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Volume 4 Issue 1 March 2001

From the Editor incredible responsibility and loyalty. care relationship. It does happen,
Sandy Siegel The tasks are not easy, and staying but it is not the usual course of
with it takes tremendous emotional events. Caregivers most often find
and physical stamina. And the tasks themselves on their own without a
Being a caregiver is one of the most involved can be really complicated great deal of assistance; even from
difficult jobs one will ever face and require great skill and care. family and friends.
during their lifetimes. And it is Taking care of a loved one who is
certainly one of the most on a ventilator and taking care of a Much the same may be said for the
complicated. There is no education loved one who requires manner in which the medical
or training you receive for this job. catheterization throughout the day community deals with the caregiver.
You learn how to do the job while and night is asking a lot of a person. When a person becomes ill,
you are doing the job; much like attention and energy are focused on
parenthood. For most parents, Taking care of a person who the patient; the focus is diagnosis
however, the job usually gets easier. requires assistance with their day-to- and treatment. There are few
For most children, they complete day physical functioning is a resources directed at the caregiver,
their education, they find jobs, they difficult job. But the job entails so and yet, the illness that has stricken
start their own families, and they much more than all of those difficult one’s loved one also has the most
eventually begin to pay their own physical activities. Caregivers are profound impact on the caregiver.
insurance premiums. So, the job also emotional and spiritual The caregiver most often goes it
becomes less demanding, intensive, supporters, they are schedulers and alone from the perspective of the
and energy and time consuming. chauffeurs, they are therapists health care community. Should a
This is not always the case for a (physical and psychological), and person require long-term
caregiver. Sometimes our loved they are shoppers and organizers rehabilitation and therapy, the
ones do improve and the job does and homemakers. And perhaps one caregiver is in the process alone for
get easier. And sometimes, our of their most important and difficult a very long time. And there is
loved ones do not get better, and the jobs, they are gladiators with the nothing easy or convenient about
job becomes more and more medical and insurance and social the process.
difficult. service bureaucracies.
Every member of society holds
It is also not a job people consider An interesting and difficult element many different positions. For
applying for; it just happens to us by of the process of being a caregiver is instance, I am a father, a husband, a
virtue of life circumstances. Let’s that there are no or only very minor son, a brother, a teacher, an
see, a job that one does not ask to societal resources that are focused employee for the State of Ohio; a
have and one for which a person on the caregiver. When a person friend, a newsletter editor, a
receives no education or training. contracts a serious illness, there is a caregiver and many more. Each of
Sounds like a job that would not get rallying of family and friends to these positions has a complex range
done very well. Over the course of support the patient and the primary of behaviors and expectations
my involvement with people who caregiver. Families often live all associated with them. In all
have TM, I have met worldclass over the country and world and societies, cultures ordinarily operate
caregivers. I have come to know cannot maintain that support for such that the roles and expectations
caregivers who perform their jobs very long; they have their own from all of the positions a person
with tremendous devotion and families to take care of, and their holds are consistent with each other;
intensity, people who relate to their jobs and lives to which they need to the roles from one position are not
loved ones with great care and return. And it is a very rare friend in conflict with the roles of the
nurturing, people who perform their who can take on the role of a family different positions a person
tasks with diligence and competence member and maintain a long-term possesses. This consistency allows
and people who behave with a person to function efficiently and
Page 2 The Transverse Myelitis Association
effectively and is really fundamental that are customary for a particular with those of a lover.
for a person’s emotional and relationship. It is the normal course There is little in life experience,
psychological health. When the roles of events for a child to become an training or education that prepares a
from different positions are in conflict adult, develop independence and have person for the issues they have to
with each other, it causes a person less and less reliance on a parent. face as a caregiver. There are quite
tremendous stress. For instance, when When a parent is a caregiver for an serious mental gymnastics required
a woman in our society has a full-time adult child, the roles can become of a person to balance and adapt to
job and is also a mother, wife and complicated for the individuals the different positions they have in
homemaker, the roles associated with involved, because what is customary their lives, all of which make
these positions often times are in in this relationship, as defined in demands on their time and energy.
conflict and a woman can experience American culture, may not transpire. And they need to develop the ability
considerable stress from the role An adult child may be somewhat to negotiate between positions and
conflicts. If there are traditional uncomfortable with remaining roles in such a way that stress and
expectations of a woman, and her dependent on parents at a time in their conflict do not become a constant
husband and children do not realign lives when they should be background noise in their daily lives.
their expectations and share in the independent of a parent. And this is
behaviors associated with her particularly the case when the parents Being a caregiver for a loved one, be
positions as wife, mother and have to assist with the most basic they a child, a parent, a husband, wife
homemaker in order to account for the physical and personal issues for the or companion/lover, a brother or
demands she has on her at work, she is adult child. sister or a close friend is going to
often going to suffer emotionally and change that relationship. A nurse
psychologically from this conflict. Likewise, children are raised with and doctor have a professional
complete dependence on their par- relationship with the patient; it is a
Such is the case also for the positions ents. While that dependence dimin- well-defined relationship and the
we hold in our lives when the position ishes with time, a parent will always behaviors and expectations between
of caregiver is added to our collection. feel responsible for a child. When a the professional and the patient are
Many of the conflicts are obvious and person becomes a caregiver for a par- molded by custom, ethics, and the
are a consequence of the demands of ent, these roles become reversed; the law. This is not at all the case
energy and time on the caregiver. For parent who cared for the child now between the caregiver and the person
example, being a caregiver can has to be cared for by the child. The requiring care. The relationship
certainly impact one’s job; some relationship may become uncomfort- between a husband and a wife is
people have to change employment able for the persons involved, because defined by our culture, and we all
after becoming a caregiver in order to these are not the behaviors we were participate in various forms of that
accommodate the new roles that are raised to expect from these relation- same set of behaviors and
required of this new position. ships. expectations. For the relationship
Becoming a caregiver may change between a husband with TM and a
that person’s relationships with other Becoming a caregiver may cause wife/caregiver, the roles and
members of their family. For difficult role conflicts for a husband expectations are not at all clearly
instance, a parent of a child with TM or wife who become caregivers. defined by our culture. You are
may experience conflicts because the Maintaining a long-term relationship going to be making this up as you go.
demands of time and attention that are is often a balance of reciprocity and And some are going to do this
required to care for their child with mutual support. Couples usually are creation really well, and some are
TM does not allow them to behave in looking for equality in their going to flounder.
ways they expect of themselves in relationships. Men and women bring
their relationships with their other different skills into a relationship, and I have no brilliant skills or strategies
children. different strengths and weaknesses, to impart to resolve all of these
but on balance, we are seeking to be difficult issues. True to my
Not all of the sources of conflict are valued and treated equally. When anthropological profession; we can
so easily identified and some are very one of the couple becomes a tell you what’s wrong, but we haven’t
difficult to resolve. Some role caregiver, the delicate balance may the slightest clue as to what you
conflicts are created for the caregiver become seriously skewed. Some might do to fix it.
that result from a change of persons may have a difficult time
expectations and behaviors from those negotiating their roles as a caregiver I wrote the following words to
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 3
Pauline after we lost our 16-year- they have that skill and that view of of you.
old dog, who we both loved very the world and themselves. I just
much: marvel at people such as Helena In addition to information about the
Lubin and Myk Lazzeri and Cathy conference, you will read in this
The really wonderful thing about Dorocak; it is people such as Helena edition of the newsletter about the
life is that there is constant change; and Myk and Cathy who have taught Reading for Rachel program, a
it is also a really frightening part of me something of the capacity of the wonderful way to assist in fundraising
life. Turmoil is a constant. One of human spirit. What they are capable for TM research that most of us can
the reasons that relationships are of giving out of love is truly accomplish in our local areas. While
so complicated is that people often incredible. The TMA has so many March is Reading for Rachel month,
have difficult times traversing the caregivers who are giving to a loved its good to know that every other
journey of turmoil; it is done on the one in just this way; you are all my month can be too. So, if you missed a
inside with the constant battle one heroes! chance at participating in March, use
has with their own emotions and the same information/forms available
perceptions of the world. It is a The TMA is for people who have at the TM website and use them for
one-person operation. But when TM. The TMA is also for caregivers. any time period that meets your needs.
you are in a relationship, you You, too, are not alone! Remember, summer is a good time for
become a part of the dynamic that reading too.
the other person has to relate to From the President
and adapt to as a part of their Deanne Gilmur So many members have worked hard
dealing with all of the turmoil. to find ways to support TMA and,
How that process is negotiated and most importantly, to identify ways to
balanced is an important factor in work for a cure to TM. These efforts
how relationships are maintained Please take good care of yourselves are so apparent in the numerous
or destroyed. You can let each and each other. articles of this newsletter as well as all
other into the process and grow Happy 2001 and greetings to all of the letters, emails and phone calls the
from it, or you can cut each other The Transverse Myelitis Association Board Members receive on a regular
out and be pulled apart from it. membership and its supporters. With basis. It is my hope that each of you
And with all else in the this new year, TMA is involved in will feel a bit more hopeful for the
relationship, you influence each many critical upcoming efforts. The future and a lot less isolated from
other even in this process. You can registration form for the Second others as you read about the progress
allow each other to feel safe to International Transverse Myelitis that is being made and the many who
share the turmoil and nurture each Symposium is contained in this are here to support each other.
other, or you can feel defensive or newsletter. This conference will be
vulnerable toward the other person hosted and sponsored by Johns Sandy, as most of you know, has been
and close them out. All very Hopkins Hospital July 12-15th. Dr. our Vice-President and newsletter
complicated stuff. Being there for Douglas Kerr, TMA Medical editor since TMA’s inception. He has
each other can make the us Advisory Board member and co- agreed to take on the presidency of the
stronger. director of JH’s Transverse organization at this time while I am
Myelopathy Center has spearheaded immersed in job and family matters.
As I wrote these words to her, my efforts to pull together a topnotch Unfortunately, circumstances change
thoughts and feelings went back to gathering of professionals and experts and I now have many responsibilities
the times when Pauline had first to explore future treatments, causes which are eating away at the time I
contracted TM. Our going through and diagnostics associated with tm. have been able to dedicate to TMA.
the experience of Pauline’s TM has We hope many of you will attend. So, Sandy is stepping up again. This
made us stronger. Remembering our first symposium, I is no small gift as TMA is
feel assured that all of us, family significantly growing. I will continue
I wish I had some magic formula to members, professionals and persons on as an active member of the Board.
explain why it is that some people with a TM diagnosis, will come Paula, Debbie and Jim also remain
can accept the things that happen to away with much information and indefatigable in their hard work for the
them and find a way to be positive support. I can’t wait to see everyone Association. We are lucky, all of us,
about their current life who attended the Seattle conference for the hard work and commitment of
circumstances. It is a blessing that again, and I can’t wait to meet more so many. I believe that it will make a
Page 4 The Transverse Myelitis Association

Urological Problems in without the individual being aware of started to prevent the bladder muscle
it. As the spinal cord recovers there over-stretching.
Transverse Myelitis
is a parallel recovery of bladder Later on, as the spinal cord recovers
Michael Mayo, MD function which may be complete. function, patients will begin to be
Later on, if there is no recovery of aware of bladder filling and be able to
difference towards the hope and spinal cord function, the bladder urinate although emptying may not
dream of making a cure for transverse reflex usually returns. However, initially be complete. With regard to
myelitis a reality. instead of the control being in the symptoms, patients will usually have
Dr. Mayo is a Professor in the brain it is in the sacral segments due frequency of urination and urgency
Department of Urology at the to rerouting or short-circuiting of the with perhaps some urge incontinence
University of Washington School of impulses from the sensory directly to before they can get to the bathroom.
Medicine, Seattle, Washington. Dr. the motor nerves of the bladder. Once in the bathroom, urination may
Mayo has subspecialty interests in Although the bladder may start to be delayed (hesitancy), the stream may
neurogenic bladder disorders, urinary empty, its function is erratic and be interrupted, and emptying
tract reconstruction, endourology, and uncontrolled and emptying is incomplete. This incomplete
stone disease. incomplete. emptying of the bladder is due to a
combination of a reduced contraction
Introduction Urinary Symptoms in Transverse and discoordination of the urethral
Myelitis sphincter muscle. Over several weeks
Transverse Myelitis is a rare disease or months further recovery of function
affecting 4.6 per million of the popu- With the onset of acute Transverse may occur as the spinal cord recovers.
lation per year. It has many causes Myelitis, the patient’s bladder has
and/or associations including multiple little or no sensation and fills with In patients who have no recovery of
sclerosis, parainfection (especially fol- urine. If the bladder is allowed to spinal cord function, the new reflex in
lowing upper respiratory infection), become very distended, urine will the sacral segments will start to
spinal cord ischemia; in many patients start to dribble continuously, and this produce some bladder emptying.
the cause is unknown. Its course is is called retention with overflow However, in this situation the patient
variable with approximately half of incontinence. Some form of has no sensation and leaks urine
the patients in the multiple sclerosis catheterization program, either without being aware of it (reflex
and parainfectious group able to walk indwelling (Foley) or intermittent, is incontinence). Emptying is usually
and empty their bladders on discharge
from hospital. The remainder, espe-
cially the ischemic group, have vari-
able recovery. Some individuals,
from any group, who initially recover
may relapse.

Pathology of Bladder Dysfunction

Control of the bladder and urethral

sphincter takes place in the mid brain
and cerebral cortex. Damage to the
tracts in the spinal cord in Transverse
Myelitis interrupts the normal sensory
messages ascending, and the motor
messages descending, to the nerves Figure 1 Nerve Supply to the Bladder and Urinary Sphincters
that directly drive the bladder which Transverse Myelitis affects the spinal cord in the suprasacral region between
lie in the sacral segments (S2, 3 & 4). the two horizontal lines in the diagram. The mid-brain and sacral centers
(stippled) are disconnected from one another.
In the acute phase, especially if the
Transverse Myelitis is complete and Diana Carderas and Michael Mayo, “Management of Bladder Dysfunction,” Figure 27-4,
all the fibers are interrupted, the Chapter 27 In Randall L. Braddom, MD, MS, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Second
Edition, Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 2000.
bladder is totally paralyzed and fills
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 5
more incomplete than those with illness the patients will often be have thoracic or lumbar lesions, there
recovery of spinal cord function due managed with a catheter. Urine should be few physical impediments to
to worse coordination of the urethral analysis and culture are performed self-catheterization. In women,
sphincter. The secondary effects, once or twice a week. Base line although they also have thoracic and
such as high bladder pressure, urinary kidney function is assessed with a lumbar lesions, the spasticity of the
tract infections, and eventually kidney serum creatinine and a creatinine lower limbs and the need for many to
damage, are worse in patients who clearance. Those patients making a lie down to catheterize, may limit their
make little recovery. quick recovery need no further ability to continue with this program
evaluation. In others that have some after leaving the hospital. It is
Natural History residual problems at the time of important for patients to empty their
discharge, a renal ultrasound is bladders on time so that the muscle is
The recovery of bladder control and usually done. Other kidney not over stretched. In an average sized
emptying in Transverse Myelitis evaluations with computed adult 500 to 600 ml should be the
parallels the recovery of function in tomography, intravenous maximum volume retained in the
the legs. Early and full recovery of pyelography, or renal isotope scan bladder.
the spinal cord dysfunction will may be recommended if there is any
usually lead to complete bladder and evidence on ultrasound, or clinically, In the first few weeks, depending on
sphincter recovery. Why the spinal of upper tract problems such as the degree of spinal cord recovery, the
cord in some individuals recovers and stones, dilation, or prior abnormality bladder sensation and the ability to
in others it does not is beyond the due to congenital or acquired disease. void may return. Good prognostic
scope of this article. Although it is factors are the ability to walk before
difficult to determine from the Evaluation of the lower tract is also 20 days from the start of the illness
literature how many patients have deferred in those patients making and a history of retention only rather
permanent problems, at least 20 early recovery. In those that are not than retention plus overflow
percent of patients have some residual recovering, a cystometrogram is incontinence. The later probably leads
bladder and urethral symptoms, and performed. Here, the bladder is filled to over stretching of the muscle which
most of these also have some via a catheter while bladder pressure delays recovery. Early catheterization
impairment in the lower limb is monitored. This will determine the at the onset of the acute illness is
function. In patients with residual bladder sensation, the bladder size essential.
problems, the symptoms and the and elasticity (compliance), and
lower urinary tract manifestations whether there is overactivity of the If recovery of the spinal cord function
may change as they age. In men the bladder reflex. A full is very incomplete or absent, the
growth of the prostate may cause videourodynamic study includes the bladder reflex will usually occur in an
obstruction to the outflow of urine. In filling study (cystometrogram) and uncontrolled fashion leading to reflex
women pelvic floor descent and stress the bladder-emptying phase. X-rays incontinence at small bladder volumes.
incontinence may occur especially in are also combined so that, not only Treatment with medication that
those who have had vaginal can the bladder wall outline and the suppresses bladder contractions,
deliveries. In both men and women, presence or absence of urethral reflex Ditropan (oxybutynin), and Detrol
if the bladder pressure is high and be determined, but also the function (tolterodine), are the commonest
infections frequent, the bladder of the urethral sphincters be assessed. agents used. If these fail to suppress
muscle and often the upper tracts will the bladder reflex and the patient
undergo pathological changes that Treatment wants to continue with self-
further affect the lower tract and catheterization, surgery to enlarge the
kidney functions. Long-term Initial treatment in the acute phase bladder and lower the pressure
surveillance is therefore usually consists of continuous (augmentation) can be considered.
recommended in patients with bladder drainage with an indwelling This involves taking a twenty-five to
residual bladder symptoms following Foley catheter. When the fluid thirty centimeter segment, usually
Transverse Myelitis. balance status has stabilized, from the small bowel, and sewing it
intermittent catheterization is begun into the opened bladder as a patch. In
Evaluation of Urinary Tract Symp- by the nursing staff. Later on women who find catheterization via
toms patients learn self-catheterization the urethra difficult, an artificial
depending on their age and urethra can be constructed from the
Soon after the onset of the acute motivation. In men, as the majority bowel and placed on the abdominal
Page 6 The Transverse Myelitis Association
introduced into the United States for
complete spinal cord injury patients.
It can be used in both males and
females and would be suitable for
many individuals with complete
Transverse Myelitis. The bladder is
made to contract by stimulating the
sacral motor nerve roots at S2, 3 and
4. This is done via a totally implanted
set of electrodes on the nerves
connected to a receiver under the skin
of the abdomen. An external
controller and a transmitter drives the
implant to cause bladder evacuation.
Figure 2 Bladder Augmentation At the time of implantation, the
A 30 cm. segment of small bowel is made into a patch and is sewn into the sensory roots at S2, 3 and 4 have to be
opened (bi-valved) bladder. cut to abolish the reflex bladder
contractions which has the
Diana Carderas and Michael Mayo, “Management of Bladder Dysfunction,” Figure 27-6, disadvantage of abolishing reflex
Chapter 27 In Randall L. Braddom, MD, MS, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Second bowel activity in both sexes and reflex
Edition, Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 2000.
penile erections in men. However,
both of these may be restored in the
wall so that they can catheterize incorporated into the urethral wall as majority of patients using stimulation
sitting in their wheelchairs. a permanent implant. The bladder with different characteristics to those
automatically empties down the that cause bladder emptying.
An alternative in men who can wear urethra into the condom as
an external (condom) catheter is a Finally, in some patients, the only
procedure to keep the sphincters open the sphincters can no longer obstruct practical method of bladder drainage is
either by cutting them the flow of urine. using an indwelling catheter either via
(sphincterotomy) or by using a the urethra or in the suprapubic area.
stainless steel stent. The stent gets A new treatment has recently been Bladder complications such as stones,
infections, and possible bladder cancer
are more common with this method of

Complications of Neurogenic
Bladder in Transverse Myelitis

Urinary Tract Infections

Whatever the method of management

used, urinary tract infections are a risk
but are most common with an
indwelling catheter and least with
sacral root stimulation. Management
of these is controversial but generally
treatment is not recommended unless
there are significant symptoms. These
Figure 3 Urethral Stent would obviously include fever, flank
The stent lies in the center of the picture extending through the urethral pain, malaise, increased frequency of
sphincter. bladder contractions with
incontinence, blood in the urine, and
Figure 3, Contemporary Urology, October 1996, p. 20. very cloudy urine with a strong odor.
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 7
Some patients have more non-specific can lead to damage of the urethral awaited.
symptoms such as increased lining and it is estimated that 15% of
spasticity. Mild cloudiness and odor individuals develop some urethral In the surgical field, an alternative to
may clear on increased fluid intake problems after 10 to 15 years on this dividing the sacral sensory roots when
and more frequent catheterization. program. Most of these can be implanting the stimulator are being
Treatment with antibiotics should be treated successfully and sought. Various electrode
short term otherwise organisms catheterizations continued. configurations and stimulation
resistant to oral antibiotics may start Occasionally, if their problem is so paramaters are being tried to achieve
to appear. Long term or prophylactic severe, the urethra may have to be bladder emptying without stimulating
antibiotics are not recommended for abandoned. In this situation, either the whole reflex via the sensory
the same reason. The presence of an indwelling or suprapubic catheter, nerves. If this can be achieved, the
bacteria in the urine without or a cathetertizable suprapubic main objection that many patients
symptoms is not a reason to treat with artificial urethra will have to be have - the dividing of intact nerves -
antibiotics. considered. will be eliminated.

