ClassX Englsh

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Subject: English Communicative
Class: X
Pe!ae" b#: Ahme"aba" Region in 2011
Revise" b#: $%E& 'umbai - August 2012
1 ( Pa g e
Su!!ot 'ateial
S&*+Y 'A&ER%A,
C,ASS X -E./,%S0 C1''*.%CA&%2E3
C0%E4 PA&R1. : S0R% A2%.AS0 +%5S0%&
-C1''%SS%1.ER6 52S3
SPEC%A, PA&R1.S : +R7 +%.ES0 5*'AR
A++%&%1.A, C1''%SS%1.ER -ACA+73
PA&R1. : +7 S0AC0% 5A.&
-81%.& C1''%SS%1.ER -&R/73
/*%+E : S'&7 ,A5S0'% C0AR%
+EP*&Y C1''%SS%1.ER 9
+%REC&1R6 $%E&6 '*':A%

E+%&1R : S'& S*'A&% +1/RA
PR%.C%PA,6 526 +;AR5A
S*:8EC& C1.&R%:*&1RS : 17 S0R% /A.ESA.
-P/&6 E./76 526 2727.A/AR3
27 S'& RA8A /1PA,A.
-&/&6 E./76 526 /A.+0%.A/AR3
37 S'&7 PA.5A8 &0A5*R
-&/&6 E./76 526 /A.+0%.A/AR3
<7 S'&7 'R*+*,A .AR11,A
-&/&6 E./76 526 A4S6 8A'.A/AR3
=7 S'&7 P PA+%AR
-P/& E./76 526 A4-%%6 8A'.A/AR3
>7 S0R% S. +*:EY
-&/&6 E./76 526 A4S6 :AR1+A3
?7 S'&7 5*S*',A&A
-&/&6 E./76 526 A4S6 :AR1+A3
@7 S'&7 PA2A.,A&A
-&/&6 E./76 526 A4S6 :AR1+A3
A7 S'&7 A,5A 2ASA2A+A
-&/&6 E./76526/A.+0%.A/AR CA.&&73
107 S0R% 'E0*, 5*'AR
-P/&6 E./76 526 :S46 +A.&%;A+A3
117 S'&7 2ASA.&% +EY
-&/&6 E./76 526SAC6306/A.+0%.A/AR3
127 S'&7 :0AR&% &%;AR%
-P/& E./76 526 SA:AR'A&%3
Revise" b#: '7 Eugin P/& Eng $%E&6 'umbai
's Shobana +agae &/& Eng 572 %%&
's7 +oll# 8ames &/& Eng7 52
's7 8e#anthi &/& Eng 52 :han"u!
's7 ,alit 5ishoe 52 %%& PoBai
's7 2ineetha &haCu 52 :han"u!
's 'anisha 52 :han"u!

2 ( Pa g e
Contents Page no7
1 An outline oD s#llabus an"
maCing scheme7
2 SEC&%1. A- REA+%./ 10
3 SEC&%1. :- ;R%&%./ 23
< SEC&%1. C-/RA''AR =@
= SEC&%1. +- ,%&ERA&*RE @<
> Sam!le Euestion Pa!es-
Summative Assessment-% -SA13
Summative Assessment-%% -SA23
3 ( Pa g e
C,ASS-X -E./,%S0 C1''*.%CA&%2E3
C1+E .17 101
Qs 1-3 The reading section will have three unseen texts as shown below:
Text Tye !e"#t$ Marks Tye %& Quest'%"s(
Text 1 Factual/Discursive/
450 - 500
Su)y Tye
"#a$ %illing& sentence
co$letion& Table
co$letion& word attac!
'uestions& short answer
'uestions and (e%erence
Text * Factual/Discursive/
*00 - +00
5 ar!s ,ulti$le -hoice
Text + Factual/Discursive/
*00 - +00
0n case o% a
$oe& it ay
be shorter than
*00 words/
5 ar!s ,ulti$le -hoice
The total length o% the three $assages will be between 150 - 1100 words/ There will be
at least 5 ar!s %or assessing vocabulary/ 2ll 'uestions on vocabulary will not be %ro
the sae $assage/
-are should be ta!en to cover all the three text ty$es& i/e/ %actual& discursive and
literary while selecting the $assages/ 2 $oe ay or ay not be used as one o% the
three texts/ Text 0 will be either %actual or discursive/ 2$art %ro a $oe& $rose literary
texts ay include excer$ts %ro authentic literature such as short story& autobiogra$hy&
biogra$hy& travelogue& novel etc/
3henever a $oe or a $rose literary text is used& the other two texts should be
discursive and %actual& thus covering all the three text ty$es/
The writing section co$rises %our writing tas!s as indicated below/
Q( - 2 short co$osition o% u$to 50 words in the %or o% a 4otice& ,essage or Diary
5ntry/ - Marks
Quest'%"s - . , will assess students6 s!ill o% ex$ressing ideas in clear and
graatically correct 5nglish& $resenting ideas coherently and concisely& writing a
clear descri$tion& a clear account o% events& ex$anding notes into a $iece o% writing&
transcoding in%oration %ro one %or to another or using a style a$$ro$riate %or a
notice& essage or diary entry/
Q( , 2 co$osition o% u$to 100 words in the %or o% *'%#ra$'/a) sket/$0 Data
I"terretat'%"0 D'a)%#ue 1r't'"# %r Des/r't'%" 23e%)e0 Ob4e/ts %r E5e"ts6
7 Mark
4 ( Pa g e
Q( 7 2n extended writing tas! o% length u$to 1*0 words in the %or o% a
Foral/0n%oral Letter or 5ail/ The long $iece o% writing will assess the use o%
a$$ro$riate style& language& content and ex$ression/ 8 Marks
Q( 8 2n extended writing tas! o% length u$to 150 words in the %or o% an 2rticle&
7$eech& (e$ort or 7tory/ 9 Marks
7tudents6 s!ill in ex$ressing ideas in clear and graatically correct 5nglish& $lanning&
organising and $resenting ideas coherently by introducing& develo$ing and concluding a
to$ic& co$aring and contrasting ideas and arriving at a conclusion& $resenting an
arguent with su$$orting exa$les& using an a$$ro$riate style and %orat and
ex$anding notes into longer $ieces o% writing and creative ex$ression o% ideas will be
.s 8 9 : will a!e use o% a visual/ verbal stiulus/
Im%rta"t N%te %" :%rmat a"; +%r; !'m't:
; Forat will not carry any se$arate ar!s and in ost cases& %orat will be given in
the 'uestions $a$er/
; The word liit given is the suggested iniu word liit/ 4o candidate ay be
$enalised %or writing ore or less than the suggested word liit $rovided the to$ic is
covered and ade'uately/ 7tress should be on content& ex$ression& coherence and
relevance o% the content $resented/
This section will assess Grammar ites in context %or 20 Marks( 0t will carry ,
<uest'%"s%& - marks ea/$(
Quest'%"s 9 . = 1')) $a5e Mu)t')e C$%'/e Quest'%"s( T$e test tyes &%r MCQs
'"/)u;e t$e &%))%1'"#:
> Ga &'))'"#
> Se"te"/e /%m)et'%"
> D'a)%#ue /%m)et'%"
Quest'%"s 10011 . 12 1')) be base; %" res%"se su)'e; by stu;e"ts 2Su)y
Tye6( T$e test tyes 1')) '"/)u;e t$e &%))%1'"#:
> Se"te"/e re%r;er'"#
> E;'t'"#
> Om'ss'%"
> Se"te"/e tra"s&%rmat'%"
Quest'%"s 9 t% 12 will test graar ites which have been dealt with in class 0</
Di%%erent structures such as verb %ors& sentence structure& connectors& deteriners&
$ronouns& $re$ositions& clauses& $hrases etc/& can be tested through %orative
assessent over a $eriod o% tie/ As &ar as t$e summat'5e assessme"t 's /%"/er"e;0
't 1')) re/y/)e #rammar 'tems )ear"t %5er a er'%; %& t'me a"; 1')) test t$em '"
Tests ty$es used will include ga$-%illing& clo=e "ga$ %illing exercise with blan!s at
regular intervals)& sentence co$letion& recording word grou$s into sentences& editing&
dialogue-co$letion and sentence-trans%oration/
5 ( Pa g e
The graar syllabus will be sa$led each year& with ar!s allotted %or:
>erbs %ors
7entence structures
?ther areas
N%te: @ubled words in reordering exercise to test syntax will involve sentences in a
context/ 5ach sentence will be s$lit into sense grou$s "not necessarily into single
words) and Aubled u$/
Se/t'%" D: !ITERAT?RE 2, Marks
Q 13 will have the %ollowing arrangeent:
1+ 2: 2n extract %ro $oetry with three ,ulti$le -hoice .uestions based on re%erence
to context/ "3ord liit : *0-+0 words) 3 Marks
1+ B: 2n extract %ro a short story with three re%erence to context 'uestions re'uiring
the students to su$$ly the answers/ "3ord liit : *0-+0 words) 3 Marks
1+ -: 2n extract %ro a $lay with three re%erence to context 'uestions re'uiring the
students to su$$ly the answers/ "3ord liit : *0-+0 words) 3 Marks
Q 1- :%ur out o% Five short answer ty$e 'uestions based on $rose& $oetry and $lay o% 2
marks ea/$/ The 'uestions will not test recall but in%erence and evaluation/ "3ord liit
: +0 - 40 words each) 9 Marks
Q 1, O"e out o% t1% long answer ty$e 'uestions to assess $ersonal res$onse to text
"story& $oe or $lay) by going beyond the text/ $oe/story or extract/ -reativity&
iagination and extra$olation beyond the text and across two texts will also be
assessed/ "3ord liit : 150 words) 9 Marks
3res/r'be; *%%ks@ Mater'a)s
1/ 0nteract in 5nglish - < ,ain -ourse Boo! (evised edition
*/ 0nteract in 5nglish - < Literature (eader (evised edition Cublished by -B75
+/ 0nteract in 5nglish -< 3or!boo! (evised edition Delhi-1100D*/
Rea;'"# Se/t'%":
(eading %or co$rehension& critical evaluation& in%erence and analysis is a s!ill to be
tested %oratively as well as suatively/ There will be no division o% $assages %or this
section& however& %or reading $ur$ose/ The 0nteract in 5nglish ,ain -ourse Boo! will
be read in two ters i/e/ Ter 0 "2$ril-7e$teber) and Ter 00 "?ctober-,arch)/
+r't'"# Se/t'%":
2ll ty$es o% short and extended writing tas!s will be dealt with in both 0 and 00 Ter
7uative as well as in Forative 2ssessent/ For $ur$ose o% assessent all thees
dealt with in ,ain -ourse Boo! and other thees ay be used/
N%te %" assess'"# +r't'"# Tasks(
./ 4 -ontent : * ar!s
5x$ression : * ar!s "2ccuracy 9 Fluency)
Total : 4 ar!s
E$to one ar! ay be deducted %or s$elling& $unctuation and graar errors/
6 ( Pa g e
./ 5 -ontent : + ar!s
Fluency : * ar!s
2ccuracy : 1 ar!
Total : 8 ar!s
E$to one ar! ay be deducted %or s$elling& $unctuation and graar errors/
./8 -ontent : + ar!s
Fluency : * ar!s
2ccuracy : * ar!s
Total : : ar!s
E$to two ar!s ay be deducted %or s$elling $unctuation and graar errors/
./ :: -ontent : 4 ar!s
Fluency : * ar!s
2ccuracy : * ar!s
Total : 1 ar!s
E$to two ar!s ay be deducted %or s$elling& $unctuation and graar errors/
Though ar!s have been allotted s$eci%ically %or -ontent& they should not be awarded
in a echanical anner/ For instance& i% a student has erely entioned the value
$oints "content) as $er the ar!ing schee& the exainer should assess whether the
content has been ex$ressed/counicated in a /%$ere"t and /%$es'5e anner/ 0t
eans content and ex$ression are $erceived as '"ter)'"ke; as$ects o% writing/
7iilarly in all the writing tas!s credit should be given to creativity in the real o%
ideas and language use/ 3hat it eans %or the exainer is that students who thin!
di%%erently and are able to use the language with %elicity in ters o% structures as well as
vocabulary should be given due weightage/ This need not necessarily be seen as leaning
towards subAectivity in ar!ing/ A r%er ba)a"/e %& /%"te"t0 exress'%" 2a//ura/y0
&)ue"/y0 /%$es'%" a"; /%$ere"/e6 a"; /reat'5'ty would encourage students to ai %or
higher standards in written counication/ 5rrors in s$elling& $unctuation and
graar should be $enalised to the extent o% ar!s allotted %or 2ccuracy/
#raar ites entioned in the syllabus will be taught and assessed suatively as
well as %oratively over a $eriod o% tie/ There will be no division o% syllabus %or
#raar in the suative o% %orative assessents %or the ters/ Fowever a
suggested s$lit - u$ o% the 3or! Boo! %or the two ters is given to hel$ teachers in
$lanning their classroo teaching/
7 ( Pa g e
S#llabus Do the &Bo &ems
S. No. text
First Term
Se"o#$ Term
)iterat*re +ea$er
.e#tleme# o/


3-T'e )etter

4-A S'a$2 Plot

5- Patol Ba*3
Film Star

6- 0irt*all2 Tr*e

1-T'e Frog a#$
t'e Nig'ti#gale


3-Not &arle3
#or t'e gil$e$


5-T'e +ime o/
T'e A#"ie#t


7 ( Pa g e
1-T'e 6ear

2-8*li*s 9aesar

&A:N 9%;+S, B%%<
1-=ealt' a#$




5-tra>el A#$


?%+< B%%<-s*ggeste$ Break-*p o/ ;#its /or t'e p*rpose
o/ 9lassroom Tea"'i#g o#l2-N%T F%+ T,ST:N.(See t'e
#ote elo-!
Term :
1. 6etermi#ers
2. Te#ses
3. S*@e"t->er agreeme#t
4. No#-A#ites
5. +elati>es
6. 9o##e"tors
7. 9o#$itio#als
Term ::
7. 9ompariso#
B. A>oi$i#g +epetitio#
1(. Nomi#alisatio#
11. &o$als
12. A"ti>e a#$ Passi>e
13. +eporte$ Spee"'
14. Prepositio#s
B ( Pa g e
The suggested s$lit u$ o% the units o% the 3or!boo! re%lects a distribution %or the
$ur$ose o% classroo teaching only/ S'"/e #rammar a"; usa#e 's "%t t% be teste;
;'s/reet)y0 but '" a" '"te#rate; ma""er0 t$e s)'t u as s$%1" ab%5e 1')) "%t
restr'/t <uest'%"s '" t$e #rammar se/t'%" %& SA I a"; SA II <uest'%" aers t% t$e
se/'&'/ u"'ts s$%1" '" t$e s)'t u %& +%rkb%%k u"'ts( #raar will be tested
recycling graar ites learnt over a $eriod o% tie in a co$rehensive anner/
Teachers ay ada$t this suggested distribution %or classroo teaching a!ing
odi%ications according to their s$eci%ic needs/ 7iilarly Forative 2ssessent o%
graar ites ay also be carried out in an integrated anner along with the s!ills o%
(eading& 3riting& 7$ea!ing and Listening as well as Literature/
1/ Forative 2ssessent is assessme"t C&%rC )ear"'"#( Thus schools ay ada$t the
above brea!-u$ as $er their convenience/
*/ 2ll activities related to Forative 2ssessent such as Language gaes& 'ui==es&
$roAects& role $lays& draati=ation& scri$t writing etc ust be done as 6in class6 and 6in
school6 activities/ 0n case& a %ield survey or visit is ta!en u$ it ust be under the direct
su$ervision o% the teacher/
(ead the $assage care%ully to !now what the $assage is about/
0denti%y the ain $oints/
2nalyse& inter$ret and in%er the ideas in a text/
Deduce the eaning o% un%ailiar words/
(ead the whole $assage be%ore atte$ting 'uestions/
1( ( Pa g e
SPEC%4%C &%PS &1 E.0A.CE Y1*R 'AR5S
:%r t$%se 1$% s/%re bet1ee" 1,-19 marks
1/ (eading cards u$to 4o/ 50
*/ 4ews$a$er articles o% di%%erent ty$es and lenths/ Focus on to$ics li!e great
$ersonalities& events& latest scienti%ic research& environent etc/
+/ 4ews$a$er article study :- read& study& %ind eanings o% di%%icult words and write
the suary/
:%r t$%se 1$% s/%re bet1ee" 11-1- marks(
1/ (eading cards u$to 4o/40
*/ (eading boo!s on varied subAects/ 5g/ 4ature&science& science-%iction& travel&
latest education trends& great $ersonalities in di%%erent %ields/
:%r t$%se 1$% s/%re be)%1 11 marks
1/ (eading cards o% the level and class you understand easily/
*/ (ead several sall $assageson di%%erent subAects/ (e%er the dictionary i%
5gG short stories H (us!in Bond& Leo Tolstoy/
!'st %& "e1saers a"; ma#aF'"es(
Ties o% 0ndia
0ndian 5x$ress (eaderIs Digest
Findustan Ties Tin!le 7$ecial
,aga=ines 3i=ard
0ndia Today Digit
?utloo! Down to 5arth
The 3ee! Business 3orld
7$orts 7tar .uest
Frontline Tin!le
#eo -hi$

