Billing Document Type (BDT) Tcode: Vofa

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Billing Document Type (BDT)

Billing Document Type (BDT)
BDT controls billing document as well as accounting document created through
the session VF01.
BDT is used in Account Determination.
Billing Document generates the legal inoice and the accounting document is a
document !or internal use.
BDT is assigned in "DT
Accounting Document T#$e %ADT& is assigned in BDT at the !ield 'Document
T#$e(. )! no ADT is assigned at the !ield* b# de!ault s#stem ta+es ADT ',V-.
ADT decides the number range in Accounting Documents.
.se [OBA7] to iew ADT
/umber ,ange !or ADT is created through the session [FBN1]
/umber ,ange !or BDT is created through the session [VN01]
BDT F1 0 F1 are identical and the# are maintained to use di!!erent 2ricing T#$es
in Co$# Control.
The !ollowing !ields in BDT integrate "D with Finance.
2osting Bloc+
Accounting Document T#$e
Account Determination 2rocedure
Screen Fields:
Billing t#$e: A generic term !or inoices* credit memos* debit memos* $ro !orma
inoices* and cancellation documents. A billing document is made u$ o! a header*
and a number o! items. The header contains data that a$$lies to the whole
document. A document that is the result o! the billing sub$rocess in a Billing
3ngine A$$lication. A billing document com$rises
A billing header
One or more billing items
O$tional com$onents such as additional te4ts
Created b#: /ame o! 2erson who Created the Ob5ect
Number Systems
/o. range )nt. assgt.: /umber range in the case o! internal number assignment.
/umber that determines how documents are to be numbered b# the s#stem. )t
indicates which number range is releant !or a document t#$e. Billing Document
uses onl# internal numbering. )t is maintained through the session 6V/017.
)tem /o. )ncrement: The increment b# which #ou want the item numbers in a
sales* delier#* or billing document* to increase when the s#stem automaticall#
generates item numbers.
General Control
"D Document categor#: A classi!ication !or the di!!erent t#$es o! documents that
#ou can $rocess in the sales and distribution s#stem %!or e4am$le: 8uotations*
sales orders* delieries* and inoices&. The document categor# determines how the
s#stem stores and +ee$s trac+ o! document data. )t enables the s#stem to $roide
#ou with status in!ormation about delier# $rocessing* billing* and documents that
are used !or re!erence %!or e4am$le* in8uiries and 8uotations&.
2osting Bloc+: )ndicates whether the s#stem bloc+s automatic trans!er o! the
billing document to accounting. )! mar+ed* while saing the Billing Document*
the Account Document will not be generated. )n such case* #ou can manuall#
generate Accounting Document !rom the Billing Document b# going to Toolbar
Billing Document ,elease To Accounting.
Transaction 9rou$: A grou$ing that allows #ou to control certain !eatures o!
transaction !low b# sales* shi$$ing* and billing documents. The transaction grou$
:hich sales document t#$es #ou can $rocess with which s#stem
transactions during sales order $rocessing
For which sales* shi$$ing* and billing documents the s#stem u$dates
inde4es !or re$orting $ur$oses
The transaction grou$ that #ou assign to a transaction must match the grou$ that
#ou assign to the res$ectie document t#$e. )! #ou leae the !ield blan+ when #ou
de!ine the document t#$e* the s#stem does not chec+ !or a transaction grou$.
"tatistics: )ndicates whether the s#stem stores in!ormation !rom billing documents
o! this t#$e !or the $ur$oses o! statistical anal#sis. )! #ou want to generate
statistics using data !rom this billing t#$e* mar+ the !ield.
Billing Categor#: .sed to di!!erentiate the billing documents b# re8uirements !or:
inoice $rinting %selection criterion&
billing document creation %selection criterion&
!orwarding to Financial Accounting
Document T#$e: The document t#$e classi!ies accounting documents.
)t is noted in the document header. Attributes that control the entr# o! the
document or which are themseles stored in the document are sti$ulated !or each
document t#$e. )n $articular* the number range assigned to the releant
documents is determined on the basis o! the document t#$e.
;ere #ou assign the Account Document T#$e 6OBA<7. )! no Account Document
T#$e %ADT& is assigned* s#stem ta+es ',V( b# de!ault. /umber range !or ADT is
maintained through 6FB/17. =ou can see the ADT in Accounting Oeriew o! the
Billing Document.
/egatie 2osting: )! the indicator is set* then the transaction !igure u$date is
changed. A corres$ondingl# set $osting on the debit side reduces the credits side
o! the account. A credit $osting reduces the debit side o! the account. The
indicator can be entered in billing t#$es !or credit memos and cancellations. )t
onl# has the re8uired e!!ect in F)* i! the com$an# code $ermits negatie $ostings.
Branch> ;ead O!!ice: The indicator controls which $artner !unctions o! the billing
document can be !orwarded to Financial Accounting
initial : )! the $a#er is di!!erent to the sold?to $art#* the $a#er is trans!erred
to Financial Accounting as the customer and the sold?to $art# as the
branch. An# branch>head o!!ice relationshi$ stored in F) is ignored.
