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IBM Maximo Integration Framework

Maximo Integration Framework

Predefined integration content: functional description and implementation scope.
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................. 4
Master Data................................................................................................................ 4
Assets..................................................................................................................... 5
Chart of Accounts.................................................................................................... 6
Crafts....................................................................................................................... 7
GL Components...................................................................................................... 8
Labor....................................................................................................................... 9
peratin! Locations.............................................................................................. "#
$erson................................................................................................................... ""
$erson%&ser.......................................................................................................... "'
$ro(ects................................................................................................................. ")
*toreroom Locations............................................................................................. "4
+endors................................................................................................................. "5
+endor Master....................................................................................................... "6
C,assifications....................................................................................................... "7
Item%In-entor............................................................................................................ "8
Items..................................................................................................................... "8
*er-ice Items........................................................................................................ "9
/oo, Items............................................................................................................. '#
In-entor................................................................................................................. '"
In-entor. 0a,ance.................................................................................................. ''
In-entor. +endor................................................................................................... ')
In-entor. 1eser-ations.......................................................................................... '4
In-entor. Issues.................................................................................................... '5
Documents................................................................................................................ '6
$urchase Contracts............................................................................................... '8
$urchase 1e2uisition............................................................................................ '9
$urchase rder..................................................................................................... )#
In-oice................................................................................................................... )"
3or4 rder Detai,....................................................................................... )6
3or4 rder 5ierarch................................................................................. )7
CCMD0%*1M............................................................................................................ )8
Authori6ed Confi!uration Items 7CI8...................................................................... )8
CI Co,,ection.......................................................................................................... )9
Co,,ection Authori6ation......................................................................................... )9
*er-ice 1e2uests 7*18.......................................................................................... 4#
Incidents................................................................................................................ 4"
$rob,ems............................................................................................................... 4"
/ransaction Interfaces.............................................................................................. 4'
1eceipts 7Materia,s and *er-ices8......................................................................... 4'
1eceipts 7Materia,s and 1otatin! Items8............................................................... 46
GL /ransactions.................................................................................................... 47
Labor /ime 1eportin!........................................................................................... 5)
Meter 1eadin! Data.............................................................................................. 54
*.stem...................................................................................................................... 56
b(ect *tructures.................................................................................................. 56
9nterprise *er-ice................................................................................................. 57
$ub,ish Channe,.................................................................................................... 58
9nd $oint............................................................................................................... 59
9:terna, *.stem.................................................................................................... 6#
Inte!ration Contro,s............................................................................................... 6"
In-ocation Channe,............................................................................................... 6'
Inte!ration ;ueues................................................................................................ 6)
Messa!e Definition................................................................................................ 64
M0 Confi!uration................................................................................................ 65
Domains................................................................................................................ 66
Communication /emp,ate..................................................................................... 67
Actions.................................................................................................................. 68
*.stem $roperties................................................................................................. 69
Inte!ration Modu,es............................................................................................... 7#
Lo!ica, Mana!ement perations 7LM8............................................................... 7"
perationa, Mana!ement $roducts...................................................................... 7'
Launch in Conte:t................................................................................................. 7)
Any product data contained herein has been reviewed for accuracy as of the date of initial publication.
Product data, including product enhancements and release dates, is subject to change without notice. Any
statements regarding IBMs future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without
notice, and represent goals and objectives only.
!" I#$%&MAI%# P&%'I("( I# !I) (%*+M"# I) (I)&IB+"( ,A) I)- .I!%+ A#/
.A&&A#/, "I!"& "0P&")) %& IMP1I"(. IBM "0P&"))1/ (I)*1AIM) A#/ .A&&A#I") I$
M"&*!A#ABI1I/, $I#")) $%& A PA&I*+1A& P+&P%)" %& #%#I#$&I#2"M"#
This document provides details about the predefined integration content present in the
Integration Framework (I-F). The integration content includes Object tructures! "ublish
#hannels and $nterprise ervices that support importing and e%porting data into and out of
&a%imo. In some cases onl' the object structure is provided without a related publish
channel or enterprise service. The Integration Framework! b' design! provides support for
inserting! updating! deleting and (uer'ing of data according the business rules defined in the
business objects within the object structure. It does not provide all the functionalit' that is
available through the applications! including those that are available from the elect )ction
feature. For some object structures! there is support for some actions such as #hange tatus*
these supported actions are identified in the following sections.
This document is divided into the following sections+
&aster ,ata
Master Data
This section describes the following I-F content+
#hart of )ccounts
0eneral 1edger #omponents
Operating 1ocations
Financial "rojects
toreroom 1ocations
3endor &aster
Object tructure &4)$T
,etail ,escription )sset Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of asset
information! including meters.
This O s'nchroni5es individual assets! but not the asset
hierarch' as a whole. It supports the addition and update of
meters tied to an asset! but not the update of meter reading
Inbound processing of )$T&$T$/ is restricted to attributes
that define the meter (not meter reading values or other
information pertaining to meter readings).
#omments "rere(uisite+ 'nchroni5e applicable operating locations!
storerooms! meters! and items before loading )ssets.
The &.O relationship used to retrieve the )$T&$T$/ &.O
is different from the one used in the )ssets application.
Therefore! the 6changed7 attribute in the &a%imo 4&1 is not set
for an' values from this &.O.
This object structure does not support tatus #hanges or )sset
There is a provided tandard ervice for )ssets that supports
moving )ssets that reside in Operating locations. The standard
service! )sset! provides an Operation! assetmoveingle)sset! to
support this functionalit'.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out)sset"rocess 9 "opulates the :ierarch'path field if a
#lassification is associated to the )sset.
"ublish #hannel &4)$TInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%)sset"rocess 9 If the :ierarch'path is provided! the
processing class will populate the corresponding classstructureid
field of the )sset! which creates the association of the
classification to the )sset.
$nterprise ervice &4)$TInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Chart of Accounts
Object tructure &4#O)
,etail ,escription #hart of )ccount Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of chart of
accounts data
#omments "rere(uisite+ 1oad 01 #omponents before loading #hart of )ccounts.
There is no predefined "ublish #hannel for this object structure.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel 8one
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%#O)"rocess - "rocesses accounts that are specified in the
following wa's+
;) )s a combination of delimited segments
The object structure validates each segment! then creates the #O)
record in &a%imo with+
This option is available for 4&1 and interface tables. Dou can specif'
01 )ccount this wa' in all object structures.
A) )s individual components that are part of the 01)##O28T
datat'pe definition
<01#O&" glorderBE@E=>?@@<-01#O&"=
<01#O&" glorderBE;E=A<-01#O&"=
<01#O&" glorderBEAE=;@<-01#O&"=
The object structure validates the components and creates the account!
using the delimiter defined in the 01#O8FI02/$ table for each
This option is available for 4&1 onl'.
$nterprise ervice &4#O)Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4#/)FT
,etail ,escription #raft Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of #raft information.
#raft information includes #rafts! #raft skills and #raft rates.

