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Transparency Market

Diabetes Devices and Drugs
Market - Global Industry Analysis,
Pipeline Analysis, Size, Share,
Growth, rends and !orecast,
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Diabetes Devices Drugs Market '(pected to )each *SD +%,#
-illion Globally in "#$& . ransparency Market )esearch
Transparency Market Research
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208 Page Report
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Press Release
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
Diaetes De+ices an" Drugs Mar,et # -loal .n"ustr% /nal%sis0 Pipeline /nal%sis0 Si1e0 S!are0
-ro(t!0 2ren"s an" 3orecast0 2014 # 2019
According to a new market report published by U.S. based market research company, Transparency Market
Research Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market !Devices" Diagnostic # Monitoring and $nsulin Delivery
Devices, Drugs" $nsulin Derivatives, %&'() and *ADs+" %lobal $ndustry Analysis, 'ipeline Analysis, Si,e,
Share, %rowth, Trends and -orecast, ./)0 1 ./)23 the global diabetes devices and drugs market was
valued at USD 45./5 billion in ./). and is estimated to reach a market worth o6 USD 70./ billion in ./)2
growing at a 8A%R o6 4.29 6rom ./)0 to ./)2.
Rising prevalence o6 diabetes is one o6 the important healthcare concerns on a global level. $nsulin is a
hormone secreted by pancreas to digest blood sugar. :owever, in diabetes, it is either not possible 6or the
body to secrete insulin !type()+ or to utili,e secreted insulin to metaboli,e glucose !type(.+. The 6act
!disease conditions+, that is, insulin de;ciency with the disease is the most important propeller o6 diabetes
devices and drugs market globally. Rising prevalence o6 diabetes and e<tensive R#D are the key 6actors
that accentuated the growth o6 diabetes devices and drugs market. Since no permanent remedy 6or
diabetes has been invented, insulin and drugs therapy, along with proper monitoring and diagnostics have
become indispensible part o6 diabetes patients.
&ro(se t!e 5ull Diaetes De+ices an" Drugs Mar,et report at
Diabetes devices market is divided into two segments, namely, diabetes diagnostic and monitoring devices
and insulin delivery devices. Amongst the diagnostic devices segment, continuous glucose monitoring
devices market is e<pected to grow at a higher growth rate, compared to others. >y the end o6 ./)2, test
strips market is estimated as the largest in diagnostic and monitoring devices segments. :owever, market
o6 lancets and analog glucose meters is e<pected to decline, due to outdated technology. $n insulin delivery
devices segment, insulin pen is identi;ed as the largest market, 6ollowed by syringes. :owever, by the end
o6 ./)2 insulin pumps segment is e<pected to report highest 8A%R.
Diabetes drugs market is segmented as insulin derivatives, oral anti(diabetes drugs and in?ectable drugs
class. Amongst the insulin derivatives segment, long(acting derivatives segment is e<pected to grow
ransparency Market )esearch
R6P7R2 D6SCR.P2.7'
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
rapidly in the upcoming period. As o6 ./)., it accounted 6or the largest market share with 5..@@9 o6 the
entire market. $t is also e<pected to be the largest segment by the end o6 ./)2. This is 6ollowed by rapid(
acting insulin market. $t is important to highlight that the rest o6 the segments, such as, premi<ed,
intermediate(acting and short(acting insulin derivatives are e<pected to decline during the 6orecast period.
Ahile in the oral drugs class segment, the market o6 S%&T. inhibitors is e<pected to grow at an e<ponential
8A%R o6 @B.79 during 6orecast period 6rom ./)0 to ./)2, due to e<cellent eCectiveness in glycemic
control and less side(eCects. :owever, traditional drug classes such as sulphonylureas, meglitinides, alpha
glucosidase inhibitors and thia,olidinediones are e<pected to decline during the study period, owing to loss
o6 patents and chronic side(eCects. %&'() agonists represent in?ectable drugs class and are also e<pected
to grow at a signi;cant rate during the 6orecast period. $n addition, the report also provides in(depth
analysis o6 pipeline diabetes drugs.
