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Circle Theorems

Using Geometers Sketch Pad

Theorem 1 - Angle at Centre
Answer the following questions using your GSP sketch to help you
1. Draw an eample of the Angle at the Centre theorem on the circle a!o"e
an# !riefly eplain what the theorem says in your own wor#s in the space on
the right.
$. %ook at the #iagram !elow. &sing your GSP sketch' an# what you know
a!out the Angle at the Centre theorem' eplain why angle AC( is equal to )*
,. -periment !y mo"ing point C aroun# the circumference of the circle an#
keeping an eye on the of the two angles. /hat happens at certain points
on the circumference0 Does this mean the theorem #oesn1t work0
Theorem $ - Angles in the Same Segment
1. Draw an eample of the Angles in the Same Segment theorem on the circle
a!o"e an# !riefly eplain what the theorem says in your own wor#s in the
space on the right.
$. /hat is the technical name for the lines A(' (C an# AC0 ++++++++++
,. -periment !y mo"ing point C aroun# the circumference of the circle an#
keeping an eye on the of the two angles. /here #oes point C ha"e to !e
for the Theorem to not work0
2. 3Try to #o this question in your hea# !efore using GSP4 5o"e your , points
aroun# so that lines AD an# (C go through the centre of the circle. 6ow a##
a new line CD. /hat shape ha"e you ma#e an# how #o you know0
7. /hat woul# you ha"e to #o to make the shape a square0
Theorem , 8 Cyclic 9ua#rilateral
1. Draw an eample of the Cyclic 9ua#rilateral theorem on the circle a!o"e
an# !riefly eplain what the theorem says in your own wor#s in the space on
the right.
$. :s there anywhere you can place the points on the circumference so that
the theorem #oes not work0
,. Select each of the lines in turn an# use the 5easure function to calculate
their lengths. 6ow mo"e the points aroun# the circumference until you make
each of the following shapes. -ach time you #o' recor# the of the angles
an# the length of each line in the space pro"i#e#.
2. Can you make a parallelogram0 -plain your answer.
Theorem 2 8 Tangents
1. There are two Theorems a!out tangents that you shoul# ha"e #isco"ere#.
Draw an eample of each on the circles a!o"e an# !riefly eplain what each
theorem says in your own wor#s on the right.
$. /here on the circumference must A an# ( lie for the tangents not to
,. Construct the line A(. /hat type of triangle is AC(0
2. /hy will point C ne"er lie insi#e the circle0 3<:6T= Construct the line >C
an# think a!out the triangle >(C4
Theorem 7 8 Alternate Segment Theorem
1. Draw an eample of the Alternate Segment theorem on the circle a!o"e
an# !riefly eplain what the theorem says in your own wor#s.
$. -periment !y mo"ing point C aroun# the circumference of the circle an#
keeping an eye on the of the angles. /here #oes point C ha"e to !e for
the Theorem to not work0
,. Place your points !ack to where they starte# an# then mo"e point A to the
top of the circle. /hy #oes the theorem now appear not to work0
2. 5o"e points ( an# C to "arious locations on the circumference so that line
(C goes through point *. /hat is the relationship !etween angles ?A( an#
@AC at each of these arrangements' an# why is this0 3there are $ reasons4

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