Kevin Daums Strategic Planning Instructions 2012

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Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum www.KevinBaum.

com Page 1
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A Step-by-Step Peisonal Stiategic Planning Piocess foi
Cieating Youi Piefeiieu Futuie.

By Kevin Baum

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 2
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Step 1: Establishing Najoi Aieas of Responsibilities (NARs) ------------ Page 11
Step 2: NARs Woiu Association ------------------------------------------------ Page 1S
Step S: Cieating Besciiptive Titles foi youi NARs -------------------------- Page 14
Step 4: Imagining Significance in 2u2S ---------------------------------------- Page 1S
Step S: Scheuuling the Peifect Bay in 2u2S ----------------------------------- Page 16
Step 6: Establishing a Big Baiiy Auuacious uoal (BBAu) foi 2u2S ------ Page 18
Step 7: visual Napping foi youi S-yeai Futuie ------------------------------ Page 19
Step 8: Piefeiieu Futuie Statement foi S yeais out ------------------------ Page 21
Step 9: Living the Bieam --------------------------------------------------------- Page 22
Step 1u: Iuentifying 0bstacles to Success ------------------------------------- Page 24
Step 11: Establishing 1 yeai Commitments ---------------------------------- Page 26
Step 12: Cieate Su6u9u Bay Action Steps ---------------------------------- Page 27

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Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page S
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Kevin Baum


So you want the Awesome Expeiience in youi life. That's the ieason you askeu me foi
instiuctions on how I plan. Well, heie it is in gieat uetail. I hope it helps you achieve the life
of youi uieams. If you woulu like moie infoimation on this piocess, you aie welcome to
contact me by email anytime.

If you woulu like me to help you with youi planning, I uo offei coaching seivices anu
ietieat facilitation. You can check out www.kevinuaum.comfutuie oi contact me by email
anu we can uiscuss youi neeus.

In this uocument aie the specific steps I take on a ietieat to figuie out who I am anu who I
want to be. It may seem like this appioach is long anu involveu, anu it is. But planning anu
executing an awesome futuie iequiies not only uesiie, but fieice commitment anu
consiueiation. Not eveiyone is ieauy, willing anu able to take contiol of theii own futuie.
But this is a gieat way to stait.

I have pioviueu step-by-step instiuctions anu the examples fiom my own peisonal
planning session. Some may wonuei how I can shaie without concein foi piivacy. Simple,
pait of cieating an awesome futuie is shaiing so otheis can help anu benefit fiom youi
expeiience. I encouiage you to uo the same. You can stait by shaiing this uocument.

The most impoitant peispective to consiuei in this entiie piocess is this:

This is not about what you want to uo:
It's about who you want to be.

If you want to be Awesome, Reau on.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 4
1/2&%/ 3&( 4$-%$

Beie aie some beginning steps you shoulu follow befoie you get staiteu:

1. You must ieau these 6 aiticles at www.kevinuaum.cominc:

! #$%& '() *)+,#$-. /(0) 12- 3+&#$-4
5,6+ 7+)&(-,8 9,$80)+ :()#;2;$8+
< :,4& #( 5,6+ /(0) 12- =,%%$-+&&
>#(% ?$88$-. /(0) *)+@$A$8$#4
B$C+ 7+(%8+ 2$88 >,A(#,.+ /(0
D;+ *,&+ 9() =0E()

You may have ieau these befoie, but ieau them again since they will uefinitely set the
iight tone foi youi ietieat appioach.

2. Finu an Accountability Paitnei. Beie is some ciiteiia:

a. Be oi she cannot be youi spouse oi significant othei.
b. Be oi she cannot have a peisonal stake in youi uay-to-uay life anu futuie. (No
employees, cieuitois, immeuiate family, etc.)
c. Be oi she shoulu be someone who is highly motivateu to achieve hishei own
futuie anu stick to this piocess.
u. Be oi she shoulu be someone who uoes not take shoitcuts.
e. Be oi she shoulu be someone who knows you well enough to unueistanu you
anu youi patteins.
f. Be oi she shoulu be someone who is not afiaiu of huiting youi feelings with
biutal honesty.
g. Be oi she shoulu be someone who is easy to ieach anu keeps appointments.
h. Be oi she shoulu be someone who keeps commitments.
i. Be oi she shoulu ieau anu iesonate with the above aiticles.
j. Be oi she must be someone you like anu tiust.

S. Set a uate foi youi ietieat. You will neeu at least S full uays. Weekuay oi weekenu
uoesn't mattei, but you neeu a full 72 houis to woik thiough this piocess. You uon't
want to iush it. The iuea is not to get this uone fast, but to get it iight.

4. Finu a fun ielaxing location. Ny iecent ietieat was in Nenuocino, CA. Theie was
goou foou anu gieat aieas to hike, kayak anu talk. Natuial sceneiy is veiy giounuing
foi ueep uiscussion anu pioviues mental soothing when uealing with uifficult anu
piofounu issues. Exploiing laige mountains oi oceans also has a way of keeping
things in peispective since even a 1uu yeai life of significance will pale in
compaiison to a glaciei, 1uuu yeai olu tiees oi the powei of the sea.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page S
S. Remove oi auuiess all uistiactions. If you neeu to be connecteu to the woilu to
ielax then uon't tuin off youi mobile foi the whole tiip. Bo what evei you neeu to
focus youi biain anu heait on the task at hanu. }ust make suie that you set asiue
unuistiacteu time foi the exeicises themselves. You'll finu that uiscussions will
occui thioughout youi ietieat. Take auvantage of them.

6. Relax anu have fun! This is youi futuie, uammit! It's supposeu to be exciting anu
inspiiing! Set up physical activity to stimulate youi biain. 0n my iecent tiip we
went sea kayaking thiough iock caves anu hikeu along the uunes. We ate gieat
meals with goou wine anu tasteu in some of Califoinia's best wineiies. We even hau
an unexpecteu event when uiveis biought in fiesh sea uichin anu feu us fieshly
killeu uni iight theie on the beach. It uefinitely maue the tiip the awesome

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Befoie I begin the ietieat I ieview anu consiuei my coie values. These aie values that
guiue me in the way I shoulu anu shoulun't leau my life. They aie not aspiiational; they aie
stanuaius that I live eveiyuay. When foiceu with a choice of action oi uecision, I will look
to these values to instiuct me on my couise of action.

