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Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 1

Design and Architecture:

Third Generation Conservation, Post-
Immersion and Beyond
FUTURE OF ZOOS SYMPOSIUM, 10-11 February 2012
Canisius College, Buffalo, New York
J on Coe, J on Coe Design <>

I nt r oduc t i on
Will zoos in the next fifty or one hundred years be as different from those today as
todays zoos are from those a century and half century ago? Yes and no. Yes, some
zoos will evolve so far as to no longer be considered zoos at all. Early examples of
these transcended unzoos exist around us today, largely unregarded by the zoo
profession. Much heralded personal virtual zoos and J urassic Park-like theme parks for
NeoGen chimeras will also be popular. No, some zoos in less developed regions of the
globe will remain much as zoos were in the early 1900s with simple rows of pens and
William Conway, David Hancocks and I, along with several other speakers today,
remember zoo facilities of fifty years ago very well indeed, having both experienced
them and played our parts in helping to transform them. Some older zoos have relics of
their hundred year old past. So looking forward 50 and 100 years isnt too daunting. In
fact science fiction writers have been describing believable future wildlife encounters for
us. Examples include Ray Bradburys The Veldt in the Illustrated Man
and David
Brins Uplift Series
which will figure into my predictions later.
While aquariums will also undergo dramatic change, especially in response to energy
conservation, I have reluctantly left them out of this paper in order to focus on land-
based developments.
My title, Design and Architecture: Third Generation Conservation, Post-Immersion and
Beyond is a little misleading. As a zoo designer I was asked to speak about the future
of zoo architecture (I suppose academics lump all professional facility design as
architecture). But as a landscape architect I believe zoos should be much more about
landscape in both the ecological and metaphoric sense than about architecture as
generally practiced. Also, since my friend and colleague David Hancocks was asked to
discuss the future of immersion design, I volunteered to cover other design
philosophies. Although design is a limited field in the complexity of zoo enterprises, it
touches upon nearly all other fields, and so my comments and predictions will be very
broad ranging.
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 2
Before presenting my predictions for the future of zoo design and zoos in general, let
me consider some assumptions implied in the organization of this symposium.
North American Bias: Most speakers are from North America, only one is from
Europe and two are from Australia with a significant North American zoo
perspective. Where are the zoo leaders from India, China and Latin America?
These regions will be economic leaders during the next half century. Their
cultures are very different and our western standards are unlikely to be directly
transferable to these areas. For example, how will quiet reflective immersion
exhibits or tightly managed zoo tram networks function when 30,000 visitors
arrive at the zoo on traditional holidays and there is no native tradition of orderly
queuing or staying on designated pathways?

Economic Bias: The gulf between rich and poor in all countries will widen. Are
we only considering the future of zoos for people like us, the relatively wealthy?
How will zoos, long considered popular attractions with mandates for popular
conservation education respond to vastly increased numbers of poorer people?

Elite Zoo Paradigm: The invited speakers are leading zoo thinkers associated
with successful zoo programs. This could lead to consideration of the futures of
only elite zoos, those with the philosophical and financial resources to advance
through innovation. While the elite have disproportionate influence on the
evolution of their professions, my international work has lead me to believe the
great majority of zoo officials in the most populous nations remain unaware of
innovations in western zoos. While elite zoos can roughly measure their positive
impact in areas of conservation education and action, what is the combined
impact (negative or positive) of 700 million zoo visitors worldwide (WAZA
estimate) attending perhaps over a thousand popular traditional zoos in places
like Indonesia, Palestine, Peru, Congo and Pakistan? The measure of
excellence should not only be the achievements of elite zoos, but also the
collective impact of all of the worlds zoos, good, average and bad, present and

Linear Evolution Paradigm: There is a tendency to think evolution means only
the survival of the most advanced, while in fact many ancient organisms continue
to prosper. In terms of zoo evolution this means that a few pioneering zoos may
assume far different configurations in the future while some evolve to
intermediate levels and most remain largely unchanged. Zoo evolution should be
considered as a continuum where past, present and future zoo trends, rather
than succeeding each other, will continue to coexist far into the future.

Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 3

Past and Future Evol ution of Zoos
Growing from prehistory and humans propensity toward Biophilia,
modern zoos resulted from a
number of evolving trends as shown above. Most of these trends will continue into the far future as
zoos continue to evolve along three major lines: 1) Becoming more inward and individually focused as
virtual zoos merge into techno zoos and advanced virtual wildlife experiences; 2) Maintaining a broad
popular appeal including bioparks and perhaps neo-gen parks; and 3) Becoming dispersed,
regionalized and localized into a more universal accommodation of nature in everyday life, as
suggested by the unzoo and third generation conservation movements. Varied responses to predicted
severe global ecological and economic change will effect which of these path is followed. In all cases
rapidly evolving science and technology will be a major driver of change.

Zoo Desi gn i n t he Nex t 25-35 Year s
The end of the consumption-based development bubble of the last six decades
(1950 to present day) forces a rapid and chaotic retreat to a low growth
community-based lifestyle in the present developed economies.
In these areas large urban zoos will decline and regional sanctuaries will spread.
Consumption-based growth bubbles will grow in the new economies of China,
India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Arabia, UAE, Turkey, and Indonesia.
The west continues exporting zoo ideas and technology.
Increasing global polarization between wealthy and poor will result in gated
communities and gated economies.
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 4

Next 25-35 Years
Predictions and Discussion
Zoo design in the next two and a half decades will follow existing trends, but most zoo
renovation and new construction will occur in the developing economies where
American models will be transformed into culturally appropriate variations. Many North
American ideals of immersion and wilderness will be lost in translation. Future zoos in
some developing economies will resemble
past North American zoos.
Immersion Design: Symposium
speaker David Hancocks will, I trust,
predict the future of Immersion
design. Originally named landscape
immersion, it is now widely regarded
as international best practice in exhibit
design. However David may find that
most zoo displays using the term no
longer fit the original definition. Here
are some of the main present and
future alternatives to immersion

Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 5
Big Architecture versus Immersion : Highly realistic immersion design
originated as a revolution against inorganic big, dominating architecture and
abstraction dogmas of the
modernist movement in art and
Yet the big
architecture design philosophy still
represents the primary pre- and
post-immersion alternative for
zoos. Immersion seems to have
the advantage where specialist zoo
designers are involved, mostly in
North America, Australia, New
Zealand and Singapore and is
gaining ground slowly in European
zoos. The Central Zoo Authority of
India favors landscape-based
immersion design, which is advantageous in this largely tropical country. But
internationally the vast majority of zoo facilities are designed by generalist
architects with little or no zoo experience who were trained in the big architecture
philosophy. These general practice architects have the advantage in many
European city zoos where municipal design competitions are judged by other
architects and zoo staffs have little say in the selection of zoo designers. I see
this European architectural bias continuing into the mid-future.

Mega Structures: In cold climates
where indoor animal displays are
required, we presently see an
unhappy mix of limited landscape
inside energy consuming mega-
buildings. Even the best small
forest animal displays such as
J ungle World at Bronx Zoo and
Masoala Rainforest at Zoo
Zurich use large amounts of
imported energy. Functional big
architecture may give a better
result where destructive species
like orangutans and elephants are concerned (like it or not we will continue to
see elephants kept indoors in wealthy cold climate zoos in the mid-future).
However really big architecture, such as the domed spaces at the Eden Project
in Cornwall offer promise for more energy efficient and aesthetically satisfying
big architecture providing sufficient volume for significant living landscapes while
minimizing energy use

Deep Green Design:
Five years ago I proposed zoos embrace a far deeper
approach to sustainable design, going beyond materials technology and carbon
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 6
accounting to celebrate the
community of all life, perhaps
creating a bill of rights for the
animals and even plants in our
care not unlike the philosophy of
the deep ecology movement
developed by in the 1970s.

Future zoos will certainly become
far more green in the immediate
future. But will they continue to be
shallow green or embrace a
deeper green philosophy and
practice? Will they grow their own
animal food, harvest their own water, and produce their own energy? A few may,
especially smaller regional zoos and sanctuaries in subtropical and tropical
regions. Within this period cool climate zoos will be forced to become far more
energy self-sufficient or change their collections to hardy animal species.

