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Element 11 Hydrogen Sulfide Instructor & Technician Course HSI011


Respiratory Protection

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Element 11 Hydrogen Sulfide Instructor & Technician Course HSI011



Control of Hazards
Hazard control should start at the process, equipment, and plant design levels where effluents can be
effectively controlled at the outset. This would include consideration of process encapsulation or isolation,
use of less toxic materials in the process, suitable exhaust ventilation, filters, and scrubbers to control the
effluent. Since it is not always practical to provide and maintain engineering controls, proper respiratory
protective devices should be made available and used for respiratory protection when required.

Classes of Respiratory Protective Devices:

Proper respiratory selection shall be made when engineering controls are not feasible, or if they are feasible,
while they are being instituted. A good source for selection criteria can be found in the American National
Standards Institute's respiratory protection standard (ANSI Z88.2) that has been updated. In addition, the
manufacturer of the respiratory devices should be consulted. Whenever possible, a respiratory device must
be approved by your local authority having jurisdiction. In the United States, this is the National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). In the United Kingdom, this is the British Standards Institute

Base the selection of the proper type of respirator upon:

• The nature of the hazardous operation or process
• The type of respiratory hazard (including physical properties, chemical properties, warning properties,
effects on the body, concentration of toxic material or airborne radioactivity level, established
permissible time weighted average concentration (PEL), and Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
(IDLH) concentrations)
• The location of the hazardous area in relation to the nearest area having clean air
• The period of time for which protection is required
• The activity of workers in the hazardous areas
• The functional and physical characteristics of the various types of respirators and,
• The respirator protection factors and respirator fit.
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Element 11 Hydrogen Sulfide Instructor & Technician Course HSI011

Note: There is one limitation applicable to all respiratory protective equipment. Certain gaseous
contaminants can damage or enter the body by other means other than the respiratory tract. Can H2S
enter through the skin, eyes, or ears?

For instance Hydrocyanic acid, a gas at just above room temperature, is capable of penetrating the skin and
causing systemic poisoning; although to do so, a concentration higher than that required for poisoning
through the respiratory tract must be present.

Respiratory protective devices fall into three classes: air-purifying; atmosphere or air-supplying; and
combinations air-purifying and atmosphere-supplying devices.

Atmosphere or air-supplying devices are the class of respirator that provides breathing air to the wearer
independent of the ambient air.

These type fall into three groups:

• Supplied Air Respirators (SAR)
• Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and,
• Combination-SCBA and SAR.

Supplied Air Respirators (SARs):

A supplied-air-respirator delivers breathing air through a supply hose connected to the wearer's face piece or
enclosure (mask, for example). These devices should only be used in non-IDLH environments.

There are three types:

• Type A
• Type B
• Type C

Type A supplied air respirators are also known as hose masks with blower. Air is supplied by a motor
driven or hand-operated blower through a strong, large diameter hose. The maximum allowable hose length
is 91.5 meters or 300 feet.

Type B supplied-air respirators are hose masks as described above without a blower. The wearer draws
the air through the hose by breathing. The hose inlet is anchored and fitted with a funnel or similar object
with a fine mesh screen to prevent coarse particular matter. Up to 75 feet of hose can be used with this type
of respirator.

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Type C supplied-air-respirators are commonly referred to as air-line respirators. The air-line respirator is
connected to a suitable compressed air source by a hose of small inside diameter (i.d.) and air is delivered
continuously or intermittently in sufficient volume to meet the wearer's breathing requirements. The quality
of the air must be assured. Accessory equipment such as pressure regulators, pressure relief valves and air
filters may be necessary to make sure the air is at a proper pressure and quality for breathing.

An air-line respirator must be supplied with air conforming to Grade D Compressed Gas Association's
standard. This is the air quality standard for the United States. You must use air that conforms to your local
requirements. In the United Kingdom, this may be different and British Standards must be referenced. We
will discuss both later in our air quality segment.

Air-line respirators must be used only in non-IDLH atmospheres or from which the wearer can escape
without the use of the respirator. This limitation is necessary because the air-line respirator is entirely
dependent upon the air supply that is not carried by the wearer of the respirator. If this air supply fails, the
wearer might not escape immediately from a hazardous atmosphere. Another limitation of air-line
respirators is that the air hose limits the wearer to a fixed distance from the air supply source.

Airline respirators are furnished in many types, but there are three basic classes:
• Constant flow
• Demand flow, and
• Pressure-demand-flow.

The respirators are equipped with half masks, full face-piece, and helmets or hoods.

Constant Flow
A constant or continuous flow unit has a regulated amount of air fed to the face-piece and is normally used
where there is an ample air supply such as that supplied by an air compressor. In the United States, NIOSH
approves air-line (supplied air) respirators, which has these significant requirements:
• The maximum hose length for which approval is granted is 91.5 meters (300 feet)
• The maximum inlet pressure is 683 kPa (125 psig)

The approved pressure range is noted for each approved device on the certification label or instructions
supplied with the device.

With a 91.5 meter hose assembled to the respirator, and the lowest inlet pressure introduced to the air-
supply hose, constant flow units must deliver at least 115 litres per minute (4 cubic feet), measured at the

When helmets or hoods are used, the same requirements must be met, except that the flow rate must be at
least 170 litres per minute (6 cubic feet). For both constant flow and demand type of assembly with the
highest inlet pressure and shortest hose, the maximum flow should not exceed 430 litres per minute (15
cubic feet).

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Constant-flow, air-line respirators with face-pieces only are used where respiratory protection only is
required. A hood can be added to the face-piece for protection against sand or shot blast, and frequently a
helmet for this application with a hood or cape fitted to it is used. Similar units are also used for lead

Demand-flow type
These air-line respirators with half masks or full face-pieces deliver airflow only during inhalation. Such
respirators are normally used when the air supply is restricted to high-pressure compressed air cylinders. A
suitable pressure regulator is required to make sure that the air is reduced to the proper pressure for
breathing.. The same requirements for approval apply to demand type as to the constant-flow units.

Pressure-demand flow
For those conditions where the positive inward leakage (caused by the negative pressure during inhalation
that is always present in demand systems) is unacceptable and where there cannot be the relatively high air
consumption of constant flow units, a pressure -demand-air-line respirator may be the best choice. It
provides a positive pressure during both inhalation and exhalation and must deliver a flow of at least 11.5
liters per minute (4 cubic feet) before a negative pressure can be measured in the face-piece.

Self-Contained breathing apparatus

This provides complete respiratory protection against toxic gases and Oxygen deficiency. The wearer is
independent of the surrounding atmosphere because he or she is breathing with a system that is portable and
admits no outside air. The Oxygen or air supply of the apparatus itself takes care of respiratory

There are different types of self-contained breathing apparatus

Oxygen-cylinder re-breathing Closed - Circuit Oxygen
Self-generating types Open - Circuit Compressed Air
Pressure-demand - (Positive Pressure)

Oxygen cylinder re-breathing - USA

This includes the "lung governed" method that automatically compensates for the breathing demand of the
user, the constant flow type, or a combination of the two. The unit has a relatively small cylinder of
compressed Oxygen, reducing and regulating valves, a breathing bag, face-piece, and chemical container to
remove carbon Dioxide from the exhaled breath.

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The high pressure of the Oxygen from the cylinder is lessened by means of a reducing and regulating valve.
Some units have a small constant-flow valve plus a lung-controlled valve that adds any required additional
flow. Another type delivers oxygen from a breathing bag to the wearer's face. Exhaled breath passes
through another tube into a container holding the Carbon Dioxide-removing chemical and then through a

Finally, the purified air flows into a breathing bag where it mixes with the incoming oxygen from the
cylinder. The re-breathing principle permits most efficient use of the Oxygen supply. The exhaled breath
contains both Oxygen and carbon dioxide as the human body extracts only a small part of the oxygen
inhaled. As the user exhales, the carbon dioxide is removed by the chemical and the oxygen, which is left,
is used. This method of operation applies to all oxygen cylinder re-breathing type apparatus as well as those
using liquid Oxygen.

The Oxygen cylinder must be refilled and the carbon dioxide chemical replaced after each use. As is true of
all respiratory protective equipment, training in proper use and maintenance is essential for the most
efficient operation.

Demand type
This apparatus is available in different models for specific applications. All consist of a high-pressure air
cylinder, a demand regulator connected either directly or by a high pressure tube to the cylinder, a face-
piece and tube assembly with an exhalation valve or valves, and a method of mounting the complete
apparatus on the body. In use, the wearer opens the cylinder valve after putting on the face-piece and
inhales air at breathing pressure. The exhaled air passes through a valve in the face-piece to the surrounding

The term "demand regulator" means that the airflow is on inhalation demand, that is, automatic regulation
to the desired level to compensate for variation in breathing needs. All demand apparatus is relatively
inefficient when compared with the rebreathing type, because the exhaled air (rich in Oxygen) is released
into the atmosphere instead of being used again.

This apparatus uses the same principle as the pressure-demand air-line respirators, and is approved and used
where the toxicity is such that the potential face-piece leakage of demand apparatus is not tolerable.

In the United States, all demand and pressure-demand type apparatus must function in temperatures as low
as 0 degrees Celsius. Approval at lower temperatures can be obtained. Various components, such as nose
cups to reduce lens fogging, may be added if needed to meet the low temperature requirements.

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Warning device: The wearer of the open circuit apparatus depends upon watching a pressure gauge to learn
when air supply has dropped to a point necessitating return to fresh air. A self-actuating warning device
must activate at 20 to 25 percent of the full cylinder pressure to alert the wearer that he or she must soon
return to fresh air.

Whistle Alarm

Units of 15, 30, and 60 minute duration are currently approved in the United States for entry into and escape
from non-respirable environments. Units of 3, 5, and 10 minutes are approved in the United States for
escape only.

The self-generating type: This apparatus, previously approved for one hour in the United States, differs
from the conventional cylinder re-breathing apparatus in that it has a chemical canister that evolves oxygen
and removes the exhaled carbon dioxide in accordance with breathing requirements. It eliminates high-
pressure cylinders, regulating valves, and other mechanical components.

The canister, which contains potassium superoxide, evolves oxygen when contacted by the moisture and
carbon dioxide in the exhaled breath and retains carbon dioxide and moisture. Retaining moisture is
important as it aids in preventing lens fogging.