:%r #ra;e; /%mre$e"s'%" assa#es 1't$ a"s1er key 5's't t$e 1ebs'te
11 ( Pa g e
1/ Rea; t$e assa#e /are&u))y:
E%1 my !'&e /$a"#e; 'ts C%urse 10 marks
1/ 5ver since 0 can reeber& 0 always %elt 0 was stu$id& really stu$id/ 0 lost y %ather
when 0 was three/ 7ince 0 was a sic! child& a $olio victi& 0 lived with y
grandother in ,ubai so 0 could avail o% the etroIs advanced edical %acilities/
0 reeber being on the streets all day& $laying or la=ing around/
*/ 3hen 0 turned ten& y other and y sister cae to live in ,ubai too/ ,y sister
was a bright student& always securing high grades/ 7he and y other encouraged
e to study& but 0 Aust could not bring ysel% to concentrate on any subAect/ 0 would
get bored and %eel slee$y when %orced to o$en y boo!s/ 2%ter innuerable
lectures on the i$ortance o% studying had %ailed& other tried threats as well& but
nothing wor!ed& 0 truly believed 0 was stu$idG no atter how uch 0 wor!ed& it
wouldnIt hel$/
+/ ?ne a%ternoon& as always& 0 was sitting under a tree in the school $reises eating
$otato wa%ers when 0 saw a %orer classate a$$roaching e/ 2diti and 0 had been
in the sae class the year be%ore/ 0 had %ailed sixth grade and had to re$eat the yearG
2diti had to$$ed the class and was the brightest student o% the seventh grade too/ 0
%linched a little 2diti as 0 saw her wal! towards e/ JFi&I she said/ JFi&I 0 re$lied&
but not with uch enthusiasG 0 wanted her to leave/ 0 continued to eat y chi$s/
0gnoring y coldness& she sat down next to e/ For %ive inutes neither o% us s$o!e
and then she as!ed& J0s Devi!a your real sisterKI JLes& she is& J0 answered/
4/ J7o how coe she doesnIt teach you so that you too can do wellK she as!ed/ 0
$eered at her& wondering i% she was a!ing %un o% e& but all 0 could see on her
%ace was earnestness/ 4o& she is not trying to tease e& 0 decided/ This tie 0
answered a little ore warly& J7he tries to& but 0 donIt li!e studying/I J3hy notK
0I sure you can get good grades too&I she said e$hatically/ J4o& 0 canIt/ 0 have no
brains/ #od %orgot to give e brains& health or beauty/ Fe gave e nothing/I
5/ MThatIs not true/ 2nd anyway& health and beauty canIt be hel$ed& but #od has given
brains to everyone& we only have to learn to use it/I 0 shoo! y head& J4o& 0 have
di%%iculty in concentrating& and boo!s bore eG there is no ho$e %or me/ Clease
leave e alone/ 0 a stu$id& and always will be/I 3ith the gentlest tone that she
could uster she said& J0 can $rove it to you that you are not stu$id/ #ive e one
chance& 0 will teach you to study/I
8/ Though 0 was so%tening %ro inside& 0 still held on to y low sel%-estee/ JLouIll
be wasting your tie/0 cannot study& 0 a not as bright as you are nor luc!y as y
sister&I 0 said JLet e try and hel$ you& $lease/ 0 will show you the right way to
study/ Lou Aust have to coo$erate with e/ 3ill you tryKI Fer belie% in e $roved
ore $ower%ul than y doubts about ysel%/ 7he won and 0 relented/
A-(1 G'5e reas%"s &%r t$e &%))%1'"#- - marks
12 ( Pa g e
a) The writer believed that she was stu$id/
b) The writer %linched as she saw her %riend wal!ing towards her/
c) The writer lac!ed interest in her studies/
d) The writer was not a very con%ident or assertive girl/
-(2 C%m)ete t$e &%))%1'"# - marks
a) 3hen she had to study she %elt ------- and -----------/
b) The writer said that #od had %orgotten to give her brains ----------- and ------
c) Fer other tried to convince her to study by NNNNNNNN and ----------------/
d) -------- was the writerIs sister and --------- was a classate in the $revious year/
-(3 :r%m t$e assa#e &'"; %"e 1%r; 1$'/$ mea"s t$e same as - 2 marks
a) ,a!e a sudden oveent as a result o% $ain& %ear & sur$rise etc/ "$ara +)
b) Find as uch su$$ort& courage etc as you can "$ara5)
c) Finally agree to soething a%ter re%using "$ara 8)
d) To loo! care%ully at soething& to see it clearly "$ara 4)
4/1 a) because she could not concentrate on studies/
b) because she did not want to tal! to her/
c) because she did not $er%or well/
d) because she was not good at studies/
4/* a) bored and slee$y
b) health and beauty
c) lecturing and threatening
d) Devi!a& 2diti
4/+ a) %linch& b) uster c) relent d) $eer
*/ Rea; t$e assa#e /are&u))y: 210 marks6
1) The worldIs sallest dog& the -hihuahua or the Coc!et Dog is barely 1 !g to * !g
as an adultO The -hihuahua is naed a%ter a ,exican 7tate& but its roots can be
traced bac! to -hina/ Today this breed is $o$ular choice aong the dog lovers world
over and their $o$ularity sees to be ever increasing/
*) The ain advantage o% this breed is that they need no $articular exercise/ They are
'uite satis%ied with their wal!s within their house/ Being sall& however& does not
ean that they are dull& on the contrary they are shar$& alert anials& very strong in
character/ They are good guard dogs due to their strong cords/ They have an inherent
curiosity that a!es the want to !now what goes on within the house/
+) For show $ur$oses the axiu $erissible weight is 0/D!g to 1/1 !g/
-hihuahuas are o% two ty$es& the long coated and the sooth coated/ The long
coated ones have %lat or slightly wavy coats/ The sooth coated ones are so%t
textured and glossy in a$$earance/
13 ( Pa g e
4) They can be o% any colour/ Their heads are a$$le doe-sha$ed and in soe
anials& the %rontal areas o% the s!ull do not %useO The nose is short and the ears are
at an angle o% 45 degrees to the head/ The dogs are slightly longer than the tail and
the tail is carried li!e a sic!le that Aust touches the bac!/ The body on the whole is
co$act and has a grace%ul a$$earance/ ?ccasionally a tail-less dog is born but tail
cro$$ing is not an acce$ted $ractice/
5) -o$ared to other $u$s& they re'uire little care& and only the long-haired variety
needs grooing/ They tend to exercise theselves within the con%ines o% the house/
This a!es the $rone to have overgrown nails that need regular cli$$ing/ 2s %ar as
their diet is concerned& they could be %ussy and choosy eaters& but then alost all toy
breeds are soO They are intelligent and learn easily/
8) They are very active within the house and literally are burglar alars/ They are
good with children and are loyal and devoted to the %aily/ ?n the whole& the
-hihuahua is 'uite a $etO 2t Aust six inches& it is bundle o% energy/ ,ost $eo$le are
sur$rised seeing these anials and the general awareness o% this breed is still low/
Fowever& Aust one hurdle reains/ Because this is a $oc!et dog& it ay $inch a %ew
Q1 Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# summary %& t$e '"&%rmat'%" #'5e" '" t$e assa#e a"; &'))
'" ea/$ %& t$e sa/es 1't$ %"e 1%r; %")y( 21@2 G 7H3marks6
The ost $o$ular variety o% "a) -------- dogs today is -hihuahua/ The "b) ------- si=e
is its greatest attraction as an adult weighs Aust between 1 !g and * !g/ 2 wal! within
the house gives the "c) ----------- /Besides strength o% character& they $ossess "d)
--------- and alertness/ They are always "e) --------- to !now what is ha$$ening inside
the house/ Their strong vocal cord a!es the "%) ------------ as burglar alars/
Q2 O" t$e bas's %& y%ur rea;'"# %& t$e assa#e0 a"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# <uest'%"s
as br'e&)y as %ss'b)e( 2- marks6
"a) The two ty$es o% -hihuahua are distinguished on the basis o% their coats
"b) The $oc!et dog is not only a show $iece but a good guard as well because
"c) This breed is ra$idly becoing ore $o$ular because these $u$s
Q3 *e)%1 y%u /a" see s%me $ea;'"#s (C$%%se t$e best $ea;'"# &%r t$e
ara#ra$ '";'/ate; be)%1: 21 mark6
14 ( Pa g e
Worlds smallest dog Grooming & care
Physical characteristics Pet Appeal
Ornamental pets Reasons For Popularity
Pocket Pinchers Varieties O !hihuahua
Q- :'"; 1%r;s@$rases &r%m t$e assa#e 2ara '";'/ate;6 1$'/$ mea" t$e same
as t$e &%))%1'"#( 22marks6
"a) intrinsic "$ara *)
"b) sall and strong "$ara 4)
3( Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# %em /are&u))y: "5 ar!s)
Four seasons %ill the easure o% the yearG
There are %our seasons in the ind o% an:
Fe has his lusty 7$ring when %ancy clear
Ta!es in all beauty with an easy s$anG
Fe has his 7uer& when luxuriously
7$ringIs honey cud o% youth%ul thought he loves
To ruinate& and by such dreaing high
0s nearest unto heaven: 'uite coves
Fis soul has in its 2utun& when his wings
Fe %urleth closeG contended so to loo!
?n ist in idleness- to let %air things
Cass by unheeded as a threshold broo!/
Fe has his winter too o% $ale is%eature&
?r else he would %orgo his ortal nature/ -John Keats
Quest'%": C$%%se t$e r'#$t %t'%":
1) 0n this $oe anIs ind is co$ared to:
"a) seasons "b) nature "c) s$ring "d) winter
15 ( Pa g e
*) Fow any seasons are there in the ind o% anK
"a) %our "b) three "c) %ive "d) two
+) JruinateI eans:
"a) to thin! seriously "b) to chew slowly as cow do
"c) to de$end on "d) to be elancholy
4) 3inter& in this $oe syboli=es:
"a) is%ortune "b) wea!ness/debility "c) death "d) dar!ness
5) Line three in the $oe describes:
"a) lust "b) youth%ulness/=est/energy
"c) s$ring o% oneIs li%e "d) %lowering
A"s1ers 3: 1) "b) *) "a) +) "a) 4) "b) 5) "b)
-( Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# assa#e /are&u))y: 2, marks6
0n acu$uncture& no drug is inAected into the body& so it has no adverse e%%ects/ The
stiulation o% acu$uncture $oints was done so %ar by very thin& shar$ sliver needles/
The $ric! is alost $ainless/ But now techni'ues li!e the use o% laser beas "without
using needles) are being used in which there is no $ric!& no $ain/ These are readily
acce$table to children and those $atients who are scared o% needles/ For every
$atient& there is a se$arate set o% needles& which is sterili=ed a%ter every use& so there
should not be any %ear o% in%ection/ 0nitially three o% %our courses o% acu$uncture
treatent are given "one course is o% ten days) to control astha and usually the
$atient is o%% edicine by that tie/ 2%ter this& one sitting& wee!ly or %ortnightly& is
continued %or soe tie& so as to $revent rela$se/ 2t the tie o% Foli or Diwali when
there is a change o% season& there is a tendency o% rela$se& so once/twice a wee!
sittings are given during the $eriod o% three seasons& which generally results in an
alost cure in children and young $atients"u$ to the age o% *5-+0 years)/ (ela$ses
are generally unusual/ 0n older age grou$s though soe daage to lungs has been
done due to $rolonged disease and edication& yet considerable i$roveent is
$ossible resulting in decrease in severity and %re'uency o% attac!s/
T'/k t$e /%rre/t %t'%":
16 A/uu"/ture $as "% a;5erse e&&e/ts be/ause:
"a) only needles are used
16 ( Pa g e
"b) no drug is inAected
"c) no $ric!s are ade in the body
"d) the body is not touched at all
26 !aser beams are a//etab)e t% t$%se at'e"ts 1$% are:
"a) scared o% needles
"b) childish
"c) cannot bear any $ain
"d) do not need needles
36 A/uu"/ture treatme"t /%"t'"ues &%r s%me t'me s% t$at:
"a) the $atient does not need any edicine
"b) the $atient gets used to it
"c) there is no chance o% rela$se
"d) the $atient is cured %orever
-6 ISe5er'tyJ mea"s:
"a) seriousness/acuteness
"b) harshness
"c) un!indness
"d) extree $ain
,6 I" %);er at'e"ts0 s%met'mes:
"a) the lungs are co$letely daaged
"b) rela$ses do occur
"c) treatent is unsuccess%ul
"d) death occurs
, Rea; t$e assa#e #'5e" be)%1 a"; /%m)ete t$e stateme"ts t$at &%))%1 by
/$%%s'"# t$e a"s1ers &r%m t$e #'5e" %t'%"s( 2, marks6
Ku)'eJs Ra/e
17 ( Pa g e
The dogs led race was about to begin/ @ulieIs tea o% dogs was lined u$ at the starting
gate/ @ulie stood behind the/ ?ther teas were lined u$& too& and the dogs were
excited/ @ulie !e$t her eyes on the cloc!/ 2t exactly ten o cloc!& she and the other
racersyelled& ,ushO The dogs !new that eant #oO They lea$t %orward and the race
@ulie had trained onths %or this race& and she ho$ed she and her dogs would win/
Four a%ter hour& day a%ter day& @ulie s dogs $ulled the sled in order to get in sha$e %or
the race/
4ow& they ran over snowy hills and down into %ro=en valleys/ They sto$$ed only to
rest and eat/ They wanted to stay ahead o% the other teas/ The racers had to go a
thousand iles across 2las!a/ 2las!a is one o% the coldest $laces on 5arth/ The dogs
thic! %ur coats hel$ed !ee$ the war in the cold wind and weather/ 0n any $laces
along the route& the snow was dee$/ The ice could cut the dogs %eet/ To !ee$ that %ro
ha$$ening& @ulie had $ut s$ecial booties on their %eet/
2t %irst& the dogs seeed to $ull the sled very slowly/ They were still getting used to
the race/ But on the third day out& they began to $ull ore 'uic!ly/ They wor!ed as a
tea and $assed any o% the other racers/ ?nce& one o% the sled s runners slid into a
hole and bro!e/ @ulie could have given u$ then& but shedidn t/ 7he %ixed it and they
!e$t going/
3hen they %inally reached the %inish line& they %ound out that they had coe in %irstO
0t was a great day %or @ulie and her dogs/
216 T$e aut$%r %& Ku)'e s Ra/e 1r%te t$e st%ry '" %r;er t%LLLLLLLLLLLL(
"a) describe how dogs stay war in cold weather/
"b) tell about a dogsled race/
"c) ex$lain how cold it can be in winter/
"d) entertain the reader with %unny stories about dogs/
226 T$e ;%#s)e; ra/e t%%k )a/e LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(
"a) in 2ntarctica
"b) on a trac!
"c) in 2las!a
"d) in a %ield
236 *e&%re t$e ;%#s be#a" ru""'"#LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(
"a) the dogs $ulled the sled slowly
"b) @ulie s dogs lined u$ at the starting gate/
17 ( Pa g e
"c) the runner on @ulie s sled bro!e/
"d) @ulie $ulled the sled slowly/
2-6 T% kee t$e ;%#s 1armLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(
"a) @ulie $ut s$ecial booties on their %eet/
"b) they sle$t by the %ire at night/
"c) their thic! %ur coats hel$ed the
"d) they sle$t under the blan!et at night/
1B ( Pa g e
2,6 T$e 1%r; thick mea"sLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL(
"a) thin"b) hard"c) %at"d) s!inny/
7(Rea; t$e assa#e #'5e" be)%1 a"; /%m)ete t$e stateme"ts t$at &%))%1 by
/$%%s'"# t$e a"s1ers &r%m t$e #'5e" %t'%"s(
O" Sr%uts
"1) 7$routs relatively contain the largest aount o% nutrients $er unit o% any %ood
!nown to an/ 7$routs $roduce a %ountain o% $ower %or cheical changes/ 5n=yes
are $roduced& starch gets converted into glucose/ Crotein is trans%ored into aino
acids and vitain value increases/ 0n %act a new ex$losion o% li%e %orce ta!es $lace/
2ccording to Dr/ Bailey o% the Eniversity o% ,innerata& E/7/2 the vitain - value o%
wheat increases 800 $ercent in the early s$routing $eriod/ Dr/ -/(/ 7how o% the
Eniversity o% Taxas -ancer -entre %ound that cancer was inhibited u$to D0Q when
healthy bacteria were ex$osed to a cancer causing substance in the $resence o% a Auice
ade %ro wheat s$routs/
"*) 5n=yes which initiate and control alost every cheical reaction in our bodies&
are greatly activated in the s$routing $rocess/ 5n=yes s$ar! the entire digestive
syste to synthesi=e the nutrients in our %ood into blood/ They are the !ey to
"+) 7$routs are enAoyed ore when they are %resh/ ,ix s$routs with other %oods and
dressing& according to your taste and enAoy eating the/ But eat the you ust&
everydayO you will soon realise that a!ing s$routs a $art o% your diet has a draatic
e%%ect on your health/ 3ith this live %ood& all the cells o% your body will becoe
active and agile
"4) The nourishent which develo$s as the s$routs grow is very stable and can be
%ro=en or dried %or %uture/ 7$routed $otato or toato seeds are li!ely to be $oisonous/
2l%al%a and oongbean 7$routs are excellent so%t %ood/ They are alost $redigested
and can be easily assiilated even by the children and the elderly/ They contain every
!nown vitain in $er%ect balance& necessary %or the huan body/
216 Sr%uts are use&u) be/ause t$ey LLLLLLLLLL(
"a) contain largest aount o% nutrients
"b) $roduce a %ountain o% $ower %or cheical changes
"c) $roduce en=yes& convert starch into glucose
"d) all o% the above/
226 T$e 5'tam'" C 5a)ue %& LLLLLLLLLL '"/reases 700 er/e"t '" t$e ear)y
sr%ut'"# r%/ess(
2( ( Pa g e
"a) nutrients "b) wheat"c) glucose"d) en=yes
236 LLLLLLLLLL see;s are )'ke)y t% be %'s%"%us 1$e" sr%ute;(
"a) 2l%al%a
"b) ,oongbean
"c) Cotato and toato
"d) none o% the above
2-6 MT$ey are t$e key t% )%"#e5'ty( Eere MT$ey re&ers t% LLLLLLLLLL(
"a) nutrients
"b) vitains
"c) s$routs
"d) en=yes
2,6 A 1%r; &r%m t$e assa#e 1$'/$ mea"s0 t% /%mb'"e a )ar#e ra"#e %&
s%met$'"# 's LLLLLLLLLL(
"a) contain
"b) inhibited
"c) synthesi=e
"d) assiilate
8( Rea; t$e assa#e #'5e" be)%1: 2,marks6
#anges (iver dol$hins occur in the #anges-Braha$utra river syste $riarily in
0ndia and Bangladesh/ They are listed as endangered by the 0E-4 due to a $robable
$o$ulation decline o% at least 50Q over the last 50 years and $roAected %uture
$o$ulation declines/ Dol$hins have been destroyed in the u$$er reaches o% any
rivers& the $o$ulation has been %ragented by irrigation barrages and dry season
habitat is %urther reduced by diversion o% water/ 0n co$arison to the #anges& the
Braha$utra (iver is lesser degraded and is there%ore o% great i$ortance %or
$ersistence o% the subs$ecies/
For this reason& a recent $ro$osal by ?il 0ndia Ltd/ to initiate seisic ex$loration
using ex$losives and ai rguns along the bed o% the Braha$utra (iver to $ros$ect %or
oil has $otentially disastrous i$lications %or #anges (iver dol$hins/ Behavioural
studies on dive tie& sur%acing interval and acoustic investigations were also carried
out in two dol$hin hots$ots/ Dol$hins s$ent an average 10:/+ seconds under water
and 1/*8 seconds above water/ ,ortality through %isheries by-catch was identi%ied as
one o% the aAor threats to #anges dol$hins in the Braha$utra/ Based on high
abundance& $otential %or $rotection and $ossibilities %or dol$hin eco-touris& eight
river sections were identi%ied as $otential $rotected areas and counity-based
conservation areas/
*ase; %" t$e rea;'"# %& t$e ab%5e assa#e /%m)ete t$e &%))%1'"# by /$%%s'"#
t$e m%st su'tab)e %t'%"s:
21 ( Pa g e
216 Ga"#es R'5er ;%)$'"s are )'ste; as e";a"#ere; be/ause LLLLLLLLL(
"a) they are dying in huge nuber
"b) their $o$ulation has dwindled by %i%ty $ercent in the last %i%ty years
"c) the rivers are daed
"d) the rivers are %ast %lowing
226 D%)$'" %u)at'%" $as bee" /%m)ete)y 1'e; %ut &r%m LLLLLLLLL(
"a) the la!es situated in the higher regions
"b) %ro the %orests
"c) %ro the u$$er reaches o% any rivers
"d) %ro high rivers
236 T$e *ra$mautra 's $'#$)y su'tab)e &%r ;%)$'" /%"ser5at'%" be/ause LLLLL(
"a) it is a big river
"b) it is less $olluted
"c) it is $erennial
"d) it is situated in 4ortheast 0ndia
2-6 *e$a5'%ura) stu;'es %" ;'5e t'me a"; sur&a/'"# '"ter5a) s$%1s t$at a ;%)$'"
"%rma))y se";s LLLLLLLLL(
"a) 10:/+ seconds under water
"b) 10:/+ seconds in air
"c) 10:/+ seconds above water
"d) 10:/+ seconds in air
"e) 10:/+ seconds on water
2,6 T$e m%st 'm%s'"# t$reat t% Ga"#es ;%)$'"s '" t$e *ra$mautra 's
m%rta)'ty t$r%u#$ LLLLLLLLL(
"a) diseases
"b) drying u$ o% rivers
"c) %isheries by-catch
"d) industrial activities
1/(ead the $assage given below and answer the 'uestions that %ollow by writing the
o$tions that you consider the ost a$$ro$riate in your answer sheet : 5 ar!s
The bees and the was$s a!e a s$ecial !ind o% shelter/ 0t is called the hive where a
colony o% bees or was$s live co%ortably/ 2 hive ade by bees is called a beehive
and beehive that stores honey is called honeycob
0n a beehive& bees that live& are o% three !inds - 'ueens& drones and wor!ers .ueen
bees lay thousands o% eggs and $lace one egg in each chaber o% the hive/ ?nly one
'ueen bee is allowed in a beehive at a tie/ Drones are the ale and they are used
%or ating/ 3or!er bees are res$onsible %or the wel%are and aintenance o% the cob
They $rotect the eggs also& till they hatch into larvae and larvae are %ed till they grow
into $u$ae/ Cu$ae trans%or into adults/ The adults so develo$ed ay be 'ueens&
drones or wor!ers/
Foneybees visit %lowers regularly/ 0t is very uch $leasant seeing the sitting on the
%lowers/ They collect $ollens and nectar %ro the %lowers/ 4ectar collected by
honeybees is honey/ Foney has edicinal 'uality and $ossesses antibiotic substances
22 ( Pa g e
2a6 E%"ey/%mb 's a LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) hive ade by was$s "ii) beehive that stores honey
"iii) hive ade by bees "iv) hive ade by bees and was$s
2b6 I" a bee$'5e LLLLLLLLLL <uee"2s6 /a" )'5e at a t'me
"i) %our "ii) three "iii) two "iv) one
2/6 T$e 1%rk %& e## - )ay'"# 's er&%rme; by LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) 'ueen "ii) drones "iii) wor!ers "iv) drones and wor!ers
2;6 A )ar5a /$a"#es '"t% a@a" LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) adult "ii) egg "iii) $u$a "iv) a wingless bee
2e6 Ne/tar /%))e/te; by bees 's /a))e; LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) wax "ii) $ollen "iii) honey "iv) %at
23 ( Pa g e
,essage 3riting/Diary/ 4otice "4 ar!s)
Biogra$hical s!etch / Data 0nter$retation/ Dialogue 3riting/
Descri$tion "Ceo$le& ?bAects& 5vent) "8 ar!s)
Letter: Foral 9 0n%oral& 5ail/ ": ar!s)
2rticle/ 7$eech/ (e$ort/story/ "1 ar!s)
N%te:- The 'uestions will assess studentsI s!ill o% ex$ressing ideas in clear and
graatically correct 5nglish& $resenting ideas coherently and concisely& writing a
clear descri$tion& a clear account o% events& ex$anding notes into a $iece o% writing
or transcending in%oration %ro one %or to another/
Ge"era) I"stru/t'%"s &%r messa#e 1r't'"#:
2 essage does not need an address/
The essage ust be $ut in a box/
The !ey $oints are to be very brie% and $recise/
1/ Lou are >ive!/ Lou have received a tele$hone call %or your %riend (aAesh %ro one
o% his clients/ ,r/ 7atish& that the eeting %ixed %or the 5
has been $ost$oned to 10
February at Da at his chaber/ Fe added that he should also carry his la$to$/
3rite the essage/
Feb 5& *011
1 a
,r/7atish called u$ to in%or that the eeting %ixed %or
has been rescheduled to 10
Feb at D a at his
chaber/ Lou are also re'uired to carry your la$to$/
24 ( Pa g e
*/ The %ollowing is a conversation between >arun and (adha/ 2%ter s$ea!ing to
>arun she writes a essage %or her %ather/ 3rite the essage in not ore than 10
words/ Cut the essage in a box/
>arun: FelloO FelloO This is >arun %ro 2gra/ -ould 0 s$ea! to ,r/ ,ohanK 0 a his
(adha: #ood orning& Encle/ 0I (adha/ Daddy has not yet returned %ro his
orning wal!
>arun: 3ell& 0 have soe good news %or hi/ 0 want to brea! it to hi/ 3hen is he
li!ely to returnK
(adha: Fe ay ta!e hal% an hour or ore/
>arun: 0n that case& as! hi to ring e bac!/ Tell hi it is urgent/
(adha: 0I leaving %or school& but 0Ill leave a essage %or hi/ Than! you %or
:%r 3ra/t'/e:
1/ Raran had the conversation given below with his otherIs %riend& 7heela/ 7ince he
was going out iediately a%terwards he le%t a essage %or his other/ (ead the
conversation and write the essage in not ore than 50 words/ Cut the essage in a
7heela: Fello& this is 7heela s$ea!ing/ -ould 0 s$ea! to EshaK
Raran: 0I a%raid sheIs not at hoe& aunty/
7heela: 3hen is she li!ely to coe bac!K
Raran: 4ot be%ore six in the evening/ -ould 0 give her a essageK
25 ( Pa g e
@une *00< : a
Encle >arun called %ro 2gra to say that he had soe
good news %or you& but he wouldnIt brea! it to e/
Clease ring hi bac! as he said it was urgent/ 0I leaving
%or school Aust now/
7heela: Les& $lease/ -ould you tell her that 0 have been able to a!e the
a$$ointent with the editor o% the aga=ine& MThe -hildIs EniverseKS 3e have to
eet her at 10a/ toorrow/ 7ince Esha doesnIt !now the $lace/ 0 will coe and
$ic! her u$ at D/+0 a// 7he should bring the anuscri$ts she wants to show ,rs/
7he!har that is the editorIs nae/
2( The %ollowing is a tele$honic conversation between @ohn and David/ 2%ter this
call& ,r/ @ohn receives an urgent tele$hone call %ro ,ubai/ Be%ore leaving& he
leaves a essage %or ,r/ Toy/ 3rite the essage in not ore than 50 words/ Cut
the essage in a box/
David: FelloO 0s it 2hedabad 8+*+D*K
@ohn: Les& it is/
David: -an 0 tal! to ,r/ ToyK
@ohn: 7orry& he is not in the o%%ice/ ,ay 0 !now who is on the lineK
David: 0 a David& a %riend o% his/
@ohn: 3ould you li!e e to convey a essageK
David: Les/ 0n%or hi that the interview scheduled %or 5th ?ctober has been
$ost$oned to the :
/7o he can reach Delhi by 8
evening/ The inconvenience is
@ohn: 0 will surely convey this essage to hi/
David: Than! Lou/
2 notice conveys in%oration in a co$rehensive anner/
C$ara/ter'st'/s %& a 1e))-1r'tte" N%t'/e:
Cro$er heading /title
Date o% issue
4ae and designation o% the issuing authority
(elevant content
T$e /%"te"t s$%u); a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s )'ke
-%ro who
-2ccurate ex$ression
7?L>5D 5<2,CL57
26 ( Pa g e
C-1 4o* are 0ee#aD0i#o$ 3t'e "*lt*ral se"retar2 o/ +.&.P*li" s"'ool3
Alkap*ri30a$o$ara .4o* 'a>e ee# aske$ to i#/orm st*$e#ts o/ "lass :E to
E:: ao*t a# :#ter S"'ool 6ramati"s 9ompetitio#. 6ra/t a #oti"e i# #ot
more t'a# 5( -or$s /or t'e st*$e#ts1 Noti"e oar$ -it' all #e"essar2
$etails. P*t t'e #oti"e i# a ox.
+0 @une& *011
?CC?(TE40TL F?( BEDD04# 2-T?(7
2n 0nter 7chool Draatics -o$etition will be held on +0-: *011 at Town Fall /2n
audition will be held to select students %or the school tea/
Date: 0:-0:-*011
Tie : 11/+0 a
>enue: 7chool 2uditoriu
5ligibility: -lass 0< to <00
Last date %or giving naes : 0:-0:-*011
-ultural 7ecretary
.-3! 4o* are Ar>i#$ D A#*s'ka S'arma3 se"retar2 o/ t'e ,"o 9l* o/ 2o*r
s"'ool. (&o$er# S"'ool3 Bika#er! -'i"' is "elerati#g FBa# t'e Plasti" ?eek
Fto "reate a-are#ess regar$i#g 'arms o/ plasti". 6ra/t a s*itale #oti"e i#
#ot more t'a# 5( -or$s.
,?D5(4 7-F??L & B0R245(
15 7e$t/& *011 4?T0-5
B24 TF5 CL27T0-
The 5co -lub is observing a Clastic Ban 3ee! i/e/ %ro * ?ctober to 1 ?ctober& *011 in
our school/ 7everal activities including songs& street $lays& declaation& and $oster
a!ing co$etitions will be held to create awareness about the ill-e%%ects o% $lastics on
our environent/ For %urther details& contact the undersigned/
2rvind 7hara
7ecretary& 5co -lub
1) Lou are 2it/2rita& Fead boy/girl o% your school/ "Tenith Cublic 7chool& (iwa)
Lour school is organi=ing a tour to ,ubai and #oa during the 2utun Brea! /3rite a
notice in not ore than 50 words giving detailed in%oration to the students and
inviting the %or Aoining it/
*) Lou are (avi/(achana& the s$orts secretary o% (@ Cublic 7chool& 2Aer/ 3rite a
notice in not ore than 50 words as!ing students interested in Foc!ey to give their
naes %or selection %or the school Foc!ey Tea/ #ive details o% trial& selection etc/ "5
+) (icha is the head girl o% ,other Teresa 7chool& Rochi/ Fer Crinci$al has as!ed her
to $ut u$ a notice & as!ing Fouse -a$tains to subit naes o% volunteers %or& Jsave
27 ( Pa g e
water ca$aignI %or which a arch is to be held on *0 2ugust&*011/ 3rite a notice
in not ore than 50 words/ "5 ar!s)/
Diary is a !ind o% $ersonal docuent/ 0t records an individualIs account o% a day o%
his/her li%e/
To$ le%t- Date& day and tie/
Tense ,ost %re'uently used- 7i$le $ast& Cresent $er%ect and %uture/
First $erson a$$lication/
Begin the entry with general sentence describing the day or oentary %eelings/
0n the body& you ay discuss an event& your %eelings towards it/ Fow it is li!ely
to a%%ect your %uture $lans/
-onclude with %inal rear! and %uture course o% action/
S%)5e; Exam)e
1- Lou are 4aresh/ Lou ha$$ened to go to 2gra in a crowded bus on a hot suer day/
(ecord your ex$erience in the %or o% a diary entry/
Today 0 had the bitterest ex$erience o% y li%e/ 0 never had such an aw%ul ex$erience in
y li%e be%ore/ 0 had gone to 2gra %or an urgent wor!/ There were very %ew buses
$lying today as ost o% the had been $ut on election duty/ 0 waited %or two hours at
the bus-sto$ to get into the bus/ 0t was uch crowded/ 0 soehow anaged to get soe
s$ace %or ysel%/ 0t was really di%%icult to breathe/ 5veryone was sweating/ Ceo$le were
$ushing each other/ 2%ter Aourney o% two hours& 0 cae out o% the bus and too! a sigh o%
0Ill never %orget this Aourney in y li%e/
Quest'%"s &%r ra/t'/e:
1- Today you visited your ancestral village and watched the %arers harvesting a cro$
o% wheat/ ,a!e a diary entry describing your ex$erience at the village/
27 ( Pa g e
*- Lou ha$$ened to visit the science city& #andhinagar as a $art o% educational
excursion o% your school/ Describe your ex$erience in the %or o% a diary entry/
+- Lou were a eber o% a tea o% students ca$aigning against the s$read o%
so!ing in the village counity/ ,a!e a diary entry describing your $artici$ation and
success achieved in your ission/
*'%#ra$'/a) sket/$
Biogra$hical s!etch eans an account o% the li%e and activities o% an individual or
%aily/ 0t would include in%oration about the $erson6s nae& $lace o% residence&
education& occu$ation& li%e and activities and other i$ortant details/ 2 biogra$hical
s!etch is always written by soeone else exce$t the $erson on who it is written/ 0t
$rovides the $en $icture o% that $erson/ 2 bio-s!etch $resents the %acts about the
$erson6s li%e including what the $erson did and how he/she in%luenced the world/ 0t
should describe the $erson6s $ersonality and $rovide an ex$lanation %or why he or
she acted in certain ways/
,ost bio-s!etches not only $resent the %acts& but also tell what those %acts ean/
3ritten in third $erson
7igni%icant and i$ressive $oints be included
7$ecial awards or recognitions be entioned
Be descri$tive
Ma'" 3%'"ts t% be '"/)u;e;:-
4ae and age
,ain $ersonality traits
7$ecial interests
5ducation and training
7$ecial contribution or research& i% any
3hy $eo$le li!e hi/her
7uch s!etches %ocus on the biogra$hical details besides the achieveents and
honours con%erred on/
.-1 ?n the basis o% the given $ro%ile& write short bio s!etch o% Dr/ C/4/ 2grawal/ "8
Dr C/4/ 2grawal
D, &F(-7&-ardiac 7urgeon
Full 4ae: Cre4arain2grawal
FatherIs 4ae : Dr 2/4/ 2grawal&-ardiac 7urgeon
Cresently wor!ing as:Director&Feart -are (esearch 0nstitute 2gra
2chieveents: #ovt/ o% 0ndia honour-Cada >ibhushan/
For conducting +00 success%ul by$ass surgeries
and %our Fuan heart trans$lants/
2B ( Pa g e
Dr/C/4/ 2grawal& a renowned -ardiac 7urgeon& is son o% Dr 2/4/ 2grawal& a -ardiac
7urgeon o% world re$ute/ Fe is $resently the director& Feart -are (esearch 0nstitute&
Fe has been awarded Cada >ibhushan& 0ndiaIs greatest honour& %or conducting +00
success%ul by$ass besides %our huan heart trans$lant cases& etc/
Q 2 +'t$ t$e $e) %& t$e #'5e" /)ues0 1r'te a b'% sket/$ %& Sub$as$ C$a";ra
*%se '" "%t m%re t$a" 90-100 1%r;s :
4ae: 7ubash -handra BoseG 4etaAi
-ontribution: iense& Freedo Fighter
Born: @anuary *+& 11D: in -uttac!& ?rissa/
-areer: -ivil 7ervices
2chieveents: @oined struggleG established 0ndian 4ational 2ry
,otto: #ive e blood and 0 will give you %reedo
7etbac!: (etreat a%ter the de%eat o% @a$an and #erany/
Death: 2ir crash over Tai$ei& Taiwan "Forosa) on 2ugust 11& 1D45
7ubhash -handra Bose& a%%ectionately called 4etaAi& was born on @anuary *+&11D: in
-uttac!& ?rissa/ Fe was one o% the ost $roinent leaders o% 0ndian %reedo
struggle/ Dee$ly oved by the @allianwalaBagh assacre& he gave u$ a $roising
career in the -ivil 7ervice to Aoin the Freedo ,oveent/ Fe %ounded the 0ndian
4ational 2ry to overthrow British 5$ire %ro 0ndia/ Fis %aous otto was U#ive
e blood and 0 will give you %reedoU/ Fowever& de%eat o% @a$an and #erany in
the 7econd 3orld 3ar %orced 042 to retreat and it could not achieve its obAective/
7ubhash -handra Bose was re$ortedly !illed in an air crash over Tai$ei& Taiwan
"Forosa) on 2ugust 11& 1D45/
?"s%)5e; <uest'%"s:
1-O" t$e bas's %& #'5e" $'"ts0 1r'te a b'%#ra$'/a) sket/$ %& y%ur E"#)'s$
4ae: >ineetRashya$
Cro%ession: 5nglish teacher
5x$erience: 15 years as $ost graduate teacher
.uali%ication: ,2 in 5nglish with degree in teaching
7$ecial areas o% ex$ertise: excellent teacher& talented in scri$t writing& wor!ing %or
an 4#? in his leisure %or old aged
?thers: head o% de$artent
3hy is she $o$ularK -al& co$osed and hel$%ul
2-G'5e" be)%1 's s%me ;ata %" Ab$'"a5*'";ra0 a" a/e s$%%ter 1$% br%u#$t
/re;'t t% I";'a by ba##'"# t$e &'rst e5er '";'5';ua) #%); me;a) '" *e'4'"#
O)ym'/s '" 2009( ?se t$e '"&%rmat'%" t% 1r'te $'s b'%#ra$'/a) sket/$ '" ab%ut
90 1%r;s(
Birth: - *1 7e$teber& 1D1+- Dehradun
5ducation: -Doon school& Dehradun till 1
7t/ 7te$henIs school& -handigarh
<00 BB2 %ro -olorado Eniversity
2chieveents: - *000- youngest 0ndian contributor at the ?ly$ic #aes :-
*001Bron=e edal in ,unich 3orld cu$
*00*#old edal in ,anchester -oonwealth #aes
3( ( Pa g e
*001 #old edal in 2ir (i%le shooting in BeiAing ?ly$ic
2wards: - *000-2rAun 2ward
*00D -Cada Bhusan
3( G'5e" be)%1 are a &e1 ;eta')s ab%ut Rab'";ra"at$ Ta#%re( ?se t$e
'"&%rmat'%" t% 1r'te $'s s$%rt b'%-sket/$(
Birth : in 1181 in a wealthy %aily o% Rol!ata
5ducation : no %oral education- le%t %ree to $ursue his literary activities- interest in
literacy creation shown even in childhood
2chieveents: 4obel Cri=e %or literature "#itanAali) in 1D1+-%irst an %ro the east
to win the $ri=e
0nterests : >ersatile genius-$ainted& acted& co$osed usic- !een and active
interest in the %reedo struggle/
-( G'5e" be)%1 's a r%&')e %& Mr( Ra40 t$e s/$%%) #ar;e"er( +r'te a s$%rt
b'%sket/$ %& Mr( Ra4 '" ab%ut 100 1%r;s(
P 2ge-around 50
P Feight/weight-six %eet/:5 !gs& solid built
P Faily-large-six children: %our boys& two girls
P 5ducation-high school
P Fis li!es/disli!es-$lants& nursery& organic anure
P 3hy he is $o$ular /un$o$ular-believes children are li!e young sa$lingsV
,( Rea; t$e "%tes %" S$r' N(N( G'r'0 t$e &%rmer 3res';e"t %& I";'a (De5e)% t$e
#'5e" "%tes '" a ara#ra$ %& ab%ut 100 1%r;s(
Birth-10 2ugust 11D4
5ducation- 2t Behra$ur and Dublin/Cractised law %or soe tie
2n ardent %ighter %or the rights o% labour
Cresident o% 2ll 0ndia (ailway ,enIs Federation
1D*D-+8- @oint 7ecretary
1D*:- (e$resented 20TE- at 0L?& #eneva/
1D+0-+1 (e$resented labour at (T-
?%%icial $osts held: Labour inister in @awaharlal 4ehruIs inistry
#overnor o% Ettar Cradesh & Rerala and Rarnata!a
>ice Cresident o% 0ndia
Cresident o% 0ndia
G'5e" be)%1 's s%me '"&%rmat'%" ab%ut Ma)e0 star ;ete/t'5e %& Ne1 D%rk( ?se
t$e '"&%rmat'%" t% 1r'te a br'e& b'%-sket/$ %& Ma)e '" ab%ut
Breed - #eran 7he$herd-ixed
2ge - + years& : onths
#ender - ,ale
-o$lexion and built - Blac!& lean but strong
Feight and weight - :8c& +4 !g
2rea o% ex$ertise - (aw sewage detection
"7ni%%s out illegal sewage and laundry connections)
Trainer - 7cott (eynolds
3or! ex$erience - wor!ed on city and country $roAects in 4ew Lor!/
31 ( Pa g e
This %or o% writing is used to inter$ret the %acts $resented in the %or o% table&
gra$h or chart/ 2 gra$h or chart is a visual stiulus to de$ict the data/ Data
inter$retation re'uires an analysis and co$arison o% the given %acts and drawing
conclusions based on the given data/
1-Stu;y t$e /$art #'5e" be)%10 1$'/$ 's t$e resu)t %& t$e sur5ey /%";u/te; '" t$e
ub)'/ s/$%%)s a"; #%5er"me"t s/$%%)s %& Na;%;ara( T$'s ;e'/ts t$e tyes %&
a/t'5't'es t$e tee"a#ers 2A#e 13- 1= years are '"5%)5e; ;ur'"# t$e'r )e'sure t'me6(
C%m)ete t$e summary '" ab%ut 90 1%r;s(
Tee"a#ers a"; )e'sure t'me
4ow a days the teenagers are ore techno-savvy than the children used to be ten
years bac!/ They do not $lay gaes li!e Ludo& -arro& -hess and other indoor
gaes/ D-11 Q o% boys and girls in the age grou$ o% 1+-1D years $ossess their own
cell $hones/ 0n the survey conducted recently on soe *000 students o% two leading
schools- one governent and the other a $ublic school& the %ollowing %acts were
revealed/ 3hile the students %ro $ublic schools s$end ore o% their leisure tie in
net-sur%ing and tal!ing on cell $hones& the governent school students s$end it in
watching T> and tal!ing to their %riends/
*- T$e &%))%1'"# ;ata '" t$e &%rm %& $'st%#ram s$%1s t$at ;eat$ ;ue t% 5'%)e"/e
$as '"/rease; /%"s';erab)y ;ur'"# re/e"t years( +r'te 'ts '"terretat'%" '" 100
1%r;s %" $%1 e;u/ate; y%ut$ /a" )ay a ma4%r r%)e '" estab)'s$'"# ea/e '"
32 ( Pa g e
4ote: "1) Fori=ontal Line Wx-axisX YZLears
"*)>ertical Line Wy-axisX YZDeath (ate in Thousands
R%)e %& y%ut$ '" estab)'s$'"# ea/e '" s%/'ety
Louth and $eace are interlin!ed in society/ Louth can $lay an i$ortant role in
establishing $eace in society/ 0n a survey conducted& it has been %ound that nuber
o% deaths due to violence has increased enorously since the nineties/ Death rate in
1000s was */5 in 1DD0/ But in *010& it has increased to :/5/ 0t is really very sad/ 0t
ust be chec!ed/
?ur youth can $lay a aAor role in controlling this crie gra$h/ They can contribute
towards establishing $eace in any ways/ They can awa!en the $eo$le towards the
necessity o% $eace/ They can hel$ the $olice in catching the criinals/ They can
bring the criinals in the ain strea by educating the and they can do uch
1- 7tudy the gra$h given below& which is based on a survey done on students o% tenth
class in three di%%erent ty$es o% schools in 2hedabad/ The chart de$icts the nuber
o% students s$ea!ing 5nglish and Findi/ ?n the basis o% the details given in the bar-
gra$h given below& brie%ly suari=e the data a!ing co$arison wherever
necessary in about 10 words/
33 ( Pa g e
Fint- -o$are the $ercentage o% students s$ea!ing 5nglish and Findi in all three
schools giving the $ossible reasons/
Begin Li!e this:-
0n a study conducted on the students o% class tenth o% three various ty$es o% schools-
#overnent school& $rivate school and a R>& it was observed that
2( As a" a1are /'t'Fe" %& t$e /%u"try0 y%u are /%"/er"e; ab%ut t$e '"/rease '"
r%a; a//';e"ts '" t$e metr%%)'ta" /'ty De)$'( I"terret t$e ;ata #'5e" be)%1 '"
ab%ut 90 1%r;s( A)s% use y%ur %1" ';eas(
Fori=ontal line "x-axis) - years
>ertical line "y-axis)-4o/ o% accidents
34 ( Pa g e
3-G'5e be)%1 's a 'e-C$art0 1$'/$ s$%1s ;'&&ere"t tyes %& e)e/tr'/ #a;#ets0
use; by m';;)e-/)ass e%)e '" t$e'r $%uses %" a" a5era#e '" A$me;aba;( O"
t$e bas's a"; t$e u"'t IS/'e"/eJ %& y%ur Ma'" /%urse *%%kO 1r'te '" ab%ut 90
1%r;s t$e reas%" %& se)e/t'"# t$e e)e/tr'/ #a;#ets &%r t$e'r $%uses(
Ta!e into consideration the $rice range& durability& lower electric consu$tion 9
a%ter sales-service/
D'a)%#ue +r't'"#
The ai o% the dialogue writing is to enable the students to elaborate u$on the given
in$uts in a graatical correct and eaning%ul conversation/
Dialogue writing does not coe easily to everyone/ Done well& a dialogue leads to
the advanceent o% the story and hel$s in %leshing out the characters while $roviding
a brea! %ro straight ex$osition or ex$lanation/
Coints to reeber:
7ubAect-verb agreeent
7entence ty$e-declarative or interrogative
S%)5e; exam)e
Eere 's a /%"5ersat'%" bet1ee" a ;%/t%r a"; a at'e"t( T$e at'e"t $as a
r%b)em #ett'"# s)ee)ess "'#$ts(
3at'e"t: Fello DoctorO
D%/t%r: Fello& what is your $robleK
3at'e"t: Doctor& 0 have a $roble o% not having $ro$er slee$ at night/
D%/t%r: 0Ill give you edicine/
35 ( Pa g e
Bey N%/abu)ary:
To get a good nightIs slee$
To ta!e edicine
To ta!e a $ill
To stay cal
3at'e"t: Fello DoctorO
D%/t%r: Fello& what is your $robleK
3at'e"t: Doctor& 0 have a $roble o% not having $ro$er slee$ at night/
D%/t%r: 0Ill give you edicine/
3at'e"t: Than! you Doctor/ Fow o%ten should 0 ta!e the edicineK
D%/t%r: @ust ta!e one $ill about +0 inutes be%ore you go to bed/
3at'e"t: For how longK
D%/t%r: For at least +0 days/ -oe bac!& i% $roble continues/
3at'e"t: 2nything elseK
D%/t%r: Be co$osed at wor!/
3ra/t'/e <uest'%"s:
1- -o$lete the dialogue between 2nAu and (avi/
A"4u:-Did you see y brother yesterdayK
Ra5': Les& 0 et hi/
*-2an was caught by the tra%%ic $olice ins$ector %or brea!ing the rules o% tra%%ic/
(e$ort the dialogues between the Colice ins$ector and 2an in any suitable way/
+- The %ollowing dialogue between the student and the teacher is inco$lete/
-o$lete the dialogue in any suitable way/
Teacher: 3hy are you late to schoolK
7tudent: 0 got u$ late/
36 ( Pa g e
Des/r't'%" 23e%)e0 Ob4e/ts0 E5e"ts6
0t eans to describe a $erson& $lace and an event %actually/ 0t needs to draw a
co$lete ental $icture o% the $erson& $lace or event being described/
0t should be descri$tive and detailed/
0t ust not include o$inions or s$eculations/
A6 Des/r't'%" %& a ers%"
Chysical a$$earance
#ood 'ualities
7$ecial traits
Ese active/$assive voice
7i$le $resent is to be used
#ive concrete exa$les and anecdotes/
,ar!ing schee
-ontent * ar!s
Language H * ar!s
2ccuracy -* ar!s
Total - 8 ar!s
S%)5e; exam)e
Des/r't'%" %& %ur r'me m'"'ster
Name: ,r/ ,an ,ohan 7ingh
Qua)'t'es %& a true )ea;er: honest& hardwor!ing& huble
D'&&ere"t &r%m %t$er )ea;ers: no desire o% nae& %ae
M'ss'%": service to the nation
Exe/tat'%" &r%m $'m: to ta!e country to greater heights
Our 3r'me M'"'ster Dr( Ma" M%$a" S'"#$
Dr/ ,an ,ohan 7ingh is y %avourite leader/ Fe is the Crie ,inister o% 0ndia/ Fe
has all the true 'ualities o% a true leader/ Fe is honest and hardwor!ing/ Fe is very
huble/ Fis si$licity connotes hi/ There is no trace o% any $ride in hi/ Fe is
very di%%erent %ro other $olitical leaders/ Fe has no desire %or any nae& %ae or
riches/ Fe is %aultless and blotless $ersonality/ 7ervice to the nation is the only
ission o% his li%e/ 2ll the 0ndians hold hi in high estee and ex$ect that he will
ta!e the country to greater heights/
3ra/t'/e <uest'%"s:
1- 3rite a %actual descri$tion o% the $ostan o% your locality/
37 ( Pa g e
*- Lour %riend could not attend the arriage o% your sister/ Fe desires to !now about
the groo %ro you/ Describe the groo to your %riend in about 10 words/
+- #ive a detailed descri$tion o% your $rinci$al/
4- 2 sus$icious character is hanging around in your locality/ Describe the character
to the $olice/
*6 Des/r't'%" %& a )a/e
,ention the location& diension and %acility in case o% school& hoe or library/
Descri$tion o% a city- geogra$hical location& the $eo$le& their dress& %ood habits&
social and cultural custos& occu$ations etc/
Followed by rear!able %eatures li!e weather etc
Ese si$le $resent and $assive %ors/
S%)5e; Exam)e:
#ive a brie% descri$tion o% your school using the hints given below/
R> 2F7 Baroda
Beauti%ul J-I sha$ed building
>ast $lay ground
+0 roos and a con%erence roo
0+ science laboratories-Chysics& -heistry and Biology
* -o$uter labs
2 library %ull o% boo!s
2 grou$ o% learned teachers and well-disci$lined 1500 students/
Crinci$al->ibrant& talented& excellent adinistrator and child loving
My s/$%%)
0 have been the student o% R> 2F7 Baroda since y beginning o% school li%e/ This is
a J-I sha$ed big building& s$read in an area o% about * acres/ 0t has a beauti%ul vast
$layground/ There are +0 s$acious roos to i$art education to nearly 1500 students
%ro classes 0 to <00/ The roos are big& airy& well ventilated and %urnished with
odern class roo %urniture/ There is also a well-%urnished large con%erence roo/
The school has three se$arate laboratories %or Chysics& -heistry and Biology
res$ectively/ Besides& it has two air conditioned co$uter labs with internet
%acilities/ 2 huge library with boo!s on various subAects is the $ride o% the school/
5ducation %or all round develo$ent is i$arted by a grou$ o% learned teachers to
1500 well-disci$lined students/ The school is well run by our vibrant 9 talented
adinistrator and a%%ectionate Crinci$al ,rs/ 7arita 4aswa/
3ra/t'/e Quest'%"s-
1- Describe your house to your $en %riend/
37 ( Pa g e
*- Describe the library o% your school/
+- Describe the Too o% your city/
3B ( Pa g e
C6 Des/r't'%" %& a" e5e"t
Esage o% $ast tense/
Ese Cassive voice to describe scienti%ic& technical writing and lab re$orts/
2lso !nown as re$ort writing/
S%)5e; Exam)e:
Lour school organi=ed a %ree eye -a$ %or the students o% your school during
autun brea!/ 3ell !nown eye s$ecialists were invited on this occasion/ Lou are
(aAat& the head boy o% this school/ ,entioning the title& the date& the nuber o%
students bene%ited %ro this ca$& write a descri$tion o% this ca$ in about 100
:ree Eye Cam
*y :Ra4at
Date :
3)a/e :
During the autun brea!& our school organi=ed a three day %ree ca$ in the school
auditoriu/ ,ore than 150 students and residents living in the vicinity o% the school
visited the ca$ %or eye-chec!u$/ Dr/ 2bhianyu& Fead o% the De$tt/ & 5ye De$tt/
-ivil Fos$ital& >adodara and other $roinent eye s$ecialists treated the $atients/ The
$atients were $rovided with s$ectacles and edicines on the s$ot/ The 2ssistance
-oissioner o% 2hedabad (egion graced the occasion with her august $resence/
The ca$ bene%ited the students and the visitors/ The services were rendered %ree o%
cost/ The ca$ was a great success/
3ra/t'/e Quest'%"s-
1- Describe the 2nnual day -elebration o% your school in about 100 words/
"Fints- Date 9 tie- ** 2$ril& *011 at 08:00 $ at 7chool auditoriu& -hie% guest
,r/ 4anda& the district -ollector& 2ctivities- annual re$ort $resentation& $ri=e
distribution& cultural $rograes& blessings by the chie% guest and >ote o% than!s/)
*-Describe a road accident you witnessed recently/
1/ F?(,2L L5TT5(7
Foral letters include
"1/ Business letters */ ?%%icial letters +/ 2$$lications 4/ Letter to 5ditor o%
letters o% co$laints& etc/)
4( ( Pa g e
7enderIs address
2ddress o% the
"(eceiverIs designation
7ubAect Line to %ocus
-o$lientary close
7enderIs 4ae
Designation "i%
S%)5e; Exam)es
1- 2nand witnessed an accident near the school gate where a child %ell down and was
hurt very badly/ ,any $eo$le were standing around but did not !now what to do/
Finally the child was carried to the hos$ital by a taxi driver/ 2nand %elt the necessity to
enable the students to render the %irst aid to the victi/ Fe decides to write a letter to
the editor o% a local daily about the i$ortance o% !nowing %irst aid/ 3rite the letter on
his behal% using your own ideas and the ideas %ro the unit JFealth and ,edicineI/
(<-45& 2bhilasha -o$lex
#reater Railash
4ew Delhi-4*
2$ril 1:& *011
41 ( Pa g e
4+T-2sho! >ihar
11 2$ril&*011
The 5ditor
The Ties o% 0ndia
4ew Delhi
Body o% the letter: 1/ 0ntroduction
*/ ,ain -ontent
+/ -onclusion
Than!ing you&
Lours sincerely/%aith%ully/truly&
The 5ditor
The Ties o% 0ndia
4ew Delhi
7ub:-0$ortance o% !nowing %irst aid
,ay 0 have the honour to draw the attention o% the authorities and the $eo$le through
the esteeed colun o% your news$a$er about the i$ortance o% !nowing the %irst aidK
Today a child et an accident near the school gate/ ,any $eo$le were standing around
but did not !now what to do/ Finally the child was carried to the hos$ital by a taxi
driver/ The students should be ade aware o% $riary ste$s o% %irst aid at school/ 0n the
school curriculu& it should be included/ 5ven co$etitions should be held to a!e
the e%%icient at %irst aid/
2t the sae tie& they should have their own ini %irst aid box at their hoe/ The
$arents should encourage their children %or this $ur$ose/ They should !now what to do
in such situations be%ore the victi is carried to the hos$ital/ 2t ties& the %irst aid can
be li%e saving/ The governent and the concerned educational authorities should initiate
a ste$ towards this/
Than! you
Lours sincerely
26 A "e1saer rea;er '" Sr'"a#ar 1a"ts t% 1r'te a )etter t% t$e e;'t%r %& a )%/a)
"e1saer ab%ut t$e '"/reas'"# a1are"ess %& $ea)t$ a"; ;'et( T$e tab)e #'5e"
be)%1 s$%1s s%me /$a"#es &r%m 1=== t% 200=( ?s'"# t$e '"&%rmat'%" t%#et$er
1't$ y%ur %1" ';eas &r%m t$e u"'t %& IEea)t$ a"; Me;'/'"eJ0 1r'te a )etter '"
"%t m%re t$a" 1,0 1%r;s(
F52LTF 04 7(042#2(
4uber o% yoga 9 health clubs
Ceo$le using re%ined oil
Ceo$le going %or orning wal!
Ceo$le going %or regular health chec!u$
2wareness $rograes
(ole o% advertiseents
Death rate
42 ( Pa g e
:/50& B ,al (oad
10 @une& *011
The 5ditor
The Tribune
7ub: - 0ncreasing awareness o% health and diet/
0 write this letter to highlight the changes that are being observed in ters o% awareness
aong $eo$le regarding health/ Fealth sees to be 'uite on the to$ o% $eo$leIs $riority
To give a %ew exa$les in 1DDD& there were only 5 yoga centres which doubled by
*00D/2s co$ared to 1DDD& the use o% re%ined oil is increased by three ties in
*00D/There is a stee$ rise in the nuber o% $eo$le going %or orning wal!& i/e/ %ro
5Q to *5Q/ The nuber o% $eo$le going %or regular health chec!u$ has also gone u$
considerably/ 2dvertiseents are also $laying a aAor role& in 1DDD it was:Q and now
it has increased to ++Q/ 2s a result o% all this& death rate has %allen %ro 15Q to 11Q/
This shows that $eo$leIs attitude and concern regarding their own health has
undergone a change/ The dictu JFealth is 3ealthI is $robably being understood /2s
long as one lives& one should be healthy& hale and hearty& is the otto/
This has given boost to health related business& showing an u$ward oveent/ 0% one is
conscious about oneIs health& it de%initely $ays in long run/
Through this letter& 0 want $eo$le to !now that they should avail the %acility available as
well as go %or regular orning wal!s& to !ee$ theselves hale and hearty/
Lours truly
1) Lou were a $art o% audience in a debate held in your school on JTechnology& 0ts
e%%ects on odern li%eI/ This set you thin!ing how the youth o% today isuses
technology /3rite a letter in 150 words to the 5ditor o% a news$a$er on the
dangers o% such isuse and how it can be controlled/ Ese the %ollowing notes:
Re&er t% t$e u"'t %& s/'e"/e:
Louth Heasy $rey to technology
5%%ects on health i% isused
3aste o% oney and tie
*) #iven below is an extract %ro an article in J4ewswee!lyI:
43 ( Pa g e
JFor years& 0 ate %ast %ood because it was e%%icient and chea$/ 0 had no idea 0
could be daaging y health&Isays (avi Tri$athi& 58& a aintenance wor!er
with heart disease/
Lour younger brother is studying in a boarding school/ 3rite a letter telling hi about
the health ha=ards caused by Aun! %ood& using your own ideas and the ideas %ro the
unit on JFealth and ,edicineI/
+) Lou are #aurav/ Lou %eel that %acilities %or tourists should be i$roved in 0ndia/
3rite a letter to the secretary& De$artent o% touris in your state highlighting the need
%or i$roving %acilities %or tourists to $roote touris in your region/ 0deas can be
ta!en %ro the unit JTravel and tourisI besides your own ideas on the subAect/ Lour
answer should not exceed 150 words/
4) Lou lost your wallet on the train/ Lou havenIt %ound it yet/
3rite a letter to the station aster o% the local train station in about 150 words/ 0n your
a/ Describe your wallet and what was in it/
b/ (e'uest in%oration about their lost and %ound service/
c/ 7tate what action you want the station aster to ta!e/
5) Lou ha$$en to coe across a grou$ o% children in tattered clothes begging on the
road side/ Their bones were $ee$ing out o% their s!in-a $er%ect $icture o% alnutrition/
Lou were very uch touched/ Lou decided to write a letter to the editor o% JThe
TribuneI& -handigarh/ 3rite the letter in about 110 words/
8) Lou are (achana/(aghav& 15 ,# road 2gra/ Lou ha$$ened to see the %ollowing
news ite in a news$a$er/ 3rite a letter to the editor o% The Ties o% 0ndia& 4ew Delhi
ex$ressing your views on the atter/
4ew Delhi:-The 7u$ree court has $assed an order that it is the res$onsibility o% every
citi=en to loo! a%ter their aged $arents/ 0% they %ail& they will have no right o%
44 ( Pa g e
2!etters t% &r'e";s0 are"ts0 re)at'5es a"; a/<ua'"ta"/es6
S%)5e; Exam)e
1- 0agine you are (aghav& a class < student o% 2ry 7chool 2gra -antt/ Lou are
living as $aying guest at *4-D 7adar ba=aar 0dgah& 2gra/ 3rite a letter to your %ather
telling hi about the $ri=e which you have won by standing %irst in the -hess
-o$etition during annual s$orts day celebration/
*4-D 7adar ba=aar 0dgah
15 2$ril& *011
Dear %ather&
The annual s$orts day celebration was held on last ,onday/ Brigadier (C 7ingh
$resided over the %unction/
Lou will be glad to !now that 0 got the %irst $ri=e by winning the inter-house -hess
co$etition/ There were any $ri=e winners/ 3hen 0 was called& the students and the
45 ( Pa g e
DB-10 (aAeshwar (esidency-00
Farni (oad& Baroda
10 2$ril& *011
Body o% the letter
Lours lovingly
teachers gave a loud a$$lause/ The chie% guest& Brigadier (C 7ingh& gave e the $ri=e
and congratulated e/ 0t was a very big oent %or e/ 0 wish you had been here/
-onvey y best regards to ,o& brother and (uchi/
Lours lovingly
1/ Lou are ,angla/ ?n the basis o% the notes given below& write a letter in about
150 words to your %riend (adha& telling her about the dangers o% drug
addiction /
3hy drug abuseK 4o single reason- addicts start out o% curiosity-%or $leasure-to get
over boredo& sy$to :
Loss o% interest in s$orts& daily routine& a$$etite-$u%%y eyes-unclear vision-ood
changes-te$er tantrus/
7tri!e Drugs Be%ore They 7trangle Lou/
*5& (aA #arden
*+ @uly& *011
Dear (adha&
Fo$e this letter %inds you in best o% your s$irit/
0 a writing this letter s$ecially to tell you about the dangers o% consuing drugs/ Drug
consu$tion initially starts Aust out o% curiosity& but when coaxed by %riends& $eo$le
start consuing %or $leasure/ This& slowly over a $eriod o% tie& turns into a habit/
7oe start consuing drugs to get over boredo/ 7oon with regular consu$tion& they
start having de$ression sy$tos /0t then becoes a necessity /They lose interest in
things around the& their hands start sha!ing and they lose a$$etite& they do not retain
any interest in s$orts& acadeics& etc/ Their eyes turn $u%%y and slowly they even tend
to lose vision/ Those who consue drugs regularly have te$er tantrus/ The $erson
becoes the slave o% drugs and i% he is de$rived& he develo$s several withdrawal
sy$tos/ 0t slowly !ills a $erson %ro inside/
3e need to treat such $eo$le with understanding and sy$athy/
Dear (adha& drugs are a curse on the society and one should not even try the/ Lou
need to be healthy to achieve success %or yoursel% in the world/
-onvey y regards to aunt and uncle and love to Beena/
46 ( Pa g e
Lours a%%ectionately
3( Lou have Aust witnessed the i$act o% evaluation through grades& instead o% ar!s in
class ten Board results/ 3rite a letter to your younger cousin advising hi how to deal
with changes/
#ood grades--- consistent& continuous e%%ort
?nce a D or 10 $oint average& you are slotted with the best
?ne ar! ay a!e you lose or gain the next grade
#rades bring in several to$$ers
**-D 7waroo$ 4agar
4ew Delhi
2ug *00<
,y dear 2an&
Fo$e everything is %ine at your end/ 2s you !now & the -B75 introduced the grading
syste last year in class ten/ 7ince we were the %irst to have witnessed the evaluation
through grades instead o% ar!s& 0 relate through this letter the good $oints o% this new
First o% all grades eliinated the hollow co$etition %ro our inds/ But& we
reained deterined to get good grades/ 4ow 0 have %ound that getting good grades is
not very di%%icult/ They re'uire Aust consistent and continuous e%%orts/ 0t eans regular
studies with whole hearted $artici$ation in class activities/ 0% you ta!e active $art in
class roo activities& li!e enacting soe scenes& grou$ discussions and delivering
s$eeches& you get very good grades/ 0 $ersonally thin! that once you start getting a D or
10 $oint average& you are slotted with the best/ Fowever& all this de$ends on your
continuous and regular wor!/ @ust one ar! can a!e you lose or gain your next grade/
There is no doubt that grades bring in several to$$ers/ ?% course these are not li!e
evaluation through ar!s& but 0 %ind the rewarding/ Because o% the we start ta!ing a
!een interest in our studies/
0 %ind the grades good and encouraging/
0 shall be glad to ex$lain to you ore on this as and when you want/
3ith regards
Lours lovingly
3ra/t'/e Quest'%"s-
1-Lou are 2nuA/2buAa o% class < living in the hostel o% R> 1 Delhi -antt/ 3rite a
letter to your other telling her how you $re$ared ,aggi %or the %irst tie in your
47 ( Pa g e
*-Lou are 2bhay/ 2bha living in 7urat/ Lou have been invited to attend your %riendIs
arriage/ Lou are not able to attend the arriage due to $ersonal $robles/ 3rite a
letter to your %riend congratulating hi and showing your inability to attend his
+-3rite a letter to your %ather as!ing hi to send oney as you have to buy the new
boo!s& $ay the school %ee and hostel charges %or the new acadeic session/
4- 3rite a letter to your sister congratulating her on getting adission in ,BB7/ 2lso
as! soe ti$s about her success/
E- Ma')s
5-ail& also !nown as 5lectronic ,ail is a ethod o% exchanging digital essages
across internet or other co$uter networ!s/ 0t is the 'uic!est way to counicate in
5-ail essages consist o% two aAor sections:
1- Eea;er consisting o%- subAect& sender& receiver& date and tie/
*- *%;y which contains the essage/ 0t can contain %oral/in%oral language
de$ending on the $ur$ose
T's %" /%m%s'"# E-ma')s:
0t should be brie%
0t should give a clue to the content o% the essage
0t need not be a co$lete sentence
Dear 7ir/%irst nae o% the $erson
?$ening 7tateent
Begin with a $leasantry or greeting
3hen re$lying a essage- Than! you %or your essage/ 0 received your
-larity and tone
3hen you ex$ect a re$ly-JClease let e !nowI
3hen you want hel$-J$leaseI or J!indlyI
5ach ain idea should be in a se$arate $aragra$h
Ese co$lete sentence/ Do not use 7,7 language/
-o$lientary close
47 ( Pa g e
Mea"'"# %& CC .*CC:
CC--arbon -o$y- add addressee to it& i% those $eo$le need to !now
about the subAect& but are not re'uired to act on the contents/
*CC- Blind -arbon -o$y- Ceo$le in this %ield are concealed %ro other
reci$ients in the JToI& J--I and JB--I %ields/ They can see others in the JToI 9 J--I
%ields& but not the JB--I %ields/
D%Js a"; D%"Jts ab%ut E Ma'):
Ese an in%orative subAect line/
3rite ost i$ortant in%oration %irst/
Ese nuber and bullets to a!e the essage clearer/
Ese si$le graar and language/
3rite short sentences/
Ese se$arate $aragra$hs/
3rite about irrelevant issues/
#ive $ersonal in%oration that you donIt want soeone else to !now/
Ese ca$ital letters to write whole words as in eails& this is considered
Ese di%%erent %onts "the reci$ientIs co$uter ay not be co$atible)/
Ese 0talics/
Ese exclaation ar!s/
Ese inco$rehensible abbreviations& acronys and sileys/
4B ( Pa g e
:%rma) Ema')
S%)5e; Exam)e
Lou are ,r (R 7ingh& the librarian o% R> 2F7 Baroda/ 3rite an eail to Bhatia Boo!
De$ot& 2hedabad re'uesting the to cancel your order %or 5nglish literary boo!s and
boo!s on environent/ #ive reasons %or cancellation o% the order/
5( ( Pa g e
Se#$ Sa>e
Dear sir&
0 $laced an order on behal% o% the $rinci$al on 15/0+/*011 %or su$$ly o% 5nglish literary
boo!s and boo!s on environent/ They said that the su$$ly order was su$$osed to be
received by this school on or be%ore +1/0+/*011/ But sorry to say that the boo!s have
not been received till date and also no counication has been ade %ro your side
%or the delay/
Fence the school has $laced the order %or these boo!s to other boo! de$ot due to
urgency o% the boo!s/ The said order ay be treated as cancelled/
Than! Lou&
Lours sincerely
(R 7ingh
Quest'%"s &%r ra/t'/e:
1- Lou are (achit/(achana& a class 0< student o% 2ry 7chool ,athura -antt/ Lou
want to Aoin co$uter classes during suer vacation at 7ony co$uter centre& a well
re$uted co$uter institute o% 2gra/ 7end an 5- ,ail to the institute see!ing the
%ollowing in%oration:-
-ourses o%%ered
Duration o% each course
(es$ective course %ee
51 ( Pa g e
9a#"ellatio# o/ or$er
Se#$ Sa>e
Fre'uency o% classes
Lodging/boarding %acility
2ny other in%oration
The 5-,ail 0D o% the institute is Jsonyco$agc[yahoo/co/in
*-Lou are >arun/ >arni!a/ 3rite an e-ail to your $rinci$al& co$laining to hi/her
about the $robles o% sanitation and cleanliness in your school/
I"&%rma) Ema')
S%)5e; Exam)e
1/ Lou are 7oha& an e$loyee o% (eliance 0ndia Liited ,ubai/ Lou $lanned to
visit your hoe during the onth o% ,ay& *011/ But you are not able to go your hoe
as you have been as!ed to go to Rol!ata during that $eriod by the co$any/ 7end an
eail to your %ather showing your inability to go hoe as $lanned earlier/
Dear %ather&
Fow are youK 0 a going to Rol!ata %or 15 days in the onth o% ,ay %or an urgent
wor! o% the co$any/ 7o 0 will not be able to coe hoe as $lanned earlier/ Fowever 0
will coe a%ter 0 return %ro Rol!ata/
0 iss you all/
Lours lovingly
52 ( Pa g e
:#ailit2 to "ome 'ome i# &a2
Se#$ Sa>e
*/?n J,otherIs DayI you gi%ted your other with MLenovo2800 0dea -entreS/ Lour
cousin wants you to write an 5-,ail and describe how your other reacted when you
gave her the gi%t/ 2lso describe the %unctions o% the -o$uter/
Lou ay ta!e the hel$ o% hints given below/
,other overwheled& gave blessings& invited her %riends to show the new co$uter-
MLenovo2800 0dea -entreS----- sliest co$uter-FD dis$lay\can watch T>& 7oa$
o$eras\D?LBL TF52T(5 7?E4D 7L7T5,/
Date: *5
@uly *00<
Fro: 7uresh[ gail/co
To: 7udhir 15[gail/co
7ubAect: ,other and Lenovo2800
Dear 7udhir
0 ho$e you are %ine/ 2s you desired 0 a writing this 5-,ail about y otherIs reaction& when 0
gi%ted her the newLenovo2800 on J,otherIs dayI/
Lou !now Lenovo2800 is the latest version o% la$to$s/ 0t is the sliest o% la$to$s with FD
Dis$lay/ ?ne can watch T>& soa$ o$eras on it/ 0t is li!e theater& with Dolby sound syste/
3hen 0 gave y other this la$to$& she was si$ly thrilled/ 7he Aust hugged e and blessed e
$ro%usely/ Tears o% Aoy were there in her eyes/0 consider this Lenovo2800 as the best gi%t %or y
other& as 0 !new she wanted it very badly/ Being a great enthusiast %or !ee$ing hersel% abreast o%
what is ha$$ening around and hungry %or !nowledge& 7he would enAoy using it/ 7he can not only
satis%y her hunger %or !nowledge& but also entertain hersel% by seeing T>& etc/ 7he can ex$erience
Theatre& as it is %ully e'ui$$ed with Dolby theatre 7ound syste/
Lours lovingly
53 ( Pa g e
Art'/)e +r't'"#
(ead the 'uestion care%ully
Ese -?D5(
,a!e soe $oints to be covered
5x$and the $oints in +-4 $aragra$hs
Clan& organi=e and $resent ideas coherently
Be creative
Ta!e care o% graar
Ese $ro$er layout
3riting an article is a challenging tas!/ 0t needs creativity& good vocabulary& good
!nowledge o% the subAect and s!ill to organi=e ideas/
To %ocus on thees li!e social concern& narrating an event& descri$tion o% a $lace& etc/
Feading/Title- ust be catchy and shar$
By- nae o% the author
I 3ara- 0ntroduction- 7tart with a slogan& a 'uestion& an aa=ing %act& %igure or
II@III 3ara- -auses& e%%ects& $resent state o% a%%airs& etc/
IN 3ara- Draw solutions and conclusions
S%)5e; Exam)e
1- D%u ;e/';e t% 1r'te a" art'/)e '" t$e s/$%%) ma#aF'"e %" $%1 't 's 'm%rta"t t%
sa5e t$e )a"et0 Eart$( +r'te t$e art'/)e '" ab%ut 190 1%r;s(
Sa5e t$e )a"et0 Eart$
This is a cause o% co$lete concern across the globe today/ The global waring has
accelerated the rise o% te$erature on earth which is said to have risen by 4
-/ The sea
level is also rising/ The glaciers are also elting away/ There has been very less rain%all
in the recent years resulting in the scarcity o% %ood around the world/ The death rate due
to starvation has increased iensely/ 3e& the huan beings are solely res$onsible %or
this calaity/ 3e $ollute our $lanet in any ways/ De%orestation& industrial $ollution&
toxic wastes& vehicular $ollution and lac! o% greenery are the chie% causes o% ibalance
in the ecosyste/
54 ( Pa g e
The urgent need o% the hour is that each one o% us ta!es ste$ to save the $lanet in every
$ossible way/ 3e should $rotect our %orests& save %uel& $lant trees& ta!e care o% toxic
$ollutants& conserve water and change our li%e style/
2wareness $rograes ust be launched by the students and 4#?s to a!e $eo$le
aware o% environental $robles/ The $ublic should avoid the use o% $olythene bags/
2ll o% us ust strive hard to save our beauti%ul $lanet %or the %uture generations/
Ne1s 'tem
N';e% #ames0 I"ter"et0 Ce)) 3$%"es a"; %t$er $'#$-te/$ #ear are 4ust art %&
#r%1'"# u '" a ;'#'ta) 1%r);( *ut are"ts are /%"/er"e; ab%ut t$e am%u"t %& t'me
t$e'r /$');re" se"; 1't$ t$ese a"; 1%rry t$at 't m'#$t be ;'stra/t'"# a";
/ram'"# a/a;em'/ a"; s%/'a) ;e5e)%me"t(
Esing your own ideas and those ta!en %ro the unit M7cienceS& write an article in 110
words& describing both the bene%its and hars o% using these high-tech devices/
E'#$ P Te/$ De5'/e- *%%" %r *a"e
The $resent day high-tech gear is Aust $art o% growing u$ in a digital world/
4evertheless one cannot deny that all these gadgets have becoe a $art and $arcel o%
our daily lives/ Besides we have becoe highly de$endent on these devices/ This is
ore so in the case o% children/ Their lives are co$letely ruled by these devices/
These devices have any bene%its/ They have ade our lives easier and ore
co%ortable/ They have ade the world Au$ %orward with a lea$& and built u$ a
glittering odern world/ They have also o$ened innuerable avenues %or the growth o%
!nowledge and have given a de%inite %or to the wild iagination o% an/ They have
indeed revolutionised every s$here o% li%e/ But on the other hand the excessive interest
o% children in these gadgets& has ade $arents concerned and worried/ -hildren s$end a
great deal o% tie on these gadgets li!e video gaes& internet& cell $hones etc the
$arents %eel that excessive use o% these gadgets will de%initely be destructive %or the
children/ This could also cra$ their acadeic and social develo$ent/ 0% children are
not chec!ed& they would continue to waste tie on these gadgets/
They will recline into their own high-tech shell/ Thereu$on it will becoe very di%%icult
%or $arents to bring the out o% this world/ 0% these high- tech devices are used in
oderation they can %ul%ill the $ur$ose %or which they have been invented/
Quest'%"s &%r ra/t'/e:
1- 0ndia is a country o% te$les& la!es and onuents which exhibits %ine architecture/
0ndia is regarded as %avourite tourist attraction/ But as a country& we need to $roote
touris& a!e $eo$le aware o% its i$ortance and a!e it a sa%e destination %or the
tourists/ By using the in%oration and ideas %ro the unit MTravel and tourisS together
with your own ideas& write an article in about 150 words/
*- 3rite an article on the given to$ic using hints given below in not ore than 150
,obile Chones: a odern utility or a health ha=ard
55 ( Pa g e
2- Ese o% obile $hones
i- 50Q o% 0ndia is going to have obile $hone by *01*
ii- #rowing at a %ast rate/
B- Etility o% ,obile $hones
i- Ree$s well connected
ii- 0nex$ensive
iii- Fandy
iv- Fel$s in $ersonal and $ro%essional tas!s
-- Fealth Fa=ards $osed by ,obile $hones
i- 5lectroagnetic radiation
ii- Distraction while driving
+/ Lou are (uchi/ ?nce you got a chance to visit a reote village o% (aAasthan/ Lou
noticed the girl children did not go to school/ 3rite an article on M4eed to educate the
girl childS %or the school aga=ine/
4/ 3hat goes inside the ind o% terrorists and why they coit such heinous cries
which lead to the deaths o% so any innocents& no one !nows/ The recent bob blasts
at various etros o% the country have le%t everyone shoc!ed/ Lou are 7ania/7oni!/
3rite an article in about 150 words on Terroris-2 threat to Fuanity by ta!ing hel$
%ro the $oints given below/
Terroris has ta!en dee$ roots
Terrorists attac! anywhere& any tie
Fave a vast networ!& Ese latest technology
7olutions :
-obating this evil is everybodyIs duty should be vigilant
7ecurity %orces to u$grade technology/
To ex$ress views in the $ublic/
7alutation or greeting
Disclosure o% to$ic
4arration o% %acts& $resentation o% data& relevant exa$les& etc/
7ensible deviation %ro the to$ic
Draw conclusion in an innovative and iaginative way/
56 ( Pa g e
S%)5e; Exam)e:
1/ Today is woenIs day and you are as!ed to deliver a s$eech on changing role o%
woen in *1
century ac!nowledging their signi%icant contribution in changing %ace o%
odern era/ Lour s$eech should not exceed the liit o% 1*0-150 words/
F04Ts: #one are the days-when woen were considered only %it to becoe hoe
a!ers-$osition rear!ably i$roved-have all rights o% e'uality-$ossess higher
$osition without any distinction have ade their $lace in literature &education
&adinistration-odern woan- sel%-con%ident& 7el%-res$ect& we are $roud o% the/
(es$ected Crinci$al& Learned Teachers and Friends&
0 a glad to have this o$$ortunity o% ex$ressing y views on the (?L5 ?F 3?,54
on woenIs day/
#one are the days when woen considered theselves a wea!er sex/ Today& they are
neither wea! nor in%erior /They have $roved their worth/ 4ae any %ield o% $rogress
wherein they have not le%t their ar!K They are !nown %or their sincerity& sensibility&
hard wor! and tiely wit/ They have never %ailed in using the in tie o% need/
3oen li!e Bar!haDutt& 7onia #andhi& (ahatTasli who won
1 illion ru$ees in RB- .ui= -ontest have le%t their signature style in whatever %ield
they chose/ Being woan ysel%& 0 %eel treendous $ower in ysel% and see no reason
to lag behind/ 0 a $roud to be woan/ 3e !now that odern world cannot a%%ord to
leave woen as they have tie and again ade the world realise their strong $resence/
0 ac!nowledge the vital role the woen $lay %or the eanci$ation o% the society and
their iense contribution in sha$ing and creating the de%inition o% this era and
there%ore& salute the/
Quest'%"s &%r ra/t'/e:
1- 2n!it& a class < student was as!ed by his teacher to deliver a s$eech in the orning
assebly o% his school on M3orld 5nvironent DayS-5
@une/ Esing ideas given below&
together with your own& write the s$eech in not ore than 1*0 words/
a/ LetIs not $ollute the air we breatheO
b/ 3a!e u$ in %resh air and aintain cleanliness
c/ Clant trees and see the growing
d/ Fight vehicular $ollution
*-Lou are a eber o% your school 7ocial 7ervice League/ Lou are visiting a nearby
village to s$ea! to the villagers how so!ing is a silent !iller o% li%e& besides being
drain on the liited incoe o% an average an/ Cre$are your s$eech and also ention
how vital organs are a%%ected due to so!ing& how it is har%ul even to those who do
not so!e but ha$$en to be seen with so!ers and how we should educate $eo$le on
the dangerous e%%ects o% so!ing/ (estrict your s$eech to 150 words/
57 ( Pa g e
2 story is narration o% a set o% %ictitious events o%ten used to convey a oral essage/
-ontext- Ese $hrases li!e- J?nce u$on a tieVI& J0t ha$$ened soVI&
JLonglong agoVI
0ntroduction o% characters- through dialogues or narration/
Clot- Descri$tion o% an event/accident
-liax- end o% the story& ,ost interesting& En$redictable
7et the context
0ntroduce characters
Develo$ $lot"s)
(each cliax
5nd the story
3ra/t'/e Quest'%"s
1) 0nter$ret the $ictures below and write a short story in about 150 words:
57 ( Pa g e
*/Lou went to your aunt& ,aryIs house %or her blessings on your birthday/ 7he as!ed
you to do one good thing every day/ The next day when you were going to your school
you hel$ed an old woan/ 3rite a story how you hel$ed an old woan when you
reebered your auntIs advice/
+$at 's ;ebateQ
2 debate is a %oral discussion& or an arguent on a subAect on which $eo$le have
di%%erent o$inion/
To show s!ills and ability o% $resenting an arguent/
7alutation-J(es$ected chair$erson& honorable Audges and all $resentVI/
0ntroduction- views %or/against-to$ic/
Body- views& %acts& -ontradiction o% o$$onentIs arguent& rebutting the
stateent& 'uestions etc/
-onclusion- clari%ication o% stand ade/
C%mm%" $rases
0Id li!e to raise/the 'uestion/argueV//
0n y o$inionVVV//
4othing could be ore illogical than
0 %eel very strongly thatVV/
0 would li!e to draw attention toV//
0 %ail to understandVV/
0 subit thatVV/
,ay 0 as! all $resentVV/
0 strongly o$$oseVV//
?n the contraryVV/
3ra/t'/e Quest'%"s
1- The otion o% the debate is J-o$uters and -hildren: 2 boon or a BaneI/ 3rite the
debate s$eech %or or against the otion in 150-110 words/
*- The otion o% the debate is J#rading is better than ar!ing o% exaination
$er%oranceI/ 3rite the debate s$eech in %or or against the otion in 150-110 words/
+- The otion o% the debate is JFoe wor! should be abolishedI/ 3rite the debate
s$eech %or or against the otion in 150-110 words/
5B ( Pa g e
Test tye '"/)u;es
#a$ %illing
7entence co$letion
Dialogue co$letion
7entence reordering
7entence trans%oration
(e$orted s$eech
2ctive HCassive >oice
4ews$a$er Fead lines
3res/r'be; sy))abus
+-7ubAect-verb agreeent
1- -o$arison
D- 2voiding (e$etition
10- 4oinalisation
1*- 2ctive and Cassive
1+- (e$orted 7$eech
14- Cre$ositions
6( ( Pa g e
+$at are ;eterm'"ersQ
Deteriners are the words which are used be%ore nouns to deterine or %ix their
1- Art'/)es : a/an& the
*- Dem%"strat'5e a;4e/t'5es : this& that& these& those
+-3%ssess'5es : y& our& your& his& her& its& their
4- A;4e/t'5es 2Qua"t'ty . Number6 : soe& any& uch& any& all& both&
little& %ew&several& less& one& two& etc/
5- Ot$ers : each& every& next& another& either& either&
%irst& second & etc/
A;;'t'%"a) '"&%rmat'%"
-ountable Encountable
"?il&water& %urniture& etc/)
7ingular Clural
"Boy) "Boys)
1- 2rticles
0nde%inite De%inite
"a/an) "The)
I";e&'"'te art'/)e 2a@a"6
1- Esed be%ore singular countable nouns/
*- (e$resents a class or !ind in general/
e/g/ - a cow gives us il!/
"5very cow)
61 ( Pa g e
A- Esed be%ore singular countable nouns beginning with /%"s%"a"t s%u";/
5xa$le- a one-eyed an& a uni'ue $lace& a 5uro$ean& a Eniversity& a ,ango etc/
A"- Esed be%ore singular countable nouns beginning with 5%1e) s%u";/
5xa$le- an 0ndian& an hour& an ubrella& an honest boy ",ute JhI)
De&'"'te art'/)e 2t$e6 H Esed be%ore both countable and uncountable nouns/
1- +$e" 1e ta)k ab%ut s%met$'"# &%r t$e se/%"; t'me '" t$e same /%"text %r
a"yt$'"# <ua)'&'e; by a $rase(
i- 0 et a girl at the gate o% the school/ The girl was wee$ing/
"First tie re%erence) "7econd tie re%erence)
ii- The boo! which is on the table is ine/
*- ?se; be&%re suer)at'5es
7he is the tallest girl o% the class/
+- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& 1ater b%;'es '(e( - r'5ers0 seas0 %/ea"s
The #anges& the 2rabian 7ea& The Caci%ic ocean& etc/
N%te: - 4ot used be%ore the naes o% la!es/
e/g/ The Dal La!e
4- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& m%u"ta'" ra"#es(
e/g/ The Fialayas
N%te: - 4ot used be%ore the naes o% $ea!s/
e/g/ The ,ount 5verest
5- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& sate))'tes0 )a"ets0 stars(
e/g/ The oon& the earth& the sun
8- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& m%"ume"ts a"; mem%r'a)s(
e/g/ The (ed Fort& the TaA ,ahal
:- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& states@/%u"tr'es t$at $a5e a /%mm%" "%u" '" t$e'r
e/g/ The CunAab& The -ongo& the E72& the E25& the E4?& the ER
1- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& s/r'tures(
e/g/ The (aayan& the .uran& the #uru #ranth sahib& The Bible
D- ?se; be&%re t$e "ames %& "e1saers0 ma#aF'"es(
e/g/ The Ties o% 0ndia& the -o$etition 7uccess (eview& The (eaderIs Digest
62 ( Pa g e
10- ?se; be&%re a" a;4e/t'5e 1$e" t$e "%u" 's u";erst%%;(
e/g/ The $oor& the rich"The rich becoes richer& the $oor becoes $oorer)/
11- +$e" r%er "%u" use; as /%mm%" "%u"(
Ralidas is the 7ha!es$eare o% 0ndia/
"2 great draatist)
2- Dem%"strat'5e a;4e/t'5es
This- to deonstrate nearby things
That- to deonstrate %ar o%% things
These- $lural o% JthisI
Those- $lural o% JthatI
T$ese are use; t% s$%1 be)%"#'"#"ess@%1"ers$'(
e/g/- This boo! is ine/
That is his boo!/
-- A;4e/t'5es 2Qua"t'ty . Number6@%t$ers