B%($: - I focus on finuing the tiuth anu shaiing it with those aiounu me. I have no
time, patience oi eneigy foi lies anu iationalizations, mine oi anyone else's.
@*9*./#)/ - I believe in ueliveiing what I piomise, otheiwise I uon't piomise it. I
make eveiy conceiteu effoit to get to the tiuth of a mattei even if it's not in my own
best inteiest.
;%/-$*P*$F - It's easiei to uo things the same way eveiy time but I chose to be a
leauei, anu that iequiies engaging the cieative pait of my biain to bieak new
giounu anu uelivei the Awesome Expeiience, eveiy time. Even when I woulu iathei
take the easy way, I challenge myself to consiuei anu execute cieative solutions.
"JE-)$ - I have many oppoitunities anu much I woulu like to accomplish. Theie is a
finite amount of time anu eneigy in a given uay oi lifetime. In ueteimining wheie to
apply my iesouices, I look foi oppoitunities wheie I can make the most impact
using the smallest amount of eneigy. I neeu a big Retuin 0n Eneigy (R0E) to justify
engagement with someone oi something otheiwise I will ultimately accomplish
;&#7*7$/#)F - I uo what I say in the mannei I say it oi I shoulun't say it in the fiist
place. As a thought leauei, I pieach anu teach. I am still human anu sometimes
foiget my own teachings. This Coie value ieminus me to piactice what I pieach
when faceu with a choice.

Ny coie values won't anu shoulun't woik foi eveiyone. Finuing youi coie values is a long
anu intiospective piocess that can take yeais oi uecaues. Bon't let that stop you. Keep
tiack of youi guiuing piinciples as you live life anu make uecisions. The moie awaie you
aie in the uecision making piocess, the easiei it will be foi you to iuentify patteins anu
establish youi own set of guiuing iules.

Foi moie on Coie values you shoulu ieau the following books: F0$8# #( G,&# by }im Collins
anu 5,&#+)$-. D;+ H(C6+'+88+) =,A$#& by veine Bainish. Although these aie both excellent
business books, the appioach applies in a peisonal mannei as well.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 7
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Nany companies have a puipose oi mission. I believe it helps to have a guiuing ieason that
uiives you foiwaiu. It is anothei guiuing foice in youi uaily uecision tiee. Bowevei, I uo
believe that many people make too much of having that mission be altiuistic oi socially
ielevant. Foi some who aie economically uisauvantageu, theii puipose is simply to

I uo not chastise those who choose a peisonal mission of wealth oi mateiialism. Neithei uo
I oveily applauu those who claim to be puiely focuseu on the goou of otheis. Some people
aie just natuially uestineu to be iich, benevolent, oi poweiful. (Pioven statistically) It
uoesn't in my opinion make them bettei. I honoi equally, the paients that iaise theii kius
to be iighteous people. I honoi equally those who iaise families of happy anu healthy
miuule class people who uo no haim to otheis.

I simply believe people shoulu focus on theii passion anu uesiie wheievei that may take
them. All that being saiu, heie is my peisonal mission:

B& "#7E*%/ ,/&E9/ $& ,(%7(/ $:/ KN/7&J/ 6GE/%*/#)/Q
ID;+ C(-J+).+-C+ (' B++@K L-#+)#,$-E+-# ,-@ D;+ M-+N%+C#+@O

This is not altiuistic on my pait. It is a statement of conuition of the woilu, which
fiustiates me with constant meuiociity. I am not nave enough to believe that I can iiu the
woilu of meuiociity, noi uo I believe I shoulu tiy. I uo howevei believe that if I inspiie
people aiounu me to puisue the awesome expeiience, then I will get to expeiience much
moie P2+&(E+ in my life anu less 5+@$(C)+Q

This mission is the guiuing light in all of my wiiting, speaking anu consulting. It is at the
coie of who I am anu wheie I am going. It helps ueteimine with whom I spenu my time
anu iesouices anu how I spenu them. Any actions I take in conflict with my inteipietation
of this mission woulu in my minu bianu me a hypociite anu failuie.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 8
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When my fiienu R anu I set out on this last ietieat. We engageu along the way in a
uiscussion of the uefinition of success. We know many people who claim to have achieveu
success anu some iiiefutably. Some have gieat mateiial wealth but little time oi eneigy to
uo anything with it.

We quickly gaineu the iealization that achieving a successful futuie woulun't have any
benefit if we coulun't iecognize it anu enjoy it when we got theie.

Some aspects of success weie a given. Bealth anu happiness weie a foie uiawn conclusion
since we want to be able to enjoy the success we cieate. We hau uiscussions about mateiial
wealth as well but theie was no paiticulai amount that we coulu uefine as successful. In
my case, I hau gieat mateiialism pieviously anu hau lost it as well. Touay, I like my simple
life anu ceitainly enjoy nice things, but no paiticulai cai, ieal estate oi amount of money in
the bank can uefine my peispective on success.

R anu I bangeu aiounu on this uiscussion foi a few soliu houis anu finally though caieful
uelibeiation I was able to uefine what success means to me. Beie it is:

K '-*9F -8(#'-#)/ &2 9/.*$*J-$/ &EE&%$(#*$*/7 )&J/ JF N-F
E-77*P/9FR 7& " )-# E*)S -#' ):&&7/ $:/ &#/7 $:-$ -%/ 8/7$ 2&% J/
*# - %/9-G/' -#' $:&(.:$2(9 J-##/%Q

I love what I uo anu I love cieating oppoitunities anu wealth out of my biain. Bowevei, I
still woik veiy haiu to meet the iight people anu figuie out how to conveit my iueas anu
actions into wealth anu time.

When I have achieveu the cieuibility anu statuie as a thought leauei wheie smait capable
people aie coming to me iegulaily with appiopiiate oppoitunities that benefit them anu
me in a volume that is beyonu my capability, then anu only then will I be able to claim I am
successful. Then, I can have all the wealth oi expeiiences I wish to have at my uiscietion
anu on my teims.

0ne last thought on wealth. Noney is a commouity with little intiinsic value. The
commouity that is piecious is time. Bow I spenu my time is my most impoitant
consiueiation when choosing people anu activity. Success means the fieeuom to choose.

Spenu some thoughtful time on what success ieally means to you.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 9
B:/ ,%/2/%%/' C($(%/ ,%&)/77

This uetaileu piocess is my own expanueu auaptation of a moie basic piocess taught to me
by a biilliant consultant anu fiienu Robeit "}ake" }acobs. }ake is a change management
expeit who helps move mountains (of people) by giving them gieat peispective anu
unueistanuing. Foi moie on }ake check out his books anu website at:

}ake intiouuceu a shoit veision of this piocess to me aiounu 2uu6, when he facilitateu a
ietieat I attenueu of 9 successful CE0s. I have since expanueu anu impioveu upon the
piocess in my own leaueiship ietieats, which I facilitate iegulaily. This 2u12 veision is the
most iecent expansion. If you have any auuitional suggestions of impiovement oi best
piactices by all means email them to me at I may post them oi
incoipoiate them foi impiovement, anu in all cases, will cieuit the peison who oiiginates
the piactice.

