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Adeline Virginia Woolf (/w lf/; ne Stephen; 25 January 1882 28 March 1941) was

an Enl!sh wr!ter" an# $ne $f the f$re%$st %$#ern!sts $f the twent!eth century&
'ur!n the !nterwar per!$#" ($$lf was a s!n!f!cant f!ure !n )$n#$n l!terary s$c!ety an#
a central f!ure !n the !nfluent!al *l$$%s+ury ,r$up $f !ntellectuals& -er %$st fa%$us
w$r.s !nclu#e the n$/els Mrs Dalloway (1925)" To the Lighthouse (1920) an# Orlando
(1928)" an# the +$$.1lenth essay A Room of One's Own (1929)" w!th !ts fa%$us #!ctu%"
23 w$%an %ust ha/e %$ney an# a r$$% $f her $wn !f she !s t$ wr!te f!ct!$n&2 ($$lf
suffere# fr$% se/ere +$uts $f %ental !llness thr$uh$ut her l!fe" th$uht t$ ha/e +een the
result $f what !s n$w ter%e# +!p$lar #!s$r#er"
an# c$%%!tte# su!c!#e +y #r$wn!n !n
1941 at the ae $f 59&
1 Early l!fe
2 *l$$%s+ury
6 ($r.
o 6&1 3tt!tu#es t$war# Ju#a!s%" 7hr!st!an!ty an# fasc!s%
4 'eath
5 M$#ern sch$larsh!p an# !nterpretat!$ns
o 5&1 8e%!n!s%
o 5&2 Mental !llness
9 'ep!ct!$ns
0 *!+l!$raphy
o 0&1 :$/els
o 0&2 Sh$rt st$ry c$llect!$ns
o 0&6 *!$raph!es
o 0&4 :$n1f!ct!$n +$$.s
o 0&5 'ra%a
o 0&9 ;ranslat!$ns
o 0&0 3ut$+!$raph!cal wr!t!ns an# #!ar!es
o 0&8 )etters
o 0&9 <refaces" c$ntr!+ut!$ns
o 0&1= <h$t$raph al+u%s
8 See als$
9 :$tes
1= 8urther rea#!n
o 1=&1 *!$raph!es
11 E>ternal l!n.s
Early life
<h$t$raph!c p$rtra!t $f ($$lf?s %$ther" Jul!a Stephen" ta.en +y Jul!a Mararet 7a%er$n"
Jul!a?s aunt
@!r!n!a ($$lf was +$rn 3#el!ne @!r!n!a Stephen at 22 -y#e <ar. ,ate !n )$n#$n&

-er parents were S!r )esl!e Stephen (186219=4) an# Jul!a <r!nsep 'uc.w$rth Stephen
(ne Jac.s$n) (18491895)&
)esl!e Stephen was a n$ta+le h!st$r!an" auth$r" cr!t!c an#
-e was a f$un#!n e#!t$r $f the Dictionary of National Biography" a w$r.
wh!ch w$ul# !nfluence ($$lf?s later e>per!%ental +!$raph!es& Jul!a Stephen was a
ren$wne# +eauty" +$rn !n *r!t!sh An#!a t$ 'r& J$hn an# Mar!a <attle Jac.s$n& She was
als$ the n!ece $f the ph$t$rapher Jul!a Mararet 7a%er$n an# f!rst c$us!n $f the
te%perance lea#er )a#y -enry S$%erset& Jul!a %$/e# t$ Enlan# w!th her %$ther" where
she ser/e# as a %$#el f$r <re1Baphael!te pa!nters such as E#war# *urne1J$nes&
($$lf was e#ucate# +y her parents !n the!r l!terate an# well1c$nnecte# h$useh$l# at 22
-y#e <ar. ,ate" Cens!nt$n& -er parents ha# each +een %arr!e# pre/!$usly an# +een
w!#$we#" an#" c$nseDuently" the h$useh$l# c$nta!ne# the ch!l#ren $f three %arr!aes&
Jul!a ha# three ch!l#ren +y her f!rst hus+an#" -er+ert 'uc.w$rthE ,e$re" Stella" an#
,eral# 'uc.w$rth& )esl!e f!rst %arr!e# -arr!et Mar!an (M!nny) ;hac.eray (184=1805)"
the #auhter $f (!ll!a% ;hac.eray" an# they ha# $ne #auhterE )aura Ma.epeace
Stephen" wh$ was #eclare# %entally #!sa+le# an# l!/e# w!th the fa%!ly unt!l she was
!nst!tut!$nal!se# !n 1891&
)esl!e an# Jul!a ha# f$ur ch!l#ren t$etherE @anessa Stephen
(1809)" ;h$+y Stephen (188=)" @!r!n!a (1882)" an# 3#r!an Stephen (1886)&
S!r )esl!e Stephen?s e%!nence as an e#!t$r" cr!t!c" an# +!$rapher" an# h!s c$nnect!$n t$
