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Source: 1exas LducaLlon Agency S1AA8 8esources 8Lv May 2014

STAAR Standards Snapshot - Grade 8 Science

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8.1.A demonsLraLe safe pracLlces durlng laboraLory and fleld lnvesLlgaLlons as ouLllned ln Lhe 1exas SafeLy SLandards
8.1.8 pracLlce approprlaLe use and conservaLlon of resources, lncludlng dlsposal, reuse, or recycllng of maLerlals
8.2.A plan and lmplemenL comparaLlve and descrlpLlve lnvesLlgaLlons by maklng observaLlons, asklng well-deflned quesLlons, and uslng approprlaLe equlpmenL and
8.2.8 deslgn and lmplemenL comparaLlve and experlmenLal lnvesLlgaLlons by maklng observaLlons, asklng well-deflned quesLlons, formulaLlng LesLable hypoLheses,
and uslng approprlaLe equlpmenL and Lechnology
8.2.C collecL and record daLa uslng Lhe lnLernaLlonal SysLem of unlLs (Sl) and quallLaLlve means such as labeled drawlngs, wrlLlng, and graphlc organlzers
8.2.u consLrucL Lables and graphs, uslng repeaLed Lrlals and means, Lo organlze daLa and ldenLlfy paLLerns
8.2.L analyze daLa Lo formulaLe reasonable explanaLlons, communlcaLe valld concluslons supporLed by Lhe daLa, and predlcL Lrends
8.3.A ln all flelds of sclence, analyze, evaluaLe, and crlLlque sclenLlflc explanaLlons by uslng emplrlcal evldence, loglcal reasonlng, and experlmenLal and observaLlonal
LesLlng, lncludlng examlnlng all sldes of sclenLlflc evldence of Lhose sclenLlflc explanaLlons, so as Lo encourage crlLlcal Lhlnklng by Lhe sLudenL
8.3.8 use models Lo represenL aspecLs of Lhe naLural world such as an aLom, a molecule, space, or a geologlc feaLure
8.3.C ldenLlfy advanLages and llmlLaLlons of models such as slze, scale, properLles, and maLerlals
8.3.u relaLe Lhe lmpacL of research on sclenLlflc LhoughL and socleLy, lncludlng Lhe hlsLory of sclence and conLrlbuLlons of sclenLlsLs as relaLed Lo Lhe conLenL
8.4.A use approprlaLe Lools Lo collecL, record, and analyze lnformaLlon, lncludlng lab [ournals/noLebooks, beakers, meLer sLlcks, graduaLed cyllnders, anemomeLers,
psychromeLers, hoL plaLes, LesL Lubes, sprlng scales, balances, mlcroscopes, LhermomeLers, calculaLors, compuLers, specLroscopes, Llmlng devlces, and oLher
equlpmenL as needed Lo Leach Lhe currlculum
8.4.8 use prevenLaLlve safeLy equlpmenL, lncludlng chemlcal splash goggles, aprons, and gloves, and be prepared Lo use emergency safeLy equlpmenL, lncludlng an
eye/face wash, a flre blankeL, and a flre exLlngulsher
> 40 of
lLems wlll
be dual

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8.3.A descrlbe Lhe sLrucLure of aLoms, lncludlng Lhe masses,
elecLrlcal charges, and locaLlons, of proLons and neuLrons
ln Lhe nucleus and elecLrons ln Lhe elecLron cloud
8.3.8 ldenLlfy LhaL proLons deLermlne an elemenL's ldenLlLy and
valence elecLrons deLermlne lLs chemlcal properLles,
lncludlng reacLlvlLy
8.3.C lnLerpreL Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe erlodlc 1able, lncludlng
groups and perlods, Lo explaln how properLles are used Lo
classlfy elemenLs
8.3.u recognlze LhaL chemlcal formulas are used Lo ldenLlfy
subsLances and deLermlne Lhe number of aLoms of each
elemenL ln chemlcal formulas conLalnlng subscrlpLs
8.3.L lnvesLlgaLe how evldence of chemlcal reacLlons lndlcaLe
LhaL new subsLances wlLh dlfferenL properLles are formed
8.3.l recognlze wheLher a chemlcal equaLlon conLalnlng coefflclenLs ls balanced
or noL and how LhaL relaLes Lo Lhe law of conservaLlon of mass

7.3.C dlagram Lhe flow of energy Lhrough llvlng sysLems, lncludlng food chalns,
food webs, and energy pyramlds
7.6.A ldenLlfy LhaL organlc compounds conLaln carbon and oLher elemenLs such as
hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nlLrogen, or sulfur
7.6.8 dlsLlngulsh beLween physlcal and chemlcal changes ln maLLer ln Lhe
dlgesLlve sysLem

6.3.C dlfferenLlaLe beLween elemenLs and compounds on Lhe mosL baslc level
6.6.A compare meLals, nonmeLals, and meLallolds uslng physlcal properLles such
as lusLer, conducLlvlLy, or malleablllLy
6.6.8 calculaLe denslLy Lo ldenLlfy an unknown subsLance





