3d Game Development: Objective

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3d Game Development:

After completion of this course, student will able to make 2d and 3d
games for PC, XBOX, and Zune Player

No professional experience required. This course is from novice to
professional programming

Class time is p.m. - p.m.

Brains Computer College, Waris Road, Lahore.

Visual C# 2008 (Visual C# 2008 will be used for 3d game programming)

5 months 6 days a week (3 days class & 3 days Lab) (one hour class) or
5 months 4 days a week (2 days class & 2 days Lab) (1:30 hours class)

Total Lectures:
50-60 Lectures
Instructor Information:

Zaigham Abbas
Cell: 0334 4001612

3d Game Programming Course Outline:

1. Getting Started
System requirements & Installation
Creating Your First Application

2. Sprites
Adding a Sprite to Your Project
Loading and Drawing Your Sprite
Transparency and Other Options
Layer Depth
Let’s Move
Adjusting the Frame rate
Adjusting the Animation Speed

3. User Input and Collision Detection

More Sprites
Keyboard Input
Mouse Input
Gamepad Input
Keeping the Sprite in the Game Window
Collision Detection

4. Applying Some Object-Oriented Design

Designing Your Classes
Creating a Sprite Class
Creating a User-Controlled Sprite Class
Creating an Automated Sprite
Game Components
Coding the Sprite Manage
Making Them Move

5. Sound Effects and Audio

Using XACT (Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool))
Implementing XACT Audio Files in Code
Using the Simplified API for Sound and Audio
Adding More Sound to Your Game
6. Basic Artificial Intelligence
Creating Sprites at Random Intervals
Randomly Spawning Sprites
Irrelevant Objects
Creating a Chasing Sprite
Creating an Evading Sprite

7. Putting It All Together

Drawing 2D Text
Randomly Generating Different Sprite Types
Adding Some Variety to Your Sprites
Adding a Background Image
Game Scoring
Game States
Enabling/Disabling GameComponents
Game-Over Logic and the Game-Over Screen
Fine-Tuning Gameplay
Creating Power-Ups

8. Deploying to the Microsoft Zune (if you have Zune)

Setting Up Your Zune Device Connection
Creating a Zune Project
Input on the Zune
Audio on the Zune
Resolution and Gameplay Issues
Converting the Collision Game from Windows to Zune
Conditional Compilation Symbols
Converting the Collision Game Audio
Converting the Collision Game’s Player Input Code
Converting the Collision Game’s Screen Size
Zune Performance

9. 3D Game Development
Coordinate Systems
Creating a 3D Camera
Drawing Primitives
Matrix Multiplication
Movement and Rotation
Backface Culling
More on Rotations
Even More Rotations
Primitive Types
Applying Textures
10. 3D Models
Using 3D Models
Setting Up the Project
Adding a Model to Your Project
Drawing a Model Using a BasicModel Class
Adding a Model Manager
Rotating Your Model

11. Creating a First-Person Camera

Components of a Moving 3D Camera
Moving in a First-Person Camera
Rotations in a First-Person Camera
Coding the Camera for the 3D Game

12. 3D Collision Detection and Shooting

Creating a Moving Enemy
Adding Some Game Logic
Firing Shots
3D Collision Detection and Bounding Spheres
Adding a Crosshair
Adding Sound

13. HLSL (High Level Shader Language) Basics

HLSL Syntax
Dissecting a Sample HLSL Effect File
Applying an HLSL Effect
Applying HLSL Using Textures
HLSL Effects: Creating a Negative
HLSL Effects: Blur
HLSL Effects: Grayscale

14. Particle Systems

Creating a Custom Vertex
Creating a Particle Engine
Adding a Particle Effect File
Adding Your Particle Engine to Your Game
Adding a Starfield

15. Wrapping Up Your 3D Game

Adding a Splash Screen Game Component
Keeping Score
Adding a Power-Up
16. Deploying to the Xbox 360 (if you have XBOX 360)
Adding an Xbox 360 Device
Converting a Project to Run on the Xbox 360
Supporting Gamepad Input
Deploying to the Xbox 360
Xbox 360 Display Settings
The Title Safe Region

17. Multiplayer Games

Split-Screen Functionality
Network Game Development
Network Configurations
Writing an Network Game
Modifying the Sprite Class
Modifying the UserControlledSprite Class
Coding Your Game1 Class
Adding Update Code
Adding Draw Code
Adding Biohazard Bombs of Insanity

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