Esed in negative 9





Little- hardly any

2 little- 4ot uch but
The little-4ot uch
but all that is
Few Few- hardly any
2 %ew- not any but
The %ew- all o% the&
63 ( Pa g e
but not any


?ne& two& etc/

-ardinal nubers
5ach& every



5ither& neither

First& second&

?rdinal nubers
Tense re%ers to the tie at which an action ta!es $lace/
Cresent Cast Future
1- 0nde%inite
*- -ontinuous
+- Cer%ect
4- Cer%ect continuous
A;;'t'%"a) '"&%rmat'%"
1-Tyes %& se"te"/es:
1- 2%%irative
*- 4egative
+- 0nterrogative
i- Les/4o ty$e
ii- 'uestion word/3h words ty$e
4-0nterrogative- 4egative
i- Les/4o ty$e
ii- 'uestion word/3h words ty$e
64 ( Pa g e
2- Sub4e/t
1- 7ingular
*- Clural
3-Nerb Fel$ing
First "0& 3e)
-- 3ers%" 7econd "Lou)
Third "Fe& 7he& 0t& They)
3rese"t te"se:
1-I";e&'"'te 2S'm)e6
Ee"/e &%rt$-
,>- ,ain verb
F>- Fel$ing verb
1- Eab'tua) a/t'%"s Fe #ets u early in the orning/
*- S/'e"t'&'/ &a/ts 3ater b%')s at 100
+- ?"'5ersa) &a/ts@ Ge"era) trut$ The sun r'ses in the east/
Bey- 1%r;s: Daily& never& always etc/
,>- 0 %or "Clural 7ubAect)& 0 %or] e/es"7ingular 7ubAect)- 2%%irative sentences
F>- Do "Clural 7ubAect)/Does "7ingular 7ubAect)-4egative 9 0nterrogative
65 ( Pa g e
N*- 4o Js/esI with J do/doesI
2-C%"t'"u%us 23r%#ress'5e0 Imer&e/t6
1- A/t'%" tak'"# )a/e at t$e t'me %& seak'"#(
0 am tea/$'"# JThe (ie o% the 2ncient ,arinerI by 7T -oleridge at $resent/
*- A/t'%" /%"t'"ue; %5er a er'%; %& t'me '" t$e rese"t/
0 am 1%rk'"# on a science $roAect nowadays/
Bey- 1%r;s: 4owadays& at $resent& these days etc/
,>- 0 %or ] ing
F>- 0s& 2& 2re
3- 3er&e/t Te"se
Kust /%m)ete; a/t'%"/
0 $a5e /%m)ete; y hoewor! Aust now/
Bey- 1%r;s: (ecently& @ust now
,>- 000 %or
F>- Fas "7ingular 7ubAect)/ Fave "Clural 7ubAect)
-- 3er&e/t C%"t'"u%us Te"se
A/t'%" starte; s%me1$ere '" t$e ast but be'"# ;%"e "%1(
0 $a5e bee" )'5'"# in Baroda %or the last two years/
7he $as bee" stu;y'"# in this school %or two years/
Bey- 1%r;s: 7ince& %or
,>- 0 %or ] ing
F>- Fas been "7ingular 7ubAect)/ have been "Clural 7ubAect)
N*- 7ince- Coint o% tie
For- Ceriod o% tie
3ast te"se:
1-3ast '";e&'"'te 2S'm)e6
66 ( Pa g e
A/t'%" ;%"e '" rem%te ast(
0 1e"t to ,athura yesterday
0 ;'; not #% to ,athura yesterday/
Bey- 1%r;s: - yesterday& last etc/
,>- 00 %or "2%%irative sentences)
F>- Did
N*- 1-F> JDidI is used in negative 9 interrogative sentences/
*- 3ith F> JDidI& 0 %or o% ,>/
2-3ast C%"t'"u%us
A" a/t'%" ;%"e r%#ress'5e)y '" t$e ast(
Fe 1as 1%rk'"# on a $roAect& when 0 last visited hi/
Bey- 1%r;s: those days& etc/
,>-0 %or ] ing
F>- was& were
3-3ast 3er&e/t
A" a/t'%" /%m)ete; '" t$e ast be&%re a sa'; t'me %r a"%t$er a/t'%"/
The $atient had died be%ore the doctor cae/
5arlier $ast Cast
Bey- 1%r;s: be%ore& when& as soon as etc/
,>- 000 %or "earlier $ast) 9 00 %or "Cast)
F>- had "earlier $ast)
--3ast 3er&e/t C%"t'"u%us
A" a/t'%" be'"# ;%"e /%"t'"u%us)y &%r t$e sa'; er'%; '" t$e ast(
7he $a; bee" rea;'"# %or two hours when 0 reached her house/
Bey- 1%r;s: since& %or
,>- 0 %or ] ing
67 ( Pa g e
F>- had been
:uture te"se:
1- :uture '";e&'"'te 2S'm)e6
Re&ers t% s'm)e a/t'%" 1$'/$ 's t% take )a/e(
0 1')) #% to 7urat toorrow/
Bey- 1%r;s: toorrow& next& coing etc/
,>- 0 %or
F>- will& shall ",odals)
N*- 1- 0
Cerson "0& 3e) - shall
9 000
Cerson "Lou& Fe/ 7he& 0t& They)-will
*- During three situations& i/e/ deterination& $roise& threatening Jshall will
9 will shall/
2-:uture C%"t'"u%us
A r%#ress'5e &uture a/t'%"(
2t this tie toorrow& she 1')) be ;%'"# her hoewor!/
Bey- 1%r;s: toorrow at this tie etc/
,>- 0 %or ] ing
F>- will& shall ",odals) ] be
3-:uture 3er&e/t
Re&ers t% a" a/t'%" 1$'/$ 1')) be /%m)ete; at t$e sa'; t'me '" &uture(
e/g/ 0 1')) $a5e reare; su$$ort aterial by 7aturday/
Bey- 1%r;s: a%ter& by& etc/
,>- 000 %or
F>- will& shall ",odals) ] have
--:uture 3er&e/t C%"t'"u%us
67 ( Pa g e
A" a/t'%" 1$'/$ 1')) be#'" be&%re a ;e&'"'te t'me '" t$e &uture a"; 1')) 4ust e";
u at t$at t'me %r may /%"t'"ue e5e" a&ter t$at(
3hen 0 reach y school at 01:+0 a/ toorrow& the teacher 1')) $a5e bee"
#'5'"# reedial classes/
Bey- 1%r;s: - 7ince& %or& a%ter three years& etc/
,>- 0 %or ] ing
F>- will& shall ",odals) ] have been
Te"se Tab)e
A/t'5e N%'/e
Tense Cresent Cast Future
0nde%inite 0 %or/0 %or ]s/ es
Do/does] 0 %or
" 4egative/
00 %or
Did] 0 %or
" 4egative/
] 0 %or
-ontinuous 0s/ 2/ 2re] 0 %or
] ing
3as/were] 0
%or ]ing
3ill/shall ] be]
0 %or ] ing
Cer%ect Fas/have ] 000 %or Fad ]000 %or 3ill/shall] have
]000 %or
Fas/Fave ] been] 0
%or ]ing] since/%or
Fad] been] 0
%or] ing]
3ill/shall ]Fave
]been] 0 %or ]ing
:uture T'me Re&ere"/e
1- *y us'"# I1'))@s$a))J
0Ill go to 2gra toorrow/
*- *y us'"# IS'm)e rese"t te"seJ
3hat tie does the atch beginK
+- *y us'"# I3rese"t C%"t'"u%us te"seJ
The C, is leaving %or 2erica next wee!/
6B ( Pa g e
4- *y us'"# IG%'"# t%J &%rm(
0 a going to ta!e bath/
5-*y us'"# Iab%ut t%J &%rm0
The train is about to coe/
Fe always tr'es an easy way/
They always try an easy way/
Fe always tr'e; an easy way/
"Liited by nuber& $erson 9 tie) "4ot liited by nuber& $erson 9 tie)
"Finites) "4on-%inites)
1- 3art'/')e:
Cresent: >erb] ingY adAective "%unction)
Cast 000 %orY adAective "%unction)
-o$uter is a /a)/u)at'"# achine/
0 saw a /ras$e; aircra%t/
2- Geru";:
>erb] ingY 4oun "%unction)
S1'mm'"# is a good exercise/
+- t%-'"&'"'t'5es to show $ur$ose
0 went t% %st a letter/
7( ( Pa g e
to A#$
to A#$
to A#$
#ive in%oration about a $erson or thing/
Re)at'5es usa#e
3ho"whose& who) Cersons
3hich 0naniate things and anials
That Cersons and things
3here Clace
what things
3hen we co$are things& $ersons and $laces/
De#rees %& /%mar's%":
1- 3%s't'5e ;e#ree- N% /%mar's%" 's ma;e(
Lata is a tall girl/
,aya is a beauti%ul girl/
(aesh is Aunior to e/
2- C%marat'5e ;e#ree- C%mar's%" bet1ee" t1%(
#ayatri is taller than Lata/
(avita is ore beauti%ul than ,aya/
3- Suer)at'5e ;e#ree- C%mar's%" bet1ee" m%re t$a" t1%(
7eea is the tallest girl o% class < B/
7avitri is the ost beauti%ul girl o% class < B/
1- Ese o% JthanI in co$arative degree/
*- Ese o% JtoI in co$arative degree/
+- Ese o% article JtheI in su$erlative degree o% co$arison/
4- Foration o% co$aratives and su$erlatives o% double and ore than
double syllable words i/e/ beauti%ul/
71 ( Pa g e
,odals are the auxiliaries that are used to convey s$ecial idea/
,odal >erbs Function/0dea conveyed
-an 2bility& Cerission"in%oral)
-ould Cast o% J-anI
,ay Cossibility& Cerission"Foral)
,ight Cast o% J,ayI
3ill 97hall To ex$ress %uture tie& to ex$ress deterination& $roise
and threatening& to a!e re'uests
7hould& ?ught to ,oral obligation& to ex$ress advice
,ust& have to 7ocial obligation" co$ulsion)&duty& necessity
Esed to Cast habit
8-A/t'5e a"; 3ass'5e
Esed when wor! done is ore $roinent than the doer/
A/t'5e t% 3ass'5e:
1- -hange ?bAect to 7ubAect/ "(e%er noun case below)
*- -hange the verb according to tense/
+- -hange 7ubAect to ?bAect and add JbyI be%ore it/ "(e%er noun case below)
A;;'t'%"a) '"&%rmat'%"
N%u" /ase
7ubAective Cossessive ?bAective
I 3ers%"
0 y e
3e our us
II 3ers%"
Lou your you
III ers%"
Fe his hi
7he her her
0t its 0t
They their the
Tyes %& Ob4e/ts
0 teach you 5nglish/
1- 3hat do 0 teach youK
2nswer- 5nglish Direct ?bAect
*- 3ho do 0 teach 5nglishK
2nswer-Lou 0ndirect ?bAect
Exam)e: "2ctive to Cassive voice)
72 ( Pa g e
0 1r'te a letter/
2 letter 's 1r'tte" by e/
3ass'5e N%'/e Te"se Tab)e
Tense Cresent Cast Future
0nde%inite 0s/a/are] 000
3as/were] 000
3ill be/shall be] 000
-ontinuous 0s/a/are ]
being] 000 %or
being] 000 %or
Cer%ect Fas/have ] been
]000 %or
Fad ] been ]000
3ill/shall ] have ]
been ]000 %or
< < <
,odals ,odal] be ] 000 %or
9-Re%rte; See/$
Direct s$eech (e$orted s$eech
"2ctual words o% s$ea!er are <u%te;) "3ords o% s$ea!er are re%rte;)
Fe said to e& MFow are youKS Direct s$eech
(e$orting verb re$orted s$eech
Fe as!ed e how 0 was/ 0ndirect/(e$orted s$eech
Stes t% /$a"#e ;'re/t see/$ '"t% re%rte; see/$:
1- -hange the re$orting verb-according to ty$e o% sentence o% re$orted s$eech/
*- (eove coas- use conAunction- according to ty$e o% sentence o% re$orted
+- -hange the verb o% re$orted s$eech- according to tense o% re$orting verb/
4- -hange the $ersonal $ronouns in re$orted s$eech/
5- 2lways use %ull sto$ "/) at the end/
C$a"#e %& re%rt'"# 5erb
73 ( Pa g e
(e$orting verb"said to)changed to Ty$e o% sentence "re$orted s$eech)
told Declarative
as!ed 0nterrogative
2s!ed/advised/re'uested/ordered 0$erative
Rem%5a) %& /%mmas 2C%"4u"/t'%" use;6
Ty$e o% sentence "re$orted s$eech) -onAunction used
Declarative that
i- yes/4o ty$e 0%/whether
ii- 3h-words ty$e 3h- word
i- 2%%irative " begins with 0 %or) To
ii- 4egative " begins with JDo notS 4ot to
C$a"#'"# t$e 5erb %& re%rte; see/$
>erb "direct s$eech) >erb " re$orted/0ndirect s$eech)
Re%rt'"# 5erb 23rese"t@&uture te"se6
>erb "direct s$eech) 4o change
Re%rt'"# 5erb 23ast te"se6
0 %or 00 %or
0s/a/are 3as/were
Fas/have Fad
00 %or Fad] 000 %or
3as/were Fad been ]0 %or ] ing
3ill/shall 3ould
-an -ould
,ay ,ight
,ust ,ust/had to
3ould 4o change
-ould 4o change
,ight 4o change
?"'5ersa) &a/t 4o change
C$a"#'"# t$e ers%"a) r%"%u"s
0 $erson- with the s$ea!er
00 $erson- with the listener
000 $erson- 4o change
"(e%er Jnoun caseI table %or changing the $ersonal $ronouns)
S%)5e;@?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
1- E;'t'"#@Om'ss'%"
74 ( Pa g e
(ead the $assage care%ully/ 0denti%y the tense o% $assage/
Enderline the error/identi%y the issing word
Loo! %or errors/issing words in the use o%
7ubAect-verb agreeent
S%)5e; exer/'ses
T$e &%))%1'"# assa#e $as "%t bee" e;'te;( T$ere 's %"e err%r '" ea/$ )'"e(
?";er)'"e t$e err%r a"; 1r'te t$e '"/%rre/t 1%r; a"; t$e /%rre/t'%"( T$e &'rst
%"e $as bee" ;%"e as a" exam)e(
0ncorrect wordcorrection
0nactivity is the greater cause o% overweight greater greatest
these days/ Ceo$le $hysical activity a-NNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
had decreased these days/ The ain reason b-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
is there are any labour saving devices c-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
They does not want to wal! on %oot/ d-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
They s$end enough tie sitting and e-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
watch television/ Their excess weight %-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
a!e the sic! and they have to s$end g-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
oney in edicine/ h-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
0ncorrect word correction
0nactivity is the greater cause o% overweight greater greatest
these days/ Ceo$le $hysical activity a-$eo$le$eo$leIs
had decreased these days/ The ain reason b-had has
is there are any labour saving devices c-isbeing
They does not want to wal! on %oot/ d-does do
They s$end enough tie sitting and e-enough ore
watch television/ Their excess weight %-watch watching
a!e the sic! and they have to s$end g-a!e a!es
oney in edicine/ h-in on
?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
T$e &%))%1'"# "e1saer re%rt $as "%t bee" e;'te;( T$ere 's %"e err%r '" ea/$
)'"e( ?";er)'"e t$e err%r a"; 1r'te t$e '"/%rre/t 1%r; a"; t$e /%rre/t'%"(
0ncorrect word correction
2 three year old girl has rescued by the $olice a-NNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
75 ( Pa g e
last Tuesday/ 7he was !idna$ by a neighbour b-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
due to ranso/ The other c-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
in%or the $olice about the issing girl/ d-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
a $robe had su$ervised by the D7C hisel%/ e-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
#reater than %i%ty residents were 'uestioned /%-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
Eltiately& (ohit & one o% the residents o% the
colony adit the crie and disclosed g-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
where the girl was hiding h-NNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN
S%)5e; exer/'ses
I" t$e assa#e be)%1 %"e 1%r; $as bee" %m'tte; '" ea/$ )'"e( 3ut a s)as$ 2@6
1$ere t$e 1%r; $as bee" %m'tte;( +r'te t$e m'ss'"# 1%r; '" t$e sa/e
?ne thing we all ust do to coo$erate a- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
with $olice and $ay heed to their advice/ b-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
They warn us not touch unidenti%ied& c-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
unclaied sus$icious obAects li!e transistors& d-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
brie% cases etc/ we need watch out %or e-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
abandoned cars& scooters re$ort the %-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
deatails such obAects to the nearest $olice g-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
control roo dialing 100/ ?ne should h-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
not touch the obAects till the bob dis$osal s'uad arrives/
?ne thing we all ust do /to coo$erate a- is
3ith/ $olice and $ay heed to their advice/ b- the
They warn us not /touch unidenti%ied& c- to
/unclaied sus$icious obAects li!e transistors& d-and
brie% cases etc/ we need/ watch out %or e-to
abandoned cars& scooters /re$ort the %-and
details/ such obAects to the nearest $olice g-o%
control roo/ dialing 100/ ?ne should h-by
not touch the obAects till the bob dis$osal s'uad arrives/
?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
I" t$e assa#e be)%1 %"e 1%r; $as bee" %m'tte; '" ea/$ )'"e( 3ut a s)as$ 2@6
1$ere t$e 1%r; $as bee" %m'tte;( +r'te t$e m'ss'"# 1%r; '" t$e sa/e
r%5';e;( T$e &'rst %"e $as bee" ;%"e as a" exam)e(
The sall town was the at
%oot o% the ountains/ ,ost the a-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
$eo$le were %arers/ There traders also b-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
in the town/ Though not rich were c-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
ha$$y contended/ 2t one d-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
tie the $eace bro!en by e-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
several robberies/ The $eo$le %rightened %-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
The ,ayor the town called %or g-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
a eeting discuss the atter/ h-NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
76 ( Pa g e
Se"te"/e re%r;er'"#
1- First loo! %or the subAect "4oun/ Cronoun)/
*- Loo! %or the hel$ing verb/
+- Loo! %or the ,ain >erb/
4- Loo! %or the obAect "direct 9 indirect)/
5- 2lso loo! %or 3h-word/
8- 2rrange the words in a eaning%ul sentence/
S%)5e; exer/'ses
1( !%%k at t$e 1%r;s a"; $rases be)%1( Rearra"#e t$em t% &%rm mea"'"#&u)
se"te"/es( T$e &'rst %"e $as bee" ;%"e as a" exam)e(
the waterelon/thirst 'uenchers/in suers/is/one o% the best/
?ne o% the best thirst 'uenchers in suers is the waterelon/
a- around/it is/D8 countries/cultivated in/the world/
b- in 2%rica/about 5000 years/grown/ago/it was/%irst/
c- say that/at the/it was grown/soe researchers/sae tie/in 0ndia/
d- the travellers/across a desert/it was/when they/used by/travelled/
a- 0t is cultivated in D8 countries around the world/
b- 0t was %irst grown in 2%rica about 5000 years ago/
c- 7oe researchers say that it was grown in 0ndia at the sae tie/
d- 0t was used by travellers when they travelled across a desert/
*/ " a) water su$$ly/they get/they eat/%ro/all their/the leaves
"a) inhabited//tree leaves/so&/by !oalas/in areas/o%/is high/deand
"b) one grou$/it ta!es/to su$$ort/several acres/o% !oalas/o% trees
"c) can eat/every day/each/one and a hal% !ilogras/adult Roala/u$ to /o% leaves
247: "a) They get all their water su$$ly %ro the leaves they eat/
"a) 7o& in areas inhabited by Roalas deand o% tree leaves is high/
"b) 0t ta!es several acres o% trees to su$$ort one grou$ o% Roalas/
"c) 5ach adult Roala can eat one and a hal% !ilogras o% leaves every day/
?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
1/ !%%k at t$e 1%r;s a"; $rases be)%1( Rearra"#e t$em t% &%rm mea"'"#&u)
a- no $arallel/disci$line/o% any !ind/has
b- go together/duties/should/disci$line/and rights
c- e'ually i$ortant/should be/treated/%or a/they/satis%ying li%e
d- the other/or ignored/very bad/it will/i% one/$rove/overla$s
2( Rearra"#e t$e &%))%1'"# t% &%rm mea"'"#&u)se"te"/es(
3eru5'a" &%ra#'"# s%/'et'es 1ere a)rea;y /$e1'"# /%/a )ea5es 90000 years a#%
&%ra#'"# s%/'et'es@3eru5'a"@90000 years a#%@/$e1'"# /%/a )ea5es@1ere a)rea;y
"a) showed evidence/o% chewed coca/in the northwestern Ceru/and calciu
"b) such roc!s/to create lie&/would have been burned/chewed with coca/
77 ( Pa g e
"c) contain a range/coca leaves coca leaves/!nown as al!aloids/o% cheical
"d) o% the 0ncas/%or edicinal $ur$oses/o% coca leaves/the chewing/was a $astie
+/ a) de$icted/architecture o%/has been/the >eena/about 500 2/D/ /in te$le
b) no ta!ers/sadly/instruents/but/o% all/this other/has/today
c) to who/there are/students/turn to/%ew/ can/ex$onents/the rare
d) subAect in /it is/a subsidiary/ not even/university curricula
4/a) $aralytic attac!/is/$rolonged/ain cause/high/o%/ blood $ressure/the
b) tongue& li$& and the vocal cords/$eo$le e%%ected/can counicate/either with
libs/with a $aralytic stro!e
c) to answer/soe can/their eyes/even blin!
d) nervous syste/to the voluntary/due to extensive daages/is i$ossible/ but in a
%ew even a sall gesture
5/ a) le%t e/y/city/$arents/her/with/they/in /went/live/when/to/the
b) orning/to/wa!e/used/u$ /the/in/she/e
c) said/in a /$rayers/sings song/onotonous/orning/she/her
d) listened/ 0 /loved /0/ voice /because/her
Re%rte; see/$
#iven dialogue is to be changed into indirect s$eech/
-hange the re$orting verb/
(eove coas and use conAunction/
-hange the $ronouns and verb in the re$orted s$eech/
Ese a "/) at the end o% every sentence/
S%)5e; exer/'ses
1( Rea; t$e /%"5ersat'%" bet1ee" Rama a"; S'ta( T$e" re%rt t$e ara#ra$
t$at &%))%1s(
(aa: 0 a going to Aungle/
7ita: 3hyK
(aa: 0 have been banished %or %ourteen years by %ather/
7ita: ?hO 0t is very sad/ -an 0 go with youK
(aa: 4o/ 7tay at hoe to care o% y old $arents/
?n being banished by his %ather& Ring Dasharath& (aa told 7ita "a)NNNNNNNNNNNNN/
7he as!ed hi "b)NNNNNNNNNNNN/ (aa told that "c) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/7ita
exclaied saying it was very bad and as!ed (aa "d)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/
(aa as!ed her to stay at hoe to ta!e care o% y old $arents/
a- that he was going to Aungle/
b- why he was going to Aungle/
c- he had been banished %or %ourteen years by %ather/
d-i% she could go with hi/
77 ( Pa g e
?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
Rea; t$e /%"5ersat'%" bet1ee" A"'ta a"; 3rakas$( T$e" re%rt t$e ara#ra$
t$at &%))%1s(
2nita: 3hat do want to do this orningK
Cra!ash: 0 %eel li!e ta!ing a wal!/ 0tIs so nice outside/
2nita: #reat& letIs wal! around the la!e in the $ar!/
Cra!ash: 0tIs really roc!y here/
2nita: Les& watch your ste$s so you donIt tri$/
2nita as!ed Cra!ash "a) NNNNNNNNN/ Cra!ash answered that he "b) NNNNNN / 0t was so
nice outside/ 2nita agreed to this and suggested "c) NNNNNNNNNNNN/ Then Cra!ash
observed that "d) NNNNNNNNNNNN/ 2nita cautioned hi to watch his ste$s/
Ne1saer Eea; )'"es
0denti%y the tie o% event whether $ast or %uture/
Ese $resent $er%ect& si$le $ast or %uture tie re%erence/
0denti%y $assive/active voice/
-onnect the ex$anded headline $ro$erly with the whole sentence/
S%)5e; exer/'se 1:
The Lord 7waraA Caul -a$aro grou$ NNNNNNNNNNNN the 4orth 2erican vehicle
0ndian Foreign ,inister 7, Rrishna ?n 7unday in%ored that $rie ,inister& ,r
,an ,ohan NNNNNNNNNNNNNN in the second wee! o% 2$ril *011/
a- has entered
7B ( Pa g e
2( Rea; t$e /%m'/ str' #'5e" be)%1 a"; /%m)ete t$e ara#ra$
3hile a!ing the list o% what -harlie wanted %ro 7anta -laus& he as!ed Catty
howeverything/ "b) NNNNNNNNNN/ 7he could bet that "c) NNNNNNNNNN& he would %ind
thatshe thought 7anta "a) NNNNNNNNNN all those toys/ Catty re$lied that it was $ossible as
7anta "d) NNNNNNNNNN big eastern chain
"a) could a%%ord to give away
"b) everything these days is $rootion
"c) i% the truth were brought out
"d) was being %inanced by soe big eastern chain
b- will be going to Ca!istan on a three day visit
?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
1( ?se t$e '"&%rmat'%" '" t$e $ea;)'"es t% /%m)ete t$e "e1s 'tems #'5e" be)%1(
2 $o$ular show on a Tail T> channel NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN a 1+ year old boy in
hos$ital& when he %illed his outh with Rerosene and blew it over %ire& in an atte$t
to iitate the show/
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN bus here on ,onday& one& an 11-year-old boy and the other
a cyclist/
There was anger& %rustration and hel$lessness aongst nearly a thousand $assengers
o% six 2ir-0ndia %lights NNNNNNNNNNNN %or hours at 0#0 air$ort/
2( ?se t$e '"&%rmat'%" '" t$e $ea;)'"es t% /%m)ete t$e "e1s 'tems #'5e" be)%1(
2 $olytechnic university in china NNNNNNNNNNNNN that can conduct surgeries/
05 !ids o% a EC $riary school in ,athura District NNNNNNNNNNNNN a%ter having
id-day eal on Friday/
2 wee! long s$ort day celebration in various schools o% Rendriya >idyalaya
7angathan NNNNNNNNNNNNNN on ** 2$ril with grand $ri=e distribution cereony/
2 %our-year-old girl NNNNNNNNNNNNN to death when a s$eedy bus ran over her in
e- , !ABE KO*S TO *E CREATED *D 2012------- 3!ANNING
,r 2( 7ahni& eber o% $lanning coission said yesterday that NNNNNNNNNNNN
by the year *01*/
Thu& ,ay *0 0ra' war- veteran 0ndain-2erican doctor ,anan Trivedi"a)NNNNNN the
DeocrativeCarty noination to contest the 4oveber elections to the E7 house o%
(e$resentatives %ro Cennsylvania -ongressional district/
2 doctor-turned war- veteran& Trivedi& +5& "b) NNNNNNNNNN Dough Ci!e& a %orer
local Aournalist& "c)NNNNNNNNNNN argin o% 8:* votesG thus earning the right to
challenge (e$ublican o% (e$resentatives/ -onceding his de%eat& Ci!e in a stateent
su$$orted Trivedi/ The election "d) NNNNNN Tuesday/
a-i- won
ii- had won
iii- has won
iv- was won
b-i- had de%eated
ii- been de%eated
iii- was de%eated
iv- de%eated
c-i- through a narrow
ii- with a narrow
iii- toa narrow
7( ( Pa g e
iv- in a narrow
d-i- was held on
ii-were held on
iii- been held on
iv- had been held
3r%/e;ure Re%rt'"#
(ead the given instructions care%ully/
(ewrite the $rocess in $assive voice/
Rnow the tense/tie used/ Fint will be hidden soewhere in the 'uestion/
#eneral verb $attern will be either Jis/are] 000 %or or Jwas/were ] 000 %or
S%)5e; exer/'ses
1-Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# set %& '"stru/t'%"s &%r 1as$'"# t$e ;'rty 1$'te /%tt%"
/)%t$es( C%m)ete t$e r%/e;ure(
1--ollect all the dirty white cotton clothes/
*- 7oa! the %ully in a boiling water and soa$ solution/
+- Ta!e the out and beat the with %ists or stic!/
4- Then rinse the in running water until the soa$ content is washed o%%/
5- 7'uee=e the and hang the %or drying/
2ll the dirty white cotton clothes arecollected and "i) NNNNNNNNNNNN o% boiling
water and soa$/ They "ii) NNNNNNNNNNN with %ists or stic!/ Then they "iii)
NNNNNNuntil the soa$ content is washed o%%/ Then they "iv) NNNNNNNNNNNN %or
A"s1ers 2E'"t-are6
"i) are soa!ed in a ixture
"ii) are ta!en out and beaten
"iii) are rinsed in running water
"iv) are s'uee=ed and hung
2-Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# '"stru/t'%"s &%r mak'"# IMa##' N%%;)esJ a"; /%m)ete t$e
Boil two 500 l o% water in a container/
2dd noodles and taste a!er/
2dd %inely cho$$ed vegetables a%ter steaing the se$arately/
-oo! only %or two inutes/
7erve hot/
Firstly& 500 l o% water "a) NNNNNNNNNNN in a container/ 2%ter that noodles and taste
a!ers "b)NNNNNNNNNN/ Then %inely cho$$ed vegetables "c)NNNNNNNNN a%ter
steaing the se$arately/ The ixed stu%% "d)NNNNNNNNN %or only two inutes/ 0t 's
then served hot/
A"s1ers 2E'"t-'s6
"a)- is boiled
"b)- are added
"c)- are added
"d) -is coo!ed
71 ( Pa g e
D'a)%#ue /%m)et'%"
(ead the $receding dialogue and the one that %ollows it/
0denti%y the ty$e o% sentence/
,a!e sure entire dialogue is relevant and eaning%ul/
S%)5e; exer/'ses
Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# /%"5ersat'%" bet1ee" a br%t$er a"; a s'ster( C%m)ete t$e
/%"5ersat'%" by /$%%s'"# t$e /%rre/t %t'%"(
7ister : 3hen do to leave %or ,ubaiK
Brother: 0 a leaving the day a%ter toorrow/
7ister : 3here have you decided to stayK
7ister : 3hy are you not staying with 2unt and EncleK
Brother: "b)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN / 0 wonIt be able to enAoy y holidays/
7ister : DonIt tell e that youIll stay in a hotelO
Brother: De%initely not "c)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/
7ister : Fow are you both s$ending your vacationK
a- i- 0 wonIt decide as yet/ ii- 0 wonIt decide as yet/
iii-0 hadnIt decided as yet/ iv- 0 havenIt decided as yet/
b- i- They were too strict/ ii- They are too strict/
iii- They will be too strict/ iv- They are too %unny/
c-i- 0 $lan to stay with aunty 9uncle/ ii- 0 $lan to stay in a hotel/
iii- 0 $lan to stay with (ahul/ iv- 0 wonIt stay with aunty 9uncle/
d- i- 3eIll go nowhere/ ii- 3eIll go site seeing/
iii- weIll stay nearby/ iv- 3eIll go soewhere/
"a)iv- 0 havenIt decided as yet/
"b)ii- They are too strict/
"c) iii-0 $lan to stay with (ahul/
"d) ii- 3eIll go site seeing/
?"s%)5e; exer/'ses
1( Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# /%"5ersat'%" bet1ee" a ;%/t%r a"; $'s at'e"t( C%m)ete
t$e /%"5ersat'%" by /$%%s'"# t$e /%rre/t %t'%"(
Doctor : Fow long have you been sic!K
Catient : 0 have been having this headache "a)NNNNNNNNNNNNN one onth/
Doctor : Fave you ta!en any edicineK
Catient : 4o 0 havenIt/ But 0 "b)-NNNNNNNNNNN by an eye s$ecialist/
Doctor : 3hat did he sayK
Catient : Fe said y eyes are %ine/
Doctor : "c)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN slee$ing late at nightK
Catient : 4o& 0 slee$ regularly at 10 $/
Doctor : Fave you "d) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN in the $ast or latelyK
Catient : 4o but 0 had inAured y head when 0 was ten years old/
a-i- %or the $ast ii- since the $ast
iii- during the $ast iv- %or a $ast
72 ( Pa g e
b- i- got y eye test ii- will get y eyes
iii- got y eyes tested iv- would get y eye
c-i- has you been ii- had you been
iii- had you be iv- have you been
d-i- et with an accident ii- eets with an accident
iii- eet with an accident iv- et with an accident
1) Loo! at the notes given below and co$lete the $aragra$h that %ollows by %illing
u$ the blan!s with the ost a$$ro$riate o$tion %ro those given/1 x 4 Y 4ar!s
5gy$tians discovered $a$er-ade a stal!s o% tall reed- %ro wood J$a$yrusI-su$$lies
liited-ex$ort restricted
The "a) NNNNNNNNN the 5gy$tians/ 0t "b) NNNNNNNNNN reed /The 5nglish word J$a$erI
"c) NNNNNNNNNNN/ 3hen su$$lies were liited a "d) NNNNNNNNN on ex$ort/
"d) 1 $a$er discovered
* discovery o% $a$er was ade
+ discoverer o% $a$er was
4 $a$ers was discovered by
"b) 1 a!es o% stal!s o% tall
* ade o% stal!s o% tall
+ was ade o% stal!s o% tall
4 has ade o% stal!s o% tall
"c) 1 derive %ro the word J$a$yrusI
* derives %ro the word J$a$yrusI
+ has derived %ro the word J$a$yrusI
4 is derived %ro the word J$a$yrusI
"d) 1 restriction i$osed
* restriction is i$osed
+ restriction was i$osed
4 restriction has i$osed
*) #iven below is a conversation between David and his %riend& ,eenu/ -o$lete
the dialogue below by %illing u$ the blan!s with the ost a$$ro$riate o$tions %ro
those given/ 1< 4 YY 4
David : Fello/ 0s this *815:D0+K
David : -ould 0 s$ea! to ,eenu K 0 a her %riend& David K
,eenu : David K 0tIs ,eenu / "b) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN K
David : 0 a calling %ro 0ndira #andhi 0nternational air$ort / 0I here %or visit/
,eenu : ThatIs great/"c) NNNNNNNNNN about your visit K
David : 0 wanted to give you a sur$rise /
,eenu : 3hen did you arrive K "d) NNNNNNNNNNNK
David : 0 Aust got here and 0 a alone/
"a)1 shall 0 !now to who do you want to tal!
* will 0 !now which do you want to tal!
+ need 0 !now who do you want to s$ea! to
73 ( Pa g e
4 ay 0 !now who do you want to s$ea! to
"b) 1 Fro where you are calling
* 3here you are calling %ro
+ 2re you calling where %ro
4 Lou are calling %ro where
"c) 13hy you not in%or e earlier
* 3hy didnIt you in%ored e earlier
+ 3hy didnIt you in%or e earlier
4 3hy you didnIt in%or e earlier
"d) 1 2re you being acco$anied by soe one
* you are being acco$anied by soe one
+ 2re soe one acco$anying you
4 2re anyone acco$anied you
Ga &'))'"#
(ead the $assage care%ully and %or a general idea/
,ind the tense o% the $aragra$h/
-hec! %or subAect-verb agreeent
S%)5e; exer/'ses
:')) '" t$e b)a"ks 1't$ t$e m%st ar%r'ate %t'%" &r%m t$%se #'5e" be)%1(
1/-o$lete the $assage given below choosing the correct alternatives: ^ x 1 Y 4
To!yo was roc!ed by its "a) ------ earth'ua!e in ore than a year today& but esca$ed
"b) ----- little daage because it "c) ------ centered %ar beneath the %loor o% the Caci%ic
?cean /The 'ua!e "d) -------- struc! shortly be%ore noon with a agnitude o% 8/8 &"e)
-------- large buildings sway bac! and %orth / The intense "%) ----- %or about one
inute caught $eo$le "g) -------- guard in To!yo and other cities "h) ------- east/
"a) 1 big "b) 1 %ro "c 1 is "d) 1 who
*bigger * by * was * who
+ biggest + with + has + whose
4 very big 4 %or 4 have 4 which
"e) 1 a!e "%) 1 sha!e "g) 1in "h) 1 to
* ade * sha!er * on * towards
+ send + sha!ing + o% + %or
4 sent 4shoo! 4 o%% 4 %orward
"a) biggest "b) with "c) was "d) which
"e) ade "%) sha!ing "g) o%% "h) towards
74 ( Pa g e
1) 0n %ruit %ars %ruits are $ic!ed be%ore they are %ully ri$e %or otherwise
they "a) ----- becoe overri$e or decay "b) ------ reaching custoers/
Fruit $ic!ed too young "c)---------- never ri$en/ 0tIs a $roble to $redict
whether a certain %ruit will ri$en "d) ------- not/ 4ow a scanner has
"e)--------- develo$ed which can $redict those %ruits "%) ------- ultiately
will ri$e so that %arer "g) ------- sort out %uture %ruits %ro the too-green
/The scanner wor!s "h) ---- a ri$eness $redictor/
"a) 1 ust "b) 1 while "c) 1 will "d) 1 and
* shall * a%ter * are * or
+ ay + when + being + but
4 should 4 be%ore 4 were 4 so
"e) 1 being "%) 1 who "g) 1 can "h) 1 %or
* been * who * need * by
+ be + that + dare + so
4 was 4 whose 4 shall 4 as
247: "a) -------------- "b) ----------- "c) ---------------- "d) -----------------
"e) -------------- "%) ----------- "g) ---------------- "h) ------------------
*)-ataract is a "a) ------- in the lens o% the eye/ Today& odern "b) -------- advances
have ade cataract surgery very success%ul/ The cause o% the cataract "c) ------ are
not %ully !nown/ 0t is basically "d) -------- ageing $henoenon /4ext to old age "e)
-------- other %actors li!e de%iciency o% %ood li!e $roteins "%) -------- vitains &soe
toxic drugs and general diseases "g)--------- diabetes &in%ections and inAuries/
4ourishing diet rich "h) -------- $roteins and vitains can delay the onset o% cataract/
"a) 1 o$a'ue "b) 1 edicine "c) 1 %oring "d) 1 a
* o$a'ued * edicinal * %ored * an
+ o$a'ueness + edical + %ors + the
4 o$acity 4 edicated 4 %oration 4 soe
"e) 1 is "%) 1 or "g) 1 li!e "h) 1 at
* was * and * so * on
+ are + but + as + with
4 were 4 so 4 such 4 in
247: "2) --------- "b) ------ "c) ------ "d) -----
"e) ---------- "%) ------- "g) ------ "h) -------
75 ( Pa g e
Sy))abus &%r TERM I 2SA I6
-A K Cr%"'"
Two #entleen o% >erona is a touching story o% @aco$o and 4icola& two brothers
aged 1* and 1+& who do odd Aobs and live a hard li%e theselves to sustain and treat
their elder sister Lucia& who is su%%ering %ro tuberculosis o% the s$ine/
2 @ -ronin uses the title o% 3illia 7ha!es$eare6s %aous $lay& The Two #entleen
o% >erona in an ironic anner/ -ronin6s $ortrayal o% these odern UgentleenU o%
>erona re-de%ines the conce$t o% what it eans to be a gentlean& -ronin shows us
that one ay $olish boots or sell news$a$ers& but it is the agnaniity o% heart and
the nobleness o% $ur$ose that actually deterines whether one is a true UgentleanU/
The story recounts the hard li%e chosen by the two young boys so that they could $ay
%or the treatent o% their sister a%%licted with tuberculosis/ The boys exhibit sincerity
and devotion to the cause and the aturity they dis$lay in their actions gives a new
ho$e %or huanity/
The writer and his %riend are sto$$ed at the outs!irts o% >erona by two sall boys
when they drive through lower hills o% the 2l$s/ The boys are brothers 4icola& the
elder and @aco$o& the younger one/ They were selling wild strawberries/ 4ext tie
when they eet the boys& they are $olishing shoes in the $ublic s'uare/ 0nteracting
with the& the writer coes to !now that they do various tas!s/ ?ne id night& they
see the boys resting on the stone o% a %oot$ath/ 4icola sat tired with a bundle o%
unsold news$a$ers/ Fis brother was slee$ing by $utting his head on 4icolaIs
shoulder/ The narrator as!s the boys i% they save the oney %or eigration to
2erica& they deny and say that they have other $lans/ The writer o%%ers the hel$
%or which @aco$o as!s hi to dro$ the at Coleta by their car/ The writer acce$ts
their re'uest/
The next a%ternoon& they reach the village located on a hill/ The two boys are
dro$$ed %ro the car/ 2%ter soetie& the writer %ollows the and %inds %ro the
nurse about the two boys and their sister/ 7he tells hi that their %ather& a %aous
singer died in the war/ 2 bob had destroyed their hoe/ They had a cultured li%e&
but due to the war& they were le%t alone on road/ Lucia was a good singer& but now
she is su%%ering %ro tuberculosis and the boys are wor!ing hard day and night %or
the treatent o% their sister/ Their sel%less action& nobility and devotion touch the
writerIs heart and show a greater ho$e %or an!ind/
(ead the %ollowing extracts and answer the 'uestions that %ollow by choosing the
o$tion you consider ost a$$ro$riate:
1) ?ne boy had on a worn Aersey and cut-o%% !ha!i $antsG the other a shortened
ary tunic gathered in loses %olds about his s!inny %rae/ Let ga=ing at the two
little %igures& with their brown s!in& tangled hair and earnest eyes& we %elt
ourselves strangely attracted
76 ( Pa g e
216O"e b%y $a; %":
"a) a new Aersey
"b) a worn Aersey and a !ha!i $ants
"c) a coat and a $ant
"d) a sweater and a blue $ant /
226 T$e %t$er b%y $a;:
"a) a robust body
"b) a swollen head
"c) a stout %rae
"d) a s!inny %rae
236 T$e "arrat%r a"; $'s /%ma"'%" #aFe; at:
"a) two sho$!ee$ers
"b) two things
"c) two little %igures
"d) two beggarly woen
A"s: 1) b) a worn Aersey and cut o%% !ha!i $ant *)d) a s!inny %rae+) c) two little
A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# <uest'%"s '" ab%ut 30--0 1%r;s(
16 +$at ;'; t$e "arrat%rJs /%ma"'%" ;'s/%5er ab%ut t$e b%yQ
2ns:The narratorIs co$anion discovered that the boys were real brothers/ The elder
brother 4icola was 1+ years old while the young @aco$o was 1* years old/ Their rags
and shabby a$$earance dis$lay their acute $overty/
*6 E%1 /a" y%u say t$at t$e b%ys 1ere 1'))'"# 1%rkersQ
2ns: The boys did their inde$endent Aob/ They shined shoes in the scorching heat/
They sold strawberries and conducted the touris round o% the town/ They sold
news$a$ers in the story nights/ They changed their wor! at will/ ThatIs why they
can be called willing wor!ers/
36+$y ;';"Jt t$e "arrat%r #% '"s';eQ
2ns:The boyIs sister was aditted into the hos$ital/ The boys did not li!e to share
their secret with the narrator/ The narrator had no desire to ex$ose the/ ,oreover
he could not bear to intruder u$on their ha$$y %aily eeting /There%ore he
$re%erred to stay out/
-6+$y ;'; t$e b%ys $ate t$e Germa"sQ E%1 ;'; t$ey rea/t a#a'"st t$emQ
2ns: The #erans had bobed their city and had destroyed their hoe/ Their %ather
was also !illed in the war/ The boys and their sister were thrown in the streets/ The
boys were %orced to live in a shelter/ Then the #erans becae the rulers/ There%ore
the boys hated the #erans/ To show their hate%ul reaction they Aoined the resistance
77 ( Pa g e
*6 A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# '" 30--0 1%r;s ea/$:
1 3hy did the driver not a$$rove o% their buying %ruit %ro the boysK
* 3hen did the authorIs co$anion %ind out that the boys were brothers K
+/ 3hat were the Aobs the boys did to earn oneyK/
4/ 3hat attracted the visitors towards the boys K
5 3here did the author eet the two boys %or the %irst tieK 3hat were they doingK
8/ 3hy was the author sur$rised to see 4icola and @aco$o wor!ing as shoe shinesK
:/ Fow were the boys use%ul to the authorK
1/ 3hy did the author say that what struc! one ost was their willingness to wor!K
D/ 3hy were the boys out in the deserted s'uare at nightK
10/ 3ere the boys 'uite ha$$y to wor!K 3hich sentence tells you thisK
11/3hat ade the author thin! that they were earning uchK
1*/3hy did 4icola say MAust $lansS when the author as!ed the what their $lans
1+/3ho as!ed the author to drive the to ColetaK Did the other brother a$$rove o%
the re'uestK 3hyK
14 Did the boys try to $revent the author %ro %inding out the real $ur$ose o% their
visit to
ColetaK Did they succeedK
15/ Fow did the war a%%ect the boysI %ailyK
18/ Fow did the boys ta!e care o% their sisterK
1:/ Do you thin! the two boys enAoyed what they were doingK 3hy do you thin! soK
11/ Fow does the story o% the Two #entleen o% >erona give $roise o% greater
ho$e %or
huan societyK
1D/ Fow can you say that the boys wor!ed 'uite hardK
*0/ 3hat did the narrator tell the narratorK
*1/ Fow was the li%e o% the boys co%ortable and culturedK
**/ Fow did the boys react to the LuciaIs su%%ering %ro the tuberculosis o% the
*+/ 3hat ha$$ened when the boys reAoined the narratorK
C6 !%"# a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/ 3rite a $aragra$h on the early li%e o% the two boys/
Fathera widower //// well-!nown singer ////!illed in war /// bob blast destroyed
houseVboys and sister le%t to the streets /// su%%ered ///horribly /// starvation
*/ 3rite a note on the character o% 4icola and @aco$o/
The %ollowing hints will hel$ you:
otherless //// loss o% %ather //// su%%erings /////loss o% their house ///ade their own
shelter willing to do any Aob /// their devotion to ///their sister //// dedication ////
$atriotic /// $roudVdid not want sy$athy ///
77 ( Pa g e
*/ 4arrate the story o% Two #entleen o% >erona beginning with their ex$erience
during the war in about *00 words/ Lou ay use the %ollowing hints %or your
4icola and @aco$o V sons o% a well-!nown singer and widower /// only sister
Lucia ///%ather !illed /// house destroyed /// children le%t to the streets //// starved
horribly //// a shelter////built by theselves /// boys did di%%erent Aobs/ The visitors
a!e %riends //// their willingness to wor! //// one idnight //// deserted s'uare
wanted to sell news$a$ers //// earning oney ////re'uest author to ta!e the to the
country ///Drive to the country /// the boys leave the author waiting /// he %ollows ///
discovers the secret/
3. 2 @ -ronin cae to !now the story o% the two boys %ro the nurse in the story
6Two #entleen o% >erona6/ 0agine that the boys theselves narrated the story
to 2/@ -ronin/
3rite the story in the words o% the boys/ Lou ay begin li!e this/
3e were living ha$$ily in our//////////////////////////////////
5/Let in both these boyish %aces there was a seriousness which was %ar beyond
theiryears/ Does this sentence signal anything to youK
4ow use the %ollowing hints:
Boys si$le /// aged 1+ and 1* /// sense o% res$onsibility though too young /////doing
anything /
,rs/ Cac!letideIs Tiger by 7a!i "FF ,unro) is a short story in which one characterIs
disloyalty to another $roves the crux o% the $lot/ 7et ostly in -olonial 0ndia& the
author ais to highlight and ridicule the $retentious nature o% the u$$er classes o%
5dwardian society/ 3ith so$histicated language& we are encouraged ingeniously to
disli!e ,rs/ Cac!letide& who endeavours to shoot a tiger in order to u$stage her rival
Loona Biberton/ The satirical tone e$loyed throughout the story enables us to
a$$laud her gullibility at the hands o% her $aid co$anion& ,iss ,ebbin/
Fro the beginning the satirical tone e$loyed increases our disli!e o% the $etty