-et Cop% 75 Sa*ple Report 3ro* !ere :
Harious products, such as, MI().20 !Merck # 8o., $nc.+, &J.B/445) !Kli &illy and 8ompany+, $Deg&ira !Lovo
Lordisk A=S+, A6re,,a !MannIind 8orporation+, Dulaglutide and others are under pipeline studies and
e<pected to enter the market during the 6orecast period. :ence, on entry o6 such newer and innovative
6ormulations, the diabetes market is e<pected to grow steadily during the 6orecast period.
*n the basis o6 geography, in this report, the diabetes devices and drugs market is segmented into Lorth
America, Kurope, Asia('aci;c and Rest o6 the Aorld !RoA+. $n ./)., the Lorth American region was the
largest market in the world, owing to increasing demand o6 technologically sound devices and
sophisticated drugs and rise in diabetic population due to various 6actors, such as li6e style and others.
:owever, Asia('aci;c region is assumed as the most promising market during the 6orecast period 6rom
./)0 to ./)2. The growth is e<pected to be driven by 6actors such as rapidly increasing diabetic
population, increased awareness towards sel6(monitoring and management o6 diabetes and growing
technological penetration in the overall market.
The market is consolidated and highly dominated by selected players operating on a global level. %lobally,
the market o6 diabetes devices is dominated by selected number o6 players, namelyM -. :oCmann &a Roche
&td., &i6eScan, $nc. !N#N+, Abbott Diabetes 8are, and >ayer A%. $n addition to this, some other important
players that oCer an important contribution to the total diabetes devices market include > >raun
Melsungen A% and De<8om, $nc. Ahereas, Lovo Lordisk A=S, Sano;, Kli &illy and 8ompany, AstraOeneca
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
plc, Merck, $nc., and Takeda 'harmaceutical 8ompany &imited are the key players having presence in the
global diabetes drugs market.
The global diabetes devices and drugs market is segmented into the 6ollowing categories"
-loal Diaetes De+ices Mar,et0 % De+ices
Diaetes Monitoring an" "iagnostic "e+ices
Analog glucose meter
%lucose Test strips
&ancets and &ancing devices
8ontinuous glucose monitoring devices
.nsulin Deli+er% De+ices
$nsulin Syringes
$nsulin 'ens
$nsulin 'umps
$nsulin $n?ectors
-loal Diaetes Drugs Mar,et0 % 2!erap%
Short(acting insulin derivatives
$ntermediate(acting insulin derivatives
&ong(acting insulin derivatives
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
Rapid(acting insulin derivatives
'remi<ed insulin derivatives
7ral anti#"iaetes "rugs class
Alpha(glucosidase inhibitors
D''(5 inhibitors
S%&T(. inhibitors
'on#insulin in8ectale anti#"iaetes "rugs
%&'() analogs
Browse More Pharmaceutical Market Research Reports From here :
C!apter 1 Pre5ace
).) Report Description
).. Market Segmentation
).0 Research Methodology
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2/&L6 73 C7'26'2
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
).0.) Sources
).0.).) Secondary Research
).0.).. 'rimary Research
).0.. Assumptions
C!apter 2 69ecuti+e Su**ar%
..) Market Snapshot" %lobal Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market !./). # ./)2+
... Market Snapshot" %lobal Diabetes Devices Market !./). # ./)2+
..0 %lobal Diabetes Devices Market, by Types, ./). !USD Million+
..5 Market Snapshot" %lobal Diabetes Drugs Market !./). # ./)2+
..4 %lobal Diabetes Drugs Market, by Drug Therapy, ./). !USD Million+
..B 8ompetitive Analysis" %lobal Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market, >y %eography, ./). # ./)2 !Halue
C!apter 4 Disease 7+er+ie(: Diaetes
0.) *verview
0.. 8lassi;cation
0.0 Symptoms
0.5 8auses
0.4 Risk -actors
0.B 8hronic diseases associated with diabetes
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
0.@ Diagnosis
0.7 -low 8hart o6 Approach o6 Diabetes Management
0.2 Management
0.2.) Lon(medicinal aspects o6 diabetes management
0.2.).) Diet
0.2.).. Aeight Management
0.2.).0 K<ercise
0.2.).5 Sleep management
0.2.. Medicinal Management
0.2...) $nsulin
0.2.... *ral anti(diabetes drugs class
0.2...0 Lon(insulin in?ectable anti(diabetes drugs
0.)/ Standard %lucose levels 6or Diabetic 'atients
C!apter 4 Mar,et 7+er+ie(
5.) *verview
5.. Market Drivers
5...) %lobal rise in diabetic population e<pected to propel diabetes market
