the
special stylus or other accessories.
&ome tablets, especially inepensive ones aimed at young children, come with a corded stylus,
using technology similar to older @AF% tablets, although this design is no longer used on any
normal tablets.
&a$let products
A 7acom Intuos2
A 7acom Mraphire = tablet
A Merber graphics tablet with
-D-button puc!
After styli, puc!s are the most commonly used tablet accessory. A puc! is a mouse-li!e device
that can detect its absolute position and rotation. This is opposed to mice, which can only sense
their relative velocity on a surface (most tablet drivers are capable of allowing a puc! to emulate
a mouse in operation, and many puc!s are mar!eted as "mice".) Puc!s range in si+e and shape,
some are eternally indistinguishable from a mouse, while others are fairly large device with
do+ens of buttons and controls. Professional puc!s often have a reticle or loupe which allows the
user to see the eact point on the tablet's surface targeted by the puc!, for detailed tracing and
'A% wor!.
#eneral uses
Mraphics tablets, because of their stylus-based interface and ability to detect some or all of
pressure, tilt, and other attributes of the stylus and its interaction with the tablet, are widely
considered to offer a very natural way to create computer graphics, especially two-dimensional
computer graphics. Indeed, many graphics pac!ages are able to ma!e use of the pressure (and,
sometimes, stylus tilt or rotation) information generated by a tablet, by modifying the brush si+e,
shape, opacity, color, or other attributes based on data received from the graphics tablet.
In $ast Asia, graphics tablets, or pen tablets as they are !nown, are widely used in con"unction
with input method editor software (I/$s) to write 'hinese, Oapanese, Gorean characters ('OG).
The technology is popular and inepensive and offers a method for interacting with the computer
in a more natural way than typing on the !eyboard, with the pen tablet supplanting the role of the
computer mouse. :pta!e of handwriting recognition among users that use alphabetic scripts has
been slower.
Mraphic Tablets are also very commonly found in the artistic world. :sing a pen on a graphics
tablet combined with a graphics editing program, such as Adobe Photoshop, give artists a lot of
precision while creating digital drawings. Photographers can also find wor!ing with a graphics
tablet during their post processing can really speed tas!s li!e creating a detailed layer mas! or
dodging and burning.
$ducators ma!e use of tablets in classrooms to pro"ect handwritten notes or lessons and allow
students to do the same, as well as providing feedbac! on student wor! submitted electronically.
Cnline teachers may also use a tablet for mar!ing student wor!, or for live tutorials or lessons,
especially where comple visual information or mathematics e*uations are re*uired.
Tablets are also popular for technical drawings and 'A%, as one can put a piece of paper on
them without interfering with their function.
0inally, tablets are gaining popularity as a replacement for the computer mouse as a pointing
device. They can be more intuitive to some users than a mouse, as the position of a pen on a
tablet typically corresponds to the location of the pointer on the M:I shown on the computer
screen. Those artists using a pen for graphics wor! will as a matter of convenience use a tablet
and pen for standard computer operations rather than put down the pen and find a mouse.
Mraphics tablets are available in various si+es and price rangesH AD-si+ed tablets being relatively
inepensive and A2-si+ed tablets being far more epensive. /odern tablets usually connect to
the computer via a :&< interface.
Light pen
Photo of the Bypertet $diting &ystem (B$&) console in use at <rown :niversity, circa Cctober -4D4.
The photo shows B$& on an I</ ;;>6 /od = display station, including lightpen and programmed
function !eyboard, channel coupled to <rown's I</ 2D6 mainframe.
A light pen is a computer input device in the form of a light-sensitive wand used in con"unction
with a computer's '@T TE set or monitor. It allows the user to point to displayed ob"ects, or
draw on the screen, in a similar way to a touch screen but with greater positional accuracy. It was
long thought that a light pen can wor! with any '@T-based display, but not with #'% screens
(though Toshiba and Bitachi displayed a similar idea at the "%isplay ;66D" show in Oapan
pro"ectors and other display devices. Bowever, in ;6-- 0airlight Instruments released its
0airlight '/I-26A, which uses a -8" #'% monitor with light pen control.
A light pen is fairly simple to implement. Oust li!e a light gun, a light pen wor!s by sensing the
sudden small change in brightness of a point on the screen when the electron gun refreshes that
spot. <y noting eactly where the scanning has reached at that moment, the K,Q position of the
pen can be resolved. This is usually achieved by the light pen causing an interrupt, at which point
the scan position can be read from a special register, or computed from a counter or timer. The
pen position is updated on every refresh of the screen.
