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F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification

Skype:ianfourfaith Email:

F2414 WCDM!"SD#!"S$# %# M&DEM

'EC"(%C) S#EC%F%C'%&(

F2414 WCDM!"SD#!"S$# %# M&DEM i+ a kin, of cellular
terminal ,e-ice that pro-i,e+ ,ata tran+fer function .y pu.lic
WCDM!"SD#!"S$# net/ork.
%t a,opt+ hi0h-po/ere, in,u+trial 12 .it+ C#$ an, em.e,,e, real time
operatin0 +y+tem. %t +upport+ 2S212 an, 2S434 5or 2S4226 port that can
con-eniently an, tran+parently connect one ,e-ice to a cellular net/ork7
allo/in0 you to connect to your e8i+tin0 +erial ,e-ice+ /ith only .a+ic
confi0uration. %t ha+ lo/ po/er con+umption +tate+ in /hich the po/er
con+umption coul, .e 1o/er than 1m@129DC. %t ha+ compati.le ,i0ital
%!& channel7 DC7 input pul+e counter an, pul+e /a-e output function.
%t ha+ .een /i,ely u+e, on M2M fiel,+7 +uch a+ intelli0ent
tran+portation7 +mart 0ri,7 in,u+trial automation7 telemetry7 finance7 #&S7
/ater +upply7 en-ironment protection7 po+t7 /eather7 an, +o on.
F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification

F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification
Pro!ct Specification """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Cell!lar Specification

De+i0n for %n,u+trial pplication
"i0h-po/ere, in,u+trial cellular mo,ule
"i0h-po/ere, in,u+trial 12 .it+ C#$
)o/ po/er con+umption ,e+i0n7 +upport multi-
+leep an, tri00er mo,e+ to re,uce the po/er
,i++ipation farthe+t
Em.e,,e, 2eal 'ime Clock52'C6 circuit /hich
can reali:e timin0 online!offline function
"ou+in0: iron7 pro-i,in0 %#1; protection
#o/er ran0e: DC 4<149
Sta.ility an, 2elia.ility
Support har,/are an, +oft/are WD'
Support auto reco-ery mechani+m7 inclu,in0
online ,etect7 auto re,ial /hen offline to make it
al/ay+ online
2S212!2S434!2S422 port+:14=9 ESD
S%M!$%M port: 14=9 ESD protection
#o/er port: re-er+e--olta0e an, o-er-olta0e
ntenna port: li0htnin0 protection5optional6
Stan,ar, an, Con-enience
,opt terminal .lock interface7 con-enient for
in,u+trial application
Support +tan,ar, 2S212!2S434 port+ that can
connect to +erial ,e-ice+ ,irectly
'') lo0ic le-el 2S212 interface can .e
Support intellectual mo,e7 enter into
communication +tate automatically /hen
#ro-i,e mana0ement +oft/are for remote
Support +e-eral /ork mo,e+
Con-enient confi0uration an, maintenance
Support 'C# +er-er an, +upport multi 'C# client
Support ,ou.le ,ata center+7 one main an,
another .ackup
Supply 4 %!& channel+7 compati.le 2 pul+e /a-e
output channel+7 2 analo0 input+ an, one pul+e
input counter+.
Support multi ,ata center+ an, it can +upport 4
,ata center+ at the +ame time
Support multi online tri00er /ay+7 inclu,in0
SMS7 rin0 an, ,ata. Support link ,i+connection
/hen timeout
Support ,ynamic ,omain name5DD(S6 an, %#
acce++ to ,ata center
De+i0n /ith +tan,ar, 'C#!%# protocol +tack
Support #(!9#D(
F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification
Ite# Content
Cellular Mo,ule %n,u+trial cellular mo,ule
Stan,ar, an, >an, $M'S!WCDM!"SD#!"S$# 34;!1?;;!21;;M":7 34;!?;;!1?;;!21;;M":5optional6
WCDM!"SD#!"S$#!ED*E C)SS 12
>an,/i,th "S$#:4.@AM.p+5$ploa, +pee,6! "SD#:@.2M.p+5Do/nloa, +pee,6!$M'S:134=.p+ 5D)!$)6
'B po/er C24,>m
2B +en+iti-ity C-1;?,>m
Har$are S%&te#
Ite# Content
C#$ %n,u+trial 12 .it+ C#$
F)S" 412=> 5E8ten,a.le6
S2M 24A=>5E8ten,a.le6
Interface T%pe
Ite# Content
Serial 1 2S212 port an, 1 2S4345or2S4226 port7 14=9 ESD protection
Data .it+: 47 A 7@7 3
Stop .it+: 17 1.47 2
#arity: none7 e-en7 o,,7 +pace7 mark
>au, rate: 11;<21;4;; .p+
%n,icator D#o/erD7 DC'D7 D&nlineD
ntenna Stan,ar, SM female interface7 4; ohm7 li0htin0 protection5optional6
S%M!$%M Stan,ar, 19!1.39 u+er car, interface7 14=9 ESD protection
#o/er 'erminal .lock interface7 re-er+e--olta0e an, o-er-olta0e protection

F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification

Antenna Interface
F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification

F2414 WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA IP MODEM Technical Specification

Po$er Inp!t
Ite# Content
Stan,ar, #o/er DC 129!;.4
#o/er 2an0e DC 4<149
Po$er Con&!#ption
Wor'in( State& Po$er Con&!#ption
Communication 4;-3;m@129DC114-14;m@49DC
Stan,.y 2;m@129DC14m@49DC
Sleep 3m@129DC13m@49DC
'imin0 #o/er &ff ;.Am@129DC1m@49DC
Ph%&ical Characteri&tic&
Ite# Content
"ou+in0 %ron7 pro-i,in0 %#1; protection
Dimen+ion+ ?1843.4822 mm
Wei0ht 2;40
En)iron#ental *i#it&
Ite# Content
-24<EA4FC 5-11<E14? 6
E8ten,e, &peratin0
-1;<E@4FC 5-22<E1A@ 6
Stora0e 'emperature -4;<E34FC 5-4;<E134 6
&peratin0 "umi,ity ?4G 5 unfree:in06

S%M!$%M #ort

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