Advertising Portal For Product Promotion

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Advertising portal

for product promotion

The project report submitted in Partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Award of
Master of Computer Applicatios
<<University name>>
<College Name><Place> 1
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Organization Profile
Purpose Of The Project
Evaluation of eisting s!stem
Propose" #olution to these Problems
Software Requirements Specification
$eatures of propose" s!stem%$unctional &e'uirements ()se Cases in Table
Non $unctional re'uirements an" constraints
#oft+are #cope
Pro"uct perspective
,ar"+are an" #oft+are &e'uirements
System Definition/ Analysis (High Leel Design!
#!stem Architecture
o Architecture representation
o Architecture -escription
-etaile" -escription of .o"ules
)ser Classes an" Characteristics
Activit! -iagram
#e'uence -iagram
Object -iagram
#oft+are #election
/iterature #urve!
Detail Design (Low Leel Design!
E& -iagram
-ata 0ase -esign
Class -esign
"utput Screens
<College Name><Place> 1
Advertising portal
for product promotion
System #esting and Implementation
#trategic approach to soft+are testing
Test Cases
Test Eecution &esults
$uture %nhancements
<College Name><Place> 3
Advertising portal
for product promotion

<College Name><Place> 4
Advertising portal
for product promotion

() #itle of the pro*ect+ Adertising portal for product promotion
,) Domain+ Adertising
-) .ro*ect Architecture5 36Tire architecture
/) SDLC methodologies+ 7aterfall mo"el
A'stract of the pro*ect+
The A&'ertisi( portal for pro&uct promotio
provides a complete ready to run fully customi!able "eb site for
listin# and mana#in# classified advertisements$ Advertisin# portal
for product promotion is a web based project users can interact
with the web server with any browsers available li%e &nternet
'(plorer and )o!illa *ire *o($ +ac%end ,atabase is -./ server
which can be connected with *rontend usin# middle layer
A,O$0'T AP& pro#rammin#$ *ollowin# are some of the features in
various modules$ This project will have )aster pa#es and Themin#
concepts to ma%e this project hi#hly user friendly and dynamic
Pro)ect mo&ules*
Post an Ad
Profile )ana#ement
<College Name><Place> 8
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Mo&ules O'er'ie+

Aut,eticatio Mo&ule is used for user authentication
li%e lo#in and lo# out$ +ased on the lo#in credentials of the
user permissions will be assi#ned to the user to access
different pa#es$
A&miistrator Mo&ule is used for
modify any ad in the 1lassifieds -ite
mana#e activated and deleted ads
create modify and delete cate#ories
create and delete locations
mana#e site settin#s
Post a A& Mo&ule is used for post an Advertisement
for a wanted item or an item for sale$ Re#istered and
unre#istered users can browse all ads and respond to them$
"hen you post an ad you specify characteristics of the ad
includin# the cate#ory the ad is in the title of the ad the
description of the ad a price and a location$ Additionally you
can include photos for an ad$
Profile Maa(emet Mo&ule can be used for every
re#istered user can customi!e his profile and cate#ori!ed
advertisements into different cate#ories and mana#e your
active and inactive ads your saved boo%mar%s and your
profile characteristics
Searc,i( Mo&ule develops two levels of search$
-imple search and Advanced -earch$ &n -imple search we can
search different types of Ads based on 1ate#ories and
Advanced search we can search Ads with options 1ate#ory
-earch Term )a(imum Price /ocation ,ate -how$
<College Name><Place> 9
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Posti( A&s
As a re#istered user of the 1lassifieds -ite you can post for
a wanted item or an item for sale$ Re#istered and unre#istered
users can browse all ads and respond to them$ "hen you post an
ad you specify characteristics of the ad includin# the cate#ory the
ad is in the title of the ad the description of the ad price and
location$ Additionally you can include photos for an advertise$
0) 1eywords+
2eneric #echnology 1eywords+ -atabases: )ser 2nterface:
Specific #echnology 1eywords+ A#P;Net: C<;Net: .# #=/ #erver
.ro*ect #ype 1eywords+ Anal!sis: -esign: 2mplementation:
SDLC 1eywords5 Presentation: 0usiness: -ata Access /a!ers
3) %nironment+
"perating System Serer+ 4 .icrosoft 7in"o+s
1>>> or ,igher
Data &ase Serer+ .icrosoft #=/ #erver 1>>>%1>>8
Clients+ .icrosoft 2nternet Eplorer: .ozilla $irefo
#ools+ .icrosoft ?isual #tu"io ;Net
5ser Interface+ A#P;NET +ith A@AA
Code &ehind+ ?C<; NET
<College Name><Place> B
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Or(ai-atioal Profile
IST. Solutios P't/Lt& is a premier custom software
development and Testin# consultin# company committed to
developin# effective software solutions with tan#ible results$ &-T.
-olutions is well established and ideas2driven &T 1ompany where
wor% is inspired by out2of2bo( ideas and driven by professional
mana#ement$ &-T. has built a stron# team with hundreds of
software developers test en#ineers documentation specialists
Project mana#ers and service delivery e(perts$ &-T.3s
mana#ement team has vast e(perience in software ,esi#n
,evelopment and Testin# of lar#e comple( systems$
Our Stre(t,s*
'(perienced )ana#erial Team
-%illed Technical Resources
Ability to respond immediately and effectively to clients$
/ow consultant turnover rate which avoids mid2project
personnel chan#es$
-tron# *ocus on Technolo#y and ,omain
-tandard 1ompliant infrastructure
4i#hly 1ompetitive pricin# model
1omprehensive internal employee trainin# pro#ram
<College Name><Place> C
Advertising portal
for product promotion
As a leadin# software development and consultin# company we
have proven our ability to develop quality custom applications
that achieve our clients5 specific business #oals$ "ith a focus on
quality time bound delivery schedules and cost2effective offshore
software development6 our software consultin# services have
repeatedly earned our clients5 satisfaction and trust$ Our e(pertise
in providin# reliable offshore software development project
mana#ement s%ills has always translated our clients5 business
#oals into business solutions that have #iven them a cut above
the rest$ Our #lobal software outsourcin# model ensures hi#h
performance and often e(ceeds e(pected result$
&-T. -olutions is to #row as world3s leadin# quality solutions
provider throu#h state2of2the2art services 7 innovation and to
establish lastin# and mutually beneficial relationships$ "e have
built our entire business on this #oal and it has helped us to
persevere and provide our customers with quality service and
satisfaction$ &-T. solutions a company that committed to success
by offerin# our associates facilitators8 trainers and employees the
full opportunity to pursue and achieve their individual #oals$ "e
believe our associates facilitators8 trainers and employees are
the most valuable resource of our company$
"e at &-T. reali!e that trust is somethin# sacred that is
earned throu#h hard wor% and deliverin# on promises and we
treasure the trust of our team members and our clients$ -i!e
structure and #rowth 2 all these will affect our culture and
therefore our core fundamentals of trust is somethin# we will
%eep revisitin# to ensure that we %eep true to the basic creed$
<College Name><Place> D
Advertising portal
for product promotion
1lient focus is more than an aspiration$ "e invest both time and
effort in buildin# closer relationships with our clients
understandin# their businesses their ambitions and their people$
"e are proud of our clients and their accomplishments and
pleased to profile some of them here$ 9All appear with
permission$: Our e(perience with these clients has tau#ht us how
unique the needs of individual companies really are$
1 -onata software
1 Oracle
3 &00O;'
4 +lue -tar
8 -un )icro -ystems
9 Perote -ystems
B -<
De'elopmet Ser'ices*
IST. Solutios performs all sta#es of custom software
development process from requirements definition project
analysis and plannin# throu#h software construction and user
documentation to .A trainin#s and maintenance$ ,elivered
throu#h a project2based model or throu#h ,edicated
,evelopment 1enters &-T. -olutions &nte#rated custom software
<College Name><Place> 1>
Advertising portal
for product promotion
development services can be provided off2shore and8or on2
&-T. -olutions creates world2class technolo#y solutions for
software enterprise and online business customers$ "e use
innovative en#a#ement and process models that are custom2
desi#ned to meet client2specific needs and balance a hi#h2level
business view with close attention to details durin# project
e(ecution$ *rom proprietary framewor%s to open source
components we levera#e best2of2breed technolo#y to provide the
#reatest advanta#e to you$
Tec,ical E0pertise*
1 =ava 8 =>'' '(pertise
1 /A)P 9/inu( Apache )y-./ P4P8Perl:
3 1 c??;1??