(!ll!a% ;hac.eray" %eant that h!s ch!l#ren were ra!se# !n an en/!r$n%ent f!lle# w!th the
!nfluences $f @!ct$r!an l!terary s$c!ety& -enry Ja%es" ,e$re -enry )ewes" an#
@!r!n!a?s h$n$rary $#father" Ja%es Bussell )$well" were a%$n the /!s!t$rs t$ the
h$use& Jul!a Stephen was eDually well c$nnecte#& She ca%e fr$% a fa%!ly $f +eaut!es
wh$ left the!r %ar. $n @!ct$r!an s$c!ety as %$#els f$r <re1Baphael!te art!sts an# early
ph$t$raphers" !nclu#!n her aunt Jul!a Mararet 7a%er$n wh$ was als$ a /!s!t$r t$ the
Stephen h$useh$l#& Supple%ent!n these !nfluences was the !%%ense l!+rary at the
Stephens? h$use" fr$% wh!ch @!r!n!a an# @anessa were tauht the class!cs an# Enl!sh
l!terature& Fnl!.e the !rls" the!r +r$thers 3#r!an an# Jul!an (;h$+y) were f$r%ally
e#ucate# an# sent t$ 7a%+r!#e" a #!fference that @!r!n!a w$ul# resent& ;he s!sters #!#"
h$we/er" +enef!t !n#!rectly fr$% the!r +r$thers? 7a%+r!#e c$ntacts" as the +$ys +r$uht
the!r new !ntellectual fr!en#s h$%e t$ the Stephens? #raw!n r$$%&
4citation needed5
Jul!a <r!nsep Stephen p$rtraye# +y E#war# *urne1J$nes" 1899
3cc$r#!n t$ ($$lf?s %e%$!rs" her %$st /!/!# ch!l#h$$# %e%$r!es were n$t $f )$n#$n
+ut $f St& A/es !n 7$rnwall" where the fa%!ly spent e/ery su%%er unt!l 1895& ;he
Stephens? su%%er h$%e" ;allan# -$use" l$$.e# $ut $/er <$rth%!nster *ay" an# !s st!ll
stan#!n t$#ay" th$uh s$%ewhat altere#& Me%$r!es $f these fa%!ly h$l!#ays an#
!%press!$ns $f the lan#scape" espec!ally the ,$#re/y )!hth$use" !nf$r%e# the f!ct!$n
($$lf wr$te !n later years" %$st n$ta+ly To the Lighthouse&
;he su##en #eath $f her %$ther !n 1895" when @!r!n!a was 16" an# that $f her half1s!ster
Stella tw$ years later" le# t$ the f!rst $f @!r!n!a?s se/eral ner/$us +rea.#$wns& She was"
h$we/er" a+le t$ ta.e c$urses $f stu#y (s$%e at #eree le/el) !n ,ree." )at!n" ,er%an
an# h!st$ry at the )a#!es? 'epart%ent $f C!n?s 7$llee )$n#$n +etween 1890 an# 19=1"
an# th!s +r$uht her !nt$ c$ntact w!th s$%e $f the early ref$r%ers $f w$%en?s h!her
e#ucat!$n such as 7lara <ater" ,e$re (arr an# )!l!an 8a!thfull (<r!nc!pal $f the C!n?s
)a#!es? 'epart%ent an# n$te# as $ne $f the Stea%+$at la#!es)&
-er s!ster @anessa als$
stu#!e# )at!n" Atal!an" art an# arch!tecture at C!n?s )a#!es? 'epart%ent& Gn 2 May 2=16"
!t was ann$unce# that ($$lf was t$ +e h$n$ure# +y her al%a %ater when" !n 3utu%n
2=16" the Virginia oolf Building $f C!n?s 7$llee )$n#$n w$ul# $pen $n C!nsway"
;he #eath $f her father !n 19=4 pr$/$.e# her %$st alar%!n c$llapse an# she was +r!efly
M$#ern sch$lars (!nclu#!n her nephew an# +!$rapher" Huent!n *ell)
ha/e sueste#
her +rea.#$wns an# su+seDuent recurr!n #epress!/e per!$#s were als$
!nfluence# +y the se>ual a+use t$ wh!ch she an# her s!ster @anessa were su+Iecte# +y
the!r half1+r$thers ,e$re an# ,eral# 'uc.w$rth (wh!ch ($$lf recalls !n her
aut$+!$raph!cal essays A !"etch of the #ast an# $$ %yde #ar" &ate)&
;hr$uh$ut her l!fe" ($$lf was plaue# +y per!$#!c %$$# sw!ns an# ass$c!ate#
!llnesses& She spent three sh$rt per!$#s !n 191=" 1912 an# 1916 at *urley -$use" 15