>-$/%*-97 T//'/'

The only mateiials you neeu foi this piocess aie a small notebook oi jouinal anu a pen oi
pencil. Pencil is bettei if you uon't want to have sciatch outs oi aie not goou at foiming
woius anu phiases in youi heau. I use a 4" x 6" jouinal that has a New Yoik City theme. The
style uoes not mattei. It's impoitant that the book is easy to wiite anu has a look oi theme
that makes you want to keep it anu look at it eveiy uay. I use the same notebook foi eveiy
piocess until I fill it so I can chait my piogiess fiom ietieat to ietieat. You can finu plenty
of choices of jouinals anu notebooks at


It makes sense to scheuule this ietieat once a yeai since that seems to fit with most
people's planning. Bowevei any time you have significant changes in youi life you may
want to ieset youi futuie tiajectoiy by scheuuling an auuitional ietieat. If you have a
majoi change in youi job oi love life you may neeu to ieconsiuei youi plan even if it has
been less than a yeai. I myself expeiienceu significant changes with the failing of my
business in the 2uu8 financial ciisis anu subsequent enuing of my 24-yeai maiiiage in

Although I tiieu to engage in this piocess at that time, I uiu not have enough inteinal
infoimation to accuiately set a plan anu follow it. It took me until 2u12 befoie I coulu
gathei anu tiuthfully assess enough infoimation about who I am, what I want, anu what
was ieally impoitant, to make effective uecisions.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 1u

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It's impoitant to ueal in as many specifics as possible. Foi oui session, R anu I ueciueu upon
oui 6u
yeai as a iefeience point foi the long-teim exeicises. We aie both cuiiently 47
anu it was impoitant that the futuie uate was at least 1u yeais away. 6u seemeu like an
appiopiiate milestone. You can choose a biithuay oi specific yeai, just give youiself a long
enough iunway to absoib whatevei the woilu might thiow youi way.


Bon't get fiustiateu if you finu you uon't have cleai uiiection in this piocess even if you aie
on the ietieat. 0ften, suifacing aieas wheie you lack claiity can be as valuable as setting a
specific couise. Simply accept that youi life is a woik in piogiess anu use the ietieat time
to go as fai as you can. 0nce you have iuentifieu the obstacles, you can woik on iemoving
them anu scheuule the next ietieat.

B-S*#. 1%/-S7

This piocess, if uone iight, is long anu involveu. It shoulu tax youi biain anu youi
emotions. Take bieaks whenevei you neeu them to stay fiesh anu exciteu. At the veiy
least, take bieaks between each exeicise. uo out anu be physical. Enjoy youi suiiounuings.
The moie you engage with pleasant visual anu exteinal stimulation, the bettei youi minu
will focus on the woik. Sleep when youi tiieu, eat when you aie hungiy, uiink when you
aie thiisty anu iest when you aie weaiy. The iesults will ieflect how well you tieateu
youiself in this piocess.

V7*#. -# W($7*'/ C-)*9*$-$&%

An outsiue facilitatoi helps in 4 ways foi this piocess:

1. The Facilitatoi can hanule all of the logistical issues such as location, foou anu
scheuuling allowing you anu youi paitnei to focus mainly on the content.
2. The Facilitatoi can biing methouology such as exeicises anu uiscussion techniques
that will get to the tiuth moie effectively anu efficiently
S. The Facilitatoi can biing objectivity. Since they aie not emotionally involveu, they
can iuentify possible blinu spots anu offei fiesh anu impaitial peispective.
4. The Facilitatoi keeps things on tiack anu keeps uiscussions fiom heauing uown
unpiouuctive paths.

S' 4(0 2(08@ 8$6+ E+ #( ;+8% 4(0 2$#; 4(0) %8,--$-.K S @( (''+) C(,C;$-. &+)J$C+& ,-@ )+#)+,#
',C$8$#,#$(-Q D;+)+ $& E()+ $-'()E,#$(- $- #;+ 8,&# &+C#$(- (' #;$& @(C0E+-#Q /(0 C,- C;+C6 (0#
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Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 11
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0utlineu below aie the exact exeicises I use on the ietieat, in oiuei. I have incluueu my
own peisonal answei examples to help you. Bon't iush the piocess. S full uays shoulu be
ample time to complete the woik if you aie focuseu anu uiligent. You shoulu have plenty of
time to woik thiough issues anu still have fun.

If you aie conceineu you can't manage the piocess oi timing effectively youiself then hiie
an affoiuable facilitatoi. Bon't foice the piocess just to complete it. As a gieat fiienu anu
facilitatoi, Bowaiu uetson taught me, in facilitation, the objective is not to get wheie you'ie
going, iathei to always aiiive at wheie you neeu to be.

4B6, HX 67$-89*7:*#. >-Y&% K%/-7 &2 I/7E&#7*8*9*$*/7 Z>QKQIQ4Q[

Befoie you can plan foi youiself, you neeu to establish who else has a stake in youi life.
What aie the ioles you play anu who is uepenuent upon you foi that iole. The haiu pait of
this exeicise is not ueteimining who has a majoi stake but iathei who uoes not.

Beie is my peisonal list:

HQ M(78-#'\]&P/%
LQ B:&(.:$ ]/-'/%
0Q ,/%7&#-9\4/92

Ny list is small because my life is simple. I have no employees, so I uon't have to iecognize
being a boss oi entiepieneui as a majoi aiea of iesponsibility.

The oiuei is impoitant to me. In my minu, it uoes not uiminish the piioiity of the ioles but
iathei emphasizes why they aie ciitical to my success.

Ny wife, van, is the love of my life, anu I enjoy putting hei at the fiont of my piioiities.

The iole of Thought Leauei is the teim foi who I am as a wiitei, speakei, anu consultant. It
iepiesents how I use my talents anu smaits to impact otheis aiounu me, make a living anu
geneiate oppoitunities. I love what I uo anu want to give it piioiity as well.

I have to make myself a piioiity as well. I must accept that iesponsibility to have any
contiol ovei my life anu uestiny.

If you aie a paient, you coulu list that as a iole as I hau in pievious yeais. In my case, my
iesponsibility to my 21-yeai-olu-son is not listeu on heie because he is in his senioi yeai of
college anu in contiol of his own life financially anu logistically. I consiuei him to be a

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 12
minoi aiea of iesponsibility now anu theiefoie uoes not figuie into my futuie uefining
piocess. It uoes not mean I am unconceineu with his futuie oi love him any less.