In use, the self-generating unit operates as other re-breathing apparatus except that wearer's, using the
canister, make their own oxygen instead of drawing it from compressed gas cylinders or liquid oxygen
sources. The important features of this type are the simplicity of construction and use, and reduced need for
maintenance when compared with high-pressure apparatus.

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The combination self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and type C supplied air respirators
These are air-line respirators with auxiliary self-contained air supply (An auxiliary SCBA is an independent
air supply that allows a person to evacuate a contaminated or enter such an area for a very short period of
time where a connection to an outside air supply can be made). When this device is approved, it may be
worn in toxic areas having concentrations greater than those permitted for air-line units without the egress
cylinder. For this reason, these devices are usable in IDLH atmospheres. The auxiliary air supply can
be switched to in the event the primary air supply fails to operate. This allows the wearer to escape from an
IDLH atmosphere.

The auxiliary self-contained air supply may be approved for 3, 5, or 10 minutes service time, or for 15
minutes or greater. If the auxiliary air supply is classified as 3, 5, or 10 minutes, the wearer must use the air
line during entry into the hazardous atmosphere and the SCBA portion is used for emergency egress. When
the SCBA is rated for service of 15 minutes or longer, the SCBA may be used for emergency entry into a
hazardous atmosphere (to connect the air line) provided not more than 20 % of the air supply's rated
capacity is used during entry. This allows for enough air for egress when the warning device indicates a
low air supply.

Combination air-line respirators with auxiliary SCBA are designed to operate in three modes: constant flow,
demand-flow, and pressure-demand flow. These devices use the same principles as the respective air-line

Combination air-purifying and atmosphere supplying devices

Lately, another type respirator is gaining in popularity. It is a device that is a combination of an air-line
respirator with an auxiliary air-purifying attachment, which provides protection in the event the air supply
fails. These have been approved with the air line operating either with constant flow or pressure demand
flow. The most popular versions are ones in which the air-purifying element is a high efficiency filter. This
filter is approved for dusts, fumes, and mist that have a permissible exposure limit less than 0.05 mg/m3 and
radionuclides. The air-line respirator can only be used when the respirator is supplied with respirable air.

This type has additional limitations:

• Use in the filtering mode is allowed for escape only.
• Not for use in IDLH atmospheres.
• Not for use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5 % Oxygen.
• Use only the hose lengths and pressure ranges specified on the approval label.
• When airflow is cut off. Switch to the filter and immediately exit to clean air.

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(UK) Airline Pressure & Flow

External air supplies must conform to the following table, when measured at the extreme end of the supply

Number of Wearers Supply Pressure bar (psi) Airflow L/min

1 5.5 – 9.5 (70 – 130) 300.00
2 (1 pair) 5.5 – 9.5 (70 – 130) 450


The basic operation of our air compressors requires 4 stages to reach the desired output pressure and
volume. We do have 3 stage compressors that can yield less volume at desired pressures. The reason air is
compressed in stages is because taking a confined volume of air and compressing its volume will drastically
increase the temperature of the air. By doing it in stages, we can control the temperature throughout the
process. If we took 100 cubic foot of air at 70 degrees ºF in a fixed container and reduced its volume by
compression five times to 20 cubic feet, we would increase the temperature to 385 degrees ºF and increase
pressure from atmospheric to 73.5 psi. Instead of trying to do this work all at once, we do it in stages and
the outlet temperature should be at most, 20 to 30 degrees ºF above the inlet temperature.

Stages help to limit temperature increases, but we must cool the air after each stage to keep the system
temperature down. Our compressors are equipped with interstage coolers for just this reason. When we
cool the compressed air, any moisture in it will condense in the stream. A liquid cannot be compressed and
water entering later stages can damage the compressor. Interstage separators are installed to separate the
condensed water out of the stream. Manual or automatic drains are available to keep these separators empty
of water. Drainage time is very important, especially in wet climates. Frequent (every 15 minutes) drainage
should be done in these areas.

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The cooler, dry air must then be purified to meet Grade D (USA) & Grade E (UK) specifications for
breathing air. The system is equipped to clean up the air. All compressors have a final stage separator to
remove condensed water followed by the air purifiers. Note: The separators are mechanical means to
remove condensed water, but there can be more water vapour in the output stream.

The first step for purification actually occurs before air enters the first stage. An intake filter removes
Particulates. As mentioned, further removal of condensed water with Particulates mixed in are
mechanically removed by the interstage filters and the final stage separator. Air leaving the final stage
separator must then enter the purification canisters. Some compressors are equipped with one; others two
and these are the tall cylinders mounted on the compressor skid.

The air passes through a Molecular Sieve to remove remaining water vapour. The air then goes through
Activated Carbon; this removes odours. The final element is a chemical, Hopcalite, to convert any carbon
monoxide to carbon dioxide. All these are located in your canister. On compressors with two canisters, one
is activated carbon and molecular sieve only; the other a traditional type with all three phases presents.

A very important consideration should be discussed concerning the removal of water vapour. The
molecular sieve will remove water vapour only if it stays in the vapour phase. This requires maintaining
pressure in the canister at all times, including back pressure while compressing. The compressors are
designed to do this by first isolating the purifier from the earlier stages with a check valve and isolating the
purifier from the discharge outlet with a pressure-maintaining valve. Air entering the canister cannot travel
back into the fourth stage; air from the canister cannot leak out of the system until a build-up inside the
canister is achieved. The PMV should require 1500 psi to open or as per mfg specifications, You MUST
always check the manual.

This is particularly important because condensed moisture in the purifier will react with the Hopcalite
(carbon monoxide scrubber) and prevent it from working. You see this principle in your daily weather.
When the weatherman says there is a low-pressure front, expect rain. The atmospheric pressure dropped
and water will condense out. Conversely, if he says high pressure is coming, expect a clear, sunny day.
The PMV and check valve work together to keep high pressure in the cartridge. The water stays in the
vapour phase and the molecular sieve can remove it.

Let's consider how the air flows in a four-stage compressor. First the air is drawn through a filter and enters
the first stage. It exits the first stage and is cooled by an interstage cooler before entering the second. After
it exits the second, it is cooled again and we must remove any condensed moisture. The air goes through an
interstage separator (coalescer, with mechanical filtering technique) before entering the third stage. After
the third, we cool it again and separate the water again (interstage coalescer filter). The air enters the fourth
stage where it is compressed to its final pressure. This air passes through a final interstage cooler, followed
by a final separator. Now we are ready to purify.

The air passes through a check valve, and enters a pressurised cartridge. The odour, water vapour, and
harmful CO and hydrocarbons are scrubbed from the final stream. This clean, grade D, air exits the
cartridge through the pressure-maintaining valve to fill our system and use.

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Our air quality kits are designed to test for water vapour, CO2, CO, and oil mist.
We have to use an Oxygen sensor to check oxygen and our noses to detect odours. It is a good idea to
check water vapour first. If it does not pass this test, the water vapour will interfere with the oil mist test.

The hours a purifier cartridge can last depends on several factors:

• The output of the compressor in cubic feet per minute (cfm) and,
• The ambient temperature of your area.
• Generally, Maximum service Life = Volume (from the manual,) divided by CFM X 60.
• For our 4 stage, V can be 40,000 or 60,000 depending on model (K14, K15).


Compressors - Practical Demonstrations

1. Start up, shut down procedures.
• Checking fluid levels.
• Understanding log entries.
• Start unloaded by leaving drains open.
• Recognition of proper operation ( stage pressures ), what is that knocking sound when you first start up?
• Is the rotation correct?

2. Safety switches
• What is on your compressors?
• What is on your diesels?
• What is required here?
• What is required in the United States?

3. Mechanical start up

4. Operation of diesels

5. Operation of automatic drain

6. Location of manual drains

7. Purifier replacement

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Element 11 Hydrogen Sulfide Instructor & Technician Course HSI011

• Initially, we will trace air movement in system, trace out coolers, interstage filters, and location of pop
off valves, purifier check valve, and pressure maintaining valve.
• Follow compressor log sheet and explain entries.
• Pre-start checks, oil levels, drains open. What type of oil do you use?
• Check direction of rotation.
• Safety switch operation, determine what the compressor has and how to bypass for start-up. When
safety switch re-engages, you know all safety switches functioned.
• Run and verify proper operation.
• Does automatic drain work.
• Shut down unloaded.
• Preventive maintenance.
• Mechanical start up of diesel.
• Electric drives.
• Changing purifier. How to determine maximum hours for cartridge?
• Maximum Service Life = V / ( CFM X 60 )

Preventive Maintenance of Compressors

Preventing a problem is the most important task you will do. Offshore conditions can be severe,
temperature problems are normal in some parts of the world. In areas like Saudi Arabia, it is advisable to
run the compressor at night unless you have an emergency. In the U. K., it is advisable to drain your water
drains more frequently than normal.

There are some steps you can take to minimise problems

1. First, the salt air offshore can corrode your electrical connections quickly. Keep them clean, and
lubricated for protection. Make sure you ground your compressor, and the battery connections on diesel
drives are tight. These compressors recharge their battery in some different ways. One, they may have
an belt driven alternator and you should keep the belt tight. They may have a flywheel alternator. This
cannot be accessed easily. Both generate a AC voltage and it is rectified to DC. Keep the rectifier
covered, clean and dry. The starter motor connections should be checked, cleaned and lubricated. Your
safety switch J-box must be kept free of water. Your battery ground must be secure and clean. Your
battery must be topped up with distilled water. Switches must be kept clean, and lubricated. The safety
switch activators must be clean. Automatic shut off solenoid and the automatic condensate drain
solenoid need to be secure and clean.
2. Second, vibration on an offshore rig can loosen connections or bolts. Keep everything tight. Motor or
compressor mounts can loosen, electrical connections come apart, and fuel tanks can rust and break
3. Third, keep all belts tight. Alternator belt, if you have an external one, drive belt, and oil pump belt on
the compressor. Check frequently. Grease the drive belt adjustment wheel often.