4 )ultimedia Tools
8 ,atabase '(pertise
9 "ireless 7 )obile Applications
Domai E0pertise*
1 +an%in#*inance-ecurities and &nsurance9+*-&:
1 1orporate and Retail +an%in#
3 A)/9Anti )oney /aunderin#:
4 R)9Operational Ris% )ana#ement:
8 1redit 1ard
9 &nvestment +an%in#
B ,ata )ana#ement for +asel &&
<College Name><Place> 11
Advertising portal
for product promotion
C -upply 1hain )ana#ement
D 4ealth 1are
1> 'ducation
11 'RP
11 1R)
Technovations located on Route @>A in +oston speciali!es
in performance mana#ement of computer systems$ Technovations
is a privately held company with several world2wide development
locations and service centers$ Apart from licensin# our
performance products and deliverin# performance oriented
services to customers Technovations also partner with leadin#
service providers to deliver our technolo#y to end users$
Tec,o'atios Pro&ucts
Technovations provides products and services to address
Performance )ana#ement of applications$
Technovations products address all B challen#es of Performance
)ana#ement 9/oad Testin# Analysis ,elivery and )onitorin#:$
Technovations render our products to address B broad technolo#y
needs today$
"eb and e21ommerce
Relational ,atabases
/otus 0otes8,omino
&nternet )essa#in#
<College Name><Place> 11
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Technovations products span all B Performance )ana#ement
areas9facilitatin# total Performance )ana#ement:C
Performance and /oad testin#
Performance and +ottlenec% Analysis
Performance )onitorin# and
Performance ,elivery$
Technovations products are rendered to meet the demands of B
functional areas which span the breadth of popular application
paradi#ms used by our customers$
"eb and &nternet 1ommerce
/otus 0otes and /otus ,omino
Relational ,atabases
&nternet )essa#in# 9POPD -)TP &)AP and 00TP:
Pro)ect Descriptio
The Advertisin# portal for product promotion provides a
complete ready to run fully customi!able "eb site for listin# and
mana#in# classified advertisements$ Advertisin# portal for product
promotion is a web based project users can interact with the web
server with any browsers available li%e &nternet '(plorer and
)o!illa *ire *o($ +ac%end ,atabase is -./ server which can be
connected with *rontend usin# middle layer A,O$0'T AP&
pro#rammin# $ *ollowin# are some of the features in various
modules$ This project will have )aster pa#es and Themin#
concepts to ma%e this project hi#hly user friendly and dynamic
<College Name><Place> 13
Advertising portal
for product promotion
E0isti( S"stem
,ue to "orld "ide "eb revolution now a days most
percenta#e of the users are dependin# on internet to search any
%ind of information they require$ This is from daily news to any
other information li%e technolo#y updates health tips doctor5s
info search and appointment products promotion etcE This
shifted the business from traditional paper advertisement to
online advertisements$ There is no wonder to say that daily online
advertisements business is touchin# millions of dollars$ )any bi#
software #iants li%e <oo#le Fahoo are #ivin# hu#e importance to
online advertisin#$ )ost of the websites desi#ned today are
%eepin# some space aside for online advertisin# and this has
ta%en an important step in every commercial websites we are
usin# in recent days$
Dra+%ac1s of t,e e0isti( s"stemC
/ot of time is wasted in loo%in# out advertisements$
1annot view various newspapers journals etc at a time$
&t is a very time consumin# process$
At a time advertiser cannot upload his advertisements$
Propose& S"stem
Advertisin# portal for product promotion is a website which
provides you a quic% reference of any type of advertisement you
are loo%in# for or a space to upload your Advertisements$ The
important facilities the website provides the users are$
<College Name><Place> 14
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Searc,i( for A&s/ Allow users to search and respond to
Posti( a& Maa(i( A&s/ Allow re#istered users to post
and mana#e ads$
Cofi(uri( Site/ Allow administrators to mana#e site
Visitor Pri'ile(es
Anyone 9not
lo##ed in:
)ay view and respond to ads$
/o##ed in
)ay additionally post and mana#e ads and maintain a
list of boo%mar%ed ads$
/o##ed in as
)ay additionally edit all ads and classified cate#ories
locations #eneral site settin#s and activations and
A&mi Features
)onitors the website$
1an provide different access permissions for different
Profile )ana#ement
All advertisements will be advertised only after the
approval of Admin$
Admin has the complete authority on the website$
User Features
User can search for any type of advertisements$
Users can /o#in and e(tract all the benefits of the site$
Re#istered user can upload any advertisements if he
<College Name><Place> 18
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Re#istered user can meet his demands from the
Post an Ad
Profile )ana#ement
Mo&ules O'er'ie+

Aut,eticatio Mo&ule is used for user authentication
li%e lo#in and lo# out$ +ased on the lo#in credentials of the
user permissions will be assi#ned to the user to access
different pa#es$
A&miistrator Mo&ule is used for
modify any ad in the 1lassifieds -ite
mana#e activated and deleted ads
create modify and delete cate#ories
create and delete locations
mana#e site settin#s
Post a A& Mo&ule is used for post an Advertisement
for a wanted item or an item for sale$ Re#istered and
unre#istered users can browse all ads and respond to them$
"hen you post an ad you specify characteristics of the ad
includin# the cate#ory the ad is in the title of the ad the
description of the ad a price and a location$ Additionally you
can include photos for an ad$
Profile Maa(emet Mo&ule can be used for every
re#istered user can customi!e his profile and cate#ori!ed
advertisements into different cate#ories and mana#e your
<College Name><Place> 19
Advertising portal
for product promotion
active and inactive ads your saved boo%mar%s and your
profile characteristics

Searc,i( Mo&ule develops two levels of search$ -imple
search and Advanced -earch$ &n -imple search we can search
different types of Ads based on 1ate#ories and Advanced
search we can search Ads with options 1ate#ory -earch Term
)a(imum Price /ocation ,ate -how$
Posti( A&s
As a re#istered user of the 1lassifieds -ite you can post for
a wanted item or an item for sale$ Re#istered and unre#istered
users can browse all ads and respond to them$ "hen you post an
ad you specify characteristics of the ad includin# the cate#ory the
ad is in the title of the ad the description of the ad price and
location$ Additionally you can include photos for an ad$
To create an ad
@$ /o# in to the site as a re#istered user$
>$ &n the top navi#ation bar clic% on the Post a A& lin%$
D$ -elect the cate#ory in which you will place the ad$
B$ 1lic% on the Ne0t button$
G$ 'nter the characteristics of the ad$ *or both For Sale and
2ate& ad types the required fields are Title Descriptio
Price and Locatio$
H$ 1lic% the Fiis, button when you are ready to submit the ad$
To upload a photo for an ad immediately after creatin# it
@$ After you clic%ed the Fiis, button for an ad clic% the Uploa&
P,otos for "our A& o+ lin%$
<College Name><Place> 1B
Advertising portal
for product promotion
>$ &n the Maa(e P,otos section clic% !ro+se to select the ima#e
to upload$
D$ 1lic% Uploa&$
B$ Repeat steps > throu#h D for any additional photos you wish to
To upload a photo for an e(istin# ad
@$ /o# in to the site as a re#istered user$
>$ &n the top navi#ation bar clic% M" A&s 3 Profile$
D$ &n the M" Curret A&s section clic% the Picture lin% of the ad
you wish to upload pictures to$
B$ 1lic% the Maa(e P,otos lin% in the Actios section of the pa#e$
G$ &n the Maa(e P,otos section clic% !ro+se to select the ima#e
to upload$
H$ 1lic% Uploa&$
I$ Repeat steps G throu#h H for any additional photos you wish to
Maa(i( 4our A&s a& Profile
The 1lassified 1orner site allows user to mana#e their
active and inactive ads their saved boo%mar%s and their profile
characteristics$ Profile characteristics include first name last
name email and password$
To chan#e your profile
@$ /o#in to the site as a re#istered user$
>$ &n the top navi#ation bar clic% on the M" A&s 3 Profile lin%$
<College Name><Place> 1C
Advertising portal
for product promotion
D$ 1lic% on the M" Profile lin%$
B$ Four profile information consists ofC
a$ *irst name last name and email$
b$ Password$
G$ To chan#e your first name last name or email
a$ 1han#e the appropriate te(t bo($
b$ 1lic% the -ave button to commit the chan#es$
H$ To chan#e your password
a$ 'nter your e(istin# password new password and
confirmation in the appropriate te(t bo(es$
b$ 1lic% the C,a(e Pass+or& button to chan#e the
To remove boo%mar%s
@$ /o#in to the site as a re#istered user$
>$ &n the top navi#ation bar clic% on the M" A&s 3
Profile lin%$
D$ 1lic% on the Sa'e& !oo1mar1s lin%$
B$ 1lic% the the Remo'e lin% of a boo%mar%ed ad you wish to
remove from the boo%mar% list$
Site A&miistratio
The 1lassifieds -ite includes an administration feature users in the
administrators role can use to perform administrative tas%s
modify any ad in the 1lassifieds -ite
mana#e activated and deleted ads
<College Name><Place> 1D
Advertising portal
for product promotion
create modify and delete cate#ories
create and delete locations
mana#e site settin#s
The site settin#s are the business lo#ic of the 1lassified -ite$ The
settin#s are mana#ed usin# the "eb form -ettin#s$asp( pa#e and
stored in the site2confi#$(ml file in the AppJ,ata folder$ The site
settin#s includeC
"hether ads require validation before appearin# on the
0umber of days an ad remains active
"hether users are allowed to edit their ads
4ow ads are treated when a user removes an ad
)a(imum number of photos that can be associated
with an ad
"hether to notify the administrative contact email
when new ads are posted and at what frequency
"hether to store photos in a database or in a directory
0ame of the site that is ad response and notification
-ite contact email
-)TP host name
To create a cate(or"
@$ /o# in to the site as an administrator$
>$ &n the top navi#ation bar clic% the Site
A&miistratio lin%$
<College Name><Place> 1>
Advertising portal
for product promotion
D$ 1lic% the Maa(e Cate(ories lin%$
B$ -elect the cate#ory that will be the parent cate#ory of
the new cate#ory$ 1lic% a cate#ory name in the Su%5
Cate(ories list bo( to drill down into that cate#ory$
G$ Type in a name for the cate#ory in the A&& Su%5
Cate(or" te(t bo($
H$ 1lic% the A&& button to add the new cate#ory$
To maa(e site setti(s
@$ /o# in to the site as an Administrator$
>$ &n the top navi#ation bar clic% the Site A&miistratio
D$ 1lic% the Maa(e Setti(s lin%$
B$ 1han#e settin#s as needed$
G$ 1lic% the Up&ate button$ The site2confi#$(ml file is
updated as well as the copy of the settin#s stored as an
application object$
<College Name><Place> 11
Advertising portal
for product promotion
7ar&+are Re8uiremets*
Processor C Pentium2&;
Ram C >GH )+ )&0&)U)
4ard ,is% C > <+ )inimum
Processor speed C >$H <4!
Soft+are Specificatios*
/an#ua#e C 1K$0et$
Technolo#ies C A-P$0et$
"eb Authorin# Tool C 4T)/$
-erver C &&-$
&,' C ;isual -tudio $0et
,atabase C -ql -erver$
<College Name><Place> 11
Advertising portal
for product promotion
4ere & am usin# =A1O+-O0 )'T4,O/O<&'- to
develop the proposed system$

&n @LAH +OO14 developed the Object Oriented
,esi#n concept is called as +OOT14 )'T4O,$ &t covers both
analysis and ,esi#n phases of the Object Oriented -ystem The
+OOT14 )'T4O, consists o followin# dia#ramsC
1 1lass dia#rams
1 Object dia#rams
3 -tate transition dia#ram
4 )odule dia#ram
8 Process dia#ram
9 &nteraction dia#ram
+OOT14 used the lar#e set of symbols$ 'ven thou#h
+OOT14 defines a lot of symbols to document almost every
desi#n decision if we wor% with his method you will notice that
you never use all these symbols and dia#rams This is this main
draw bac% of the +OOT14 )'T4O,$
<College Name><Place> 13
Advertising portal
for product promotion
&n @LL@ =im Raumbau#h develop the O)T 9Object
)odelin# Technique: with the help of his team &t covers analysis
,esi#n and implementation of the system$
O)T separates )odelin# into three different partsC
1 Object )odel
Presented by the Object )odel and the data
1 ,ynamic model
Presented by the -tate dia#rams and 'vent
flow dia#rams$
3 *unctional )odel
Presented by ,ata flow and constraints$
There is no traceability in the different phases both
forward and bac% ward6 this is the main disadvanta#e of the O)T$
&n order to avoid the problems faced in the above
two models =A1O+-O0 invented the one model called as the
=A1O+-O0 )'T4,O/O<&'- 9Object Oriented -oftware
'n#ineerin#:$ &t will cover the entire life cycle and stress
tractability between different phases Mboth forward and bac%
ward Additionally he invented the Use case dia#rams these
dia#rams are necessary to understandin# system requirement$ &t