Similaily, I live veiy inuepenuent of my paients anu my sistei. While we aie suppoitive of
each othei's lives, we aie not heavily engageu anu theiefoie again these iesponsibilities uo
not meiit consiueiation as a majoi aiea of iesponsibility in my planning. 0theis may neeu
to list theii iole as son, uaughtei, biothei, sistei, etc. as the natuie of theii life uictates.

Theie is no iight anu wiong heie. It is youi life anu you must be tiuthful with youiself
about the stakeholueis in youi actions anu uestiny. 0ften, this fiist exeicise will iaise
questions that neeu to be auuiesseu about family anu woik. uieat! 0se the oppoitunity to
uig in to the uiscussion. The only iole that is consistent foi eveiyone is the iesponsibility to
youi own self.

This exeicise will take about 1S minutes to wiite uown youi initial list. You may neeu a
longei uiscussion with youi paitnei to challenge each othei on aieas that may oi may not
be tiuly majoi oi weie acciuentally omitteu.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 1S
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In this stage, you want to unueistanu moie ueeply anu specifically the iesponsibilities that
go with these stakeholueis. This is accomplisheu thoiough simple woiu association. Take
quiet time to wiite uown all the appiopiiate woius oi teims uesciibing what you aie
iesponsible foi uoing in each NARs iole. Beie aie mine:

M(78-#'\]&P/% B:&(.:$ 9/-'/% ,/%7&#-9\4/92
Inspiiei, suppoitei, initiatoi,
stabilizei, teachei, paitnei,
stiess-ielievei, enteitainei,
auventuie cieatoi,
challengei, Instigatoi,
oppoitunity geneiatoi
Communicatoi, inspiiei,
piovocateui, oppoitunity
geneiatoi, humoiist,
messagei, instigatoi,
0ppoitunity geneiatoi,
health monitoi, ciitic,
enteitainei, leanei,
netwoikei, ievenue
geneiatoi, challengei

You'll notice that I uuplicate seveial woius like C;,88+-.+) anu $-&#$.,#()Q This is fine. The
woius ieflect who you aie in that paiticulai iole anu you aie bounu to oveilap oi uuplicate.

This exeicise will take about Su minutes to wiite uown youi woius. You may finu youiself
going back to auu woius latei in the session oi even uays oi months latei. This is fine.
Noie uesciiption is bettei than less.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 14
4B6, 0X ;%/-$*#. @/7)%*E$*P/ B*$9/7 2&% F&(% >KI4

The woiu association step shoulu be helpful in unueistanuing the ueepei meaning of the
NARs. Now it's time to iepiesent that on papei in a way that makes sense to you anu those
aiounu you. Take the time to cieate a uesciiptive title foi each of youi NARs.

You want to incluue the key woius fiom youi association if not in the actual title at least in
the iepiesentative spiiit. Beie aie mine:

BusbanuLoveiX <-#_7 "#7E*%-$*&#-9 -#' 4$-8*9*`*#. K'P/#$(%/ ,-%$#/%

Thought leaueiX "#7E*%/% &2 $:/ KN/7&J/ 6GE/%*/#)/

PeisonalSelfX I/-9*`/% &2 ,&$/#$*-9 -#' WEE&%$(#*$F

This exeicise will take about 1 houi anu can be uone togethei with youi paitnei. Some
people aie bettei at wiiting anu phiasing, so help each othei. Challenge youi paitnei if you
believe they have misseu something oi the woius uon't make sense. Nake suie the titles
tiuthfully uesciibe the iole you must play foi success. You may finu youiself going back to
aujust the titles latei. This is fine. Woik haiu to get something on papei that is meaningful
anu memoiable to you.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 1S
4B6, 5X "J-.*#*#. 4*.#*2*)-#)/ *# LOLa

Time to get out the cieativity. Now that you have establisheu youi NARS anu hopefully
have a uesciiptive sense of who they aie, it's time to consiuei the futuie. This fiist exeicise
is uesigneu to iaise youi sights to what you can accomplish if you put youi minu anu
eneigy to it.

Beie is the assignment:

Wiite a Piess Release about youi piefeiieu futuie at least 1u yeais fiom now. (In oui case,

The piess ielease must have a heauline woithy of my wiiting it on That means
simple giowth oi anniveisaiy stoiies aie uninteiesting anu unwoithy, as aie human-
inteiest stoiies. This is about impact anu accomplishment. Think about competing with
othei stoiies.

The piess ielease must have 2 oi S suppoiting points. Nake it inteiesting anu enteitaining.
Explain what happeneu anu why it matteis. 0se uetail to explain what is going on with you
anu the people that aie impacteu by you.

The piess ielease must have a quote. The quote uoesn't neeu to be fiom you. It can be
fiom someone impacteu by you.

Be cieative. Come up with something special anu significant. Change the woilu. Woiu of
caution, howevei, be iealistic. Ambitious is fine, but if you lanu on }upitei anu gieet space
aliens, you will lose value having misseu the point of the exeicise. The ieal fun is coming up
with something unexpecteu yet tiuly achievable. Anu it shoulu fit with youi coie values,
mission, anu uefinition of success. Beie is mine, note how it tells what I shoulu be uoing in

"#$% &%' (#)*+, -%. /0)12 /+3.4 5)'36 76%#0%4 8394,

P C(EA$-+@ &#0@4 (' B/MU& >8(,- >C;((8 (' F0&$-+&& ,-@ /,8+ >C;((8 (' 3),E, &;(2+@ #;,#
C(E%,-$+& 2;( $-#+-#$(-,884 $-C()%(),#+ ;0E() $- #;+$) C(EE0-$C,#$(- ,C;$+J+ ',&#+) ),#+&
(' .)(2#;K ;$.;+) %)(@0C#$(-K ,-@ ;$.;+) +E%8(4++ )+#+-#$(- 8+J+8&Q

D;+ <V4+,) &#0@4 2,& C(E%8+#+@ #;$& 4+,) ,-@ %0A8$&;+@ A4 A+&#V&+88$-. ,0#;() ,-@ ,@W0-C#
%)('+&&() ?+J$- 3,0E ,-@ ;$& )+&+,)C; %,)#-+) 7)('+&&() X$8A+)# X(##')$+@ 2;( #0)-+@ #(
#+,C;$-. ,'#+) 8((&$-. ;$& P'8,C +-@()&+E+-# $- YZ[[ @0+ #( $-,%%)(%)$,#+ R,%,-+&+ D&0-,E$

>+J+),8 9()#0-+ <ZZ C(E%,-$+& ;,J+ ,8)+,@4 $-C()%(),#+@ ;0E()K C)+,#$-. , *=1 )(8+ ('
*;$+' =0E() 1''$C+) #( @)$J+ #;+ +-#+)#,$-$-. ,%%)(,C;Q P&6+@ ;(2 #;$& &#,)#+@K X(##')$+@ &,$@
\D2( '0--4 &;()# R+2& 2,86 $-#( , A,)]^

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 16
4B6, aX 4):/'(9*#. $:/ ,/%2/)$ @-F *# LOLa

If all went well in youi piess ielease, you now have a sense of who you aie at youi goal
uate. It's time to paint that pictuie moie cleaily to see what uetails you can leain about
youi piefeiieu uestiny. This exeicise is simple:

Take a page anu cieate a scheuule of houis fiom the time you get up until you go to sleep. I
sleep an aveiage 7 houis pei night so mine goes fiom 8AN when I wake up until 1AN in the
moining when I usually fall asleep.

