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CHEM 121

Matter: anything that has mass an takes up space

Classified into
Elements: cannot be broken down
Compounds: made of two or more elements chemically bonded
Mixtures: are not chemically bonded, can be broken down physically
How to prove if something is an element or a compound?
o All matter is made up of elements, elements are made up of atoms, but we cant assume
o Color
o Volume
o Shape
o Smell
o Hardness
o Conductivity
o Reactivity
o MASS is the most important, because it is CONSERVED.
Matter cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed. Mass of reactants = mass of products
The Postulates of Dalton's Atomic Theory
o 1 All matter is composed of a very large number of very small particles called atoms.
o 2 For a given element, all atoms are identical in all respects. In particular all atoms of the same element
have the same constant mass, while atoms of different elements have different masses.
o 3 The atoms are the units of chemical changes. Chemical reactions involve the combination, separation,
or rearrangement of atoms, but atoms are neither created, destroyed, divided into parts, or converted into
atoms of any other kind.
o 4 Atoms combine to form molecules in fixed ratios of small whole numbers.

Law of Definite Proportions: If 2+ elements combine to form a particular compound; the elements
will always be in a fixed mass ratio.
Law of Multiple proportions: If two elements form more than one compound between them, then
the ratios of the masses of the second element which combine with a fixed mass of the first
element will be ratios of small whole numbers.

law of combining volumes, which states that when gases combine at
constant temperature and pressure, the volumes involved are always in the ratio of simple
whole numbers.
1 L oxygen + 2 L hydrogen 2 L water vapor
o Law of Combining volumes: when gases react at fixed T&P, they must combine in a fixed
integer ratio by volume
o Avogadros Law: the volume of a gas at fixed T&P must be proportional to the number of
atoms in that gas
Ways to count atoms
o 1) by volume based on LOCV and Avogadros
o 2) by mass (N= mass of sample/mass of single Oreo)
Assuming that each bag has the same number of snacks, the mass ratio of Oreo/Oreo
bag should be the same as Milky Way/ milky way bag
o Example
One carbon = 12 times the mass of Hydrogen
? Hydrogen = 100 carbon
How many times more carbon atoms are there in 12kg=12000 g when compared to
1 12 g carbon? 12000/12 = 1000 more
o The mole:
An amount of 6.022x10^23 particles
# of atoms found in 12g of C
number of particles in a sample when m = molecular weight(g)
n = m/M
number of moles = mass of sample/molar mass
Na = 1 mole = 12.01 amu of carbon
Molarity = concentration = number of moles/ V
Burn 11.5 g ethanol in oxygen produces 22.0 g CO2 and 13.5 g H2O
o Chemical formula of ethanol:
o Number of moles: C = 0.5 H= 0.75
o Atomic ratios: C:H = 1:3
o 0.5x12 = 6 and 1.5x1 = 1.5 so C+H = 7.5

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