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Communication 14: Publication and Editing


Part II. Inside the Publication

News Writing
 Ingredients of News
 Organizing the Story/News
 Developing the Story/News

What is News?

 News is information about a break from the normal of events, an interruption in the
 News is information people need to make sound decisions about their lives.

Steps in the process of News Writing:

1. Gathering of facts about an event by the reporter from eyewitnesses and participants;
2. The encoding of this information for transmission by the reported in writing his story,
and by editors in processing the story for publication;
3. The entrusting of the news to ink or sound waves or light waves for transmission to a
potential audience;
4. The reception of the news by the members of the public.

News Values/Elements

1. Timeliness/Immediacy
Is it recent development, or it old news?

Tri-State roads called “hazardous at best” by the National Weather Service won’t
improve until at least tomorrow when sunny skies, temperatures near freezing and
drying winds should help road clearing work.

Police throughout the Tri-State urged residents to stay home as drifting snow
closed roads throughout Evansville area. Some could remain closed for days,
weather officials said.

TOPEKA – The Kansas Board of Education reached a compromise Tuesday on

math requirements for kindergarten through 12th grade.

After several hours of discussion, the board agreed to send a list of suggestions to
the advisory committee that wrote the standards. Once the committee makes the
revisions, the board will consider adopting the requirements.

2. Consequence and Impact

What the effect will the story have on readers?

Alcan Aluminum Corp. announced Thursday it will shut down one or three
potlines at its Sebree smelter, resulting in the layoff of about 250 employees.

“Alcan has no proposed date when the employees might be called back,” the
company said in a statement.

A group of western Kentucky businessmen quietly is planning to build a Tri-State

airport that would replace commercial airports in Evansville and Owensboro.

In two to three weeks, Jefferson County’s Family Court complex should be a

safer place.

The County Commission Tuesday gave tentative approval to stationing security

guards at the entrance of the Family Court building while it is open and at the
entrance to the county’s detention center around-the-clock.

3. Eminence and Prominence

Are noteworthy people involved?

A former Indiana State University Evansville basketball player was fatally

stabbed and another ex-player was seriously hurt in a fight early today at the
North Park Village parking lot.

Robert W. Woodruff, the millionaire philanthropist who turned Coca-cola from a

drugstore novelty to a soft drink known around the world, died last night at the
age of 95.

4. Proximity
Is the story relevant?

The city’s stormwater management consultant Monday night unveiled a proposal

designed to handle Henderson’s stormwater problems and estimated cost of the
plan at $ 26 million.

Two people who had been expected to run for the Colorado Springs City Council
District 1 seat said Tuesday they will not be candidates.

5. Conflict
Is the issue developing, has it been resolved or does anybody care?

A request from Nebraska Western College to install a storm sewer along the north
side of the East 27th Street was denied by the Scottsbluff City Council Monday
night based on opposition from property owners in the area.

Efforts to block the city’s purchase of land that could be used to expand the city
landfill appeared this weekend to be headed for defeat at Tuesday’s city
commission meeting.

6. The Unusual
7. Currency
8. Suspense
9. Human Interest or Emotions
Even though it might not be an earth-shattering event, does it contain unique,
interesting elements?

On weekdays, Dennis Sciabica toils in politics as an aide to a state senator. In his

free time, he’s a professional cowboy, wrestling steers and riding snorting bulls.

“Both are high risk businesses,” Sciabica says. “I’ve had people tell me that I
sling the bull during the week and ride it on weekends.”

This is where they come, the old soldiers—sleek, crippled, destitute and
homeless. When there’s no place else, they come here, to this sanctuary in the
pine-covered hills.

10. Significance/Importance
11. Humor


 Hard News
 Soft News

Other Factors Affecting News Treatment:

1. Instincts of Editors and Reporters

2. Audience
3. News Holes
4. Availability of News

5. Philosophy of the Medium

6. Pressure from the Publisher
7. Influence of Advertisers
8. News Mix
9. Competition Among Media
10. Changing Demographics


Pyramid Inverted Pyramid Q Format

Hourglass style


 The important news is presented high in the story.

 The writer can take advantage of narrative.
 The most important information is repeated in the narrative so that
readers have a chance to absorb it.
 Unlike the top-heavy inverted pyramid, the hourglass has a balanced
 It keeps readers in the story and leads up to a real conclusion.
 It discourages editors from slashing from the bottom.

Other alternative forms:

1. Feature leads
2. End with a Twist


 Continuing impact
 Human interest

Other factors influencing coverage:


 Prejudices of reporters and editors

 Size of the market
 Pressure for exclusivity
 Importance of the story.


1. Report the latest news first.

2. Repeat the original breaking news high in any follow-ups.
3. Advance each follow-up
4. Find as many sources as possible
5. Get color
6. Handle continuing deadline pressure
7. Cooperate with other reporters.

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