#omments "rere(uisite+ If the craft references a skill or contracts! that information
must e%ist prior to loading #rafts.
) craft can have a standard rate* a rate for each skill-level for the craft*
or different rates for each contract that provides the craft! with an
optional skill-level rate for each contract.
The #/)FT and #/)FTFI11 records have a T)8,)/,/)T$
field for the hourl' rate for each craft or skill associated with the craft.
The #/)FT/)T$ record specifies rates for vendors that suppl' the
craft (and! optionall'! different rates for each skill-craft-vendor
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4#/)FTInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &4#/)FTInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
GL Components
Object tructure &401#O&"
,etail ,escription 01 #omponent Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of 01 #omponents.

Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel 8one
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &401#O&"Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &41).O/
,etail ,escription 1abor Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of labor
information! including "erson and 1abor #raft /ates.
#omments "rere(uisite+ 'nchroni5e an' associated craft! work location! or
storeroom location before loading labor. There can be onl' one "erson
record for a 1abor record.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out1abor"rocess 9 "rocessing 1ogic disabled.
"ublish #hannel &41).O/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%1abor"rocess 9 upports tatus #hange. etting O/0I, for
1abor#raft/ate &.O from parent &.O. ets the "$/O8I, on the
"$/O8 record! based on the "$/O8I, in the 1).O/ record
$nterprise ervice &41).O/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Operating Locations
Object tructure &4O"$/1O#
,etail ,escription Operating 1ocations Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of Operating
1ocation information! including location specs and meters.

#omments This O supports s'nchroni5ing individual operating locations! but not
the location hierarch' as a whole. It supports the addition and update
of meters tied to an operating location! but not the update of meter
reading values.
Object structure supports tatus #hange.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outOper1oc"rocess - kips all outbound 1O#)TIO8 records that
are not of t'pe O"$/)TI80 or its s'non'ms* "opulates the
:I$/)/#:D")T: field based on classstructureid.
"ublish #hannel &4O"$/1O#Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%Oper1oc"rocess - If no 1O#TD"$ is specified! sets value as
default value of the O"$/)TI80 domain. upports using the
:I$/)/#:D")T: to find the classstructureid.
upports tatus #hange.
$nterprise ervice &4O"$/1O#Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4"$/O8
,etail ,escription "erson Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bi-directional s'nchroni5ation of "erson
information! including phone! email and & data.

#omments This O supports s'nchroni5ing individual "erson data. It does not
support updating of a "erson7s availabilit' information.

Object structure supports tatus #hange.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4"$/O8Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%"erson"rocess 9 This ervice re(uires that data for all child
objects (":O8$! $&)I1! &) must be provided with ever' person
update. ,ue to a lack of a uni(ue ke' on these objects! the logic
alwa's does a complete replace of the child objects (delete all and then
add). If a "erson has C emails in the s'stem and a "erson message is
received with A emails records! the email record not included in the
"erson message will be deleted. There is support for tatus #hange.
$nterprise ervice &4"$/O8Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4"$/2$/
,etail ,escription "erson-2ser Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bi-directional s'nchroni5ation of "erson-2ser

#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4"$/2$/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%"erson2ser"rocess 9 "rocessing is re(uired to save the "erson
data prior to saving of the 2ser date. There is support for tatus
$nterprise ervice &4"$/2$/nterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4"/OG
,etail ,escription Financial "roject Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bi-directional s'nchroni5ation of Financial "roject