captures the #oal of the system$ &t is used to identify the Use
cases and '(ternal users 9e(ternal users are the users who
interact with our system to complete the bu#:
<College Name><Place> 14
Advertising portal
for product promotion
=A1O+-O0 )'T4,O/O<&'- 9Object Oriented
-oftware 'n#ineerin#: OO-' cover the 'ntire life cycle and stress
trace ability between the different phases both forward and
bac%ward$ And Use case dia#rams these dia#rams are necessary
to understandin# system requirement$ &t captures the #oal of the
system$ &t is used to identify the U-' 1A-'- and '(ternal users
9e(ternal users are the users who interact with our system to
complete the bu#:
The Use case ,escription must contain
4 4O" and "4'0 the use case be#ins and ends$
8 The interaction between the use case and its actors
includin# "4'0 the interaction occurs and "4AT is
9 4O" and "4'0 the use case will need data stored in
the system or will store data in the system$
B 'N1'PT&O0 TO T4' flow of events$
C 4O" and "4'0 concepts of the problem domain are
+y usin# the use case model we will find
the '(ternal users '(ternal users are the users who
<College Name><Place> 18
Advertising portal
for product promotion
will interact with our system to complete the bu#$
'very sin#le use case should describe one main flow
of events$ An e(ceptional additional flow of events
could be added$
Object oriented software en#ineerin# also
called as the objectory$ &t is build around several
1 U-' 1A-' )O,'/C The use2case model defines
the outside 9actor: and inside 9use case: of the
systems behavior$
1 ,O)A&0 O+='1T )O,'/C The objects of the
OrealP world are mapped in to the main object
3 A0A/F-- O+='1T )O,'/C The analysis object
model presents how the source code
9implementation: is carried out and written$
4 &)P/&)'0TATO0 )O,'/C The implementation
model represents the implementation of the
<College Name><Place> 19
Advertising portal
for product promotion
8 T'-T )O,'/C The test model constitutes the
test plan specification and reports$
=A1O+-O0 )'T4,O/O<F consists o followin# dia#ramsC
B Use case ,ia#rams
C U)/ activity dia#ram
D U)/ use 1ase ,ia#ram
1> -equence dia#rams
11 1lass dia#rams
11 +usiness class dia#rams
Use case Dia(rams*
A use case describes a sequence of actions that
provide somethin# of measurable value to an actor and is
drawn as a hori!ontal ellipse
An actor is a person or#ani!ation or e(ternal system that plays
a role in one or more interactions with your system$
UML acti'it" &ia(ram*
Activity dia#rams are used to document
wor%flows in a system from the business level down to the
operational level$ "hen loo%in# at an Activity dia#ram you3ll
notice elements from state dia#ram the Activity dia#ram is a
variation of the state dia#ram where the QstatesQ represent
<College Name><Place> 1B
Advertising portal
for product promotion
operations and the transitions represent the activities that
happen when the operation is complete$ The #eneral purpose of
Activity dia#rams is to focus on flows driven by internal
processin# vs$ e(ternal events$
Activity dia#ram for lo#inC
<College Name><Place> 1C
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Actiity diagram for postadd+
<College Name><Place> 1D
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Se8uece &ia(rams*
U)/ sequence dia#rams model the flow of lo#ic within
your system in a visual manner enablin# you both to document
and validate your lo#ic and are commonly used for both analysis
and desi#n purposes$ -equence dia#rams are the most popular
U)/ artifacts for dynamic modelin# which focuses on identifyin#
the behavior within your system$
-equence dia#ram for lo#inC
<College Name><Place> 3>
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-equence dia#ram for postaddC
Class &ia(ramsC
A class dia#ram describes the static structure of the
symbols in your new system$ &t is a #raphic presentation of the
static view that shows a collection of declarative 9static: model
elements such as classes types and their contents and
relationships$ 1lasses are arran#ed in hierarchies sharin# common
structure and behavior and are associated with other classes
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An actor is a person or#ani!ation or e(ternal system
that plays a role in one or more interactions with your system$
Actors are drawn as stic% fi#ures Actors are used to interactin#
with the system to performance complete the bu#$ A use case is a
set of scenarios that describin# an interaction between a user and
a system$ A use case dia#ram displays the relationship amon#
actors and use cases$ The two main components of a use case
dia#ram are use cases and actors$
Use cases/
A use case describes a sequence of actions that
provide somethin# of measurable value to an actor and is drawn
as a hori!ontal ellipse
A use case is an e(ternal view of the system that represents some
action the user mi#ht perform in order to complete a bu#$
I&etif"i( t,e actors*

"ho are usin# the system is to identify the actors$
The term actor represents the role use plays wit respect to the
system$ "hen dealin# with actors it is important to thin% roles
rather tan people or job titles$ A user may play mare more than
one role$ Fou have to identify the actors and understand how they
will use and interact with the system$
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The term actors represent the role user plays$ Theses are
different actors are used in the
Re#istered user
Unre#istered user
@$ Administration
>$ Post An Ad
D$ Profile )ana#ement
B$ -earchin#
4ow the actors are interactin# with the systemC
&f there are interactions between the actors in your system you
cannot represent those interactions on the same dia#ram as your
system$ "hat you can do instead is draw a separate U1, treatin#
one of the actors itself as a system and your ori#inal system
9alon# with the other actors: as actors on this new dia#ram$
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The usage of use case "iagram inclu"es5
-escribes the behavior of a s!stem from a userEs stan"point
Provi"es functional "escription of a s!stem an" its major processes;
Provi"es graphic "escription of the users of a s!stem an" +hat Fin"s of
interactions to epect +ithin that s!stem
-ispla!s the "etails of the processes that occur +ithin the application area
A use case is a set of scenarios that "escribing an interaction bet+een a user
an" a s!stem;
A use case "iagram "ispla!s the relationship among actors an" use cases; The t+o main
components of a use case "iagram are use cases an" actors; 7hich actors specif! the
represents the role a user pla!s +ith respect to the s!stem; 2n the case of a ne+ s!stem +ho
+ill be using the s!stem; 2 liFe to start b! i"entif!ing as man! actors as possible; Gou
shoul" asF ho+ the actors interact +ith the s!stem to i"entif! an initial set of use cases;
Then: on the "iagram: !ou connect the actors +ith the use cases +ith +hich the! are
involve"; 2f actor supplies information: initiates the use case: or receives an! information
as a result of the use case: then there shoul" be an association bet+een them; 2 generall!
"onHt inclu"e arro+hea"s on the association lines because m! eperience is that people
confuse them for in"ications of information flo+: not initial invocation; As 2 begin to
notice similarities bet+een use cases: or bet+een actors
5se Cases
)se Case 2-5 CC>1
)se Case Name5 A-.2N2#T&AT2ON
Actors5 A"ministrator
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-escription5 A"ministrator can
mo"if! an! a" in the Classifie"s #ite
manage activate" an" "elete" a"s
create: mo"if!: an" "elete categories
create an" "elete locations
manage site settings
Precon"itions5 A"ministrator must be logge" in to a"min site +ith vali" username an"
Normal $lo+5 1; /og in to the site as an A"ministrator;
1; 2n the top navigation bar: clicF the Site Administration linF;
3; ClicF the 6anage Settings linF;
4; Change settings as nee"e";
8; ClicF the 5pdate button; The site6config;ml file is up"ate" as +ell as
the cop! of the settings store" as an application object;
Eceptions5 1; After performing all the up"ations nee"e" an" a"ministrator "oes not
clicF submit the up"ations "one +ont be "ispla!e" in the site;
Priorit!5 ,igh
$re'uenc! of )se5 ,igh
."S# A7 AD
)se Case 2-5 CC>1
)se Case Name5 PO#TIANIA-
Actors5 &egistere" )ser
-escription5 A registere" user of the Classifie"s #ite can post for a +ante" item or an
item for sale; An! users can bro+se all a"s an" respon" to them; 7hen
!ou post an a": !ou specif! characteristics of the a" inclu"ing the categor!
the a" is in: the title of the a": the "escription of the a": price: an"
Precon"itions5 )ser must be logge" in to a"min site +ith vali" username an" pass+or";
Normal $lo+5 /o1; /og in to the site as a registere" user;
<College Name><Place> 38
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1; 1; 2n the top navigation bar: clicF on the .ost an Ad linF;
3; 3; #elect the categor! in +hich !ou +ill place the a";
4; 4; ClicF on the 7e8t button;
8; 8; Enter the characteristics of the a"; $or both $or Sale an" 9anted a"
t!pes: the re'uire" fiel"s are #itle: Description: .rice: an" Location;
9; ClicF the $inish button +hen !ou are rea"! to submit the a";
Priorit!5 ,igh
$re'uenc! of )se5 ,igh
.R"$IL% 6A7A2%6%7#
)se Case 2-5 CC>3
)se Case Name5 P&O$2/EI.ANAJE.ENT
Actors5 &egistere" )ser
-escription5 &egistere" users are allo+e" to their save" booFmarFs: an" their
profile characteristics;
Precon"itions5 )ser must be logge" in to the site +ith vali" username an"
<College Name><Place> 39
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Normal $lo+5 To save booFmarFs
1; /ogin to the site as a registere" user;
1; 2n the top navigation bar clicF on the
6y Ads : .rofile linF;
3; ClicF on the Saed &oo;mar;s linF;
To change !our profile
1; /ogin to the site as a registere" user;
1; 1; 2n the top navigation bar clicF on the
6y Ads : .rofile linF;
3; ClicF on the 6y .rofile linF;
4; 2n that page user can mo"if! his profile if he +ants;
Priorit!5 ,igh
$re'uenc! of )se5 ,igh
)se Case 2-5 CC>4
)se Case Name5 #EA&C,2NJ
Actors5 &egistere" user or unregistere" user
-escription5 #earch can be "one accor"ing to the nee" of the user ;To enable user
to get the eact a" +hich he nee"s Classifie" corner uses 1 t!pes of
search; #imple search an" A"vance" #earch; 2n #imple search +e can
search "ifferent t!pes of A"s base" on Categories an" A"vance"
search +e can search A"s +ith options Categor!: #earch Term:
.aimum Price: /ocation: -ate: #ho+;
<College Name><Place> 3B
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Precon"itions5 )ser must be in Classifie" corners home page;
Normal $lo+5 1; Navigate to A"vertising portal for pro"uct promotion home
1; 2n the home page enter the a" +hich !ou +ant to search;
3; The search page +ill be "ispla!e" +ith the list of search
4; 2f user +ant a"vance" search clicF on the linF Kgo to a"vance"
searchH in the search results page;
8; Enter the fiel"s +hich has been given in a"vance" search
9; ClicF #earch button;
B; The search result for a"vance" search "one +ill be "ispla!e";
Priorit!5 ,igh
$re'uenc! of )se5 ,igh
Use Case Dia(rams*
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<College Name><Place> 3D
Enter /ogin an" pass+or"
Confirm /ogin an" Pass+or"
</ A&miistrator
.ost An Ad
6y Adds/.rofiles
&rowse All Categories
Site Administration
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6/ Ure(istere& User
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<College Name><Place>
All Cate(ories
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9/ Re(istere& User
<College Name><Place>
Post a A&
M" A&s
M" Profile
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=/ $easi'ility Study
$easibilit! stu"! is an important phase in the soft+are "evelopment process; 2t
enables the "eveloper to have an assessment of the pro"uct being "evelope"; 2t refers to
the feasibilit! stu"! of the pro"uct in terms of out comes of the pro"uct: operational use
an" technical support re'uire" for implementing it;
$easibilit! stu"! shoul" be performe" on the basis of various criteria an"
parameters; The various feasibilit! stu"ies are5
1 Economic $easibilit!
1 Technical $easibilit!
3 Operational $easibilit!
4 Time An" &esource $easibilit!
0)() %C"7"6IC $%ASI&ILI#<+
The propose" Cellular &ecruitment Alert #!stem +ill save lots of paper +orF an"
facilitate magnetic recor" Feeping thereb! re"ucing the costs incurre" on overhea"s;
This re"uction in cost prompts the compan! to go for such computer6base" s!stem;
0),) #%CH7ICAL $%ASI&ILI#<+
As the sa!ing goes L to error is humanM Feeping in vie+ the about fact:
presentl! all organizations are on the looF out of saving their pro"uctive time b!
getting ri" over various t!pes of repetitive an" monotonous +orFs "one b! humans as
+ell as Proving a means of establishing a connection through their internet; The Fe!
