Biome Rubric

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Name: _________________________

Biome Scoring Rubric

Dimension 4 3 2 1
Location Describes the general
location of the biome (near
equator, mid-latitude, etc)
and identifies specific
countries located in the
biome. Includes a map
identifying the biome.
issing either the
general location, specific
countries or the map.
issing more than one of
the follo!ing:
- general location
- specific countries
- map
Does not mention the
location of the biome. No
map included.
Climate Describes the climate in
detail using statistics on
a"erage precipitation,
a"erage summer and !inter
(or day and night)
temperatures. #ro"ides
information on the seasonal
Describes the climate and
seasonal changes,
ho!e"er may be may be
missing either
precipitation or
temperature statistics.
issing either the
statistics on climate or
the description of
seasonal changes.
#ro"ides little or no
description on the climate
or seasonal changes.
Clothing &
Describes in detail the
clothing and special
equipment needed for
seasons or day$night
conditions (if applicable).
Describes the clothing
and special equipment
needed, but does not
include seasons or
day$night conditions (if
%ittle description of
clothing or special
equipment needed.
Does not include clothing
or special equipment
Things to Do #ro"ides creati"e, detailed
descriptions of acti"ities
and$or sightseeing related
to the conditions in the
biome (e&: s!inging from
"ines in the rainforest).
#ro"ides descriptions of
acti"ities and sightseeing
related to conditions in
the biome, but is not
#ro"ides acti"ities and
sightseeing, but is not
detailed and do not
directly relate to
conditions in the biome.
Does not include
acti"ities and$or
#ro"ides at least ' plants
unique to the biome, gi"es to
interesting facts about the
plant and describes ho! the
plant is !ell adapted to the
climate of the biome.
#ro"ides at least ' plants
unique to the biome,
ho!e"er is missing either
interesting facts or ho!
the plant is !ell adapted.
(nly lists plants in the
biome. Does not gi"e
interesting facts or
Does not pro"ide
e&amples of plants.
#ro"ides at least ' animals
unique to the biome, gi"es to
interesting facts about the
animal and describes ho!
the animal is !ell adapted to
the climate of the biome.
#ro"ides at least '
animals unique to the
biome, ho!e"er is missing
either interesting facts
or ho! the animal is !ell
(nly lists animals in the
biome. Does not gi"e
interesting facts or
Does not pro"ide
e&amples of animals.
Includes a detailed
description of '
en"ironmental issues
impacting the biome.
Includes ' en"ironmental
issues but does not
pro"ide much detail.
Includes only )
en"ironmental issue.
Does not mention any
en"ironmental issues
ictures Includes an accurate image
of the biome. *dditional
pictures pro"ided for:
clothing, plants and animals
described abo"e, things to
do and an en"ironmental
Includes an appropriate
image of the biome.
+ome, but not all
additional pictures
Includes an image of the
biome. * fe! additional
pictures pro"ided.
Does not include pictures
that represent the biome.
No additional pictures
%echanics No errors in grammar and$or
* fe! errors. +ome errors any errors.
Creati#it& #leasing use of color and
other graphic elements that
capture "ie!ers, attention
and interest. Incorporates
unique ideas, "isuals or te&t
that ma-e the product stand
.ood use of color and
eye-catching graphics.
/ontains some unique or
imaginati"e elements.
.ood ideas o"ershado!ed
by other elements that
distract or gi"e a
cluttered appearance.
/ontains some good,
although not entirely
original content.
%ittle constructi"e use of
color or graphic elements.
%ittle e"idence of

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