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4. Fourth, keep the compressor covered. Usually, you can find plastic or a tarp at locations to use or I
would request one from your service centre. While running, especially in hot climates, make sure air
circulation is adequate to keep cool. Remember, the air output should not be more than 30 degrees F
hotter than ambient air.
5. Fifth, with diesel drives, make sure your using clean diesel.
6. Sixth, keep good records, and change all filters, fluids, and purifiers as required.
7. Seventh, don’t leave your compressor running by itself for long periods of time ( even if it has an
automatic drain or shut off ). Try to keep one step ahead of Murphy ( mythical creature who makes
anything that can go wrong, go wrong ).
8. Eighth, monitor your individual stage pressures carefully while operating. This is the best sign of an
impending problem. If the pressure in one stage starts climbing higher than it should, it usually means
the following stage’s intake valve is sticking open.
9. Ninth, put your compressor in a position to minimise physical and chemical damage, usually near the
Briefing areas away from any exhausts.
10. Finally, start up and shut down the compressor as per instructions, keep the oil pressure set correctly,
and keep water out of your intake hose.


Practical Application - Go Through Basic Maintenance At Shop And Point Out Problem Spots
1. You can clean the compressor’s air intake with grade D compressed air, and rotate the filter 90 degrees
before replacement. Using compressed air requires wearing safety goggles.
2. Do not overfill oil, or let it drop below the notch.
3. Use the correct oil, check with your service centre warehouse manager to get correct oil. You should
not loose more than 0.38 ounces of oil in 10 hours on a K-14. For a K-15, you should not consume
more than 0.75 ounces in 10 hours. Initial oil changes are required after 25 hours, 250 hours afterwards.
If you use strictly synthetic, you can get more hours. It’s better to change it more frequently than not.
You can remove your magnetic plug when you change the oil and clean any metal chips from it.
4. Keep the cooling tubes and cylinders clean. This will help cool the compressor.
5. When you work around electrical components, disconnect the battery negative to prevent accidental
shorting of components.
6. Clean the sintered filters on your auto drain.
7. One of the most common problems is with the automatic condensate drain. Make sure no water can get
in it. Keep electrical connections clean. Open it up periodically to check for moisture and any loose
connections. Vibration quite often loosens a connection and it can short out the whole system. Keep the
control box secured to the frame.
8. In very hot climates, it may be wise to open the panels for more air flow.

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Final Review of Basic Compressor Module

The students should be capable of describing the air flow pattern and be able to point out all filters, check
valve, pressure maintaining valve, oil dipstick, automatic condensate drain control box, flame arrestor on
diesel drive, magnetic plug, safety switches, auto shut off solenoid on diesel drive, J-box with safety relays,
stage gauges, oil pressure gauge, hour timer, ampere gauge, alternators, rectifier, fuel bleed off on fuel filter
and injector pumps for diesel drives, and any other safety switch installed ( carbon monoxide sensor, etc.).

The students should demonstrate the air flow, explain how the system is cooled, explain how to change all
filters, and oil, explain the operation of the purifier and how to change. They should demonstrate how to
start and stop the compressor. They should understand and explain how the ACD works ( how often does it
start and for how long ).

They should be able to point out alternative drain valves. They should know how to mechanically start
diesel if the battery is dead. They should know how to recognise what voltage their motors are wired for or
who to ask for help. They should know how to use a voltmeter, and be able to determine line voltage.

Students will develop pre-start checklists and maintenance schedules for their 3 stage and 4 stage
compressors ( diesel operation included ). You can use your shop manuals. The manual should include the
hours when you change all filters, including purifiers. Research your manuals. Include here the
information you would need to order parts and where to find it.


The concept of respiratory protection first came from Pliny (A.D. 23 -79). The concept has been with us
for a long time. He proposed the use of animal bladders in Roman mines to protect the workers from the
inhalation of oxides of lead. In the 1700's, the first atmosphere supplying hose masks were developed. The
technology has greatly improved, but the two basic principles remain the same. One, we can either purify
the air by removing contaminants before they reach the breathing zone, or provide clean air to a worker
from an uncontaminated source.

In 1814, a particulate-removing filter was developed. In 1854, activated charcoal was used to filter vapours.
World War I demonstrated the need for better protection and in 1930 , the resin-impregnated dust filter was
designed. A more recent development was the ultra-high efficiency filter made from paper that contains
very fine glass fibres. the important considerations for air purifying respirators is first, how efficient are
they and next, what kind of breathing resistance do they cause. The newer filters are excellent in both
regards. In our business, these still are inadequate for proper protection and we require a self-contained
respirator supplying breathable air.

A respirator can be defined as an enclosure, which covers the nose and mouth or the entire face, or head.
They can be tight fitting as ones that cover the nose and mouth (quarter mask where the seal is between the
mouth and chin), or half mask (where the seal is under the chin and over the nose), or the full face-piece.
Loose fitting respirators cover the entire head or body (helmets, blouses, full suit).

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Types of Respiratory Hazards

Respiratory hazards may result from an oxygen deficient atmosphere or from air contaminated with toxic
particles, vapours, gases, fumes or mists. Contaminants are classified as either particulate or vapours.

Particulate contaminants include:

• mechanically dispersed particles
• condensation dispersed particles
• dusts
• mists
• fogs
• smokes
• smog

Vapour or gas contaminants include:

• acids
• alkalines
• organics
• organometallics
• hydrides
• inert materials

Acid gas contaminants include Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulphur Dioxide.

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Air Quality standards:

Air Purity Test in the UK are carried out in accordance with BS 4275:1997 / EN 12021.
Air used to supply Breathing Apparatus may be Natural or synthetic. The quality of air used to supply and
charge breathing apparatus must also conform to European Standard EN 132:1990, (Respiratory Protective
Devices Definitions). Contaminants must not exceed permissible exposure levels. The air must be free of
the odour of oil. The odour threshold is 0.3 mg/m3. The air should have a dew point sufficiently low to
prevent internal freezing. The current quality of air in the UK is grade E air.

The following is a sample of the test used to check the quality of air as per UK Standards in Total
Safety compressors:
• Carbon Monoxide (Max 15 ml/m3 (PPM) )
• Carbon Dioxide (Max 500 ml/m3 (PPM)).
• Oil Mist (Max 5.0 mg/m3 )
• Hydrogen Sulphide* (Max 0 )
• Liquid Water ( Max 0 )
• Water Vapour (1) ( Max 50 mg/m3 )
• Water Vapour (2) ( Max 35 mg/m3 )
• Water Vapour: (1) Air at a pressure between 40 bar and 200 bar.
(2) Air at a pressure over 200 bar.
The Commodity Specifications for Compressed Air are located in the Compressed Gas Associations
publication G-7.1. This is recognised in most countries as the standard to follow. Check with your Service
Centre to see if that is the case here. We provide Grade D air. Grade D has several requirements including
the oxygen content, amount of condensed hydrocarbons, concentration of carbon monoxide and
concentration of carbon dioxide, and odour. Water vapour is considered, but CGA defers to local
requirements as a guideline to test. ANSI Z88.2-1992 sets the water vapour at 25 ppm. OSHA proposes to
set it at 27 Mg/cubic meter.

Currently, the following standard for grade D air applies: (USA)

Oxygen 19.5% - 23.5%

Condensed hydrocarbons 5 Mg / cubic meter
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 10 ppm
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1000 ppm
Water Note 2
Odour Expect slight, excessive odour unsatisfactory

Note : The water content of compressed air required for any particular grade may vary with the intended use
from saturated to very dry. If a specific water limit is required, it should be specified as a limiting dewpoint or

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concentration in ppm ( v/v ). Dew-point is expressed in temperature degrees Fahrenheit at one atmosphere
absolute pressure ( 760 mm Hg ).

Source: CGA pamphlet G-7.1

The most recent CGA G-7.1 has a specific water vapour volume of 63ppm (see 1989 version).

As discussed, ANSI currently recommends a water vapour maximum of 25ppm. OSHA is proposing to
require by law 27 Mg/cubic meter.

Water in compressed air can give you unsanitary conditions. When several people are using your air
system, demand on the regulator increase and more volume is required. As the flow increases, the system
temperature will drop. If there is too much water present, it will freeze. The regulator will malfunction and
the user will loose his/her air supply.

There are several ways to measure your air supply to determine if it meets specification. The Sensidyne Air
Quality Kit or other mfg. type should go on each job or be sent periodically to you to test air quality.

Compressor location, and local climate are two other important considerations to note. Compressor intakes
should be clear of other areas where contaminants may be present. High humidity or wet climates require
more frequent water drainage of interstage filters and final stage separators.


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Not everyone can wear a respirator. Individuals with impaired lung function such as asthma and
emphysema made be unable to use a respirator.

Individuals who can not get a good face seal because of beards, sideburns, facial scars and dentures may
have problems fitting a respirator.

Respirators present special problems with communication, reduced vision, fatigue and reduced work

Some individuals find it extremely difficult to keep a mask on, the discomfort of claustrophobia may
prohibit the use of a respirator.

All of these problems must be addressed and corrected in a proper respiratory protection program.
Organisations have tried to address these problems and create an industrial system of standards to promote
respiratory protection.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created in 1970 and tasked to promulgate standards
to protect the health and safety of American workers. OSHA adopted existing standards and national
consensus standards from organisations such as the American Conference of Government Industrial
Hygienists ( ACGIH ) and the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ). The general industry
standard 29 CFR 1910.134 was developed from these sources.

There are OSHA standards imposed for respiratory protection not found in 29 CFR 1910.134. These
include special regulations for arsenic, lead, coke oven emissions, and cotton dust. Individuals who would
like to review these documents, can find them in 29 CFR 1910.1018 (h), 1910.1025 (f), 1910.1029(g), and
1910.1043 (f) respectively.

OSHA continually reviews current standards and updates them as conditions require. Technological
advances, including designs for proper fit testing, respirator design, and further medical knowledge have
routinely required OSHA to re-design their standards. You must keep all employees advised of any
changes. The following discussion focuses on OSHA primarily, but bear in mind, other countries and/or
private companies may have their own policy and should be reviewed by each employee.

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection: OPTIONAL READING

The primary objective to control occupational diseases from airborne contaminants is to prevent
atmospheric contamination. Engineering controls are the first source of defence. When engineering controls
are no longer feasible, or not available, approved respirators will be used ( See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (a)
(1) ).

We are required to provide respirators to employees when conditions warrant their use. We must also
maintain an effective respiratory protection program and this program has many requirements (See OSHA
29 CFR 1910.134 (a) (1) ).
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The requirements of this program include:

• Written standard operating procedures governing the selection and use of respirators.
• Selection shall be based on the hazard the worker is exposed to.
• Instructions will be given to properly use the respirator.
• Instructions will include the limitations of each respirator and the proper way to clean, disinfect, store,
and inspect each respirator.
• Emergency use respirators must be inspected at least once a month and after each use.
• ( See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) (1-8)
• These regulations apply to businesses in the United States, and other companies and governments may
have their own requirements. We must keep current and use the best possible standards to maintain a
viable respiratory protection program.