process areas of current s!stem are nicel! amenable to automation an" hence the
technical feasibilit! is prove";
0)-) ".%RA#I"7AL $%ASI&ILI#<+
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#ince the inception of 2nternet: it is continuousl! gro+ing in leaps an"
boun"s: as more people are arriving at the conclusion that the! cannot escape from it
an" in or"er to Feep up: the! have to participate in that; 2n to"a!Es +orl": Cellular Cell
phone -evices provi"es an efficient: reliable: cost6effective an" timesaving platform
for communication; ,ere in the propose" s!stem Cellular &ecruitment Alert #!stem is
implemente" on the cell phone "evices: +hich +ill be enable to en" users of Cellular
Cell phone -evices to obtain the information about the various pro"ucts that are the
part of the s!stem an" the at the same time can procee" +ith the Cellular &ecruitment
0)/) #I6% A7D R%S"5RC% $%ASI&ILI#<+
This s!stem helps the user to fin" in the best usage of resources Feeping in tracF
of all the pro"uct "etails over a perio" of time: thereb! re"ucing the "ecision maFing
process easier an" +orth+hile; Acts to be a solution provi"er in "etermining the best
allocation of resources an" fin"ing out the +a! for time re"uction

3) Software requirement specification+
The soft+are: #ite Eplorer is "esigne" for management of +eb sites from a
remote location;
Technologies A#P;Net
7eb Authoring Tool ,T./;
#erver 22#;
2-E ?isual #tu"io ;Net
-atabase #'l #erver .anagement stu"io
.urpose+ The main purpose for preparing this "ocument is to give a general insight into
the anal!sis an" re'uirements of the eisting s!stem or situation an" for "etermining the
operating characteristics of the s!stem;
<College Name><Place> 44
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Scope+ This -ocument pla!s a vital role in the "evelopment life c!cle (#-/C* an" it
"escribes the complete re'uirement of the s!stem; 2t is meant for use b! the "evelopers an"
+ill be the basic "uring testing phase; An! changes ma"e to the re'uirements in the future
+ill have to go through formal change approval process;
Deeloper=s responsi'ilities oeriew+
The "eveloper is responsible for5

@ -eveloping the s!stem: +hich meets the #&# an" solving all the re'uirements of the
> -emonstrating the s!stem an" installing the s!stem at clientEs location after the
acceptance testing is successful;
D #ubmitting the re'uire" user manual "escribing the s!stem interfaces to +orF on it an"
also the "ocuments of the s!stem;
B Con"ucting an! user training that might be nee"e" for using the s!stem;
G .aintaining the s!stem for a perio" of one !ear after installation;
3)() $unctional Requirements5
"utput Design
Outputs from computer s!stems are re'uire" primaril! to communicate the results
of processing to users; The! are also use" to provi"es a permanent cop! of the results for
later consultation; The various t!pes of outputs in general are5
@ Eternal Outputs: +hose "estination is outsi"e the organization;
> 2nternal Outputs +hose "estination is +ith in organization an" the! are the
D )serHs main interface +ith the computer;
B Operational outputs +hose use is purel! +ith in the computer "epartment;
G 2nterface outputs: +hich involve the user in communicating "irectl! +ith
<College Name><Place> 48
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"utput Definition
#he outputs should 'e defined in terms of the following points+
T!pe of the output
Content of the output
$ormat of the output
/ocation of the output
$re'uenc! of the output
?olume of the output
#e'uence of the output
2t is not al+a!s "esirable to print or "ispla! "ata as it is hel" on a computer; 2t
shoul" be "eci"e" as +hich form of the output is the most suitable;
$or Eample
7ill "ecimal points nee" to be inserte"
#houl" lea"ing zeros be suppresse";
"utput 6edia+
2n the net stage it is to be "eci"e" that +hich me"ium is the most appropriate for
the output; The main consi"erations +hen "eci"ing about the output me"ia are5
@ The suitabilit! for the "evice to the particular application;
> The nee" for a har" cop!;
D The response time re'uire";
B The location of the users
G The soft+are an" har"+are available;
Oeeping in vie+ the above "escription the project is to have outputs mainl! coming un"er
the categor! of internal outputs; The main outputs "esire" accor"ing to the re'uirement
specification are5
<College Name><Place> 49
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The outputs +ere nee"e" to be generate" as a hot cop! an" as +ell as 'ueries to be vie+e"
on the screen; Oeeping in vie+ these outputs: the format for the output is taFen from the
outputs: +hich are currentl! being obtaine" after manual processing; The stan"ar" printer
is to be use" as output me"ia for har" copies;
Input Design
2nput "esign is a part of overall s!stem "esign; The main objective "uring the input "esign
is as given belo+5
To pro"uce a cost6effective metho" of input;
To achieve the highest possible level of accurac!;
To ensure that the input is acceptable an" un"erstoo" b! the user;
Input stages+
The main input stages can be liste" as belo+5
-ata recor"ing
-ata transcription
-ata conversion
-ata verification
-ata control
-ata transmission
-ata vali"ation
-ata correction
Input types+
2t is necessar! to "etermine the various t!pes of inputs; 2nputs can be categorize" as
Eternal inputs: +hich are prime inputs for the s!stem;
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2nternal inputs: +hich are user communications +ith the s!stem;
Operational: +hich are computer "epartmentHs communications to the s!stemN
2nteractive: +hich are inputs entere" "uring a "ialogue;
Input media+
At this stage choice has to be ma"e about the input me"ia; To conclu"e about the
input me"ia consi"eration has to be given toP
T!pe of input
$leibilit! of format
?erification metho"s
&ejection rates
Ease of correction
#torage an" han"ling re'uirements
Eas! to use
Oeeping in vie+ the above "escription of the input t!pes an" input me"ia: it can be
sai" that most of the inputs are of the form of internal an" interactive; As
2nput "ata is to be the "irectl! Fe!e" in b! the user: the Fe!boar" can be consi"ere" to be
the most suitable input "evice$
Error A'oi&ace
At this stage care is to be taFen to ensure that input "ata remains accurate form the
stage at +hich it is recor"e" up to the stage in +hich the "ata is accepte" b! the s!stem;
This can be achieve" onl! b! means of careful control each time the "ata is han"le";
Error Detectio
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Even though ever! effort is maFe to avoi" the occurrence of errors: still a small
proportion of errors is al+a!s liFel! to occur: these t!pes of errors can be "iscovere" b!
using vali"ations to checF the input "ata;
Data Vali&atio
Proce"ures are "esigne" to "etect errors in "ata at a lo+er level of "etail; -ata
vali"ations have been inclu"e" in the s!stem in almost ever! area +here there is a
possibilit! for the user to commit errors; The s!stem +ill not accept invali" "ata;
7henever an invali" "ata is Fe!e" in: the s!stem imme"iatel! prompts the user an" the
user has to again Fe! in the "ata an" the s!stem +ill accept the "ata onl! if the "ata is
correct; ?ali"ations have been inclu"e" +here necessar!;
The s!stem is "esigne" to be a user frien"l! one; 2n other +or"s the s!stem has
been "esigne" to communicate effectivel! +ith the user; The s!stem has been "esigne"
+ith pop up menus;
User Iterface Desi(
2t is essential to consult the s!stem users an" "iscuss their nee"s +hile "esigning
the user interface5
User iterface s"stems ca %e %roa&l" classifie& as*
@$ )ser initiate" interface the user is in charge: controlling the progress of the
user%computer "ialogue; 2n the computer6initiate" interface: the computer selects the
net stage in the interaction;
>$ Computer initiate" interfaces
2n the computer initiate" interfaces the computer gui"es the progress of the
user%computer "ialogue; 2nformation is "ispla!e" an" the user response of the computer
taFes action or "ispla!s further information;
User Iitiate& Iterfaces
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)ser initiate" interfaces fall into to+ approimate classes5
@$ Comman" "riven interfaces5 2n this t!pe of interface the user inputs comman"s or
'ueries +hich are interprete" b! the computer;
>$ $orms oriente" interface5 The user calls up an image of the form to his%her screen an"
fills in the form; The forms oriente" interface is chosen because it is the best choice;
Computer5Iitiate& Iterfaces
The follo+ing computer Q initiate" interfaces +ere use"5
@$ The menu s!stem for the user is presente" +ith a list of alternatives an" the user
chooses oneP of alternatives;
>$ =uestions Q ans+er t!pe "ialog s!stem +here the computer asFs 'uestion an" taFes
action base" on the basis of the users repl!;
&ight from the start the s!stem is going to be menu "riven: the opening menu
"ispla!s the available options; Choosing one option gives another popup menu +ith more
options; 2n this +a! ever! option lea"s the users to "ata entr! form +here the user can Fe!
in the "ata;
Error messa(e &esi(*
The "esign of error messages is an important part of the user interface "esign; As
user is boun" to commit some errors or other +hile "esigning a s!stem the s!stem shoul"
be "esigne" to be helpful b! provi"ing the user +ith information regar"ing the error he%she
has committe";
This application must be able to pro"uce output at "ifferent mo"ules for "ifferent
>/</ Performace Re8uiremets
Performance is measure" in terms of the output provi"e" b! the application;
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&e'uirement specification pla!s an important part in the anal!sis of a s!stem; Onl!
+hen the re'uirement specifications are properl! given: it is possible to "esign a s!stem:
+hich +ill fit into re'uire" environment; 2t rests largel! in the part of the users of the
eisting s!stem to give the re'uirement specifications because the! are the people +ho
finall! use the s!stem; This is because the re'uirements have to be Fno+n "uring the
initial stages so that the s!stem can be "esigne" accor"ing to those re'uirements; 2t is ver!
"ifficult to change the s!stem once it has been "esigne" an" on the other han" "esigning a
s!stem: +hich "oes not cater to the re'uirements of the user: is of no use;
The re'uirement specification for an! s!stem can be broa"l! state" as given belo+5
The s!stem shoul" be able to interface +ith the eisting s!stem
The s!stem shoul" be accurate
The s!stem shoul" be better than the eisting s!stem
The eisting s!stem is completel! "epen"ent on the user to perform all the "uties;
?/ Soft+are use&
;Net $rame+orF
The ;NET $rame+orF is a ne+ computing platform that simplifies application "evelopment
in the highl! "istribute" environment of the 2nternet; The ;NET $rame+orF is "esigne" to
fulfill the follo+ing objectives5
To provi"e a consistent object6oriente" programming environment +hether object co"e
is store" an" eecute" locall!: eecute" locall! but 2nternet6"istribute": or eecute"
To provi"e a co"e6eecution environment that minimizes soft+are "eplo!ment an"
versioning conflicts;
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To provi"e a co"e6eecution environment that guarantees safe eecution of co"e:
inclu"ing co"e create" b! an unFno+n or semi6truste" thir" part!;
To provi"e a co"e6eecution environment that eliminates the performance problems of
scripte" or interprete" environments;
To maFe the "eveloper eperience consistent across +i"el! var!ing t!pes of
applications: such as 7in"o+s6base" applications an" 7eb6base" applications;
To buil" all communication on in"ustr! stan"ar"s to ensure that co"e base" on the
;NET $rame+orF can integrate +ith an! other co"e;
The ;NET $rame+orF has t+o main components5 the common language runtime an" the
;NET $rame+orF class librar!; The common language runtime is the foun"ation of the
;NET $rame+orF; Gou can thinF of the runtime as an agent that manages co"e at eecution
time: provi"ing core services such as memor! management: threa" management: an"
&emoting: +hile also enforcing strict t!pe safet! an" other forms of co"e accurac! that
ensure securit! an" robustness; 2n fact: the concept of co"e management is a fun"amental
principle of the runtime; Co"e that targets the runtime is Fno+n as manage" co"e: +hile
co"e that "oes not target the runtime is Fno+n as unmanage" co"e; The class librar!: the
other main component of the ;NET $rame+orF: is a comprehensive: object6oriente"
collection of reusable t!pes that !ou can use to "evelop applications ranging from
tra"itional comman"6line or graphical user interface (J)2* applications to applications
base" on the latest innovations provi"e" b! A#P;NET: such as 7eb $orms an" A./ 7eb
The ;NET $rame+orF can be hoste" b! unmanage" components that loa" the common
language runtime into their processes an" initiate the eecution of manage" co"e: thereb!
creating a soft+are environment that can eploit both manage" an" unmanage" features;
The ;NET $rame+orF not onl! provi"es several runtime hosts: but also supports the
"evelopment of thir"6part! runtime hosts;
$or eample: A#P;NET hosts the runtime to provi"e a scalable: server6si"e
environment for manage" co"e; A#P;NET +orFs "irectl! +ith the runtime to enable 7eb
$orms applications an" A./ 7eb services: both of +hich are "iscusse" later in this topic;
<College Name><Place> 81
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2nternet Eplorer is an eample of an unmanage" application that hosts the runtime
(in the form of a .2.E t!pe etension*; )sing 2nternet Eplorer to host the runtime
enables !ou to embe" manage" components or 7in"o+s $orms controls in ,T./
"ocuments; ,osting the runtime in this +a! maFes manage" mobile co"e (similar to
.icrosoftR ActiveAR controls* possible: but +ith significant improvements that onl!