Urinary Stones In women, strictures are less Finally, my task as a urologist is to

common but in some, particularly
The risk of kidney and bladder stones those who have had an indwelling Chronic Pain in TM
is increased in any acutely paralyzed Foley catheter for many years, the Patients
individual if recovery does not occur urethra enlarges and urine leaks Douglas Kerr, MD PhD
within two to three months. around the catheter. Here, the
Decalcification of the skeleton results bladder neck has to be closed and
from disuse of the muscles and bones, some form of suprapubic treat the symptoms and side effects of
and the extra calcium is excreted in catheterization, either permanent or the organs (bladder and sphincters)
the urine, which may lead to intermittent, used. that are abnormal because of a spinal
metabolic kidney and bladder stones. cord disease. Clearly a cure for the
Later on, urinary tract infection itself Research neurological problem in the spinal
may cause stone formation. For cord would be the ultimate goal and
treatment, bladder stones are broken There are several areas of research make today's urological treatments
up and removed under anesthesia using chemical and biological agents obsolete.
using instruments through the urethra. to affect the nerves in the bladder and
For kidney stones, externally the muscles of the urethra. Recently, Dr. Kerr is an Assistant Professor in
generated and focused shock waves the sensory nerves responsible for the the Departments of Neurology and
(ESWL) can be successful for stones overactivity of the bladder reflex Molecular Microbiology and Immu-
less than 2 to 3 cm maximum have been identified. Chemical nology, Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is
diameter. For larger stones, agents related to the chili pepper also the Co -director of the Johns Hop-
instruments introduced via the ureter (Capsaicin) and a similar kins Transverse Myelopathy Center.
using energy from a Holmium laser manufactured substance Dr. Kerr serves on The Transverse
can be used. More effective is an (Resiniferatoxin) are under trial. Myelitis Association Medical Advisory
approach via the skin of the flank Introduction of these into the bladder Board.
directly into the kidney using a can abolish the reflex for several
telescope and various forms of energy months and may be an alternative to Many patients with TM report
to break up and remove the stone the oral medications, some of which symptoms of chronic pain. In our
fragments. Chemical dissolution of have troublesome side effects, and experience at the Johns Hopkins
the stones in the bladder may be are certainly less risky than the major Transverse Myelopathy Center,
successful if they are very small (3 to surgery of bladder augmentation. approximately 2/3 of patients report
4 mm.), but generally non-surgical Botulinus toxin has also been used to severe pain at some time in the acute
methods are unsuccessful. try and paralyze the urethral or convalescent stage. In
sphincter by injection. As an approximately 40% of patients, pain
Urethral Problems alternative to the urethral stent, it has continues as a major feature in the
not yet been shown to be very convalescent stage. Each patient
In men, repeated self catheterization effective or durable in producing describes the pain differently, but
of the urethra four to six times a day paralysis and further agents are many phrases are commonly used to
Page 8 The Transverse Myelitis Association
describe chronic pain from TM: stage, patients perform even the
“burning”, “shooting”, “aching”, or (previously) simple tasks differently. Whatever the cause, the effect of
“pins and needles”. Other patients Without knowing it, your body chronic pain on the patient tends to
report an ill-defined uncomfortable invokes new strategies to carry out a be more pervasive than that of acute
sensation that cannot otherwise be task, whether that task is walking or pain: it often profoundly affects the
characterized. urinating or having sex. This creates patient’s mood, personality, and so-
a new burden on the musculoskeletal cial relationships. People with
What are the reasons for this pain and system. Muscles that previously chronic pain typically experience
what can we do about it? I am not a were not important in this task are concomitant depression, sleep distur-
pain specialist, but I will try to called into action; ligaments that bance, fatigue and decreased overall
illustrate some of the basic principles were previously “quiet” now become physical functioning. As a result,
in neuropathic pain and its treatment. stretched in unusual ways; and joints pain is only one of many issues that
Subsequent articles will explore experience pressures that are new, must be addressed in the management
additional treatment options. For this often leading to arthritic pain. This of patients with chronic pain. Single
article, I will excerpt generously from mechanism for chronic pain modalities of treatment are rarely suf-
an article by Dr. Peter Staats, my illustrates the need for continuous ficient to treat chronic pain. Indeed,
colleague at Johns Hopkins and a and aggressive physical therapy to pain therapy that addresses only one
member of the JHTMC (Ashburn and strengthen and adapt the component of the pain experience is
Staats, The Lancet 252, May 1999, p. musculoskeletal system to the new destined to fail…Thus, the goal of
1865-1869). stressors (see below). therapy is to control pain and to reha-
bilitate the patient so that they can
Hundreds of millions of people We know that damaged neurons function as well as possible…In the
worldwide suffer from chronic pain. conduct impulses differently, often interdisciplinary management of
Neuropathic pain is a subset of leading to a perception of pain (or chronic pain, the core team typically
chronic pain due to irritation or other uncomfortable sensations). A comprises a pain management physi-
damage to peripheral or central variety of neurochemical changes cian, a psychologist, a nurse special-
nervous system cells. The end result occur to propagate the pain impulses: ist, a physical therapist, a vocational
is conduction of impulses to the brain inflammatory mediators (such as counselor, and the pharmacist…In
that convey the sensation of pain. In prostaglandins) are released in the many cases, the most realistic treat-
TM patients, chronic pain may be due peripheral nervous system and spinal ment goals for patients are: the reduc-
to one or several mechanisms. There cord that make the pain conducting tion, but not elimination, of pain; im-
may be damage to sensory nerves nerves more irritable, provement in physical functioning,
outside the spinal cord (nerve root neurotransmitters (such as substance mood and associated symptoms such
damage), or demyelination or P, bradykinins and endorphins) are as sleep; the development of active
neuronal injury to the region of the differentially produced and secreted, coping skills and a return to work.
spinal cord that mediates sensory and sodium channels that are
input to the brain (the dorsal column). responsible for the ability of nerves to Pharmacological Therapies There
Other mechanisms may include conduct impulses are differentially are several pharmacological therapies
aberrant regeneration of nerves produced and localized. The end that have been employed for patients
following the acute injury. This result of these changes is that nerves with intractable neuropathic pain.
mechanism, termed collateral that normally conduct pain impulses None of them works for every
sprouting, has been demonstrated do so at a lower threshold, and nerves patient, and unfortunately a “trial and
following peripheral nerve injury and that normally don’t conduct pain error” approach is usually required
may account for the fact that many impulses now do so. Though these since there are no known features that
TM patients report pain only after the changes are complex and are not predict responses to particular
acute injury. One final possible understood well even by experts, I approaches. Non-steroidal
mechanism for chronic pain is called include this information to convey anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS)
disinhibition: removal of tonic the message that the pain you are including medicines such as
descending input from the brain that experiencing is real, not imagined. ibuprofen, indomethacin, naprosyn
normally serves to inhibit pain due to and the newer COX-2 inhibitors
the TM. I should mention that not all I quote directly from Dr. Staats’ Vioxx and Celebryx have a role in
chronic pain in TM patients is article to illustrate the central some patients with chronic pain from
neuropathic pain. Following the acute principle of treating chronic pain: TM. These medicines are often more
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 9
effective for the musculoskeletal pain focusing” (Ashburn and Staats). referenced here and any others that
triggers described above. The use of discuss neuropathic or chronic pain.
opioid analgesics such as Demerol, Interventional Methods Nerve Family and caregiver support is
Percocet, and Morphine is blocks can be performed to modulate critical. And most importantly, once
controversial because of the risk for pain perception and can be you have received input from the
addiction and common adverse side performed in multiple areas of the
effects: constipation, sedation, body. Unfortunately, these blocks Member Questions
rebound pain and impaired cognition. are rarely helpful in TM patients and Answers from
Tricyclic antidepressants, such as unless the primary pain generator Norman J. Uretsky, PhD
imipramine, nortriptyline and exists outside of the spinal cord (in
amitriptyline, have a benefit in the pelvis, for example). Epidural
chronic pain that is independent of steroid injections are more likely to health care team, sit down with your
their anti-depressant activity, and can be helpful and involve the use of a family or close friends and decide on
be very beneficial in TM patients with needle to inject steroids into the how YOU will beat this and begin to
chronic pain. However, because of space just outside of the spinal cord. function better. Taking control and
the anti-depressant effect and the This approach results in decreased setting goals are critical!
beneficial effect on sleep, these drugs edema in the area and decreased
may “get two or three birds with one synthesis of pain mediators and can Norman J. Uretsky, Ph.D. is a
stone.” Patients on these drugs need be beneficial in pain that is in a Professor of Pharmacology in the
to be aware of the important side localized area of the back with or College of Pharmacy at The Ohio
effects including urinary retention, without radiation to the front of the State University. Dr. Uretsky’s
constipation, dry mouth and sedation. body or buttocks. research interests include
Anti-convulsants such as neuropharmacology, neurotransmitter
carbamazepine (Tegetol) and Implantable methods Two release in animal behavior and
gabapentin (Neurontin) function by implantable methods of pain therapy neurological diseases. If you have
stabilizing sodium channels thus are often employed in patients with questions for Dr. Uretsky regarding
decreasing firing of irritable nerves. TM: pump delivery of medicine to medications, please send those to
This mechanism explains the manner the epidural or subarachnoid space in Sandy Siegel; we will attempt to have
in which they protect patients from the base of the spine, or spinal cord your questions addressed in the next
seizures and probably underlies the stimulation. Each of these newsletter.
ability to decrease neuropathic pain approaches is invasive and presents a
(especially burning or shooting pain). risk of surgical complication or The following information is offered
Several other medicines such as infection. However, for intractable as a general response to questions
Ultram, clonidine, baclofen and pain, these can be procedures that related to Transverse Myelitis and is
dextromethorphan (the last of which allow restoration of function in some not to be construed as a specific
is an inhibitor of glutamate receptors TM patients. medical recommendation for any
on neurons) have been tried in individual. This information is based
patients with neuropathic pain and An important predictor in whether or on the information provided in a brief
have been successful in some. not chronic pain can be controlled in question and is without the benefit of a
a given patient is the undertaking of complete history or an examination.
Behavioral/Cognitive Therapies an aggressive multidisciplinary Any decisions regarding medications
Behavioral approaches have been approach. In many cases, patients or treatment should be made in
used with success in patients with have to be the aggressor with their consultation with your physician who
neuropathic pain with some successes. health care teams. Many physicians is best suited to make appropriate
“Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a are uncomfortable treating patients medical recommendations for you.
psychological method that attempts to with pain. If this is the case with
change patterns of negative thoughts your physician, fire him or her. Or at My doctor has me on a combination
and dysfunctional attitudes to foster least, get a referral to see a pain of Neurontin (gabapentin-300 mg
more healthy and adaptive thoughts, specialist. Ask your physicians about three times a day) and mexiletine
emotions and actions in the patient. the modalities described here. Each (Mexitil-150 mg three times a day).
Relaxation and hypnotic techniques may or may not be appropriate for a Can you discuss how this combina-
utilize imagery, distraction or directed given patient. I would even suggest tion of drugs works to decrease the
relaxation to obtain attention reading the article that I have paresthesias. The combo seems to
Page 10 The Transverse Myelitis Association
work better than a higher level of Mexiletine and lidocaine produce estrogenic and androgenic hormones.
Neurontin alone, and without the their effects by blocking sodium Current evidence suggests that
brain fogginess that the Neurontin channels of excitable tissue, like androgenic hormones released from
causes. heart and nerve cells, preventing the primary sex organs (testes and
sodium ion from entering the tissue. ovaries) and the adrenal gland play a
A paresthesia is a spontaneously Such an action would inhibit significant role in determining the
occurring abnormal sensation, which spontaneous overactivity in nerve intensity of sex drive. In addition,
sometimes can be painful. The cells without inhibiting normal nerve since libido is a drive for a type of
sensation is usually caused by a type activity. The drug when taken orally pleasure or reward, it is in part
of neuropathy that produces an does not produce a numbing mediated by dopamine transmission in
impairment in the function of sensory sensation like that produced by the the nucleus accumbens and other
nerves in the periphery or spinal cord. local administration of local forebrain regions. Dopamine
The sensory nerves send spontaneous anesthetic drugs. Mexiletine, like transmission at these sites is
nerve impulses, which create the Neurontin, also has dose-limiting postulated to mediate the rewarding
abnormal sensation. Paresthesias side effects. sensations associated with drugs of
frequently respond poorly to standard abuse, such as heroin, cocaine, and
pain therapies. Mexiletine and Neurontin have amphetamine. Finally, dopamine
different mechanisms of action in transmission in the hypothalamus also
The therapeutic approach to inhibiting the spontaneous nerve plays a role in the sex drive.
neuropathic sensory complaints is to impulses in nerve cells. Frequently
administer drugs to inhibit the two drugs that produce their effects The second stage of the sexual
elevated spontaneous activity of the by different mechanisms are used in response, which is referred to as
neuron. There are a variety of drugs combination because it is possible to arousal, is initiated by a subjective
that will do this, including achieve a greater therapeutic effect sense of sexual excitement,
anticonvulsant drugs and than that produced by each drug experienced as anticipation and desire.
antiarrhythmic drugs. Neurontin, alone. The combination therapy This feeling induces an increase in
which is widely used to treat may, therefore, allow lower doses of nerve impulses that travel from
neuropathic conditions, is classified as each drug to be used, thereby specific sites in the brain through the
an anticonvulsant drug. At the reducing the adverse effects spinal cord to peripheral neurons.
present time, its mechanism of action produced by each drug. These neurons, which innervate blood
is unclear. Some pharmacologists vessels carrying blood to erectile
believe that the drug blocks calcium tissue (penis, clitoris, etc.), synthesize
ion entry into nerve cells, which What is the effect of the drug silde- and release nitric oxide, a gas, from
would inhibit the release of nafil (Viagra) in women? How does their nerve terminals. The released
neurotransmitters within a sensory this drug produce its effects? Is nitric oxide diffuses into vascular
pathway. Other scientists believe there research going on regarding smooth muscle and binds to and
that Neurontin enhances the effects of drugs that are designed to assist activates an enzyme, guanylate
the inhibitory neurotransmitter, women who experience sexual dys- cyclase, which induces the formation
GABA. The drug has a wide dose function from neurological condi- of a compound called cyclic GMP.
range but at high doses, it produces tions? The newly formed cyclic GMP
among other effects, sedation, blurry mediates the relaxation of vascular
vision, and dizziness. I assume these Three Stages of the Sexual smooth muscle, resulting in dilation or
equate with brain fogginess. Response opening of arteries that carry blood to
erectile tissue. As a result, blood will
Mexiletine (Mexitil) is an orally In order to understand the effects of flow into erectile tissue, producing
active analog of the local anesthetic, drugs on sexual function, it is useful tissue enlargement and swelling (men
lidocaine (lidocaine is not orally to divide the sexual response into and women) and increasing mucus
active). Like lidocaine, it is used three stages. The first stage, libido, secretion (women), which is
primarily as an antidysrhythmic drug refers to the desire for sex or sex responsible for lubrication. The
to correct abnormal rhythms of the drive. Libido is influenced by dilating action of cyclic GMP on
heart. Like lidocaine, mexiletine has sexually-related thoughts and blood vessels is terminated by its
also been shown to be effective in sensations. It is also influenced by interaction with the enzyme,
certain neuropathic conditions. hormonal factors, such as levels of phosphodiesterase type-5, which
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 11
metabolizes (chemically changes) million American men have concentration of cyclic GMP during
cyclic GMP to an inactive metabolite. difficulty or have been unable to the arousal stage might induce the
Thus, this enzyme, phosphodiesterase achieve an erection that is sufficient dilation of erectile tissue arteries,
type-5, plays an important role in for sexual intercourse. There are when a lower concentration would be
terminating the swelling of the many possible causes of this ineffective.
erectile tissue by metabolizing cyclic condition. For example, a
GMP. It is worth noting that neurological impairment would Sildenafil (Viagra) was introduced in
acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter interfere with the functioning of 1998 to treat erectile dysfunction
released from parasympathetic nerves carrying impulses from the (impotence) in males, and the sales of
nerves, also plays a role in erection. brain to the peripheral neurons this drug have been tremendous,
The acetylcholine is released from regulating the accumulation of blood reaching approximately $1 billion
neurons and produces a constriction in erectile tissue. In addition, certain dollars with physicians writing 40,000
of veins. This serves to occlude the drugs (for example, antidepressants prescriptions a day. The drug is
outflow of blood from erectile tissue, that inhibit serotonin reuptake), as reported to reverse erectile
resulting in a further increase in well as psychological problems, e.g., dysfunction in a majority of men.
pressure in blood vessels of erectile depression, may also interfere with The drug produces its therapeutic
tissue, producing additional swelling. the activity of neurons that regulate effects in this condition by enhancing
erectile tissue. Presumably in these the dilation of blood vessels of
The third stage of the sexual response circumstances, insufficient nitric erectile tissue induced by nitric oxide
is referred to as the orgasm or the oxide is released from neurons, released from peripheral neurons. It
climax of sexual pleasure. In the resulting in an insufficient formation does this by prolonging the effect of
male, this stage involves ejaculation. of cyclic GMP. As a consequence, the nitric oxide induced, newly
In the female, it involves the the level and/or duration of cyclic - formed cyclic GMP. As indicated
contraction of various muscles GMP in smooth muscle would be above, the action of cyclic GMP is
throughout the body, as well as the inadequate to produce or maintain terminated by its metabolism, which
rhythmical contraction of the muscles sufficient dilation of the blood is catalyzed by the enzyme,
of the vagina and uterus, which is vessels of erectile tissue in response phosphodiesterase type-5. Viagra
produced by spinal reflexes. The to sexual excitement. In males, this inhibits this enzyme, thereby blocking
eventual removal of blood from would be expressed as the inability the chemical breakdown of cyclic
erectile tissue is in part the result of to produce a penile erection. An GMP. Therefore, after Viagra
the metabolism of the cyclic GMP by inability to produce an erection could administration, cyclic GMP can
phosphodiesterase type-5 (as also be caused by performance accumulate in sufficient quantities to
described above) and the activity of anxiety. This anxiety activates the permit erectile tissue arterial dilation.
sympathetic nerves that innervate sympathetic nervous system (fight or The resulting increase in blood flow
blood vessels. Norepinephrine flight reflex) causing the excessive into erectile tissue causes swelling
released from sympathetic nerves release of norepinephrine from resulting in an erect penis. It should
activates alpha adrenergic receptors sympathetic nerve endings. The be noted that Viagra will only be
on the smooth muscle of arteries, subsequent activation of alpha- effective in a sexually excited
producing muscle contraction which adrenergic receptors produces a individual. What this means is that
results in constriction or narrowing of constriction rather than a dilation of Viagra will only be effective if
the blood vessels. This would the arteries of erectile tissue, thereby neurons are actively firing and
decrease the flow of blood to erectile inhibiting blood flow and erection. producing and releasing sufficient
tissue. In addition, released Another mechanism to explain nitric oxide to stimulate the formation
norepinephrine can activate beta impaired erection is that the arteries of cyclic GMP in smooth muscle.
adrenergic receptors on the smooth supplying blood to erectile tissue Viagra will not enhance erections if
muscle of veins, and the resulting may be partially blocked (by neurons are not actively releasing
dilation of veins increases the flow of atherosclerotic plaques), preventing nitric oxide or if blood vessel walls
blood away from the erectile tissue. the increased blood flow into erectile are so damaged (atherosclerosis) that
tissue. In all of these conditions, the they are unable to dilate. Interestingly,
Sildenafil (Viagra) Actions in arousal phase of the sexual response Viagra has been reported to be
Treating Male Sexual Dysfunction in which sexual excitement leads to effective under a variety of
the swelling of erectile tissue would circumstances. For example, some
It has been estimated that 20-30 be impaired, and a higher men with spinal cord injury
Page 12 The Transverse Myelitis Association
(impairment in nerve impulses to excitement must be present in order females, this effect is not associated
peripheral tissue) are reported to be for the drug to be beneficial. If with an enhancement in sexual desire,
helped in achieving an erection with psychological problems constitute arousal, or the ability to achieve
Viagra. In addition, some men with the major factor responsible for orgasm. Thus, these observations
psychological problems but without sexual dysfunction in women, than it suggest that for women psychological
an obvious organic disorder are also should not be expected that an influences are more important than
reported to be helped by the drug. It, increase in genital blood flow would physical influences in determining
therefore appears that in both of these reverse sexual dysfunction? sexual dysfunction.
conditions, the individual can be
sexually excited, and nitric oxide can The major conclusion of studies to Do the results of these studies mean
be formed, released from peripheral date on the effect of Viagra in that Viagra is ineffective in treating all
neurons, and induce smooth muscle women is that the drug is not a types of sexual dysfunction in
relaxation in blood vessels of erectile universal panacea for sexual women? The answer is no. Studies
tissue. dysfunction. While Viagra appears to completed to date do not exclude the
increase genital blood flow and possibility that Viagra may be useful
Sildenafil (Viagra) and Female vaginal lubrication, it did not in treating certain subgroups of
Sexual Dysfunction produce a statistically significant women with sexual problems. Thus,
reversal of sexual dysfunction. Viagra may be effective for certain
After Viagra was deemed to be Interestingly, the studies illustrate the conditions. It was reported in a
successful in treating male erectile importance of comparing the effects Newsweek article that one researcher
dysfunction, the question was raised of Viagra with those produced by from the Pfizer study felt that this
whether Viagra would also be placebo (inert drug). In one study in study may have incorporated women
effective in treating sexual post-menopausal women, 25% of the with too many varied complaints to be
dysfunction in women. Viagra would subjects taking Viagra claimed definitive on the issue of the
be expected to have the same effect improvement in overall sexual effectiveness of Viagra in treating
on erectile tissue in women as it does function. Although a placebo group certain types of sexual dysfunction. In
in men. Thus, the erectile tissue in was not tested, the improvement in support of this statement, it has been
women (clitoris and labia) is almost function of these subjects was reported that Viagra is beneficial in
identical to the erectile tissue of the interpreted as a placebo effect. This women with normal arousal patterns
penis and is controlled in the same conclusion was supported by a much whose sexual dysfunction is related to
way by parasympathetic nerves which larger trial sponsored by Pfizer, the pelvic trauma or surgery, such as
release nitric oxide. In addition, company that produces Viagra. This hysterectomy. Its effectiveness in
phosphodiesterase type-5, which study was conducted double -blind in women after hysterectomy suggests
metabolizes cyclic GMP, is found in which neither the participants nor the that some peripheral neurons are intact
human clitoral erectile tissue, and this physicians knew which women were and can mediate arousal. In addition,
activity can be inhibited by sildenafil getting Viagra or placebo. Viagra may be effective in
(Viagra). Consequently, it was Approximately 30-50% of women postmenopausal women who are
expected that Viagra would produce that received either Viagra or placebo receiving hormone replacement
the same increase in genital blood claimed that their sexual function therapy (estrogen and testosterone). It
flow in women as it does in men. was improved, and there was no is still an open question whether
However, the importance of enhanced statistical significance between the Viagra is effective in treating sexual
genital blood flow in relation to responses of the drug-treated and dysfunction in women with specific
sexual dysfunction in women is placebo-treated groups. This neurological disorders, including
unclear. Sexual dysfunction in suggests that the effectiveness of spinal damage? As mentioned above,
women has always been considered drugs on sexual function may depend the drug has been reported to be
by experts in this field to be more to a large extent on the expectations beneficial in some men with spinal
complex than that in men and and beliefs of users. Actually, this is injuries. Viagra has also been shown
attributed more to psychological not a surprising observation, since to be effective in treating women who
problems than physical problems placebo effects are an important part experience sexual dysfunction
(such as insufficient genital blood of the therapeutic response to Viagra produced by using certain
flow). Remember, Viagra does not in males. The Viagra studies suggest antidepressant drugs. Selective
stimulate sexual desire and that while the drug can increase serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Prozac,
excitement; rather, desire and blood flow to erectile tissue in Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa) may
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 13
produce a decreased sex drive and a dependent upon peripheral nerve doses of testosterone (1/10th of the
decreased ability to achieve orgasm. activity and nitric oxide formation dose given to males) experience an
Viagra is reported to reverse the latter and release. It will even be increase in sexual desire. There are
effect. This suggests that the maintained after ejaculation has different ways of administering
decreased difficulty in achieving occurred. Prostaglandin E can be testosterone, including injection,
orgasm associated with the use of applied as an ointment, cream, or topically, sublingually (under the
these antidepressants may be related transurethral suppositories. While I tongue), and orally. While oral
to a decrease in nitric oxide formation am unaware whether this drug has preparations are available, they are
and release from neurons. been tested in women, it would seem generally not recommended because
that it could be used by topical of the danger of testosterone impairing
Other Drugs Used or Tested for administration or by suppository to liver function. Recently, it has been
Sexual Dysfunction increase blood flow to erectile tissue reported that a combination androgen/
in women. Its effectiveness in estrogen replacement therapy
Aside from Viagra, what other drugs treating sexual dysfunction in women improved sexual desire to a greater
are now being used or tested for their is not likely to be better than Viagra. extent than estrogen replacement
effects on sexual dysfunction? To my therapy alone or placebo. Thus, this
knowledge, the following drugs are Apomorphine (Uprima) was in trials might be a legitimate way of reversing
postulated to be useful in treating for erectile dysfunction in males; sexual dysfunction caused by a lack of
sexual dysfunction. Phentolamine however, it has recently been sexual desire.
medylate (Vasomax) is an oral withdrawn by the manufacturer. This
medication that is used to treat male is a new dosage form of Bupropion (Wellbutrin and Zyban) is
erectile dysfunction. This drug apomorphine, which is available as an antidepressant drug that blocks the
antagonizes the constrictor effects of Zydis for the treatment of reuptake of released dopamine in the
norepinephrine on blood vessels Parkinson’s Disease. It is useful for brain, thereby increasing dopamine
supplying erectile tissue by blocking this disease because apomorphine transmission. Drugs that enhance
alpha-1adrenergic receptors on directly activates dopamine receptors dopamine transmission are generally
arterial smooth muscle. As a result, in the brain. When used for erectile associated with an increase in sexual
there is increased blood flow to dysfunction, Apomorphine (Uprima) functioning. For example,
erectile tissue. Vasomax is likely to is taken sublingually (under the psychostimulant drugs, such as
produce the same effects as Viagra. tongue) prior to sexual activity. amphetamine, methylphenidate,
While, unlike Viagra, Vasomax can While the exact mechanism of action ephedrine and cocaine, appear to
be used if the patient is also taking of this drug is not known, it is enhance sexual desire and drive.
nitroglycerin or other nitrates, this thought to enhance sexual desire and Since dopaminergic activity in the
drug may produce a higher incidence arousal by activating receptors for brain is involved in the experience of
of hypotension. Its effectiveness in the neurotransmitter, dopamine, in pleasure (nucleus accumbens) as well
treating female sexual dysfunction is the nucleus accumbens and as sexual functioning (paraventricular
an open question. paraventricular nucleus of the nucleus), bupropion would be
hypothalamus. This compound expected to exert a positive influence
Prostaglandin E (Alprostadil) is a might be useful in treating on sexual desire and drive. The results
substance that has been used locally psychologically-induced sexual of trials with this drug have been
to increase blood flow to erectile dysfunction in women. The major positive. In addition, bupropion has
tissue in males. The drug, under the side effects of apomorphine are been used effectively in reversing the
trade name, Caverject, is injected nausea, vomiting, hypotension and sexual dysfunction caused by the
directly into penile erectile tissue (the fainting. The manufacturer has selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
corpora cavernosa), which then dilates indicated it will resubmit its antidepressants.
blood vessels of erectile tissue, application at a later date.
resulting in the rapid development of Yohimbine (Yocan, Aphrodyne,
an erection. This effect lasts The hormone, testosterone, appears Yohimex) is a drug derived from the
approximately 1-2 hours. Unlike the to increase sexual desire in women bark of a West African evergreen tree
effects of Viagra and Vasomax, the whose desire is reduced, possibly due that has been used to treat erectile
erection produced by prostaglandin E to a deficiency in endogenous dysfunction in men. Yohimbine is
is maintained regardless of sexual androgen levels. It has been reported believed to act in the peripheral and
stimulation because it is not that women who receive very low central nervous systems to improve
Page 14 The Transverse Myelitis Association
erectile function. In the periphery, physicians and scientists have form. You may also register on-line
the drug blocks a type of alpha- committed to attend, and this at the following website: . If you
adrenergic receptor (alpha-2 receptor) promises to foster an exciting register on-line, be sure to fill out a
located on the smooth muscle of exchange of scientific information. separate registration form for each
arteries, thereby preventing the Lectures will discuss the underlying registrant. We appreciate your taking
constricting action of the causes of TM, acute treatments and the time to register in this fashion; it
neurotransmitter, norepinephrine. chronic treatments (including neural will assist us in keeping accurate
The resulting dilation increases the stem cells and other strategies aimed records.
blood flow into erectile tissue. The at restoring function). We will also
discuss when we may initiate stem We are looking forward to seeing you
The Second International cell trials in humans! Through the in Baltimore.
Transverse Myelitis symposium, we will formally The Second International
Symposium establish a network of hospitals Transverse Myelitis Symposium:
Douglas Kerr, MD, PhD providing excellence in care to TM Registration
patients. This consortium will serve
to further our goals of understanding Sponsored by The Johns Hopkins
drug also increases acetylcholine this disease and improving University School of Medicine
release from neurons, further treatments. Finally, we hope to Thursday through Sunday
constricting penile veins, which educate patients and caregivers about July 12 – 15, 2001
prevents outflow of blood from this disease, treatment options and
erectile tissue (see above). In what the future may hold. Target Audience : Physicians and other
addition to peripheral effects, the drug health care providers (i.e., physical thera-
is thought to act in the central nervous The Holiday Inn was selected be- pists, occupational therapists, social work-
system to increase sexual desire. As cause we wanted to keep the room ers), scientists, transverse myelitis patients
yohimbine can produce a variety of cost as low as possible. The Hotel and their caregivers.
adverse effects, its use requires has several wheelchair-accessible
medical supervision. rooms available, but we may need to Course Description: This symposium
have some people stay in nearby ho- is designed to foster understanding of
We are pleased to announce the tels if the demand is too great. the clinical and research features of
Second International Transverse transverse myelitis and to facilitate
Myelitis Symposium. It will be held An Early Registration and a interaction and discussion among
at the Holiday Inn, Inner Harbor in Welcoming Reception will take patients with TM and caregivers.
Baltimore from July 12th-15th 2001. place Wednesday evening, July 11th
from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Objectives: Upon completion of this
This symposium promises to be an Inn, Inner Harbor Hotel on the program, the participant should be
amazing opportunity for patients and Rooftop Level. Regular registration able to:
caregivers to meet other patients with and continental breakfast will begin
TM, to discuss issues with other on Thursday morning on the Lobby • identify the clinical features of
patients and with health care Level. The program will start transverse myelitis;
providers, and to hear what the immediately following and continue • identify current treatments for
scientific community is doing to all day Thursday, Friday and transverse myelitis;
figure out this disease. Many of you Saturday with a half-day session on • understand current research and
have not met other TM patients, and I Sunday. potential future interventions; and
think all of us would agree from the • recognize issues of management
Seattle symposium that this is a really The details regarding the registration of TM patients.
important opportunity. Further, there process are provided in the following
will be several discussions by various information. We are also providing General Information
physicians about how to manage the you with two registration forms,
ongoing symptoms of TM until we which are included with this Meeting Location and
develop better treatments for them. newsletter. Each registrant (each Accommodations
person planning to attend the
The symposium will have several sessions and paying the registration Holiday Inn, Inner Harbor
overlapping goals. Several prominent fee) is being requested to fill out a 301 West Lombard Street
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 15
Baltimore, Maryland 21201 minutes. The stop is on Howard payments must be made with
(800) HOLIDAY Street between Baltimore and IMPACT credit cards.
(410) 685-3500 Lombard Streets. The hotel is on the
Fax: (410) 727-6169 corner of Howard and Lombard Please note: The registration fee for
Streets; you will see the hotel on pre-registered participants must be
Conference Rate: $159 Single/ your left as you travel north to the received by the start of the meeting.
Double plus 12.5% tax stop. Regular fare is $1.35 one-way Payments received after that date,
Hotel Cut-off Date: June 24, 2001 and only $.45 one-way for those in including on-site registrations, will be
Conveniently located in downtown wheelchairs. assessed a $25 surcharge. A
Baltimore, the Holiday Inn is within certificate of attendance cannot be
walking distance of the Inner Harbor, **** provided until payment has been
the site of many attractions, shops, The BWI Airport Van is available received and processed. Certificates
restaurants and clubs. with 24 hours notice. There are nine for registrations received within five
vans available that can handle one days of the start of the course and for
Call the Holiday Inn directly to make wheelchair at a time. Call (410) 859- on-site registrations will be mailed
your room reservation and be sure to 1102 or 1103 to make arrangements. within four weeks of the completion
mention the Johns Hopkins TM Cost is approximately $20 one-way of the course.
meeting to receive the special group to the hotel.
rate. Fully handicapped accessible An enrollment confirmation will be
rooms are limited. Additional **** sent to each registrant. If you do not
handicapped rooms are available at receive a confirmation by July 5th ,
the Days Inns Hotel, which is two BWI Airport taxis are readily please call (410) 955-3169 to confirm
blocks from the Holiday Inn. You available on the lower level of the that you are registered.
may call the Days Inn directly at airport.
(410) 576-1000, if you are unable to Cancellation Policy: If you must
secure a room at the conference site. **** cancel, notify the Office of
The Cut-off date for the Days Inn is Continuing Medical Education by
June 11th. The Super Shuttle ($11 – one way) phone, (410) 955-2959, or fax, (410)
makes regularly scheduled stops at 955-0807. An administrative fee of
United Airlines Discounts: ID # the hotel. The vans are available on $50 will be retained on all refunds,
549TJ the lower level. There is one which will be processed only after
Call (800) 521-4041 for discount wheelchair-accessible van. To make written notice is received.
rates. arrangements for this van, call 1- Cancellations received after July 5th
800-258-3826 ahead of time. The are non-refundable. The Johns
van can accommodate one chair and Hopkins University reserves the right
Ground Transportation from
four guests or two chairs and two to cancel this course at any time. In
Baltimore -Washington
guests. The cost is also $11. this event, the full registration fee will
International Airport (BWI)
be returned to the registrant.
Handicapped-Accessible Light Rail Registration Fees
Service is available from the Registration and Reception: An
International Wing (East Wing) of the Physicians: $400 Early Registration and a Welcoming
BWI Airport, from the lower level, Residents & Fellows (with Reception will take place Wednesday
which is also the baggage level. You verification of status), and Allied evening, July 11th from 4:30 - 6:30
will see a sign over the door “To the Health Professionals: $300 PM at the Holiday Inn, Inner Harbor
Light Rail.” The light rail runs from The Transverse Myelitis Association Hotel on the Rooftop Level. Regular
5:20 a.m. to midnight, weekdays and Members: $200 registration and continental breakfast
Saturdays and from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 will begin on Thursday morning on
p.m. on Sundays. The registration fee includes the Lobby Level.
instructional materials, refreshment
breaks and luncheons. Foreign Social Events
You should take the Northbound train
to the University Center-Baltimore payments must be made by credit
card or with a U.S. Dollar World A reception and tour of the National
Street stop, a ride of about 25
Money Order, and government Aquarium will be held on Friday
Page 16 The Transverse Myelitis Association
evening at 7:00 PM and a banquet at induced spinal cord paralysis. We The Johns Hopkins
the conference site will be held on presented this data at the Society for Transverse Myelopathy
Saturday evening at 6:30 PM for Neuroscience meeting in November, Center: An Update
registrants, faculty and their guests. and it was picked up by all of the Douglas Kerr, MD PhD
Please indicate your attendance on the major news organizations (ABC,
meeting registration form. There is CBS, NBC, FOX, Reuters and AP).
no additional cost for attending these What we have done is to inject neural Molecular Cell detailing the important
events. stem cells into animals that have role of the Survival of Motor Neuron
previously been paralyzed by a virus (SMN) protein and other proteins in
(Sindbis virus). The stem cells were protecting motor neurons from death.
administered into the spinal fluid that
Accreditation bathes the spinal cord (essentially we
did a lumbar puncture on the
The Johns Hopkins University School animals, but instead of withdrawing
of Medicine is accredited by the fluid, we injected the stem cells). I would like to take this opportunity to
Accreditation Council for Continuing We then observed the animals for provide an update on the Johns
Medical Education to sponsor functional recovery. To our delight, Hopkins Transverse Myelopathy
continuing medical education for we observed that the stem Center. We have now been in
physicians. The Johns Hopkins cell-treated animals began moving existence for approximately 15
University School of Medicine takes their hind limbs after 8 weeks. Some months. In that time, we have seen
responsibility for the content, quality had only slight recovery while others 185 TM patients (and counting). So,
and scientific integrity of this CME were able to flex their legs and bear already we have seen more TM
activity. weight on that limb. patients than anybody in the world. I
certainly hope that for those of you
For Further Information: So what is the relevance of this to who have come here, you feel that we
TMA members? Well, this line of have provided you with information
Office of Continuing Medical experimentation is early, but we about your disease, and have given
Education certainly hope to advance these excellent care. Many of you have
Johns Hopkins University School of studies to ultimately consider the use come from far away and our primary
Medicine of stem cells in human patients with role after the initial visit is to make
720 Rutland Avenue, Turner 20 TM. What we have to do now is to recommendations to your other
Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2195 extend these findings in larger doctors. We have often “strongly
(410) 955-2959 animals (monkeys). We also have to encouraged” physicians by a letter or
FAX (410) 955-0807 carry out long term experiments to phone call to obtain a standing frame
TM Research: An Update show that the recovery is permanent or more aggressive PT or bladder
and that the stem cells don’t medications for a patient, for
Douglas Kerr, MD PhD
ultimately cause harm. This will take example. Many of you who have
several years, so please be patient. been here have filled out one or more
But also understand that we are questionnaires regarding your case of working very hard to advance these TM. The information you have
findings as rapidly as possible! provided has been invaluable in
Program Updates: The website will creating a database that is currently
be updated regularly with the We also are continuing to investigate being analyzed. From this, we hope
program schedule, faculty listing and the mechanisms of neuronal injury in to gain information on such questions
credit information: . A map of the spinal cord. We reason that if we as what are the clinical features most
Baltimore, which locates the Holiday better understand why neurons die in common in TM both in the acute and
Inn, Inner Harbor is also included on the spinal cord, then we can devise convalescent phase, is there a
the website. ways to halt this death. Dr. Irani and relationship to vaccinations, to trauma
colleagues recently published these or to preceding infections.
Some of you may have heard about findings in the Journal of Virology,
the publicity surrounding our recent while I published two papers with The website is soon to undergo
data concerning the use of neural colleagues in the Proceedings of the renovation. There will be new text
stem cells in animals with viral National Academy of Sciences and in added and there will be instructions
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 17
and recommendations to physicians
who may be seeing an acute TM In Their Own Words
patient for the first time. It is hoped
that such a physician may see this In each issue of the newsletter, we will bring you a column that presents
while the patient is in the emergency the experiences of our members. Their stories are presented In Their
room and would then initiate Own Words by way of letters they have sent us. We are most
treatment more quickly than appreciative of their willingness to share their very personal stories. It is
otherwise. our hope that through the sharing of these experiences, we will all learn
Having said all that, we certainly are something about each other and about ourselves. It is our hope that the
having some growing pains, so I stories will help us all realize that we are not alone. You may submit
respectfully ask that patients have your stories by sending them either by e-mail or through the postal
patience. Philis Carbonell (my service to Sandy Siegel.
secretary) and I are involved with
most of the TM patients who come
Violet (Joyce) Chandler every day for about a week. After a
here, and we try to do the best we
Woodville Alabama week I seemed to be getting better so
can. But we are sometimes
overwhelmed! So, we may not call he allowed me to return to work but
back right away, and sometimes we wanted me to call if I had any sign of
identify any errors in the member- further pain. Throughout the month
drop the ball on certain issues. We
ship directory, you may also notify of January, I didn’t quite feel right. I
ultimately hope to hire additional
the Association with the corrections normally walked two miles each day,
personnel and we are attempting to
in the same manner. but found that I would become weak
procure funding for this, but until
then we may have busy periods. after just a short walk.

