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Department of Plant Pathology
Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. 4!"#
$%mail address for &orresponden&e' s(dhir.agro#)*gmail.&om
Consi!"in# s$i%&'i(i%) o* +(i,&%i+ +oni%ions &n !+ono,i+ &s-!+%s in Kon.&n "!#ion
o* M&/&"&s/%"&, +$(%i0&%ion o* Calocybe indica 1&s $n!"%&.!n 1i%/ (o+&(() &0&i(&'(! s$'s%"&%!s
0i2. -&) s%"&1, /o"s! #"&, 1&s%!, 1i( #"&ss (Themeda quadrivolvis), '&,'oo (!&0!s &n
i**!"!n% +&sin# ,&%!"i&(s s$+/ &s 0!",i+o,-os%, s&n 3 soi( (454 060), "i! 'io#&s s-!n% s($"")
&n +o,'in&%ion o* s&n 3soi( 3"i! 'io#&s s-!n% s($"") (45454 060).
A,on# %/! *o$" s$'s%"&%!s !0&($&%! *o" +$(%i0&%ion o* ,i(.) ,$s/"oo,, -&) s%"&1
1&s %/! '!s% 1i%/ 74.89 -!" +!n% 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) *o((o1! ') /o"s! #"&, 1&s%! (BE 98 :)
&n '&,'oo (!&0!s (BE ;8.<= :), '$% 1i( #"&ss (Themeda quadrivolvis) 1&s %/! -oo"!s%
s$'s%"&%!. T/! 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* Calocybe indica 1&s o$'(! ') $sin# & +o,'in&%ion o*
s&n 3soi( 3"i! 'io#&s s-!n% s($"") (BE 478.>=:) o" 0!",i+o,-os% (BE 4?<.=7 :) &s +&sin#
,&%!"i&(. Us! o* "i! 'io#&s s-!n% s($"") &(on! &(so "!+o"! 4>8 -!" +!n% 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+)
'$% +o,'in&%ion o* s&n 3 soi( (BE ?@.@; :) 1&s in*!"io".
F"o, %/! -"!s!n% s%$) i% 1&s +on+($! %/&% %/! ,&Ai,$, 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o*
Calocybe indica (P & C) in Kon.&n +oni%ions +&n '! o'%&in! ') $sin# -&) s%"&1 &s &
s$'s%"&%! !n+&s! 1i%/ s&n 3soi( 3"i! 'io#&s s-!n% s($"") (45454 060) o" V!",i+o,-os%
$"in# s$,,!" s!&son.
K!) Bo"s5 C&(o+)'! ini+&, Kon.&n, Bio(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+)
M(shroom &ons(mption is getting pop(lar day by day d(e to their high n(tritional and
medi&inal +al(es. Dire&torate of M(shroom Resear&h Solan, different ,-.RP M(shroom &enters, State
agri&(lt(ral (ni+ersities and /01s in different parts of the &o(ntry ha+e taken tremendo(s efforts to
disseminate m(shroom &(lti+ation te&hnology to the grass root le+el. ,s a res(lt, the r(ral masses in
remote areas ha+e reali2ed its importan&e as a so(r&e of li+ely hood.
Mild tropi&al h(mid &limate with the temperat(re in a range of #!%)!
. and relati+e h(midity
aro(nd "3%43 per &ent persists thro(gho(t the year in Konkan region of Maharashtra. Small and
marginal farmers in Konkan are not in a position to take any s(mmer season &rop d(e to (na+ailability
of s(ffi&ient irrigation water. 5(ge 6(antity of ligno%&ell(losi& &rop resid(es s(&h as paddy straw,
horse gram waste, &owpea waste, weeds et&. is generated thro(gh &ropping pra&ti&es thro(gho(t the
year, whi&h &an be effi&iently (tili2ed for the &(lti+ation of m(shrooms.
7irst attempt for &(lti+ation of Calocybe indica was made by P(rkayastha and /ayak in 48.
B(t till today it is &(lti+ated only in few parts of the &o(ntry 9Prakasam #3#:.;here is need to
introd(&e the &(lti+ation te&hnology of this m(shroom into new agro &limati& 2ones of the &o(ntry as
the biologi&al effi&ien&y of this m(shroom is m(&h greater than that of oyster m(shroom
9Senthilnambi et al #3:.
