Droni News: Dear Dronelebo

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Stay tuned and follow us

on Facebook! Please
dont forget to visit our
refreshed website droni-
web.org we need your
likes and contribution.
Were still looking for the
publishers both for the
webpage and newsletter,
so if you feel to try your-
self as a journalist you
are more than welcome.
Another productive month
is behind us. First of all in
the beginning of October
we welcomed awesome
people from Human Rights
Caravan project and Italian
group from Human Library.
Both initiatives are short-
term EVS projects. Cara-
van is a collective of people
from different countries
spreading the knowledge
about human right in the
less developed regions of
Georgia, whereas Human
Library is focused on
breaking up the stereo-
types using dialogue and
human interaction
with people as an open
books. Also this month
DRONI together with
SALTO EECA has been
invited to organize event
for ex EVS volunteers
from Caucasus countries.
Dear Dronelebo,
Who wants to be a leader?
In September , a small se-
aside town called Kobuleti
probably would be empty,
but it did not happen due
to rain of the projects or-
ganized by DRONI, city
was almost floated .
One of the projects was
the training course called
Leader 's factory - techno-
logy of involvment . Betwe-
en 18 and 25 of Septem-
ber, a group of young
people from several co-
unt ri es of Europe
(Germany, Estonia , Geo-
rgia, Azerbaijan , Ukraine
and Turkey) came to un-
derstand the role of yo-
ung leaders in youth ex-
changes, and get know
more about how to be a
good leader. Trainers
were prepared very well,
lectures were really
useful, and for sure not
boring. In addition to the
formal part of the training
was also time for a less
official once. Inter cultural
evening, visit the rainy
Batumi and supra in the
Georgian restaurant, will
stay for a long time in the
memory of the partici-
pants as an interesting
enjoyable interval betwe-
en successive days.

October, 2013
Droni rules, not the kings!
Hot news:
We have our domain back!
Lets make it sexy!
More and more EVS volunte-
ers, Italian guys came!
Youth without borders starts!
ACCT Alternative Culture
Center of Tbilisi - we need to
find a building.
DRONI gipsy camp still in

In this number:
Who wants to be a leader?
Come on and paint my
Human library
European day of languages
One happy place in Tbilisi
Hello DRONI fellows! -
greetings from Nini
So sweet group photo.
Kobuleti book.
Ok. leaders, lets go home

Graffiti in Kobuleti From
16th to 22nd of September
36 youngsters from all over
Europe gathered in Kobuleti
(western Georgia, at the
seaside) in order to learn
more about Graffiti, and
practice their creativity skills.
The reason for the meeting
was a youth exchange that
was possible thanks to the
programme Youth in Action
of the European Commis-
sion. During this week Turk-
ish, Belarusian, Georgian,
Romanian, Dutch and Italian
participants had one objec-
tive: to paint a wall at the
beach. But this was just the
tip of the iceberg, the hid-
den part was on the one
hand to discover other
cultures, break stereotypes
and on the other hand to
promote creativity, learn
more about the graffiti
culture in different regions
of Europe and the mainly:
the social uses of it. The
local community was sur-
prised when they saw a
bunch of foreigners with
paint buckets and spray
cans, but after some expla-
nations and watching the
first results, they were
more than thankful and
happy for seeing some ar-
tistic activity going on
around that could cheer up
their environment. The
evaluation of the event was
truly positive. Some of the
participants had never
practice anything similar,
and felt full of enthusiasm
to bring this kind of activi-
ties to their cities. Others,
the most experienced
ones, enjoyed the possibil-
ity of leaving their mark in
this corner of Europe and
at the same time experi-
enced the pleasure of pass-
ing their knowledge to
their new friends.
This is what the Human
Library is all about: bre-
aki ng stereotypes
through direct confron-
tation, but always in a
humorous, fun way.
In the spitir of intercultural
understanding that is part
of its phylosophy, DRONI
is setting up a series of
Human Library events
to foster tolerance and
cultural growth in Geor-
Everybody can be an open
book, because we all have a
story to tell.
This is the core principle
animating the Human Libra-
ry, an innovative project that
uses dialogue and human
interaction as a social me-
dicine against prejudices and
A human library is collection
of people who want to share
their own story with others.
Visitors to a human library
can borrow people on loan
and satisfy their curiosity by
asking questions in an infor-
mal, one-to-one chat. In this
way, visitors get to know
the person behind the label
and can deconstruct their
own preconceptions.
gian society. Brought
together under the name
of Think Wider, these
events will take place in
and around Tbilisi during
f a l l 2 0 1 3 .
The main Human Library,
open to anybody who is
willing to pop in, will be in
Tbilisi on November
16th, 2013.
Come on, and paint my world.
Human library
Droni rules, not
the kings!