Bioparks: In 1986 I discussed the co-evolution and eventual merging of zoos,
aquariums, botanical gardens and natural history museums.
Michael Robinson
developed this idea further, coining the term biopark.
Emmen Zoo in Holland is
an excellent early example. This term and approach has been developed in a
few North American and European zoos and at the Desert Park in Alice Springs,
Australia. It will be expanded in the near future in a few new facilities being
developed in the Gulf States such Al Ain Wildlife Park in Abu Dhabi and likely
elsewhere, but I do not see that was a major future trend, although I wish it was.
The bio parks Im familiar with follow the immersion style.

Rotation Raceways like this Treetop Traill will link all areas of the Philadelphia Zoo
Zoo Entertainment: Another post-immersion trend is the wide spread inclusion
of public amenity and animal entertainment elements within the landscape,
including animal rotation,
animal shows,
food and beverage venues and
simulated safari rides. This trend is best represented by Disneys Animal
Kingdom. I see this as a positive advancement, so long as the message of
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 7
respect for the natural environment and for other cultures is undiminished. In
countries like China, Russia and Brazil, which are now leaping forward, this will
become the likely future of immersion design. While the present zoo
establishment in India favors the original pure version of immersion design, I
predict the next generation of Indian zoos will embrace the more commercial
post-immersion approach.

The Safari Experience: Modeled
after colonial era African hunting
safaris, zoo safari parks are not
new. But large commercial in situ
safari parks in East and South
Africa, Brazil and India are blurring
the distinction between zoos and
national parks and introduce a
form of unzoo (more about this
later). Purpose built ex situ safari
parks and night safaris (like those
in Orlando, Singapore and Bali)
and in situ safari parks like
Shamwari and others in South
Africa will become a major growth area serving wealthy and security conscious
animal lovers in the next two decades.

Beginnings of the Techno Zoo: Computer based information and operating
systems have already transformed zoo genetic management and will transform
inventory, smart building and infrastructure operation and visitor flow and
services. Ken Boschert created the first virtual zoo in 1994
and many
examples exist today, mostly as computer games. As virtual reality technology
grows it will be integrated into zoos and theme parks either as exhibits or added
to their on-line offerings. Another speaker will discuss the emergence of the
robo-zoo and the further evolution of the animatronic animals now seen touring
zoos. I see this as another aspect of the techno zoo.

Five years ago I predicted the use
of visitors personal smart phones
to access zoo information and
operate interactive zoo devices.

Today some apps are available
with easily available information for
San Diego. London and Dallas
Zoos and the American Museum of
Natural History are experimenting
with interactive uses of smart
phones. This will become a
common zoo feature in the coming
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 8
decade and provides real opportunities in tech savvy developing economies.
Interpretive and exhibit design will be transformed. Ten years ago I suggested
using animal identification microchips to allow animals themselves to activate
gates, feeders and fans while recording data points for research and alerting
keepers and viewers to animals activities and whereabouts.
Hopefully this
approach to giving animals more control over their environments will be picked
up in the next decade. Real time video links to zoo-supported in situ projects
as well as in-zoo nursery areas will become very common. Thus electronic
technology will not only help future non-zoo animal lovers (virtual zoos) and zoo
visitors but also will improve the choices and well-being of future zoo animals.

Zoo Conservation Action: Greatly
increased land development will result in
increased zoo activity in both ex situ and in
situ conservation resulting in a greater
proportion of zoo space and effort being
dedicated to programs including more in
situ field zoos as well as major growth in ex
situ animal sanctuaries.