Your responsibility will include training, storing, cleaning and inspecting those respirators assigned to your
service centre and/or work site location. The procedures for our respiratory program are the responsibility
of the company's. The supply of respirators will be dependent upon what is requested by our customers, but
you should be aware that all personnel at a location require respiratory protection if it is possible to have
H2S concentrations in air reach 20ppm (H2S present or unknown according to MMS). For offshore
locations, all personnel are to be provided with immediate access to self-contained pressure demand type
respirators. This includes personnel on board the rig as well as helicopter flight crews and attendant vessels
(See MMS 30 CFR 250.67 (13) (i-ix)). Our policy is to provide this, yours may be to recommend
compliance with these standards.

This policy will be continually evaluated to see if it is effective (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) (9)).

It is also our responsibility to determine whether our employee is physically able to use a respirator. We
must have a local physician determine these qualifications as well as what physical conditions is pertinent to
qualification. Our employees should be reviewed annually to qualify (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (10)).

These requirements are being reviewed and expect more exacting language to be developed, for example,
what tests must be done and what other qualified health professional can perform the assessment. Will one
exam allow use of all respirators or will we need to have an exam for each one? These are some of the
current questions and we will keep you updated of any changes.

In the international market, there are many different types of respirators. We must use those that are
certified according to local requirements and quite often, the respirators approved by NIOSH and MSHA
are acceptable. In the United States, these agencies are the federally recognised agencies that can certify a
respirator for use ( See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) (11)-USA ). (EN 402 /EN 136-UK).

The actual selection of respirators shall be made according to the guidelines of the American National
Standards Institute or standard ANSI Z88.2-1969.

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OSHA also regulates the air quality. You cannot use Oxygen either in the open circuit of a self-contained
respirator that has had compressed air in it or in supplied-air line respirator. Oxygen and oil vapour makes
an explosive mix. Never use Oxygen in any airline respirator.

The air quality standards that OSHA recognises are published by the Compressed Gas Association and are
called the Commodity Specification for Grade D breathing air ( See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (d) (1) - USA
or ( EN 132/136 & EN 402 – UK ). You will be required to regularly test your air supply.

Our compressors are capable of delivering Grade D or E breathing air, and OSHA allows their use ( See
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (d) (2) ). Our cylinders must be tested and maintained according to the Shipping
Container Specification Regulations of the Department of Transportation (USA) (See OSHA 29 CFR
1910.134 (d) (2) (i)). Keep in mind, other countries do have separate standards for air quality.
Compressors, and cylinders and must be acceptable in that country. UK - EN 402, EN 132:1990 & EN 136 /
BS 6927:1988..

We must use compressors that eliminate hazardous contamination, are placed in areas to prevent
contamination and equipped with warning devices to prevent contamination. High temperature and/or
Carbon Monoxide sensors and alarms must be present on oil lubricated air compressors. If we chose only
the high temperature sensor, we must frequently test the air for Carbon Monoxide. There also must be an
air receiver located at the compressor to provide emergency escape for the operator. Compressor failure
alarms must be installed as well (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (d) (2) (ii)).

Air line couplings and fittings must not be compatible with other gas systems to prevent incorrect usage
(See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (d) (3)).

All breathing gas containers in the United States must be marked in accordance with American National
Standard Method of Marking Portable Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the Material Contained,
Z48.1-1954; Federal Specification BB-A-1034a, June 21, 1968. This is for Air, Compressed for Breathing


Also, guidance can be found in Interim Federal Specification GG-B-00675b, April 27, 1968, Breathing
Apparatus, self-contained. Of course, compliance with International Standards is fine for most of our

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service centres overseas (USA See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (d) (4)), (UK See EN 402 / EN 136 / EN

The procedures to use respirators must be standardised and include all information necessary for their
proper selection, use and care. Possible emergency uses should be planned for as well as routine use (See
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (e) (1)).

It is very important to have one person assigned to issue respirators and supervise the respiratory protection
program. You will form an extension of this service at your job locations. The correct respirator must be
certified, in our case, for our customers in H2S, a pressure demand type respirator either self contained or an
air line supplied pressure demand type respirator with auxiliary self contained air supply for escape (See
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (e) (2)).

Written procedures are prepared for the safe use of our respirators in dangerous atmospheres. You must be
familiar with them (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (e) (3)).
You must have them with you at the location.

OSHA further requires the 'buddy' system to be used, which is standard operating procedure for our
personnel in H2S environments. Communications between all personnel must be present (visual, voice, or
signal line) (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (e) (3) (i) (ii) (iii)). Standby men must be present when someone
is wearing a pressure demand respirator in environments, immediately dangerous to life and health, IDLH.
Personnel entering an IDLH atmosphere with a respirator must wear lifelines and harnesses, and rescue
personnel must be located in fresh air and on standby. Lifting lines and /or slings must be available for

Frequent inspections are required of respirators, normally for our personnel, this means weekly or after each
use (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (4)). It is essential that the user be properly instructed in the use,
maintenance, and selection of their respirator. Competent personnel are required to train personnel, and
each person must have an adequate face fit, use the respirator in a test atmosphere, handle the respirator
sufficiently, and wear it in a normal atmosphere (USA -See OSHA 1910.134 (e) (5)). (UK - See EN

Fitting instructions are mandatory, and no one shall wear a respirator when conditions prevent a good
face seal. Such conditions may be a growth of beard, sideburns, a skullcap, temple bars on eyeglasses, and
the absence of dentures. To ensure a proper face seal, each person will check their face fit seal every time
the respirator is put on (USA - See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (e) (5) (i)) & (UK - See EN 402 / EN 136).

Another problem with respirator seals occurs when eyeglasses with temple bars are worn. This is not
allowed with a full face piece and spectacle kits are available to mount eyeglasses inside the face piece of
the respirator (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (e)(5) (ii) (iii)). This section also prohibits the use of contact
lens. This requirement may change as new information is gathered and we will keep you informed of any
new developments.

ANSI no longer restricts the use of contact lens.

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What maintenance program must I follow is a common question. There are four basic requirements for a
proper maintenance. Inspection for defects, cleaning and disinfecting, repairs, and storage of respirators
needs to be addressed in order to have respirators retain their original effectiveness.

Inspections are required before and after each use and at least monthly, (UK - See EN 402 / CoSHH
regulations and Personal Protective Equipment directive).

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus must be inspected monthly by law, kept full and verification that its
regulator and warning devices function is required. Tightness of connections, the condition of face piece,
headbands, valves, connecting tubes, and canisters (for air purifying respirators) must be checked and pass
inspection. Rubber or elastomer parts shall be inspected for pliability and deterioration, stretch these parts
to keep them pliable and prevent setting up in storage (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (f) (2) (i) (ii) (iii)).

Document your inspections.(UK - See EN 402 / CoSHH regulations and Personal Protective Equipment
directive). Clean, disinfect your respirators after each use or routinely (during required inspections). No
one should attempt repairs without the proper certification, and only parts made for your respirator shall be
used as replacements. Follow your respirator manufacturer's instruction for all repairs. Parts will have to be
returned to the manufacturer for repairs if necessary (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (2) (3) (4)).

Storing respirators requires you to consider several factors. First, they must be stored to protect them from
dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold, excessive moisture, or damaging chemicals. They should be placed in
work areas to allow for quick access and stored in compartments for protection. The compartments must be
clearly marked. We keep our respirators in their own cases for the most part, our escape respirators are
stored in separate containers. Are they marked? Some respirators can be placed in plastic bags such as dust
masks. When you pack a respirator, pack it so the face piece and exhalation valve rest in a normal position.
this will prevent the elastomer from setting in an abnormal position (See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (f) (5) (i)
(ii) (iii)).
(UK - See EN 136 / EN 402).

To identify gas mask respirators, primarily use properly worded labels. You can also use a colour code. We
do not normally issue this equipment, but if we had to, we must ensure proper labelling and/or colour
coding (USA - See OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 section g ) / (UK - See EN 402).

Section 4 of the regulation continues to require the correct colour code and labels. The final table (I - 1)
indicates the acceptable colour codes. Section 4 addresses the degree of protection is clearly marked and
where the labels should be placed.

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OSHA has updated 1910.134 and here are some of the considerations:
• Incorporate standards concerning Assigned Protection Factors
• Incorporate fit testing techniques
• Incorporate new standards for medical qualifications

OSHA has decided not to adopt ANSI Z88.2-1992 per se. For assigned protection factors (APF), OSHA
has decided to adopt NIOSH figures. There is a possibility that these APF's will not be published before
OSHA changes 1910.134.

Normally they would be included in 29 CFR Part 84. If not published in the CFR before OSHA changes
1910.134, you can find them in NIOSH's Respiratory Decision Logic or RDL.

OSHA has responded to many concerned parties to change the requirements for respirator certifications.
Currently, NIOSH and MSHA are recognised as the agencies that set certification standards for respirators.
These can be found in 29 CFR Part 84 (permission to use NIOSH is established). OSHA does not have the
testing facilities and equipment to test and certify respirators and will continue to recognise NIOSH and
MSHA for this purpose.

OSHA has also used language published in Canada's regulation, Selection, Care, and Use of Respirators - Z

OSHA has reviewed enforcement statistics for about 10 years. The results were:
For the period between 1972 to 1982, there were 22,662 violations of 29 CFR 1910.134.

• 8,406 were serious or 37 %.

• 3,648 were for not establishing a respiratory program and in 1752 cases this was especially serious
because these were violations where overexposure to hazardous material was involved.
• Other violations included violations of:
1. standard operating procedures.
2. training.
3. fit testing.
4. cleaning and disinfecting equipment.
5. storage.
6. use of approved respirators.

Currently, we are required to follow OSHA standards regarding respiratory protection. ANSI is referenced
in OSHA 1910.134, although this standard is several years old. New ANSI standards, including Z88.2-1992
and Z88.6-1980, are to be reviewed.

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Instructor show Total Safety power points on cylinders
We use several types of cylinders supplied with our air packs. Composite, steel, and aluminium being the
most common. We also use cylinders for our calibration gases. The following is a general guideline to field
inspect cylinders and your relevant requirements for physical testing, must be provided by the appropriate
service centre. First, we will look at general requirements and the final section will include room for you to
update your location’s regulations.