#omments This object structure s'nchroni5es individual tasks and projects as
separate messages. It does not s'nchroni5e a project and all its child
tasks in a single message
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel &4"/OGInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &4"/OGInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Storeroom Locations
Object tructure &4TO/$1O#
,etail ,escription toreroom 1ocation Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bi-directional s'nchroni5ation of storeroom! labor!
and courier locations
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out1oc"rocess 9 "rovides filtering to onl' send toreroom! #ourier
or 1abor 1ocations.
"ublish #hannel &4TO/$1O#Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%1oc"rocess 9 "rovides filtering to onl' accept toreroom!
#ourier or 1abor 1ocations
$nterprise ervice &4TO/$1O#Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &43$8,O/
,etail ,escription 3endor (#ompanies) Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
organi5ation-level vendor data including #ontacts.
#omments "rere(uisite+ To enable this object structure to create the compan'
master record! select the )utomaticall' )dd #ompanies to #ompan'
&aster flag for the set associated with the organi5ation where the
vendor record is being added.
Object structure supports tatus #hange.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &43$8,O/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%#om"rocess 9 1ogic to support creating the compan' master
$nterprise ervice &43$8,O/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Vendor Master
Object tructure &43$8,O/&T/
,etail ,escription 3endor (#ompanies) &aster Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
vendor master data.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &43$8,O/&T/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &43$8,O/&T/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4#1)IFI#)TIO8
,etail ,escription #lassification Item Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
#lassifications! including class 2se Hith! #lass pecs and #lass pec
2se Hith.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4#1)Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%#lassification"rocess 9 "rocessing logic to find #lassification and
parent using :ierarch'path. ince &a%imo allows duplicate
classifications (hierarch'paths)! an e%ception is generated when
attempting to 6update7 a classification if there are duplicate
$nterprise ervice &4#1)Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
This section describes the following I-F content+
ervice item
Tool item
Inventor' balance
Item vendor
Inventor' reservations
Object tructure &4IT$&
,etail ,escription Item Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of Item
data! including #onversions! Item pecs and #onditions.
#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
&outItem"rocess 9 Filter to not set Tool or ervice Items. upports
retrieve the :ierarch'path for the Items #lassstructureid.
"ublish #hannel &4IT$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%Item"rocess - If the inbound transaction is an item update and the
capitali5ed flag of the item has changed! calls a &a%imo method to
change the capitali5ed status of the item. If the item t'pe is not IT$&
or a valid s'non'm. upports tatus #hange
$nterprise ervice &4IT$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Ser!ice tems
Object tructure &4$/3I#$IT$&
,etail ,escription ervice Item Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
ervice Item data.
#omments The main object! $/3I#$IT$&! of the O is a non-persistent
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4$/3IT$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &4$/3IT$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
"ool tems
Object tructure &4TOO1IT$&
,etail ,escription Tool Item Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of Tool
Item data! including Tool Item pecs.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outToolItem"rocess 9 upports retrieve the :ierarch'path for the
Items #lassstructureid.
"ublish #hannel &4TOO1IT$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%ToolItem"rocess - If the inbound transaction is an item update and
the capitali5ed flag of the item has changed! calls a &a%imo method to
change the capitali5ed status of the item.
$nterprise ervice &4TOO1IT$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4I83$8TO/D
,etail ,escription Inventor' Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
Inventor' (Item-toreroom) data! including Inventor' #osts.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outInv"rocess 9 ets the value of the IT$&TD"$ field from the
IT$& object.
"ublish #hannel &4I83$8TO/DInterface
"rocessing /ules FI"I83$8TO/D - kips the record if its IT$&TD"$ is in the
FI"IT$&TD"$ integration control.
Integration #ontrols FI"IT$&TD"$
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%Inv"rocess - upports tatus #hange
$nterprise ervice &4I83$8TO/DInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
n!entor# $alance
Object tructure &4I83.)1
,etail ,escription Inventor' .alance Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
Inventor' .alance data.
#omments The balance change information in this object structure is for the
lowest level (.I8 or 1OT) within the application.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outInv.alances"rocess 9 ets the value of the IT$&TD"$ field
from the IT$& object.
"ublish #hannel &4I83.)1Interface
"rocessing /ules FI"I83.)1IT& - kips the record if its IT$&TD"$ is in the
FI"IT$&TD"$ integration control.
Integration #ontrols FI"IT$&TD"$
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%Inv.alances"rocess - The inbound inventor' balance object
structure internall' calls the current balance adjustment method! and
this creates a #2/.)1),G financial transaction in I83T/)8.
$nterprise ervice &4I83.)1Interface
&4I83.)1IInterface 9 ) second enterprise service that is
configured for Operation Iuer'.
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
n!entor# Vendor
Object tructure &4I833$8,O/
,etail ,escription Item 3endor Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
3endor-Item data.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outInv3endor"rocess 9 ets the value of the IT$&TD"$ field from
the IT$& object and set the value of the #2//$8#D#O,$ from the
3endor (#ompanies) object.
"ublish #hannel &4I833$8,O/Interface
"rocessing /ules I833IT$&TD"$ - kips the record if its IT$&TD"$ is in the
IT$&TD"$FO/I83 integration control.
Integration #ontrols IT$&TD"$FO/I83
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%Inv3endor"rocess - If the inbound message contains a currenc'
code and that code differs from the vendor7s currenc' code! reports an
$nterprise ervice &4I83$8,O/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
n!entor# %eser!ations
Object tructure &4I83/$
,etail ,escription Inventor' /eservations Object tructure (O)
This object structure provides for the bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
inventor' (storeroom) reservations.
#omments This object structure does not process direct issue reservation records
created b' &a%imo.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out/3"rocess 9 kips reservations that are for ,irect Issues.
"ublish #hannel &4I83/$Interface
"rocessing /ules
Integration #ontrols
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &4I83/$Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
n!entor# ssues
Object tructure &4I83I2$
,etail ,escription Inventor' Issues Object tructure (O)
This object structure provides for the bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
inventor' (storeroom) issues and returns.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outI2"rocess 9 kips reservations that are for ,irect Issues.
"ublish #hannel &4I83I2$Interface - Filters out direct issues from
&)T2$T/)8 ("O82& is not null and I2$TD"$ is I2$ or
/$T2/8) because the' are handled b' the receipts
(&4/$#$I"TInterface) object structure. Filters out variance
transactions that are written to &)T2$T/)8 b' the invoice
approval process.
"rocessing /ules
Integration #ontrols
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%I2"rocess 9 If an )ction is provided that is not )dd! then an
e%ception is generated. 3alidates I2$TD"$ to ensure that it is
I2$! /$T2/8! or null. If it is an' other value! reports an error. If it
is null! defaults the value to I2$.
$nterprise ervice &4I83I2$Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
This section describes the following I-F content+
"urchase contract ("#)
"urchase /e(uisition ("/)
"urchase order ("O)
Hork order (HO)
Hork order detail
Hork order :ierarch'
)ll purchasing and work order documents have a status! so it is necessar' to identif' whether
related transactions contain new or updated records! or status changes onl'. The
T)T2IF)#$ field provides this information.
In general! this field applies to all object structure sub-records that are created from stateful
&.Os! which are &.Os that have a T)T2 field and support status change actions
The T)T2IF)#$ field has been added as a non-persistent field to those objects where
integration supports a status change.
The STATUSIFACE Field and Outbound Processing
Hhile processing an object structure sub-record that has been created from a stateful &.O!
the I-F outbound integration processing looks for a T)T2 field in the &.O and a
T)T2IF)#$ field in the corresponding object structure sub-record. If both fields e%ist!
the processing sets the value of the T)T2IF)#$ field to the value of the changed attribute
for the corresponding T)T2 field (@ indicates not changed* ; indicates changed).
This processing applies onl' to event-generated outbound messages! not to messages
e%ported via the ,ata $%port feature or through a programmatic invocation.
The STATUSIFACE Field and Inbound Processing
Hhen processing an object structure where the primar' (top) &.O is stateful! the inbound
processing looks for a T)T2IF)#$ field on the corresponding object structure sub-record
to determine if the inbound message is to be processed as both a document update and a
status change! or as a status change onl'. "rocesses as follows+
Value of
Document exists in aximo Document does not exist in aximo
8ot provided
2pdates the document in &a%imo
If the status of the inbound document is
different from the status in &a%imo!
updates the status in &a%imo
)dds the document to &a%imo
ets the status in &a%imo to the status of
the inbound message
2pdates the status in &a%imo

Note: The processing described in the preceding table applies only to inbound processing
using object structures with a stateful primary(top) MBO. It does not apply to any stateful
MBO that is included as a child object in an object structure.
Purchase Contracts
Object tructure &4"#
,etail ,escription "urchase #ontracts Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
purchase contract information

#omments 8ote+ This object structure currentl' supports purchase contracts t'pes
of .lanket and "rice onl'.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out"#"rocess 9 kips reservations that are for ,irect Issues.
"ublish #hannel &4"#Interface 9 2sing "rocessing /ules! #omplete "# document is
sent onl' on tatus #hange.
"rocessing /ules ;. FI""# 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the "#$8, control.
A. FI""#2",)T$ 9 kips the sending of the document when
updated but no status change
C. $TT)T2IF)#$ 9 ets the value of the T)T2IF)#$ field to
@ (false) for all status values e%cept those listed in the "#$8,
?. #:$#FT)T2 9 ends onl' the "# :eader data if status changes
and the new status is not in the "#$8, control. (In this case the full
document was previousl' sent and this is sending onl' the status
change notification).
Integration #ontrols "#$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%"#"rocess 9 upports tatus #hange. #reates a new revision
when "urchase #ontract alread' e%ists and revision does not. upports
onl' #ontract T'pes of .lanket and-or "rice.
$nterprise ervice &4"#Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Purchase %e&uisition
Object tructure &4"/
,etail ,escription "urchase /e(uisitions Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
purchase re(uisition information