manage" co"e can offer: such as semi6truste" eecution an" secure isolate" file storage;
The follo+ing illustration sho+s the relationship of the common language runtime
an" the class librar! to !our applications an" to the overall s!stem; The illustration also
sho+s ho+ manage" co"e operates +ithin a larger architecture;
The common language runtime manages memor!: threa" eecution: co"e
eecution: co"e safet! verification: compilation: an" other s!stem services; These features
are intrinsic to the manage" co"e that runs on the common language runtime;
7ith regar"s to securit!: manage" components are a+ar"e" var!ing "egrees of
trust: "epen"ing on a number of factors that inclu"e their origin (such as the 2nternet:
enterprise net+orF: or local computer*; This means that a manage" component might or
might not be able to perform file6access operations: registr!6access operations: or other
sensitive functions: even if it is being use" in the same active application;
The runtime enforces co"e access securit!; $or eample: users can trust that an
eecutable embe""e" in a 7eb page can pla! an animation on screen or sing a song: but
cannot access their personal "ata: file s!stem: or net+orF; The securit! features of the
runtime thus enable legitimate 2nternet6"eplo!e" soft+are to be eceptionall! featuring
The runtime also enforces co"e robustness b! implementing a strict t!pe6 an"
co"e6verification infrastructure calle" the common t!pe s!stem (CT#*; The CT# ensures
that all manage" co"e is self6"escribing; The various .icrosoft an" thir"6part! language
<College Name><Place> 83
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Jenerate manage" co"e that conforms to the CT#; This means that manage" co"e
can consume other manage" t!pes an" instances: +hile strictl! enforcing t!pe fi"elit! an"
t!pe safet!;
2n a""ition: the manage" environment of the runtime eliminates man! common
soft+are issues; $or eample: the runtime automaticall! han"les object la!out an" manages
references to objects: releasing them +hen the! are no longer being use"; This automatic
memor! management resolves the t+o most common application errors: memor! leaFs an"
invali" memor! references;
The runtime also accelerates "eveloper pro"uctivit!; $or eample: programmers
can +rite applications in their "evelopment language of choice: !et taFe full a"vantage of
the runtime: the class librar!: an" components +ritten in other languages b! other
"evelopers; An! compiler ven"or +ho chooses to target the runtime can "o so; /anguage
compilers that target the ;NET $rame+orF maFe the features of the ;NET $rame+orF
available to eisting co"e +ritten in that language: greatl! easing the migration process for
eisting applications;
7hile the runtime is "esigne" for the soft+are of the future: it also supports
soft+are of to"a! an" !ester"a!; 2nteroperabilit! bet+een manage" an" unmanage" co"e
enables "evelopers to continue to use necessar! CO. components an" -//s;
The runtime is "esigne" to enhance performance; Although the common language
runtime provi"es man! stan"ar" runtime services: manage" co"e is never interprete"; A
feature calle" just6in6time (@2T* compiling enables all manage" co"e to run in the native
machine language of the s!stem on +hich it is eecuting; .ean+hile: the memor! manager
removes the possibilities of fragmente" memor! an" increases memor! localit!6of6
reference to further increase performance;
$inall!: the runtime can be hoste" b! high6performance: server6si"e applications:
such as .icrosoftR #=/ #erverS an" 2nternet 2nformation #ervices (22#*; This
infrastructure enables !ou to use manage" co"e to +rite !our business logic: +hile still
enjo!ing the superior performance of the in"ustr!Es best enterprise servers that support
runtime hosting;
<College Name><Place> 84
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The ;NET $rame+orF class librar! is a collection of reusable t!pes that tightl!
integrate +ith the common language runtime; The class librar! is object oriente": provi"ing
t!pes from +hich !our o+n manage" co"e can "erive functionalit!; This not onl! maFes
the ;NET $rame+orF t!pes eas! to use: but also re"uces the time associate" +ith learning
ne+ features of the ;NET $rame+orF; 2n a""ition: thir"6part! components can integrate
seamlessl! +ith classes in the ;NET $rame+orF;
$or eample: the ;NET $rame+orF collection classes implement a set of interfaces
that !ou can use to "evelop !our o+n collection classes; Gour collection classes +ill blen"
seamlessl! +ith the classes in the ;NET $rame+orF;
As !ou +oul" epect from an object6oriente" class librar!: the ;NET $rame+orF
t!pes enable !ou to accomplish a range of common programming bugs: inclu"ing bugs
such as string management: "ata collection: "atabase connectivit!: an" file access; 2n
a""ition to these common bugs: the class librar! inclu"es t!pes that support a variet! of
specialize" "evelopment scenarios; $or eample: !ou can use the ;NET $rame+orF to
"evelop the follo+ing t!pes of applications an" services5
Console applications;
#cripte" or hoste" applications;
7in"o+s J)2 applications (7in"o+s $orms*;
A#P;NET applications;
A./ 7eb services;
7in"o+s services;
$or eample: the 7in"o+s $orms classes are a comprehensive set of reusable
t!pes that vastl! simplif! 7in"o+s J)2 "evelopment; 2f !ou +rite an A#P;NET 7eb $orm
application: !ou can use the 7eb $orms classes;
<College Name><Place> 88
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Client applications are the closest to a tra"itional st!le of application in 7in"o+s6
base" programming; These are the t!pes of applications that "ispla! +in"o+s or forms on
the "esFtop: enabling a user to perform a bug; Client applications inclu"e applications such
as +or" processors an" sprea"sheets: as +ell as custom business applications such as "ata6
entr! tools: reporting tools: an" so on; Client applications usuall! emplo! +in"o+s: menus:
buttons: an" other J)2 elements: an" the! liFel! access local resources such as the file
s!stem an" peripherals such as printers;
Another Fin" of client application is the tra"itional ActiveA control (no+ replace"
b! the manage" 7in"o+s $orms control* "eplo!e" over the 2nternet as a 7eb page; This
application is much liFe other client applications5 it is eecute" nativel!: has access to local
resources: an" inclu"es graphical elements;
2n the past: "evelopers create" such applications using C%CTT in conjunction +ith
the .icrosoft $oun"ation Classes (.$C* or +ith a rapi" application "evelopment (&A-*
environment such as .icrosoftR ?isual 0asicR; The ;NET $rame+orF incorporates
aspects of these eisting pro"ucts into a single: consistent "evelopment environment that
"rasticall! simplifies the "evelopment of client applications;
The 7in"o+s $orms classes containe" in the ;NET $rame+orF are "esigne" to be
use" for J)2 "evelopment; Gou can easil! create comman" +in"o+s: buttons: menus:
toolbars: an" other screen elements +ith the fleibilit! necessar! to accommo"ate shifting
business nee"s;
$or eample: the ;NET $rame+orF provi"es simple properties to a"just visual
attributes associate" +ith forms; 2n some cases the un"erl!ing operating s!stem "oes not
support changing these attributes "irectl!: an" in these cases the ;NET $rame+orF
automaticall! recreates the forms; This is one of man! +a!s in +hich the ;NET $rame+orF
integrates the "eveloper interface: maFing co"ing simpler an" more consistent;
<College Name><Place> 89
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)nliFe ActiveA controls: 7in"o+s $orms controls have semi6truste" access to a
userEs computer; This means that binar! or nativel! eecuting co"e can access some of the
resources on the userEs s!stem (such as J)2 elements an" limite" file access* +ithout being
able to access or compromise other resources; 0ecause of co"e access securit!: man!
applications that once nee"e" to be installe" on a userEs s!stem can no+ be safel! "eplo!e"
through the 7eb; Gour applications can implement the features of a local application +hile
being "eplo!e" liFe a 7eb page;
;/</ ASP/NET
#erver6si"e applications in the manage" +orl" are implemente" through runtime
hosts; )nmanage" applications host the common language runtime: +hich allo+s !our
custom manage" co"e to control the behavior of the server; This mo"el provi"es !ou +ith
all the features of the common language runtime an" class librar! +hile gaining the
performance an" scalabilit! of the host server;
The follo+ing illustration sho+s a basic net+orF schema +ith manage" co"e
running in "ifferent server environments; #ervers such as 22# an" #=/ #erver can perform
stan"ar" operations +hile !our application logic eecutes through the manage" co"e;
A#P;NET is the hosting environment that enables "evelopers to use the ;NET
$rame+orF to target 7eb6base" applications; ,o+ever: A#P;NET is more than just a
runtime hostP it is a complete architecture for "eveloping 7eb sites an" 2nternet6"istribute"
objects using manage" co"e; 0oth 7eb $orms an" A./ 7eb services use 22# an"
A#P;NET as the publishing mechanism for applications: an" both have a collection of
supporting classes in the ;NET $rame+orF;
A./ 7eb services: an important evolution in 7eb6base" technolog!: are
"istribute": server6si"e application components similar to common 7eb sites; ,o+ever:
unliFe 7eb6base" applications: A./ 7eb services components have no )2 an" are not
<College Name><Place> 8B
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targete" for bro+sers such as 2nternet Eplorer an" Netscape Navigator; 2nstea": A./
7eb services consist of reusable soft+are components "esigne" to be consume" b! other
applications: such as tra"itional client applications: 7eb6base" applications: or even other
A./ 7eb services; As a result: A./ 7eb services technolog! is rapi"l! moving
application "evelopment an" "eplo!ment into the highl! "istribute" environment of the
2f !ou have use" earlier versions of A#P technolog!: !ou +ill imme"iatel! notice
the improvements that A#P;NET an" 7eb $orms offers; $or eample: !ou can "evelop
7eb $orms pages in an! language that supports the ;NET $rame+orF; 2n a""ition: !our
co"e no longer nee"s to share the same file +ith !our ,TTP tet (although it can continue
to "o so if !ou prefer*; 7eb $orms pages eecute in native machine language because: liFe
an! other manage" application: the! taFe full a"vantage of the runtime; 2n contrast:
unmanage" A#P pages are al+a!s scripte" an" interprete"; A#P;NET pages are faster: more
functional: an" easier to "evelop than unmanage" A#P pages because the! interact +ith the
runtime liFe an! manage" application;
The ;NET $rame+orF also provi"es a collection of classes an" tools to ai" in
"evelopment an" consumption of A./ 7eb services applications; A./ 7eb services are
built on stan"ar"s such as #OAP (a remote proce"ure6call protocol*: A./ (an etensible
"ata format*: an" 7#-/ ( the 7eb #ervices -escription /anguage*; The ;NET $rame+orF
is built on these stan"ar"s to promote interoperabilit! +ith non6.icrosoft solutions;
$or eample: the 7eb #ervices -escription /anguage tool inclu"e" +ith the ;NET
$rame+orF #-O can 'uer! an A./ 7eb service publishe" on the 7eb: parse its 7#-/
"escription: an" pro"uce C< or ?isual 0asic source co"e that !our application can use to
become a client of the A./ 7eb service; The source co"e can create classes "erive" from
classes in the class librar! that han"le all the un"erl!ing communication using #OAP an"
A./ parsing; Although !ou can use the class librar! to consume A./ 7eb services
"irectl!: the 7eb #ervices -escription /anguage tool an" the other tools containe" in the
#-O facilitate !our "evelopment efforts +ith the ;NET $rame+orF;
2f !ou "evelop an" publish !our o+n A./ 7eb service: the ;NET $rame+orF
provi"es a set of classes that conform to all the un"erl!ing communication stan"ar"s: such
as #OAP: 7#-/: an" A./; )sing those classes enables !ou to focus on the logic of !our
<College Name><Place> 8C
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service: +ithout concerning !ourself +ith the communications infrastructure re'uire" b!