If anybody thinks that Philis has done On February 1st of 1994 I was at
a great job in setting up the visit to work and during my lunch hour I
In October 1993 I was living and went for a long walk. I didn’t get far
the JHTMC, I would urge people to working in Southern California
let her (and her bosses) know. She when I felt a strong weakness around
(Huntington Beach). My boss my mid-section (I cannot describe it),
works very hard and would be very encouraged all of his employees to
appreciative of kind feedback (or I just felt very weak. I went back to
take the flu shots that were offered my office and rested through the
even negative feedback if that be the by the company, because we were
case). Notes could be sent to Philis duration of my lunch break. A couple
working on a critical government of hours later, I had to go downstairs
Carbonell at Johns Hopkins Hospital, program. Many of us would be
Pathology 627, 600 N. Wolfe St., to the first floor of my building and
working lots of overtime hours and on the way back upstairs, my legs
Baltimore MD 21287-6965. Please he didn't want anyone to get sick.
cc Jane Hill at Johns Hopkins went weak on me and I almost fell on
So I got in line and took the flu shot. the stairs. When I got to the top of the
Hospital, Meyer 8-181, 600 N. Wolfe Later during the Christmas holiday, I
St., Baltimore MD 21287-6965. stairs, a numbing sensation started at
had several family members staying my toes and quickly climbed up my
at my home who were sick with the legs to my waist. I limped back to my
flu. desk and sat there for a while trying to
figure out why the lower part of my
On January 1, 1994, I awoke with a body had gone to sleep. I got up and
We Don’t Want to Lose swollen and very tender stomach. tried to walk it off, but my lower back
You Throughout the day, my discomfort started hurting. I decided I'd better go
grew worse. I suspected I might see a doctor so I left work and walked
Please notify the Association of any have a bladder infection. The next to my car. My home was just two
changes to your postal address, your day I called my doctor and he was miles away and I drove straight home
phone number or your e-mail address. able to see me right away. His to get my husband. Just a few
You can notify the Association by diagnosis was possible appendicitis, minutes after arriving home, I felt
sending a letter or postcard to Sandy but he wanted to watch me over a extreme pressure to urinate and have a
Siegel or by sending the information few days to see what would happen. BM and went into the bathroom. I
through e-mail to He placed me on a liquid only diet was able to get everything started, but If you regimen and I went to his office
Page 18 The Transverse Myelitis Association
it stopped in midstream. I wasn’t able was the sickest I had ever been in my original neurologist did not practice at
to complete the elimination. I life. this new hospital. I was very sick for
immediately started to feel the most the first few days and I had lost 16
intense pain in my back and yelled for I remember telling the nurse that I pounds in just eight days. I was
my husband to help me finish had to urinate and she told me to get heavily medicated, but cannot recall
dressing. I told my husband I needed up and go to the bathroom and then at this time what medications I was
to go to the doctor immediately and left the room. I couldn’t get up and given. I know I was given prednisone
explained the numbness and pain. told her when she returned later. She in heavy doses and an antidepressant.
then brought a bedside potty-chair I hallucinated from the prednisone
My husband rushed me to our and left my room again. I dragged and later learned that the nursing staff,
doctor’s office. Our GP ran me myself out of the bed and hoisted having forgotten to give me the
through a battery of tests. He asked myself up on the potty-chair but medication on time, had “doubled up”
me to close my eyes and stand on one couldn’t go. I then had to on the medication, on several
leg. I couldn't balance myself on manipulate my body back into the occasions, which caused me to have
either leg. He asked me to stand on bed. All through the night I told the increased heart rate and
my tiptoes; I couldn't do that either. nurse I had a full bladder and I was hallucinations. I was dizzy when
He asked me if it was OK for him to in a lot of pain. She called the doctor sitting up and felt faint. I had no
call a neurologist to discuss my and then gave me a pain shot. But appetite and refused to eat. I was
symptoms. I said yes, of course. He not until she scolded me for getting weaker instead of stronger. I
called a neurologist and after bothering her and she said to me, also noticed that I had blurred vision
explaining my situation told me to go “are you sure you’re in pain, or are and a ringing in my left ear. These
immediately to the emergency room you just scared?” I assured her I was symptoms disappeared after a couple
and the neurologist would meet me in pain. The next day, I was taken of weeks.
there after he finished with his office across the hospital parking lot to an
patients. MRI facility where I was given the After I complained to the medical
MRI. It lasted at least two hours. I staff about the medication blunders,
Arriving at the hospital, I had to lean was also given a multitude of tests to the nurses were more careful not to
on my husband in order to walk from check for any viruses (Lupus, HIV, over medicate me and I started to get
the parking lot to the ER. Once TB, spinal tap, x-rays, and others that over the dizziness. After a week in
inside, I was basically ignored by the I cannot remember) plus a brain scan the rehab hospital, I was able to begin
ER staff and I waited for the and kidney scan. I was given my physical therapy.
neurologist to arrive. By the time the diagnosis shortly after the MRI scan.
neurologist arrived, approximately It was Transverse Myelitis, which I My physical therapy consisted of
two hours later, I was very weak in had never heard of and I didn’t know learning to transfer from wheelchair
the lower part of my body and had what to expect. to car, shower bench, therapy mat and
difficulty and pain when I walked. bed. I was taught how to force my
I guess the doctor discovered through bowels to move using suppositories
I was placed on a hospital bed and the MRI scan that my bladder was and to self-cath, to dress myself lying
almost immediately paralysis was full and ordered a catheter. This was down, and to make a bed from a
evident. I could feel my internal about 24 hours after my initial onset. wheelchair. Once a week I was taken
(female) organs going numb also. I Once the bladder was drained, a lot to a local gym so that I could use their
was paralyzed from the waist down of my pain was alleviated. The equipment for exercises. Later, I was
and was very weak. I was admitted nursing staff at this hospital virtually able to take a few steps using the
into the hospital and was told that I ignored me for the full week I was upright parallel bars. After getting a
would need a series of medical tests there. I wet the bed several times little stronger, I was using various
and x-rays. I was confused and before given a catheter and they were exercise equipment to help strengthen
worried. not real happy with me. I also my arm and leg muscles. A pair of
continued to suffer from blinding leg braces were made for me to help
I found that I could not lift my legs at headaches, nausea and dehydration. me to walk. After about four weeks, I
all, I could not use the bathroom, I was able to walk with the use of a
had no appetite, I was disoriented, I Seven days later I was transferred via walker. My balance was very poor
had terrible headaches, nausea, and I ambulance to a rehab hospital. I was and my legs were weak but I
was in a state of total confusion. This assigned new doctors because my eventually gained more strength as
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 19
time went by. I started noticing that surgery for these problems. best wishes go out to other TM
feeling was starting to return a little victims. It is my hope that someday
bit at a time to portions of my legs. In November 1994, 1 had the left this disease can be cured and that TM
foot surgery to correct the hammer patients and their problems will be
On March 15th I was released to go toes. I had the right foot surgery understood by the medical profession.
home, but I had to return three days done in February of 1995. In
per week for three months to continue November of 1995, I had to undergo One last note. On every occasion of
my physical therapy. I fell at home a total hysterectomy and have the my seeing a new doctor or specialist, I
several times due to the walker bladder lifted. Unfortunately, the have had to EXPLAIN to them what
getting stuck in the carpeting. I bladder fell again and in June of Transverse Myelitis is! They don’t
worked hard at my home exercises. 1997, I had to have a complete have a clue about it. I had to fight for
My ability was very limited. I could cervical reconstruction surgery. This my disability benefits from Social
not get up from the sofa without help. time the bladder had to be sewn to Security and a privately held long-
I had muscle spasms in my legs that my backbone in order to help prevent term disability plan, because no
kept me from sleeping at night. I had another prolapse. Following this last information was available to them on
many mishaps with bowel and surgery, my doctor strongly TM so they assumed that it was a
bladder incontinence. But I was recommended that I not return to made up disease and that I wasn’t
determined to recover as much work and that I should file for total truly disabled. Once I asked the head
function as I could. I started walking disability. Which I did. nurse at the rehab hospital for some
around the house by using the walls printed material on TM and she said to
and furniture to keep me upright. I In March of 1998, I was diagnosed me “Oh, TM just means that we don’t
graduated from the walker to a crutch. with Graves’ Disease. Another auto- know what’s wrong with you; It’s a
Eventually, I was able to take a few immune disorder. I was told that it diagnosis we use when we don’t
steps by myself, but I always made could have a relationship to TM know.” Until I found your
sure I was near something that I could since both were considered to be Association on the Internet, I had no
crab onto for support. My balance auto-immune illnesses. place to go to get ANY information
was very bad, but I kept practicing to whatsoever on this disease. Even my
stand alone. Eventually, I could walk Today, I am living in Alabama still neurologist was unable to give me any
around the house with confidence dealing daily with TM and Graves’ information, pamphlets, etc. He said
without having to hug the walls or and just trying to make the best of it. that the disease was so rare that little
furniture. I have not worked since April of if any information existed. I have
1997. I am walking a little bit better, only once met another person with
I returned to work, against my but still use a cane when away from TM and she was not willing to talk to
neurologist’s advice in July of 1994. home. I often lose sleep due to me about her situation. She was 16
This was a big mistake, but I was muscle spasms and a burning years old and had pretty much had a
determined to give it my best. I soon sensation in my left leg. I have full recovery. That’s all I knew about
found out that my incontinence recovered some feeling to my legs, her. It has been so frustrating and
problems caused me to constantly more so in my right leg than the left. isolating to have a disease and not
worry that I would make a mistake I still tire easily and have serious know anything about it other than
and be embarrassed. Well, I did balance problems. Incontinence is what you’re suffering with. Thank
make mistakes, lots of them. I something I live with and try to you so much for the TM Association.
somehow hid most of my control through self-cathing several I feel like I am not alone now. I was
incontinence errors, but I’m sure times a day and watching what I eat 48 years old at the time of diagnosis.
others noticed on occasion. I had so that my bowels function property. I am now 54.
other problems too. I realized that my I don’t go out much, don’t attend too
toes on both feet were starting to turn many social events, don’t travel I know that this story is long and I
under (hammer toes). They much. I'm able to do household apologize for that, but it is all
eventually were so badly deformed chores, but have to rest often. It has pertinent to my situation and who
that I could not wear certain shoes now been six years since my knows, it may reflect the same
because of the pressure and pain to diagnosis of TM and I don’t expect problems others have faced.
the toes. I had a bladder and uterus much further improvement. I take
prolapse due to paralysis and it each day at a time and don’t have Joyce Chandler
became obvious that I would require time to feel sorry for myself. My
Page 20 The Transverse Myelitis Association
Jackie Farmer sample. Well, I knew I had had diagnosed me.
Moran Texas consumed quite a bit of soda and Well, needless to say, I wasn’t better.
December 2, 1999 actually needed to use the bathroom, We got to his office about 9:30 AM,
however, once I got in the bathroom, and he saw me right away. He said he
I could not urinate. That is when I would call a neurologist in Fort
knew something was definitely Worth, and wanted me to go to Harris
wrong. After he catheterized me, he Methodist Hospital there. He also
I want to share my story with you in sent me over to the hospital for a called the ER and ordered a cath to be
my own words. Today is my eight- sonogram of my gall bladder. It was put in and another shot. Then the fun
year anniversary! Sometimes it about 3 PM at this point. When I got started. My sweet husband drove
seems like a lifetime, and sometimes up to leave, I couldn’t stand. home to arrange for the care of our
like only yesterday. Surprise! After the trip to the son. He called his parents, called my
hospital, we came back to his office. parents, and called someone to tell our
I was sitting in an art class at He said the sonogram showed daughter, Karri Anne. And then we
Howard-Payne University in nothing abnormal with my gall headed out. Dumb, dumb. We had
Brownwood, Texas. I was weaving a bladder, so he gave me a shot for the no idea where the hospital was. I
basket when I realized that my right pain, which was getting pretty would wake up every once in a while
leg was feeling cool, almost cold but intense by then. I got in the back and caution him not to drive too fast.
not. I thought maybe I was sitting seat of our '95 Blazer. We picked up What a couple! Needless to say, we
crooked and was cutting off our son from school and headed for finally made it to the hospital. The
circulation or something. When I home. At that time we had just doctor was upset, because it took us
stood up, I realized that from about moved to a small town 12 miles so long to get there. Ha!
halfway between my knee and foot north of Stephenville, Texas. My
was dead, all the way to and husband is a pastor and we had been Things are a little foggy for me from
including my foot. That was odd! I called to this small church about a the first day or two; except that the
went over to the library where my month and a half earlier. We had sheet hurt me. Everything was so
husband was working and told him. I only been living there about two sensitive. I cried and apologized when
thought that perhaps I needed to see weeks. It is about 95 miles from they touched me to move me. Finally
the chiropractor and get an Brownwood to Morgan Mill; a very after two days of tests, you know the
adjustment. So, that is what I did. long drive. drill; she (the doctor) gave me some
After the adjustment, I didn’t feel any cortisone in my IV and the pain
different, except that now the My husband got me out of the stopped. Yea!
coldness and deadness was coming vehicle and into the house. He put
up my right side to my abdomen me on our daughter’s bed in the My folks got there and were waiting
including my buttock. Our daughter, spare room. We got our 11-year-old for me after my MRI. Here I was
who was attending the college at the son situated, and we all went to bed. totally paralyzed on this silly gurney,
time, went with us to lunch. I drank a I woke up at about midnight in such looking up at my mom and dad,
lot of coke and had tacos. After lunch pain I could hardly breathe. My encouraging them. Telling my crying
I noticed that the “feelings” were husband called a sweet lady just up mother that every thing was O.K. I
going across to my left side and down the road to come be with Wendell, was fine :) For a year or longer when I
that leg. My husband and daughter and we headed to Stephenville to the talked to my dad on the phone, he
took me to her apartment to lie down ER. Once there and on the table, my cried before we hung up.
for a while. They went back to work legs would not be still. They moved
and to school. I thought I might rest, as if they had a mind of their own. I was in the hospital on my 44th
but couldn’t get comfortable. I even That’s fun! :) The ER doctor called birthday. What fun! I came home
felt sick to my stomach. After about another doctor in town and described nine days after I was admitted to the
an hour, I called my husband and told my symptoms, and this doctor hospital. My son and husband had the
him I thought he needed to take me to diagnosed TM. Well, none of us had Christmas tree up for me (we usually
the doctor. ever hear of such a thing. Surprise put it up on my birthday, December
again! The ER doctor gave me 9th). No decorations, but it was up!
I walked in the office, and got to see another shot and sent me home with The physical therapy people wanted
the doctor right away. He examined instructions that if I was not better me to stay in the facility at the
me and asked me to get a urine the next day, to go see the doctor that hospital for six weeks for PT. But I
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 21
told them I couldn’t stay away from know. and subsequently released. She
my family that long. God had a much continued taking the medication at
better plan for me. He sent me to the I have so much more I want to write, home. At about midnight she went to
physical therapy department at Harris how the changes have come, the bed but her legs felt heavy (tired
Methodist in Stephenville, to a fatigue, and the pain; the help and legs). The next morning, 20 February,
Christian PT. Not only did she the lack thereof from the doctors and at about 6:00 AM, she tried to get up,
encourage me, but she prayed for me. hospitals. But I will close for now. but was unable to because her legs did
G-d is so good! My lesion is at T4. It Thank you for listening, and letting not respond to her efforts. She was
effected my shoulders, my breathing, me share. I want so much to meet immediately taken to Hospital Neuro,
and feelings up to my neck. I am so others like me. It has been a comfort where she remained for 18 days. Her
grateful that my arms weren’t to know someone else has gone stay at that hospital was from 20
effected (my heart goes out to those through what I have. And yet it is February to 8 March 1997.
of you that are effected higher than I heartbreaking to know that others
was; you are in my prayers.) have gone through what I have, and During the first days of her stay in the
that there will be others. Thank you hospital, the paralysis reached one of
I’ll not go into the details of my PT at for this organization and your the arms and the thorax. She was
this point. I was in PT for the first six correspondence. treated with medication containing
months after my onset. I learned to corticoids. The paralysis regressed,
walk on legs I could not feel. The May God bless you real good is my and remains the same to this day, at
only way I knew they were there was prayer. the navel level. Since she left the
by looking. I have pushed hard, being Jackie Farmer hospital, on 8 March, she continued
determined to be able to walk with treatment at home. This treatment
my children and grandchildren (when involved a psychologist, a nurse’s
they came). I have also been During Carnival 1997, precisely on aide, and a physiotherapist, as she was
determined not to complain, no matter Monday, 10 February 97, in unable to handle her physiological
what. That has been hard to live up Condado, PE, Ana Cristina showed needs on her own.
to, but when we are alone, my
precious husband holds me and lets Report on Ana Cristina While she was hospitalized at the
me cry as long as it takes. Gomes dos Santos Neuro, she was subjected to a series
Recife Brazil 10 July 1999 of tests aiming to reach a diagnosis
I have worn leggings from the José Dias dos Santos for her condition, which to this day
beginning. It helps to keep my other (Ana Cristina’s Father) has not been determined. After some
clothes from hurting me. They are months without any change in her
wonderful. It is hard to comprehend condition, she was again hospitalized,
how you can be paralyzed, and yet now at the Hospital Sarah Kubitschek,
have hypersensitive skin. Huh? in Brasília, where she stayed from 21
Sometimes our brains have to accept symptoms of dengue (acute May to 12 July 97. Again a new series
things that don’t seem quite right. infectious disease characterized by of tests were performed but,
headaches, severe joint pain, and a unfortunately, the team of
I have had about a year and a half of rash), that is, high temperature and neurologists of the hospital were still
PT, in and out of water. The water is body aching all over, particularly in unable to reach a conclusive
the best! It just amazes me that I can the legs. She took some Tylenol and diagnosis. With the uncertainty of the
have new (better) feelings after the next day she came to Recife and diagnosis, we decided to take her to
walking in the water. continued taking the same Hospital Santa Isabel in São Paulo,
medication. where she stayed from July 14 to 20,
We have also dealt with this situation 1997. A new series of exams was
with a lot of laughter. It’s the only The following week she returned to conducted but, as in the other
way to go. When I was in my chair, work and was even able to hospitals, no conclusive diagnosis was
my kids really pushed me around! participate in a two-day workshop. reached.
Sandy, we need to write a book, we On Wednesday, 19 February, she felt In June 1999, Dr. Alex Caetano
need to be on TV, so the world can ill and was taken to the emergency requested three magnetic resonance
know about us. I wrote Oprah once, room of the Hospital Memorial São images of the different areas affected.
but never got a reply. People need to José where she was given Voltaren After an analysis of the reports, he
Page 22 The Transverse Myelitis Association
assured us that what she had was Magnetic Resonance of the Spinal Protein C (13 Feb 98)
Multiple Sclerosis. He then requested cord (21 Feb 97) Protein S (13 Feb 98)
her hospitalization to start treatment Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the Prolactina (13 Feb 98)
with Sygen Cranium (24 Feb 97) Lupico antibody(13 Feb 98)
Monossialotetraexosilgangliosídio- Liquor Cefalorraqueano (LCR) Antitrombina III (13 Feb 98)
GM1). She stayed at the Hospital (27 Feb 97) – Spinal tap Ative Parcial Tromboplastine
Português, in Recife, from 27 July to Electrocerebral Responses Evocate (13 Feb 98)
10 August 1999. She is still taking by monocular visual estilmulation T. Bleeding/T. Coagulation
Sygen without any positive result so with checkboard pattern stimulus (13 Feb 98)
far. (03 Mar 97) Urea (8 Feb 99)
Ultrasound of the urinary tract Creatinine (8 Feb 99)
The “dance” of the diagnosis started (5 Mar 97) Potencial Evocado Visual (23 Feb 99)
at the Hospital Neuro when it was Psychological and physiotherapy Liquor (with a study of oligoclonal
said that it could be sub-acute viral follow-up bands) (23 April 99)
encephalomyelitis and then that it was Physiotherapy follow-up
possibly transverse myelitis. After At Home: Magnetic resonances (three)
that, at the Hospital Sarah Urine Summary (13 Mar 97) (22 Jun 99) - Imaging
Kubitscheck, it was suggested that it Electrical stimulation of a sensore
might be a case of multiple sclerosis, periferal nerve of the lower members Neurologists consulted:
but this was not a conclusive (8 Apr 97)
diagnosis. Then came the team of the Urodinamic Avaliation (11 Apr 97) In Recife: 16 listed
Hospital Santa Isabel, which Urine Summary (28 Apr 97) In Brasília: 4 listed
discarded the hypothesis of multiple Leucogram (30 Apr 97) In São Paulo: 3 listed
sclerosis and confirmed the Feces Parasitology(7 May 97)
possibility of transverse myelitis. Rotavirus de Fezes (7 May 97) THANK YOU!!!
Finally, other neurologists were Microbiology in the urine (7 May When I found your web site I cried.
contacted but the diagnosis is still 97) There really was somebody
doubtful. The most recent neurologist Feces cultures (7 May 97) someplace that knew something about
seen, Dr. Alex Caetano, says there is Feces parasitology (8 May 97 the disease I had endured. When I
no doubt this is a case of multiple Psychological and physiotherapy Deborah J Hall
sclerosis. Thirty months have elapsed follow-up New Richmond Ohio
without a firm diagnosis of Ana
Cristina’s condition. At the Hospital Sarah Kubtistchek
Liquor (27 May 97)
During all this time, she has been Electrocerebral Responses Evocate
hospitalized in three hospitals of by monocular visual estilmulation contracted transverse myelitis in 1987
recognized standing in this area of with checkboard pattern stimulus I couldn’t find any information in
medicine. In Recife, she stayed 18 (26 May 97) libraries or even many doctors that
days at the Hospital Neuro. In Protein electrophoresis (27 May 97) knew anything about it. I was very
Brasília, she stayed 45 days at the Three Magnetic Resonances fortunate; my case was not near as
Hospital Sarah Kubitschek; in São (Jun 97) - Imaging severe as many who contract TM.
Paulo she was six days at the Hospital Blood, Urine, Feces (June 97) But nonetheless I suffered plenty. It’s
Santa Isabel, and in Recife again, Psychological and physiotherapy been 13 years and many of the smaller
another 15 days at the Hospital follow-up details are not fresh in my mind, but I
Português. All hospitals of reputation will provide a brief synopsis.
in this specialization. At the Santa Isabel
Liquor (15 Jul 97) In December 1986 we went to Florida
Following are some of the Magnetic Resonance (16 Jul 97) - for the Christmas holidays. I became
examinations and tests done during Imaging feverish and starting aching and
the 30 months of her illness: In Recife believed I was getting the flu. The
At the Hospital Neuro: Luetic test (13 Feb 98) next morning I seemed to be OK. It
Liquor Cefalorraqueano (LCR) Anti-phospholipide (13 Feb 98) didn’t make much sense but I was
(20 Feb 97) Anti-cardiolipina (13 Feb 98) relieved since we were on vacation.
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 23
That winter was supposed to be a bad weakness but I can find no reason. supported and loved me every single
flu season so for the first time in my Are you sure that this isn’t all in your minute even though he didn’t
life I got a flu shot around the 10th of head?” I was devastated and cried understand what was going on and
January. Within a couple of days, I all the way home. My family doctor, was scared. I also had two daughters
was running a low-grade temperature who at this time had tried everything that had already endured the pain of
(99+) and felt feverish. I called my he could, decided to send me to the losing their Dad to a heart attack at
family physician who said I was Mayo Clinic. He was following up the age of 41 and they surely couldn’t
probably having a reaction to the flu on arrangements when he called and endure much more.
shot. After about 10 days, he decided said he wanted to try one last
to run some blood tests for anemia, physician in Cincinnati. I left my old employer and took a
etc. All tests turned out negative. I “dream job” with a bank. Everything
kept getting weaker and in more pain. He sent me to Dr. Beverly Carpenter, I had endured through the initial onset
I was taking Tylenol and trying to get an arthritis and immune disease of TM, and particularly as it related to
a lot of sleep. specialist (who unfortunately died of my employer, was in the past. I was
cancer in February of this year). In still having problems, some of which
In February my family physician sent describing my symptoms to her, I’m not sure were related to the
me to a neurologist. He ran an EMG extreme pain, sleeplessness, fatigue, effects of the myelitis or simply “old
along with a spinal tap (from which I loss of bladder control, difficulty in age.” The bank allowed me to work
developed horrendous spinal moving, she said she thought she four days a week which definitely
headaches; he sent me home might know what was wrong but helped. Muscle strength was
immediately following the tap sitting wanted to run tests. After numerous definitely deteriorated. I continued to
up in a car). His diagnosis was that blood tests (30+), two MRI’s were take Prozac and Moduretic to
he definitely found diminished scheduled. MRI’s are quite different counteract the side effects of the
muscle strength but had no idea what today. In 1987 each segment of a megadoses of Prednisone. A recent
was causing this. My strength kept test would last from 6 to 20 minutes. bone density test indicated that I have
deteriorating and the pain was getting By the middle of April, it was some deterioration which may or may
steadily worse. I continued to work determined that I had transverse not be related to the myelitis. The end
during this period of time but it was myelitis. For the next two months, of April 1999, I began to deteriorate
on sheer guts that I made it. Dr. Carpenter treated me with again. At first I thought it was
Prednisone. because I was just pushing too hard
There would be days that I would Unfortunately, I had terrible side (as usual) and with enough additional
drive home and be in such pain that I effects from the Prednisone for many rest everything would be fine. It
would be almost bent over the years. I constantly had a wasn’t. Again the battery of tests
steering wheel. Unfortunately, I had reoccurrence of the symptoms which began. This time even more extensive
an employer who was not the least bit of course put me in a panic every than before. I had mononucleosis. I
understanding. Because of the fact time it happened. All together I had couldn’t believe it; I was 51 years old.