#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4"/Interface 9 2sing "rocessing /ules! #omplete "/ document is
sent onl' on tatus #hange.
"rocessing /ules ;. FI""/ 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the "/$8, control.
A. FI""/2",)T$ 9 kips the sending of the document when
updated but no status change
C. $TT)T2IF)#$ 9 ets the value of the T)T2IF)#$ field
to @ (false) for all status values e%cept those listed in the "/$8,
?. #:$#FT)T2 9 ends onl' the "/ :eader data if status
changes and the new status is not in the "/$8, control. (In this
case the full document was previousl' sent and this is sending onl'
the status change notification).
Integration #ontrols "/$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%"/"rocess 9 upports tatus #hange.
If the current status of the "/ is )""/! to support updates the
processing class will change the status back to H)""/! perform
updates and then status to what is identified in the 4&1 message.
$nterprise ervice &4"/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Purchase Order
Object tructure &4"O
,etail ,escription "urchase Order Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
purchase order information
#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4"OInterface 9 2sing "rocessing /ules! #omplete "O document is
sent onl' on tatus #hange.
"rocessing /ules ;. FI""O 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the "O$8, control.
A. FI""O2",)T$ 9 kips the sending of the document when
updated but no status change
C. $TT)T2IF)#$ 9 ets the value of the T)T2IF)#$ field to
@ (false) for all status values e%cept those listed in the "O$8,
?. #:$#FT)T2 9 ends onl' the "O :eader data if status changes
and the new status is not in the "O$8, control. (In this case the full
document was previousl' sent and this is sending onl' the status
change notification).
Integration #ontrols "O$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%"O"rocess 9 upports tatus #hange.
If the current status of the "O is )""/! to support updates the
processing class will change the status back to H)""/! perform
updates and then status to what is identified in the 4&1 message.
If the inbound "O is a release "O that needs to be added in &a%imo!
then the "O inbound processing identifies the contract revision details
from the "O and attempts to create a release for that "O.
$nterprise ervice &4"OInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4I83OI#$
,etail ,escription Invoice Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of Invoice

#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4I83OI#$Interface 9 2sing "rocessing /ules! #omplete Invoice
document is sent onl' on tatus #hange.
"rocessing /ules ;. FI"I83OI#$ 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the I3$8, control.
A. FI"I83IO#$2",)T$ 9 kips the sending of the document when
updated but no status change
C. $TT)T2IF)#$ 9 ets the value of the T)T2IF)#$ field to @
(false) for all status values e%cept those listed in the I3$8, control.
?. #:$#FT)T2 9 ends onl' the Invoice :eader data if status changes
and the new status is not in the I3$8, control. (In this case the full
document was previousl' sent and this is sending onl' the status change
Integration #ontrols I3$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
The inbound processing creates and updates I83OI#$#OT lines onl' if
one of the following conditions is met+
The invoice line does not reference a "O line.
The corresponding "O line does not have a distribution.
The "O line does not reference a storeroom.
In all other cases! the inbound processing ignores I83OI#$#OT
information when creating or updating the invoice.
If the inbound message provides I83OI#$T$/&! the inbound processing
deletes the old terms and adds the new ones.
2sers can optionall' specif' a price variance in the "/I#$3)/ field on each
invoice line! if invoice matching is done in the e%ternal s'stem and price
variances determined in the e%ternal s'stem are sent to &a%imo to create
variance transactions to update work orders and storerooms. In order for
&a%imo to process these variances! a value must e%ist for OH8$/DI, in
the inbound invoice! and it cannot be the same as the value of
The I3&)T#: collaboration switch lets &a%imo create and approve an
invoice without identif'ing the matched receipt lines for the invoice line and
determining the variances for each line. This switch lets the e%ternal s'stem
provide the variances at line level so &a%imo can take those variances and
create the corresponding variance transactions in the I83OI#$T/)8!
&)T/$#T/)8! or $/3/$#T/)8 table.
The I3&)T#: collaboration switch re(uires the following values+
OH8$/;DI, value is alwa's JT:I&4K.
OH8$/ADI, value is the value of I83OI#$.OH8$/DI,.
If the evaluation is false! &a%imo ignores the line level invoice variances in
the invoice processing.
If the evaluation is true! &a%imo does not carr' out an' invoice matching
and an' variance information provided at the line level is used to create the
corresponding variance transactions in I83OI#$T/)8-
&)T/$#T/)8- $/3/$#T/)8 as applicable.
T'pical scenarios for using the invoice interface are as follows+
Invoice &atching in &a%imo ()" Outbound)+ Invoices received from third
partiesLeither electronicall' or manuall'Lare processed b' &a%imo* that
is! the' are matched against receipts! if applicable! and then approved.
)lternatel'! pa'ment schedules created in &a%imo will result in approved
invoices being created based on the schedule. These approved invoices result
in a pa'ment advice being sent to an e%ternal )" s'stem. The process of
matching also results in accounting entries being posted to the general
Invoice &atching in e%ternal s'stem (3ariances Inbound)+ &a%imo does not
do the invoicing! but accepts matched invoices from e%ternal s'stems and
applies an' variances back to the respective work orders! storerooms! and so
on. The accounting entries related to the accounts pa'able and-or variances
must be recorded in the e%ternal s'stem* the' will not be sent out b'
The primar' intent of this interface is to provide &a%imo with an' variance
information necessar' for updating the work order costs
The table following this one lists possible I83OI#$.OH8$/DI, values!
the evaluation that &a%imo generates! and the default result of the
IVMATCH Collaboration Switch Evaluation
Value of
E&aluation $esult
8ull OH8$/;DI,BKT:I&4K
and OH8$/ADI,BK$4TK True
)n' other value
and OH8$/ADI,BK$4TK True
$nterprise ervice
"rocessing /ules
Integration #ontrols