"istribute" soft+are "evelopment;
$inall!: liFe 7eb $orms pages in the manage" environment: !our A./ 7eb service +ill
run +ith the spee" of native machine language using the scalable communication of 22#;
A#P;NET is a programming frame+orF built on the common language runtime that
can be use" on a server to buil" po+erful 7eb applications; A#P;NET offers several
important a"vantages over previous 7eb "evelopment mo"els5
Enhance" Performance; A#P;NET is compile" common language runtime co"e
running on the server; )nliFe its interprete" pre"ecessors: A#P;NET can taFe
a"vantage of earl! bin"ing: just6in6time compilation: native optimization: an" caching
services right out of the bo; This amounts to "ramaticall! better performance before
!ou ever +rite a line of co"e;
7orl"6Class Tool #upport; The A#P;NET frame+orF is complemente" b! a rich
toolbo an" "esigner in the ?isual #tu"io integrate" "evelopment environment;
7G#27GJ e"iting: "rag6an"6"rop server controls: an" automatic "eplo!ment are just
a fe+ of the features this po+erful tool provi"es;
Po+er an" $leibilit!; 0ecause A#P;NET is base" on the common language
runtime: the po+er an" fleibilit! of that entire platform is available to 7eb
application "evelopers; The ;NET $rame+orF class librar!: .essaging: an" -ata
Access solutions are all seamlessl! accessible from the 7eb; A#P;NET is also
language6in"epen"ent: so !ou can choose the language that best applies to !our
application or partition !our application across man! languages; $urther: common
language runtime interoperabilit! guarantees that !our eisting investment in CO.6
base" "evelopment is preserve" +hen migrating to A#P;NET;
#implicit!; A#P;NET maFes it eas! to perform common bugs: from simple form
submission an" client authentication to "eplo!ment an" site configuration; $or
eample: the A#P;NET page frame+orF allo+s !ou to buil" user interfaces that cleanl!
separate application logic from presentation co"e an" to han"le events in a simple:
<College Name><Place> 8D
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?isual 0asic 6 liFe forms processing mo"el; A""itionall!: the common language
runtime simplifies "evelopment: +ith manage" co"e services such as automatic
reference counting an" garbage collection;
.anageabilit!; A#P;NET emplo!s a tet6base": hierarchical configuration s!stem:
+hich simplifies appl!ing settings to !our server environment an" 7eb applications;
0ecause configuration information is store" as plain tet: ne+ settings ma! be applie"
+ithout the ai" of local a"ministration tools; This Uzero local a"ministrationU
philosoph! eten"s to "eplo!ing A#P;NET $rame+orF applications as +ell; An
A#P;NET $rame+orF application is "eplo!e" to a server simpl! b! cop!ing the
necessar! files to the server; No server restart is re'uire": even to "eplo! or replace
running compile" co"e;
#calabilit! an" Availabilit!; A#P;NET has been "esigne" +ith scalabilit! in min":
+ith features specificall! tailore" to improve performance in clustere" an"
multiprocessor environments; $urther: processes are closel! monitore" an" manage"
b! the A#P;NET runtime: so that if one misbehaves (leaFs: "ea"locFs*: a ne+ process
can be create" in its place: +hich helps Feep !our application constantl! available to
han"le re'uests;
Customizabilit! an" Etensibilit!; A#P;NET "elivers a +ell6factore" architecture
that allo+s "evelopers to Uplug6inU their co"e at the appropriate level; 2n fact: it is
possible to eten" or replace an! subcomponent of the A#P;NET runtime +ith !our
o+n custom6+ritten component; 2mplementing custom authentication or state services
has never been easier;
#ecurit!; 7ith built in 7in"o+s authentication an" per6application configuration:
!ou can be assure" that !our applications are secure;
The .icrosoft ;NET Platform currentl! offers built6in support for three languages5
C<: ?isual 0asic: an" @#cript;
7,AT 2# A#P;NET 7E0 $O&.#N
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The A#P;NET 7eb $orms page frame+orF is a scalable common language runtime
programming mo"el that can be use" on the server to "!namicall! generate 7eb pages;
2nten"e" as a logical evolution of A#P (A#P;NET provi"es s!nta compatibilit!
+ith eisting pages*: the A#P;NET 7eb $orms frame+orF has been specificall! "esigne"
to a""ress a number of Fe! "eficiencies in the previous mo"el; 2n particular: it provi"es5
The abilit! to create an" use reusable )2 controls that can encapsulate common
functionalit! an" thus re"uce the amount of co"e that a page "eveloper has to +rite;
The abilit! for "evelopers to cleanl! structure their page logic in an or"erl! fashion
(not Uspaghetti co"eU*;
The abilit! for "evelopment tools to provi"e strong 7G#27GJ "esign support for
pages (eisting A#P co"e is opa'ue to tools*;
A#P;NET 7eb $orms pages are tet files +ith an ;asp file name etension; The!
can be "eplo!e" throughout an 22# virtual root "irector! tree; 7hen a bro+ser client
re'uests ;asp resources: the A#P;NET runtime parses an" compiles the target file into a
;NET $rame+orF class; This class can then be use" to "!namicall! process incoming
re'uests; (Note that the ;asp file is compile" onl! the first time it is accesse"P the
compile" t!pe instance is then reuse" across multiple re'uests*;
An A#P;NET page can be create" simpl! b! taFing an eisting ,T./ file an"
changing its file name etension to ;asp (no mo"ification of co"e is re'uire"*; $or
eample: the follo+ing sample "emonstrates a simple ,T./ page that collects a userEs
name an" categor! preference an" then performs a form postbacF to the originating page
+hen a button is clicFe"5
A#P;NET provi"es s!nta compatibilit! +ith eisting A#P pages; This inclu"es
support for <V V> co"e ren"er blocFs that can be intermie" +ith ,T./ content +ithin
an ;asp file; These co"e blocFs eecute in a top6"o+n manner at page ren"er time;
1O,'2+'4&0, "'+ *OR)-
A#P;NET supports t+o metho"s of authoring "!namic pages; The first is the
metho" sho+n in the prece"ing samples: +here the page co"e is ph!sicall! "eclare" +ithin
the originating ;asp file; An alternative approach66Fno+n as the co"e6behin" metho"66
<College Name><Place> 91
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enables the page co"e to be more cleanl! separate" from the ,T./ content into an entirel!
separate file;
&0TRO,U1T&O0 TO A-P$0'T -'R;'R 1O0TRO/-
2n a""ition to (or instea" of* using <V V> co"e blocFs to program "!namic
content: A#P;NET page "evelopers can use A#P;NET server controls to program 7eb
pages; #erver controls are "eclare" +ithin an ;asp file using custom tags or intrinsic
,T./ tags that contain a runatWUserverU attributes value; 2ntrinsic ,T./ tags are han"le"
b! one of the controls in the #!stem;7eb;)2;,tmlControls namespace; An! tag that "oesnEt
eplicitl! map to one of the controls is assigne" the t!pe of
#erver controls automaticall! maintain an! client6entere" values bet+een roun"
trips to the server; This control state is not store" on the server (it is instea" store" +ithin
an <input t!peWUhi""enU> form fiel" that is roun"6trippe" bet+een re'uests*; Note also that
no client6si"e script is re'uire";
2n a""ition to supporting stan"ar" ,T./ input controls: A#P;NET enables
"evelopers to utilize richer custom controls on their pages; $or eample: the follo+ing
sample "emonstrates ho+ the <asp5a"rotator> control can be use" to "!namicall! "ispla!
rotating a"s on a page;
1; A#P;NET 7eb $orms provi"e an eas! an" po+erful +a! to buil" "!namic 7eb )2;
1; A#P;NET 7eb $orms pages can target an! bro+ser client (there are no script librar! or
cooFie re'uirements*;
3; A#P;NET 7eb $orms pages provi"e s!nta compatibilit! +ith eisting A#P pages;
4; A#P;NET server controls provi"e an eas! +a! to encapsulate common functionalit!;
8; A#P;NET ships +ith 48 built6in server controls; -evelopers can also use controls built
b! thir" parties;
9; A#P;NET server controls can automaticall! project both uplevel an" "o+nlevel
B; A#P;NET templates provi"e an eas! +a! to customize the looF an" feel of list server
<College Name><Place> 91
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C; A#P;NET vali"ation controls provi"e an eas! +a! to "o "eclarative client or server
"ata vali"ation;
;/6/ CA/NET
AD")7%# ">%R>I%9
A-O;NET is an evolution of the A-O "ata access mo"el that "irectl! a""resses
user re'uirements for "eveloping scalable applications; 2t +as "esigne" specificall! for the
+eb +ith scalabilit!: statelessness: an" A./ in min";
A-O;NET uses some A-O objects: such as the Connection an" Comman" objects: an"
also intro"uces ne+ objects; Oe! ne+ A-O;NET objects inclu"e the -ata#et: -ata&ea"er:
an" -ataA"apter;
The important "istinction bet+een this evolve" stage of A-O;NET an" previous
"ata architectures is that there eists an object 66 the -ata#et 66 that is separate an" "istinct
from an! "ata stores; 0ecause of that: the -ata#et functions as a stan"alone entit!; Gou can
thinF of the -ata#et as an al+a!s "isconnecte" recor"set that Fno+s nothing about the
source or "estination of the "ata it contains; 2nsi"e a -ata#et: much liFe in a "atabase: there
are tables: columns: relationships: constraints: vie+s: an" so forth;
A -ataA"apter is the object that connects to the "atabase to fill the -ata#et; Then:
it connects bacF to the "atabase to up"ate the "ata there: base" on operations performe"
+hile the -ata#et hel" the "ata; 2n the past: "ata processing has been primaril! connection6
base"; No+: in an effort to maFe multi6tiere" apps more efficient: "ata processing is
turning to a message6base" approach that revolves aroun" chunFs of information; At the
center of this approach is the -ataA"apter: +hich provi"es a bri"ge to retrieve an" save
<College Name><Place> 93
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"ata bet+een a -ata#et an" its source "ata store; 2t accomplishes this b! means of re'uests
to the appropriate #=/ comman"s ma"e against the "ata store;
The A./6base" -ata#et object provi"es a consistent programming mo"el that
+orFs +ith all mo"els of "ata storage5 flat: relational: an" hierarchical; 2t "oes this b!