Wojtek job
First clap, we can start.
Wall before...
...and the same after. Express yourself!

On 26th of September
DRONI celebrated the Euro-
pean Day of Languages, day
proposed by the Council of
Europe in order to promote
language diversity, multilin-
gualism, and lifelong language
learning. The event took
place in Tbilisis #50 Sajaro
Skola, where a group of for-
eigner EVS volunteers had an
open air language fair for 2
Children that had finished
their school lessons could
approach different tables
and learn some sentences in
Spanish, Italian, English,
French, Romanian, Lithua-
nian, Russian, Basque or
Polish. The connection
among children and young-
sters was more than good
and the kids were so enthu-
siastic as to finish collecting
a lot of info papers.
Thanks to the Ministry of
Education and Science of
Georgia, that acted as inter-
mediary between us and the
Council of Europe, we got a
lot of promo materials such
as stickers where one could
felt so bad leaving him, as I
couldnt take him home and I
was told theres no place to
put him in.
Luckily few weeks after it
turned out that its not true.
There is a really cool dog
shelter run by Dog Organiza-
tion Georgia with amazing
Fiona Coxshall from UK as a
Chairperson of the board.
The shelter is situated at
picturesque suburbs of Tbi-
lisi, just next to the Lisi Lake.
This is a happy place where
dogs are being treated very
well. All the dogs arriving to
the shelter are sterilized,
vaccinated, and medically
treated if theres a need.
Fiona and her coworkers are
actively searching for adop-
tion or foster families for the
puppies, so lots of them have
a chance to find new home.
When I came to Georgia, I
was shocked how many
homeless animals are wan-
dering on the streets. They
are everywhere; at the ba-
zaars, bus stations, even in
the freshly restored Old City
of Tbilisi, where there are
exceptionally conspicuous
among the fancy shops and
restaurants with bunches of
foreign tourists passing by.
What really surprised me, is
that Georgian stray dogs are
totally not aggressive, al-
though they often have very
bad experiences behind them.
Animals are very trustful and
calm, sometimes they can
follow you a long way hoping
to find someone to offer
them a shelter and something
to eat. Once, walking by the
street I found little aban-
doned puppy crying for help. I
For everyday there are few
Georgian caretakers working
in the shelter. There is also a
number of volunteers helping
out, Im happy to be the one
of them. I really enjoy visiting
this place on weekends, walk-
ing the dogs, grooming and
brushing. It is very relaxing
and useful as well. What
makes me a bit sad its that
most of the volunteers and
donors are foreigners, but I
hope things will start getting
changed soon.
So if you have some spare
time and would like to help
out please visit Dog organiza-
tion Georgia FB profile
pages/ Dog- or gani zat i on-
or write to dogorganiza-
European Day of Languages
One happy place in Tbilisi.

Georgia in my
Slovakian EVSer as a dog.
Pumpkinhes very calm and no biting at
read Talk to me! in several
languages, and that led to a
much more colorful event.
We hope that apart from
smiles we created some new
language related curiosity into
these children minds.


Gambahidze str. 3/6
0179 Tbilisi

Tel.: +99532306703
Faks: +99532 2920999
Facebook: https://
Youth Association
we are making our own fund-
raising. Its situated in Neth-
erlands Yeah, another thing
to be excited. I do like this
country and I do feel comfort-
able here. No, I am not
smoking weed and I am not
using drugs as you might think
right now, even though its
quite possible here :P
(Actually Dutch people dont
smoke weed at all ). But I am
having my bike first time in my
life and I am biking a lot.
I have just find out that biking
is my passion ^_^ . I am trying
to learn Dutch ( gosh Its
fucking difficult but sexy at the
same time :D )
To sum up, I am having good
time, I have good coworkers, I
live in beautiful place and so
far everything is AWESOME.
Probably you know me, but
for those who dont (and
shame on you :D ) I am Nini
Popkhadze. I used to work as
a project and EVS Sending
coordinator at Droni and I
was quite important person :P
After sending more than 30
persons abroad I have decided
to do my own EVS. To find
right organization is not that
much easy and I consider
myself as a lucky person be-
cause I chose the right place
to do my one and only EVS
Its Olde Vechte Foundation.
Its kinda Training center but
really really cool one. I was
shocked when I participated in
the training provided by them.
But Its not only thing we do,
we have some real estates and
If you wanna hear more, just
check my blog out - http://
m y d u t c h d i a r -
ies.wordpress.com/ and I keep
you updated.

Hello DRONI fellows!

Edited by:
Brych Anna
+995 592 39 75 75
Grela Pawe
+995 579 90 57 53
More info: https://www.facebook.com/ACCTbilisi

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