Current Resume

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4117 Pleasant Colony Biive * Antioch, TN S7u1S * (61S) 6SS-8Suu * *

.&"5678"9: ); 16&&68866< =&)>5"##6 Knoxville, TN
!"#$%&'( '* +#,%-#%. ,- /'001-,#"2,'-. Expecteu uiauuation: Nay 2u1S
Najoi: }ouinalism & Electionic Neuia
Ninois: Political Science anu Cinema Stuuies

?9+@: 0A7)%@B C)&@)& ?)+9D (%&E .&"5678"9: Lonuon, Englanu
Contempoiaiy Biitish Neuia Summei 2u1S
4(/.&"5678%# 13-0H ?D)$ New Yoik, NY
3%4. 5-2%(- }une 2u14 - Piesent
Nonitoi T0BAY fiont uesk, anu suppoit piouuceis with ieseaich, logging, segments, anu
auministiative tasks
uiaphics assistant; ieview giaphics anu lowei thiius befoie appeaiing on-aii
Assist piouuceis on fielu shoots anu in stuuio segments
.1 13-0H Knoxville, TN
6%7'(2%(89-#$'( }an. 2u14 - Piesent
Wiite, shoot, anu euit news packages that aie tuineu in a uay to aii as pait of 0niveisity of
Tennessee's news magazine foi bioaucast on NBC's local affiliate WBIR-Tv
Assist in the piouuction of the weekly newscast
I(2!J1K Knoxville, TN
3%4. 5-2%(- Sept. 2u1S - Bec. 2u1S
Assisteu iepoiteis while out on shoots; woikeu with piouuceis anu euitois ueveloping a newscast
Euiteu footage foi multiple news bioaucasts as v0s anu v0S0Ts on stiict ueaulines
.&"5678"9: ); 16&&68866 M)+8"&* -6N%79O6&9 Knoxville, TN
6%.,:%-2 9..,.2"-2 Aug. 2u12 - Nay 2u14
Cieateu anu maintaineu a comfoitable anu safe living enviionment foi S4 males in a iesiuence
hall enviionment consisting of 9S7 fiist yeai stuuents
Pioviue quality stuuent life piogiamming anu assistance to hall iesiuents
(#%PE /+#9+7%# G7)*7%OO"&* /)OO"9966 Knoxville, TN
;,#% /$",( Apiil 2u14 - Piesent
Inteiview guest speakeis foi piomotional usage acioss campus univeisity anu Knoxville city
Cieate piint aus anu piomo viueos foi guest speakeis anu campus uistiibution
/)##6*6 ); /)OO+&"P%9")& %&@ 2&;)7O%9")& Knoxville, TN
<"-: 90="..":'( Apiil 2u14 - Piesent
Seive the College of Communication anu Infoimation with stuuent ieciuitment, alumni ielations,
community outieach, stuuent ietention, anu college events
Liaison between College of Communication anu Infoimation anu piospective stuuents by
conuucting touis
/)ON+967B Final Cut Pio, Auobe Photoshop, volicon 0bseivei, Niciosoft
WoiuPoweiPoint0utlook, EBI0S, iNEWS, Social Neuia

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