having no EFno+le"geE of the source of its "ata: an" b! representing the "ata that it hol"s as
collections an" "ata t!pes; No matter +hat the source of the "ata +ithin the -ata#et is: it is
manipulate" through the same set of stan"ar" AP2s epose" through the -ata#et an" its
subor"inate objects;
7hile the -ata#et has no Fno+le"ge of the source of its "ata: the manage" provi"er has
"etaile" an" specific information; The role of the manage" provi"er is to connect: fill: an"
persist the -ata#et to an" from "ata stores; The O/E -0 an" #=/ #erver ;NET -ata
Provi"ers (#!stem;-ata;Ole-b an" #!stem;-ata;#'lClient* that are part of the ;Net
$rame+orF provi"e four basic objects5 the Comman": Connection: -ata&ea"er an"
-ataA"apter; 2n the remaining sections of this "ocument: +eEll +alF through each part of
the -ata#et an" the O/E -0%#=/ #erver ;NET -ata Provi"ers eplaining +hat the! are:
an" ho+ to program against them;
The follo+ing sections +ill intro"uce !ou to some objects that have evolve": an" some that
are ne+; These objects are5
Connections; $or connection to an" managing transactions against a "atabase;
Comman"s; $or issuing #=/ comman"s against a "atabase;
-ata&ea"ers; $or rea"ing a for+ar"6onl! stream of "ata recor"s from a #=/
#erver "ata source;
-ata#ets; $or storing: &emoting an" programming against flat "ata: A./ "ata an"
relational "ata;
-ataA"apters; $or pushing "ata into a -ata#et: an" reconciling "ata against a
7hen "ealing +ith connections to a "atabase: there are t+o "ifferent options5 #=/
#erver ;NET -ata Provi"er (#!stem;-ata;#'lClient* an" O/E -0 ;NET -ata Provi"er
(#!stem;-ata;Ole-b*; 2n these samples +e +ill use the #=/ #erver ;NET -ata Provi"er;
These are +ritten to talF "irectl! to .icrosoft #=/ #erver; The O/E -0 ;NET -ata
Provi"er is use" to talF to an! O/E -0 provi"er (as it uses O/E -0 un"erneath*;
<College Name><Place> 94
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Connections are use" to EtalF toE "atabases: an" are represente" b! provi"er6
specific classes such as #'lConnection; Comman"s travel over connections an" resultsets
are returne" in the form of streams +hich can be rea" b! a -ata&ea"er object: or pushe"
into a -ata#et object;
Comman"s contain the information that is submitte" to a "atabase: an" are
represente" b! provi"er6specific classes such as #'lComman"; A comman" can be a store"
proce"ure call: an )P-ATE statement: or a statement that returns results; Gou can also use
input an" output parameters: an" return values as part of !our comman" s!nta; The
eample belo+ sho+s ho+ to issue an 2N#E&T statement against the North+in" "atabase;
The -ata&ea"er object is some+hat s!non!mous +ith a rea"6onl!%for+ar"6onl! cursor
over "ata; The -ata&ea"er AP2 supports flat as +ell as hierarchical "ata; A -ata&ea"er
object is returne" after eecuting a comman" against a "atabase; The format of the returne"
-ata&ea"er object is "ifferent from a recor"set; $or eample: !ou might use the
-ata&ea"er to sho+ the results of a search list in a +eb page;
The -ata#et object is similar to the A-O &ecor"set object: but more po+erful: an" +ith
one other important "istinction5 the -ata#et is al+a!s "isconnecte"; The -ata#et object
represents a cache of "ata: +ith "atabase6liFe structures such as tables: columns:
relationships: an" constraints; ,o+ever: though a -ata#et can an" "oes behave much liFe a
"atabase: it is important to remember that -ata#et objects "o not interact "irectl! +ith
"atabases: or other source "ata; This allo+s the "eveloper to +orF +ith a programming
mo"el that is al+a!s consistent: regar"less of +here the source "ata resi"es; -ata coming
from a "atabase: an A./ file: from co"e: or user input can all be place" into -ata#et
objects; Then: as changes are ma"e to the -ata#et the! can be tracFe" an" verifie" before
<College Name><Place> 98
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up"ating the source "ata; The JetChanges metho" of the -ata#et object actuall! creates a
secon" -at#et that contains onl! the changes to the "ata; This -ata#et is then use" b! a
-ataA"apter (or other objects* to up"ate the original "ata source;
The -ata#et has man! A./ characteristics: inclu"ing the abilit! to pro"uce an" consume
A./ "ata an" A./ schemas; A./ schemas can be use" to "escribe schemas
interchange" via 7eb#ervices; 2n fact: a -ata#et +ith a schema can actuall! be compile"
for t!pe safet! an" statement completion$
The -ataA"apter object +orFs as a bri"ge bet+een the -ata#et an" the source
"ata; )sing the provi"er6specific #'l-ataA"apter (along +ith its associate" #'lComman"
an" #'lConnection* can increase overall performance +hen +orFing +ith a .icrosoft #=/
#erver "atabases; $or other O/E -06supporte" "atabases: !ou +oul" use the
Ole-b-ataA"apter object an" its associate" Ole-bComman" an" Ole-bConnection
The -ataA"apter object uses comman"s to up"ate the "ata source after changes have
been ma"e to the -ata#et; )sing the $ill metho" of the -ataA"apter calls the #E/ECT
comman"P using the )p"ate metho" calls the 2N#E&T: )P-ATE or -E/ETE comman"
for each change" ro+; Gou can eplicitl! set these comman"s in or"er to control the
statements use" at runtime to resolve changes: inclu"ing the use of store" proce"ures; $or
a"6hoc scenarios: a Comman" 0uil"er object can generate these at run6time base" upon a
select statement; ,o+ever: this run6time generation re'uires an etra roun"6trip to the
server in or"er to gather re'uire" meta"ata: so eplicitl! provi"ing the 2N#E&T: )P-ATE:
an" -E/ETE comman"s at "esign time +ill result in better run6time performance;
1; A-O;NET is the net evolution of A-O for the ;Net $rame+orF;
1; A-O;NET +as create" +ith n6Tier: statelessness an" A./ in the forefront; T+o
ne+ objects: the -ataset an" -ata A"apter: are provi"e" for these scenarios;
3; A-O;NET can be use" to get "ata from a stream: or to store "ata in a cache for
4; There is a lot more information about A-O;NET in the "ocumentation;
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8; &emember: !ou can eecute a comman" "irectl! against the "atabase in or"er to
"o inserts: up"ates: an" "eletes; Gou "onEt nee" to first put "ata into a -ataset in or"er
to insert: up"ate: or "elete it;
9; Also: !ou can use a -ataset to bin" to the "ata: move through the "ata: an"
navigate "ata relationships
The "ata "esign transforms the information "omain mo"el create" "uring the
anal!sis into the "ata structure that +ill be re'uire" to implement soft+are;
Normalization is a process of simplif!ing the relationship bet+een "ata elements in
a recor"; Through this techni'ue: the collection of "ata in a recor" structure is replace" b!
successive recor" structure that is simpler an" more pre"ictable an" therefore more
A Primar! Fe! is one: use" to i"entif! uni'ue value of an attribute in a table; A
primar! Fe! column in a table has special attributes; 2t "efines the column: as a man"ator!
column i;e; the column canHt be left blanF; The NOT N)// attribute is active; The "ata
hel" across the column must be uni'ue;
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$O&E2JN OEG represents relationship bet+een tables foreign Fe! is a column
+hose values are "erive" from the primar! Fe! or uni'ue Fe! of some other table;
The table in +hich the foreign Fe! use" is calle" foreign table of "etail table; The
table that "efines the primar! or uni'ue Fe! an" is reference" b! the foreign Fe! is calle"
the primar! Fe! in the master table;
To structure the "ata so that an! pertinent relationship bet+een entities can be
To permit simple retrieval of "ata in response to 'uer! an" report re'uest;
To simplif! the maintenance of the "ata through up"ates: insertion an"
To re"uce the nee" to restructure or reorganize "ata +hen ne+ application
re'uirements arise;
This attempt to remove re"un"ant "ata: avoi" "ata inconsistencies an" prevent up
"ata anomalies; This results in a simpler or more natural "ata mo"el; A normalize"
"atabase more clearl! reflects the natural entities an" relationships in the real +orl";
&elational "atabase theor! outlines five normal forms: of +hich their normal forms
are use" popularl! for "esigning relational tables; The rules an" metho"s of first three
normal forms are given belo+;
$IRS# 7"R6AL $"R6
A relation is a first normal form if the intersection of an! column an" ro+ contain
onl! one value (no repeating groups*;
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2"entif! suitable primar! Fe!s from a pool of un6normalize" "ata; &emove an!
that repeats +ith in a single value of this Fe! to another relation bringing +ith in a primar!
Fe! to form part of a ne+ composite Fe! in the ne+ relation;
S%C"7D 7"R6AL $"R6
A table in first normal form is also in secon" normal form; 2f the values in ever!
column are functionall! "epen"ent on the complete primar! Fe!;
$or ever! relation +ith in a single "ata item maFing up the primar! Fe!: this rule
shoul" al+a!s be true; $or those +ith compoun" Fe! eamine ever! column an"
"etermines +hether its value "epen"s on the +hole of the compoun" Fe! are just some of
the part of it; &emove those that "epen" onl! on part of the Fe! to a ne+ relation +ith that
part as a primar! Fe!;
#HIRD 7"R6AL $"R6
Column is not transitivel! "epen"ent on the primar! relation in secon" normal
form is also in thir" normal form +ith the values in ever! non6Fe!;
Eamine ever! non6Fe! column an" 'uestion its relationship +ith ever! other non6
Fe! column; 2f for a value for column A there is onl! one value for column 0: remove both
columns to a separate relation an" marF the 'uestion uni'ue as a primar! Fe!;
As "atabase tables involve" here nee"s normalization techni'ues so that it shoul"
be fleible to access an" store the values in it;
#o that thir" normal form is applie" an" all tables are normalize" accor"ing to that;
Architectural "esign mel"s program structure an" "ata structure: "efining interfaces that
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enable "ata to flo+ through the program; Proce"ural "esign occurs after "ata an" program
structure has been establishe";
?) System design
?)() DA#A$L"9 DIA2RA6
-ataflo+ "iagram is one of the most important mo"eling tools; 2t is use" to mo"el
the s!stem components; These components are the s!stem process: an eternal entit! that
interacts +ith the s!stem: uses the "ata an" the information flo+s in the s!stem;
-$- sho+s the information moves thought the s!stem an" ho+ it is mo"ifie" b! a
series of transformations; 2t is graphical techni'ue that "epicts information flo+ an" that is
applie" as "ata moves from input to output;
-$- is also Fno+n as bubble chart; -$- ma! be use" to represent the s!stem at
an! level of abstraction -$-H# ma! be partitione" into levels that represents increasing
information flo+ an" functional "etails;
A level > -$-: also calle" as the contet "iagram represents the entire s!stem as a
single mo"ule +ith input an" output in"icate" b! incoming an" outgoing arro+s
respectivel!; A""itional process an" information flo+ paths are represente" as the level >
-$- is portione" to reveal more "etails; The contet "iagrams for the "iagrams for the
project management s!stem are sho+n in the figure;
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A level 1 -$-: also calle" as top6level -$- represents the s!stem major mo"ule
an" "ata stores; The other level +ill sho+ each mo"ule in the top level -$- in more
"etaile" fashion; The top level an" other level -$-H# for our s!stem are sho+n belo+;
A "ata flo+ "iagram is a graphic "escription of portion of a s!stem; 2t consists of
"ata flo+s: process: sources: "estinations an" "ata stores all are "escribe" through the use
of easil! un"erstan"able s!mbols; An entire s!stem can be "escribe" from the vie+ point
of the "ata it processes +ith just a fe+ s!mbols; -ata flo+ "iagrams po+erful enough to
sho+ parallel activities;
-ata flo+ "iagrams "escribes the s!stem in"epen"entl! of ho+ it is actuall!