Outbound Processing Rules for Work Order Interfaces
This section describes the following t'pes of interfaces+
Hork order
Hork order detail
2nlike the purchasing document interfaces! the work order document interfaces do not have a
T)T2IF)#$ field or status change notification functionalit'. The' are first sent out when
the work order reaches the status of the HOT)/T control and on ever' update thereafter!
regardless of the status of the work order.
2sers can configure the start value in the HOT)/T control. )n' status that 'ou specif' in
the control is the value! not the &)43)12$. If multiple s'non'm values e%ist for a status!
list all applicable s'non'ms.
Work Order
Object tructure &4HO
,etail ,escription Hork Order Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of work
order information
#omments upports tatus #hange - &a%imo first sends out a work order when it
reaches the status in the HOT)/T control! then on all updates
thereafter. The entire HO document is alwa's sent.
The work order interface contains all the information defined b'
&a%imo on the work order! but it does not provide additional
information about projects-financial control data! e(uipment! and
locations that is not part of the standard work order in &a%imo. If
necessar'! 'ou can add the additional information via user fields.
&a%imo treats work order tasks as work orders. .oth have similar
properties and the' are stored in the same table. If a user creates a
work order! adds tasks-child work orders to the work order! and then
approves the work order! the Inherit tatus #hanges flag on the work
order indicates whether approval of the work order also results in
approval of all the tasks-child work orders of that particular work
order. The default is D! so when a work order is approved! an' child
tasks or work orders that inherit the parent7s approval based on this
flag are also approved.
The outbound event listener on the work order &.O receives
multiple independent eventsL one for each work orderLand the' are
processed and sent out independentl'. Therefore! a work order with
three tasks and two child work orders will result in si% independent
outbound work orders.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel &4HOInterface 9 2sing "rocessing /ules! #omplete HO document
is sent onl' on tatus #hange.
"rocessing /ules ;. FI"HO 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the HOT)/T control.
Integration #ontrols HOT)/T
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
tateful&icetIn 9 0eneric class that supports status change.
$nterprise ervice &4HOInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
'or( Order )etail
Object tructure &4HO,$T)I1
,etail ,escription Hork Order ,etail Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
work order information including planned &aterial! 1abor!
ervice and Tools.
#omments &a%imo first sends out a work order when it reaches the status in
the HOT)/T control! then on all updates thereafter. The entire
HO document is alwa's sent.
The &.O relationship used to retrieve the /eservation &.O
(I83/$$/3$) is different from the one used in the Hork
Order Tracking application. Therefore! the changed attribute in
the &a%imo 4&1 is not set for an' values from this &.O
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&outHO/sv"rocess 9 #ode re(uired to update senders'sid
column on the invreserve &.O
"ublish #hannel &4HO,$T)I1Interface 9 2sing "rocessing /ules! #omplete
HO document with "lan information is sent onl' on tatus
"rocessing /ules ;. FI"HO 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the HOT)/T control.
Integration #ontrols HOT)/T
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8-)
Integration #ontrols 8-)
'or( Order *ierarch#
Object tructure &4HO:I$/
,etail ,escription Hork Order ,etail Object tructure (O)
This object structure allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of
work order information including children Hork Orders.
#omments upports tatus #hange - &a%imo first sends out a work order
when it reaches the status in the HOT)/T control! then on all
updates thereafter. The entire HO document is alwa's sent.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4HO:ierInterface 9 #ontains an $vent Filter class!
HO:ierarch'$ventFilter! that prevents the child &.Os from
being sent out when the' are being sent out via a parent &.O
(where both parent and child &.Os are initiated b' the same
event action).
"rocessing /ules ;. FI"HO 9 kips the sending of the document if both of the
following conditions are true+
h The document has not been sent out before.
h The new status is not listed in the HOT)/T control.
Integration #ontrols HOT)/T
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%HO:ierarch'"rocess 9 supports status changes and commit
processing to support loading multiple related HOs in a single
$nterprise ervice &4HO:ierInterface
"rocessing /ules 8-)
Integration #ontrols 8-)
This section describes the following I-F content+
)uthori5ed #onfiguration Items (#I)
#I #ollections
#ollection )uthori5ation
ervice /e(uests
Authori+ed Configuration tems ,C-
Object tructure &4)2T:#I
,etail ,escription )uthori5ed #I Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of #I information!
including #I /elationships and pecifications.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4)2T:#IInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice &4)2T:#IInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
C Collection
Object tructure &4#O11$#TIO8
,etail ,escription #I #ollection Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bi-directional s'nchroni5ation of #ollection
information! including #ollection ,etail! #Is and )ctual #Is.
#omments .uilt for the T),,& )dapter
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel #O11$#TIO8"# - contains the processing class! )uth'nc#ol$%it!
to support interaction w- T),,&.
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice 8one
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Collection Authori+ation
Object tructure &4#O11$#TIO8)2T:
,etail ,escription #ollection )uthori5ation Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bi-directional s'nchroni5ation of #ollection
)uthori5ation information
#omments .uilt for the T),,& )dapter
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel #O11$#TIO8)2T:"# - contains the processing class!
)uth'nc#ol)uth$%it! to support interaction w- T),,&.
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice 8one
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Ser!ice %e&uests ,S%-
Object tructure &4/
,etail ,escription ervice /e(uest Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of / information
#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel &4/Interface
"rocessing /ules FI"/ 9 kip the sending of the / if the / status is not in the list
of statuses within the /$8, #ontrol.
Integration #ontrols /$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
tateful&icetIn 9 generic class to support status change
$nterprise ervice &4/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4I8#I,$8T
,etail ,escription Incident Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of Incident
#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4I8#I,$8TInterface
"rocessing /ules FI"I# 9 kip the sending of the Incident if the Incident status is not
in the list of statuses within the I#$8, #ontrol.
Integration #ontrols I#$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
tateful&icetIn 9 generic class to support status change
$nterprise ervice &4I8#I,$8TInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4"/O.1$&
,etail ,escription "roblem Object tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of "roblem
#omments upports tatus #hange