,rs/ Cac!letide whose otive %or shooting a tiger was that her rival Loona
Biberton had recently %lown in an Maero$lane by an 2lgerian aviator/S This %eat in
those ties was considered not only a daring and brave %eat "because aero$lanes had
Aust been invented and were nothing li!e the co%ortable& reliable odes o% trans$ort
they are today) but 7a!iIs tone also shows us his re$ulsion o% these classes by
i$lying that this %eat o% Loona BibertonIs was only a show o% bravery/ The word
McarriedS suggests she had to be hel$ed and coaxed along the way and in the end it
was only her greed %or the %ae it would bring her that ade her do it/ The
alliteration highlights ,rs/ Cac!letideIs outrage at being battered by a rival and we
see her $etty nature eerge %ro beneath her as! o% societyIs %ashion/
?ur disli!e o% ,rs/ Cac!letideIs character increases as the story continues along
with 7a!iIs sarcas/ The word MostensiblyS used by the author to describe how ,rs/
7B ( Pa g e
Cac!letide is $lanning to show o%% the tiger s!in rug to her %riends seeingly in order
to honour Loona Biberton& is really an excuse to show o%% to her rival and u$stage
her/ 7iilarly her o%%er o% a thousand ru$ees %or the chance to shoot a tiger Mwithout
uch ris! or exertionS shows the extravagance o% this ridiculous ex$edition on
which she is intent and reinds us o% her shallow nature/ This detail allows the
authorIs thee to grow& showing us the stu$id side o% ,rs/ Cac!letide/ 7he has no
sense o% the value o% oney or the actual exciteent o% hunting: the hunt& the chase&
the !ill/
7a!i then introduces ,rs/ Cac!letideIs $aid co$anion& ,iss ,ebbin as having a:
Morbid dread o% $er%oring an ato ore service than she had $aid %or/S
This stateent o% ,iss ,ebbinIs nature iediately creates in our inds a stingy&
strict& sneering& cold-hearted woan/0t also suggests she is observant and cautious&
not %or others but %or hersel%/ The title M,issS cobined with the detailed descri$tion
o% her thri%ty nature creates an iage o% a ean old s$inster/ The idea that she is
greedy is highlighted in the way he writes that she:
Mado$ted a $rotective elder-sister attitude to oney/S
7a!i is suggesting that on the sur%ace& she is unthreatening but in truth she cares %or
oney so uch she treats it as a $erson& a sibling even/ This revelation $re$ares us
%or her betrayal o% ,rs/ Cac!letide/
?n the night o% the shoot ,rs/ Cac!letide reassures ,iss ,ebbin o% the lac! o%
danger showing that ,rs/ Cac!letide !nows how uch o% a %arce this ex$edition
really is/ ,iss ,ebbin wasnIt actually ortally a%raid but rather was concerned in
case she issed a bonus in her $ay/ The shootingIs absurd nature is highlighted even
ore when 7a!i introduces the added detail o% ,rs/ Cac!letide $laying MCatienceS
with cards as she awaits the old decre$it tiger to go %or the obvious bait/ 0n the end
,rs/ Cac!letide isses the stationary tiger H and !ills the bait insteadO Fowever& the
tiger dies o% a heart attac! because o% the loud gun re$ort/ ,rs/ Cac!letide ignores
this %act and clais she shot the tiger& assuing ,iss ,ebbin will not say a word as
she is erely a M$aid co$anion/S The villagers !ee$ 'uiet so as not to Aeo$ardise
their reward/
E$on returning to 5ngland ,rs/ Cac!letide has her revenge and gains
adiration %ro everyone exce$t& o% course& Loona Biberton/ ?nce the %uss has
died down we begin to see ,rs/ Cac!letide enAoying ha$$iness and we beg %or
re$ercussions/ 7a!i answers our $leaO ,iss ,ebbin returns to her old boss to
blac!ail her into $aying %or an idyllic cottage& which she does& $ro$tly/ 3e cheer
0n y view 7a!i achieved his goal su$erbly/ By a!ing ,rs/ Cac!letide such a
%a!e show-o%% with his sardonic tone and extravagant language& we grow hate%ul o%
her/ Fer $etty& sel%ish nature annoys us and the extrees she will go to achieve her
ais are de$lorable/ 2lthough ,iss ,ebbin is a nasty $iece o% wor! hersel%& we still
su$$ort her disloyalty towards ,rs/ Cac!letide because it results in her
coeu$$ance/ The betrayal o% ,rs/ Cac!letide gives us the ending we want to this
huorous story and leaves us in no doubt as to 7a!iIs %eelings towards the u$$er
B( ( Pa g e
00) 2nswer the %ollowing 'uestion in about +0-40 words/
A6 +$y ;'; Mrs( 3a/k)et';e 1a"t t% k')) a t'#erQ
2ns: Loona Biberton had enAoyed a Aoy ride in an aero $lane with 2lgerian $ilot/
7he always boasted o% this %eat/ ,rs/ Cac!letide had a strong disli!e o% Loona/ 7he
wanted to outshine Loona by atte$ting a uch daring %eat/ There%ore she wished to
!ill a tiger/
*6 E%1 ;'; t$e /'r/umsta"/e r%5e &a5%rab)e &%r Mrs( 3a/k)et';eQ
2ns: 2n old tiger use to roa about in the Aungle around the village/ 0t was too old
and wea! to !ill a big gae/ 7o it use to %eed itsel% on goats &shee$ &and other
doestic anials ,rs/ Cac!letide availed hersel% o% the god sent o$$ortunity /7he
ade e%%orts to obtain the tiger / Fence& the circustances $roved %avorable %or her/
C6 I" 1$at t1% 1ays ;'; Mebb'" s$%1 $er e);er s'sterJs att'tu;e ;ur'"# t$e
t'#erJs $u"tQ
2ns: ,iss Louisa ,ebbin was a $aid co$anion o% ,rs/ Cac!letide /7he had
ado$ted a $rotective elder sisterly attitude towards oney in general /7he sartly
intervened in $reventing ,rs/ Cac!letide %ro $aying unnecessary ti$s in soe
,oscow hotel/ 7he $ointed out that ,rs/ Cac!letide has wrongly $aid a thousand
ru$ees %or the old& wea!& and ailing tiger/
D6 +$at ;'; !%u'sa Mebb'" )a"t '" $er #ar;e"Q +$y ;'; s$e ;% s%Q
2ns: Louisa ,ebbin ex$loited the situation /7he threatened ,rs/ Cac!letide that she
would $ass on her discovery to Loona Biberton /To !ee$ her outh shut ,rs/
Cac!letide bought a cottage %or her H,ebbin naed the cottage &Les Fauves "wild
beast) 7he $lanted tiger lilies there /0t reinded her o% the secret o% the tigerIs death
every tie /
000) Long 2nswer .uestion:
Mrs( 3a/k)et';eCs t'#er 's '";ee; a $um%r%us st%ry( Sak'0 t$e aut$%r em)%ys
se5era) te/$"'<ues t% br'"# '" t$e e)eme"t %& $um%ur( Me"t'%" t$ree '"/';e"ts
'" t$e st%ry y%u &'"; m%st $um%r%us a"; t$e reas%"s &%r /a))'"# t$em
$um%r%usQ 2+%r; )'m't: 1,06
A"s: ,rs/ Cac!letide Tiger is a huorous story %ro the beginning to the end ,rs/
Cac!letide _6s otive %or !illing the tiger is $re$osterous as it had becoe a $restige
issue/ 4one o% the wanted to %ace the reality/ The $ettiness and hunger %or $ublicity
o% the characters evo!e laughter/ The $ublicity achieved by the two arch rivals
sur$assed their achieveents is 'uite %unny as co$ared to their dubious talents/
2lso& the way in which the villagers connive with the theory that the tiger had indeed
died by ,rs/ Cac!letide6s shot so as to earn the $roised thousand ru$ees evo!es
laughter/ Last but not the least& Louisa6s naing the cottage 6Les %auves6 and growing
tiger- lilies as a constant reinder o% her victory over her arch rival are soe o% the
incidents o% huour/
I6 S$%rt a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/ 3hat were the circustances which co$elled ,rs/ Cac!letide to underta!e the
tiger shooting ex$editionK
*/ 3hat ha$$ened at the tiger shooting s$otK 3hat were the bene%its and di%%iculties
,rs/ Cac!letide has a%ter the eventK
+/ 3hat were the huorous eleents in the storyK
B1 ( Pa g e
4/ 3as ,rs/ Cac!letide an 0ndian or a %oreignerK Fow do you !nowK
5/ 3ho was Loona BibertonK 3hat was ,rs/ Cac!letideIs attitude to herK
8/ 3hat did ,rs/ Cac!letide want to do be%ore she le%t the countryK
:/ 3hat seeed to ha$$en when the ri%le J%lashed outI what really ha$$enedK
1/ 3hy did ,rs/ Cac!letide dress the way she did %or the country ballK
D/ Describe the three ste$s ta!en by the villagers to !ee$ the tiger in good huourK
10/ Fow did ,rs/ Cac!letide react to Loona BibertonIs adventureK
11/ 3hat causes the tigerIs deathK
1*/ 3hat was ,rs/ Cac!letideIs $lan to do a%ter shooting the tigerK
1+/ 3hy did Loona Biberton re%use to loo! at the illustrated wee!lyK
III6 !%"# a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/ Do you agree with the view that the author ridicules the $retentious nature o% the
u$$er class o% then $revailing societyK @usti%y your answer/
*/ Describe the character o% ,rs/ Cac!letide/
+/ 2t the end o% the story we develo$ hatred towards ,rs/ Cac!letide/ 3hat is the
reason %or thisK 5x$lore the eleents in the story/
4/ MThe $ettiness and hunger %or $ublicity o% the characters evo!e laughter/S @usti%y
your answer 'uoting %ro the lesson ,rs/ Cac!letideIs Tiger/
5/ 0n U,rs/ Cac!letideIs Tiger&U 7a!i "F/F/ ,unro) tac!les the huan beingsI
%ascination with wild-gae hunting& as well as the tieless drive to !ee$ u$ with the
BibertonIs/ Discuss/
8/ 3hat sort o% an atte$t did ,rs/ Cac!letide a!eK 3hat was the resultK
:/ Di%%erentiate Loona Biberton and ,rs/ Cac!letide/
1/ 7u$$ose you are ,rs/ Cac!letide/ Lears later you thin! o% tiger hunt-e$isode/ Lou
decide to write in your diary what led you to give u$ the big gae o% hunting/ 3rite
a $age o% ,rs/ Cac!letideIs diary/
D/ 7u$$ose you are ,iss ,ebbin/ Lour cottage is the wonder and adiration o% your
%riends/ 3rite a $age o% your diary recording how you anaged to buy a $retty
wee!-end cottage and aintain it so well/
TF5 L5TT5(
-oachan 2li is the central character o% the story& The Letter/ Fe is unable to bear
the $ain o% se$aration when his daughter ,iria leaves hi a%ter her arriage/ Fe
%eels lonely/ Fe des$erately waits %or her letter& but in vain/
The story shows the need %or love& sy$athy& and %ellow-%eeling %or those who are in
$ain/ The grie% and the long waiting lead to 2liIs death in the end/
Dhua!etu has $ortrayed the reality o% li%e by his lively iagination& invested it
with eotion& and touched it with a roantic idealis/ Fis story casts an irresistible
s$ell by the %reshness o% its thee& style and techni'ue& a rich variety o% incident&
$lot and situation& and its diverse world o% distinctly individual characters& brilliant
and idealistic/
B2 ( Pa g e
G'st %& t$e )ess%"
"Cara 1-1*) H 2liIs never ending wait %or news %ro ,iria
The story begins with a descri$tion o% the long and arduous Aourney that 2li a!es
every day to the $ost o%%ice in the ho$e o% receiving a letter %ro his daughter
,iria who has not been in touch with hi since her arriage 5 years ago/ Fe starts
early when the whole town is aslee$/ Though he is $oor and old& his %aith and love
%or his daughter a!es hi bear the bitter cold as he $lods su$$orting hisel% on a
The $ost o%%ice becoes his $lace o% $ilgriage /Fe dedicatedly goes there %or %ive
long years& sits there through the day &is oc!ed and Aeered at by the $ost o%%ice
e$loyees as he sits at a s$eci%ic $lace each day/
Fe is treated li!e a ad an by everyone and is the obAect o% ridicule %or one and all/
They thin! that he coes in vain to receive a letter that would never coe/ They
would call out his nae %alsely to indicate that he has received a letter and enAoy the
disa$$ointent on his %ace/
"Cara 1+-15)H 2li Ha changed an
2li was a s!illed and clever hunter once /Fe was so addicted to hunting that he
couldnIt s$end a single day without hunting/ Hsoething he was very good at/ 2s he
grew older he began to change /Fis only daughter ,iria arried and le%t hi to
stay with
her soldier husband %ro a regient in CunAab /Fe trans%ors co$letely and %eels
lonely in her absence/ Funting no longer interests hi/ Fe understands the eaning
o% love and se$aration when he isses his daughter and in the si$le ho$e o%
receiving a letter %ro her soeday he goes to the $ost o%%ice religiously/
2lthough he has never received a letter& he !ee$s at it/
"Cara 18-+0) --,isery at the $ost o%%ice
The $ost o%%ice becoes a $lace o% $ilgriage %or hi because o% the devotion and
regularity with which he coes to visit it/ (eceiving a letter %ro his daughter
becoes the sanctionious $ur$ose o% his li%e/4obody at the $ost o%%ice sees to
understand -oachan 2li/ They are indi%%erent and use hi only as a subAect o% their
ridicule and derision/ They Aust want to enAoy the sight o% hi Au$ing to the sound
o% his nae/ They Aust have %un and laughter at his ex$ense& never %or once trying to
understand his $ain/But 2li& does not $ay heed to the cruel treatent that he receives
and with ceaseless %aith and endurance he coes daily to the $ost o%%ice even i% to go
e$ty handed/The $ost o%%ice e$loyees si$ly write hi o%% as a ad an be%ore
the $ost aster/
"Cara +1-51) H 2li ebraces death Hreains ho$e%ul/Towards the end o% his li%e 2li
su%%ers %ro ill health and sto$s coing %or a while/ Ceo$le at the $ost o%%ice\have
no sy$athy& understanding or concern to try and guess the reason but are curious to
!now why he hasnIt coe/ 2t last he returns on recovering a little but signs o% ill
health& old age and a$$roaching end can be seen on his %ace/ Fe can no longer
reain $atient and $leads with the ill-te$ered $ostaster as!ing hi i% there was a
letter %or hi The $ostaster who is in a hurry gets irritated and calls hi a $est/ Fe
is very rude to 2li and thoughtlessly and angrily scolds hi/ 2li is sad and hel$less/
Fis $atience is exhausted but his %aith reains intact/ Be%ore de$arting that day& 2li
gives %ive gold guineas to La!shi Das Hthe o%%ice cler! and extracts a $roise %ro
hi to deliver his daughterIs letter at his grave/ 2li is never seen again as he dies
be%ore receiving any letter
B3 ( Pa g e
"Cara 5*-:*)\Coetic @ustice "a literary device that shows an ironic twist o% %ate
intiately related to a character6s own conduct/ The $ostaster who was rude to 2li
su%%ers Aust li!e 2li did)Tie ta!es a turn/ The $ostaster is restless and anxious
because he has not received any news %ro his daughter who is in another town and
is unwell/ Fe anxiously loo!s through the ail only to %ind ,iriaIs letter addressed
to 2li/ Fe iediately recalls the $ast and reali=es the $ain and anguish 2li ust
have gone through/ 2 single night s$ent in anxiety a!es hi understand 2liIs heart
and soul/Fe is %illed with a dee$ sense o% reorse and re$entance %or having been
rude to 2li/ Fe decides to hand over the letter hisel% to 2li/ Fe hears a so%t !noc!
on the door at 5\thin!s it is 2li who has coe to receive the letter/ Fe o$ens the
door iediately and sees old 2li bent with age standing outside/
2ctually it is a hallucination that the $ostaster gets/ Fe is %ear%ul and astonished to
see the unearthly loo! on 2liIs %ace/ 2li disa$$ears as he cae leaving the
$ostaster in a state o% utter shoc!/
La!shi Das& the cler! is shoc!ed to hear the $ostaster call out the nae o%
-oachan 2li who has now been dead %or three onths/ The letter is %ound near the
door/ La!shi Das tells hi about his last eeting with 2li to convince hi/ That
evening both o% the go to $lace the letter on 2liIs grave/ The $ostaster
understands the essential huan worth o% letters and doesnIt Aust treat the as
envelo$es and $ostcards anyore/ Cart o% his $enance is to !ee$ waiting %or the
letter %ro his daughter/
00) 2nswer in +0-40 words:
a6+$at k'"; %& )'&e ;'; A)' )ea; as a y%u"# ma"Q
2s a young an& 2li had been a clever and s!illed hunter/ Fe was always success%ul
in %inding a $artridge where others had %ailed/ Fis shar$ sight could s$ot a hare
crouching low in a bush& when even dogs %ailed to see it/ Fe hunted anials
b6 +$e" a"; 1$y ;'; $e /$a"#e $'s att'tu;eQ
Fis attitude changed when his daughter ,iria got arried and shi%ted to another
$lace/ Then& he reali=ed the $angs o% se$aration and concluded that the world was
ade o% love and sorrow/ Fe le%t his old ways o% hunting and now !e$t waiting %or
his daughterIs letter/
/6 E%1 1as t$e %stmaster a /$a"#e; ers%" '" t$e e";Q
The $ost aster now saw through 2liIs heart/ Fe also reali=ed 2liIs %eelings& while
waiting %or his own daughterIs news& who was ill in another town/ Fe now
understood 2liIs $ain and agony that he ex$erienced& while waiting %or the letter/
Fe was no longer ill-te$ered as he was in the beginning/
00/ 7hort 2nswer 'uestions in about +0-40 words:
1/ Fighlight 2liIs character traits as a 7hi!ari/
*/ 3hat was the reason behind 2liIs trans%orationK
+/ 3hy was 2li considered to be a adan by the $ost o%%ice o%%icialsK
4/ 3hat was the attitude o% the $ostaster towards 2liK
5/ 2li had Jexhausted his $atience but not his %aithI/ 5x$lain/
8/ 3hat do we understand about 2liIs character %ro his regular visits to the $ost
o%%ice in s$ite o% all the huiliation that he %acedK
B4 ( Pa g e
:/ Fow 2liIs %aith is %inally vindicatedK
1/ JThe haughty te$er o% the o%%icial had 'uite le%t hiI/ 3hat change cae about
in the
o%%icial and howK
D/ JFe dro$$ed it as though it had given hi an electric shoc!I/ 3hat is being
re%erred toK
3hy was it such a shoc!K
10/ 3hat $roise did 2li extract %ro the cler! and how did he ensure that the
$roise is
11/ 3hat signi%icant lesson did the $ostasterIs ex$erience teach hiK
1*/ Fow did doubt and reorse trouble the otherwise cold and erciless $ostasterK
1+/ The o%%icials at the $ost o%%ice had uch %un at the ex$ense o% 2li/ -ite two
to $rove this/
14/ 3hat was the $ostasterIs state o% ind a%ter he had given 2liIs letter to
Das %or delivering it to hi
000) L?4# 24735( .E57T0?47:
1/5lucidate on the ha$$iness 2li wouldIve %elt had the letter coe be%ore his death
*/-oent on the vivid $hases o% 2liIs transition
+/Do you thin! ,iria had deliberately le%t her %atherK 3hyK 3hy notK
4/Do you thin! 2li had a $eace%ul deathK 3hyK 3hy notK
5/,a!e a character analysis o% the Cost ,aster/
8/2li is a true re$resentative o% odern $arents who are abandoned by their children/
:/ JThe newly awa!ened %atherIs heart in hi was re$roaching hi %or having
%ailedto understand 2liIs anxietyI/ 2s the $ostaster write a diary entry outlining
your %eelings about your %orer behaviour with 2li/
1/ 0agine you are 2li /Lou are co$letely exhausted by your %utile visits to the Cost
?%%ice/ 3rite a letter to your %riend 2shra% telling hi about the disa$$ointent and
huiliation that you undergo every day at the Cost ?%%ice and your decision to not
go there anyore/
D/ @usti%y the title- The Letter
10/ 0agine that 2li writes a letter to his daughter ,iria a%ter he hands over the
%ive guineas to the cler! at the $ost o%%ice/ 3rite his letter/
11/ 0agine you are La!si Das/ Lou have %inally %ul%illed the $roise that you
ade to 2li/ 3rite a letter to your %riend ex$ressing how satis%ied and relieved you
1*/ 0agine 2li writes his diary daily/ Fe %eels disgusted with li%e in going to the
$ost o%%ice and waiting daily %or ,iriaIs letter which never coes/ This %eeling o%
utter des$air has been triggered by the CostasterIs insult/ 2li writes his diary $age
that evening/ 3rite that $age/
1+/ 2%ter 5 years& ,iria writes a letter to her %ather& ex$ressing her $ersonal
$robles %or which she could not write/ 3rite the letter on behal% o% ,iria/
14/ La!shi Das writes a letter to ,iria& entioning the sudden death o% her %ather
2li/ 3rite the letter& giving details o% 2liIs su%%erings and hardshi$s/
B5 ( Pa g e
TF5 F(?# 24D TF5 40#FT04#2L5
->0R(2, 75TF
>i!ra 7eth is a well-!nown $oet in 0ndia/ Fe was born in 1D5* in -alcutta
"Rol!ata)/ The $oe The Frog and the 4ightingale is %ro his boo! o% $oes called
Beastly tales %ro Fere and There "1DD1)/ 2s the title a!es it ex$licit that the
$oes are based on narratives %ro various $arts o% the world& #reece& -hina& 0ndia
and E!rain not to ention the %antasy world o% #u$/ The $oes highlight the
tension between good and evil/ These tales in verse are si$le to read and are li!e
the %ables& teaching i$ortant lessons o% li%e/ The $oe under study $ortrays the
cunning %rog and the 4a`ve 4ightingale who $ays the $rice o% her innocence by
losing her $urity& her originality and ultiately her li%e/
#ist o% the Coe
"Lines 1-+4)
?nce u$on a tie a %rog living in Bingle Bog "arshy area) croa!ed away in his
un$leasant voice all night/The other creatures hated his voice and did everything in
their $ower to a!e hi 'uiet-threw stic!s& stones& $rayed& insulted& co$lained &
threw bric!s but all in vain/ 4othing could sto$ the %rog %ro instrel ling "singing)
all night in his harsh voice/?ne night his renditions were interru$ted when a
4ightingale $erched itsel% on the 7uac Tree and burst into the ost elodious song
ever heard under the 7uac Tree/ The other creatures o% the Bingle Bog unused to
such sweet voice heard her eseri=ed by the beauty o% the song/ -reatures %ro all
over the %orest were drawn towards the birdIs song and as!ed %or a re$eat
$er%orance/ Toads& Tiddlers& teals Duc!s and Ferons cheered her song/ 4ot used to
$raise the 4ightingale !e$t giving $er%orance the whole night/ 4ext night when the
nightingale got ready %or the $er%orance "7he had all the anneriss o% an artist-
clearing o% throat& adAusting the i!e& her a$$earance)/
"Lines +5-80)
The Frog ade his $resence %elt introduced hisel% as the owner o% the tree& !nown
also %or his dee$ voice and as a colunist %or the Bog Tru$et ",aga=ine)/ Fighly
i$ressed by the FrogIs credentials& the 4ightingale was too eager to hear about his
o$inion/ The Frog without incing any words critici=ed her art as a $ro%essional/
4ightingale being too na`ve believed and de%ended hersel% by claiing to be
original/ The Frog brushed her clais aside and told her in no uncertain ters that
without his guidance she would be nobody/
"Lines 81-14)
Enable to hide her exciteent at her good luc!& the nightingale acce$ted the honour
o% being trained by a usician o% re$uteOThe %rog ade it very clear that he would be
charging a odest %ee but assuring her that she would be able to $ay bac!/ 7o the
4ightingale began her career as a $er%orer-in%used with con%idence& %illed with a
=est %or $er%orance and ins$ired by the %awning& sang and becae a sensation
The agical 'uality o% her song attracted creatures o% the Bingle Bog %ro %ar and
The o$$ortunist %rog cashed on the crowd and started charging adission %ee/ The
arrogant and heartless %rog never let an o$$ortunity to a!e the 4ightingale reali=e
who was in control/ 3ithout a care %or the bad weather& he would order her to
B6 ( Pa g e
$ractice& $ush her to her liit/ 0n his role o% a $atron he becae a hard tas! aster&
$ushing the 4ightingale to the verge o% colla$se/
"Lines 15-110)
Day a%ter Day this went on& the 4ightingale now slee$ de$rived and exhausted went
on $er%oring/The 7uac tree o% Bingle Bog was hubled "honoured)by the
$resence o% the elite o% the Bingle Bog "Coet is being sarcastic about $eo$le who
coe to see usical $er%orance only %or the sa!e o% showing o%% Aewels& without
little bit o% interest in the art/ 5$loying the $un on words the $oet lists %ew royal
titles-Du!e& -ount& -ardinal& ,allord& 5arl who visited the 7uac tree to hear the
4ightingale $er%or/ ?n one hand the Frog was ha$$y as his business was so
$ro%itable on the other hand he was Aealous o% the success o% the 4ightingale/ Fis
greed ade hi unreasonable& every day he would $oint out her %laws& critici=ed her
singing& advised her on the techni'ueG reind her o% her goal o% being success%ul and
how uch she owed hi/
"Lines 111-140)
This constant badgering by the Frog robbed the 4ightingale o% her creativity/ 7he
started sounding bored& unins$ired and no aount o% anneris could revive the
audience/ The cash collection started %alling and the disinterested a$$lause o% %ew
who still were coing gave her no ha$$iness/ 0t ade her sorrow%ul and de$ressed/
The %rog was livid as his business was getting a%%ected/ Fe lost his te$er and
becae cruel/Fe as!ed her to %ollow trends and give the $eo$le what they wanted/
The 4ightingale tried very hard& collected her wits about her& $er%ored but alas she
burst a vein and colla$sed/ The calculative Frog 'uic!ly washed his hands o%% the
4ightingale/ Fe $ointed out how the 4ightingale was a stu$id creature& he tried to
teach her but she was very nervous& easy on the ear and gullible/ Fe becae a little
bra=en as he $ointed out the Bird should have !nown that oneIs song should be oneIs
own "eaning -Lou canIt let other $eo$le dictate your li%e/ 7he should have !nown
when to say no/)The ani$ulative Frog not only cleared hisel% o% all res$onsibility
o% the BirdIs death but also ade it a$$ear that the bird was res$onsible %or her
death/ Fe $roAects hisel% as a con%ident& $ractical and wise creature who sings with
a alanO Fence the Frog resued his $osition in the Bog and continued to blare out in
his harsh and un$leasant voice undis$uted and unrivalled/ The oral o% the $oe is
that one has to $ay %or oneIs gullibility/ Being ins$ired and in%luenced by soeone
un!nown and stranger is indeed a %oolish wor!/ The nightingale had to su%%er %or her
isAudgent/ 0% our sel%-iage is based on what others a!e us believe we are& we
will always be isguided/ 0t is i$ortant to !now your own worth/ The 4ightingale6s
gullible servile nature results in her tragic death/ The $o$ous& scheing %rog $lans
her destruction a%ter winning her trust/ Lac! o% con%idence and good Audgeent o%
character can bring isery %ro which there is no esca$e/
Fe has been $ortrayed as arrogant& $o$ous& haughty& $atroni=ing&
o$$ortunist& condescending and boast%ul/
Fe is used to his $osition o% the only singer o% the Bingle Bog
The entry o% the elodious nightingale is an eye o$ener
Being $ractical and worldly wise he uses his $osition to in%luence her
Fe i$resses u$on her his su$eriority by discussing her art condescendingly
Fe ani$ulates the situation to his advantage& starts a!ing $ro%it by charging
adission %ee/
Fis haughtiness is evident when he doesnIt tolerate any sli$s on the
nightingaleIs $art/
Fe gradually wor!s on the nightingaleIs wea!ness- o% being rich and
Faous "down%all o% any)
B7 ( Pa g e
2 sooth tal!er brushes away the blae o% nightingaleIs death by
$hiloso$hising it that Jyour song ust be your ownI
7he is $ortrayed as the innocent& na`ve& gullible& $olite& unsure& tiid& shy and
nervous ty$e/
The taste o% a$$reciation enhances her sel%-estee a!ing her gullible/
The desire to i$ress a!es her blind to the %aults o% the %rog/
Fer $urity& originality and $iousness get shadowed by the greed %or status and
coercial success/
Tra$$ed in the vicious circle o% success& she $ushes hersel% to a $oint o% exhaustion/
2ddicted to her status& unable to get out o% the clutches o% the %rog she tries-
The isguided e%%orts result in her death/
1/ (ead the given stan=as and choose the correct o$tion %ro the list o% o$tions
Trebling& terri%ied to %ail&
Blind with tears& the nightingale
Feard hi out in silence& tried&
Cu%%ed u$& burst a vein& and died/
1( T$e "'#$t'"#a)e 1as terr'&'e; %&:
"a) %ailure"b) huiliation " c) losing her con%idence"d) %rogIs anger
2( T$e m%st ar%r'ate 1%r; t$at ;es/r'bes t$e "'#$t'"#a)eJs /$ara/ter 's:
"a) %oolish "b) di%%idence "c) huble "d) obedient
3( T$e "'#$t'"#a)e ;'e; ;ue t%:
"a) lac! o% slee$ "b) bursting o% a vein "c) huiliation "d) grie%
1/ 2nswers
"a)%rogIs anger "b)%oolish "c) bursting o% a vein
*/ 3ell& $oor bird she should have !nown
That your song ust be your own
ThatIs why 0 sing with $anache :
2nd the %oghorn o% the %rog
Blared unrivalled through the bog
2a6 T$e "'#$t'"#a)e 's re&erre; t% as a %%r b'r; be/ause s$e LLLLLLLLLL(
"a) couldn tearnuchoney
"b) couldn ti$ress heraudience
"c) died due to huiliation
"d) wastoo$rone toin%luenceand was %oolish
B7 ( Pa g e
2b6T$e mea"'"# %& t$e 1%r; I3a"a/$eJ
"1)Lac! o% con%idence
"*) very con%ident
"4)very loud sound
2/6 T$e tra'ts %& t$e &r%# re&)e/te; '" t$e %em areLLLLLLLLLL
"i)si$licity andinnocence
"ii)stu$idity and%oolishness
"iii)sy$athy and!indness
*/ 2nswers:
"a) she was too$ronetoin%luence andwas %oolish
"b) very con%ident
"c) cunningness andcruelty
+/ Dubstruc! sat the ga$ing %rog
2nd the whole adiring bog
7tared towards the suac& ra$t
2nd& when she had ended& cla$$ed
1( T$e a"'ma)s %& t$e *%# 1ere ;umbstru/k be/ause------
"a) The %rog sang very well
"b) The nightingale sang elodiously
"c) The oon shone brightly
"d) 2ll the anials cae to the sae $lace
2( R+$%)e A;m'r'"# *%#S mea"s---------
"a) -reatures o% the bog who hated the nightingaleIs song
"b) -reatures o% the bog who li!ed the %rogIs song
"c) -reatures o% the bog who adired the nightingaleIs song
3( E5ery%"e stare; at t$e suma/ be/ause--------------
"a) The %rog was s$eechless
"b) The nightingale had $erched on it
"c) The nightingale was sitting and singing elodiously in her sweet voice
+/ 2nswers
"a) The nightingale sang elodiously
"b) -reatures o% the bog who adired the nightingales
"c) The nightingale was sitting and singing elodiously in her sweet voice
+/ 2nswer in +0-40 words:
"a) Fow did the %rog bene%it %ro the nightingaleIs songK
"b) Fow did the %rog train the nightingale in her singingK
"c) 3hat is your i$ression about the %rog in the $oeK
BB ( Pa g e
a) The nightingale sang elodiously/ 2ll the creatures cae to listen to her
singing/The wily %rog charged adission %ee %ro all o% the/ The %rog ade a lot o%
oney&as everyone adired the nightingaleIs song/Fe also sold his songs to the
nightingaleand ade oney/ 0n this way he got bene%itted %ro the nightingaleIs
b) The training began on a rainy day/ Fe coaxed her to sing& although she was 'uite
unused to singing in that weather/ Fe told her to Aourney u$ and down the scales o%
usical notes %or six hours& without giving her any rest& till her voice becae hoarse
and trebling/Fe advised her to $ut on her scar% and sash as this would hel$ her to
sing in the weather/ Fe also charged her a %ee and told her to $ractice %or a longer
tie each day till her voice& li!e his own& grew stronger/
c) The %rog is an arrogant creature/ 2ll the creatures o% the bog loath his song/ 5ven
$rayers or bric!s %ail to silence hi/ Fe considers hisel% as the aster o% the bog/
Fe is $roud o% his voice/ Fe is Aealous o% the nightingaleIs $o$ularity and is
deterined to reove her %ro the scene& and even succeeds/ Fe is heartless/
*ase; %" y%ur u";ersta";'"# %& t$e %em0 /$%%se t$e /%rre/t %t'%"s &%r t$e
1/ 7o the 4ightingale once ore&
.uite unused to such a$$lause&
7ang till dawn without a $ause/
a6 T$e "'#$t'"#a)e 1as "%t use; t% s% mu/$ are/'at'%" as
i/ 7he had had no audience be%ore
ii/ 7he was a no body so %ar
iii/ This was her %irst $er%orance
iv/ 7he was unaware o% her usical talent
b6 T$e /reatures %& t$e *'"#)e *%# re<ueste; $er &%r a"%t$er s%"# as
i/ They were tired o% listening to the un$leasant notes o% the %rog
ii/ They were all %ree and wanted to be entertained
iii/ Fer usical notes were a welcoe change
iv/ The %rog was on a holiday
/6 T$e "'#$t'"#a)eJs s%"# ma;e t$e &r%# t$'"k ab%ut
i/ 3ays o% insulting the nightingale
ii/ Fow ungrate%ul were the creatures o% Bingle Bog
iii/ Fow to ta!e advantage o% the situation
iv/ 3ays o% teaching a lesson to the creatures o% Bingle Bog
*/ That a critic o% such note
Fad discussed her art and throat
M0 donIt thin! the song is divine&
But- oh& well at least itIs ineS
1(( ( Pa g e
a6 T$e I/r't'/Js /)a'm &%r $'s reutat'%" 1as t$at $e
i/ 3as !nown %or his singing/
ii/ 3as owner o% the tree/
iii/ 3rites %or the bog tru$et/
iv/ (e%lects his arrogance/
b6 T$e "'#$t'"#a)e 's a%)%#et'/ ab%ut $er s%"# as
i/ The %rog did not li!e it
ii/ 0t was co$ied %ro soe where
iii/ The %rog had $ointed out the technical %laws
iv/ The nightingale lac!ed con%idence
/6 Eer /)a'm t$at Iat )east 'tJs m'"eS 'm)'es t$at
i/ The song was original
ii/ 7he was $roud o% it
iii/ 7he wanted to show o%%
iv/ 7he was con%ident
+/ MBut 0 canIt sing in this weatherS
M-oe y dear-weIll sing together/
----7o the %rog and nightingale
@ourneyed u$ and down the scale
a6 T$e "'#$t'"#a)e res'sts t$e &r%#Js su##est'%" as
i/ 0t was very hot
ii/ 0t was raining
iii/ 0t was very huid
iv/ 0t was very cold
b6 T$e 1ay &r%# brus$es a1ay $er ex/uses re&)e/ts $'s
i/ 2rrogance
ii/ Fard tas! aster
iii/ 7ervile
iv/ -lever
/6 K%ur"eye; u a"; ;%1" t$e s/a)eJ mea"s
i/ Travel in Bingle Bog
ii/ Travelling u$ and down the tree
iii/ 7inging on di%%erent notes
iv/ Co$ularity ratings
4/ Day by day the nightingale
#rew ore sorrow%ul and $ale
4ight on 4ight her tired song----
Till the birds and the beasts grew tired
a6 T$e "'#$t'"#a)e 1as #r%1'"# sa; a"; a)e as
i/ The %rog was always critici=ing her
ii/ Fe was a!ing her $ractice %or long hours
iii/ 7he was a%raid o% dis$leasing her
iv/ 7he %elt tra$$ed
1(1 ( Pa g e
b6 T$e b'r;s a"; t$e beasts #re1 t're; %&
i/ 3aiting %or the nightingale
ii/ Caying the %rog
iii/ Enins$ired songs o% the nightingale
iv/ 4ightingaleIs re$etitive $er%orance
/6 T$e e&&e/t %& "'#$t'"#a)eJs substa";ar; er&%rma"/e 1as
i/ The creatures started going to the %rogIs $er%orance
ii/ The creatures did not a$$reciate her $er%orance
iii/ The gross collection at the tic!et o%%ice %ell down
iv/ The nightingale sto$$ed singing
5/ Dubstruc! sat the ga$ing %rog&
2nd the adiring bog
7tared towards the suac& ra$t&
2nd when she had ended& cla$$ed
2a6S$e '" t$e ab%5e )'"es re&ers t% t$e LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) duc! "ii) heron
"iii) nightingale "iv) cuc!oo
2b6 T$e&r%#1as;umbstru/kbe/auseLLLLLLLLLL(
"i) he had never heardsuchaelodiousvoice
"ii) he had never seen such a beauti%ulbird/
"iii) ahugecrowd hadgathered to listen to hisvoice/
"iv) he was beingawarded %or hisbeauti%ul voice/
2/6 T$e1$%)eb%#/)ae;be/auseLLLLLLLLLL(
"i) the%rog had toldthe to do so/
"ii) thewhole bog wasin thehabit o% cla$$ing
"iii) shesang really very well
"iv) shewasreallyvery beauti%ul andsart
II6 S$%rt a"s1er <uest'%"s '" ab%ut 30--0 1%r;s: 22 marks ea/$6
Based on your reading o% the $oe answer the %ollowing 'uestions brie%ly:
1/ 0n s$ite o% the %rogIs crass caco$hony how could he eerge as the winnerK
*/ 3hat chance incident brought soe res$ite to the creatures o% Bingle BogK
+/ Fow did the %rog encash on the nightingaleIs $o$ularityK
4/ 3hat characteristics hel$ed the %rog to over$ower the 4ightingaleK
5/ 3hat $iece o% advice did the %rog give to the nightingale to i$rovise her singingK
8/ 3hy do you thin! the nightingale lost her a$$eal %or the assesK
:/ Fow did the celebrity status a%%ect the nightingaleK
1/ 3hat do you thin! the nightingale was a%raid o%K
D/ 0n what sense was the nightingale a stu$id creatureK
10/ Fow did the %rog becoe the unrivalled !ing o% the BogK
11/ M5very day the %rog whoId sold her
7ongs %or silver& tried to scold her/S
1(2 ( Pa g e
a) 3hat actually ade the %rog scold her
b) 3hat does JsilverI stand %or/K
c) -ontrast the nature o% the %rog and the nightingale in the light o% the above
1*/ 2nd a solitary loon
3e$t beneath the suer oon
Toads and teals and tiddlers ca$tured
By her voice& cheered on& enra$tured
BravoO Too DivineO 5ncore
a) 3ho are the two characters in this story in verseK
b) 3hat is such a $oe calledK
c) 3hat two tall clais did the %rog a!eK
d) 3hich tree did the %rog own and what did he do thereK
1+/ This is a %airy tale&
2nd youIre ,o=art in disguise
-oe to earth be%ore y eyes/
a) 3ho is the s$ea!er o% the above linesK
b) 3ho is ,o=art in disguiseK
c) 3hat co$arison does the s$ea!er wish to draw hereK
14/ Did you--- did you li!e y songK
4ot too badH but %ar too long/
The techni'ue was %ine& o% course&
But it lac!ed a certain %orce/
"a) 3hat %law did the %rog %ind in the nightingaleIs songK
"b) 3hat i$ression do you %or about the %rogK
"c) 3hat is your o$inion about the nightingaleK
III !%"# a"s1er <uest'%"s '" ab%ut 100-1,0 1%r;s:
1/ Do you thin! nightingale was res$onsible %or her own deathK 7ubstantiate
youranswer with exa$les %ro the $oe
*/ Ta!ing the nightingale as a $rotagae was a $loy e$loyed by the %rog to save his
$osition/ -oent
+/ The $oe is an exa$le o% how $ro%essional rivalry can $lay with the lives o%
$eo$le/ 5laborate/
4/ Bring out the sybolis as used by the $oet in the $oe MThe %rog and the
5/3rite the thee o% the $oe in 100 words/ Ese the given hints:
7i$le $oeH great oral---- thee - talented but ee! and servileH easily
in%luenced\talent and $erson\soon destroyed/ 4ightingale sybol o% ee!ness H
has talent\%rog---- sel%ish- haughtyH arrogant/ 4ightingaleH no con%idenceH coes
under %rogs in%luence
8/ Fow did the arrival o% the nightingale a%%ect the %rogK
:/ Fow did the %rog !ill the nightingale without any blae on hiK
1/ The %rog was boast%ul and insensitive/ #ive reasons %or your answer/
D/ Thin! u$on the gender bias and su$$ression in the $oe "%or a$$reciation)
1(3 ( Pa g e
H 7LL>02 CL2TF
The $oe J,irrorI is an autobiogra$hical account o% irror& highlighting its
'ualities/ 0t re%lects how a woan is disa$$ointed and %rustrated to see her gradually
%ading beauty and youth/ 0t syboli=es the eternal truth o% old age and loss o% beauty
in the course o% li%e/ The irror is real and shining/ 0t is unbiased/ 0t shows what
coes to it/ 0t is a onologue o% the $rotagonist ,irror who is %ree o% any
$reconce$tions and $reAudice/ 0t is not distorted by eotions o% love or hatred as
huan beings do/
#07T ?F TF5 C?5,:
"Lines 1-4)
The irror in the $oe syboli=es the eternal truth o% li%e/ 0t is real and shining/ 0t is
silver in colour and a$$ears $er%ectly sooth/ 0t does not Audge others with $re-
conceived ideas li!e huan beings/ 0t does not have any $re-decided ideas and
doesnIt get a%%ected by love or disli!e/ 0t has no %eelings& eotions and $re%erences/
0t re%lects exact what coes to it/ 0t shows the $ersonIs accurate iage %ro any !ind
o% distortion/ 7ince irror is exact& truth%ul and obAective& it ay a$$ear as un%eeling
and cruel& though it is not so/
"Lines 5-D)
The irror says that it is above any !ind o% $ersonal %eeling/ 0t is li!e #od& who sees
the truth and views everything %ro all corners o% the world/ 0t is soething ystic
and divine& above the ordinary and the worldly/ 7o& li!e #od& the irror loo!s at
everything with e'ual eye/ ,ost o% the tie& it !ee$s thin!ing about the o$$osite
wall which is $in! and has on it/ 0t has grown $assionate about it and now it has
begun to thin! o% the wall as a $art o% its heart& here it eans that it has becoe an
integral $art o% its being& consciousness and existence/ The wall %lic!ers i/e/ its view
sha!es and dis with changes in the shades o% light/ The irrorIs view o% the wall is
interru$ted by the $eo$leIs %aces and the dar!ness when they stand between the
irror and the wall/
"Line 10-1+)
The irror says that soeties it is in the %or o% a la!e& and when the woan
loo!s into the irror& the eories o% li%e %lash across her ind as both dee$ly "la!e
and irror) reveal her true identity as a $erson/ 7he atte$ts to see her %laws behind
the dar!ness/ The illusion created by the re%lection o% candles and the oon a!es
her a$$ear beauti%ul and di%%erent %ro what she really is "old and ugly)/ But the
irror re%lects her iage truth%ully without any bias/
"Lines 14-11)
The true "ugly and old) iage as re%lected by the irror a!es the woan
J%rustrated and de$ressed/ 7he cries and throws her hands in agitation and des$air/
7he is ageing but it is di%%icult %or her to acce$t the natural $rocess o% ageing/ 7he
coes and stands in %ront o% the irror every orningG it is her %ace that re$laces the
dar!ness/ 7he isses her youth and beauty/ 7he is no longer charing as she was in
her youth/ 7he %eels insecure and insigni%icant/ 7he %eels& she has becoe very ugly/
The loss o% her youth and beauty a!es her behave li!e a %ish out o% water or a
terrible %ish tra$$ed in the $ond o% tie/
1(4 ( Pa g e
70#40F0-24-5 ?F TF5 T0TL5
The $oe deals with the varied 'ualities o% irror H exactness& truth%ulness and its
relationshi$ with the huan beings "here the old woan) %or years together/ The
whole $oe revolves around the irror/ Fence& the title is 'uite a$t and a$$ro$riate/
The $oe conveys strong essage to huans- rather than living in the world o%
illusion& we need to change our thin!ing and attitude/ 3e need to learn to %ace and
acce$t the reality o% li%e without indulging in too uch o% sel%-$ity/
Quest'%"1: Rea; t$e extra/ts #'5e" be)%1 a"; a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s by /$%%s'"#
t$e /%rre/t %t'%"----
4ow 0 a a la!e/ 2 woan bends over e&
7earching y reaches %or what she really is&
Then she turns to those liars& the candles or the oon/
0 see her bac!& and re%lect it %aith%ully/
7he rewards e with tears and an agitation o% hands/
16 T$e m'rr%r 's a )ake as TTTTT
"a) both have re%lective sur%aces/
"b) both are without $reconce$tions/
"c) the irror is truth%ul/
