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to go out passare di moda

to go off spegnersi To our surprise the lights went out at midnight
to bring in a law introdurre una legge
to finish sthg off finire completamente
to die out estinguersi completamente
to die down diminuire, quasi sparire
to shut down chiudere un'azienda
to get back in touch rispondere
to fall off scivolare via
to slip off scivolare via
to light up illuminarsi
to care for sb prendersi cura di
to find out trovare
to get over a seriuos illness superare
to get sthg over affrontare e superare qualcosa
di difficile
to come up with
to brush up a language rivedere, ripassare una lingua
to carry out (an experiment) eseguire
to put off + gerund posporre
to take after ereditare le caratteristiche
to go down with a light illness
to do not go with non stare bene con (vestiti)
to be taken aback essere sorpreso
to stub out spegnere una sigaretta
to gun down sparare
to shoot down abbattere A UN plane was shot down this morning
to peter out sparire
to rabbit on about sthg parlare in modo noioso
to crop up saltar fuori
to be put out essere contrariato
to fall out with sb litigare
to be thrown off sbalzato (interruzione di
to get on (the bus) salire
to get down (the bus) scendere
to get into (the car)
to get out (the car)
to come onto (the stage) salire
to turn out + gerund risultare
to turn up arrivare per caso
to draw up (a contract) redigere
to feel up to + gerund sentirsela
to drop out (the school) abbandonare la scuola He dropped out of school before graduating
to be given away by sb essere portata all'altare She was given away by her father
to come round riprendere conoscenza
to pass out perdere conoscenza, svenire
to come over coprire una certa distanza (da- Plase come over, I must see you.
to turn sb down deludere
to well up sgorgare, salire, di liquidi
to bottle up (feelings) tenersi tutto dentro
to come up to (expectations) essere all'altezza
(the husband) to walk out on (the lasciare
to send for chiamare uno specialista
to call in chiamare uno specialista An auditing firm was called in to investigate
to bring down abbattere, far cadere, This latest scandal could bring down the government
rovesciare, sovvertire
to strike up ( a friendship) stringere amicizia
to call of disdire Rescue operation were called of when the missing climber
was found
to be after desiderare (qualcosa di male) He's just after her money
to be up to sb essere responsabilità di It's up to you
to be down to sb essere responsabilità di It's down to you
to be behind with essere indietro con un He's behind with his rent again
to be on essere in scena, sugli schermi There is a good film on at the Multiplex
to be about + infinitive stare per The film is about to start
to be up essere sveglio The children are still up
to be over essere finito The party is over
to be off essere andato a male The milk is off
non essere nel menù
essere partito (gara)
essere assente dal lavoro
to be against essere contro I'm against war
to be for essere pro I'm for homosexual weddings
to fall down cadere Miss Boosey fell down and broke her leg
to calm down calmare The police told everyone to calm down
to settle down sistemarsi in una casa They haven't settled down yet in the new house
to hand down tramandare This recipe has been handed down from generation to
to put down (a rebellion) sopprimere The army put down the rebellion
to have an animal put down sopprimere I had my dog put down because of its age
to put down to attribuire Some people put down global warming to pollution
to write / take / jot / note down prendere nota I'll write down your number
cut down tagliare Those beautiful tree was cut down yesterday
to close down chiudere per sempre That mine has closed down in 1953
(close = chiudere per riaprire)
to put up applicare, mettere She always put up make-up before going out
to switch off spegnere qualcosa di elettrico Don't forget to switch off the electric fire
to turn off spegnere acqua e gas Have you turn off the gas?
deprimere This cold wet weather really turns me off
to get down deprimere This cold wet weather really gets me down
to turn up alzare You have to turn your hearing aid up
to see sb off salutare alla partenza We all went to the station to see her off
to point out indicare He pointed out the major historical sites
to turn up presentarsi Julian always turns up for class late
to tell sb off (for) sgridare The teacher told Bob off for being late
to make up (a cheque) firmare un assegno He mad up a cheque for 200 punds
to make off with scappare con The thieves made off with the diamonds
to make do with arrangiarsi con When the light went off we made do with candles
to make up for compensare The pleasant company made up for the bad weather
to make for dirigersi verso You have to make for the exit
to make out capire It was too dark to make out the street names
to make it up to sb ricompensare I'll make it up to him some day
to make out dare a intendere He made out he was the owner
to do without fare a meno I couln't do without my computer
to do with I could do with a cup of tea
to make sb welcome far sentire a proprio agio He made a point of making us welcome
to make a point of fare uno sforzo per He made a point of making us welcome
to make down (a cheque) firmare un assegno He made down a 200 dollars cheque
to make up for (lost time) recuperare il tempo perso We lost a lot of time, now we have to make up for it
to be held up in traffic jam essere imbottigliato nel traffico We were held up for half an hour in traffic jam
to get caught in traffic jam essere imbottigliato nel traffico You should make sure you get away early to avoid getting
caught in a traffic jam
to get away andarsene The children were desperate to get away from home
to pull up fermarsi The car slowed down and pulled up at the traffic lights
to break down crollare psicologicamente She broke down when discovered the betrayal
fallire Their marriage broke down for financial problems
interrompere (definitivamente) Negotiations with the rebels have broken down
to break off interrompersi per fare He broke off for a few moments to drink some water
qualcos'altro, The opposing sides couldn't agree so they broke off their
interrompere discussions
momentaneamente, Gloria broke off her engagement when she realized Mike
rompere un fidanzamento was only after his money
to break in (thorough) entrare
to break into (a place) entrare
to break up scoppiare, rompere di guerre,
fuochi, epidemie
to break out scoppiare
to break away (from) separarsi, lasciare He broke away from his captors
Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church
During the gale several boats broke away from their
moorings and drifted out into the open sea
to break through passare attraverso The demonstrator broke through the p-olice cordon
to lie down stendersi If you feel dizzy you'd better lie down
to crack down on essere severi con (di autorità) The police are going to crack down on sexual tourists
to let down sb deludere I'll never let you down
to keep down sb contenere, moderare The authorities are trying to keep down the pigeons
to pin down inchiodare He'll never give you a straight answer. It's impossible to pin
him down
to tie down vincolare She never married because she didn't want to be tied down
to fall off diminuire, cadere Church attendants have fallen off in recent years
to catch up avere successo????? This game caught up immediately in Australia
raggiungere, mettersi in pari, Go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later!