7a%+r!#e <ar." ;w!c.enha%" #escr!+e# as 2a pr!/ate nurs!n h$%e f$r w$%en w!th
ner/$us #!s$r#er2&
;h$uh th!s !nsta+!l!ty $ften affecte# her s$c!al l!fe" her l!terary
pr$#uct!/!ty c$nt!nue# w!th few +rea.s thr$uh$ut her l!fe&
;he 'rea#n$uht -$a>ers !n 3+yss!n!an real!a; @!r!n!a ($$lf !s the +ear#e# f!ure $n
the far left&
3fter the #eath $f the!r father an# @!r!n!a?s sec$n# ner/$us +rea.#$wn" @anessa an#
3#r!an s$l# 22 -y#e <ar. ,ate an# +$uht a h$use at 49 ,$r#$n SDuare !n *l$$%s+ury&
($$lf ca%e t$ .n$w )ytt$n Strachey" 7l!/e *ell" Bupert *r$$.e" Sa>$n Sy#ney1;urner"
'uncan ,rant" )e$nar# ($$lf" J$hn Maynar# Ceynes" 'a/!# ,arnett" an# B$er 8ry"
wh$ t$ether f$r%e# the nucleus $f the !ntellectual c!rcle $f wr!ters an# art!sts .n$wn as
the *l$$%s+ury ,r$up& Se/eral %e%+ers $f the r$up atta!ne# n$t$r!ety !n 191= w!th the
'rea#n$uht h$a>" wh!ch @!r!n!a part!c!pate# !n #!su!se# as a %ale 3+yss!n!an r$yal&
-er c$%plete 194= tal. $n the -$a> was #!sc$/ere# an# !s pu+l!she# !n the %e%$!rs
c$llecte# !n the e>pan#e# e#!t!$n $f The #latform of Time (2==8)& An 19=0 @anessa
%arr!e# 7l!/e *ell" an# the c$uple?s !nterest !n a/ant ar#e art w$ul# ha/e an !%p$rtant
!nfluence $n ($$lf?s #e/el$p%ent as an auth$r&
@!r!n!a Stephen %arr!e# wr!ter )e$nar# ($$lf $n 1= 3uust 1912&
'esp!te h!s l$w
%ater!al status (($$lf referr!n t$ )e$nar# #ur!n the!r enae%ent as a 2penn!less Jew2)
the c$uple share# a cl$se +$n#& An#ee#" !n 1960" ($$lf wr$te !n her #!aryE 2)$/e1%a.!n
Jafter 25 years can?t +ear t$ +e separate &&& y$u see !t !s en$r%$us pleasure +e!n wante#E
a w!fe& 3n# $ur %arr!ae s$ c$%plete&2 ;he tw$ als$ c$lla+$rate# pr$fess!$nally" !n 1910
f$un#!n the -$arth <ress" wh!ch su+seDuently pu+l!she# @!r!n!a?s n$/els al$n w!th
w$r.s +y ;&S& El!$t" )aurens /an #er <$st" an# $thers&
;he <ress als$ c$%%!ss!$ne#
w$r.s +y c$nte%p$rary art!sts" !nclu#!n '$ra 7arr!nt$n an# @anessa *ell&
3 p$rtra!t $f ($$lf +y B$er 8ry c& 1910
;he eth$s $f the *l$$%s+ury r$up enc$urae# a l!+eral appr$ach t$ se>ual!ty" an# !n
1922 she %et the wr!ter an# ar#ener @!ta Sac./!lle1(est" w!fe $f -ar$l# :!c$ls$n& 3fter
a tentat!/e start" they +ean a se>ual relat!$nsh!p" wh!ch" acc$r#!n t$ Sac./!lle1(est !n a
letter t$ her hus+an# #ate# 3uust 10" 1929" was $nly tw!ce c$nsu%%ate#&
@!r!n!a?s !nt!%acy w!th @!ta see%s t$ ha/e c$nt!nue# !nt$ the early 196=s&
An 1928"
($$lf presente# Sac./!lle1(est w!th Orlando" a fantast!cal +!$raphy !n wh!ch the
ep$ny%$us her$?s l!fe spans three centur!es an# +$th se>es& :!el :!c$ls$n" @!ta
Sac./!lle1(est?s s$n" wr$te 2;he effect $f @!ta $n @!r!n!a !s all c$nta!ne# !n Orlando"
the l$nest an# %$st char%!n l$/e letter !n l!terature" !n wh!ch she e>pl$res @!ta" wea/es
her !n an# $ut $f the centur!es" t$sses her fr$% $ne se> t$ the $ther" plays w!th her"
#resses her !n furs" lace an# e%eral#s" teases her" fl!rts w!th her" #r$ps a /e!l $f %!st
ar$un# her2&
3fter the!r affa!r en#e#" the tw$ w$%en re%a!ne# fr!en#s unt!l ($$lf?s
#eath !n 1941& @!r!n!a ($$lf als$ re%a!ne# cl$se t$ her sur/!/!n s!+l!ns" 3#r!an an#