"d) the la!e is truth%ul/
26 Ca";)es a"; m%%" are /a))e; )'ars be/auseTTTTTT
"a) o% their %lic!ering light
"b) their light adds to the beauty o% $eo$le
"c) their di light hides the bleishes o% oneIs %ace
"d) they re%lect isleading iages
36 +$'/$ &'#ure %& see/$ $as bee" use; '" IN%1 I am a )akeJQ
"a) siile
"b) irony
"c) eta$hor
"d) alliteration
Quest'%"2( A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# <uest'%"s '" ab%ut 30--0 1%r;s(
A6 E%1 t$e 1a)) $as be/%me a art %& t$e m'rr%rJs $eartQ +$at searates
2ns: 3all has becoe a $art o% the irrorIs heart because wall is always there and
its re%lection is on the irror is also $eranent/ They are se$arated only either by the
%aces or the dar!ness/
*6 E%1 ;% y%u t$'"k t$e %); 1%ma" r'ses ;ay by ;ayQ
2ns: The old woan once was a young and beauti%ul lady/ 2s each day $asses that
woan grows older and older/
C6 +$y ;%es t$e m'rr%r aear t% be )ake '" t$e se/%"; sta"FaQ +$at ase/t %&
t$e m'rr%r ;% y%u t$'"k 's be'"# re&erre; t% $ereQ
2ns: 0n the second stan=a irror is co$ared to la!e/ 0t is highly suggestive/ La!e
cannot re%lect exactly as a irror/ The la!e also suggests the %low o% tie and age&
hence the beauty being drowned in the la!e/
1(5 ( Pa g e
Quest'%" I: Rea; t$e extra/t #'5e" be)%1 a"; a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s by /$%%s'"#
t$e /%rre/t %t'%":
2) 0 a i$ortant to her/ 7he coes and goes/
5ach orning it is her %ace that re$laces the dar!ness/
0n e she has drowned a young girl& and
0n e an old woan
(ises towards her day a%ter day li!e a Terrible %ish
16I" t$e ab%5e )'"es IIJ re&ers t% VVVV//
a)the irror
b)the $oet
c)the young lady
d)the old lady
26+$at re)a/es ;ark"ess ea/$ m%r"'"#Q
a)the la!e
b)the %ront wall
c)the woanIs %ace
d)the oon
36A" %); 1%ma" 's /%mare; t% TTTTT(
a) burning candle
b) terrible %ish
c) irror
d)truth%ul #od
"B) 0 a silver and exact& 0 have no $reconce$tions/ 3hatever 0 see 0 swallow
iediately Aust as it is unisted by love or hatred/ 0 a not cruel& onlytruth%ul
2a6 RS')5er a"; exa/tJ '" t$e extra/t mea"
"i) ,ade o% unalloyed silver
"ii)>ery ex$ensive and decorative
"iii)2bsolutely silver colored
"iv)-lear and accurate
2b6 RI $a5e "% re/%"/etsS mea"s m'rr%r
"i)has no state and outdated ideas
"ii) is very i$er%ect
"iii)has no $reconceived ideas
"iv) re%lects the iage with a bias
2/6 R?"m'ste; by )%5e %r ;'s)'keJ re&ers
1(6 ( Pa g e
"i) to irrorIs love and disli!e %or the old lady
"ii) to i$artial re%lection o% the old lady
"iii) to love and disli!e towards the lady
"iv) $artial re%lection o% the old ladyIs iage
"-) The eye o% a little #od& %our-cornered/ ,ost o% the tie 0 editate on the
o$$osite all/
0t is $in!& with s$ec!lesG 0 have loo!ed at it long 0 thin! it is a $art o% y heart/
2a6 T$e )'tera) mea"'"# %& t$e exress'%" I&%ur /%r"ere;J as use; '" t$e %em 's:
"i) in the eyes o% #od everybody is e'ual
"ii) irror is unbiased
"iii) it is i$artial
"iv) the irror is rectangular and it has %our corners
2b6 T$e exress'%": I'"k se/k)esJ re&ers t%
"i) a lady with a healthy $in! %ace and %rec!les
"ii) s$ots ade on the irror with $in! $aint
"iii) the irror
"iv) the o$$osite wall that is $in!
2/6 T$e exress'%": II me;'tate %" t$e %%s'te 1a))J mea"
"i) the irror !ee$s loo!ing at the wall
"ii) the woan !ee$s viewing hersel% in the irror
"iii)the irror is in love with the wall
"iv)the iage o% the wall is re%lected in the irror
"D) 7earching y reaches %or what she really is& than she turns to those liars& the
or the oon/ 0 see her bac!& and re%lect it %aith%ully/
2a6 T$e )a;y 's rea/$'"# &%r LLL
"i) her lost ring
"ii) her lost youth and beauty
"iii)her lost %riend
"iv)her strength and vitality
2b6 +$at s$e rea))y 's LLL
"i) 7he is very beauti%ul and charing
"ii) The truth that she is no ore young and charing
"iii) 7he has becoe extreely old and ugly
"iv) 7he cannot hold her youth anyore/
2/6 T$e seaker 's ;'&&ere"t &r%m t$%se )'ars
"i) 0t does not show %alse iages
"ii) 0t does not tell lies
"iii) 0t is %aith%ul
"iv) 0t does not islead the woan
1(7 ( Pa g e
"5) 0 have loo!ed at it so long 0 thin! it is a $art o% y heart but it %lic!ers %aces and
dar!ness se$arate as over and over/
2'6 IIJ a"; I'tJ I'" t$e ab%5e extra/t areLLL
"a) the young girls VVV/ the la!e
"b) the irror VVV the wall
"c) the woan VVV the irror
"d) the wall V// the light
2''6 T$e exress'%": Ia art %& my $eartJ mea"s
"a) 0t lives in her heart
"b) 0t is a $art o% her existence
"c) 0t is very dear to her
"d) 0t is a $art o% her body/
2'''6 T$e exress'%": I*ut 't &)'/kersJ mea"s
"a) The light %lic!ers because o% the wind
"b) The iage in the irror %lic!ers because o% the light
"c) The candle %lae %lic!ers because o% the lives
"d) The girlIs iage %lic!ers in the la!e water
2II6 S$%rt A"s1er Quest'%"s '" ab%ut 30--0 +%r;s 22 marks ea/$6
*ase; %" y%ur rea;'"# %& t$e %em0 a"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# <uest'%"s br'e&)y( Ea/$
<uest'%" /arr'es 2 marks(
"a) 3hat is the signi%icance o% the ex$ression JunistedI in the %irst stage o% the
"b) Fow does the JirrorI swallowK 3hat is the $oetic device used hereK
"c) The ex$ression H J0 have no $re-conce$tsI has a dee$er eaning in
context to huan beings/ 5x$lain/
"d) 3hat is the other nae the irror calls itsel% byK 3hy do youI thin! this
co$arison has been adeK
"e) 3hat are the di%%erent 'ualities o% irror highlighted by the $oetK
"%) Fow is the irror ty$ically di%%erent %ro ost o% the huan beingsK
"g) 5x$lain- The irror li!e a %our cornered god and a la!e/
"h) 3hy do you thin! the $oet re%ers to the %ish in the last lineK
"i) 0t is not the irror but the woan hersel% who is res$onsible %or the $ain that she
ex$eriences& coent/
"A) 3hat is $ersoni%icationK .uote soe exa$les o% $ersoni%ication %ro the $oe
H J,irrorI/
!) 3hat two distinctive %eatures o% irror are $ointed out by 7ylvia Clath in the
$oe MirrorK
l) #ive two exa$les o% $ersoni%ication used in the $oe
) MIn me she has drowned a young girl/S 5x$lain/
n) 3hy has the irror been described as JunistedIK 3hat is the iage it is trying to
convey about the nature o% the irrorK
1(7 ( Pa g e
o) Fow does the irror $er%or its %unctions dis$assionatelyK
$) 3hat is the woan searching %or in the de$th o% the la!eK
III6 !%"# A"s1er Quest'%" '" ab%ut 100-1,0 1%r;s:
.1/ #ive the characteristics o% the irror as conceived by 7lyvia Clath in her $oe
.*/ 3hy does the $oetess re%er to the woan as a Mterrible %ishS in the $oe
.+/ 3hat !ind o% relationshi$ does the woan share with the irrorK
.4/ The woan in the $oe searches %or soething in the de$th o% the irror/ 3hat
is itK
.5/ 3hy has been the irror called Ja %our-cornered #odI H 3hat are its 'ualitiesK
-3illia 7ha!es$eare
4ot arble& nor the gilded onuents / ?% $rinces& shall outlive this $ower%ul
Statues and monuments will not last as long as this poem;
But you shall shine ore bright in these contents / Than unswe$t stone& besear6d
with sluttish tie/
And you will last longer, immortalized in this poem, than the stone statues and
monuments, which will fade and become dusty over time.
3hen waste%ul war shall statues overturn& / 2nd broils root out the wor! o% asonry&
War and other disturbances will destroy statues and monuments,
4or ,ars his sword& nor war6s 'uic! %ire shall burn / The living record o% your
ut poetry, which memorializes you, cannot be destroyed by these means.
#ainst death& and all oblivious enity / 7hall you $ace %orthG your $raise shall still
%ind roo
!ou shall outlast death and all other forces that see" to destroy things
5ven in the eyes o% all $osterity / That wear this world out to the ending doo/
#ven for future generations.
7o& till the Audgent that yoursel% arise& / Lou live in this& and dwell in lovers6 eyes/
So you will live through this poem until $udgment day.
0n this sonnet & the s$ea!er o% the $oe clais that his $ower%ul rhye will outlast
arble and gilded onuents& !ee$ing the youthIs eory alive until the
@udgeent Day/ 2s in any o% 7ha!es$eareIs sonnets& the $assage o% tie is a aAor
thee/ Fere Tie is $ortrayed $redoinantly as a negative %orce connected with
death and decay/ Line +& %or exa$le& $ersoni%ies tie as a sluttish character& who
besears huan atte$ts to achieve iortality by building stone onuents/ The
$oe re%lects a coon view during the 5li=abethan age that the entire world was
in a $rocess o% gradual decay and decline as huanity oved through tie toward
1(B ( Pa g e
the Last @udgeent& the @udeo--hristian idea o% a$ocaly$se and an end o% tie/
This $oe is $redoinantly concerned with the huan desire to be reebered and
iortali=ed in an atte$t to overcoe death/ The $oe suggests a strong
awareness o% the inevitability o% deathG iages o% the aging e%%ects o% tie and the
destructive results o% waste%ul war are e$hasi=ed/ 3orse than death& the sonnet
suggests& is the %orce that cons$ire to ensure that an individual is %orgotten& such as
warIs 'uic! %ire and the all oblivious enity o% other $eo$le/ The anxiety running
throughout the $oe is not erely due to a %ear o% death& but the idea that all traces
o% the sel% ight be co$letely erased %ro the earth/ The $oe reAects traditional
huan atte$ts at $reserving the eory o% an individual through the building o%
onuents& statues& or buildings as dooed to either decay through the e%%ects o%
tie or to ruin through the violence o% war/ The sonnet itsel% "this $ower%ul rhye)&
however& is u$held as a vehicle o% iortality that will not be destroyed/ Lou live in
this& declares the $oet in the last line o% the sonnet& suggesting that the youth to
which the $oe is addressed can soehow be $reserved through the $oe& which is
iune to $hysical destruction/ The last line o% the $oe also connects love with
eternity and iortality by asserting that des$ite death& the youth will always dwell
in loverIs eyes/ This $hrase suggests that while the body and sel% are lost and
%orgotten& love is eternalG the youth will soehow live in the eyes o% all lovers who
ight read the $oe throughout tie/ 3hile this sonnetta!es a de%iant stand against
oblivion& the s$ea!erIs attitude towards death can be seen as ultiately abiguous/
L/ -/ Rnights in his 1D+4 essay on 7ha!es$eareIs 7onnets coented: 0n all the
sonnets Wwhich $roise soe %or o% iortalityX& it is the conte$lation o%
change& not the boasting and de%iance& that $roduces the %inest $oetryG they draw
their value entirely %ro the evocation o% that which is said to be de%ied or triu$hed
3hat is a 7?445TK
The sonnet is a lyric $oe o% %ourteen lines/
The ter UsonnetU derives its eaning %ro the word sonet and the 0talian word
sonetto& both eaning Mlittle songS and Ulittle soundU/
7olved .uestions:
0) ,ulti$le -hoice .uestions:
2/6#ainstdeath and all-oblivious enity
7hall you $ace %orthG your $raise shall still %ind roo
5ven in the eyes o% all $osterity
That wear this world out to the ending doo/
1(+$at ;%es t$e %et su##est $ereQ
a)To becoe a hero in the eyes o% the %uture generation
b)To %orget death
c)To %orget all enity
d)To wait till doosday
2(3%ster'ty 1')) /%me t% k"%1 ab%ut t$e %etJs &r'e";s---
"a) /By his recorded or written eory o% li%e
b)/By the $oetIs $ower%ul rhye
c) By this sonnet only
d) By the onuents gilded by hi
3( R3a/e &%rt$S mea"s-------
a)3al! ahead
11( ( Pa g e
b)-oe ahead
c)7tride %orwards
d)To be in race
2/ 2nswers
1 "c) * " a)+ " c)
B/ 7o& till the Audgent that yoursel% arise& you live in this& and dwell in lovers6 eyes
1(T$e %et 's a;;ress'"#
a)Fis %ather
b)The $erson he loves
c)Cower%ul rulers
2( O"e s$%u); 1a't t'))-----
a) ?neIs death
b)?neIs biogra$hy is written
c)?ne creates an exa$le %or $osterity
d)The day o% the last Audgent
3( T$ese )'"es /%"5ey t$e messa#e----
a)?ne ust act in order to be loved by all
b)?ne gets Austice in the doosday
c)5verything coes to an end
d)Coetry iortali=es %riend
B/ 2nswers
1/ "b)*/"d)+" d)
II6 A"s1er '" 30--0 1%r;s:
a6E%1 a//%r;'"# t% t$e %et0 1')) $'s be)%5e; %ut)'5e m%"ume"t a"; t'meQ
2ccording to the $oet& his beloved& is ca$tured in this sonnet and there%ore shall
outlivethe arble and gilded onuents built by the $rinces& because the
onuentsshall get s$oiled by tie/
b6 E%1 ;%es t$e %et 'mm%rta)'Fe $'s be)%5e;Q
The $oet iortali=es his beloved by stating that his beloved shall live %orever in
this sonnet and in the eyes o% $osterity/ 2lso she will wear out this world till the
Audgent day and outlive it/
/6 +$at 's t$e m%ra) %& t$e %emQ
The oral o% the $oe is that literary art is not a%%ected by tie& though arble
andgilded onuents are/ They are ravaged by tie but it will have no e%%ect on his
beloved who is a living record in this sonnet/ Tie is shown as a great leveler and
destroyer here/
111 ( Pa g e
0 ,ulti$le -hoice .uestions:
4ot arble& nor the gilded onuents
?% $rinces& shall outlive this $ower%ul rhyeG
But you shall shine ore bright in these contents
Than u$swe$t stone& beseared with sluttish tie/
1(T$e r'/$ a"; %1er&u) #%t %r"ate m%"ume"ts ma;e '" %r;er t% ----
a)show o%% their wealth
b)show their $osition
c)show their artistic talent
d)be reebered till $osterity
2(T$e %et a;;resses $'s s%""et t%
i) tie b) war c) the $erson he loves d) $ower%ul rulers
3(T$e r$yme s/$eme %& t$'s sta"Fa 's ----
i)aabb ii) abab iii) abba iv) abbb
II A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# '" 30--0 1%r;s ea/$:
1/ 3hat is the central idea o% the $oeK
*/ Fow does the $oet glori%y the wor! o% art such as $oetryK
+/ 3hat are the things that last %or centuriesK
4/ 3hat does the $oet thin! o% tieK
5/ 3hat e%%orts have been ade to thwart the ravages o% tie and what has been the
8/ 3hy do you thin! the rich and $ower%ul $eo$le get onuents and statue erected
in their eoryK
:/ Describe how the onuents and statues brave the ravages o% tie/
3hy does the $oet re%er to Tie as being sluttishK
1/ The $oet says that neither %orces o% nature nor wars can destroy his $oetry/0n %act&
even godly $owers o% ,ars will not have a devastating e%%ect on his rhye/ 3hat
'uality o% the $oet is revealed through these linesK
D/ 3hat co$arison does 7ha!es$eare draw between $oetry and onuentsK
10) Fow have the e%%ects o% war been described in this sonnetK
11) Fow does 7ha!es$eare ho$e his dear %riend to enAoy iortalityK
1*) 3hat according to 7ha!es$eare is ore enduring- his $oetry or the ornate gilded
onuentsK FowK
1+/ Fow according to 7ha!es$eare& can $oetry withstand the devastating e%%ect o%
hostile %orces o% nature or deadly engines o% warK
III6 !%"# A"s1er Quest'%"s:
1/3hat is the thee o% the $oeK
*/3hich o% two is ore $ower%ul-$oetry or warsK 3hyK
+/5x$lain brie%ly the re%erence o% tie in the $oe J4ot ,arble& 4or the #ilded
4/Fow does the $oet call his beloved& in the second 'uatrainK
5/Brie%ly coent on the $oetic devices used in the $oe& 4ot arble& nor the
gilded onuentsI& by 3illia 7ha!es$eare/
112 ( Pa g e
TF5 D52( D5C2(T5D
-7T24L5L F?E#FT?4
0n this ironical $lay& the author satiri=es the degradation o% oral values in the
British iddle class/ 0t throws light on the increasing trend in the society o% leaving
elderly generation abandoned and neglected/ The story also su$$orts the idea that the
elderly generation has the right to live errily according to their own decisions/
0n this $lay& the daughters ,rs/ 2elia 7later and ,rs/ 5li=abeth @ordan want to get
rid o% their %ather& ,r/ 2bbel ,erryweather& but both wish to get their %atherIs
belongings/ 3hen their %ather coes to !now the %act& he reveals his new will and
aster $lan/ 2ccording to new will& all o% his belongings will be given to the
daughter with who he would be residing at the tie o% his death/
4ow both the daughters wish that he should live with the/ Father realises that both
o% the want his belongings and not hi/ Thus& he decides to arry ,rs/ @ohn
7horroc!s who loves and cares %or hi/ 7o& the dear are united instead o% de$arting/
Coints to reeber:
1/ ,rs/ 7later discovers that grand%ather is dead/
*/ ,rs/ 7laters instructs >ictoria to $ut her white %roc! with a blac! sash on/
Fenry wears the new sli$$ers o% grand%atherIs
+/ The 7laters %etch the bureau and the cloc! %ro u$stairs/
4/ The @ordans arrive and learn the details o% grand%atherIs deise %ro the 7laters/
5/ The %aily sits down to have tea/
8/ They discuss the obituary announceent in the $a$ers and the insurance $reiu
:/ >ictoria is as!ed to %etch the bunch o% !eys to bureau to loo! %or the insurance
1/ #rand%ather coes down and is sur$rised to %ind the @ordans/
D/ #rand%ather coes to !now how his daughters were in a hurry to divide his things
between the/
10/ #rand%ather announces his intention to change his will and to arry ,rs/
7?L>5D .E57T0?47
.-1 2nswer the %ollowing 'uestions in about +0-40 words/
a6 E%1 1%u); y%u ;es/r'be Mrs( Ame)'a S)aterQ
2ns: ,rs/ 2elia 7later is a vigorous& $lu$& red %aced& vulgar woan who can go
to any extent in her own way/ 7he is not ready to share her %atherIs bureau and the
cloc! with her sister and so ta!es the in her $ossession be%ore she arrives/ 7he
doinates her %aily ebers/ Throughout the $lay& she is i$olite and insensitive/
b6 +$at ;'; N'/t%r'a /%"s';er as I'"/$'"#JQ +$at ;%es t$'s s$%1 ab%ut $er
2ns: The 7laters are oving away grand$aIs bureau stealthily be%ore the arrival o%
the @ordans/ They want to ta!e it into their $ossession without revealing the truth to
the @ordans/ 7o >ictoria considers it as J$inchingI/ 0t shows that she is a $recocious
girl and has the ability to distinguish between the good and the bad/
/6 RT$at 's r%&ess'%"a) et'<uetteS( +$% says t$ese 1%r;s a"; 1$at k'"; %&
r%&ess'%"a) et'<uette 's be'"# re&erre; t% $ereQ
2ns: ,rs/ 7later says these words to 5li=abeth/ 7he was re%erring to the
grand%atherIs doctor& who was out when the grand%ather was discovered JdeadI/ 7he
113 ( Pa g e
%urther in%ors her that she did not go to any other doctor& because according to the
$ro%essional eti'uette& Dr/ Cringle should attend to grand$a when heIs dead& as he
was the one who attended hi when he was alive/
B) M2re we $inching it be%ore 2unt 5li=abeth coesKS
3hat does JitI re%er to hereK
1/Fow does >ic!y conclude that her $arents Jare $inching itIK
*/,ention the two reasons that ,rs/ 7later gives %or her action/
III S$%rt a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/Fow does ,rs/ 7later $lan to outshine the @ordansK 3hat does it reveal about her
*/3hy does ,rs/ 7later decide to shi%t the bureau %ro grand%atherIs roo be%ore
the arrival o% the @ordansK Fow does Fenry react to the suggestionK
+)Ben a$$reciates grand%ather saying JitIs a good thing he did/I Later he calls hi a
Jdrun!en old beggarI/ 3hy does he change his o$inion about grand%atherK
4) 3hat change does grand%ather a!e in his new willK 3hat e%%ect does it haveon
his daughtersK
5) 3hat are the three things that grand%ather $lans to do on the next ,ondayK
8) 3hat does the grand%ather than! ,rs/ 7later %orK 3hyK
:) 3hat according to ,rs/ @ordan is Ja %atal ista!eIK 3hat arguent does sheo%%er
to su$$ort her viewK Fow do others react to itK
1) 3hy does ,rs/ 7later rebu!e her daughter& >ictoriaK
D) 3hich 'ualities o% her sister 5li=abeth @ordan are hinted at by ,rs/ 7laterK 2re
these uni'ue to herK
10) Fow does the bureau e$isode add to the erits o% the $lay as a coedyK
11) 3hy do the 7laters9@ordans %ail to agree on the %or and exact words o% the
?bituary 4otice %or the news$a$ersK
1*) 3hat does the shi%ting o% the bureau downstairs reveal about the di%%erence
between the attitude o% the elders and that o% >ic!yK
1+) 3hat& do you thin!& is the initial error coitted by the 7latersK Fow does
itrecoil on theK
14) Fow do the 7laters and @ordans react to the grand%atherIs decision to get
arriedK 3hat trait o% their character is revealedK
15) Fow does ,rs/ 7later ready hersel% and >ictoria %or the arrival o% her sister&
5li=abeth and Ben& her husbandK
18) 3hat does ,rs/ 7later JstealI o% her %atherIs things be%ore ,rs/ and ,r/
@ordanarriveK Fow does Fenry react to itK
1:) 3hat do the 7laters and @ordans discuss iediately a%ter arrival %or
theourning at the 7latersK 3hat does it show o% their characterK
11) 3hat o% their %ather do ,rs/ 7later and ,rs/ @ordan tal! about a%ter ta!ingteaK
1D) Fow do all react when they see %ather alive and not dead as they had thoughtK
3hat does %ather say about hisel%K
*0) Fow do both the sisters 'uarrel a%ter %ather as!s ,rs/ 7later why had his bureau
been shi%tedK
*1) 3hat does %ather $roise to do a%ter ,rs/ 7later as!s hi not to be hard on herK
**) Fow do ,rs/ 7later and ,rs/ @ordan behave about !ee$ing %ather with theK
*+) Fow does 2bel %rustrate the designs o% both o% the sistersK
*4) 3hat according to ,rs/ @ordan is a %atal ista!eK 3hat arguent does she o%%er
to su$$ort her viewK Fow do others react to itK
114 ( Pa g e
*5) Fow does the bureau e$isode add to the erits o% the $lay as a coedyK
*8) Fow do the 7laters and @ordans react to the grand%atherIs decision to get
arriedK 3hat trait o% their character is revealedK
IN6 !%"# A"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
a) 3rite the character s!etch o% ,rs/ 7later highlighting the %ollowing $oints: Fer
greed& her over$owering nature& straight tal!& her i$oliteness and lac! o% the sense
o% %eelings/
b) 0n the $lay the two daughters do not see to be concerned at their %atherIs
death/Do you thin! it is $ro$erK 3hyK
c) Fow are the two sisters ex$osed in the $lay& The Dear De$artedK
d) @usti%y the title o% the $lay& The Dear De$arted/
e) Discuss the coic eleents in the $lay/
%) 3hat are ironical eleents that a!e the $lay a coedyK
g) -o$are and contrast FenryIs character with that o% this wi%e/ 7u$$ort your
answerwith evidence %or the $lay/
h) 3hat is your i$ression about 2bel as $ortrayed in the $layK
i)Fow is the $lay a !ind o% bitter coentary on the hollowness o% %ailial love
A) -o$are and contrast the character o% ,rs/ 7later and ,rs/ @ordan/
!) Fow does the s$at between his daughters lead to grand%ather discovering the
l)M#rand%ather is not entirely right in oving away %ro his daughters/S Discuss/
#ivereason in su$$ort o% your answer/
7yllabus %or T5(, 00 "72 00)
2 7F2DL CL?T
-5lsie Brown
This huorous ghost story revolves around the three characters naely @ohn
Falloc!& his wi%e Lavinia and the #host Felena/ Lavinia sus$ects that her husband
aintains a secret relationshi$ with a girl and she says this with surety as she has
seen hi tal!ing with her alone/ 7he decides to brea! her relationshi$ with hi/
Luc!ily she coes to !now %ro the ghost itsel% that it is hel$ing hi write a ghost
story/ 4ow they reconcile with each other/
@en!ins& a aga=ine $ublisher as!s the writer to give soe story on su$er natural
things/ The writer acce$ts/ The writer has no s$eciali=ation in the ghost story writing/
2s he sits %or writing about ghostly things issues li!e house hold atters cro$ u$ in
his ind/ Then he hears a voice and starts his conversation with a she-ghost as it
were/ The ghost says that she has coe on his re'uest through ?uiAa board to hel$
hi write a story/ The ghost as!s hi to avoid calling through ?uiAa board/ Fis wi%e
calls hi then and the ghost disa$$ears and warns hi about their stri!e/
Fis wi%e as!s hi why he is sitting in the dar!/ 7he brings an ?uiAa board to !now
about historical events to hel$ hi write a story/ Fe does not li!e the idea and as!s
her to return the board abac! and get soething else in its re$laceent/ Fis wi%e
stares at hi/ Fe tries to write a story& but cannot do it/ Then next 7aturday he writes
his story/ 3hen he coes bac!& his ind is churning and his house is brightly
lighted/ The roo is %illed with iddle-aged woen belonging to his wi%eIs boo!
club/ They are sitting with ?uiAa boards/ Fe is scared that his wi%e ay notice the
115 ( Pa g e
ghost/ 3hen his wi%e as!s hi to Aoin the ?uiAa board& he re%uses/ 7oehow his wi%e
coes to !now %ro the ?uiAa board and the board o$erator naely Laura that @ohn
has betrayed his wi%e by having relationshi$ with a girl called Felen/ 7he decides to
brea! the relationshi$& but luc!ily she coes to !now %ro @ohn that Felen is
hel$ing hi to write a ghost story/
0)7hort 2nswer .uestion:
a6 +$y ;'; K%$" 1's$ $e 1ere ;ea;Q
2ns/ The ladies gathered at his house hadtroubled hi/ The chaos created due to the
ladiesI conversation and the ?uAa board disturbed hi a lot/ ,oreover his wi%e
doubted that he had an a%%air with Felen and threatened hi that she would divorce
00) Long .uestion 2nswer:
Des/r'be A S$a;y 3)%t as a #$%st st%ry0 ;es/r'b'"# t$e suer"atura) a"; t$e
atm%s$ere ar%u"; 1$'/$ 't re5%)5es(
2ns/ Felen& an owl-eyed and unattractive ghost $lays a vital role in the story/ 7he
a$$ears in $arts& %irst her ar& then a leg& a sleeve and at last& a co$lete woan
stood there/ 0t does not create %ear& on the other hand& the ghost a$$ears to be a real
huan being& and hel$s the cou$le to reunite at the end& instead o% creating trouble in
their lives& as ghosts are su$$osed to do/ ?uiAa boards are entioned which are
intended to counicate with the s$irits o% the dead/ ?uiAa boards hel$ to get
answers to their 'uestions/ This story is di%%erent %ro other ghost stories as it does
not send a chill down the s$ine/ Fere the ghost does not threaten& but creates
ins$iration and the best $lot %or writing a ghost story/
2) 2nswer the %ollowing in 80 words:
1/ 3hy does the ghost a$$ear be%ore the writerK
*/Fow does the writer react when ghost a$$ear be%ore hiK
+/3hy does the ghost want the writer to sto$ his guests %ro using ?uiAa BoardK
4/3hy do Felen and other ghosts organi=e the writerIs ins$iration bureauK
5/3hat ha$$ened when Falloc! sat down his des! and waited %or getting ideas %or
his ghost storyK
8/Fow did the narrator react to the a$$earance o% the ghostK
:/Fow was this ghost di%%erent %or the ghosts the narrator used to write about in his
1/3hat did the ghost tell about hersel% which didnIt sound that she was a ghostK
D/3hat did the ghost tell the narrator o% her $resent assignent and what %or did she
re'uest hiK
10/3hat ade Lavinia buy ?uiAa boardK Fow did the narrator react to her doing soK
3hat %or did Lavinia buy the ?uiAa board %or the narratorK Fow could he get hel$
%or itK
11/M,y wi%e is never so $retty as when she is doing soething she !nows 0
disa$$rove o% M3hat did she do which he una$$roved o%K
1*/3hat ha$$ened when Laura Fin!le wor!ed on the ?uiAa boardK
1+/Fow did the ?uiAa board a!e things easier to understand a%ter ,iss Fin!le
as!ed it to ex$lain itsel% ore %ullyK
14/3hen did Felen& the ghost a$$ear be%ore the narratorK
15/J0t is all your %ault/ 7he glared at eS
116 ( Pa g e
/3hat was the narratorIs %ault as $er the ghostK 3hat %or did the narrator blae the
14/Describe how Lavinia %aced Felen& the ghostK
15/5x$lain the a$$ro$riateness o% the title M2 7hady ClotS
18/Fow does the narrator rate hisel% as a ghost story writerK
1:/3hy does the ghost a$$ear be%ore the writerK
11/Fow does the writer react when ghost a$$ears be%ore hiK
1D/3hy does the ghost want the writer to sto$ his guests %ro using ?uiAa BoardK
*0/3hy do Felen and other ghosts organi=e the writerIs ins$iration bureauK
!%"# a"s1er tye
1//Describe the character o% @ohn Falloc!/
*/ 2 7hady Clot is a huourous ghost story Do you agree with this @usti%y you view/
+/@usti%y the title o% the lesson M2 7hady ClotS
4/There are no scenes o% horror or thrill but still the story is interesting/ 3hat are the
eleents that a!e the story interestingK
5/Describe the %irst eeting between the narrator ad the ghost o% Felen/ Fow does
she ateriali=e and how does the narrator react to itK
8/Describe the eeting o% the ebers o% the LaviniaIs Boo! -lub at her house with
?uiAa boards/
:/Describe the second eeting o% the ghost o% Felen with the narrator when Lavinia
ha$$ens to be there/
1/0agine the ghost o% Felen writes a diary $age about how it a$$ears to hel$ the
narrator and what ha$$ens/ 3rite the diary $age on its behal%/
D/0agine the narrator writes a letter describing how he gets the idea o% a ghost story/
3rite that letter on his behal%/
C2T?L B2BE& F0L, 7T2(
-7atyaAit (ay
Cersonal 7atis%action vs/ Financial (ewards is the thee in the cha$ter& Catol Babu&
Fil 7tar/
Summary: Cersonal satis%action is ore i$ortant than %inancial rewards& as
de$icted in 7atyaAit (ay6s short story& Catol Babu& Fil 7tar/ The ain
character Catol Babu reali=ed that $ersonal satis%action could not be easured and
weighed by oney& and so he acted in the %il out o% $assion/ Fe %elttowards the Aob
ore than the oney he would a!e %ro the Aob/
0n Catol Babu& Fil 7tar& 7atyaAit (ay has highlighted the idea that $ersonal
satis%action is ore i$ortant than %inancial rewards/ 2ccording to hi& one does a
Aob because he is interested in it rather than getting reward %ro it/
0n the story Catol Babu was given only a inor role in the %il& as a $edestrian who
was only needed to collide into the ain actor -hancal Ruar and uttered a
onosyllable sound Uoh/U 4evertheless& his $assion %or the Aob drove hi to wor!
hard to give the best $er%orance by rehearsing hisel%/ 5ventually& he had done a
terri%ic Aob and received $raise %ro -hancal Ruar-ULou tied it so well that 0
nearly $assed outS& and Barren ,ullic! $raised hi saying& U@olly goodO 3hy& you6re
'uite an actorOU Fe %elt very $leased with his $er%orance and Ua total satis%action
swe$t over hi/U Fe thought that it did not atter whether he received
any $ayent or not/ U3hat were twenty ru$ees when easured against the intense
satis%action o% a sall Aob done with $er%ection and dedicationKU Thus& he did not
wait to collect his $ayent/
117 ( Pa g e
Catol Babu reali=ed that $ersonal satis%action could not be easured and weighed by
oney/ To hi& $ersonal satis%action is ore crucial than aterial rewards/ 5ver
since the beginning& Catol Babu did not act in the %il because o% the oney erely/
0n contrast& it was because o% his $assion towards the Aob that drove hi to act in the
%il/ U06ll be $aid& o% course& but that6s not the ain thing/U Fe also !new that nobody
would a$$reciate his $er%orance as he is only a inor actor in the %il/ 5ven
though Baren ,ullic! $raised hi& he would soon %orget about it/ UBut all his labour
and iagination he had $ut into this one shot--were these $eo$le able to a$$reciate
thatKU Fowever& Catol Babu thought that his own satis%action was ore salient/ Fe
had $roven his ability and talent in acting and these wor!ed as a sort o% otivation to
0n the nutshell& $ersonal satis%action was ore i$ortant than %inancial rewards and
this idea wor! as one o% the ain issues in the story/
7olved 'uestions:
1+$at ;'; N's$'ka";t% G$%s$ te)) 3at%) *abu %"e m%r"'"#Q+$yQ
?ne orning 4ishi!andto #hosh & $atol babuIs neighbour told hi that his youngest
brother in law was loo!ing %or an actor %or %il scene/ The $erson was to be around
%i%ty& short& and bald headed/ 7ince $atol babu had acted earlier and was in need o%
wor!I he recoended hi/
2(Des/r'be t$e ast %& 3at%) *abu as a" a/t%r(Q
Catol babu had a real $assion at one tie/ Fe was always in deand in @atras& in
aateur theatricals& in $lays $ut u$ by the club in his neighbourhood/ There was a
tie when $eo$le bought tic!ets es$ecially to see hi/
3(+$at ;'; 3at%) *abu ;% &%r a )'5'"# a&ter $a5'"# bee" retre"/$e;Q
Catol Babu o$ened a variety store/ But he had to wind it u$ a%ter %ive years/ Then he
had a Aob in Bengali %ir but had to give it u$ due to high handedness o% the boss/
Then he reained an insurance salesan %or ten years/ ?% late he has been with a
%ir dealing with scra$ iron/
-( E%1 ;'; 3at%) *abu ;'s/)%se $'s )easure &%r t$e &')m r%)e be&%re $'s 1'&eQ
Catol babu disclosed his $leasure %or the %il role be%ore his wi%e in tal!ing about his
$ast/ Fe told her that his %irst role on the stage had been o% a dead soldier/ 0t was
a$$reciated by all/ The chairan o% the unici$ality then gave hi a silver edal/
#od willing he would rise to %ae again a%ter this role/
I6 A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# <uest'%"s '" a se"te"/e %r t1% ea/$:
1/ Fow did 7osan!o convince Catol Babu about the dialogue given to hiK
*/ Describe the scene Catol has to $lay in the %il/
+/ 3hich incidents $rove that Catol was a an o% iaginationK
4/ Fow did Catol react to the lines given to hiK
5/ 3hy did he leave the shooting s$ot without ta!ing the oneyK
8/ Fow does he rate the $eo$le in the %ildoK
:/ 3hat did 4ishi!andto #hosh tell Catol Babu one orningK 3hyK
1/ Describe the $ast o% Catol Babu as an actor/
D/ 3hat did Catol Babu do %or a living a%ter having been retrenchedK
10/ Fow did Catol Babu disclose his $leasure %or the %il role be%ore hiswi%eK
11/ 3hat did Catol Babu thin! o% -hanchal Ruar a%ter his shootK
1*/ 3hat did @yoti tell Catol Babu about his role be%ore it was to be shotK
1+/ 3hat did Catol Babu do with the $a$er on which his dialogue was writtenK
14/ 3hat did he hear standing near the $aan sho$ and how he reacted to itK
117 ( Pa g e
15/ 3hat had Catol BabuIs entor #ogon Ca!rashi told hi about the actor as an
18/ Fow was Catol Babu eboldened by his entor #ogon Ca!rashiIs advice K
1:/ 3hat did Catol Babu suggest Baren ,ullic! to add authenticity to his role
when histurn %or shoot caeK 3hat ha$$ened therea%terK
11/ 3hat did Catol Babu %eel a%ter the shootK 3hy did he go without ta!ing
II6 !%"# a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/ 3hy did 4ishi!anto #osh call on Catol Babu one orningK Fow did Catol
Babu react a%ter hearing hiK 3hat !ind o% a stage actor had Catol Bab been
*/3hat ha$$ened when Catol Babu went to Faraday Fouse %or shooting a%ter he had
et 4aresh DuttK Fow did he %eel a%ter having been given his one-worded dialogueK
+/ Fow did Catol Babu give an eotional touch to his dialogue o% ?hOK
4/ 0agine Catol Babu writes a diary $age about i$ortant events/ Fe writes a diary
$age describing this event/ 3rite a diary $age on his behal% about this event in150
-C2EL 7T532(T
3e generally hear about di%%erent views regarding virtual co$uter gaes/ 0n this
story we %ind $ersonalities tele$orting theselves to other bodies/
7ebastian 7hult= eets with a severe otor way accident/ Fis body is badly inAured/
Fe becoes unconscious on the s$ot/ Fe is aditted to general hos$ital/ Doctors
declare his state as critical yet stable/ The doctors too are not ho$e%ul/ Fe awa!es
with the eory o% a dangerous drea as he is caught in a dragons tra$/ 0t i$risons
hi but he re'uests a boy called ,ichael who visits there to rescue hi/ Fe tries but
%ails %or the %irst tie/ Then 7hult= suggests to hi Aail brea! $lan but he cannot be
rescued this tie/ Then he re'uests hi third and last tie to enter the war =one/
There are Aee$s& tan!s& guns& helico$ters etc/ They esca$e %ro the Aail and run across
a no anIs island/ Fe sees a Aee$/ They ride in it towards the helico$ter/ Fe brea!s
the car& but it starts s$inning li!e a to$/ ,ichael Au$s into the helico$ter& but he
cannot/ 2 chasing tan! hits their Aee$& which throws hi u$ in the air near the
helico$ter/ Then ,ichael $ulls hi in the helico$ter/ Later on& he coes to !now that
actually he is tele$orted in a gae o% ,ichael and now how he reaches there& is also
e'ually interesting/ 7hult=Is eory is stored in his la$to$ at the tie o% the
accident/ Fis gaes are stolen at the tie o% accident/ The gaes are sold in a
co$uter %air/ 2nd ,ichael has bought the gae/ Thus he enters ,ichaelIs gae/
3hen ,ichael enters the virtual world& 7chul= re'uests hi to save hi/ ,ichael is
a gentle boy so he saves 7chult=/ 7hult= than!ed hi because due to his hel$& he has
awo!en %ro coa/
11B ( Pa g e
3%'"ts t% remember:
1/ 7ebastian 7hult= was badly inAured in a otor way accident and went into a coa/
*/ 7ebastianIs eory was saved in the co$uter& when he banged his head on it
during the accident/
+/ The gaes were stolen %ro 7hult=Is house/
4/ ,ichael bought the latest $sycho H driven gaes %ro the co$uter %air/
5/ 7ebastian 7hult= was the second sheri%% in the dragonIs 'uest/ 3hen ,ichael
$layed the gae he entered 7ebastianIs eory/
8/ 7ebastian %ailed to save the boy who %ell through the air/
:/ 7ebastian re'uested ,ichael to try Aail-brea!/
1/ 7ebastian thought the helico$ter was the right idea and they should go into the
D/ ,ichael $ulled 7ebastian into the helico$ter and the screen %lashed the score o%
10/ 7ebastian than!ed ,ichael %or saving his li%e and as!ed hi to !ee$ the gaes/
S$%rt a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/3hat had ha$$ened to 7ebastian 7hult=K Fow was he at $resentK
*/Fow did the narrator coe to !now about 7ebastian 7hult=Is conditionK
+/3hen did the %irst video gae 3ild 3est becoe co$licatedK 3ho was the
second sheri%%K Fow does the narrator describe hiK
4/3hen did the %irst video gae coe to an end and with whatK
5/3hat was the second video gae Dragon 'uest aboutK
8/3hat did 7ebastian 7hult= suggest to ,ichael& the narrator to save hiK:/3hat
ha$$ened when the narrator swi$ed a s!eletonIs e-cardK
1/3hat $lan did 7ebastian 7hult= have %or esca$ing %ro $rison cellK Fow did it
D/The narrator tried the three video gaes to rescue 7ebastian 7hult=& but could not/
3hat did he do and whyK
10/Fow did the narrator rescue 7ebastian 7hult= a%ter entering the 3ar=oneK
11/Fow did the narrator ha$$en to crac! the video gaeK
II6 !%"# a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
1/ Fow did the narrator coe to !now about 7ebastian 7hult=K 3hat had ha$$ened
tohiK Fow did the narrator ha$$en to initiate rescuing hiK
*/ Describe what ,ichael %inds in the video gae M3ildwestS when he $lays itK
3howas the second sheri%%K
+/ 3hat did ,ichael do a%ter he got a essage M0I struc!/ Clease hel$ to retrieve
e/ try Dragon'uestSK Describe how 7ebastian 7hult= could not be rescued/
4/Fow did the narrator %inally rescue 7ebastian 7hult= starting %ro the second
>ideo #ae&MDragon'uestSK
7hort answer ty$e 'uestions
1/ 3hat had ha$$ened to 7ebastian 7hult= KFow was he at $resentK
2ns/ 7ebastian had been badly inAured in a otorway accident/ Fiscondition was
critical but stable /Des$ite doctorIs ho$e hedidnIt regain consciousness/ Fe was in a
*/ Fow did the narrator coe to !now about 7ebastian 7hult=Is conditionK
2ns/ The narrator cae to !now about 7ebastian %ro a news$a$er article/ Fe
ha$$ened to see that a big woan was reading it/ 0t was titled ,iracle (ecovery and
12( ( Pa g e
had the nae o% 7ebastian 7hult= in it/ 0twas about the accident and conse'uential
+/ 3hen did the %irst video gae coe to an end and with whatK
2ns/ The narrator and the second sheri%% went ahead on horsebac! being chased by
the horseen/ 2t that oent the sound o% a gunshot echoed round the air/ The
second sheri%% groaned and slu$ed bac! against hi/ 2t this the gae was over/
Long answer ty$e 'uestions
1/Fow did the narrator coe to !now about 7ebastian 7hult= K
The narrator cae to !now about 7ebastian %ro a news$a$er article/ Fe ha$$ened
to see that a big woan was reading it/ 0t was titled ,iracle (ecovery and had the
nae o% 7ebastian 7hult= in it/ 7ix wee!s bac! 7ebastian had been badly inAured in a
otorway accident/ Fis condition was critical but stable /Des$ite doctorIs ho$e he
didnIt regain consciousness/ Fe was in a coa/
The narrator had !nown hi recently and recollected the events connected with hi/
Fe and his %ather had bought soe video gaes at the co$uter %air on reaching
hoe the narrator launched hisel% into the %irst o% the gaes called 3ild west while
$laying it he ha$$ened to eet 7ebastian 7hult= in the %or o% second sheri%%
Fe continued $laying the gae/ Both he and 7ebastian were esca$ing but the gun
shot hit 7ebastian and he slu$ed against hi/ The screen showed the gae over
with the narrator winning *10D5 scores /But he got a essage with a re'uest %ro
7ebastian to retrieve hi by trying Dragon .uest&/
-C B 7helley
The s$ea!er describes a eeting with soeone who has travelled to a $lace where
ancient civili=ations once existed/ 3e !now %ro the title that heIs tal!ing about
5gy$t/ The traveller told the s$ea!er a story about an old& %ragented statue in the
iddle o% the desert/ The statue is bro!en a$art& but you can still a!e out the %ace o%
a $erson/ The %ace loo!s stern and $ower%ul& li!e a ruler/ The scul$tor did a good Aob
at ex$ressing the rulerIs $ersonality/ The ruler was a wic!ed guy& but he too! care o%
his $eo$le/