When do I have to send my cylinder for hydrostatic testing?

e DOT's re gulation on h ow often you should test.

Retest and Inspection of Cylinders

DOT specification under which cylinder was made Retest Period
DOT-3 5 years
DOT-3A, 3AA 5 years
DOT-3AL 5 years
DOT - 3AX, 3AAX 5 years
3B, 3BN 5 years
3C re-test not required
3D 5 years
3E re-test not required
3HT 3 years
3T 5 years
4 10 years
4A 5 years
4AA480 5 years
4B, 4BA, 4BW, 4B-240ET 5 years
4C re-test not required
4D, 4DA, 4DS 5 years
DOT - 4E 5 years
4L re-test not required
8, 8AL 10 years
DOT-9 5 years
25, 26 5 years
33,38 5 years

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General Requirements Steel Cylinders

Check physical condition, are there any deformities, gouges, cuts, dents, corrosion, pitting, bulges.

Most is self explanatory, but when checking pitting, is it an isolated area or line corrosion ( a more serious
condition ). Crevice corrosion is corrosion near the foot ring or head ring. General corrosion is when
considerable corrosion is present and it may be hard to compare with good areas. CGA C-6 lists exterior as
well as interior visible inspection procedures. We are interested in the external inspection ( see Section 5 ).
Questionable pitting requires you to have the cylinder sent for testing where the proper test equipment is

1. Cases of General Corrosion or Line Corrosion:

a. If you cannot measure the actual wall thickness, 1/32 of an inch deep corrosion requires you
to have cylinder sent for inspection.
b. Cylinders with 110 % filling service can be hydrostatic tested.
2. Cuts, dents, burn marks, bulges cannot be measured in the field and must be sent in.
3. If the cylinder has been exposed to fire, it must be reconditioned before re-use. Do not hydrostatic
test these cylinders to check, visually inspect the protective coating.
4. Use a soap solution to check cracks or other suspected leak sites. Check for leaks around gauges
and pressure relief disks.
5. Check gauge for corrosion.
6. On cylinders with a protective boot or on the bottoms of cylinders, inspect carefully. Areas where
moisture may collect will accelerate corrosion.

General Requirements Composite Cylinders

The exposed metal exterior (liner) is inspected the same as a steel or aluminium cylinder, but there are other
considerations to take into account with fibre sections.

Fully wrapped
• A cylinder reinforced with both hoop and longitudinal wrap.
Hoop wrap
• A circumferential wrapping of fibres on the cylindrical section of a cylinder. Hoop wrapped cylinders
are wrapped this way only.
• The metal portion of the composite cylinder.
Longitudinal wrap
• Fibres running in the general direction of the long axis of the cylinder.

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• Glass fibres used for reinforcement.
• Organic fibre used for reinforcement.
Composite cylinder
• Refers to the fibres, resin, and metal liner as a combined unit.
Condemned cylinder
• One no longer fit for service and not repairable.
Rejected cylinder
• One not fit for service in its present condition, additional evaluation needed.

Types of damage to look for:

• Abrasions
• Cuts
• Impacts
• Structural

Levels of damage

Level 1
• Nicks, dings, scratched paint. Damage considered minor, normal and acceptable.

Level 2
• Deeper cuts or gouges. Rejection and requires repairs.

Level 3
• Unfit and condemned.

There are tools required to physically measure damage. Cylinders suspected of Level 2 damage must be sent
to a qualified service centre for inspection. Repairs are not to be done by Technicians I or II. Presently, any
equipment must be sent to an outside source for repairs. Hydrostatic tests can be done ‘ in house’ in some
of our service centres. You will be required to send the cylinder to your service centre if you suspect Level
2 damage.

The service life of composite cylinders is 15 years and Hydro is now every 5 years.

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Re-test markings
On hoop wrapped, securely to the label and overcoat with epoxy, where original is, or the top head of the
cylinder. On fully wrapped, on the neck of the cylinder or on the label and secured with epoxy coat.

Other markings, including DOT number, working pressure, manufacturer’s serial number, inspectors mark,
manufacturer’s identification, and original test date are on manufacturer’s label.

If the label is missing, the cylinder must be condemned. If illegible, consult with manufacturer.

Is the cylinder full?

Note: Some respirators do not have a cylinder air pressure valve. You must function test these to
determine cylinder pressure.

Is the cylinder properly marked? See page 74 of the Hydrogen Sulfide Technical Manual for DOT
Department of Transportation, 29 CFR 178.35 (f) (1-6 ) ) approved cylinders. In the UK, the required
international standards must be followed. See Service Centre manager for proper colour coding in your

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General Guidelines on cylinders used in the United States.

• Markings must be legible, you can secure a metal plate with the markings on it, but it must be
• No markings are to be put on sidewall. You can put additional marks (for example, company name ),
but not on sidewalls.
• If original area becomes full with markings, you can use foot ring.
• The marked service pressure may not be changed without written permission.
• You cannot use a cylinder without a pressure relief device. On cylinders with less than 300 psi at 70
degrees F, you do not need a pressure-relief device.
• Pressure relief devices are not allowed on cylinders with poisons and some other cylinders we do not
use ( see 49 CFR Ch 1 ).
• Marking must be correct for the type of cylinder you have.
• The cylinder must be marked with the chemical name, or accepted name ( CGA, C-4-1978 ).
• Name should be at valve end, stencilled, stamped or labelled ( CGA, C-4- 1978).
• Name should be in a contrasting colour, a minimum of 3/16 inch in height ( CGA, C-4-1978 ).

Steel, and Aluminium

• Markings, plain and permanent on shoulder, top head, or neck.
• DOT marking followed by service pressure Note: the first markings after DOT identify the material
the cylinder is made of.
• Serial number and identifying symbol either just below or immediately following DOT mark. These are
the manufacturer’s numbers.
• Inspector’s official mark near serial number, date of test (with room for subsequent tests). The word
‘spun’ or ‘plug’, which indicates the method the end was closed with.
• The marks must be a 1/4-inch in height if space permits.
• The date of manufacture is the first hydrostatic test date when determining age of cylinder.
• Is the cylinder marked to allow a 110% fill. Indicated by a ‘+’ near original hydrostatic test date.
• h.. Is the hydrostatic test date good for 10 years. Indicated by a ’*‘ near original hydrostatic test date.
• Is the hydrostatic test date current. At this time, in 1997, steel and aluminium cylinders are tested every
5 years, composites are tested every 5 years.

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Row TC or CTC Transport Canada

3ALM Aluminum specification (Canada)

124 Service pressure (bar)

T11.3KG Tare weight (Kilograms)

Row DOT US Department of Transportation

3AL Aluminum specification (USA)

1800 Service pressure (PSI)

U372530 Serial number

LUXFER or M#### Manufacturing plant identifier

Row 01 Month of manufacture

A Mark of independent inspector

98 Year of manufacture

20#C02 C02 capacity

TW24.9 Tare weight (LBS)

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Typical Markings for a Liquefied Gas Cylinder According to TPED

1. 25E = Thread Specification - Important to ensure the correct valve is used with your
2. GB = Country of Manufacture
3. LUXFER = Cylinder Manufacturer
4. L2816Z ….= Cylinder Type Number and Serial Number - This number is recorded by Luxfer
which means, if ever necessary, the entire manufacturing history of your cylinder can be traced.
5. AA6061 T6 = Alloy of Construction
6. 11,5MM = Design Minimum Wall Thickness.
7. 14,8KG = Empty Weight of Cylinder Only (kg)
8. 13,4L = Minimum Water Capacity (litres)
9. PH 250 BAR = (Test Pressure) - Shows the pressure that the cylinder should be tested to - this
must not be exceeded.
10. TARE 16,1 KG = Weight of cylinder plus valve plus any accessories fitted at time of filling
such as collar and cage.
11. 10 KG CO2 = Charge Weight.
12. p 0038 = The mark of Conformity and Notified Body reference number to the Transportable
Pressure Equipment Directive 1999/36/EC.
13. e2UK902 GB = Pattern Approval number according to Directive 84/526. Replaced by EN1975
when this specification is design basis.
14. [STAMP] = Stamp of Notified Body.
15. 2002/09 = Year and Month of initial test.

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Inspection Procedures of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
1. Case or compartment is accessible, clearly marked and clean?
2. Open case, check air pressure if you have an external cylinder gauge. This must be reading 90 % of its
rated full capacity or full.
3. Check shoulder straps for wear, abrasions. Are any buckles rusted or hard to move?
4. Check waist strap for the same. Is the belt buckle working?
5. Check mask for dry rot and deformity. Has it been stored properly without any restrictions? Stretch the
elastomer to determine elasticity. Are all the spider clips and/or attachments present? Is the mask
clean? Is the face shield damaged? Can you see clearly?
6. Check the head harness for damage and/or deformity. Can you tighten the straps easily?
7. Check connecting hoses for damage or kinks. Are they clean?
8. Check demand valve regulator for physical damage. Make sure openings are free of dirt and mud.
9. Function test the respirator. There is a wide variety of tests and you must follow the manufacturers
recommended practice. You are checking to make sure the respirator is functioning as expected, that
there are no internal leaks, the mask’s exhalation valve is opening as required, there is no leak through
the hose line check valve, and the air delivery is adequate. For each respirator we own, these tests are
done differently and your service centre manager will be required to train you with the respirator
10. All must be pressure demand respirators.
11. The basic test requires donning the respirator, masking up and opening your cylinder. Check your
backpack, is the cylinder secure?
12. Check your external gauge to see if it agrees with the cylinder gauge ( if present ).
13. Check air delivery and operation of exhalation valve.
14. Check operation of bypass valve.
15. Is the hose line leaking?
16. On those respirators with a first breathe mechanism, check it to see if it works.
17. Plug into a cascade line and close cylinder. Is the quick connect fitting working and clean? Do you still
get air?
18. Reopen the cylinder and disconnect your hose line. Does the safety handle on the main valve work ( if
present ). Is the cylinder valve operating as it should?
19. Close the cylinder, observe the system pressure. Slowly open the bypass valve and listen for the low-
pressure alarm. Is it set correctly ( see manufacturer's instructions ).
20. Refill and re-pack the respirator.
21. Are all connections tight, the main hose line connection should be hand tight. When packing, follow

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Practical Exercises: Donning A Work / Rescue Unit


Donning your rescue self-contained breathing apparatus? Guide

1. General considerations
The SCBA used for rescue could either be rated for 1 hour or at least 30 minutes. Rescue requires the
ability to move from one location to another, and possible lifting.

