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VTU Previous year Question papers
1) Define international marketing. (June/July 09)
2) Explain the different stages of international marketing involvement.(Dec/Jan11,
3) Define uncontrollable environmental factors of international marketing (June/July10)
4) Explain the concept of EPRG schema(June/July 09)
5) Explain the recent global business trends in international business marketing.
6) Explain the importance of international marketing(June/July 09)
7) Which are the drivers of international expansion? (Dec/Jan11)
8) Explain the process of transition from domestic to international business. (June/July10)
9) What is balance of payment? Explain the different concepts constitute the balance of
payments. (June/July 12, June/July13)
10) What are the different levels of international marketing? (Dec/Jan11)
11) Explain the hierarchy of international marketing of a company. (June/July 09)
12) List the different kinds of tariff barriers and its impact? (Dec/Jan11)
13) List the different kinds of non-tariff barriers and its impact? (June/July 09)
14) Distinguish between international marketing Vs domestic marketing. (Dec/Jan11)
15) Explain the different kinds of monetary barriers. (June/July 12)
16) What is protectionism? Explain the tools of protectionism. (June/July10)


1. What is product standardization? (Dec/Jan11)
2. What is Product adaptation ? (June/July 09, June/July13)
3. what is Global Marketing? (June/July 09)
4. What are the different alternative market entry statergies? (June/July10, June/July13)
5. What is Green Marketing? (June/July 09, 12, June/July13)
6. What are characteristics of marketing of service globally? (Dec/Jan11)



1. What are the reasons for the markets to shift from domestic to global? (June/July10)
2. What are the advantage and disadvantage of global marketing? (June/July 09)
3. Explain the organizing for global competition with the structure? (Dec/Jan11)
4. What is product adaptation? What are the environment factors which necessitates the
design factor? (June/July 09, June/July13)
5. Explain in detail the international planning process? (Dec/Jan11)
6. Explain the alternative market entry strategy? (June/July 12)
7. What is product standardization? What are the factors which favours the international
product standardization? (Dec/Jan11)


1. Define term Direct and Indirect exporting? (June/July 10)
2. . Define term licensing, franchising, and joint venture? (Dec/Jan11)
3. What is channels of distribution? (June/July 12)
4. Briefly explain the distribution patterns in international marketing channels?
5. . Explain the factor affecting the choice of channels? (June/July 09)


1. What is air transportation and advantages of air transportation? (June/July10)
2. Distinguish between surface and air transport? (June/July 12)
3. What is warehousing and explain briefly and Necessity of warehousing for export
marketing? (Dec/Jan11)




1. Define Ad-volorem tariffs. (June/July10, June/July13)
2. Perhaps advertising is the side of international marketing with the greatest similarities from
country to country throughout the world. Paradoxically, despite its many similarities, it may
also be credited with the greatest number of unique problems in international marketing.
Discuss. (June/July 09, June/July13)
3. Someone once commented that advertising is Americas greatest export. Discuss. (Dec/Jan11)
4. With satellite TV able to reach many countries, discuss how a company can use satellite TV
and deal effectively with different languages, different cultures, and different legal systems.
5. Outline some of the major problems confronting an international advertiser. (June/July 08)
6. Defend either side of the proposition that advertising can be standardized for all
7. Review the basic areas of advertising regulation. Are such regulations purely foreign
phenomena? (Dec/Jan11)
8. How can advertisers overcome the problems of low literacy in their market? (June/July10)


1. What special media problems confront the international advertiser? (Dec/Jan11)
2. After reading the section in this chapter on direct mail, develop guidelines to be used by a
company when developing a direct mail program. (June/July 10, June/July13)
3. Will the ability to broadcast advertisements over TV satellites increase or decrease the need
for standardization of advertisements? What are the problems associated with satellite
broadcasting? Comment. (Dec/Jan11)
4. In many of the worlds marketplaces, a broad variety of media must be utilized to reach the
majority of the market. Explain. (June/July 12)


5. Cinema advertising is unimportant in the United States but a major media in such countries
as Austria. Why? (June/July10)
6. Foreign newspapers obviously cannot be considered as homogeneous advertising entities.
Explain. (Dec/Jan11)
7. Borrow a foreign magazine from the library. Compare the foreign advertising to that in an
American magazine. (Dec/Jan11)
8. What is sales promotion and how is it used in international marketing? (June/July10)


1. Show how the communications process can help an international marketer avoid problems in
international advertising. (June/July 12)
2. Take each of the steps in the communications process and give an example of how culture
differences can affect the final message received. (Dec/Jan11)
3. Discuss the problems created because the communications process is initiated in one cultural
context and ends in another. (June/July 12, June/July13)
4. What is the importance of feedback in the communications process? Of noise? (Dec/Jan11)

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