?n the $edestal near the %ace& the traveller reads an inscri$tion in which the ruler
?=yandias tells anyone who ight ha$$en to $ass by& basically& MLoo! around and
see how awesoe 0 aOS But there is no other evidence o% his awesoeness in the
vicinity o% his giant& bro!en statue/ There is Aust a lot o% sand& as %ar as the eye can
see/ The traveller ends his story/
The %irst-$erson $oetic $ersona states that he et a traveller who had been to Man
anti'ue land/S The traveller told hi that he had seen a vast& but ruined statue& where
only the legs reained standing/ The %ace was sun! in the sand& %rowning and
sneering/ The scul$tor inter$reted his subAect well/ There also was a $edestal at the
statue& where the traveller read that the statue was o% M?=yandias& Ring o% Rings/S
2lthough the $edestal told MightyS onloo!ers that they should loo! out at the
RingIs wor!s and the des$air at his greatness& the whole area was Aust covered with
%lat sand/ 2ll that is le%t is the wrec!ed statue/
121 ( Pa g e
Fere we have a s$ea!er learning %ro a traveller about a giant& ruined statue that lay
bro!en and eroded in the desert/ The title o% the $oe in%ors the reader that the
subAect is the 1+th-century B/-/ 5gy$tian Ring (ases 00& who the #ree!s called
M?=yandias/S The traveller describes the great wor! o% the scul$tor& who was able
to ca$ture the !ingIs M$assionsS and give eaning%ul ex$ression to the stone& an
otherwise Mli%eless thing/S The Moc!ing handS in line 1 is that o% the scul$tor& who
had the artistic ability to Moc!S "that is& both iitate and deride) the $assions o% the
!ing/ The MheartS is %irst o% all the !ingIs& which M%edS the scul$torIs $assions& and in
turn the scul$torIs& sy$athetically reca$turing the !ingIs $assions in the stone/
The %inal %ive lines oc! the inscri$tion haered into the $edestal o% the statue/
The original inscri$tion read M0 a ?=yandias& Ring o% RingsG i% anyone wishes to
!now what 0 a and where 0 lie& let hi sur$ass e in soe o% y ex$loits/S The
idea was that he was too $ower%ul %or even the coon !ing to relate to hiG even a
ighty !ing should des$air at atching his $ower/ That $rinci$le ay well reain
valid& but it is undercut by the $lain %act that even an e$ire is a huan creation that
will one day $ass away/ The statue and surrounding desert constitute a eta$hor %or
invented $ower in the %ace o% natural $ower/ By 7helleyIs tie& nothing reains but
a shattered bust& eroded Mvisage&S and Mtrun!less legsS surrounded with MnothingS
but Mlevel sandsS that Mstretch %ar away/S 7helley thus $oints out huan ortality
and the %ate o% arti%icial things/
The lesson is i$ortant in 5uro$e: FranceIs hegeony has ended& and 5nglandIs will
end sooner or later/ 5verything about the !ingIs Mex$loitsS is now gone& and all that
reains o% the doinating civili=ation are shattered MstonesS alone in the desert/
4ote the use o% alliteration to e$hasi=e the $oint: Mboundless and bareSG Mlone and
0t is i$ortant to !ee$ in ind the $oint o% view o% M?=yandias/S The $ers$ective
on the statue is coing %ro an un!nown traveller who is telling the s$ea!er about
the scene/ This hel$s to create a sense o% ystery o% history and legend: we are
getting the story %ro a $oet who heard it %ro a traveller who ight or ight not
have actually seen the statue/ The statue itsel% is an ex$ression o% the scul$tor& who
ight or ight not have truly ca$tured the $assions o% the !ing/ ?ur best access to
the !ing hisel% is not the statue& not anything $hysical& but the !ingIs own words/
Coetry ight last %orever unli!e other huan creations/ Let& counicating words
$resent a di%%erent set o% $robles/ Finally& we cannot iss the general coent on
huan vanity in the $oe/ 0t is not Aust the MightyS who desire to withstand tieG it
is coon %or $eo$le to see! iortality and to resist death and decay/
Furtherore& the scul$tor hisel% gets attention and$raise that used to be deserved
by the !ing& %or all that ?=yandias achieved has now MdecayedS into alost
nothing& while the scul$ture has lasted long enough to a!e it into $oetry/ 0n a way&
the artist has becoe ore $ower%ul than the !ing/ The only things that MsurviveS are
the artistIs records o% the !ingIs $assion& carved into the stone/
Cerha$s 7helley chose the ediu o% $oetry in order to create soething ore
$ower%ul and lasting than what $olitics could achieve& all the while understanding
that words too will eventually $ass away/ Enli!e any o% his $oes& M?=yandiasS
does not end on a note o% ho$e/ There is no extra stan=a or concluding cou$let to
honor the %leeting Aoys o% !nowledge or to ho$e in huan $rogress/ 0nstead& the
traveller has nothing ore to say& and the $ersona draws no conclusions o% his own/
122 ( Pa g e
A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# <uest'%"s by '/k'"# t$e /%rre/t %t'%"s:
a6 OFyma";'as #%t $'s $u#e statue ere/te;
i) to be seen by the $osterity %or being ighty and $ower%ul/
ii) he had great love %or art/
iii) $eo$le will reeber hi %or his nobility/
iv) he wanted to convey the essage that li%e is oentary/
b6 T$e %em $'#$)'#$ts t$e "ature %& OFyma";'as( T$at $e 1as
i) cruel
ii) huble
iii) arrogant
iv) aggressive
/6 T$e s/u)t%r 1$% bu')t t$e statue %& OFyma";'as /%u); better u";ersta"; $'s
i) %eelings
iv) abition
T$e ba/k;r% %& t$e %em 's
i) $alace ii)ountain iii) desert iv)wilderness
2nswers: a) i
b) iv
c) i
d) iii
II6 S$%rt A"s1er Quest'%"s:
+$at 1as 1r'tte" %" t$e e;esta) %& t$e statueQ +$at ;%es 't '";'/ateQ
2ns/ ?n the $edestal& it was written J,y nae is ?=yandias& !ing o% !ingsI/ The
inscri$tion is a brie% descri$tion o% the an whose statue it was/ The an was drun!
with $ower and strength/ Fe was also boast%ul o% his achieveents and even
challenged the ighty and $ower%ul $eo$le o% the world to loo! u$on his
achieveents/ They would be lost in des$air to see his achieveents in co$arison
to theirs/
+$at messa#e ;%es t$e %et 1a"t t% /%"5eyQ
2ns/ The $oet conveys a de%inite essage through this $oe to huanity thatone
day or the other& oneIs $ower and glory is ravaged by tie/ 5ven the ighty and the
$ower%ul cannot esca$e/ Tie does not a!e any discriination between a !ing and
123 ( Pa g e
(ead the extract and answer the 'uestions that %ollow:
And wrin"led lip, and sneer of cold command,
'ell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
'he hand that moc"ed them and the heart that fed;
a6 +r'"k)e; )' a"; s"eer %& /%); /%mma"; ;e'/t:
i)That ?=yandias was a haughty $erson
ii) that he was Lord o% hisel%
iii) that the scul$tor had well read the %eelings on the %ace o% the an whose statue
he was to a!e/
iv) The scul$tor was 'uite $ro%essional/
b6 T$%se ass'%"s are st')) "%t'/eab)e
i) carved on the li%eless stone
ii)lying on the sand
iii)sta$ed on the %ace o% the statue o% the stone
iv)on the bro!en $ieces o% the statue/
/6 +$%se $a";s m%/ke; t$emQ
i)The hands o% ?=yandias
ii) The hands o% the scul$tor
iii)The hands lying bro!en
iv)The hands o% the trun!less legs
II6 A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# '" ab%ut -0 1%r;s:
a) Describe the statue as seen by the traveller/
b) 3hat was the contrasting eleent near the statue and what does it convey to
c) 3hose greatness is glori%iedK 3as it the a$$earance o% the !ing on the statue or
the scul$tor who ade the statue or the %orce o% natureK @usti%y your answer/
d) 3hat did the traveller tell the narrator about what he saw in the ancient landK
e) 3hat !ind o% ex$ression did the huan %ace haveK 3hat did it tell o% the scul$tor
and the huan being a%ter who he had carved that statueK
%) 3hat else reained there beside the bro!en statueK 3hat does it signi%yK
g) 3hat is the essage given indirectly in the $oeK
III6 !%"# a"s1er tye <uest'%"s:
a)The %utility o% huan beings is ex$osed in this $oe/ Discuss
b)3hat is the central idea o% the $oeK
c)The $oe $ortrays the short living $olitical $ower as against the %orce o% tie and
nature/ Discuss
d)3hat does the traveller tell the narrator o% what he saw in a desertK
124 ( Pa g e
TF5 (0,5 ?F TF5 24-054T ,2(045(
- 7/T/-?L5(0D#5
The $oe is an extract ta!en %ro -oleridgeIs %aous $oe/ Fere& he brings out the
torent and strong %eeling o% guilt %aced by an ancient ariner "an old sailor) who&
in a oent o% cruelty& !illed an innocent albatross/ 0n order to overcoe his $ain
and guilt& he o%ten sto$$ed strangers and told the the story o% the troubles %aced by
the crew as a result o% his cruelty/
C2(T 1
L0457 1-*0
2n old grey bearded ,ariner with hy$otonic& bright eyes sto$$ed a wedding guest&
alongwith his two co$anions& was going to attend a wedding/ The wedding guest
said that he was a close relative o% the bridegroo and that he had to go as the %east
was ready/ The ancient ariner held the young an by his ar& but he "the young
an) obAected to it angrily calling hi an old ad an/ The old sailor held hi by
the $ower o% his hy$notising eyes and the wedding guest had no choice& but to listen
to hi li!e a sall child/
L0457 *1-40
The ancient ariner narrated his story that when he was a sailor& their shi$ sailed
southwards on a bright sunny day/ 0t reached the e'uator where the sun was directly
overhead at noon/ 2t this $oint& the wedding guest heard the loud usic o% the
bassoon and was %rustrated/ Fe visuali=ed that the bride ust have entered the hall
as beauti%ul as a rose and erry singing will be around to welcoe the bride/ The
wedding guest stood hel$less and annoyed as he had to listen to the arinerIs story/
L0457 41-80
The ancient ariner continued his story stating that a dread%ul stor struc! his shi$&
$ushed it at high s$eed towards the south direction/ The stor was li!e a hunter
chasing its $rey "the shi$) %ollowing it closely/ The shi$ was oving %ast a!ing lot
o% noises as i% it was %ollowed by an eney/ The shi$ reached a $lace where there
was lot o% ist and snow/ 0t was extreely cold as both ist and snow surrounded
the shi$/ The ice was %lowing as high as the shi$ loo!ing li!e as green as eerald/
The snow cli%%s created a very sad loo!ing shine& as there was no li%e around/ The ice
crac!ed& growled& howled and roared as it oved heavily& holding the shi$ at one
L0457 81-11
The crew o% the shi$ was disturbed with the cold weather& but it was a great relie% %or
the when they were eventually greeted by the arrival o% an albatross which cae
through the %og/ 0t was welcoed by the sailors/ 2s it %lew around the shi$ %or %ood
and $lay& the ice crac!ed and s$lit/ 2 good south wind $ro$elled the shi$ out o% the
icy region into the sea/ The albatross %ollowed the shi$ everyday but at one $oint the
ancient ariner in a %it o% anger shot dead the innocent bird with his crossbow/ Fe
con%essed this to the wedding guest/
125 ( Pa g e
C2(T *
L0457 10-105
The south wind continued to $ro$el the shi$ northwards/ The sailor soon realised
that he had done a hellish thing by !illing the bird that had brought the change in the
bree=e/ But when the glorious sun rose a%ter days o% ist and snow& they all agreed
that he had done a right thing to !ill the bird that had earlier brought the %og and the
ist/ The shi$ sailed on until the winds brought it to a silent sea/ 7uddenly the winds
died down and they were once again stranded in the iddle o% the sea/
L0457 108-1*1
3hen the bree=e sto$$ed to blow& the sails dro$$ed and the shi$ was becaled/ 0t
was so
'uiet that the sailors s$o!e only to brea! the silence/ 2ll day long the red sun shone
in the hot s!y/ Day a%ter day %or any days there was no bree=e and the shi$
reained still otionless li!e a $ainting/ The crew had no water to drin! in s$ite o%
the vast sea around the/ 5ven the boards o% the shi$ began to shrin!/
L0457 1*0-140
The condition o% the crew was $athetic as the sea loo!ed terrible/ 7oon the bright and
sliy creatures crawled out o% it and wal!ed on the sur%ace/ 2t night& the water
loo!ed li!e oil and it changes its colours/ The sailors had no $eace even in their shi$
and were constantly haunted by the $resence o% the dead 2lbatrossIs s$irit/ Day a%ter
day& they had no water to drin!& their tongues dried u$ and they were unable to even
s$ea!/ The sailors held the ariner res$onsible %or their woes and as a constant
reinder o% !illing an innocent bird& the sailors hung the dead albatross around his
,ELT0CL5 -F?0-5 .E57T0?47:
Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# extra/t a"; /$%%se t$e /%rre/t %t'%":
2) In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud
It perched for vespers nine;
Whiles all the night, through fog(smo"e white
)limmered the white Moon(shine
2a6IItJ '"t$eab%5esta"Fa'sLLLLLLLLLL(
"i) the shi$
"ii) the albatross
"iii) the cloud
"iv) the ist
2b6Nesers "'"e re&ers t% LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) a %ixedtieeveryday
"ii) nine hours o% a day
"iii) nine days
"iv) nine wee!s
126 ( Pa g e
2/6It 1as a b%%" &%r t$e sa')%rs be/ause LLLLLLLLLL(
"i)0t had brought the a lot o% oney
"ii)0t had hel$ed the sailors to reach the shore
"iii)0t had brought luc! and the sailors could ove out o% the land o% istand snow/
"iv)4one o% the above
"a) the albatross
"b) a %ixed tie every day / ninedays
"c) it hadbrought luc! and the sailorscouldove outo%the lando%ist andsnow
II6 S$%rt A"s1er Quest'%"s:
a) J#od save thee& ancient ,ariner %ro the %iends that $lague thee thusO 3hy loo!Ist
thou soKI 3hat does this eanK
2nswer: The wedding guest wanted to !now why the ,ariner was loo!ing so uch
b) Fow does the ,ariner ex$ress the %act that the shi$ was co$letely surrounded by
2nswer: Fuge bloc!s o% ice were %loating here and there/ The scene $resents an
awesoe s$ectacle/ There was no sight o% huan or anial nearby/ There was no
$assage visible through which the shi$ could be steered/
0) (ead the %ollowing extract and choose the correct o$tion:
"2) 'he ship was cheered, the harbour cleared,
Merrily did we drop.
elow the *ir", below the hill,
elow the lighthouse top.
16 T$e s$' 1as /$eere; by
a) the $eo$le on the shore
b) the ca$tain o% the shi$
c) the ancient ,ariner
d) the young sailors
26 Ex)a'": MERRI!D DID +E DRO3(
a) The sailors slowed down their shi$
b) The sailors anchored their shi$
c) The sailors ha$$ily sailed away
d) The sailors sto$$ed a!ing erry and began steering the shi$ away
127 ( Pa g e
36 T$e %et'/ ;e5'/e use; '" )'"e 3 a"; -
a) 2lliteration
b) (e$etition
c) ,eta$hor
d) 7iile
"B) +e holds him with his s"inny hand,
,'here was a ship- .uoth he,
,+old off/ %nhand me, grey(bearded loon/
0estoons- his hand dropt he.
16 Ee $%);s $'m 1't$ $'s sk'""y $a";
a) to test the $ower o% his hand
b) to enAoy his co$any
c) to narrate to hi his story
d) to $lay a $ran! on hi
26 t$e se/%"; seaker rea/te; t% t$e &'rst seakers a/t'%" 5ery
a) angrily
b) res$ect%ully
c) ildly
d) indi%%erently
36 T$e %); mar'"er 1as seak'"# t%
a) The bridegroo
b) The bride
c) The wedding guest
d) 2n old an
"-) And I had done a hellish thing,
And it would wor"-em woe1
0or all averred, I had "illed the bird
'hat made the breeze to blow.
Ah wretch/ Said they, the bird to slay,
'hat made the breeze to blow/
127 ( Pa g e
16 T$e I$e))'s$ t$'"#J t$at t$e seaker $a; ;%"e 1as:
a) Fe had !illed his %riend
b) Fe had !illed the albatross
c) Fe had cheated his %ellowen
d) Fe had drowned a sailor in the sea
26 Eere t$e seaker 's:
a) The wedding guest
b) The albatross
c) The ca$tain o% the shi$
d) The 2ncient ,ariner
36 Ee ma;e t$e breeFe t% b)%1:
a) The 2ncient ,ariner
b) The 2lbatross
c) The $oet
d) The wedding guest/
"D)All in a hot and copper s"y,
'he bloody Sun, at noon.
&ight up above the mast did stand,
2o bigger than the Moon.
16 E%1 ;'; t$e sky )%%k:
a) Blue as sea
b) Dar! as clouds
c) Bright as sun
d) -o$$er coloured
26 T$e su" 1as:
a) Behind the dar! clouds
b) Behind the %og and ist
c) right below the ast o% the shi$
d) right above the ast o% the shi$
12B ( Pa g e
36 T$e %et'/ ;e5'/e use; '" t$'s )'"e 's:
a) Fy$erbolic and siile
b) 7iile and eta$hor
c) 2lliteration and $ersoni%ication
d) 2ssonance and alliteration
II6 S$%rt A"s1er Quest'%"s '" ab%ut 30--0 1%r;s:
1) Fow did the 2ncient ,ariner sto$ one o% the wedding guestsK 3hat was his
*) 3hat ha$$ened when the 2ncient ,arinerIs shi$ reached the e'uatorK
+) 3hy did the sailors hang the dead albatross round the nec! o% the arinerK
4) Brie%ly describe how the shi$ was caught in the storK
5) Fow was the arrival o% the albatross a good oenK
8) Fow does the ancient ariner describe the land o% ist and snowK
:) 3hat $ain%ul ex$erience did the ariner undergo in Mthe silent seaSK
1) 3hat i$ression do you %or o% the ancient ariner %ro the $oeK
D) 3hat conse'uences did the ariner have to %ace as a result o% !illing the
000) Long 2nswer .uestions in about 100-150 words:
1) J3ater& water& everywhere//// 4or any dro$ to drin!I/ 3hen does the
ancient ariner a!e this coentK
1) Describe the shi$Is Aourney %ro harbour to the southern sea %ull o% ist
and snow/
+) The ancient arinerIs shi$ates are a bunch o% %ic!le inded sailors/ -oent/
4) JCunishent does catch u$ with the sinner although it ay be delayed
-oent on this stateent with the re%erence to the $oe/
5) 3rite a short note on the eleent o% su$ernaturalis in the $oe/
-D/ F/ Lawrence
7uary: 0ns$ired by an event in the natural world& D/ F/ Lawrence6s $oe U7na!eU
is about an encounter between a $erson and a sna!eG the $erson has to choose
between listening to his own voice and adiring the sna!e& and listening to the voice
o% his education and %orcing the sna!e to leave/ ,any %igures o% s$eech strengthen
the $ower and eaning o% the $oe& including alliteration& siile& $ersoni%ication&
and e$hasis/
This $oe& entitled U7na!eU was co$osed by D/F/ Lawrence in 1D*+/ 0t is ainly
about an encounter between the s$ea!er and the sna!e on a very hot orning o% @uly
in 7icily& 0taly/ The %eelings o% the s$ea!er $lay a very large role in the $rocess
voicing his %eelings as well as his education/
13( ( Pa g e
Lawrence $laces the s$ea!er in the iddle o% two choices& to choose between the
voice o% his education and his own/ 2t the start o% the $oe& the s$ea!er adires
the sna!e and ignores the voice o% his education/ But& it is not until the sna!e retreats
bac! into the %issure that the s$ea!er chooses to listen to the voice o% his
education and decides to $ic! u$ a log and throw it at the sna!e as a $rotest/
Lawrence introduces the $oe by getting straight to the $oint& also using a re$etition
to show that it is a really hot day/ Lawrence wrote the $oe& $ossibly because it was
a true story& but ost li!ely because he was trying to dis$lay anIs %eelings about
sna!es and 'uestion it/ Fe believes that the sna!e is a gentle creature& si$ly thirsty
and grate%ul to be near water/ To hi it is a co$lient/ But to ost& it is a natural
instinct to !ill the beauti%ul creature/
The $oe indicates that even though his !nowledge was telling hi to end the sna!e
right then and there/ But he considered it a !ing& which shows that the sna!e had as
uch right to drin! %ro the water trough as any an or beast did/ 5ven though it
was venoous& it was doing no har/
2 great techni'ue used& as 0 entioned earlier& is re$etition/ D/ F/ Lawrence uses
re$etition at the beginning& describing how hot the day is/ Lawrence obviously wants
us to !now that the reason he and the sna!e have coe to the trough is because it is a
very hot day/ 2nother techni'ue he uses is siile/ Fe uses it when describing the
sna!e li%ting his head li!e drin!ing cattle do/ Fe uses the drin!ing cattle re%erence
twice& showing that the sna!eIs actions dee$ly reseble those o% cattle/ Fe also uses
a siile when saying that the sna!e loo!ed around li!e a god/ 2nother good
techni'ue Lawrence uses is when he is describing his act a%ter he threw the log/ By
using the three synonys $altry& vulgar and ean& he shows that trying to har the
creature was de%initely a horrible thing to do/
,ulti$le -hoice .uestions:
Rea; t$e extra/t a"; a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s t$at &%))%1:
ut suddenly that part of him that was left behind
3onvulsed in undignified haste
Writhed li"e lighting, and was gone
Into the blac" hole, the earth(lipped fissure in the wall(front,
At which, in the intense still noon, I stared with fascination.
And immediately, I regretted it.
a6 +$'/$ art %& t$e s"ake /%"5u)se; '" u";'#"'&'e; $asteQ
i) which had entered the blac! hole
ii) which had le%t behind at the water trough
iii) that was le%t behind outside the blac! hole
iv) the $art hit by the log/
b6 +$y ;'; t$e %et stare at t$e s"ake 1't$ &as/'"at'%"Q
i) the sna!e was earth brown
ii)he li!ed the sna!e
iii) the sna!e had its own beauty and grace
iv) he %eared the sna!e
131 ( Pa g e
/6 +$y ;'; t$e s"ake /%"5u)se '" u";'#"'&'e; $asteQ
i) the sna!e had %inished drin!ing
ii) hit by log
iii)there was intense heat outside
iv) wanted to ta!e rest/
A"s1ers: a) iii b)iii c) iv
II6 S$%rt A"s1er Quest'%"s:
a6E%1 ;%es t$e %et ;es/r'be t$e ;ay 1$e" $e sa1 t$e s"akeQ
2ns/ The $oet ha$$ened to see the sna!e at the water trough on a hot day o% 7icilian
@uly/ The $oet went to the water trough in his $yAaas/ The $oet also used the iage
o% ,ount 5tna to heighten the intensity o% the heat/ 2lso& the sna!e had coe %ro
the burning bowels o% the earth to 'uench its thirst/
b6 T$e %et $as a ;ua) att'tu;e t%1ar;s t$e s"ake( +$y ;%es $e exer'e"/e
/%"trast em%t'%"s %" see'"# t$e s"akeQ
2ns/ 3hen the $oet saw the sna!e drin!ing water %ro the water trough& he was
over$owered by the voices o% huan education and natural instinctive %ascination
%or the sna!e/ ?n one hand& the voice o% odern education $ro$ts the $oet to !ill
the sna!e %or golden brown sna!es are $oisonous/ ?n the other hand& his natural
instinct %ascinated hi and he %elt honoured that the sna!e had sought his hos$itality/
I A"s1er t$e &%))%1'"# '" ab%ut -0 1%r;s:
1/ 3hat was the $oet on his way to do when he %irst becae aware o% the sna!eK
*/ 3hat was the sna!e doingK
+/ 3hat did the Jvoice o% his educationI tell the $oet he should doK
4/ Fow did he actually %eel about the sna!e when the voices told hi to !ill itK
5/ 3hat caused the $oetIs horror towards the sna!eK
8/ 3hat did the $oet doK
:/ 3hat does he %eel a%ter having done itK
1/ 3hat does the $oet ean by Mthe voices o% y accursed education/S 3hy are they
D/ 3hy does the $oet call the sna!e one o% the JLords o% Li%eIK
10/ 3hy does the $oet call his sin a J$ettinessIK
II( !%"# A"s1er Quest'%":
1/ 3rite a $aragra$h on: 3hat underlying stateent do you thin! the $oet is a!ing
in J7na!eI about huan beings in general and hisel% in $articularK7u$$ort your
answer with a 'uotation %ro the $oe/
132 ( Pa g e
@EL0E7 -2572(
-30LL02, 7F2R57C52(5
The Clay @ulius -aesar is in %ive acts/ #iven below is a brie% suary o% the events
that ha$$en be%ore 2ct 00 7cene 00:--
Two (oan tribunes& Flavius and ,urellus& see the coon $eo$le $arading in the
streets instead o% wor!ing in their sho$s/ They deand to !now why the en are not
wor!ing/ 2 cobbler in%ors the that the $eo$le are celebrating -aesar6s victory/
,urellus is in%uriated and tells the that -aesar has not de%eated an eney& but
rather has !illed the sons o% Co$ey the #reat/ Co$ey $reviously ruled (oe
along with -aesar until their alliance %ell a$art& at which $oint they went to battle
over the right to rule/
@ulius -aesar triu$hantly returns to (oe on the %estival o% Lu$ercalia& celebrated
on February 15/ Fe is %ollowed by 2ntony and Brutus and any %ollowers/
2 soothsayer a$$roaches -aesar and calls out %or attention/ -aesar allows hi to
s$ea!& and the an tells -aesar to& UBeware the ides o% ,archU/ -aesar ignores this
warning and calls the an a dreaer/
Brutus rear!s to -assius that he is a%raid the $eo$le will crown -aesar !ing/
-assius then tells Brutus that UBrutusU is Aust as good a nae as U-aesarU& and that
both naes could Aust as easily rule (oe/
Brutus& a%raid that -aesar will becoe a !ing& struggles to decide whether to ta!e
action with -assius/ -asca reains onstage with Brutus and -assius and tells the
that the three shouts they heard were because -aesar turned down the crown three
ties/ 2$$arently 2ntony o%%ered hi the crown three ties& and -aesar turned it
down three ties/
-asca then adds that the $eo$le %orgave -aesar and worshi$$ed hi even ore %or
turning away the crown/ -assius in%ors the audience in a solilo'uy that he will %a!e
several handwritten notes and throw the into Brutus6 roo in an atte$t to a!e
Brutus thin! the coon $eo$le want hi to ta!e action against -aesar/
-assius then arrives and -asca tells hi that the senators are $lanning to a!e
-aesar a !ing the next orning/ -assius draws his dagger and threatens to die be%ore
ever allowing -aesar to achieve so uch $ower/ -asca sha!es hands with -assius
and they agree to wor! together to $revent -aesar %ro sei=ing $ower/
-inna& a co-cons$irator& arrives and together they then leave to go throw -assius6
handwritten notes through Brutus6 window/ -assius indicates that he is 'uite sure
Brutus will Aoin the within the next day/
Brutus is in his garden and has ade u$ his ind that -aesar ust be !illed/ Fis
reasons are that -aesar is abusing his $ower and that he has ascended %ar too 'uic!ly/
Lucius& Brutus6 servant& brings hi a letter he has %ound in Brutus6 $rivate roo/
Brutus inter$rets the letter as i% it were %ro all o% (oe& telling hi to slay -aesar
and restore the re$ublic/
-assius is %urther o% the o$inion that ,ar! 2ntony should be !illed along with
-aesar& but again Brutus is against the $lan& calling it too Ubloody/U They $lan to
133 ( Pa g e
coit their urder o% -aesar at the 7enate at eight o6cloc! that orning "it is only
three in the orning at this $oint)/ Fowever& they are worried that -aesar will not
show u$ because he has becoe so su$erstitious over the $ast %ew onths/
Decius tells the that he !nows how to %latter -aesar& and assures the that he will
convince -aesar to go to the 7enate/ -assius and his %ollowers then de$art& leaving
Brutus alone/
-aesar& still in his nightgown& is terri%ied by a drea his wi%e -al$urnia has had in
which she cried out& UFel$& hoO They urder -aesarOU Fe orders a servant to go to
the $riests and have the sacri%ice an anial in order to read the entrails %or
$redictions o% the %uture/
-al$urnia arrives and tells hi that he dare not leave the house that day/ -aesar acts
brave and tells her that he %ears nothing& and that he will die when it is necessary %or
hi to die/ The servant returns and tells hi that the sacri%iced anial showed a very
bad oen& naely the beast did not have a heart/
-aesar insists on isinter$reting the oens& but -al$urnia begs hi to blae her %or
his absence %ro the 7enate& to which he %inally agrees/ Fowever& Decius arrives at
that oent in order to %etch -aesar to the 7enate Fouse/ -aesar tells hi to in%or
the 7enate that he will not coe this day/ Decius clais that he will be oc!ed i% he
cannot $rovide a better reason than that/ -aesar then tells hi about -al$urnia6s
drea& which Decius reinter$rets in a $ositive light/
Decius then overwhels -aesar6s resistance by as!ing hi i% the 7enate should
dissolve until a better tie when -al$urnia has ore %avourable dreas/
Decius also te$ts -aesar by saying that the 7enate $lans to give the crown to hi
and they ay change their inds i% he does not go/
-aesar tells -al$urnia that he was acting %oolishly& and agrees to go to the 7enate/
-assius and the other cons$irators arrive at that oent to acco$any hi to the
7enate/ 2ntony also a$$ears and Aoins the grou$ o% en who then escort -aesar out
o% his house/
-aesar ta!es his seat in the 7enate and $roceeds to allow ,etellus -iber to $etition
hi/ The an throws hisel% down at -aesar6s %eet in order to beg %or his brother6s
release %ro banishent& but is ordered to get u$/
-aesar tells hi that %awning will not win hi any %avours/ 2t this Brutus coes
%orward and $leads %or the an6s brother/ -assius soon Aoins hi/
-aesar tells the his decision is& Uconstant as the 4orthern 7tarU and that he will not
reove the banishent/ -asca !neels and says M7$ea! hands %or eS /-asca %irst&
and then the other cons$irators and Brutus all stab -aesar who %alls saying& U5t tu&
BruteK - Then %alls -aesar/
2ntony arrives and laents the death o% -aesar/ Fe begs the urderers& s$eci%ically
Brutus& to tell hi why -aesar had to be !illed/ Brutus tells hi that -aesar was
destroying the re$ublic and had to be reoved %ro $ower/
2ntony $retends to be convinced by this and as!s the cons$irators to& ULet each an
render e his bloody handU Fe then sha!es hands with each o% the& naing the
as he sha!es the hand/
2ntony 'uic!ly recants his agreeent with the urderers& and tells -assius that he
alost Aoined the a%ter sha!ing their handsG Fe as!s the i% he ay have
134 ( Pa g e
$erission to ta!e the body to the ar!et$lace and show it to the crowds/ Brutus
gives hi $erission to do this& but iediately -assius $ulls Brutus aside and
says& ULou !now not what you doS
Brutus decides to give his s$eech %irst& and to allow 2ntony to s$ea! a%terwards&
$rovided that 2ntony only says $ositive things about the cons$irators/ 2ntony agrees
to this/
Le%t alone with the body o% -aesar& 2ntony says& U? $ardon e& thou bleeding $iece
o% earth / That 0 a ee! and gentle with these butchersU Fe continues& with his
s$eech becoing ever ore violent& UDoestic %ury and %ierce civil stri%e / 7hall
cuber all the $arts o% 0talyU
Brutus tells the asses that he loved -aesar ore than any o% the& but that he !illed
-aesar because he loved (oe ore/
Brutus then as!s the i% they want hi to !ill hisel% %or his actions& to which the
crowd re$lies& ULive& Brutus& live& liveOU
Fe lastly begs the listen to ,ar! 2ntony s$ea! and to let hi de$art alone/ Fe
leaves ,ar! 2ntony alone to give his oration/
2ntony6s s$eech begins with the %aous lines& UFriends& (oans& countryen& lend
your earsU/ Fis s$eech continually $raises Brutus as Uan honourable anU who has
!illed -aesar %or being abitious/
Fe then $resents all o% the iages o% -aesar in which -aesar has not been abitious&
such as when -aesar thrice re%used the crown on the day o% Lu$ercal& or when
-aesar %illed the (oan treasury with ranso oney %ro victories in war/ The
$lebeians slowly becoe convinced that -aesar was not abitious and that he was
wrongly urdered/
2ntony then $ulls out -aesar6s will and tells the he should not read it to the/
They beg hi to read it& and he %inally agrees& but $uts i% o%% by descending into the
asses and standing next to the body o% -aesar/
Fe shows the the stab wounds and naes the cons$irators who gave -aesar the
wounds/ The crowd starts to surge away in anarchy& crying& U(evengeO 2boutO 7ee!O
BurnO FireO RillO 7layOU 2ntony sto$s the and continues s$ea!ing/
Fe %inally reads the the will& in which -aesar has given every (oan citi=en
seventy %ive drachas/ The $lebeians react in a %ren=y o% anger against the en who
!illed -aesar& and carry away the body/
2ntony says& U4ow let it wor!/ ,ischie%& thou art a%oot/ / Ta!e thou what course
thou wiltS/ Fe has success%ully instigated the ob to utiny/
I( Rea; t$e extra/t a"; a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s t$at &%))%1:
1/3owards die many times before their deaths
'he valiant never taste of death but once
4f all the wonders that I yet have heard
It seems to me most strange that men should fear
Seeing that death, a necessary end
Will come when it will come
"a) 3ho is the s$ea!er o% the above linesK
"b) 3hat %ears has the listener ex$ressedK
135 ( Pa g e
"c) 3hat is the basis o% the %ears ex$ressedK
"a) -al$urnia
"b) -al$urnia is a%raid that her husband @ulius -aesar is in danger/
"c) -al$urniahaddreasandsoeunnaturalincidentsoccurredwhich
s$eltbad oen
5. 'his was the most un"indest cut of all;
0or when the noble 3aesar saw him stab,
Ingratitude, more strong than traitors- arms,
6uite van.uish-d him1 then burst his mighty heart;
a6 +$y 1as t$e /ut Im%st u"k'";estJQ
i)it was ade by Brutus
ii) it was ade by Decius
iii) it was ade by -assius
iv) it was ade by -iber/
b6 +$at r%5e; &ata) &%r CaesarQ
i) the sword o% cons$irators
ii) -assiusIs sword
iii) BrutusIs dagger
iv) ingratitude o% Brutus
/6 T$ese )'"es are s%ke" by:
i) ,ar! 2ntony
ii) -assius
iii) Brutus
;6+$at /%u); CaesarJs $eart "%t bearQ
i) Being surrounded by traitors
ii) Clot against hi
iii) 7eeing his best %riend aong traitors
iv)They did not crown hi/
A"s1ers: a/i) b/i) c/i d/iii/
00)7hort 2nswer .uestions:
136 ( Pa g e
a6 +$%m ;%es A"t%"y /a)) Rt$e /$%'/e a"; master s'r't %& t$'s a#eSQ +$yQ
2ns/ @ulius -aesar is called Mthe choice and aster s$irit o% this ageS& as he has
%eathered any con'uests& glories& triu$hs in his ca$/ Fe was huane and one o%
the noblest $ersons/
b6 +$y ;%es Ca)ur"'a say t$at CaesarJs I1's;%m 's /%"sume; '" /%"&';e"/eJQ
+$at ;%es s$e mea"Q
2ns/ -aesar ignores bad oens and warnings and decides to go %orth to the 7enate/
7o -al$urnia is %orced to coent as above/
000) Long 2nswer .uestion:
a6 E%1 ;'; Mark A"t%"y %uter&%rm e5e" a #reat %rat%r )'ke *rutus a"; tur"
t$e R%ma" m%b a#a'"st $'mQ
2ns/ ,ar! 2ntony $roved to be a greater orator than Brutus/ Fe aroused the (oan
ob not by cold reason and logic& but their basic $assions li!e $ity and sy$athy %or
-aesar/ Fe $roved that -aesar was not abitious as told by Brutus and other
cons$irators/ Fe wor!ed throughout his li%e %or the wel%are o% his subAects/ Fe
reAected the o%%er o% crown three ties be%ore/ 5ven his will showed his love %or his
$eo$le/ Fe directed the anger o% the ob towards Brutus and other cons$irators by
$roving that they were liars and urderers/
0/ ,ulti$le -hoice .uestions:
Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# extra/ts a"; a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s by /$%%s'"# t$e m%st
ar%r'ate %t'%"(
1/ 7What can be avoided8
Whose end is purposed by the mighty )ods8
!et 3aesar shall go forth1 for these predictions
Are to the world in general as to 3aesar9
a6 T$e extra/t s$%1s t$at t$e seaker 's
i/ a believer in destiny
ii/ arrogant and %earless
iii/ con%ident
iv/ obstinate
b6 ICaesar s$a)) #% &%rt$J re&ers t% CaesarJs )a":
i/ to go to the battle%ield
ii/ to eet the senators
iii/ to attend the eeting o% the senate
iv/ to go ahead
/6 A//%r;'"# t% Caesar t$e re;'/t'%"s
137 ( Pa g e
i/ are very general in nature
ii/ ade %or the world
iii/ bode ill %or the whole world and not hi alone
iv/ are a re%lection o% #odIs $ur$ose
*/ 'he dream is all amiss interpreted
It was a vision fair and fortunate
a6 T$e seaker %& t$ese )'"es 's:
i/ -assius
ii/ ,arcus Brutus
iii/ Decius Brutus
iv/ ,ar! 2ntony
b6 T$e seaker a'ms t%:
i/ guide -aesar
ii/ islead -aesar
iii/ give -aesar a %alse sense o% security
iv/ reveal the reality behind the drea
/6 Iam'ss '"terrete;J mea"s t$at t$e ;ream:
i/ is ina$$ro$riate
ii/is inco$lete
iii/ is wrongly inter$reted
iv/ is di%%erently construed
+. ,3owards die many times before their death
,'he valiant never taste of death but once-
a6 T$e <ua)'ty %& Caesar $'#$)'#$te; t$r%u#$ t$ese )'"es 's
i/ o$tiis
ii/ bravery
iii/ $ride
iv/ arrogance
137 ( Pa g e
b6 IC%1ar;s ;'e ma"y t'mes be&%re t$e'r ;eat$sJ mea"s
i/ cowards die several ties in their li%etie
ii/ cowards are terri%ied and donIt live their lives $ro$erly
iii/ cowards lead a death li!e existence
iv/ cowards waste their $recious li%e being a%raid o% and antici$ating death
/6 Caesar 's seak'"# t%:
i/ ,arcus Brutus
ii/ -al$urnia
iii/ Decius Brutus
iv/ ,ar! 2ntony
;6 IT$e 5a)'a"t "e5er taste %& ;eat$ but %"/eJ mea"s
i/ the brave are never %aced with death
ii/ the brave never die
iii/ the brave acce$t death %earlessly
iv/ the brave die only once in a li%etie
-( I doubt not of your wisdom
:et each man render me his bloody hand
)entleman all, ( alas what shall I say8
My credit now stands on such slippery ground
a6 T$e seaker %& t$ese )'"es 's
i/ ,arcus Brutus
ii/ -aesar
iii/ -assius
iv/ ,ar! 2ntony
b6 T$e seakerJs t%"e 's
i/ dece$tive and guile%ul
ii/ %lattering and indecisive
iii/ 7ad and troubled
iv/ 2$$reciative
/6 T$e seaker t$'"ks $e sta";s %" s)'ery #r%u"; be/ause:
i/he ay be regarded as deceit%ul
ii/ he ay be considered a coward or %latterer
iii/ he is standing on -aesarIs blood
iv/ he ay be thought o% as a %ic!le-inded $erson
13B ( Pa g e
5/ 2ow let it wor", mischief, thou art afoot,
'a"e thou what course thou wilt
a6 T$e seaker %& t$ese )'"es 's
i/ ,arcus Brutus
ii/ ,ar! 2ntony
iii/ -aesar
iv/ 2 citi=en o% (oe
b6 IM's/$'e& 's a&%%tJ be/ause
i/ -aesar has been urdered
ii/ The citi=ens have been instigated to rebel
iii/ The cons$irators are $laying a $ran!
iv/ 2 $lot is being hatched against (oan citi=ens
/6 T$e &'"a) /%urse take" by m's/$'e& 1as
i/ Brutus becae the !ing
ii/ ,utiny bro!e out in (oe
iii/ (oan citi=ens turned against 2ntony
iv/ 2ntony too! revenge %or -aesarIs death
8/ 2ot that I loved 3aesar less but that I loved &ome more.
+ad you rather 3aesar was living and die all slaves,
than that 3aesar were dead ,to live all free men8
a6 T$r%u#$ t$ese 1%r;s t$e seaker 's:
i/ -ondening -aesarIs urder be%ore (oan ob
ii/ @usti%ying -aesarIs death to (oan asses
iii/ 0nstigating (oan crowds
iv/ 2dvising the asses
b6 T$e ma'" a'm %& t$e seaker 's t% r%5e t$at
i/ -aesar was his %riend
ii/ -aesar was a tyrant
iii/ -aesarIs death has saved the %ro slavery
iv/ Fis loyalties are towards (oe
14( ( Pa g e
/6 T$ese )'"es are a;;resse; t%:
i/ ,ar! 2ntony
ii/ -al$urnia
iii/ (oan asses
iv/ -assius
:/ 'his was the un"indest cut of all
0or when the noble 3aesar saw him stab
Ingratitude, more strong than traitor-s arms,
6uite van.uish-d him1
a6 T$e Iu"k'";est /utJ re&ers t%:
i/ The blow struc! by BrutusI ingratitude
ii/ The attac! by Brutus
iii/ The cruelty o% the cons$irators
iv/ The bloody attac! on -aesar
b6 T$e seaker %& t$ese )'"es 1a"ts t%:
i/ -onden the traitors
ii/ -reate $ublic o$inion against Brutus
iii/ 5x$ress his anger
iv/ ,ourn -aesarIs death
/6 T$e seaker 's
i/ addressing the traitors
ii/ tal!ing to hisel%
iii/ addressing the (oan ob
iv/ tal!ing to -aesarIs body
1. When beggars die, there are no comets seen,
'he heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.
2a6 T$ese )'"es $a5e bee" 1r'tte" by LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) -harles Dic!ens
"ii) >i!ra 7eth/
"iii) 3illia 7ha!es$eare
"iv) 4adine #ordier
141 ( Pa g e
2b6*e##ars $ere mea"s LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) ordinary $eo$le
"ii) beggars onthestreets/
"iii) beggars attherailwaystation
"iv) none o% theabove
2/6T$e ;eat$ %& r'"/es attra/ts t$e atte"t'%" %& LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) the $alace
"ii) ordinary$eo$le
"iii) the !ingIs subAects
"iv) even the gods
II( S$%rt a"s1er Quest'%"s '" ab%ut 30--0 1%r;s:
1/ 3hat cootion is noticed by -al$urniaK 3hat is suggestive o%herK
*/ Fighlight two ost i$ortant 'ualities o% -aesarIs character and substantiate
the %ro the text/
+/ JFow %oolish do your %ears see now& -al$urniaKI Bring out the irony
behind -aesarIs stateent/
4/ 3hat does -aesar ean when he says J-owards die any ties be%ore
their death&
the valiant never taste o% death but onceK
5/ Fow does Decius $ersuade -aesar to go to the senate in s$ite o%
-al$urniaIs best e%%orts to dissuade hiK
8/ 3hy does -assius obAect to 2ntonyIs s$ea!ing to the (oan ,obK Fow
do his %ears coe trueK
:/ 5x$lain why 2ntony calls -aesar a Jbleeding $iece o% earthIK
1/ 3hat were the contents o% -aesarIs willK 3hy did 2ntony elaborate u$on theK
D/ Fow does Brutus Austi%y the assassination o% -aesarK
10/ Fow was 2ntony able to $rovo!e the (oan ob through his s$eechK
11/ 2ntony dis$roves the cons$iratorsI clai about -aesarIs abition with three
exa$les/ 3hat are theyK
III6 !%"# A"s1er Quest'%"s '" ab%ut 100-1,0 1%r;s:
1/ Bring out the signi%icance o% the words- J5t Tu BruteI/
*/ -o$are and contrast the %uneral orations o% ,ar! 2ntony and ,arcus Brutus/
+/ 3rite the character s!etch o% @ulius -aesar/
4/ Do you thin! Brutus is close to being an honourable anK 3hyK 3hy notK
5/ ,ar! 2ntony eerges as the true %riend to -aesar/ -oent with re%erence to the
8/ 2ow let it wor". Mischief, thou art afoot,
'a"e thou what course thou wilt/
3ho says the above linesK Fow does he succeed in instigating the $eo$le
o% (oe against the cons$irators K
142 ( Pa g e
S,T %F
7et 2
-lass < 54#L07F "-ounicative)