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4"/O.1$&Interface
"rocessing /ules FI"". 9 kip the sending of the "roblem if the "roblem status is not
in the list of statuses within the ".$8, #ontrol.
Integration #ontrols ".$8,
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
tateful&icetIn 9 generic class to support status change
$nterprise ervice &4"/O.1$&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Transaction Interfaces
This section describes the following t'pes of interfaces+
/eceipts (&aterial M ervice)
/eceipts (&aterial M /otating Items)
0eneral ledger transactions
1abor time reporting
&eter /eadings
%eceipts ,Materials and Ser!ices-
Object tructure &4/$#$I"T
,etail ,escription /eceipts tructure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of "O /eceipt
information for &aterial and ervice /eceipts.
#omments upports tatus #hange. 2ses a 8on-"ersistent object to support both
&aterial (&)T/$#T/)8) and ervice ($/3/$#T/)8)
In the outbound direction! this O processes purchase order receipts!
transfers (movements against receipts or receipts against internal "Os)!
and returns (returns to vendors after receipt inspection! or returns to
vendor after acceptance and goods movement from the inspection
holding location).
For receipts that re(uire inspection! the user-defined field
I8"$#T$, indicates if the receipt line was inspected in the e%ternal
s'stem. The interface does not process T/)8F$/s independentl'*
each transfer is associated with a receipt.
Dou do not have to specif' whether an inbound receipt is a material
receipt or a service receipt. The integration processing determines this
from the "O1I8$.
)ll (uantities! including return (uantities! must be positive.
Dou can distinguish between the two t'pes of transfer records b' the
value in the /$#$I"T/$FI, field! as follows+
8ull+ a receipt against an internal "O
8ot null+ movement against a receipt
,o not specif' a /$#$I"TF/$F value for returns. /eturns are
processed independentl' of the corresponding receipt.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out"rocess - "rocesses receipts with issue t'pe of /$#$I"T or
/$T2/8. If no issue t'pe is specified! it is treated as /$#$I"T.
"rocessing for /$#$I"T issue t'pe and Inspection /e(uired B 8+
&aterial and service receipts+
h 2ses inbound /$#$I"TI2)8TITD (for material receipts) or
ITDTO/$#$I3$ (for service receipts) to create the &a%imo receipt.
h &aps inbound /$G$#T$,ITD to the /$G$#T$,ITD field in the
&a%imo receipt.
h Ignores an' other (uantities.
h ,oes not look at the inbound I8"$#T$, field.
&aterial receipts (&)T/$#T/)8 records)+
ends out onl' /$#$I"T and /$T2/8 t'pe records and T/)8F$/
t'pe records containing a "O82& (not a storeroom transfer). ends
out new receipts onl'! not updates to e%isting receipts.
ervice receipts ($/3/$#T/)8 records)+
ends out /$#$I"T and /$T2/8 t'pe records. ends out new
receipts and updates to e%isting receipts
"ublish #hannel &4/$#$I"TInterface
"rocessing /ules
ervice receipts+
ends out records when the status is e(ual to a value in the
$/3/$#T)T control (default #O&"). This occurs under the
following conditions+
) record that does not re(uire inspection is inserted.
)n e%isting record is updated in &a%imo and the status field is changed
to #O&"
Integration #ontrols $/3/$#T)T control identifies all statuses at which &a%imo will
send out service receipt transactions. It can have multiple values. .'
default! its value is #O&".
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%/#3"rocess -
"rocessing for /$#$I"T issue t'pe and Inspection /e(uired B D+
&aterial receipts+
I8"$#T$, B 8+
2ses onl' the inbound /$#$I"TI2)8TITD field to create the &a%imo
receipt* ignores accepted and rejected (uantit' values.
#reates &a%imo receipt with T)T2 B HI8" (waiting inspection)
and (uantit' derived from /$#$I"TI2)8TITD.
I8"$#T$, B D+
2ses the inbound /$#$I"TI2)8TITD! )##$"T$,ITD! and
/$G$#T$,ITD fields to create the &a%imo receipt.
,oes not allow partial inspections or acceptances. /$#$I"TI2)8TITD
must e(ual )##$"T$,ITD N /$G$#T$,ITD.
#reates &a%imo receipt with T)T2 B H)$T (if rotating item) or
#O&" (all other items).
,epending on (uantities specified! can create up to three transactionsL
one /$#$I"T! one T/)8F$/! and one /$T2/8.
ervice receipts+
I8"$#T$, B 8+
2ses the inbound )&TTO/$#$I3$ (if "O1I8$ order (uantit' is null)
or ITDTO/$#$I3$ (in other cases) to create &a%imo receipt* ignores
all other (uantit' values.
#reates &a%imo receipt with T)T2 B HI8" (waiting inspection)
and (uantit' derived from ITDTO/$#$I3$.
I8"$#T$, B D+
2ses the inbound ITDTO/$#$I3$! )##$"T$,ITD! and
/$G$#T$,ITD fields to create &a%imo receipt.
,oes not allow partial inspections or acceptances. ITDTO/$#$I3$
must e(ual )##$"T$,ITD N /$G$#T$,ITD.
#reates a single transaction of t'pe /$#$I"T! with
T)T2 B #O&".
"rocessing for /$T2/8 issue t'pe+
&aterial and service receipts+
)ccepts return transactions for a "O1I8$ onl' if there was an earlier
receipt for the same line* if Inspection /e(uired B D for the "O1I8$! the
receipt must have been approved. Otherwise! reports an error.
2ses onl' the inbound /$#$I"TI2)8TITD (for material receipts) or
ITDTO/$#$I3$ (for service receipts) field to create the &a%imo
receipt* ignores all other (uantit' values.
#reates a single transaction with issue t'pe /$T2/8 and the credit 01
account as the /.8I account.
$nterprise ervice &4/$#$I"TInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
%eceipts ,Materials and %otating tems-
Object tructure &4/#3/OTIT&
,etail ,escription &aterial and /otating Item /eceipt Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of /eceipt Information for
Items including rotating items.
#omments upports inbound processing onl'.
This interface does not let 'ou specif' a status for the receipt* the
status is alwa's assumed to be #O&".
This interface differs from the &4/$#$I"TInterface in that it
processes material receipts e%clusivel' and lets 'ou identif' seriali5ed
rotating assets to be created in the case of rotating item receipts.
Dou can receive rotating items with or without asset numbers. If 'ou
receive them without asset numbers! 'ou must manuall' specif' the
asset numbers via the /eceive /otating Items dialog bo% in the
"urchasing /eceiving application.
For rotating items! the number of inbound transactions is one more
than the number of rotating items. There is one transaction for the total
receipt (uantit'! and one transaction for each rotating item associated
with the receipt. For e%ample! for a receipt of ten rotating items! there
will be eleven transactions.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel 8one
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%/cv/otItm&"rocess 9
/eports an error if the "O line being processed has
1I8$TD"$ B $/3I#$ or T,$/3I#$.
"rocessing is the same as the Inbound Integration "oint "rocessing
#lass Functionalit' for material receipts using the
&4/$#$I"TInterface! with the following additional processing+
/eceipts+ If the line item is a rotating item and Inspection
/e(uired B 8! or I8"$#T$, B D! checks for asset information
corresponding to the item provided in the interface. If the information
is available! validates the number of asset records to ensure it e(uals
the /$#$I"TITD or )##$T"T$,ITD (whichever applies). If it
does! invokes the &a%imo receiving functionalit' and creates asset as
/eturns+ If the item being returned is a rotating item! ignores an' asset
In &a%imo! return of a rotating t'pe item does not affect the assets
created b' the original receipt. The asset records remain unchanged*
onl' the item balances are updated (if applicable).
$nterprise ervice &4/#3/OTIT&Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one