Establish a typical, piouuctive uay like a Weunesuay. It shoulu not be a holiuay oi special
uay, just a typical uay in youi life. Now with as much uetail as you can, uesciibe the uay. Tiy
anu put uown uetails that ielate to othei uays of the week oi othei activities in youi life
even if they uon't occui on that uay.

This exeicise shoulu take at least 2 houis. The moie uetail you can wiite the gieatei the
insights into youi uesiies foi a peifect life. If you feel ieally supei ambitious, take moie
time anu uetail out an entiie week.

Beie is my peifect uay at 6u yeais olu:

AXOO K> - Wake up without alaim, lean ovei anu kiss my wife, van. Clean up anu ieau
anothei chaptei in the latest Eiik Laison novel.

DXOO K> - Put on biking geai anu heau out on a 2S-mile iiue aiounu Nanhattan.

HOXOO K> - While iiuing anu enjoying the fall foliage, I ponuei the next S columns foi

HHXOOK> - Aiiive home anu showei. Call R to see if he is still alive. (Be is 6u, aftei all.) Bave
a healthy lunch of choiizo anu cheese.

HLXOO ,> + Ciank out one of the columns fiom the iiue anu auu it to the stockpile, ieauy to
go aheau of ueauline.

HXOO ,> + Responu to coiiesponuence anu set up appointments with my mentois anu new
oppoitunities. Reseaich the people I'm meeting.

LXOO ,> + Neet with my masteiminu gioup anu check in on accountability of oui piojects.
Biscuss new oppoitunities coming oui way.

0XOO ,> - Woik on lesson plan foi Fiiuay NY0 class anu tune up new book pioposal.

aXOO,> - Stait cooking a new iecipe to suipiise van foi uinnei.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 17
=XOO,> - Welcome van home. Conveising Su-minutes each in Spanish, vietnamese, anu
Nanuaiin, we uiscuss oui uay anu oui upcoming Euiope anu Asia tiavel plans.

AXOO ,> - See an off-off-Bioauway show with van anu fiienus, anu have uesseit at
Chikalicious aftei.

HOXOO,> + Walk home, winuow-shopping foi clothes along the way.

HHXOO,> +HXOOK> - We have hot fun sex with lots of bantei anu then watch season 14 of
uame of Thiones in hologiaph befoie cuuuling ouiselves to sleep.

Note how my othei activities like teaching come up anu I am able to establish the timing
thiough uesciiption of the season. Bave fun with this. It's youi uay.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 18
4B6, =X 67$-89*7:*#. - 1*. M-*%F K('-)*&(7 b&-9 Z1MKb[ 2&% LOLa

}im Collins talks about BBAus in his book Built to Last. A BBAu is a cleai goal at least 1u
yeais out that gives you the point at which you can aim youi path. 1u yeais is enough to
change couise anu activate any foices you may iequiie to make things happen. As veine
Bainish says, it shoulu be auuacious, but not biaggauocios.

Some people may use mateiialistic items such as a Feiiaii, oi a beach house in Nalibu as
that BBAu anu that's fine. Those BBAus effectively iepiesent the neeu to accomplish a
ceitain amount of mateiial success anu you will have to envision all the uetails uesciibing
what it took to get theie.

The Piess Release anu Baily Scheuule shoulu give you some insight into the poweiful goal
that will motivate you to woik haiuei in a moie uisciplineu mannei than evei befoie.

Beie is my BBAu:

>&#/F *7 #&$ - )&#7*'/%-$*&# *# JF '-*9F $:&(.:$ &% -)$*P*$FQ

To some, this may seem like a stiange BBAu anu not veiy uesciiptive. But I woulu beg to

In my case, my tiansition in 2uu8 was financially significant. I lost my business, my homes
anu my cieuit. It left me with uebt anu few iesouices to iebuilu my life. In spite of that, I
have ieinventeu my caieei anu cieateu income. Now, I am committeu to being uebt fiee
anu inuepenuent of any uecisions that iequiie money foi suivival.

The implications of such a BBAu aie as follows:

1. I will be uebt fiee
2. I will have sufficient income anu assets to maintain my uesiieu lifestyle until my
S. I will have passive income
4. I will have a lifestyle that fits within my financial goals
S. Ny uaily consiueiations anu activities will have little oi nothing to uo with money.

Not a bau life foi 6u. Now all I have to uo is execute. Knowing this allows me to make
uecisions that aie consistent with this vision. It helps me cieate filteis foi evaluating
uecisions anu oppoitunities.

Choose a BBAu that is significant to the way you want to live youi life. This exeicise will
piobably take 1 to 2 houis anu contentious uiscussion with youi paitnei. You must
challenge each othei aggiessively on the viability anu tiuth aiounu this BBAu oi it will be
meaningless anu useless. You may have to ievisit this BBAu anu mouify latei in youi

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 19
4B6, ?X <*7(-9 >-EE*#. 2&% F&(% 0+F/-% C($(%/

Time to uiaw! Biawing pictuies helps you change youi peispective on youi goals anu
uesiies. It engages auuitional paits of youi biain anu tiiggeis effective memoiy, which is
impoitant if you want to achieve what you plan.

The exeicise is simple but shoulu be uetaileu. It shoulu take an houi. Take 2 aujoining
pages in youi notebook anu uiaw a uiagiam showing what youi life looks like S yeais fiom

Put youiself at the centei anu cieate offshoots foi each of youi NARs. Each box shoulu
iepiesent a uesciiption of what a ceitain aspect of youi life is like as it ielates to that NAR.
If a box is connecteu to moie than one NAR than finu a way to connect them. It sounus
confusing, but my example on the next page shoulu help claiify.

Beie aie a couple of impoitant things to consiuei in this exeicise:

1. Bon't make the boxes goals pei se but iathei statements of conuition. State them as
what's happening iathei than what you want.

2. Let youi cieativity iule. No neeu to use my exact mouel. Nake a visual iepiesentation
that speaks to you. }ust make suie the statements aie cleai, as you will neeu them in the
next exeicise.