@anessa; ;h$+y ha# #!e# $f typh$!# fe/er at the ae $f 29&
($$lf +ean wr!t!n pr$fess!$nally !n 19==" !n!t!ally f$r the Times Literary !upplement
w!th a I$urnal!st!c p!ece a+$ut -aw$rth" h$%e $f the *r$ntK fa%!ly&
-er f!rst n$/el"
The Voyage Out" was pu+l!she# !n 1915 +y her half1+r$ther?s !%pr!nt" ,eral# 'uc.w$rth
an# 7$%pany )t#& ;h!s n$/el was $r!!nally t!tle# Melym'rosia" +ut ($$lf repeate#ly
chane# the #raft& 3n earl!er /ers!$n $f The Voyage Out has +een rec$nstructe# +y ($$lf
sch$lar )$u!se 'eSal/$ an# !s n$w a/a!la+le t$ the pu+l!c un#er the !nten#e# t!tle&
'eSal/$ arues that %any $f the chanes ($$lf %a#e !n the te>t were !n resp$nse t$
chanes !n her $wn l!fe&
)ytt$n Strachey an# ($$lf at ,ars!nt$n" 1926
($$lf went $n t$ pu+l!sh n$/els an# essays as a pu+l!c !ntellectual t$ +$th cr!t!cal an#
p$pular success& Much $f her w$r. was self1pu+l!she# thr$uh the -$arth <ress& She !s
seen as a %aI$r twent!eth century n$/el!st an# $ne $f the f$re%$st %$#ern!sts&
($$lf !s c$ns!#ere# a %aI$r !nn$/at$r !n the Enl!sh lanuae& An her w$r.s she
e>per!%ente# w!th strea%1$f1c$nsc!$usness an# the un#erly!n psych$l$!cal as well as
e%$t!$nal %$t!/es $f characters& ($$lf?s reputat!$n #ecl!ne# sharply after ($rl# (ar AA"
+ut her !%p$rtance was re1esta+l!she# w!th the r$wth $f fe%!n!st cr!t!c!s% !n the 190=s&
@!r!n!a ($$lf?s pecul!ar!t!es as a f!ct!$n wr!ter ha/e ten#e# t$ $+scure her central
strenthE ($$lf !s arua+ly the %aI$r lyr!cal n$/el!st !n the Enl!sh lanuae& -er n$/els
are h!hly e>per!%entalE a narrat!/e" freDuently une/entful an# c$%%$nplace" !s refracte#
Jan# s$%et!%es al%$st #!ss$l/e#J!n the characters? recept!/e c$nsc!$usness& Antense
lyr!c!s% an# styl!st!c /!rtu$s!ty fuse t$ create a w$rl# $/era+un#ant w!th au#!t$ry an#
/!sual !%press!$ns&
($$lf has $ften +een cre#!te# w!th strea% $f c$nsc!$usness wr!t!n
al$ns!#e her %$#ern!st c$nte%p$rar!es l!.e Ja%es J$yce an# J$seph 7$nra#&
;he !ntens!ty $f @!r!n!a ($$lf?s p$et!c /!s!$n ele/ates the $r#!nary" s$%et!%es +anal
sett!nsJ$ften wart!%e en/!r$n%entsJ$f %$st $f her n$/els& 8$r e>a%ple" Mrs
Dalloway (1925) centres $n the eff$rts $f 7lar!ssa 'all$way" a %!##le1ae# s$c!ety
w$%an" t$ $ran!se a party" e/en as her l!fe !s parallele# w!th that $f Sept!%us (arren
S%!th" a w$r.!n1class /eteran wh$ has returne# fr$% the 8!rst ($rl# (ar +ear!n #eep
psych$l$!cal scars&
To the Lighthouse (1920) !s set $n tw$ #ays ten years apart& ;he pl$t centres $n the
Ba%say fa%!ly?s ant!c!pat!$n $f an# reflect!$n up$n a /!s!t t$ a l!hth$use an# the
c$nnecte# fa%!l!al tens!$ns& Gne $f the pr!%ary the%es $f the n$/el !s the strule !n the
creat!/e pr$cess that +eset pa!nter )!ly *r!sc$e wh!le she strules t$ pa!nt !n the %!#st $f
the fa%!ly #ra%a& ;he n$/el !s als$ a %e#!tat!$n up$n the l!/es $f a nat!$n?s !nha+!tants !n
the %!#st $f war" an# $f the pe$ple left +eh!n#& At als$ e>pl$res the passae $f t!%e" an#
h$w w$%en are f$rce# +y s$c!ety t$ all$w %en t$ ta.e e%$t!$nal strenth fr$% the%&