GL "ransactions
Object tructure &401T48
,etail ,escription 01 tructure (O)
This O allows for outbound s'nchroni5ation of 01 transactions
This interface allows for the posting of site-level transactions
generated in &a%imo to an e%ternal general ledger application for
accounting reconciliation.
This interface uses a non-persistent &.O with data from the following
The event Filter class! 01$ventFilter! is used to set the events to the
applicable persistent objects listed above.
The O2/$#$&.O field identifies the table in which the transaction
originated. Its value is derived from the 01O2/#$&.O s'non'm
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
&out01"rocess -
ervice /eceipts
ervice receipts include the following+
)ccounting entries for non-distributed service receipts created b' the
/eceiving application for services ordered on "Os
(I2$TD"$ B /$#$I"T! #OTI8FOB;)
)ccounting entries for distributed service receipts created b' the
/eceiving application for services ordered on "Os (I2$TD"$ B
)ccounting entries for "O services with /eceipt /e(uired B 8 that are
directl' invoiced instead of being received (I2$TD"$ B I83OI#$)
)ccounting entries for services that are not against "Os and are invoiced
directl' (I2$TD"$ B I83OI#$)
Invoice variance transactions recorded against service receipts
(I2$TD"$ B I83OI#$)
ervice receipts ($/3/$#T/)8) processing+
ets O2/#$&.O to $/3/$#T/)8 and I2$TD"$ to value
listed above.
I83OI#$ t'pe transactions+ sends out on insert.
"O#OT and /$#$I"T t'pe transactions+ if Inspection
/e(uired B 8 for the corresponding "O1I8$! sends out on insert. If
inspection re(uired B D! sends out when status is changed to #O&".
&aterial receipts+
&aterial receipts include the following+
)ccounting entries for non-distributed material receipts created b' the
/eceiving application for items- tools ordered on "Os (I2$TD"$ B
/$#$I"T! #OTI8FO B ;)
)ccounting entries for distributed material receipts created b' the
/eceiving application for items- tools ordered on "Os
(I2$TD"$ B "O#OT)
)ccounting $ntries for Item transfers between storerooms (I2$TD"$
B T/)8F$/ and "O82&B8211)
)ccounting entries for receipt inspection transfers of items between the
receipt inspection storeroom and the "O line storeroom (I2$TD"$ B
T/)8F$/ and /$#$I"T/$FOB8211 and "O82&OB8211)
)ccounting entries for receipts against internal "Os (I2$TD"$ B
T/)8F$/ and /$#$I"T/$FB8211 and "O82&OB8211)
)ccounting entries for receipt inspection goods return of items and
materials (I2$TD"$ B /$T2/8)
)ccounting entries for return to vendor from a storeroom or direct issue
"O lines (I2$TD"$ B /$T2/8)
Invoice variance transactions recorded against material receipts
(I2$TD"$ B I83OI#$)
)ccounting transaction for increasing the kit item7s I83$8TO/D
control account value when kits are made (I2$TD"$ B FIT&)F$).
)ccounting transactions for increasing the I83$8TO/D control account
for each constituent item of a kit when a kit is
disassembled (I2$TD"$ B FIT./$)F)
&aterial receipts (&)T/$#T/)8) processing+
ets O2/#$&.O to &)T/$#T/)8 and I2$TD"$ to value
listed above.
ends out I83OI#$! /$#$I"T! T/)8F$/! /$T2/8! FIT&)F$
and FIT./$)F t'pe transactions on insert.
For "O#OT t'pe transactions on insert if status is #O&" (that is! on
insert if Inspection /e(uired B 8! and when status changed to #O&"
if Inspection /e(uired B D).
Inventor' )djustments
Inventor' adjustment transactions include the following+
Inventor' current balance adjustments
(ITTD"$ B #2/.)1),G)
Inventor' standard- average cost adjustments
(ITTD"$ B T,#OT),G- )30#OT),G)
#ost difference when a kit is disassembled and there is a difference
between the value of the kit and the sum of the kit component values
"h'sical count reconciliation (ITTD"$ B /$#.)1),G)
#apitali5ed cost adjustment (ITTD"$ B #)"#T),G)
tandard cost receipt adjustment (ITTD"$ B T,/$#),G)
Inventor' adjustment (I83T/)8) processing+
ets O2/#$&.O to I83T/)8 and ITTD"$ to value listed above.
,oes not send out transactions with ITTTD"$ B I8$/TIT$&!
#/$)T$)$T and ":D#8T! as the' are considered audit records
rather than accounting transactions.
ends out all other transactions on insert.
Invoice Transactions
Invoice transactions include the following transactions created b'
invoice approval+
Invoice TOT)1 transaction (amount pa'able to invoice vendor!
T/)8TD"$ B TOT)1)
Invoice line ta% transactions (ta% accounting for each T)4 code for an
invoice line! T/)8TD"$ B T)4;+T)4P)
Invoice currenc' variance transaction
(T/)8TD"$ B #2/3)/)
Invoice price variance transactions
(T/)8TD"$ B I83#$3)/)
Invoice transaction (I83T/)8) processing+
ets O2/#$&.O to I83OI#$T/)8 and T/)8TD"$ to the
value listed above.
ends out all transactions when the' are created.
&aterial Issues and /eturns
&aterial issue and return transactions include the following+
)ccounting entries for items issued from a storeroom in &a%imo
(I2$TD"$ B I2$)
)ccounting entries for items returned to a storeroom (I2$TD"$ B
&aterial issue and return (&)T2$T/)8) processing+
ets O2/#$&.O to &)T2$T/)8 and I2$TD"$ to value
listed above.
,oes not send out direct issue transactions that are created b' "O
receiving- invoice variances in &)T2$T/)8! as the' are
accounted for in &)T/$#T/)8. Identifies such transactions b'
their "O82&! so all &)T2$T/)8 transactions that have a "O
reference are not sent out b' this interface.
ends out all other transaction at time of creation.
1abor Transaction (1)./T/)8) processing
ets O2/#$&.O to 1).T/)8.
If approval not re(uired! send out labor actuals against work orders on
If approval re(uired! sends out transaction after it is approved
(when 0$8)""$/3/$#$I"T is D).
Tool Transaction (TOO1T/)8) processing+
ets O2/#$&.O to TOO1T/)8.
ends out usage of tools on work orders on creation of TOO1T/)8
"ublish #hannel &401T48Interface
"rocessing /ules FI"01 9 kip the sending of the 01 transaction based on the value in
O2/#$&.O e%isting in the 01O2/#$ #ontrol.
Integration #ontrols 01O2/#$
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8-)
Integration #ontrols 8-)
Labor "ime %eporting
Object tructure &4$&")#T
,etail ,escription 1abor Time /eporting Object tructure (O)
This interface allows for posting site-level actual time reported in
&a%imo to e%ternal applications.
&a%imo sends out approved labor actuals and accepts all inbound
labor actuals regardless of status.
8ote+ &a%imo does not update the status of e%isting records
when processing inbound transactions
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel &4$&")#TInterface
"rocessing /ules FI"$&")#T 9 kip the sending of the 1abor "a'
(1).T/)8) if the transaction is not approved
(0$8)""/$/3/$#$I"T B @).
Integration #ontrols
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%$mpact"rocess 9 )llows action of )dd onl' 9 8ull action
will process as )dd. 1).T/)8I, is not allowed to passed
with a value 9 will be program generated during )dd.
$nterprise ervice &4$&")#TInterface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Meter %eading )ata
Object tructure &4&$T$/,)T)
,etail ,escription &eter /eading Object tructure (O)
This interface allows inbound s'nchroni5ation of &eter /eading
#omments upports inbound processing onl'
This interface does 8OT support processing of meter readings
against work order-task.
Object tructure
,efinition #lass
"ublish #hannel 8one
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure
"rocessing #lass
&a%&eter,ata"rocess -
The processing class will verif' that the following attributes are
h -ite I,
h -)sset or 1ocation
h -&eter I, or #ondition &onitoring "oint
h -&eter /eading 3alue! /eading ,ate Time! Inspector
Hhen a work order is specified and if a measurement point is
specified! the processing class identifies the asset or location
meter corresponding to the site 9 measurement point! creating a
meter reading for that asset- location meter.
If a meter is specified! then either asset or location must be
specified. If both are specified! the processing class assumes the
meter belongs to the asset! and will be processed accordingl'. If
onl' asset or location is specified then the meter on the
corresponding entit' will be updated.
If no work order is specified!
h If a measurement point is specified! reading is recorded for the
measurement point.
h If a meter is specified! then either asset or location must be
specified. If both are specified! the processing class assumes the
meter belongs to the asset! and will be processed accordingl'. If
onl' asset or location is specified then the meter on the
corresponding entit' will be updated.
$nterprise ervice &4&$T$/Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
ome of the content related to integration is specific to &.Os are considered system objects
in &a%imo. These &.Os are generall' used for application or metadata configuration! and
updating data through these &.Os ma' re(uire specific post processing activities in &a%imo
(for e%ample! reconfiguring the database)..
The following restrictions appl' to the use of $nterprise ervices! "ublish #hannels and
Object tructures+
Dou cannot enable listeners for "ublish #hannels.
Dou cannot process s'stem interfaces via interface tables or flat files.
Dou must specif' an action code on inbound s'stem interfaces.
Object Structures
Object tructure &4I8TO.G$#T
,etail ,escription Object tructures object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of the definition of
Object tructures! including column aliases.
'stem validations that appl' to users adding! deleting and
modif'ing predefined Object tructures appl' to the modification
of Object tructures via the Object tructure object structure
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
.nterprise Ser!ice
Object tructure &4$8T/3
,etail ,escription $nterprise ervice object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of the definition of
$nterprise ervices and their corresponding processing rules and
control values.
#omments .efore $nterprise ervice creation! make sure all controls used b'
the $nterprise ervice e%ist in &a%imo.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Publish Channel
Object tructure &4IF)#$O2T
,etail ,escription "ublish #hannel object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of the definition of
"ublish #hannels their corresponding processing rules and control
#omments .efore "ublish #hannel creation! make sure all controls used b' the
"ublish #hannel e%ist in &a%imo.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
.nd Point
Object tructure &4$8,"OI8T
,etail ,escription $nd "oint object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of the definition of
$nd "oints.
#omments .efore $nd "oint creation! make sure handlers used b' $nd "oints
e%ist in &a%imo.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
./ternal S#stem
Object tructure &4$4TD
,etail ,escription $%ternal 'stem object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of the definition of an
e%ternal s'stem! the $nterprise ervices and "ublish #hannels used
b' the e%ternal s'stem! and their corresponding control values.
#omments .efore $%ternal 'stem creation! make sure all $nterprise ervices!
"ublish #hannels! end points! and controls used b' the e%ternal
s'stem e%ist in &a%imo.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
ntegration Controls
Object tructure &4IF)#$#O8T/O1
,etail ,escription Integration #ontrol Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of Integration #ontrols
and their s'stem level default values.