S. Be as specific anu cleai as possible with statements that aie tangible.

4. Nake suie that all of youi statements aie consistent with youi Coie values, Nission, anu
Success uefinitions, anu aie on the ioau to youi successful meeting oi exceeuing of youi
BBAu. (0theiwise, what's the point.)

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 2u
c/P*#_7 @/)/J8/% 0H7$R LOHa <*7(-9 >-E

Bon't woiiy if you can't ieau eveiy statement in this pictuie. It will give you the basic iuea
anu besiues, this is my futuie. You neeu to cieate youi own.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 21
4B6, AX ,%/2/%%/' C($(%/ 4$-$/J/#$ 2&% 0 F/-%7 &($

The pictuie you cieateu was a fiee foim way of expanuing youi minu anu imagining youi
piefeiieu futuie. Now you neeu to iefine that minu expansion into poweiful anu inspiiing
statements of youi uesiieu futuie.

This exeicise will take 1 to 2 houis uepenuing how goou you anu youi paitnei aie at
woiuing anu wiiting. The best way to appioach it is to woik apait at fiist, cieating a iough
uiaft summaiy foi each NAR. Then you can woik togethei helping each othei cieate a
meaningful sentence that incoipoiates all youi statements.

Beie aie my statements foi Becembei S1
2u1S, consoliuateu fiom my visual map on the
pievious page. Note they aie specific anu only one sentence. This will make it easiei foi
stating alouu when looking foi guiuance anu inspiiation.

c/P*#_7 ,%/2/%%/' C($(%/ 4$-$/J/#$7 2&% @/)/J8/% 0H

<-#_7 *#7E*%-$*&#-9 -#' 7$-8*9*`*#. -'P/#$(%/ E-%$#/%
I live a life filleu with love, sex, anu excitement as van anu I shaie oui
inuiviuual giowth anu accomplishments while exploiing people, places, anu

I/-9*`/% &2 E&$/#$*-9 -#' &EE&%$(#*$*/7
I attiact significant people anu oppoitunities by exuuing health, happiness,
cieativity, success, anu an open uesiie foi leaining.

"#7E*%/% &2 $:/ KN/7&J/ 6GE/%*/#)/
I laugh anu have gieat fun uaily as I attiact anu execute on an abunuance of
highly paiu, majoi league, speaking, wiiting, anu consulting oppoitunities that
challenge anu iewaiu me, as well as my giowing constituency.

It may seem that some of this sounus vague. It may to you, but theie aie ceitain coue
woius I useu that have gieat meaning to me. Foi example, I have an entiie uefinition foi
"Najoi League" that I have uetaileu elsewheie that allows me to ueteimine whethei oi not
an oppoitunity fits that ciiteiia.

Nake suie the statements aie cleai, tangible anu meaningful to you anu youi uesiies.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 22
4B6, DX ]*P*#. $:/ @%/-J

Now that you have saiu it, it's time to live it. This exeicise allows you to live in youi new
ieality anu get youi biain to believe it's possible. I highly iecommenu using some leisuie
time foi this exeicise. It might be goou to uiscuss anu take notes ovei a meal oi even ovei a
nice bottle of wine.

You neeu about 1 houi foi this exeicise. It shoulu flow fiee anu easy. It's actually my
favoiite pait of the whole piocess.

Take a page oi two foi each NAR anu wiite a seiies of statements that uesciibe what it is
like to live in youi piefeiieu futuie uesciibeu in the pievious exeicise. Stait eveiy
statement using one of the S senses:

I see.
I heai.
I smell.
I taste.
I feel.

Beie aie my peisonal examples:

<-#_7 "#7E*%-$*&#-9 -#' 7$-8*9*`*#. -'P/#$(%/ E-%$#/%

I feel van's love anu excitement with each new auventuie.
I heai appieciation fiom my in-laws foi the ways I have helpeu the family.
I heai who my mothei-in-law is as a peison since we can conveise in vietnamese.
I see anu heai van laugh anu smile eveiy uay.
I see van achieve anu stiut with accomplisheu piiue.
I smell the new piouucts anu see the sexy new clothes as van iewaius heiself.
I feel van's love anu appieciation when I spoil hei.
I feel the waimth of van's cuuuling when she is smitten.
I feel my own giowth anu vulneiability when van challenges me.
I taste the exotic foous as we tiavel to uistant lanus.

I/-9*`/% &2 ,&$/#$*-9 -#' WEE&%$(#*$*/7

I see my fit bouy in the miiioi.
I feel 1S yeais youngei than my age.
I taste the gieat foou anu wine at meals with significant people.
I heai the vietnamese phiases anu unueistanu them.
I feel the piiue of accomplishment fiom leaining vietnamese.
I see my giowth fiom time with my mentois.
I heai the acknowleugement of oveicoming my own obstacles fiom my mentois.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 2S
I heai the laughtei of my fiienus when we spenu time togethei.
I feel the excitement of the people aiounu me when we embaik on new auventuies.

"#7E*%/% &2 $:/ KN/7&J/ 6GE/%*/#)/

I feel the calm that comes with positive cash flow anu ieuuceu uebt.
I see the iespect in people's faces when I teach.
I see thousanu of social meuia hits on my column.
I heai my agents cutting gieat ueals.
I heai the ABA!s when I shaie bieakthioughs.
I heai the laughtei at my viueos.
I see the hits anu links to my viueos on Youtube.
I see the bank balances iise steauily.
I see the bloggeis link to my mateiial.
I heai the applause fiom the laige ciowus.
I feel the comfoit of business class flights.
I heai the phone iing with new offeis eveiyuay.
I see the emails with new oppoitunities.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 24
4$/E HOX "'/#$*2F*#. W87$-)9/7 $& 4())/77

Theie aie many ieasons we uon't hit oui objectives anu builu the life of oui uieams. Some
of those obstacles we cieate ouiselves anu some aie beyonu oui contiol. The moie
honestly you iuentify youi obstacles, the gieatei chance you have of oveicoming them. In
this step, youi job is to iuentify as many as you can. Youi paitnei shoulu help you auuiess
them honestly anu completely. This exeicise shoulu be uone in conveisation to make suie
you aie giving each obstacle the objective attention it ueseives.

This exeicise shoulu take at least an houi. You neeu to iuentify S types of 0bstacles that
stanu between you anu youi piefeiieu futuie:

1. 6G$/%#-9 W87$-)9/7 - These aie obstacles that aie unielateu to you uiiectly anu you
have no uiiect contiol.
2. "#$/%#-9 W87$-)9/7 - These obstacles aie ielateu uiiectly to you oi you have some
contiol ovei theii cause anu they aie one-time obstacles you must oveicome.
0Q M-8*$(-9 W87$-)9/7 + These aie obstacles you cieate foi youiself thiough youi own
habitual behavioi.

