Outbreak Undead - FCF - Vol 046

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4 introduction

Quick Q&A
Q: Can I play this without a copy of Outbreak: Deep Space?
A: No. The two systems will be complementary and share
the same mechanics. Outbreak: Deep Space has the benet
of being done rst, so thats why youre seeing it before our
release of Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition. We didnt want
to leave our fans of the original game feeling as if were
moving on without revising Outbreak: Undead.. This short
primer will allow the reader to know how we will apply the
system presented in Outbreak: Deep Space to Outbreak:
Q: Is the book going to be in full color and hardcover?
Because this primer is neither of those.
A: Yes on both counts. The full version is going to be full
color and hardcover.
Q: Will I be able to play the full release of Outbreak:
Undead.. 2nd Edition without a copy of Outbreak: Deep
A: Yes. The full 2nd Edition release will have the complete
ruleset contained within. This primer is just to introduce
those who want to play whats newest with Outbreak:
Undead.. by adapting Outbreak: Deep Space.
Q: What crosses over from Outbreak: Deep Space to this
A: Character creation, the Encounter sequence and
the mechanics of combat are what fully cross over from
Outbreak: Deep Space to this book. We will call out any
references that are utilizing the Outbreak: Deep Space
rules. Many character Paradigms can also be utilized from
Outbreak: Deep Space to Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Editon.
Q: What is unique to the Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd Edition
A: The kind of gear a character has access to as well as the
nature of the opponents and setting. All of those differences
will be covered in this primer.
Q: How close are the rules going to be to the actual release
of Outbreak: Undead 2nd Edition?
A: Very close.
Q: Is the full version of Outbreak: Undead.. Second Edition
going to be printed in color?
A: Yes... stop asking.
Q: Will this be outdated when the Outbreak: Undead.. 2nd
Edition book comes out?
A: Not really. We will obviously address any problems or
concerns that we get from player feedback between now
and when we publish, but there should be no mechanical
difference between this book and the full version of
Outbreak: Undead.. Second Edition.
Q: Are you going to use that handwriting font again?
A: Yes, but sparingly... we promise
Q: Is that going to be the cover?
A: No. We are featuring a new model. And yes, shes very
pretty... like last time.
horror traits
Players that are utilizing the rules from Outbreak: Deep
Space will be able to utilize the Horror Traits that are
presented on pg.xxx. Since most Outbreak: Undead feature
viral based opponents, the symptoms themselves and the
accumulated Viral total that a character or the opponents
have present an entirely new range of possible opponents.
Outbreak: Undead.. presents different options (symptoms)
for multiple types of viral infections. If the Viral total
is greater than the Tens digit (or Bonus) of the SPEW
stat it effects, then the character succumbs to the Virus
and becomes an opponent with all the Horror Traits of
the standard opponent of the outbreak scenario. If the
Virus does not alter a SPEW stat, then the virus will
simply damage a character until the virus is somehow
removed or the character is killed. The following are
a list of Symptoms that work like Horror Traits that
apply specically to the Virus that serve as penalties to
characters who are infected:
Name of Symptom
Effect of Symptom
Manifested Horror Traits (Viral Total Needed). An (S)
indicates that the Horror Trait manifests once the infected
nally succumb to the virus.
Outbreak Scenarios that feature a virus with a particular
symptom that manifests at (S) will automatically apply to
the Standard Infected opponent.
The virus wreaks havoc on the Occipital Lobe and Visual
Cortex. Each Viral point adds 1 Difculty to all checks
with Per as a primary attribute and will not allow any PB
to be claimed for any other checks.
Advanced Weaponry - Ranged (S), Disoriented (4),
Indiscriminate Attacker (7)
Mutation/Invasive Growth
This virus causes rapid mutation or invasive growths that
is fueled by consuming biomass. The resulting monster
may barely be recognizable as once being human and be
capable of terrifying strength or other unnatural abilities.
