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LEEA Correspondence Courses

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Each uestion has several answers! only one of which is correct. Select the answer you think is
correct by typing # in the appropriate bo$. Each uestion is worth % mark
%. "he &essential safety reuirements' for new lifting euipment are given in:

"he Provision and Use of (ork Euipment )egulations %**+

"he ,anual -andling .perations )egulations %**+

"he Supply of ,achinery /Safety0 )egulations %**+

"he ,anagement of -ealth and Safety at (ork )egulations %***
+. 1or new lifting euipment to be supplied /taken into service0 the manufacturer must issue an E2
3eclaration of 2onformity. "his is a reuirement of:
"he -ealth and Safety at (ork etc Act %*45
"he 1actories Act %*6%
"he ,anagement of -ealth and Safety at (ork )egulations %**+
"he Supply of ,achinery /Safety0 )egulations %**+
7. (hat is the relationship between stress and force8

"hey are two words meaning the same thing

Stress is force divided by the cross sectional area

Stress is the force multiplied by the cross sectional area

Stress is the amount of stretch caused by the force
5. 9n the bolted :oint shown! if the force 1 is 5!;;; N and the bolt is %+ mm diameter! to the nearest
whole number! what is the stress in the bolt8
6 N<mm
%+ N<mm
%= N<mm
76 N<mm
>. (hy are hardness tests made8

"o ensure the steel has been hardened before tempering

"o ensure the correct material has been used

"o determine the carbon content

"o check the accuracy of the heat treatment
6. (hich hardness test is the most widely used by lifting euipment manufacturers8

A Bifting Euipment Engineers Association +;%7 C "raining<+.=e
4. "he information to be recorded following a thorough e$amination is given in:

"he Bifting Plant and Euipment /)ecords of "est and E$amination etc0 )egulations %**+

"he Provision and Use of (ork Euipment )egulations %**=

"he Bifting .perations and Bifting Euipment )egulations %**=

"he Supply of ,achinery /Safety0 )egulations %**+
=. (hat construction is the strand section illustrated8
*. (hat is the relationship between the (BB and the S(B of a sling

"he S(B is always less than the (BB

"he S(B is less than or eual to the (BB

"he (BB is always less than the S(B

"he (BB is less than or eual to the S(B
%;. (hen might the trigonometrical method of rating be more suitable than the uniform load method8
(hen the user is not sure what angle the sling will be used at
(hen the user has a wall chart with a table of S(Bs
(hen the sling is to be used at a specific angle! e.g. for suspending a spreader beam
(hen the sling is to be used in choke hitch
%%. 2an a uniform load rated sling be reCrated by the trigonometrical method8

Des! it is the userEs choice! it can be changed at any time

Des but it will have to be done by a competent person

No! the master link is unlikely to be strong enough to carry more load at a smaller angle

No because the S(B tables are no longer available
%+. 2an a trigonometrically rated sling be reCrated by the uniform load method8
Des! it :ust needs reCstamping
Des but it needs new markings and the sling record amending
Des but it needs an e$tra tag
%7. 9n a B.BE) report! what does Eany testsE refer to8

Proof load tests only

1unctional tests only

N3" only

All the above
%5. (hat is meant by the lower limit of calibration8
"he minimum force which can be read with the reuired accuracy
"he minimum force which can be applied by the testing machine
"he minimum force shown on the testing machine readout
"he lowest force applied during calibration
A Bifting Euipment Engineers Association +;%7 C "raining<+.=e
%>. (hich method of verification is specified in @S EN %75%%C7 for each ferrule secured eye8
3imensional check
Proof load test
Sample tested to destruction
-ardness test on ferrule
%6. (here are the grade markings on a chain to @S EN =%=8

.n every +;
link or %m whichever is less

.n every link

.n every alternate link

.n a tag wired to the end of the length of chain
%4. (hat does the grade mark on chain mean8
9t is the strength of the material
9t is the strength of the chain
9t is (BB of the chain
9t indicates the uality of the chain
%=. 1or use in a wire rope sling! what is the advantage of Seale construction compared to (arrington or

9t has larger diameter outer wires minimising damage in use

9t is more fle$ible than the others

1or the same diameter! it is stronger than the others

9t is eual lay giving longer life
%*. (hat is the designation for the lay of the rope shown8
+;. (hat is the likely result of using a wire rope designated as GF to make a sling8
9t will make a good sling
9t will be very stiff
9t will rotate under load unless restrained
"he outer wires are more likely to be damaged
+%. (hich method of verification is specified in @S 5+4= for each eyebolt8
3imensional check
Proof load test
Sample tested to destruction
++. (hat method of verification is appropriate for each mechanically assembled chain sling to @S EN

?isual e$amination

Proof load test to + $ (BB

Proof load test to +.> $ (BB

3imensional check
A Bifting Euipment Engineers Association +;%7 C "raining<+.=e
+7. 1or magnetic particle crack detection which statement is true8
9t cannot indicate defects below the surface
9t can indicate defects up to 6mm below the surface
9t is unlikely to indicate defects more than +mm below the surface
9t can only be used on steel components
+5. (hich statement is true in relation to chain8
2apacity for capacity! chain is lighter than wire rope
2apacity for capacity! chain is heavier than wire rope
"here is no longer a standard for grade 5 chain
A sling with chain marked as grade " chain should always be withdrawn from service
+>. Eddy current crack detection is suitable for use on thin sections giving best results on materials of
what thickness8
,aterials greater than +>mm thickness
9t is not suitable for use at any thickness
,aterials less than +>mm thickness
Suitable for all ranges of thickness
A Bifting Euipment Engineers Association +;%7 C "raining<+.=e

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