implemente": that is: the! sho+ +hat taFes place: rather than ho+ an activit! is
)sers easil! un"erstan" these simple notations;
)sers can maFe suggestions for mo"ifications;
2f anal!sis +ants to revie+ the overall s!stem late: the! use the higher level over
vie+ "iagrams;
,o+ever if the! are intereste" in stu"!ing one particular process: the! use the "ata
flo+ "iagram for that lo+ level process;
-ata move in specific "irection from an origin to "estination; The "ataflo+ is a
pacFet of "ata;
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People: proce"ures or "evices that pro"uce "ata the ph!sical component is not
S"5RC% "R D%S#I7A#I"7 "$ DA#A
Eternal sources or "estination of "ata: +hich ma! be people of organization or
other entities;
Fero Le'el Data Flo+ Dia(ram
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The architectural "esign "efines the relationship among major structural elements
of the program;
HI%RARCH< A7D I7.5# .R"C%SS "5#.5# CHAR#
,2PO chart is another use" metho" for "eveloping s!stem soft+are; An acron!m
for hierarchical input across output;
The assumption on +hich ,2PO is base" i;e; it is eas! to loss tracF of the inten"e"
function of a s!stem or components in a large s!stem; This is one reason +h! it is "ifficult
to compare eisting s!stems against their original specification;
$rom the users vie+: single functions can be often eten"ing across several
mo"ules; The concern of the anal!st then it is un"erstan"ing: "escribing an" "ocumenting
the mo"ules an" their interaction in a +a! that provi"es sufficient "etails but that "oes not
lose sight of the large picture;
2n computer programming: programmers often "evelop the soft+are as a collection of
in"epen"ent but interacting mo"ules an" this are represente" in hierarch! charts; The
hierarch! char! sho+s the relationship bet+een the mo"ules;
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;;/;/ Itro&uctio
#oft+are testing is the critical element of soft+are 'ualit! assurance an"
represents the ultimate revie+ of specification: "esign an" co"ing soft+are testing
fun"amentals "efine the over ri"ing object is for soft+are testing;
#%S#I72 "&@%C#I>%S
Testing is a process of eecuting a program +ith the intent of fin"ing an
A goo" case is one that has a high probabilit! of fin"ing an un"iscovere"
A successful test is one that uncovers !et un"iscovere" error;
2f testing is con"ucte" successfull! it +ill uncover errors in the soft+are;
Testing cannot sho+ the absences of "efects are present; 2t can onl! sho+ that
soft+are "efects are present;
#%S#I72 .RI7CI.L%S
0efore appl!ing metho"s to "esign effective test cases: a soft+are engineer
must un"erstan" the basic principles that gui"e soft+are testing;
All tests shoul" be traceable to customer re'uirements;
Test shoul" be plane" long before testing begins;
Testing shoul" begin Lin smallM an" progress to+ar"s testing Lin largeM;
Ehaustive testing is not possible;
To be most effective: an in"epen"ent thir" part! shoul" con"uct testing;
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#%S# CAS% D%SI27
An! engineering pro"uct teste" in one of the follo+ing t+o +a!s;
Ono+ing the specifie" function that pro"ucts that has been "esigne" to
perform: testing is con"ucte" for each function full! an" at the same time
searching for errors in each function;
Ono+ing the internal +orFing of the pro"uct: tests are con"ucte" to ensure
that an internal operation performs accor"ing to specifications;
The testing can be performe" in t+o +a!s:
9HI#% &"A #%S#I72
Ono+ing the internal +orFing of a pro"uct: test can be con"ucte" to ensure
that Lall gears meshM: i;e; that internal operation performs to specifications an" all
internal components have been a"e'uatel! eercise";
2t is pre"icte" on close eaminations of proce"ural "etail logical provi"ing
test case that eercise specific sets of con"itions an" loop test path through the
soft+are; 0asic path testing is a +hite bo testing techni'ue; The basic path mo"el
enable the test case "esigner to "erive a logical compleit! of a proce"ural "esign
an" use this measure as a gui"e for "efining as a basic set of eecution paths;
&LAC1 &"A #%S#I72
0lacF bo testing allu"es to test that are con"ucte" at the soft+are
interfaces; These are use" to "emonstrate this soft+are functions operational that
input is properl! accepte" an" output is correctl! pro"uce": at the same time
searching for errors;
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#%S#I72 #%CH7IB5%S
)sing the +hite bo testing metho"s: the soft+are engineer can "erive test
cases that
Juarantee that all in"epen"ent paths +ith in a mo"ule has been eercise" at
least once 6basis path testing;
Eercise" all logical "ecisions on their true an" false si"es 6Con"ition
Eercise" internal "ata structures to assure their vali"it! 6"ata flo+ testing;
Eecute all loops at their boun"aries an" +ith in their operation boun"s6
/oop testing;
&ASIS .A#H #%S#I72
The basis path test metho" enables the test case "esigners to "erive a logical
compleities measure of a proce"ural "esign; An" use this measure as gui"elines
for "efining basis set of eecution path; 2n the project L#A/E# AN- P)&C,A#E
.ANAJE.ENTM s!stem one sample mo"el is consi"ere" for test case "esigning;
.seudo4code+ Pseu"o6co"e represents step b! step logical of the proce"ure;
#%S#I72 S#RA#%2I%S+
Testing is a set of activities that can plan in a"vance an" con"ucte"
s!stematicall!; A strateg! for soft+are testing must accommo"ate lo+ level tests
that are necessar! to verif! a small source co"e segment has been correctl!
implements; As +ell as high level that vali"ates s!stem function against customer
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#oft+are testing is none element of verification an" vali"ation; ?erification
refers to the set of activities that ensure the soft+are correctl! implements a
specific function; ?ali"ation refers to a "ifferent set of activities that ensure the
soft+are has been built is traceable to user re'uirements;
((), 57I# #%S#I72
)nit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of soft+are
"esign; This is +hite bo oriente"; 2n the L#A/E# AN- P)&C,A#E
.ANAJE.ENTM: each an" ever! mo"ule is teste" in the follo+ing +a!s;
The mo"ule interfaces are teste" ensuring the information properl! close
into an" put the program unit un"er test; The local "ata structures are eamine" to
ensure "ata store" temporaril! maintains its integrit! "uring on steps in an
algorithm eecution; 0oun"ar! con"itions are teste" to ensure that the mo"ule
operations properl! at boun"aries establishe" to limit or restrict processing; All
in"epen"ent paths through the control structures are eercise" to ensure that all
statements in a mo"ule have been eecute" at least once; Error han"ling paths are
(()-) I7#%2RA#I"7 #%S#I72
2ntegration testing is a s!stematic techni'ue for constructing the program
structure +hile con"ucting tests to uncover errors associate" +ith interfacing;
2n our project L#A/E# AN- P)&C,A#E .ANAJE.ENTM 7e follo+e"
top6"o+n integration +here the mo"ules are integrate" b! moving "o+n+ar"
through the control hierarch! beginning +ith the main control mo"ule; The net:
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"epth6first integration is follo+e" b! that +oul" integrate all mo"ules on a major
control path of the structure moving verticall! through the structure;
(()/) >ALIDA#I"7 #%S#I72
?ali"ation testing is the process of the evaluating soft+are at the en" of the
soft+are "evelopment process to "etermine compliance +ith the re'uirements; The
primar! goals of the vali"ations are5
To asses an" improve the 'ualit! of various pro"ucts generate" "uring
soft+are "evelopment an" mo"ifications;
,igh 'ualit! is best achieve" b! careful attention to the "etails of the
s!stematic planning: anal!sis an" implementation;
2t is incorrect to vie+ source co"e testing as a primar! vehicle for
'ualit! improvement;
(,) S<S#%6 I6.L%6%7#A#I"7
System implementation
2mplementation inclu"es all those activities that taFe place to convert from
the ol" s!stem to the ne+; The ol" s!stem consists of manual operations: +hich
operate" in a ver! "ifferent manner from the propose" ne+ s!stem; A proper
implementation is essential to provi"e a reliable s!stem to meet the re'uirements of
the organizations;
Implementation method
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There are several metho"s for han"ling the implementation an" the
conse'uent conversion from the ol" to the ne+ computerizes s!stem; The most
secure metho" for converting from the ol" to the ne+ s!stem is to run the ne+
s!stem in parallel; 2n this approach: a person ma! operate in the manual ol"er
processing s!stem as +ell as starts operating the ne+ computerize s!stem; This
metho" offers high securit!: because even if there is a fla+ in the computerize
s!stem: +e can "epen" upon the manual s!stem; ,o+ever: the cost for maintaining
t+o s!stems in parallel is ver! high; This out+eighs its benefits;
Another commonl! use" metho" is a "irect cut over from the eisting
manual s!stem to the computerize s!stem; The change ma! be +ithin a +eeF or
+ithin a "a!; There are no parallel activities; ,o+ever: there is no reme"! in case
of a problem; This strateg! re'uires careful planning;
7e can also implement a +orF version of the s!stem: in one part of the
organization an" the personnel +ill be piloting the s!stem an" changes can be ma"e
as an" +hen re'uire"; 0ut this metho" is less preferable "ue to the loss of entiret!
of the s!stem;
Implementation plan
The implementation plan inclu"es a "escription of all the activities that
must occur to implement the ne+ s!stem an" to put it into operation; 2t i"entifies
the personnel responsible for the activities an" prepares a time chart for
implementing the s!stem; The implementation plan consists of the follo+ing steps;
/ist all tables re'uire" for implementation;
2"entif! all "ata re'uire" to buil" ne+ tables "uring the implementation;
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The implementation plan shoul" anticipate possible problems an" must be
able to "eal +ith them; The usual problems ma! be missing "ocumentsP mie" "ata
formats bet+een current an" files: errors in "ata translation: missing "ata etc;
#uccess of the s!stem "epen"s on the +a! in +hich it is operate" an" use";
-ata entr! must be "one utmost carefull! to avoi" errors; This +ill re"uce the "ata
entr! errors consi"erabl!; 2t is preferable to the person +ith some Fin" of operating
manuals that +ill eplain all the "etails of the s!stem;
.ost Implementation Reiew
After the s!stem is implemente": a revie+ shoul" be con"ucte" to
"etermine +hether the s!stem is meeting epectations an" +here improvements are
nee"e"; #!stem 'ualit!: user confi"ence an" operating s!stems statistics are
accesse" through such event logging: impact evaluation an" attitu"e surve!s; The
revie+ not onl! accesses ho+ +ell the propose" s!stem is "esigne" an" implement:
but also is a valuable source of information that can be applie" to a critical
evaluation if the s!stem;
The revie+s are con"ucte" b! the operating personals as +ell as the
soft+are "evelopers in or"er to "etermine ho+ +ell the s!stem is +orFing: ho+ it
has been accepte": an" +hether a"justments are nee"e"; The revie+ of the s!stem
is highl! essential to "etermine the future enhancements re'uire" b! the s!stem;
The s!stem can be consi"ere" successful onl! if information s!stem has met its
objectives; The revie+ anal!sis the opinion of the emplo!ees an" i"entifies the
attitu"es to+ar"s the ne+ computerize s!stem; Onl! +hen +e Fno+ about the
merits an" "emerits of the implemente" s!stem: +e can "etermine +hat all the
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a""itional features it re'uires are; The follo+ing are the issues to be consi"ere" in
the evaluation of a s!stem;
The change in the cost of operation after the installation of the computerize
The basic change that has been effecte" after the intro"uction of the s!stem;
The improvement in the accurac! of the computations;
The acceptance of the ne+ s!stem b! the staff an" the convenience it
brought to them;
The change in the effectiveness cause" b! the implementation of the ne+
A stu"! of the s!stem has reveale" that the emplo!ees "ue to the user
frien"liness have accepte" the s!stem: re"uce" the number of errors: increase"
accurac! an" "ecrease" cost of operations; The s!stem also pa!s for efficient an"
spee"! eecution of operation compare" to the earlier s!stem;
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Post a A&H or IPlace a Ne+ A&H Cate(or" Selectio Pa(e
<College Name><Place> 1>1
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Post A A& pa(e
<College Name><Place> 1>3
Advertising portal
for product promotion
M" Profile Pa(e
<College Name><Place> 1>4
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Sa'e& !oo1mar1s Pa(e
<College Name><Place> 1>8
Advertising portal
for product promotion
S,o+ A& Pa(e
<College Name><Place> 1>9
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Se& A& as Email A;
<College Name><Place> 1>B
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Se& A& as Email A<
Respo& To A& Pa(e A;
<College Name><Place> 1>C
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Respo& To A& Pa(e A<
<College Name><Place> 1>D
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Advertisin# portal for product promotion Admin -ite
-ite Administration Pa#e K@
<College Name><Place> 11>
Advertising portal
for product promotion
-ite Administration Pa#e K>
<College Name><Place> 111
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Maa(e A&s 3 Features
Maa(e Acti'atios 3 Deletios
<College Name><Place> 111
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Maa(e Cate(ories A;
<College Name><Place> 113
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Maa(e Cate(ories A<
<College Name><Place> 114
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Maa(e Locatios
Maa(e Setti(s A;
<College Name><Place> 118
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Maa(e Setti(s A<
<College Name><Place> 119
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Advertisin# portal for product promotion is a website which is
completely free of cost for performin# any operation re#ardin# Ads$ The
site is offerin# different functionalities that can be done on the ad to
ma%e it more mar%etable$
Unre#istered users can search the ads accordin# to their criteria$
Users are also allowed to view all the ads present in the site$
The re#istered users can add edit delete etc on the ad which he
has uploaded moreover they can also search ads accordin# to theirs
need$ "hile addin# an Ad he has #iven the ri#hts that whether he is
uploadin# the Ad for any requirement or for sale$
The Administrator of this site will do the administration re#ardin#
what all ri#hts to be permitted to the user$ The complete mana#ement
of this site will be relayed to the administrator$
;=/ !I!LIOGRAP74
<College Name><Place> 11B
Advertising portal
for product promotion
Soft+are E(ieeri(
2 Ro#er$ -$ Pressman
Data%ase Maa(emet S"stem
2 "illiam$ -$ Robert
Pro A-P$0'T D$G in 1K >MMA -econd 'dition$pdf
2 )athew )acdonald 7 )ario s!pus!ta
Pro sql server >MMG
2 Thomas Ri!!o
<College Name><Place> 11C

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