Milky white m(shroom is basi&ally a s(mmer m(shroom as it re6(ires higher temperat(re 9)3%
.: and relati+e h(midity in a range of 8!%43 per &ent 9Senthilnambi et al #3:. ;herefore,
&(lti+ation of Calocybe indica 9P < .: stands to be the best option d(ring s(mmer season.
.onsidering s(itability of &limati& &onditions and e&onomi& aspe&ts, &(lti+ation of Calocybe
indica was (ndertaken to assess s(itability of lo&ally a+ailable s(bstrates and the effe&t of different
&asing materials on biologi&al effi&ien&y this m(shroom (nder Konkan &onditions.
;he p(re &(lt(re of s(mmer m(shroom C. indica was pro&(red from Dire&torate of M(shroom
Resear&h 9DMR: Solan, and a(gmented on PD, by fre6(ent s(b &(lt(ring. .(lt(re was maintained at
#8 = #
. in a B1D in&(bator.
7o(r lo&ally a+ailable s(bstrates +i2. paddy straw, horse gram waste, bamboo lea+es and wild
grass 9Themeda quadrivolvis: were (sed to assess the biologi&al effi&ien&y of C. indica. Paddy straw
and wild grass 9Themeda quadrivolvis: were &hopped in to !%" &m pie&es, while horse gram waste and
bamboo lea+es were (sed as s(&h. 5alf kg 6(antity of ea&h s(bstrate was weighed separately on an
ele&troni& balan&e 93 kg &apa&ity:. ,ll the s(bstrates were soaked o+ernight in 3. per&ent
&arbenda2im sol(tion. $>&ess water in the s(bstrates was drained off by pla&ing the s(bstrates on a
&lean, &emented platform with desired slope. ;he s(bstrates were paste(ri2ed by dipping in hot water
983%43? .: for # hrs. ,fter # hrs the e>&ess water was drained off and the s(bstrates were allowed to
&ool at room temperat(re. Moist(re in s(bstrates was ad@(sted to A3 per &ent by drying them in
s(nlight. ,ll the s(bstrates were then spawned * ) per &ent on wet weight basis and filled in
polypropylene bags 9A > # &m: so as to make &ylindri&al m(shroom beds. $a&h bag was pl(gged
with &otton pl(g. M(shroom beds th(s prepared were then transferred to iron shel+es in spawn r(n
room. .omplete darkness and )3=#
. temperat(re was maintained in this room till &ompletion of
my&elial r(n. Beds with f(ll white my&ellial growth were opened and transferred to the &ropping room
on a &emented floor. $a&h bed was en&ased with # &m thi&k &asing material i. e. sand B soil 9' +C+:.
.asing layer was kept moist by spraying water., relati+e h(midity 83% 43 per &ent and )3 = #
temperat(re was maintained in the &ropping room. 7i+e repli&ations were maintained for ea&h
-n order to st(dy the effe&t of &asing material on the biologi&al effi&ien&y of C. indica, paddy
straw s(bstrate and fo(r different &asing materials s(&h as sand B soil 9' +C+:, +ermi&ompost, dried
spent biogas sl(rry, and &ombination of sand B soil B dried spent biogas sl(rry 9'' +C+: were (sed.
,ll the &asing materials were s(b@e&ted to intermittent sterili2ation for three &onse&(ti+e days in an
a(to&la+e. 7i+e repli&ations were maintained per ea&h treatment of &asing material. ;wo &entimeter
thi&k layer of &asing was gi+en at the top the bed. .asing layer was kept moist by spraying fresh water
as and when re6(ired. 1bser+ations on days re6(ired for spawn r(n, &ase r(n period, days re6(ired for
pin head formation, yield data 9n(mber and weight of fr(it bodies (p to 4 weeks: were re&orded.
E**!+% o* S$'s%"&%!s on 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* C. indica
Data regarding s(bstrates (sed to as&ertain the best s(itable s(bstrate for &(lti+ation of
Calocybe indica in Konkan region is presented in ;able .-t is re+ealed from the data that the
minim(m period 94 days: was re6(ired to &oloni2e horse gram waste while it was ma>im(m 9#A
days: in &ase of bamboo lea+es. .oloni2ation in paddy straw and wild grass o&&(rred in " and 4
days respe&ti+ely. Pinheads emerged on 4
, !
and A
day on horse gram waste, wild grass and
paddy straw respe&ti+ely. -n bamboo lea+es pin head emergen&e was also delayed (p to #) days.