to cover up/over coprire I had to cover the rubbish up/over .
to look after preoccuparsi Recycling is only a myth to make people think they are
looking after the environment
to knock down investire
to come down (of prices) scendere Do you think the price of crude oil will ever come down?
to play sthg down sminuire John never boasted about his success. He always plays it
to look back on ripensare I often look back on my childhood
to put on mettere (di vestiti)
to run into incontrare casualmente I ran into my old roommate at the college reunion
to tune in to sintonizzarsi su I usually tune in to the BBC to listen to the news
to keep on (+ gerund) continuare My teacher keeps on criticizing my pronunciation
to cut down diminuire una quantità If you can't give up smoking entirely, at least try to cut
to go off sthg non piacere più She said she has gone off coffee
to take sb in ingannare I felt angry at the thought of having been taken in by such a
to show off to vantarsi con He only bought a Porsche so that he could show off to his
to go on (a diet) mettersi a dieta My doctor suggested I should go on a diet
to bring about (crisis, change) provocare It was financial problems that brought about the breakdown
of the marriage
to bring back riportare, reintrodurre (una Some people want to bring back the death penalty
to bring down (prices) abbassare Small shopkeepers often have to bring down their prices to
compete with supermarkets
to bring over far venire da lontano??? If we can't solve the problem we'll have to bring over a
to bring in guadagnare Arnold's job doesn't bring in enough money
to bring up crescere He hasn't enough money to bring up his family
to bring off portare a termine Will he bring off the competition?
to bring on causare Sally's depression was brought on by stress
to bring out lanciare sul mercato IBM is bringing out a new computer
to fall short of (expectations) essere inferiore a, non essere We didn't enjoy the package holiday, it definitely fell short
all'altezza di of our expectations
to take down tirare giù I always take down the Christmas decorations on the 6th
to narrow down (sthg) to restringere, ridurre The police narrowed down the number of suspect to three
to take off (a garment) togliere un indumento It was so hot that I had to take off my shirt
to come in useful tornare utile Keep thet old brush, it might come in useful one day
to pass out perdere conoscenza It was so smoky an stuffy in the room that I nearly passed
to come round rinvenire
to get on with andare d'accordo, continuare If I had to do it I suppose I had better get on with it
to get about andare in giro Grandad has been getting around much better since he had
his new artificial leg fitted
to take over rilevare His company was taken over by a large multinational
to sort out risolvere, chiarire, sistemare He made up his mind to sort things out before taking a
to die out estinguersi If the two last surviving turtles fail to mate the species will
die out
to account for giustificare, spiegare Nobody could account for his sudden disappearance
essere responsabile valere Nowadays elderly people accounts for a quarter of the
to fall for cascarci The man said he was a plain clothes policeman but I didn't
fall for it
to mistake sb for sb else scambiare I'm sorry I mistake you for you brother
to (not) care for non piacere I don't care for raw fish
to take on (a worker) assumere
to call on sb fare una visita, andare a trovare In desperation, the workers call on the trade unions to
appellarsi a, fare ricorso a defend their rights
I called on one of my old school friends when I was in
to pick up andare a prendere
to call for sb andare a prendere What time would you like me to call for you this evening?
to call for sthg rendere necessario, richiedere The situation calls for military intervention / a celebration
to call off sospendere The celebrations have been called off because of the
to call out chiamare a voce alta The teacher called out the names of the pupils who had
chiamare fuori won the prize
The doctor said he was called out to emergency cases two
or three times a week
to get by (on) sbarcare il lunario My wife has to go out to work as we can't get by on my
wages alone
to take after sb assomigliare (caratterialmente) I have taken after my Grandmother
to scare off far scappare spaventando Yesterday my dog scared off a burglar
to set out cominciare un viaggio It would be a good idea to have the car overhauled beefore
setting out
to tip up sb by his legs ribaltare The boys were tipping the girls up by their legs in the
swimming pool
to pour out versare I poured out my beer and settled back comfortably
to roll up arrivare (in ritardo o He rolled up on a brand-new motorbike
to look out on to affacciarsi, dare su Our balcony looks out on to a row of cottages
to turn in andare a letto I advise you to make sure all the doors are locked before
you turn in
to be getting on for (time) essere quasi le It was getting on for six o'clock so I thought I'd have a beer
and go out

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