8.6.A demonsLraLe and calculaLe how unbalanced forces
change Lhe speed or dlrecLlon of an ob[ecL's moLlon
8.6.C lnvesLlgaLe and descrlbe appllcaLlons of newLon's law of
lnerLla, law of force and acceleraLlon, and law of acLlon-
reacLlon such as ln vehlcle resLralnLs, sporLs acLlvlLles,
amusemenL park rldes, LarLh's LecLonlc acLlvlLles, and
rockeL launches

8.6.8 dlfferenLlaLe beLween speed, veloclLy, and acceleraLlon

7.7.A conLrasL slLuaLlons where work ls done wlLh dlfferenL amounLs of force Lo
slLuaLlons where no work ls done such as movlng a box wlLh a ramp and
wlLhouL a ramp, or sLandlng sLlll

6.8.A compare and conLrasL poLenLlal and klneLlc energy
6.8.C calculaLe average speed uslng dlsLance and Llme measuremenLs
6.8.u measure and graph changes ln moLlon
6.9.C demonsLraLe energy LransformaLlons such as energy ln a flashllghL baLLery
changes from chemlcal energy Lo elecLrlcal energy Lo llghL energy

Source: 1exas LducaLlon Agency S1AA8 8esources 8Lv May 2014
STAAR Standards Snapshot - Grade 8 Science

!"#$%&& ()*+,*",& -($.%+)./.$ 0+1%&).2*).#+ *+, 3%*&#+.+2 (4.55&6
8.1.A demonsLraLe safe pracLlces durlng laboraLory and fleld lnvesLlgaLlons as ouLllned ln Lhe 1exas SafeLy SLandards
8.1.8 pracLlce approprlaLe use and conservaLlon of resources, lncludlng dlsposal, reuse, or recycllng of maLerlals
8.2.A plan and lmplemenL comparaLlve and descrlpLlve lnvesLlgaLlons by maklng observaLlons, asklng well-deflned quesLlons, and uslng approprlaLe equlpmenL and
8.2.8 deslgn and lmplemenL comparaLlve and experlmenLal lnvesLlgaLlons by maklng observaLlons, asklng well-deflned quesLlons, formulaLlng LesLable hypoLheses,
and uslng approprlaLe equlpmenL and Lechnology
8.2.C collecL and record daLa uslng Lhe lnLernaLlonal SysLem of unlLs (Sl) and quallLaLlve means such as labeled drawlngs, wrlLlng, and graphlc organlzers
8.2.u consLrucL Lables and graphs, uslng repeaLed Lrlals and means, Lo organlze daLa and ldenLlfy paLLerns
8.2.L analyze daLa Lo formulaLe reasonable explanaLlons, communlcaLe valld concluslons supporLed by Lhe daLa, and predlcL Lrends
8.3.A ln all flelds of sclence, analyze, evaluaLe, and crlLlque sclenLlflc explanaLlons by uslng emplrlcal evldence, loglcal reasonlng, and experlmenLal and observaLlonal
LesLlng, lncludlng examlnlng all sldes of sclenLlflc evldence of Lhose sclenLlflc explanaLlons, so as Lo encourage crlLlcal Lhlnklng by Lhe sLudenL
8.3.8 use models Lo represenL aspecLs of Lhe naLural world such as an aLom, a molecule, space, or a geologlc feaLure
8.3.C ldenLlfy advanLages and llmlLaLlons of models such as slze, scale, properLles, and maLerlals
8.3.u relaLe Lhe lmpacL of research on sclenLlflc LhoughL and socleLy, lncludlng Lhe hlsLory of sclence and conLrlbuLlons of sclenLlsLs as relaLed Lo Lhe conLenL
8.4.A use approprlaLe Lools Lo collecL, record, and analyze lnformaLlon, lncludlng lab [ournals/noLebooks, beakers, meLer sLlcks, graduaLed cyllnders, anemomeLers,
psychromeLers, hoL plaLes, LesL Lubes, sprlng scales, balances, mlcroscopes, LhermomeLers, calculaLors, compuLers, specLroscopes, Llmlng devlces, and oLher
equlpmenL as needed Lo Leach Lhe currlculum
8.4.8 use prevenLaLlve safeLy equlpmenL, lncludlng chemlcal splash goggles, aprons, and gloves, and be prepared Lo use emergency safeLy equlpmenL, lncludlng an
eye/face wash, a flre blankeL, and a flre exLlngulsher
> 40 of
lLems wlll
be dual