The light pen became moderately popular during the early -456s. It was notable for its use in the
0airlight '/I, and the <<' /icro. I</ P' compatible 'MA, BM' and some $MA graphics
cards featured a connector for a light pen as well. $ven some consumer products were given light
pens, in particular the Thomson /C> computer family. <ecause the user was re*uired to hold his
or her arm in front of the screen for long periods of time or to use a des! that tilts the monitor,
the light pen fell out of use as a general purpose input device.
The first light pen was created around -4>; as part of the 7hirlwind pro"ect at /IT.
&ince the current version of the game show Jeopardy! began in -45=, contestants have used a
light pen to write down their wagers and responses for the Final Jeopardy! round.
&ince light pens operate by detecting light emitted by the screen phosphors, some non+ero
intensity level must be present at the coordinate position to be selected, otherwise the pen won't
be triggered.
A facsimile (from #atin fac simile, "made ali!e") is a copy or reproduction of an old boo!,
manuscript, map, art print, or other item of historical value that is as true to the original source as
possible. It differs from other forms of reproduction by attempting to replicate the source as
accurately as possible in terms of scale, color, condition, and other material *ualities. 0or boo!s
and manuscripts, this also entails a complete copy of all pagesH hence an incomplete copy is a
"partial facsimile". 0acsimiles are used, for eample, by scholars to research a source that they
do not have access to otherwise and by museums and archives for museum and media
preservation. /any are sold commercially, often accompanied by a volume of commentary. They
may be produced in limited editions, typically of >669;,666 copies, and cost the e*uivalent of a
few thousand :nited &tates dollars.
Facsimiles in the age of mechanical reproduction
Advances in the art of facsimile are closely related to advances in printma!ing. /aps, for
instance, were the focus of early eplorations in ma!ing facsimiles, although these eamples
often lac! the rigidity to the original source that is now epected. An early eample being the
Abraham Crtelius map (->45). Innovations during the -5th century, especially in the realms of
lithography and a*uatint saw an eplosion in the number of facsimiles after old master drawings
that could be studied from afar.
At the present time, facsimiles are generally made by the use of some form of photographic
techni*ue. 0or documents, a facsimile is most often referring to document reproduction by a
photocopy machine in modern times. In past times a techni*ue such as the photostat, hectograph,
or lithograph may have been used to create the facsimile. And in the digital age, an image
scanner, a personal computer, and a des!top printer can be used to ma!e a facsimile.
Facsimiles and conservation
Important illuminated manuscripts li!e #es TrRs @iches Beures du duc de <erry are not only on
display to the public as facsimiles, but now even scholars may only consult high-*uality copies.
Bowever, unli!e normal boo! reproduction processes, facsimiles remain truer to the original
colorsLwhich is especially important for illuminated manuscriptsLas well as defects.
0acsimiles are best suited to printed or hand-written documents, and not to items such as three
dimensional ob"ects or oil paintings with uni*ue surface teture. @eproductions of those latter
ob"ects are often referred to as replicas.
+A" &O !R),)(& !RO*L)M
-. 7hen removing a paper "am always remove the paper out the way it travels through the paper
path. Fever "yan!" the paper out. @eplace parts and service items when called for. @eplace your
o+one filters regularly, if re*uired. If cleaning "wands" are supplied and re*uired with toners use
them. Bave the unit cleaned regularly. :se a surge protector on the power line and the PBCF$
#IF$, not "ust a power strip. /any supplies of recycled products and generic products are very
good and can save a great deal of money. Gnow your suppliers, don't buy printed paper, toners
and supplies from those you can't count on.
LI() O( &-) !A#)
-. If you are receiving faes with lines on them, the problem could be in the sending fa. To
test the problem, run a copy of something in your fa. If it comes out the way the original
is, the problem is with the senders machine. Fotify them of the problem, many times we
don't !now there is a problem if we are not told. If the difficulty shows up in your copy it
could come from several sources. /ost of the time it is the problem of a foreign
substance being on the scanner glass. In! and white out are the largest offenders. 'lean
the glass with a soft cloth and mild cleanser, do not spray the cleanser on the machine. If
the problem is not on the glass then the problem may be on the white set bar, on the top
side of the scanner glass. This could be covered with in!, or pencil mar!s from the users
being careless. 'lean this in the same manor. If the problem persist the problem can be in
the imaging unit. If you have a cartridge type fa, change the cartridge. This could solve
your problem, if it does the supplier should replace the cartridge for you. $specially if it
is a recycled cartridge, recyclers often stand behind their products better than other
resellers. If the facsimile is a multi-component system (drum, toner, developer, each
separate) this ma!es problem solving more difficult. There are more things to go wrong.