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
n!ocation Channel
Object tructure &4IF)#$I83OF$
,etail ,escription Invocation #hannel Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of an Invocation
#hannel definition.

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
ntegration 0ueues
Object tructure &4I2$2$
,etail ,escription Integration Iueue Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of Integration Iueue

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Message )efinition
Object tructure &4&$)0$
,etail ,escription &essage ,efinition object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of s'stem error and
warning messages.
#omments In addition to the new messages added via this object structure! the
messages.%ml file must be updated with the corresponding message
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
M$O Configuration
Object tructure &4O.G$#T#F0
,etail ,escription &.O #onfiguration object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of &.O definition
#omments 2se this object structure with caution.

2se onl' )dd! )dd#hange! or #hange action codes when
s'nchroni5ing inbound data through this object structure. ,o not
use the /eplace action unless 'ou completely replace the
&)4O.G$#T#F0 and &)4)TT/I.2T$#F0 data.
The delete action presents the risk of deleting predefined records in
the database tables associated with &)4O.G$#T#F0 and
&)4)TT/I.2T$#F0 &.Os.
There is an inbound setting restriction on #:)80$,!
$)2,IT$8).1$,! $)2,ITFI1T$/! $)2,ITT.8)&$!
I&"O/T$,! TO/)0$")/TITIO8! &)4O.G$#TI, column!
so the 4&1 value is not set to the &.O.
)fter s'nchroni5ing inbound data with this interface! for 'our
changes to take effect! use &a%imo7s ,atabase #onfiguration
application and select the )ppl' #onfiguration #hanges action.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'"rocess 9
If the event that &)4O.G$#T#F0 is creating a view
(&)4O.G$#T#F0.3I$HB;)! the processing class will skip an'
&)4)TT/I.2T$#F0 mbos associated with the referred
This class also dela's the )3$ validation on &)4O.G$#T#F0
until all its associated attributes are successfull' added into
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4,O&)I8
,etail ,escription #ommunication Template object structure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of domain
ome fields in the &a%imo are associated with select value lists.
These lists of defined values are known as domains (sometimes
referred to as value lists).
This O s'nchroni5es )18! 8umeric! 8umeric /ange! Table! and
#rossover domains definitions.
#omments "rere(uisite+ 2pdate and ,elete operations re(uire $%ternal
'stems to provide valid ,O&)I8I, values.
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Communication "emplate
Object tructure &4#T$&"1)T$
,etail ,escription #ommunication Template object structure (O)
This O allows for bidirectional s'nchroni5ation of communication
templates that users can leverage to standardi5e fre(uentl' used e-
mail communications (also known as notifications).
) communication template is a definition of a mail message with
subject! message! and recipient information that is processed when
certain nodes become current! or along specified workflow routing
paths between nodes.
This O s'nchroni5es )pplication! #hange tatus! #ustom #lass!
command 1ine! and et 3alue actions! but not )ction 0roup.
#omments "rere(uisite+ 2pdate and ,elete operations re(uires $%ternal
'stems to provide a valid )#TIO8I, value.
This object structure does not support the creation of )ction
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel &4#T$&"1)T$Interface
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure &4)#TIO8
,etail ,escription )ction ,efinition Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of workflow action
definitions that can be used with escalation! service level agreement
(1))! and workflow processes.
)n action is an event that 'ou want the s'stem to trigger when it
encounters records that meet the conditions defined b' an
escalation point! service level agreement! or Horkflow process.
This O s'nchroni5es )pplication! #hange tatus! #ustom #lass!
#ommand 1ine! and et 3alue actions! but not )ction 0roup.
#omments "rere(uisite+ 2pdate and ,elete operations re(uire that $%ternal
'stems provide a valid )#TIO8I, value.
This object structure does not support the creation of )ction
Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
S#stem Properties
Object tructure &4"/O"
,etail ,escription 'stem "roperties Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of 'stem "roperties
and values.

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
ntegration Modules
Object tructure &4I&
,etail ,escription Integration &odule Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of an Integration
&odule definition including properties and 1&O relationships.

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Logical Management Operations ,LMO-
Object tructure &41&OA
,etail ,escription 1ogical &anagement Operations Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of 1&Os including

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Operational Management Products
Object tructure &4O&"
,etail ,escription Operational &anagement "roduct Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of O&"s! including
relationships to #Is and configurations with I& and 1&Os.

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Launch in Conte/t
Object tructure &41)28#:
,etail ,escription 1aunch $ntr' Object tructure (O)
This O allows for inbound s'nchroni5ation of 1aunch $ntries and
conte%t information.

Object tructure ,efinition
#lass Functionalit'
"ublish #hannel 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one
Object tructure "rocessing
#lass Functionalit'
$nterprise ervice 8-)
"rocessing /ules 8one
Integration #ontrols 8one


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