that the doctors couldn’t determine MRI’s on six different occasions to Rest, rest and more rest would be the
the source of my disease or put a be certain the myelitis was not solution. But I didn’t improve. More
name to it, they constantly pressured returning. I feel that I was very tests. I was diagnosed with
me to be at work and in many fortunate, especially after reading fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial
instances insisted on 5-10 hours of some of the cases in the newsletter. pain syndrome. Just my luck. To get
overtime each week. My husband According to the doctors, a lot of another disease that I knew nothing
was a farmer and I was carrying all of what got me through this was my about. So again, I started researching
our insurance. Needless to say, it was bullheadedness. I refused to give in; and found a specialist here in
mandatory that we keep insurance but sometimes it was difficult, Cincinnati. With the most recent
during this time period. The middle almost impossible. There were a diagnosis, our whole life has changed.
of March, my family doctor sent me couple of times I really wondered if I can no longer work. I do very
back to the neurologist for further the pain and enduring the treatment I limited driving. My husband has
tests to determine if there was any was receiving at work were worth it. “retired” from farming to help me.
discernible change. During my Once I even thought for a minute We have moved into another home
follow-up conversation with the about just running the car into a that is designed to make everything
neurologist he stated, “You definitely concrete abutment. But then I easier for me. I have lost a great deal
do have some muscle damage and remembered I had a husband that had of my independence, doing yard
Page 24 The Transverse Myelitis Association
work, playing with grandchildren, buttocks, and lost control of my
grocery shopping, etc. This illness Last year I was enjoying Father’s bladder and bowel.
has been even tougher Day dinner with my husband at my
psychologically because “I beat” daughter’s house at 6:00 p.m. The After trying to get over the shock of
transverse myelitis, but it was obvious day until then was quite enjoyable – the diagnosis, I faced the fact my full
I wasn’t going to defeat this. Giving Mass, movie, and dinner out. I time position in a computer-
up independence and being dependent experienced leg cramps in both my consulting firm was on hold. I
on others has been the toughest part. calves, which relieved after standing focused on my goal – walking, and
I’m living in constant pain, most and stretching. After finishing tried to lose sight of my obstacle –
bearable but some not. Whenever I dinner, I played with my grandson. being paraplegic. I was transferred
get discouraged, I remember how My husband and I started the drive after a week to a local rehabilitation
much worse I could be. I’m home around 8:00 p.m. At home as I unit at the Wilmington Hospital – a
convinced my belief in God and the started to remove my stockings, I four star rating in my book. It was
fact that everything happens for a realized I couldn’t feel my toes or run like a summer camp! I was up by
reason helps me get through. Plus, I feet. At first I thought the earlier leg 7:00 a.m. and dressed by 7:45 a.m.,
have terrific support from my cramps must have caused this wheeled to the dining hall by 8:00
husband, my daughters and especially unusual sensation. After changing a.m., had my first session of physical
the overwhelming love and smiles and going to bed, I remembered I therapy at 10:00 a.m., occupational
from my grandchildren. My life forgot to use the toilet. I got out of therapy at 11:00 a.m., lunch at noon,
certainly did not turn out exactly the bed and fell against the bed and end and back for my second session of
way I envisioned, but it could table – 10:00 p.m. By this time the physical therapy at 2:00 p.m.
certainly have been worse. Bless you calf cramps were back and I was Needless to say, thereafter, I was
for getting the information out. The calling for my husband to help walk wiped out and slept. After spending a
worst part of transverse myelitis was me down the hall in hopes of getting month in rehabilitation, I was
going through it at a time when no some relief. After walking with his discharged walking 27 steps with my
one had any information and, at support, I tried using the toilet. walker and plastic molded leg braces
times, I really did wonder if it was “in Upon standing up, I walked like I to face the real world. I did regain the
my head.” Now, I wonder if anyone had frog feet, which were flopping functioning of my bladder and bowel
else has contracted fibromyalgia and/ in. After lying back down in bed, I after two weeks. My
or chronic myofascial pain syndrome was hit with unbearable leg cramps, gastroenterologist suggested using the
after transverse myelitis. I’m again. We knew whatever was non-habit forming Senekot-S to help
researching, but so far to no avail. happening was beyond our ability. regulate my bowels and some relief
I appear to be one of the “new kids on The ambulance was called, and I was for the buttocks needle sensations
the block.” I had an acute attack of transported to the emergency ward at while sitting is relieved by Neurontin.
Transverse Myelitis just last Father’s the Christiana Hospital.
Day, June 22, 1999. Since my I’ve continued land physical therapy
symptoms were so instantaneous, my My initial exam ensued with three three times a week from August 1999
recovery progressive, and medical MRI’s, EMG, EEG, x-rays, blood through February 2000 for regaining
team suggestions so helpful, I want to work, and IV steroids were started strength with weight resistance and
share my happenings to help benefit immediately. The suspicions while walking skills. I learned of Dr.
Joyce Heritage the tests were being conducted were Douglas Kerr’s TM Medical Center at
Transverse Myelitis, Gillian Barre, Johns Hopkins Hospital through our
Wilmington Delaware
or Lyme disease. The final diagnosis last Transverse Myelitis Newsletter.
One-Year Ago on
was TM of the T-12 spinal column. Dr. Kerr evaluated me in March,
Father’s Day thought I was making good progress
It is believed that since I had been
healthy with no ill symptoms before so far, started me on water physical
the attack, it hit me low on the spine, therapy. He suggested I see Dr.
others. A thank you, also, goes out to and I received medication so quickly, Barbara D’Lateur at Johns Hopkins
all those who contribute to making my recovery so far appears to be for a reevaluation of how to get the
the TM Newsletter a reality; it helps remarkable. Upon arrival at the most out of my physical therapy and
dealing with this rare devastating hospital, I couldn’t raise my feet walking skills training. My major
paralysis by realizing we are not more than a few inches from the bed, issues are fatigue and increased leg
alone. and had little feeling in my legs, numbness while walking and
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 25
backache. Although, I walk on had. I was sleeping on the sofa have these things that the doctor calls
familiar ground at home – when because I wanted be to closer to my relapses. I go paralyzed for maybe a
rested – with braces without a cane, I mom’s room. I woke up early in the day to a few days at a time. My step-
couldn’t conquer the barrier of being morning, and I had to go to the mom called these episodes “attention
able to leave my home without bathroom. I tried to get up and walk attacks.” That hurts a lot. But it
holding onto someone’s arm. My but I couldn’t. Step after step I kept seems to happen when I’m under
toes wouldn’t come up and I have falling. I tried to climb my way up stress more then ever. And I usually
fallen spraining my right ankle three the stairs to where the bathroom end up back in the hospital. The
times. Dr. D’Lateur scripted for me was. And when I got to the top of hardest part for me is that I feel all
to have braces with a flexible hinge the stairs I just sat there and cried. I alone when this happens. The doctors
that has a 90-degree stop lock which had lost control of my bladder. I never know what to do.
should prevent me from tripping my was hysterical. My stepfather came
toe and falling. Since I don’t have out of the bathroom and didn’t know When I was in middle school and high
much feeling from my knees down to what to do. By this time everyone in school I was very athletic. But I
my toes, balance is still an issue the house was awake. I couldn’t would have my good days and bad
because I can’t feel space for ground walk, see, or control my bladder. days. Some nights I would lay in my
sensation. This was sooooo scary. bed and cry and hope that tomorrow I
would be able to walk and see. I was
I continue to struggle with the blues I went to Phoenixville Hospital and an all-star field hockey player and
from time to time as I grieve losing they looked at me for a little and captain of my team for three years. I
the person I once was. However, by then didn’t know what to do, so they am grateful of this. The doctors once
holding one hand with the Lord, and sent me home. I didn’t know what told me I would never walk again and
one with loving family members, I was going on. Then I was still now I disproved them. I never came
know the new me will make a unable to walk for the next couple of out and talked about this before
fulfilling life for myself. days, so my mom and dad decided I because I felt that I was alone. The
needed help. I was taken to first time that anyone knew about this
Joyce R. Heritage Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. was my senior year of high school. I
219 Barberry Dr., Wood Creek While I was there, I had to get test made a speech at a sports banquet and
Wilmington, De 19808 after test. MRI’s, spinal taps, blood, told everyone. They were shocked. I breathing, and many more.... It felt felt a lot stronger after I talked about
like I was just a test patient. I was it. I let many years go by before I
I’m 19, taking classes from Harcourt. scared when the doctors could not went back to the neurologist, because
I live in Pennsylvania, just outside of diagnose my illness. First, they said I had to always go alone and I was
Philadelphia. I’m a computer science it was lyme disease and then they scared. When I went back last
major. All of my life (well, 12 years) said it wasn’t. I showed lesions on November, the neurologist then
since I had my first episode... I’ve my spine and brain. After all these diagnosed me with Transverse
always wanted to make people aware tests, the hospital said that I was the Myelitis. For me it took them 11
of TM. And I would do anything to first child in the United States to years to tell me what I had.
help someone else. And I mean have these symptoms. So, they
ANYTHING. I’m one of the luckier didn’t know what to diagnose me How I stand now, I am working full
with except they called it a “form of time with computers. I’m taking
Kelly Major MS.” This didn’t make my mom classes. I live with my grandmom.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania happy at all. We wanted to know My parents have been divorced since I
what was going on. was five, so that is a frustrating
situation till this day. I have problems
ones with TM. I can walk, see, and Then I feel as though a miracle to this day with my back, legs, eyes,
do really anything. But I have my happened. I gradually was able to and bladder control. It effected T5
share of problems. walk again. And I got my vision down. Some days my legs feel so
back. I was sent home. I had to get weak to do anything. Other days I can
It all began in February of 1989; I physical therapy so that I could walk run forever. My bladder will never be
was seven years old. I remember this again. Well, as the years went on.... better. I want to get this looked at but
as though it was yesterday. I had a I was pretty much an active kid. But it takes me going back to my doctor
horrible flu. The worst flu I had ever something still happens to me. I and then another. I get sick of it. But
Page 26 The Transverse Myelitis Association
I do what I have to. I never know I just frown worked for ten years. He was also a
exactly what to do, because I haven’t but for the past 12 years great friend. It was May 5, 1997; he
had any guidance. I’ve been on my I’ve grown emotionally strong checked me and I felt great except my
own. I’m willing to go out and help even knowing that some things are ankles had felt a little weak. I told the
out anyone who needs someone to still wrong. doctor this and he told me, you know
talk to. It’s so good to know that I’m I want to help out others like me, how sick you were when you were
not alone in the world. Also one last I want to open their eyes working over here a couple of months
thing, sometimes I get so depressed. I and let them see. ago, you may not have gotten over it
just cry and cry. Well, this is my completely. He gave me some antibi-
story... in a short version. Sometimes I know I'll never be back to 100% otics. So, I got them filled and took
I just really need someone to talk to. but with the love and support that is one that night. The next morning,
If anyone is willing to talk or email all I need!!!!! May 6, 1997, I woke up and could
me please feel free to do so. I will do ~Kelly hardly walk to my bathroom, which
anything to get the word out about was only about ten feet away. I didn't
TM. Thank you for taking the time to My name is Faye Mansfield. I had know what was going on. After going
read this. always been told at age 50 to the bathroom, I always went
everything goes down hill. In my straight to the kitchen to make coffee.
I thought that I just had the flu mind, I was not going to feel that It was just as hard to get to the kitchen
but I got so sick way. I was a happy, divorced, slim, that morning. I made my coffee and
I didn’t know what to do outgoing, good shape, loving lady. I sat down and tried to figure out what
I woke up in the middle of the night was having a great time. I had met a was going on. Just after going to the
I was so scared and full of fright man who I was enjoying spending doctor the day before; I was at a total
When I tried to walk I just kept all of my extra time with. I thought I loss to know what was wrong.
falling had been through enough hurt and
Then all I knew, heartache. Already I had lost my It was about 6:30 AM. I had never
my mom I was calling two children in two different car called the doctor at home. After
When I tried to look I couldn’t see wrecks at different times and had working with him, I knew if he had
all I kept saying was this couldn’t be. lost my father to whom I was very been up all night, he would not be
My legs were numb from my chest close. I was ready to enjoy life and happy at all with me. After about ten
down not let life get me down. minutes, I called anyway. He was so
all I wanted to do was just sit there sweet. He said he didn't know what
and frown Faye Mansfield was wrong but that something was be-
Many doctors and hospitals I went to Dresden Tennessee cause he had checked me over really
but none of them knew what to do well the day before. He told me to sit
I went through test after test there and call someone to come and
but I still had that aching in my chest In February, I was working at a carry me to the Neurology Semmes
I never knew why I couldn’t hold my medical clinic. I had worked there Murphy Clinic in Jackson, which is an
bladder, walk or see ten years ago. I loved the work there hour and a half away. Here I was, hair
all I knew was at home is where I and wanted to fill in for a girl who not combed, no make-up, scared to
definitely wanted to be. was off to have a baby. This would death. A dear friend of mine, Cathy,
have been through the winter cold came to carry me to Jackson to see the
After a long time of probing, MRI’s, and flu season. I went to work and I doctor.
blood, spinal taps, took a sinus infection, then cold and
they sent me home pneumonia. It was four weeks of She got me to her car with great diffi-
with out a diagnosis!!!! seeing the doctor and trying to work culty. The doctor saw me soon after I
and off a few days and then back to got to his office; not saying very much
Then I got better and could walk work. So I thought I was over all to me while I was being checked. Af-
and see my sickness. The six weeks of ter being around a clinic working for
But the sad thing is working for the girl who had the ten years, in my mind, I felt something
I’m not the old me. baby was over. Thought I had got- was very wrong. I was then sent to
I still have the problems from my ten well by now, ready to get on with the hospital for many more tests.
chest down life. It was time for my yearly check Within a few hours, I could not move
and some days I’m so depressed up with my doctor, the one I had from midway of my rib cage down.
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 27
While in the hospital, I was given blind in my right eye for about three greater than I.
three bags of steroids. I had a MRI days, but it was coming back very
two days in a row, blood work of all slowly. I only saw black, gray, and Your TM Friend,
kinds, spinal tap, and tested for MS. white for several months. Then I Faye Mansfield
saw blue dots on everything for
Dr. Misulls had told me he thought it weeks. My eyes were changing and My name is Mike Mullally, age 47. I
was Transverse Myelitis. I had no this just about drove me crazy. Now live in Hertfordshire about 20 miles
idea what that was. By this time, my my left eye has good color and in the north of London in the UK. I am mar-
eyes were not clear at all. My right right eye, I am color blind. With ried to Alice and we have two boys,
eye was much worse than the left, but both eyes open, the left eye rules. In Kieran age nine and Daniel age six.
my left side was much weaker. My letters from the TM friends, I didn't
bladder had become very weak at this see anything about eyes. My left eye I was diagnosed with TM at level T8
time. I thought it was all caused from is pretty good but my right eye is on 29th June 1999 and this is my ac-
me having to pull myself up in the considered legally blind. But, thank count of living with the condition for
hospital bed and trying to stand. It is God, he gave me back part of what I the first year.
now working fine and I have to watch lost, and he is the only one who can
my diet and sometimes take some- help from now on. Once the optic On 22nd May 1999 I went for a run in
thing for constipation. As for my nerve is damaged, there is nothing the park and noticed that my left knee
learning to walk again, the paralysis, anyone can do. But God can, if it is was out of normal alignment. On 26th
numbness, tingling, burning, and his will to and I pray that it is. May I was again out for a run and it
freezing sensations were terrible all seemed very difficult but it was not
along with trying to wear shoes on Yes, I still have a lot of nerve dam- easy to say why. The best description
my feet. I would sit with ice packs on age in my feet, legs and ribcage all I could muster was that my legs didn’t
my feet. I had told my therapist I the way around and down. No mat- seem to be working properly. On 27th
wanted to be walking in three weeks. ter how bad it is, I am working and May I had tingling sensation on my
He said, OK, if that is what you want my eyes are pretty good. If the light- lower stomach in the morning and I
to do. I had no idea that walking in ing is right for me, I see OK. My got pins and needles and some numb-
three weeks was not going to happen. eyes won't filter out the bright light.
First of all, I could not even turn over Mike Mullally
in bed. He worked with me three Yes, I married the man that stood by Hertfordshire England UK
times a week and was very good. me and I love him very much. My
family and friends are very special to
After about three months, I was me. I feel much pain but try hard to ness in my left foot in the afternoon.
standing up with a walker. I was not talk and dwell on it. I was sent to The next day there was numbness
fighting very hard to get back in the the Vitrcoretinal Foundation in from stomach to toes, more severe
world that I had been taken out of by Memphis, Tennessee after seeing my mid thigh to shin and varying degrees
TM. I still wanted to enjoy the man local eye doctor, Dr. Robert Jordon, of numbness and tingling in feet. I
that was standing by my side and all whom I have a lot of trust in. I was went to see the Physiotherapist who
my friends and the great mother and also sent to Vanderbilt Hospital in tended my sporting injuries and he ad-
sister I have. They were all there eve- Nashville to make sure I didn't have vised that it was not a structural prob-
ryday for me. I was getting out of MS. The doctor said that I did not. lem. I went to see my GP who pro-
that wheelchair and off that walker no When I was sent to Vanderbilt, the posed some blood tests.
matter what they said. My friend MRI that was taken when I first got These were completed on June 1st and
Cathy would try to keep me looking sick showed T5 had swelling and a the results were “all clean” as reported
up, pushing me in the wheelchair like small spot in the ponds. on June 8th.
it was a machine made to fly. With
her behind you, there was no way you I want to thank all my doctors for The next step was to find a neurolo-
would not laugh even if I had fallen trying to help me. Most of all, Dr. gist. During that first week of June,
out. I told her I needed a seat belt OK Smith who is a friend and the numbness increased in my stom-
when she was pushing me. By the last doctor. It meant a lot to me when he ach, upper legs and lower left back.
of August, I was walking a little with took time out to call even when he Walking and driving proved difficult
help. My eyes were still a large dis- didn't have to. I still have hope I will and uncomfortable but was possible
advantage to me. I had gone totally get better. It is up to someone with care. My energy levels were seri-
Page 28 The Transverse Myelitis Association
ously depleted compared to normal. wheelchair for me and I regained a mal size after one of these sessions.
Then over the next ten days, most of small measure of my independence.
the symptoms eased and it was possi- Sleep depravation was a serious I was assessed for a place at a reha-
ble to function normally except I problem in the hospital and I began bilitation centre and was eventually
could not run. On June 15th I visited to push to be discharged. I was al- given a start date of mid October. I
my neurologist who ordered an MRI lowed home overnight on the 24th bought a set of hand controls for my
scan. This was completed on the 18th and this was followed up by a visit car, fitted them and began driving
and I returned on the 29th for the re- from the occupational therapy team. again. I had to endure extreme apathy
sults. At this time the soles of both Our house was not ideally suited to a and indifference from those that ad-
feet felt as if they had huge lumps. wheelchair user as there were many minister the wheelchair system and
steps to be negotiated both externally was forced to approach some suppliers
At the beginning of July I had a cold/ and internally. Solutions were found directly in order to find a suitable
dead sensation on the left side of my to the more immediate problems and chair that would enable me to drive
face and neck. I started to have severe I was discharged on 30th July. without the help of another person.
back pain that had a creeping effect, My own wheelchair finally appeared
first one area, then another and tin- During August I returned to the hos- just before Christmas.
gling on my abdomen. This eventu- pital for physiotherapy two or three
ally presented itself as a very tight times per week. The impact of these During September my leg movements
band of cold dead flesh around my sessions was varied and often improved. First, I could lift my left
mid to lower trunk. By 10th July the strange. Sometimes there was a foot and then both knees. While lying
pain levels were quite high, I was burning lumpy sensation in my face down I found I could lift my right
loosing control of my waste disposal knees and feet while at other times leg behind to 90 degrees. The sensitiv-
systems and walking was very diffi- my legs felt as if they were floating ity and spasm activity also increased.
cult. I visited my consultant again on while being very heavy. Towards the This had a detrimental effect on my
July 13th. He arranged further MRI end of the month, there was signifi- sleep as even the touch of the bed cov-
scans above the T8 level for the 14th cant spasm activity from both legs. ers caused my legs to jump about.
and organised one of his team to be They were extremely touch sensitive The MRI scans were taken again on
there to interpret as soon as it was but there was little internal feeling. I the 14th and no new areas of inflam-
available. They found a lesion about 2 started swimming and found that mation were discovered. Initial at-
cm across on the right side of the with a float strapped between my tempts were made to get me upright in
brain. thighs, I could attempt a reasonable a standing frame. These were unsuc-
front crawl. Even the movement of cessful due to spasm activity but a
I was admitted to hospital on the 14th my legs through the water caused gradual improvement was obvious.
and had numerous tests and a lumber them to spasm. I also had some acu-
puncture. I was also given steroids in- puncture treatment that created a During early October I had my first
travenously. On the 15th both of my pulsing sensation in my left shin. My experience of aromatherapy, which
legs felt completely dead. I had abso- feet were very prone to severe swell- proved to be very relaxing. The ses-
lutely no movement in them and ing while sitting in my wheelchair. sions in the standing frame were also
could not stand. All the testing and Regular massage and exercises improving. I started my treatment at
discussions with medical staff could seemed to be a solution but this was the rehabilitation centre. This was
not identify a trigger for TM. No evi- somehow difficult. I was keen to get largely a continuation of the physio-
dence of recent or current infection to the first floor of the house to use therapy activity from the hospital. By
was found. the shower. With considerable help the end of the month, I was standing
from my eldest two sons, I was able in the frame for 20 minutes and swim-
During the next week, very minor in- to climb the stairs one step at a time ming once a week. I spent part of my
cremental movements of my legs be- on my bottom. We then used an old time in the pool walking while hold-
came possible and I began physiother- furniture trolley to get me from the ing on to the side of the pool. I was
apy. My left side was much weaker top of the stairs to the bathroom. able to recognise a wet mat under my
and slower to recover than my right. Getting undressed/dressed and trans- left foot. My knee and hip joints were
By the 20th I was able to roll onto ei- ferring into and out of the shower very stiff.
ther side as a result of the physiother- produced some interesting problems
apy exercise. A member of staff on that were gradually resolved. It was In November progress was good. I
the hospital ward acquired a loan noted that my feet returned to nor- was in the standing frame for up to 45
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 29
minutes and got to the parallel bars about the same time they started to
for the first time. By the end of the recover. I was discharged from the Growing up in Colorado, I was
month I was taking tentative steps hospital on the 13th, very weak and enjoying the formative years of my
with a Zimmer frame. My left leg was tired but pleased. I started my walk- life. I was 12 years old, I was
also moving more easily. ing routine again during the last surrounded by seven loving brothers
week of the month. and sisters, parents that had scratched
In early December I was using the ex- and clawed their way through life to
ercise bike in the gym and had my Early in May I had another meeting give all my siblings opportunities to
first attempts at walking up the stairs. with my consultant. The recent MRI succeed, and a neighborhood full of
I also began using crutches and by scan of my back showed a ‘reduced friends. I had everything a young boy
Christmas week I was able to get to area of difference’ that he interpreted could dream of. I knew I had special
the cinema and shops without my as scar tissue. My brain had not been talents. I was blessed athletically and
wheelchair. On Christmas Day I com- scanned. My strength and speed im- academically, staring on the baseball
pleted my first walk around the block proved and I began swimming again. diamonds and football fields across
aided by my son. Leg co-ordination was much im- Colorado. I was pretty proud of
proved in the pool and I also had my myself that when I would travel to
January and February 2000 saw first successful attempt at riding my Denver or Boulder for a football game
equally good progress. I moved on to bike. I did small amounts of garden- or baseball tournament, the kids from
walking sticks and my strength and ing daily when the weather permit- the other teams knew my name and
speed improved. I was discharged ted. anonymous
from the rehabilitation unit and began
to drive a manual transmission car At the beginning of June my lower
without hand controls. I could even back pain started again and I had
do some gardening. However, at the similar collapsing sensations to those
end of February my lower back was experienced in February. I also
very painful and my body tended to found it extremely difficult to bend went out of their way to shake hands
collapse after spending time on my forward from a standing position. after games. Kids I didn’t even know,
feet or taking a walk. My speed and My consultant has put this down as a imagine that.
strength reduced dramatically, most temporary setback and not issued
of the feeling that had returned to my any steroids. I have started physio- I had dreams a lot of boys my age
legs vanished yet again and my en- therapy at the rehabilitation centre had, playing shortstop for the Chicago
ergy levels hit a serious low. again. I have urology and physiology Cubs or maybe even quarterbacking
clinic appointments planned to help the University of Colorado to a
I had a pre -planned appointment with better manage the waste disposal national championship or hoisting the
my consultant early in March. He or- systems later this month. Lombardi Trophy after leading the
dered a 20-day course of steroids and Denver Broncos to a 4th quarter