5.... K<tensive R#D activities bring turnaround changes in the diabetes market
5...0 8hronic diseases associated with diabetes 6uels sel6(monitoring and insulin delivery devices
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
5...5 Technological innovations are the market boosters
5...4 'ricing strategies played by key players bring strong changes in the global market
5.0 Market Restraints
5.0.) 'atent e<piry depletes pro;t o6 market
5.0.. :igh cost o6 diagnosis and treatment
5.0.0 Un6avorable reimbursement policies
5.0.5 :ard entry barriers demotivate new players to enter the market
5.5 Market *pportunities
5.5.) Development o6 non(invasive diabetes diagnostic and drug delivery devices augments the market
5.5.. Strong pipeline and development o6 molecules 6rom newer class o6 diabetes drugs provide a
ladder 6or growth
5.5.0 Development o6 new 6ormulations o6 insulin oCer new market leads
5.4 'orterPs -ive -orce Analysis o6 the %lobal Diabetes Devices Market
5.4.) >argaining power o6 suppliers
5.4.. >argaining power o6 buyers
5.4.0 Threat o6 substitutes
5.4.5 Threat o6 new entrants
5.4.4 8ompetitive rivalry
5.B 'orterPs -ive -orce Analysis o6 the %lobal Diabetes Drugs Market
5.B.) >argaining power o6 suppliers
5.B.. >argaining power o6 buyers
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
5.B.0 Threat o6 new entrants
5.B.5 Threat o6 substitutes
5.B.4 8ompetitive rivalry
5.@ Kvent $mpact Analysis
5.@.) $mpact o6 positive events on diabetes devices and drugs Market
5.@.. $mpact o6 negative events on diabetes devices and drugs market
5.7 Halue 8hain Analysis 6or Diabetes Drugs Market
5.2 Halue 8hain Analysis 6or Diabetes Devices Market
5.)/ Market Attractiveness Analysis" %lobal Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market, by %eography
Relate" /n" Recentl% Pulis!e" P!ar*aceutical Mar,et Researc! Reports :
&iological Drugs Mar,et :
Sa5et% S%ringes Mar,et :
C!apter 5 Diaetes De+ices Mar,et0 % De+ice 2%pes
4.) *verview
4.).) %lobal Diabetes Devices Market Revenue, by Device Types, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4.. %lucose Monitoring and Diagnostic Devices
4...) %lobal %lucose Monitoring and Diagnostic Devices Market Revenue, by Types, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD
4.... &ancets
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
4.....) %lobal &ancets Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4...0 Analog %lucose Meter
4...0.) %lobal Analog %lucose Meters Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4...5 %lucose Test Strips
4...5.) %lobal %lucose Test Strips Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4...4 8ontinuous %lucose Monitoring Devices !8%M+
4...4.) %lobal 8ontinuous %lucose Monitoring !8%M+ Devices Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD
4...B *thers
4...B.) m:ealth >lood %lucose Monitors
4...B.. %lycated :emoglobin Testing 'roducts !:emoglobin A)c Testing Iit+
4...B.0 Urine %lucose=Metabolite Monitoring Strips
4...B.5 %lobal *thers Devices Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4.0 $nsulin Delivery Devices
4.0.) %lobal $nsulin Delivery Devices Market Revenue, by Types, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4.0.. $nsulin Syringes
4.0...) %lobal $nsulin Syringes Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4.0.0 $nsulin 'ens
4.0.0.) %lobal $nsulin 'ens Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
4.0.5 $nsulin 'umps
4.0.5.) %lobal $nsulin 'umps Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
4.0.4 $nsulin $n?ectors
4.0.4.) %lobal $nsulin $n?ectors Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
&ro(se t!e 5ull Diaetes De+ices an" Drugs Mar,et report at
C!apter : -loal Diaetes Drugs Mar,et0 % Drug 2!erap%
B.) *verview
B.).) %lobal Diabetes Drugs Market Revenue, by Drug Therapy, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B.).. 8omparative Analysis" %lobal Diabetes Drugs Market Revenue, by Drug Therapy, ./). # ./)2
!Halue 9+
B.. *ral Anti(Diabetes Drugs !*ADs+
B...) Mechanism o6 action 6or diCerent *AD 8lasses
B.... %lobal *ral Anti(Diabetes Drugs Market Revenue, by 8lass, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...0 8omparative Analysis" %lobal *ral Anti(Diabetes Drugs Market Revenue, by 8lass, ./). # ./)2
