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arch of titus

it is 47’4” in length and43’a8” in width it has a single

Opening of 17’9” wide. It is splendidly carved
Arch of septimius, rome
It is 68’3” long and
23’6” thick it has
three openings. It is
dedicated to a emperor
and his two sons after
their victory. It is made
up of white marble. Here
the three arches rest on
piers, in front of which
there are detached
composition of
columns on on pedestals.
The central archway has
Lateral openings to the
Side archways. On the
summit there are statues
of the king with his sons
with horses and soilders
Arch of septimus severus
Arch of trajan beneventum

it is one of the best preserved roman structure

in south Italy , is similar in arrangement to the arch
of Titus, rome, and like it, has composite column capitals.
It is made of Greek marble
Arch of constentine

It was built in honors of Constantine's victory over

maxentius.It has eight monolithic columns supporting
an entablature returned back to the wall, much of the
decorative sculptures were brought from earlier
monuments of thetime of trajan, Andre presents incidents
of his reign.
Arch of the goldsmiths
It was erected In
honors of
severus. It
is not a triumphal
arch, nor is it of
for the opening is
spanned over a
entablature. Here
the workmanship
is poor and
Arch of tiberius, orange

It has triple
which are rarely
over the second
century a.d. it is very
ornate. There are
also attached
at the side, from
which the inner pair
carries a false arch
above the
Pont du gard: nimes: france

The bottom arches, which

spans are 15.75m to
21.5m, are about 155m
long, 20m high.On the top
of the bottom arches is a
7m wide road which has
expanded for the trafic of
cars in 1743.The middle
arches are same spans of
Is about 21m and width is 5m. On the top the bottom arches and the
there are 35 small arches. The big arch, the length is about 265m in
bottom arch and middle arch, have 3 times or total. The height of middle
4 times of the small arch in span and 6 times part
of the small arch in height.
Great emperors like augustus,
tiberius, caligula, domitian
and septimus sevrus made
there contribution in the
alace. Palace has a gateway
entered from the clivus
palatines near the gateway
there are barex for soldiers.
Temples such as Apollo, Jupiter stator, Jupiter victors are
located. Palace of Augustus is beside a huge gardens which
is closed by fortified walls. Beside it there were baths.
Palace of severus was later added to it. Schools, academy
and houses were located in it.
emperors rome hill
the palatine
The plan of the palace is
rectangular occupying 3.24
hectares. There are square
towers at each angle. There
are three entry to the palace,
each gateways are protected
two towers. The northern
partions were for the guest and principal officers, while the
southern portion there were imperial appartments flanked by
two courts in one of which stood diocletians mausoleum and a
temple dedicated to juipiter, which had westibule, circular
inside and resting on four column. There was vast grand
gallery on the southern side. Its architecture is still
classical, but is debased and hints strongly on the byzantine,
especially in the flattern profile of the mouldings and in the
fritted running ornament.
It accodamates over 1600 bathers. Although in
ruins still the relative position of caledarium
frigidarium, tepedarium, etc can be still staced. The
thermae stood on a platform of 6.2m high,
underneath were store chambers, coridoors,
fernaces and hot air ducts for heationg the
building. A colonnade on the entrance was two
stored high. The frigidrium was open to sky. The
central hall had a semicircular roof which reested
on eight pillars. It was symentrical in plan in which
there were different size of bathrooms, gymnasium,
libraries, etc. the north side has four entrance to
the buildings, while the south side has big ground
were different games were been held. It had also
had a reservoirs from which water comes marcion
acque duct and from reservoir it goes to the
different parts of the building.
The frigdarium
Thermae at diocletian
it accomodates over three thousand bathers. The
great central hall is 60.96m x 24.38m and 27.3m
high. It rests upon 8 monolythical colmns made up
of egytian granite and it of 1.52m in diameter. This
building is consider of a special interest because
michealangelo in 1563 converted into the curch of
s.maria degli angeli. In the 5th century the thermae
felt into decay due to the distruction of aque
ducts by the huns, and also the due to decrease in
population. Later they served as quaries for
renniassance builders.

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