another MRI scan. The steroids defi- Mike Mullally comeback in the Super Bowl. Then it
nitely helped overcome the lack of 88 Langley Road hit. It was a Friday afternoon, and my
strength but I had to concentrate Watford Hertfordshire WD1 3PJ junior high school football practice
much more than before when walking mikemullally@ had just ended. We were preparing
to avoid falling. By the end of the for our big game on Monday after
month my speed had returned. school. I couldn’t wait to run home
Recently, I became aware of the and tell Dad that I had earned the
At the beginning of April my bladder Transverse Myelitis Association and starting quarterback position for the
refused to vent and I got a urinary would like to share my story for the big game. The coaches were passing
tract infection. I was taken to my lo- “In their own words” section of the out our game jerseys after practice. I
cal Accident and Emergency and they next TM newsletter. I was touched was first in line. I chose #10, my
found I also had a serious kidney mal- by the courage that TM sufferers favorite number of my favorite NFL
function. This was expected to re- have shown, and felt the least I could quarterback, Fran Tarkenton.
cover once I had been catheterised but do was to share my experiences with
for five days there was no improve- other families that are battling this When I got home, I carefully placed
ment. An ultrasound scan showed no “one in a million” affliction. Here the neatly folded jersey on my dresser
physical damage to my kidneys and goes.... so as not to disturb it before
Page 30 The Transverse Myelitis Association
Monday’s game. Little did I know I wheeled into a psychiatrist’s office I had to go on with my life, and I kept
would never put that jersey on. I who proceeded to try to convince me hanging on to the words of Dr. Moe
wouldn’t score the winning that my problems were in my head. that I may start to feel something
touchdown in front of the whole The bastard heckled me to get on my again, and maybe, just maybe I would
school or make a single tackle on feet and walk out of his office. walk again. Those first few days were
defense. Weeks went by with no tough. I remember sitting in my
improvement. I was sent home after favorite class, Social Studies, and
Saturday morning, I woke up and a few weeks. I couldn’t wait to get urinating on myself and a puddle
quickly got ready to go to my out of the hospital and away from the forming under my wheelchair. The
volunteer assignment of helping my “jello loaf surprise” assortment of other kids started laughing, I was
dad referee midget football games in meals. totally humiliated. I went home from
Longmont. As I was getting dressed, I school that day vowing never to
felt the dreaded tingling in my legs. About a month before Christmas, my return. What a contrast to the joy I
They began to feel heavy and I had parents took me to Children’s had felt a few months earlier leaving
intense shooting pains in my back and hospital in Denver to try to find an school with my neatly folded #10
chest. I told Dad that I didn’t feel up answer for what was going on. My jersey.
to going and that I had better lay down older sisters had been bringing me
for awhile. He was apprehensive at homework from my teachers. I was Within a few days, I was back at
first, but I think he understood that so focused on my problems, I didn’t Children’s. Dr. Moe had suggested
something was not right. Dad went even think about how hard these physical therapy. I thought he was
off to the games. Mom quickly rushed times must have been on my family. crazy. If couldn’t move my legs, why
to try and soothe my pains. I took Not knowing anything, and having to does someone need to stretch my legs
several warm baths, chicken soup, deal with the questions from friends, or put me in a pool? As you can
tried to take a nap, and various other schoolmates, etc. I couldn’t imagine, I was discouraged and
home remedies that had always concentrate on schoolwork. I developed a bad attitude. Weeks of
worked in the past. But this time, for thought I was in a battle for my life. going to the pool and physical therapy
some reason, I was not improving. I went by. I had begged my mother to
was scared. At Children’s, I remember different talk to the hospital about better food.
tests, even getting dye injected into She would even sneak hamburgers
My best friends, Jeff and Craig and my spinal cord. I remember an into me after visiting hours. Then one
the other neighborhood boys came enthusiastic Doctor Moe that was morning it happened!!! I moved my
over Saturday, and again on Sunday, upbeat and seemed to have at least right big toe. I was so excited, I think
to see if I could join in on our daily figured out what had caused this I pissed myself. I screamed for my
football games in the backyard. I nightmare. He had diagnosed me parents, doctors, nurses, anyone that I
couldn’t get off the couch. I could with TM. He had told me that there could find. Everyone came running
hear them outside having the time of was a chance I would feel my legs into my room. There was hope in my
their lives. It was killing me. No again and that maybe I would even life again. I wanted more therapy. I
matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get out of my wheelchair. Things wanted someone to take me to the pool
move my damn legs. I went to bed seemed to have taken a turn for the at 2 AM. That night, I had a dream of
Sunday night praying for a miracle. I better. I remember visits to the putting on my #10 jersey and running
would wake up Monday, feel fine, get hospital from some of the local for an 80-yard touchdown. Over the
dressed and go to school. I would be sports stars. Weeks went by again, next few weeks, I was able to move
on the field as I had dreamed, right? but still no improvement. I was sent both of my legs. I was excited, but I
Wrong... home again in a wheelchair and my knew I had a long journey ahead.
parents convinced me to go back to
Monday morning came and went, and school. I returned home just before Christmas.
my parents rushed me to Boulder to I couldn’t wait to see all my brothers
the local community hospital. Things I remember my first day back at and sisters and the Christmas tree in
are sketchy at this point, but I school, getting out of my parent’s the living room and my dog, Heidi, the
remember days and days going by and van and the stares from my German Shepherd. I remember my
me just laying in my hospital bed schoolmates that I had not seen in Dad wheeling me into what used to be
getting poked and prodded by various months. That didn’t bother me my sister’s bedroom. But there was a
people. I even remember getting though. I had convinced myself that surprise; it was filled with all kinds of
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 31
exercise equipment and tumbling was I the one in a million” to 7 AM, we got ready to go to the
mats. My Dad knew what lay ahead. contract TM. I still have dreams doctor’s. By then I was so weak, my
He picked me up out of my about scoring the winning husband almost had to carry me. As
wheelchair and placed me on the touchdown and wonder what might soon as the doctor saw me (not the
tumbling mats and started helping me have been had this not happened to one I talked to on the phone), he
stretch my legs. Then he lifted me up me. But in retrospect, I consider immediately told the nurse to call an
on my new exercise bike and I was myself the luckiest man in the world ambulance. We got to the emergency
able to turn the pedals a little. We to have battled this terrible illness room almost right away. I could not
looked at each other and I gave him a and won, at least a partial victory. I breathe on my own, so I was put on a
hug. I knew he was proud of me. thank G-d, because without this respirator right away. After a few
Probably prouder than if I had scored experience, I probably wouldn’t have days, they decided to do a
the winning touchdown on that met and had our beautiful tracheotomy, or else the tube down
Monday that seemed like a lifetime children. If for some reason, it my throat would ruin my vocal cords.
ago. comes back, I am ready. I have I was effected at the C-2 level. I
beaten it once, and I will beat it remained in the Hospital paralyzed
Over the next few months, my again.
strength was coming back. I began Bonnie Rebuck
walking with the aide of my trusty To my parents, siblings, friends and Mt. Joy Pennsylvania
walker. Then, after more months of Dr. Moe, I say thank you for all the
rehab, I was able to start jogging with support and sacrifices you made over
my Dad through the neighborhood. I the years. They never allowed me to
remember the looks from the give up. From my sister who gave from the neck down and on a vent
neighbors as I was jogging by. A up her bedroom for my rehab until June 1999. Then I was
miracle had happened. equipment, to my Dad who used to transferred to a Rehabilitation facility
lift me out of my wheelchair for my called HealthSouth, Mechanicsburg
As the years went by, I regained some exercises and taking me jogging, to until September 1999. I went through
of my lost physical prowess. I never my Mom who used to wake up at 4 extensive therapy and around July
completely recovered from TM, but I AM to take me to my rehab at the 25th I was able to wean myself off of
realized there was more to life than swimming pool, to my friends who the vent, which was very hard to do.
scoring touchdowns. I played stuck with me and remind me of the The whole time I was hospitalized all
organized baseball again and although “glory days,” and to my wife and the doctors were saying I had MS.
I couldn’t run (more like a slow jog), children who allow me to be a part of Well, in November 1999 I went for a
I tried to compensate with other their lives, I love you all. few more opinions and was re-dx with
things. I developed a nasty curveball TM.
and was a pretty decent pitcher. In My most frightening time of my life
high school, I earned three varsity began on May 11, 1999. Everything I keep getting better day by day. I use
letters in golf. had gone so normal all day and into a wheelchair for long distances and a
the night, when around 9:45 PM, my walker for short distances. I did get a
I went on to college and earned my fingers on my left hand started little bit of foot drop while I was laid
CPA license. I met and married my tingling and I thought they were just up and that is hindering my walking
beautiful wife,and we have going to sleep and they would wake also. I just received Botox injections
three lovely daughters and a new son. up. Then I just tried to go to sleep, in my left leg on January 9, 2001 to
Life has turned out good for me. I and it was the weirdest feeling, the try and get more movement in my
still suffer from TM. The strength in tingling went to my right fingers and ankle and I have a good feeling about
my left leg is not equal to my right then started up my arms. I started it. As of right now, January 25, 2001
leg, so I walk with a slight limp. A then to feel sick in my stomach and I am being serial casted and have
few years ago, I had to have a total started to feel weak. I called my already gained about 15 degrees in my
left hip replacement probably as a husband at work around 3 AM, and ankle. So I know in time I WILL be
result of the wear and tear resulting he immediately came home. We walking on my own. I have gotten
from TM. called the doctor and he told me to this far, and plan on getting the rest of
take some advil and call the office in the way better. I really don't know
There probably isn’t a day that goes the morning, if I did not feel better. where I would be today if it weren’t
by that I don’t say “why me,” “why Well I didn’t sleep all night. Around for my family and friends’ support.
Page 32 The Transverse Myelitis Association
They were right by my side through when he was diagnosed with TM. me, his right arm drawn up to his
this whole scary ordeal. I look back He could not tell me what hurt where chest, his left arm stiff at his side.
now and I can laugh at them trying to or how much. I thank God for my
read my lips. They were not good at “mother’s instinct”. A wave of panic swept over me and I
it, and it cracks me up today, but back called “911”. When the paramedics
then it was very frustrating. I have My son, Dillon Lee Richards, was arrived, his temperature was 104° and
made some very good friends through born June 25, 1997. He was 7-½ his breathing labored. They life
all this. I know there was a reason for weeks premature and weighed 5lbs 7 flighted Dillon to University Hospital
this happening to me. I may not ever oz. He was healthy as a horse and in Jacksonville, Florida, a well known
know the reason, but I plan on slept through the night at 4 weeks of trauma hospital and home to many
keeping strong and keeping my great age. He only cried when hungry. He residents and doctors in training. I
attitude, and I will get through this was smart, active and an angel! was forced to drive the 50-minute
with GREAT results and with a smile drive alone, as they refused to let me
on my face. On Thursday, February 5, 1998, we accompany Dillon on the helicopter.
began our day like any other, only I
noticed he was unusually fussy. He My parents and Darryl arrived at the
didn’t seem to have any cold hospital before I did. When I saw my
Why symptoms and he ate a good son lying on that emergency room
breakfast, so I chalked it up to a “bad table, I knew we were close to losing
As I sit here and wonder why, mood”. Throughout the day he him. I had told the medics and the
tears fill up in my eyes. became lethargic and extremely “911” operator that I suspected Spinal
One day full of life and vibrant, whiney. By dinnertime I was Meningitis, an illness I had
next day flat on my back becoming increasingly concerned. experienced first hand at the age of
and on a vent. His father, Darryl, came home from 15. The doctors in the emergency
Next four months went very slow, Dillon Lee Richards room were milling about, most of
out of the hospital I did not go. Hilliard Florida them residents, trying to determine
Therapy was my daily routine, where to begin in reaching a
wanting to walk was my dream. diagnosis. By 12:00 PM Friday,
Day by Day I am getting stronger, work and agreed that Dillon was “not February 6th, they had done a CT Scan
But days of therapy are no longer. right”. We phoned our pediatrician and had taken him into x-ray twice.
In my daughter’s wedding I will be, who said that as long as he was Dillon’s breathing was becoming
Matron of Honor, eating and not running a fever, increasingly labored and he wasn’t
and an honor that will be. vomiting or having diarrhea, we moving a muscle.
Walking on my own that day, shouldn’t panic. He said Dillon
Is my dream that I pray. could have an ear infection or is Frustrated and scared, I finally
So as I sit here and wonder why, cutting teeth. demanded they do a spinal tap
I hold back the tears that I might cry. because I knew he didn’t have
I remained by my son through the anything wrong with his bones. They
~ Bonnie Sue Rebuck night, checking his temperature and agreed and then made arrangements
I am the mother of a child diagnosed basically worrying, as he cried out in for a room in ICU. Upon arriving at
with TRANSVERSE MYELITIS his sleep. Darryl got up at 5:30 AM the room, I noticed that we were
(TM) and I would like to share my to go to work, at which point Dillon’s directly in front of the nurse’s station
experience with you and other parents temperature began to rise. I then and was somewhat thankful to have
of children with TM. I recently re- called the pediatrician again, and was them so close. As we settled in the
ceived my first newsletter from TMA told to bring him at 8:00 AM that room, I also noticed that there were
by way of my father, who recently morning. I made him a bottle and cameras in our room and that our
contacted you for some information immediately noticed that he was room was the only room in ICU being
on the association. I was touched by unable to hold it himself, a skill he’d monitored. I still didn’t catch on.
the stories shared by others and tear- mastered several months previous.
ful over the suffering my baby en- He was moaning. I bent over him and That evening, the doctor arrived to
dured during his ordeal. begged him to “touch mommy’s give us what we had hoped would be
face” or “pull mommy’s hair”, as he a diagnosis. He began questioning
You see, my son was 7 months old so loved to do. He simply stared at Darryl and I about the previous day’s
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 33
events, wanting to know if Dillon had As promised, we were taken to again at 5:00 AM and ready to get
been dropped, hit or picked up by his Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital back to our son. I walked out of
arms… and it hit me…they suspected where we waited several hours for Dillon’s nursery with a bag full of
abuse. I became angry and frightened the MRI, as it was Saturday and a toys and clothes and pictures…when I
all at once. I was an at-home mother radiologist had to be called in. They saw a plaque hanging from the wall
who’s life revolved around her child. put Dillon on a feeding tube, a that I’d received as a shower gift. It
I knew there had been no physical breathing tube, antibiotics and other read:
abuse. It also dawned on me that they monitoring equipment.
had been running him back and forth Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray
to x-ray and doing every test possible I was exhausted and petrified, but at the Lord my soul to keep, watch me
to prove physical abuse instead of least I felt as if my son was getting safely through the night and wake me
finding the source of the problem. I the treatment that he needed. About with the morning light.
was fearful my son would die, and 10:30 PM that night, Dr Turk
that if he didn’t, HRS would step in arrived and told us that the MRI That plaque remained above Dillon’s
and take him from me. confirmed Transverse Myelitis hospital bed for the duration of our
(TM). We had never heard of it. He visit.
The doctor said Dillon had “nurse- gave Dillon a 30% chance of
maid’s” elbow and that they thought surviving the next 72 hours because Dillon’s recovery was underway.
an infection had set in as a result, the disease had paralyzed him from Within five days he was released from
causing high fever and paralysis. I the chin down and there was already ICU and moved to a regular room
became irate and told the doctor that I some brain swelling. He said that if where he remained for eight days. He
knew he was wrong, that I suspected Dillon did survive, there was only a was released from the hospital one
meningitis. 40% chance he’d recover use of his day shy of two weeks and he had
arms and legs. His breathing was already begun to move his arms and
That night, our first night in the labored, but they wanted to keep head.
hospital, I held my son in my arms him off of a respirator, if possible.
and rocked him, all the while being They began steroid treatment to Dillon will be three years old June
watched closely by the nurses and combat the swelling and hoped the 25th. At 2 ½ years old, he is still
cameras. I was afraid, tired and steroids would work before he was unable to walk, however, he attends
frustrated at the obvious steady unable to breathe on his own. two sessions each of speech, physical
decline of my son’s health. At some and occupational therapy per week, in
point a nurse came in and told me that That night was the worst night of my addition to his specialist’s
the spinal tap had not revealed life. The doctors told me to go home appointments. He has recently tested
meningitis, however the protein levels and get myself some belongings. at age level in his fine motor skills,
in the fluid were suggestive of some They told me to get things of with some problems, but some
other problem. They had a Dillon’s that would make him feel advanced skills. He has an above
neurologist arriving at 8:00 AM the more comfortable, as he would be average vocabulary with his only
following morning from the local staying in the hospital a while. He speech problem being the inability to
children’s hospital. said it would be a “biblical event” if pronounce certain sounds properly
Dillon were out of ICU in less than due to a weakness in his tongue. He
When the neurologist, Dr. William two weeks. I didn’t want to leave is “socially” advanced for his age and
Turk, arrived, he began examining him, but Dr. Turk insisted that he has a delightful and determined
Dillon. He seemed worried, and after wouldn’t let me stay in the room personality. He has recently taken his
10 minutes of thoroughly examining with Dillon because I had already first steps with the use of a walker and
Dillon, he told me to begin gathering been up with him for two days. has become good enough at it that we
our belongings because he would Walking out of that room and were able to get approval to order one
have an ambulance arriving to take leaving my son with my sister and for home use.
Dillon and I to the ICU at Wolfson’s mother in that hospital was the
Children’s Hospital just down the hardest thing I ever had to do. The opthamologist said there were no
road. He told me that Dillon did not long-term effects on his eyes,
have “nurse-maid’s” elbow and that We went home and gathered my although the disease could cause
he was scheduling Dillon for a MRI. things and Dillon’s and tried to get a gradual blindness. The urologist says
couple of hours sleep. We were up he’ll be able to control his bladder and
Page 34 The Transverse Myelitis Association
bowels normally. Dr. Turk has for eight years prior to working as a was totally paralysed but my left leg
warned me to be “cautiously deep-sea fisherman and suffered was liable to shoot out and kick who-
optimistic” and that Dillon is writing from back problems as a result of a ever sat on that side of my bed. My
his “own book” in his recovery. parachuting accident in 1968. But wife and sons bullied me into concen-
nothing prepared me for the devas- trating every ounce of energy into
In two years time we have been told tating effects of TM. making my toes move and when my
Dillon would never walk; then he’d big toe finally moved about a ½ inch,
never walk fast; that he’d never run; It was 3 June 1988 and I was paint- I had to be propped up to see it move
and now they are shrugging their ing the cabin of the fishing boat on as I couldn’t feel anything and would-
shoulders and letting him decide what which I worked, when I suddenly n’t believe them. From then on we
he’s going to do. felt a pain in my right leg and it be- were all determined I would walk
gan to feel numb. I had visited my again.
The past two years have been doctor a week earlier complaining of
emotionally draining and rewarding. cramp-like pain in my right leg, The next few months were spent do-
I am so proud of my son’s which he thought was caused by cir- ing intensive physiotherapy. As
determination and I feel so lucky that culatory problems. But the cramps movement gradually returned to my
the right doctor was able to make the had gone and on that particular Fri- legs, I had muscle spasms so fierce I
correct diagnosis. day morning, there had been no pain was yanked out of bed at three
at all. The numb feeling in my leg o’clock one morning, pins and nee-
We have a long way to go in his got so bad that I knew I had to get dles in my legs, and then several
recovery, however we feel blessed to off the boat quickly. I found some- months of the weirdest sensations
have come this far. Since the ordeal, I one to drive me home. By this time imaginable. For days on end my legs
have often wondered what would my right leg was completely useless would feel like wet concrete setting,
have happened had Dillon’s and I literally crawled upstairs on then for no reason my whole bottom
neurologist not been well informed of my hands and knees to bed and half felt like it was encased in broken
TM and I wonder how many children called my doctor. Within three hours glass. There were times when any
have been mis-diagnosed as a result the numbness had spread throughout movement made the inside of my legs
of uninformed physicians. How many the whole of my lower half. My feel like a wet cloth being very tightly
parents have been blamed for doctor couldn’t find a pulse in my twisted or my feet felt like big
symptoms related to this little -known right foot and I was rushed to hospi- sponges. Sounds crazy, I know, but I
disease? What can I do to educate tal by ambulance. By now the pain felt these sensations even though I
people? in my right side was so bad, I was was completely numb. It was ex-
punching the sides of the ambulance tremely uncomfortable.
I would be interested to hear from any (and to think a doctor had once told
parents of children with TM, as I have me I had an exceptionally high pain I think that during this period, all my
never spoken to anyone who has the threshold!). energy was taken up with coping with
disease or is even remotely familiar what was happening to my body so I
with it. I would also be curious to The following day, I was transferred had no interest in anything or any-
know how many children this disease to a more specialised hospital in Ed- body. Fits of depression were com-
affects each year and what the inburgh for tests, which included a mon place and I would slink off to my
youngest known age of onset is. lumbar puncture, two myelograms, room and talk to no one for possibly a
week at a stretch. Then came what
I can be contacted at: Sandy Smith was probably the worst time of all
(904) 845-1196. Correspondence can Scotland UK when I was hit with bouts of white hot
be sent to: pain, mostly in my right side and leg,
Candace Courson lasting for up to 20/25 minutes and
RR1 Box 1895 which caused me to black out. The
Hilliard, FL 32046 and a CT scan but the doctors could strange thing was, when I regained
As one of the minority of TM suffer- find nothing wrong. I was given consciousness, the pain had always
ers who experiences recurring epi- steroids for the first week, which is gone. This was when my Physio-
sodes, I hope my story helps others. still a bit hazy. During that first therapists refused to treat me as ‘they
week, I had absolutely no control couldn’t cope with the pain I was hav-
I had been in the Parachute Regiment over my lower half. My right leg ing’ so it was back to hospital for an-
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 35
other month but still no answers. only manage to the bottom of the with another sufferer in Scotland so
Electrical tests showed that the nerves garden path but we both felt it was have proved your statement ‘we are
from my brain to my feet were intact important to walk outside as this not alone’.
but something appeared to be stop- helped my confidence as well as my
ping the messages getting through. ability to walk. There were still My consultants don’t think that my
No one could explain why. times when I found it difficult to parachuting accident had anything to
It was around this time (six months make my legs work and was forced do with my TM but I do, and nothing
later) that the words Transverse Mye- to lie in bed for several days at a will sway me from that thought. I feel
litis appeared on a Medical Insurance time. as if I have been to hell and back, es-
Certificate. We asked what it was pecially during the first year, but the
and were told it meant nothing really. My first major relapse came in 1994. important word is back. I came back
It was simply an expression used by I just couldn’t move my legs at all from hell and with the help and sup-
doctors when there was inflammation and my back felt like a block of port of my family, I live an active life.
in the spinal column and no one knew wood. My doctor couldn’t believe it Our sense of humour helped us
why. We were to spend the next when he ran his pen across the sole through the ‘black’ times and I now
eleven years thinking this! of my left foot and instead of my drive a car with hand controls and do
toes reacting, my hip joint rotated voluntary work helping other disabled
By February 1989 I was able to drag and my foot turned inwards; some- people. The best advice I can give is
myself along with elbow crutches. A thing he’d never seen or heard of be- to concentrate on what you can do and
consultant then told me I would fore. Back to the hospital again but try not to think of what you can’t. If
probably never walk and would al- this time a very high dose of steroids you’re lucky like me, you might find
ways have to live with that pain. I had me on my feet within a week. I you have abilities you would never
went home and cried but I hadn’t continue to have periods where, for have known about.
reckoned on my wife’s stubborn de- several days, my back seizes up
termination. She decided that if there which prevents my legs from work- My son once said, ‘If you’re doing a
was something there that was bad ing but steroids and bed rest usually jigsaw puzzle and there’s a piece
enough to stop me walking, the doc- gets me mobile again. I attend a missing, you won’t complete the puz-
tors should have found it and if they chronic pain management clinic and zle. TM is a puzzle, and the doctors
didn’t, she was determined I would acupuncture helps keep the pain at a need to have all the information avail-
walk again and nothing was going to manageable level. And like other able if they’re to have any chance of
alter that. We decided not to tell our TM sufferers, I endure problems solving the puzzle’. I would like to
family but just to say that the doctors with bowel and bladder. There is wish the TMA continued success, so
hadn’t painted a rosy picture. We still no feeling in my lower half, ex- please keep the information coming.
didn’t go into detail and thankfully cept for pain, which means when I Before I sign off, I would like to say
they didn’t ask. sit in a chair, my top half feels like it to my fellow sufferers, if you look
is floating. But no feeling doesn’t around, you will always find someone
We found a private clinic and merci- mean no movement, so I can walk in a worse condition than you. You
fully acupuncture reduced the pain for short distances. will laugh and you will cry, but if you
levels to a more manageable level so persevere, you will get there in the
that I no longer passed out. I still had I was back in the hospital after a end.
no feeling in my lower half but with fairly major relapse in October 1999
endless exercise, I slowly began to when a young doctor asked me to be One afternoon in 1972, when I was
walk. I spent hours trying to walk to his ‘test’ case. Because this condi- 11, while playing in the backyard, a
the beat of singing nursery rhymes tion is so rare, I appeared before pain began in my right side/back. I