Ma>im(m biologi&al effi&ien&y of C. indica was re&orded on paddy straw 98.3!D:
s(bse6(ently followed by horse gram waste 9!3D:, Bamboo lea+es 943.A# D: and wild grass 9A.A
D:.;he res(lts of the present st(dy indi&ate that paddy straw was the best s(bstrate for C. indica .
Presen&e of &ell(lose, lignin, hemi&ell(loses and pe&tin in right proportion probably res(lted in
getting ma>im(m biologi&al effi&ien&y on paddy straw. S(itability of paddy straw for &(lti+ation of
C. indica was also reported by many workers 9Krishnamoorthy and M(th(samy 44", Singh et al.
#334, ,min et al #33, and Pani #33:. Delayed &oloni2ation, pinhead emergen&e and less biologi&al
effi&ien&y on bamboo lea+es may be attrib(ted to presen&e of high amo(nt of phenoli& s(bstan&es and
high lignin &ontent in bamboo lea+es 9Sahoo et al. #334:. Eow biologi&al effi&ien&y on wild grass
was probably d(e to (na+ailability of re6(ired amo(nt of lingo%&ell(losi& s(bstan&es in this s(bstrate.
5owe+er, the reason for less biologi&al effi&ien&y on horse gram &rop resid(e as &ompared to that on
paddy straw was not &learly (nderstood.
E**!+% o* +&sin# ,&%!"i&( on 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* C. indica
;he res(lts on the assessment of &asing material for their effe&t on the biologi&al effi&ien&y of
C. indica are presented in ;able #. 7rom these res(lts it is &lear that the ma>im(m biologi&al
effi&ien&y was re&orded on paddy straw en&ased with the &asing material with a &ombination of sand
B soil B biogas spent sl(rry 983.)# D: ;his was followed by &asing with +ermi&ompost 9"A.8 D:
and spent biogas sl(rry 9)3D: respe&ti+ely. ;he minim(m biologi&al effi&ien&y was obser+ed in
paddy straw en&ased with sand B soil. ;ho(gh the biologi&al effi&ien&y was n(meri&ally higher on
paddy straw en&ased with &ombination of sand B soil B biogas spent sl(rry than paddy straw en&ased
with +ermi&ompost, yield on both the treatments was statisti&ally at par. ;hese two treatments were
statisti&ally signifi&ant with the remaining two treatments.
T&'(! 4. E**!+% o* S$'s%"&%!s on 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* C. indica
S$'s%"&%! S-&1n "$n
(&)s &*%!"
No o*
; Paddy straw " A # 83.A 8.3A
;# 5orse gram waste 4 4 4 !33 !3.33
;) Bamboo lea+es #A #) 4 43A.#! 43.A#
;4 Fild grass 4 ! ) A.A A.A
CD &% 9 : )4.8A
CD &% 4: 48.3)
CV : 4.4!
T&'(! =. E**!+% o* +&sin# ,&%!"i&( on 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* C. indica
C&sin# M&%!"i&( S-&1n "$n
(&)s &*%!"
No o*
; +ermi&ompost " # ! "A#.8 "A.8
;# sand Bsoil " A # "44.4 "4.44
;) spent biogas sl(rry " #A A )33 )3
;4 sand B soil B spent biogas
" 8 # 83).# 83.)#
CD &% 9 : 43.8
CD &% 4: 44.3#
CV : ".4#
$arly emergen&e of pin heads was re&orded on paddy straw en&ased with +ermi&ompost 9#
days: followed by Sand B soil 9A days: and &ombination of sand B soil B biogas spent sl(rry 98 days:.
Delayed pin head formation was obser+ed on paddy straw en&ased with spent biogas sl(rry where pin
heads appeared #A days after &asing.Ma>im(m n(mber of fr(iting bodies was obser+ed on
+ermi&ompost 9! nos.:, ea&h weighing aro(nd 3 G #3 g. ;his was followed by the &ombination of
sand B soil B biogas spent sl(rry and sand B soil where # fr(iting bodies were formed in ea&h
treatment. Minim(m n(mber of fr(iting bodies was obser+ed on spent biogas sl(rry 9A nos.:. $+en
tho(gh less fr(iting bodies and delayed primordial formation was obser+ed on spent biogas sl(rryH the
a+erage weight of an indi+id(al fr(iting body in this treatment was aro(nd #A%##3 g.