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8.7.A model and lllusLraLe how Lhe LllLed LarLh roLaLes on lLs
axls, causlng day and nlghL, and revolves around Lhe Sun
causlng changes ln seasons
8.7.8 demonsLraLe and predlcL Lhe sequence of evenLs ln Lhe
lunar cycle
8.8.A descrlbe componenLs of Lhe unlverse, lncludlng sLars,
nebulae, and galaxles, and use models such as Lhe
PerLzsprung-8ussell dlagram for classlflcaLlon
8.9.8 relaLe plaLe LecLonlcs Lo Lhe formaLlon of crusLal feaLures
8.9.C lnLerpreL Lopographlc maps and saLelllLe vlews Lo ldenLlfy
land and eroslonal feaLures and predlcL how Lhese
feaLures may be reshaped by weaLherlng

8.7.C relaLe Lhe poslLlon of Lhe Moon and Sun Lo Lhelr effecL on ocean Lldes
8.8.8 recognlze LhaL Lhe Sun ls a medlum-slzed sLar near Lhe edge of a dlsc-
shaped galaxy of sLars and LhaL Lhe Sun ls many Lhousands of Llmes closer Lo
LarLh Lhan any oLher sLar
8.8.C explore how dlfferenL wavelengLhs of Lhe elecLromagneLlc specLrum such as
llghL and radlo waves are used Lo galn lnformaLlon abouL dlsLances and
properLles of componenLs ln Lhe unlverse
8.8.u model and descrlbe how llghL years are used Lo measure dlsLances and slzes
ln Lhe unlverse
8.9.A descrlbe Lhe hlsLorlcal developmenL of evldence LhaL supporLs plaLe LecLonlc
8.10.A recognlze LhaL Lhe Sun provldes Lhe energy LhaL drlves convecLlon wlLhln
Lhe aLmosphere and oceans, produclng wlnds and ocean currenLs
8.10.8 ldenLlfy how global paLLerns of aLmospherlc movemenL lnfluence local
weaLher uslng weaLher maps LhaL show hlgh and low pressures and fronLs
8.10.C ldenLlfy Lhe role of Lhe oceans ln Lhe formaLlon of weaLher sysLems such as
7.8.C model Lhe effecLs of human acLlvlLy on groundwaLer and surface waLer ln a
6.11.8 undersLand LhaL gravlLy ls Lhe force LhaL governs Lhe moLlon of our solar




8.11.A descrlbe producer/consumer, predaLor/prey, and
paraslLe/hosL relaLlonshlps as Lhey occur ln food webs
wlLhln marlne, freshwaLer, and LerresLrlal ecosysLems
8.11.8 lnvesLlgaLe how organlsms and populaLlons ln an
ecosysLem depend on and may compeLe for bloLlc and
abloLlc facLors such as quanLlLy of llghL, waLer, range of
LemperaLures, or soll composlLlon
8.11.C explore how shorL-and long-Lerm envlronmenLal changes
affecL organlsms and LralLs ln subsequenL populaLlons

8.11.u recognlze human dependence on ocean sysLems and explaln how human
acLlvlLles such as runoff, arLlflclal reefs, or use of resources have modlfled
Lhese sysLems
7.10.8 descrlbe how blodlverslLy conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe susLalnablllLy of an ecosysLem
7.10.C observe, record, and descrlbe Lhe role of ecologlcal successlon such as ln a
mlcrohablLaL of a garden wlLh weeds
7.11.A examlne organlsms or Lhelr sLrucLures such as lnsecLs or leaves and use
dlchoLomous keys for ldenLlflcaLlon
7.11.C ldenLlfy some changes ln geneLlc LralLs LhaL have occurred over several
generaLlons Lhrough naLural selecLlon and selecLlve breedlng such as Lhe
Calapagos Medlum Cround llnch (Ceosplza forLls) or domesLlc anlmals
7.12.8 ldenLlfy Lhe maln funcLlons of Lhe sysLems of Lhe human organlsm, lncludlng
Lhe clrculaLory, resplraLory, skeleLal, muscular, dlgesLlve, excreLory,
reproducLlve, lnLegumenLary, nervous, and endocrlne sysLems
7.12.u dlfferenLlaLe beLween sLrucLure and funcLlon ln planL and anlmal cell
organelles, lncludlng cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cyLoplasm,
mlLochondrlon, chloroplasL, and vacuole
7.12.l recognlze LhaL accordlng Lo cell Lheory all organlsms are composed of cells
and cells carry on slmllar funcLlons such as exLracLlng energy from food Lo
susLaln llfe
7.14.8 compare Lhe resulLs of unlform or dlverse offsprlng from sexual
reproducLlon or asexual reproducLlon
7.14.C recognlze LhaL lnherlLed LralLs of lndlvlduals are governed ln Lhe geneLlc
maLerlal found ln Lhe genes wlLhln chromosomes ln Lhe nucleus
6.12.u ldenLlfy Lhe baslc characLerlsLlcs of organlsms, lncludlng prokaryoLlc or
eukaryoLlc, unlcellular or mulLlcellular, auLoLrophlc or heLeroLrophlc, and
mode of reproducLlon, LhaL furLher classlfy Lhem ln Lhe currenLly recognlzed
-G J".,6
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