Orlando (1928) !s $ne $f @!r!n!a ($$lf?s l!htest n$/els& 3 par$#!c +!$raphy $f a
y$un n$+le%an wh$ l!/es f$r three centur!es w!th$ut ae!n %uch past th!rty (+ut wh$
#$es a+ruptly turn !nt$ a w$%an)" the +$$. !s !n part a p$rtra!t $f ($$lf?s l$/er @!ta
Sac./!lle1(est& At was %eant t$ c$ns$le @!ta f$r the l$ss $f her ancestral h$%e" th$uh !t
!s als$ a sat!r!cal treat%ent $f @!ta an# her w$r.& An Orlando" the techn!Dues $f h!st$r!cal
+!$raphers are +e!n r!#!cule#; the character $f a p$%p$us +!$rapher !s +e!n assu%e#
!n $r#er f$r !t t$ +e %$c.e#&
The a(es (1961) presents a r$up $f s!> fr!en#s wh$se reflect!$ns" wh!ch are cl$ser t$
rec!tat!/es than t$ !nter!$r %$n$l$ues pr$per" create a wa/e1l!.e at%$sphere that !s %$re
a.!n t$ a pr$se p$e% than t$ a pl$t1centre# n$/el&
)lush* A Biography (1966) !s a part1f!ct!$n" part1+!$raphy $f the c$ span!el $wne#
+y @!ct$r!an p$et El!La+eth *arrett *r$wn!n& ;he +$$. !s wr!tten fr$% the #$?s p$!nt $f
/!ew& ($$lf was !nsp!re# t$ wr!te th!s +$$. fr$% the success $f the Bu#$lf *es!er play"
The Barretts of impole !treet& An the play" 8lush !s $n stae f$r %uch $f the act!$n& ;he
play was pr$#uce# f$r the f!rst t!%e !n 1962 +y actress Cathar!ne 7$rnell&
-er last w$r." Between the Acts (1941)" su%s up an# %an!f!es ($$lf?s ch!ef
pre$ccupat!$nsE the transf$r%at!$n $f l!fe thr$uh art" se>ual a%+!/alence" an#
%e#!tat!$n $n the the%es $f flu> $f t!%e an# l!fe" presente# s!%ultane$usly as c$rr$s!$n
an# reIu/enat!$nJall set !n a h!hly !%a!nat!/e an# sy%+$l!c narrat!/e enc$%pass!n
al%$st all $f Enl!sh h!st$ry& ;h!s +$$. !s the %$st lyr!cal $f all her w$r.s" n$t $nly !n
feel!n +ut !n style" +e!n ch!efly wr!tten !n /erse&
(h!le ($$lf?s w$r. can +e
un#erst$$# as c$ns!stently !n #!al$ue w!th *l$$%s+ury" part!cularly !ts ten#ency
(!nf$r%e# +y ,& E& M$$re" a%$n $thers) t$war#s #$ctr!na!re rat!$nal!s%" !t !s n$t a
s!%ple recap!tulat!$n $f the c$ter!e?s !#eals&
($$lf?s w$r.s ha/e +een translate# !nt$ $/er 5= lanuaes" +y wr!ters such as J$re )u!s
*$res an# Maruer!te M$urcenar&
Attitudes toward Judaism, Christianity and fascism
($$lf was cr!t!c!se# +y s$%e as an ant!se%!te" #esp!te her +e!n happ!ly %arr!e# t$ a
Jew!sh %an& ;h!s ant!se%!t!s% !s #rawn fr$% the fact that she $ften wr$te $f Jew!sh
characters !n stere$typ!cal archetypes an# eneral!sat!$ns" !nclu#!n #escr!+!n s$%e $f
her Jew!sh characters as phys!cally repuls!/e an# #!rty&
;he $/erwhel%!n
4citation needed5

an# r!s!n 192=s an# 196=s ant!se%!t!s% p$ss!+ly !nfluence# @!r!n!a ($$lf& She wr$te
!n her #!aryE 2A #$ n$t l!.e the Jew!sh /$!ce; A #$ n$t l!.e the Jew!sh lauh&2 -$we/er" !n
a 196= letter t$ the c$%p$ser Ethel S%yth" Du$te# !n :!el :!c$ls$n?s +!$raphy Virginia
oolf" she rec$llects her +$asts $f )e$nar#?s Jew!shness c$nf!r%!n her sn$++!sh
ten#enc!es" 2-$w A hate# %arry!n a Jew1 (hat a sn$+ A was" f$r they ha/e !%%ense
An an$ther letter t$ S%yth" ($$lf !/es a scath!n #enunc!at!$n $f 7hr!st!an!ty" see!n !t
as self1r!hte$us 2e$t!s%2 an# stat!n 2%y Jew has %$re rel!!$n !n $ne t$e na!lJ%$re
hu%an l$/e" !n $ne ha!r&2
