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CUBES Exercise1

In cubes,we deal with how many cubelets there which are painted with 1,2 or more colours if a cube is
divided into cublets by cuting parallel to some surface of the cube.In these type of questions , the
answers lot depend on the question , so there is no readymade key to solve all of them in one style.But
there are certain rules which are common in all of them, we can understand them now and then
answer questions listed and understand them on case to case basis.
1.We need to understand that a cube or a cuboid have
4 vertices
12 edges
6 faces
2If we divide a cube into two identical cuboids , we would be making only one cut but the piece is
divided into two parts. Similarly, if we we divide a cube into three identical cuboids , we would be
making only two cutsbut the piece is divided into three parts.That means the no. of parts are always
one more than the cuts.
3 If we painted the cube in one colour before dividing into say n^3 cubelets, the no. of cubelets which
would always remain uncoloured would be the inner ones.
no of small cubes with NO sides painted :
if we remove the top layer of small cubes from the big cube we will end up a chunk of small cubes
with no sides painted. this number will be equal to, (n-2)^3.
no. of small cubes with ONLY 3 sides painted : 8( all the corner cubes )
no. of small cubes with ONLY 2 sides painted :
A cube is painted on 2 sides means, it is on the edge of the bigger cube ,and we have 12 edges, each
having n cubes. but since the corner cubes are painted on 3 sides, we need to neglect them. so in
effect, for each side we will have (n-2) small cubes with only 2 sides painted. thus, then number is, 12
* (n-2)
no of small cubes with ONLY 1 side painted :
for each face of the cube ( 6 faces ) we have (n-2)^2 small cubes with only one side painted. and we
have 6 faces in total. so th number is, 6*(n-2)^2
Lets try some question so that we can understand the concepts,the difficulty level would increase as
we progress.Read solution well , if you are not able to answer the questions
A cube is divided into 216 identical cubelets.Each cut is made parallel to
some surface of the cube . But before doing that the cube is coloured with
green colour on one set of opposite faces,red on the other set of opposite
faces, blue on the third set.
1. So, how many cubelets are there which are painted with exactly one
1. 100 2. 108 3. 124 4.48
2. How many cuts you have made?
1.15 2. 18 3. 12 4.9
3.How many cubelets are there which are painted with exactly two colours?
1. 96 2. 108 3. 124 4.48
4.How many cubelets are there which are painted with exactly three colours?
1.8 2.4 3.2 4.6
5. How many cublelets are there which are painted with none of the colours?
1. 96 2. 108 3. 64 4.48
1. 100
2. 15
3. 48
4. 8
5. 64
Lets answer the Q5. first no of small cubes with NO sides painted :
if we remove the top layer of small cubes from the big cube we will end up a
chunk of small cubes with no sides painted.
this number will be equal to, (n-2)^3 so that means 4^3 = 64.
That means we are left with 216-64 = 152 cubelets.
Lets answer the Q2. the no. of cuts made , we would be dividing into 6 parts each by making cuts
along length, breadth and Hieght of the cube. As we have alreadt talked about the relation b/w no. of
cuts and no. of parts that is no. of cuts is one less than no. of parts.
Hence the no. of cuts are 5+5+5 = 15.
Lets answer the Q4. cubelets which are painted with exactly three colours are the ones which are at
the corner of the cube.hence the answer is 8.
Lets answer the Q3. cubelets which are painted with exactly two colurs are the ones which are at the
edges but not the corner.hence the answer is 48.
Lets answer the Q1. cubelets which are painted with exactly one colour can be calculated by
subtracting the rest 152 - 8- 48 =96.
A cube is divided into 343 identical cubelets.Each cut is made parallel to some surface of the cube .
But before doing that the cube is coloured with green colour on one set of adjacent faces ,red on the
other set of adjacent faces, blue on the third set.
1. So, how many cubelets are there which are painted with exactly one
1. 180 2. 150 3. 165 4.148
2. How many cuts you have made?
1.15 2. 18 3. 21 4.9
3.How many cubelets are there which are painted with exactly two colours?
1. 48 2. 36 3. 51 4.50
4.How many cubelets are there which are painted with exactly three colours?
1.6 2.4 3. 2 4.8
5. How many cublelets are there which are painted with none of the colours?
1.125 2.216 3.128 4.27
1. 3
2. 2
3. 3
4. 3
5. 1
Lets answer the Q5. first no of small cubes with NO sides painted :
if we remove the top layer of small cubes from the big cube we will end up a
chunk of small cubes with no sides painted.
this number will be equal to, (n-2)^3 so that means 5^3 = 125.
That means we are left with 343 - 125 = 218.
Lets answer the Q2. the no. of cuts made , we would be dividing into 7parts each by making cuts
along length, breadth and Hieght of the cube. As we have alreadt talked about the relation b/w no. of
cuts and no. of parts that is no. of cuts is one less than no. of parts.
Hence the no. of cuts are 6 +6 +6=18.
Lets answer the Q4. cubelets which are painted with exactly three colours are the ones which are at
the corner of the cube but this time this not the case there are only two corner cublelets which are
painted with 3 colours,these are diagonally opposite to each other..hence the answer is 2.