The mutation will actually augment their abilities until
the mutation becomes rampant. Empathy and one other
SPEW Attribute becomes targeted. The combined bonus
of these two SPEW Attributes will be Viral needed for
a character to Succumb. The remaining two SPEW
Attributes will get a +1 Bonus per Viral until a character
Succumbs. A character cannot claim an EB for any check.
Mutation - Mobility, Projectile, Regeneration, Resistance
(damage type), Strength (1 new mutation per 2 Viral
points), OBM (S)
The virus suppresses the functions of the Frontal Lobe
and will cause a character to become irrational and full
of blinding rage, gradually forgetting ties such as kinship
or friendship. Each Viral point adds 1 Difculty to all skill
checks with Emp as a primary attribute and will not allow
any EB to be claimed for any other checks.
Vicious or Advanced Weaponry - Melee (S), Indiscriminate
Targeting(4), Endurance (6), Toughness (8), Rage (S)
The virus will kill and rot the cells of the body and erode the
muscle tissue of the character and/or the Motor Cortex of
the brain. Each point of Viral adds 1 Difculty to all skill
checks with Str as a primary attribute and will not allow
any SB to be claimed for any other checks.
Endurance (S), Tough (5), Undead (7)
The virus damages or suppresses the operation of the
Cerebellum. Each Viral point adds 1 Difculty to all skill
checks with Willpower as a primary attribute and will not
allow any WB to be claimed for any other checks.
Advanced Weaponry (S), Panicked (4), Enthralled (6)
When healing damage during Natural Healing, prevent the
Healing of 1 damage per Viral point. No SB can be claimed
to see how much damage is healed during natural healing.
Vicious (S), Hematophagy (4)
A character is constantly nauseous and will vomit up
whatever they attempt to eat or drink. Each point of Viral
will require that a character ingest an additional Food or
they will begin to starve.This lack of nutrition will sap the
Strength of a character, so all skill checks with Str as a
primary attribute will have +1 to the required Moments
per Viral point. Intravenous nutrition solutions and other
medicines can prevent this to a certain degree. A character
aficted with this will also reduce the amount of Labor
they produce in an amount equal to the Viral total.
Evacuation (5)
A character is easily disoriented and dazzled by bright
lights. While in normal or brightly lit areas, a character
will add +1 to the required Moments for all Actions per
Viral point to all checks with Per as a primary attribute.
Photophobia (7)
Each period of Time, characters take 1 damage per Viral
point and any Environmental Modiers for Unsanitary.
A Toughness check will reduce this damage by 1 per DoS.
Antiseptic medicine and {AMed, FAid} can also contribute
DoS to prevent this damage.
Highly Infectious (7)
Succumbing will require that the Viral total is equal to or
greater than the SPEW attribute bonus the Virus affects
based on its symptoms. If no attribute is affected, then the
character will require they reach 0 - 1 Health points until
they succumb.
Note: There are some Abilities or gear in the form of
vaccines that can articially increase the threshold where
an aficted character will Succumb.
A Symptom may be determined by, or give insight into
the Horror Traits that result from infection, for instance,
Nausea/Diarrhea may indicate the early stages of the
Virus that gives the standard zombie their Evacuation
Horror Trait.
A Symptom will be a negative status afiction against
characters that are infected and will serve as Horror
Traits to those opponents that have succumbed or turned.
In the Horror Traits section will be a section dedicated to
Symptoms of the Virus.
Some Horror Traits will not manifest unless the opponent
is suitably infected. For instance, should a Virus have
symptoms that have Endurance (S), and Undead (6),
that means that upon succumbing, the opponent has the
Endurance Horror Trait, but only after the Viral: 6 is
reached will the opponent count as being Undead. If the
Virus has a combination of symptoms that overlap in what
sort of Horror Trait results, always use the lowest Viral
total to determine when such a Horror Trait will manifest.