,axiu ,ar!s:D0
The .uestion Ca$er is divided into %our sections:
7ection 2:(eading *0,ar!s
7ection B 3riting *5,ar!s
7ection -:#raar *0 ,ar!s
7ection B Literature *5,ar!s
#eneral 0nstructions:
1/2ll 'uestions are co$ulsory/
*/Lou ay atte$t any section at a tie/
+/2ll 'uestions o% a $articular section ust be atte$ted in the correct order/
1( Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# assa#e /are&u))y: 210 marks6
1/ ?ur house is %illed with $hotos/ They cover the walls o% y !itchen& dining roo and
den/ 0 see our %aily6s entire history& starting with y wedding& continuing through the
births o% both sons& buying a hoe& %aily gatherings and vacations/ 3hen y sons
were little& they loved to $ose/ They waved& danced& clibed trees& batted balls& hung
u$side down %ro the Aungle gy and did anything %or a $icture/ But when they
reached adolescence& $icture-ta!ing changed into soething they barely tolerated/ Their
bodies were growing at ha$ha=ard s$eeds/ (eluctantly they stood with us or with their
grand$arents at birthday celebrations and siled wea!ly at the caera %or as short a
tie as $ossible/
143 ( Pa g e
*/ 0 a the chronicler o% our $hotogra$hs/ 0 select those to be %raed and arrange the
others in albus/ The $rocess is addictive& and as the shelves that hold our albus
becoe %uller and %uller& 0 wonder what will becoe o% the/ 3ill anyone loo! at these
$hotogra$hs in %uture yearsK 0% y sons loo! at the& what will they thin! o% us and o%
theselvesK ?ne bright a%ternoon& 0 too! soe $hotogra$hs o% y %ather with y
husband as they %ished in a la!e near our vacation house/ 2s y sons and 0 sat on the
shore and watched the row away& 0 $ic!ed the caera u$ and $hotogra$hed the
beauti%ul la!e surrounded by green trees/ The two en 0 loved gradually grew saller
until all 0 could see were y %ather6s red shirt& and the tan and blue ca$s on their heads/
+/ ,y %ather died a wee! later& and suddenly those $hotos becae $riceless to e/ 0
we$t when 0 $asted the in our albu/ 0 we$t again a%terwards when 0 saw y younger
son loo!ing at the/ 0t was a %ew days be%ore he went away to college/ Fe had ta!en all
our albus down %ro the boo!shelves in the den and s$read the out on the car$et/ 0t
had been a very long tie since 0 had seen hi doing this/ ?nce he sto$$ed $osing %or
$ictures& he seeed to lose interest in loo!ing at the/ But now he was on the verge o%
leaving hoe/ This was his s$ecial tie to loo! ahead and loo! bac!/ 0 stood %or a
oent in the hall by the den& and then ti$toed away/ 0 didn6t ta!e a $hoto o% y son
that a%ternoon& but 0 will reeber how he loo!ed %or as long as 0 live/ 7oe $ictures& 0
learned& don6t have to be ta!en with a caera/
1/ Fill in the suary using one word only/ "1x4Y 4 ar!s)
The author was "a) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN about ta!ing $hotogra$hs and
%raing the/ But she always "b) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN whether her sons
would ever loo! at the/ 7he was %ull o% "c) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN when
she $asted the $ictures o% her %ather6s last days in the albu/ 7he learnt that soe
$ictures always "d) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN in one6s ind without a
*/ Two exa$les that show that the author6s sons were averse to ta!ing $hotogra$hs are:
"lx*Y* ar!s)
+/ #ive words that ean the sae as "1x4Y 4 ar!s)
1/ not organi=ed or $lanned "$ara 1)
*/ one who records events in order "$ara *)
+/ very valuable "$ara +)
4/ continued engageent with an activity "$ara *)
*/ (ead the $assage given below and answer the 'uestions that %ollow by choosing the
answers %ro the given o$tions "5 ar!s)
7tyle is a way o% writing& a anner o% ex$ressing oneIs thoughts and %eelings in words/
The atter reaining the sae& the anner ay change/ 0t ay be high sounding& or
si$le and yet eotional or a $lain& brie% stateent without %eelings/ The sae %act
ay have di%%erent e%%ects on the reader because o% variations in style/
7oe $eo$le thin! that style& or what they ight call Jgood styleI or Jliterary styleI& is
soething that can be added to $lain thought or a $lain stateent o% %acts& as icing can
be $ut on a ca!e/ 2 student once said to e& M0 have written y re$ort& but 0 have
brought it to you to $ut soe style into it/S 0 could not $ut style into it/ 0t was already
written in a certain style& though it ay not have been a very good style/ 0 could have
re-written it in a certain style/ Then it would have been y arrangeent o% %acts& y
144 ( Pa g e
choice o% words& and y style/ 2s a an thin!s and %eels& so he writes/ 0% his thoughts
are clear and shar$& his writing will re%lect this/
145 ( Pa g e
a6 T$e e&&e/t %& 1r'tte" 1%r; %" t$e rea;er 5ar'es a//%r;'"# t%
i) variation in style ii) variation in words
iii) the ood o% the reader iv) length o% the writing
b6 It 's "%t %ss'b)e t% ut s%me sty)e t% %t$er ers%"Js 1r't'"# be/ause
i) style cannot be added ii) each writing has its own style
iii) styles are di%%erent iv) the writer will not li!e it
/6 Mu;;)e; mea"s
i) clear ii) lucid iii) unclear iv) aggressive
;6 A matter 1r'tte" '" %"e sty)e $as t% beLLLLLLLLLL '& s%meb%;y ;e/';es t%
re1r'te 't
i) $artly changed ii) rewritteniii) re$hrasediv) corrected
e6 I& t$%u#$ts are /)ear a"; s$ar0 t$e 1r't'"# 1%u); be
i) high sounding ii) badiii) boringiv) clear and shar$
3( Rea; t$e &%))%1'"# %em /are&u))y: 20,marks6
?nce u$on a tie& son
They used to laugh with their hearts
2nd laugh with their eyesG
But now they laugh only with their teeth&
3hile their ice-bloc!-cold eyes
7earch behind y shadow/
There was a tie indeed
They used to sha!e hands with their heartsG
But thatIs gone& son/
4ow they sha!e hands without their hearts
3hile their le%t hands search
,y e$ty $oc!ets/
MFeel at hoeS& M-oe again&S
They say& and when 0 coe
2gain and %eel at hoe& once&
Twice& there will be no thrice H
For then 0 %ind doors shut on e/
7o& 0 have learnt any things& son/
0 have learnt to wear any %aces
Li!e dresses H hoe-%ace&
?%%ice-%ace& street-%ace& host-%ace&
146 ( Pa g e
-oc!tail-%ace& with all their con%oring siles
Li!e a %ixed $ortrait sile/
2nd 0 have learnt& too/
To laugh with only y teeth
2nd sha!e hands without y heart/
0 have also learnt to say J#oodbyeI
3hen 0 ean J#ood H riddanceIG
To say J#lad to eet youI
3ithout being gladG and to say J0tIs been
4ice tal!ing to youI& a%ter being bored/
Believe e& son
0 want to be what 0 used to be
3hen 0 was li!e you/ 0 want
To unlearn all these uting things/
,ost o% all 0 want to relearn
Fow to laugh& %or y laugh in the irror
7hows only y teeth li!e a sna!eIs bare %angsO
7o show e& son
Fow to laughG show e how
0 used to laugh and sile
?nce u$on a tie when 0 was li!e you/#abriel ?!ar
*/ 2nswer the %ollowing 'uestions by choosing an a$$ro$riate o$tion %ro those given
1( T$e &at$er a)s% I1ears ma"y &a/esJ as $e
a/ wants to iitate other b/ wants to hide his %eelings
c/ wants to wear a $ortrait sile d/ doesnIt li!e the %ace he has
2( T$e &at$er year"s t% )au#$ )'ke
a/ a child b/ his son
c/ other $eo$le d/ he used to when he was young
3( T$e &at$er aea)s t% $'s s%" as
a/ he doesnIt laugh anyore
147 ( Pa g e
b/ his laughter does not re%lect his %eelings
c/ he is old and can no longer laugh li!e a child
d/ he has %orgotten how to laugh
-( T$e %em /)ear)y /%"5eys t$at
a/ a$$earances are dece$tive
b/ $eo$le are actors
c/ children teach adults
d/ when you grow u$ you have to relearn things
,( T$e $uma" be$a5'%ur be'"# ;'s/usse; $ere 's
a. dishonesty b/ benevolence
c/ hy$ocrisy d/ %riendliness
Se/t'%" * +r't'"# 2, marks
+/Lou are the 7ecretary o% 4ature club o% ,odern Cublic school& -hennai/ 2 tree
sa$lings $lanting ca$aign is being organi=ed by the club to ar! the 3orld
5nvironent Day/dra%t a notice in%oring this to the ebers o% the club/
0nclude necessary details/ 4ar!s
5 Lou are (avi!ant/ Lou received your %irst salary/ Lou want to $urchase an
electronic gadget/ Lou discussed about it with one o% you colleagues& Crerna/ 3rite a
dialogue in about 100 words with her about the brand& odel& si=e and $rice o% the
gadget you have %inali=ed to $urchase/ 8 ar!s
8 3rite a letter in about 1*0 words to the ,anager o% ,awana 7ugar ,ill see!ing
$erission to visit the ,ill/ #ive the nuber o% students and the date on which you
$ro$ose to visit/ 7ign yoursel% as 2it/2rita& #eneral 7ecretary/7t ,ary -onvent&
Fyderabad/ : ar!s
:/ Lou are Durvasa/Drau$ath/Lou saw an advertiseent in a aga=ine %or youth/
E$set by the isleading language& you decide to write an article entitled SFealth is a
treasure with no short cutsS%or $ublication in your school aga=ine/ 3rite the article
in 150 words/ 1 ar!s
Se/t'%" C:Grammar 20 Marks