A : The sold?to $art# is !orwarded as the customer. An# branch>head o!!ice
relationshi$ stored in F) !or this customer is ta+en into account.
B : The $a#er is !orwarded as the customer. An# branch>head o!!ice
relationshi$ stored in F) !or this customer is ta+en into account.
)! the credit limit chec+ is actie* the s#stem alwa#s reacts as described in the
entr# @initial@* regardless o! the setting.
Credit memo w>ValDat: Credit memo with alue date. )! the !ield ACredit memo
with alue dateA is set* the re!erence billing document is not settled and the
$a#ment deadline date !or the base billing document comes a!ter the billing date
!or the credit memo* then !ield VABDT %!i4ed alue date& in the credit memo
re8uest is !illed with the $a#ment deadline baseline date o! the base billing
document. This does not ha$$en i! the $a#ment deadline date o! the re!erence
billing document comes be!ore the current billing date o! the credit memo.
)noice Bist T#$e: Classi!ication that distinguishes between inoice list t#$es that
re8uire di!!erent $rocessing b# the s#stem.
,ebate "ettlement: )ndicates whether the billing t#$e is used e4clusiel# during
rebate $rocessing. )! #ou create a billing document o! this t#$e as the !inal
settlement o! a rebate agreement* the s#stem indicates in the agreement that the
rebate has been com$letel# $aid. )! #ou need to correct a rebate settlement* #ou
can either correct the amount o! the accrual or #ou can ad5ust the statistics !or the
rebate settlement.
,el !or ,ebate: )ndicates whether billing documents o! this t#$e are releant
during rebate $rocessing. )! #ou mar+ this !ield* the s#stem uses the alue o!
billing documents o! this t#$e to ad5ust the sales reenue attributed to a customer.
The sales reenue !orms the basis !or calculating rebates !or customers with
whom #ou hae rebate agreements.
"tandard Te4t: This is not used at $resent.
Cancell Bill t#$e: "$eci!ies the de!ault cancellation !or this billing t#$e. )! #ou
enter the number o! an e4isting billing document in the Document !ield on the
initial screen !or creating a billing document* the s#stem automaticall# creates a
cancellation document o! this billing t#$e. 34am$le; )! #ou enter the number o! an
e4isting inoice %billing t#$e F1&* !or e4am$le* the s#stem automaticall# creates a
cancellation with billing t#$e "1.
Co$#ing ,e8uirements: )denti!ies a co$#ing routine. The routine chec+s that
certain re8uirements are met when one document is co$ied into another. The
standard ersion o! ,elease 1.1 includes some standard routines !or chec+ing
re8uirements during co$#ing. =ou can also de!ine #our own routines* according
to the needs o! #our organiCation. For e4am$le* when #ou co$# a 8uotation into a
sales order* the s#stem can chec+ each item in the 8uotation to ma+e sure that it
has not been re5ected b# the customer !or some reason. De$ending on the t#$e o!
document to be co$ied* the s#stem $ro$oses a routine !or chec+ing co$#ing
re8uirements. )! #ou do not want to use the $ro$osed routine* #ou hae the
!ollowing choices:
=ou can enter the number o! an alternatie routine.
=ou can change the routine itsel! and chec+ !or s$ecial re8uirements
%howeer* be!ore #ou change a routine* #ou should !ind out where the
routine is used so that #ou aoid unwanted changes elsewhere&
=ou can enter the number !or a new routine and then create the routine
with the "A2 deelo$ment tools.
=ou can choose !rom aailable routines in the "D CustomiCing menus b# selecting
Transactions ?D Document flow and then selecting the +inds o! documents #ou want
to wor+ with.
,e!erence /umber: F) re!erence number. The re!erence number is a $iece o!
additional in!ormation !orwarded !rom "D and F). )! a !ield is not !illed in the
order* #ou can determine !ield contents here:
1. A:Customer $urchase order
1. B:"ales order number
E. C:Delier# number
F. D:34ternal delier# number
G. 3:Current inoice number
)! #ou do not ma+e an entr# and the !ield is not !illed in the order* the billing
number is ado$ted automaticall#. 34am$le; )! want to lin+ the delier# to inoices
in accounting %which is necessar# in the sel!?billing $rocedure&* enter @C@ !or the
releant inoices.
Allocation /umber: =ou can !ind the allocation number under additional
in!ormation in the %document& line item that is !orwarded !rom "D to F). )! the
!ield was not !illed in the order* #ou can determine the content o! the !ield in this
1 A:Customer $urchase order
1. B:"ales order number
E. C:Delier# number
F. D:34ternal delier# number
G. 3:Actual inoice number
)! #ou do not ma+e an entr# and the !ield is not !illed in the order* the !ield
remains em$t#. )! #ou would li+e to lin+ the delier# to inoices in accounting
%which is necessar# in the sel!?billing $rocedure&* enter @C@ !or the releant
Account Assignment/Pricing
Acct. Determination 2rocedure: "$eci!ies the condition t#$es that the s#stem uses
!or a $articular t#$e o! document %an inoice* !or e4am$le& to determine the 9>B
accounts to which amounts should be $osted.