With all obstacles you must finu ways to oveicome them, if you aie going to achieve youi
uieam futuie. They aie numbeieu, so you can quantify the woik aheau. Some will iequiie
changes in behavioi; otheis will iequiie cieativity anu expeiimentation. The fun going
foiwaiu is knocking them out of the way one by one anu celebiating youi success.

Beie aie my obstacles bioken uown into the S categoiies:

6G$/%#-9 W87$-)9/7 Z#& )&#$%&9 &P/% )-(7/[
1. The extia communication noise in the woilu
2. People aie oveily busy (haiuei to get theii attention)
S. Communication methous aie in flux (total uisiuption)
4. Sales cycles aie slow
S. Leaining vietnamese is haiu anu theie isn't a Southein uialect leaining system
6. Naiketing costs money anuoi time
7. Paitneiships aie iffy
8. I have no easy access to capital

"#$/%#-9 W87$-)9/7 Z7&J/ )&#$%&9 &P/% )-(7/[
1. 0utstanuing Bebt
2. van's not yet ueteimineu hei cleai caieei path
S. No suiplus cash yet
4. Ny netwoik may not be iight yet
S. I uon't yet have the iight mentois
6. I am not my best salespeison

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 2S
M-8*$(-9 W87$-)9/7 Z$&$-9 )&#$%&9 &P/% )-(7/[
1. I neeu uowntime anu theie is not enough uowntime iight now.
2. No stable home time uue to tiavel
S. I stiuggle with a ihythm of wiiting
4. I hate woiking out in the colu oi gyms
S. I love foou & booze (Who uoesn't.)

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 26
4B6, HHX 67$-89*7: H F/-% ;&JJ*$J/#$7

It's time to commit to youi futuie. The taiget now shoulu be ioughly 1 yeai out. All of the
objectives shoulu be iealistic, tangible anu measuiable. They shoulu be obvious milestones
to youi S-yeai piefeiieu futuie statements, anu they shoulu be aimeu at iemoving
obstacles oi at the veiy least shoulu take the obstacles into account.

This is the place wheie you have to be most piagmatic about what you aie willing anu
unwilling to uo. Youi paitnei shoulu challenge you on eveiy aspect of this list because youi
failuie will be theiis as well. If you know you won't uo something, then just aumit it anu
uon't put it on the list. You might have to aujust youi piefeiieu futuie to ieflect the actions
you aie tiuly willing to take but that's bettei than uisappointing youiself.

Theie is no iight oi wiong amount of goals on this list. You now know wheie you want to
go. The list of tasks to get theie shoulu be faiily obvious. Notivation is now youi
iesponsibility. uive youiself 1 houi to make anu uiscuss this list with youi paitnei.

Beie is my list foi the next yeai. I know I will be accountable because you all will piobably
ask me how I uiu on }anuaiy 1, 2u14, anu I uon't feel like being ashameu.

@/)/J8/% 0HR LOH0

1. Bave basic vietnamese unueistanuing
2. Weight 168 lbs., S months in a iow
S. I am inuepenuent of van in business
4. I have 2 committeu mentois
S. $X in bank, $X uebt ieuuceu
6. S+ buieau iefeiieu speaking gigs
7. 6 columns in the can - posting weekly
8. S+ uazelles coach sponsoieu events
9. 2 inteinational giowth summits
1u. Inc. column minimum 1uK+ vieweis pei column
11. I cieateu 2 piofitable Awesome Expeiiences
12. I am caught up on Naumen, Newsioom, uame of Thiones, anu
Boaiuwalk Empiie
1S. I have fisheu 2u uays
14. New book pioposal ielateu to humoi to Agent

0bviously, these aie my objectives so you may not unueistanu them all but they all ielate
to the woik in pievious steps. The Tv shows foi example aie tangible ways of ensuiing I
hau sufficient uowntime as stateu in my obstacles. Nany goals aie integiateu to meet
seveial objectives anu eliminate obstacles in an efficient anu combineu mannei. That's the

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 27
4B6, HLX ;%/-$/ 0O\=O\DO @-F K)$*&# 4$/E7

By now you know what you have to accomplish, now you neeu an action plan to get theie.
Set out youi uates foi Su, 6u, anu 9u uays. 0se the next uiscussion with youi paitnei to
ueteimine the specific action steps iequiieu to meet youi 1-yeai goals. This will take
appioximately 2 houis. The action steps shoulu be faiily obvious. If not, youi paitnei will
be a goou sounuing boaiu to ueteimine what's missing. Notice, they all begin with veibs
since they aie all actions you must begin to successfully meet youi 1 -yeai goals.

Beie aie mine with the uates, they shoulu be self-explanatoiy:

0O+@-F ,9-# Z8F D\LO\LOHL[
1. Begin 2 glass of winecocktail pei week iegimen (No beei)
2. Begin 4 houi bouy uiet
S. Begin 6-8 houi pei week exeicise
4. Finu a vietnamese teachei (Southein Bialect)
S. Close tiaue ueal with Inn at Tabb Cieek
6. Launch buieau mailing #2
7. Bave call with uazelles about Euiope, Austialia, anu viueo Contest
8. Cieate anu offei peisonal stiategy ietieat to followeis anu foium chaiis

=O+@-F ,9-# Z8F HO\LO\LOHL[
1. Wiite column weekly
2. Bave }oey stait Buieau calls
S. Resolve NYC wiiting space
4. Begin vietnamese lessons
S. Establish Bate night weekly
6. Cieate an iueal mentoi list
7. Set a new TAE Rockefellei Babits Plan
8. Establish BighestBest oppoitunity list foi 2u1S

DO+@-F ,9-# Z8F HH\LO\LOHL[
1. Wiite an extia column aftei eveiy 6 columns
2. Establish 2u1S tiavel & speaking calenuai
S. Begin netwoiking foi mentoi contacts
4. uo fishing at Inn, scheuule tiip foi fishing
S. Clean up email
6. Systemize uazelles anu Foium maiketing piocess.

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 28
67$-89*7:*#. - I:F$:J &2 K))&(#$-8*9*$F

With a plan in place, it's now up to you to woik the plan. If you aie someone who is self-
accountable, goou foi you! uo get youi futuie. If you aie like most human beings, you will
neeu some suppoit. That's wheie youi paitnei comes in.

You neeu to establish a check in ihythm. It uoesn't have to be exhaustive. It's best to keep it
simple. Even if you anu youi paitnei aie on uiffeient siues of the woilu you can aiiange
time by phone, Skype oi Facetime. Even email is bettei than nothing. Theie aie no excuses.
That's what accountability paitneis aie foi.