It is possible for Horror Traits to manifest before a character
Succumbs. They will take the form as handicaps or some
other penalty. This situation arises if a characters Viral is
high enough to manifest a Horror Trait, but they have not
yet Succumbed.
If a character manages to be strong enough or medicated
heavily enough to prevent Succumbing at a Viral total that
normally indicates a Horror Trait manifests, the Horror
Trait is ignored until a character actually Succumbs,
although the other Symptoms will get noticeably more
If opponents in an Encounter are randomly generated, a
GM can automatically increase the Viral of the characters
opponents by up to the current OL for purposes of
determining what Horror Traits can be manifested without
any Risk cost.
The Biologically Alive opponents that were once humans
or animals that succumb to the Virus no longer suffer
the debilitation that the Virus infected. They will become
what opponent is considered Standard along with any
Horror Traits the Virus causes based on its Symptoms. The
corresponding Horror Trait can be found on Table X.X.
the undead
The rank and le zombie, the undead serve as a baseline
opponent that most characters face. They can vary
tremendously by the morphology of the infected host, but
they all have additional versatility based on the symptoms of
the virus they carry. They have another important feature in
common: they are very very deadly, especially in greater
Opponent - (Zombie)
Size: 1
Strength: 25
Perception: 20
Empathy: 0
Willpower: special
Movement: 10
Speed: 2d6 Moments
Skill Checks {SC%}/Attacks
{Bal 30%, Do 25%, Grpl 25% [1d6 Sl], Brl 30% [1d6
Health - (1)
Defense - 5
DT - 12
Viral - 3 + OL
Symptoms - Necrosis, Rage, Nausea/Diarrhea
Bite - [1d6 Sl] per DoS in a Grapple check. Each DoS in a
Save Throw can convert 1 DoS worth of Bite Attack into
Unarmed attack.
Unarmed - [1d6 Bl] per DoS in a Brawl check. Minimum
1 damage per Size.
Infected Upgrades
(2 Risk)
Speed: +1 Moment
Defense +1
Multiple Upgrades - This upgrade can be taken multiple times
up to a maximum of +5 Defense.
(5 Risk)
+10 Strength
Multiple Upgrades - This upgrade can be taken multiple times
up to a maximum of +50 Strength.
(0 Risk)
-10 Strength
Speed: 3d6 Moments
Crawl - Crawlers can move by crawling, so get +1 Structure
for cover when Ranged Attacks are made against them.
They can also be deployed without any minimum distance
(10 Risk -2 per OL)
+10 Strength. Attacks have Deadly: 1.
Speed: 1d6 Moments
(5 Risk)
- 10 Strength
Fear - Grotesque will allow the Fear Hazard to the GMs.
(5 Risk - 1 per Aquatic Environmental Modier)
Waterlogged - Difculty to make {Spt/Li} to avoid
Encounters with this opponent is increased by 1.
Dragged to the Depths - This zombie can attack characters
that are making a {Swim%} check. The Drowned will only
get a single attack and the GM must pay 5 Risk - 1 per DoF
in the {Swim%}.
Evacuation -
Familiar Face
(10 Risk + 5 per OL)
All actions against this opponent by one character will take
+4d6 Moments. This can be reduced by the characters
WB and DoS in a {Cmps%} save throw.
(Risk = Combined WB of all characters in Encounter)
Affected targets must make a {Cmps%} check. Characters
that fail this check will Panic. This can be triggered at the
start of any phase. Using Fear requires that the number of
affected targets be declared as the Risk cost is paid. The
available targets are as follows: All opponents in melee or
grapple range, all targets in an encounter.
(5 Risk - 1 per Cold Environmental Modier)
DT - 20
Thaw - Bane [Th]
Frozen - Does not increase Viral with a Bite attack
(5 Risk - 1 per Arid Environmental Modier)
DT - 10
Brittle - Bane [Bl]
Fear - Husk will allow the Fear Hazard to the GMs.