)t is an im$ortant !ield and is used !or Account Determination. This Account
Determination 2rocedure lin+s the Account Determination T#$e* Chart O!
Account* "ales OrganiCation* Account He# and 9>B Account. ;ence* !or Account
Determination 2rocedure lin+ed here* there must be alid 9>B accounts numbers
de!ined and assigned !or Creating Account Documentation.
Doc. 2rice 2rocedure: The +e# that s$eci!ies the $ricing $rocedure !or this t#$e o!
sales document. During $ricing* the s#stem determines the $ricing $rocedure b#
ta+ing into account
The sales area
The $ricing $rocedure +e# in the header o! the sales document t#$e
The $ricing $rocedure +e# in the customer master record
The $ricing $rocedure determines how the s#stem carries out $ricing !or a
$articular sales document %!or e4am$le* which $ricing condition records it
accesses and in which se8uence&.
Acc. Det. ,ec. Acc.: 2ricing $rocedure !or acc. determ. reconciliation account.
Determines the condition t#$es that the s#stem uses !or determining the
reconciliation account that the s#stem uses !or a certain document t#$e %e.g.
inoice&. )! a 9>B account is determined here* then the reconciliation account
stored in the customer master record is ignored.
Acc. Det. Cash set.: 2ricing $rocedure !or account determination cash settlement.
Determines the condition t#$es that the s#stem uses !or a certain document t#$e
%e.g. inoice& during determination o! the 9>B account !or cash settlement. )! this
!ield is !illed* then the billing document is not $osted on the debit side. )n this case
the 9>B account determined is $osted.
Acc. Det. 2a# Cards: 2ricing $rocedure !or account determination $a#ment cards.
"$eci!ies the condition t#$es that the s#stem uses to determine general ledger
accounts !or document t#$es used in $a#ment card transactions. =ou can set these
condition t#$es in CustomiCing !or $a#ment cards.
Output/ Partners/ Texts
Out$ut Determination 2rocedure: De!ines the out$ut categories %!or e4am$le*
order con!irmation and electronic mail message& that are allowed in a document
and the se8uence in which the out$ut categories a$$ear in the document.
)n!ormation sent to the customer b# mail* 3D)* or !a4. 34am$les o! out$ut are:
2rinted 8uotation or order con!irmations
Order con!irmations sent b# 3D)
"hi$$ing noti!ications sent b# !a4
A$$lication: )denti!ies the a$$lications !rom which out$ut can be sent %!or
e4am$le* sales order $rocessing or inoice $rocessing&. The out$ut is diided
according to out$ut t#$es and assigned to these a$$lications.
)tem Out$ut 2rocedure:
Out$ut T#$e: "$eci!ies the +ind o! out$ut to be $roduced. The out$ut t#$e is
$rede!ined !or #our area o! the ,>E "#stem. )! alternatie choices are $ossible*
#ou can list them b# $ressing FF. The out$ut t#$e can s$eci!#* !or e4am$le* a
$rinted !orm that #ou need !or internal use or a !orm that #ou want to send to a
customer or endor %!or e4am$le* an order con!irmation&. The out$ut t#$e can
also be an internal electronic mail message that #ou want to send to sta!! in
another de$artment.
;eader 2artners: 2artner determination $rocedure !or the billing doc header.
"$eci!ies which grou$ o! $artner !unctions the s#stem automaticall# $ro$oses at
the header leel in this t#$e o! billing document. =ou de!ine $artner determination
$rocedures in Table T2A3,. For each $rocedure* #ou can de!ine which $artner
!unctions can be used and which are mandator#. Example; At the header leel in
#our billing documents* #ou are more interested in who orders and $a#s !or the
goods than in who receies them. Accordingl#* #ou can s$eci!# a $artner
determination $rocedure where the
sold?to $art#
bill?to $art#
are mandator# but where #ou can enter the shi$?to $art# as an o$tion.
)tem 2artners: 2artner determination $rocedure !or the billing doc item."$eci!ies
which grou$ o! $artner !unctions the s#stem automaticall# $ro$oses at the item
leel in this t#$e o! billing document. =ou de!ine $artner determination
$rocedures in Table T2A3,. For each $rocedure* #ou can de!ine which $artner
!unctions can be used and which are mandator#. 34am$le; =ou can s$eci!# at the
item leel in #our billing documents that a shi$?to $art# is mandator# and that #ou
can o$tionall# enter a $urchaser or sales re$resentatie.
Te4t Determ. 2rocedure: )denti!ies a grou$ o! te4t t#$es that #ou can use in* !or
e4am$le* a sales document header. The te4t $rocedure also determines the
se8uence in which the te4t t#$es a$$ear in the document. Example; The te4t
$rocedure !or a sales document header could include the !ollowing te4t t#$es:
A standard header te4t that the s#stem automaticall# includes in the
"tandard terms o! delier#
"tandard terms o! $a#ment
Te4t Determ. 2roc. )tem: Te4t determination $rocedure !or billing item. "$eci!ies
the $rocedure that determines which te4ts are automaticall# assigned to each item
in a billing document.
Delier# Te4t: Co$# te4ts !rom delier# note

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