Lets answer the Q1. cubelets which are painted with exactly one colour, for every face there is one
adjacent face which is painted with same colour other three adjacent faces are painted with different
colour.Lets look at one face which is a square of 7 X 7 squares. In this 5 X 5 square one would
definately be painted with one colour and there is an edge common with another face of the same
colour. So we have 7 cubes there in which 2 corner ones would be painted with more than one colour
and the rest 5 are painted with one colour.Hence the answer for each face is 5 X 5 + 5 = 30. But now
look at the another face of the same colour which would also be having 5 X 5 + 5 = 30 cubelets. The
problem over here is that these +5 cubelets are common Hence if we look at two faces of the same
colour we have 30 + 30 - 5 = 55 cubelets. So there are 3 such cases of same colour adjacent faces so
the answer is 55 X 3 = 165cubelets.
Lets answer the Q3. cubelets which are painted with exactly two colurs can be calculated by
subtracting the rest 218 - 165 -2 = 51.
A cuboid is divided into 192 cubelets . The cube is painted with green, blue and red colour. The cube
is coloured with green colour on one set of opposite faces,red on the other set of opposite faces, blue
on the third
set.This is done by making minimum no. of cuts possible.
Each cut is made parallel to some surface of the cube .
1. What is the maximum no. of cubelets possible which are painted with green colour only ?
1.48 2. 64 3. 96 4.72
2.What is the minimum no. of cuts you have made?
1. 15 2. 18 3. 21 4.12
3.What is the minimum no. of cubelets possible which are painted with green and blue colours?
1. 16 2.24 3. 32 4.48
4.What is the no. of cubelets possible which are painted with exactly three colours?
1. 4 2.6 3. 8 4.2
5. What is the no. of cubelets possible which are painted with none of the colours?
1. 16 2. 24 3. 36 4.48
1. 2
2. 1
3. 1
4. 3
5. 4
Lets answer the Q2. the no. of cuts made would be minimum when 192 can be factorized into three
factors and each one of them are as close to each other as possible.192= 4 x 6 x 8 . So we have two
opposite faces of 4 x 6 and two opposite faces of 6 x 8 and two opposite faces of 4 x 8 squares. So the
minimum no. of cuts are 3 + 5 +7 = 15.
Lets answer the Q1. cubelets which are painted with green colour only , we would colour the 6 x 8
surfaces with green colour, but we need to count cubelets which are painted with green colour only ,
so in 6 x 8 surface 4 x 6 cubelets are there which are painted with green colour . Hence the total is 2 x
4 x 8 = 64.
Lets answer the Q3. cubelets which are painted with green and blue colours, we would take the edge
with the smallest edge that is 4 , so there are four edges with 4 cublets . Hence the answer is 4 x 4 =
Lets answer the Q4. cubelets which are painted with exactly three colours are the ones which are at
the corner of the cube.hence the answer is 8.
Lets answer the Q5. first no of small cubes with NO sides painted :
if we remove the top layer of small cubes from the big cube we will end up a chunk of small cubes
with no sides painted. this number will be equal to 2 x 4 x 6 = 48.
Each of the six faces of a cube is painted in exactly one of the four colours -Red, Blue , Green and
Voilet , suct that at least one face is panited with each colour.The cube is then placed on a table and
cut into 480 identical small cuboids by making the least possible no. of cuts, each cut being parallel to
some face of the cube.
1. What is the least possible no. of small cuboids which have no face painted red?
(1) 360 (2) 288 (3) 120 (4) 210
2.What is the maximum possible no. of small cuboids which have more than one face painted in the
same colour?
(1) 22 (2) 18 (3) 10 (4) None of these
3.What is the least number of small cuboids that have both blue and green colour on them?
(1) 16 (2) 28 (3) 18 (4) 24
4.What is the maximum no. of small cuboids which have exactly one colour on them?
(1) 166 (2) 208 (3) 230 4)224
5. What is the maximum no. of cuboids which are painted with at least 3 colours ?
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 10 (4) 12
6. How many cuts have been made ?
(1) 16 (2) 24 (3) 21 (4) 18
Lets answer the Q6. the no. of cuts made would be minimum when 480 can be factorized into three
factors and each one of them are as close to each other as possible.480= 10 x 6 x 8 . So we have two
opposite faces of 10 x 6 and two opposite faces of 6 x 8 and two opposite faces of 10 x 8 squares. So
the minimum no. of cuts are 5 + 7 + 9 = 21
Lets answer the Q1. least possible no. of small cuboids which have no face painted red , we would
colour the both 10 x 8 surfaces with red colour and one 8 x 6 surface with red colour .That how we
can maximize the no. of cuboids with red colour. that is 80 + 80 + 48 =208. but we have counted
some cuboids twice which are there on the edge.these are 8 + 8 = 16. Hence it is 208 - 16 = 192.But
the answer would be 480 - 192 = 288.
Lets answer the Q5. cuboids which are painted with exactly three colours are the ones which are at the
corner of the cube.hence the answer is 8.
Q4. The least no. of cuboids are 4 x 6+ 4 x 6 + 6 x 8 + 6 x 8 + 8 x 4 + 8 x 4 = 208. Apart from these
208 cuboids , more are possible by having three faces with a common corner of 10 x 6 , 10 x 8 and 6 x
8 painted with same colour say red. Now the extra cuboids are 10 + 8 + 6 - 2 = 22 .Hence the answer
is 208 + 22= 230.
Lets answer the Q3. cubelets which are painted with green and blue colours, we would take the edge
with the smallest edge that is 4 , so there are four edges with 4 cublets . Hence the answer is 4 x 4 =
Q2.three faces with a common corner of 10 x 6 , 10 x 8 and 6 x 8 painted with same colour say red.
Now no. of cuboids are 10 + 8 + 6 - 2 = 22
.Hence the answer is 22.

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