and this helped improve my co- about 30 senior consultants. A thought I had just pulled a muscle, but
ordination. I progressed to using a chance remark by this young doctor as the pain intensified, I came inside.
personal cassette player thinking that resulted in us finding the TM Asso- When my mom got home from work
while I attempted to walk in time to ciation on the Internet and for the and saw how much pain I was in, we
the beat, the music would take my first time in 11 ½ years, I realised both assumed I had pulled a muscle in
mind off my legs. It helped. Not con- that TM is a recognised condition my back. So she called our
tent with walking indoors, my wife and that other people suffer from it. chiropractor. By the time we got there
insisted on taking me out for a walk The relief is indescribable. I have (about an hour later), I was completely
every single day. Sometimes I could had a long telephone conversation paralyzed from the waist down. He
Page 36 The Transverse Myelitis Association
tried to take a few x-rays, but no idea as to how much recovery, if scoliosis I’d had for years turned
needless to say, he wasn’t going to any, I would have, and that very severe, and that created some lower
touch me with such symptoms! An likely I might never walk again. The back pain. However, I’ve had success
ambulance took me to a hospital that neurologist felt it best that I be using magnetic therapy and
my parents did not care for, but they “institutionalized” since he felt there chiropractic treatments to manage the
had no choice in the matter. At the was no way my parents could care symptoms associated with the
emergency room, they performed a for me. No rehab was suggested. scoliosis and to date have kept
few simple tests (reflexes, The doctor said all they could do surgery at bay.
temperature, sticking me with a pin, was give me nursing care. My
etc.) but could find nothing abnormal. mother insisted that she could do I lead a very active life – I drive,
They began questioning my parents that at home, and eventually swim, horseback ride, etc. I often say
as to whether they beat me a lot. One arrangements were made for a I do most things other folks do, it just
nurse realized I really couldn’t feel hospital bed, wheelchair, etc. About takes me a little longer. And I’d say
anything below the waist and tried to a week later, I came home. I’m mentally well adjusted (although
convince the doctor to look at me some may question that!) In 1991 I
again, but they sent me home. Our small living room was turned married Carl, my loving and
into a makeshift bedroom for me. supportive husband. By choice we
So off my parents go with a paralyzed The chiropractor began visiting have no children, but our lives are
child! They had to get the next door almost immediately and we really active and rewarding. My faith in my
neighbor to carry me upstairs to my believe his manipulations helped. heavenly Father and His promises
room! My parents knew the He was such a kind man. I think that have been a tremendous source of
diagnosis was ridiculous, but weren’t in his heart he believed I could be comfort and strength to me through
sure what to do. The next morning completely cured. That didn’t the years. I am in no way bitter.
they contacted my pediatrician and he happen, but I did make excellent Sometimes we say, “Why me?” My
sent us to a different hospital. The progress (considering I might never feeling is, “Why not me?”
doctors at that emergency room walk again). I give my mother credit
assured my parents that they would for teaching me to cope with my I have found it interesting to watch
get to the bottom of things and find changed circumstances. She taught how people react to my disability.
out what was wrong. They did more me not to give in to self-pity, but to When they first meet me they notice
extensive tests, a spinal tap and get out and about with people and my crutch, and they’re very conscious
mylogram. Again, everything was lead as normal a life as possible. to offer assistance when needed. But
normal. They reported back, “Well, Around the home, as I was able, I after a while they kind of lose sight of
we might just have to consider the was expected to do small chores. A that. I’m just another person – not a
possibility that her paralysis is year after the onset of TM, I was disabled person. How many times
psychosomatic.” Even the nurses back in public school, although at I’ve pulled into a handicapped
thought I was pretending since first in a wheelchair. Each year as I parking space and a friend will say,
sometimes my foot would jump as an became stronger I used it less and “We can’t park here. This is for the
less, until eventually I walked disabled.” And then after a brief
Janice A. Yoder around all day on crutches. I was pause, “Oh, I forgot!” That truly
Lusby Maryland never teased at school. I don’t know warms my heart and I consider it a
if it’s because the children knew me compliment.
from before TM or what, but I got
involuntary reflex, for example. They along fine with everyone. I recently asked my husband to check
didn’t send me home, but for about the Internet to see if there was any
four days I just laid in the hospital Today, I get around with the aid of information on it about TM. What a
bed. Finally, five days into the one forearm crutch. There is surprise to find there’s an
ordeal, a neurologist made the permanent nerve damage to the legs Association! This is the first time
“assumed” diagnosis of TM; this and, of course, the usual bladder and I’ve heard anyone else’s experiences
being based on my symptoms and not bowel difficulties that come with this with TM. I don’t know how much
on any given test. They didn’t have illness. Interestingly, except for the assistance I can be to anyone since my
MRI’s in 1972. initial onset, I’ve never been in any illness occurred so many years ago,
pain as a direct result of TM. A few but I’m happy to help in any way I
The doctors told my parents they had years ago, however, the mild can. I’d like to extend my thanks and
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 37
appreciation to all the hard-working
individuals working with the
Association. You’re making a
TM Support Groups
valuable contribution to the lives of
many. diagnosed with TM, and wanted to
Hi, my name is Pamela Schechter and A Message About
Support Groups create the opportunity for people with
I have undertaken the role as TM to meet each other and to
coordinator of local TM support Pamela Schechter
facilitate the exchange of information
groups on the national and about symptoms and treatments,
international level. In that capacity, I in a normal fashion. I now had to medical referrals, and coping
have been asked to write a column for rely on a cane to balance myself mechanisms. I decided in several
the newsletter which will assist when walking or even standing. ways to achieve these goals.
members in starting support groups in With prolonged and proper
their communities and will provide treatment, I have regained some I successfully lobbied my local
suggestions for ways to increase balance and a more normal walking assemblyman, Brian McLaughlin,
participation and offer support to gait. Since then, I have joined The who had the state legislature of New
people with TM. Transverse Myelitis Association and York declare June 6th 1999 the first
the Lupus Foundation of America Transverse Myelitis Awareness
I consider my role as coordinator of [Long Island /Queens Chapter]. I Day. To celebrate that occasion, I
local TM support groups a natural have expanded my volunteer work thought it would be a splendid idea
progression of all the volunteer work to include both these organizations. for TM members in New York to
that I have done for the past thirteen At the time of my diagnosis, Lupus hold a luncheon/support group
years in my local community. I have was a well-known disease, meeting. I contacted my local diner, a
always believed that volunteering and recognized by most people. But place I go to bi-monthly for my lupus
volunteers play a vital and viable role when I disclosed to those concerned support group meetings, and reserved
in maintaining the quality and about my condition, including space in a private room. This
character of the areas in which we family, friends, neighbors, etc., it undertaking was a very informal
live. I have discovered that was unanimous, not one of them had effort on my part as I sent out hand-
volunteering can act as an antidote to ever heard of TM. I encountered a written invitations and directions to
stress and depression. About thirteen wall of total ignorance about the the diner. The response to the
years ago, imperceptibly and steadily, disorder. invitations was most gratifying as 25
the desire to do community work for people came to the luncheon, far
these reasons, became a reality for At first I was dismayed and a little exceeding my initial expectations.
me. I joined a newly formed hesitant about explaining TM, The favorable comments from
substance abuse community because I did not know too much members about the luncheon spurred
organization. I would see the about it. After several visits to my my determination to plan further
advantage of devoting my spare time local library's computer site, I meetings. I had the pleasure of
and energy to a group with a common became familiar with most of the writing about the first luncheon/
purpose. I eventually became information and details about TM. support group meeting that appeared
Outreach Manager for the agency. This proved to be therapeutic for me in the TMA newsletter. I have hopes
During this time, I attended Queens because I could now adequately that this article prompted interest by
College in Flushing, NY where I explain the syndrome to all and other members in other states to start
received an undergraduate degree and sundry. The knowledge eased my their own groups if they have not
later a Master's degree in Public own fears and anxiety about my already done so.
Administration. condition. It was also at this time
that I recognized within myself There is a vital need for TM support
In 1996, my life changed irrevocably some important needs and desires. groups. After four successful
when I was diagnosed with TM, and As noted, I have a strong meetings, I am convinced that
in my case, caused by Lupus. Lupus commitment to volunteer work. I members who attend experience a
is an auto-immune condition which had a desire to bring education and more hopeful and positive attitude
can attack any organ, cell or system awareness about TM to the public's about their illness. There is a mutual
of the body. Because of motor and attention. I had an interest in sharing of life with TM, fostered by a
sensory loss, I could no longer walk meeting others who have been
Page 38 The Transverse Myelitis Association
common purpose and group bonding you informed. We strongly advise California TM Support:
that may not occur anywhere else. that you check any drugs or
Irwindale Raceway,
Briefly, support groups serve many treatments mentioned with your
Thanksgiving Day, 2000
important purposes. Through the physician.
support groups people can assist each Deborah Capen
other by offering information about Beginning in September, a race car
doctors, medical facilities, and driver by the name of Ken Smith always been a time that our entire
therapists in their vicinity who have contacted the TMA after seeing the family gets together and has a big
some experience with TM. They can CBS 48 Hours show featuring young turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
share and exchange information about Cody Unser and her struggles after This year we had the opportunity to
services and entitlements that state or her diagnosis of TM. Ken felt get together with our TM family,
local government agencies may offer compelled to get involved in some thanks to the people at Irwindale
to those disabled by the disease. way to promote awareness of TM Raceway and to Ken Smith.
Support group participants can share and with his connections in the
information they have become aware racing community was able to set up A big thank you goes to all of you
of regarding current research and new racing events throughout the country. who came and shared that day with
treatments. Support groups provide a The first of these events was going to my husband, Michael, and myself.
forum for members to share their own be held at Irwindale Raceway in
personal experiences with their Irwindale, California on And a very special thank you to
condition and how they cope with Thanksgiving Day. Debbie and Michael who sacrificed
TM; and to offer support and help to their Thanksgiving with their family to
caregivers and family members who Through the communications with organize the meeting of the Southern
have questions and concerns about Ken, the people at Irwindale California TMA members.
TM. In future articles in the Raceway graciously offered a
newsletter, I will use this column to substantial discount admission to all I attended a Disability Federation of
offer suggestions and strategies for TMA members who wished to attend Ireland (DFI) meeting, hoping to hear
these many important purposes of this event, making it a great some good news from the budget that
support groups. opportunity to meet others with TM. the Government had resolved Decem-
There was a small group of us that ber 6th. Nothing much has changed;
I wish to help and encourage others to attended the races, and it was really we did get allowed £6 million to be
start their own support groups; to exciting to watch. The sports cable shared between all the disabilities,
offer assistance in deciding what they channel, ESPN, taped the race, and physical and sensory. These funds
hope to accomplish; how to run a Cody Unser and her mother, Shelley, also have to cover Home Care Atten-
support group, to offer information were there to make sure that the dants, Day Care Centres, Personal As-
and literature about support groups public learned about TM. We all had sistants, and Home Helps. So, by the
and to act as a conduit for new ideas the opportunity to meet this adorable, time it is shared, there will not be
and suggestions from members. If happy girl with such a contagious much for each section. This will all be
you are interested in starting your upbeat attitude. Shelley is backing coming through the Health Boards, at
own local and regional support group up Cody with her wishes to dedicate their discretion. The money for the In-
and need help in getting started, her life to raising research funding dependent Living Centres has come
please call me at area code 1-718- along with awareness of TM through from the Government through the
762-8463 or write to: Pam Schechter, Cody’s First Step Foundation. We Health Boards throughout Southern
Coordinator, TM Support Groups, 41- all know what Cody is living with Ireland. The money is made available
10 Bowne Street , Apt.7m, Flushing, day to day, and to see the energy that through the Independent Living Cen-
NY 11355. My e-mail address is she is putting forth is inspiring. tres around Ireland to facilitate the
PamIam6@Juno.Com. continued work of providing Personal
The most rewarding part of the day, Assistants for all people with disabili-
for me, was being able to meet with ties.
the small group of TMA members I am in the process of trying to secure
The TMA does not endorse any of the that came for the races. Our personal funding from the Independent Living
medications, treatments or products sharing of experiences, both Group to cover the costs of postage
reported in this newsletter. This humorous and emotional, brought us and telephone. I have nothing secure
information is intended only to keep close together. Thanksgiving has on that yet. I have also applied to our
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 39
local Health Board for the same My family was amused when I told including information about the
funding; we have to apply through the them, it was so hot the day we were upcoming Transverse Myelitis
Health Boards. I received a letter to have a barbecue, we had to have it Symposium to be held on July 12 -
from them late last year to say that I inside. In Ireland we have to have 15th, 2001, at the Holiday Inn, at the
was not able to avail of this funding them inside, because it’s raining! Inner Harbor in downtown Baltimore,
last year, but to apply again this year. Yes, even in the summer. I also met Maryland. I also discussed the
We do have a meeting planned for up with Cindy Mcleroy at Debbie’s. possibility of starting a TM satellite
early February. But I will not know I was sorry that I was not able to clinic in New York City, staffed by
the outcome for a few months. meet up with Jane and Mike doctors from Johns Hopkins, who
Hammond in Seattle. After the fun I would commute from Baltimore to
We have secured an amount of had trying to get into Debbie and New York City about every 10-12
£45,000 to perform a detailed study Michael’s van at the Los Angeles weeks. This proposal elicited an
and implementation plan for airport, it might have been a good enthusiastic response from the
Transport in Rural Areas for ours and idea that I didn’t try to get into your members, because the clinic would be
one other county. The study and van. Hopefully, next time. conveniently located for most of the
planning period is from last October tri-state members.
up until next June. We have to Finally, a note on The Quilt for
establish a service and put it into those who are interested in how it’s Hope Klopchin, who is a fifth year
place. We are looking to both the coming along. Well, it’s at the Ph.D. candidate in counseling
private and public sector to be quilting stage. I am working on it as psychology, led the support group
involved. While doing this work, it often as I can. I have a problem with discussion. She is currently interning
TM Support Group of one of my eyes. We suspect the start at Long Island Jewish Medical
Ireland of cataracts, which means I can only Center. Ms. Klopchin opened the
Ann Moran sew during the daylight hours. It is discussion by telling us something very difficult for me so see clearly at about her background, including her
nighttime in artificial light. But I do academic credentials. Most
hope to have the quilt finished very significant was that she has TM,
will also help to create awareness of soon. Then we must sort out how to contracted when she was 12 years old.
disability and the services that are not auction it or raffle it. I will have it She explained about her ordeal with
currently available to the disability photographed and put on the TMA the disorder and that it took her
community. site for all to see. approximately six years to fully
recover. After her recovery, she
I have been in touch with many of the On November 11th, 2000, we Fourth Meeting of the New
people who contacted me about the assembled again at Ben's Deli and York Transverse Myletitis
TM Support Group of Ireland. I am Restaurant at the Bay Terrace Support Group
trying to arrange a meeting for us this Shopping Mall in Bayside, Queens Pam Schechter
year. for the fourth luncheon and support
group meeting for the members of
I made a wonderful trip to California the New York TM Support Group.
this year. I would like to say a huge Twenty-six persons, including
thank you to Debbie and Michael, members, their families and friends assiduously pursued an academic and
and Lori and John for having me. It from various parts of New York then professional career and now is
was really interesting meeting them. State and New Jersey, attended. As completing her doctorate at the State
Also meeting with Kris and Kaycie before, I had reserved use of a University at Buffalo, NY.
and Mary Ellen. We had a great private room available to us from 12
dinner in Los Angles the evening I noon until 4 PM. For this occasion, One of her main themes focused on
was returning to Ireland. It was great the restaurant provided us with the physical and emotional reclaiming
to talk to everyone; a little Seattle individually served meals, which of yourself after a serious illness. At
Symposium - LOL! Debbie was so consisted of soup, sandwich and some point, members joined in the
good; she showed me many of the desert. general discussion with personal
surrounding interesting sights, and observations and experiences with
introduced me to her family. I will After we finished the eating, I made TM. One member told of her trip to
remember it all for a long, long time. some important introductory remarks the Johns Hopkins Transverse
Page 40 The Transverse Myelitis Association
Myelopathy Center where she was Molweni! Greetings from vibrant TM Support Group of
examined and evaluated by the South Africa; the lively hub of South Africa
doctors at the clinic. Dr. Douglas Kerr Africa! My name is Tanishka du Tanishka du Plessis
is personally supervising her Plessis and I am a 26-year-old
treatment in collaboration with her female residing in East London in
local doctor. Another member the Eastern Cape province of South
cautioned about taking new drugs Africa. I was diagnosed with TM in wiser than anyone else I have met! I
without thoroughly researching its March 1999 after developing believe that inner strength is a unique
effects on TM. She told us about paralysis at T8 level within human
taking Zocor, a drug used to lower her approximately ten hours of the onset quality that can be found within
cholesterol, and how it caused of excruciating backache and everyone. It is a strength that forms
extreme muscle weakness. Her stomach pains. My health has had its part of the core of any human being
doctor, at one point, diagnosed her ups and downs during the past ten and is a force that prevails, regardless
with Multiple Sclerosis. When she years. In 1991 I contracted Crohn’s of how bleak the situation might
stopped taking the drug, the weakness disease (an auto-immune disease appear to be! I thank G-d that I am
abated and she felt much better. affecting the bowel area) that led to a aware of the power of my inner
resection of my ascending colon, strength and that I have been able to
Another member spoke of how ileum and sections of small intestine. continue using it in a positive manner.
depressed and helpless she felt after Last year, aside from being TM is part of my life – there is no
her diagnosis. It was suggested that diagnosed with TM, I was also denying that! It affects my body and
she seek professional counseling to informed that I have anti-phoslipid limits my physical ability, but in no
alleviate her depression and anxiety. syndrome and osteo-arthritis. way has it affected or limited my soul
Many members discussed the effects or spirit. It has, in fact, enriched my
of having Transverse Myelitis on My story of recovery from TM is life, by allowing me to focus on the
their families and how encouraging it similar to that of many others: after 4 many positive aspects of my life. I
has been to receive the support and months of painful and intense have life, I have a good life – and I am
help from their children and spouses. therapy, I gained enough strength in eternally grateful for that!
Ms. Klopchin ended the meeting by my legs to start walking with the aid
discussing the possibility that TM, of crutches. Today I walk with the My life experiences have helped to
like all chronic diseases, can lead to aid of just one crutch, as I tend to shape my positive mindset. I grew up
moderate or severe neurological unexpectedly lose my balance and in a childrens’ home where I had to
deficits. These deficits may cause have difficulty walking on uneven learn at an early age not only how to
depression and anxiety, but if surfaces. I do not have ‘normal’ fend for myself, but also to understand
recognized [she listed common feeling in my legs, have constant that life is about facing challenges
symptoms associated with backache, poor bladder and bowel head-on and using such challenges in
depression] can be effectively treated control and yet despite all this, I find a positive manner. The reality of life
by mental health providers. so many reasons to smile and is that every single one of us will have
continue smiling. My life has been to face difficult challenges throughout
The general consensus from the blessed over and over! our lives. The onus lies on us to
members was that the discussions realize and understand that every
were productive, informative and Anyone living with TM or any other challenge can teach us a valuable
helpful in coping with Transverse debilitating illness, can give an lesson. I know that it is my attitude
Myelitis. All the members and I wish account of the numerous physical towards life that will ultimately
to thank Ms. Klopchin for the and emotional challenges faced on a determine the quality of my life.
thoughtful and professional manner in daily basis. There are often days
which she conducted the support when depression rears its ugly head, Last year while in the hospital, I made
group meeting. We wish her well in yet by the grace of G-d I sustain the following four promises to myself:
her career plans and hope she will enough strength to prevent (a) that I would never give up during
come back to lead a future luncheon depression overshadowing my life. the physiotherapy sessions, (b) that I
and support group meeting. My friends have told me that they would go back to work if I recovered,
consider me to be so strong to have (c) that I would get my driver’s
coped as well as I have. I truly license and (d) that I would create
believe that I am no stronger or awareness about TM and be there for
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 41
others who had TM. I have by the actively involved and stand together The following section of the
grace of G-d managed to do the first to make a concrete difference in newsletter presents a number of
three and am currently working on someone else’s life. My TM important fundraising activities that
establishing a support group in South experience has made me aware of are currently underway or are being
Africa. I contacted Sandy Siegel a the many dilemmas faced by introduced with this publication of the
couple of months ago with the idea of disabled people including problems TMA Newsletter. As you will read,
establishing a support group in SA. gaining access to buildings. In South our members and our friends are
Through his encouragement and Africa, there are many hardworking finding some very interesting ways to
wonderful help, I have made contact organisations such as the raise funds for TM research and for
with four dynamic fellow South Rehabilitation for Persons with the TMA. We are really excited
Africans living with TM. The Disabilities who have access about all of the activity going on
response that I have received from committees to investigate and advise which also raises awareness in the
these South Africans has been companies/organisations on how to public about TM. We hope that you
incredibly encouraging. We are all so make their buildings more accessible will take this great opportunity to
keen to kick-start a support group and to disabled people. I recently started become involved in one or more of
be of help to others living with TM. a petition against my employer (the these efforts.
provincial legislature) to make the
The South African support group will building more accessible as there are With this presentation of the
uphold the vision of TMA by three levels with no lift facility or fundraising events, it offers me the
providing support and creating wheelchair ramps. The current opportunity to share some
awareness about TM and the TMA. structure of the Legislature makes it information about the TMA’s
There is a general consensus among impossible for the disabled (and involvement in these projects, as well
us that there is definitely not enough extremely difficult for the elderly) to as some additional information about
information available about TM in access the public galleries and contributions to the Association.
South Africa. venues for committee meetings. I There have been families who have
circulated the petition to many approached the TMA and have asked
To get the ball rolling, I wrote letters organisations for the disabled and to make donations which they would
to relevant South African medical was completely overwhelmed with like to have support the Johns
research units, neurologists and the support it received. Every single Hopkins Transverse Myelopathy
medical departments of universities to signature penned on the petition Center. When a donation is made to
inform these stakeholders of TMA contributed to creating a sense of the TMA specifying that these
(especially regarding the symposium awareness and the Legislature has contributions be sent to the JHTMC;
in Baltimore) and the aim of the since started obtaining quotations to we make that contribution to Johns
South African support group. I was have the building revamped. So, Hopkins in the name of the person or
also requested by Sandy to assist in every little bit we contribute, no family who has made the donation. If
establishing a network between matter how small, can be the catalyst a donation is made to the TMA for
neurologists in SA and Dr. Kerr from for bringing about change. the purpose of TM research, those
the John Hopkins Centre. So far, the funds are deposited into the TMA
responses are slowly filtering in, but We should never underestimate the Endowment Fund; the purpose of this
the important thing is that there are power of love and the power of fund is exclusively to support TM
medical experts who have shown an giving. During my illness, my research. When a donation is made to
interest in getting involved. There is fiancée and his family, my close the TMA without a specification,
still a great deal of work that lies friends and colleagues showered me those funds are deposited into our
ahead of the South African support with incredible support and love. It operating account; the account which
group. I am trying to compile spurred me on to live and to strive to pays the TMA’s operating expenses,
information about South Africans be of help to those in need. As the the major portion of which covers the
living with TM and am looking at saying goes: “We are not here to see costs of education and outreach (the
ways to raise funds to send at least through each other, but to see each printing and mailing costs for our
one representative to the symposium. other through.” So, lastly, watch out educational materials, membership
world… the South African support directories and newsletters). We
group is here to stay! greatly appreciate your contributions
There is so much that we can do if we to the TMA, and our great hope is
commit ourselves to becoming that we will be able to expand our
Page 42 The Transverse Myelitis Association