1 -o$lete the $aragra$h choosing the correct o$tions : 4ar!s
3hen "a) NNNNNNNNNN $a$ayas "b) NNNNNNNNNN our garden were ri$e&
grandother"c)NNNNNNNNNN sent a bas!et o% "d) NNNNNNNNNN to her %riend& ,rs/
#hosh "e) NNNNNNNNNN was the Crinci$al "%) NNNNNNNNNN the nursery school/ ?n "g)
NNNNNNNNNN occasion& Fenry "h) NNNNNNNNNN to get into the bas!et/
147 ( Pa g e
"a) "i) a "ii) the "iii) an "iv) %ew
"b) "i) on "ii) %or "iii) in "iv) u$on
"c) "i) ever "ii) usually "iii) never "iv) is
"d) "i) the "ii) it "iii) these "iv) tha"e)
"i) which "ii) when "iii) that "iv) who
"%) "i) o% "ii) in "iii) on "iv) %or
"g) "i) this "ii) which "iii) it "iv) the
"h) "i) anaged "ii) anage "iii) want "iv) desire
= C%m)ete t$e &%))%1'"# ;'a)%#ue by /$%%s'"# t$e m%st ar%r'ate %t'%"s(
@ohn: Friends& 0 sent you any %lowers on >alentine s Day
Farry : "a)NNNNNNNN
@ac! : 2re you sure you sent it to usK
@ohn : "b)NNNNNNNN
Farry : Lou ust have sent cauli%lowersO
@ohn : "c)NNNNNNNN
@ac! : 0 !e$t the in the re%rigerator O
Farry : "d)NNNNNNNN
"a) "i) 0 sent any %lowers on >alentine s
"ii) 0 had sent %lowers on >alentine s
"iii) 3hat do you eanK 0 did not receive the
"iv) he sent any %lowers on >alentine s
"b) "i) Les& they were big white ones/
"ii) 4o& they were big white ones/
"iii) 3hat did he ean K
"iv) That what he eant was %lowers/
"c) "i) 3hat he got in return
"ii) what had he got in return
"iii) 3ill 0 get anything in return K
"iv) Lour guess is right
"d) "i) Than!s %or sending cauli%lowers/
"ii) ,ust have sent cauli%lowers/
"iii) Than!s you ay have sent cauli%lowers
"iv) 7hould you had sent cauli%lowers K
14B ( Pa g e
10 Rea; t$e /%"5ersat'%" #'5e" be)%1 a"; /%m)ete t$e ara#ra$ t$at &%))%1s
'" re%rte; see/$( -marks
Ravita : 3here do you want to go K
7abita : 0 want to go to the dro$ $oint near the Too
Ravita : 0n that case you will have to get down at the La!shi 4agar bus sto$ and
ta!e an auto/
7abita : Fow long will 0 ta!e to reach there K
Ravita as!ed 7abita "a)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 7abita told her that
"b)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Ravita told 7abita that "c) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN at the Laxi
4agar and ta!e an auto/ 7abita as!ed Ravita "d)NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/
11 Rearra"#e t$e &%))%1'"# t% &%rm mea"'"#&u) se"te"/es( -marks
a) an iediate / o% energy / bananas are / source / and $rolonged
b) levels u$ / snac!ing / hel$s to / on bananas / !ee$ blood sugar / between the
c) bananas can / $eo$le trying / so!ing / also hel$ / to give u$
d) are /bananas / every / season /in/ available
12Rea; t$e "e1saer $ea;)'"es a"; /%m)ete t$e re%rts( -marks
"i) 3?,24 T05D EC& (?BB5D
Two unidenti%ied en NNNNNNNNNNNNN o% her obile $hone/
"ii) F??D 04FL2T0?4 7T5C7 T? 18/:5Q
Food in%lation NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN the wee! ending 1* th Deceber/
"iii) @-B 54T5(7 7F?5 BE704577
@-B 0ndia on Thursday NNNNNNNNNNN its entry into the %ootwear segent by
launching a range o% sa%ety and li%estyle shoes/
"iv) B2BL 7E(>0>57 T7E42,0& F?E4D 04 -LE,C ?F T(557
2 18 onth- old baby NNNNNNNNNNNNN alive in a clu$ o% trees days a%ter the
devastating tsunai that !illed 44 $eo$le/
15( ( Pa g e
Se/t'%" D !'terature 2,Marks

13 2A6 Rea; t$e ex/ert #'5e" be)%1 a"; /%m)ete t$e stateme"ts t$at &%))%1 by
/$%%s'"# t$e r'#$t %t'%"s : 3marks
Animals for miles around
0loc"ed towards the magic sound
And the frog with great precision
3ounted heads and charged admission
2a6 A"'ma)s /ame &r%m m')es ar%u";LLLLLLLLLL(
"i) to listen to the %rog s baritone
"ii) %or a eeting with other creatures
"iii) to discuss the $robles o% the creatures o% the bog
"iv) to listen to the nightingale s sweet songs
2b6 T$e &r%# /%u"te; $ea;s 1't$ re/'s'%" be/ause $e 1a"te; t%LLLLLLLLLLLLL(
"i) !now the exact nuber o% $eo$le coing %or the concert
"ii) avoid ost o% the crowd
"iii) a!e oney by giving entry tic!ets to all who cae to the concert
"iv) see that there was $ro$er seat arrangeent %or all the guests
2/6 T$e &r%# '" t$ese )'"es seems t% beLLLLLLLLLLLLL(
"i) $roud "ii) eticulous
"iii) boast%ul "iv) greedy and oney-inded
132*6( Rea; t$e ex/ert #'5e" be)%1 a"; a"s1er t$e <uest'%"s t$at &%))%1 :
:a"shmi ;as, were you indeed the first to come to the office this morning 8
"a) 3ho is the s$ea!er here K
"b) 3ho a$$eared %irst to the s$ea!er K
"c)3hat was given by the s$ea!er to that $erson who a$$eared %irst K
*/ 'he dream is all amiss interpreted
It was a vision fair and fortunate
a6 T$e seaker %& t$ese )'"es 's:
i/ -assius
ii/ ,arcus Brutus
151 ( Pa g e
iii/ Decius Brutus
iv/ ,ar! 2ntony
b6 T$e seaker a'ms t%:
i/ guide -aesar
ii/ islead -aesar
iii/ give -aesar a %alse sense o% security
iv/ reveal the reality behind the drea
/6 Iam'ss '"terrete;J mea"s t$at t$e ;ream:
i/ is ina$$ro$riate
ii/is inco$lete
iii/ is wrongly inter$reted
iv/ is di%%erently construed

1- A"s1er a"y &%ur %& t$e &%))%1'"# '" ab%ut 30- -0 1%r;s( 9 marks
a)/ Fow did the war a%%ect the boysI %ailyK
b)/ @usti%y the stateent o% the irror& 0 a not cruel& only truth%ul/
c)/2t the end o% the lesson ,rs $ac!letide decides to sto$ indulging hersel% in gae
shooting/3hy did she ta!e such a decisionK
d) 3hy did 2li give u$ hunting K
"e) Fow did the %rog ex$loit the nightingale K
15/0% you are the $ostaster in The Letter & describe how you have coe to reali=e
the i$ortance o% a letter in 150 words
!et in both these boyish faces there was a seriousness which was far beyond their
Does this sentence signal anything to youK 3rite a $aragra$h in about 150 words
about the boysIs li%estyle and the need %or it/

152 ( Pa g e
:%r a"y /%mme"t %r su##est'%"s0 )ease &ee) &ree t% /%"ta/t:
,s/ La!shi -hari
"D-/ 9 Director T05T& ,ubai)
5-ail: =ietubai[gail/co
7hri 5ugin D Leen
"C#T 5nglish& T05T& ,ubai)
5-ail: euginleen[gail/co

153 ( Pa g e

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