Unzoo The Unzoo Al ternati ve:
Modern zoos, no matter how advanced, are
founded on the captivity and coercion of generally tamed wildlife. Animals are
reduced to absolute dependence upon their keepers, resulting in learned
incompetence in many of the most basic skills of their free ranging cousins. But
western zoos have made wonderful advances in reward-based training and
environmental enrichment and have begun to think about giving animals greater
control over their environments.
We can work towards a totally new zoo
paradigm, the unzoo, where animals collaborate with humans mutualistically.
Many unzoo examples surround us today. Hundreds of thousands of annual
visitors to Penguin Parade near Melbourne, Australia pay admission to watch
wild little penguins come ashore nightly with proceeds going to penguin habitat
protection and research. Swim-with
wild dolphin programs and whale
watching tours support cetacean
conservation through firsthand
recruitment of whale and dolphin
lovers. Polar bear safaris are
another example. Wild platypuses
are regularly observed by patrons in
a Tasmanian riverside beer garden.
Wild maned wolves are attracted for
tourist viewing at the Santuario do
Carasas outside Belo Horizonte,
Fund raising for in situ conservation programs
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 9

Purpose-built African safari parks with free-ranging but managed wildlife like
Shamwari Wildlife Reserve are unzoo examples. All of these examples are open
to abuse of course, just as zoos
are, and the same duty of care
should apply. Future zoos can
and should condition free-
ranging wildlife to be active
contributors to positive nature
experiences while maintaining
the same level of care for the
free-ranging species they
provide for collection animals.
In time these conditioned free-
ranging animals, together with
rescue animals may make up
the unzoos entire collection, as
indeed happens today in a
growing number of sanctuaries
in New Zealand and Australia.

Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 10
Zoo Desi gn f r om Year 2050
Consumption-based new economies will collapse.
World population peaks and declines.
This is an era of unprecedented global migration and conflict.
Most global economic empires and some multi-ethnic nations collapse into a
loose network of decentralized low growth and community-based economies
linked by social media networks.

From Year 2050

Predictions and Discussion
Advanced Technozoo: Beginning with todays animatronic simulations of
dinosaurs, this direction is advancing toward a robo-zoo, which will be the
subject of another paper in this symposium, as will a sci-fi vision of fully
functional virtual reality animal experiences.

Neogenesis: Genetic material stored in the modern Frozen Zoo will be used to
recreate extinct species and even chimeras of extinct species displayed in theme
parks reminiscent of J urassic Park.

Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 11
The Uplift Concept: Another science fiction concept, explored in David Brins
Uplift book series involves human genetic engineering of other species to
optimise their ability to prosper along with humans. Such developments could
lead to another version of the unzoo (safe wildlife?) as will as the third
generation conservation approach which follows.

Third Generation Conservation:
The first generation of wildlife conservation
began in the 19
Century and was dedicated to preservation of outstanding
natural landscapes and
ecosystems, and this trend will
continue into the future, but with a
community-based approach. But in
situ protected areas are highly
vulnerable to climate and political
change. The second generation of
conservation action in my definition
is landscape restoration which
emerged on a large scale in the
fourth quarter of the 20
This trend includes not only
bushland and wetland restoration,
but also reintroduction of zoo and
sanctuary raised endangered
species. The purpose-built South
African safari parks mentioned
previously are also examples. This
trend will hopefully expand in the
long term future when world
population is predicted to level and
decline. I see third generation
conservation as accommodation,
where societies make room for
wildlife in their midst and there are
no longer boundaries between
nature and civilization. The
beginnings of this trend are seen in
todays backyard bird feeders, bat
hotels and frog ponds and towns
like Banff, Alberta where coyotes,
bears and elk are common visitors.
This admittedly utopian vision is
consistent with the somewhat
Arcadian philosophy of return to
small, self-sustaining communities
and a balanced sustainable-growth
world economic model.
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 12
And Beyond
Space Travel Advances
New growth bubbles emerge on resource rich extra-terrestrial colonies
Teleportation discovered and progressed
Time travel discovered and progressed
Virtual zoo, frozen zoo ark, NeoGen and all three conservation types develop in
human colonies off planet.
And many unimagined things

Now we enter the realm of science fiction, and
an amazing world it will be. Technology is
always the unpredictable wildcard. Todays
technology wont save us from overpopulation,
climate change and economic chaos, but
future technology, together with wise and
farsighted leadership may soften our landing.
Economic bubbles with follow resource booms
Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 13
Outward Bound Zoos: While
most of earths human population
in the next century is apt to live
sustainable but rather boring lives,
pioneers will seek opportunity and
adventure in extraterrestrial
taking frozen zoos
with them and establishing Earth-
like immersion wildlife experiences
in bioparks on artificial ring worlds
as sci-fi author Larry Niven
predicts in his Ringworld series.