Raising Funds and Awareness Richard J. Boyle

4843 Westchester Drive 207
Youngstown OH 44515
(330) 797-9465
Raising Money for TM People are raising funds for Cody's
Research and the TMA Firststep Foundation, for the Johns
Paula Lazzeri Hopkins Transverse Myelopathy Gayle Peltier
Center and for the TMA. The TMA 494 E Parkside
completely supports all of these Hayden ID 83835
services as we continue to grow, efforts; we are a team working for (208) 762-9381
based on your very generous support. the same goals. We all want to find
All of the donations described above a cure for TM! We want to share in
are fully tax deductible. Cody’s first step, and Jim’s and If you are unable to participate this
Rachel’s. And until we find that year, we would hope that you will
Cathy Dorocak is the Chair of the cure; we want to find better consider getting involved next year.
Reading for Rachel Program. Cathy treatments for the symptoms of TM, The Reading for Rachel Program
works with the board of the TMA to we want better education for Team spent most of the summer and
conduct the program. There are no physicians and healthcare workers fall preparing the materials, including
TMA operating funds being used to who treat us, we want better our beautiful Reading for Rachel logo
implement or promote Reading for information and education for and bookmark. Now that this work is
Rachel. All of the printing, mailing, ourselves, we want support and behind us, we plan on rolling out the
and supply costs, as well as long networking opportunities, and we program during the late summer
distance bills associated with Reading want to bring greater awareness of months in coming years. Our plan is
for Rachel are being covered as out TM to the general public. All of to approach schools either before the
of pocket expenses by the people who these efforts are worthy of your school year begins or shortly
believe in the program (to fund support. For those of you who thereafter each year. We want to be
research to find a cure for TM). All contribute to the TMA and its goals, certain that they consider the program
of the Reading for Rachel donations we are so humbly appreciative of before they have finalized their
are deposited into the TMA that support. schedules/fundraisers for the school
endowment fund. As noted, this fund The Reading for Rachel Program for year.
has been set up for the exclusive the year 2001 is well underway. We Reading for Rachel
purpose of funding TM research. have every hope that this year will Cathy Dorocak
be a really successful year for the
The TMA is regularly approached program given our broader
about fund raising ideas. We geographic appeal, improved web
encourage people to get involved and site, logo etc. We have been If you know teachers, principals,
to act on their ideas; and many have. promoting the program in the school administrators, PTA officers
The TMA does not have the months of January and February and and members, librarians, or school
resources to assist all of these efforts the children will be reading their board members, it is not too early to
-- either financially or with books for Rachel in March. It is not talk to them about the Reading for
manpower. What we can do is serve too late to get involved. If you are Rachel Program. Share with them
to solicit help for you and to get lots interested in participating in the your own experiences with TM, and
of people involved. You will see program, you can download all of help to educate them about the
from the fundraising articles that this the materials you will need at our importance of finding a cure for this
is precisely what we have been doing. beautifully designed web site: condition. Every single dollar earned
We will write letters of support, we from the Reading for Rachel Program
will facilitate networking, we will will be used for TM research. The
help you put promotional materials readingforrachel program is fun for children, and it
together, and we will provide you creates a wonderful opportunity for
with information. And we will assist You can also obtain the materials by children to be encouraged to read, and
you by promoting your program in contacting one of our regional to spend time with their parents
the newsletter. coordinators: reading! Children can also learn some
very important lessons about
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 43
disabilities and helping others. The since received everyone’s best wishes
Reading for Rachel Program is very and help, but I remained on the forum
easy to implement and administer. It namely because of everyone’s re-
is also an opportunity for children to markable tenacity, perseverance,
work on the Internet by navigating, knowledge, friendliness, moral sup-
downloading and printing documents. port and hope -- all of which are
They will also be able to see a video richly displayed in their lives. Unbe-
of Rachel in a variety of therapy knownst to most, perhaps, I am sim-
settings so they can see whom they ply grateful for how much my own
are helping! We encourage everyone life has been enriched ever since.
to watch the 7-minute video, which
can be found on the main page of our Inspired by TM Talent
web site.
Within this same time frame and after
We are also hoping for worldwide Cathy Dorocak reading the last edition of the TMA
involvement in the Reading for Rachel's Mom newsletter, I was inspired by Netta
Rachel Program. We have learned And National and International Ganor’s “Clouds” and “Seagulls” pic-
very rapidly that TM knows no ethnic, Chair of the Reading for Rachel tures that were printed with Sam Mel-
racial or geopolitical boundaries. Program ville’s poem, “A Thief In The Night.”
Since the very beginnings of The I thought there must surely be enough
Transverse Myelitis Association, we (440) 572-5574 talent within the TM community to
have been making friends from every Perseverance gives power to weak- create greeting cards. I had hoped by
continent and country around the ness, and opens to poverty the doing so that we could generate funds
globe. It is our most fervent hope that world’s wealth. It spreads fertility for medical research at the Johns
treatment and cure research would over the barren landscape, and bids Transverse Myelitis
benefit everyone who has TM, the choicest fruits and flowers spring Greeting and Note Cards
regardless of where they live. We up and flourish in the desert abode (And A Request for Your
encourage our members from of thorns and briers. Art Designs)
everywhere in the world to get ~S. G. Goodrich Karen Becker
involved in Reading for Rachel.
First, Learning About TM
Richard, Gayle and my husband Dan through A Friend Hopkins Transverse Myelopathy Cen-
and I would like to thank Matthew ter. Sure enough, there is tremendous
and Kevin for being such wonderful In the spring of 2000 I received a let- talent among those with TM. Thus, it
brothers to Rachel and for thinking of ter from Alica, a friend of mine from is my privilege to introduce here the
such a great way to celebrate Rachel’s childhood, saying that she had been Transverse Myelitis Greeting and
birthday each year. We would like to diagnosed with transverse myelitis. Note Cards.
thank everyone who has taken the I had never heard of TM before, so I
time to promote the Reading for went online to see if I might learn TM Greeting and Note Cards
Rachel Program - every effort, both more. That’s when I found the
big and small is very appreciated. We TMIC list and realized, to my com- As I write this, the creation of the
would also like to thank Nic Niland plete surprise, how TM often affects cards is still underway. However, for
for designing the wonderful logo and people -- and more people than I those of you who are not yet aware of
bookmark for the program. Finally, cared to comprehend. Immediately this project, what we have asked oth-
we would like to thank Jim Lubin for my heart was broken for Alica and ers online, we are also asking you,
creating such a great web site for the anyone who might suffer the affects TMA’s readership: If you, a family
Reading for Rachel Program. We of TM in their lives. member or close friend want to sub-
have created a super Reading for mit any number of original and qual-
Rachel Team, and we are hopeful for My heart was not simply broken, ity artwork, photography, graphics, or
even bigger and better results in the however -- it was stolen. Immedi- verses, we are still accepting your
future. Thank you all so much for ately after writing to the list, people submissions until June 1, 2001. We
your support! came forward and offered their en- do have a printer for your original
couragement for Alica. She has long work, thanks to Jenna Stentz’s father,
Page 44 The Transverse Myelitis Association
Duane Hamilton. All we ask is that
you give us written permission to use E-mail:
them as greeting cards designs. We
will accept your designs either on a We also have a website for the cards
zip disk, CD, or in the highest quality which is currently under construction.
copy. Original designs are also ac- At this time we are not able to take
cepted; however, anyone involved in orders online; however, people may
the creation of the cards is not liable view the cards and send their order to
for damage to original work. We will the postal address listed above. Our
return your designs upon request. To cards online will, at the least, receive
submit your work, along with a brief greater recognition, and hopefully
bio, please refer to the address listed that in itself will extend our funding
at the end of this article. Feel free to efforts and encourage other TM sup-
send questions or comments also. porters. Our website address is:
reimbursed for their designs or
Card Quality efforts in this project.