,ngrish et al. 9#33): reported that ma&ro and mi&ron(trient in &asing material play a de&isi+e
role in fr(iting body formation of Agaricus bisporus. 5igh water holding &apa&ity and low ele&tri&al
&ond(&ti+ity of sand B soil B biogas spent sl(rry and +ermi&ompost might ha+e played a positi+e role
in early pin head formation. -n the present st(dy more biologi&al effi&ien&y was re&orded when sand
B soil B biogas spent sl(rry and +ermi&ompost were (sed as &asing material. ;his is probably d(e to
presen&e of higher amo(nt of ma&ro%element s(&h as P and K and mi&roelement s(&h as Mn present
in these materials 9;andon et al.,#33A:.Eow water holding &apa&ity and a&idi& P5 of lateriti& soil may
be the &a(se of least bio%effi&ien&y on paddy straw en&ased with sand B soil.
7rom the present st(dy it &an be &on&l(ded that the ma>im(m biologi&al effi&ien&y of
Calocybe indica 9P < .: in Konkan &onditions &an be obtained by (sing paddy straw s(bstrate
en&ased with sand Bsoil Bdried biogas spent sl(rry 9'' +C+: or +ermi&ompost,d(ring s(mmer
A+.no1(!#!,!n%' ,(thors are thankf(l to the Department of Plant Pathology Dr. Balasaheb
Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth 9,gri&(lt(ral Ini+ersity: Dapoli, Maharashtra for pro+iding
ne&essary fa&ilities.
. ,min R. ,. Khair, /. ,lam and ;. S. Eee #33. $ffe&t of different s(bstrates and &asing
material on the growth and yield of Calocybe indica. Mycobiology >79#:' 4"%3
#. ,ngrish M., 5. S. Sodhi, P. K. Khanna and .. E. ,rora #33). -deal &asing material for
Agaricus bisporus &(lti+ation (nder nat(ral &limati& &onditions of P(n@ab. Mushroom
Research 4=9#:' 4)%4A
). 0ayatri ;ondon, V. P. Sharma and .. E. Jandaik #33A. $+al(ation of different &asing material
for Calocybe indica &(lti+ation. Mushroom Res. 499:')"%)4.
4. Krishnamoorthy ,. S. and M. M(th(samy 44". Kield performan&e of Calocybe indica 9P<
.: on different s(bstrates. Mushroom Res. <9:'#4%)#
!. Pani B. K. #33. $+al(ation of some s(bstrate for &(lti+ation of Fhite s(mmer m(shroom
9Calocybe indica).Research Journal of Agricultural ciences494:' )!"%)!4
A. Prakasam V. #3#H .(rrent s&enario of m(shroom resear&h in -ndia.!ndian "hytopath. <9
". P(rkayastha R. P. and D. /ayak 48. De+elopment of &(lti+ation method and analysis of
protein of a promising edible m(shroom Calocybe indica. Mushroom Res. 449#:'A4"%").
8. Sahoo ,, R. K. 1gra, ,. Sood and P. S. ,h(@a #334. .hemi&al &omposition and n(triti+e
+al(e of bamboo lea+es from different bamboo &(lti+ars. !ndian Journal of Animal #utrition
=<94:' )3A%)4
4. Senthilnambi D., ,. $swaran and P. Balabaskar #3. .(lti+ation of Calocybe indica 9P < .:
d(ring different months and infl(en&e of temperat(re and relati+e h(midity on the yield of
s(mmer m(shroom. African Journal of Agricultural Research < 9): '""%"")
3. Singh M, ,. K. Singh and R. K.0a(tam #334. S&reening of s(bstrates for growth and yield of
Calocybe indica. !ndian "hytopath.<= 9: '34%
PLATE I5 E**!+% o* s$'s%"&%! on 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* Calocybe indica
T4 T=
T> T;
; ' Paddy Straw ;) ' Bamboo lea+es
;# ' 5orse gram waste ;4 ' Fild grass
PLATE II 5 E**!+% o* +&sin# ,&%!"i&(s on 'io(o#i+&( !**i+i!n+) o* Calocybe indica
T4 T=
T> T;
; 'Vermi&ompost ;) ' Spent Biogas sl(rry
;# ' Sand B soil 9' +C+: ;4 ' Sand B soil B spent biogas sl(rry 9'' +C+:

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