!Halue 9+
B...5 Sulphonylureas
B...5.) %lobal Sulphonylureas Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...4 Meglitinides
B...4.) %lobal Meglitinides Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...B >iguanides
B...B.) %lobal >iguanides Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...@ Thia,olidinediones !TODs+
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
B...@.) %lobal Thia,olidinediones Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...7 Alpha(%lucosidase $nhibitors
B...7.) %lobal Alpha(%lucosidase $nhibitors Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...2 %liptins or D''(5 $nhibitors
B...2.) %lobal D''(5 $nhibitors Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...2.. 'ipeline Analysis
B...2...) MI(0)/. !*marigliptin+
B...)/ Sodium %lucose 8o(Transporter . !S%&T.+ $nhibitors
B...)/.) Mechanism action o6 S%&T. $nhibitors
B...)/.. %lobal Sodium %lucose 8o(Transporter . Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B...)/.0 'ipeline Analysis
B...)/.0.) KrtugliEo,in
B...)/.0.. Nardiance !KmpagliEo,in+
B.0 Lon($nsulin $n?ectable Drugs
B.0.) %&'() Agonists
B.0.. %lobal %&'() Agonists Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B.0.0 'ipeline Analysis
B.0.0.) Dulaglutide
B.0.0.. Semaglutide !LL2404+
B.0.0.0 &AT$L T)D!LL2.))+
B.0.0.5 Tan,eum !Albiglutide+
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
B.5 $nsulin
B.5.) 8haracteristics o6 type o6 $nsulin
B.5.. %lobal $nsulin Market Revenue, by Mode o6 Action, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B.5.0 8omparative Analysis" %lobal $nsulin Market Revenue, by Mode o6 Action, ./). # ./)2 !Halue 9+
B.5.5 Short(Acting $nsulin
B.5.5.) %lobal Short(Acting $nsulin Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B.5.4 Rapid(Acting $nsulin
B.5.4.) %lobal Rapid(Acting $nsulin Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B.5.4.. 'ipeline Analysis
B.5.4...) A6re,,a
B.5.4.... LL).)7 !-$Asp+
B.5.B &ong(Acting $nsulin
B.5.B.) %lobal &ong(Acting $nsulin Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
B.5.B.. 'ipeline Analysis
B.5.B...) &J.B/445)!Lovel >asal $nsulin Analog+
B.5.B.... &J.2B0/)B !&ong acting basal insulin+
B.5.B...0 MI().20 !Sustained release insulin analog+
B.5.B...5 U(0// !Tou?eo+
B.5.B...4 $Deg&ira !Qultophy+
B.5.@ $ntermediate(Acting $nsulin
B.5.@.) %lobal $ntermediate(Acting $nsulin Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
B.5.7 'remi<ed $nsulin
B.5.7.) %lobal 'remi<ed $nsulin Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
C!apter 7 Diaetes De+ices an" Drugs Mar,et Re+enue0 % -eograp!%
@.) *verview
@.).) %lobal Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market Revenue, by %eography, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
@.. Lorth America
@...) Lorth America Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
@.0 Kurope
@.0.) Kurope Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
@.5 Asia('aci;c
@.5.) Asia('aci;c Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
@.4 Rest o6 the Aorld !RoA+
@.4.) %lobal RoA Diabetes Devices and Drugs Market Revenue, ./)) 1 ./)2 !USD Million+
C!apter 8 Co*petiti+e Lan"scape
7.) Market Share Analysis, %lobal %lucose Monitoring and Diagnostic Devices, by Iey 'layers, ./). !9+
7.).) Market Share Analysis, %lobal %lucose Montoring and Diagnostic Devices Market, ./). !Halue 9+
7.. Market Share Analysis, %lobal $nsulin Delivery Devices, by Iey 'layers, ./). !9+
7...) Market Share Analysis, %lobal $nsulin Delivery Devices Market, ./). !Halue 9+
7.0 Market Share Analysis, %lobal Diabetes Drugs, by Iey 'layers ./). !9+
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
7.0.) Market Share Analysis, %lobal Diabetes Drugs Market, ./). !Halue 9+
C!apter 9 Reco**en"ations
2.) Development o6 6ormulations that can be administered by diCerent routes
2.. Development o6 combination 6ormulations
2.0 -ocus on emerging markets
2.5 *vercoming technical incompatibilities
2.4 Development o6 technically innovative devices to overcome the limitations o6 e<isting devices
2.B Development o6 cost(eCective products
&ro(se t!e 5ull Diaetes De+ices an" Drugs Mar,et report at
C!apter 10 Co*pan% Pro;les
)/.) Abbott &aboratories, $nc.