At this time, it is the printer’s inten- Marketing The process of selecting the art and
tion to print the cards in a four-color printing the cards will take approxi-
process, using standard fold, no foil. We have asked others online to help mately three to four months. We are
We are expecting to provide a brief us distribute the card brochure and anticipating that the cards will be
bio of each person contributing his or to refer people to our website where available early this winter 2001.
her design. Also on the backs of the the cards may be viewed. A number
cards will be our greeting card logo. of TM supporters are also going to Finally, thanks to everyone’s talent,
The cards will be pictured and order- link their website to ours, and vice interest, expertise and support, the
able via a brochure, which is also de- versa. There are several people Transverse Myelitis Greeting and
signed to inform the public about TM hoping to establish bulk sales of the Note Cards is a unique hallmark for
and Dr. Kerr’s medical research. cards within their own communities. everyone with TM. Educating the
In essence, while we are striving public about transverse myelitis is as
Our Goal and Logo mightily to create quality cards, it much a part of this endeavor as any-
will be a success insofar as we can thing. These cards can make a strong
Graphic artist Karrie Bernhard sell them and in high quantities. For statement for you in the public realm,
designed the greeting card logo and that reason, we are asking you also and in a very practical way, besides.
brochure layout. Karrie quickly to consider distributing our bro-
picked up on the original drawing of chures and establishing bulk sales in Thank you in advance for your
a blue flower sent to me several years your area. submissions and support in this
ago by Alica. While the logo holds endeavor!
personal sentiment for a dear friend
whose own TM eventually led to this
endeavor, the blue flower conveys
our hope that medical research and all
attempts to fund those efforts,
blossom and flourish beyond our
greatest expectations -- all for the Contacting TM Greeting and The TMA is working with Dr. Kerr to
sake of finding a cure for those Note Cards conduct an auction fund-raiser.
suffering TM and other spinal cord Richard Boyle (Gunny) and I are
injuries. You may contact me by writing or going to be coordinating this activity.
sending an e-mail to: The auction is going to raise funds for
All the proceeds from the card sales a clinical assistant to work for The
will go directly to the Johns Hopkins TM Greeting and Note Cards Johns Hopkins Transverse
Transverse Myelopathy Center in P. O. Box 682 Myelopathy Center and Dr. Kerr.
support of Dr. Kerr’s medical Arnold, MO 63010 This person, (a physician's assistant
research. No one is compensated or or nurse practitioner) would have
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 45
several roles. One, he or she would TMA Auction: Raising us your favorite recipe. We would
see patients with Dr. Kerr, thus Funds for A Clinical like for the recipes to reflect the won-
increasing the care that would be Assistant to Help Us Help derful diversity that exists in our
given to patients. Two, this person Ourselves! TMA membership. Our members
would be a coordinator of TM care Lori Biehler come from every one of the fifty
given to patients throughout the United States, as well as from Puerto
country. Once the TM network Rico and other territories. If your fa-
(Consortium) is established, the creative!) or other memorabilia vorite recipe reflects the culture from
clinical assistant will coordinate care (people would pay good money for a your region of the country, please
in the various centers, and will dimpled chad ballot from Palm identify that for us. If your favorite
coordinate the collection of clinical, Beach County, I bet). That item recipe reflects your ethnic and/or ra-
serologic and CSF data. This person would then be placed on the auction cial heritage and traditions, please in-
will also field all calls; thus block. clude that background for us. We
enhancing the ability to get back to also have members from all over the
patients more effectively. Finally, as If there are others interested in world and reflecting enormous cul-
the JHTMC begins clinical trials for working with me to organize the tural diversity. We need for you to
TM patients, the clinical assistance auction, please get in touch. This send us your favorite recipes from
would be responsible for getting this would mean promoting the auction, your cultural traditions! Please be
program off the ground and running encouraging people to make creative in writing your recipes. You
smoothly. As you can see, the donations of items, getting may have specific ideas about how
clinical assistant fills a critical need information about what has been your dish should be served; include
for the JHTMC that will enhance care collected, obtaining an auctioneer, that information. We are all proud of
to TM patients. This position also and organizing the actual auction. who we are and the traditions in
represents movement toward a cure We would open up the auction to the which we have been raised. Please
for TM by facilitating the important general public via E-bay or other feel free to embellish these recipes
research process. Internet auctions. with your pride and your personali-
Filling a position of this nature will If you are interested in getting
take a serious commitment of dollars involved in the Johns Hopkins/TMA If you make your favorite dishes as I
and a long-term commitment of the auction, please get in touch: make mine, we are going to ask you
TMA to assist in raising funds to help to make your recipe before you
in filling this position. We believe it You can reach me through email at submit it to us, and really measure
is important and we have made a or my what you are putting into that bowl.
commitment to Dr. Kerr to assist in phone at (973) 726-5991. Please use the traditional recipe style
whatever way we can. in your submission. Provide us the
Any funds that are donated to the name of the dish and identify its
When we conduct the auction is going Johns Hopkins Transverse Myelopa- origins (the regional and or ethnic or
to depend on the response we get thy Center are fully tax deductible. cultural source). Specify the
from our members to this important ingredients and the proper amounts
activity. We are counting on you to (provide it in the form of a list); and
collect and donate the items we will Pauline and I are going to write a be sure to identify how many portions
auction. We would consider having cookbook. My sons who have fond are served from this recipe. Then tell
part of this fund-raiser take place at memories of my hot dog casserole us what to do to prepare the dish. If
the symposium. will be rolling on the floor in wild your dish contains an ingredient that
hysteria when they read that line. is indigenous to your region or
We are asking TMA members to Okay, get up off of the floor, you country, and you think it might not be
approach their famous celebrities/ two, and let me finish. Actually, we available everywhere, please describe
sports stars in their area and ask them are going to be asking all of you, the the ingredient and suggest what you
to donate an item to be auctioned off members of the TMA, to write this believe to be a more widely available
to the highest bidder. Such items cookbook. And we want this to be substitute. Use whatever standards of
might include an autographed so much more than a cookbook! measure are customary for your
baseball from a major league country; we will have to create a
ballplayer, a signed portrait (be First, we would like for you to send conversion chart.
Page 46 The Transverse Myelitis Association
TMA Cookbook: A Request then tell us about your experiences All of the money raised from the sale
for Your Recipes and Your with TM. When did you contract of the cookbook will be used to
Stories TM, how old were you, how were support The Transverse Myelitis
Pauline R. Habib and you effected, did you have a Association. Please mail your
Sandy Siegel recovery, and if so, how much, and submissions to:
how has this experience changed
your life. Okay, write as much as Pauline Habib and Sandy Siegel
you want and Pauline and I will just 1787 Sutter Parkway
We are going to ask you to submit have to do some editing where Powell, OH 43065-8806
only one recipe. We have many needed. USA
members and we want for every
person in our membership with TM to We want for the recipes to be Feel free to send the submissions
submit a recipe. If your child has TM provided by persons with TM (or by electronically to:
and they have not yet prepared a the family on behalf of a child with
meal, please have your family submit TM), because we want to tell the Sandy Siegel:
the recipe for your child. If they have world our story. We are going to
a favorite dish, that would be a great offer them a very interesting and If you send the photographs as
recipe to submit on their behalf. If incredibly diverse selection of the scanned electronic images, please
they do not, or if it comes from the world’s great dishes; and we are keep copies of the photographs in the
corner pizza parlor, have the whole going to tell them about how such a event the publisher requires the actual
family make the decision. diverse group of people has come photo image in the publication and
together as a community. What has printing process.
We would also like for you to send us brought us all together is TM; we
a picture of you and your dish. You are going to tell them that story also. We would like to thank TMA member
may also include all of the other Phil Burcham for sharing the
members of your family in the Your submissions are going to have wonderful idea of a cookbook written
picture. If you allow everyone into to be written in English. If you need by our membership! Pauline and I are
your picture, be sure to identify who a translator to assist you, please let very excited about learning about all
you are among your clan. If the us know. We have volunteers who of you from your stories. We are also
picture is going to be of sufficient will help you translate your recipes thrilled about the idea of trying out all
quality to be published in a book, be and stories into English. of these recipes. Thank you for your
sure Dad has his glasses on when he contributions. Together we are going
focuses the camera, make sure the This book will not be written to make a difference in our fight
flash really goes off, and please take tomorrow. This is going to take against TM!
the cover off of the pot, so we can see Pauline and myself a long time to
what you’ve actually made. If you compile and write. But we are
need to send more than one picture, going to do it; and we are going to
that is fine. do it with sufficient quality that we
can attract a publisher to print and We would like to recognize and thank
We want for this cookbook to be promote it. It is certainly a story Nic Niland for performing some im-
about so much more than your worthy of telling; and it will have portant graphics work for the Associa-
favorite foods; we want for this readers interested in reading it. Be tion. Nic graduated from Bentworth
cookbook to be about you. We want patient with us; this is not going to High School in Bentleyville,
you to tell your story and we want to happen overnight. Pennsylvania in 1998. Upon
tell the world about how TM has graduating, he started college at the
effected your life. Along with your We need for you to make this Columbus College of Art and Design.
recipe, we want you to submit a short happen. We will allow you a little He is a junior and is majoring in
biography. You are going to need to time to get your information Advertising/Graphic Design. Nic
keep this to a few pages. You are all together. If we are not receiving works as an intern at Kingston where
fascinating people, really. Everyone your recipes, your stories, and your he rebuilds logos, creates fliers and
has a story. Where were you born, photographs by the summer, we are catalogues and performs other
where do you live. Describe your going to come looking for you. graphics work. Nic recently designed
family. Tell us about yourself. And a T-shirt concept for the Columbus
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 47
Landsharks, a professional lacrosse The Reading for Rachel expenses paid by members of the
team. Nic hopes to study in Europe Logo and Bookmark: Board of Directors. These non-
sometime during his college Thank You, Nic! reimbursed expenses also are shown
education and also plans to study and as Donations made by Board of Direc-
work in London, England for a period tors under Revenues. The Donations
of time upon graduating from college. professional come forward to meet made by Board of Directors line item
our needs so generously. We are presents the amount of funds spent by
We had been searching for a graphic very grateful to Nic and appreciate members of the Board of Directors
artist to assist us in improving some his very kind support of the that were not reimbursed by the TMA
of the designs of our literature. After Association and its members. Thank General Fund.
a lengthy search, Nic was you, Nic.
recommended to me by a professor at
the Columbus College of Art and If you are searching for information
Design. I asked Nic to design a logo about TM, a tremendous resource
Total Donations
for the Reading for Rachel Program. has been made available to you by
The logo printed in the newsletter Jim and
does not do justice to the creativity Lubin. All of the presentations and Expenses to
and skill reflected in Nic’s work. workshops from the TMA Seattle Income
You can view the color logo on our Symposium were videotaped. The TMA Funds Benefit TMA
web site, and we also invite you to go complete agenda of the symposium
to the Reading for Rachel web site at is available on our web site, and Jim G
e has converted all of the video so that
You can see the logo and also a you can watch the workshops and e
wonderful bookmark that Nic created medical presentations at home from r
for the children to use to keep track of your computer. If a presenter a
all of the books they are reading for handed out materials, Jim has posted l
Rachel. We know that the great work most of these in pdf format. You
he has performed on this project will can access the Seattle page through a C
only enhance our ability to draw link on the main page of the TMA h
attention to our cause and encourage web site.
people to participate in the program. The Transverse Myelitis Seattle Symposium: A
Nic has been great to work with on
Association Valuable Source of
2000 Statement of Information about TM
this project. He has listened to me
talk for hours and hours about Financial Activities r
Transverse Myelitis, about our (in US Dollars) i
members, about the children with Paula Lazzeri t
TM, and about the work of our a
Association. He has been very The following tables present The b
patient with me; and he has developed l
Transverse Myelitis Association An- e
a very good understanding of and nual Report for 2000. The TMA
appreciation for the work we are General Fund column presents all D
trying to accomplish. He is very funds received and expended di- o
supportive of our efforts. Nic has rectly by TMA as recorded in the n
donated his time, energy, talent, Association’s financial account. The a
creativity and skill to the Association Total Donations and Expenses to t
on this important project and others. i
Benefit TMA column is presented to
He has also expressed a willingness to o
help convey the total costs of provid- n
assist the Association in other work ing TMA member services during s
that we might need to have performed 2000. This column includes funds/
in the future. We could never afford activities reported in the TMA Gen-
to pay for this work to be done. We eral Fund as well as non-reimbursed
have been blessed to have a
Page 48 The Transverse Myelitis Association
27,499 The purpose of the Children’s and
27,499 Family Network Directory is to Donations 462 462 provide a safe means for parents to Donations 147 147 Donations 219 219
support other parents and for parents Donations 146 146 to find other children for their children
T-shirt Sales 30 30 to communicate with and build
Symposium Video Sales 1,090 1,090 friendships/supports with peers.
Endowment Fund 7,922 7,922 Please note that the Children’s and
Interest Income 227 227 Family Network Directory is still
Donations made by Board of Directors 0 5,552 under development and has not yet
been published. Our goal is to also
Total Income 37,741 43,293
publish annual updates to this
Expenses directory. This directory will only be
Board Meeting Expenses 0 981 sent to those TMA members who
Computer Software 0 106 have registered for and are included
Domain Address Subscription/Website 898 948 in this directory. We know there is a
Internet Access 0 1,045 need for this information, because it is
Mileage and Parking 0 84 frequently requested from both
Office Supplies 197 548
Postage and Shipping 5,811 6,932
parents and children. Please take the
Printing and Copying 9,590 10,022 time to send us the following directory
Secretary of State Fees 10 10 information:
Symposium Video Production 790 790
Telephone and Fax 0 1,382 Parents’ Names
Street Address
Total Expenses 17,295 22,847
City, State/Province
Net Income $ 20,446 $ 20,446 The TMA Children’s and
Family Network Directory
Transverse Myelitis Association 2000 Statement of TMA General Fund
Account Balance

1999 End Balance 20,737

Add 2000 Deposits 29,736

Country, Zip or Postal Code
Home & Work Phone & Fax
Less 2000 Expenses 17,295 Parents’ Email Address
2000 End Balance $ 33,178
Child’s Name
Transverse Myelitis Association 2000 Statement of TMA Endowment Fund Child’s Email Address
Account Balance Child’s Age at Onset of TM
Year of Onset of TM
1999 End Balance 0 Spinal Cord Level of Effect
Add 2000 Deposits 7,922

Add Interest Income 83

Thus far, only 26 families have
responded for inclusion in the
2000 End Balance $8,005 Children’s Directory. I have been
waiting for a response that reflects
more closely the numbers of children
in our membership that have TM. In
The Transverse Myelitis Association is developing a Children’s and Family waiting for so long to increase the
Network Directory that will only be provided to parents of children with TM. value of this directory by including
more networking opportunities, I have
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 49
been withholding this resource from
those who need it. For that, I am
truly sorry. The publication of this
TMA Survey
directory is of the highest priority for
the TMA. After waiting for a short
time for a reply from this newsletter
request, the children’s directory will important pieces that will help doc- Please Help Us With Our TMA
be published and mailed to those tors and researchers solve the Trans- Database
families who have provided us with verse Myelitis puzzle. Please share
their child’s information. We this information; do so for yourself, It used to be fairly easy to find an
sincerely apologize for the delay. for everyone who has TM and for all error in the TMA database; it does not
of those who will develop this condi- take much time or energy to look
You can send the information to tion in the future. It is important for through 180 names. Our membership
Sandy Siegel either through the postal you to take the time to record this in- today is about 2800 people! The task
service or the Internet. formation. We will be administering of finding duplications has become a
additional surveys in the future. As more difficult proposition. If you
we begin to develop a greater under- receive more than one mailing from
standing of TM, we will require the the TMA, please let us know so that
collection of better and more de- we can correct our database. This
tailed information. For instance, it simple gesture can save the
would be important for us to under- Association a great deal of money in
stand how many people have had re- printing and postage costs.
It is never going to be too late to com-
plete and return the TMA survey. curring episodes of TM, not MS;
The survey was sent to you in the first whether there has been more than
mailing of the TMA Newsletter in one additional episode, what symp-
1997. It continues to be sent to new toms accompanied each episode and
members as a part of their initial what the time span was between You can send us information,
packet from the TMA. Thus far, each episode. submit stories and articles for the
there have been more than 530 mem- newsletter, contribute your articles
bers who have completed and re- If you have access to the Internet, for the In Their Own Words
turned their surveys. All of these re- you can download a copy of the sur- column, send us your questions
sponses have been entered into the vey from our web page. You can
and refer new members to TMA by
database representing thousands of mail me the survey through the
using our Internet addresses. You
pages of critical information. After postal service or you can send it to
me electronically. can also use the Internet to submit
the completion of the survey analysis your surveys and to send questions
and publication of the results, we will for the Dr. Lynn and Dr. Uretsky
continue to update our database of in- You can really make a difference.
Help yourself and help everyone else Question and Answer columns for
formation and will continue to gener- the newsletter. Please send your e-
ate updated results from subsequent in the TM community. Thank you
so much, if you have already sent me mail to:
respondent survey additions.
the survey. For the rest of you; it
We are about to begin the coding of will never be too late to complete or
the information, and upon completion and mail me this information. Thank
of the coding process, we will begin you!
our analysis. As we have stated pre- Automated Info reply:
viously, the results of this work will Please mail the completed surveys
be shared with our members and with
the medical community. Sandy Siegel Membership related:
The Transverse Myelitis Association membership@myelitis.
1787 Sutter Parkway
If you have not completed and re-
Powell, Ohio 43065-8806
turned your survey, please do so as Newsletter related:
soon as possible. You hold one of the
Or send it to me via email at:
Page 50 The Transverse Myelitis Association

The TMA on the Internet The Transverse

Myelitis Association Medical Advisory
TMA Survey related: Board
Web site related:

The following are some of the TMA web pages:

Charles E. Levy, MD System Chief, Physical Medicine
TMA Home Page and Rehabilitation Service, North
Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health Service; Assistant Profes-
TMIC Home Page sor, Department of Orthopaedics
and Rehabilitation, University of Florida
TMIC Message Archive
Joanne Lynn, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology,
Members’ photos and links to members’ home pages Multiple Sclerosis Center, The
Ohio State University

The TMA Officers’ e-mail addresses:

Debbie Capen:

Deanne Gilmur:
Paula Lazzeri:
Jim Lubin:
Sandy Siegel:

James Bowen, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology and Assistant Professor of
Rehabilitation (adjunct), Director of Neurology Services for the
Multiple Sclerosis Center, Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Research
Center, University of Washington

Douglas A. Kerr, MD PhD

Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurology and Molecular
Microbiology and Immunology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital; Co-
Director, Johns Hopkins Hospital Transverse Myelopathy Center
The Transverse Myelitis Association Page 51
With the elimination of this rate, the way to handle our communications.
Thank You, Errol and TMA simply cannot afford to send
Geoff and a Call for the international mailings via the air A big thank you to Errol and Geoff for
International Volunteers! rate; we do not have the funds to saving the TMA substantial funds!
cover these costs as our international We greatly appreciate your generosity.
membership continues to grow. We And we are looking forward to other
Twice a year the TMA publishes a are going to have to mail to our international TMA members coming
newsletter that is sent to all of our US international members using a forward to assist us in this important
and international members. Once a surface rate, which means that our effort. Thank you.
year, the membership directory is materials will take approximately a I would like to thank Claudia
published and mailed. Errol White, month or two to be delivered.
one of our Australian members, has Thank you, Claudia!
taken responsibility for the printing The vast majority of the TMA’s
and mailing of the newsletters and expenses consist of printing and
directories to our TMA members in postage costs. To the extent the
Australia and Association is able to save on some Maynard, a good friend, who has been
New Zealand. Geoff Treglown is a of these costs, the more we can assisting me with the publication of
TMA member from England. Geoff consider supporting other efforts and the membership directory. Claudia is
has volunteered to perform the activities. Additionally, since the proficient in designing and working
printing and mailing responsibilities Association does not require with databases. When I first began
for all of our European members. membership fees, our operating the publication of the directory, I
budget depends on the support of performed most of the work manually,
The TMA would like to thank Errol voluntary contributions which are because I am not smart enough to
and Geoff for performing these extremely difficult to predict. Our figure out how all of this software
critical tasks for the Association. We ability to expand our services very works. Claudia has been able to save
are so appreciative of your generosity much depends on the Association’s me a tremendous amount of time and
and support. ability to find ways to save, and to stress in this process. Claudia, thank
further develop our fundraising you so much for helping out your
Volunteering to handle these tasks efforts. And as should be apparent technologically challenged friend!
has been very important for the from this newsletter, we are
Association in the past; and this intensifying both approaches. I would like to thank my Mom and
assistance has become even more Dad for proofreading the newsletters;
significant for the TMA. As you review the latest membership Thank you, Bubby and
directory, please consider assisting Zadie!
As all of you in the United States are the TMA by printing and mailing the
aware, the US Postal Service newsletter and directory to your
increased its rates in January. There national TMA members. If you are they have been performing this task
were increases for domestic rates, and in the process of establishing a for me since the first publication in
there were increases that have national TM support group, this January 1997. This is no small task
impacted our bulk mailing rates as a would be a great activity to share due to the complexity of the medical
not-for-profit. with your members. The TMA has a jargon, and I never give them very
large membership in Canada; we much time to get the job done. They
The most serious increases, however, would be most appreciative of a perform this task with such great love
were experienced for our international Canadian member coming forward and care; just as they do everything in
mailings. The rate class we were to take on this responsibility. life for their children. They learn and
using for the mailing of our Likewise, our Indian membership cry as they proof the articles and
newsletters and membership continues to grow. stories just as we all do. Thank you!
directories was eliminated by the Growing up, we never had to look in a
postal service. The old rate was a In order to perform this job, you will dictionary; “hey, Ma, how do you
fairly reasonable rate that allowed us need Internet access. Errol, Geoff spell suprapubic?”
to send printed matter via air; and and I make all of our arrangements
thus, in a relatively short period of via e-mail messages, and have found
time. it to be a very effective and efficient
Page 52 The Transverse Myelitis Association
Registration Forms: The Transverse
Second International Myelitis Association Officers
TM Symposium Sanford J. Siegel Deborah Capen
President & Newsletter Editor Secretary
1787 Sutter Parkway PO Box 2084
Two registration forms have been Powell, Ohio 43065 Hemet, CA 92546
included with this mailing. Johns (614) 766-1806 (909) 658-2689
Hopkins has asked that a separate
form be filled out for each person Paula Lazzeri Jim Lubin
in your family (or a friend) who Treasurer Information Technology Director
is registering to attend the 10105 167th Place NE PO Box 82433
symposium. If you are going to Redmond, WA 98052 Kenmore, WA 98028-0433
be registering through the mail, (425) 883-7914 fax: (425) 483-0215
please use these forms. You may
also register on- line. Complete Deanne Gilmur
details for the registration Founder & Board Member
process are included in the 3548 Tahoma Place W
newsletter. We are looking Tacoma, WA 98466
(253) 565-8156
forward to seeing you in

The Transverse Myelitis Association

Sanford J. Siegel
1787 Sutter Parkway
Powell, Ohio 43065

Second International TM
Symposium; July 12-15 in
Baltimore, Maryland

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