($$lf an# her hus+an# )e$nar# hate# an# feare# 196=s fasc!s% w!th !ts ant!se%!t!s%
e/en +ef$re .n$w!n they were $n -!tler?s +lac.l!st& -er 1968 +$$. Three &uineas was
an !n#!ct%ent $f fasc!s%&
3fter c$%plet!n the %anuscr!pt $f her last (p$sthu%$usly pu+l!she#) n$/el" Between the
Acts" ($$lf fell !nt$ a #epress!$n s!%!lar t$ that wh!ch she ha# earl!er e>per!ence#& ;he
$nset $f ($rl# (ar AA" the #estruct!$n $f her )$n#$n h$%e #ur!n the *l!tL" an# the c$$l
recept!$n !/en t$ her +!$raphy $f her late fr!en# B$er 8ry all w$rsene# her c$n#!t!$n
unt!l she was una+le t$ w$r.&
Gn 28 March 1941" ($$lf put $n her $/erc$at" f!lle# !ts
p$c.ets w!th st$nes" wal.e# !nt$ the B!/er Guse near her h$%e" an# #r$wne# herself&
($$lf?s +$#y was n$t f$un# unt!l 18 3pr!l 1941&
-er hus+an# +ur!e# her cre%ate#
re%a!ns un#er an el% !n the ar#en $f M$n.?s -$use" the!r h$%e !n B$#%ell" Susse>&
An her last n$te t$ her hus+an# she wr$teE
'earest" A feel certa!n that A a% $!n %a# aa!n& A feel we can?t $ thr$uh an$ther $f
th$se terr!+le t!%es& 3n# A shan?t rec$/er th!s t!%e& A +e!n t$ hear /$!ces" an# A can?t
c$ncentrate& S$ A a% #$!n what see%s the +est th!n t$ #$& M$u ha/e !/en %e the
reatest p$ss!+le happ!ness& M$u ha/e +een !n e/ery way all that any$ne c$ul# +e& A #$n?t
th!n. tw$ pe$ple c$ul# ha/e +een happ!er t!ll th!s terr!+le #!sease ca%e& A can?t f!ht any
l$ner& A .n$w that A a% sp$!l!n y$ur l!fe" that w!th$ut %e y$u c$ul# w$r.& 3n# y$u w!ll
A .n$w& M$u see A can?t e/en wr!te th!s pr$perly& A can?t rea#& (hat A want t$ say !s A $we
all the happ!ness $f %y l!fe t$ y$u& M$u ha/e +een ent!rely pat!ent w!th %e an# !ncre#!+ly
$$#& A want t$ say thatJe/ery+$#y .n$ws !t& Af any+$#y c$ul# ha/e sa/e# %e !t w$ul#
ha/e +een y$u& E/eryth!n has $ne fr$% %e +ut the certa!nty $f y$ur $$#ness& A can?t
$ $n sp$!l!n y$ur l!fe any l$ner& A #$n?t th!n. tw$ pe$ple c$ul# ha/e +een happ!er than
we ha/e +een& @&
Modern scholarshi and interretations
@!r!n!a ($$lf 18821941& Sta%p $f B$%an!a" 2==0&
;h$uh at least $ne +!$raphy $f @!r!n!a ($$lf appeare# !n her l!fet!%e" the f!rst
auth$r!tat!/e stu#y $f her l!fe was pu+l!she# !n 1902 +y her nephew Huent!n *ell&
-er%!$ne )ee?s 1999 +!$raphy Virginia oolf pr$/!#es a th$r$uh an# auth$r!tat!/e
e>a%!nat!$n $f ($$lf?s l!fe an# w$r.&
An 2==1 )$u!se 'eSal/$ an# M!tchell 3& )eas.a e#!te# The Letters of Vita !ac"(ille+est
and Virginia oolf& Jul!a *r!s?s Virginia oolf* An ,nner Life" pu+l!she# !n 2==5" !s the
%$st recent e>a%!nat!$n $f ($$lf?s l!fe& At f$cuses $n ($$lf?s wr!t!n" !nclu#!n her
n$/els an# her c$%%entary $n the creat!/e pr$cess" t$ !llu%!nate her l!fe& ;h$%as SLasL?s
+$$. My Madness !a(ed Me* The Madness and Marriage of Virginia oolf (AS*: =1
09581=62119) was pu+l!she# !n 2==9&
Becently" stu#!es $f @!r!n!a ($$lf ha/e f$cuse# $n fe%!n!st an# les+!an the%es !n her
w$r." such as !n the 1990 c$llect!$n $f cr!t!cal essays" Virginia oolf* Les'ian Readings"
e#!te# +y E!leen *arrett an# <atr!c!a 7ra%er&
($$lf?s +est1.n$wn n$nf!ct!$n w$r.s" A Room of One's Own (1929) an# Three &uineas