Toner is usually not the problem. If there is a line, sometimes large, going down the page.
This is usually a drum blade problem and the drum unit usually re*uires replacement. If a
toner cartridge try replacing the cartridge to correct the problem. 0users can cause mar!s
on the page also. They normally leave lines down the page. This is a technician re*uired
problem. If your can't correct this problem call us and we will chec! out the machine and
correct the problem for you.
!O& O( &-) !A#)
-. If the page has spots li!e toner is being "dropped" on the page the problem is usually the
developer unit. The developer unit is seldom able to be rebuilt, and should be replaced. If the
spots are repeating down the page there could be a defect on the drum. &cratch from a foreign
ob"ect or the drum has a "ping" that may be a manufacturers defect. These are often not warranted
due to them being so fragile. This could be a duty machine also and we do have a service
-. The main causes of the print being duplicated in areas where they are not wanted is the fuser
assembly. An improper combination of toner and drum in a toner cartridge could also be the
problem. There have been cases where the manufacturer of the machine have produced a faulty
part in the fusers and this has caused a problem. These have not been corrected by the
manufacturer in many cases because of the machines being out of warranty when the problem
finally occurs. :sing a paper that has a thermal in! (letterhead) can cause the image to be
transferred to the rest of the page. &ome printers are not aware of your applications and can use
the wrong in!s and cause problems. If the problem is persistent we can diagnose the problem and
guide you to a solution.
LI() ACRO &-) !A#)
-. The waste toner area could be full. @eplace or empty and clean the waste hopper. A bad
connection between the imaging unit and the machine could cause this. 'lean the connections
with a dry cloth or towel. The toner cartridge can be defective or have a bad drum connection,
replace the toner cartridge, it may clear the problem.
-. If you have light lines on a page or voided areas this is caused by a lac! of toner on the drum.
Insure you have toner and it is getting to the drum. Another problem may be the drum is no
longer able to accept the charge to hold the toner. This means you may have to replace the drum
unit. If your unit is an in!"et style fa the use unit or lac! of use can cause image problems. The
in! could be empty or the in! print head could be clogged from too little use. /any times the
problems is not with the machine or its parts at all, but the paper. Paper does absorb moisture, and
the toner can't print on moisture. These are usually seen as light spots on the paper. About a half
inch round and over a large area. If you are not sure put new paper in the unit and see if that
corrects the problem. &tore your paper in a dry place. If you don't have time to deal with these
problems call us, we can help.
DAR. !A#)
-. This could be the density is set too dar!, try to lighten the image. /ost plain paper fa machines
have a density control. The %rum may be near its "life" and could be causing an image problem.
<ad Toner can be a problem, some after mar!et toners are much dar!er than those of the machine
ma!er and can be much dar!er than what you are use to. Try to ad"ust the density to compensate.
If the problem continues contact your supplier. The toner cartridge could have a problem, replace
it to see if that corrects the problem. If it does clear the problem notify that supplier. Qour fa
could have dirty internal lenses, paper path, connections and mirrors that should be cleaned
professionally. If done improperly it could damage the machine. 7e can do it @ight.
+RI(.L" !A#)
-. 7orn feed and eit rollers can cause the paper to wrin!le, call a technician. A fuser assembly is
good for sity to a hundred thousand pages after that they can fail easily. 'all a technician.
/oisture in pages can cause wrin!les, replace the paper. 7orn paper trays can also cause "ams
allowing the paper to feed at an angle.
!A!)R /AM
-. /oisture in paper or improper paper (chec! stoc!, slic! paper) often cause "ams. A dirty machine
with paper dust can cause a "amming problem. 7ipe the feed tires and the interior of the machine
with a cloth to try and correct the problems. 7orn paper path, worn fuser assembly, worn gears,
worn feed and eit tires, bad sensors, all cause "amming and re*uire a technician.
-. If your unit has a toner cartridge, replace it to see if the noise goes way, if not and it is very
annoying call a technician. /ost other noises are corrected only by a technician. They could be
fans, gears, tires, electrical components, or even body parts.
O&-)R !RO*L)M
-. The phone won't answer, often the phone line from the wall to the machine is not put into the
proper place in the fa. The phone won't receive a fa but does ring chec! the line in to the
machine the line from the wall is probably not in the correct port, The machine won't come on
chec! the plug and connection, insure it is closed, that the toner and components are installed. If
these simple things doesn't correct the problems there could be many internal and electronic
problems that re*uire repair.

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