)/.).) 8ompany *verview
)/.).. -inancial *verview
)/.).0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.).5 >usiness Strategies
)/.).4 Recent Developments
)/.. AstraOeneca plc
)/...) 8ompany *verview
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
)/.... -inancial *verview
)/...0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/...5 >usiness Strategies
)/...4 Recent Developments
)/.0 >. >raun Melsungen A%
)/.0.) 8ompany *verview
)/.0.. -inancial *verview
)/.0.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.0.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.0.4 Recent Developments
)/.5 >ayer :ealth8are A%
)/.5.) 8ompany *verview
)/.5.. -inancial *verview
)/.5.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.5.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.5.4 Recent Developments
)/.4 >ecton, Dickinson # 8ompany
)/.4.) 8ompany *verview
)/.4.. -inancial *verview
)/.4.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.4.5 >usiness Strategies
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
)/.4.4 Recent Developments
)/.B >oehringer $ngelheim %mb:
)/.B.) 8ompany *verview
)/.B.. -inancial *verview
)/.B.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.B.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.B.4 Recent Development
)/.@ De<8om, $nc.
)/.@.) 8ompany *verview
)/.@.. -inancial *verview
)/.@.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.@.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.@.4 Recent Developments
)/.7 Kli &illy and 8ompany
)/.7.) 8ompany *verview
)/.7.. -inancial *verview
)/.7.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.7.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.7.4 Recent Developments
)/.2 -. :oCmann(&a Roche &td.
)/.2.) 8ompany *verview
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
)/.2.. -inancial *verview
)/.2.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.2.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.2.4 Recent Developments
)/.)/ %la<oSmithIline plc
)/.)/.) 8ompany *verview
)/.)/.. -inancial *verview
)/.)/.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)/.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)/.4 Recent Developments
)/.)) Nohnson # Nohnson
)/.)).) 8ompany *verview
)/.)).. -inancial *verview
)/.)).0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)).5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)).4 Recent Developments
)/.). &upin &imited
)/.)..) 8ompany *verview
)/.)... -inancial *verview
)/.)..0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)..5 >usiness Strategies
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
)/.)..4 Recent Developments
)/.)0 Medtronic, $nc.
)/.)0.) 8ompany *verview
)/.)0.. -inancial *verview
)/.)0.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)0.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)0.4 Recent Developments
)/.)5 Merck # 8o., $nc.
)/.)5.) 8ompany *verview
)/.)5.. -inancial *verview
)/.)5.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)5.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)5.4 Recent Developments
)/.)4 Lovartis $nternational A%
)/.)4.) 8ompany *verview
)/.)4.. -inancial *verview
)/.)4.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)4.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)4.4 Recent Developments
)/.)B Lovo Lordisk A=S
)/.)B.) 8ompany *verview
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
)/.)B.. -inancial *verview
)/.)B.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)B.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)B.4 Recent Developments
)/.)@ Sano;
)/.)@.) 8ompany *verview
)/.)@.. -inancial *verview
)/.)@.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)@.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)@.4 Recent Developments
)/.)7 Takeda 'harmaceutical 8ompany &imited
)/.)7.) 8ompany *verview
)/.)7.. -inancial *verview
)/.)7.0 'roduct 'ort6olio
)/.)7.5 >usiness Strategies
)/.)7.4 Recent Development
&ro(se t!e 5ull Diaetes De+ices an" Drugs Mar,et report at
ransparency Market )esearch
Diabetes Devices and Drugs
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