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Treatment Action Campaign Treatment Action Group HIV iBase International Treatment Preparedness Coalition

(ITPC) Health GAP AIDS and Rights Alliance of Southern Africa (ARASA) Asian Network of People Living with
HIV/AIDS (ANP+) MSF Access Campaign AfroCAB International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS East
Africa (ICW EA) AIDS Law Project, Kenya Housing Works TASO Uganda Zimbabwe Network of People Living with
HIV/AIDS (ZNNP+) Positive Generation Cameroon International Civil Society Support Thai AIDS Treatment Action
Group (TTAG) Thai Network of People Living with HIV (TNP+) ACCESS Foundation Thailand Delhi Network of
People Living with HIV (DNP+) National Network of Tanzanian Women with HIV/AIDS Africa Young Positives (AY+)
Africa Japan Forum Japan AIDS and Society Association (JASA) Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe Treatment
Advocacy and Literacy Campaign (TALC), Zambia Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS)
Uganda DRC National Grassroots Association of People Living with HIV Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS Activist Union
Community Trust (ZHAAUCT) Ngibalulekile Services for Health in Asian and African Regions (SHARE) Rede
Nacional de Asoociaies de Pessaoas Vivendo Com HIV/SIDA National Association of People Living with HIV,
Mozambique (ENSIDA) Movement for Access to Treatment In Mozambique (MATRAM) Mozambique Association of
AIDS Service Organizations (MONASO) Mozambique Network of NGOs working In Health and HIV/AIDS (NAIMA+)

"Undetectab|e" v|ra| |oadopportun|ty for a|| by 2020!
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We call for an amblLlous LargeL of undeLecLable vlral load Lo form Lhe core of new global goals belng
debaLed by unlLed naLlons lnsLlLuLlons and naLlonal governmenLs and demand noL [usL Lhe promlses buL
Lhe fundlng, LreaLmenL opLlons, laws and pollcles needed Lo meeL Lhose LargeLs.

1o achleve success ln Lhe flghL agalnsL Lhe Plv epldemlc, reporLlng and Lracklng Plv LesLlng and LreaLmenL
as success lndlcaLors are slmply noL good enough. We need Lo know how well Plv-poslLlve people are
acLually dolng. CurrenLly, reachlng and malnLalnlng an undeLecLable vlral load" ls Lhe closesL Lhlng we have
Lo a cure for Plv. 1he besL measure of wheLher Plv ls belng suppressed ln an Plv-poslLlve person's body ls a
vlral load LesL. uurable suppresslon of Plv helps Plv poslLlve people sLay allve and healLhy whlle also

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African Young
Positives Network

International Civil Society Support
helplng prevenL Plv Lransmlsslon Lhrough sex, ln[ecLlng drug use, and durlng pregnancy, labour and

?eL Loday mosL people llvlng wlLh Plv ouLslde wealLhy counLrles don'L know Lhelr vlral load and Loo many
do noL have Lhe LreaLmenL Lhey need Lo conLrol Lhe vlrus-ofLen because Lhey do noL even have access Lo
LesLlng. 1hls ls a vlolaLlon of baslc human rlghLs-all people deserve Lhe lnformaLlon, medlclne, and supporL
needed Lo conLrol and suppress Lhe vlrus.

We musL Lherefore be monlLorlng vlral load suppresslon raLes Lo ensure Plv LreaLmenL programmes are
dellverlng maxlmum lmpacL for Plv poslLlve people. vlral load LesLs are also recommended for Lhe opLlmal
managemenL of people recelvlng anLlreLrovlral LreaLmenL. 1he World PealLh CrganlzaLlon recommends
rouLlne vlral load monlLorlng Lo ensure anLlreLrovlral LreaLmenL ls worklng and Lo ensure Llmely and
accuraLe deLecLlon of LreaLmenL fallure.

ln addlLlon, Lhe cosL-effecLlveness of vlral load LesLlng ls lmprovlng and new Lechnologles promlse furLher
prlce reducLlons, along wlLh expandlng economles of scale. We do noL conslder cosL Lo be a sufflclenL
excuse for falllng Lo offer every person on anLlreLrovlral LreaLmenL on Lhe planeL an annual vlral load LesL by
2020. We also do noL conslder a lack of currenL LesLlng capaclLy ln some developlng counLrles Lo be elLher
an lnsurmounLable obsLacle or an accepLable excuse. When A8v LreaLmenL was lnLroduced ln Lhe early
2000s, scepLlcs argued LhaL provldlng LreaLmenL ln resource-llmlLed seLLlngs would be lmposslble due Lo
cosL, complexlLy and lack of Lechnlcal capaclLy.1he same argumenLs are belng used Loday regardlng vlral
load monlLorlng, even Lhough Lhe beneflLs of Lhe Lechnology are lndlspuLable.

We know, Loo, LhaL vlral load monlLorlng ls [usL one plece of Lhe puzzle. 1o achleve undeLecLable LargeLs
leaders musL commlL Lo:
Us|ng every too| ava||ab|e to e||m|nate patent barr|ers that make AkVs and other drugs
unaffordab|e |n many countr|es.

No s|ng|e v|ra| |oad test anywhere |n the wor|d shou|d cost more than 10 USD and further pr|ce
reduct|ons shou|d be poss|b|e.

Iu||y fund|ng the nIV treatment response |nc|ud|ng fu||y fund|ng nat|ona| programs, the G|oba|
Iund, LIAk, and other |n|t|at|ves.

Iu||y fund|ng strong, accountab|e, commun|ty-based treatment ||teracy and adherence support
a|ong w|th strong soc|a| protect|on programs.

Comm|tt|ng to a human r|ghts based nIV response by combat|ng cr|m|na||zat|on, d|scr|m|nat|on,
and st|gma and avert|ng coerc|ve pract|ces by putt|ng |n p|ace a strong commun|ty |ed r|ghts
lf unlLed naLlons agencles and naLlonal governmenLs are serlous abouL Lruly Lurnlng Lhe Llde agalnsL Lhe
Plv epldemlc, Lhey wlll seL amblLlous vlral load suppresslon LargeLs and ensure LhaL everyone has Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo have an 'undeLecLable' vlral load. 1he LargeL we wanL ls as follows: AL leasL 80 of all
LreaLmenL ellglble Plv-poslLlve persons musL have undeLecLable vlral loads by 2020 (persons who dld noL
have vlral load LesLs ln Lhe precedlng 12 monLhs musL be consldered noL Lo be vlrally suppressed)."

At least 80% of ALL treatment eligible people must have undetectable viral loads by 2020, which means a significant
increase in voluntary HIV testing and enrollment on treatment and care programs, reflecting that 90% of people
eligible for ART have access, and 90% of people on ART reach and maintain an undetectable viral load.

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