Beie is what R anu I agieeu to:

Eveiy week, we will have a 2u-minute phone call to check in anu see if
we aie both on tiack.

Eveiy month, we will have a 1-houi uiscussion to assess oui piogiess.

Eveiy quaitei, we will uo oui best to get togethei so we can set oui new
Su6u9u uay plans. At the veiy least we will uo it by phone oi Skype.

Eveiy yeai, we will go away foi S-Bays to ieaffiim the entiie piocess,
anu enjoy each othei's company.

Remembei, youi job, as an accountability paitnei, is to holu the othei peison accountable.
It is not 0K if they have not taken the action step they committeu. It is not 0K if they misseu
the goal. If they aie to ieach theii piefeiieu futuie, they must commit anu be committeu.

No one saiu this woulu be easy foi eithei oi both of you. I only suggesteu it woulu be
iewaiuing anu woith the challenge anu commitment.

uoou luck. Bave an Awesome Futuie! Let me know how it goes.

Kevin Baum

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page 29
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Bopefully, this tieatment has given you what you neeu to get staiteu on cieating youi
Awesome Futuie Expeiience.

You may ueciue aftei ieauing it that you want some fuithei help fiom me.

I am happy to uo so. I am available foi consultation anu facilitation of this piocess. Beie aie
some options with the uetails below:

HQ 3&( )-# :*%/ J/ 2&% E:&#/ &% 4SFE/ )&#7(9$*#. + When I consult by phone oi
Skype, I will pioviue you with a S-houi package. In the fiist session, we uiscuss
youi neeus. In the seconu session, I piepaie you anu youi Accountability Paitnei
foi the piocess aheau. Then we finish with a follow up aftei youi ietieat, wheie I
ieview any mateiials you shaie with me anu give you my thoughts on what else
you neeu to make this piocess stick. The 2u12 piice foi this seivice is $49S 0SB.

LQ 3&( )-# -$$/#' - %/$%/-$ 7):/'(9/' 8F J/ + If you wish to attenu one of my
ietieats, contact me anu I will aleit you when I have one coming up so you can
attenu. The typical cost of attenuance is $1,49S 0SB pei peison, oi $2,49S 0SB if
you anu youi Accountable Paitnei sign up togethei, plus any tiavel anu activity
expenses. This vaiies uepenuing upon location anu the size of the gioup. Sessions
aie typically S uays plus tiavel. I usually tiy to limit to 8 people so theie is plenty of
time foi peisonal attention. If you uon't have a paitnei you can get one at the
ietieat. I always make suie eveiyone is matcheu up somehow anu the attenuees
aie committeu.

S. 3&( )-# :*%/ J/ $& 2-)*9*$-$/ F&(% %/$%/-$ U If you aie inteiesteu in having me
come to facilitate youi piivate gioup, contact me. I can facilitate gioups of 2 to 8. I
can help with all the planning anu even pioviue a location in Noith Ameiica. Ny
iate ianges on the time anu tiavel iequiieu.

In all cases, I will make suie that we speak biiefly up fiont to make suie I am the iight
peison foi youi situation. I hope this uocument has been useful foi you anu I wish you
success in puisuing youi Awesome Expeiience.


Kevin Baum

Copyiight 2u12, Kevin Baum Page Su
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c/P*# @-(J is an awaiu-winning anu bestselling authoi of S books.
Be is a maiketei, speakei, anu columnist foi anu Smait
Business Nagazine. Be is an Inc. Suu entiepieneui whose sales anu
maiketing techniques iesulteu in moie than $1 billion in sales.
Biawing on his backgiounu in theatie anu business, Kevin is a
compelling speakei who has engageu anu inspiieu auuiences aiounu
the globe.

Kevin has authoieu seveial books, incluuing Amazon #1 Best Selleis
_$@+( 5,)6+#$-. 9() 30EE$+& (Wiley) H1PH` X+# =+,)@ $- #;+ >,8+& ,-@
5,)6+#$-. R0-.8+ (Wiley), anu X)++-a+-&+ 9() #;+ =(E+b H,#$-. #;+
H+,8 7,4('' (- <Z X)++- =(E+ 7)(W+C#& (Taunton), which is the 2u11
winnei of the Ameiican Society of }ouinalists anu Authoi's (AS}A)
0utstanuing Book Awaiu. Be also penneu the best selling F0$8@$-.
/(0) 12- =(E+ 9() 30EE$+& (Wiley), anu :;,# #;+ F,-6& :(-U# D+88
/(0 (uiauy Paisons).

Kevin uses his expeitise to help inuiviuuals communicate effectively anu ieach theii peisonal anu
business goals. Be has built multiple businesses, incluuing Stiatfoiu Financial Seivices, an Inc. Suu
company; Nysteiy is Seiveu, an enteitainment company; anu most iecently TAE Inteinational,
which helps companies pioviue theii customeis The Awesome Expeiience by masteiing compelling
messaging, intentional maiketing anu memoiable ueliveiy.

Kevin consults to numeious companies anu non-piofit oiganizations. Be speaks iegulaily in the
aieas of customei expeiience, cieativity, stiategy, anu execution. Be also coaches executives on
book uevelopment anu thought leaueiship, as his most iecent book pioposals went fiom concept to
contiact in a few shoit months with majoi tiaue publisheis.

Biawing upon a uegiee in theatie aits anu involvement in moie than 1Su theatie piouuctions,
Kevin is changing the way coipoiations use the aits as a tiaining giounu foi business anu
entiepieneuiship. Kevin's R0ARing viueo Seminais help companies uevelop effective anu
enteitaining viueo maiketing piogiams. As heau of business uevelopment foi Ameiicans Foi the
Aits' Cieativity Connection, he facilitateu unique aits-baseu-leaining piogiams foi Foitune Suu
companies. Kevin has been instiumental in the uevelopment of inteiuisciplinaiy aits anu
entiepieneuiship cuiiiculum at Bayloi 0niveisity. Be has publisheu seveial aiticles on maiketing
anu the manageiial ielationship between the aits anu entiepieneuiship.

Kevin is a giauuate of the NIT Entiepieneuiial Nasteis piogiam anu has ieceiveu the ulobal
Leaining Awaiu S times fiom the Entiepieneui's 0iganization, wheie he helu seveial boaiu
positions. Kevin has uesigneu, piouuceu, anu leu awaiu-winning executive tiaining piogiams anu
events foi C-level executives anu entiepieneuis on foui continents. Pieviously, Kevin was nameu
one of the 4u people to watch unuei 4u in San Fiancisco by the Business Times anu in 2uu6 was
nameu Bistinguisheu Alum of the Yeai by his alma matei, Bumbolut State 0niveisity.

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