Conc l usi ons
Zoos have many futures. Most types of zoos seen today will still occur somewhere in
the world fifty and one hundred years from now. The economic equivalent of royal
menageries will still exist on some wealthy estates using the same computer
management systems that provide amazing virtual zoo experiences. However, most
energy importing urban public zoos will fail while others will be transformed. Areas
of zoo development and expansion will follow shifting economic fortunes around the
globe. Eventually growing desperation spurred by the perfect wave of over-
population, resource depletion, collapse of the consumption economy and resulting
financial insecurity will force societies into low growth, self sufficient and community
based populations.
Some will have comfort and ease; some will have desperation
and poverty. Peace will not be in our future. Resilient species and feral animals will
return to the fringe lands left by economic collapse, as they have in areas of the
former Soviet Union. And while much of todays wilderness and highly socialized and
fragile animals will be lost, so will most dense metropolitan populations. Nature will
return to backyards and
farm edges as third
generation conservation,
accommodation with
nature, spreads. Exotic
animal collections will
greatly decline, replaced
by virtual safari
experiences and
perhaps chimerical
hybrid species.
Eventually even uplifted
families of bonobos or
dolphins may become
your friends and

Design and Architecture: Third Generation, Post-Immersion and Beyond Jon Coe 14
1. Bradbury, R., 1951, The Veldt in Illustrated Man, Garden City: Doubleday & Co. NY
2. Brin, D., 1980, Uplift Universe Series, Bantam Books inc. NY
3. Wilson, E. O., 1984, Biophilia, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
4. Coe, J . C., 1995, The Evolution of Zoo Animal Exhibits in The Ark Evolving, Zoos and Aquariums in
Transition Wimmer, C. M., Editor, Smithsonian Institution Conservation and Research Center, Front Royal.
VA. Pp. 95-128.
5. Coe, J . C., 2007, Deep Green Design for Zoos and Aquariums in EAZA News, Vol 57, pp.16-17.
6. Atkisson, A. 1989 Introduction to Deep Ecology. www.context/ICLIB/ICZZ/Zimmerman.htm.
7. Coe, J . C., 1986, Toward a Co-evolution of Zoos, Aquariums and Natural History Museums in AAZPA
Conference Proceedings, Wheeling WV pp. 366-376.
8. Robinson, M. H. 1987 Towards the Biopark: The Zoo That Is Not", AAZPA Conference Proceedings,
Wheeling WV.
9. Coe, J . C., 2004, Mixed Species Rotation Exhibits 2004 ARAZPA Conference Proceedings.;
10. Coe, J . C., 2001, Activity-based Design and Management for Apes and People in The Apes, Challenges
for the 21
Century. Sodaro, C., Editor. Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield.
11. Boschert, K. Virtual Zoo. Wikipedia
12. Coe, J . C., 2007, Zoo 2027 and the Monkeys Run the Monkey House2007 ARAZPA Conference
13. Coe, J . C., 2007, Why Not Let the Monkeys Manage the Monkey house? 2007 Australian Primate Society
Annual Lecture,
14. Coe, J . C., and Mendez, R., 2005, The Unzoo Alternative in 2005 AAZPA Conference proceedings,;
15. Coe, J . C., 2009, Collaborative Enrichment in Ninth International Environmental Enrichment Conference,
Paignton UK.
16. Crichton, M., 1990, Jurassic Park, Alfred A. Knopf inc. NY
17. Coe, J . C., 2009, Third Generation Conservation in 2009 ZAA Conference proceedings,;
18. Metcalfe, J ., 2012, NASA's Groovy Concept Art for the Orbiting Cities of the Future, The Atlantic Cities
19. Niven, L., 1970-2004, Ringworld Series
20. Gilding, P., 2012,The Great Disruption, Bloomsbury Press, London

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