The air pack must have enough air for you to safely retrieve another person in distress. All air packs can be
rated by dividing the cylinder’s compressed air volume by the rate of breathing at medium work pace. In
the case of a half-hour SCBA, divide 45 cubic feet ( full at 2216 psi ) by 1.5 cubic feet per minute to get 30
minutes. The obvious limitation to observe is that rescue may require strenuous work and you could use
your air up faster.

2. We can also consider 2 ways to don your air pack

First, casual donning procedures are for personnel who are not in a contaminated atmosphere and have the
time to prepare for entry. Second, are those people who are in the contamination and must protect their
breathing zone before attempting anything else. This is an emergency don procedure and we must use this
on many areas of locations.

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3. The emergency donning procedure

• Hold your breath, this does not mean take a breath and hold, but hold what you have.
• Make sure the compartment, case, or other enclosure containing SCBA is sitting topside UP and the
latches are facing forward.
• Open case.
• Lift out SCBA to provide access to cylinder valve.
• Open cylinder valve at least 2 complete turns. This will purge the mask of any contaminants.
• Brush hair off forehead and hold face-piece against face. Make sure to get your chin inside mask,
when you get a seal with your face, the mask will stop leaking air. This is a quick way to determine if
the seal is adequate.
• Keep the mask against your face and pull face-piece retainer (spider) over your head.
• Tighten spider, starting on bottom to top. Note: Some masks have 5 adjustable straps, some, have 4.
Other masks, like those use on the Scott 2.2, have a hair net style with 2 adjustable straps on the bottom.
Tighten straps equal and opposite to prevent the mask from being pulled in one direction more than
another and to maintain an even face seal. Tighten the top if you need to.
• At this time, you have protected your breathing zone. The following procedures will entail putting the
SCBA on and securing straps.
• Use your hand to follow your breathing hose to the shoulder strap it is attached to. NOTE: some air
packs, require you to put it on first over your left shoulder, some with your right. You must determine
which way is required before you train the first individual. Ask your Service Centre Manager for the
correct way to don each particular air pack in your inventory.
• Hold this shoulder strap, palm up, with the hand on the same side of the shoulder you will start donning
SCBA. Right hand, right shoulder. Left hand, left shoulder.
• Gently swing air pack over shoulder.
• Put other arm in shoulder strap. You will be putting the air pack on like a jacket.
• Bend at waist to take weight off shoulders and tighten shoulder straps. Be careful you do not have air
pack cylinder hit the back of your head.
• Secure waist strap.
• Check pressure gauge, open cylinder all the way.
• Go to assigned station.
• The casual don is done in the same way. You just keep the mask off until required to enter
• This should be accomplished in under one minute. The mask should be on in less than 10 seconds.
Note: You must check your face seal every time you don a mask. Use either the negative or positive face
seal checks to determine seal.
Instructor show Donning Power Point Presentation or Video on donning SCBA.

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Other 30 minute unit considerations

1. How to close cylinder valve? Most, but not 30 minute air packs have a safety catch on the cylinders
main valve. On these, to close, reach behind you with one hand and disengage safety catch. At the
same time, use your other hand to close cylinder valve. Turn it towards you to close while your wearing
it. You can loosen mask straps prior to turning off air and make it easier to take mask off when the
airflow stops.
2. Prior to storing. Loosen all straps on spider. Put web over facepiece to the front of mask.
3. Release waist strap and loosen. Leave enough of a loose end to grab.
4. Loosen shoulder straps, leaving enough of a loose end to grab.
5. Take off air pack.
6. Refill air cylinder as per instructions.
7. Make sure backpack cylinder band is tight if you removed cylinder to fill.
8. Make sure bypass valve is closed.
9. All straps are loose and ready to use.
10. You will inspect SCBA as you normally would.
11. Clean, disinfect mask.
12. Pack as per instructions.

Donning your SCBA, more practice
1. Split into groups, and practice donning with one student acting as coach and rotate positions (Self-
2. Demonstration by instructor (Show the right way).
3. Repeat practice (Until proficient).
4. Identify the bypass valves, back pack gauges, and hose line connections ( if present ) on each.
5. Do they all have safety catches on their cylinder valves or not?
6. Discuss the limitations and capabilities of each type.
7. Locate the certification tag/plate and see what organisation certified the respirator.
8. Locate the manufacturer’s serial number, company’s identification, and last hydrostatic test date,
determine when next test is due. Is it a steel cylinder, aluminium, or composite?

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Practical Application, more practice

Donning in a contaminated atmosphere. Simulate a hazardous environment, have students enter holding
their breath, and emergency don their SCBA.

Using an air pack in a smoke filled room or area without vision. Blackout face-piece, have students enter
room and find exit.

Practice using buddy system. Two students will repeat step 2.


Storing and packing 30 minute SCBA’s - General considerations:

The air packs should be stored in a way to protect them from excessive heat, cold, irritating chemicals,
water, and physical damage. The mask and exhalation valve are to be free of constriction to avoid
deformation of the elastomer parts. They should be readily accessible and clearly identified.

• Place air pack in case as it came out.

• Some are stored with the main valve on the right side and some with it on the left. Put it in as per
manufacturer’s instruction require. If cases other than the manufacturer’s are used, store it as would
have been in the original case. One exception is upright boxes found on many installations. The SCBA
is vertical with the cylinder valve on the bottom (as it would be on your back).
• All straps are loose.
• Mask is free of restrictions, exhalation valve uncovered.
• Place the strap you hold first for donning on top.
• Place all straps in a manner that will allow them to fall free and clear of each other when you take the
SCBA out of the case.
• The other shoulder strap should be kept out of the way to prevent someone from grabbing it first.
• All connecting hoses should be free from entanglement.
• The mask lens should be turned towards the outside of the case to keep water from entering mask.
• All straps need to be free of twists to make it easier for the wearer to tighten or loosen and be more

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Packing your SCBA, practice
1. Have each group split up and practice with one at a time coaching the others.
2. The instructor demonstrates the correct way to store an air pack.
3. Groups practice some more.
4. This completes the discussion of the 30-minute SCBA. Each student is required to present the
inspection, donning and storing procedures.


General considerations on use and inspection

These respirators come in a variety of models, and sizes. We have 5-minute escapes, 10 minute, and 15
minute. These respirators are designed to allow the wearer to plug into a cascade system and work safely in
a specific area. When it may be required, the user can use their auxiliary SCBA cylinder to escape the area.
Careful consideration of escape time must be considered to select an adequate air pack. All must be
pressure demand air supplying respirators.

Inspection procedures: This air pack is inspected exactly like the 30 minute work / rescue models. The
cylinder is inspected in the same way. There are some differences in basic operation to note.

Besides being designed for a different purpose (escape and work), the masks on some do not have bypass
valves. Some masks have purge buttons to use for emergency, others have a bypass exactly like the 30-
minute units.

These respirators do not have a low pressure alarm warning signal. Your responsibility is to keep the
escape cylinders full. All personnel should check their cylinder pressure every time they don their
respirator. There are gauges on most cylinders in the US. Remember, some of the 30-minute international
models do not have cylinder gauges. The reason there is no alarm warning is that this cylinder is considered
for escape only (with exception of 15-minute models). You are at point where the alarm would be required
as soon as you don this mask. Do not use the cylinder except for the purpose of escape.

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The cylinder may contain 2216 psi of air. How many cubic feet? For a 5-minute, at this pressure, 5 X 1.5
or 7.5 cubic feet. How many for a 10 minute, a 15 minute? Some escape models can be pressurised higher.
How do we check to find the service pressure?

Some of these respirators have a switch to change the mode of operation from positive pressure to negative
or demand only pressure. This is capable on some 30-minute units as well. What position must we always
store and use any air pack in?

Escape air packs are stored in a variety of cases. Are they clearly marked? Are there any restrictions that
make it difficult to get out of case? Is the mask and exhalation valve free from restriction to prevent
distortion? Are the connecting hoses free from kinks?

What type of quick connect fitting do you have on your air pack? The work hoses must have the same
types. It cannot be compatible with any other systems at your location (rig systems). Does it have a safety
lock to prevent accidental disconnect?

If you do not have hose reels or automatic rewind spools, take the whole hose length off your rack and feed
out the back side while approaching work site. This will keep it from tangling.

Do you know how to roll up a hose to reduce tangling?

While working with a hose line, pay careful attention to where the hose runs. It can be cut or crushed easily
with heavy equipment on the rig floor. Watch out for entangling with other personnel.

Never open your cylinder while connected to your hose. These systems do have a check valve that prevents
air escaping the hose when you open the cylinder. The cylinder pressure is 2216 psi or more. The work
line pressure should be set at 100 to 120 psi. When you open your cylinder, the hose line will be shut and
you will
breathe your cylinder down to 100 or 120 psi. If you have to escape at this time you will have about one
breath of air left. This is why you do not use your cylinder to don an escape respirator. If you forget to
close it after plugging in, there will not be enough air left to escape.

It is also a recommended practice by ANSI, never use a cylinder with less than 15 minutes of air to enter a
contaminated space. Some respirators do have a mechanism that prevents closing of the hose line check
valve if the pressure in the hose line stays above a certain pressure. Do not depend on this, because with
several people plugged into a regulator, the system pressure may drop below this safety value.

You must think of the system as being composed of two components. First, there is the cascade system.
This provides air for well control or any other activities required for on site protection in certain operations.
The second component is your cylinder. This provides the air you may need to escape if all other controls
fail. Never use both components at the same time.

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Working with masks on will slow down operations. Actually, instruct people to expect this and encourage
this careful approach. There are some limitations to consider. You cannot see as well while wearing a
mask, it may become fogged or the lens may get covered in mud. You cannot hear normally.

Most new manufacturers include speech diaphragms in their masks to facilitate speech, but it still is not the
same as normal speech. There are a variety of microphone devices that can be used with masks; most
require penetration fittings through the mask and provide areas for leaks if you are not careful. Some are
microphones you hold to your throat and have an external speaker. None of them are without limitations.
Batteries must be used, is the system electrically rated to use in areas of gas accumulation? Are the batteries
good? It is required to have alternate methods of communication ( note pads, marker boards, chalkboards
etc. ).