(1 Risk per Viral)
This infected opponent is further along in their infection
than others. This opponent has 1 higher Viral than normal.
This may manifest additional Horror Traits based upon
whatever Symptoms the Virus indicates. It also increases
the Difculty of Save Throws versus [Vi] damage by 1.
(5 Risk)
Awaken - Characters must identify corpses as Sleepers by
making a {Spt/Li%} check or the Infected get a surprise
round and can be deployed without minimum distance
(1 Risk)
Size: 0
Strength: 10
Child Abuse - Characters whose Intent is attacking an
Urchin must pass a {Cmps%}. Failing to do this will force
a character to roll an extra Speed Die and increase the
Difculty by 1.
Some humans are incredibly obese and unhealthy. This
strained physiology and their obvious susceptibility to being
early victims of zombies means that the virus progresses in
them in a very different fashion and for a longer period
of time than most zombies. The larger zombies have the
ability to shove smaller ones out of the way as they feed
on corpses, which in turn makes them even larger still.
Those incredible specimens called Gluttons are so full
of masticated esh and bone shards that their actual
stomach has long since ruptured and has lled almost the
entirety of their body cavities. Their crushing weight and
their ability to regurgitate the indiscriminately consumed
contents of their stomach makes them unbelievably hard
(and disgusting) target to kill in close quarters.
Opponent - (Zombie)
Size: 2
Strength: 35
Perception: 20
Empathy: 0
Willpower: special
Movement: 10
Speed: 3d6 Moments
Skill Checks {SC%}/Attacks
{Bal 30%, Do 25%, Grpl 25% [1d6 Sl], Brl 30% [1d6
Health: (1)
Defense: 5
DT: 15
Viral: 3 + OL
Symptoms: Necrosis, Rage, Nausea/Diarrhea
Bite - [2d6 Sl] per DoS in a Grapple check. Each DoS in a
Save Throw can convert 1 DoS worth of Bite Attack into
Unarmed attack.
Disembowel - Any Melee Attack that deals [Sl] damage
but fails to inict a Health point worth of damage will
burst open the contents of the Gluttons body. The attacker
and all other characters in Melee range will count as
having been Evacuated upon as if the Glutton had won by
1d6 DoS. The Glutton can no longer perform Evacuation
Evacuation - A Glutton has an Evacuation that triggers on
any successful {Grpl%}.
Fear - Infected will grant the Fear Hazard to GMs if these
Opponents outnumber characters in an encounter.
Huge - The Glutton automatically passes a {Bal%}
check save throws against attacks made by Size 1 or less
Clumsy - The Glutton will add +1 Difculty to attack any
Size 1 targets, they will add +2 Difculty to attack any
Size 0 targets.
Squishy - The Glutton has +10 Defense against {Bl} damage.
Unarmed - {2d6 Bl} per DoS in a Brawl check. Minimum
1 damage per Size.
Glutton Upgrades/Abilities
Lord of the Flies
(15 Risk)
The Glutton is so putrid that they are followed at all times
by a buzzing swarm of biting ies. This obscures it from
immediate view. The Ranged Descriptor cannot be used
to generate any bonus against the Lord of the Flies.
Rat King
(15 Risk)
The glutton is little more than a mobile rat nest, its gigantic
body host to hundreds of infected rats. The Rat King no
longer has an Evacuation attack, but attacking the Rat
King in Melee or Grapple range will provoke the swarm of
Vermin to attack.
A Banshee is a zombie that has some resilience to the
necrotic effects of the virus, but is very prone to the
psychological effects. As a result, their bodies look
relatively normal, but their minds are just as far gone as
any other zombie, but in a different fashion. Their frayed
frontal lobes still remember fragments of sentences,
phrases and words. Some even preserve a shred of
sentience, but are nonetheless incurable. They are hyper-
sensitive to light and sound and react to any sudden changes
in their environment with primal screams. These screams
vary tremendously in their coherency, and some examples
are even convincing enough to be easily mistaken for cries
for help.