(1968)" e>a%!ne the #!ff!cult!es that fe%ale wr!ters an# !ntellectuals face +ecause %en
h$l# #!spr$p$rt!$nate leal an# ec$n$%!c p$wer an# the future $f w$%en !n e#ucat!$n
an# s$c!ety& An The !econd !e- (1949)" S!%$ne #e *eau/$!r c$unts" $f all w$%en wh$
e/er l!/e#" $nly three fe%ale wr!tersJE%!ly *r$ntK" ($$lf an# 2s$%et!%es2 Cather!ne
Mansf!el#Jwh$ ha/e e>pl$re# 2the !/en&2
Mental illness
Much sch$larsh!p has +een %a#e $f ($$lf?s %ental !llness" #escr!+e# as a 2%an!c1
#epress!/e !llness2 !n ;h$%as 7ara%an$?s 1992 +$$." The )light of the Mind* Virginia
oolf's Art and Manic+Depressi(e ,llness" !n wh!ch he als$ warns aa!nst the 2neur$t!c1
en!us2 way $f l$$.!n at %ental !llness" where pe$ple rat!$nal!se that creat!/!ty !s
s$%eh$w +$rn $f %ental !llness&
An tw$ +$$.s +y Stephen ;r$%+ley" ($$lf !s
#escr!+e# as ha/!n a c$nfr$ntat!$nal relat!$nsh!p w!th her #$ct$rs" an# p$ss!+ly +e!n a
w$%an wh$ !s a 2/!ct!% $f %ale %e#!c!ne2" referr!n t$ the c$nte%p$rary relat!/e lac. $f
un#erstan#!n a+$ut %ental !llness&
Arene 7$ates?s +$$. ho's Afraid of Leonard oolf* A .ase for the !anity of Virginia
oolf h$l#s that )e$nar# ($$lf?s treat%ent $f h!s w!fe enc$urae# her !ll health an#
ult!%ately was resp$ns!+le f$r her #eath& ;h$uh e>tens!/ely researche#" th!s /!ew !s n$t
accepte# +y )e$nar#?s fa%!ly& @!ct$r!a ,len#!nn!n?s +$$. Leonard oolf* A Biography
arues that )e$nar# ($$lf was n$t $nly supp$rt!/e $f h!s w!fe +ut ena+le# her t$ l!/e as
l$n as she #!# +y pr$/!#!n her w!th the l!fe an# at%$sphere she nee#e# t$ l!/e an#
wr!te& @!r!n!a?s $wn #!ar!es supp$rt th!s /!ew $f the ($$lfs? %arr!ae&
7$ntr$/ers!ally" )$u!se 3& 'eSal/$ rea#s %$st $f ($$lf?s l!fe an# career thr$uh the lens
$f the !ncestu$us se>ual a+use ($$lf suffere# as a y$un w$%an !n her 1989 +$$.
Virginia oolf* The ,mpact of .hildhood !e-ual A'use on her Life and or"&
($$lf?s f!ct!$n !s als$ stu#!e# f$r !ts !ns!ht !nt$ shell sh$c." war" class an# %$#ern
*r!t!sh s$c!ety&
($$lf?s +ust !n ;a/!st$c. SDuare" )$n#$n erecte# !n 2==4
M!chael 7unn!nha%?s 1998 <ul!tLer <r!Lew!nn!n n$/el The %ours f$cuse# $n three
enerat!$ns $f w$%en affecte# +y ($$lf?s n$/el Mrs Dalloway& An 2==2" a f!l% /ers!$n
$f the n$/el was release# starr!n :!c$le C!#%an as ($$lf" a r$le f$r wh!ch she w$n the
2==2 3ca#e%y 3war# f$r *est 3ctress& ;he f!l% als$ starre# Jul!anne M$$re an# Meryl
Streep an# feature# an awar#1w!nn!n sc$re +y 3%er!can c$%p$ser <h!l!p ,lass& Susan
Sellers? n$/el Vanessa and Virginia (2==8) e>pl$res the cl$se s!+l!n relat!$nsh!p +etween
($$lf an# her s!ster" @anessa *ell& At was a#apte# f$r the stae +y El!La+eth (r!ht !n
2=1= an# f!rst perf$r%e# +y M$/!n St$r!es ;heatre 7$%pany&
See als$E *!+l!$raphy $f @!r!n!a ($$lf
The Voyage Out (1915)
Night and Day (1919)
/aco''s Room (1922)
Mrs Dalloway (1925)
To the Lighthouse (1920)
Orlando (1928)
The a(es (1961)
The 0ears (1960)
Between the Acts (1941)
$hort story collections
1ew &ardens (1919)
Monday or Tuesday (1921)
A %aunted %ouse and Other !hort !tories (1944)