The main limitation using your work line respirator is the length of your work line. Carefully plan your
installation. What is required? Teamwork is encouraged. if you cannot reach something, get someone else
nearer to get it. It is advisable to have some people use a 30 minute work line capable mask to have
someone who can move from one location to another ( for example, you will have one and maybe the
Assistant Driller could). “Buddy” up at all times. Each location will be different, but there are general
considerations to address. It will be your job to discuss these with all personnel and rig up accordingly. We
will discuss this in more depth when we consider the cascade system.

Be aware, working with a respirator can tire out people faster than normal. Dehydration can be a problem.
Compressed air is very dry and people exhale a considerable amount of water normally. They will usually
be doing strenuous work and in certain climates, require frequent rest and liquids. Some cylinders are
heavier than others and can quickly lead to fatigue. The associated problems with vision and
communication can make personnel irritable. Some people have claustrophobic reactions and may try to
remove their mask. Some experience irritation of their throats and lungs breathing compressed air or may
have sinus problems.

Skin irritation or dermatitis can result from either improper cleaning or using cleaning solutions a person
may be allergic to. People working with a respirator know the reasons they need it and can be intimidated
by the possible exposure to H2S or SO2. Quite often, you need a calm, assuring approach to help.

Keep your eyes open for potential problems. Listen carefully. The more practice individuals have with
their air packs, the more confident they will become. Reassure and communicate frequently with personnel,
without interfering with their work activity.

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Inspection of work line / escape respirators
1. For each one, determine working pressure and cylinder volume. How much time is available to
someone who is doing medium to heavy work for escape?
2. For each one, determine if they are equipped with a bypass valve and/or a switch to change mode of
3. Answer the questions raised in the above considerations.

Donning air supplying work line / escape respirator with auxiliary SCBA, guide
1. By this time, you should recognise, it is just as important to pack a respirator correctly as it is to don it
correctly. Twisted straps, the mask not connected, loose connections are problems that will prevent safe
donning and protection of the wearer.
2. The most important consideration for donning this type of respirator is that the wearers must plug into
their cascade system before donning mask. This purges the mask of any H2S. Why don’t we use the
escape cylinder to initially don mask?
3. The design of these respirators will not allow you to don successfully if the mask is on first. We must
add a step prior to masking up.
4. Most of these masks require the cylinder to be worn on your left side while wearing.
5. The first step requires you to put the respirator on first, then plug into the cascade system and mask up.
6. First, hold your breath, hold what breath you have.
7. Open container, case.
8. Hold the cylinder in you left hand, and the mask in your right.
9. Take out of case.
10. Hold respirator high and spread cylinder and mask apart.
11. You will notice the shoulder strap loop in front of you.
12. Put your head and left arm through this loop and let the mask and cylinder go.
13. Reach around you to find your work line. Some may be on your right side, some on your left.
14. Plug it into cascade hose.
15. Don mask, exactly as you would with the 30-minute unit.
16. Connect waist strap and tighten all straps for comfort.
Note: Some escape units have a leg strap to connect as well. If so, connect and tighten, but not
enough to cut off circulation.

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Donning work line / escape respirator, practice

1. Break up into groups and practice with one student coaching, the others practising. have them switch
places and try again.
2. The instructor demonstrates the correct way to don air pack.
3. Students practice one more time.
4. Practice with each type of respirator at the service centre.


Donning your escape only respirator, practice

The hood type escape only respirator is simple to use and store.

Follow the instructions of your instructor by first:

1. Protecting your breathing zone generally by holding what breath you have.
2. Donning the units strap.
3. Opening the hood pouch.
4. Opening the cylinder valve all the way.
5. Donning the hood.
6. Go immediately to your emergency assembly area.

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It is required to maintain detailed records of your inspections ( See ANSI Z88.2 for guidelines, section 10.2
and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (f) (2) (iv) for requirements ).

In the UK it is a statutory requirement of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health ( COSHH )
regulations and the Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) directive, that a log is maintained for each
apparatus for users to record the results of Apparatus Checks and all other service procedures or repairs.
The Log must be available for examination.

Your Service centre should have inspection forms or booklets for each respirator owned. These should stay
with the respirator when it is sent on a job and returned to the service centre with the equipment.

Monthly inspections are required, and after each use of the respirator. Records should include a standard
inspection check off list, and a section to include comments. You should record any repairs, the air pack
must be identified by serial number or equivalent, and its make and model. Each inspection must be dated
and signed.

Record keeping
1. Where are the records for your service centre?
2. What is included on the inspection form?
3. Are there any special requirements for your district (local government regulations, etc)
4. Are cylinder identification numbers and hydrostatic test dates included on inspection form?
5. Is it complete in your opinion or are there other considerations you feel are important to include?

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General Considerations
The cascade system is designed to provide adequate air supply to personnel who may need to control well
operations, work in isolated areas, provide protection while senior supervisors are deciding a course of
action, and allow for easy transfer of air or refilling at remote locations. The cascade loop system allows
users to move air from one direction or another, providing an alternative path for emergencies.

Instructor show Cascade Power Point Presentation

Your warehouse supervisor or service centre manager will show you the construction techniques required to
install your system. This discussion concerns the theory of operation and overall system requirements.

The cascade system is comprised of two separate components. The high pressure side (cascade racks, air
compressors, filling stations, isolation valves, regulators, and interconnecting high pressure hose) is the first
step. From your cylinder racks, air is regulated to the low pressure delivery system (reserve manifolds,
work lines).

There are six main considerations installing a cascade system

1. Adequate air delivery and sufficient time ( Sizing your system )
2. Location of cylinder racks
3. Location of low pressure air delivery points
4. Isolation of the cylinder racks (specific rack location) from the main supply lines
5. Integrity of the system
6. Maintenance of your systems

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Adequate Air Delivery (Sizing)

This section describes specific techniques and considerations you must follow while installing your system
Sizing: This should be considered before the equipment goes on location.

Questions to answer should include:

1. How much time is required to have essential personnel establish well control?
2. How many people will be considered essential for this purpose?
3. Do we require a Briefing area plug in point? Possibly two?
4. How many people does the rig hold?
5. Do we require plug in points on the standby boat for all personnel in the event of rig evacuation?
6. What safety factor should we consider?

Instructor handout air capacity sheet

The best way to illustrate this principle is with an example. Lets suppose we have a location with a 100
person capacity. We have decided to supply 10 hours of air for 10 essential personnel for well control. We
want to have 15 minutes of air at one briefing area for all personnel to allow this time for evacuation
decisions. We do not require plug in points on the standby vessel. We want 150% safety factor. How many
6 cylinder racks are required?

To size this system, we assume individuals will be doing medium to heavy work or using air at a rate of 1.4
cubic feet per minute (CFM ). We are going to size this system without considering the output of our
compressor. There are several different size compressors (9.2 CFM, 11.2 CFM and 16 CFM ) that we use,
and at best, these are meant to refill our system and should not be considered for air supply size.

At our briefing area, we will need 15 minutes of air for 100 people. The total air consumption will be 100 X
1.4 or 140 CFM. Each cylinder contains 300 cubic feet of air (check with your service centre to find out
which size cylinders they use).

We would need 2100 cubic feet of air to give 100 people fifteen minutes (140 CFM X 15 min. = 2100 CF).
We would need 2100 CF / 300 CF per cylinder, or 7 cylinders to give 100 people 15 minutes of air. Just
over one six bottle rack is required for the briefing area.

Next, we want to give a crew of ten essential personnel, 10 hours to control the well. 10 people consume 14
cubic feet per minute ( 10 X 1.4 CFM = 14 CFM ). 10 hours is 600 minutes (10 Hr. X 60 min./hr = 600
minutes). 10 people will need 8400 cubic feet of air for 10 hours work (600 minutes X 14 CFM). We
would need ( 8400 CF / 300 CF per cylinder ) 28 cylinders.

The total number of cylinders required = 28 + 7, or 35.

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We must consider a safety factor. Regulators on cascades provide sufficient air, but performance drops off
as cylinder pressure is reduced. We use medium to heavy work as our basis for consumption, but many
people may be doing heavy work. We will add a safety factor to give 150% coverage. 35 X 150% = 52.5
cylinders. 52.5 / 6 cylinders per cascade = 8.75 six cylinder racks. Round up, and you need to provide 9 six
cylinder racks.

If you wanted a second briefing area covered with air, add 7 more cylinders. We could use one (8 cylinder)
cascade at each briefing area.

We do not consider our SCBA capacity, this air is required for personnel to get to the briefing area and then,
board the lifeboat if necessary.

Realistically, not everyone will be at the briefing area, several people will be securing the well. We have
considered a worst case scenario, where evacuation of all personnel may take place within 15 minutes.

1. Total number of people times the rate of breathing per person = Rate of consumption of air for all
people per minute (we can use 1.4 CFM breathing rate , but you may find that higher consumption rates
are used).
2. Rate of consumption of air for all people X number of minutes required = Total volume of air required.
3. Total Volume of air required divided by Volume of air in each cylinder = Number of cylinders required.
4. Number of cylinders X Safety factor = Adjusted Total Number of cascade cylinders.

Location of Cascade Cylinder Racks

You must consider several points before you locate your cylinders:
1. What locations require coverage? (See MMS 30 CFR 250.67).
2. What areas can the cranes reach?
3. How much high pressure hose will I need to connect them together?
4. Is the rig up going to be a full loop system?
5. What bulkheads will I have to penetrate if I put the cascade racks inside compartments?
6. What room is available?

The locations we need to cover are those where H2S may accumulate, where the mud system circulates, the
rig floor, well testing area (when needed), the monkey-board, and the cement unit. This is the same
considerations if we are offshore or on land.

The drilling fluid (mud, etc.) is pumped from the mud pumps to the rig floor through the stand-pipe. The
mud is pumped down hole, conditions the hole, cleans out the drilled cuttings, and cools the bit. Mud
returns to the surface at the bell nipple (just under the rig floor) and passes through a flow line to the Shale
Shaker where the cuttings are removed. From the shaker, the mud flows back into a mud storage area, the

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mud pits. Here, the mud can be conditioned. This conditioned mud is then drawn into the mud pumps to
start the cycle again.

