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Executive summary

Hip & young generations belief is a major concern for todays marketers. As this generation
represents an important market, organizations are giving more effort to capture this particular
market segment. But serving to this market is challenging as hip & young generations choice
changes continuously as new trends come in. Our marketing research is to find the driving
factors of the hip & young generation that makes them behave in favor of the hip & young
brands. Our research will mainly focus on three sectors; clothing, food & electronic devices. We
have formed four basic hypotheses to conduct the research. We have made our research design to
find out the dimensions using different research methods. Our research methods include
quantitative, qualitative research methods and analysis of the collected data. Survey, interview
will provide us the primary data we need for the research. After analysis we will document the
whole research and present it.

The young generation of Bangladesh represents a significant target segment for various business
organizations. Marketers are always bringing new products aiming toward this segment. By
young generation we understand the people aged between 14-25 years. Hip & young generation
means the youngsters who have a lifestyle following the latest fashion and trends. This
generation has always been very keen to embrace the new. Anything new from fashion to
electronics gets rapid acceptance from the hip & young generation. Whenever a new fashion,
new restaurant or new electronic device arrives they are the first ones to try it out. Hip & young
generation is bold & forward. They know what they specifically want but their choices changes
very quickly as the trends change. Something new coming up today may make some other things
obsolete to the young generation. As a result, marketers find it challenging to keep up with the
expectations of hip & young generation.
The research will be conducted to figure the possible factors that drive the hip & young
generation in their active lifestyle.
Objective of the research

The main objective of the research is to identify insights of the hip & young generation. To
complete the total research we need to go through these specific objectives that will sum up the
total beliefs of hip & young generation.
Finding out hip & young generations expectations from fashion/clothing industry.
Finding out hip & young generations expectations from the food restaurants/food sector.
Finding out hip & young generations expectations from the Electronic Gadget producer.
Identify the dimensions that make them interested in particular products.
To create a guideline for marketers who target hip & young generation for their products.
Approach to the problem

We are going to find out the belief of Hip and Young among the youth of our country. To do this
first we have to find out what are the Hip and Young brand to them. Then we need to know what
makes them Hip and Young brand, what are the factors needed to be a Hip and Young brand in
our country. What they look for choosing a particular product.
What are the Hip
and Young brand
What makes these
brands Hip and
What more do you
expect from those
Do you belief that
you are emotionally
attached to these
We will make research question to find out the information we need to fill our objective. For this
we will need the opinion of expert too to get the clear idea of this concept. As this is a
descriptive research we need respondent opinion and we mostly need qualitative data. Our major
hypothesis is:
1. A hip & young person values appearance of products more than performance.
2. A hip & young follows western and Indian trends.
3. A hip & young person heavily uses internet and social media (facebook, google+, twitter,
4. Hip & young people tend to be against authority.
Research design
Type of Research Design
Based on the research topic we have, our research design will be descriptive research and we will
do factor analysis to find out the dimensions that drive the hip and young generations belief.
Descriptive research is a conclusive research that has its major objective to describe something.
We will use this to describe the characteristics of the hip and young generation.
Information Needs
To conduct the research we have to collect information from the related industry experts from
fashion, food and mobile sector. Also our main source of information will the hip and young
generation among who we will conduct survey, focus group interview and depth interviews. Our
main target is to get the necessary information about understanding the beliefs, attitudes,
emotions, motivations and behavior of hip and young generation.
Data Collection from Secondary Sources
For our research, the source of secondary data is lifestyle magazines, IT magazines, newspaper
articles and information collected from websites.

Data Collection from Primary Sources
To collect primary data, we will create some research questions. Based on those we will make a
survey questionnaire to conduct the survey. Our survey respondents will be from the hip &
young generation aged between 14-25 years. Their demographic and socio-economic
background will also be relevant. Our respondents family financial solvency will be from
middle class to upper class of the society. We will also do few depth interviews and a focus
group interview session.
Field work/data collection

The data collection will involve both qualitative and quantitative research.
Qualitative method: The qualitative methods will help us to understand the behavior
pattern and in-depth understanding of the topic. For qualitative research we will use focus
group and in-depth interview session.
o Focus group: Our focus group members will be from the hip & young generation
and with the same demographic & socio-economic background. It includes 10
members group who normally purchases from shops associated with brands. We
will also hire a moderator who has prior experience in Focus group discussion.
o Depth interview: Our depth interview session will be conducted with a single
respondent who will be questioned to find the underlying beliefs and hidden
issues. For depth interview we plan to interview industry experts who have
profound knowledge about this industry.

Quantitative method: The quantitative method will involve doing a survey based on the
topic. Using a relevant questionnaire the survey will be conducted among a sample of
200 respondents.
Sample design: For this research we will use simple random sampling technique and our
target respondents will be college and university student and sample size will be 200.
Data analysis

Once our survey is done, the data collected will be analyzed by SPSS. We will perform
necessary analytical process like correlation & regression tests to produce useful information.

For this research, we will continuously report to company about the progress of the report. We
will meet with company admins after defining the problem, with appropriate research question
and hypothesis. After getting approval from Freeland, we will go for questionnaire design, after
getting the approval we will analyze the data collected and will present a report about the
research findings. Then we will make a power point presentation of the research finding and a
formal report of the research.
Cost and time

We have started the project from June 15 and we are finally submitting the report on 18
The duration of the entire research program was a period of 8 weeks. We have divided our tasks
and plotted them in a Gantt chart. The chart is on the next page.
Budget for the project
Description of costs Amount in BDT
Compensation for Research Supervisor (01) 20,000
Compensation for Research Assistants (03) 5000*03
Equipment 10,000
Travel 3,000
Communication 2,000
Survey materials and printing 2,000
Dissemination cost 2,000
Others additional cost 6,000
Total 60,000

Schedule of Project
June 15,2014 to June 18, 2014
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Finalizing objective and
Secondary data analysis
Finalizing research design
Depth interview and
focus group discussion
Data collection
Data analysis
Findings and
Finalizing report


As we go through the research we will gather several articles and journal related to the research.
All those will be added to the final reports appendices.

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