Mrs Dalloway's #arty (1906)
The .omplete !horter )iction (1985)
27arlyle?s -$use an# Gther S.etches2 (2==6)
@!r!n!a ($$lf pu+l!she# three +$$.s t$ wh!ch she a/e the su+t!tle 23 *!$raphy2E
Orlando* A Biography (1928" usually character!se# as a no(el !nsp!re# +y the l!fe
$f @!ta Sac./!lle1(est)
)lush* A Biography (1966" %$re e>pl!c!tly cr$ss1enreE fiction as 2strea% $f
c$nsc!$usness2 tale +y 8lush" a #$; non+fiction !n the sense $f tell!n the st$ry $f
the $wner $f the #$" El!La+eth *arrett *r$wn!n)" repr!nte# !n 2==5 +y
<erseph$ne *$$.s
Roger )ry* A Biography (194=" usually character!se# as non+fiction" h$we/erE
24($$lf?s5 n$/el!st!c s.!lls w$r.e# aa!nst her talent as a +!$rapher" f$r her
!%press!$n!st!c $+ser/at!$ns I$stle# unc$%f$rta+ly w!th the s!%ultane$us nee# t$
%arshal a %ult!tu#e $f facts&2
"on%fiction books
Modern )iction (1919)
The .ommon Reader (1925)
A Room of One's Own (1929)
On Being ,ll (196=)
The London !cene (1961)
The .ommon Reader* !econd !eries (1962)
Three &uineas (1968)
The Death of the Moth and Other 2ssays (1942)
The Moment and Other 2ssays (1940)
The .aptain's Death Bed And Other 2ssays (195=)
&ranite and Rain'ow (1958)
Boo"s and #ortraits (1908)
omen And riting (1909)
.ollected 2ssays (f$ur /$lu%es)
)reshwater* A .omedy (perf$r%e# !n 1926" re/!se# !n 1965" an# pu+l!she# !n
!ta(rogin's .onfession 3 the #lan of 'The Life of a &reat !inner'" fr$% the n$tes
$f 8y$#$r '$st$e/s.y" translate# !n partnersh!p w!th S& S& C$tel!ans.y (1922)
Autobiograhical writings and diaries
A riter's Diary (1956)JE>tracts fr$% the c$%plete #!ary
Moments of Being (1909)
A Moment's Li'erty* the shorter diary (199=)
The Diary of Virginia oolf (f!/e /$lu%es)J'!ary $f @!r!n!a ($$lf fr$% 1915
t$ 1941
#assionate Apprentice* The 2arly /ournals4 5678957:7 (199=)
Tra(els ith Virginia oolf (1996)J,ree. tra/el #!ary $f @!r!n!a ($$lf" e#!te#
+y Jan M$rr!s
The #latform of Time* Memoirs of )amily and )riends" E>pan#e# E#!t!$n" e#!te#
+y S& <& B$sen+au% ()$n#$n" -esperus" 2==8)
.ongenial !pirits* The !elected Letters (1996)
The Letters of Virginia oolf 5666957;5 (s!> /$lu%es" 1905198=)
#aper Darts* The ,llustrated Letters of Virginia oolf (1991)
(refaces, contributions
!elections Auto'iographical and ,maginati(e from the or"s of &eorge &issing
e#& 3lfre# 7& ,!ss!n" w!th an !ntr$#uct!$n +y @!r!n!a ($$lf ()$n#$n N :ew
M$r." 1929)
(hotograh albums
M$n.?s -$use ph$t$raph al+u% 1" 18961968& '!!tal 8acs!%!le at -$uht$n
)!+rary" -ar/ar# Fn!/ers!ty
M$n.?s -$use ph$t$raph al+u% 2" 19=91922& '!!tal 8acs!%!le at -$uht$n
)!+rary" -ar/ar# Fn!/ers!ty
M$n.?s -$use ph$t$raph al+u% 6" 189=1966& '!!tal 8acs!%!le at -$uht$n
)!+rary" -ar/ar# Fn!/ers!ty
M$n.?s -$use ph$t$raph al+u% 4" 189=1940& '!!tal 8acs!%!le at -$uht$n
)!+rary" -ar/ar# Fn!/ers!ty
M$n.?s -$use ph$t$raph al+u% 5" 18921968& '!!tal 8acs!%!le at -$uht$n
)!+rary" -ar/ar# Fn!/ers!ty
M$n.?s -$use ph$t$raph al+u% 9" 185=19==& '!!tal 8acs!%!le at -$uht$n
)!+rary" -ar/ar# Fn!/ers!ty

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