We must provide air to all the areas where this system travels. The rig floor, flow line, shale shaker, pit
room, and pump room are all included in this zone of protection. Included here should be air for the Sack
room. This is where chemicals are added to the mud system.

H2S is heavier than air, but is mixed with other lighter gases and heated by down hole temperatures. The
high pressure of a blow-out will cover the derrick with well bore fluids, and gases. This is when the highest
place, the monkey-board, is not the safest place to be. The release of pressure while circulating out a kick
can cause the well-bore mixture to rise and take H2S with it until it cools and settles down wind. We must
not only supply the rig floor with protection, but the monkey-board as well.

The cement unit is connected directly to the well bore control lines and gases can leak back directly onto the
operator. Other areas to consider, include the BOP area, where trapped gases can be present and the
catwalk, where service personnel set up their equipment. Coil tubing operators, and wireline units are
usually set up on the catwalk and may require air for certain operations. Cores may have H2S in them and
personnel handling the core on the cat walk need protection.

Special operations, like well testing, will require installing equipment close to where they plan on setting up
test equipment. It is wise to ask where the testing crews usually set up and plan ahead.

On simultaneous operations, drilling and production, air must be available in the well bay and other areas
where the gas stream flows, or is compressed (See API RP 55 for a good discussion of Production
operations and MMS for requirements).

All the above are locations where cascade coverage is required. The actual locations will be supplied with
your low pressure side (manifolds and hoses), but try to keep your racks as close as possible. This will allow
you to easily access the high pressure supply and check pressure often.

You can install filler whips closer to the areas of use. It will make it easier to refill cylinders in remote
areas. We generally like to have a filler whip at each briefing area, near the mud pit or pump area, and near
the rig floor.

The racks should be placed where they will not be damaged. Keep your regulators and pigtail connections
inside the rack cover. Try to locate racks where they will stay clean. In areas where this is impossible,
cover your racks to protect them. Secure your cascade to hand rails because jarring can shift their position
and either cause them to fall or strain line connections.

Run all your high pressure line in approved run ways, try not to use hand rails. Secure with stainless steel
Ty wraps (ask your service centre manager what is required in your area).

Keep your lines neat and out of areas where they may be crushed or cut. When you use your system, never
keep the supply lines at full pressure. Only when you either transfer air or fill up individual cascades,
should the system be pressurised full. When you finish, bleed off the line pressure to less than 25 psi.
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Remember, you will be isolating each cascade from the supply loop and use it only for refill or transfer of
air. Keeping a slight pressure in it will prevent condensation of water in your lines. When you first connect
your system, purge all lines to remove water and dirt that may have accumulated before you open the

When you rig up, you will need Cupertino from the rig crews. Make sure you first plan your rig up, then
ask the OIM, Toolpusher, Driller, and Crane Operator if any of the equipment will be in the way. Get
approval first, then as you rig up specific areas, ask people if the equipment is located safely away from
heavy lifting activity and other hazards. Take your time to install it correctly and it will save energy
required to move equipment. Advice from the people aboard will involve them and not antagonise. They
probably have been working on this rig for long time and know the danger areas.

Location of Low Pressure Air Delivery Points

Work Manifold

We went over most of places you need to consider. The following is a summary.

Each rig up is different, but generally, these locations will be sufficient:

Rig Floor
• 1 six man manifold on each side, 1 three man manifold near the driller or in the driller’s shack. Keep 10
to 12 hoses available, each 50 foot or longer as required.
• 1 three man manifold. Use 2 hoses, 25 foot each usually is enough.
Flow line
• Optional, 1 three man manifold. Use 2 hoses, each 25 foot in length.

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Shale Shaker:

• Six man manifold. Use 3 hoses, each 50 foot in length.

Mud pit (handling area)
• 1 six man manifold. Use 2 hoses, each 50 foot in length.
Mud pump
• 1 six man manifold. Use 2 hoses, each 50 foot in length.
Sack room
• 1 six man manifold. Use 2 hoses, each 50 foot in length.
Cement Unit ( Could be rolling stock as below )

• 1 six man manifold. Use 3 hoses, each 50 foot in length.

• 1 six man manifold. This manifold could be movable. It is very hard to run lines safely to the
catwalk. It is advisable to have a manifold available and connected. When it is needed, run line before
operation. Use as many hoses as operation may require.

Well test area

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• This is a special operation and may require additional equipment. You will have to cover the tester’s
choke manifold, and separators. You may also have to have air in remote labs. This requires careful
planning with the operator and test crews.

BOP area (Texas deck)

• 1 six man manifold. Use as many hoses as required.

Some operators require air at the Stabbing board, or Logging unit. The stabbing board is used when casing
is run. Sometimes samples will be brought into the logging unit and tested there. The logging unit is
positive pressure purged and a manifold here is a matter of opinion. They will have respirators for escape,
and we consider it a good idea to have a 3 man manifold inside with 2 short hoses. A 3 man manifold is
sufficient for the stabbing board with 1 short hose. Definitely, provide the operator on the stabbing board an
escape respirator.

• These operations must have manifolds anywhere H2S may be present or accumulate. Refer to API RP
55 for a good discussion of considerations. When you have simultaneous operations, provide a 6 man
manifold for members of the drilling crew who may have to enter well bay. Provide enough 50 foot
hoses as required.

Briefing Areas
• Each briefing area requiring coverage needs enough manifolds to provide a plug in point for
everyone on the rig and possible visitors. We use 12 man manifolds with 5 or 6 foot hoses for
connection. 100 person capacity requires 9 twelve man manifolds. It is advisable to keep 1 manifold
available for rescue teams separate from the others.

We’ve covered the rig up for an offshore location. Land operations require the same considerations. On
land, you will not need a full plug in point at the briefing area. We can escape these locations. Otherwise,
provide coverage as you would offshore. Keep in mind, there will be fewer personnel on a land job and the
equipment package will be considerably smaller.

To rig up low pressure systems, run your low pressure hose so it will not be cut or damaged. Keep runs in
approved run ways. Get permission to go through bulkheads, and run these properly. Ty wrap low pressure
hose with plastic wraps (stainless can cut through a hose). Don’t kink your hoses. Provide racks to hang
your work lines off the deck and make them easily accessible. Provide enough regulators for proper

Don’t run your manifolds in series, provide a regulator for each location. Provide 1 regulator for the
monkeyboard ( this will have the longest low pressure supply line ).

Provide a regulator for each side of the rig floor. Keep your cascades close to the air delivery points, keep
your low pressure supply lines as short as possible.

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Element 11 Hydrogen Sulfide Instructor & Technician Course HSI011

The briefing area deserves special rig up considerations. Each 12 man manifold should have 1 regulator.
Each 12 man manifold should be connected to the next. Enough room should be provided to allow the
muster of a large group of people. You should not only run a regulator line to each manifold and
interconnect each one, but provide an additional regulator to the furthest manifold from the supply. This
will, in effect, loop your low pressure system at the briefing area.

An alternative is to rig up your briefing area with high pressure lines. This can be used if the cascade rack
cannot be located near the briefing area point. Run your first high pressure line to your first manifold. You
will plug a regulator directly into the manifold and connect a high pressure Tee to the regulator.

The supply line will come into one side of this Tee and you run your next high pressure line from the other
side of the Tee to the next manifold. Here, repeat the same steps until all manifolds are rigged up, each with
their own regulator. Finally, interconnect all manifolds with low pressure hose. This technique will work
for any location where it is impossible to locate the cascade rack near the air delivery point.

Problems arise because of the large demand required to supply each and every person. Freezing problems
can occur if not enough regulators are used. One of our regulators could easily supply more than one 12
man manifold, provided personnel are not all using their bypass valves and were masked up prior to
plugging in (which is the correct procedure). Most of the problems occur if there is too much water vapour
in the air supply (see discussion concerning Air Quality). The drop in temperature associated with the
increased demand causes the vapour to condense and freeze.

Isolation of the Cascade Racks from the Main Supply

Our system provides easy air transfer and refilling, but we must isolate each cascade from the supply when
we are not doing either. This is to conserve air for each point if there is a leak in another part. It also
provides a way to isolate a leak and repair it.

We use either ¼ turn valves or needle valves to isolate the cascade. These should be Hi Pressure rated:

( 5000 psi or higher ) You need to install 3 on each cascade rack. One isolates the rack from the supply, the
other two isolate either side of the supply line coming in. This way we can close off the rack if there is an
internal system leak, or close off a section of supply line if we have a leak while compressing.

The loop system is by far the safest. If we had to isolate a section of the main supply, we could move air
from the other direction with part of the main line closed off.

Other uses for the isolation valves include isolating each filler whip so that after each use, you can bleed off
pressure. We do not want to leave filler whip pigtails pressurised at all times. Isolate your compressors
from the main supply.

Check each isolation valve for internal leaks. If one is leaking, it can bleed off rack pressure through the
main supply line. Check each isolation valve in a water bucket. Pressurise and submerge, there should be
no bubbles coming out the end. Needle valves for isolation have a directional arrow on them. These should
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Element 11 Hydrogen Sulfide Instructor & Technician Course HSI011

be installed with the arrow pointing towards the cascade rack. Air can still flow in both direction, but
optimum flow is in the direction of the arrow.

Integrity of the System

Routine maintenance and proper installation maintain system integrity. Most of the points have been
Position your equipment where it is easily accessible, but protected from other rig operations.

• Properly rig it up. Lines should be run in approved trays. Ty wrap high pressure with stainless wraps,
low pressure with plastic. Use black plastic because it more resistant to damage from sun light. Try to
keep the lines off hand rails. People can cut their hand on Ty wraps. If have to use a hand rail, tie your
line at the lowest point. Keep rack parts, regulators, pigtails, and filler whips inside the racks enclosure.
• Routinely leak test and clean equipment.
• Cover cascades if possible.
• Secure racks, and routinely check for movement.
• Observe rig activity. It may be required to move equipment if you find repeated problems due to rig
• Carefully explain the danger associated with high pressure systems to all rig personnel.
• Watch your low pressure run to the monkeyboard for problems with abrasion. This line is running in
the Derrick and continual vibration can abrade the hose over time.
• Containerised cylinders, in areas with high temperatures, can easily have their burst disks ruptured. Do
not overfill any cylinder past the approved pressure. Do not fill SCBA cylinders too fast.
• Use your compressors as per manufacturer instruction. Keep them very clean and well maintained.

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