Opponent - (Zombie)
Size: 1
Strength: 20
Perception: 30
Empathy: 0
Willpower: special
Movement: 10
Speed: 2d6 Moments
Skill Checks {SC%}/Attacks
{Bal 30%, Do 25%, Grpl 25% [1d6 Sl], Brl 20% [1d6
Health: (1)
Defense: 5
DT: 15
Viral: 3 + OL
Symptoms - Delirium, Hallucination, Rage
Sneak - Characters that avoid being seen by a Banshee by
means of a {Snk%, Hide%} will be able to avoid the Shriek
rule, as they only Shriek when they detect characters.
Banshee Upgrades/Abilities
Alarm Scream
(1 Risk)
3d6 Moments
The Banshee screams, alerting nearby zombies. Alarm
Scream is a Sustained Action. Each Moment this Action is
maintained will add 1 Risk per OL.
(5 Risk)
All Opponents - Zombie in an Encounter can reduce the
Moments required by all their Actions equal to their Viral
total. This is a Sustained Action.
(5 Risk)
A Banshee shrieks with such an ear-piercing noise will
it will both stun nearby characters and draw more
attention to the fight. All characters in an Encounter
with a Banshee roll a Speed Die and add it to their
current Initiative roll. Add +d6 Risk. The Risk cost can
be ignored if a character fails a {Snk%, Hide%} check
to avoid the Banshee.
(10 Risk)
The Banshee is not shrieking incoherently. It has every
indication that it is a victim of attack needing help. The
Banshee cannot be targeted unless the attacker makes a
Save Throw that is either {Cmps%, D-DM%, RDip%}.
Characters not able to do either of these will not be able
to target the Banshee with any attack. All Actions not
dedicated to attempting to help the Banshee will take a
penalty of requiring an additional Speed Die to be rolled.
Another character can make a {D-Cd%} check to snap
another character out of it.
(5 Risk)
Characters can hear a Banshee wail as they approach.
Characters must make a {Spt/Li%} check or the Banshee
gets a surprise round and can and use any Ability that
requires up to 10 Risk for free during this round.
(10 Risk)
The Banshee unleashes an unexpectedly specic torment
on a character in Close Range. This character must make
a {RDip%, Cmps%} check or lose 1 Morale.
The dreaded feeder is one that maintains an incredible
amount of intellect, except they have become willing
cannibals. Unlike other kinds of opponents, the feeder is
one that is still biologically alive and very alert. They feel
little pain and are averse to many things that a normal,
uninfected human can tolerate without problem. So there
are exploitable advantages that one can take to defend
against these otherwise very formidable opponents.
Opponent - (Living), Dark
Size: 1
Strength: 30
Perception: 30
Empathy: 0
Willpower: special
Movement: 15
Speed: 1d6
Skill Checks {SC%}/Attacks
{Bal 30%, Do 25%, Grpl 25% [1d6 Sl], Brl 20% [1d6
Health: 3
Defense: 5
DT: 10
Viral: 3 + OL
Symptoms: Hemorrhagic, Rage
Nocturnal - The Feeder is extremely repulsed by light.
Being forced to attack while being subjected to ultraviolet
light will reduce their Perception to 10 and they will not be
able to claim PB on any other checks. Their Speed will also
be decreased to 4d6.
Feeder Upgrades
(10 Risk -2 per OL)
The feeder is one that feeds on blood specically. This will
increase their Perception by 10.

Weak Spot - A feeder will be incredibly resistant to damage,
but has a very exploitable weakness. The Feeder has only
1 Health point, but they have +10 DT and +5 Defense. A
character knowing this weakness can make a Called Shot
Tactic against it, overriding the DT and Defense bonus, but
the Attack has +3 Difculty.

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